मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान)
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Engineering


   Research Projects

# Project InvestigatorTitle of the projectFunding AgencyAmount (Lacs)Duration
1 Dr. Satish Sharma Economically viable modeling of EV charging stations with energy storage rights DST Rajasthan 13.26 2025-2028
2 Dr. Priyanka Harjule Mathematical modelling for optimal control strategies against mosquito-borne infection based on fractional Calculus DST-SERB (MATRICS) 6.60 2024-2027
3 Dr. Ashish Kumar Tripathi River Health Monitoring using Earth Observation imagery and Deep Learning Time Series Analysis and Future Forecast ICSSR 7.53 2024-2025
4 Dr. Amit Mahesh Joshi Secure and Reliable Internet of Medical Things Framework using Physical Unclonable Functions for Diabetes Management Data Security Council of India 5.90 2024-2024
5 Dr. Sadbhawna . Zero-shot Real-world Image/Video Super-Resolution IIT(BHU) 5.00 2024-2025
6 Dr. Priyanka Harjule Mathematical modelling to examine the effect of various verticals on the operations of Self Help Groups in Rajasthan Ministry of Rural Development, NRLM 31.34 2024-2026
7 Dr. Deepak Ranjan Nayak Development of Intelligent Multi-Label Ophthalmic Disease Diagnostic Model using Fundus Images SERB, DST (CRG) 30.90 2024-2027
8 Dr. Namita Mittal SEG - School Education UBA - Coordinator MoE through IIT Delhi 40.00 2024-2026
9 Dr. Namita Mittal Developing a user-friendly Chatbot system as an interface for information extraction in Natural language ISRO- RACS, Department of Space 25.30 2023-2026
10 Dr. Amit Mahesh Joshi Onboard spectral preprocessing for multispectral image compression using FPGA ISRO 18.62 2023-2025
11 Dr. Priyanka Harjule ICESat-2 based Ground photons retrieval in urban areas by using deep learning algorithm ISRO-RACS 14.90 2023-2025
12 Dr. Amit Mahesh Joshi iGLU Intelligent Glucose Measurement Device DST (under NM-ICPS from IIT Indore DRISHTI Foundation) 10.50 2023-2024
13 Dr. Ashish Kumar Tripathi Automated Maze Leaf Disease and Weed Detection in Extreme Weather Conditions Using Deep Neural Networks. Doremon Labs 5.04 2023-2024
14 Dr. Gunjan Soni Collaborative Research Based Education for Optimized Performance of Wind Farms The Research Counsel of Norway 40.00 2023-2028
15 Dr. Satyasai Jagannath Nanda 5G Use Case Laboratory at MNIT Jaipur (One of the 100 5G Use Case Laboratory for Higher Educational Institutions) Department of Telecommunication, Ministry of Communications, Govt. of India 71.25 2023-2029
16 Dr. Namita Mittal Demand Response Management platform in Smart Grid for Effective Performance Technology Development Programme (TDP) - DST Govt of India 27.00 2022-2025
17 Dr. Gunjan Soni Global Collaborative Research Based Education for Enhancing Performance of Wind Farms (EduWind), UTF-2021/10169 The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) 35.00 2022-2026
18 Dr. Gunjan Soni A Risk Assessment Index for Prediction and Prevention of Silicosis among Stone Workers in Rajasthan Directorate of Specially Abled Person, Government of Rajasthan 7.13 2022-2024
19 Dr. Amit Mahesh Joshi Febsz Intelligent Febrile Seizure Monitoring Device for Children DST 10.00 2022-2023
20 Dr. Amit Mahesh Joshi iGLU Non Invasive Glucose Measurement Device MSME 15.00 2022-2024
21 Dr. Amit Mahesh Joshi Insulin Management System for Type 1 Diabetes People MeiTY 25.00 2022-2023
22 Dr. Gunjan Soni Role of Socioeconomic and Technological Factors in Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technologies in Indian Agri-fresh Supply Chains (AFSC) ICSSR 8.00 2022-2024
23 Dr. Priyanka Harjule Artificial intelligence (AI)-based model to assist radiologists in silicosis screening using chest X-rays Directorate of Specially Abled Persons, Government of Rajasthan 9.40 2022-2024
24 Dr. Priyanka Harjule Artificial Intelligence model for screening and staging pneumoconiosis using chest X-rays SERB VRITIKA 1.50 2022-2022
25 Prof. Vijay Laxmi Analyzing Vulnerabilities in Applications and Device Drivers in Linux and Windows Platforms using Symbolic Execution Indian Institute of Technology Jammu 91.39 2021-2024
26 Dr. Satyendra Singh Chouhan Disruptive Event Prediction Platform based on Continual Machine Learning DST NSM and IISc Banglore 21.15 2021-2023
27 Dr. Deepak Ranjan Nayak Automated Glaucoma Detection and Analysis in Retinal Fundus Images using Deep Learning Algorithms SERB, DST (SRG) 22.00 2021-2023
28 Prof. Rajesh Kumar Artificial Intelligence for Optimal Integration of Renewable Energy Resources in Microgrids UoS-Skoltech award 27.41 2021-2022
29 Dr. Namita Mittal RCI-UBA Coordinator MoE through IIT Delhi 30.00 2020-2024
30 Dr. Satish Sharma Distributed optimal power flow in smart grid TEQIP 4.00 2019-2020
31 Dr. Yogesh Kumar Meena Forecasting Significant Social Events by Predictive Analytics over Streaming Open Source Data DST SERB India 16.83 2019-2022
32 Dr. Amit Mahesh Joshi Evaluating PUF as a source of True Random Number Generation Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology 7.00 2019-2021
33 Dr. Yogesh Kumar Meena Detecting Suspicious Users in Social Networks Using Text Analysis DST Rajasthan 7.98 2017-2020
34 Prof. Vijay Laxmi Information Security Education and Awareness (ISEA - II) Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology 55.00 2016-2022
35 Dr. Amit Mahesh Joshi Low power IP Core Hardware security (fingerprinting) module for IoT applications Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (Meity) 79.75 2016-2020
36 Prof. Vijay Laxmi Investigation of Data Leakage Prevetion Techniques for Android DST 10.00 2016-2018
37 Dr. Namita Mittal Design and implementation of the learning activities in Hindi for school education for rural development DST 5.62 2016-2018
38 Prof. Vijay Laxmi Reflection Aware ICC Analysis Framework for Android Apps CEFIPRA (Indo French Center for the Promotion of Advanced Research) 23.35 2016-2019
39 Dr. Dinesh Gopalani IoT Enable Waste Management System for Smart City DST Rajasthan 5.43 2016-2019
40 Prof. Vijay Laxmi Security Analysis Framework for Android Platform (SAFAL) Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology MeitY (E- Security Division) 55.50 2014-2017
41 Prof. Rajesh Kumar A Robotic Assistive Bio-mechanical Study on Posture Deviations on Elderly and Remedies Department of Science and Technology 23.35 2014-2016
42 Prof. Vijay Laxmi Information Security Education Awareness - Phase II Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology 61.00 2014-2024
43 Prof. Vijay Laxmi Countermeasures for Protocol Compliant Attacks in Mobile Adhoc Networks” DST 16.00 2012-2014
44 Prof. Vijay Laxmi Cognitive Analysis Tools for Digital Forensics DST 10.61 2009-2012
45 Dr. Dinesh Gopalani Information Security Education and Awareness (ISEA) Project (Phase 1) Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) 70.00 2005-2014
46 Prof. Vijay Laxmi Biometric Application for Person Identification MHRD 8.00 2004-2008
47 Prof. Vijay Laxmi Career Award for Young Teachers AICTE 10.50 2004-2007
48 Dr. Namita Mittal Career Award for Young Teachers AICTE 10.50 2004-2007
49 Dr. Namita Mittal MODROB- Modernization and Development of DBMS Labuoratory MHRD 10.00 2003-2006
50 Prof. Rajesh Kumar Intelligent Controllers for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives AICTE 10.00 2000-2004

   Testing & Consultancy Projects

Will be updated soon..