मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान)
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)

Conference Publications @ MNIT Jaipur (6381)


Madhav Khatri, Mushtaq Ahmed , "A-FLB: Dynamic Adaptive Fuzzy-Based Load Balancing With Genetic Optimization for Enhanced Cloud Performance" , 17th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS ComsNet25 Accepted 6Jan 2025-10Jan 2025 by :IEEE at Chancery Pavilion Hotel, Residency Road, Bengaluru / 6 / 2025

Anand Kumar Jain and Neeta Nain, "Cashew Diseases Classification Using Concatenate of Models" , European Conference on Computer Vision by :Institute for Scientific and Engineering Research at Paris, France / 1-6 / 2025

Anand Kumar Jain and Neeta Nain, "Detection and Classification of Cassava Diseases Using Concatenate Model" , 13th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving - SocProS 2025 by :Springer at IIT Roorkee / 1-6 / 2025

K. P. Singh, E. S. Pilli and V. Laxmi, "Honeypot-Based Data Collection for Dark Web Investigation Using Tor Network " , Twentieth IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics ICDF 2024 by :Springer at New Delhi / 271-290 / 2025

K. P. Singh, E. S. Pilli and V. Laxmi, "Plugin-Based Tor Traffic Analysis: A Deep Learning Approach for Identification of Obfuscated Tor Traffic" , 9th International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications - SmartCom 2025 by :Springer at Pune, India / / 2025

T. Dutta, S. Majhi, D. R. Nayak, D. Jha, "SAM-Mamba: Mamba Guided SAM Architecture for Generalized Zero-Shot Polyp Segmentation" , Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision WACV 2025 by :IEEE at Arizona, USA / / 2025

Anand Mohan, Dighreandr singh, Aakanksha Kataria, Hemant K Meena and Reeta Singh, "The Impact of AI on Human Psychology: A User Perspective" , 2025 International Conference on Cognitive Computing in Engineering, Communications, Sciences and Biomedical Health Informatics IC3ECSBHI by :IEEE at Greater Noida / / 2025


D. Singh, H. Chordiya, R. Chaudhary and M. Yadav, " Performance Analysis of FinFET Based Operational Amplifier at 20 Nm Gate Length" , IATMSI by :IEEE at IIIT Gwalior / 1-6 / 2024

Lavika Goel, "2-D Global Routing Using Hybrid Biogeography-Based Optimization and Maze Routing Algorithm" , International Conference on Business Intelligence and Information Technology, BIIT 2024, Springer Publications by :Springer at Harbin, China / 1-10 / 2024

Deepak Khandelwal, S. D. Bharti, M. K. Shrimali, J N Arlekar and Nishant Roy, "3D Seismic Analysis of Arch Dam for Random Ground Motion " , World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :18th WCEE at Milan, Italy / 1-8 / 2024

Khandelwal D, Bharti SD, Shrimali MK, Arlekar JN, Roy N, "3D SEISMIC ANALYSIS of ARCH DAM for RANDOM GROUND MOTION" , 18 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :IAEE at Milan / / 2024

Vaibhav Sharma, Anbesh Jamwal and Rajeev Agrawal, "A Blockchain Architecture for Healthcare Waste Management Practices-an Indian Case" , The UNIfied International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Cyber-Physical Systems and Industrial AI by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2024

Sushree Sunayana, Subha Ghosh and Lisbeth M.Ottosen, "A Comparative Study of Unloaded Stress States for Structural Reuse Using Digital Image Correlation" , Concrete Under Severe Conditions CONSEC by :IIT Madras at IIT Madras / / 2024

B. Jangid, P. Mathuria and V. Gupta, "A Decentralized Approach for Multi-Area Scheduling Considering Aggregated Demand Flexibility" , 2024 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Seattle, USA / / 2024

Engammagari Ganesh, P.V. Ramana, M.K. Shrimali, "A Mechanical Approach: Novel Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Higher-Order Ordinary Differential Equations" , 14th Structural Engineering Convention SEC-2024 by :Walnutpublication at National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli / 1-8 / 2024

Dsouza. A, Devji. S , Prasad. K , "A Neuro-Fuzzy Based Approach to Measure Information Asymmetry: Study on Indian Firms" , The UNIfied International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Cyber-Physical Systems and Industrial AI by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2024

Siddhi Kumari Sharma, Lavika Goel , Namita Mittal, "A New Nature-Inspired Technique Based on Earthquake Dynamics" , 5th International Conference on Data Science and Applications ICDSA 2024, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer by :Springer at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, / 1-8 / 2024

Idris Afzal Shah, Mushtaq Ahmed, "A Novel Delay Tolerant Routing Protocol for Opportunistic Networks " , 9th International Conference for Convergence in Technology I2CT 2024 by :IEEE at Lonavala Pune / / 2024

Mahipal Bukya, M Palati, Rajesh Kumar and Akhilesh Mathur, "A Novel Method to Detect the Faults in an Underground Cable Using Robot" , 2024 International Conference on Computation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, ICCAIML by :Springer at Manipal University, Jaipur / / 2024

Yogesh Pandey, Praveen Kumar Agrawal, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, "A Planning Model for Battery-Operated Local Bus Transit System Considering Day Depot Charging Strategy" , International Conference on Electrical Electronics and Computing Technologies, ICEECT-2024 by :IEEE at Sharda University, India / / 2024

Monalika and Kapil Shukla, "A Proposed PWM Technique to Reduce Circulating Current in Two Parallel Interleaved Two-Level VSIs" , 2024 IEEE 5th India Council International Subsections Conference INDISCON by :IEEE at Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh / / 2024

Srishti Saxena, Manju Singh, "A Trimethod Approach to Linking Humanitarian and Development Initiatives Meta Regression Analysis" , National Conference on Agribusiness Opportunities and Challenges Road Ahead to 2047 by :Jaipuria Institute of Management at Jaipur / / 2024

Sumesh Choudhary and Satish Sharma, "Adaptive Hybrid MPPT Algorithms for Grid Connected PV System With Solar Irradiance and Temperature Variation" , 2024 IEEE 11th Power India International Conference PIICON 2024 by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur, India / / 2024

Prem Shanker Yadav, Kushall Singh, Dr.Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, Dr.Ramesh Babu Battula, "Adversarial Weather-Resilient Image Retrieval: Enhancing Restoration Using Captioning for Robust Visual Search" , 17th Asian Conference on Computer Vision by :Springer at Hanoi, Vietnam / 129-142 / 2024

Srishti Saxena, Manju Singh, "Agriculture Insurance an Enduring Risk Management Tool" , International Conference on Economics and Finance Research by :Science Leagues at London UK / / 2024

Ananya Kapoor, Vaibhav Sharma, and Rajeev Agrawal, "AI-Enabled HealthCare Waste Sorting Using Multi-Layer Perceptron Algorithm and Its Validation With Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Business Analytics & Management Scie by :Springer at IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India / / 2024

Shubham Goyal, Ruchi Sharma, "Air Pollution" , ICASEM 2024:International Conference on Application of Recent Technologies in Science, Engineering, Management for Societal and Industrial Development by :Conference Proceedings at Mody University in Lakshmangarh, Rajasthan, India / / 2024

Ananya Kapoor, Vaibhav Sharma, Rajeev Agrawal, "An AI-Driven Approach Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Effective Healthcare Waste Management" , 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ROBOTICS, CONTROL, AUTOMATION and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE by :Springer at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India / / 2024

Riya Chawla, Meenakshi Tripathi, "An Analysis of ICT Based Teaching-Learning Tools for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder" , 2024 IEEE Region 10 Symposium TENSYMP by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2024

Bhawana Shekhawat, Barun Jana, "An Efficient Cobalt-Catalyst Based on Inverse Triazolyl-Pyridine Ligand for N-Alkylation of Amines Using Alcohols" , Frontiers in Sustainable Catalysis and Organometallic by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, India / / 2024

Ruchi Bhaskar, Bharat Choudhary, Rajesh Saha, "An Efficient PFSCL Based D-Latch Design Using Dynamic-Threshold Voltage MOSFET" , 2024 IEEE North Karnataka Subsection Flagship International Conference-NKCon by :IEEE at Bagalkote, India / 1-5 / 2024

Ankit Yadav, Sudhir Kashyap, "An Efficient Strategy for Stereoselective Synthesis of Alpha-L-Rhamnopyranosides From Acetoxy-L-Rhamnoside via Direct Activation, PP-24, CARBOXXXVIII" , International Carbohydrate Conference on Emerging Trends in Glycochemistry, Glycobiology, and Technology, CARBO XXXVIII by :Department of Bioengineering and Technology, Guwahati University at Guwahati / / 2024

Rajlakshmi Nayak, Shubham Asatkar, Praveen Kumar Sambaru, Aneesh Prabhakar, "An Experimental Investigation to Compare the Thermal and Electrical Performance of Floating and Land-Based Photovoltaic Panels" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation, SeFeT 2024 by :IEEE at Hyderabad, India / / 2024

Kumar Prem Chandra Chanchal and Kapil Shukla, "Analysis and Design of LLC Resonance-Based ZCS Full-Bridge DC-DC Converter" , 2024 IEEE Third International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems-ICPEICES by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2024

Sonu Jain , Mamta Devi Sharma,Ritu Sharma, "Analysis of Flexible and Optical Transparent Frequency Selective Surface for Mobile Signal Shielding" , Recent Trends in Space Technology by :National at MNIT Jaipur / 5 / 2024

Jai Kumar Bhatt, Tarun Varma, Girdhar Gopal, "Analysis of Highly Sensitive Gas Sensor Based on Tunnel FETs: A Review" , 2024 IEEE Third International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems-ICPEICES by :IEEE at Delhi Technological University / / 2024

Rajkumar, Girdhar Gopal, Rajendra Mitharwal, Tarun Varma, "Analysis of Optical Parameters Through Simulation-Based Study of N Plus Pocket Doped Vertical NC-TFET" , 9th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems ICCES 2024 by :IEEE at PPG Institute of Technology, Saravanampatti / 246-251 / 2024

Ritesh Gupta, Gaurav Mittal, Krishna Kumar Upender Pandel, "Analyzing the Mechanical Properties of Shape Memory Nanocomposites Enhanced by Introducing GnP" , iConFIRM 2023 : International Conference on Fundamental and Industrial Research in Materials by :Springer at IIT Ropar / / 2024

Jaiverdhan, Bhawna Kalra, MM Sharma, and Lakhan Dev Sharma, "Antenna Design and Optimization Using Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Review" , ICADCML 2024 by :Springer at Andhra Pradesh, India / / 2024

Manish Vashishtha, Gaurav Yadav, Meenu Suhag, Shiv Om Meena, "Application of Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Nutrient Release From Neem Azadirachtaindica Coated Urea" , 38th ECMS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation by :European Council for Modelling and Simulation at Cracow, Poland at Cracow, Poland / 423-429 / 2024

Gaurav Yadav, Meenu Suhag, Shiv Om Meena, Manish Vashishtha, "Application of Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Nutrient Release From Neem Coated Urea" , European Council for Modelling and Simulation by :ECMS - European Council for Modelling and Simulation at Cracow, Poland / 423-429 / 2024

Anand Mohan, Dighreandr Singh, Aakanksha Kataria, Hemant Kumar Meena, Reeta Singh, "Artificial Intelligence and Its Psychological Impacts: A Comprehensive Review" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Business Analytics & Management Sciences by :Springer at Mumbai / / 2024

Mohit Joshi , Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "Artificial Intelligence as Mathematical Literary Work" , First National Winter Language Conference by :University of Delhi at SGGSCC, DU / / 2024

Raka Saxena, Devesh Kumar Pant, Satish Chandra Pant, Laxmi Joshi, Ranjit Kumar Paul and Reeta Singh, "Artificial Intelligence-Led Innovations for Agricultural Transformation: A Scoping Study" , Agricultural Economics Research Review by :Agricultural Economics Research Review at . / 1-18 / 2024

Tanvi Gupta, Himanshu Arora, Nitesh Amberia, and Varun Matolia , "Assessing Drought Trends and Impacts in India Using CMIP6 Data." , 29th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, River and Coastal Engineering HYDRO 2024 International by :Indian Society of Hydraulics ISH at Central Water & Power Research Station CWPRS Pune / 118 / 2024

Jyoti Yadav, Niruti Gupta, Sushmi Nimje, "Assessing Spatial Inequalities of Public Green Space Accessibility Using GIS: A Case of Lucknow City, India" , 2nd International Conference on Future Challenges in Sustainable Urban Planning & Territorial Management: SUPTM 2024 by :Universidad Politcnica De Cartagena at Sciforum / / 2024

Upasana Mohanty and Bhavna Shrivastava, "ASSESSMENT of DISASTER-RESPONSIVE TRADITIONAL HOUSING in COASTAL CITIES: A CASE STUDY of GANJAM DISTRICT, ODISHA " , Seventh International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, Bangladesh by :ICCESD at Department of Civil Engineering Khulna University / 0855 1-8 / 2024

Ashutosh Chaturvedi, Manoj Kumar Diwakar, and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Assessment of IDF Curves of Major Indian Cities Using Various Extreme Rainfalls" , International Conference on Water and Sustainable Development ICWSD-2024 by :IWWA at VNIT Nagpur, India / / 2024

Himani Daulat, Tarun Varma, Krishna Chauhan, "Augmenting the Crayfish Optimization With Gaussian Distribution Parameter for Improved Optimization Efficiency" , 2024 International Conference on Cognitive Robotics and Intelligent Systems ICC ROBINS 2024 by :IEEE at KPR Institute of Technology, Coimbatore / 462-70 / 2024

Anand Mohan, Hemant Meena, Abhishek Srivastava, "Automatic in-Vehicle Occupancy Detection Using Low Cost Mm-Wave Radar." , International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA40 by :IEEE at Rotterdam Netherlands / / 2024

Nidhi Vashistha, Ritu Sharma, "Beyond the Wheel: Engineering Next-Generation Autonomous Vehicles for Effortless and Safe Mobility With Advance Navigation and Obstacle Evasion" , Recent Trends in Space Technology by :National at MNIT Jaipur / 5 / 2024

Rohit K. Nagar, Amit Kumar, Sudhir Kumar, Rohidas Bhoi, "Biomass Derived Pyro-Oil as Bitumen Modifier in Pavement Construction" , PYROASIA-2024 by :4th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis at IIT Guwahati / / 2024

Jitendra Kumar Aluria, Dheeraj Verma, Praveen Kumar Agrawal , "Blockchain Applications in Facilitating Secure and Efficient Energy Transactions" , International Conference on Blockchain and Distributed Systems Security, ICBDS by :IEEE at Pune / / 2024

Shubhangi Bhatnagar and Niraja Saraswat, "Blooming Resilience: Insidious Trauma and Affect in Farah Bashir S Rumours of Spring. " , British Association of South Asian Studies Annual Conference 2024 by :King S College London. British Association of South Asian Studies Annual Conference 2024 at King S College London / / 2024

Suman Rekha Dip,Hemant kumar Meena, "Brain Tumor Detection via HOG-FOS Feature Fusion With LDA and SMOTE: An Explainable AI Approach" , 2024 11th IEEE UP Section International Conference on Electrical Electronics and Computer Engineering by :IEEE at Lucknow / / 2024

Pushpendra Upadhyay, Gulab Pamnani, Dinesh Kumar, "Brittle Fracture Using Phase Field" , UNIfied 2024 by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2024

Rajendra Jangid and MM Garg, "Bypass Switch Type Single Phase Differential Cuk Inverter With Improved Performance" , 2024 IEEE Third International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems-ICPEICES by :IEEE at Delhi Technological University, Delhi / 1-6 / 2024

Babita, Kadali S. Akash, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, M. Tanveer, "CaDT-Net: A Cascaded Deformable Transformer Network for Multiclass Breast Cancer Histopathological Image Classification" , 31st International Conference on Neural Information Processing ICONIP2024 by :Springer at Auckland / / 2024

Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "ChatGPT for Second Language Learning:an Analytical Study of Engineering Graduates in Rajasthan" , 6th Canadian International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences 2024 by :Unique Conferences Canada Publication at University of Toronto,Canada / 3 / 2024

Barun Jana and Puneet Singh Gahlaut, "Chemistry and Coordination of Inverse Triazolyl-Pyridine Ligands in Transition Metal Complexes" , Frontiers in Sustainable Catalysis and Organometallic by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2024

Ananya Kapoor, Vaibhav Sharma, Rajeev Agrawal, "Circular Economy Solutions for Healthcare Plastic Waste: A Kernel-Based SVM Classification Approach" , Second International Conference on Advanced Computing, Machine Learning, Robotics and Internet Technologies by :Springer at National Institute of Technology Agartala, Tripura / / 2024

Tarun Jain, Dinesh Gopalani, Yogesh Kumar Meena, "Classification of Humanitarian Crisis Response Through Unimodal Multi-Class Textual Classification" , 2024 International Conference on Emerging Systems and Intelligent Computing by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, India / / 2024

Srishti Saxena, Manju Singh, "Clustering Security Risk Management and Human Factors to Enhance Production Risk Diversification a MICMAC Analysis" , International Conference on Application of Recent Technologies in Science Engineering Management for Societal and Industrial Development by :MODY University at Jaipur / / 2024

Ajay Kumar Verma, Anjali Jain, Rohit Bhakar, and Chandra Prakash Barala, "Coal Gasifications: An Alternative Cleaner Resource Option for India" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation, SeFeT 2024 by :IEEE at Hyderabad, India / 1-7 / 2024

Vijay Budania, Sanjay Tehariya, Suhana Sharma, Atinder Pal Singh, Aman Mina, Mushtaq Ahmed, "Coalition-Based Web Server Load Balancing in Software Defined Network" , The 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Networks CINE-2024 by :IEEE at KIIT DU Bhubaneswar, India / 6 / 2024

Alina Khan, Diwakar Gautam, Deepak Jhanwar, Farruckh Anwar, Mushtaq Ahmed, "Color Preservation of Lymphoblastic Cells Using Statistical Region Merging" , 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on PIONEERING DEVELOPMENTS in COMPUTER SCIENCE & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES by :IEEE at NIT DELHI / / 2024

Deepak Singh and N. Sandeep, "Common-Ground-Type Dual-Source Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems by :IEEE at Surathkal / / 2024

Ritu Rai, Jyoti Grover, "Comparative Analysis of Cosine and Jaccard Similarity-Based Classification for Detecting CAN Bus Attacks" , 2024 IEEE Region 10 Symposium TENSYMP by :IEEE at New Delhi / 1-6 / 2024

Mohit Patodiya, P.V. Ramana, and M.K. Shrimali, "Comparative Analysis of Polypropylene Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for Enhanced Mechanical Properties" , 14th Structural Engineering Convention SEC-2024 by :Walnutpublication at National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli / 1-8 / 2024

Ghanshyam Meena, V. P. Singh, Nitin Sundariyal, Akhilesh Mathur, "Component Model of AC Microgrid for Short-Circuit Analysis" , IEEE International Conference on Innovative Sustainable Technologies for Energy, Mechatronics and Smart Systems ISTEMS 2024 by :IEEE at Graphic Era Univ. Dehradun / / 2024

Aishwarya Mishra, Lavika Goel , "Computational Intelligence in Smart Farming: Vision and Trials" , World Congress on Smart Computing WCSC 2024, Springer Publications, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems by :Springer at Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow / 1-8 / 2024

Dsouza. A, Devji. S, Prasad. K , Suprabha. KR , "Computational Linguistics for Corporate Governance Research: NLP Application in Analyzing Shareholder Participation and Annual Report Readability" , 3RD Congress on Smart Computing Technologies by :Smart Innovations, Systems and Technologies ,Springer at NIT SIKKIM / / 2024

Sundeep Kumar, "Consumer Awareness on Brand During Smart Phone Purchasing" , International Conference on Application of Recent Technologies in Science, Engineering, Management for Societal and Industrial Development by :Mody University of Science and Technology, MNIT Jaipur at Mauritius / / 2024

Sakshi Tiwari, Surendra K Saini, Amit M Joshi, Ravi K Maddila, "Continuous and Cuffless Blood Pressure Estimation Using Photoplethysmography for Wearable Devices" , IEEE India Council International Conference INDICON 2024 by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / / 2024

Ashutosh Kumar, Kapil Shukla, Nitin Gupta, "Cost Effective and Efficient High Gain DC-DC Converter for Electric Vehicle Application" , Future Power Network and Smart Energy Systems: Issues and Challenges by :Springer at NIT KURUKSHETRA / / 2024

Wafa Singh, Raisuyah Bhagwan and Manju Singh, "Curating Sustainable & Impactful Community University Partnerships: Perspectives From India" , 2024 Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference by : Kansas State University at Portland, Oregon / / 2024

Jyoti Nagpal, Lavika Goel, "DAMPSO: Dynamic Accelerated Memory-Based PSO for Hyperparameter Tuning of Plant Disease Classifiers" , 5th Doctorial Symposium on Computational Intelligence DOSCI 2024 Springer LNNS Publications by :Springer at Delhi / 1-6 / 2024

K. P. Singh, E. S. Pilli and V. Laxmi, "Dark Web Surveillance and User Profiling Framework for Evidence Extraction Using OSINT" , Third International Conference on Information Security, Privacy and Digital Forensics - ICISPD 2024 by :Springer at Surat, India / / 2024

A. Panwar, S. J. Nanda , "Data Analysis in Wireless Sensor Networks With Distributed Self Organizing Map" , 2024 IEEE 1st International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing, Power, Communication, and Computing, IEEE-ASPCC-2024 by :IEEE at IIIT Bhubaneswar / 61-66 / 2024

Mohit Joshi and Dr Niraja Saraswat, "Deconstructing the 10 in the Mute S Lament: Audism and Beyond" , PAN NIT HSS Research Conclave on Humanities at the Crossroads: The Convergence of Language, Literature and Technology by :National Institute of Technology , Warangal at NIT, Warangal / / 2024

Jyoti Nagpal, Lavika Goel, "Deep Learning-Based Classification of Plant Leaf Diseases Using Advanced Particle Swarm Optimization" , 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Expert Applications and Security ICE-TEAS 2024 by :Springer at JECRC Jaipur / 1-8 / 2024

R. Bhakar, S. Yamujala, A. Singh, and C. P. Barala, "Demand Response Obligations: A New Regulatory Tool" , 2024 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Seattle, WA, USA / / 2024

Mamta Devi Sharma, Sonu jain, Namrata Saxena, Sarthak Singal, Ritu Sharma, "Design and Performance Analysis of Flexible Wearable Antenna for OFF-on Body Communication" , Recent Trends in Space Technology by :National at MNIT Jaipur / 6 / 2024

Mamta Devi Sharma, Namarta Saxena, Sonu Jain, Ajay Yadav, Sarthak Singhal, Ritu Sharma, "Design and Performance Evaluation of RF Energy Harvester for Wearable Sensor Nodes" , WAMS-2024 by :IEEE at Raghu Engineering College, Visakhapatnam, India / 6 / 2024

Sonali Singh, Ankit Sachan, Jitendra Kumar Goyal, Shubhi Purwar, Neeraj Gupta, Ganta Jane Gladys, Gouri P P and Surender Hans, "Design and Stability Analysis of Non-Smooth Integral Sliding Surface for Coupled Tank System With Matching Non-Matching Disturbance" , Australian & New Zealand Control Conference ANZCC by :IEEE at Gold Coast, Australia / 241-246 / 2024

Apoorv Ravi Pandey, Kusum Verma, "Determining Locational Hosting Capacity of DERs in Distribution System Using Machine Learning" , IEEE Region 10 Symposium -TENSYMP 2024 by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / - / 2024

Nadish Abrol, Himanshu Arora, NandKishor Bashita and Tanvi Gupta, "Development and Evaluation of Hybrid Statistical Downscaling Models for Precipitation Prediction in India Using Machine Learning Techniques." , 29th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, River and Coastal Engineering HYDRO 2024 International by :Indian Society of Hydraulics ISH at Central Water & Power Research Station CWPRS Pune / 28 / 2024

Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Shubhender Singh Yadav and Kashif Saifi , "Development of Hybrid Natural Fiber-Reinforced Composites and Evaluating Density and Void Volume Fraction" , The 4th International Conference on Humanities, Education, Sciences, Management, Engineering, and Technology ICHESMET 2024 by :- at Newton International College, Kuala Lumpur, Malays / / 2024

Richa Chaudhary, V. P. Singh, Akhilesh Mathur, U. K. Yadav, A. V. Waghmare, and Krishna Murari, "Differentiation Method Based Approximation of Higher Order Islanded Microgrid System" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation, SeFeT 2024 by :IEEE at Hyderabad / / 2024

Sundeep Kumar, "Digital Marketing: Perception of Indian Consumers" , International Conference on Application of Recent Technologies in Science, Engineering, Management for Societal and Industrial Development by :Mody University of Science and Technology, MNIT Jaipur at Mauritius / / 2024

Richa Chaudhary, V P Singh, Akhilesh Mathur, Umesh Kr. Yadav, Krishna Murari Sukumar Kamalasadan, "Direct Truncation and Routh Approximation Assisted Reduced Order Modeling of Islanded Microgrid" , IEEE 59th Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting 2024 by :IEEE at ARIZONA, USA / / 2024

Anand Kumar Jain and Neeta Nain, "Disease Detection and Classification of Rice Leaves Using Transfer Learning With Concatenate" , International Conference on Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security, and Data Sciences, MIND 2024 by :Springer at NIT Goa / 1-5 / 2024

A. Seetha , J. Parmar, S. S. Chouhan, E. S. Pilli, and A. Jain , "DisEvD: A Benchmark Dataset for Disruptive Event Identification From Online Social Network" , 12th International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence BDA 2024 by :Springer at Hyderabad, India / / 2024

Garima Panwar, Yugal Kishore Sharma, Sunanda Sinha, "Driving E-Mobility: Navigating Charging Infrastructure Related Challenges for Accelerated Electric Vehicle Adoption in India" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation- SEFET 2024 by :IEEE at The Plaza, Begumpet, Hyderabad, India / / 2024

Dharm Raj Bairwa and Manoj Kumar Diwakar, "Drought Assessment of Rajasthan Using NDVI, VCI, and SPI Index" , International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Environment and Technologies Under Climate Change SMET-2024 by :NIT Kurukshetra at NIT Kurukshetra, India / / 2024

Abhishek Patel, Shubham Patwari, Satish Sharma, "Dynamic Economic Dispatch With Storage Using ADMM" , 2024 IEEE 11th Power India International Conference PIICON 2024 by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur, India / / 2024

A. Agarwal, S. J. Nanda, "Dynamic NSGA-III With KRR-ANOVA Kernel Predictor for in-Motion Sonar Image Segmentation" , IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, IEEE-WCCI-2024 by :IEEE at Yokohama, Japan / 1-8 / 2024

Nikul Balotiya, Himanshu Arora, and Nitesh Amberia, "Effect of Crop Sowing Date on Water Balance in an Arid Region of India." , 29th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, River and Coastal Engineering HYDRO 2024 International by :Indian Society of Hydraulics ISH at Central Water & Power Research Station CWPRS Pune / 16 / 2024

Nikul Balotiya, Himanshu Arora, and Nitesh Amberia, "Effect of Crop Sowing Date on Water Balance in Tropical Regions of India for Kharif Season." , International Conference, Sustainable Materials, Environment and Technologies Under Climate Change Scenario, SMET-2024 by :NIT Kurukshetra at NIT Kurukshetra, Haryana, India / 145 / 2024

Sandeep Kumawat, Sunita Tolani, and M. K. Shrimali , "Effect of Different Types of Bracing Systems on the Seismic Response of RC Building" , 14th Structural Engineering Convention SEC-2024 by :Walnutpublication at National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli / 1-8 / 2024

Shubham Vishwas Gurav, Tapas Bajpai and Durwesh Jhodkar, "Effect of Electrode Shape on Resistance Spot Welded AISI 316L Sheets" , International Conference on Emerging Aspects of Manufacturing, Thermal and Design Engineering, by :- at NIT Hamirpur, 16-18 August 2024. / / 2024

Anup Malik, Shashi Ranjan Pathak and Harlal Singh Mali, "Effect of Input Parameters During Milling of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite" , International Conference on Recent Advances in Design and Manufacturing by :Springer at NIT Patna / / 2024

Tapas Bajpai and Sunil Pandey , "Effect of Welding Sequence on Residual Stresses and Distortion in AA6061-T6 Fillet Welds" , 6th International Congress IC-2024 by :IIW at Bengaluru / / 2024

Nishant Chaudhary, Shiv Om Meena, "Effective Way to Remove Carbamazepine by Pharmaceutical Wastewater by Advanced Oxidation Process" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development by :JECRC University, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2024

S. Das, R. Vijay, Z. A. Lone, A. Firdous, P. Mathuria, R. Bhakar, "Electrical Vehicle Charging Station Management Using Novel Operational Approaches" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation, SeFeT 2024 by :IEEE at Hydrabad / / 2024

Yogesh Pandey, Praveen Kumar Agrawal, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, "Electrifying Local Transit: A Planning Model Incorporating Battery Swapping Charging Method for Electric Buses" , Students Conference on Engineering and Systems by :IEEE at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology All / / 2024

Nikhil kumar, Shiv Om Meena, "Electrocoagulation: A Sustainable Approach for Treating Tannery Wastewater" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development by :JECRC University, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2024

Nidhi Vashistha, Ritu Sharma, "Empowering Autonomous Travel With Way Genius: Designing a Fully Autonomous Car Using Raspberry Pi" , Recent Trends in Space Technology by :National at MNIT Jaipur / 5 / 2024

Nidhi Vashistha, Ritu Sharma, "Empowering Autonomus Travel With Way Genius: Designing a Fully Autonomous Car Using Raspberry Pi" , Recent Trenda in Space Technology-2024 by :ISRO-Racs at MNIT Jaipur / 6 / 2024

A. K. Verma, A. Jain, and R. Bhakar, "Energy Demand Dynamics Considering High RE Penetration: Managing Uncertainties, Challenges, and Solutions" , 18th International Conference on Energy Economics and Technology by :Enerday 2024 at Dresden, Germany / / 2024

Devenderpal Singh, Rajinikanth R, Rashi Chaudhary, Menka Yadav, "Energy Efficient Vedic Multiplier" , IATMSI by :IEEE at IIIT Gwalior / 1-6 / 2024

Parihar R. K., Burnwal P. K., Chaurasia S.P., Midda M. O, "Enhancing Dairy Wastewater Treatment: Investigating the Stage Fluidized Bed Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor for Improved Performance and Fouling Analysis" , International Conference on Sustainable Approach in Desalination, Water, Energy, Environment, and Advanced Materials for Water Purification by :Indacon 24 at MIT Bihar / / 2024

Jeetendra Singh Khichad, Rameshwar J. Vishwakarma, Arun Gaur, Amit Sain, "Enhancing Highway Performance and Safety: An Integrated Fuzzy, TOPSIS and VIKOR Framework" , International Conference on Application of Recent Technologies in Science, Engineering, Management for Societal and Industrial Development ICASEM2024 by :MUST, MNIT and University of Mauritious at Lakshmangarh, India / / 2024

Ravindra Kumar Soni and Neeta Nain, "Enhancing Low-Resolution Face Recognition With Self Attention Network and Resolution Augmentation Approach" , IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Network Systems by :IEEE at Dubai / 1-5 / 2024

Karishma Yadav, Smita Naval, "Enhancing Smart Contract Security Through Obfuscation: Verification via Control Flow Graph Analysis" , 6th International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems - ICCIS 2024 by :SCRS, Microsoft Corporation at MANIT, Bhopal, India / / 2024

Ambrish Singh, Shubham Sharma, Sunanda Sinha, "Enhancing Techno-Economical Viability of Solar PV Plants Through Strategic Cleaning Schedules in Indian Composite Climate Conditions" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation- SEFET 2024 by :IEEE at The Plaza, Begumpet, Hyderabad,India / / 2024

Dhruv Saxena, Mahender Choudhary and Gunwant Sharma, "Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration Using Improvised SEBAL Model in the Semi-Arid Region of Western Rajasthan. " , International Science Workshop on High-Resolution Thermal Earth Observation by :ISRO-CNES at SAC Ahmedabad / 11-18 / 2024

SK Saini, S Tiwari, A Sharma, RK Maddila, "Estimation of Glycated Hemoglobin Using Multiwavelength Photoplethysmography Signal" , IEEE Region 10 Symposium -TENSYMP 2024 by :IEEE at NSUT, Delhi / 1-6 / 2024

Praveen Singh Thakur, Mahipal Jadeja, Satyendra Singh Chouhan, Santosh Singh Rathore, "Evaluating Deep Learning Embedding Techniques for Code Smell Detection" , 12th International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence BDA 2024 by :Springer at Hyderabad / / 2024

Varun Matolia, Himanshu Arora, Tanvi Gupta, and Manisha Kumari Khardia, "Evaluation of GCMs From CMIP5 and CMIP6 for Indian Precipitation." , 29th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, River and Coastal Engineering HYDRO 2024 International by :Indian Society of Hydraulics ISH at Central Water & Power Research Station CWPRS Pune / 55 / 2024

Nidhi Bansal, Muskan Jain, "Examining the Dynamics of Elderly Care in Families in India: A Narrative Review" , 49th All India Sociological Conference on Sociology, Development and Democracy by :Indian Sociological Society at BML Munjal University, Gurugram / / 2024

Lohar G, Kumar A, Roy N, "Experimental Study on Creep Behaviour of Glass Fibre-Reinforced Concrete" , ACSGE 2024 by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani / / 2024

Nitesh Amberia, Himanshu Arora, and M.K. Jat, "Experimental Study on Soil Moisture Movement in the Root Zone and Crop Growth for Wheat Crop During Its Mid-Season in a Warm Semi-Arid Climate Area." , 29th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, River and Coastal Engineering HYDRO 2024 International by :Indian Society of Hydraulics ISH at Central Water & Power Research Station CWPRS Pune / 29 / 2024

Deepak Singh and N. Sandeep, "Extendable Multisource Multilevel Boosting Inverter" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems by :IEEE at Surathkal / / 2024

Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Mayank Verma and Tapas Bajpai, "Fabrication and eExperimental Investigations on Mechanical Properties of Stir Cast Aluminum MMC With the Addition of Ash" , The Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering APCChE 2023 by :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering at Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers PIChE / / 2024

Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Shubhender Singh Yadav, Kashif Saifi, and Bachchu Lal Gupta, "Fabrication and Flammability Assessment of Hybrid Composite Material Reinforced With Natural Fibers" , International Conference on Mechanical Engineering & Technology ICMET-2024 by :Journal of Polymer and Composites at Deptt of Mech Engg, NIT Kurukshetra / 273-284 / 2024

Vijay Kumari, Miloni Mittal, Yashvardhan Sharma, Lavika Goel, "FAQ-Based Question Answering Systems With Query-Question and Query-Answer Similarity" , 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence ICAART 2024 by :SCITEPRESS at Rome, Italy / 1189-1196 / 2024

M. Jangid, A. Bhatnagar and V. Janyani, "FDTD Design and Modelling of Ag Au Nanoparticles for Field Enhancement" , IEEE Fifth India Council International Subsections Conference INDISCON by :IEEE at Chandigarh, India / 1-6 / 2024

Manoj Kumar Diwakar and Himanshu Singh, "Flood Estimation of Narmada River Using Hydraulic Model and GIS Techniques" , 29th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, River and Coastal Engineering HYDRO-2024 International by :ISH at Central Water & Power Research Station Pune, India / / 2024

Dharm Raj Bairwa and Manoj Kumar Diwakar, "Flood-Inundation Mapping of the Krishna River Basin Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques" , 29th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, River and Coastal Engineering HYDRO-2024 International by :ISH at Central Water & Power Research Station Pune, India / / 2024

Smriti Dadhich and Niraja Saraswat, "Food as a Symbol and Site of Cultural Memory in Elif Shafak S the Bastard of Istanbul" , 4th International Conference on Contemporary Perspectives in English Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies by :Department of English, University Institute of Liberal Arts & Humanities,Chandigarh University at Department of English, Chandigarh / / 2024

Gaurav Kumar Chaturvedi, Kapil Shukla, Nitin Gupta, "Frequency Adaptive Circular Limit Cycle Oscillator Based Control and Operation of Dynamic Voltage Restorer" , 2024 IEEE 11th Power India International Conference PIICON 2024 by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2024

Prem Shanker Yadav, Dinesh Kumar Tyagi ,Santosh Kumar Vipparathi, "Fusing Image and Text Features for Scene Sentiment Analysis Using Whale-Honey Badger Optimization Algorithm WHBOA" , Pattern Recognition, 27th International Conference ,ICPR 2024 by :Springer at Kolkata,India / 446-462 / 2024

N. Anant Kumar and Gunwant Sharma, "Future Forecasting of Rainfall Data by ARIMA Modeling" , HYDRO 2023 by :Springer Nature Singapore at NIT, Warangal / 563-574 / 2024

Pravesh Bansal, Mushtaq Ahmed, "Fuzzy Logic-Based Analysis of Student Behavior Patterns in Educational Environments" , 4th International Conference on Innovation in IoT Robotics and Automation Presented by :AIP at MIT Moradabad India / 1-9 / 2024

Shyamili Toluchuri, Aishwarya Upadhyay, Smita Naval, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, "GAN-Based Seed Generation for Efficient Fuzzing" , 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography - SECRYPT 2024 by :SCITEPRESS at Dijon, France / 686-691 / 2024

Wafa Singh, Raisuyah Bhagwan, Manju Singh, "Going Beyond Rhetoric on Community Participation Pathways to Genuine Community Engagement" , 10th Living Knowledge Conference by :University of Girona at Girona / / 2024

Anand Mohan, Hemant Meena, Abhishek Srivastava, "Human Activity Recognition Using Machine Learning" , 2024 Second International Conference on Advances in Smart Sensor, Signal Processing and Communication Technology ICASSCT 2024 by :IEEE at Goa / / 2024

Engammagari Ganesh, P.V. Ramana, M.K. Shrimali, "Human Body Dynamics: Modelling and Analysis of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Systems in Vehicular Motion" , 14th Structural Engineering Convention SEC-2024 by :Walnutpublication at National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli / 1-8 / 2024

Srishti Saxena, Manju Singh, "Humanitarian System for Indemnifying Farmers Income Against Production Risk Economic Analysis of Innovations in Providing Monetary Aids" , 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Business, Trade and Commerce by :Council of Social Development at Hyderabad / / 2024

Siddhi Kumari Sharma, Lavika Goel , Namita Mittal, "Hybridizing Earthquake Dynamics-Based Optimization With Multiple Adaptative Differential Evolution: Towards a Faster Convergence Metaheuristic" , Ninth International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data DMBD 2024 by :Springer at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam / 1-12 / 2024

Manoj Kumar Diwakar and Shahnawaz Ahmad, "Hydrodynamic Modelling of Subarnarekha River for Flood Estimation Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technique" , International Conference on Water and Sustainable Development ICWSD-2024 by :IWWA at VNIT Nagpur, India / / 2024

Mohit Joshi ,Niraja Saraswat, "I Was Ashamed of Who I Was Behavioural Conditioning, Narrativity, and Agency in the dDeaf Memoirs Mean Little Deaf Queer and Deaf Again" , International Conference on Tracing Modes of Gendered Thinking: Ideation and Philosophy From the Global South Asia by :Banaras Hindu University,Varansi at Online / / 2024

Nidhi Sinha, Amit M Joshi, "iHyptn: Predicting Hypertension Using PPG Signal for Cardiovascular Disease With Machine Learning Models" , TENCON 2024-2024 IEEE Region 10 Conference by :IEEE at Thailand / / 2024

Tarun Jain, Dinesh Gopalani, Yogesh Kumar Meena, "Image Tweet Classification for Crisis Informative Task" , 2024 International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Communication, and Computing Systems by :IEEE at Una, India / / 2024

Abhishek Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, "Impact Assessment of Heat Waves on Resilience of Power System Components" , IEEE Region 10 Symposium -TENSYMP 2024 by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / - / 2024

Priya Tyagi Parul Bhyan Dr. Bhavna Shrivastava Dr Nand Kumar, "Indicative Direction in Construction Materials for Indian Suburbs" , International Conference on Creative and Innovative Solutions in Civil Engineering by :IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 1-11 / 2024

Nitin Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Influence of C-4 Axial-Equatorial Configuration and Stereoelectronic Participation in Chemoselective Activation of Glycals, OP-18, FIC-24" , Frontiers in Catalysis-2024, FIC-24 by :Department of Chemistry, Central University of Rajasthan at Ajmer / / 2024

Wafa Singh, Raisuyah Bhagwan, Manju Singh, "Institutionalizing Community Engagement in Universities: A Strategic Management Approach for Countering Competitive Neoliberalism With Collaborative Engagement" , 46th Annual EAIR Forum 2024 by :University College Cork at Netherlands / / 2024

Kunjita Agarwal, Dipti Sharma and Sachi Sharma, "Integrating Energy Security Economy and Environment for Just Energy Transition Policies in India: A Review " , 5th International Conclave on Globalising Indian Thought , GIT 2024 by :Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode at University of London, United Kingdom / 100-105 / 2024

Kapil Sharma, Hrushikesh M. Gade. Neetu Kumari, "Investigating Impact of a-Site Deficiency on Oxygen Anion Diffusion in SrTiO3-Based Electrode Material:combined Molecular Dynamics-Deep Learning Approach" , CHEM-E-SORPTION by :- at IIT Jodhpur / / 2024

Prahlad Mundotiya, Charul Jain and Kusum Verma, "Islanding Detection by Current Based Technique in Indian Distribution Grid" , 15th International IEEE Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at IIT - Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India / / 2024

Deepak Gautam, Barun Jana, "K2S2O8 Promoted Metal-Free Direct C-Alkylation of Acetophenones via Hydrogen Borrowing Like Pathway" , Frontiers in Sustainable Catalysis and Organometallic by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, India / / 2024

Deepak Gautam, Puneet Singh Gahlaut and Barun Jana, "K2S2O8 Promoted Metal-Free Direct C-Alkylation of Acetophenones With Alcohols" , International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry by :ICOMC at Agra, India / / 2024

Srishti Saxena, Manju Singh , "Latent Biases and Risks of AI Integration in Climate-Smart Agriculture Regime" , International Conference on Management Research by :Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology at Odisha / / 2024

A. Jain and E. S. Pilli , "LibMultiSig - a Multisignature Transaction Library for Bitcoin" , International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Security - ICISS 2024 by :Springer at Shibpur, India / / 2024

Babita, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, "LiCT-Net: Lightweight Convolutional Transformer Network for Multiclass Breast Cancer Classification" , IEEE TENCON 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Technologies for a Sustainable Future by :IEEE at Singapore / / 2024

Silpa P Das, Ravi K Maddila, "LiFi System Design With Throughput Over 100 Tbps" , 16th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics by :IIT Kharagpur at IIT Kharagpur / / 2024

Richa Kumari, Kushall Pal Singh, Sandeep Jangir, Dinesh Kumar Tyagi and Ramesh Babu Battula, "Lightweight Distributed Ledger Technology and Consensus Algorithms for D2D Communication" , 4th International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing ANTIC 2024 by :Springer at BHU, VARANASI / 308-324 / 2024

A. Chhabra, Y. Singh, P. Dharmadhikari, S. M. Mitul, V. Soni, S. J. Nanda, "Many-Objective Extractive Document Text Summarization Using NSGA-II" , 15th International IEEE Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at Indian Institute of Technology Mandi / 1-7 / 2024

Niladri Chakraborti, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, "MCT-Net: MCT-NET: A Lightweight Multiscale Convolutional Transformer Network for Polyp Segmentation" , 31st IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2024 by :IEEE at Abu Dhabi / / 2024

Eashan Pahsha, Rajesh Gupta and Vinay Agrawal, "Mechanical and Hydraulic Properties of Pervious Concrete Incorporating Waste PET Plastic" , International Conference on Sustainable Technologies in Civil and Environmental Engineering by :E3S Web of Conferences at Pimpri, Pune, India / / 2024

Sonu Jain, Mamta Devi Sharma, Ritu Sharma, "Metasurface Based RF Energy Harvesting System: Device Hardware and Practical Issues" , Recent Trends in Space Technology by :National at MNIT Jaipur / 6 / 2024

Sushree Sunayana and Lisbeth M. Ottosen, "Microcracks Assessment During Unloading for Structural Elements Reuse" , IABSE Symposium Manchester 2024, Constructions Role for a World in Emergency by :International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering at Manchester, UK / 361-365 / 2024

Prashant Kumar Nagar, Devandar Chauhan, Kamakshi Pandey, Harsh Pandey, "Microswimmers in Polymeric Fluids" , 5th International Conference on Soft Materials by :Molecular Symposia at Jaipur / / 2024

Chandra Prakash Barala, Aaquib Firdous, Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, "Modelling Comprehensive Building Dynamics for Flexibility in Power System Operations" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation, SeFeT 2024 by :IEEE at Hydrabad / / 2024

Hrushikesh M. Gade, Hiya Goswami, Jyoti Seth, "Modifying the Crystal Habit of Stearic Acid in the Presence of a Non-Ionic Surfactant: Insights From Molecular Dynamics," , CHEM-E-SORPTION by :- at IIT Jodhpur / / 2024

Anand Kumar Jain, Shivam Sharma and Neeta Nain, "Multi-Disease Detection and Classification of Sugarcane Leaves Using Transfer Learning" , 2024 11th International Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence by :IEEE at MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA / 308-312 / 2024

Shakti Pathak, Abhishek Gupta, Muskan Jain, Swati Dave, Hemant Kumar Meena and Manisha Kumari Meena, "Multimodal Emotion Recognition Using Facial and Audio Features" , 5th International Conference on Data Science and Applications ICDSA 2024, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer by :Springer at MNIT JAIPUR / / 2024

Anup Malik, Shashank Singh and Harlal Singh Mali , "Multivariable Analysis for Thermo-Hydraulic Performance Enhancement in Microchannel Heat Sink " , International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Technologies by :Springer at PEC Chandigarh / / 2024

Mohit Joshi and Niraja Saraswat, "Navigating Audism: A Psychosocial Examination of Alison L. Aubrecht S Deaf Experience Through Poetry" , 4th International Conference on Contemporary Perspectives in English Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies by :Department of English, University Institute of Liberal Arts & Humanities,Chandigarh University at Chandigarh / / 2024

Shubhangi Bhatnagar and Niraja Saraswat, "Negotiating the Cost of Shame: Affect and Insidious Trauma in Rijula Das a Death in Shonagachhi" , Whither Integrative Humanities Paths and Challenges Conference 2024 by :English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / / 2024

Ankit Yadav, Sudhir Kashyap, "Neighboring Group Directed Stereoselective Rhamnosylation-Expedition Synthesis of Alpha-L-Rhamnosyl-Glycoconjugates, PP-35, FISCO-2024" , International Symposium on Frontiers in Sustainable Catalysis and Organometallics, FISCO-2024 by :Department of Chemistry, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2024

Nitin Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Neighboring or Remote Group Participation, NGP-RGP of Stereodirecting C-4 Distal Acetyl Group:Conformational-Configurational Rationale in Chemoselective Glycosylation of Glycals, OP-06, CARBOXXXVIII" , International Carbohydrate Conference on Emerging Trends in Glycochemistry, Glycobiology, and Technology, CARBO XXXVIII by :Department of Bioengineering and Technology, Guwahati University, Best Presentation Award at Guwahati / / 2024

Archana Kumari, Kapil Shukla, H. P. Tiwari, "Non-Isolated on-Board Battery Charger With Wide Output Voltage Range for E-Transportation" , 2024 IEEE 11th Power India International Conference PIICON 2024 by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2024

Anup Malik, Shashank Singh and Harlal Singh Mali, "Numerical Analysis on Effects of Tapered Microchannels for Thermo-Hydraulic Performance Enhancement" , 13th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro, and Nano Engineering Scheduled at NIT Calicut, Kerala by :Springer at NIT Calicut / / 2024

Shreya Upadhyay, Annapurna Bhargava, Rajive Tiwari, "Optimal Charge Scheduling of Electric Vehicles Using Coati Optimization Algorithm COA" , 2024 International Conference on Automation and Computation AUTOCOM by :IEEE at Dehradun / 426-433 / 2024

Abhishek Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, "Optimal Structural Robustness to Enhance Transmission Line Resilience for HILP Events" , 2024 IEEE 11th Power India International Conference PIICON 2024 by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / - / 2024

Apoorv Ravi Pandey, Kusum Verma, "Optimizing DER Hosting Capacity and Power Loss Minimization in Distribution System With GWO" , 2024 IEEE 11th Power India International Conference PIICON 2024 by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / - / 2024

Himani Daulat, Krishna Chauhan, Girdhar Gopal, Tarun Varma, "Optimizing Dual-Channel QMF Banks With Linear Phase Using Modified-GABC Approach: A Pathway to Enhanced Signal Processing, DOI 10.1109 ICIC3S61846.2024.10602961" , 2024 International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Communication, and Computing Systems by :IEEE at IIIT Una Himachal Pradesh / 111 / 2024

Anup Malik, Shashi Ranjan Pathak and Harlal Singh Mali, "Parametric Study on Milling Behavior of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Textile Composite" , 2nd International Conference on Recent Innovations & Developments in Mechanical Engineering by :Springer at NIT Meghalaya / / 2024

Shubham Tomar, Meenakshi Tripathi, "Paving the Way Advancing V2X Safety Through Innovative Attack Generation and Analysis Framework V2XSAF" , International Conference on Information Systems Security by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2024

Lav Upadhyay, Meenakshi Tripathi, Jyoti Grover, "Performance Analysis of Ensemble Feature Selection Based Network Intrusion Detection System Using Ensemble Machine Learning" , 2024 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Networks and Computer Communications, ETNCC by :IEEE at Windhoek, Namibia / 1-6 / 2024

Avuthu Avinash Reddy, Katam Vital Sai, Gandlapalli V S Akshay and Ramesh Babu Battula , "Performance Analysis of ML and DL Models on 5G Bands: An Experimental Study" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies - ICECCT 2024 by :IEEE at Chhattisgarh, India / / 2024

Shiyam Sundar KP, Shrimali MK, Bharti SD, Murty CVR, Roy N, "PERFORMANCE EVALUATION of CONCRETE GRAVITY DAM in the EVENT of SEISMIC AFTERSHOCKS" , 18 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :IAEE at Milan / / 2024

1. Shiyam Sundar K P, S. D. Bharti, M. K. Shrimali, CVR Murty and Nishant Roy, "Performance Evaluation of Concrete Gravity Dams in the Event of Seismic Aftershocks" , World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :18th WCEE at Milan, Italy / 1-8 / 2024

Vandana Singh Rajawat, Ajay Kumar, Bharat Choudhary, "Physical Analysis of Lateral-BTBT Induced GIDL Current in GaN-Based FinFET Devices" , 2024 IEEE Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences-eStream by :IEEE at Vilnius, Lithuania / 1-5 / 2024

Arshad Ali, Kusum Verma, "PMU Data Driven Machine Learning Regression Method for Real Time Voltage Stability Assessment" , International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials 2024 -ICCCCM 2024 by :IEEE at Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India / / 2024

Rajendra Mahla and MM Garg, "Power Quality Disturbances and Detection Methods: A Brief Review" , IEEE 11th Power India International Conference-PIICON 2024 by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 1-6 / 2024

Akash Yadav, Mushtaq Ahmed, "Predictive Modeling for Thread Optimization in OpenMP-Based Parallelization Using Machine Learning" , 17th IEEE MCSoC Multicore and Many-Core Systems-on-Chip Symposium by :IEEE at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / 6 / 2024

S. Mahore, A. Tripathi, S. Sharma, "Property Enhancement and Microstructural Evolution During Thermo-Mechanical Processing of Titanium Alloys: A Review" , Interactions by :Springer at . / 245, 308 / 2024

Richa Kumari, Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, Ramesh Babu Battula, "PvFL-RA: Private Federated Learning for D2D Resource Allocation in 6G Communication" , 38th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications- AINA 2024 by :Springer at Kitakyushu, Japan / 261-273 / 2024

Mohit Patodiya, P.V. Ramana, and M.K. Shrimali, "Qualified Analysis of Storey Displacement and Drift in Concrete and Polypropylene FibreReinforced Concrete Columns Under Blast Loading" , 14th Structural Engineering Convention SEC-2024 by :Walnutpublication at National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli / 1-8 / 2024

Tonu Pareta, Kapil Shukla, and Arun Kumar Verma, "Reconfigurable Power Converter With Grid-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Grid Capabilities" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation, SeFeT 2024 by :IEEE at Hyderabad / / 2024

Meenu, Shiv Om Meena, "Reduction in Ammonia Volatilization by Intercalated Biochar Based N Fertilizer" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development by :JECRC University, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2024

Sameer Singh, U. K. Yadav, V. P. Singh, Akhilesh Mathur and Krishna Murari, "Reduction of Bio-Ethanol Dehydration System for Sustainable Energy Exploiting Truncation and Routh Approximation" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation, SeFeT 2024 by :IEEE at Hyderabad / / 2024

Prafulla Saxena , Susim Mukul Roy , Dinesh Kumar Tyagi , Santosh Kumar Vipparthi , Subrahmanyam Murala, R. Balasubramanian, "RefMOS: A Robust Referred Moving Object Segmentation Framework Based on Text Query" , 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance -AVSS by :IEEE at Niagara Falls, Canada, / 1-7 / 2024

Nidhi Bansal, "Research Themes and Future Directions for Enhancing Gender Equity in STEM School Education" , 9th International Conference on New Paradigms in Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture by :ASRES at Phillipines and Online / / 2024

V. S. Darekar, R. D. Gadve and R. K. Goyal, "Rice Husk Ash Waste as Effective Reinforcement in the Polymer Matrix Composites Nanocomposites for Electronic Applications" , APA EPNOE GFL International Conference on Polymers for Advanced Technology by :APA at Jaipur / - / 2024

Kuldeep Biradar, Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, Ramesh Babu Battula, P Subbarao, "Robust Anomaly Detection Through Transformer-Encoded Feature Diversity Learning " , 17th Asian Conference on Computer Vision by :Springer at Hanoi, Vietnam / 115-128 / 2024

Kuldeep Biradar, Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, Ramesh Babu Battula, P Subbarao, "Robust Anomaly Detection Through Transformer-Encoded Feature Diversity Learning" , 17th Asian Conference on Computer Vision by :Springer Nature Singapore at Hanoi, Vietnam / / 2024

Sonali Singh, Ganta Jane Gladys, Gouri P P, Jitendra Kumar Goyal, Ankit Sachan, Surender Hans, Shubhi Purwar and Neeraj Gupta, "Robust H Controller Design With Regional Pole-Placement for Quarter Car Active Suspension System" , Australian & New Zealand Control Conference ANZCC by :IEEE at Gold Coast, Australia / 229-234 / 2024

Priya Tyagi , Parul Bhyan , Bhavna Shrivastava , Nand Kumar , "Rural Housing Sustainability in India: A Comprehensive Evaluation" , Environmental Design, Material Science and Engineering Technologies EDMSET by :IEREK at Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates / / 2024

Sachin Dube, Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, Ramesh Babu Battula, "RW-SVD: A Surround View Rough Weather Video Anomaly Dataset and a Brief Overview of Existing Datasets" , 17th Asian Conference on Computer Vision by :Springer at Hanoi, Vietnam / 143-159 / 2024

Avinash Reddy Avuthu, Venkat Sai Akshay Gandlapalli, Vital Sai Katam and Ramesh Babu Battu, "Secure Spectrum Sensing in CRNs: A Study on SSDF Attacks and Countermeasure Using USRP" , 15th International IEEE Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at IIT Mandi, India / / 2024

Anil Kumar Prajapati, Emmanuel Shubhakar Pilli, Ramesh Babu Battula and Krishan Pal Singh, "Securing RPL-Based IoT Networks: A Hyperparameter Based Deep Learning Approach for Intrusion Detection " , The 11th International Symposium on Networks Computers and Communications - ISNCC- 2024 by :IEEE at Washington DC- USA / / 2024

A. K. Prajapati, E. S. Pilli, R. B. Battula and K. P. Singh, "Securing RPL-Based IoT Networks: A Hyperparameter Based Deep Learning Approach for Intrusion Detection" , 11th International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications - ISNCC24 by :IEEE at Washington DC, USA / / 2024

Shiyam Sundar K P, M K Shrimali, S D Bharti, Tushar Kanti Datta, "Seismic Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dam With Crack Propagation and Element Deletion" , 14th Structural Engineering Convention SEC-2024 by :Walnutpublication at National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli / 1-10 / 2024

Shashiraj Shivling Chougule, Shiv Dayal Bharti, and Mahendra Kumar Shrimali, "Seismic Behavior of Precast Wall Slab Wall Structure" , 14th Structural Engineering Convention SEC-2024 by :Walnutpublication at National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli / 1-10 / 2024

Alabhya Sharma, M K Shrimali, S D Bharti, "Seismic Dam Safety Assessment Using Topsis" , 14th Structural Engineering Convention SEC-2024 by :Walnutpublication at National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli / 1-10 / 2024

Shashiraj Chougule, S. D. Bharti, M. K. Shrimali, TK Datta and J N Arlekar, "Seismic Performance Assessment of Wall-Slab Precast Building Model" , World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :18th WCEE at Milan, Italy / 1-8 / 2024

Anand Surendra Ingle, S. D. Bharti, M. K. Shrimali, Jagajyoti Panda and HR Magar Patil, "Seismic Response Evaluation of Precast Frames Subjected to Near Fault Ground Motions" , World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :18th WCEE at Milan, Italy / 1-8 / 2024

Vikas Verma,Hemant Meena,Sandeep N, "Selective Harmonic Elimination in 5-Level MLI Using Particle Swarm Optimization" , 2024 Fourth International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies by :IEEE at Bhilai / / 2024

Puneet Singh Gahlaut, Deepak Gautam, Bhawana Shekhawat and Barun Jana, "Simultaneous N2 and N3 Coordination of Inverse Triazolyl Pyridine Ligands in Ag Complexes Synthesis, Structure, and Application in A3 Coupling Reaction to Chiral Propargylamine in Solvent Free And" , International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry by :ICOMC at Agra, Jaipur / / 2024

Rojo Kurian Daniels, Vikas Kumar, Aneesh Prabhakar, "Single Plane Temperature Sensors Placement Optimization for Aligned Air-Cooled Cylindrical LiB Module" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation, SeFeT 2024 by :IEEE at Hyderabad, India / / 2024

Amit Mahesh Joshi, Paras Kor, "Smart Glucometer for Personalized Health Management of Diabetes Care" , 2024 6th International Conference on Software Engineering and Development by :Springer at Hong Kong / 73-81 / 2024

Manju Singh, "Smart Learning Environments an Investigation of Barriers to Technology Enabled Blended Learning in Higher Education" , International Conference on Management Research by :Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology at Odisha / / 2024

Agarwal, R., Sharma, U.P., Agarwal, R.P., "Solution of Bicomplex Time Fractional Schrodinger Equation Involving Bicomplex Mittag-Leffler Function" , ICMMAAC 2023 by :Springer at Jaipur / 14-30 / 2024

Anupam Agarwal and MM Garg, "Some Insights on the Impact of Solar PV Generation on the Environment" , Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges by :- at IIT Mandi, India / 1-4 / 2024

P.K. Burnwal , Parihar R. K., Chaurasia S.P., Midda M. O, "Statistical and Experimental Analysis for the Synthesis, Characterization, and Optimization of Mixed PVDF-PTFE Membranes Using Response Surface Methodology" , International Conference on Sustainable Approach in Desalination, Water, Energy, Environment, and Advanced Materials for Water Purification & Annual C by :Indacon at MIT Bihar / / 2024

Ghanshyam Meena, V. P. Singh, Ashutosh Dixit, Akhilesh Mathur, Ankit Bhatt, "Steady-State Models of AC Microgrid for Load Flow Solutions" , IEEE International Conference on Innovative Sustainable Technologies for Energy, Mechatronics and Smart Systems ISTEMS 2024 by :IEEE at Graphic Era Univ. Dehradun / / 2024

Monika Yadav, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereodivergent & Kinetic-Thermodynamic Controlled Access to Deoxy Sugars via Chemoselective Glycosylation, PP-152, FIC-24" , Frontiers in Catalysis-2024, FIC-24 by :Department of Chemistry, Central University of Rajasthan at Ajmer / / 2024

Nitin Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective & Divergent Access to 6-Deoxy-L-Talo-Gulo Rare Sugars-Studying the Impact of Stereoelectronic and Steric Protecting Group, OP-17, FISCO-2024" , International Symposium on Frontiers in Sustainable Catalysis and Organometallics, FISCO-2024 by :Department of Chemistry, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2024

Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective Glycosylation of Glycals: Access to Rare and Deoxy Sugars, P2-16, TETR-2024" , 24thTetrahedron Symposium-2024, TETR-24 by :Elsevier at Montpellier, France / / 2024

Shubhangi Rajawat, Jyoti Motwani, Ritika Mahajan, Aakanksha Kataria, Monica Sharma, "Strategies for Effective Board Meetings: Case Study of a Public Sector Enterprise" , International Conference on Financial Markets & Corporate Finance by :Springer at IIT Delhi / / 2024

Manoj Kumar Diwakar and Ashutosh Chaturvedi, "Streamflow Estimation of Lower Godavari River Basin Using Semi-Distributed Hydrological Model" , International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Environment and Technologies Under Climate Change SMET-2024 by :NIT Kurukshetra at NIT Kurukshetra, India / / 2024

Jaiverdhan, Priya Verma, MM Sharma, Hariharan Muthusamy, and Lakhan Dev Sharma, "Study and Analysis of Supervised Machine Learning Techniques for Human Activity Recognition and Its Implementation Using Smartphones Sensors" , Springer Singapore by :Springer at San Diego State University, USA / / 2024

Jai Kumar Bhatt, Girdhar Gopal, Tarun Varma, "Study on Field Effect Transistors Based Gas Sensors" , 2024 International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Communication, and Computing Systems by :IEEE at IIIT Una, Himachal Pradesh / 222 / 2024

Parul Bhyan, Priya Tyagi, Bhavna Shrivastava, and Nand Kumar, "SUSTAINABILITY of CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS USED in BUILDING ENVELOPE: BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS USING R-TOOL 2002-2022 " , Seventh International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development, Bangladesh by :ICCESD at Department of Civil Engineering Khulna University / 0821 1-13 / 2024

Anil Jakhar, N. Sandeep, and Arun Kumar Verma, "Switched-Capacitors Based Five-Level Boost Common-Ground Type Inverter" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems by :IEEE at Surathkal / / 2024

KH Kang,...K Lalwani,...et.al., "The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment" , The 31st International Workshop on Vertex Detectors by :Physical Society of Japan at Japan / / 2024

Srishti Saxena, Manju Singh, "Trade Off Between on Farm and Off Farm Income Diversification Strategies Multinomial Endogenous Switching Regression Model" , 63rd Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labor Economics by : Indian Society of Labor Economics at Arunachal Pradesh / / 2024

Nidhi Bansal, Saloni Nehra, "Trajectory of Indian Women in STEM Careers: A Thematic Review" , 9th International Conference on New Paradigms in Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture by :ASRES at Phillipine and Online / / 2024

Nidhi Vashishta, "Transforming the Travel Using OmniCruise: Designing a Fully Directional Autonomus Car With Smart Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance" , 15th International IEEE Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at IIT Mandi / 6 / 2024

Vratika and Gireendra Kumar, "Transforming Urban Voids as Potential Public Spaces in Developing Cities" , Livable Cities- a Conference on Issues Affecting Life in Cities by :AMPS at City University of London, London UK / / 2024

Smriti Dadhich, Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "Transgressing Violence the Rupture of Gender and Community in Elif Shafak the Bastard of Istanbul " , Global Perspectives on Gender Based Violence- Intersectionality and Interdisciplinary Space by :Reva University , Bangalore at Online / / 2024

Barun Jana, "Transition Metal Complexes of Inverse Triazolyl-Pyridine Ligands: Synthesis, Structure and Applications in Various Catalytic Reactions." , International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry by :ICOMC at Agra, India / / 2024

Amitoj Singh Chhabra, Shiv Om Meena, "Treatment of Tannery Effluent With Electrocoagulation" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development by :JECRC University, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2024

Sanjeev Kumar Meena, Shiv Om Meena, "Treatment of Tannery Wastewater Using Electrocoagulation in Once Through Continuous Mode" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development by :JECRC University, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2024

Richa Choudhary, V P Singh, Akhilesh Mathur, V P Meena, K Murari, "Truncation-Based Approximation of Autonomous Microgrid" , IEEE Kansas Power and Energy Conference, KPEC 2024 by :IEEE at Kansas State University, Manhattan / / 2024

V. Tayal, C. P. Barala, H. Meena, and R. Bhakar, "TS-HDBSCAN Based Load Profile Characteristics of Residential Consumers for Demand Response Applications" , 2024 IEEE 11th Power India International Conference PIICON 2024 by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2024

Ravindra Kumar Soni and Neeta Nain, "Unconstrained Low-Resolution Face Recognition Using Attention Network and Resolution Aware Images" , 9th International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing by :Springer at IIITDM Kancheepuram, Chennai / 1-8 / 2024

Sarmad Rizvi, Hrushikesh M. Gade, "Understanding Ionic Liquid Effects on Cellulose Dissolution: Insights From Molecular Dynamics Simulations" , CHEM-E-SORPTION by :- at IIT Jodhpur / / 2024

Tapas Bajpai, Sunil Pandey and Buddhi Prakash Panwar, "Underwater Wet Welding: A Review, , 21-24 January 2024." , 6th International Congress IC-2024 by :IIW at Bengaluru / / 2024

V. Kumar, S. J. Nanda, "Urdu and MNIST Datasets Digit Recognition Using CNN Encoder With K-Means Clustering" , 2024 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies IEEE-CONECCT-2024 by :IEEE at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru / 1-6 / 2024

Aaquib Firdous, Chandra Prakash Barala, Parul Mathuria, and Rohit Bhakar, "Utility-Scale Power to Hydrogen Operations in Ammonia Industries for Power System Applications" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation, SeFeT 2024 by :IEEE at Hydrabad / / 2024

Mayank Kumar Jain, Sonali Karneedi, Venkata Vyjayanthi Pedapati, Dinesh Gopalani, Yogesh Kumar Meena, "Validata: Enhancing Fake News Detection Using Recursive Feature Selection and Machine Learning in Web-Based Applications" , 2024 IEEE Region 10 Symposium TENSYMP by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2024

Prafulla saxena, Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, Santosh Kumar Vipparthi, Subrahmanyam Murala, "WARMOS: Enhancing Weather-Affected Referred Moving Object Segmentation" , 17th Asian Conference on Computer Vision by :Springer at Hanoi, Vietnam / 102-114 / 2024

Ashutosh Chaturvedi and Manoj Kumar Diwakar , "Watershed Management of Arpa River Basin: Assessment of Water Availability Using Remote Sensing and GIS" , 29th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources, River and Coastal Engineering HYDRO-2024 International by :ISH at Central Water & Power Research Station Pune, India / / 2024

Sachin Dube,Kuldeep Biradar,Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, and Santosh Kumar Vipparthi, "WAVE-NET: Weakly-Supervised Video Anomaly Detection Through Feature Enhancement and Triplet Loss" , 9th International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing CVIP2024 by :Springer at IIITDM Kancheepuram, Chennai / / 2024


Rishabh Dwivedi, Amitkumar Patil, Gunjan Soni and Gaurav Kumar Badhotiya, " a State-of-the Art Bibliometric Analysis of Intelligent Predictive Decision Support Systems " , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ADVANCES in MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES and APPLICATION of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: ICAMTAAI 2021 by :AIP Publishing at Dehradun / 0-0 / 2023

Sonu Jain, Ritu Sharma, " Designing of Polarization Insensitive Microwave Absorber for WLAN Band Application" , WAMS2023 by :IEEE at PDEU, Gandhinagar / 6 / 2023

Ravi Rakeshkumar Trivedi, Rohit Vijay, Satish Sharma, Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, " Participation of DERs at Transmission Level: FERC Order No. 2222 and TSO-DSO Coordination" , 2023 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Middle East ISGT Middle East by :IEEE at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates / 1-5 / 2023

Aditi Choudhary, Prerna Jain, Ashish Prajesh, " Wind Power Forecasting Using Deep Learning Method: A Review" , 2023 1st International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Research Trends by :IEEE at Roorkee, India / 1-6 / 2023

D. Singh, Priyanka Yadav and M. Yadav, "A 2-Bit Multiplication Operation Using Si-SiGe-Si Channel FinFET 8T-SRAM Cell" , 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems iSES by :IEEE at Nirma University, Ahemdabad / 109-114 / 2023

Himanshu Saini, Sandeep N, and Saravana Prakash P, "A 24-Pulse AC-DC Converter Power Supply for More Electric Aircraft Application" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid, and Renewable Energy- PESGRE by :IEEE at Thiruvananthapuram, India / / 2023

Geetha P., S. J. Nanda, R. P. Yadav, "A Chaotic Sailfish Optimizer for Accurate DOA Estimation in Automotive Radar" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Microwave, Optical and Communication Engineering, IEEE-ICMOCE-2023 by :IEEE at IIT Bhubaneswar / 1-4 / 2023

Gaurav Kansal, Rajive Tiwari, "A Comprehensive and Preferential Analysis of Demand Response Programs" , IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies - GlobConHT by :IEEE at Male, Maldives / 1-6 / 2023

Vaibhav Sharma, Praveen Saraswat, and Rajeev Agrawal, "A Conceptual Framework for Achieving Sustainability in Supply Chain Using Industry 4.0 Technologies in Emerging Economies" , IFIP WG 8.6 International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, TDIT 2023 by :Springer at IIM Nagpur / 15-22 / 2023

Sarath MK, Kapil Shukla, "A Cost Effective and Reliable BatteryManagement System for Electric Vehicle Applications." , International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable E-Mobility 2023 by :IEEE at MANIT Bhopal / / 2023

Anil Kumar Prajapati, Emmanuel Shubhakar Pilli, Ramesh Babu Battula, Abhishek Verma, "A Defense Solution to Secure Low-Power and Lossy Networks Against DAO Insider Attacks" , IEEE Region 10 Conference TENCON 2023 by :IEEE at Chiang Mai, Thailan / / 2023

Jeetendra Singh Khichad, Rameshwar J. Vishwakarma , Prasad V. Bahekar, Pankaj R. Mali, "A Finite Element Study of Wheel Offset Distance in Concrete Pavement" , 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Mechanical and Civil Engineering I MACE 2023 by :PCCOE at Pune, Maharashtra / / 2023

Santhosh S and N. Sandeep, "A Grid Connected Multilevel Inverter With Improved Reliability and Fault Tolerant Capability" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Their Applications by :IEEE at Uttarakhand / / 2023

D. Singh, S. Chaudhary, B. Dewan and M. Yadav, "A Junctionless Tri-Gate SOI FinFET 8T-SRAM Cell With Improved Noise Margin" , SILCON by :IEEE at NIT Silchar / 1-5 / 2023

Girish Sharma, Jyoti Grover, Abhishek Verma, "A Lightweight Security Solution for Mitigation of Hatchetman Attack in RPL-Based 6LoWPAN" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems IEEE-ANTS-2023 by :IEEE at Jaipur / 750-755 / 2023

A. Vijayvargiya, A. Raghav, A. Bhardwaj, N. Gehlot, R. Kumar, "A LIME-Based Explainable Machine Learning Technique for the Risk Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease" , International Conference on Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Their Applications IC2E3 by :IEEE at Srinagar, India / / 2023

Sujeet Kumar Gupta, Riyaz Ahmad, Puneet Singh, Dharmendar Boolchandani, Sougata Kumar Kar, "A Low- Power Low-Noise Current-Feedback Instrumentation Amplifier Based on Gm Boosted OTA for ECG Acquisition" , 2023 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks by :IEEE at Nioda, India / 733-738 / 2023

Engammagari Ganesh , P.V. Ramana , M.K. Shrimali, "A Mechanical Approach: Novel Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Higher-Order Ordinary Differential Equations" , 13th Structural Engineering Convention : An International Conference by :Springer at VNIT Nagpur / 1-6 / 2023

Ghanshyam Meena, Dharmendra Saini, Akhilesh Mathur, V P Singh, "A Modified Implicit Z-Bus Method for an Unbalanced Hybrid AC-DC Microgrids" , 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies by :IEEE at The Maldives National University, Male, Maldives / / 2023

A. Sharma, S. J. Nanda, "A Modified Self-Organizing Map With Mean-Shift Clustering for Seismicity Analysis of Earthquake Catalogs" , 4th International Conference on Data Science and Applications, ICDSA-2023 by :Springer at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 569-582 / 2023

Jangid, M., Janyani, V., Singh, G. , "A Multi-Layer Structured Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor With Improved Sensitivity" , Intelligent Systems and Networks. ICISN 2023 by :Springer at Vietnam / / 2023

Virendra Kumar Meghwal, Namita Mittal, Girdhari Singh, "A Multiheaded Attention Based Model for Generating Hindi Captions" , 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends and Technologies on Intelligent Systems ETTIS-2023 by :Springer at Noida / / 2023

Aishwarya Mishra, Lavika Goel, "A Natural Way to Stability: A New Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Ocean Water Currents" , 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Vision and Computing ICIVC 2023, Springer Publications by :Springer at NIT Agartala / 1-6 / 2023

Piyush Karoliya, Nikhil Gupta, Shakti Vashisth,, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, "A New Strategy for Potential Smart Grids to Alleviate Heavy EV Charging Demand in Residential Areas" , 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / / 2023

Shreya Pourush and Prof. R. P. Yadav, "A Novel 2 X 2 Wideband Multiple Input Multiple Output Antenna" , IEEE Wireless, Antenna and Microwave Symposium 2023 by :IEEE at Pandit Deendayal Energy University Gandhi Nagar / / 2023

Shakti Vashisth, Praveen Kumar Agrawal, Nikhil Gupta, KR Naizi, Anil Swarnkar, "A Novel Strategy for Electric Vehicle Home Charging to Defer Investment on Distributed Energy Resources" , IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies- GlobConHT 2023 by :IEEE at Male, Maldives / / 2023

Pankaj Binda, Akshay Pratap Singh, Kuldeep Singh, Rajendra Mitharwal, "A Numerical Approach for Estimating Radiated Emission of Shielded PCBs" , 2023 Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies ICAECT by :IEEE at Bhilai, India / / 2023

Shashvat Sharma, Meenakshi Tripathi, Harish Kumar Sahu, Ashish Karan, "A Post-Quantum End-to-End Encryption Protocol" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems IEEE-ANTS-2023 by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2023

Bhawna Kalra, Jaiverdhan, M. M. Sharma, Ghanshyam Singh, and Soumava Mukherjee, "A Quad-Band T-Shaped Slot Antenna for Shortrange Terahertz Wireless Communication" , 2023 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing AISP by :IEEE at VIJAYAWADA, India / / 2023

Rishabh Gupta, Prerna Jain, "A Review of Market Based Economic Dispatch in India for Uniform Electricity Pricing" , 2023 International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Energy and Control by :IEEE at Aligarh, India / 1-6 / 2023

Rupam Kumari, Dheeraj Verma, Praveen Agrawal, KR Niazi, "A Review on Inverter Topologies Used to Minimize the Leakage Current" , 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems, ICTSES-2023 by :Springer at Manipal University, Jaipur / 51-61 / 2023

Jivesh Mahawar, Dheeraj Verma, Praveen Kumar Agrawal, KR Niazi, "A Review on Power System Congestion Management" , 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems, ICTSES-2023 by :Springer at Manipal University / 37-50 / 2023

Ahmad, R., Joshi, A.M., Boolchandani, D. , "A Signal Conditioning Circuit With Integrated Bandgap Reference for Glucose Concentration Measurement" , IFIPIoT 2023: Internet of Things. Advances in Information and Communication Technology by :Springer at Texas, USA / / 2023

Y. Kumar, A. Mathur, and V. P. Singh, "A Study on Fault Detection, Localization and Classification Strategies in Modern Distribution Grid" , International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Advanced Computing in Electrical Engineering ICSTACE 2023 by :Springer at SVNIT, Surat, Gujarat / / 2023

Devesh Kumar, Amit Kumar Patil, Gunjan Soni, Gaurav Kumar Badhotiya, "A Systematic Review of Supply Chain Reconfiguration Research " , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ADVANCES in MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES and APPLICATION of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: ICAMTAAI 2021 by :AIP Publishing at Dehradun, India / 0-0 / 2023

Sundeep Kumar, "A Systematic Review on the Application of Abrasive Flow Machine, Their Variants, Its Parametric Study and AFM Media" , International Conference on Mathematical Engineering and Management Science by :MNIT Jaipur in Collaboration With the IIIE, Mumbai-Jaipur Chapter, NIT, Patna, IIIT Kota at Jaipur / / 2023

Riti Kushwaha, Gaurav Singal, Neeta Nain, "A Transfer Learning Based Approach for Human Foot Image Classification" , Fourth International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems by :IEEE at Nehu, Shillong / 1-6 / 2023

Pankaj Binda, Rajendra Mitharwal, "A Triple Band Polarization Independent Metamaterial Absorber for S, C and X-Band Applications" , 2023 IEEE Wireless Antenna and Microwave Symposium WAMS by :IEEE at Gandhinagar / / 2023

Pooja Kumari, Pankaj Binda, Rajendra Mitharwal, "A Triple Band Polarization Insensitive Metamaterial Absorber for Terahertz Applications" , 2023 IEEE Wireless Antenna and Microwave Symposium - WAMS by :IEEE at Gandhinagar, India / / 2023

Sourav Kumar Das, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Accepted- Waste Cement Concrete and Waste Glass Powder-Based Geopolymer Mortar: Heat Curing and Environmental Impact Assessment" , 2nd International Conference on Construction Resource for Environmentally Sustainable Technologies by :CREST 2023 at Kyushu University Fukuoka, Japan / / 2023

Manish Kumar Jindal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Rajendra Kumar Goyal, "Activated Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Process: A Review" , 9th International & 30th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference by :AIMTDR at IIT BHU / / 2023

Abhishek Kharra, Rajive Tiwari, Jyotsna Singh, Tanuj Rawat, "Active and Reactive Power Coordination of Electric Vehicles in Reconfigurable Smart Grid" , 2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Sustainable Computational Technologies CISCT by :IEEE at Dehradun / 1-6 / 2023

Arunava Biswas and Naresh Kumar Raghuwanshi, "ACTIVE VIBRATION CONTROL of VEHICLE DRIVER SEAT USING RECEPTANCE METHOD" , 1st International Conference on Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, April 27-28, 2023, IIEST Shibpur India by :1st International Conference on Mechanical Design and Manufacturing at IIEST Shibpur India / / 2023

Apeksha Pareek and Dr Niraja Saraswat, "Affect, Intermediality, and Diaspora an Analysis of Stephan Strekars a Wedding and Iram Haq S What Will People Say" , International Conference Affective Intermediality by :Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Centre for Cinematic Intermediality & Visual Culture at Online ,Cluj- Napoca,Romania / / 2023

N. Gehlot, K. Soni, P. Kothari, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, "AI-Enhanced Diagnosis: Pediatric Chest X-Ray Classification for Bronchiolitis and Pneumonia" , 7th International Conference on Image Information Processing ICIIP by :IEEE at Waknaghat, India / / 2023

Shubham Goyal, Ruchi Sharma, "Air Quality" , 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges by :Proceedings of VIII International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges at MNIT Jaipur / / 2023

Atul Kumar Verma and Mahipal Jadeja, "An Efficient Centrality-Based GNN for Community Detection in Dynamic Networks" , 4th International Conference on SMART SYSTEMS: INNOVATIONS in COMPUTING by :Springer at Manipal University, Jaipur / / 2023

Akash Yadav, Mushtaq Ahmed, Alina Khan, "An Efficient Hybrid MPI-OpenMP Based Parallel Approach for Longest Common Subsequence" , 27th Annual International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications ADCOM 2022 by :IET at IIITB, Bangalore India / 6 / 2023

Rahul Saxena, Mahipal Jadeja and Pranshu Vyas, "An Efficient Influence Maximization Technique Based on Betweenness Centrality Measure and Clustering Coefficient " , 15th International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering by :IEEE at Sydney, Australia / / 2023

P. Misra, D. Saxena, and S. Rathor, "An Electric Vehicles Based Virtual Inertia Control for Frequency Support of Low-Inertia Microgrid" , International Transportation Electrification Conference by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2023

Pawan Lahoti, Namita Mittal, Girdhari Singh, "An Ensemble BERT Model for English-Hindi-Marathi Multilingual Question Answering" , 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends and Technologies on Intelligent Systems ETTIS-2023 by :Springer at Noida / 1-15 / 2023

Pravesh Bansal, Musthaq Ahmed, "An Expert System for Analyzing the Behavior of Students in the Higher Education - Awarded Best Paper" , International Conference on Emerging Computation Intelligence -ICECI 2023 by :ICECI 2023 at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India / 6 / 2023

Ashish Shukla, Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, Satish Sharma, "An Implementation of a Socially Adaptive Blockchain-Based Transactive Energy System" , 2023 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Middle East ISGT Middle East by :IEEE at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates / 1-5 / 2023

Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "An Insight Into Digital Transformation in Pedagogy in Higher Education " , 5 Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching International Conference and Exhibition by :Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching at Zayad University, Dubai ,United Arab Emirates / / 2023

Chinnu S. Kumar and Pooja Nigam, "An Investigation of Placemaking Attributes for Cultural Tourism in Historic Port Cities: Using the Fuzzy Delphi Method" , The 1st International Online Conference on Buildings by :Sciforum at - / / 2023

Mushtaq Ahmed, Madhav Khatri, Faisal Ahmed, Jitendra Goyal, "An Optimized Fuzzy-Based Load Balancing in Cloud Computing " , International Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical Electronics and Digital Healthcare Technologies 2023 REEDCON2023 by :IEEE at Jamia Milia Islamia JMI, New Delhi India / 323-328 / 2023

Sundeep Kumar, "An Overview of Additive Manufacturing Techniques Used for Product Development in the Aerospace Sector" , International Conference on New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :Aerospace Engineering Division Board, IEI, Rajasthan and MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2023

Riya Sen, Menka Yadav, "Analyses of Cs2TiBr6 Perovskite Solar Cells Without Charge Transport Layers" , 4th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences Session Energy, Environmental and Earth Science by :MDPI- Engineering Proceedings at Online / / 2023

Rahul Saxena and Mahipal Jadeja, "Analysing Shifts in Perceptions of Indians During COVID-19 Pandemic by Mining Tweets" , 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Computational Techniques by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2023

Krishan Chopra Mukesh Kumar Shah Sambhav Jain Aman Mehrotra Shivam Agarwal Saransh Goyal, "Analysis of Defuzzification Methods of a Fuzzy Logic Controller for Priority Control of Electric Vehicle Charging" , 2023 5th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment- Towards Flexible Green Energy Technologies -ICEPE by :IEEE at NIT MEGHALAYA SHILLONG / 6 / 2023

Bipin K. Saw, Ghanshyam Singh, Vijay Janyani, and Santosh Kumar , "Analysis of LDPC Coded FSO Communication System Over Correlated Gamma-Gamma Turbulence Channel for Space Shift Keying Modulation" , Infrared, Millimeter Wave, and Terahertz Technologies X by :Proc. SPIE at China / / 2023

Rahul Pandey, Rukhsar Zafar, Santosh Kumar, Ghanshyam Singh, Rajendra Mitharwal, and Manisha Bharati , "Analysis of Sensing Characteristics of Plasmonic Elliptical Ring Resonator Based Refractive Index Sensor" , Plasmonics VII by :Proc. SPIE at China / / 2023

Sundeep Kumar, "Application of Additive Manufacturing in the Filed of Aerospace Engineering" , International Conference on New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :Aerospace Engineering Division Board, IEI, Rajasthan and MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2023

Pooja Choudhary, Lava Bhargava, Virendra Singh, "Approximate Adder Circuits: A Comparative Analysis and Evaluation" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences: PCCDS 2022 by :Springer Nature Singapore at Jaipur, India / 519-533 / 2023

A. V. Waghmare, V. P. Meena, Emre Arslan, U. K. Yadav, and V. P. Singh, "Approximation of Higher Order Electric Vehicle System Incorporating Factor Division Method" , 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering by :IEEE at Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain / - / 2023

Rakesh Choudhary, Priyamitra Munoth, and Rohit Goyal, "Assessing the Accuracy and Suitability of Digital Elevation Models Through Integrated GNSS System: A Comparative Analysis for Terrain Characteristic in Aandhi Village, Rajasthan, India" , 28th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River Engineering by :Indian Society of Hydraulics at NITW, Warrangal / / 2023

S sharma, N kaul, S Khandelwal, A Paliwal, M K Verma, N Soni, Anurag , "Assessment of Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter, Specifically Silica, in Stone Crushing Unit: A Case Study at Neem Ka Thana District, Rajasthan " , International Conference on Pollution Control for Clean Environment by :Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar at Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar / / 2023

Neha Anchliya, Sandip Agarwalla, Akshay Patidar, Monica Sharma, "Assessment of Factors Influencing Purchase Intention for Green Cosmetic Products" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Manila, Philippines by :IEOM at Manila, Philipines / / 2023

Pushpendra K, Kumar N, Lamba R, "Assessment of Green Rating Systems in India: Barriers to Urban Development" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on URBAN TRANSFORMATION by :COEP Conference Booklet at Pune / / 2023

Abhishek Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, "Assessment of Infrastructural and Operational Resilience of Transmission Lines During Dynamic Meteorological Hazard" , 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at IIT Delhi, India / - / 2023

Sharma K., Shridev, Sharma S. and Gupta T. , "Balancing Firm Performance and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of Construction Companies in India" , 7th International Conference on Construction, Real Estate, Infrastructure & Project Management ICCRIP 2023 by :Springer at NICMAR University Pune / / 2023

N. Kumar, A. Yadav, R. Lamba, R. Kumar, "Battery Energy Storage Sizing and Operational Strategy for Microgrid Considering Electric Vehicle" , IEEE 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation- SeFeT 2023 by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, India / / 2023

Nikhil Kumar, V.K Saini, Yellisitti S, Lamba R, Kumar R., "Battery Energy Storage Sizing and Operational Strategy for Microgrid With State of Charge Scenarios" , International Conference on Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Their Applications IC2E3 by :IEEE at Uttrakhand, India / / 2023

S. Tripathi, C.P. Barala, P. Mathuria, R. Bhakar, "Battery Swapping Policy Review: An Indian and International Scenario" , IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT - Middle East by :IEEE at Khalifa University Main Campus, Abu Dhabi, UAE / / 2023

Adarsh, S., Panda, J. and Ray-Chaudhuri, S., "Bayesian Updating of the Displacement-Strain Transformation Matrix" , XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics by :IOP Publishing at Delft, the Netherlands / / 2023

Unnati Jain and Nupur Tandon, "Beleaguered Identities: The Bacha Posh of Afghanistan" , 3rd National Conference on Contemporary Perspectives in English Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies by :Web of Science at Chandigarh University / / 2023

Meenu, Shiv Om Meena, Manish Vashishtha Sonal Rajoria, "Bio-Pesticide Production Using Mustard Straw by Solid State Fermentation Process" , International Conference on Impact of Environment, Food & Nutrition on Human Health by :Converging Technologies, University of Rajasthan at Jaipur / / 2023

Vratika and Gireendra Kumar, "Blue Green Infrastructure: A Nature-Based Solution to Mitigate Climate Change" , Third International Conference on River Health Assessment to Restoration RHAR 2023 by :IIT BHU & RHAR at IIT BHU Varanasi / / 2023

Chawla, Riya and Preeti Bhatt, "Burning Skin: A Study of Affective Response and Gendered Response" , International Conference on Disability and the Everyday: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by :Central University of Rajasthan and Indian Disability Studies Conclave at Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh. / / 2023

Shradha Wagale, Sonu Jain, Ritu Sharma, "Button Sized Wearable Antenna Design for ISM Frequency Bands" , WAMS2023 by :IEEE at PDEU, Gandhinagar / 6 / 2023

Jitendra Goyal, Mushtaq Ahmed, Dinesh Gopalani, Daksh Zeenat Bano, Aman Choudhary, "Cemetery Allocation Management System Using Ethereum Blockchain" , International Conference on Data Science and Applications by :Springer at Jaipur, India / / 2023

Jitendra Goyal, Mushtaq Ahmed, Dinesh Gopalani, Daksh, Zeenat Bano, Aman Choudhary, "Cemetery Allocation Management System Using Ethereum Blockchain Accepted" , 4th International Conference on Data Science and Applications ICDSA 2023 by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur India / / 2023

Karishma Yadav, Smita Naval, "CFG Analysis for Detecting Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts" , International Conference on Smart Trends for Information Technology and Computer Communications by :Springer Nature Singapore at Jaipur, India / 753-763 / 2023

Sundeep Kumar, "Challenges and Future Aspects of Aerospace Engineering" , International Conference on New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :Aerospace Engineering Division Board, IEI, Rajasthan and MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2023

Buddhi Prakash Panwar and Tapas Bajpai , "Challenges Associated With Friction Stir Welding for Aerospace Applications: A Review. International Conference on New Vistas of Development in Aerospac" , International Conference on New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development ICAE-2023 by :IEI at IEI, Rajasthan State Centre, Jaipur / / 2023

Shubham Vishwas Gurav and Tapas Bajpai, "Challenges in Welding of Dissimilar Metals in Aerospace Industries" , International Conference on New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development ICAE-2023 by :IEI at Jaipur / / 2023

Meena Nemiwal, Parveen Kumar, Vijesh Tomar, Akta Soni, "Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquid Immobilized on the Copper II Oxide Nanoparticles Used in Case Study of Chan Evans Lam Coupling Approach " , The 4th Materials Research Society of Thailand International Conference MRS Thailand 2023 by :MRS-Thailand 2023 at Ubon Ratchathani, THAILAND / / 2023

Tarun Jain, Dinesh Gopalani, Yogesh Kumar Meena, "Classification of Events Tweets Using Machine Learning" , 2023 OITS International Conference on Information Technology by :IEEE at Raipur, Chatisgarh, INDI A / / 2023

Vivek Sharma, Ashish Kumar Tripathi, Himanshu Mittal, "CLDA-Net: A Novel Citrus Leaf Disease Attention Network for Early Identification of Leaf Diseases" , 15th International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering by :IEEE at Sydney, Australia / 178-182 / 2023

V. K. Saini, Srinivas Y., R. Kumar, A. Alsumaiti, "Cloud Energy Storage Management Including Smart Home Physical Parameters" , 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies GlobConET 2023 by :IEEE at London, UK / / 2023

Sushant Yadav, Santosh Chaudhary, Rajesh Kumar, "Comparative Analysis of Biological Spiking Neuron Models for Classification Task" , 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at Delhi, India / / 2023

Rakesh Choudhary, Priyamitra Munoth, and Rohit Goyal, "Comparative Analysis of Digital Elevation Models for Assessing Watershed Characteristics and Stream Networks in a Watershed of Aandhi Village, Rajasthan, India" , 28th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River Engineering by :Indian Society of Hydraulics at NITW, Warrangal / / 2023

Reddy, N.M., Saravanan, S., Singh, L., Abijith, D. , "Comparative Analysis of TANK and SimHyd Rainfall-Runoff Models in the Hemavathi Watershed, Cauvery Basin, India" , 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development by :Springer at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand / 91108 / 2023

Meenakshi Tripathi, Shadab Khan, Sangharatna Godboley , "Comparison Between Performance of Constraint Solver for Prediction Model in Symbolic Execution" , International Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things by :Springer Nature Switzerland at Chandigarh, India / / 2023

Yashwant Koli S. Aravindan P. V. Rao, "Comparison of Weld Bead Geometry for CMT, MIG Pulse, and MIG Standard Synergic Under Cryogenic Conditions" , Proc. of the 76th IIW Annual Assembly and Intl. Conf. on Welding and Joining IIW 2023 by :International Institute of Welding IIW and Singapore Welding Society SWS at Singapore / / 2023

Nitin Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Conformational and Stereoelectronic Participation of C-4 Axial-Equatorial Group in Chemoselective Activation of Glycals, OP-22, FCASI-2023, Best Presentation Award" , International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemistry-Allied Sciences Interface, FCASI-23 by :Centre of Advanced Study, Department of Chemistry, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2023

Surender Hans, Jitender Kumar Goyal, Ankit Sachan, Payal Bansal, Sandeep Soni, Mohamed Djemai, "Control of a Smart Active Flexible Needle for Therapeutic Procedures" , SICE International Symposium on Control Systems, Kusatsu, Japan by :IEEE at Kusatsu, Japan / 41-46 / 2023

D. Jain and D. Saxena, "Control Schemes for Hybrid AC-DC Microgrid" , International Conference on Advanced Computing Techniques in Engineering & Technology by :Springer at Jaipur, Rajasthan / / 2023

Gaurav Mishra, Satyendra Prajapati, Jyotirmay Mathur, Aneesh Prabhakar, "Cooling Performance Assessment of Thermoelectric Modules With Water-Based Heat Sinks" , Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges VIII SEEC by :International Society of Energy, Environment and Sustainability at MNIT Jaipur, India / / 2023

Himanshu Kumar Gupta Mukesh Kumar Shah Krishan Chopra, "Coordinate Scheduling of Plug-in Electric Vehicles at Charging Station Fed by Renewable Energy Sources" , 2023 5th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment- Towards Flexible Green Energy Technologies -ICEPE by :IEEE at NIT MEGHALAYA, SHILLONG / 6 / 2023

P. Misra, S. Rathor, D. Saxena, D. Jain, "Coordination of Plug-in Electric Vehicles to Improve Performance and Power Quality" , IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies- GlobConHT 2023 by :IEEE at Male, Maldives / / 2023

Krishan Chopra, Mukesh kumar Shah, KR Niazi, "Cost Benefit Analysis for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Parking Lot" , 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies by :IEEE at Maldives National University Laam Atoll, Maldives / 6 / 2023

Rohit Kumar Gupta, Arka Prokash Mazumdar, "Cost-Aware and Time-Varying Request Rate-Based Dynamic Cache Provisioning Over CCDN" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems ANTS by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 610-615 / 2023

Asmita Singh and N. Sandeep, "Cross Connected Five-Level Boosting Inverter With Self Voltage Balancing and Reduced Switch Count" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Their Applications by :IEEE at Uttarakhand / / 2023

Sundeep Kumar, "Current Scenarios and Application of Bhimal Himalayan Fiber in Aerospace Engineering" , International Conference on New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :Aerospace Engineering Division Board, IEI, Rajasthan and MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2023

Alabhya Sharma, S D Bharti, M K Shrimali, "Dam Safety Assessment Using Cloud Model" , 13th Structural Engineering Convention : An International Conference by :Springer at VNIT Nagpur / 1-6 / 2023

K. Baberwal, A. Yadav, V. K. Saini, R. Lamba, R. Kumar, "Data Driven Energy Management of Residential PV-Battery System Using Q-Learning" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering RASSE 2023 by :IEEE at Kottayam, India / / 2023

Pankaj Kumar Detwal, Gunjan Soni, Devesh Kumar and Bharti Ramtiyal, "DataDriven Techniques in Logistics & Supply Chain Management: A Literature Review" , 2022 OPJU International Technology Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development by :IEEE at Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, India / 1-6 / 2023

Sharma S. and Khurana M., "Debt Financing and Family Firms Performance: The Moderating Role of International Trade Activities" , International Finance and Accounting Conference 2023 by :Proceedings of IFAC-2023 at Indian Institute of Management Jammu / / 2023

Panda, J., Adarsh, S., and Chakraborty, S., "Decentralized H2 Based Active Control to Suppress the Transient Vibration of Structures" , XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics by :IOP Publishing at Delft, the Netherlands / / 2023

Samarth Saxena, Sushant Yadav, Bharat Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Santosh Chaudhary, "Deep Learning Solutions for WBC Classification in Juvenile Visayan Warty Pigs" , IEEE International Conference on Engineering Informatics ICEI by :IEEE at Kolhapur, India / / 2023

Vijay Budania, Mushtaq Ahmed, "Deep Learning With Encoders for Intrusion Detection Systems - Awarded Best Paper" , International Conference on Emerging Computation Intelligence -ICECI 2023 by :ICECI 2023 at AMU Aligarh, UP India / 6 / 2023

A. K. Prajapati, E. S. Pilli, R. B. Battula, and A. Verma, "Defense Solution to Secure Low-Power and Lossy Networks Against DAO Insider Attacks" , 2023 IEEE Region 10 Conference - TENCON by :IEEE at Chiang Mai, Thailand / / 2023

Chawla, Riya and Preeti Bhatt, "Defying Ableism: Disability, Disfigurement and Identity Crisis in the Select Works of Angela Carter" , International Conference on World War I, Modernisms, and Time Binding by :University of Rajasthan, Jaipur and Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / / 2023

Mohit Yadav, Muquaddar Ali and R. P. Yadav, "Design and Analysis of a Dual Band Wearable Antenna Integrated With an AMC Reflector for Biomedical Applications" , 4th International Conference on Data Science and Applications ICDSA 2023 by :Springer at Jaipur / 5 / 2023

Namrata Saxena, Ritu Sharma, Mamta Devi Sharma, C. Periasamy, "Design and Eigen Mode Analysis of Flexible Two-Beam Piezoelectric Biomechanical Energy Harvester" , 3rd International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Electrical and Electronic Technologies ICEFEET 2023 by :IEEE at NIT Patna, India / / 2023

S. K. Jain, V. Janyani, and N. D. Gupta, "Design and Numerical Study of Cadmium Telluride Thin Film Solar Cell using Diffraction Grating and Distributed Bragg Reflector" , Advanced Photonics Congress 2023 by :Optica at Busan, Korea / / 2023

A. Saini, N. Gehlot, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, U Desai, "Design Development and Analysis of 3-DOF Robotic Arm" , 9th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics, IICPE 2023 by :IEEE at Murthal, India / / 2023

Shreya Pourush and Dr. R. P. Yadav, "Design of 2x2 Super Wideband MIMO Antenna for S ,C ,X ,Ku, K, Ka Band Communications" , 2023 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Computers by :IEEE at I. I. T Roorkee / 8 / 2023

Renu Agrawal, Indra Bhooshan Sharma, Subhash Shrimal, and M. M. Sharma, "Design of an Annular Slot Loaded Circularly Polarized Reconfigurable Antenna" , 2023 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference-MAPCON by :IEEE at Ahmedabad, India / / 2023

Nidhi Yadav, Rajendra Prasad Yadav, and M. M. Sharma, "Design of CPW Fed 4 4 MIMO Antenna for UWB Application" , 2023 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference-MAPCON by :IEEE at Ahmedabad, India / / 2023

V. P. Meena, V. P. Singh, "Design of FOPID Controller for Riverol-Pilipovik Water Treatment Plant Exploiting Jaya Algorithm" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Computer, Electronics & Electrical Engineering and Their Applications by :IEEE at NIT Uttarakhand, Srinagar Garhwal, India / - / 2023

Hemlata Meena, HK Meena, D Saxena, "Detection of Multiple Classes of Disturbances With Hilbert Transform in the Presence of Harmonics" , Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communications and Sustainable Technologies by :IEEE at Bhilai / / 2023

Rajat Shri Shrimal, Jyoti Gajrani, Vinesh Kumar Jain, Meenakshi Tripathi, Dharm Singh Jat, "Detection of Ransomware Attacks Using Weight of Evidence Technique" , Nternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Networks and Computer Communications by :IEEE at Windhoek, Namibia / / 2023

Gupta T., Sharma K., Shridev and Sharma S., "Determinants of Profitability of the Construction Industry and Comparative Analysis of the Different Segments: Evidence From India" , 7th International Conference on Construction, Real Estate, Infrastructure & Project Management ICCRIP 2023 by :Springer at NICMAR University Pune / / 2023

Mahesh Choudhary, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Toshit Jain, "Development and Characterization of ZnMg Biodegradable Materials Using Powder Metallurgy" , AIMTDR 2021 by :Springer Nature Singapore at Tamilnadu, India / 264-274 / 2023

Geetha P., S. J. Nanda, R. P. Yadav , "Direction of Arrival Estimation Using Uniform Linear Sensor Array With Salp Swarm Optimizer" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems IEEE-ANTS-2023 by :IEEE at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 408-413 / 2023

Sandeep Kumar and Manoj Kumar Diwakar, "Discharge Estimation of Non-Prismatic Compound Channels" , 3rd International World Water Day Online Conference 2023 by :SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg, Germany at Heidelberg, Germany / 11 / 2023

Pooja Sharma and Satyanarayana Neeli, "Discretization of Multiple Time Delay System Using Linear Interpolation" , Ninth Indian Control Conference by :IEEE at Visakhapatnam. / 1-6 / 2023

Srivastava, A., Raj, D. and Singh, Y. , "Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Retaining Walls" , Indian Geotechnical Conference by :Indian Geotechnical Society at IIT Roorkee / / 2023

A. Panwar, S. J. Nanda, "Distributed Weighted Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Wireless Sensor Network Data Analysis" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems IEEE-ANTS-2023 by :IEEE at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 521-526 / 2023

Shuvam Das, Chandra Prakash Barala, Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar and Satish Sharma, "District Cooling Adoption on University Campuses: A Methodology for Design and a Policy Review" , IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT - Middle East by :IEEE at Khalifa University Main Campus, Abu Dhabi, UAE / / 2023

Ashutosh Chaturvedi and Manoj Kumar Diwakar, "Drought Zoning of Rajasthan: A Comparative Study of Meteorological Drought and Vegetation Cover Index" , 27th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering HYDRO 2022 by :Indian Society of Hydraulics at Chandigarh, India / / 2023

Amol Dhande, Madhu Agrawal, G.D. Agrawal, "Drying Methods for Quality Enhancement of Herbal Plants: A State of Art Review" , International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future by :NA at Jaipur / / 2023

Prabudh Morya, Ghanshyam Das Agarwal, Rohit Misra, Amit Kumar, "Drying of Mint and Basil Leaves in a Mobile Forced Convection Greenhouse Solar Dryer: An Experimental Analysis" , International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future by :NA at Jaipur / 5 / 2023

Prabudh Morya, Ghanshyam Das Agrawal, Rohit Misra, "Drying of Off White Handmade Papers in Greenhouse Solar Dryer: An Experimental Study" , ICMech-REC 2023 by :ICMech-REC at National Institute of Technology, Warangal / / 2023

Gautam Raina, Shubham Sharma ,Sunanda Sinha , "Dynamic Opto-Electric-Thermal Modelling for Performance Assessment of Bifacial PV Modules" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation- SEFET 2023 by :IEEE at SOA Bhubaneswar, India / / 2023

Meghraj Morey, Nitin Gupta, Man Mohan Garg, Ajay Kumar and Vijay Kumar Gali, "Echo State Network Control Based Power Quality Enhancement in Grid-Interactive Solar Photovoltaic System" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids- ETFG by :IEEE at Wollongong, NSW, Australia / / 2023

Aditi Vibhute, S D Bharti, M K Shrimali, Sunita Tolani, "Effect of Mainshock and Aftershocks on the Performance Assessment of Building Frame" , 13th Structural Engineering Convention : An International Conference by :Springer at VNIT Nagpur / 1-6 / 2023

Rishabh Jain, Monika Saraswat, Vinay Kumar, Helen Deogam, Randhir Kumar Singh, "Effect of Quenching Media and Influence of Corrosive Media on Stainless Steel AISI 304" , International Conference on Digitization and Advancements in Materials and Metallurgical Industries by :Conference Proceedings at The Institutional of Engineers and MNIT Jaipur / / 2023

Jeetendra Singh Khichad, Rameshwar J. Vishwakarma, Prasad V. Bahekar, Sushilkumar B. Magade, "Effect of Slab Size on Design of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement" , 13th Structural Engineering Convention SEC-2023 by : Indian Association for Structural Engineering and VNIT at Nagpur, India / / 2023

Maurya, A., Goyal, A., Raj, D. and Bharathi, M., "Effect of Slope Inclination on v-H-M Capacity Envelope of Strip Foundation on Undrained Clay Slope" , Indian Geotechnical Conference by :Indian Geotechnical Society at IIT Roorkee / / 2023

Namrata Saxena, Mamta Devi Sharma, Ritu Sharma, C. Periasamy, "Effect of Substrate Material on the Resonance Frequency of Array-Shaped Flexible Piezoelectric Biomechanical Energy Harvester" , IEEE International Conference on Next Generation Electronics NEleX 2023 by :IEEE at VIT Vellore, India / / 2023

Prathwiraj Meena, Surabhi Singh, Virendra Kumar Saharan, Suja George, Rohidas Gangaram Bhoi, "Efficient Conversion of Plastic Waste to Fuel Oil Through Catalytic Pyrolysis Process" , International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy Hanoi, Vietnam by :ICERE at Hanoi, Vietnam / / 2023

Akhil Pariyarath, Shubham Tomar, Meenakshi Tripathi, "Efficient Privacy-Preserving Authentication Using Blockchain for VANET" , 15th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS-COMSNETS 2023 by :IEEE at Banglore / / 2023

Aman Jain, Nipurn Agarwal, Vinay Agarwal, "Electric Vehicle Adoption in Rajasthan: Trends, Challenges and Strategies" , IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable E Mobility by :IEEE at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhop / / 2023

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Design for V2G and G2V Operation, "Electric Vehicle Charging Station Design for V2G and G2V Operation" , 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies INCET 2023 by :IEEE at Belgaum, India / / 2023

Aditi Chaudhary, Prerna Jain, Harshit Rathore, Hemant Kumar Meena, "Electricity Price Forecasting in Markets Considering Renewable and EV Penetration Using Machine Learning and DNN" , 2023 5th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment:Towards Flexible Green Energy Technologies by :IEEE at Shillong, India / / 2023

Deependra Jhankal, Mohammad Saquib Khan, Bhanu, Preeti Shakya, Nikita Bhardwaj, KK Jhankal, K Sachdev, "Electrochemical Study of Reduced Graphene Oxide for Supercapacitor Application" , International Conference on Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges by :Springer Nature Singapore at UP / 191 / 2023

Sonal Rajoria and Manish Vashishtha, "Electrochemical Treatment of Heavy Metal Ions From Electroplating Wastewater Using a TiO2-Based Electrode" , Recent Advances in Biofuels and Biomaterials-2023 by :Dr. B R Ambedkar NIT, Jalandhar at NIT, Jalandhar, Punjab / / 2023

S. Katiyar and I.Sharma, "EMG Signal Decomposition Methods for Physical Actions: A Comparative Analysis" , International Conference on Circuits, Power and Intelligent Systems, CCPIS by :IEEE at Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar,India / / 2023

Ramnivas Sharma and Hemant Kumar Meena, "EmHM: A Novel Hybrid Model for the Emotion Recognition Based on EEG Signals" , 19th IEEE International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications by :IEEE at Langkawi Island, Malaysia / / 2023

Dr. Niraja Saraswat and Ms. Shubhangi Bhatnagar, "Emotionally Mapping the Diaspora Intersectionality, Empathy, and Identity in Smriti Ravindra the Woman Who Climbed Trees" , International Conference on Indian Diaspora Women and Patriarchy: Questions on Inclusion, Cultural Identity, and Violence by :University of Hyderabad,Hyderabad at Hyderabad / / 2023

A. Shukla, P. Mathuria, R. Bhakar and J. Ekanayake, "Energy Commitment in Prosumer Centric P2P Energy Trading via Blockchain Technology" , Tenth IEEE International Conference on Power Systems ICPS by :IEEE at Bangladesh / 1-6 / 2023

A. Narwaria, A. P. Mazumdar, S. Sharma, "Energy Efficient Multi-Objective Task Allocation in Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Network" , IEEE International Conference for Convergence in Technology I2CT by :IEEE at Lonavla, India / / 2023

Hemant Singh, HK Meena, D Saxena , "Energy Management System for Microgrid: An Integrated Approach" , International Symposium on Sustainable Energy and Technological Advancements ISSETA 2023 by :Springer at NIT Meghalaya / / 2023

Shipra Goswami, Satish Pipralia, Ashwani Kumar, "Enhancing Fire Safety in Urban India: A Comparative Study of Development Regulations" , 6th World Congress on Disaster Management by :6th World Congress on Disaster Management at Dehradun, India / / 2023

Kartik Singh, Meenakshi Tripathi, Basant Agarwal, Abhay Kumar Sain, "Ensemble of Transformer Based Approach for Hate Speech Detection on Twitter Data" , 10th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering by :IEEE at Gautam Buddha Nagar, India / / 2023

Sharma S. and Tripathi U. , "ESG and Financial Performance: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Interplay Between Sustainability and Economic Success in Organizations" , International Conference FMOS 2023, Finance, Marketing and Operations for Sustainable Business by :American Institute of Applied Sciences Switzerland at Switzerland -Online Mode / / 2023

Dharm Raj Bairwa and Manoj Kumar Diwakar, "Estimation of Sub-Daily Precipitation by Satellite Based Data Modelling" , 3rd International World Water Day Online Conference 2023 by :SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg, Germany at Heidelberg, Germany / 18 / 2023

Uday Chandra Akuthota, Lava Bhargava, "Evaluation of Machine Learning Models for Intrusion Detection With the UNSW-NB15 Dataset" , 2023 IEEE Silchar Subsection Conference-SILCON by :IEEE at Silchar, India / 1-5 / 2023

Rohini Haridas, Satish Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, Parul Mathuria, "Evolution of Load Redistribution Attack in Cyber Physical Power System" , 2023 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Middle East ISGT Middle East by :IEEE at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates / 1-5 / 2023

Sundeep Kumar, "Evolution of Research Areas for Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicles in Post Disaster Humanitarian Relief" , International Conference on New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :Aerospace Engineering Division Board, IEI, Rajasthan and MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2023

Shashwat Jain, Sundeep Kumar, M. L. Meena, "Evolution of Research Areas for Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicles in Postdisaster Humanitarian Relief" , International Conference New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :IEI RSC Jaipur & Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jai at Jaipur, India / / 2023

Harlal Singh Mali, Shamsher Singh, Shailendra, "Experimental Analysis for Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Roughness of Nylon-CF Composites Samples Produced by Material Extrusion" , 9th International & 30th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference by :AIMTDR at IIT BHU Varanasi / / 2023

Anup Malik, Shashank Singh, Harlal Singh Mali, "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Cu-Be Microchannel Heat Sink for Thermal Performance Subjected to Pulsed Flow" , 9th International & 30th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference by :AIMTDR at IIT BHU Varanasi / / 2023

Surender Hans, et al., "Experimental Evaluation of Needle Tip Prediction Using Kalman Filtering Approach" , 8th International IEEE Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing -CVIP-2023. by :IEEE at IIT Jammu / / 2023

Sundeep Kumar, "Experimental Investigation on the Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Particulate Filled Basalt Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Polymer Composites" , International Conference on Digitization and Advancements in Materials and Metallurgical Industries by :IE Rajasthan, Tandon School of Engineering NYU ABU Dhabi, Department of MME, Malaviya National Insti at Jaipur / / 2023

Amol Dhande, Ghanshyam Das Agrawal, Madhu Agarwal, "Experimental Performance Analysis of a Portable Greenhouse Solar Dryer for Drying of Tulsi Leaves" , International Conference on Convergence in Technology by :International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology at Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pune / / 2023

Rajeev kumar Dohare, Naman Srivastava, "Experimental Study on Hydrogen Production via NaBH4 Ethanolysis Using Bio-Waste- Derived Catalyst" , Renewablemeet2023-International Meet on Renewable and Sustainable Energy by :Albedo Meetings at Rome, Italy / / 2023

Mohammed Saquib Khan, Shivani, Nikita Bhardwaj, Preeti Shakya, Deependra Jhankal, Malay Kumar Banerjee, Kanupriya Sachdev, "Exploring Eco-Friendly Nanocellulose-Based Hydrogel Membranes as Flexible and Biocompatible Electrolyte in Supercapacitors" , International Conference on Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges by :Springer Nature Singapore at UP / 155 / 2023

G Suthar, N Kaul, S Khandelwal, "Exploring the Seasonal Relationship Between Land Surface Temperature and Air Pollutants in Bengaluru and Hyderabad Cities of India. " , International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change by :National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya at National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya / / 2023

Pushpendra K, Kumar N, Lamba R, "Exploring the Status of Urban Greenspaces in Indian Cities: An Analysis of Master Plan Documents and Recommendations for Improvement" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on URBAN TRANSFORMATION by :COEP Conference Booklet at Pune / / 2023

Prerna Jasuja, Niruti Gupta, Rina Surana, "Exploring Water Smart Management in Smart Cities of Rajasthan" , 3rd International Conference on River Health Assessment and Restoration by :IIT BHU at Varanasi / / 2023

Sarmad Rizvi, Hrushikesh M. Gade, "Exploring With Molecular Dynamics the Self-Assembly of PLA-Functionalized-PLA in Various Solvent Conditions" , EMEE-2023 by :NA at IIT-Roorkee / / 2023

Sarmad Rizvi, Hrushikesh M. Gade, "Exploring With Molecular Dynamics, the Self-Assembly of PLA-Functionalized PLA in Various Solvent Conditions" , Emergent Materials for Energy and Environment - 2023 by :- at IIT Roorkee / / 2023

Shweta Singh, Akta Soni, Meena Nemiwal, "Fabrication of Cu-BTC MOF Highly Efficient and Recyclable Nanocatalyst for the ChanLam Cross-Coupling Amination Reaction" , An International Conference on Green Energy and Sustainable Environmental Practices GESEP 2023 to Be Held on January 30-31,2023. by :GESEP-2023 at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / / 2023

Devanand Roy, Akta Soni, Meena Nemiwal, "Fabrication of Zn-BDC MOF Highly Efficient and Recyclable Nanocatalyst for the Reduction of Benzaldehyde to Benzyl Alcohol." , An International Conference on Green Energy and Sustainable Environmental Practices GESEP 2023 to Be Held on January 30-31,2023. by :GESEP-2023 at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / / 2023

Monika Shrivastav, Shubham Yadav Yadav, Rajnish Dhiman, "Facile Hydrothermal Synthesis of Boron and Nitrogen-Doped RGO as Electrode Material for Supercapacitors" , Recent Advances in Electrochemical Science and Technology, Springer Proceedings in Materials, Vol 47 by :Springer at Springer Proceedings in Materials, Vol 47 / 53-68 / 2023

Swati Sharma, Prerna Jain, Anant Sant, Amit Kumar, "Fair Pricing in Transactive Energy Management for Peer-to-Peer Trading: A Shapley Value Analysis Using Game Theory" , IEEE Sponsored 7th International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering CERA 23 by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee, UP / / 2023

Yash Kumar, V. P. Meena, Akhilesh Mathur, and V. P. Singh, "Fault Detection and Localization in Distribution System Using Sparse Matrix Reconstruction" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Computer, Electronics & Electrical Engineering and Their Applications by :IEEE at NIT Uttarakhand, Srinagar Garhwal, India / - / 2023

L Upadhyay, M Tripathi, J Grover, "Feature Selection-Based Evaluation for Network Intrusion Detection System With Machine Learning Methods on CICIDS2017" , International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2023

Deepti Sharma, Adarsh Kumar, Ramesh Babu Battula, "FedBeam: Federated Learning Based Privacy Preserved Localization for Mass-Beamforming in 5GB" , 37th International Conference on Information Networking, by :IEEE at Bankok, Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand / / 2023

Santhoshkumar Battula, Anup Kumar Panda, Man Mohan Garg and Markala Karthik, "Flexible System Architecture of Stand-Alone PV Connected System With Energy Storage" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid, and Renewable Energy- PESGRE by :IEEE at Trivandrum, Kerala, India / / 2023

Shahnawaz Ahmad and Manoj Kumar Diwakar, "Flood Modelling of Subernarekha River Using HEC-RAS" , 3rd International World Water Day Online Conference 2023 by :SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg, Germany at Heidelberg, Germany / 15 / 2023

Harshit Rathore, Hemant K Meena and P Jain, "Forecasting of EVs Charging Behavior Using Deep Neural Networks" , 4th IEEE International Conference on Communication, Circuits, and Systems by :IEEE at KIIT Bhubaneshwar / / 2023

Giriraj Sharma, Amit M Joshi, Saraju P Mohanty, "Fortified-Grid 3.0: Security by Design for Smart Grid Through Hardware Security Primitives" , 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems by :IEEE at Nirma University, Ahmedabad / 175-179 / 2023

J. Kapoor, V. P. Meena, and V. P. Singh, "Fourth-Order SEPIC Converter Order Diminution and Interval Modeling" , International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy ICPEE-2023 by :IEEE at Bhubaneshwar / 1-6 / 2023

Vaibhav Sharma, Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, "Framework for Assessing Trust in the Use of Blockchain Technology in Agrifood Supply Chains" , International Conference on Industry 4.0 for Agri-Food Supply Chains: Addressing Socio-Economic and Environmental Challenges in Ukraine by :MDPI- Engineering Proceedings at Leicester, UK / 7 / 2023

Pillai S, Chattopadhyay G, Agarwal R, Nigam P, "From Brahmagupta to Jaisingh : Unsung Legacies and Forgotten Heroes of Indian Mathematics and the Need to Celebrate Them in Post-NEP India" , National Youth Conference on Indian Knowledge Systems 2023 by :Conference Proceedings at IIT Roorkee, Roorkee / / 2023

Pillai S, Chattopadhyay G, Agarwal R, Nigam P , "From Brahmagupta to Jaisingh : Unsung Legacies and Forgotten Heroes of Indian Mathematics and the Need to Celebrate Them in Post-NEP India." , National Youth Conference on Indian Knowledge Systems 2023,Organized With the IKS Division at AICTE, Ministry of Education, as a Part of G-20 U Cnct by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee, Roorkee / / 2023

Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Monica Sharma, "From Digital Transformation to Sustainability in SMEs: Opportunities for Net Zero Economy" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Manila, Philippines by :IEOM at Manila, Philippines / / 2023

Kumari, Saloni and Preeti Bhatt, "From Text to Film: A Comparative Study of the Novels When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit and Caging Skies and Their Film Adaptations" , Holocaust in 21st-Century Childrens, Young Adult and Adult Literature: New Comparative Perspectives by :CoHLIT at Antwerp & Mechelen - Belgium / / 2023

Rishank Goyal, Meenakshi Tripathi, Shubham Tomar, "GasOptiScan: Unveiling Gas-Inefficient Smart Contracts via Loop Fusible Pattern Detection for Enhanced Cost Efficiency" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Networks and Computer Communications by :IEEE at Windhoek, Namibia / / 2023

Dinesh Kumar Mahto, Vikash Kumar Saini, Akhilesh Mathur, Rajesh Kumar, Rupesh Yadav, "GAT-DNet: High Fidelity Graph Attention Network for Distribution Optimal Power Flow Pursuit" , 9th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics, IICPE 2023 by :IEEE at DCR Univ., Murthal / / 2023

Swati Sharma, Amit Kumar, Prerna Jain, "Green Hydrogen in India-Applications, Opportunities and Challenges" , 2023 1st International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Research Trends by :IEEE at Roorkee, India / 1-6 / 2023

Dipankar Das, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, "GS-Net: Global Self-Attention Guided CNN for Multi-Stage Glaucoma Classification" , 30th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2023 by :IEEE at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / / 2023

Suja George, Rohidas G. Bhoi, Surabhi Singh, "Hybrid Technique for Enhanced Lipid Extraction From Microalgae Chlorella Species -a Promising Renewable Biofuel Source" , Renewablemeet2023-International Meet on Renewable and Sustainable Energy by :Albedo Meetings at Rome, Italy / / 2023

Raja Agarwal, Aaquib Firdous, Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, Vinod Sahai Pareek, Harpal Tiwari, "Hydrogen as a Sustainable Mobility Fuel: A Global Perspective and Opportunities for India" , 2023 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Middle East ISGT Middle East by :IEEE at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates / 1-5 / 2023

Sanidhya Jain, Rajhans Meena, M.L. Meena, "Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology: An Investment in the Future" , International Conference New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :IEI RSC Jaipur & Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jai at Jaipur, India / / 2023

B. Singh, R. Kumar, "Identification of Ground Surface for Biped Robot Locomotion Using Foot-Signature Classifier" , 4th Flagship Annual Subsection International Conference of the IEEE India Council IEEE IndisCon 2023 by :IEEE at Mysuru, India / / 2023

Sinha, Nidhi, and Amit Joshi, "iHyptn: Predicting Hypertension Using PPG Signal for Cardiovascular Disease With Machine Learning Models" , TENCON 2023-2023 IEEE Region 10 Conference by :IEEE at Chiang Mai, Thailand / / 2023

Yashvi Mudgal, Rajive Tiwari, "Impact Analysis of Integrated Renewable Energy Sources and EVs Charging Demand on the Distribution System" , IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies - GlobConHT by :IEEE at Male, Maldives / 1-5 / 2023

A. Jena, K. Baberwal, N. Gehlot, R. Kumar, "Impact of Feature Selection on sEMG Signal Classification" , 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at Delhi, India / / 2023

Pooja, Harjule, P., Agarwal, B. and Nayak, S., "Impact of Issued Loans on the Income of Self-Help Group Women in Rajasthan" , 8th Edition ICT4SD International ICT Summit and Awards by :Springer at Vivanta by Taj, Goa / / 2023

Sundeep Kumar, "Implementation Model for Supply Chain Sustainability Innovation Using AHP Approach" , International Conference on Mechanical , Materials and Renewable Energy by :World Research Society at Male Maldives / / 2023

Bharat Choudhary, "Implementation of Digital Applications Using Efficient CML Based Designs" , 2023 International Conference on Device Intelligence, Computing and Communication Technologies: DICCT by :IEEE at Dehradun, India / 125-130 / 2023

Preeti Chauhan, Naresh K. Raghuwanshi, Amit Kumar Singh, "Implementation of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Gait Alteration Classification of the Human Foot" , ICMech-REC 2023 by :ICMech-REC at NIT Warangal / / 2023

Deeksha, Dr Satish Piprala, Ashwani Kumar,, "Implementing Ecosystem Approach for Sustainable Urban Planning of Doon Valley Eco-Sensitive Zone in Uttarakhand" , International Conference on Sustainable Development of Heritage and Built Environment by :International Conference on Sustainable Development of Heritage and Built Environment at Jaipur, India / / 2023

J. Katiyar, V. K. Saharan , "Improved Degradation of Oseltamivir Phosphate, an Antiviral Drug, Through Hydrodynamic Cavitation Based Hybrid Advanced Oxidation Processes" , 5th Asia Oceania Sonochemical Society International Conference by :5th Asia Oceania Sonochemical Society International Conference at NIT Warangal, India / / 2023

V Bohara, A Joshi, "Improved Human Activity Recognition Technique With Multi-Class Support Vector Machine" , 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems by :IEEE at Nirma University, Ahmedabad / / 2023

Khushboo Shah and Satyanarayana Neeli, "Improved Model Predictive Control for Regulation of Boost Converter Under Parametric and Input Voltage Variation" , Ninth Indian Control Conference by :IEEE at Visakhapatnam India / 8-14 / 2023

A. Agarwal, S. J. Nanda, "In-Motion Underwater Sidescan Sonar Image Segmentation Using Dynamic NSGA-II Algorithm" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems IEEE-ANTS-2023 by :IEEE at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 784-789 / 2023

Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "Industry Oriented Communication Skills :An Analysis of Engineering Graduates of Rajasthan" , International Conference on English Learning and Teaching ICELT 23 by :ICELT 23 at Bali,Indonesia / / 2023

Anamika Agnihotri, P.V. Ramana, "Influence of Curative Temperature on Strength Enhancement of Diverse Grades With GGBS Amalgamation" , International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Chemical, Construction and Mechanical Sciences by :Springer at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology / / 2023

S Anand Kumar, R. Damodran, Randhir Kumar Singh, S. Cyril Joseph Daniel, Adarsh K. Hegde, BK Nagesha, "Influence of Heat Treatment on Welding Process of Electron Beam Welded Joint of Ti6Al4V Parts Manufactured via Laser Powder Bed Fusion" , Structural Integrity and Reliability of Advanced Materials Obtained Through Additive Manufacturing, SIRAMM23 by :Structural Integrity Procedia at Timisoara, Romania & Online / 84-86 / 2023

Poorvi Manker, Neha Hassani, Krishna Kumar, Upender Pandel, "Influence of Pellet Basicity on Properties of Iron Ore Pellets Using Lime as Flux and Bentonite as Binder" , International Conference on Digitization and Advancements in Materials and Metallurgical Industries by :IE Rajasthan, Tandon School of Engineering NYU ABU Dhabi, Department of MME, Malaviya National Insti at IEI Jaipur / / 2023

Saurabh Ojha, Dr.Anurag Bagade, Richa Raje, "Influence of Urban Street Design on Outdoor Thermal Comfort in India." , ICUC 11 Conference, International Conference on Urban Climate by :Elsevier at UNSW Sydney, Australia / 100 / 2023

Tapas Bajpai, Gajendra Kumar Nhaichaniya, Pankaj Kumar Gupta and Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Influence of Welding Sequence on Residual Stresses and Distortions in AA6061-T6 Pipe-to-Plate Joints" , The All India Manufacturing Technology, Design, and Research Conference 2023 by :- at IIT BHU / / 2023

Lavika Goel, Siddhi Kumari Sharma, Namita Mittal , Atulya Raj, and Sachi Pandey, "Integrating Hybrid Feature Extraction Techniques With Support Vector Machine for Efficient Facial Emotion Recognition" , 7th International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications SmartCom 2023, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer by :Springer at Jaipur / 111-129 / 2023

P. Yadav, Vikas, V. K. Saini, A. S. Alsumaiti, R. Kumar, "Intelligent Energy Management Strategies for Hybrid Electric Transportation" , IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies - GlobConHT by :IEEE at Male City, Maldives / / 2023

Krupali Kamleshbhai Sindhav, Ajay Kumar Verma, Anjali Jain, Rohit Bhakar, Harpal Tiwari, Parul Mathuria, and Satish Sharma, "International Hydrogen Strategies: Opportunities for India" , IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies - GlobConHT by :IEEE at Male, Maldives / / 2023

Abhishek Kharra, Rajive Tiwari, Jyotsna Singh, Tanuj Rawat, "Interval Optimization Technique Based Multi-Objective Scheduling of Electric Vehicles" , 2023 International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Energy and Control PIECON by :IEEE at Aligarh, India / 1-6 / 2023

Nidhi Bansal, Heena Choudhary, "Investigating Outcomes of Internet Use Among Older Adults in India" , XX ISA World Congress of Sociology by :International Sociological Association at Melbourne, Australia & Online / / 2023

Vinod Kumar Aswal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Manoj Kumar, Tejendra Singh Singhal, Tapas Bajpai, "Investigation and Optimization of Weld Bead Geometry of AISI 1023 With Varying Plate Width Using Taguchi and Multiple Regression Analysis" , AIMTDR 2021 by :Springer Nature Singapore at Tamilnadu, India / 365--379 / 2023

Mahipal Bukya, Rajesh Kumar, Akhilesh Mathur, "Investigation of Battery Temperature Impact on High Voltage Cable of Electric Vehicles" , 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems, ICTSES-2023 by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur / / 2023

Nitin Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Investigation of the Conformational Effect of C-4 Axial-Equatorial Participation in Glycal Activation OP-45, ICRACS-2023 Best Presentation Award, Third " , 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences-2023 by :ICRACS-2023 Department of Chemistry, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur at Udaipur / / 2023

Ravi Yadav, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Avdhesh Kumar Sharma, Vishal Bhojak, "Investigation of the Material Removal Rate on Haste Alloy C-276 Using Electrical Discharge Machining" , International Conference on Aspects of Materials and Mechanical Engineering. by :Elsevier at GLA University , Mathura / / 2023

Ravi Yadav , Jinesh Kumar Jain , Avdhesh Kumar Sharma , Tejendra Singh Singhal , Yagya Dutta Dwivedi , "Investigation of the Surface Roughness on Haste Alloy C-276 Using Electrical Discharge Machining" , International Conference on Aspects of Materials and Mechanical Engineering. by :Elsevier at GLA University, Mathura, India / / 2023

Himanshu Saini, N. Sandeep and Saravana Prakash P, "Investigation on 24-Pulse Diode Rectifier for More Electric Aircrafts" , IEEE 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation by :IEEE at SOA Bhubhaneahwar / / 2023

Shubhender Singh Yadav, Pankaj Kumar Gupta, and Bachchu Lal Gupta, "Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite" , 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Emerging Technologies MEET - 2023 by :Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland at Bapatla Engineering College: Bapatla / 27-33 / 2023

Nikhil Jain, Sundeep Kumar, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Investigation on the Technical Feasibility of Nano-Emulsified Bio-Fuel in Diesel Engine" , New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :The Institution of Engineers at The Institution of Engineers Centre, Jaipur / / 2023

Mansingh Rathore, P.V. Ramana, "Issues Related to Numerous Construction Techniques Practices in the Southern-Western Part of Rural Rajasthan" , CISCE-2023 by :Springer at MNIT / / 2023

Nidhi Bansal, "It Depends on You: Digital Leisure Engagement and Digital Well- Being Among Engineering Students in India" , 48th All India Sociological Conference by :Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi at Vellore, Tamil Nadu / / 2023

Harlal Singh Mali, Abhilash Bint, Shamsher Singh, "Kinematic Simulation of 6 DOF CTEV Clubfoot Corrective Orthosis for Its Automation Feasibilities During Its Integrated Manufacturing" , 9th International & 30th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference by :AIMTDR at IIT BHU Varanasi / / 2023

Dr. Shiv Om Meena, Ms. Meenu, Ms. Sonal Rajoria, Dr. Manish Vashishtha, "Kitchen Food Waste to Biochar: A Sustainable Development of Waste to Value Added Products" , International Conference on Impact of Environment, Food & Nutrition on Human Health by :Converging Technologies, University of Rajasthan at Jaipur / / 2023

Dhruv Saxena, Mahender Choudhary and Gunwant Sharma, "Land Use and Land Cover Change Impact on Characteristics of Surface Evapotranspiration in Semi-Arid Environment of Western Rajasthan" , The International Conference on Environmental Sustainability ICES-2023 by :VJTI Mumbai at VJTI Mumbai / 55-63 / 2023

Yash Kumar Mittal, "Leading Technologies Adoption in Construction Safety Management" , The 2nd International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction by :Qatar University at Doha, Qatar / / 2023

Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "Leveraging Synchronized Measurements for Novel Wide Area Event Detector" , Springer Nature International Conference, Sigmaa 2023 by :Springer at Delhi / / 2023

Ravindra Kumar Soni and Neeta Nain, "Lightweight Low-Resolution Open-Set Face Recognition in Surveillance Applications" , The 17th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / 1-8 / 2023

S. Dahiya, MM Garg and Kumar Sourabh Mani, "Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Buck-Boost PFC Based LED Driver Circuit" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Innovation in Technology- INOCON 2023 by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 1-6 / 2023

Ishaan Dey, Gunjan Soni and Gaurav Kumar Badhotiya, "Literature Review on Circular Supply Chain Management" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ADVANCES in MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES and APPLICATION of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: ICAMTAAI 2021 by :AIP Publishing at Dehradun, India / 0-0 / 2023

Kapil Pareek, "Lithium Ion Battery Thermal Image Processing and Feature Extraction " , 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interaction by :4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interaction at Singapore / / 2023

Sanchari Deb, D. Li, Sunanda Sinha, Prashant Malik, Gautam Raina, J. Wang, "Local Energy System: A Comprehensive Review of Modelling, Tools and Pilot Projects" , 2nd International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy - ICPEE 2023 by :IEEE at KIIT Bhubaneswar,India / / 2023

S. Kumar, A. K. Verma, A. Jain, P. Mathuria and R. Bhakar, "Long-Term Power System Planning Considering Increased Electric Vehicle Penetration: A Systematic Approach" , International Conference for Advancement in Technology ICONAT by :IEEE at Goa / / 2023

Pooja Choudhary, Lava Bhargava, Masahiro Fujita, Virendra Singh, "LUT-Based Arithmetic Circuit Approximation With Formal Guarantee on Worst Case Relative Error" , 2023 IEEE 24th Latin American Test Symposium -LATS by :IEEE at Veracruz, Mexico / 1-2 / 2023

Rahul, Bharat Choudhary, "Machine Learning and Deep Learning Based Hybrid Approach for Power Quality Disturbances Analysis" , 2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy: ICCIKE by :IEEE at Dubai, United Arab Emirates / 63-68 / 2023

Waqar Ashraf, Ramdayal Panda, Prashant Jadhao, Kamal Pant, Vivek Dua, "Machine Learning Based Metal Recovery From the Waste Printed Circuit Boards of Mobile Phones for Circular Economy and Sustainable Environment" , Energy Proceedings by :Energy Proceedings at UK / / 2023

Samarth Saxena, Sushant Yadav, Bharat Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Santosh Chaudhary, "Machine Learning-Based Recognition of White Blood Cells in Juvenile Visayan Warty Pigs" , 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Innovations in Healthcare Industries ICAIIHI by :IEEE at Shri SIPMT Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. / / 2023

Siddhant Srivastav and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Manganese Doped Nickel Selenide as an Ultra-Efficient All-Solid State Hybrid Supercapacitors" , International Conference on Molecules and Materials Technology by :National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra at National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra / / 2023

Ayush Meena, P.V. Ramana, "Mathematical Model Valuation for Recycled Material Mechanical Strengths" , CISCE-2023 by :Springer at MNIT / / 2023

Ayush Meena, Rakesh Choudhary, P.V. Ramana, "MATHEMATICAL MODEL VIABILITY for POLYETHYLENE TEREPHTHALATE CONCRETE APPRAISAL" , International Conference on Innovative Research in Science and Technology by :Springer at Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology / / 2023

Anamika Agnihotri, P.V. Ramana, "Mathematical Modeling for Assessing Mechanical Attributes of GGBS Concrete" , International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Mechanics by :Springer at IIT Indore / / 2023

Sundeep Kumar, "Maximum Oxygen Uptake Prediction for Normal and Inclined Walking From Exercise Factors With Physical Characteristics Using Artificial Neural Networks" , International Conference on Industrial and Production Engineering by :South Asian Research Center Held in Hanoi, Vietnam at Hanoi Vietnam / / 2023

Anamika Agnihotri, P.V. Ramana, "Mechanical Enhanced Involuntary Stress-Strain Characteristics and Environmental Assessment: GGBS & Silica-Fume" , ICSESTS-2023 by :Springer at LPU / / 2023

Engammagari Ganesh, P.V. Ramana, M.K.Shrimali, "Mechanical Hindrance Second Order Problems Through Novel Approach" , International Conference on Innovative Research in Science and Technology by :Springer at Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology / / 2023

Parihar R.K., Chaurasia S.P., Midda M.O, "Methanogenic Treatment of Simulated Milk Wastewater Using Staged Fluidized Bed Membrane Bioreactor: Performance and Fouling Mitigation" , International Conference on Recent Advances in Biofuels and Biomaterials by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / / 2023

Nishant Sachdeva, Neha Shrivastava, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Mineralogical, Pozzolanic and Microscopic Characterization of Dolomite Mine Overburden" , 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials and Practices for Built Environment SMPBE-2023 by :SMPBE-2023 Manipal University, Jaipur, India at Manipal University, Jaipur, India / / 2023

Krishna Chauhan, Kamalesh Kumar Sharma,Tarun Varma, "MNITJ-SEHSD: A Hindi Emotional Speech Database" , 4th IEEE International Conference on Communication, Circuits, and Systems by :IEEE at Bhubneshwar / 1-6 / 2023

Vikas, P. Yadav, B. Singh, R. Kumar, "Model Free Reinforcement Learning Based Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive" , International Conference on Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Their Applications IC2E3 by :IEEE at Srinagar, India / / 2023

Khajuria R, Lamba R, Kumar R., "Model Parameter Extraction for PEM Electrolyzer Using Honey Badger Algorithm" , IEEE 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation- SeFeT 2023 by :IEEE at Bhubneshwar, India / / 2023

Kumar Sourabh Mani, MM Garg and S. Dahiya, "Modelling and Control of Solar PV Integrated Boost Converter Fed Battery Storage System" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Electronic and Renewable Systems- ICEARS 2023 by :IEEE at Tamilnadu India / 1-6 / 2023

Anjali Sharma, Kamal Kishor Choure, Ankur Saharia, Nitesh Mudgal, Manish Tiwari, Ghanshyam Singh, and Santosh Kumar, "Modelling of All Optical Synchronous Up-Counter Using Microring Resonator" , Nanophotonics and Micro and Nano Optics IX by :Proc. SPIE at China / / 2023

Mukesh Delu and Priyanka Harjule, "Modified Fractional Edge Detection Masks Based on Compass Gradient for Retinopathy Screening" , International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies ICEET by :IEEE at Istanbul, Turkey / / 2023

Jaiverdhan, Anand Nayyar, Bhawna Kalra, M.M. Sharma, Sandeep Vyas, and Ghanshyam Singh, "Modified Hexagonal Shaped Ultra Wideband THz Antenna" , 4th International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things: CNIOT 2023 by :ACM at China / / 2023

M. Choudhary, S. S. Chouhan, E. S. Pilli, and N. Singh, "MSPIS: Multimodal Suspicious Profile Identification System in Online Social Network" , 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence - PReMI 2023 by :Springer at Kolkata, India / / 2023

Rohit Goyal and Hansa Rajput, "Multi Model Approach to Study the Effect of Conceptualization and Discretization on Groundwater Model" , International Conference on Recent Developments in Civil and Mechancial Engineering by :IRDCME at Jakarta Raya, Indonesia / 1-5 / 2023

Vikas Kumar Jain, Meenakshi Tripathi, "Multi-Objective Approach for Detecting Vulnerabilities in Ethereum Smart Contracts" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Networks and Computer Communications by :IEEE at Windhoek, Namibia / / 2023

K. Chhabra, A. Gupta, Y. C. Adsule, A. G. Ravidas, S. J. Nanda, "Multi-Objective Image Segmentation Using SMS-EMOA for Side Scan Sonar Data Analysis" , 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies IEEE-ICCCNT-2023 by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / 1-7 / 2023

Pushpendra K, Kumar N, Lamba R, "Multi-Objective Optimization-Based Methodological Framework for Net Zero Energy Building Design in India" , International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security by :Taylor and Frances Group Proceedings at Noida / / 2023

Vinay Kumar Singh, Vaibhav Sharma, Naween Kumar Jha, Anbesh Jamwal, and Rajeev Agrawal, "Multimodal Transportation and Net Zero Emission World: An Emerging Research Agenda" , IFIP WG 8.6 International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, TDIT 2023 by :Springer at IIM Nagpur / 234-241 / 2023

Praveen Kumar Chandaliya, Kiran Raja, Snehal Gharat, Neeta Nain, Raghavendra Ramachandra, Christoph Busch, "MuSTAT: Face Ageing Using Multi-Scale Target Age Style Transfer" , The Eighth International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing by :Springer Nature Switzerland at IIT Jammu / 186-199 / 2023

Sukriti Bohra, Manisha Kumari, Sandeep Mandia, Kuldeep Singh, "Neoteric Advancements in Neural Automatic Text Summarization: A Comprehensive Survey" , 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / / 2023

Uday Chandra Akuthota, Lava Bhargava, "Network Intrusion Classification on the UNSW-NB15 Dataset Using XGBoost Feature Selection Technique" , 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems -iSES by :IEEE at Ahmedabad, India / 169-174 / 2023

Sarita Meena, Shubham Patwari, Satish Sharma, Vikas Gupta, Rohit Bhakar, and Parul Mathuria, "Network Pricing for Energy Storage in Distribution Networks" , IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies - GlobConHT by :IEEE at Male, Maldives / / 2023

V. R. S. Mahala, A. Yadav, D. Saxena, R. Kumar, "Networked Hybrid AC-DC Microgrids: Leveraging Fog Computing and Linear Solver for Efficient Energy Management" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering RASSE 2023 by :IEEE at Kottayam, India / / 2023

Sanjay Teheriya, Mushtaq Ahmed, "New Fuzzy Logic Based Hybrid Overlay NFLHyO in P2P Live Streaming" , 5th International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies -ICCCT 2023 by :Web of Science at Rajasthan Institute of Engg and Tech Jaipur India / 6 / 2023

Neeraj Lamba and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Ni and Mo-Based Chalcogenide Heterostructure as Highly Efficient Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction" , International Conference on Electrochemistry in Industry, Health and Environment by :Indian Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry & Department of Atomic Energy at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai / / 2023

Siddhant Srivastav and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Ni-Co Based Selenide for High Energy Density All-Solid-State Asymmetric Pseudocapacitors" , International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living by :National Institute of Technology, Srinagar & Indian Institute of Technology, BHU at National Institute of Technology, Srinagar / / 2023

Tushar Sadhwani, Himanshu Pareek, Priyanka Harjule, SS Rao, Basant Agarwal, "Noise Filtering Algorithm Based on Machine Learning for Identification of Ground Hitting Photons in Jaipur City" , International Conference on Advances in Data-Driven Computing and Intelligent Systems by :Springer Nature Singapore at BITS Pilani / / 2023

Vinay Agarwal, Yudhishthir Saini, Aman Jain, Arun Serawat, Ramanuj Jaldhari, "Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis of G10 Rcc Structure With Shear Wall Openings" , International Conference on Recent Advances in Science by :International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering at Engineering and Technology Singapore, Singapore / / 2023

Siddhant Srivastav and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Novel Mn-Ni Based Selenide Heterostructure for High-Performance All-Solid-State Hybrid Supercapacitors" , International Conference on Electrochemistry in Industry, Health and Environment by :Indian Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry & Department of Atomic Energy at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai / / 2023

Lohar G, Kumar A, Roy N, "Numerical Assessment of the Response of Tunnel Support System in Squeezing Ground Conditions" , Indian Geotechnical Conference 2023 by :Indian Geotechnical Society at IIT Roorkee / / 2023

Manisha Meena,Hemant K Meena, "Occluded Face Recognition Using Non-Global Features Extraction and K-Means Clustering Algorithm" , International Conference on Data Science and Applications ICDSA 2023 by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2023

Ms. Shubhangi Bhatnagar and Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "Of Familial Fault Lines: Insidious Trauma in Krupa Ges What We Know About Her" , International Conference on Gender Studies by :National Institute of Technology, Surathkal at NIT,Surathkal / / 2023

Tanmay Jain, Kusum Verma, "Online Approach for Short Term Flexibility Ranking of Thermal Power Plants Using ANN" , 49th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society -IECON by :IEEE at Singapore / - / 2023

Jitendra Parmar, Satyendra Singh Chouhan, "Open-World Machine Learning for Unknown Class Identification in Human-Machine Interaction Systems" , 10th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications by :Springer at India / / 2023

Pawan Lahoti, Namita Mittal, Girdhari Singh, "OptBertDCNN: A Framework Based on BERT and Optimized Deep Convolutional Neural Network for MQA" , 2023 Fifteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing IC3 2023 by :ACM at Noida / 1-8 / 2023

Khajuria R, Lamba R, Kumar R, Yelisetti S., "Optimal Model Parameter Identification of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Using Honey Badger Algorithm" , International Conference on Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Their Applications IC2E3 by :IEEE at Uttrakhand, India / / 2023

S. Bharti, A. Yadav, V. K. Saini, R. Kumar, A. Alsumaiti, "Optimal Parameter Estimation of CAPN Model for Li-Ion Battery" , International Conference on Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Their Applications IC2E3 by :IEEE at Srinagar, India / / 2023

Ruchi Bhaskar, Bharat Choudhary, Rajesh Saha, "Optimization in PFSCL Design Using Floating-Gate MOSFET" , Second International Conference on Trends in Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering: TEECCON by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 281-286 / 2023

Pooja Choudhary, Lava Bhargava, GU Vinod, Ashok Kumar Suhag, Mashahiro Fujita, Virendra Singh, "Optimization of Imprecise Multiplier Circuits by Using Binary Decision Diagram" , 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems -iSES by :IEEE at Ahmedabad, India / 115-120 / 2023

Anup Malik, Shashi Ranjan Pathak and Harlal Singh Mali, "Optimization of Machining Parameters During Drilling of GFRP Composite" , 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques by :Springer at SVNIT Surat / / 2023

A. K. Yadav, A. Sharma, A. Yadav, A. Vijayvargiya, A. Saxena, R. Kumar, "Optimization Scheme for Power Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network" , International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Energy, and Control PIECON 2023 by :IEEE at Aligarh, India / / 2023

Tanmay Arya, D. Saxena, and Priya Misra, "Optimizing Electricity Bill, Grid Performance, and User Satisfaction in a Comprehensive Home Energy Management System With Electric Vehicles and Home-to-Grid Capabilities" , IEEE International Conference on Electrical Electronics Communication and Computers by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee / / 2023

Sushil Kumar Jain , Amit Mahesh Joshi, "OTFT Based Biosensor for Detection of Breast Cancer Biomarker C-erbB-2" , Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI by :ACM at Knoxville, TN, USA / / 2023

A. Narwaria, A. P. Mazumdar, "Overlapping FSS-Based Energy-Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks" , IEEE International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Flexible Green Energy Technologies ICEPE by :IEEE at Shillong, India / / 2023

Prashant Rathore, Neetu Kumari, Hrushikesh M. Gade, "Oxygen Anion Diffusion in SrTiO3 Based Electrode Material for Reversible SOCs - Molecular Dynamics Study" , IECS-2023 by :NA at IIT Madras / / 2023

Sundeep Kumar, "P-83, Sustainability in Industrial Economics: A Bibliometric Analysis" , Advances in Power Generation, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development by :Rajasthan Technical University Kota at Kota / / 2023

Tapas Gupta, Sandeep Kumar, Shridev Devji,Shweta Sharma, "Panel Data Analysis to Investigate Factors Influencing Profitability: Empirical Study on Indian Oil and Gas Companies" , International Conference on Data Science and Applications ICDSA 2023 by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2023

Rashi Kumar, Vineet Sahula, "Paninis Grammar as Computer Language: A Case Study" , 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems iSES by :IEEE at India / 6 / 2023

Srishti Saxena, Bipin Kumar Saw, Kamal Kishor Choure, Manisha Prajapat, Santosh Kumar, and Ghanshyam Singh , "PAPR Reduction Using SLM Technique Combined With ABO-OFDM for Optical Wireless Communication" , Infrared, Millimeter Wave, and Terahertz Technologies X by :Proc. SPIE at China / / 2023

Sarath MK, Kapil Shukla, "Parameter Estimation and Inconsistency Analysis of Lithium Ion Battery Packs in Electric Vehicles" , 9th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication ICSCC 2023 by :IEEE at Kochi, Kerala, India / / 2023

Manisha K Meena, Hemant K Meena, "Partial Face Identification Using Local Feature Extraction Algorithm on Different Classifiers" , 2023 International Conference on Computer, Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Their Applications by :IEEE at NIT Uttarakahand / / 2023

Ravi Rakeshkumar Trivedi, Rohit Vijay, Satish Sharma, Parul Mathuria, and Rohit Bhakar, "Participation of DERs at Transmission Level: FERC Order No.2222 and TSO-DSO Coordination" , IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT - Middle East by :IEEE at Khalifa University Main Campus, Abu Dhabi, UAE / / 2023

Saroj Jhajhriya, Satish Sharma, Rohit Bhakar and Parul Mathuria, "Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Negotiation Based on Cost Allocation" , IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT - Middle East by :IEEE at Khalifa University Main Campus, Abu Dhabi, UAE / / 2023

Ravi Rakeshkumar Trivedi, Chandra Prakash Barala, Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, Satish Sharma, "Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading: Energy Pricing Using Game Theory Models" , 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies by :IEEE at Male, Maldives / 1-6 / 2023

RR Shukla, MM Garg and AK Panda, "Performance Analysis of Multi-Area Multi-Source Power System With FOPID Controller and EVs" , IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies- GlobConHT 2023 by :IEEE at Male City, Maldives / 1-6 / 2023

S Battula, A. K. Panda, MM Garg and R.K. Saket , "Performance Analysis of Passivity Based Controller for Standalone PV Connected System With Energy Storage" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids- ETFG by :IEEE at Wollongong, NSW, Australia / 1-6 / 2023

Parihar R.K., Ghosh S., Chaurasia S.P. and Midda M O, "Performance Evaluation of a Fluidized Bed Membrane Bioreactor for Anaerobic Treatment of Dairy Effluent" , 9th International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy by :Hanoi University at Hanoi, Vietnam at Vietnam / / 2023

Manjinder Singh, "Physics of Drop Coalescence on a Surface With Graded Wettability" , 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research by :IEEE at Krakow, Poland / / 2023

Chinnu Kumar And Pooja Nigam, "Placemaking and Sustainable Urbanism: Strategies for Creating Liveable and Resilient Citie" , The 1st International Online Conference on Buildings by :MDPI at Illinois Institute of Technology, USA / / 2023

Sanchari Deb, Sulabh Sachan, Prashant Malik, Sunanda Sinha, "Planning and Operation of Hybrid Local Energy System Through Ant-Lion Optimization" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation- SEFET 2023 by :IEEE at SOA Bhubaneswar, India / / 2023

Uday Chandra Akuthota, Abhishek, Lava Bhargava, "Plant Disease Detection on Edge Devices" , International Conference on Data Science and Applications by :Springer Nature Singapore at Jaipur, India / 337-349 / 2023

Lata and Preeti Bhatt, "Portrayal of Race and Hauntology in William Faulkners Light in August" , International Conference on World War I, Modernisms, and Time Binding by :University of Rajasthan, Jaipur and Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / / 2023

Harshit Rathore, Hemant Kumar Meena, Prerna Jain, "Prediction of EV Energy Consumption Using Random Forest and XGBoost" , 2023 International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, India / / 2023

Harshit Rathore, Hemant Kumar Meena, Prerna Jain, Aditi Choudhary, "Prediction of Session Duration of Electric Vehicle Using Machine Learning and Neural Networks" , 2023 International Conference on Computer, Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Their Applications by :IEEE at Srinagar Garhwal, India / / 2023

Himanshu Yogi, Yash Kumar Mittal and Sandeep Shrivastav, "Preliminary Development of Mycelium Based Sustainable Construction Material Out of Agricultural Waste " , International Conference on Creative and Innovative Solutions in Civil Engineering by :IOP Publishing at MNIT Jaipur / 012072 / 2023

Mukesh Shivran, Shubham Patwari, and Satish Sharma, "Privacy Protection and Cost of Privacy in Smart Grid" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Computer, Electronics & Electrical Engineering and Their Applications by :IEEE at NIT, Uttarakhand / / 2023

V. K.Saharan , "Process Intensification of Biodiesel Synthesis From Waste Cooking Oil Using Hydrodynamic Cavitation" , 2ND International Meet on Renewable and Suatainable Energy by :2ND International Meet on Renewable and Suatainable Energy at ROME, ITALY / / 2023

Madhu Agarwal, "Production of Renewable Biodiesel From Thumba Oil Using Waste Marble-Powder Based Materials as Efficient Heterogeneous Catalyst" , 2nd International Meet on Renewable and Sustainable Energy by :RenewableEng-2023 at Rome, Italy / / 2023

Nikhil Garg, Sourav Kumar Das and Sandeep Shrivastava, "Prospective of C&D Waste Utilization in the Civil Construction Industry for Sustainable Development a State-of-the-Art Review" , Climate Resilient Construction and Building Material by :CRCBM NIT Surathkal at Surathkal Karnataka / / 2023

A. Harit, P. Jain, S. Yamujala and R. Bhakar, "Quantification of Power System Flexibility: A Review" , 2022 OPJU International Technology Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development by :IEEE at Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, India / / 2023

R. K. Singh, "Quenching and Partitioning Heat Treatment of DP590 Steel" , International Conference on Metallurgy Technology and Materials by :Conference Proceedings at Hanoi, Vietnam / / 2023

Buddhi Prakash Panwar and Tapas Bajpai, "Recent Evolution on Issues, Causes & Their Remedies Associated With Underwater Welding: A Review" , National Seminar on Capacity Expansion Through Extensive Exploration & Innovations for Sustainable Growth in Non-Ferrous Mineral Industries by :Hindustan Copper Ltd., Copper Club. at Khetri Nagar / / 2023

Vishal Kumar, Nikhil Sinha, Aman Yadav, Aryan Singh, V. P. Meena and Akhilesh Mathur, "Recognition of Parkinson Disease Using Different Machine Learning Models" , IEEE International Conference on New Frontiers in Communication, Automation, Management and Security - ICCAMS2023 by :IEEE at Presidency University Bangalore / / 2023

Rakesh Choudhary, P.V. Ramana, "Recycled Materials for Investigation of Crack Propagation Exercising DIC Technique in Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate" , CISCE-2023 by :Springer at MNIT / / 2023

V. P. Meena, A. V. Waghmare, U. K. Yadav, A. Mathur, V. P. Singh, "Reduced Order Modelling of Higher Order Electric Vehicle System by Ensuring Stability" , 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies by :IEEE at MNU Male Maldives / / 2023

V P Sharma, V P Meena, V P Singh, Krishna Murari, Akhilesh Mathur , "Reduction of Interconnected Hybrid Power System Using Direct Truncation and Routh Array Method" , IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids, ETFG by :IEEE at University of Wollongong, Australia / / 2023

Aakanksha Gurawa, Sudhir Kashyap, "RegioselectiveSulfonylation of Multiple Bonds by Using Sulfonium Iodate Reagent OP-49, ICRACS-2023" , 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences-2023 by :ICRACS-2023 Department of Chemistry, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur at Udaipur / / 2023

Soma Ghosh, Vineet Sahula, Lava Bhargava, "Reinforcement Learning Based Prefetch-Control Mechanism" , IEEE International Conference Asia Pacific Circuits and Systems 2023 PRIMEAsia 2023 by :IEEE at India / 6 / 2023

Nidhi Bansal, Jagatpal Singh, "Relation Between Leisure and Social Activities Participation and Perceived Life Satisfaction Among the Elderly- Evidences From Longitudinal Ageing Study in India, Wave-1" , XX ISA World Congress of Sociology by :International Sociological Association at Melbourne, Australia & Online / / 2023

Ankita Jangid and K.K.Venkataratnam, "Relativistic Modelling for Anisotropic Stellar Object" , International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computation by :Springer at Jaipur / 55-69 / 2023

Niraja Saraswat and Ritik Garg, "Remembering, Restoring, and Preserving the Memories of the 1947 Partition Through Material Objects: An Overview" , 6 Th MIGRATION, ADAPTATION and MEMORY International Interdisciplinary Conference by :International Interdisciplinary Conference at Online / / 2023

Puneet Pahadia, Prerna Jain, Abhishek Harit, Ashok Kumar Agarwal, "Resilience Metrics for Integrated Energy Systems: A Review" , 2023 5th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering by :IEEE at Navi Mumbai, India / 1-6 / 2023

Pooja Agrawal, Satish Pipralia, Ashwani Kumar, "Responsive and Contextual Risk Preparedness Strategies for Climate-Related Hazards in Hot and Dry Region Through Traditional Wisdom and Scientific Approach" , 6th World Congress on Disaster Management by :6th World Congress on Disaster Management at Dehradun, India / / 2023

Pushpendra K, Kumar N, Lamba R, "Retrofitting Strategies Towards Enhancing Visual Comfort for an Institutional Building: Optimizing Daylight, Uniformity and Glare in Grasshopper" , 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Clean Energy Technologies by :MANIT Bhopal at Bhopal / / 2023

Tejendra Singh Singhal, Vishal Bhojak, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Review on Dissimilar Metal Welding in Aerospace Industry" , New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :The Institution of Engineers at The Institution of Engineers Centre, Jaipur / / 2023

Vishal Bhojak, Tejendra Singh Singha, Sundeep Kumar, Jinesh Kr Jain, "Review on Friction Stir Process in Aerospace Industries" , New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :The Institution of Engineers at The Institution of Engineers Centre, Jaipur / / 2023

Sundeep Kumar, "Review on Friction Stir Process in Aerospace Industries" , International Conference on New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :Aerospace Engineering Division Board, IEI, Rajasthan and MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2023

Akant Pareek, Tejendra Singh Singhal, Sundeep Kumar, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Review on Materials Used in Aerospace Industries" , New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :The Institution of Engineers at The Institution of Engineers, Jaipur / / 2023

Pankaj Sonia, Tejendra Singh Singhal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Review on Welding of Polymer" , New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :The Institution of Engineers at The Institution of Engineers Centre, Jaipur / / 2023

S. Khare, A. K. Garg, V. Janyani, A. Phophaliya and G. Singh, "Ring-Based Hybrid GPON Network With Inter ONU Capabilities" , 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Networks ICISN 2023 by :Springer at Hanoi, Vietnam / / 2023

Khare, S., Garg, A.K., Phophaliya, A., Janyani, V., Singh, G. , "Ring-Based Hybrid GPON Network With Inter-oNU Transmission Capability" , Intelligent Systems and Networks. ICISN 2023 by :Springer at Vietnam / / 2023

Rushikesh Kolte, Shipra Goswami, Ashwani Kumar, Dr Satish Piprala, "Risk Assessment vs. Resilience Assessment: Choosing the Appropriate Path for Achieving Safer Cities in India" , International Conference on Sustainable Development of Heritage and Built Environment, by :International Conference on Sustainable Development of Heritage and Built Environment at Jaipur, India / / 2023

Maitreyi Sapre Dr. Bhavna Shrivastava, "Road Safety in Indian Cities: A Case Study of Jaipur" , 1st Vision Zero Summit, National Conference on Road Safety by :Bloomsbury Publications. at MANIT, Bhopal / 448-457 / 2023

Priya Tyagi Bhavna Shrivastava Nand Kumar, "Rural Emigration Stimulates Urban Migration: A Case Study" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on URBAN TRANSFORMATION by :COEP Conference Booklet at COEP Technological University Pune / / 2023

Jeetendra Singh Khichad, Rameshwar J. Vishwakarma, Arun Gaur, Amit Sain, "Safety Analysis of Six Lane National Highway Using Proactive and Reactive Approaches: An Indian Case Study" , 9th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management CTSEM2023 by :National Institute of Technology Warangal at Warangal / 76 / 2023

R. Vijay, P. Mathuria, "Salient Features of Transmission-Distribution Coordination for Secure System Operation" , IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies- GlobConHT 2023 by :IEEE at Maldives / / 2023

Vijay Kumari, Abhishek Ashwanikumar Sharma, Yashvardhan Sharma, Lavika Goel, "Scalability and Sustainability in Chatbot and Mobile Application Development" , 2023 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering Confluence by :IEEE at Delhi / 397 - 403 / 2023

Anand Surendra Ingle, S D Bharti, M K Shrimali, S S Chaugule, "Seismic Analysis of Precast Frame Structure" , 13th Structural Engineering Convention : An International Conference by :Springer at VNIT Nagpur / 1-6 / 2023

N. Gehlot, A. Jena, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, "sEMG-Based Classification of Finger Movement With Machine Learning" , International Conference on Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Their Applications IC2E3 by :IEEE at Srinagar, India / / 2023

Uttam Singh, P K Sharma, and B. K. Yadav, "Sensitivity Analysis of Sum-of-Echoes Model Using Logging NMR in Fractured Granite," , American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022 by :AGU at Chicago, USA / / 2023

G. Sharma, P. Harjule, T. Sadhwani, B. Agarwal, R. Kumar, "Sequential Transfer Learning Models With Additional Layers for Pneumonia Diagnosis" , International Conference on Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Their Applications IC2E3 by :IEEE at Srinagar, India / / 2023

A. Saxena, A. K. Yadav, R. Kumar, "Seven Sisters Optimization Algorithm" , IEEE 2nd International Conference on Futuristic Technologies INCOFT by :IEEE at Belgaum, India / / 2023

Ashish Prajesh, Prerna Jain, Samradh Dhingra, Rishabh, Aisha Malik, Suhani Agrawal, "Short Term Electricity Price Forecasting by Optimized LSTM Model of Deep Learning With Genetic Algorithm" , 7th International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering - Recent Advances, CERA 2023 by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee, UP / / 2023

Mohit Joshi and Dr Niraja Saraswat, "Sign Language Poetry on Screen: A Case Study of Ella Mae Lentzs Silence, Oh, Painful " , International Conference AFFECTIVE INTERMEDIALITY by :Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Centre for Cinematic Intermediality & Visual Culture at Cluj-Napoca, Romania / / 2023

Sharma, G.K., Harjule, P., Agarwal, B., Kumar, R., "Silicosis Detection Using Extended Transfer Learning Model" , 6th International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition by :Springer at University of Derby, UK / / 2023

Gyaniram Kumawat, Shivam Kulshrestha, and Rohit Goyal , "Small Basin Management Using Correlation Between Morphometric Parameters and SWAT Model Outputs" , 28th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River Engineering by :Indian Society of Hydraulics at NITW, Warrangal / / 2023

A. Jain and E. S. Pilli, "SoK: Digital Signatures and Taproot Transactions in Bitcoin" , 19th International Conference on Information Systems Security - ICISS 2023 by :Springer at NIT Raipur / / 2023

Ashish Prajesh, Prerna Jain, Md. Kaifi Anwar, "Solar Irradiance Forecasting Using Ensemble Models of Machine Learning" , 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies by :IEEE at Maldives / 1-6 / 2023

Mag Raj Gehlot, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Solid Industrial Waste Generation and Its Valorisation in Developing Sustainable Building Materials- a State of the Art Review" , 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials and Practices for Built Environment SMPBE-2023 by :SMPBE-2023 Manipal University, Jaipur, India at Manipal University, Jaipur, India / / 2023

M.L.Mittal Manojkumar Pal, G. Soni, Manish Kumar , "Solving Complex FJSP Using Multi-Agent System" , 13th IEOM Conferenece by :IEOM Society USA at Manilla / / 2023

Manoj kumar Pal, Murari Lal Mittal, Gunjan Soni and Manish kumar , "Solving FJSP Using Multi-Agent System With GA" , Advances in Data Driven Computing and Intelligent Systems by :Springer Nature Singapore at BITS Goa / 45-53 / 2023

Preeti Gulia, "Sound Reduction by Plastic Waste Bottles" , ICMME2023 by : International Conference on Aspects of Materials and Mechanical Engineering at GLA Mathura / / 2023

Ravindra Singh and Kapil Shukla, "Stability-Boundary-Locus Based Controller Design for Zeta Converter" , 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / 1-7 / 2023

Monika Yadav, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereodivergent & Kinetic-Thermodynamic Controlled Access to Deoxy Sugars via Chemoselective Glycosylation, PP-152, FCASI-2023, Best Presentation Award" , International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemistry-Allied Sciences Interface, FCASI-23 by :Centre of Advanced Study, Department of Chemistry, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2023

Divya Pal, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereodivergent and Orthogonal Synthesis of Diverse Acceptors for Chemical Glycosylation, PP-97, FCASI-2023" , International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemistry-Allied Sciences Interface, FCASI-23 by :Centre of Advanced Study, Department of Chemistry, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2023

Monika Yadav, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective Access to Rare 6-Deoxyglycoconjugates Under Kinetic-Thermodynamic Controlled Process PP-97, ICRACS-2023" , 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences-2023 by :ICRACS-2023 Department of Chemistry, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur at Udaipur / / 2023

Manoj Kumar Diwakar and Katari Vijay, "Streamflow Modelling of Lower Godavari River Basin" , 3rd International World Water Day Online Conference 2023 by :SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg, Germany at Heidelberg, Germany / 14 / 2023

Engammagari Ganesh, P.V. Ramana, M.K.Shrimali, "Structural Obstacle Eighth Order Problems: Magnificent Synthesis Appraisal Over Advanced Approach" , CISCE-2023 by :Springer at MNIT / / 2023

Sarmad Rizvi, Hrushikesh M. Gade, "Structure-Energetics of Self-Assembled PLA : MD Simulation Study" , Molecular Simulations: Advances and Applications by :- at IIT Bombay / / 2023

Sarmad Rizvi, Hrushikesh M. Gade, "Structure-Energetics of Self-Assembled PLA-MD Simulation Study " , Symposium on Molecular Simulations - Advances & Application by :NA at IIT-Bombay / / 2023

Parvati Bhurani, Satyendra Singh Chouhan, Namita Mittal, "Study of Class Incremental Learning Strategies for Intrusion Detection System" , 10th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications by :Springer at India / / 2023

Shashiraj Shivling Chougule, S D Bharti, M K Shrimali, "Study of Different Modeling Approaches of Precast Structural Wall Systems for Seismic Analysis" , 13th Structural Engineering Convention : An International Conference by :Springer at VNIT Nagpur / 1-6 / 2023

Sonal Rajoria, Meenu, Manish Vashishtha, Vikas K Sangal, "Study on Electrochemical Methods for Remediation of Heavy Metals From Electroplating Effluents" , Integrative Chemical Science for Health and Environment 2023 by :Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi at Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, Delhi / / 2023

Randhir Kumar Singh, S. Paswan, "Study on Oxidation Behavior of IN740H at 760oC in Different Environments" , International Conference on Digitization and Advancements in Materials and Metallurgical Industries by :Conference Proceedings at The Institutional of Engineers, Jaipur / / 2023

S. Sharma, R. P. Yadav and V. Janyani, "Substrate Noise Evaluation and Reduction of N-MOSFET Using Optimized Silicone-On-Insulator based on Seagull optimization algorithm" , 11th International Symposium on Electronic Systems Devices and Computing (ESDC) by :IEEE at Sri City, India / 1-6 / 2023

Tanmay Jain, Kusum Verma, "Supervised Learning for Online Reliability Based UC Decision for Wind Integrated Composite Power System" , 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at IIT Delhi, India / - / 2023

Varnika Gulati, Kusum Verma, "Supervised Machine Learning to Identify Loss of Excitation and Power Swing in a Generator" , 7th International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering - Recent Advances, CERA 2023 by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee, India / - / 2023

Meenu, Sonal Rajoria, Manish, Vashishtha, Shiv Om Meena, "Sustainable Biomass Development for the Scale-Up of Bio-Fuels and Energy Conversion" , Integrative Chemical Science for Health and Environment 2023 by :Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi at Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, Delhi / / 2023

Sourav Kumar Das, Nikhil Garg and Sandeep Shrivastava, "Sustainable Use of Plastic Waste in the Construction Industry a Review" , Climate Resilient Construction and Building Material by :CRCBM NIT Surathkal at Surathkal Karnataka / / 2023

G K Naveen Kumar, Arun Kumar Verma, Sandeep N, "Switched-Capacitor Based Bridgeless Totem-Pole PFC Converter for EV Applications" , IECON 2023- 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society by :IEEE at Singapore / / 2023

Saurabh Saini, Sudhir Kashyap, "Synthesis and Applications of Diversely Functionalized Glycal Donors in Chemical Glycosylation, PP-151, FCASI-2023" , International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemistry-Allied Sciences Interface, FCASI-23 by :Centre of Advanced Study, Department of Chemistry, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2023

Nidhi Bansal, Heena Choudhary, "Tangible Outcomes of Internet Use: An Impact Evaluation of a Digital Literacy Training Program in India" , Inhabiting the Planet: Challenges for Media, Communication and Beyond, IAMCR OCP 2023 by :International Association for Media and Communication Research at France & Online / / 2023

Arti Singhal, Gautam Raina, Dil Khush Meena, Sunanda Sinha, "Technical Feasibility of Agro-Photovoltaic System in Composite Climate of India for Future Sustainability" , IEEE 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation- SeFeT 2023 by :IEEE at SOA Bhubaneswar, India / / 2023

T Venkata Balaji, Aaquib Firdous, Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, "Techno-Economic and Business Aspects of Long-Term Hydrogen Storage for Low Carbon Systems" , 2023 International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Energy and Control by :IEEE at Aligarh, India / 1-6 / 2023

Nidhi Bansal, "The Cultural Ceiling Barriers Affecting Women Representation in STEM Education" , 8th International Conference on New Paradigms in Social Sciences, Humanities and Culture by :Asian Society for Research in Engineering Sciences at University of Matana, Jakarta, Indonesia / / 2023

Sundeep Kumar, "The Current Scenario of Aerospace Industries: A Review" , International Conference on New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :Aerospace Engineering Division Board, IEI, Rajasthan and MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2023

Abhay Kumar Agrawal Yashwant Koli S Aravindan, "The Effect of Fe2O3 and Cr2O3 on Weld Bead Geometry Using Activated Metal Inert Gas Welding" , ISME International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering by :Springer Nature Singapore at Bengaluru, India / 227-232 / 2023

Sundeep Kumar, "The Evolution of Aeronautical Materials in Recent Year: A Review" , International Conference on New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :Aerospace Engineering Division Board, IEI, Rajasthan and MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2023

S. Tripathi, P. K. Gurjar, C. P. Barala, P. Mathuria and R. Bhakar, "The Future of Transportation: A Review of Electric Vehicle Charging Management and Navigation" , International Conference for Advancement in Technology ICONAT by :IEEE at Goa / / 2023

Khurana M.,Sharma S. and Bargava N., "The Impact of Financial Ratios and Pandemic on Firm Performance: An Indian Economic Study" , International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Applications AITA 2023 by :Soft Computing Research Society at IBS Bangalore / / 2023

Kumari, Saloni and Preeti Bhatt , "The Interface of Memory and History: A Comparative Study of the Film Adaptations When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit and Jojo Rabbit" , 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Perspectives in English Language, Literature & Cultural Studies by :Chandigarh University, Punjab at Chandigarh / / 2023

Niraja Saraswat and Mohit Joshi, "The Normate Under the Gaze: A Comparative Response to Aesthetic Nervousness in Deaf Memoirs of Terry Galloway and Mark Drolsbaugh" , Disability and the Everyday: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by :Central University of Rajasthan and Indian Disability Studies Conclave at Ajmer / / 2023

Ritik Garg and Dr Niraja Saraswat, "The Partition and Sindh: Remembering the Experiences and Preserving the Memories of Sindhi Hindus in Sindh: Stories From a Vanished Homeland" , The 22 International Conference on Language, Literature and Cultural Policies :The Geography of Memory by :University of Craiova at Online, Romania / / 2023

Yogesh Mishra, M. L. Meena, G. S. Dangayach, , "The Significance of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Commercial Aviation Industries" , International Conference New Vistas of Development in Aerospace Engineering and Societal Development by :IEI RSC Jaipur & Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jai at Jaipur, India / / 2023

Meenu, Shiv Om Meena, "Thermal Analysis Studies of Agricultural Waste Biomass Using GA and ANN" , De-Coding AI in the Humanities: Prospects and Challenges in Indian, German, and World Literatures and Cultures by :Banaras Hindu University, India at Banaras, India / / 2023

Gaurav Mishra, Satyendra Prajapati, Jyotirmay Mathur, Aneesh Prabhakar , "Thermal Per Formance Analysis of Thermoelectric Radiant Panel System for Indoor Space Heating " , Comfort at the Extremes CATE 2023 by :CEPT University at CEPT University / 246 / 2023

Pratiksha Pinjarkar, Gulab Pamnani, "Thermo-Mechanical Analysis for an Edge Crack on Low Pressure Steam Turbine Blade" , 1st International Conference on Mechanical Design and Manufacturing by :NA at IIEST Shibpur / / 2023

Sharma S. and Tripathi U., "Toward a Greater Understanding of Environmental, Social and Governance Performance: Insights From Key Emerging Themes" , International Finance and Accounting Conference IFAC-2023 by :Proceedings of IFAC-2023 at Indian Institute of Management Jammu / / 2023

Meenu, Manish Vashishtha, Shiv Om Meena, "Trans-Esterification of Waste Cooking Oil to Produce Bio-Diesel Using Heterogeneous Catalyst Derived From Mustard Straw" , Recent Advances in Biofuels and Biomaterials-2023 by :Dr. B R Ambedkar NIT, Jalandhar at NIT, Jalandhar, Punjab / / 2023

Swasti Sharma Bhavna Shrivastava Ashwani Kumar, "Transportation and Road Safety Assessment in Hill Towns: A Case of Shimla" , 1st Vision Zero Summit, National Conference on Road Safety by :Bloomsbury Publications. at MANIT Bhopal / 332-343 / 2023

Ashutosh Chaturvedi and Manoj Kumar Diwakar, "Trend Analysis of Precipitation and VCI Based Drought for Rajasthan" , 3rd International World Water Day Online Conference 2023 by :SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg, Germany at Heidelberg, Germany / 19 / 2023

Preeti Gulia, "Tuning the Acoustic Characteristics of Bottle Plant Garden" , Acoustics 2023 Sydney by :AIP Publishing at Sydney, Australia / / 2023

Sandesh Singh Shekhawat, Deepshikha Lodhi and Sarthak Singhal, "Ultra Wideband Antenna for 5G and Satellite Applications" , IEEE International Conference on Microwave, Antenna and Communication - MAC2023 by :IEEE at MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj / / 2023

Y. A. Bhadange, V. K. Saharan, "Ultrasonically Intensified Extraction and Emulsification of Azadirachtin and Its Bioactivity Analysis for Fenugreek Crop Growth" , 5th Asia Oceania Sonochemical Society International Conference by :5th Asia Oceania Sonochemical Society International Conference at NIT Warangal, India / / 2023

Preeti Shakya, Mohammed Saquib Khan, Nikita Bhardwaj, Deependra Jhankal, Nisha Verma, Kanupriya Sachdev, "Ultrathin and Flexible Gas Sensor Based on Monolayer Graphene for Environmental Monitoring" , International Conference on Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges by :Springer Nature Singapore at UP / 197 / 2023

Varuni Sharma, Dipti Sharma and Harish Sharma, "Understanding the Factors Behind Consumers Purchase Intention Toward Electric Cars" , SIBR 2023 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, Osaka Japan by :Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research at Osaka Japan / / 2023

Nikita Bhardwaj, Mohammed Saquib Khan, Deependra Jhankal, Deepika Choudhary, Preeti, Himmat Singh Kushwaha, Kanupriya Sachdev, "Understanding the Redox Mechanism of Layered Transition Metal Oxide During Electrochemical Cycling in Sodium-Ion Batteries" , International Conference on Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges by :Springer Nature Singapore at UP / 171 / 2023

Ankit Bajaj, Dinesh Gopalani, Rachit Mathur, Hemanjaneya Reddy, Swapna Satyanarayan, Ansuman Chand, "Unveiling the Root Cause of EV Charging Irregularities: A Statistical Approach" , International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Intelligent Technology by :Springer Nature Singapore at Malaysia / / 2023

G Suthar, N Kaul, S Khandelwal, "Unveiling the Yearly and Seasonal Dynamics of Air Quality in Hyderabad: An in-Depth Examination of Spatiotemporal Air Pollutant Patterns" , International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change by :National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya at National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya / / 2023

Ritu Rai, Jyoti Grover, Soumya Pandey, "Unveiling Threats: A Comprehensive Taxonomy of Attacks in in-Vehicle Networks" , International Conference on Security of Information and Networks by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-7 / 2023

Rushikesh Kolte, Satish Pipralia, Ashwani Kumar, "Urban Resilience in the Indian Context: Disentangling Challenges and Charting Implications" , 6th World Congress on Disaster Management by :6th World Congress on Disaster Management at Dehradun, India / / 2023

Vijay Kumari, Abhimanyu Sethi, Yashvardhan Sharma, Lavika Goel , "Visual Question Answering Analysis Datasets,Methods and Image Featurization Techniques" , 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods ICPRAM 2023, Science and Technology Publications by :Springer at Lisbon, Portugal / 281-288 / 2023

Nikhil Rajulapati, Menka Yadav, "VOICE AI CHATBOT by USING API IMPLEMENTATION in PYTHON" , ICDAMMI 2023 by :IEI RSC Jaipur at IEI RSC Jaipur / - / 2023

SANJEEV KUMAR MEENA ,SHIV OM MEENA,VIKAS K. SANGAL, "Wastewater Treatment Using Hybrid Technique" , International Conference on Impact of Environment, Food & Nutrition on Human Health by :Converging Technologies, University of Rajasthan at Jaipur / / 2023

Kumari, Saloni and Preeti Bhatt, "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit: A Study of War, Trauma, and Grief in Childrens Literature" , International Conference on World War I, Modernisms, and Time Binding by :University of Rajasthan, Jaipur and Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / / 2023

Nidhi Bansal, Heena Choudhary, "Women Empowerment Through Digital Inclusion: An Assessment of Digital Literacy Training Program in India" , 48th All India Sociological Conference by :Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi at Vellore, Tamil Nadu / / 2023

Khyati Shrivastav, Ramesh Babu Battula, "WSN-IoT Integration With Artificial Intelligence: Research Opportunities and Challenges" , International Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2023

Sandeep Mandia, Faisel Mushtaq, Kuldeep Singh, Rajendra Mitharwal, Alavikunhu Panthakkan, "YOLO-V5 Based Single Step Student Affect State Detection System" , International Conference on the Paradigm Shifts in Communication, Embedded Systems, Machine Learning and Signal Processing by :IEEE at Nagpur, India / / 2023

Geetha, P., S. J. Nanda, and R. P. Yadav,, "Directon of Arrival Estimation Using Uniform Linear Sensor Array With Salp Swarm Optimizer," , IEEE Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 1-6 / 2023

S Dahiya, MM Garg and Kumar Sourabh Mani, B L Narasimharaju and A K Rathore, "Performance Evaluation of Bridgeless Buck-Boost LED Driver Circuit With Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation- SEFET 2023 by :IEEE at Bhubaneshwar, India / 1-6 / 2023


Sowjanya Chandaka and N. Sandeep, " 5L Switched-Capacitor Based H7 Inverter Topology With Reduced Leakage Current" , 2022 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET) by :IEEE at Gurgaon / / 2022

Shakti Vashisth, Praveen Kumar Agrawal, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, " a Comprehensive Review on Fast Charging Stations Deployment for Electric Vehicles" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems: Proceedings of ICTSES 2021 by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur, India / 225-233 / 2022

Abdulsalam Ahmed Alqarni, Om Prakash Yadav, Ajay Pal Singh Rathore, " Application of Isotonic Regression in Predicting Corrosion Depth of the Oil Refinery Pipelines" , 2022 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium by :IEEE at Tucson, AZ, USA / / 2022

Pankaj Kumar, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, " Circuit Theory Base Loss Allocation Methods for Contemporary Distribution System: A Comparative Study" , Advances in Energy Technology: Select Proceedings of EMSME 2020 by :Springer at New Delhi,India / 787-793 / 2022

Vikas Panchal, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, " Comparative Study of Islanding Detection Techniques of Microgrid for Solar PV as Distribution Generator" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems: Proceedings of ICTSES 2021 by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur, India / 635-648 / 2022

Anirban Majumdar, Gurpinder Singh, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, " Dynamic Electricity Pricing by Modified Levenberg-Marquardt Backpropagation Algorithm" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems: Proceedings of ICTSES 2021 by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur, India / 591-608 / 2022

Sachin Dube, Kuldeep Biradar, Santosh Kumar Vipparthi, Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, " MAG-Net: A Memory Augmented Generative Framework for Video Anomaly Detection Using Extrapolation" , International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing(CVIP) by :Springer at IIT Ropar, Punjab, INDIA / 426-437 / 2022

Gurpinder Singh, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, " Outlier Detection and Clustering of Households Electrical Load Profiles" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems: Proceedings of ICTSES 2021 by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur, India / 609-620 / 2022

Dileep Kumar Jareda, Gurpinder Singh, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, " Profit Maximization of a Micro-Grid With Renewable Generation Using Smart Household Management Systems" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems: Proceedings of ICTSES 2021 by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur, India / 689-700 / 2022

B. Jangid, P. Mathuria, V. Gupta, " Reactive DLMP for Hierarchical Energy Management and Optimal Reactive Power Response From EVs" , National Power System Conference by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / / 2022

Astha Mary John, Suraj Pant, Shreya Gupta, Yash Bhardwaj, Navneet Sharma, Archee Gupta, Priyanka Kushwaha, Rohit Bhakar, Prerna Jain, " Spatial Hierarchical Wind Power Forecasting" , 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Denver, CO, USA / / 2022

Aakanksha Gurawa, Sudhir Kashyap, " Stereoselective Synthesis of Deoxy Glycosides From Armed and Disarmed Glycal Donors PP-75, CARBO-XXXVI-2022" , International Carbohydrate Conference on Emerging Trends In, Glycochemistry, Glycobiology & Technology by :CARBO-XXXVI-2022 at Department of Chemistry, IIT Bombay / 75 / 2022

Geetha, P., S. J. Nanda, and R. P. Yadav,, " Multi-Objective Sailfish Optimization for Direction of Arrival Estimation in Wireless Sensor Network," , IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence by :IEEE at Singapore / 1-2 / 2022

Aakanksha Gurawa, Sudhir Kashyap, " Photoinduced Radical Azidation of Olefins Using L3 Iodane Species (OP-1, ICOMP-2022). (Best Presentation Award, Second)." , International Conference on Organic, Medicinal, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (ICOMP-2022) by :Navrachna University, Vadodara at Vadodara / / 2022

Aakanksha Gurawa, Sudhir Kashyap, ""Regioselective Azidation of Olefins Using Sulfonium Iodate Reagent" (FP-54, JNOST-2022)" , National Organic Chemistry Symposium (XVII-JNOST 2022) by :J-NOST at Hyderabad / / 2022

Vishal. Kamble, S.D. Bharti , M.K. Shrimali , T.K. Datta, "3D-Seismic Response Analysis of the Secondary Piping System in Building Under" , 12th Structural Engineering Convention by :Published by Alwaha Scientific Publishing Services, ASPS at India / 821-827 / 2022

Upendra Yadav and Sandeep N, "A 3-Phase Bi-Directional AC/DC Charger Configuration for EV Infrastructure" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET-2022) by :IEEE at Hyderabad / / 2022

B. Jangid, P. Mathruria and V. Gupta, "A Cluster-Based Aggregation of Shiftable Loads for Day-Ahead Scheduling" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE-2022) by :IEEE at NIT Shilong / / 2022

S. S. R. Rachamalla, J. Garg, S. Shrimal, I. B. Sharma, M. M. Sharma and S. Yadav, "A Compact Design and Analysis of Ultra-Wide Band Frequency Selective Surface With Three Closely Spaced Bands" , 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 984-988 / 2022

Kalra, B., Mukherjee, S., Singh, G., Sharma, M.M. and Sharma, I.B, "A Compact Dual Band Dual Linear Polarized Shared Aperture Antenna for Satellite C Band Tx and Rx" , IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference- MAPCON by :IEEE at Ahmedabad, India / / 2022

S. Shrimal, I. B. Sharma, B. Kalra, J. Garg, R. Agarwal and M. M. Sharma, "A Compact Ground-Slitted CPW-Fed Polarization Reconfigurable Antenna for Wireless LAN Applications" , 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 1393-1397 / 2022

Arti Singhal, Gautam Raina, Dilkhush Meena, Chunendra Kumar Singh Chaudhary, Sunanda Sinha, "A Comparative Analysis of ANN Based Time Series Models for Predicting PV Output" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2022

N. Hadiya, F. Teotia, R. Bhakar, P. Mathuria and A. Datta, "A Comparative Analysis of Pricing Mechanisms to Enable P2P Energy Sharing of Rooftop Solar Energy" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE-2022) by :IEEE at Meghalaya / / 2022

Vijay Kumari, Yashvardhan Sharma, Lavika Goel, "A Comparative Analysis of Transformer-Based Models for Document Visual Question Answering" , International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Engineering. ICCIDE 2022 by :Springer at VIT-AP University / 1-8 / 2022

Richa Raje, Saurabh Ojha, Akshaya Saravanan, Priyanka Agarwal, Ajit Kumbhar, "A Comparative Study Between Urban and Rural Play of Bhopal India to Identify Stimulating Play Environments" , 55th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association by :ASA 2022 Architectural Science Association at Curtin University Perth, Australia / 110-119 / 2022

Tejendra Singh Singhal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Manoj Kumar, Rajeev Agrawal, "A Comparative Study of Weld Bead Geometry of AISI 1023 With Varying Plate Width Using SAW and ASAW" , International Conference Innovation in Engineering by :Springer at Minho, Portugal / 116-135 / 2022

Rukhsar Sultana, Jyoti Grover and Meenakshi Tripathi, "A Data-Centric and Dynamic-Range Based Misbehavior Detection Approach for VANET" , TENCON 2022 by :IEEE at Hong Kong / 1-6 / 2022

Hemant Singh, HK Meena, D Saxena, "A Dual Layer Energy Management System Consisting Degradation Cost of Hybrid Energy Storage System" , UPCON 2022 by :IEEE at Allahabad, India / / 2022

Lata and Preeti Bhatt, "A Dystopian Analysis of Adam McKays Dont Look Up" , International Conference on Cultural Trajectories Through Language, Literature, and Media- 2022 by :The LNM Institute of Information Technology at Jaipur - Online / / 2022

G K Naveen Kumar, Amar Nath Chaurasiya, Arun Kumar Verma, and Sandeep N , "A Five-Level Switch Clamped on-Board EV Charger With Wide Input Voltage Range" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET-2022) by :IEEE at Hyderabad, India / / 2022

N. Sandeep , "A Five-Level Switched-Capacitor Boosting Inverter With Reduced Switch Current Stress" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2022) by :IEEE at Trivandrum, Kerala / / 2022

Geetanjali Sharma, Amit M. Joshi, "A Fractal-Based Machine Learning Method for Automatic Detection of Seizures Using EEG" , 8th International Conference on Engineering & Emerging Technologies ICEET 2022 by :IEEE at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / / 2022

Lavika Goel, Jyoti Nagpal, "A Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network - Random Forest Model for Plant Disease Diagnosis" , World Conference on Information Systems for Business Management , 2022 by :Springer at Bangkok, Thailand / / 2022

Patil Rahul D, Saravana Prakash P, Arun Kumar Verma, N. Sandeep, "A IPOS Bridgeless PFC Cuk Converter Fed BLDC Motor Drive for Household Applications" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET-2022) by :IEEE at Hyderabad, India / / 2022

MK Meena, Hemant K Meena, "A Literature Survey of Face Recognition Under Different Occlusion Conditions" , 2022 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) by :IEEE at Mumbai / 1-6 / 2022

D. K. Kotary, S. J. Nanda, "A Many Objective Chaotic Whale Optimization Based Automatic Clustering Algorithm for Distributed Data Analysis in WSN" , Second IEEE ODISHA International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology, IEEE-ODICON-2022 by :IEEE at Siksha O Anusandhan Deemed to Be Univ. Bhubaneswar / 1-6 / 2022

Prasada Rao Surapu, N. Sandeep and Arun Kumar Verma, "A Mid-Point Clamped Five-Level Inverter With Limited Switched-Capacitor Inrush Current for PV Applications" , IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual on Line Conference 2022 by :IEEE at Online / / 2022

S. Yadav, R. K. Singh, M. P. Abegaonkar and M. M. Sharma, "A Miniaturized Frequency Selective Rasorber Based on Meanderline and Square Slot Structure" , 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 1474-1477 / 2022

Satish Sharma, Somesh Bhattacharya, Deep Kiran, Brian Azzopardi, Matthias Prandtstetter, and Bin Hu, "A Multi-Agent Framework for Scheduling Fully Electrified Public Transport" , The 13th International IET MEDPOWER2022 Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion by :IET at Malta / / 2022

Sangeeta Kumari, Sandeep N and Arun Kumar Verma, "A Multi-Input Boosting Inverter for PV Applications" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET-2022) by :IEEE at Hyderabad / / 2022

JSM ALi, Marif D, Dhafar Almakhles and N. Sandeep, "A New Design of Active NPC Converter Topology With Higher Voltage Gain for AC Microgrid Applications" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2022

Anil Jakhar, N. Sandeep and Arun Kumar Verma, "A Nine-Level Common-Ground Type Boost Inverter for PV Applications" , IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual on Line Conference 2022 by :IEEE at Online / / 2022

Shamsher Singh, Nepal Adhikary, Harlal Singh Mali, "A Novel Algorithm for Free-Form Surface Modeling in Product Design and Prototyping" , EasyChair Preprint No. 8642 by :EasyChair at Indian Institute of Technology Ropar / 482 / 2022

Diksha Jain, D. Saxena, "A Novel Power Flow Management in Hybrid AC-DC MG With Modified Interlinking Converter and Hybrid Energy Storage Strategy" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

Niraj Kishore, Kapil Shukla, Nitin Gupta, "A Novel Three-Phase 13-Level Cascaded Hybrid-Module Based Multilevel Inverter With Level-Shifted PWM" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 1-6 / 2022

Niraj Kishore, Kapil Shukla, Nitin Gupta, "A Novel Three-Phase Multilevel Inverter Cascaded by Three-Phase Two-Level Inverter and Two Single-Phase Boosted H-Bridge Inverters" , IEEE ISGT-Asia 2022 by :IEEE at Singapore / / 2022

Pooja Sharma, Satyanarayana Neeli, "A Numerical Algorithm for Stability Test of Linear Systems With Multiple Time Delays" , International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies by :IEEE at Istanbul, Turkey / 309-313 / 2022

Pushpendra CK, Kumar N, Lamba R, Nirwal V., "A Parametric Optimization for Decision Making of Building Envelope Design: A Case Study of High-Rise Residential Building in Jaipur" , International Conference on Advances in Energy Research by :Springer at Bombay / / 2022

Mohit Joshi and Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "A Phono-Andro-Centric Study of an Equal Music: An Intersectional Analysis" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring (ICRTGR 2022) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2022

Abhishek Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, "A Probabilistic Approach to Assess Quantitative Resilience of Transmission Line During Cyclone" , IEEE 10th Power India International Conference (PIICON)2022 by :IEEE at NIT Delhi / - / 2022

Sundeep Kumar, "A Public Welfare Boost Programme PMKSY for Inflate the Bump Through Demand Driven Revolution in Aspect to Flooding and Farming Section" , Recent Advances in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering ICRAMIE 2022 by :University College of Engineering Banswara in Collaboration With BVM, Vidhyanagar and BTIRT Sagar at Jaipur / / 2022

Varun Setia, K K Sharma, S K Kaul, "A Quad-Band Monopole Antenna Using Metamaterial Inspired SRRs for Mobile Applications" , IEEE Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation Conference MAPCON2022 by :IEEE at Banglore, India / 1-4 / 2022

Heena Choudhary, Nidhi Bansal, "A Review of Barriers Affecting the Effectiveness of Digital Literacy Training Programs for Marginalised Populations" , Sustainable Development and Quality of Life- Prerequisites in Post-Pandemic Society by :University of Rajasthan at Rajasthan / / 2022

Heena Choudhary, Nidhi Bansal, "A Review of Curriculums Adopted in Digital Literacy Training Programs: Implications for Skills-Based Curriculum Policies" , International Conference on SUSTAINABLE FUTURE: INNOVATIONS in EDUCATION by :J K Laxmipat University at Jaipur / / 2022

Somya Mahlawat, Nand Kumar, Satish Pipralia, "A Review of Sustainability Lessons by Revisiting Traditional Built Environments" , International Conference on Future Cities by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / / 2022

V. Agarwal, P. Mishra, S. Kumar, E. S. Pilli, "A Review on Attack and Security Tools at Network Layer of IoT" , Optical and Wireless Technologies by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 497-506 / 2022

Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Shubhender Singh Yadav, Chandra Shekhar Rajoria, "A Review on Mechanical Properties and Flammability of Animal Fibers Reinforced Composites for Sustainability" , 1st 2022 International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Development and Energy CONSER 2022 by :Xx at Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta, Denpasar / / 2022

Garg, N., Shrivastava, S., "A Review on Utilization of Recycled Concrete Aggregates RCA and Ceramic Fines in Mortar Application" , 2nd Indian Analytical Congress by :2nd Indian Analytical Congress at Graphic Era University, Dehradun, India / / 2022

Pushpendra Kushwaha, Madhu Agarwal, "A Review on Value Added Materials From Jarosite Hazardous Waste" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Materials Sciences (ACMS 2022) by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kolkata at KOLKATA / / 2022

H. Jatwa, I. B. Sharma, R. Agrawal and M. M. Sharma, "A Simple and Small Multiband Reconfigurable Slot Antenna Using an Inset Feed" , 2022 10th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology - Signal and Information Processing by :IEEE at Nagpur, India / 1-4 / 2022

Anil Jakhar, Sandeep N, and Arun Kumar Verma, "A Single-Phase Transformer-Less Five-Level Inverter Based on AC Decoupling With Reduced Leakage Current" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2022) by :IEEE at Trivandrum, Kerala / / 2022

Anil Jakhar, N. Sandeep and Arun Kumar Verma, "A Single-Phase Transformer-Less Five-Level Inverter Based on DC Decoupling With Reduced Leakage Current" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2022

Parveen Kumar and Meena Nemiwal, "A Stable, Porous Metal-Organic Framework MOF With Highly Active Cu II Sites for the Synthesis of Biologically Active Compounds Under Mild Conditions" , 9th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry ISMC 2022 by :ISMC 2022 at BARC Bombay / / 2022

Harshika Suman, Vikas K Sangal, Shivom Meena, "A Study on Electrochemical Treatment of Leather Dye Wastewater" , International Conference on Chemical Engineering: Enabling Transition Towards Sustainable Future by :- at IIT ROORKEE / / 2022

Dilkhush Meena, Arti Singhal, Gautam Raina, Sunanda Sinha, "A Study on Future Decarbonization Pathways Using Various PV Technologies With Dual-Axis Tracking" , 10th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON 2022) by :IEEE at NIT Delhi / / 2022

L. Goel and A. Mishra, "A Survey of Recent Deep Learning Algorithms Used in Smart Farming, Doi: 10.1109/TENSYMP54529.2022.9864477, 2022." , 2022 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) by :IEEE at IIT Bombay / 1-6 / 2022

Poonam Devi, Ravi Kumar Maddila, "A Survey on Advances and Future Prospects of Modulation Schemes for VLC" , 3rd IEEE International Conference of Emerging Technologies (INCET-2022) by :IEEE at Belgaum, India / / 2022

Sangeeta Kumari, Sandeep N and Arun Kumar Verma, "A Switched-Capacitor Based Five-Level Boosting Inverter With Soft Charging" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET-2022) by :IEEE at Hyderabad / / 2022

Deepak Singh and Sandeep N, "A Switched-Capacitor-Based Multi-Source Multilevel Inverter for High-Frequency AC Applications" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET-2022) by :IEEE at Hyderabad / / 2022

Yash Kumar Mittal, "A Systematic Scientometric Analysis for Investigation of Building Information Modeling BIM Adoption in Construction Industry" , Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society by :Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society at Bristol, UK / / 2022

Himanshu Yogi, Yash Kumar Mittal, "Additive Manufacturing Using Natural Rasin: Opportunities, Challanges, and Way Forward" , International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Bioresources and Bioeconomy by :IIT Guwahati at Guwahati / / 2022

Rajat Kumar, Jyoti Grover, Girish Sharma and Abhishek Verma , "Addressing DIO Suppression Attack in RPL Based IoT Networks" , International Conference on Information Security, Privacy and Digital Forensics by :Springer at National Forensic Sciences University Goa / 91-105 / 2022

Pushpendra Kushwaha, Madhu Agarwal, "Adsorption of Anionic Dye From Aqueous Solution on Metal Industry Solid Waste" , International Conference on Enabling Transition Towards Sustainable Future by :IIT Roorkee at IIT ROORKEE / / 2022

Pushpendra Kushwaha, Madhu Agarwal, "Adsorption of Cationic Dye by Using Metal Industry Solid Waste as an Adsorbent" , International Conference on Technological Interventions for Sustainability (CHEM-CONFLUX22) by :Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad at Allahabad / / 2022

Pushpendra Kushwaha, Madhu Agarwal, "Adsorption of Cationic Dye From Aqueous Solution Using Jarosite" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management by :MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur at Jodhpur / / 2022

T. Shambharkar, I. sharma and S.Maurya, "Advancement in Spectrum Sensing Algorithms in Cognitive Radio Architecture" , 7th International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing CVIP 2022 by :Springer at VNIT Nagpur / / 2022

Aprajita, Shubham Patwari and Satish Sharma, "Allocation of Physical Storage Rights in Local Energy Communities" , 10th Power India International Conference (PIICON 2022) by :IEEE at NIT Delhi, India / / 2022

Madhu Shukla, Prerna Jain, "Allocation of Res and Dstatcom for the Optimal Distribution System Planning" , 2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2022

Sundeep Kumar, "An Analysis of MGNREGA as Public Defend Instrument Can Retrieve COVID-19 Public, Mankind and Utilization Disaster" , Recent Advances in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering ICRAMIE 2022 by :University College of Engineering Banswara in Collaboration With BVM, Vidhyanagar and BTIRT Sagar at Jaipur / / 2022

Sushmi Nimje, Yash Kumar Mittal, "An Assessment of Ground Water Quality in South-Eastern Part of Rajasthan" , INCREASE by :Conference Procedings at Rajasthan / / 2022

Sushmi Nimje, Niruti Gupta, Yash Kumar Mittal, "An Assessment of Groundwater Quality in the Southeastern Part of Rajasthan, India" , The International Conference on Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and Environment and Humanosphere Science by :Springer at Indonesia / 645-654 / 2022

Srishti Saxena, Manju Singh, "An Assessment of Return and Reintegration Program for Labour Migrants in India" , National Conference on Many Facets of COVID-19 Pandemic by :Council of Social Development, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / - / 2022

S. C. Kumain, M. Singh, M. C. Govil, and E. S. Pilli, "An Efficient Salt and Pepper Noise Reduction Approach for Video(s) Using Optimized Filter Approach" , 2022 Second International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Electrical and Electronic Technologies (ICEFEET) by :IEEE at Patna, India / / 2022

Sundeep Kumar, "An Investigation of Ergonomic Risk for Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders With Hand-Held Drilling" , Advanced Research in Industrial and Manufacturing Applications by :Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, University of Mauritius and MNIT Jaipur at Mauritius / / 2022

A. Sharma and I. Sharma, "An Onset Based Approach for Feature Extraction and Classification of EMG Signals" , 10th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering EHB 2022 by :IEEE at Iasi - Romania / / 2022

Ravi Kumar Parihar, Satyendra P Chaurasia, Md Oayes Midda, "An Overview of Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors Evolving Research Statistics for Treating Wastewater" , An International Conference on Advances in Smart Materials, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering 2022 by :NIT Rourkela at NIT Rourkela / / 2022

Balaji, T. Venkata, Rohit Vijay, and Parul Mathuria, "An Overview of Home Energy Management Systems for a Fully Coordinated Approach" , 2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / / 2022

Divya Jyot Kaur and Niraja Saraswat, "An Overview of Research Trends in the Use of Technology for ELT" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring (ICRTGR 2022) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2022

M Gupta, N Gupta, MM Garg, A Kumar, "Analysis and Design of PI-Lead Compensator for DC-DC Boost Converter" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE-2022) by :IEEE at NIT Meghalaya / / 2022

Girish Sharma, Jyoti Grover, Abhishek Verma, Rajat Kumar, Rahul Lahre, "Analysis of Hatchetman Attack in RPL Based IoT Networks" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering by :Springer at Jaipur / 666-678 / 2022

K Tank, MM Garg and SK Mazumder, "Analysis of Model-Based Non-Ideal Differential Mode Boost Inverter Using Half-Cycle Modulation" , IEEE 13th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems- PEDG 2022 by :IEEE at Kiel, Germany / / 2022

Kshitiz Agarwal, Priya Tyagi, Dr. Nand Kumar , "Analysis of Public Awareness About District Disaster Management Plan: A Case of Dehradun City" , International Conference on Multidisciplinary Aspects of Design by :Sustainability, Agri, Food and Environmental Research at Bhopal / / 2022

B. K. Saw, G. Singh and V. Janyani, "Analysis of Space Shift Keying Modulation Over F Turbulence Channel Model in FSO Communication" , 2022 Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications (MTTW) by :IEEE at Riga, Latviya / 100-105 / 2022

K. Bala Ganesh, R. Vijay, P. Mathuria, "Ancillary Services From DERs for Transmission and Distribution System Operators" , 2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / / 2022

Rinit Rakesh, Gurpinder Singh, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, "Anomaly Detection in Short-Term Load Forecasting" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems: Proceedings of ICTSES 2021 by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur, India / 621-633 / 2022

Khajuria R, Lamba R, Kumar R, Yelisetti S. , "Application of Metaheuristic Techniques in Optimal Parameter Estimationof Solid Oxide Fuel Cell." , International Conference on Advances in Energy Research by :Springer at IIT Bombay / 1-10 / 2022

Harshit Rathore, Hemant Kumar Meena, Prerna Jain, "Application of Signal Processing and Machine Learning on Power Quality Disturbance With RE Penetration: A Review" , 2022 IEEE 9th Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering by :IEEE at Prayagraj, India / / 2022

Harshit Rathore, HK Meena, P jain, "Application of Signal Processing and Machine Learning on Power Quality Disturbance With Renewable Penetration : A Review" , UPCON 2022 by :IEEE at Allahabad,India / / 2022

V. P. Meena, U. K. Yadav, Ankur Gupta, and V. P. Singh, "Approximation of Interval Modelled Higher Order Boost Converter Utilizing Modified Routh-Pade Technique" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / - / 2022

U. K. Yadav, V. P. Meena, and V. P. Singh, "Approximation of Standalone Boost-Converter Enabled Hybrid Solar-Photovoltaic Controller System" , International Conference on Robotics, Control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence RCAAI 2022 by :Springer at Karnataka, India / - / 2022

Priya Tyagi, Dr. Bhavna Shrivastava, Dr. Nand Kumar, "ARCHITECTURAL ANALYSIS of RURAL HOUSING: A CASE of VILLAGE in UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA " , IGU Thematic Conference by :.. at Dept. of Geography, Central University of Hariyana / / 2022

E. R. Joy, R.C. Bansal, C. Ghenai, V. Terzija, P. Vorobev, R. Kumar, A. Sujil, "Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications in Renewable Integrated Power Systems" , 14th International Conference on Applied Energy ICAE 2022 by :IEEE at Bochum, Germany / / 2022

Abhilasha Choudhary, Rihan Maaze, Nikhil Garg, Gyanendra Kumar, Sourav Kumar Das, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Artificially Coated Recycled Concrete Aggregate for Quality Enhancement" , 2nd Indian Analytical Congress by :2nd Indian Analytical Congress at Graphic Era University, Dehradun, India / / 2022

Harshika Suman, Vikas K Sangal, "Aspects of Energy Consumption for Electrochemical Treatment of Tannery Wastewater" , 8th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research(ICAER-2022) by :- at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay / / 2022

Sumedha Bhatnagar and Dipti Sharma, "Assessing Growth of Green Finance and Investment in Select Developed and Developing Countries" , SIBR 2022 Osaka Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research by :Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research at Osaka Japan / 22-026 / 2022

Anchliya A, Patidar A, Sharma M, "Assessment and Evaluation of Factors Leading to Rural Women Entrepreneurship (Accepted)" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management 2022 by :IEOM at NIT, Warangal / 1 / 2022

Gaurav Kansal, Rajive Tiwari, "Assessment of Demand Response Programs Based Upon Time-of-Use Scheme Considering Non-Linear Models" , 10th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON 2022) by :IEEE at Delhi, India / 1-6 / 2022

Dhruv Saxena, Mahender Choudhary and Gunwant Sharma, "Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on Hydrologic Resilience of Shifting Water-Energy Balance Based on the Budyko Framework Across India" , International Groundwater Conference IGWC 2022 by :IIT Roorkee at Department of Hydrology, IIT Roorkee / 182-189 / 2022

Saurabh Ranjan Srivastava, Yogesh Kumar Meena, Girdhari Singh, "Association Rule Chains ARC a Novel Data Mining Technique for Profiling and Analysis of Terrorist Attacks" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 466-478 / 2022

Virendra Kumar Meghwal, Namita Mittal, Girdhari Singh, "Attending Local and Global Features for Image Caption Generation" , 7th International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing CVIP 2022 by :Springer at Nagpur / 627-636 / 2022

S. Bharti, V. K. Saini, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, "Attention Mechanism in Deep Learning for Wind Power Forecasting" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2022

Agarwal, Ritu and Sharma, U.P., "Bicomplex Mittag-Leffler Function and Applications in Integral Transform and Fractional Calculus" , 22nd FAI International Conference by :Springer Singapore at Madurai, Tamilnadu / 157-167 / 2022

Shreya Garg, Urvashi P. Shukla, Amit M. Joshi, "BiLSTM Calibrated iGLU With Demographic Data: Non-Invasive Glucose Measurement Device. " , 8th IEEE Symposium on Smart Electronics Devices IEEE iSES- 2022 by :IEEE at NIT, Warangal / / 2022

Neha pal, Madhu Agarwal, "Biobased Natural Polymer Composite Membrane for Gas Separation" , International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Control Technologies (EPACT - 2022) by :Annamalai University at TAMIL NADU / / 2022

S. Patel, B. Singh, R. Kumar, "Biped Robot Data-Driven Gait Trajectory Genesis for Traipse Ground Conditions" , IEEE Delhi Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (DELCON-2022) by :IEEE at Delhi, India / / 2022

S. Tolani , S. D. Bharti , M. K. Shrimali , T. K. Datta, "Blast Resistance Capacity of Seismically Designed Building Frames" , 12th Structural Engineering Convention by :Published by Alwaha Scientific Publishing Services, ASPS at India / 1241-1245 / 2022

V. Tayal, H. K. Meena, R. Bhakar, C. P. Barala, "Blockchain Enabled Smart Metering Solutions: Challenges and Opportunities" , 22nd National Power System Conference (NPSC-2022) by :IEEE at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India / / 2022

Chandra Prakash Barala, Aaquib Firdous, Sumanth Yamujala, Parul Mathuria, and Rohit Bhakar, "Blockchain Technology Based Multi-Vector Energy Trading in Smart-Neighbourhoods" , IEEE Smart Cities Newsletter by :IEEE at Online / / 2022

Uday Chandra Akuthota, Md Muddasirul Hassan, Lava Bhargava, "Blood Pressure Prediction Based on Single Photoplethysmography" , 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems-iSES by :IEEE at Warangal, India / 337-342 / 2022

B. Kalra, S. Mukherjee, G. Singh, M. M. Sharma, S. Shrimal and I. B. Sharma, "Capacitive Coupled Dual Band Dual Polarized Patch Antenna for C Band Application" , 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 205-209 / 2022

P. Mishra, A. Verma, A. Jain, R. Bhakar, P. Mathuria, "Carbon Capture and Utilization: Pathways for India" , 22nd National Power System Conference (NPSC-2022) by :IEEE at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India / / 2022

Tapas K. Dutta, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, "CDANet: Channel Split Dual Attention Based CNN for Brain Tumor Classification in MR Images" , 29th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2022) by :IEEE at Bordeaux, France / / 2022

A. Seervi, V. K. Saini, R. Kumar, M. A. Mahmud, "Centralize Energy Storage Scheduling for Prosumers in Residential Microgrid" , 2nd International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and Its Control (PARC 2022) by :IEEE at Mathura, India / / 2022

Manju Singh, "Chair Person for the Technical Session VI: Economic Emergence: The Post-Pandemic Era on 19 February 2022" , Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on Emerging New World Order in the Post-Pandemic Scenario by :ICSSR DST and CSI at Jaipur / - / 2022

T. Arya and D. Saxena, "Charge-on-the-Move: A Review on State-of-the-Art Solution for Electric Vehicle Charging Problem" , UPCON 2022 by :IEEE at IIIT Allahabad, India / / 2022

S. Pawar, Vaiju N Kalkhambkar, R. Kumar, "Charging Station Placement for Electric Vehicles" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2022

Ayush Meena, Tushar Sharma, Mohit Patodiya, P.V. Ramana , "Chronology of Recycled Plastic Mathematical Models, Mechanical & Thermal Characterisation" , SEC 2022 by :ASPS Conference Proceedings at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

Suman, Deepshikha Lodhi, and Sarthak Singhal, "Circular Slot Loaded Ultrawideband Circularly Polarized Antenna" , 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference by :IEEE at Bangalore / 1-4 / 2022

R. Agrawal, B. Singh, R. Kumar, "Classical Approaches for Mobile Robot Path Planning: A Review" , IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems ICCCIS 2022 by :IEEE at Greater Noida, India / / 2022

Sunil Choudhary, Naresh K. Raghuwanshi and Vikas Sharma, "Classification Accuracy Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Gearbox Fault Diagnosis" , International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Sciences (PCCDS-2022) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur, India / / 2022

Hemlata Meena, Hemant Kumar Meena, D. Saxena, "Classification of Power Quality Disturbances With DWT Based Effective Feature Extraction" , 4th International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Technology by :IEEE at Jamshedpur, Jharkhand / / 2022

Parul Bhyan, Priya Tyagi, Bhavna Shrivastava, and Nand Kumar, "Classification of Sustainability Assessment Parameters for Residential Buildings Materials Using Relative Importance Index" , 2nd International Conference SUSTAINABLE RESILIENT BUILT ENVIRONMENT2022 by :Manipal School of Architecture and Planning, MAHE Manipal India in Collaboration With Deakin Univers at Online / / 2022

G. Dhawan, A. P. Mazumdar, Y. K. Meena, "CNCP: A Candidate Node Selection for Cache Placement in ICN-IoT" , 6th IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technology, CICT by :IEEE at Gwalior, India / / 2022

Sunil Manani, Sandeep Kumar, Patel Nikunj, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Combined Effect of Melt Thermal Treatment and Sr Modifier on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hypereutectic Al-14Si Alloy " , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Materials Sciences by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at Kolkata / 375 / 2022

Chandan Shradha, Pipralia Satish, Kumar Ashwani, "Community Based Planning Interventions for Urban Conservation of Pushkar" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring (ICRTGR 2022) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2022

Swati Gaur, Deepshikha Lodhi, Mohammad Salim, Sarthak Singhal, "Compact Flower Shaped Superwideband Antenan for Mm-Wave Applications" , URSI-RCRS 2022 by :IEEE at IIT Indore / 1-4 / 2022

Bush Rc, A.I Shirkol and Sruthi J S, "Comparative Analysis of Base Isolation and Fixed Base Irregular Structures" , 17th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering (17SEE) by :Springer at IIT Roorkee / / 2022

Shantanu Sharma, N Gupta, A Kumar and MM Garg, "Comparative Analysis of PI and PR Controller for Grid-Tied Solar Photovoltaic System" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE-2022) by :IEEE at NIT Meghalaya / / 2022

Inamdar Ahmed Raza, Navdeep, Rihan Maaze, Gyanendra Kumar Attri, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Recycled Soil-Stabilized Bricks and Traditional Bricks " , 2022 Second Global Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Materials Materials Today Proceedings 2022 0.355 DOI doi.org10.1016j.matpr.2022.11.042 by :A.J. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Karnataka, India at A.J. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Karnat / / 2022

OM Yadav, Ajay Pal Singh Rathore, "Comparative Study of Multi-Hole Drill Path Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) by :IEEE at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia / / 2022

Ashutosh Kumar, H. Chelladurai and Tapas Bajpai, "Comparative Study of Output Variables Between MIG and TIG-MIG Hybrid Welding Using Numerical Simulation" , International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICRAM-2022) by :Elsevier at IIT Jodhpur / / 2022

K.R. Kumbhojkar, V.R. Sharma , M.K. Shrimali , S.D. Bharti, T.K. Datta, "Comparison Between Seismic Performance of Semi-Integrated Bridge and Conventional Bridge" , 12th Structural Engineering Convention by :Published by Alwaha Scientific Publishing Services, ASPS at India / 829-833 / 2022

Munzaa Shaikh, Kusum Verma, "Comparison of Multiperiod Deterministic and Stochastic UC Considering Renewable Uncertainties and Contingencies" , 3rd IEEE International Conference of Emerging Technologies (INCET-2022) by :IEEE at Karnataka, India / - / 2022

Silky Jain, Niraj Kishore, Kapil Shukla, "Comparison of Various PWM Techniques for DC Link Capacitors Voltage Balancing of a Three-Level NPC VSI" , 10th Power India International Conference (PIICON 2022) by :IEEE at NIT Delhi / / 2022

Heena Choudhary, Nidhi Bansal, "Comprehensive Overview of Digital Literacy Research From 1976 to 2021: Trends and Future Directions" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring (ICRTGR 2022) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

Arora A and Subbarao PMV, "Computational Investigation of Performance Characteristics Due to Geometric Modification of Vortex Generators Placed in Finned Tube Arrays" , International Conference on Thermo-Fluids and System Design (ICTFSD) by :BIT Mesra at BIT Mesra / / 2022

S. Awasthi, S. Sharma, B. Chowdhury, G. Singh, S. K. Metya and A. Majumder, "Configuring Logic Operations From New Reversible Toffoli Gate Using Pockels Effect of Ti:LiNbO3" , 2022 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) by :IEEE at IIT Bombay / / 2022

Arpit Singh Thakur, Dipti Saxena, "Conservation Voltage Reduction in Distribution Network: Overview and Its Challenges" , International Conference on Sustainable Technology for Power and Energy Systems by :IEEE at IIT Jammu / / 2022

Vijay Kumari, Srishti Keshari, Yashvardhan Sharma, Lavika Goel , "Context-Based Question Answering System With Suggested Questions" , 2022 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence), IEEE Publications. by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / 368-37 / 2022

Munzaa Shaikh, Kusum Verma, "Contingency Constrained Stochastic UC Decision With Wind Power Generation and Energy Storage" , Second IEEE International Conference on Next Generation Intelligent Systems (ICNGIS 2022) by :IEEE at Kerala, India / - / 2022

Vikram Singh, Manoj Fozdar, "Coordinated Bidding Strategy of an Integrated Wind-Thermal-Solar System Using Cooperative Game Theory" , National Power System Conference by :IEEE at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi / 878-883 / 2022

Sumit Nema, Vivek Prakash, Rohit Bhakar, Hrvoje Pandzic, "Coordinated Synthetic Inertia Control Provision From Distributed Energy Resources and Energy Storage Systems" , 2022 International Conference on Intelligent Controller and Computing for Smart Power (ICICCSP) by :IEEE at Hyderabad, India / / 2022

Naresh Kaushik, Anoj Meena, Vinayak Goswami, Harlal Singh Mali, "Corrosion Behaviour Study of Cr20Mn15Fe20Co25Ni20 High Entropy Alloy in 3.5 Wt Percent NaCl Solution" , IMME 2022 by :Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences PNAS at MNNIT Allahabad / / 2022

M. Kumar, J. K. Gupta, A. K. Verma and N. Sandeep, "Coupled Inductor Based Soft-Switched Ultra High-Gain Converter With Voltage Quadrupler Cell" , 2022 IEEE GLOBAL Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GlobConPT) by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2022

Vijesh Tomar, Parveen Kumar, Meena Nemiwal and Raj Kumar Joshi, "Cu BTC MOF Catalyzed Buchwald-Hartwig Amination of Ferrocenyl and Phenyl Beta-Chloro-Cinnamaldehyde With Azoles" , 9th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry ISMC 2022 by :ISMC 2022 at BARC Bombay / / 2022

Ravi Kumar Parihar, Soumyadip Ghosh, Satyendra P Chaurasia, Md Oayes Midda, "Dairy Wastewater Treatment Using a Two Stage Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor AnMBR: Fouling Analysis Chemical Engineering: Enabling Transition Towards Sustainable Future, Organized " , Department of Chemical Engineering IIT Roorkee by :MNIT Jaipur at IIT Roorkee / / 2022

Ravi Kumar Parihar, Soumyadip Ghosh, Satyendra P Chaurasia, Md Oayes Midda, "Dairy Wastewater Treatment Using a Two-Stage Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR): Fouling Analysis" , International Conference on Enabling Transition Towards Sustainable Future by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / / 2022

P. Sharma, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, B. Singh, "Data Driven Temperature Estimation of PMSM With Regression Models" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies (ICPC2T) by :IEEE at Raipur, India / / 2022

Srinivas Y., V. K. Saini, R. Kumar, "Data Driven Thermal Comfort Model for Smart Home Energy Management System" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2022

Manoj Pal, M.L.Mittal, G. Soni, S. Chauhan, "Decentralized Scheduling for Flexible Job Shop With Sequence Dependant Setup Time" , 2nd IEOM India Conference by :IEOM Society USA at NIT Warangal / / 2022

Divanshu Sharma, Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Jose Machado, "Decision Making Models for Sustainable Supply Chain in Industry 4.0: Opportunities and Future Research Agenda" , International Conference Innovation in Engineering by :Springer at Minho, Portugal / 175-185 / 2022

Riju Jakhar, Deepak Verma and APS Rathore, "Decoding the Elements of Visual Merchandising for Online Fashion Retailers" , International Conference on Innovations in Technology and Management (ICITM-2022) by :Academy of Innovations in Technology & Management and NIT Jalandhar at Goa University, Goa / / 2022

L Senapati, MM Garg, AK Panda and SK Mazumder, "Decoupled Voltage Mode Control of SIDO Cuk Converter for EV Auxiliary Power Supply" , IEEE 2nd International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies (ICPC2T-2022) by :IEEE at NIT Raipur, India / / 2022

Vaishnavi J, B. Singh, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, "Deep Learning Framework for Inverse Kinematics Mapping for a 5 DoF Robotic Manipulator" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2022

Dinesh Kumar Mahto, Vikash Kumar Saini, Akhilesh Mathur and Rajesh Kumar, "Deep Recurrent Mixer Models for Load Forecasting in Distribution Network" , 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SeFeT) by :IEEE at G R Institute of Engg, & Technology Hyderabad / / 2022

R. Agarwal, C. P. Barala, P. Mathuria, and R. Bhakar, V. S. Pareek, "Demand Response of HVAC Systems Using Data-Driven Approaches and Modelling Procedure" , National Power System Conference by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / / 2022

Mamta Devi Sharma, A. Yadav, Sarthak Singhal and R. Sharma, "Design and Analysis of Compact Dual Band Antenna for Body Area Network Applications" , 2nd International Conference on Computational Electronics for Wireless Communications by :Springer at NIT Suratkal / 1-4 / 2022

Himanshu Saini, Sandeep N, Anil Jakhar and Arun Kumar Verma, "Design and Implementation of Five Level Inverter Topology for More Electric Aircraft Application" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2022) by :IEEE at Trivandrum, Kerala / / 2022

Vikram Maurya, Ravi Kumar Maddila, "Design and Performance Analysis of Visible Light Communication System With Noise Mitigation" , 8th International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies - ICEET by :IEEE at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / / 2022

Puneet Sharma, Ritu Sharma, Vijay Janyani, Aryan Varshney, "Design and Simulation of PDMS Based Flexible Sensor Using COMSOL and Interfacing It for Controlled Robotics Applications" , 2022 IEEE 6th International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems, CATCON by :IEEE at Durgapur, India / / 2022

Mayankraj Prajapat , Aneesh Prabhakar, Jyotirmay Mathur, "Design and Thermal Performance Analysis of a Thermoelectric Radiant Cooling Panel System Integrated Into Building Envelope – a Pilot Study" , 7th National and 1st International Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (NCRAC 2022) by :IIT Guwahati and IIT Thirupati at IIT Guwahati / / 2022

Anup Malik and Amit Arora, "Design Modifications for Augmented Effectiveness of Finned Recuperators" , 1st International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Development and Energy by :IOP at Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia / / 2022

V. P. Meena, H. Monga and V. P. Singh, "Design of FOPID Controller for Discrete System Utilizing Reduced-Order Modeling" , 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME) by :IEEE at Male, Maldives / - / 2022

Sundeep Kumar, "Design of Strategic Framework for Green Sustainable Practices in E-Commerce Companies" , Advanced Research in Industrial and Manufacturing Applications by :Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, University of Mauritius and MNIT Jaipur at Mauritius / / 2022

Meenu, Shiv Om Meena, Manish Vashishtha , "Development of Food Waste to Utilitarian Biochar Coated Urea to Address Disposal Problems" , International Conference on Chemical Agriculture Biological & Environmental Sciences by :Pilares D Elegancia Lda at Lisbon, Portugal / 23 / 2022

V. P. Meena, P. Naresh, and V. P. Singh , "Development of Interval Model for Zeta Converter Incorporating Fixed Amount of Uncertainty" , Applied Computational Intelligence and Analytics (ACIA-2022) by :AIP at Raipur, India / - / 2022

Sangwan Akanksha, Kumar Nand, Kumar Ashwani, "Dialogues and Advocacy for Sustainable Urban Greenspaces in the Urban Planning Process" , International Conference of Creative Future (ICCF22) by :Manipal University Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2022

Mehak Sharma and Manju Singh, "Digital Financial Inclusion in the Era of COVID-19" , National Conference on Many Facets of COVID-19 Pandemic by :Council of Social Development, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / - / 2022

V. P. Meena, U. K. Yadav, A. Gupta and V. P. Singh, "Discrete Interval Modelling of Boost Converter and Its Diminution Using Modified Gamma and Delta Parameters" , 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME) by :IEEE at Male, Maldives / - / 2022

Aditi Seetha, Satyendra Singh Chouhan, Sanskar Soni, Dev Milan Mehta, Vinush Vishwanath, "Disruptive Event Identification in Online Social Network" , 26th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2022) by :Springer at Italy / 24-34 / 2022

Gauransh Kalla,Arka Prokash Mazumdar,Dinesh Kumar Tyagi,Abhishek Narwaria, "Distance-Aware Hierarchical Data-Collecting Path Selection for Mobile Sink in Sparse WSNs" , IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things(WF-IOT) by :IEEE at Yokohama, Japan / / 2022

A. Satrawala, A. P. Mazumdar, S. K. Vipparthi, "Distributed Adaptive Recommendation & Time Stamp Based Estimation of Driver-Behaviour" , 2022 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) by :IEEE at Mumbai, India / 1-6 / 2022

Sourav Kumar Das, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Durability Analysis and Optimization of a Binary System of Waste Cement Concrete and Glass-Based Geopolymer Mortar" , 3R International Conference on Materials Cycle and Waste Management 3RINCs 2022 by :3R International Conference on Materials Cycle and Waste Management 3RINCs 2022 at Japan / / 2022

E.Ganesh, Naveen Tiwari, Rohit Naharla, P.V. Ramana, "Dynamic Analysis for High-Speed Locomotive in Distinct Depths" , SEC 2022 by :ASPS Conference Proceedings at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

PARVEZ ANSARI, RAJEEV K. DOHARE, "Dynamic Foam Behavior of Air-Water System With or Without Nanoparticles" , Advances in Chemical and Material Sciences ACMS 2022 by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kolkata at Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata / / 2022

K.P. Shiyam Sundar , Johny Sebastian , M. K. Shrimali , S. D. Bharti , "Dynamic Response Reduction of Reinforced Concrete Structure Using Tuned Mass Damper and Tuned Liquid Damper" , 12th Structural Engineering Convention by :Published by Alwaha Scientific Publishing Services, ASPS at India / 1699-1705 / 2022

PARVEZ ANSARI, RAJEEV KUMAR DOHARE, "Dynamic Simulation of Reactive and Reactive Divided Wall Distillation Column: Methyl Acetate Synthesis Using ASPEN" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Materials Sciences (ACMS 2022) by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kolkata at Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata / / 2022

Geetu Dhawan, Arka Prokash Mazumdar, Yogesh Kumar Meena, "EAC: Energy-Aware Caching Scheme for Internet of Things Using ICN" , 2022 IEEE International Conference on Connected Systems & Intelligence (CSI) by :IEEE at Trivandrum, India / 1-7 / 2022

A. K. Nayak, K. Chand Sharma, R. Bhakar and H. Tiwari, "Effect of High-Resolution Data Input on Wind Speed Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE-2022) by :IEEE at Meghalaya, Shillong, India / / 2022

Yashaswini Sharma, Girraj Sharma, Ritu Sharma, KK Sharma, "Effect of Number of Users and Number of Clusters Using Distributed Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Over Hoyt Fading Channel" , Optical and Wireless Technologies by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2022

Brij Mohan Sharma, Tapas Bajpai, Pankaj Kumar Gupta and Vikash Gautam, "Effect of Operating Parameters of Hybrid TIG-MIG Welding on Mechanical Properties and Bead Quality: A Review" , International Conference on Advanced Research in Industrial and Manufacturing (ICARIMA-2022) by :NA at University of Mauritius / / 2022

Ali Hasan Khan and Aneesh Prabhakar, "Effect of PCM Integration in Red Clay Bricks on Heat Transfer for Composite Climatic Conditions of Jaipur" , 7th National and 1st International Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (NCRAC 2022) by :IIT Guwahati and IIT Thirupati at IIT Guwahati / / 2022

Pappu Kumar Burnwal, Md. Oayes midda, and S.P. Chaurasia, "Effect of Synthesis Parameters on Flat Sheet PVDF-Co-PTFE Membranes for Ethanol-Water Separation Using Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , 2nd International Conference on Water Technologies 2022 by :IIT Bombay at IIT Bombay / / 2022

Prashant Dhakar, Sandeep Kumar, Sunil Manani and Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Effect of Zn Content on Microstructure and Properties of Hypoeutectic and Near-Eutectic Al-Si Alloys" , International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering by :IOP at Online / / 2022

Chandan Shradha, Pipralia Satish, Kumar Ashwani, "Effective Community-Based Governance in Indian Heritage Cities in the Post-Pandemic Era" , International Conference on Heritage Management Education and Practice: Heritage in the Post-COVID-1 by :Ahmedabad University at Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India / / 2022

Neetesh Kumar Dehariya , Harshika Suman, Vikas Kumar Sangal, Sushant Upadhyaya, "Effective Way to Remove Doxycycline by Pharmaceutical Wastewater by Advanced Oxidation Process" , International Conference on Chemical Engineering: Enabling Transition Towards Sustainable Future by :- at IIT ROORKEE / / 2022

Sunil Manani, AK Pradhan, "Effects of Melt Thermal Treatment on Cast Al-Si Alloys: A Review" , International Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing (IC4M-2022) by :Elsevier at Online / / 2022

P. D. Dewangan, N. Patnana, L. Barik, P. J. Krishna, V. P. Meena, and V. P. Singh, "Efficacy of GWO Algorithm by Varying One Algorithm-Specific Parameter" , International Conference on Intelligent Systems (ICIS)-2022 by :River at Uttaranchal University, India / - / 2022

Manisha Samanta, Yogesh Kumar Meena, Arka Prokash Mazumdar, "Efficacy of Online Event Detection With Contextual and Structural Biases" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 419-430 / 2022

P. D. Dewangan, P. Mande, A. Gupta, P. J. Krishna, V. P. Meena, and V. P. Singh, "Efficacy of Sine Cosine Algorithm With Different Remedies for Search Space Violation" , Applied Intelligence and Computing (AIC 2022) by :IEEE at Sonbhadra, India / 8-13 / 2022

Pushpendra Kushwaha, Madhu Agarwal, "Efficient Adsorption of Cationic Dye From Aqueous Solution by Metal Industry Solid Waste" , International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Control Technologies (EPACT - 2022) by :Annamalai University at Tamil Nadu / / 2022

M. Bhukya, R. Kumar, A. Mathur, "Electric Vehicles Insulation Detection Using Virtex 7 FPGA" , 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Computational Intelligence and Computer Vision ICICV 2022 by :Springer at Jaipur, India / / 2022

P. K. Gurjar, C. P. Barala, P. Mathuria, and R. Bhakar, "Electric Vehicles Navigation Planning and Operation for Smart City: A Review" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Technology for Power and Energy Systems (STPES 2022) by :IEEE at Srinagar / / 2022

M Bukya, R Kumar and A Mathur, "Electrical Vehicles Insulation Detection Using Virtex 7 FPGA" , 3rd International Conference on Innovations in Computational Intelligence and Computer Vision ICICV-2022 by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur / / 2022

Sonal Rajoria, Vikas Kumar Sangal and Manish Vashishtha, "Electrochemical Treatment of Electroplating Effluents Using GO-Loaded TiO2 Nanotube Electrode" , Design, Architecture, Materials & Nanotechnology by :Eminent Association of Researchers in Civil & Environmental Engineering at Barcelona Spain / / 2022

A. Vijayvargiya, B. Dubey, N. Kumari, K. Kumar, H. Suthar, R. Kumar, "EMG Sensor-Based Human Lower Limb Activity Recognition Using Machine Learning Algorithms" , IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Information System ICDSIS 2022 by :IEEE at Hassan, India / / 2022

S. Yelisetti, V. K. Saini, R. Kumar, R. Lamba, "Energy Consumption Cost Benefits Through Smart Home Energy Management in Residential Buildings: A Indian Case Study" , 2022 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET) by :IEEE at Romania / / 2022

Aditi Phophaliya, Shalini Khare, Amit K. Garg, and Vijay Janyani, "Energy Efficient GPON Using Neural Network Traffic Prediction" , 2022 Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications MTTW by :IEEE at Riga, Latvia / / 2022

Alok Yadav, Anish Kumar Sachdeva, Rajeev Agrawal, Rajiv Kumar Garg, "Environmental Sustainability of Additive Manufacturing: A Case Study of Indian Manufacturing Industry" , ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition October 30 November 3, 2022 Columbus, Ohio, USA by :ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition at Columbus, Ohio, USA / / 2022

Priya Tyagi, Parul Bhyan, Dr. Bhavna Shrivastava, Dr. Nand Kumar, "Epistemological Approach to Ascertain Human Comfort in Rural Houses in the Indian Context" , 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Resilient Built Environments by :Springer, Singapore at ONLINE / / 2022

Akshaya Ganorkar, Vineet Sahula, "Error Correction Using PUFs for Reliable Key Generation" , 8th IEEE Symposium on Smart Electronics Devices IEEE iSES- 2022 by :IEEE at India / 6 / 2022

U. K. Yadav, V. P. Meena, and V. P. Singh, "Error Minimization Based Order Diminution of Interconnected Wind Turbine Generator" , International Conference on Robotics, Control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence RCAAI 2022 by :Springer at Karnataka / - / 2022

U. K. Yadav, V. P. Meena, H. Monga, P. Naresh, and V. P. Singh, "Error-Minimization Oriented Approximation of Voltage-Multiplier Based DC-DC Level-Up Higher-Order Converter" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / - / 2022

Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Aneesh Prabhakar, "Estimation of Heat Generation and Thermal Behavior of Cylindrical Lithium-Ion Battery Under Natural Convection" , 8th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER 2022) by :IITB at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay / / 2022

S. Das, C. P. Barala, P. Mathuria, R. Bhakar, "EV Charging Quota Trading and Charging Station Load Management Through Coordination" , 22nd National Power System Conference (NPSC-2022) by :IEEE at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India / / 2022

Preeti Jaiswal, Pooja Nigam, Satish Pipralia, "Evaluating Land Valuation Techniques and Urban Development Practices in India" , 1st Conference on Future Challenges in Sustainable Urban Planning & Territorial Management(SUPTM 2022) by :Universidad Politcnica De Cartagena at Cartagena, Spain / / 2022

Dhruv Saxena, Mahender Choudhary, Gunwant Sharma , "Evaluating Spatial Distribution of Crop Coefficient in a Semi-Arid Environment Using the Surface Energy Balance Model" , HYDRO 2022 INTERNATIONAL by :HYDRO 2022 at Punjab Engineering Chandigarh, Chandigarh / 1-12 / 2022

Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh, "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Blended Learning Environment Effects on Learning Outcome and Implications for Change in Post COVID India" , Sustainable Future: Innovations in Education by :J K Laxmipat University at Jaipur / - / 2022

Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh, "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Blended Learning Environment: Effects on Learning Outcome and Implications for Change in Post COVID India" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring (ICRTGR 2022) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2022

B. Dewan, S. Chaudhary and M. Yadav, "Evaluating the Performance Parameters of Triple Metal Dual Gate Vertical Tunnel FET Biosensor" , IEEE International Students Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS) by :IEEE at Bhopal / 1-5 / 2022

Ayush Meena, Tushar Sharma, Mohit Patodiya, P.V. Ramana, "Evaluation of Morsel Rubber Mathematical Models in Seismic Areas" , SEC 2022 by :ASPS Conference Proceedings at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

Anup Malik, Arvind Kumar Singh, Aditya Prakesh, Harlal Singh Mali, "Experimental Analysis for Turning of Ti6Al4V Alloy by Tungsten Carbide Coated Tool Inserts" , 4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Developments in Materials, Manufacturing and Energy Engineering by :Springer at NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte, Karnataka / / 2022

Pushpendra Kushwaha, Madhu Agarwal, "Experimental Investigation for Exploring Wastewater Stream Treatment via Solid Waste " , 2nd International Conference on Water Technologies by :IIT Bombay at Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay / / 2022

Neha pal, Madhu Agarwal, "Experimental Investigation of Natural Polymer Composite Membrane for Gas Separation" , International Conference on Enabling Transition Towards Sustainable Future by :IIT Roorkee at ROORKEE / / 2022

Puneet Sharma, Sarita Pradhan, Yugal Kishor Sharma, Govind Sharan Dangayach, Amar Patnaik, "Experimental Investigation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wheat Fiber Filled Epoxy Composites" , International Conference on Advanced Research in Industrial and Manufacturing Applications: ICARIMA 2022 by :Materials Today: Proceedings at Mauritius / / 2022

SAMEER IMDAD, RAJEEV KUMAR DOHARE, "Experimental Study on Removal of Mixed Synthetic Dye From Aqueous Solution Through Liquid Emulsion Membrane" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Materials Sciences (ACMS 2022) by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kolkata at Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata / / 2022

Niraja Saraswat and Divya Jyot Kaur, "Exploring Factors Influencing Collaborative Learning Through MALL:a Study of Higher Educational Institutes " , Contemporary Challenges in Management ,Education, Technology and Applied Sciences by :Mangalmay Institute of Management & Technology ,Greater Noida at Virtual / / 2022

Goswami S., Kumar A., Pipralia S., "Exploring Fire Hazard Vulnerability of Traditional Residential Buildings in Walled City of Jaipur " , ISVS 11 Conference by :Navrachna University, Vadodara at Vadodara / / 2022

Neha Pal, Madhu Agarwal, "Fabrication and Characterization of Natural Polymer Composite Membrane for CO2H2 and CO2N2 Separation" , 2nd International Conference on Water Technologies by :IIT Bombay at Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay / / 2022

Manisha Kumari Meena,Hemant Kumar Meena, "Face Recognition Using Handcrafted Features Extraction Techniques Under Occlusion Condition" , International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS 2022) by :IEEE at Coimbatore, Tamilnadu / / 2022

Sainyali Trivedi, Mayank Kumar Jain, Dinesh Gopalani, Yogesh Kumar Meena, Yogendra Gupta, "Fake News Detection: A Study" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication and Information Security by :Springer at Jaipur / 395-408 / 2022

Anamika Agnihotri, P.V. Ramana, "Fascinate in Approaching pH Water Consequences on Mechanical and Durability Properties" , SEC 2022 by :ASPS Conference Proceedings at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

Deboleena Chakraborty, Ajay Kumar Verma, Satish Sharma and Rohit Bhakar, "Feature Selection Based False Data Detection Scheme Using Machine Learning for Power System" , 4th IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC-2022) by :IEEE at Mumbai, India / / 2022

Sharma S. and Khurana M., "Fintech Industry Startups: Analyzing Trends, Challenges and Opportunities in Indian Market" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring (ICRTGR 2022) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

S Battula, AK Panda, MM Garg and L Senapati, "Fixed Frequency Integral Sliding Mode Control for Bidirectional Switched Quasi Z-Source DC-DC Converter in Standalone PV Connected System" , IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON-2022) by :IEEE at Kochi, Kerala / 1-6 / 2022

Siddhant Srivastav and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Flaky Nickel Cobalt Selenide for High Energy Density All-Solid-State Hybrid Supercapacitors" , International Conference on Frontiers in Materials Engineering by :Department of Metallurgy Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Indore at Indian Institute of Technology, Indore / / 2022

Ankita Agnihotri, Abinash Sahoo and Manoj Kumar Diwakar, "Flood Prediction Using Hybrid ANFIS-ACO Model: A Case Study" , 3rd International Conference on Inventive Computation and Information Technologies ICICIT 2021 by :Springer at Coimbatore, India / 169-180 / 2022

Meenu, Shiv Om Meena, Manish Vashishtha, "Food Waste Biochar Production by Pyrolysis an Alternative Solution to Environmental Control" , International Conference on Design Architecture Materials & Nanotechnology Barcelona Spain by :Pilares D Elegancia Lda at Barcelona, Spain / 24 / 2022

Meenu, Shiv Om Meena and Manish Vashishtha, "Food Waste Biochar Production by Pyrolysis an Alternative Solution to Environmental Control" , Design, Architecture, Materials & Nanotechnology by :Eminent Association of Researchers in Civil & Environmental Engineering at Barcelona Spain / / 2022

G Suthar, R P Singhal, S Khandelwal, N Kaul, V Parmar and A P Singh, "Four-Year Spatiotemporal Distribution & Analysis of PM2.5 and Its Precursor Air Pollutant SO2, NO2 & NH3 and Their Impact on LST in Bengaluru City, India" , International Conference on Sustainable Energy, Environment, and Green Technologies by :IOP at Jaipur / / 2022

Sachine Gupta, Ashish Kumar Tripathi, Sachin Agrawal, "FruVeg-Net: A Novel Method for Early Disease Diagnosis in Multi-Fruits and Vegetables" , International Conference on Computing, Communication, Security and Intelligent Systems by :Springer at Ernakulam, India / / 2022

Himanshu K. Gajera, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, Mukesh A. Zaveri, "Fusion of Local and Global Feature Representation With Sparse Autoencoder for Improved Melanoma Classification" , 44th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) by :IEEE at Glasgow, Scotland, UK / 00-00 / 2022

Sunil Kumar, Jyoti Gajrani, Meenakshi Tripathi, "Fuzzing REST APIs for Bugs: An Empirical Analysis" , International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications FICTA 2022 by :Springer at NIT Mizoram / / 2022

S. Garg, S. Yamujala, P. Mathuria, R. Bhakar and H. Tiwari, "Fuzzy-Based Reserve Scheduling in Renewable Integrated Power Systems" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE-2022) by :IEEE at Meghalaya / / 2022

Ghanshyam Meena, Kusum Verma and Akhilesh Mathur, "FVSI Based Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Optimal Load Shedding to Improve Voltage Stability" , IEEE 10th Power India International Conference (PIICON)2022 by :IEEE at NIT Delhi / - / 2022

Kundan Kumar Jha, Prabhkirat Singh, Navin Bharti, Ditipriya Sinha, Vikash Kumar, "GAN-Based Data Generation Technique and Its Evaluation for Intrusion Detection Systems" , Machine Vision and Augmented Intelligence by :Springer Singapore at NIT Jamshedpur / / 2022

KawalDeep Kaur, Shubham Tomar, Meenakshi Tripathi, "Gas Fee Reduction by Detecting Loop Fusible Patterns in Ethereum Smart Contract" , IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems -ANTS by :IEEE at IIT Gandhinagar / / 2022

Amogh M Joshi, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, "GDenseMNet: Global Dense Multiscale Feature Learning Network for Efficient COVID-19 Detection in CT Images" , 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) by :IEEE at Padua, Italy / / 2022

Rashmi Godara, Manoj Fozdar, Satyanarayana Neeli, "Generation Load Correlation in Power Grid Interconnected With RES" , 10th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON 2022) by :IEEE at NIT DELHI / 1-6 / 2022

Aishwarya Mishra, Lavika Goel, "Geo Science-Based Optimization Algorithms: A New Paradigm" , 4th International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems 2022 by :Springer at NIT Delhi, 19-20th December, 2022. / 1-6 / 2022

Jyoti Yadav, Niruti Gupta, "GIS-Based Quantitative Assessment of Public Green Space Distribution in Lucknow City, India" , 10th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology by :Organisation of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology at Chennai, Tamil Nadu / 64 / 2022

Ritik Garg and Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "Going Beyond the Social Campaign: A Postcolonial Enquiry of Memory and Trauma in ‘Google Search: Reunion’ Advertisement" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring (ICRTGR 2022) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2022

Neha pal, Madhu Agarwal, "Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Guar Gum and Investigation of Their Antibacterial Activities" , CHEMCON-2022 by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at HBTU Kanpur, India / / 2022

Neha pal, Madhu Agarwal, "Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Polysaccharide-Based Guar Gum" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Materials Sciences (ACMS 2022) by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kolkata at KOLKATA / / 2022

Neha pal, Madhu Agarwal, "Guar Gum/Agar Agar Composite for Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles: Green Synthesis, Characterization, and Antibacterial Activity" , International Conference on Technological Interventions for Sustainability (CHEM-CONFLUX22) by :Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad at Allahabad / / 2022

Adarsh, S., Panda, J. and Ray-Chaudhuri, S., "H2 Based Acceleration-Strain Feedback Control of Structures Subjected to Seismic Input" , International Conference on Robotics Systems and Automation Engineering by :IEEE at Virtual / / 2022

Neti Sharma, Vikram Maurya and Sarthak Singhal, "Hexa Band Polarization-Independent Absorber for Terahertz and Lower Infrared Applications" , URSI-RCRS 2022 by :IEEE at Indore / 1-4 / 2022

Chowdary Srikanth, Satyanarayana Neeli, "High Order Extended State Observer Based Control for Fuel Cell Connected Interleaved Boost Converter" , 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SeFeT) by :IEEE at Hyderabad, INDIA. / 1-6 / 2022

Vandana Singh Rajawat, Bharat Choudhary, Ajay Kumar, "High-K SOI GaN FinFET for High Power and High Frequency Applications" , 2022 IEEE International Conference of Electron Devices Society Kolkata Chapter: EDKCON by :IEEE at Kolkata, India / 386-390 / 2022

E.Ganesh, Naveen Tiwari, Rohit Naharla, P.V. Ramana, "High-Rise Structure Parametric Study to Evaluate Cylindrical Charges on Blast Pressures" , SEC 2022 by :ASPS Conference Proceedings at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

E.Ganesh, M.K.Shrimali, P.V. Ramana, "Higher-Order Obstacle Problems Evaluation Through Novel Approach" , SEC 2022 by :ASPS Conference Proceedings at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

Prahlad Mundotiya, Parul Mathuria, HP Tiwari, "Hydro-Thermal Scheduling Using Meta-Heuristic Optimization Techniques" , 10th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON 2022) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2022

Deepti Sharma, Kuldeep M Biradar, Santosh K Vipparthi, Ramesh B Battula, "HYPE: CNN Based HYbrid PrEcoding Framework for 5G and Beyond" , International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2022) by :IEEE at University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Sydney, AUS / / 2022

Nidhi Sinha, Amit M. Joshi, Saraju Mohanty, "iCardio 2.0 : A Smarthealthcare Framework for Cardiovascular Disease Accurate Prediction by Using T-Wave Morphology of ECG" , 8th IEEE Symposium on Smart Electronics Devices IEEE iSES- 2022 by :IEEE at NIT, Warangal / / 2022

Niraja Saraswat and Divya Jyot Kaur, "Impact of Cultural Dimensions on Technology Enhanced Language Learning Acceptance and Implementation:A Conceptual Framework " , Cultural Trajectories Through Language, Literature and Media by :The LNM Institute of Information Technology at Jaipur / / 2022

Prafull Arora, Manoj Fozdar, Vikram Singh, "Impact of Plug-in Electric Vehicle and SVC in Congestion Management" , 10th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON 2022) by :IEEE at NIT DELHI / 1-6 / 2022

Sarmad Rizvi, Hrushikesh M. Gade, "Impact of Solvent Conditions on Self-Assembly of Biopolymers - a MD Simulation Study" , CompFlu-2022 by :NA at IIT Kharagpur / / 2022

Khushboo Shah and Satyanarayana Neeli, "Improved Model Using Prediction Horizon Based Corrector for Predictive Control" , Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems by :International Federation of Automatic Control at NIT Silchar Assam India / / 2022

Ravindra Kumar Soni and Neeta Nain, "Improving Identification Accuracy on Unconstrained Low-Resolution Tiny Faces via Absolute Cosine Similarity" , 26th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2022 by :IEEE at Montral Qubec / 1 - 4 / 2022

Anup Malik, Harlal Singh Mali, and Arvind Kumar Singh, "Improving the Surface Characteristics of Mg AZ31B Alloy by RF Magnetron Sputtering" , 5th International Conference on Engineering and Research Application by :Springer at TNUT, Thai Nguyen, Vietnam / / 2022

Kuldeep Singh , Fernando Saccon, Dileepan Joseph , "Incremental Two-Network Approach to Develop a Purity Analyzer System for Canola Seeds" , IS&T International Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Applications Using Computer Vision by :Society for Imaging Science and Technology at San Francisco, USA / / 2022

L Senapati, A K Panda, M M Garg and R K Lenka, "Indirect Sliding Mode Control of Proposed Non-Isolated Zeta-Based Dual Output Converter" , 2022 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon) by :IEEE at Malaysia / / 2022

L Senapati, AK Panda, MM Garg, S Battula and RK Lenka, "Indirect Sliding-Mode Digital Control for DC-DC Cuk Converter" , IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON-2022) by :IEEE at Kochi, Kerala / 1-6 / 2022

A. Firdous, P.Mathuria and R. Bhakar, "Industrial Electrification: Role of Power to Hydrogen in Deep Decarbonization and Flexibility Provisions" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Technology for Power and Energy Systems (STPES 2022) by :IEEE at Srinagar / / 2022

P.V. Ramana, E. Ganesh, "Inelastic Materials and Mathematical Variables for Obstacle Bridge Problem Evaluation" , International Online Conference on Foamed Polymers by :Elsevier at Kottayam, Kerala / / 2022

Chandan Shradha, Sharma Swati, Pipralia Satish, Kumar Ashwani, "Influence of Tourist Behavior Mapping in the Development of Pilgrim Cities" , 1st Conference on Future Challenges in Sustainable Urban Planning & Territorial Management(SUPTM 2022) by :Universidad Politcnica De Cartagena at Cartagena, Spain / / 2022

Shakti Vashisth, Praveen Kumar Agrawal, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, "Integration and Co-Ordinated Operation of Stationary Batteries With Fast Charging Stations" , 22nd National Power System Conference (NPSC-2022) by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / / 2022

Naresh Kumar Meena, Rajesh Kumar, Kapil Shukla, Ahteshamul Haque, "Integration of High Gain Re-Lift Luo Converter With Buck Converter for Electric Vehicle Application" , ICPC2T by :IEEE at NIT Raipur / / 2022

Amit Arora and PMV Subbarao, "Integration of Vortex Generators in Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers for Wake Modifications and Augmented Heat Transfer" , International Conference in Fluid, Thermal and Energy Systems (ICFTES22) by :NIT Calicut at NIT Calicut / / 2022

Ashish Laddha, Satyanarayana Neeli, "Intelligent Control of a Two-Phase Interleaved Boost Converter-Interfaced Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle" , 2022 International Conference on Intelligent Controller and Computing for Smart Power (ICICCSP) by :IEEE at Hyderabad, India / 1-6 / 2022

V. P. Meena, A. Gupta, Shiv Om Meena, and V. P. Singh, "Interval Model Order Diminution of Riverol-Pilipovik Water Treatment System Using Black Widow Optimization Algorithm" , Second International Conference on Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation and Control by :Taylors University Malaysia. at Taylors University Malaysia / / 2022

N. Barwar, U. K. Yadav, V. P. Meena, and V. P. Singh, "Interval Modeling of Single Machine Infinite Bus System" , International Conference of Smart Innovations for Society (ICSIS-2022) by :AIP at Jaipur, India / - / 2022

V. P. Meena, P. Naresh, and V. P. Singh, "Interval Modeling of Zeta Converter Using Interval Arithmetic and Model Order Reduction" , 2022 Second International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies (ICPC2T) by :IEEE at Raipur, India / 1-6 / 2022

V. P. Meena, A. Gupta, and V. P. Singh, "Interval Modelling Based PID Controller Design for Cuk Converter" , Second International Conference on Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation and Control iCASIC 2022 by :AIP at Malaysia / - / 2022

Anurag Tyagi, Yash Bhandari, Kusum Verma and Varnika Gulati, "Inverse Time Overcurrent Relaying Decision for Protection of Three Phase Transmission Line" , IEEE 10th Power India International Conference (PIICON)2022 by :IEEE at NIT Delhi / - / 2022

Ghanshyam Balotiya, Arun Gaur, Prakash Somani, Amit Sain , "Investigating Mechanical and Durability Aspects of Concrete Incorporating Wollastonite and Bottom Ash" , International Conference on Construction Material and Structure 2022 by :Elsevier at National Institute of Calicut / 1-7 / 2022

Richa Raje, Saurabh Ojha, "Investigating Outdoor Thermal Comfort for Children Play Affordances in Urban Areas a Case of Jaipur Rajasthan " , 36th Passive and Low Energy Architecture 2022 by :PLEA at Jaipur, India / 26-31 / 2022

Saurabh Ojha, Dr. Mahua Mukherjee, Richa Raje, "Investigating Scientific Selection of Trees for Maintaining Pedestrian Thermal Comfort " , 36th Passive and Low Energy Architecture 2022 by :PLEA at Santiago Chille / 26-31 / 2022

Sourav Kumar Das, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Investigating the Impact of Various Curing Temperatures on the Geopolymer Mortar Prepared by Utilizing Waste Cement Concrete Fines" , 1st International Conference on Recent Advancement Infrastructural Development, Water Management & Climate Change by :G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, India at G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, Indi / / 2022

Karishma Maheshwari, Madhu Agarwal, "Investigating the Tolerance of Nano-Filtration for the Treatment of Wastewater" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Materials Sciences (ACMS 2022) by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kolkata at KOLKATA / / 2022

Sameer Imdad, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Investigation of Recycled PET Membrane for the Removal of Hexavalent Chromium From Aqueous Solution" , International Conference on Water Technologies ICWT - 2022 by :Water Innovation Centre: Technology, Research & Education IIT Bombay at IIT Bombay / / 2022

Yashvi Mudgal, Rajive Tiwari, "Investigation of the Impact of Electric Vehicles in the Distribution System" , EMERGING TRENDS in SIGNAL PROCESSING, INSTRUMENTATION, POWER, CONTROL, and AUTOMATION SYSTEMS by :AIP Publishing at Subang Jaya, Malaysia / 1-6 / 2022

Yashvi Mudgal, Rajive Tiwari, "Investigations on Coordinated Integration of Electric Vehicles With Renewables in the Distribution System" , 2022 IEEE International Power and Renewable Energy Conference IPRECON by :IEEE at Kollam, India / 1-6 / 2022

Ashutosh Saini, Swasti Sharma, Gireendra Kumar and Ashwani Kumar, "Issues Related to Urban Development in Hilly Areas: A Literature Review" , 1st International Conference on Innovations in Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure (ISSI 2022), by :Civil Engineering Department of Pandit Deendayal Engineering University at PDEU, Gandhinagar / / 2022

U. K. Yadav, V. P. Meena, A. Gupta, and V. P. Singh, "Jaya Assisted Approximation of Sylvester Based Higher-Order MIMO Power System Model" , 2022 IEEE GLOBAL Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GlobConPT) by :IEEE at Delhi, India / - / 2022

Pushpendra Kushwaha, Madhu Agarwal, "Kinetic Study and Equilibrium Isotherm Evaluation of Malachite Green Dye Adsorption by the Mesoporous Adsorbent" , International Conference on Advances in Smart Materials, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering CHEMSMART-22 by :Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India at National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India / / 2022

Pareek, Ritu and Preeti Bhatt, "Lauren Hillenbrands Unbroken: A Testament to the Resilience of the Human Mind and Body" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring - ICRTGR 2022 by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

Navdeep Singh, Raza Ahmed Inamdar, Rihan Maaze, Gyanendra Kumar Attri, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Leaching Behaviour of Recycled Concrete Aggregates and Pervious Concrete Incorporating These Aggregates" , Trends & Recent Advances in Civil Engineering 2022 by :Amity University Uttar Pradesh. Noida at Amity University Uttar Pradesh. Noida / / 2022

Ravindra Singh, Vikash Kumar Saini, Dinesh Kumar Mahto, Rajesh Kumar, Akhilesh Mathur, "Learning Approach for Energy Consumption Forecasting in Residential Microgrid" , IEEE International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing (ICESIC-2022) by :IEEE at Veltech Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai / / 2022

P. J. Krishna, V. P. Meena, and V. P. Singh, "Load Frequency Control in Four-Area Interconnected Power System Using Fuzzy PI Control With Penetration of Renewable Energy" , 2022 Second International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies (ICPC2T) by :IEEE at Raipur, India / 1-6 / 2022

R. Singh, R. Vijay, P. Mathuria and R. Bhakar, "Local Flexibility Markets in the Context of Reactive Power Provision by Distributed Energy Resources" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE-2022) by :IEEE at Meghalaya / / 2022

Praveen Kumar Chandaliya and Neeta Nain, "Longitudinal Analysis of Mask and No-Mask on Child Face Recognition Authors" , ICVGIP 22: Thirteenth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing by :ACM at IIT Gandhinagar / 1-7 / 2022

V. P. Meena, L. Barik, and V. P. Singh, "Luus-Jaakola Algorithm Assisted Reduced-Order Model of Interval Modeling Doha Water Treatment Plant" , Applied Computational Intelligence and Analytics (ACIA-2022) by :AIP at Raipur, India / - / 2022

Mohit Patodiya, Ayush Meena, P. V. Ramana, "Mammoth Blast Effect on Reinforced Concrete Asymmetrical Structure" , ICE3MT by :Elsevier at Hyderabad / / 2022

Sundeep Kumar, "Manifestation of Ergonomics Aids and Safety Measures at Different Industrial Workplaces With Specific Relevance to Pregnant Women: Systematic Review" , Advanced Research in Industrial and Manufacturing Applications by :Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, University of Mauritius and MNIT Jaipur at Mauritius / / 2022

V. P. Meena, L. Barik, and V. P. Singh, "Markov-Parameters and Time-Moments Based Approximation of Discrete Interval Systems" , 2022 Second International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies (ICPC2T) by :IEEE at Raipur, India / 1-5 / 2022

M Morey, M Golla, N Gupta, MM Garg and M Kumavat, "Mathematical Modelling and Experimental Validation of a 6th-Order High Gain Z-Source DC- DC Converter Using ARM Based Microcontroller" , 10th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON 2022) by :IEEE at NIT Delhi, India / 1-6 / 2022

Ayush Meena, S.D.Bharti, P.V. Ramana, "Mathematical Models Viability for Bi-Material Forte Appraisal" , SEC 2022 by :ASPS Conference Proceedings at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

K Tank, MM Garg and BL Narasimharaju, "MATLAB-Based Simplified Mathematical Modelling of Non-Ideal Differential Mode Inverters" , IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON-2022) by :IEEE at Kochi, Kerala / 1-6 / 2022

P.V. Ramana, Ayush Meena, "Mechanical Strength Evaluation of Bi-Material via Mathematical Models" , International Online Conference on Foamed Polymers by :Elsevier at Kottayam Kerala / / 2022

Ashish Prajesh, Prerna Jain, Satish Sharma, "Mid-Term Load Forecasting by LSTM Model of Deep-Learning With Hyper Parameter Tuning" , International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Sciences (PCCDS 2022) by :Soft Computing Research Society at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

Swaranjali Maurya, Ram Dayal, Manish Kumar, "Mixed Convection of a Non-Newtonian Fluid in a Square Enclosure With Rotating Cylinder" , International Conference on Engineering Research and Applications ICERA 2022 by :Springer at Thai Nguyen University of Technology, Vietnam / 662-670 / 2022

A. K. Garg, R. S. Deval, K. Mohnot, A. Joshi, V. Janyani and M. H. Aly, "ML Based Risk Analysis and Route Prediction for Optical Fibre Link Network" , 2022 5th IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP) by :IEEE at SAMEER, Mumbai / / 2022

R. Agarwal, B. Singh, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, "Mobile Robot Path Planning Using Multi-Objective Adaptive Ant Colony Optimization" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2022

Piyush Gaur, Gulab Pamnani, "Modal Analysis of a Multi-Cracked FG Shaft Using Finite Element Method" , 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research by :ICMERR at Krakow, Poland / / 2022

Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz A. Siddiqui and Kusum Verma , "Model Free Data-Driven Scheme to Assess Transient Instability of Solar Energy Penetrated Power System" , 22nd National Power Systems Conference-NPSC 2022 by :IIT Delhi at New Delhi / / 2022

V. P. Meena, P. Naresh, and V. P. Singh, "Model Order Reduction of Cuk Converter in Discrete Domain Using Time Moments and Markov Parameters" , 2022 Second International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies (ICPC2T) by :IEEE at Raipur, India / 1-6 / 2022

Sai Manikanta Lakkanaboina, Satyanarayana Neeli, "Model Predictive and Sliding Mode Controllers for the DC-DC Boost Converter" , 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SeFeT) by :IEEE at Hyderabad, India. / 1-6 / 2022

N. Kumar, B. Singh, R. Kumar, "Modeling, Design & Control of RLBC Converter" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2022

M. Golla, N. Gupta, N. Patel, A.Kumar and M. Morey, "Modelling and Implementation of a Modified Z-Source DC-DC Converter With High Voltage Gain Capability and Common Grounded" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Technology for Power and Energy Systems (STPES 2022) by :IEEE at NIT Srinagar / 1-6 / 2022

Dhruv Saxena, Mahender Choudhary and Gunwant Sharma, "Modelling Depth of Groundwater Level to Evapotranspiration Values Using SEBAL Method in the Arid Regions of Western Rajasthan, India" , International Groundwater Conference IGWC-2022 by :IIT Roorkee at Department of Hydrology IIT Rorkee / 151-156 / 2022

Dinesh Kumar Mahto, Vikash Kumar Saini, Akhilesh Mathur, Rajesh Kumar and Seema Verma, "MPGCN-OPF: A Message Passing Graph Convolution Approach for Optimal Power Flow for Distribution Network" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

V. K. Saini, A. K. Yadav, A. Al-Sumaiti, R. Kumar, Sujil A, A. Saxena, "Multi-Agent Based Cloud Energy Storage Framework for Residential Community" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2022

Sangeeta Kumari, N. Sandeep and Arun Verma, "Multi-Input Switched-Capacitor Based Cross-Connected Boosting Inverter With Soft-Charging" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2022

S. Majhi, D. R. Nayak, R, Dash, P. K. Sa, "Multi-Level 3DCNN With Min-Max Ranking Loss for Weakly-Supervised Video Anomaly Detection" , 29th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2022) by :Springer at Delhi, India / / 2022

Ravi Kant Sharma, Dhanraj Chitara, Shashi Raj, KR Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, "Multi-Machine Power System Stabilizer Design Using Grey Wolf Optimization" , Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Emerging Power System: ICCIPS 2021 by :Springer at Ajmer,India / 331-343 / 2022

A. Joshi, K K Sharma, "Multi-Modal Lesion Segmentation Using Deep Convolution Graph-Based Network" , 2022 IEEE Delhi Section Conference (DELCON) by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2022

Nidhi Bansal Heena Choudhary, "Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives on Digital Literacy Training for Marginalized Rural in India- Implications for Teaching and Learning" , International Conference on Business Management, Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities by :Asian Society for Research in Engineering Sciences, University of Pembangunan Jaya at Indonesia / / 2022

Divya Pandey and Sandeep N, "Multilevel Multi-Output Bidirectional Buck-Boost AC-DC Converter With Improved Power Quality" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET-2022) by :IEEE at Hyderabad / / 2022

Deepak Singh and N. Sandeep, "Multiport Multilevel Inverter for High-Frequency AC Applications" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2022

P.V. Ramana, "Nave Bayes to Machine Learning Approach for Structural Dynamic Complications" , SEC 2022 by :ASPS Conference Proceedings at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

Ruchi Kumari, Akhilesh Mathur, "Network Reconfiguration of Modern Distribution System" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies (ICPC2T) by :IEEE at NIT Raipur / / 2022

L.Corona,...K.Lalwani,et,al, "New Results From the Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment" , The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics by :European Physical Society at Online / / 2022

K Parik, N Kaul, S Khandelwal, "Noise Barrier Construction With Discarded RO Membrane Waste: A Case Study" , 5th International Conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering and Technology by :Jaipur National University at Jaipur National University / / 2022

S. Rajput, R. Chawra, P. S. Wani, S. J. Nanda, "Noisy Sonar Image Segmentation Using Reptile Search Algorithm" , 2022 IEEE International Conference on Connected Systems & Intelligence, IEEE-CSI-2022 by :IEEE at Digital University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India / 1-10 / 2022

Tushar Sharma, Ayush Meena, P.V. Ramana , "Nonlinear Reversion for Recycled Morsel Rubber Amidst Mathematical Models" , ICE3MT by :Elsevier at Hyderabad / / 2022

Deepak Gautam and Barun Jana, "Novel Imidazolium Salt an Efficient Catalyst for Buchwald-Type CN Cross Coupling of Heteroaryl Chloride-Bromide With Amines Beneath Solvent, Inert Gas, and Base-Free Ambience" , Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry by :Banaras Hindu University at Banaras Hindu University, Banaras, India / / 2022

Ritesh Gupta, Krishna Kumar and Abhishek Tiwari, "Numerical Analysis of Miniature Disk Bend Specimens Under Creep Condition" , 4th Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition by :Springer Natures Proceedings Series Advances in Structural Integrity for Mechanical, Civil, and Aer at IIT Hyderabad / / 2022

Lohar G, Kumar A, Roy N, "Numerical Back Analyses of Time-Dependent Deformations of Tunnel in the Himalayas" , Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022 by :Indian Geotechnical Society at Kochi / / 2022

Sonal Rajoria and Manish Vashishtha, "Numerical Modellling of Effect of Surface Roughness on Laminar Flow in Rough Elliptical Microchannel" , Design, Architecture, Materials & Nanotechnology by :Eminent Association of Researchers in Civil & Environmental Engineering at Barcelona Spain / / 2022

Harlal Singh Mali, Pawan Sharma, "Numerical Simulation of High Performance Textile Composite Laminates to Validate and Predict the Tensile Performance" , 35th NATIONAL CONVENTION of AEROSPACE ENGINEERS and NATIONAL CONFERENCE on SMART MATERIALS by :The Institution of Engineers India, Chandigarh Chapter at PEC Chandigarh / / 2022

Vijay Sharma, Mohit Bhandari , M.K. Shrimali , S.D. Bharti , T.K. Datta, "Numerical Study of Hybrid Steel Frames Under Far-Field Earthquakes" , 12th Structural Engineering Convention by :Published by Alwaha Scientific Publishing Services, ASPS at India / 781-787 / 2022

Sudarshan K. Jain, Vijay Janyani and Nikhil Deep Gupta, "Optical Studies of Cadmium Telluride Based Solar Cell Using Photonic Crystal as a Back Reflector" , 2022 5th IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP) by :IEEE at SAMEER, Mumbai / / 2022

Shubhangi Mishra, Gaurav Saini, Anurag Chauhan, Sunanda Sinha, "Optimal Designing of Grid-Connected Hybrid Renewable Model Using Harmony Search Algorithm" , IEEE Silcon 2022 by :IEEE at NIT Silchar / / 2022

Vidhu Saini, Satish Sharma and Rohit Bhakar, "Optimal Dispatch of CHP in Network With Heat Pump and Electric Storage" , 22nd National Power System Conference (NPSC-2022) by :IEEE at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India / / 2022

Devashish, Kusum Verma, "Optimal Load Frequency Control of Interconnected Two Area Non-Reheat Thermal-Thermal Power System" , 3rd IEEE International Conference of Emerging Technologies (INCET-2022) by :IEEE at Karnataka, India / - / 2022

J. Gopala Rao, Gunwant Sharma and Sudhir Kumar, "Optimal Operation of the KL Rao Sagar, Pulichintala Reservoir Using GAunder RCP4.5 Climate Change Scenario" , 1sr International Conference on Advances in Water Treatment and Mangement ICAWTM 22 by :PDEU and Gujrat Council on Science and Technology DST at Gandinagar Gujrat / 56 / 2022

Khajuria R, Lamba R, Kumar R. , "Optimal Parameter Extraction and Performance Analysis of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell." , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur (Online) / 1-5 / 2022

Rahul Khajuria, Ravita Lamba, and Rajesh Kumar, "Optimal Parameter Identification of PEM Electrolyzer Using Bald Eagle Search Optimization Algorithm" , IEEE 10th Power India International Conference (PIICON)2022 by :IEEE at NIT Delhi / / 2022

Surabhi Singh, Prathwiraj Meena, Rohidas Bhoi, Suja George, "Optimization of Bio-Oil Extraction From Chlorellabiomass via a Green Approach to Obtain Algal-Based Di-Ethyl Phthalate" , National Conference on Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology-NCEIB 2022 by :Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology for Handicapped, Kanpur at Kanpur / / 2022

Ritu Chaudhary, Sushant Upadhyaya, and Vikas Kumar Sangal, "Optimization of Process Parameters of Extrusion for Preparation of Circular Disk Using Waste HDPE" , 2nd International Conference in Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay by :IITB at IIT Bombay / / 2022

Kamal Kishor Choure, Dhirendra Bahadur Singh, Muhammad Arif Bin Jalil, Nitesh Mudgal, Ravi Kumar Maddila, Ghanshyam Singh, "Optimized All-Optical Gray Code Converter Using Si3N4 Based Ring Resonator" , 2022 Workshop on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communications (MTTW) by :IEEE at Riga, Latvia / / 2022

U. K. Yadav, H. Monga, V. P. Meena, P. Mande, and V. P. Singh, "Order Diminution of Bicycle-Robot Controller by Exploiting Markov-Parameters Based Error-Minimization Using Jaya Algorithm" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / - / 2022

A. R. Tipare, R. Gumber, R. Agrawal, V. P. Meena, A. Gupta, and V. P. Singh, "Order Diminution of Cuk Converter Using Factor Division Algorithm and Routh Approximation Method" , Second International Conference on Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation and Control iCASIC 2022 by :AIP at Malaysia / - / 2022

V. P. Meena, R. Agrawal, R. Gumber, A. R. Tipare, and V. P. Singh, "Order Reduction of Continuous Interval Zeta Converter Model Using Direct Truncation Method" , Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing by :IEEE at Vijayawada, India / 1-6 / 2022

R. Agrawal, A. R. Tipare, R. Gumber, V. P. Meena, and V. P. Singh, "Order Reduction of Zeta Converter Using Direct Truncation and Routh Approximation Method" , 7th Students Conference on Engineering and Systems by :IEEE at Allahabad, India / - / 2022

Sonal Rajoria, Manish Vashishtha, Vikas K Sangal, "Oxidative Degradation of Electroplating Wastewater by an Electro-Fenton Process Using GO/TiO 2 NTs Electrode" , International Conference on Chemical Engineering: Enabling Transition Towards Sustainable Future by :- at IIT ROORKEE / / 2022

Sonal Rajoria, Manish Vashishtha and Vikas Kumar Sangal, "Oxidative Degradation of Electroplating Wastewater by an Electro-Fenton Using GO-TiO2NTs Electrode" , Chemical Engineering: Enabling Transition Towards Sustainable Future by :Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee / / 2022

V. K. Saini, R. Kumar, A. Alsumaiti, "P2P Energy Trading With Decentralized Energy Storage Embedded Network Loss" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2022

Akanksha Pandey, Prerna Jain, "P2P Transaction-Based Sharing Solution for Prosumers in Management of Cloud Energy Storage System" , 10th Power India International Conference (PIICON 2022) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2022

Puneet Singh Gahlaut, Barun Jana, "Palladium Complex Supported by Bptmp Ligand - Synthesis, Characterization and Applications in Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling Reaction" , Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry by :Banaras Hindu University at Banaras Hindu University, Banaras, India / / 2022

Manju Singh, "Panelist" , International Conference in Association With the National Taipei University of Business, Taiwan International Conference on Contemporary Issues and C by :School of Management Under University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2022

Azra Malik, Bharath K. V. S., A. Haque, R. Kumar, "Parallel Inverter Control Based on Stationary Reference Frame" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2022

Khajuria R, Lamba R, Kumar R. , "Parameters Extraction of PEMFC Model Using EvolutionaryBased Optimization Algorithms." , International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER) by :Springer at IIT Bombay (Online) / 1-10 / 2022

Ritu Chaudhary Sushant Upadhyaya and Vikas Kumar Sangal , "Parametric Study of Fabricated Circular Disk Made From Waste PP and HDPE via Sheet Casting Method" , International Conference in Chemical Engineering, IIT Roorke by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorke / / 2022

S. Vern , M. K. Shrimali , S. D. Bharti, A.S. Vibhute , "Passive Control in Baffled Liquid Storage Tank Under Bi-Directional Earthquakes" , 12th Structural Engineering Convention by :Published by Alwaha Scientific Publishing Services, ASPS at India / 1779-178 / 2022

Saroj Jhajhriya and Satish Sharma, "Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading: A Review and Indian Scenario" , 2022 IEEE Delhi Section Conference (DELCON) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2022

Pradeep Kumar Gautam Pravesh Saini Pawan Kalla Ajay Singh Jethoo Harshwardhan Singh Chouhan , "Performance Analysis of Black Cotton Soil Treated With Dimensional Limestone (Kota Stone) Slurry Waste" , Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of Transportation Research Group of India by :Springer at Bhopal, India / 179-192 / 2022

S. Yelisetti, R. Kumar, R. Lamba, A. Saxena, "Performance Analysis of Comfort Maximization Model With Five Different Weather Conditions in India" , 2nd International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and Its Control (PARC 2022) by :IEEE at Mathura, India / / 2022

M Morey, N Gupta, MM Garg and A Kumar, "Performance Analysis of Grid Connected SPCS Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage, Frequency Deviation and Harmonics" , IEEE ISGT-Asia 2022 by :IEEE at Singapore / 325-329 / 2022

M Gupta, N Gupta and MM Garg, "Performance Analysis of IMC-PID Controller Designed for Cuk Converter With Model Reduction" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Technology for Power and Energy Systems (STPES 2022) by :IEEE at IIT Jammu/NIT Srinagar / / 2022


Prathwiraj Meena, Rohidas Bhoi, "Performance and Combustion Charcteristics of Bio-Oil Produced by in-Situ Catalytic Pyrolysis of Polypropylene Using Spent FCC" , National Conference on Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology-NCEIB 2022 by :Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology for Handicapped, Kanpur at Kanpur / / 2022

Ravi Kumar Parihar, Soumyadip Ghosh, S. P. Chaurasia and Md Oayes Midda, "Performance and Fouling Control of Tiered Fluidized Bed Membrane Bioreactor for Anaerobic Treatment of Dairy Wastewater" , 2nd International Conference on Water Technologies, ICWT - 2022 by :Indian Institute of Technology Bombay at IIT Bombay / / 2022

Vijay Sharma, Kedar Kumbhojkar, M. K. Shrimali, S. D. Bharti, and T. K. Datta , "Performance Assessment of Hybrid Steel Frames Under Near-Field Seismic Excitations" , 12th Structural Engineering Convention, SEC 2022 by :Alwaha Scientific Publishing Services, ASPS at India 19-December to 22-December, 2022 at MNIT Jaipur / 379-386 / 2022

Neha pal, Madhu Agarwal, "Performance Evaluation of Biopolymer Mixed Matrix Membrane for CO2 /H2 Separation" , International Conference on Renewable Organised by Energy Centre for Non-Conventional Energy Resources by :University of Rajasthan at Jaipur / / 2022

K Tank, MM Garg, N Gupta and B L Narasimharaju, "Performance Evaluation of Differential Mode Zeta Inverter Using Various Modulation Schemes" , IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET-2022) by :IEEE at Hyderabad, India / / 2022

P. D. Dewangan, N. Patnana, L. Barik, P. J. Krishna, V. P. Meena, and V. P. Singh, "Performance Evaluation of GWO Algorithm Using Different Initialization Strategies" , 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS) by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / 714-718 / 2022

Anita Shrotriya, Akhilesh Kumar Sharma, Jyoti Grover, "Performance Evaluation of Image-Based Diseased Leaf Identification Model Using CNN and GA" , International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering by :Springer at NIT Goa / 167--177 / 2022

P. D. Dewangan, P. Mande, A. Gupta, P. J. Krishna, V. P. Meena, and V. P. Singh, "Performance Evaluation of Jaya Algorithm During Search Space Violation" , International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computation (ICISC-2022) by :AIP at Jaipur, India / - / 2022

P. D. Dewangan, P. Mande, A. Gupta, P. J. Krishna, V. P. Meena, A. P. Padhy, and V. P. Singh, "Performance Evaluation of Luus-Jaakola Algorithm for Different Initialization Strategies Through Repetitive Reduction of Search Space" , International Conference of Smart Innovations for Society (ICSIS-2022) by :AIP at Jaipur, India / - / 2022

D Rahul Patil, Saravana Prakash P, N. Sandeep and Arun Verma, "Performance Evaluation of PMSM Drive Using ANFIS Based Speed Controller Under SVPWM Technique" , 10th Power India International Conference (PIICON 2022) by :IEEE at NIT DELHI / / 2022

Yashaswini Sharma, Ritu Sharma, KK Sharma, "Performance Evaluation of Throughput for CB-CSS in Cognitive Radio Network Over Hoyt Fading Channel" , Second International Conference on Computational Electronics for Wireless Communications by :Springer at Surathkal, India / / 2022

B.P. Harsha, Amar Patnaik, M.K. Banerjee, Ernst Kozeschnik, "Physical, Mechanical, and Tribological Assessment of High Manganese-Silicon Steel Alloys" , International Conference on Advanced Research in Industrial and Manufacturing Applications: ICARIMA 2022 by :Materials Today: Proceedings at Mauritius / / 2022

Madhusmita Sahu, Amar Patnaik, Yugal Kishor Sharma, Ashutosh Dalai, "Physico-Mechanical and Tribological Behaviour of Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites: A Short Review" , International Conference on Advanced Research in Industrial and Manufacturing Applications: ICARIMA 2022 by :Materials Today: Proceedings at Mauritius / / 2022

Arunima Sharma, Dhwani Agrawal, Nandini Roy, Sunita Bhichar Ramesh Babu Battula , "POTENT - Decentralized Platoon Management With Heapify for Future Vehicular Networks" , 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2022) by :IEEE at University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Sydney, AUS / / 2022

Meenu,Shiv Om Meena,Manish Vashishtha, Vikas Kumar Sangal, Gaurav Yadav, "Potential Application of Artificial Neural Network to Predict the Nutrient Release Behaviour fromNeem Oil Coated Urea" , Chemical Engineering: Enabling Transition Towards Sustainable Future,ChemTSF-22 by :Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee / / 2022

A. Rohit Kumar, V. Gupta and D. Saxena, "Power Management in DC Microgrid Based on Distributed Energy Sources Available Virtual Generation" , International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies by :IEEE at Bhilai, India / / 2022

Nishant Sachdeva, Neha Shrivastava, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Pozzolanic Reaction and Strength Activity Index of Dolomite Powder Incorporated Cement Mortar" , Second International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures by : at NIT Calicut, Kerla, India / / 2022

Pappu Kumar Burnwal, Md. Oayes midda, and S.P. Chaurasia , "Preparation and Characterization of Synthesized Novel Hybrid Membrane PVDF-PTFE and Its Application in Ethanol Separation Using VMD" , Chemcon-2022 by :Chemcon-2022 at HBTI Kanpur / / 2022

Sameer Imdad, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Preparation of Ultrafiltration Membrane From Discarded Polyethylene Terephthalate Bottles" , International Conference on Sustainable Technologies in Water Treatment and Desalination by :Elsevier at National Institute of Technology Calicut / / 2022

Sundeep Kumar, "Present, Past, and Future of Lean Six Sigma Appliction a Literature Review" , Advanced Research in Industrial and Manufacturing Applications by :Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, University of Mauritius and MNIT Jaipur at Mauritius / / 2022

Goswami Shipra, Kumar Ashwani, Satish Pipralia , "Problems and Prospects for Conservation of Traditional Bazaars in Walled City of Jaipur" , 1st International Conference on Innovations in Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure (ISSI 2022), by :Civil Engineering Department of Pandit Deendayal Engineering University at Gandhinagar / / 2022

Sundeep Kumar, "Problems With Traditional Rubber Cane Tips and Cane-Tip Design Based on the Human Ankle-Foot Mechanism" , Advanced Research in Industrial and Manufacturing Applications by :Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, University of Mauritius and MNIT Jaipur at Mauritius / / 2022

Vikram Singh, Manoj Fozdar, "Profit Maximization of Wind Power Producers With Risk Control Considering Uncertainty," , 10th Power India International Conference (PIICON 2022) by :IEEE at NIT DELHI / 1-6 / 2022

Anton V. Bourdine, Michael V. Dashkov, Artem A. Kuznetsov, Vladimir V. Demidov, Alexander S. Evtushenko, Alexey Yu. Barashkin, Egishe V. Ter-Nersesyants, Ghanshyam Singh, et al., "Pulse and Spectral Responses of Laser-Excited Twisted Silica Few-Mode Optical Fiber With Improved Height of Quasi-Step Refractive Index Profile" , Optical Technologies for Telecommunications 2021 by :SPIE: Society for Optics and Photonics Technology at Samara, Russian Federation / / 2022

M Morey, M Golla. N Gupta and MM Garg, "PV Connected Off-Grid 2-Stage Conversion System With Proposed High Gain Z-Source DC-DC Converter" , IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON-2022) by :IEEE at Kochi, Kerala / 1-6 / 2022

R. Vijay, P. Mathuria, "Reactive Power Limiting at TSO-DSO Interface Using Distribution Flexibility" , 10th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON 2022) by :IEEE at NIT Delhi / / 2022

Sundeep Kumar, "Recent Development in Natural Fiber Composites, Testing and Fabrication Methods: Review" , Advanced Research in Industrial and Manufacturing Applications by :Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, University of Mauritius and MNIT Jaipur at Mauritius / / 2022

V. P. Meena, U. K. Yadav, Ankur Gupta, and V. P. Singh, "Reduced-Order Model Based Design of PID Control for Zeta Converter Using GWO Algorithm" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / - / 2022

Amit Kumar Garg, Sahil Shroff, Saurabh Suman, Janhvi Jaiswal, Vijay Janyani, Moustafa H. Aly, "Reliable TWDM Optical Network Architecture With Multilevel Fault Correction Capability" , 2022 5th IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP) by :IEEE at SAMEER, Mumbai / / 2022

Pushpendra Kushwaha, Madhu Agarwal, "Removal of Organic Dye From Aqueous Solution Using Metal Industry Solid Waste" , An Indo-Canadian Symposium on Water: Purification, Optimization, and Management by :IIT, Tirupati & Industrial Engineering of Dalhousie University, Canada at Tirupati / / 2022

Somesh Prajapati, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Removal of Synthetic Textile Dye Using Emulsion Liquid Membrane" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Materials Sciences (ACMS 2022) by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kolkata at Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata / / 2022

Alok Yadav, Rajeev Agrawal, Rajiv Kumar Garg, Anish Kumar Sachdeva, "Research Progress in Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable Manufacturing Industries: A Bibliometric Analysis" , International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering by :IOP at GHRCE Nagpur / / 2022

Anita Chalka and Nupur Tandon, "Resilience and Renewal Objectified Portrayal of Women in Maya Angelous Autobiographical Writings" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring by :Ethics International Press Ltd UK at Jaipur / 381 / 2022

Ashish Gupta, Gautam Raina,Sunanda Sinha, "Response Surface Methodology Based Parametric Analysis of the Impact of Installation Factors on Bifacial Gain" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE-2022) by :IEEE at NIT Meghalaya / / 2022

Anton V. Bourdine, Michael V. Dashkov, Artem A. Kuznetsov, Vladimir V. Demidov, Alexander S. Evtushenko, Alexey Yu. Barashkin, Egishe V. Ter-Nersesyants, Ghanshyam Singh, et al. , "Results of Bandwidth Measurements, Performed for New Silica Laser-Optimized Multimode Optical Fiber With Extremely Enlarged Core Diameter" , Optical Technologies for Telecommunications 2021 by :SPIE: Society for Optics and Photonics Technology at Samara, Russian Federation / / 2022

Mayank Kumar Jain, Ritika Garg, Dinesh Gopalani, Yogesh Kumar Meena, "Review on Analysis of Classifiers for Fake News Detection" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 395407 / 2022

Saurabh Ojha, Dr. Mahua Mukherjee, "Reviewing the Effective Utilization of Passive Solar Strategies for Designing a Solar Optimized Neighborhood" , Zero Energy Mass Custom Home Network 2022 by :ZEMCH at Bangalore, India / 198-207 / 2022

Prafulla Saxena, Kuldeep Biradar, Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, Santosh Kumar Vipparthi, "RIChEx: A ROBUST INTER-FRAME CHANGE EXPOSURE for SEGMENTING MOVING OBJECTS" , 29th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2022) by :IEEE at Bordeaux, France / / 2022

Shalini Khare, Amit Kumar Garg, Vijay Janyani, "Ring-Star Based Transmission Over Fiber/FSO Links for Reliable Access Network Services" , 2022 5th IEEE Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP) by :IEEE at SAMEER, Mumbai / / 2022

Tanmay Shandilya, Vinay Agrawal, Rajesh Gupta, "Role of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Structural Performance: A Review" , Advancements in Sustainable Materials and Infrastructure, Hyderabad, India by :IOP at Hyderabad, India / / 2022

Jagrati Sehgal and Gireendra Kumar, "Role of Building Envelope in Formation and Mitigation of Urban Heat Island - a Review Study" , International Conference on Sustainable Architecture(s) - Humane Cities by :AMPS – Architecture, Media, Politics, Society at Bangalore / / 2022

Richa Raje, Saurabh Ojha, "Role of Natural Environment as Stimulating Outdoor Play Space for Children a Study of Bhopal, India" , SBEfin 2022 Emerging Concepts for Sustainable Built Environment by :IOP at Finland / / 2022

Megha Sharma, Namita Mittal, Anukram Mishra, Arun Gupta, "Sector-Wise Expert Input Selection for Electricity Load Forecasting" , 2022 IEEE 7th International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering by :IEEE at Surathkal / 87-92 / 2022

Naveen Tiwari, E.Ganesh, P.V. Ramana, "Seismic Characterization of Symmetrical Structure Damage and Ductility Obligation" , ICE3MT by :Elsevier at Hyderabad / / 2022

Rohit Naharla, E.Ganesh, P.V. Ramana, "Seismic Effects on Reinforced Concrete Multi-Storey Structure NDTHA Assessment" , ICE3MT by :Elsevier at Hyderabad / / 2022

Bapugouda Biradar, Anoop I. Shirkol, Basanagouda Patil. , "Seismic Evaluation of Eccentric Brace Frame Designed by Force Based Design and Performance Based Plastic Design Methods" , 17th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering (17SEE) by :Springer at IIT Roorkee / / 2022

Bapugouda Biradar, Sitara Guled, Anoop I. Shirkol., "Seismic Evaluation of RC Frame Designed by Forced Based Design and Direct Displacement Based Design" , 17th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering (17SEE) by :Springer at IIT Roorke / / 2022

Rohit Vyas and Anoop I. Shirkol., "Seismic Performance Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Moment Resisting Frame Designed by Force Based Design Method and the Performance Based Plastic Design Method" , 17th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering (17SEE) by :Springer at IIT Roorkee, India / / 2022

Bapugouda B. Biradar, Anoop I. Shirkol., "Seismic Performance of Eccentric Brace Frames Design With Strength Based Design and Performance Based Plastic Design" , 5th International Conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering and Technology (IAET-2022) by :AIP at JNU Jaipur / / 2022

Shivaji M. Dumne, M.K. Shrimali, "Seismic Response Analysis of Vertically Irregular RC Building With MR Dampers" , 12th Structural Engineering Convention by :Published by Alwaha Scientific Publishing Services, ASPS at India / 843-847 / 2022

Richa Kumari,Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, "Self-Organised Mobility Aware Device Discovery for Ultra-Dense D2D Communication Network" , EEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems ANTS- 2022 by :IEEE at Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India / / 2022

Richa Sharma, Amit M Joshi, Chitrakant Sahu, Gulshan Sharma, KT Akindeji, Sachin Sharma, "Semi Supervised Cyber Attack Detection System for Smart Grid" , 30th Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC) by :IEEE at Durban, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa / 1-5 / 2022

K. Bala Ganesh, R. Vijay, P. Mathuria and R. Bhakar, "Short Term Power Procurement for RE Rich Indian DISCOMS With Multi-Market Uncertainties" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE-2022) by :IEEE at Meghalaya / / 2022

P.V. Ramana, Anamika Agnihotri, Ayush Meena, Engammagari Ganesh, M.K. Shrimali , S.D. Bharti, "Simulation and Soft Computation on Materials Prognostication Seismic Assessment" , 12th Structural Engineering Convention by :Published by Alwaha Scientific Publishing Services, ASPS at India / 1839-1846 / 2022

Jitendra Goyal, Deeksha Ratnawat, Mushtaq Ahmed, Dinesh Gopalani , "Simulation and Synthesis of SHA-256 Using Verilog HDL for Blockchain Applications" , Advances in Data-Driven Computing and Intelligent Systems ADCIS 2022 by :Springer Nature Singapore at Goa, India / 463--477 / 2022

Niraj Kishore, Kapil Shukla, Nitin Gupta, "Single Source Three-Phase 13-Level Transformer-Based Cascaded Hybrid Multi-Level Inverter" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2022) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 1-6 / 2022

B Goyal, P Bhardwaj, MM Garg and S Lakshmanan, "Single-Stage Extendable Multi Level Inverter With Integration of Step-Up Switched-Capacitor Unit & DC-Link Capacitor Unit" , IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON-2022) by :IEEE at Kochi, Kerala / 1-7 / 2022

Himanshu Bharadwaj, Dharmendra Saini, Nikilvish Paliwal, Akhilesh Mathur, "Sizing Optimization of a Stand-Alone PV/Wind Power Supply System With Hybrid Energy Storage" , IEEE Delhi Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (DELCON-2022) by :IEEE at Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi / / 2022

R. K. Vijay, S. J. Nanda , "Sliding Temporal Window-Based Feature Extraction With K-Means Clustering for Zagros Iran Seismicity Analysis" , 2022 IEEE International Conference on Connected Systems & Intelligence, IEEE-CSI-2022 by :IEEE at Digital University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India / 1-10 / 2022

Dawar, Prince, and Preeti Bhatt, "Social Inequality and Resistance in Edward Albees the Zoo Story" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring (ICRTGR 2022) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

Astha Mary John, Suraj Pant, Shreya Gupta, Yash Bhardwaj, Navneet Sharma, Archee Gupta, Priyanka Kushwaha, Rohit Bhakar, Prerna Jain, "Spatial Hierarchical Wind Power Forecasting" , 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Denver, CO, USA / / 2022

G Suthar, S Singh, RP Singhal , N Kaul , S Khendelwal , A. B. Gupta, "Spatiotemporal Variation of Land Surface Temperature and Its Use in Predicting Heat Wave in Rajasthan and Karnataka States of India Using Machine Learning Models" , International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Bioresources and Bioeconomy by :IIT Guwahati at IIT Guwahati / / 2022

Rajpal Singh Shekhawat, Madhu Agarwal, "Spent Bleaching Earth Co-Processing in Cement Kiln & Its Effect on Physical Properties of Cement" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Materials Sciences (ACMS 2022) by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Kolkata at KOLKATA / / 2022

Niraja Saraswat and Divya Jyot Kaur, "Statistical Analysis of Learners’ Ubiquity and Autonomy: Sustaining the Development of Learning Management System (LMS) for L2 Proficiency" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SUSTAINABLE COMPUTING and MANAGEMENT by :Miyan Research Institute, International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Dhaka, Ba at Dhaka / / 2022

Naresh K. Raghuwanshi, "Stiffness and Modal Parameter Analysis of Cracked Rotor Used in Electric Motor" , 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research by :IEEE at Krakow, Poland / 124-128 / 2022

Pooja Sharma and Satyanarayana Neeli, "Strong Delay Independent Stability Condition for Commensurate Time Delay Systems" , 2022 American Control Conference (ACC) by :IEEE at Atlanta USA / 1-6 / 2022

P.V. Ramana, Anamika Agnihotri, "Structural Health Monitoring: GGBS- Foam Concrete Evaluation for Stress-Strain Characterisation" , International Online Conference on Foamed Polymers by :Elsevier at Kottayam, Kerala / / 2022

Anamika Agnihotri, P.V. Ramana, "Structural Health Monitoring: GGBSFoam Concrete Evaluation for Stress-Strain Characterization" , SEC 2022 by :ASPS Conference Proceedings at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

Parvati Bhurani, Satyendra Singh Chouhan, Namita Mittal , "Study of Class Incremental Learning Strategies for Intrusion Detection System" , 10th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications by :Springer at Mizoram / 281-291 / 2022

Vikas Kumar, Rojo Kurian Daniels, Monika Agrawal, Amartya Chowdhury, Satyendra Singh Chouhan, Aneesh Prabhakar, "Support Vector Regression Based Thermal Performance Assessment of Photovoltaic Panels" , 7th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC 2022) by :American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers ASTFE at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA / / 2022

Himanshi Tomar, Yash Kumar Mittal, "Sustainable Management of Construction and Demolition Waste" , 36th National Convention of Architectural Engineers and National Conference of Green Buildings, Innovation and Sustainability by :Conference Procedings at Bhopal / / 2022

Samruth Kumar,Yash Kumar Mittal, "Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure Assesment and Quality of Life: A Case of Kochi City" , 36th National Convention of Architectural Engineers and National Conference of Green Buildings, Innovation and Sustainability by :Conference Procedings at Bhopal / / 2022

Saraswat Anjali, Pipralia Satish, Kumar Ashwani, "Sustainable Urbanisation: An Ecosystems Approach Towards Future Cities" , 1st Conference on Future Challenges in Sustainable Urban Planning & Territorial Management(SUPTM 2022) by :Universidad Politcnica De Cartagena at Cartagena, Spain / / 2022

Rojo Kurian Daniels, Vikas Kumar, Satyendra Singh Chouhan, Aneesh Prabhakar, "SVR Based Temperature Prediction of Cylindrical Tube Banks in Crossflow Having Arbitrary Heaters" , International Symposium on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer (CONV-2022) by : International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer - ICHMT at Izmir, Turkey / / 2022

Sangeeta Kumari, Sandeep N and Arun Kumar Verma, "Switched-Capacitor Based Five-Level Inverter With Ground Connection" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2022) by :IEEE at Trivandrum, Kerala / / 2022

Pooja Choudhary, Lava Bhargava, Masahiro Fujita, Virendra Singh, "Synthesis of LUT Based Approximating Adder Circuits With Formal Error Guarantees" , International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test by :Springer Nature Switzerland at Jammu, India / 435-449 / 2022

Vijesh tomar, Meena Nemiwal and Raj Kumar Joshi, "Synthesis of Novel Ferrocenated Enynes via the Sonogashira Coupling of Ferrocenated Vinyllic Chlorides and Alkyne in the Catalytic Presence of Selenated NHC-PdII Full Pincer Complex Under Cu and Ami" , International Conference on Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry 15-17 Dec 2022 by :MTIC XIX 2022 at BHU Banaras / / 2022

Naman Srivastava, Madhu Agarwal, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Synthesis of the Catalysts for Hydrogen Production From the Methanolysis of the Sodium Borohydride From Home-Made Waste Tea Leaves" , International Conference on Enabling Transition Towards Sustainable Future by :IIT Roorkee at ROORKEE / / 2022

Naman Srivastava, Madhu Agarwal, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Synthesis of the Catalysts for Hydrogen Production via Methanolysis of Sodium Borohydride With Waste Biomass as Catalysts" , 2nd International Conference on Water Technologies by :IIT Bombay at Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bomday / / 2022

Naman Srivastava, Madhu Agarwal, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Synthesis of the Catalysts for Hydrogen Production via Methanolysis of Sodium Borohydride With Waste Biomass as Catalysts" , 2nd International Conference on Water Technologies 2022 by :Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay at IIT Bombay / / 2022

Ravindra Kumar Soni and Neeta Nain, "Synthetic Data Approach for Unconstrained Low-Resolution Face Recognition in Surveillance Applications" , ICVGIP 22: Thirteenth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing by :ACM at IIT Gandhi Nagar / 1-6 / 2022

Aman Mathan, Deepak Verma and Divesh Kumar, "Taxonomy of Recommendation Systems and Research Scopes in E-Commerce" , 2nd International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology (ICAMT-22) by :Emerald at Jaypee Business School, JIIT Noida / / 2022

Vivek Sharma, Ashish Kumar Tripathi, Himanshu Mittal, "Technological Advancements in Automated Crop Pest and Disease Detection: A Review & Ongoing Research" , International Conference on Computing, Communication, Security and Intelligent Systems (IC3SIS) by :IEEE at Ernakulam, India / / 2022

Praveen Singh Thakur, Mahipal Jadeja, Satyendra Singh Chouhan, "Text Augmentation Based Imbalance Learning for Unstructured Text Data" , 4th International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications-ICCCMLA by :IEEE at Goa / 73-77 / 2022

I. B. Sharma, S. Shrimal, R. Agrawal, J. Garg, B. Kalra and M. M. Sharma, "The Design CP Square Slot Antenna With Open Loop and Single Inverted-L-Shaped Ground Strip" , 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 1924-1927 / 2022

K Lautenbach,...K.Lalwani,et,al, "The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment" , 41st International Conference on High Energy Physics by :SISSA at Bologna / 328 / 2022

Kumari, Saloni and Preeti Bhatt, "The White Tiger: A Study of Trauma Within the Cultural Politics of the Indian Society" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring (ICRTGR 2022) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2022

Arora A and Subbarao PMV, "Thermo-Hydraulic Assessment of Geometric Designs of Vortex Generators in a Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchanger" , 5th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (ICETMIE) by :Northcap University at NCU Gurugram / / 2022

Sharma, V. and Raj, D. , "Three-Dimensional Slope Stability Under Tri-Directional Pseudo-Static Seismic Loading" , Indian Geotechnical Conference by :IGS at Kochi / / 2022

A. Jain, B. Jangid, C. P. Barala, R. Bhakar, P. Mathuria, "TOU Price Based Optimal Scheduling of EV Clusters" , National Power System Conference by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / / 2022

Purva Bhatt and Manju Singh, "Towards Engaged Scholarship: Remaining Knowledge Creation for a Post Pandemic World" , National Conference on Many Facets of COVID-19 Pandemic by :Council of Social Development, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / - / 2022

Purva Bhatt and Manju Singh, "Towards Engaged Academia: Contextualizing Community Engagement in the Indian Higher Education Campuses" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring (ICRTGR 2022) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2022

Himanshu K. Gajera, Mukesh A. Zaveri, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, "Towards Exploring Deep Features for Efficient Melanoma Diagnosis in Dermoscopic Images" , 20th OITS International Conference on Information Technology 2022 (OCIT 2022) by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar / / 2022

Sonal Rajoria and Manish Vashishtha, "Treatment of Electroplating Wastewater by the Electro-Fenton Process Using GO-Loaded TiO2 Nanotube Electrode" , Chemical, Agriculture, Biological & Environmental Sciences by :International Forum on Food, Agriculture and Biological Science at Lisbon Portugal / / 2022

Vikas K Sangal, Anoop Verma, "Treatment of Pharmaceutical Effluent in Pilot-Scale Once Through Reactor Systems by Dual Process (Photocatalysis and Photo-Fenton) Using in-Situ Novel Catalyst" , 12TH EDITION of GLOBAL CONFERENCE on CATALYSIS, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY by :- at USA / / 2022

Bhupesh Agarwal, Kusum Verma, "Two Stage Framework for Techno-Economic Analysis of Electricity Pool Markets Integrated With Stochastic Wind Power" , 3rd IEEE International Conference of Emerging Technologies (INCET-2022) by :IEEE at Karnataka, India / - / 2022

Neeraj Lamba and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Ultra-Porous Cobalt Nickel Oxide for High Efficient All-Solid-State Asymmetric Supercapacitors" , International Conference on Frontiers in Materials Engineering by :Department of Metallurgy Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Indore at Indian Institute of Technology, Indore / / 2022

Ajay Agarwal, Basant Agarwal, Priyanka Harjule, "Understanding the Role of Feature Engineering in Fake News Detection" , Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2021 by :Springer Nature Singapore at IIIT Kota / / 2022

Saurabh Ojha, Richa Raje, "Understanding the Role of User Spatial Relationship in an Assisted Living Center a Case of Durgapur India" , Zero Energy Mass Custom Home Network 2022 by :ZEMCH at Bangalore, India / 575-584 / 2022

Mohit Joshi and Dr Niraja Saraswat, "Unraveling the Self in Deaf Life Writing: Navigating Select Autobiographical American Sign Language Poems by Ella Mae Lentz Through the Lens of New Critical Approach" , Sixteenth Annual Conference of the International Association of Literary Journalism Studies by :International Association of Literary Journalism Studies at Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile / / 2022

Saini Ashutosh, Sharma Swasti, Kumar Gireendra, Kumar Ashwani, "Urban Development Challenges for Medium Sized Towns in Hill Regions of India" , I-Converge 2022 by :DIT Dehradun at Dehradun / / 2022

Sharma Swasti, Pipralia Satish, Kumar Ashwani, Shrivastava Bhavna, Sharma Bansari,, "Urban Development in Post Liberalisation Era" , Conference of Creative Future22 Manipal University Jaipur by :.. at Jaipur / , / 2022

Kumar, A., Datta, M., Nema, A. K. and Singh, R. K., "Using a Novel Index to Find the Most Appropriate Aggregation Function for Composite Hazard Rating of a Waste Disposal Site" , Contaminated Sites 2022 by :Slovak Environment Agency at Senec, Slovakia / / 2022

Vinay Agarwal, Aman Jain, Tanmay Shandilya, Rajesh Gupta, "Using Serpentine in Concrete: A Literature Review" , International Conference on Construction Material and Structure 2022 by :Elsevier at National Institute of Technology Calicut / / 2022

Mag Raj Gehlot, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Utilization of Stone Waste in the Development of Sustainable Mortar: A State of the Art Review" , Second International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures by :NIT Calicut, Kerla, India at NIT Calicut, Kerla, India / / 2022

B. Singh, S. Patel, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, "Variational Inference Data-Driven Gait Model for Biped Trajectory Generation" , 2022 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET) by :IEEE at Romania / / 2022

Sandeep Mandia, Kuldeep Singh, Rajendra Mitharwal, "Vision Transformer for Automatic Student Engagement Estimation" , IEEE Fifth International Conference on Image Processing Applications and Systems, IPAS 2022 by :IEEE at Genoa, Italy / / 2022

Riju Jakhar, Deepak Verma and Ajay Pal Singh Rathore, "Visual Merchandising: A Bibliometric Review" , 10th International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing (ICRTC 2022) by :Springer at SRM Institute of Science and Technology Delhi-NCR / / 2022

Riju Jakhar, Deepak Verma and A.P.S Rathore, "Visual Merchandising: State of the Art Bibliometric Review" , 2nd International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology (ICAMT-22) by :Emerald at Jaypee Business School, JIIT Noida / / 2022

Aman Jaiswal, Dipti Saxena, "Volt,VAR Control in Distribution Network: An Overview" , International Conference on Sustainable Technology for Power and Energy Systems by :IEEE at IIT Jammu / / 2022

Vinay Agrawal, Aman Jain, Tanmay Shandilya, Rajesh Gupta, "Waste Glass Powder as a Partial Replacement of Sand in Concrete" , International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing, Industrial and Civil Engineering (ICMMICE) 2022 by :Institute for Technology and Research ITRESEARCH at Hyderabad / / 2022

Sushmi Nimje, Yash Kumar Mittal, Niruti Gupta, "Water Consumption in the Power Sector in India" , 10th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology by :Organisation of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology at Chennai, Tamil Nadu / / 2022

Sharma Manish, Sharma Bansari, Kumar Nand, Kumar Ashwani, "Water Stress: Vulnerable Urban Areas" , International Conference of Creative Future (ICCF22) by :Manipal University Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2022

Rashi Kumar, Vineet Sahula, "Word Translation Using Cross-Lingual Word Embedding: Case of Sanskrit to Hindi Translation " , 2022 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing AISP by :IEEE at India / 6 / 2022

Niraja Saraswat and Divya Jyot Kaur, "Exploring EFL Students Self-Perceived English Communicative Competence in Virtual Learning Environment: A Community of Inquiry Perspective" , International Conference on Advances in English Language Studies (ICAELS-2022) by :University of Engineering & Management, Jaipur, Rajasthan at Jaipur / / 2022

Saurabh Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Kinetically vs Thermodynamically Controlled Chemo-Stereoselective Glycosylation of L-Fucal to Access Rare Deoxysugars PP-53 CARBO-XXXVI-2022" , International Carbohydrate Conference on Emerging Trends In, Glycochemistry, Glycobiology & Technology by :CARBO-XXXVI-2022 at Department of Chemistry, IIT Bombay / 53 / 2022

Nitin Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Regio-Stereodivergent Strategy for Rare-Sugars Talose-Gulose via Dual-Ruthenium Catalysis in One-Pot OP-54, CARBO-XXXVI-2022 Best Presentation Award, ACS-RSC-IITB" , International Carbohydrate Conference on Emerging Trends In, Glycochemistry, Glycobiology & Technology by :CARBO-XXXVI-2022 at Department of Chemistry, IIT Bombay / 54 / 2022

Aakanksha Gurawa, Sudhir Kashyap, "Regiospecific Sulfonylation of Multiple Bondsemploying Sulfonium Iodate Reagent PP-04, RSC-CFOS-2022" , International Conference on Contemporary Facets in Organic Synthesis by :RSC-CFOS-2022 at Department of Chemistry, IIT Roorkee / 04 / 2022

Nitin Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Ruthenium-Catalyzed a Concise Stereoselective Synthesis of a-L-Rhamnopyranosides From L-Rhamnal (OP-27, ICOMP - 2022)." , International Conference on Organic, Medicinal, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (ICOMP-2022) by :Navrachna University, Vadodara at Vadodara / / 2022

Nitin Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereocontrolled Synthesis of a-L-Rhamnopyranosides via Ruthenium Catalysis Glycosylation of Glycals (OF-33). (Best Poster Award, Second)." , National Symposium on Chemistry for Sustainable Future (NSCSF-2022) by :Rajasthan University, Department of Chemistry at Jaipur / / 2022

Manoj Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective Glycosylation of Glycals: Synthesis of 2-Deoxy and 2,3- Dideoxyglycoconjugates (OF-34)" , National Symposium on Chemistry for Sustainable Future (NSCSF-2022) by :Rajasthan University, Department of Chemistry at Jaipur / / 2022

Manoj Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective Synthesis of Deoxyglycosides and Oligosaccharide From Glycal Donors (OP-23, ICOMP - 2022)." , International Conference on Organic, Medicinal, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (ICOMP-2022) by :Navrachna University, Vadodara at Vadodara / / 2022

Aakanksha Gurawa, Sudhir Kashyap, "Sulfonium Iodate Reagent Mediated Stereodivergent Azidation of Alkenes Under Visible Light (OF-14). (Best Poster Award, Third)." , National Symposium on Chemistry for Sustainable Future (NSCSF-2022) by :Rajasthan University, Department of Chemistry at Jaipur / / 2022


R. Verma, V. Janyani and S. J. Nanda, " Design and Optimization of EDFA-Raman Hybrid Optical Amplifier Using Grey Wolf Optimizer" , 2021 International Conference on Communication, Control and Information Sciences, IEEE-ICCISc-2021 by :IEEE at Government Engineering College, Idukki,Kerla / 1-6 / 2021

S Garg, V Agrawal, R Nagar - Key Engineering Materials, 2021, " Progressive Collapse Resisting Capacity of RC Flat Slab Buildings With Varying Spans and Storey Heights" , Trans Tech Publications Ltd by :The Indian Institute of Metals at Singapore / 1145-120 / 2021

Ravi K. Parihar Pappu Kumar Burnwal Oayes midda and SP Chaurasia, " Recent Trends and Research Directions in Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor for Waste Water Treatment With Future Perspective" , International Conference on Water Desalination Treatment & Management by :MNIT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Aakanksha Gurawa, Sudhir Kashyap, ""Sulfonium Iodate Mediated Vicinal Oxo Azidation and Iodoazidation of Vinyl Arenes" (PP-49, FOMC-2021)" , Web Conference on Frontiers in Organometallics and Catalysis (FOMC-2021) by :Malaviya National Instititute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2021

G.Rizzo,...K.Lalwani, et.al, "5. the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector: Performance and Operational Experience in the First Year of Data Taking" , 29th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX2020) by :The Physical Society of Japan at Japan / 010003 / 2021

P. Kaith, M. M. Sharma, I. Sharma, I. B. Sharma, B. Kalra and Jaiverdhan, "8 X 1 Array Implementation of Bull S Horn Design Microstrip Patch Antenna for Broadcast Satellite and Military Communication" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 921-924 / 2021

Mahipal Bukya, Rajesh Kumar, and Akhilesh Mathur, "800 v - Electric Vehicle High Voltage Cable Design" , 4th IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference by :IEEE at Manesar / / 2021

M. Bukya, R. Kumar, A. Mathur, "800 v- Electric Vehicle High Voltage Cable Design" , 4th International Transportation Electrification Conference (iTEC-2021) by :IEEE at Gurgaon, India / / 2021

Poonam Devi, Ravi Kumar Maddila, "A 1 Gbps VLC System Based on Daylight and Intensity Modulator" , Fourth International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends in Electronics, Communication and Networking by :Springer at SVNIT Surat / 129-138 / 2021

G. Ramya, S. J. Nanda, "A Binary Multi-Objective CLONAL Algorithm for Band Selection in Hyper-Spectral Images" , 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 99-104 / 2021

A. Sharma, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Vijay, "A Binary NSGA-II Model for De-Clustering Seismicity of Turkey and Chile" , IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE-CEC-2021 by :IEEE at Krakow, Poland / 981-988 / 2021

Amitkumar Patil, Gunjan Soni and Anuj Prakash, "A BMFO-KNN Based Intelligent Fault Detection Approach for Reciprocating Compressor" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems-2021 by :Springer at Jaipur, India / / 2021

Jyoti Sharma, Tarun Varma, Dharmendar Boolchandani, "A Brief Review of the Various Phase-Frequency Detector Architectures" , IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 74-78 / 2021

Jyoti Sharma, Tarun Varma, Dharmendar Boolchandani, "A Brief Review of the Various Phase-Frequency Detector Architectures (DOI 10.1109/iSES52644.2021.00028)" , IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at M.N.I.T., Jaipur / 74-78 / 2021

S. Gottam, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Maddila, "A CNN-LSTM Model Trained With Grey Wolf Optimizer for Prediction of Household Power Consumption" , 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 355-360 / 2021

Shakti Vashisth, Praveen Kumar Agrawal, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, "A Comprehensive Review on Fast Charging Stations Deployment for Electric Vehicles" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems-2021 (ICTSES-21) by :Springer at Manipal, Jaipur / / 2021

Pankai Binda, Akshay Pratap Singh, Kuldeep Singh, Rajendra Mitharwal, "A Computational Approach for Estimating the Electric Field of a Radiating Microstrip Patch Antenna Using a Magnetic EMC Probe" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 01-04 / 2021

Vimal Kumar Soni, Dinesh Gopalani, M.C. Govil, "A Dataset to Evaluate Hindi Word Embeddings" , 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Data Science & Blockchain Technology (ICETCE 2021) by :IOP Publishing at Jaipur / / 2021

Indra Bhooshan Sharma, Chandra Shekhar Ganesh Jha, M.M. Sharma, Joohi Garg, Bhawana Karla, Subhash Srimal, "A Design of Multiband Simple Microstrip Patch Antenna by Using Inset-Feed" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation-InCAP by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2021

Rahul Pandey, Rukhsar Zafar, Ankur Saharia, Kamal Kishore Choure, Nitesh Mudgal, Ghanshyam Singh, Rajendra Mitharwal, "A High Bit Rate Half Adder Based on Square Lattice Photonic Crystal" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies by :Springer Nature at Jaipur / / 2021

Renu Agrawal, M. M. Sharma, Indra Bhooshan Sharma, Richa, Joohi Garg, and Jaiverdhan, "A Multi Wideband Compact Circularly Polarized Square Slot Antenna" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation-InCAP by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 1-3 / 2021

R. Verma, S. J. Nanda, "A Neural Network Model to Estimate Parameters of DBSCAN for Flood Image Segmentation" , International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Sustainable Technologies ICoCIST-2021 by :Springer at NIT Silchar / 465-474 / 2021

Ritu Chaudhary, Sushant Upadhyaya, and Vikas Kumar Sangal, "A Parametric Study on the HDPE PP and Marble Slurry Waste Utilisation Using Single Screw Extruder" , International Conference in Chemical Engineering by :MNIT at MNIT Jaipur Rajasthan / / 2021

N. Rajawat, B. Singh, S. Lalwani, R. Kumar, "A Progressive Diagnosis of Alzheimers Disease From Brain MRI Images Using Convolution Neural Network" , 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications (ICAIAA 2021) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2021

Amit Kumar Sharma, Shishir Kumar Sharma, Ritu Sharma, "A Promising Circuit for All Optical Based Quantum Computing" , OWT21 by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 6 / 2021

Kumari, Saloni, and Preeti Bhatt, "A Psychoanalytic Study of Trauma in Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway and Joseph Hellers Catch 22" , International Symposium on Innovative Trends in Contemporary Language and Literature Research: Theories, Methods and Techniques by :Department of German Language and Literature at Ataturk University Faculty of Letters at Online / / 2021

Mayank Gupta, Amit Kumar, Sudhir Kumar, Mahesh Kumar Jat, "A Regional Case Study for Flow of Lead (Pb) and Chromium (Cr) Through Solid Waste Management System" , International E-Conference on Water Source Sustainability (ICWSS-21) by : Indian Water Resources Society at IIT Roorkee / / 2021

G Jain, A M Joshi, R K Maddila, S K Vipparthi, "A Review of Non-Invasive HbA1c and Blood Glucose Measurement Methods" , iSES 2021 by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Pushpendra Kushwaha, Madhu Agarwal, "A Review on Extraction and Development of Value Added Products From Jarosite for Wastewater" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management by :InDA at Online / / 2021

Patidar A, Sharma M, Agrawal R, Sangwan KS, "A Smart Contracts and Tokenization Enabled Permissioned Blockchain Framework for the Food Supply Chain" , Advances in Production Management Systems by :Springer Nature at Nantes, France / / 2021

Akshay Patidar, Monica Sharma, Rajeev Agrawal, Kuldip Singh Sangwan , "A Smart Contracts and Tokenization Enabled Permissioned Blockchain Framework for the Food Supply Chain/ DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85874-2_24" , IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at France / 228-235 / 2021

Amitkumar Patil and Gunjan Soni, "A State of the Art Bibliometric Analysis of Predictive Maintenance: A Quantitative Analysis" , Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing by :Springer at Singapore / 481-489 / 2021

Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal and Monica Sharma, "A Strategic Roadmap for Sustainability in Industry 4.0 for SMEs" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Satyendra Singh Chouhan, Santosh Singh Rathore, Ritesh Choudhary, "A Study of Aging-Related Bugs Prediction in Software System" , International Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences (PCCDS,2020) by :Springer at NIT Kurukshetra / 49–61 / 2021

Y.Uematsu,... K.Lalwani, et.al, "A Study of Hit-Time Reconstruction of Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector" , 29th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX2020) by :The Physical Society of Japan at Japan / 010017 / 2021

Tushar D., Agarwal V., Gupta R., "A Study of Nonlinear Static (Pushover) Analysis of RCC Building With Shear Wall and Without Shear Wall" , International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Sciences (ICAES-21) by :SAIRAP Explore at Jaipur / 51-54 / 2021

Sourav Kumar Das, Sandeep Shrivastava , "A Study on the Viability of Fly Ash and Construction and Demolition Waste as Geopolymerized Masonry Mortar and Their Comparative Analysis" , 3rd International Conference on Innovative Techfor Clean and Sust Devt Materials Today 32 574-583 2020 0.355 doi.org 10.1016j.matpr.2020.02.402 by :3rd International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Clean and Sustainable Development at NITTTR Chandigarh, India / / 2021

Rohit Sharma, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Tejendra Singh and Rajeev Agrawal, "A Systematic Review on Mechanical Properties of Hybrid-Polymer Composites" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Amol Dhande, G.D. Agrawal, "A Thermodynamic Review of Recent Development on the Design of Solar Air Heaters" , International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering Science and Technology by :GFGCOE at Jalgaon / / 2021

Namrata Bhardwaj and Dipti Sharma, "Achieving Financial Sustainability Through Digitalization of the Indian Power Sector: Analysis of Post UDAY Performance of Rajasthan Distribution Companies" , 2nd International Conference on Sustainability and Equity (ICSE-2021) by :Atlantis Press Part of Springer Nature at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Odisha / 122-130 / 2021

Naween Jha and Rajeev Agrawal, "Additive Manufacturing as an Enabler for Industry 4.0 Practices: New Research Opportunities and Potentials" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Mahesh Chaudhary, Toshit Jain, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Advanced Manufacturing Techniques and Advancements in Biodegradable Biomaterials" , International Conference on Recent Advancements in Design, Materials and Manufacturing by :Materials Today Proceedings at Amity, Gwalior / / 2021

Pulkit Jain, Gautam Raina, Siddharth Mathur, Sunanda Sinha, Prashant Malik, "Agrovoltaics: Step Towards Sustainable Energy-Food Combination" , International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture , Environment and Health (BSAEH-2021) by :Elsevier at Birla Institute of Scientific Research,Jaipur,RJ / / 2021

Sameer Imdad, Rajeev K. Dohare, "Aliquate-336 and Isodecanol Study on Phenol Removal Through Liquid Emulsion Membrane From Aqueous Solution" , International Conference on Recent Innovations in Cleaner Technologies (RICT-2021) by :Proceedings at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

MENKA YADAV, "Ambipolarity Property in Tunnel FET to Sense High Bit Rate Signals" , AVES2021 by :Springer at SVNIT SURAT / 1 / 2021

Bhatt, Preeti, "An Analysis of the Intricate Parent-Child Relationship in Alice Munros Deep Holes" , Two-Day International Conference - Exploring Collaborative Research Opportunities in Humanities and Social Sciences - Beyond Boundaries by :NIT at Warangal - Online / / 2021

Karishma Maheshwari, Madhu Agarwal, "An Approach for Capacitively Deionizing the RO Reject via Developed Carbon Coated Nickel Foam Based Electrode" , International Conference on Recent Innovations in Cleaner Technologies by :ASCE at Online / / 2021

Ganesh Tanpure, Rakesh Jain and Gunjan Soni, "An Approach for Integrating Enterprise-Level Applications" , Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing by :Springer at Singapore / 481-502 / 2021

G. Sharma, A. M. Joshi, E. S. Pilli, "An Automated MDD Detection System Based on Machine Learning Methods in Smart Connected Healthcare" , 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 27-32 / 2021

Lata and Preeti Bhatt, "An Ecocritical Reading of Amitav Ghoshs the Hungry Tide" , International Symposium on Innovative Trends in Contemporary Language and Literature Research: Theories, Methods and Techniques by :Department of German Language and Literature at Ataturk University Faculty of Letters at Online / / 2021

Giriraj Sharma, Amit M Joshi, Saraju P Mohanty, "An Efficient Physically Unclonable Function Based Authentication Scheme for V2G Network" , 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at MNIT, Jaipur / 421-425 / 2021

Ajay Vishwakarma, Sunanda Sinha, Prashant Malik, "An Experimental Comparative Study on Post-Harvest Loss Reduction With Solar Dryer" , International Conference on Advancement in Materials, Manufacturing and Energy Engineering (ICAMME-2021) by :Springer at MANIT Bhopal, India, / / 2021

R. Ratnakumar, S. J. Nanda, "An Improved Genetic Clustering Architecture for Real-Time Satellite Image Segmentation" , 2021 International Conference on Advances in Technology, Management & Education, IEEE-ICATME-2021 by :IEEE at NITTR Bhopal, India / 123-128 / 2021

Harshika Suman, Vikas K Sangal, "An Inside for the Treatment of Tannery Industry Effluent" , 2nd International Conference on Chemical, Bio & Environmental Engineering(CHEMBIOEN-2021) by :- at NIT Jalandher / / 2021

P. Jain, A. Saxena, R. Kumar, "An Opposition Theory Inspired BAT Algorithm (OTIBA) for Profit Maximization of GENCOs in Day-Ahead Power Market" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC-2021) by :IEEE at Bilaspur, India / / 2021

Sundeep Kumar, "An Study on Service Provider Innovation Management" , ICIEM-2021 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :Malaviya National Instititute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2021

Shraddha Laxmi and Rohit Goyal, "Analysis of Water Resources of Bisalpur Dam Using Time Series Forcasting Models" , Hydro 2021 by :SVNIT Surat at SVNIT Surat / 157 / 2021

Sundeep Kumar, "Analytical Study of Supply Chain Management Using RFID Technique With Hybrid Algorithm" , Operation and Supply Chain Management by :SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE of OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT at Nashik / / 2021

A. Saxena, S. Shekhawat, A. Sharma, H. Sharma, R. Kumar, "Application of Hybridized Whale Optimization for Protein Structure Prediction" , International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC-2021) by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2021

P. Kaith, M. M. Sharma, I. Sharma, I. B. Sharma, Bhawna Kalra, "Array Implementation of Bulls Horn Design Microstrip Patch Antenna for Broadcast Satellite and Military Communication" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Sonal Saluja, Arun Gaur, Sadiqa Abbas, "Assessment of Pavement Surface Quality Using TOPSIS Method" , Community Based Research and Innovations in Civil Engineering by :IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science at Manipal University, Jaipur / 1-6 / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Ayush Meena, "Assessment of Seismic Symmetric and Asymmetric Plane Geometry Multi-Storey R.C.C Framed Structure" , International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Development in Civil Engineering by :Proceedings at Tamil Nadu / / 2021

Vikash Kumar, Sidra Kalam, Ayan Kumar Das, Ditipriya Sinha, "Attack Detection Scheme Using Deep Learning Approach for IoT" , Advanced Computing and Systems for Security: Volume 14 by :Springer, Singapore at University of Culcutta / / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Arigela Surendranath, "Attribution of Recycled Materials Forte on Behalf of Steel Besides Polypropylene Fibers" , International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Development by :Global Conference Hub at Coimbatore / / 2021

Bhatt, Preeti, "’In England They are Called the Unemployed’: Class Consciousness in Muriel Spark’s Novels" , British ‘Fictions of Class’ Since 1945 – Revitalising Class in the Twenty-First Century by :University of Siegen at Germany (Online) / / 2021

Dr. Niraja Saraswat and Divya Jyot Kaur , "“Exploring Effects of Blended Learning Using WhatsApp on Language Learners’ Lexical Competence”" , The 2 Nd Rupkatha International Conference on Recent Advances in Interdisciplinary Humanities 2021 by :MNIT at Virtual / / 2021

M. Choudhary, J. K. Jain, T. Jain, R. Agrawal, and S. Kumar, "Biocompatibility Enhancement of Magnesium Alloys via Surface Modification Method: A Review" , ICEM 2020 by :Recent Advances in Smart Manufacturing and Materials. Springer, Singapore at Jaipur / 423-432 / 2021

Solanki, Bhawana, Ayushi Agarwal, Raveena Meena, Nitika Mahiya, Divya Sharma, Priyanka Kushwaha, Parul Mathuria, and Rohit Bhakar., "Blockchain-Based Decentralized Hybrid P2P Energy Trading" , 2021 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Kharagpur, India / / 2021

Bhawana Solanki, Ayushi Agarwal, Raveena Meena, Nitika Mahiya, Divya Sharma, Priyanka Kushwaha, Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, "Blockchain-Based Load Balancing in Decentralized Hybrid P2P Energy Market" , 9th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) - 2021 by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1-5 / 2021

Sachin Surve, MK Banerjee, Kanupriya Sachdev, "Bottom Gate ZnO-TiO2 Thin Film Transistor Fabrication Using a Rf-Sputtering Technique on Si and Glass Substrates" , Materials Today: Proceedings by :Elsevier at Jaipur / 1754-1759 / 2021

Abhishek Narwaria, Arka Prokash Mazumdar and Gauransh Kalla, "C3HAC: A Controller Placement Approach for SDWSN" , IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2021 by :IEEE at New Zealand / 935-940 / 2021

Bhatnagar S., Sharma Dipti, Agarwal S., "Can Industry 4.0 Revolutionise the Wave of Green Finance Adoption: A Bibliometric Analysis" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing by :Springer at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 515-525 / 2021

M. Choudhary, S. S. Chouhan, andE. S. Pilli, "CbPIS: Cyberbullying Profile Identification System With Users in Loop" , Thirteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3-2021) by :ACM at Noida, India / 203-208 / 2021

Chandan Shradha, Pipralia Satish, Kumar Ashwani , "Challenges and Opportunities in Data Pipralia Satish, Documentation and Analysis Techniques of Community-Based Urban Conservation Research Domain in a Post-Pandemic Era" , 5th International Conference URBAN E-PLANNING by :Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon at Lisbon, Portugal / / 2021

Praveen Kumar Chandalia, Neeta Nain, "Child Face Age Progression and Regression Using Self-Attention Multi-Scale Patch GAN" , IEEE IJCB/CVF 2021 by :IEEE at Shenzhen, China / 1-8 / 2021

Meenu, Manviri Rani, "Chromium (VI) Reduction With a Novel Green Synthesized NiO Enfolded Prussian Blue Analogue Semiconductor Nanomaterials Under Sunlight Irradiation" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management by :InDA at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Kiran Gundu, Anbesh Jamwal, Alok Yadav, Rajeev Agrawal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Sundeep Kumar, "Circular Economy and Sustainable Manufacturing: A Bibliometric Based Review" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 137-147 / 2021

A. Jain, B. Jangid, R. Bhakar, P. Mathuria, C.P. Barala,, "Clustering Models From Demand Response Aggregation" , 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES) by :IEEE at Bhopal / 1-5 / 2021

Vinesh Kumar Jain, Arka Prokash Mazumdar and Mahesh Chandra Govil, "CoAP Congestion Control: A Dynamic Send Rate Based Approach" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), 2021 by :IEEE at Malaysia / 1-6 / 2021

Gopal Behera and Neeta, "Collaborative Recommender System (CRS) Using Optimized SGD - ALS" , 5 Th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences (ICACDS)-2021 by :Springer at Baburao Ganpatrao Thakare College of Engineering, / / 2021

R. Mali, D. Lodhi and S. Singhal, "Compact CPW Fed Nonagonal UWB Antenna" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at MNIT JAIPUR / 1-4 / 2021

G. Sharma, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, "Comparative Assessment Among Different Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Alzheimers Disease Detection" , 8th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON-2021) by :IEEE at Dehradun, India / / 2021

Rashika Joshi, Meenakshi Tripathi, Amit Kumar, Manoj Singh Gaur, "Comparative Study of Object Recognition Algorithms for Effective Electronic Travel Aids" , International Conference on Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Prathwiraj Meena, Surabhi Singh, Virendra Kumar Saharan, Suja George, Rohidas Bhoi, "Comparative Study of TGA Kinetic Data for LDPE and PET Plastics Using Model-Fitting and Model Free Methods" , International Symposium on Materials of Millennium: Emerging Trends and Future Prospects (MMETFP-2021) by :PDEU Gandhinagar at Gandhinagar / / 2021

Sonal Rajoria, kalpana Patidar, Manish Vashishtha, Tarun Kumar Chaturvedi, "Comparing Preparation and Characterization Performance of Mustard Straw Activated Carbon for Methylene Blue Adsorption by Chemical Activation With ZnCl2 and H3PO4" , Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICACBEE-2021) by :Malaviya National Instititute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2021

Vaibhav Gaur, Gunjan Soni, Om Prakash Yadav and A. P. S. Rathore , "Comparison Between Centrality Measures for a Network Based on Cascading Nature of Nodes" , Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing by :Springer at Singapore / 181-187 / 2021

Vishal Sharma, Priyamitra Munoth and Rohit Goyal, "Comparison of Different Climate Models Projects for Watershed Using Soil and Water Assessment Tool: A Case Study of Middle Tapi Sub-Basin" , Hydro 2021 by :SVNIT Surat at SVNIT Surat / 229 / 2021

Saksham Pathrol, Vikas K Sangal, "Comparison Study of Suitable Technologies &Entrainer for Bioethanol Dehydration With the Help of Aspen." , 2nd International Conference on Chemical, Bio & Environmental Engineering(CHEMBIOEN-2021) by :- at NIT Jalandhar / / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Ramkesh Prajapat, "Computational Intelligence on High Rise Structure With Effect of Diverse Load Conditions" , International Conference on Management, Science and Technology by :Global Conference Hub at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu / / 2021

Dheeraj Verma, Praveen Kumar Agarwal, Prerna Jain, "Congestion Management in Transmission System Using PST" , 2021 IEEE PES/IAS Power Africa by :IEEE at Nairobi, Kenya / 1-5 / 2021

Deepak Kumar Singh, Chitranshu Kumawat and Siddharth Mehndiratta , "Consolidation of Layered Soils With Variable Compressibility" , First Indian Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering by :Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar at Jalandhar / / 2021

Ar.Parul Bhyan , Dr.Bhavna Shrivastava , and Dr.Nand Kumar, "Contentious Essence of Sustainability Throughout a Building Life Cycle" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on RESILIENT and LIVEABLE CITY PLANNING, RLCP 2020 by :BS Publications at SPA Vijaywada / 367-371 / 2021

Vijay Kumari, Ayush Jain, Yashvardhan Sharma, Lavika Goel, "Conversational Question Answering System Using RASA Framework" , Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Applications (GCAIA-2021) (Accepted). by :CRC Press, Taylor and Francis at Jaipur, India / / 2021

J.-Michel Clairand, M. Gonzlez-Rodrguez, R. Kumar, S. Vyas, G. Escriv-Escriv, "Coordinated Siting and Sizing of Electric Taxi Charging Stations Considering Traffic and Power Systems Conditions" , 14th IEEE PES PowerTech 2021 Conference (PowerTech 2021) by :IEEE at Madrid, Spain / / 2021

L. Singh, D. Lodhi and S. Singhal, "CPW Fed Circular Shaped Fractal SWB Antenna" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at MNIT JAIPUR / 1-4 / 2021

R. Rathore, D. Lodhi and S. Singhal, "CPW-Fed Wheel-Shaped Super Wideband Monopole Antenna" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 1-4 / 2021

K Parik, N Kaul, S Khandelwal, "Crumb Rubber in Noise Barriers" , An Experimental Study International Conference on Environmental Pollution Abatement and Disaster Management by :Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology Management & Gramothan at Jaipur / / 2021

K Parik, N Kaul, S Khandelwal, "Crumb Rubber in Noise Barriers - an Experimental Study" , International Conference on Environmental Pollution Abatement & Disaster Management by :Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology at Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Jaipur / / 2021

Kakrla Manoj, Biswajit Kar, Rajeev Agrawal, Vijaya Kumar Manupati, Jose Machado, "Cycle Time Reduction in CNC Turning Process Using Six Sigma Methodology- a Manufacturing Case Study/ DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-79165-0_13" , International Conference Innovation in Engineering ICIE-2021 (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at Italy / 135-146 / 2021

Dinesh Kumar Mahto, Vikash Kumar Saini, Akhilesh Mathur, Rajesh Kumar and Akash Saxena, "Data Driven Approach for Optimal Power Flow in Distribution Network" , 5th IEEE International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON-2021) by :IEEE at GLA University, Mathura / / 2021

B. Singh, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, "Data Driven Kinematic Modeling of Human Gait for Synthesize Joint Trajectory" , International Conference on Disruptive Technologies for Multi-Disciplinary Research and Applications (CENTCON-2021) by :IEEE at Bengaluru, India / / 2021

V. P. Meena, N. Kumar, R. Lenka, R. K. Barik, and V. P. Singh, "DE Based Reduced-Order Modeling for Interval Modeling Doha Water Treatment Plant" , 19th OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT) by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, India / 428-432 / 2021

Gautam Raina, Shubham Sharma, Harsh Kumar, Sunanda Sinha, "Decoding the Effects of Soiling on Bifacial Gain From Latitude Mounted Bifacial Modules" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC 2021) by :IEEE at Chouksey Engineering College, Bilaspur, CG / / 2021

A. Vijayvargiya, A. Panchal, A. Parashar, A. Gautam, J. Sharma, R. Kumar, "Deep Learning Frameworks for COVID-19 Detection" , 3rd International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA 2021) by :IEEE at Chennai, India / / 2021

Deependra Singh Meena, D. Kumar, N. K. Raghuwanshi, "Delamination Growth Analysis of Composite Laminates Under DCB, ENF, MMB Test Using Cohesive Zone Model Under Cyclic Loading" , International Conference on Advancements in Design and Tribology (ICADT-2021) by :SVNIT Surat at SVNIT Surat / / 2021

Swasti Sharma, Bhavna Shrivastava, Ashwani Kumar, "Demographic Transition of Shimla Town Due to Rapid Urbanization" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on RESILIENT and LIVEABLE CITY PLANNING, RLCP 2020 by :BS Publications at School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada at SPA Vijaywada / 97-100 / 2021

J. Vaishnavi, B. Singh, R. Kumar, "Design and Analysis of Trajectory Tracking Controllers for Noisy 2-Link Robotic Manipulator" , 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2021) by :IEEE at Mysuru, India / / 2021


Abdul Wahab Hashmi, Harlal Singh Mali, Anoj Meena, "Design and Fabrication of a Low-Cost One-Way Abrasive Flow Finishing Set-Up Using 3D Printed Parts " , 9th International Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, AFTMME 2021 by :Elsevier at Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India / / 2021

Ragini Verma, Vijay Janyani, Satyasai Jagannath Nanda, "Design and Optimization of EDFA-Raman Hybrid Optical Amplifier Using Grey Wolf Optimizer" , 2021 International Conference on Communication, Control and Information Sciences (ICCISc) by :IEEE at Idukki, Kerala, India / / 2021

Namrata Saxena, Varshali Sharma, Ritu Sharma, K K Sharma, Santosh Chaudhary, "Design and Performance Analysis of Different Structures of MEMS PVDF-Based Low-Frequency Piezoelectric Energy Harvester" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems ICTSES-2021 by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur / / 2021

Richa, M. M. Sharma, I. B. Sharma, Jaiverdhan, P. Kaith and J. Garg, "Design and Performance Evaluation of Circularly Polarized Dual Feed Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Wilkinson Power Divider" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 12-14 / 2021

Richa, M. M. Sharma, C. G. Jha, S. Yadav, J. Garg and I. Sharma, "Design and Performance Evaluation of Wilkinson Power Divider" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 31-33 / 2021

M. D. Sharma, A. Yadav, S. Singhal and R. Sharma, "Design and Simulation of Flower Shaped Flexible Wideband Antenna for WBAN Applications" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 1-4 / 2021

Parvez Amjad Ali Ansari, Rajeev K. Dohare, "Design and Simulation of Reactive Dividing Wall Distillation Column for the Synthesis of Methyl Acetate" , Virtual International Conference on Advances in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 2021 Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat (Gu by :SVNIT Surat at SVNIT Surat / / 2021

J. Garg, M. M. Sharma and S. Yadav, "Design of a Compact Band Pass Frequency Selective Surface for WLAN Applications Based on Meander Line Topology" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 893-896 / 2021

T. K. Roy, A. Mahmud, S. k. Ghosh, A. H. Pramanik, R. Kumar, "Design of an Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller for Rapid Earth Fault Current Limiters in Resonant Grounded Distribution Networks to Mitigate Powerline Bushfires" , IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC 2021) by :IEEE at Texas / / 2021

Jaiverdhan, M. M. Sharma, R. Dhara, I. B. Sharma, B. Kalra and S. Vyas, "Design of L Shaped Strip Loaded Dual Band Hexagonal Shaped Circularly Polarized Monopole Antenna" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 929-932 / 2021

S. Shrimal, I. B. Sharma and M. M. Sharma, "Design of Multiband Reconfigurable Inverted F-Shaped Antenna for Wireless Applications" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 212-215 / 2021

Riyaz Ahmad, Amit M Joshi, Dharmendar Boolchandani, Tarun Varma, "Design of Potentiostat and Current Mode Read-Out Amplifier for Glucose Sensing" , IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at MNIT, Jaipur / 64-69 / 2021

Harlal S. Mali, Naresh Kaushik ,Siddhartha K. Singh, Anoj Meena, "Design, Analyze, Fabrication and Use of a Customized 3D-Printed -EDM Oil Filter Wrench" , All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference AIMTDR 2021 by :Springer at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India / / 2021

Amit Kumar Sharma and Dipti Sharma, "Designing Power Optimization Strategy for Sustainable Operations of Distribution Companies in Rajasthan" , 2nd International Conference on Sustainability and Equity (ICSE-2021) by :Atlantis Press Part of Springer Nature at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Odisha / 23-29 / 2021

Gaurav Saxena, Chitrakant Sahu, Amit M Joshi, "Detection and Transmission of pH From Food Substances Using IoT" , 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at MNIT, Jaipur / 279-280 / 2021

HK Meena, R Sharma, A Tailor, H Verma and R Saini, "Detection of Epilepsy Using Graph Signal Processing of EEG Signals With Three Features" , 3rd International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Processing (MISP-2021) by :Springer at Itanagar / / 2021

Dhirendra Prajapati, Rajeev Agarwal, H. Chelladurai, Lakshay Lakshay and Saurabh Pratap, "Develop a Framework for Sustainable Supply Chain Problem for Textile Industry: In B2B E-Commerce Platform" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Sundeep Kumar, "Developing a Sustainability Framework for Industry 4.0" , CIRF Life Cycle Engineering LCE Conference by :Technische University at Braunschweig and BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus at Jaipur / / 2021

Neha Pal, Madhu Agarwal, "Development and Characterization of Naturally Obtained Polymer Mixed Matrix Membrane for Hydrogen Separation" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management by :InDA at Online / / 2021

Geetha P., S. J. Nanda, R. P. Yadav, "Direction of Arrival Estimation in Automotive Radar With Sailfish Optimization Algorithm" , 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 173-176 / 2021

K. Shah and N. Satyanarayana, "Discrete-Time Integral Sliding Mode Observer Design for Linear Systems" , 2021 Seventh Indian Control Conference (ICC) by :IEEE at IIT Bombay India / 237-241 / 2021

Debabrato Mukherjee and Satish Sharma, "Distributed Optimization in Power System Operation: A Comparative Review" , 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES) by :IEEE at MANIT Bhopal India / / 2021

Vijay Kumari, Chinmay Gosavi, Yashvardhan Sharma and Lavika Goel, "Domain-Specific Chatbot Development Using the Deep Learning and AI-Powered RASA Framework" , 3rd International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems , ICCIS 2021, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer Publications by :Springer at Delhi / -- / 2021

Jyoti Yadav, Niruti Gupta, Amy Rachel Joseph, Bushra Saba, "Drivers of Social Interaction and Third Places: The Case of Bhopal, India" , International Conference on Future is Urban: Livability, Resilience & Resource Conservation by :Taylor & Francis Group at Ahmedabad / / 2021

R. Mali, D. Lodhi and S. Singhal, "Dual Band Circular Patch Antenna for RFID and Ultrawideband Applications" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 1-4 / 2021

M. Jangid, M. M. Sharma and Jaiverdhan, "Dual Band CP Antenna With Stub and Inverted L-Strip Loaded for Broadcasting Satellite Applications" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 42-44 / 2021

J. Garg, M. M. Sharma, S. Yadav and Richa, "Dual Band Pass Frequency Selective Surface With H- Shaped Loop and Square Ring Slot Loaded Patch for C- Band Applications" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 890-892 / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Anamika Agnihotri, "Durability of Low-Medium Strength GGBS Concrete and Assessment Superfluous Polypropylene Fiber" , International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Development in Civil Engineering by :Proceedings at Tamil Nadu / / 2021

Sundeep Kumar, "During Pandemic Covid 19 MGNREGA is Helpful Scheme for Indian Citizens: A Case Study" , Operation and Supply Chain Management by :SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE of OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT at Nashik / / 2021

Sachin Bansal, Pankaj Kumar Pandey, Sushant Upadhyay, "Dynamic Sorption of Methylene Blue Dye in Continuous columNusing Bio-Sorbent" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering by :Capital Publishing Company at Jaipur / 94 / 2021

Ashok Tambi, A.B.Gupta, Sushant Upadhyaya, "Economic Feasibility Study of Community Scale Reverse Osmosis Plants in Jaipur" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering by :Capital Publishing Company at Jaipur / 3 / 2021

Dr. Niraja Saraswat ,Divya Jyot Kaur, "Education in New Normal:A Consolidated Approach Towards Integration of Cuture With Technology Enhanced Language Learning" , ICIDR International Conference on Social Sciences by :ICIDR at Virtual / / 2021

M. Bukya, P. Kumar, R. Kumar, A. Mathur, S. Gupta, "Effect of COVID-19 on Energy Systems: Challenges, Opportunities, and Policy Implications in Educational Institution" , 5th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy (ICMSP21) by :IEEE at Newcastle, UK / / 2021

Mukesh Kumar, Swati Sharma, R. K. Goyal, "Effect of Fly Ash on the Thermal Properties of Poly(ether-Ketone) Based Composites" , International Conference on Materials and Technologies (Material TECH 2021) by :NIT Raipur at NIT Raipur / / 2021

Arora A and Subbarao PMV, "Effect of Geometric Design of Longitudinal Vortex Generators on Thermal Augmentation in a Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchanger" , 26th National and 4th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC) by :IIT Madras at IIT Madras / / 2021

Arora A and Subbarao PMV, "Effect of Geometric Modification of Longitudinal Vortex Generators in Fin-and-Tube Arrays" , 48th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani / / 2021

Harshwardhan Singh Chouhan, Ravindra Singh Chouhan, Pawan Kalla, Ravindra Nagar, Pradeep Kumar Gautam, "Effect of Nano Particle Based Anti-Stripping Agent on Moisture-Induced Damage for Bituminous Concrete Mixes" , IOP Publishing by :IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science at Jaipur / 4557-4562 / 2021

Amit Kumar Sharma, Ritu Sharma, Shishir kumar Sharma, "Effect of Noise on Concurrence of Compact Photonic CNOT Gate Designed Using Universal Cloner" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems-2021 (ICTSES-21) by :Springer at Manipal University / 6 / 2021

Kedar Kumbojkar, M.K. Shrimali, S.D. Bharti and T. K. Datta , "Effect of Pier Height on Behaviour of Integrated Bridge Under Far and Near Field Earthquake" , Virtual Conference on Disaster Risk Resilient (VCDRR) Society by :Springer at NITK Surathkal / 1 / 2021

Arora A and Subbarao PMV, "Effect of Positional Tweak of Winglet-Type Vortex Generators in Finned Tube Banks" , 48th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani / / 2021

V. Aswal, J. K. Jain, T. S. Singhal, R. Agrawal, and S. Kumar, "Effect of Process Parameters on Weld Bead Geometry, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties in Submerged Arc Welding" , ICEM 2020 by :Recent Advances in Smart Manufacturing and Materials, Springer at Jaipur / 403-412 / 2021

Varun, Naresh K. Raghuwanshi and T.C. Gupta , "Effect of Square Type Pitting Fault on Stiffness of Ball Bearing" , International Conference on Advancements in Design and Tribology (ICADT-2021) by :SVNIT Surat at SVNIT Surat / / 2021

Sudha Choudhary, Manviri Rani, "Efficient Photocatalytic Performance of Prussian Blue Nanorods for Degradation of Pesticides in Aqueous Solution" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management by :InDA at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Renu Banjarey, Irene Jacob, Shivanjali Yadav, Sumanth Yamujala, Ashok Kumar Agrawal, Rohit Bhakar, "Electric Vehicle Charging Policies in Indian States: Key Learnings From International Experiences" , 9th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) - 2021 by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1 / 2021

Harshika Suman, Vikas K Sangal, "Electro-Oxidation Treatment of Acid Black 210 Tannery Dye Wastewater Using Ti/TiO2-Ru2O-IrO2 Electrode" , International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Research for Energy and Environmental Management (ASREEM-2021) by :- at SVNIT Surat / / 2021

Harshika Suman, Prathamesh M. Khatu, V K Sangal, Manish Vashitha, "Electro-Oxidative Decoloration and Degradation of Amaranth Dye Wastewater in Batch and Once Through Continuous Setup Using Novel Ti/TiO2-Ru2O-IrO2 Anode" , Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICACBEE) by :- at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur / / 2021

Prathamesh M. Khatu, Vikas Kumar Sangal, Manish Vashishtha, Harshika Suman, Tarun Kumar Chaturvedi, "Electro-Oxidative Decolouration and Degradation of Amaranth Dye Wastewater in Batch Setup Using Novel Ti/TiO2-Ru2O-IrO2 Anode" , Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICACBEE-2021) by :Malaviya National Instititute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2021

Heena Choudhary Nidhi Bansal, "Embracing Technology for Inclusive, Equitable and Accessible Education: Digital Divide Perspective" , International Conference Pan-NIT Humanities and Social Sciences Research Conclave by :NIT Warangal at Virtual / / 2021

Jitendra Goyal, Mushtaq Ahmed, Dinesh Gopalani, "Empirical Study of Standard Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters for IoT Devices" , 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer Engineering (ICECCE) by :IEEE at India / 1-6 / 2021

K. G. Sharma, R. Bhakar and P. Mathuria, , "Energy Portfolio Optimization for the State of Rajasthan" , 1st Odisha International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication & Computing Tech. by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar / 1-5 / 2021

Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "Enhanced Real Time Power System Monitoring by Detecting Event Signature" , FlexEV-2021: Flexible Electronics for Electric Vehicles by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur, India / / 2021

Bhatt, Preeti, "Enhancing the Language Proficiency of Engineering Students Through the Academic Word List" , International Conference on New Directions in English Language Teaching: Issues, Practices, Challenges by :SKIT at Jaipur / / 2021

Sushmi Nimje, Abdul Razak Mohamed, Niruti Gupta, "Environmental Impact Assessment of Development and Tourism Activity in Protected Areas of Panna National Park, Madhya Pradesh" , International Conference on Future is Urban: Livability, Resilience & Resource Conservation by :Taylor & Francis Group at Ahmedabad / / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Arigela Surendranath, "Evaluation of Mechanical Possessions for Recycled HDPE Plastic Substantial Associated Sugarcane" , International Conference on Advances in Science Hub by :Global Conference Hub at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu / / 2021

Bhavya Mehta and Gireendra Kumar, "Evaluation of Metro in Jaipur City, India" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on RESILIENT and LIVEABLE CITY PLANNING, RLCP 2020 by :BS Publications at School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada / 59-63 / 2021

Shikha Mundra, Namita Mittal, "Evaluation of Text Representation Method to Detect Cyber Aggression in Hindi English Code Mixed Social Media Text" , Thirteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing IC3-2021 by :ACM at Noida / 402-409 / 2021

Arpit Mantri, Aaquib Firdous, Chandra Prakash Barala, Rohit Bhakar, Parul Mathuria, "Evolution of Integrated Multi-Energy Vector System and Innovation Opportunities" , 9th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) - 2021 by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1-5 / 2021

Khan Abdur Raoof, Nand Kumar, Tarush Chandra, "Examining the Potentialities of Intelligent Transportation System in Improving the Transportation Facilities of Lucknow City" , 1st International Conference on Infrastructure Development by :Adani Institute of Infrastructure Management at New Delhi / / 2021

Sharma Manish , Kumar Nand, Kumar Ashwani , "Existing Resilience Framework for Disaster Risk Management in India" , 5th World Congress on Disaster Management (WCDM) by : World Congress on Disaster Management at New Delhi / / 2021

Karishma Maheshwari, Madhu Agarwal, AB Gupta , "Experimental Investigation of Textile Dye Effluent Treatment via Capacitive Deionization Utilizing Agro Waste" , International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture , Environment and Health (BSAEH-2021) by :Elsevier at Jaipur / / 2021

Harlal Singh Mali, Abdul Wahab Hashmi, Manish Kumar Jangid, Anoj Meena, "Experimental Investigation on AFF of FDM Printed Pattern for Extrusion Die Insert" , AMITDR 2021 by :Springer, Singapore at PSG College of Technology Coimbatore / 199-211 / 2021

M. Bukya, P. Kumar, R. Kumar, A. Mathur, S. Gupta, "Experimental Modeling of Solar-Powered Electric Vehicle Charging Station" , 5th International Conference of Marketing, Strategy & Policy (ICMSP21) by :IEEE at Newcastle, UK / / 2021

Divya Gaur, Sushant Upadhyaya, Kailash Singh, Vikal Kumar Sangal, "Experimental Study and Optical Design for Benzene / Water Removal by Air Gap Membrane Distillation" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering by :Capital Publishing Company at Jaipur / 81 / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Ayush Meena, "Explosion and Fire Resistance of Recycled Constituent Reinforced Concrete Structures" , International Conference on Management, Science and Technology by :Global Conference Hub at , Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu / / 2021

Sameer Imdad, Rajeev K. Dohare, "Extraction of Acid Black and Acid Orange Dye From Wastewater Using Green Emulsion Liquid Membrane Prepared From Waste Cooking Oil" , Virtual International Conference on Advances in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering by :SVNIT Surat at SVNIT Surat / / 2021

Zaid Javed, Himanshu Chaudhary, Gulab Pamnani, "Fatigue Analysis of Rotary Tiller Blade for Different Soil Conditons" , International Conference on Latest Trends in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, LTCMEE by :MANIT Bhopal at Bhopal / / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Arigela Surendranath, "Fault Detection for Recycled Rubber and Glass Material Implementation via Digital Image Processing" , International Conference on Management, Science and Technology by :Global Conference Hub at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu / / 2021

S. Majhi, D. R. Nayak, "Feature Modulating Two-Stream Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Glaucoma Detection in Fundus Images" , 6th IAPR International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP2021), 2021 by :Springer at IIT Ropar, India / / 2021

Arun kishor Johar, Jai Kumar Bhatt, Yogendra Kumar Upadhyaya, AShutosh Tripathi, Gaurav Kumar Sharma, C.Periasamy, Tarun Varmaa, Dharmendar Boolchandani and Ajay Agarwal, "FEM Modeling and Performance Evaluation of a Flexible Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator " , 4th International Conference on Energy Systems, Drives and Automations by :ESDA at Kolkata, West Bengal, India / / 2021

Shikha Mundra, Nikhil Singh, Namita Mittal, "Fine-Tune BERT to Classify Hate Speech in Hindi English CodeMixed Text" , FIRE 21: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation by :ACM at Virtual Conference / / 2021

Arora A and Subbarao PMV, "Flow Modifications & Capacity Augmentation Due to Streamwise Deployment of Longitudinal Vortex Generators in a Finned Tube Bank" , 8th International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM) by :IIT Kharagpur at IIT Kharagpur / / 2021

Arora A and Subbarao PMV, "Flow Modifications and Heat Transfer Augmentation Due to the Placement of Winglet-Type Vortex Generators in Plain Finned Tube Arrays" , 26th National and 4th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC) by :IIT Madras at IIT Madras / / 2021

Priyanka Harjule,Basant Agarwal, Ashish Burdak,Satvik Gupta,Saurav Singh and Shivdeep Singh, "Forecasting and Seasonal Analysis of Air Quality Index Using Machine Learning Models During COVID-19 Pandemic" , 4th International Conference on Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT (ICCBI 2021) by :Springer at Tamilnadu / / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Nivedika, "Forecasting Drought via Soft-Computation Multi-Layer Perceptron & Artificial Intelligence Model in India" , International Conference on Advances in Science Hub by :Global Conference Hub at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu / / 2021

Nikhil Sharma, Jonas Sjoblom, Jelena Pezer, Kalyan Mitra, Ravi Kant Pathak, "Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosols Downstream a Diesel Particulate Filter" , EAC 2021 by :European Aerosol Conference at UK and Ireland Aerosol Society at UK / / 2021

V. Pathak, S. J. Nanda, A. M. Joshi, S. S. Sahu, "FPGA Implementation of High Speed Anti-Notch Lattice Filter for Exon Region Identification in Eukaryotic Genes" , IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, IEEE-ISVLSI-2021 by :IEEE at Tampa, Florida, USA / 418-421 / 2021

Ashiwani Kumar, and Mukesh Kumar, "Fracture Toughness and Thermo- Mechanical Studies of AA7075 -Cobalt Alloy Composite for Gear Applications" , TRIBOINDIA2021 an International Virtual Tribology Conference by :Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering at Kerala / / 2021

Saurabh Sagar, Mushtaq Ahmed, Mohammed Yaseen Husain, "Fuzzy Randomized Load Balancing for Cloud Computing" , International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing by :Springer at Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan / 6 / 2021

Mr. Mohit Yadav, Mr. Muquaddar Ali and Dr. Rajendra Prasad Yadav, "Gain Enhanced Dual Band Antenna Backed by Dual Band AMC Surface for Wireless Body Area Network Applications" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2021

Sudhir Kumar Pandey, Vikash Kumar, Ditipriya Sinha, Ayan Kumar Das, "GAN-Based Data Generation Approach for IDS: Evaluation on Decision Tree" , Advanced Computing and Systems for Security: Volume 14 by :SPAST at University of Calcutta / / 2021

Dadhich A.P., Dadhich P.N., Goyal R., "Geospatial Assessment of Sanitation Practices in Rural Rajasthan, India" , International Conference on Smart Infrastructure & Environment (ICSIE 2021)-the Smart City Convergence by :Poornima Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2021

S. Sahu, P. K. Jain, N. Mudgal and G. Singh , "Glycosuria Sensing Based on Nanometric Plasmonic Polaritons" , International Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing (IC4M 2021), IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1136 by :Institute of Physics at India / / 2021

Dadhich A.P., Dadhich P.N., Goyal R., "Groundwater Quality Evaluation for Drinking and Agriculture Use in Phagi Block, Jaipur District" , 25th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (Hydro 2020) by :NIT Rourkela at Rourkela / / 2021

V. P. Meena, H. Jangid, and V. P. Singh, "GWO Based Reduced-Order Modeling of Doha Water Treatment Plant" , International Conference on Control, Automation, Power and Signal Processing. by :IEEE at Jabalpur, India, / 1-5 / 2021

A. Mehta, J. Jangid, A. Saxena, S. Shekhawat, R. Kumar, "Harmonic Estimator Using Design Atom Search Optimization Algorithm" , 3rd International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCCT 2021) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2021

Prashant Malik, Mamta Awasthi, Kishan Agrawal, Sunanda Sinha, "Hybrid Operational Approach for PV/DG Microgrid Without Storage Device" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC 2021) by :IEEE at Chouksey Engineering College, Bilaspur, CG / / 2021

A. Joshi, K K Sharma, "Hybrid Topology of Graph Convolution and Autoencoder Deep Network for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation" , International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS) by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / / 2021

Akshay Patidar, Monica Sharma, Rajeev Agrawal and Kuldip Singh Sangwan, "Identification and Assessment of Food Waste Factors in Food Processing: A DEMATEL Approach" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Mithun Choudhary, Mahesh Kumar Jat, Mahender Choudhary, "Impact of Climate Change and Human Activity on Runoff in the Mahi Sagar Basin" , International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering by :Springer at Surat, Gujrat / / 2021

H. Modi, D. Saxena and R. K. Chauhan, "Impact of Solar PV on Distribution Systems Embedded With Electric Vehicle" , 2021 International Conference on Control, Automation, Power and Signal Processing (CAPS) by :IEEE at Jabalpur, India / / 2021

H. Modi, D. Saxena and R. K. Chauhan, "Impact of Wind Distributed Generation on Distribution Systems Embedded With Electric Vehicles" , 2021 International Conference on Control, Automation, Power and Signal Processing (CAPS) by :IEEE at Jabalpur, India / / 2021

A. Vijayvargiya, N. Kumari, P. Gupta, R. Kumar, "Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Human Activity Recognition" , 3rd IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC 2021) by :IEEE at Coimbatore / / 2021

S Garg, V Agrawal, R Nagar, "Improved Progressive Collapse Resistance of Irregular Reinforced Concrete Flat Slab Buildings Under Different Corner Column Failures" , IOP Publishing by :IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science at Malacia / 120-125 / 2021

Himanshu K. Gajera, Mukesh A. Zaveri, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, "Improving the Performance of Melanoma Detection in Dermoscopy Images Using Deep CNN Features" , 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2021) by :Springer at Porto, Portugal / / 2021

Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Monica Sharma, Saurabh Pratap, "Industry 4.0: An Indian Perspective" , Advances in Production Management Systems by :Springer Nature at Nantes, France / / 2021

Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Monica Sharma, Saurabh Pratap, "Industry 4.0: An Indian Perspective/ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85874-2_12" , IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at France / 113-123 / 2021

Karishma Maheshwari, Madhu Agarwal, "Influence of Material Modifications on Deionization of Stream Emerging From RO" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management by :InDA at Online / / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Prateek Papriwal, "Influence of Vibration in High-Rise Building With Tuned Mass Damper Account Into Diverse Loads" , International Conference on Management, Science and Technology by :Global Conference Hub at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu / / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Prateek Papriwal, "Inspiration of Vibration in Lofty Structures With Tuned Mass Damper Consider Diverse Loads" , International Conference on Advances in Science Hub by :Global Conference Hub at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu / / 2021

Shashi Kant Jatav, Praveen Kumar Agrawal, "Integration of Community Solar PV and DG Set for EV Charging Station" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems-2021 (ICTSES-21) by :Springer at Manipal / / 2021

Rashi Kumar, VIneet Sahula, "Intelligent Approaches for Natural Language Processing for Indic Languages" , IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at India / 6 / 2021

V. P. Meena and V. P. Singh, "Interval Modeling of Zeta Converter" , 1st International Online Conference on Sustainable Development in Civil and Electrical Engineering (SDCEE- 2021) by :Springer at Kurukshetra, India / 1-10 / 2021

J. Vaishnavi, B. Singh, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, "Inverse Kinematics Solution for 5-DoF Robotic Manipulator Using Meta-Heuristic Techniques" , International Conference on Industrial Electronics Research and Applications (ICIERA- 2021) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2021

Pragati Sinha, Monica Sharma and Rajeev Agrawal, "Investigating the Barriers in Reverse Supply Chain in Indian Apparel Industry – a Sustainability Perspective" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Saksham Pathrol, Muskaan Lahariya, Vikas Kumar Sangal, "Investigation of Suitable Technologies & Solvents for Bio-Ethanol Dehydration With the Help of Aspen" , AIChE Annual Meeting by :- at Hynes Convention Center, Sheraton Boston / / 2021

Ashiwani Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, Saurav Bhaskar, Prateek Srivastava, and Piyush Kumar, "Investigation on Physical, Mechanical, and Sliding Wear Characteristics of Chromium Metal Powder Reinforced AA7075 Alloy Composite Fabricated by High Vacuum Casting Method Under Lubrication Condition" , TRIBOINDIA2021 an International Virtual Tribology Conference by :Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering at Kerala / / 2021

Gautam Raina, Shubham Sharma ,Sunanda Sinha, "Investigations on the Impact of Soiling on Bifacial Gain" , International Conference on Computational Techniques and Applications – ICCTA 2021 by :Springer at Kolkata, West Bengal, India / / 2021

Dadhich A.P., Dadhich P.N., Goyal R., "Irrigation Water Suitability Assessment Using GIS Approach" , International Conference on Smart Infrastructure & Environment (ICSIE 2021)-the Smart City Convergence by :Poornima Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2021

Kanishka Gupta, Niksha Lamba, Radheshyam Choudhary, Parvez Ansari, Rajeev K. Dohare, "Kinetics Study of Esterification of Methanol and Acetic Acid for the Synthesis of Methyl Acetate" , Virtual International Conference on Advances in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering by :SVNIT Surat at SVNIT Surat / / 2021

Shanmukha Sai Sumanth Yenneti, Riti Kushwaha, Smita Naval, Gaurav Singal, "Leading Athlete Following UAV Using Transfer Learning Approach" , International Advanced Computing Conference by :Springer at Panji, India / 424-433 / 2021

Sakshi Parashar, Namita Mittal, "Legal Case Retrieval Using SVM Classifier" , 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence December 15 - 18, 2021, Kolkata, India by :Springer at ISI Kolkata / 1-12 / 2021

Richa Jagatramka, Ashwani Kumar and Satish Pipralia, "Lessons From Vernacular Practices for Planning and Design of Urban Areas in Chhattisgarh" , International Conference on Resilient & Liveable City Planning (RLCP 2020) by :SPA Vijaywada at Vijaywada / / 2021

Shweta Patidar, Meenakshi Tripathi, Subham Kumar, "Leveraging LSTM-RNN Combined With SVM for Network Intrusion Detection" , International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence by :ACM at Namibia / / 2021

Prince Ranjan, Rajeev Agrawal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Life Cycle Assessment in Sustainable Manufacturing: A Review and Further Direction" , VI International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering, NIT Jalandhar by :Springer at NIT Jalandhar / 191-203 / 2021

Shivanjali Yadav, Anjali Jain, Kailash Chand Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, "Load Forecasting for Rare Events Using LSTM" , 9th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) - 2021 by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1 / 2021

B. Jangid, P. Mathuria, V. Gupta, "Load Profile Segmentation of Various Load Categories Using Clustering" , 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES) by :IEEE at Bhopal / 1-5 / 2021

Avuthu Avinash Reddy, Ramesh Babu Battula, Dinesh Gopalani, Arunima Sharma, "Location Based Detection Mechanism for PUEA on CR Enabled 5G-IoT Network" , IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems by :IEEE at Hyderabad / 331-336 / 2021

A. Arora, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, M. Tiwari, "Machine Learning Based Risk Classification of Musculoskeletal Disorder Among the Garment Industry Operators" , 3rd International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA 2021) by :IEEE at Chennai, India / / 2021

Nirupma Sharma, Aparna Acharya, Irene Jacob, Sumanth Yamujala, Vikas Gupta, Rohit Bhakar, "Major Blackouts of the Decade: Underlying Causes, Recommendations and Arising Challenges" , 9th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) - 2021 by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1 / 2021

B. Singh, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, "Mapping Model for Genesis of Joint Trajectory Using Human Gait Dataset" , International Conference on Smart Technologies, Communication and Robotics 2021 (STCR-2021) by :IEEE at Sathyamangalam, India / / 2021

Jitendra Kumar, Prerna Jain, "Market Based Congestion Management in the Distribution System Under Electric Vehicle Integration" , 2021 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1-6 / 2021

Tarun Kumar Chaturvedi, Prabhat Pandit, Sushant Upadhyaya, Manish Vasthistha, "Mathematical Modeling of Reverse Micelle for Separation of Heavy Metals From Waste Water " , International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering by :Capital Publishing Company at Jaipur / 7 / 2021

Tarun Kumar Chaturvedi, Prabhat Pandit, Sushant Upadhyaya, Manish Vashishtha, "Mathematical Modeling of Reverse Micelle for Separation of Heavy Metals From Wastewater" , Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICACBEE-2021) by :Malaviya National Instititute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2021

A. K. Sahoo, N. Patel, N. Gupta, M. Hashmi and P. Jamwal, "Mathematical Modeling of Ultra-Lift Luo Converter Under Non-Ideal Scenario" , IEEE PES Asia Pacific Power & Energy Engineering Conference by :IEEE at Thiruvananthapuram, India / 1-6 / 2021

Tarun kumar, Jonesh Jain, Chhavi shukla, Sushant Upadhaya, "Mathematical Modelling for Desalination of Disodium Arsenate Using Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering by :Capital Publishing Company at Jaipur / 93 / 2021

Anjali Jain, Manvi Gupta, Nikita, Sushyant Upadhyaya, "Mathematical Modelling of Air Gap Membrane Distillation for Separation of Ethanol- Water Azeotrope" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering by :Capital Publishing Company at Jaipur / 91 / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Ramkesh Prajapat, "Mathematical Models Evaluation for High Rise Structure Thru Reconditioned Substances Strong Suit Parameters" , International Conference on Advances in Science Hub by :Global Conference Hub at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu / / 2021

Tanmay Jain, Kusum Verma, "MCS-ANN Based Hybrid Approach for Reliability Assessment of Composite Power System" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON) by :IEEE at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / / 2021

Nidhi Sindhu, Rajendra Kumar Goyal, Thankachan T. Pullan, Unnikrishnan, T.P.D. Rajan, Sree Manu, Sreekumar Vadakke Madam, "Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Aluminium/ Titanium Diboride Functionally Graded Metal Matrix Composites" , International Conference on 58th National Metallurgists’ Day and 74th Annual Technical Meetings (NMD-ATM 2020) by :The Indian Institute of Metals at IIT Bombay / / 2021

S Vyas, N S Shiong, G Singh et al., "Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Generation Using Low Peak Pump Power in As38Se62 Based Chalcogenide Photonic Crystal Fiber" , ICAMCM-2021, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. by :Institute of Physics at JECRC Jaipur / / 2021

Atul Sharma, Ritu Sharma, Anup Sharma, "Model Study of Complex Conductivity and Permittivity of CNT/PANI Composite (CPC) Material for Application of THz Antenna" , ICAMCM-2021 by :Elsevier at JECRC Jaipur / 7 / 2021

Gayatri Abhyankar, Santosh Rane, Rajeev Agrawal and Milind Kirkire, "Modelling Barriers to Sustainable Supply Chain Management From Industry 4.0 Perspective" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Santosh Rane, Sachit Nalaskar, Prathamesh Potdar and Rajeev Agrawal, "Modelling Critical Barriers for Green Product Development Using TOPSIS" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

D. Lodhi and S. Singhal, "Modified Beveled Shaped Superwideband Monopole Antenna" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at MNIT JAIPUR / 1-4 / 2021

Meenakshi Yadav, Sushant Upadhyaya, Kailash Singh, Manish Vashishtha, "Morphological Study of Fabricated PVDF Based Hydrophobic Membrane for Different Additives and Coagulation Bath Temperature" , Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICACBEE-2021) by :Malaviya National Instititute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2021

Meenakshi Yadav, Sushant Upadhyaya, Kailash Singh and Manish Vashishthe, "Morphology Study of Fabricated PVDF Based Hydrophobic Membrane for Different Non Solvent Additives and Coagulation Bath Temperature" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering by :Capital Publishing Company at Jaipur / 96-97 / 2021

Abhilash, Dinesh Kumar, Gulab Pamnani, "Multiscale Modeling and Analysis for the Mechanical Responses of 8 HS Woven Nanocomposites" , International Conference on Advancements in Design and Tribology (ICADT-2021) by :SVNIT Surat at SVNIT Surat / / 2021

Yogendra Singh Solanki, Priya Yadav, Madhu Agarwal, Sanjeev Gupta, Pushkar Shukla, Ragini Gupta, "Naked Eye Detection and Measurement of Fluoride Concentration in Drinking Using Novel Receptor" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management by :InDA at Online / / 2021

Ajay Kumar Verma and Satish Sharma, "Network Partitioning for Parallel Power System Operation" , 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES) by :IEEE at MANIT Bhopal India / / 2021

Shobha Sharma, Tarun Varma, "Non-Linear Root-Signal Fusion Based Single Hazy Image Enhancement" , IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA) by :IEEE at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania / 666 / 2021

Meenu, Shiv Om Meena, Manish Vashishtha, Sushant Upadhyaya, "Nutrient Release From Neem Coated Under Antagonistic Effects of Particle Size and Coating Thickness" , Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICACBEE-2021) by :Malaviya National Instititute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2021

Shiv Om Meena, Manish Vasistha, Meenu, Sushant Upadhyaya, "Nutrient Release From Neem Coated Urea Under Antagonistic Effect of Particle Size and Coating Thickness" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering by :Capital Publishing Company at Jaipur / 12 / 2021

M. Bukya, P. Kumar, R. Kumar, "On Grid Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Analysis Under PVsyst Simulation Software Platform" , 2nd Conference on Flexible Electronics on Electric Vehicle (FlexEV-2021) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2021

Shailendra Tripathi, Amit M. Joshi, "On the Design of Improved Resistive Sensor Interface Using 32 Nm CNFET." , Materials Today: Proceedings by :Elsevier at Jaipur / 00-00 / 2021

Diksha Jain, D. Saxena, "Operation of Hybrid AC-DC Microgrid With Multiple ILCs" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC 2021) by :IEEE at Virtual / 1-6 / 2021

Kiran Gundu, Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Santosh Rane and Vikas Kumar Sangal, "Opportunities of Digital Twin in Industry 4.0 for Sustainable Production" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Sumit K. Rathor , D. Saxena, V. M. Khadkikar, "Optimal Allocation of EV Battery Chargers for Distribution System Loss Minimization" , IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference India 2021 by :IEEE at S.K. Rathor, D. Saxena, / 1-6 / 2021

I. Jacob, R. Lamba, R. Kumar, "Optimal Design of Thermionic Generator for High Power and High Efficiency Applications" , 8th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON-2021) by :IEEE at Dehradun, India / / 2021

Tanmay Jain, Kusum Verma, "Optimal Load Curtailment to Improve Reliability of Composite Power System With N -1 Contingency" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy & Control (STPEC-2021) by :IEEE at Chhattisgarh, India / / 2021

Ruchi Kumari and Akhilesh Mathur, "Optimal Operation of Microgrid: A Comprehensive Review" , 36th National Convention of Electrical Engineers and Conference on "Future Electricity Systems: Challenges and Current Trends" by :Technical Volume of the National Conventions at Jodhpur / / 2021

Sharad Suman,Hemant Kumar Meena, "Optimal Power Flow Solution Incorporating Stochastic Renewable Energy Sources for Controlled Emission" , 2021 IEEE PES/IAS Power Africa by :IEEE at Nairobi, Kenya / / 2021

Prerna Kuntal, Akhilesh Mathur, Md. Nabab Alam, "Optimal Power Scheduling of Hybrid Power System" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC 2021) by :IEEE at Bilaspur, Chattisgarh / / 2021

Surabhi Singh, Rohidas Bhoi, Suja George, "Optimization of Bio-Oil Extraction From Chlorella Biomass via a Green Approach to Obtain Algal-Based Di-Ethyl Phthalate " , International Symposium on Materials of Millennium: Emerging Trends and Future Prospects (MMETFP-2021) by :PDEU Gandhinagar at Gandhinagar / / 2021

A. Gupta, R. Singhal, R. Kumar, "Optimizing Neural Network Hyperparameters With Swarm Intelligence for Commercial Buildings Load Classification" , International Conference of the IEEE India Council (INDICON- 2021) by :IEEE at Guwahati, India / / 2021

Goyal R., Agrawal V., Gupta R., Rathore K., Somani P, "Optimum Utilization of Ceramic Tile Waste for Enhancing Concrete Properties" , Recent Advancement in Sustainable Materials (GC - RASM 2021) by :Elsevier at Karnataka / 1-7 / 2021

Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Aneesh Prabhakar, "Orthogonal Array Optimization of the Operational Parameters for Air-Cooled Cylindrical Lithium-Ion Battery Module" , 8th International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer - CHT21 by : International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer - ICHMT at Rio De Janeiro, Brazil / / 2021

Divya Sharma, Rohit Vijay, Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, "P2P Energy Trading in Local Energy Market Considering Network Fees and Losses" , 9th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) - 2021 by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1-5 / 2021

Mukesh Kumar, Ravi Kumar, Saurabh Bhaskar, Ashiwani Kumar, and Subash Harizan, "Parametric Optimization and Ranking Analysis of AA2024-Al2O3-AIN Alloy Composites Under Dry Sliding Wear Investigation" , TRIBOINDIA2021 an International Virtual Tribology Conference by :Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering at Kerala / / 2021

Ritu Chaudhary, Sushant Uadhyaya, Vikas Kumar Sangal, "Parametric Study for Fabrication of Circular Disc Using Extrusion Recycling of PP and HDPE Waste" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering by :Capital Publishing Company at Jaipur / 95 / 2021

S.Hazra,... K.Lalwani, et.al, "Particle Identification in Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector" , 29th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors (VERTEX2020) by :The Physical Society of Japan at Japan / 010018 / 2021

Lavika Goel, "Path Extraction and Planning for Intelligent Battlefield Preparation Using Particle Swarm Optimization" , International Conference on Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS-2021), Springer Publications by :Springer at IIIT Kota, India / / 2021

Sanchit Ananda, Arun Gaur , Vaishnavi Singh , Abhinav Sharma, "Pavement Deterioration Analysis for Rural Roads Using HDM-4" , Community Based Research and Innovations in Civil Engineering by :IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science at Manipal University, Jaipur / 1-11 / 2021

Sudarshan Kumar Jain, Vijay Janyani, Nikhil Deep Gupta, "Performance Analysis of CdTe Solar Cell Using Copper Telluride Back Surface Field for Efficiency Enhancement" , 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) by :IEEE at San Jose, CA, USA / / 2021

Riya Sen, Menka Yadav, "Performance Analysis of LeadFree Perovskite Solar Cells" , International Conference on Computational Techniques and Applications by :Springer at Kolkata ACCEPTED / / 2021

Arora A and Subbarao PMV, "Performance Analysis of Streamwise Displacement of Toe-Out Type Vortex Generators in Conventional Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers" , 9th International Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (AFTMME) by :IIT ROPAR at IIT ROPAR / / 2021

Shalini Chaudhary, Basudha Dewan, Chitrakant Sahu, Menka Yadav, "Performance Assessment of Dual Metal Graded Channel Negative Capacitance Junctionless FET for Digital/Analog Field" , iSES 2021 by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 143-146 / 2021

Pankaj Sonia, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Piyush Singhal, Kuldeep K Saxena, "Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Polymer Nanocomposite" , International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization-2021 by :Materials Today Proceedings at IIT Indore, India / / 2021

Sunita Tolani, M.K. Shrimali, S.D. Bharti and T. K. Datta , "Performance of Base-Isolated RC Building Under Surface Blast Loading" , Virtual Conference on Disaster Risk Resilient (VCDRR) Society by :Springer at NITK Surathkal / 1 / 2021

Annie P John, Madhu Agarwal, Sushant Upadhyaya, "Performance of Beeswaxcomposite as a Phase Change Material for Thermal Energy Storage" , International Conference on Recent Innovations in Cleaner Technologies by :ASCE at Online / / 2021

Somesh Prajapati, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Pharmaceuticals Water Effluent" , Virtual International Conference on Advances in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 2021 Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat (Gu by :SVNIT Surat at SVNIT Surat / / 2021

H.K. Satrawla, D. Kumar, G. Pamnani, "Phase Field Modelling of Crack Growth in High Entropy Alloys" , International Conference on Advancements in Design and Tribology (ICADT-2021) by :SVNIT Surat at SVNIT Surat / / 2021

P. Meena, R. Zafar, R. Pandey, K. K. Choure, N. Mudgal and G. Singh, "Photonic Crystal Based All Optical or and XOR Gate With High Contrast Ratio and Noise Margin" , IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2021

Toshit Jain, Jinesh Jain and Rajeev Agrawal, "Pollution Constituent Analysis in Textile Industry Using LCA" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Neha Pal, Madhu Agarwal, "Polysaccharide-Based Natural Polymeric Mixed Matrix Membrane for Gas Separation" , CHEMCON-2021 by :Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar at Bhubaneswar / / 2021

Neha pal, Madhu Agarwal, "Polysaccharide-Based Natural Polymeric Mixed Matrix Membrane for Hydrogen Separation" , International Conference on Recent Innovations in Cleaner Technologies by :ASCE at Online / / 2021

Dharmendra Saini, Akhilesh Mathur, "Power Flow in Hybrid AC DC Microgrid: A Comprehensive Review" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICRTEEE-21) by :ISTE, Indian Society for Technical Education at SVKM’s Institute of Technology, Dhule / / 2021

Gaurav Yadav, Shiv Om Meena, Manish Vashishtha, "Prediction of Nutrient Release From Neem Oil Coated Urea Using ANN" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering at MNIT Jaipur by :International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering at Mnit Jaipur / / 2021

Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh, "Preparing for the Digital Education: A Review of the Educational Policy Response to COVID-19" , International Conference on Best Innovative Teaching Practices, BITS Pilani by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani / - / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Nivedika, "Probabilistic Model to Predict the Fire Risk Incidental Duration" , International Conference on Management, Science and Technology by :Global Conference Hub at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu / / 2021

B. Singh, V. Gupta, R. Kumar, "Probabilistic Modeling of Human Data Locomotion for Biped Robot Trajectory Generation" , 8th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON-2021) by :IEEE at Dehradun, India / / 2021

Aman Mathan and Deepak Verma, "Product Recommendation Systems in E-Retail: A Bibliometric and Thematic Analysis" , DIGIXMAR 2021 - International Conference on Digital Marketing Experiences by :Springer at CMS Business School, JAIN (Deemed-to-Be University / / 2021

S Garg, V Agrawal, R Nagar, "Progressive Collapse Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slab Buildings Subject to Column Failures in Different Storeys" , First International Conference on Advanced Material Behaviour and Characterization (ICCSEE) by :Elsevier at Chennai / 1031-1037 / 2021

S. Nagar, V. Gupta, R. Kumar, R. C. Bansal, R. M. Naidoo, "PV-BES Integrated Residential Society Governed Electric Vehicle Charging Station" , 9th International Conference on Renewable Power Generation (RPG 2021) by :IET at Dublin / / 2021

kalpana Patidar, Manish Vashishtha, "Pyrolysis Characteristics and Kinetic Analysis of Mustard Straw Using Model-Free Methods" , International Conference on Recent Technologies and Advanced Materials for Green Energy and Sustainable Environment (RTAMGESE-Online) by :National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli at Tiruchirappalli / / 2021

Prathwiraj Meena, Rohidas Bhoi,, "Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste for the Production of Fuel Oil" , International Conference on Recent Innovations in Cleaner Technologies by :MNIT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Abhishek Agarwal, Vijay Kumari, Yashvardhan Sharma, Lavika Goel, "Ranking Based Question Answering System With a Web and Mobile Application" , Confluence 2021, 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering by :IEEE at Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, India / 52-58 / 2021

Lakshminarayana Sadineni, Emmanuel S. Pilli, Ramesh Babu Battula, "Ready-IoT: A Novel Forensic Readiness Model for Internet of Things" , IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) by :IEEE at New Orleans, LA, USA / / 2021

Pappu Kumar Burnwal, Md.Oayes Midda, Ravi Kumar Parihar, and S.P.Chaurasia, "Recent Advancements, Preparation and Characterization of Synthesized Composite PVDF-PTFE Membrane and Its Application in Ethanol Separation Using VMD" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management by :Indian Desalination Association at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Hrishikesh Kumar, Tarush Chandra, "Recent Sustainable Development Technologies for Water Management" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management & Annual Congress of InDA by :InDACON-2021 at ONLINE / / 2021

Ravi Kumar Parihar, Pappu Kumar Burnwal, S.P.Chaurasia, and Md.Oayes Midda, "Recent Trends and Research Directions in Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor for Wastewater Treatment With Future Perspective" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management by :InDA at MNIT Jaipur (Online) / / 2021

Muzaffar Iqbal, Dipaloy Datta, "Removal of a Cationic Dye Using Aliquat 336 Impregnated Amberlite XAD-4 Resin in Fixed-Bed Columns in Series" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management & Annual Congress of InDA (InDACON-2021) by :Proceedings at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Mohit Nigam, Pradeep Kumar, Sushant Upadhaya, Shraddha Rani Singh, "Removal of COD, Color and Chromium From Tannery Waste Water With Associated Process of Adsorption and Catalytic Thermal Treatment" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering by :Capital Publishing Company at Jaipur / 11 / 2021

Anjali Awasthi, Dipaloy Datta, "Removal of Reactive Green 19 Dyes Using Impregnated Resin (Aliquat 336 + Amberlite XAD7HP) in Batch Process and Recirculating Stirrer Vessel" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management & Annual Congress of InDA (InDACON-2021) by :Proceedings at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

A. Seervi, V. K. Saini, R. Kumar, M. A. Mahmud, "Renewable Energy Forecasting for Energy Storage Sizing: A Review" , IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Smart and Green Technologies (ICISSGT-2021) by :IEEE at Visakhapatnam, India / / 2021

Mohit Joshi and Niraja Saraswat , "REPRESENTATION of GENDER REALIZATION in XAVIER DOLAN’S FILM ‘LAURENCE ANYWAYS’ (2012)" , TEQIP-III Sponsored Online National Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward Towards Quality Education (G:4), Gender Equality (G by :Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing House at Jaipur / 140-147 / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Anamika Agnihotri, "Reprocessed Materials Evaluation on Perfunctory and Flame Endurance of Structures" , International Conference on Management, Science and Technology by :Global Conference Hub at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu / / 2021

Mukesh Tilwani, Mukesh Kumar, Anoj Meena, and Ashiwani Kumar, "Resin Based Dental Composite Materials: A Review" , TRIBOINDIA2021 an International Virtual Tribology Conference by :Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering at Kerala / / 2021

Vishal Kamble, M.K. Shrimali, S.D. Bharti and T. K. Datta, "Response Reduction of Secondary Piping System in Base Isolated Buildings" , Virtual Conference on Disaster Risk Resilient (VCDRR) Society by :Springer at NITK Surathkal / 1 / 2021

Soma Ghosh, Vineet Sahula, Lava Bhargava, "Reuse-Aware Cache Partitioning Framework for Data-Sharing Multicore Systems" , IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at India / 6 / 2021

Vinod Kumar Aswal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Pankaj Sonia, "Review on Behavior of Various Parameters on Heat Distribution in the SAW Process " , International Conference on Recent Advancements in Design, Materials and Manufacturing by :Materials Today Proceedings at Amity, Gwalior / 6734-6739 / 2021

K. M. Kanaujia, A. Srigyan, U. Mishra, S. Sirvi, S. J. Nanda, "Robust Automatic Clustering Based on Local Density With Glowworm Swarm Optimization" , 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, IEEE-ICCCNT-21 by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1-7 / 2021

Akhilesh Mishra, Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Santosh Rane and Vikas Kumar Sangal, "Role of Additive Manufacturing for Sustainability in Industry 4.0" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

V. P. Meena, S. Singh, M. Kandpal, R. K. Barik, and V. P. Singh, "SCA Assisted Reduced-Order Modelling of Interval Modelled Doha Water Treatment Plant" , Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing & Communication by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, India / 1-6 / 2021

Ravindra S. Shekhawat, Vijay N Nadakuduru, "Scope and Future Prospects of Friction Stir Spot Welding of Aluminium 6061 Alloy (Abstract)" , Materials Science and Nanotechnology by :Coalesce Research Group at Online / / 2021

P. Mishra, S. Kumar, U. Garg, E. S. Pilli, and R. C. Joshi, "Security Perspectives of Various IoT Cloud Platforms: A Review & Case Study" , 2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS) by :IEEE at Greater Noida, India / 727-731 / 2021

PS Nair, R Gupta, V Agrawal, "Self-Healing: A Promising Innovation for Sustainability- a Review" , International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures(ICCMS 2021) by :Materials Today Proceedings at Online / / 2021

B. Kalra, M. M. Sharma, G. Singh, Jaiverdhan, P. Kaith and J. Garg, "Sequentially Rotated Stacked Microstrip Patch Antenna Array at Ku Band for Satellite Applications" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 917-920 / 2021

Himanshu Bharadwaj, Akhilesh Mathur, "Short-Circuit Analysis of Modern Distribution System: A Comprehensive Review" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICRTEEE-21) by :ISTE, Indian Society for Technical Education at SVKM’s Institute of Technology, DHULE / / 2021

Arun Kumar Nayak, Kailash Chand Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, Harpal Tiwari, "Short-Term Wind Speed Forecasting Using Multi-Source Multivariate RNN-LSTMs" , 9th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) - 2021 by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1 / 2021

Pranjal Patel, Hemant Kuma, Shriram Sharma, Pritesh Sutrakar, Devender Pal Singh, Menka, "Smart Attendance Cum Health Check Up Machine for Students" , iSES 2021 by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur, India / 283-284 / 2021

Ashutosh Shah, Gaurav Sharma, Lava Bhargava, "Smart Implementation of Computer Vision and Machine Learningfor Pothole Detection" , 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering by :IEEE at Noida, India / 65-69 / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Mahendra Meghwal, "Soft Computation of Important Structures, International Conference on Management" , International Conference on Management, Science and Technology by :Global Conference Hub at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu / / 2021

V. Kumar, K. Lata, R. Bhakar and P. Mathuria, "Solar Photovoltaic on Water Bodies in Rajasthan" , 2021 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Kharagpur / / 2021

Ved Prakash Sharma, Arun Walia, Mukesh Kumar, and V N Shukla, "Solid Particle Erosion of Aluminium Nitride Thin Film Deposited by Radio Frequency Magnetron" , International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Material and Manufacturing by :Delhi Technical Campus at Delhi / / 2021

R. Gupta, S. J. Nanda, "Solving Dynamic Many-Objective TSP Using NSGA-III Equipped With SVR-RBF Kernel Predictor" , IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE-CEC-2021 by :IEEE at Krakow, Poland / 95-102 / 2021

Ashutosh Saini, Gireendra Kumar and Ashwani Kumar, "Spatio-Temporal Pattern Analysis for Appropriate Urban Development in Class II and Class III Towns of Himachal Pradesh" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on RESILIENT and LIVEABLE CITY PLANNING, RLCP 2020 by :BS Publications at School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada / 80-85 / 2021

Krishna Chauhan, Kamalesh Kumar Sharma, Tarun Varma, "Speech Emotion Recognition Using Convolution Neural Networks" , International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS) by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / 1176-1181 / 2021

Sujil A, R. Kumar, R. C. Bansal, Raj M. Naidoo, "State Flow Based Modeling of Multi Agent System for Smart Microgrid Energy Management" , Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC2021) by :IEEE at Perth, Australia / / 2021

Suman Sharma, Sunil Jangid, Prerna Jain, "Stochastic Scheduling of Parking Lot Operator in Energy and Regulation Markets Amalgamating PBDR" , 8th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom) by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2021

Namrata Rane, Aakankshya Sahoo, Subodh Shinde, Sheetal Verma and Rajeev Agrawal, "Strategies to Manage Disaster Using Industry 4.0 Technologies" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Sundeep Kumar, "Strategy Reaction to the Social Economics Impact From COVID-19 in India: An Analytical Study" , Operation and Supply Chain Management by :SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE of OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT at Nashik / / 2021

P.V. Ramana, Mahendra Meghwal, "Structural Health Monitoring: Plastic Material Assessment of Important Structures" , International Conference on Advances in Science Hub by :Global Conference Hub at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu / / 2021

Ramesh Kumar, Sruti Chakraborty, Manish Vashishtha, "Studies on Hydrolytic Degradation of Cellulosic Insulation in Power Transformers Using COMSOL Multiphysics" , Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICACBEE-2021) by :Malaviya National Instititute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2021

Sundeep Kumar, "Study of Performance Execution Estimations Practices in Supply Chain Management" , ICIEM-2021 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :Malaviya National Instititute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2021

Bush, R. C., Shirkol, A. I., Sruthi, J. S., and Kumar, A., "Study of Seismic Analysis of Asymmetric Building With Different Shapes of Staggered Openings and Without Openings in Shear Wall" , 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Construction Materials and Structures (ICON2021) by :Materials Today Proceedings at VIT Vellor / / 2021

Nidhi Sindhu, Rajendra Kumar Goyal, Thankachan T. Pullan, Unnikrishnan, T.P.D. Rajan, Sree Manu, Sreekumar Vadakke Madam, "Study on Al/TiB2 Functionally Graded Metal Matrix Composites" , International Conference on Materials and Technologies (MaterialTECH 2021) by :Elsevier at Raipur / 2945-2951 / 2021

Kumar, Yogesh, Arora, H., and Amberia N. , "Study on Effect of Basin Properties on SWAT Simulated Streamflow in a Catchment." , HYDRO 2021 International by :Indian Society of Hydraulics and SVNIT Surat Gujarat, India at SVNIT Surat Gujarat, India / / 2021

Uttam Singh and P K Sharma, "Study on Subsurface Hydraulic Conductivity and Soil Moisture Using Ground Magnetic Resonance." , Hydro 2021 by :Hydro 2021 at NIT Rourkela / / 2021

Mayank Gupta, Amit Kumar, Sudhir Kumar, Mahesh Kumar Jat , "Substance Flow Analysis of Lead (Pb) and Chromium (Cr) Through Wastewater Management System in a Region" , 00 Glorious Years of Chemical Engineering & Technology:International Chemical Engineering Conference 2021 (ICHEEC) by :Wiley at Jalandhar, Punjab, India / / 2021

S Garg, V Agrawal, R Nagar - Procedia CIRP, 2021, "Sustainability Assessment of Methods to Prevent Progressive Collapse of RC Flat Slab Buildings" , 28th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering(LCE) by :Elsevier at Jaipur / 25-30 / 2021

Vishal Verma, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Rajeev Agrawal, "Sustainability Assessment of Organization Performance: A Review and Case Study" , 6th International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering by :Springer at NIT Jalandhar / 205-219 / 2021

Jagatramka Richa , Kumar Ashwani , Pipralia Satish , "Sustainability Attributes of Transformation in Vernacular Architecture of Chhattisgarh" , First International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Society by :SPAST at Hydrabad / / 2021

Sundeep Kumar, "Sustainable Collective Innovation in the Agri-Food Value Chain the Case of the Aureo Wheat Supply Chain" , Operation and Supply Chain Management by :SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE of OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT at Nashik / / 2021

Mag Raj Gehlot, Sandeep Shrivastava, Satish Kumar , "Sustainable Construction Practices: A Perspective View of Indian Construction Industry Professionals" , F-EIR Conference 2021 Materials Today Proceedings 2022 0.355 doi.org10.1016j.matpr.2021.09.493 by :F-EIR Conference 2021 on Environment Concerns and Its Remediation at NITTTR Chandigarh, India / / 2021

Ajay Vishwakarma, Sunanda Sinha, Prashant Malik, "Sustainable Farming: An Application of Solar Greenhouse in Agriculture" , International Conference on Biotechnology for Resource Efficiency, Energy, Environment, Chemicals and Health (BREEECH 2021) 2021, by :BREEECH at Derhadun, India, / / 2021

Patidar A, Sharma M, Agrawal R, Sangwan KS, Jamwal A, Gonçalves M, "Sustainable Supply Chain Research and Key Enabling Technologies: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Implications/ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78170-5_27" , International Conference Innovation in Engineering ICIE-2021 by :Springer at University of Minho, Portugal / 305-319 / 2021

Sameer Imdad, Rajeev K. Dohare, "Synergistic Effect of Carrier for the Removal of Anionic and Cationic Dyes From Wastewater Using Emulsion Liquid Membrane" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment & Management & Annual Congress of InDA (InDACON-2021) by :Proceedings at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Pappu Kumar Burnwal, Oayes midda,Ravi K. Parihar and S.P. Chaurasia, "Synthesis and Characterization of PVDF-PTFE Hybrid Membrane Using DMSO as Non-Hazardous Solvent, " , International Conference on Recent Innovations in Cleaner Technologies MNIT Jaipur,08-09 March 2021. by :MNIT at MNIT JAIPUR / / 2021

Anjali Saraswat, Satish Pipralia, "System Dynamics Approach for Planning Green Infrastructure in Cities," , International Conference on Resilient & Livable City Planning by :SPA Vijaywada at SPA Vijaywada / / 2021

Chandni Chowdhary, Satish Pipralia, "System Dynamics Approach in Heritage Management" , International Conference on Resilient & Liveable City Planning (RLCP 2020) by :SPA Vijaywada at SPA Vijaywada / / 2021

Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh, "Technology-Enabled Blended Learning: A Watershed for Educational Transformation in Post-COVID World" , International Conference on Sustainability and Equity, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Orissa by :Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Orissa at Orrissa / - / 2021

Bhatt, Preeti, "The Representation of Trauma in Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five" , CRISA 2021 Crossroads: An Intersectional Approach to English Language and Literature by :Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology at Online / / 2021

Three dimensional computational investigation of the geometric design of delta-type vortex generators deployed in finned tube arrays, "Three Dimensional Computational Investigation of the Geometric Design of Delta-Type Vortex Generators Deployed in Finned Tube Arrays" , 8th International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM) by :IIT Kharagpur at IIT Kharagpur / / 2021

B. P. Kumawat, S. Yadav, M. M. Sharma and J. Garg, "THz Based Multiband and Wide Single Band Metallic Patch Antenna Using Defected Ground Structure" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, / 933-937 / 2021

Subham Kumar Gupta, Meenakshi Tripathi, Jyoti Grover, "Towards an Effective Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning Techniques: Comprehensive Analysis and Review" , 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization Trends and Future Directions- ICRITO by :IEEE at Amity University, Noida / / 2021

Gopal Behra, Neeta Nain, "Trade-Off Between Memory Based and Model Based Collaborative Filtering Recommender System" , International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Sciences (PCCDS 2021) by :IEEE at Kurukshetra / / 2021

Y Tejaswini, Prerna Jain, "Transactive Energy Management of Solar Integrated Villages in India" , 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES) by :IEEE at NIT Bhopal / 1-6 / 2021

Richa Jagatramka, Ashwani Kumar, Satish Pipralia, "Transformation of Stone Dwellings of Khudargad, Chhattisgarh" , 10th International Seminar for Vernacular Settlements by :SPA Bhopal at Bhopal / / 2021

Lavika Goel, "Travelling Salesman Problem Solution Using Plate Tectonics Based Neighborhood Search Optimization" , 6th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICT4SD 2021) , Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer Publications by :Springer at Goa, India / 597-606 / 2021

Sonal Rajoria, Manish Vashishtha, Vikas Kumar Sangal, "Treatment of Electroplating Industry Wastewater: A Review on the Various Techniques" , Recent Developments on Materials, Reliability, Safety and Environmental Issues-2021 by :Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar at Jalandhar / / 2021

Sumit K. Rathor , D. Saxena , "Trip Chain Information Model-Based Stochastic Energy Management System for Microgrid (Best Paper Award)" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy & Control (STPEC-2021) by :IEEE at Bilaspur, C.G. India.​ / 1-6 / 2021

B. P. Kumawat, S. Yadav, M. M. Sharma and J. Garg, "Triple Band Circular Ring Patch Antenna With Partial Ground Structure" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 798-800 / 2021

K. Mahindroo, V. Sadadiwala, V. Singh, D. Sharma and Sarthak Singhal, "Triple Band Polarization Independent C- Band Metamaterial Absorber" , 5th International Conference on Communication, Devices & Networking by :IEEE at Sikkim Manipal University, Sikkim / 1-4 / 2021

Agarwal, A., Agarwal, B., Harjule, P., "Understanding the Role of Feature Engineering in Fake News Detection" , 6th International Conference on Soft Computing Theories and Applications (SoCTA-21), by :Springer at IIIT Kota / / 2021

Jyoti Yadav, Niruti Gupta, "Urban Quality of Life: Domains, Dimensions and Indicators for Indian Cities" , IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Community Based Research and Innovations in Civil Engineering by :IOP Publishing Ltd at Jaipur / / 2021

Sharma Manish ,Kumar Nand , Kumar Ashwani , Sharma Bansari , "Urban Water Resilience in Landscape of Digitally Connected Built Environment: An Assessment Matrix for Cities of Developing Nations" , First International Conference on Technologies for Smart Green Connected Society by :SPAST at Hydrabad / / 2021

Manish Vashishtha, Meenu, Shiv Om Meena, "Utilization of Mustard Stalk Biochar to Produce Controlled Release Urea" , International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology, ICASET 2021 by :Institute for Engineering Research and Publication IFERP at Puducherry / / 2021

Chandra Prakash Barala, Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, "Virtual Energy Storage Systems: Challenges and Opportunities" , 9th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) - 2021 by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1-5 / 2021

Pathak, Vikas, Satyasai Jagannath Nanda, Amit Mahesh Joshi, and Sitanshu Sekhar Sahu, "VLSI Implementation of Tunable Band-Pass Notch IIR Filter for Localization of Hot Spots in Proteins" , In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication Systems, by :IEEE at Ranchi / 563-575 / 2021

Arora A and Subbarao PMV, "Wake Modifications in Finned-Tube Arrays Through Considerate Deployment of Vortex Generators" , 9th International Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (AFTMME) by :IIT ROPAR at IIT ROPAR / / 2021

P. Singh, S. M. Verma, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, "WD-EEMD Based Voting Classifier for Hand Gestures Classification Using sEMG Signals" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA-2021) by :IEEE at Greater Noida / / 2021

Erick Vasava Francis, Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Santosh Rane and Jinesh Kumar Jain, "What We Know and What We Need to Know About Lean Six Sigma in Industry 4.0: A Review of Research Trends and Pertinent Issues" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management at MNIT Jaipur / / 2021

Dr.Niraja Saraswat ,Divya Jyot Kaur , "WHATSAPP for VOCABULARY ACQUISITION: PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AMONG GEN Z in POST-COVID ERA" , International Mangagement Conference on Reinventing the Future of Work and Business :Challenges ,Opportunities and Path Ahead by :KIIT ,Bhubaneswar at Vitual / / 2021

R. Dhara, M. M. Sharma and Jaiverdhan, "Wide Band Circularly Polarized Planar Monopole Antenna for FSS and ITU-8GHz Application" , 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 875-878 / 2021

Yash Pal, Kailash Chand Sharma, Archee Gupta, Archita Vijayvargia, Rohit Bhakar, "Wind Power Forecasting Using Generalized Autoregressive Score Model" , 9th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) - 2021 by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1 / 2021

Bhatt, Preeti, and Ritu Pareek, "Women’s Resistance to Repressive Social Structures in Novels by Githa Hariharan and Khaled Hosseini" , International Conference on Contemporary Issues in South Asian Literature and Culture Studies by :Manipal University at Jaipur / / 2021

Shalin Kumar Deval, Meenakshi Tripathi, Bruhadeshwar Bezawada, Indrakshi Ray, "X-Phish: Days of Future Past”‡: Adaptive & Privacy Preserving Phishing Detection" , Conference on Communications and Network Security by :IEEE at Online / / 2021

S. Yelisetti, R. Kumar, R. Lamba, A. Saxena, "Modelling and Simulation of Home Energy Management System With Occupants Comfort" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC-2021) by :IEEE at Bilaspur, India / / 2021

Manoj Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective Thermo vs Kinetic Controlled Activation of Armed and Disarmed Glycal Donors (OP-29, FOMC - 2021)" , Web Conference on Frontiers in Organometallics and Catalysis (FOMC-2021) by :Malaviya National Instititute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2021


J. Gopala Rao, Gunwant Sharma, Sudhir Kumar, " Application of Three Models for Estimating Daily Streamflow Simulation in Puluchinthala Sub-Basin" , HYDRO 2020, 25th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering by :HYDRO at NIT Rourkela / 19-28 / 2020

M. G. Kulthe, S. Ramteke, R.K.Goyal, S.P. Butee, " Creep Properties of MWCNTs Reinforced High Performance Poly(ether-Ketone) Polymer Nanocomposites, " , National Conference on Advancement in Materials Processing Technology by :National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur at Jamshedpur / / 2020

Nidhi Sharma and Shruti Agarwal, " Education 4.0 to Industry 4.0 Vision: Current Trends and Overview" , International Conference in Evolution in Manufacturing by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, India / / 2020

Virendra Kumar Meghwal, Namita Mittal, Girdhari Singh, " Image Captioning Methodologies Using Deep Learning: A Review" , Electronics Systems and Intelligent Computing by :Springer Singapore at Arunachal Pradesh / 507-512 / 2020

Agarwal, P., Sharma, A., Choudhary, M., Patnaik, T. K., Patnaik, A., " Numerical Simulation of Solid Particle Erosion for Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites" , FLAME-2020 by :Materials Today Proceedings - Elsevier at Amity University Noida / / 2020

Vikas Sharma, Makkhan Lal Meena, Mukesh Kumar, and Amar Patnaik, " Optimization of Waste Fly Ash Powder Filled Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite by Hybrid AHP-TOPSIS Approach" , International Conference on Advances in Material Processing & Manufacturing Applications by : NIT Uttarakhand at Uttarakhand, India / / 2020

Mohit Joshi and Niraja Saraswat, ""Indian Sign Language, Literatures, and Construction of Able-Identity"" , SASNET 2020: Rethinking the Politics of Memory in South Asia Conference (Virtual) by :Lund University,Sweden at Lund University ,Sweden / / 2020

Sanchit Kundal, Abhinav Bhatnagar, Ritu Sharma, "1D Photonic Crystal Waveguide Based Biosensor for Skin Cancer Detection Application" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies, OWT2020 by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 5 / 2020

Akshay Patidar, Monica Sharma, Rajeev Agrawal, Kuldip Singh Sangwan, Anbesh Jamwal, "A Bibliometric Analysis of Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Research Implications and Future Perspective" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2020

Patidar A, Sharma M, Agrawal R, Sangwan K S, Jamwal A, "A Bibliometric Analysis of Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Research Implications and Future Perspectives." , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2020

Sundeep Kumar, "A Case Study on Survey Plan for Digital Merchandising System and Consumer Association Management" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing ICEM 2020 by :Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology at Jaipur / / 2020

N. Hadiya, F teotia, R. Bhakar, P. Mathuria, "A Comparative Analysis of Pricing Mechanism to P2P Energy Sharing of Rooftop Solar Energy" , 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON) by :IEEE at Virtual / / 2020

B. Dhanka, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, G. Singh, "A Comparative Assessment of Machine Learning Techniques for Epilepsy Detection Using EEG Signal" , 7th IEEE UP Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON-2020) by :IEEE at Allahabad / / 2020

Sonu Saini , Dr. Anoj Meena, "A Comparative Study of the Effect of Fillers & Monomer on Dental Restorative Material" , Advances in Materials Processing &Manufacturing Applications(ICADMA 2020) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT JAIPUR / / 2020

Rayees Ahmad Thokar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, N. K. Meena, "A Coordinated Operation of Multiple Distributed Energy Resource Technologies for Arbitrage Benefit Enhancement" , International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and Its Control (PARC-2020) by :IEEE at Mathura, India / / 2020

A. Panwar, R. Kumar, M. A. Mahmud, A. Saxena, "A Differential Evaluation Tuned Nonlinear Backstepping Controller for Three-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems" , 6th IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (IEEE WIECON-ECE 2020) by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar / / 2020

Ankur Gupta and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "A Facile and Novel Synthesis of Molybdenum Based MXene (MoXene) for Electrochemical Pseudocapacitors" , International Conference on Electrochemistry for Industries, Health and Environment (EIHE-2020) by :BARC at BARC, Mumbai, India / / 2020

Sidharth Pancholi, Amit M. Joshi, "A Fast and Accurate Deep Learning Framework for EMG-PR Based Upper-Limb Prosthesis Control" , 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at VIT Chennai / 00-00 / 2020

C. Sadanala, S. Pattnaik, V. P. Singh, "A Fault Tolerant Architecture of Nine-Level Inverter With Single and Multiple Switch Fault-Tolerance Capabilities" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / - / 2020

Jamwal A, Patidar A, Agrawal R, Sharma M, "A Fuzzy Multicriteria Methodology for Selection Among Solar PV Adoption Barriers in India" , International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing by :Springer at NIT Arunachal Pradesh / / 2020

Anbesh Jamwal, Akshay Patidar, Rajeev Agrawal,Monica Sharma, "A Fuzzy Multicriteria Methodology for Selection Among Solar PV Adoption Barriers in India/ DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-7031-5_50" , International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing(Scopus Indexed) by :Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering at NIT Arunachal Pradesh / 521-531 / 2020

Nikhil Krishna Bajjuri, Kapil Shukla, and Amit Kumar Jain, "A Harmonic-Model Based Resemblance Between PI-SQIM, DI-OWIM, and DI-WRIM Drives" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 1-5 / 2020

S. Shekhawat, A. Saxena, A. Dwivedi, R. Kumar, "A Hybrid Forecasting Model Based on Equilibrium Optimizer and Artificial Neural Network for Assessment of PM10 Concentration" , Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (GCAIA 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Rohitash Kumar, Sudhanshu Singh, U. K. Arun Kumar, "A Hydrodynamic Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Absorption in the Microchannel Using Aqueous Amine Solution" , 2nd National Conference on Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering by :Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / / 2020

A. Sharma, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Vijay, "A Model Based on Fuzzy C-Means With Density Peak Clustering for Seismicity Analysis of Earthquake Prone Regions" , 10th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving, SocProS-2020 by :Springer at Indian Institute of Technology Indore / 173-185 / 2020

Girish G Talapur, Kapil Shukla, and H M Suryawanshi, "A Modified Load Sharing Technique for Area Electric Power System" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2020

S. M. S. Lumen, R. Kannan, M. A. Mahmud, R. Kumar, "A New Topology for DC Circuit Breakers With the Regenerative Current Breaking Capability" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES,2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Rukhsar Sultana, Jyoti Grover, Meenakshi Tripathi, "A Novel Framework for Misbehavior Detection in SDN-Based VANET" , 2020 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / 1-6 / 2020

Bhatt, Preeti, "A Postmodern Ecocritical Reading of Angela Carter’s Short Stories" , International Conference on Hermeneutics Today: Negotiating Traditional Approaches Across Cultures, Literatures and Languages by :SKIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2020

Tejendra Singh, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "A Quantitative and Qualitative Review of Sustainable Manufacturing" , International Conference on Recent Advancement in Mechanical Engineering -2020 by :Springer at National Institute of Technology, Silchar (India) / / 2020

Marif Daula Siddique, M Jagabar Sathik, N Sandeep, Arpan Hota, Dhafer Almakhles, Saad Mekhilef, Udaykumar R Yaragatti, "A Reduced Switch Count Boost Inverter (RSC-BI) Topology With Triple Voltage Gain" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-6 / 2020

Mahesh Chaudhary, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Toshit Jain, "A Review on Bone Regeneration via Porosity Develop- Ment Using Smart Manufacturing Techniques" , EMSME-2020 by :Springer at National Institute of Technology, Delhi (India) / / 2020

Garg, N, S Shrivastava, "A Review on Different Multi-Criteria Decision Making Techniques Used to Study Various Civil Engineering Materials for Sustainability. " , Second ASCE India Conference on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies CRSIDE2020 by :Second ASCE India Conference on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development at Kolkata, India / / 2020

P. Kuntal, A. Mathur, R. Kumar, V Gupta, "A Review on Optimization Approaches for Scheduling of Hybrid Power System" , International Conference on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing (AISCC-2020) by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2020

R. Verma, M. J. Rathod, and R. K. Goyal, "A Review on the Effect of Processing Techniques and Functionalization of Filler on Mechanical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites" , National Conference on Advanced Materials and Applications (NCAMA 2019) by : IOP Publishing Ltd at Raipur / 012031 / 2020

Pal Neha, Agarwal Madhu, Maheshwari, K, Solanki, Y. S. , "A Review on Types, Fabrication and Support Material of Hydrogen Separation Membrane" , International Conference on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering by :Materials Today Proceedings at Online / / 2020

Ajay Sharma and Neha Shrivastava, "A Review Study on Geotechnical Applications of the Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste" , Indian Geotechnical Conference by :Springer at Visakhapatnam / / 2020

N. Mathur, V. P. Singh, R. Kumar, "A Short Review on Bayesian Optimisation and Its Applications" , International Conference on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing (AISCC-2020) by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2020

Deepika Shekhawat, Amit Singh, Ashray Bhardwaj, Amar Patnaik, "A Short Review on Polymer, Metal and Ceramic Based Implant Materials" , Advances in Materials Processing & Manufacturing Applications: iCADMA 2020 by : IOP Publishing Ltd at Jaipur India / 1017 01203 / 2020

Diksha Jain, N Sandeep, Arun Verma and Udaykumar R Y, "A Simple Methodology for Sizing of Stand-Alone PV-Battery System" , 2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2020

Gautam Raina, Sunanda Sinha, "A Simulation Study to Evaluate and Compare Monofacial vs Bifacial PERC PV Cells and the Effect of Albedo on Bifacial Performance" , 1st International Conference on Innovations in Clean Energy Technology, 2020 (ICET-2020) by :ICET at MANIT Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh / / 2020

Sundeep Kumar, "A Social Economic Welfare Econometric Machine Learning Approach for Relative Importance Analysis-Consideration on Food Policy" , Online International Conference on Recent Trend in Engineering, Technology, Applied Sciences, Humanities and Business Management for Sustainable Deve by :Spinger OSA MNIT Jaipur AGMATEL and KEYSIGHT Technologies at NEW DELHI / / 2020

Sundeep Kumar, "A Social Welfare Assistance Scheme PMKSY for Enhancing the Collision Through Demand Revolution in Aspect to Irrigation and Agriculture Sector" , Online International Conference on Recent Trend in Engineering, Technology, Applied Sciences, Humanities and Business Management for Sustainable Deve by :Aryabhatt Institute of Technology and KRISHI SANSKRIT at New Delhi / / 2020

Sundeep Kumar, "A Study of MGNREGA as Social Protection Tool Can Recover Covid-19 Social, Humanities and Employment Crisis" , Online International Conference on Recent Trend in Engineering, Technology, Applied Sciences, Humanities and Business Management for Sustainable Deve by :Aryabhatt Institute of Technology Govt. of NCT of Delhi G.T. Karnal Road Delhi 110033 and KRISHI SAN at G.T. Karnal Road Delhi / / 2020

M. Bhukiya, R. Kumar, "A Study on Safety Issues and Analytical Evaluation of Stresses for HVDC Cable in Electrical Vehicle" , Flexible Electronics for Electric Vehicles (FlexEV-2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

A. K. Mishra, E. S. Pilli, M. C. Govil, "A Taxonomy of Hypervisor Forensic Tools" , XVI IFIP International Conference on Digital Forensics by :Springer at New Delhi, India / 181-199 / 2020

Basudha Dewan, Menka Yadav, "A TCAD Approach to Evaluate the Performance of Double Gate Tunnel FET" , International Conference on Emerging Technology-INCET -2020 by :IEEE at Jain College Bangluru, India / 1-5 / 2020

Jyotsna Singh, Rajive Tiwari, "Active and Reactive Power Management of EVs in Reconfigurable Distribution System" , 2020 IEEE 9th Power India International Conference (PIICON) by :IEEE at Sonepat, India / 1-6 / 2020

Jai Narain1, Makkhan Lal Meena, Govind Sharan Dangayach, Amar Patnaik, "Adopting Zero Accident Vision in India: A Conceptual Framework" , Advances in Materials Processing & Manufacturing Applications: iCADMA 2020 by : IOP Publishing Ltd at Jaipur India / 1017 01200 / 2020

V. K. Saharan S.George S.Saxena, "Advanced Hybrid Treatment of Tannery Waste Effluents Using Hydrodynamic Cavitation Coupled With Different Oxidizing Agents Hydrogen peroxide,Fentons,ozone" , Advances in Chemical Engineering and Sciences by :Advances in Chemical Engineering and Sciences at IISER Bhopal / / 2020

Kumari Shalini and Satish Sharma, "AI Techniques Based Fault Location and Restoration Methods: A Review" , Int Conf on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing (AISCC) -20202 by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2020

Krishna Kumar and Upender Pandel, "Air Stabilized Nano Zero Valent Iron (NZVI) -Synthesis and Application for Waste Water Treatment" , International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management Cairo by :Conference Proceeding at Cairo Egypt / 1-5 / 2020

T.Bilka,...K.Lalwani et al., "Alignment for the First Precision Measurements at Belle II" , CHEP 2019 by :EPJ Web of Conferences at Adelaide / / 2020

Chandni Chowdhary, satish Pipralia, "Alternative Approaches in Heritage Management" , National Seminar on "The Urban Governance: Issues and Initiative" Under UGC SAP III by :University of Rajasthan at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2020

Sakshi Batra, Ankit Arya, Dipaloy Datta, "Amberlite Resin Functionalized With Phosphorous Based Solvent for the Separation of Bisphenol-A" , International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development (Chem-Conflux-20) by :Conference Proceeding at MNNIT Allahabad / / 2020

Praveen Saraswat, Rajeev Agrawal and M.L. Meena, "An Analysis of Critical Success Factors Using Analytical Hierarchy Process for Implementation of Lean With Industry 4.0 in SMEs/ DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3033-0_24" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing(Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 255-262 / 2020

Bhatt, Preeti , "An Analysis of the Abstract Space of Memories in Alice Munro S Short Stories" , International Conference on Hermeneutics Today: Negotiating Traditional Approaches Across Cultures, Literatures and Languages by :SKIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2020

Sundeep Kumar, "An Analytical Study on Big Data Management for Supply Chain Analytics" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing ICEM 2020 by :Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology at Jaipur / / 2020

PV Ramana, "An ANN Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Recycle Concrete Material Characterization" , IEEE Conference by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2020

Bhatt, Preeti, "An Archetypal Interpretation of Gender in Bama’s Sangati" , TEQIP-III Online National Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward Towards G:4, G:5 and G:7 in India by :MNIT Jaipur, NIT Uttarakhand and the Indian Econometric Society, New Delhi at Jaipur / / 2020

Rathore D.K., Prusty R.K., Ray B.C., "An Assessment of Mechanical Performance of CNF Modified Glass Fiber Epoxy Composites Under Elevated Temperatures" , International Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials ICPCM 2018 by :Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. at NIT Rourkela / 311-315 / 2020

Sumit K Rathor, D. Saxena, Ravikanth Balivada, "An Effective Energy Management System for Smart Residential Buildings Using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization" , 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Machine Learning and Internet of Things (ICETCE-2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 63-68 / 2020

Sachin Sharma, Khaleequr Rehman Niazi, Kusum Verma, Tanuj Rawat, "An Efficient Optimization Approach for Coordination of Network Reconfiguration and PV Generation on Performance Improvement of Distribution Network" , Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference-2020 (EPREC-2020) by :Springer at Jamshedpur, India / - / 2020

Anil Jakhar, N Sandeep, Pavan Singh Tomar, Manaswi Srivastava, Arun Kumar Verma, RY Udaykumar, "An Efficient Topology for Inductive Wireless Power Transfer in Vehicular Application" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Neha Shrivastava, Rinku Meena and Ajay Sharma, "An Experimental Study on the Valorization of Crushed Concrete in Pavement Base and Sub-Base Applications" , Indian Geotechnical Conference by :Springer at Visakhapatnam / / 2020

Sundeep Kumar, "An Impact of Internet Based Supply Chain Management Using IoT in Current Scenario" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing ICEM 2020 by :Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology at Jaipur / / 2020

Sangeeta Kumari, N Sandeep, Arun Verma and Udaykumar R Y, "An Improved Unipolar SPWM for Transformerless PV Grid Connected Inverter" , 2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-6 / 2020

P. K. Gupta, K.K. Dhakar, C. S. Rajoria , "An Influence of Pulse Frequency on Hole-Making Performance of Ceramics by ECDM" , International Conference on Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-2020) by :Conference Proceeding at Aliah University, Kolkata, India. / / 2020

Ganpat Singh Chauhan, Yogesh Kumar Meena, Dinesh Gopalani, Ravi Nahta, "An Unsupervised Multiple Word-Embedding Method With Attention Model for Cross Domain Aspect Term Extraction" , 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Machine Learning and Internet of Things (ICETCE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 110-116 / 2020

S Battula, MM Garg, AK Panda, MP Korukonda and L Behera, "Analysis and Dual-Loop PI Control of Bidirectional Quasi Z-Source DC-DC Converter" , 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2020) by :IEEE at Singapore / 1-6 / 2020

Pappu Kumar Burnwal Oayes midda Ravi K Parihar and SP Chaurasia , "Analysis for Permeation of Binary Aqueous Mixture of Ethanol Water Through Synthesized PVDF-PTFE Composite Membrane Using Vacuum Membrane Distillation. Chemcom-2020" , CHEMCON-2020 by :CHEMCON at Hyderabad Regional Centre / / 2020

Pappu Kumar Burnwal, S.P.Chaurasia, Md.Oayes Midda, and Ravi Kumar Parihar, "Analysis for Permeation of Binary Aqueous Mixture of Ethanol/water Through Synthesized PVDF-PTFE Composite Membrane Using Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , CHEMCON-2020 by :IICHE at Online / / 2020

Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Monica Sharma, Vijaya Kumar Manupati, Akshay Patidar, "Analysis of Barriers in Sustainable Supply Chain Management for Indian Automobile Industries/ DOI:10.1007/978-981-16-5281-3" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 1-10 / 2020

Bala Sai, Sumit Gupta, Rajeev Agrawal, Anbesh Jamwal, "Analysis of Challenges for Industry 4.0 Enabled Sustainable Manufacturing/ DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4320-7_51" , FLAME 2020 (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at Noida / 579-587 / 2020

Namrata Bhardwaj and Dipti Sharma, "Analysis of Financial Performance of Rajasthan Power Utilities With Reference to Power Sector Reforms" , National Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward to SDG4; SDG5 and SDG7 in India by :TIES through Amazon KDP at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / / 2020

Rameshwar J. Vishwakarma and Ramakant K. Ingle, "Analysis of Liquid Storage Concrete Containers Partially Restraint at Base" , International Conference on Smart Technologies for Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development (ICSTEESD-20) by :Conference Proceeding at Nagpur, India / / 2020

Teena Sharma, M. Ravi Kumar, "Analytical Comparison of Various Detection Techniques for SAC-Based OCDMA Systems: A Comparative Review" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies, OWT2020 by :Springer at Online / / 2020

Gupta, Anju and Vyas, R. K., "Antiviral Residue in Water/wastewater and Its Removal Using Activated Carbon" , International Online Conference on Sustainable Research Technology and Development (IOCSRT-2020) by :Panjab University, Chandigarh at Dr SS Bhatnagar UICET,Panjab University,Chandigarh / - / 2020

S. Mehra, H. Monga, V. P. Singh, R. Kumar, "Application of SCA for Level Control of Three-Tank System" , IEEE International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM-2020) by :IEEE at Dubai, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates / 220-224 / 2020

M. Gupta, L. Bhargava and S. Indu, "Artificial Neural Network Based Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Systems" , 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Machine Learning and Internet of Things (ICETCE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 74-79 / 2020

Ganpat Singh Chauhan, Yogesh Kumar Meena, Dinesh Gopalani, Ravi Nahta, "Aspect-Level Sentiment Extraction Using Public Reviews for Government Schemes" , International Conference on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing (AISCC-2020) by :Springer at Jaipur, India / / 2020

Hema Sudarsan Rao, Devarapalli Sai Kishor Reddy, Chandarkant Sharma, Sumit Gupta, Rajeev Agrawal, Anbesh Jamwal, "Assessment of Key Barriers of Sustainable Additive Manufacturing in Indian Automotive Company" , International Conference on Future Learning Aspects of Mechanical Engineering FLAME Scopus Indexed by :Springer at Amity University Noida / 245-253 / 2020

Shubam Yadav, Santosh Singh Rathore and Satyendra Singh Chouhan, "Authorship Identification Using Stylometry and Document Fingerprinting Decisions" , The Eighth International Conference on Big Data Analytics (BDA 2020) by :Springer at India / 278-288 / 2020

Nidhi Sharma and Shruti Agarwal, "Barriers and Role of Higher Educational Institutes in Students Mental Well-being_An Indian Perspective" , International Conference on Sustainability and Equity: Digital Society by :KIIT University at Bhubaneswar, Odisha / / 2020

Sourabh Vern, M.K. Shrimali, S.D. Bharti and T. K. Datta , "Behaviour of Liquid Storage Tank Under Coupled Effect of Bi-Directional Excitation and Angle of Incidence of Earthquake”, 1st Indian Structural Steel Conference (ISSC 2020), Organised by IIT Hyderab" , 1st Indian Structural Steel Conference (ISSC 2020) by :Springer at IIT Hyderabad / 1 / 2020

P. Kushwaha, Vivek Prakash, R. Bhakar, Udaykumar R. Yaragatti, "BESS Potential for Primary Frequency Response in Low Inertia Power Systems" , 9th IEEE Power India International Conference by :IEEE at Murthal, Haryana / / 2020

Mahesh Choudhary, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Toshit Jain, Rajeev Agrawal, Sundeep Kumar, "Biocompatibility Enhancement of Magnesium Alloys via Surface Modification Method: A Review/ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3033-0_40" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at MNITJaipur / 423-431 / 2020

Toshit Jain, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Rajeev Agrawal, "Biomaterials for Human Bone Tissues: Overview and Processes" , National Conference on Recent Advancement in Engineering by :Conference Proceeding at CTAE, Udaipur / / 2020

N. Hadiya, V. Kulshreshtha, R. Bhakar, G. Vashishtha and A. Datta, "Blockchain: Elements of Physical Architecture, Empowering Features and Applications in the Indian Power Sector" , 2020 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) by :IEEE at Gandhinagar, India / / 2020

Muskan Ahuja, Ankit, and M. R. Bhatnagar, "Capacity of Ligand Receptor Channel With Markovian Symbol Detection" , 2020 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / 1-6 / 2020

Khan Abdur Raoof, Nand Kumar, Tarush Chandra, "Case Study of Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions in Lucknow City Based on System Dynamic Approach" , 38th International System Dynamics Conference of System Dynamic Society by :Curran Associates, Inc. Proceedings.com at New York, USA / / 2020

Nidhi Sharma and Prakarti Sharma , "Challenges in the Adoption of Sustainability/Clean Sources of Energy in India: A Review" , National Conference on Sustainable Development Goals by :MNIT Jaipur at India / / 2020

Chandan S., Kumar A., Pipralia.S., "Challenges of Urban Conservation in the Historic City of Puri" , 4th Annual Research on Cities Summit by :Xavier University Bhubneshwar at Bhubneshwar / / 2020

Ajay Yadav, Ashok Kumar, Ghanshyam Singh, et al., , "Channel Capacity of Underwater Channel Using OCDMA System" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT-2020) in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (771) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2020

A. Saxena, S. Shekhawat, A. Sharma, H. Sharma, R. Kumar, "Chaotic Step Length Artificial Bee Colony Algorithms for Protein Structure Prediction" , 2ndInternational Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM-2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Vashishtha M., Patidar K, "Characterization and Isotherm Study of Activated Carbon Production From Mustard Stalk by ZnCl2 Activation" , International Conference on Chemical, Bio & Environmental Engineering (CHEMBIOEN-2020) by :CHEMBIOEN at Jalandhar, Punjab / / 2020

Saha, A., Rattan, B., Sekharan, S. and Manna, U., "Characterization and Reutilization Prospective of an Industrial Solid Waste Fly Ash: A State of the Art Review" , 3rd International Conference on Waste Management-Recycle 2020 by :Recycle 2020 at IIT Guwahati / / 2020

N. Rodrigues, S. Thakare, S. Vyas, R. Kumar, "Charge Scheduling-Optimization of Electric Buses in a City Bus Network" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES,2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Praveen Kumar Chandaliya, Aditya Sinha, Neeta Nain, "ChildFace: Gender Aware Child Face Aging " , BIOSIG 2020 by :IEEE at Darmstadt, Germany / / 2020

Ajay Kumar Verma and Satish Sharma, "Classification of Wind Forecasting Methods Based on Time Horizon and Methodology: A Review" , Int Conf on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing (AISCC) -20202 by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2020

P. K. Keserwani, V. Jha, M. C. Govil, and E. S. Pilli, "Clickedroid: A Methodology Based on Heuristic Approach to Detect Mobile Ad-Click Frauds" , The International Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences (PCCDS) by :Springer at Kurukshetra, India / 853-864 / 2020

V. K. Saini, V. Gupta, R. Kumar, B. K. Panigrahi, M. A. Mahmud, "Cloud Energy Storage Systems for Consumers and Prosumers in Residential Microgrids" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

J. B. Narayana, S. J. Nanda, U. P. Shukla, "Clustering High-Dimensional Datasets Using Quantum Social Spider Optimization With DWT" , Congress on Intelligent Systems, CIS-2020 by :Springer at New Delhi / 659-671 / 2020

Sarthak Singhal, "Compact Superwideband Terahertz Antenna" , 2020 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science ( URSI-RCRS) by :IEEE at Varanasi, India / 1-4 / 2020

A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, N. Dey, J. M. R. S. Tavares, "Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for the Classification of Knee Abnormality" , 5th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation by :IEEE at Greater Noida / / 2020

Satyajit Mahato, Amit Dixit and Rajeev Agrawal, "Comparing Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Process Management Practices for Competitive Potential in SMEs/ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5281-3_37" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 391-401 / 2020

Sourav Kumar Das, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Compressive Strength Prediction of Aluminosilicate Precursors Based Geopolymers Through Artificial Neural Network " , 2nd International Conference on Recent Developments in Sustainable Infrastructure ICRDSI 2020 Structure and Construction Management by :2nd International Conference on Recent Developments in Sustainable Infrastructure at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India / / 2020

Choudhary, M., Sharma, A., Agarwal, P., Patnaik, T. K., Patnaik, A. , "Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Erosion at Diverse Impact Angle for Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite" , FLAME-2020 by :Materials Today Proceedings - Elsevier at Amity University Noida / / 2020

Mohammed Akhil P.R., Menka Yadav, "Computer-Aided Classifier for Identification of Renal Cystic Abnormalities Using Bosniak Classification" , MDCWC 2020 by :Springer at NIT Tiruchirappalli / 441-459 / 2020

E. Reddy, V. P. Singh, A. Mathur, R. Kumar, "Contactless Active Cell Balancing Method for Battery Management" , 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS 2020) by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2020

Eashwar Reddy.S, Rajesh Kumar, Vinay Prathap Singh, Akhilesh Mathur, "Contactless Active Cell Balancing Method for Battery Management Systems" , International Conference Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS-2020) by :IEEE at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu / / 2020



Yashaswini Sharma, Ritu Sharma, K. K. Sharma, Girraj Sharma, "Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Over Weibull and Hoyt Fading Channels Using Centralized and Distributed Schemes" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering Machine Learning and Internet of Things (ICETCE-2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Chandra Prakash Barala, Parul Mathuria and Rohit Bhakar, "Coordinated Scheduling of Virtual Energy Storage System for Optimal Microgrid Operation" , 9th IEEE Power India International Conference by :IEEE at Murthal, Haryana / / 2020

Yashaswini Sharma, Girraj Sharma, Ritu Sharma, K.K. Sharma, "Coperative Spectrum Sensing Over Weibull and Hoyt Fading Channel Using Centralized and Distributed Schemes" , 3rd ,International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering, Machine Learning and Internet of Things, ICETCE-2020 by :IEEE at SKIT Jaipur / 5 / 2020

Dheeraj Verma, Anup Shukla, Prerna Jain, "COVID19: Impact on Indian Power Sector" , Fifth IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (IEEE-ICRAIE-2020) by :IEEE at Poornima University, Jaipur / / 2020

Deepshikha Lodhi, Sarthak Singhal, "CPW-Fed Pentagonal Superwideband Fractal Antenna" , 2020 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science ( URSI-RCRS) by :IEEE at Varanasi / 1-4 / 2020

Gaurav Tripathi, Kuldeep Singh, Dinesh Kumar Vishwakarma, "Crowd Emotion Analysis Using 2d Convnets" , Third International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology by :IEEE at Tirunelveli, India / / 2020

Suryakant Badde, Vikash Kumar, Kakali Chatterjee, Ditipriya Sinha, "Cyber Attack Detection Framework for Cloud Computing" , Intelligent Data Engineering and Analytics by :Springer Singapore at NIT Surathkal / / 2020

Anjali Gandhi, Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Cyber Physical Systems in Manufacturing and Production Systems: A Bibliometric Analysis" , National Conference on Recent Advancement in Engineering by :CTAE Udaipur at Udaipur / 17-19 / 2020

Anjali Gandhi, Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Cyber Physical Systems in Manufacturing and Production: A Bibliometric Analysis" , National Conference on Recent Advancement in Engineering by :Conference Proceeding at CTAE, Udaipur / / 2020

PV Ramana, "Damage Assessment and Flood Inundation Analysis via ARC-GIS" , International Conference on Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering (ICACSE 2020) by :Elsevier at Government College of Engineering Karad & Rajkiya / / 2020

Peter Kodyš,...K.Lalwani et al.,, "Data Quality Monitors of Vertex Detectors at the Start of the Belle II Experiment" , CHEP 2019 by :EPJ Web of Conferences at Adeleide / / 2020

Shreyanshu Garg, Ashvi Agrawal, Shubham Goyal and Kusum Verma, "Day Ahead Solar Irradiance Forecasting Using Different Statistical Techniques" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES,2020) by :IEEE at MNIT, Jaipur / - / 2020

Shreyanshu Garg, Ashvi Agrawal, Shubham Goyal and Kusum Verma, "Day Ahead Solar Irradiance Forecasting Using Markov Chain Model" , 17th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON2020) by :IEEE at NSUT, Delhi / - / 2020

Sumit K. Rathor , D. Saxena, "Decentralized Energy Scheduling of LV Microgrid Under Stochastic Environment" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2020) by :IEEE at Cochin, Kerala, India / 1-6 / 2020

M. Kumar, A. Shukla, K. Verma, R. Kumar, "Decentralized PEVs Energy Management Scheme for Supplementary Frequency Regulation Considering Mobility Behaviour" , 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE 2018) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Monu Verma, Prafulla Saxena, SK Vipparthi, Girdhari Singh, SK Nagar, "DEFINET: PORTABLE CNN NETWORK for FACIAL EXPRESSION RECOGNITION" , Fourth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2019). by :CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group at Udaipur, India / 217-226 / 2020

Rahul, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, Chandrajit Balomajumder , "Degradation Characteristics and Comparative Study of BTEX Elimination in a Biofilter" , International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Developments by :International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Developments at Department of Chemical Engineering MNNIT Allahabad / / 2020

Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh, "Democratization of Higher Education: Leveraging Technology-Enabled Blended Learning in Post-COVID India" , National Conference on Sustainable Development Goals, MNIT Jaipur by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2020

Amit Arora and PMV Subbarao, "Deployment of Toe-Out Type Vortex Generators in Finned Tube Arrays for Flow Modification & Capacity Augmentation: Part A" , ICRACEM 2020: Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics by :Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur at IIT Kharagpur / / 2020

Amit Arora and PMV Subbarao, "Deployment of Toe-Out Type Vortex Generators in Finned Tube Arrays for Flow Modification & Capacity Augmentation: Part B" , ICRACEM 2020: Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics by :Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur at IIT Kharagpur / / 2020

N. Gupta, R. K. Garg, N. Patel, and A. K. Sahoo, "Design and Implementation of Modified MERS Based PFC Approach Applied to Multi-Port SMPS" , 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), IECON 2020 by :IEEE at Marina Bay Sands Expo, Singapore / 2963-2968 / 2020

Manish Ku Pandey, Ritu Sharma, "Design and Simulation of a Photonic Crystal-Based 2-D Octagonal-Shaped Optical Drop Filter" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies, OWT2020 by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 5 / 2020

Mamta Devi Sharma, Ajay Yadav, Sarthak Singhal, Ritu Sharma, "Design and Simulation of Flexible Substrate Based Wearable Antenna for WBAN Applications" , ICRAIE - 2020 by :IEEE at Poornima University, Jaipur / 7 / 2020

Ankit Agarwal, Ghanshyam Singh, et al.,, "Design of a Nanocavity Photonic Crystal Structure for Biosensing Application" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT-2020) in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (771) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2020

A. Laddha, N. Satyanarayana and B. P. Sanvat, "Design of PID and Model Predictive Control for Stabilization of Photovoltaic Voltage" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India. / / 2020

Shubham Sharma, Sajaivir Singh, Ankit Agarwal, Nitesh Mudgal, Manish Tiwari, M. Ravi Kumar, G. Singh, "Designing of Hybrid Photonic Crystal Fiber for Better Filter Characteristics Using Gallium Nitride" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies, OWT2020 by :Springer at Online / / 2020

Gaurav Tripathi, Kuldeep Singh, D K Vishwakarma, "Detecting Arson and Stone Pelting in Extreme Violence: A Deep Learning Based Identification Approach" , International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction by :Springer at Daegu, Korea / / 2020

Anjali Saini, Mushtaq Ahmed, Kartikey Sharma, "Detection of Suspicious Activity in ATM Booth" , International Conference on Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems by :Springer Singapore at Jaipur / 911-925 / 2020

Amit Sharma, Ritu Sharma, "Deterministic 2 Qbit iSWAP Gate Using Resonator as a Coupler" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies, OWT2020 by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 6 / 2020

Satyajit Mahato, Amit Dixit and Rajeev Agrawal, "Development of a Mathematical Model for the Software Defect Rework Process to Optimize Defect Rework – a Six-Sigma Case Study/ DOI:10.1007/978-981-16-5281-3" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 515 / 2020

Jamwal A, Agrawal R, Manupati VK, Sharma M, Varela L, Machado J, "Development of Cyber Physical System Based Manufacturing System Design for Process Optimization" , 9th International Conference on Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering - ACME 2020 by :ACME at Romania / / 2020

Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Vijaya Kumar Manupati, Monica Sharma, Leonilde Varela and José Machado, "Development of Cyber Physical System Based Manufacturing System Design for Process Optimization/ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/997/1/012048" , 9th International Conference on Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering - ACME 2020 (Scopus Indexed) by :International Conference on Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering at Technical University of Iasi, Romania / 012048 / 2020

Neha Shrivastava and Hemlata Kumawat, "Development of New Grout Mix Using Kota Stone Slurry for Sustainable Development" , Indian Geotechnical Conference 2020 by :Springer at Visakhapatnam / / 2020

Ankit and M. R. Bhatnagar, "Diffusion Channel Characterization for a Cuboid Container: Some Insights Into the Role of Dimensionality and Fluid Boundaries" , International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 1-5 / 2020

Sandeep Vyas, Vaibhav Gupta, Ghanshyam Singh, et al.,, "Dispersion Engineered AsSe2 Based Chalcogenide Photonic Crystal Fiber for MIR Region Supercontinuum Generation" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT-2020) in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (771) by :Springer Singapore at Jaipur / / 2020

MP Korukonda, MM Garg, A Hussain and L Behera, "Disturbance Observer Based Controller Design to Reduce Sensor Count in Standalone PVDG Systems" , 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2020) by :IEEE at Singapore / 1-6 / 2020

Menka, "Double Gate Tunnel FET Versus Double Gate MOSFET: Electrical Properties Comparison" , Electronics Systems and Intelligent Computing by :Springer Singapore at NIT Arunachal Pradesh / 75 / 2020

Paritosh K and Vivekanand V , "Dry Anaerobic Digestion of Agricultural Waste: Performance Analysis Under Thermophilic Condition Employing Alkaline Treatment for Higher Biogas Yield. Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastru" , ASCEIC 2020, Kolkata, India by :ASCEIC at Kolkata, India / / 2020

Usha Choudhary, Vijay Janyani, M Arif Khan, "Dual Frame OFDM With Optical Phase Conjugation" , The 29th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC 2020) by :IEEE at New Jeresy, USA / / 2020

Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma and K. R. Niazi, "Dynamic Impact Analysis of Wind Integration on Small Signal Stability of Power System" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and Its Control (PARC 2020) by :IEEE at UP, India / - / 2020

S. Chawda, P. Mathuria, and R. Bhakar, "Dynamic Sale Price Setting for Load Serving Entity’s Profit Maximization" , IEEE PES GM by :IEEE at Canada / / 2020

Manjari Gupta, Lava Bhargava, Indu Sreedevi, "Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling in Multi-Core Systems Using Adaptive Regression Model" , Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC by :IEEE at Palladam, India / 1201-1206 / 2020

Shruti Nikose, Hemant Kumar Meena, "Ear-Biometrics for Human Identification" , Fifth IEEE International Conference on "2020 Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications by :IEEE at Cochin,Kerala / / 2020

Mahipal Jadeja and Rahul Muthu, "Edgeless Graph: A New Graph Based Information Visualization Technique" , International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy by :Springer-Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing at Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar / / 2020

Khushboo, Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya, and S. P. Chaurasia, "Effect of Operating Parameters and Membrane Material on Ethanol/Water Separation Using Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , International Conference on “Sustainable Technologies for Desalination & National Water Mission and Annual Congress of InDA by :Indian Desalination Association at Ahmedabad (Gujrat) / / 2020

Basu, P., Agrawal, V. and Gupta, R., "Effect of Carbonation on the Mechanical and Durability Properties of Sandstone Modified Self-Compacting Concrete" , Materials Today: Proceedings by :Elsevier at Mathura / / 2020

Gyanendra Kumar, Ramesh Chandra Gupta, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Effect of Demolished Concrete and Stone Crusher Dust on Properties of M40 Grade Paver Blocks" , International Conference on Advances in Materials Processing and Manufacturing App iCADMA20 Materials Today 2021 doi.org10.1016j.matpr.2020.10.553 by :International Conference on Advances in Materials Processing and Manufacturing Applications iCADMA2 at MNIT Jaipur, India / / 2020

Vikas Sharma, M.L. Meena, and Mukesh Kumar, "Effect of Filler Percentage on Physical and Mechanical Characteristics of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Based Composites" , 10th International Conference on Material Processing and Characterization by :Department of Mechanical Engineering, GLA University, Mathura in Association With GRIET Hyderabad An at Mathura, UP / / 2020

Rohitash Kumar, Sudhanshu Singh, V. Subbaramaiah, U. K. Arun Kumar, "Effect of Junctions on Pressure Drop and Flow Patterns in the Rectangular Micro-Channel for the Gas-Liquid System" , Innovative Technology In, Chemical, Bioprocess, Textile, Mining Engineering, Energy Technologies and Environmental Dynamics for Sustainable Developmen by :Conference Proceeding at Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi / / 2020

Amit Arora and PMV Subbarao, "Effect of Longitudinal Translation of Toe-Out Type Vortex Generators on Wake Modifications in Finned Tube Heat Exchangers" , 8th International and 47th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) by :National Society for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power at IIT Guwahati / / 2020

Sunil Kumar Jatav Krishna kumar, "Effect of Magnetic Field Media on the Fluid Flow of Continuous Casting Mold With Application of Magnetic Field in X, Y, Z-Direction" , International Conference on Industrial and Manufacturing Systems (CIMS-2020) by :Conference Proceeding at NIT Jalandhar / 42 / 2020

Rini Singh, Nisha Yadav, Rajan K Rathod, Kamlendra Awasthi, Ajay Singh Verma, Vibhav Kumar Saraswat and Manoj Kumar, "Effect of Nanostructuring on Surface Oxidation of Bismuth Telluride" , International Conference on Innovation in Technology & Management for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Materials Science by :Elsevier at JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur / 1-5 / 2020

Yashaswini Sharma, Girraj Sharma, Ritu Sharma, K.K. Sharma, "Effect of Number of Users and Number of Clusters Using Distributed Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Over Hoyt Fading Channel" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies, OWT2020 by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 5 / 2020

Gaurav Hedau, Rishi Raj, Sandip Kumar Saha, "Effect of Outlet Plenum Volume During Flow Boiling Inside Plain Parallel Microchannel" , 5th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer - MHMT-2020 by :AVESTIA Publishing at Lisbon, Portugal - Virtually Online / / 2020

Vinod Aswal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Tejendra Singh Singhal and Rajeev Agrawal, "Effect of Process Parameters on Weld Bead Geometry, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties in Submerged Arc Welding/ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3033-0_38" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 403-412 / 2020

Shanky Saxena, Ritu Sharma, B.D. Pant, "Effect of Seismic Mass Thickness on the Resonance Frequency of Cantilever Type Piezoelectric Energy Harvester" , ICANCT - 2020 by :Springer at SKIT Jaipur / 8 / 2020

Mahato K.K., Rathore D.K., Dutta K., Prusty R.K., Ray B.C., "Effect of Severely Thermal Shocked Nano-Al2O3 Filled Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Composites: An Assessment on Tensile, Thermal and Morphological Behaviour" , 2nd International Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials by :Elsevier at NIT Rourkela / 5521-5525 / 2020

Sunil Kumar Jatav, Vijay Kumar Pandey, U. Pandel, Parimal P. Kulkarni, A. K. Nayak, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, "Effect of Soaking Time at 1100oC on Morphology and Thermo-Physical Properties of CaO-Fe2O3 (26:74 by wt.%) Simulant Material for Nuclear Reactor" , International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology (ICAMEN) by :International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology at Manipal Univertsity at JAIPUR / / 2020

Patidar K., Vashishtha M., "Effect of Temperature on Thermochemical Property of Torrefied Mustard Crop Residue” " , International Conference of Innovation and Opportunities in Chemical for Sustainable Environment and Energy (IOCSE-2020) by :IOCSE at Bichpuri, Agra / / 2020

Nikhil Jain, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Bhuvnesh Bhardwaj, "Effect of Tool Rotation on Metal Removal Rate During Electro Discharge Machining of Hastealloy C-276" , 6th International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering by :CPIE at NIT Jalandhar / / 2020

Nikhil Jain, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Bhuvnesh Bhardwaj, "Effect of Tool Rotation on Surface Roughness During Electro Discharge Machining of Hastealloy C-276" , 6th International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering by :CPIE at NIT Jalandhar / / 2020

Rahul Saxena, Mahipal Jadeja and Atul Kumar Verma, "Efficient Information Flow Based on Graphical Network Characteristics" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences: PCCDS 2020 by :Springer Singapore at Virtual Mode / 515-526 / 2020

S. Pareek, Sujil A, S. Ratra, R. Kumar, "Electric Vehicle Charging Station Challenges and Opportunities: A Future Perspective”" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication, Control and Computing (ICONC3-2020) by :IEEE at Lakshmangarh / / 2020

Karishma Maheshwari, Madhu Agarwal, "Electrode Material Effect on Electrochemical Characterization, Properties and Operational Parameters in Capacitive Deionization" , International Conference on Advanced Materials Behavior & Characterization_2020” (ICAMBC-2020) by :Mattest Research Academy, Chennai, INDIA. at Chennai (Online) / / 2020

Nidhi Sharma and Shruti Agarwal, "EMPLOYING CBPR to UNDERSTAND WELL-BEING of HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS DURING COVID-19 LOCKDOWN in INDIA" , International Conference on Sustainability and Equity: Digital Society by :KIIT University at Bhubaneswar, Odisha (Virtual) / / 2020

Poonam Devi, Ravi K Maddila, "Energy Saving Visible Light Communication With Daylight" , 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT) by :IEEE at Online (Bengaluru) / 1-4 / 2020

Dr. Nidhi Bansal, "Engineering Education in India: Does Gender Make a Difference" , International Conference on Sociological Insights for Now Normal by :The Australian Sociological Association at Virtual Platform / / 2020

Bhatt, Preeti , "English for Employability: An Analysis of Language Needs of Engineering Students" , TEQIP-III Online National Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward Towards G:4, G:5 and G:7 in India by :MNIT Jaipur, NIT Uttarakhand and the Indian Econometric Society, New Delhi at Jaipur / / 2020

PV Ramana, "Estimation of Seismic Fragility in Structural Systems" , Advances inAdvances in Civil and Structural Engineering (ICACSE - 2020) Civil and Structural Engineering (ICACSE - 2020) by :Elsevier at GCE Karad / / 2020

Rayees Ahmad Thokar, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, Nand K Meena, "Estimation of State-of-Charge for Dynamic Management of Battery Energy Storage Systems for High Renewable Penetration" , International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and Its Control (PARC-2020) by :IEEE at Mathura, India / / 2020

Rayees Ahmad Thokar, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, NK Meena, "Estimation of State-ofCharge for Dynamic Management of Battery Energy Storage Systems for High Renewable Penetration" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and Its Control (PARC 2020) by :IEEE at GLA University, Mathura, UP, India. / / 2020

Ankan Jana, Prof. Mahesh Kumar Jat and Prof. Mahender Choudhary, "Estimation of Surface Heat Fluxes Using Remote Sensing Method" , International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering, HYDRO 2020 by :Paramount Publishing House at NIT Rourkela / / 2020

PV Ramana, "Evaluation on Ground Motion Response Spectra for Coupled Translation & Rotational Tilts" , IEEE International Conference by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2020

Bhatt, Preeti, "Everything is Fine: Portrayal of Womens Resistance to Kyriarchal Systems in Hindi Films" , First Rupkatha International Open Conference by :Rupkatha at Online / / 2020

P. K. Keserwani, M. C. Govil, E. S. Pilli, "Evidence Building for Ad Click or Web Access on Cloud" , International Conference on Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences (MIND) by :Springer at Silchar, India / 486-500 / 2020

Basu, P., Agrawal, V. and Gupta, R., "Evolution of Eco-Efficient Self-Compacting Concrete With Sandstone Slurry" , Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies by :ASCE at Kolkata / / 2020

Alok Yadav, Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal and Sundeep Kumar , "Experiencing Life Cycle Assessment in Indian Additive Manufacturing Industries: Needs, Challenges and Solutions" , International Conference in Evolution in Manufacturing by :Springer Singapore at Jaipur, India / 6777 / 2020

Sharma, A., Choudhary, M., Agarwal, P., Patnaik, T. K., Biswas, S. K., Patnaik, A., "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Thermal Conductivity of Marble Dust Filled Needle Punched Nonwoven Jute-Epoxy Hybrid Composite" , FLAME-2020 by :Materials Today Proceedings - Elsevier at Amity University Noida / / 2020

Rohitash Kumar, Sudhanshu Singh, V. Subbaramaiah, U. K. Arun Kumar, "Experimental Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Microchannel and Compared With Conventional Tray Tower Absorber" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering by :Conference Proceeding at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh / / 2020

Akash Yadav,Mushtaq Ahmed and Daitule Omkar Vilas, "Exploiting Processor Variability for Efficient Application Mapping" , International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Networking by :Springer Singapore at Mumbai / 1-9 / 2020

Meenu, Manviri Rani, "Fabrication of ZnO Wrapped Prussian Blue Analogue Semiconductor Nanaomaterials for Photocatalytic Performance" , International Symposium on Semiconductor Materials and Devices, ISSMD-2020, NIT Jalandhar by :Dr B R Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar, India at Jalandhar / / 2020

Ankur Gupta and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Facile Synthesis of WXene@g-C3N4 for Electrochemical Pseudocapacitors" , International Conference on Nano Science and Technology (ICONSAT-2020) by :DST Nano Mission at Kolkata, India / / 2020

Chaithanya Kurra, Vijay Janyani, Ramesh Babu Battula, "FANIC: FArthest Node Initialization Clustering Technique for Controller Placement Problem in Software Defined Networking" , 2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP) by :IEEE at Amravati, India / 1-5 / 2020

Namrata Bhardwaj and Dipti Sharma, "Financial Sustainability of Indian Power Sector: Curbing Losses of Distribution Companies" , Tenth Anniversary of SIBR: The Interdisciplinary Edge in Turbulent Markets by :Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research at Sydney, Australia / / 2020

Sangeeta Kumari, Arun Kumar Verma, N Sandeep, Udaykumar R Yaragatti, Hemanshu Roy Pota, "Five-Level Common Ground Type Inverter for PV Application" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2020

PV Ramana, "Flood Inundation Mapping via Soft Computation" , National Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE 2020) by :Elsevier at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirappally / / 2020

Arunima Sharma, Ramesh Babu Battula, "FOOTREST: Safety on Roads Through Intelligent Transportation System" , The 34th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2020) by :IEEE at Barcelona, Spain / 818-820 / 2020

M. M. Sharma, Indra Bhooshan Sharma, Joohi Garg, "Frequency Reconfigurable UWB Slot Antenna With Switchable Resonant Function" , Optical and Wireless Technologies OWT 2020 by :Springer at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 765-770 / 2020

PV Ramana, "Functioning of Bi-Material Interface Intended for Polypropylene Fibre Concrete" , International Conference & Exposition on Mechanical, Material and Manufacturing Technology (ICE3MT-2020) by :Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur at IIT Hyderabad / / 2020

Abhishek Garg, Prakash Somani, Arun Gaur and B L Swami, "Gainful Utilization of Plastic Waste in Dense Bituminous Macadam" , Materials Science and Manufacturing Technology by : IOP Publishing Ltd at Coimbatore / 1-7 / 2020

A. Relan, V. Gupta, R. Kumar, M. A. Mahmud, "Game Theoretic Bidding Approach for Peer-to-Peer Trading" , 6th IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (IEEE WIECON-ECE 2020) by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar / / 2020

Vikash Kumar Saini, Bhawana Bhardwaj, Vishu Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Akhilesh Mathur, "Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) Based Short-Term Forecasting for Wind Energy Estimation" , International Conference Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS-2020) by :IEEE at Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu / / 2020

V. K. Saini, B. Joshi, V. Gupta, A. Mathur, R. Kumar, "Gated Recurrent Unit Based Short-Term Forecasting for Wind Energy Estimation" , 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS 2020) by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2020

Rajat Thakur, Sergi Pujades, Lavika Goel, Rolf Pohmann, Jrgen Machann, Michael J Black, "GENTEL : GENerating Training Data Efficiently for Learning to Segment Medical Images" , RFIAP 2020 - Congrs Reconnaissance Des Formes, Image, Apprentissage Et Perception, Vannes, France by :RFIAP 2020 - Congrs Reconnaissance Des Formes, Image, Apprentissage Et Perception, Vannes, France at France / 1-17 / 2020

Pawan Sharma, Pragati Priyanka, Harlal Singh Mali, Anurag Dixit, "Geometric Modeling and Finite Element Analysis of Kevlar Monolithic and Carbon-Kevlar Hybrid Woven Fabric Unit Cell" , 10th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC-2020), by :Elsevier at GLA University, Mathura / 766-774 / 2020

Tejendra Singh Singhal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "GMAW Cladding on Metals to Impart Anti-Corrosiveness: Machine, Processes and Materials" , International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization by :Materials Today Proceedings - Elsevier at GLA Mathura / / 2020

Rathore, K., Agrawal, V. and Nagar, R., "Green Concrete: Using Quarry Waste of Sandstone as Fine Aggregate With High Levels of Microfines" , Materials Today: Proceedings by :Elsevier at Chandigarh / / 2020

PV Ramana, "Guesstimation of Seismic Fragility in Structural Systems" , Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE - 2020) by :Elsevier at Karad / / 2020

NK Patra, MM Garg, AK Panda and RR Shukla, "H-Infinity Robust Control of DC-DC Converter" , 6th Springer International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications (ICICA- 2020) by :Springer at Government College of Engineering, Keonjhar, India / 1-5 / 2020

S. Narayan, S. K. Vipparthi and A. P. Mazumdar, "Hand Gesture Recognition With Gaussian Scaling and Kirsch Edge Rotation" , IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) by :IEEE at Hand Gesture Recognition With Gaussian Scaling And / / 2020

Soniya Kumawat, Chandrakant and Rajeev Kumar Dohare, Madhu Agarwal, "Hardware Control Design for a Mix Reactor (CSTR) Followed by PFR" , International Conference on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing by :International Conference on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing at MNITJaipur / / 2020

S. Shekhawat, A. Saxena, A. Mehta, J. Jangid, R. Kumar, "Harmonic Estimator Design Using Teaching Learning Based Optimization" , Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (GCAIA 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Sumanth Yamujala, Anjali Jain, Rohit Bhakar, Jyotirmay Mathur, Priyanka Kushwaha, "Harnessing Flexibility From Energy Storage and Turndown Capability of Generating Units" , IEEE PES GM by :IEEE at Montreal, Canada / / 2020

Kumar, A., Sharma, A., Dangyach, S, "Heavy Metal Contamination in Soil of Jaipur City" , Geoenvironment by :NERCS at IIT,Delhi / 102-108 / 2020

Arunima Sharma, Ramesh Babu Battula, "Honour:VeHicle to INfrastructure COmmUnication for Indian SmaRt Cities (Accepted)" , 43rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP – 2020) by :IEEE at July 7-9, 2020, Milan, Italy. / / 2020

Khimraj, P. K. Shukla, A. Vijayvargiya, R. Kumar, "Human Activity Recognition Using Accelerometer and Gyroscope Data From Smartphones" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication, Control and Computing (ICONC3-2020) by :IEEE at Lakshmangarh / / 2020

Sunita Singhal, Hemlata Goyal, Parth Singhal, Jyoti Grover, "Hybrid Genetic Algorithm: Traveling Salesman Problem" , Advances in Decision Sciences, Image Processing, Security and Computer Vision by :Springer at India / 376-384 / 2020

S. Gupta, A. Reddy, Y. Baldaniya, R. Kumar, "Hybrid Random Forest and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Solar Radiation Prediction" , 5th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA-2020) by :IEEE at Greater Noida / / 2020

N. Hadiya, F. Teotia, R. Bhakar, P. Mathuria and S. Vyas, "Identifying the Potential for Peer-to-Peer Trading of Rooftop Solar Power for Indian Scenario" , 2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-6 / 2020

P. Jain, A. M. Joshi, and S. P. Mohanty, "iGLU 1.1: Towards a Glucose-Insulin Model Based Closed Loop IoMT Framework for Automatic Insulin Control of Diabetic Patients" , 2020 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things by :IEEE at Louisiana USA / 11 / 2020

A. M. Joshi, P. Jain, S.P.Mohanty, "iGLU: Non-Invasive Device for Continuous Glucose Measurement With IoMT Framework" , 2020 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) by :IEEE at Cyprus / 11 / 2020

Virendra Kumar Meghwal, Namita Mittal, Girdhari Singh, "Image Captioning Methodologies Using Deep Learning: A Review" , International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing (ESIC) by :Springer at Arunachal Pradesh, India / / 2020

Shobha Sharma, Tarun Varma, "Image Enhancement Using Non-Linear Root-Signal and Guided Filtering Approach" , IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON-2020) by :IEEE at Greater Noida, India / 417-422 / 2020

Nidhi Sharma and Prakarti Sharma, "Impact of Changing Environment on Emerging Market Economies" , International Conference on Prospects and Challenges Faced by Industries in a Changing Environment by :Poornima University,Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2020

Gyanendra Kumar,Ramesh Chandra Gupta, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Impact of Recycled Concrete Aggregate on Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete Paver Blocks" , ICRAMM20 Materials Today Proceedings 42 975-981 2021 0.355 doi.org10.1016j.matpr.2020.11.977 by :International Conference on Recent Advance in Materials & Manufacturing ICRAMM20 at Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, / / 2020

Patidar K., Vashishtha, M., "Impact of Torrefaction Conditions on the Physicochemical Properties of Mustard Crop Residue" , International Conference on Advances in Materials Processing & Manufacturing Applications (iCADMA 2020) by :Elsevier at MNIT Jaipur / / 2020

Nidhi Sharma and Shruti Agarwal, "Impact of Women Enterpreneurship on Development: In Context of Rajasthan Economy" , International Conference on Prospects and Challenges Faced by Industries in a Changing Environment by : Poornima University,Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2020

Shubha Pandey, Ritu Sharma, Ghanpriya Singh, "Implementation of 5-Block Convolution Neural Network for Saliency Improvement on Flying Object Detection in Video" , 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Machine Learning and Internet of Things (ICETCE) by :IEEE at SKIT Jaipur / 6 / 2020

Sundeep Kumar, "Implementation of Six Sigma and Lean Tools in the Textile Industry for Wastage Reduction a Case Study" , Online International Conference on Recent Trend in Engineering, Technology, Applied Sciences, Humanities and Business Management for Sustainable Deve by :Aryabhatt Institute of Technology and KRISHI SANSKRIT at New Delhi / / 2020

Shrikant Kanchan, Sangeeta Kumari, Arun Kumar Verma, N Sandeep, Anil Jakhar, "Improved Five-Level Transformerless Inverter With Reduced Part Count" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-6 / 2020

Krishna Chauhan, Kamlesh Kumar Sharma, Tarun Varma, "Improved Speech Emotion Recognition Using Modified Mean Cepstral Features" , IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON) 2020 by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / 1-6 / 2020

Krishna Chauhan, Kamlesh Kumar Sharma, Tarun Varma, "Improved Speech Recognition Using Modified Mean Cepstral Features" , 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference, INDICON 2020 by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2020

Kuldeep Sharma, Tarush Chandra, "Improving Indoor Environment Using ETFE as an Alternative Material in Window Glazing" , The International Conference on Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development 2020 by :RED TALKS DAILY INTERNATIONAL & International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation at A.P., India / / 2020

Aaditya Sharma, Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Indicators to Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Indian Additive Manufacturing Industries" , National Conference on Recent Advancement in Engineering by :Conference Proceeding at CTAE, Udaipur / / 2020

Aditya Sharma, Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Indicators to Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Indian Additive Manufacturing Industries/ ISBN: 978-81-7906-878-6" , National Conference on Recent Advancement in Engineering by :CTAE Udaipur at Udaipur / 1-3 / 2020

N Kaul, S Khandelwal, Ghanshyam, G Suthar, "Indoor Particulate Matter Generated From Combustion of Biomass Fuels in Domestic Kitchens Located Inside an Academic Campus" , 5th Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management by :IIT Madras at IIT Madras / / 2020

G Suthar, N Kaul, S Khandelwal, Ghanshyam, "Indoor Particulate Matter Generated From the Combustion of Biomass Fuels in Domestic Kitchens Located Inside an Academic Campus" , 5th Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management, Measurement, Modelling, Health Risk and Public Policy by :IIT Madras at IIT Madras / / 2020

Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Monica Sharma, Vijaya Kumar Manupati, Akshay Patidar, "Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Manufacturing: A Bibliometric Based Review" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2020

Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "Industry Oriented Communication Training: Problems and Prospects in Context to the Engineering Students of Rajasthan " , International Conference on English Language Teaching:Issues and Challenges by :English and Foreign Language University, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / / 2020

Alok Vats, Arun Kumar, Amar Patnaik, M L Meena, "Influence of Deposition Parameters on Tribological Performance of HVOF Coating: A Review" , Advances in Materials Processing & Manufacturing Applications: iCADMA 2020 by : IOP Publishing Ltd at Jaipur India / 1017 01201 / 2020

A. Vats, A. Patnaik, M. L. Meena and Dinesh, "Influence of Microstructure on the Mechanical and Tribological Behaviour of PVD Coatings : A Review" , International Conference in Evolution in Manufacturing by :Malaviya National Institute of Technology at Jaipur / / 2020

Arjun Singh Chauhan, Vineet Sahula, A. S. Mandal, Abhigyan Dutta, "Intensifying Challenge Obfuscation by Cascading RO-PUFs for Random Number Generation (Conditionally Accepted)" , IEEE 33rd International Conference on VLSI Design (Bengaluru, INDIA) by :IEEE at Delhi / 6 / 2020

Mahipal Jadeja, Hitarth Kanakia and Rahul Muthu, "Interactive Labeled Object Treemap: Visualization Tool for Multiple Hierarchies" , Eighth Edition of International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications, FICTA 2020 by :Springer Evolution in Computational Intelligence Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing at National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) / 499-508 / 2020

Amit Parmar, Amit M. Joshi, "Internet of Things Framework for Device Integration in Automation Applications" , International Conference on Optical & Wireless Technologies (OWT2020) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 00-00 / 2020

Annie P John, Dr. Madhu Agarwal, Dr. Sushant Upadhyaya, "Investigation of Beeswax Composite as Possible Heat Storage Material" , CHEMCON-2020 by :IICHE at Online / / 2020

Karishma Maheshwari, Madhu Agarwal , "Investigation of Carbon Nanotubes as Efficient Electrode Material Deionizing the RO Reject" , SCHEMCON-2020 by :IICHE at Online / / 2020

Neha Pal, Madhu Agarwal, "Investigation of Nanoparticles-Polysaccharis Based Porous Membrane for Hydrogen Separation" , SCHEMCON-2020 by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at Jadavpur University Campus, Kolkata / / 2020

Ritvik Maheshwari, Jyoti Grover, Sumita Mishra , "Investigation of SNR in VLC-Based Intelligent Transportation System Under Environmental Disturbances" , Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks by :Springer at India / 45-55 / 2020

Saurabh Ranjan Srivastava, Yogesh Kumar Meena, and Girdhari Singh, "Itemset Mining Based Episode Profiling of Terrorist Attacks Using Weighted Ontology" , 5th International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications (AMLTA) by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 337-348 / 2020

Toshit Jain, Jinesh K Jain, Debanik Roy, "Joint Space Redundancy Resolution of Serial Link Manipulator: An Inverse Kinematics and Continuum Structure Numerical Approach" , FLAME-2020 by :Materials Today Proceedings - Elsevier at Amity University, Noida (India) / / 2020

A. Kumar, N. Patel, N. Gupta, and V. Gupta, "L2 Norm Based Adaptive LMS Control for Grid Connected Converters" , 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 1-6 / 2020

Richa Jagatramka, Ashwani Kumar, Satish Pipralia, "Lessons From Vernacular of Chhattisgarh: Solution to Epidemic" , International Conference on Vernacular Resource Genesis (I-Converge 2020) by :Conference Proceeding at Dehradun / 1 / 2020

Alok Yadav, Rajeev Agrawal, Ankit Yadav, Anbesh Jamwal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Life Cycle Assessment in Buildings: Indian Perspective" , National Conference on Recent Advancement in Engineering by :Conference Proceeding at CTAE, Udaipur / / 2020

Ankit Yadav, Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, "Life Cycle Assessment Research: A Review by Bibliometric Analysis" , CIMS 2020 by :Springer at NIT Jalandhar / / 2020

Mag Raj Gehlot, Satish Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Shrivastava , "Life Cycle Performance Assessment of Steel vs Frp Based Transmission Line Tower" , Second ASCE India Conference on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies CRSIDE2020 by :Second ASCE India Conference on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development at Kolkata, India / / 2020

A. S. Al-Sumaiti, S. Reddy, V. Gupta, R. Kumar, "Load Profile Aware Demand Response Based on Event and Temporal Limitations" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Radhoene Massoudi, Monia Najjar, Nikhil Deep Gupta, Vijay Janyani , "Low Crosstalk and Small Size 12-Channel WDM Demultiplexer Based on 2D Photonic Crystal" , The 16th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference by :IEEE at Limassol, Cyprus / 1353-1358 / 2020

M. Jain, D. Gopalani, Y. Meena, R. Kumar, "Machine Learning Based Fake News Detection Using Linguistic Features and Word Vector Features" , 7th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON 2020) by :IEEE at Allahabad / / 2020

V. S. B. Kurukuru, A. Haque, R. Kumar, M. A. Khan, A. Tripath, "Machine Learning Based Fault Classification Approach for Power Electronic Converters" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES,2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Smriti Upmanyu, Anil Upmanyu, Anbesh Jamwal and Rajeev Agrawal, "Machine Learning in CAD-CAM What We Think We Know So Far and What We Dont" , International Conference in Evolution in Manufacturing by :Springer Singapore at Jaipur, India / 495507 / 2020

PV Ramana, "Magnetize Mechanical Strength Effect on Concrete Due to Diverse Water" , International Conference on Advances in Materials Processing & Manufacturing Applications (iCADMA-2020) by :Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur at IIT Hyderabad / / 2020

Mahajan, R., "Management Education and Its Alignment With the Sustainable Development Goals: A Study of Selected Business Schools in India" , International Conference on Business, Economics, and Sustainable Development by :TERI and NISM at NISM Mumbai / / 2020

Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Monica Sharm, "Manufacturing is Not as Usual: Lession Learnt From Covid 19" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2020

Kalla, S., Upadhyaya, S., Singh, K., , "Mathematical Modeling of the Separation of HCl/water Mixture Using Argon Gas Membrane Distillation" , 1st International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence, Techniques and Renewable Energy (MMCITRE2020) by :PDPU at PDPU Gujarat / / 2020

PV Ramana, "Mathematical Models to Predict the Fire Resistance of Concrete Systems" , Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE)-2020 by :Elsevier at AJCE, Kanjirapally / / 2020

PV Ramana, "Mechanical and Durability Analysis for Recycled Materials" , International Conference on Advances in Material Science (ICAMS-2020) by :Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur at Mumbai / / 2020

Anuraksha dev ,Dr. Anoj Meena, "Mechanical and Tribological Analysis of Ni/TiC Powder Filled ZA-27 Alloy Composites" , Advances in Materials Processing &Manufacturing Applications(ICADMA 2020) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT JAIPUR / / 2020

PV Ramana, "Mechanical Properties of Unprotected Recycled Concrete to Fiery-Hot" , Advances in Materials Processing &Manufacturing Applications(ICADMA 2020) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2020

Monika Mathur, D. Mathur, G. Singh, et al., , "Microwave Imaging Breast Cancer Detection Techniques: A Brief Review" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT-2020) in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (771) by :Springer Singapore at Jaipur / / 2020

Kirti Vyas, Dilip Gautam, Rajendra Prasad Yadav, "Miniaturised Single-Layer Asymmetric CPW Fed Antenna for UWB" , International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications 2019: Proceedings of ICAIAA 2019 by :Springer at Jaipur / 134-142 / 2020

Ruchi Sharma and Rajasekhar Balasubramanian, "Mitigation of Indoor Human Exposure to TrafficRelated Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)" , ICUAPE 2020: International Conference on Urban Air Pollution and Environment by :Conference Proceedings of ICUAPE at Singapore / / 2020

T. K. Roy, S. K. Ghosh, M. S. Anower, M. A. Mahmud, R. Kumar, A. Saxena, "Mitigation of SSR in Series-Compensated DFIG-Based Wind Farms With STATCOMs Using a Nonlinear Backstepping Control Scheme" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES,2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Ram Dayal, GK Chhaparwal, "Mixed Convection in Inclined Enclosures: A Numerical Study" , National Conference on Materials, Mechanics & Modelling by :AIP Conference Proceeding at NIT Jamshedpur / / 2020

Dheeraj Joshi, M.L.Mittal, Manish Kumar, "Modeling a Bi-Objective Multi-Skill Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem to Minimize Project Makespan and Skill Divergence Span " , Tenth International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society by :IEOM Society USA at Dubai UAE / / 2020

S. Yelisetti, R. Kumar, V. Gupta, A. Saxena, R. Lamba, "Modeling and Analysis of Home Energy Management Using Intelligent Algorithms" , 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS 2020) by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2020

Ankit and M. R. Bhatnagar, "Molecular Motor Communication With an Absorbing Receiver" , IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking by :IEEE at Odessa, Ukraine / 1-5 / 2020

R. Jain, V. Verma, K. B. Rana, M. L. Meena, "Multi Criteria Decision Making Approaches for Ergonomic Solutions: A Literature Review" , 3rd International Conference on Recent Innovations &Amp, Technological Development in Mechanical Engineering by :ICRITDME at Jaipur / / 2020

Priya Pandey, Abhinav Bhatnagar, Vijay Janyani, "Multi-Junction Solar Cell Based on Efficient III–V InGaP/GaAs With GaInAsP as BSF Layers" , Proceedings of Optical and Wireless Technologies (Proceed. of OWT 2018), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 521-532 / 2020

Tanuj Rawat, KR Niazi, Nikhil Gupta, Sachin Sharma, "Multi-Objective Information Gap Decision Theory Based Operation of Smart Distribution Grid Integrated With Demand Response" , 2020 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) by :IEEE at Gandhinagar, India, India / / 2020

Rohit Vijay, J.S Dhillon and Parul Mathuria, "Multiobjective Economic Load Dispatch Using Whale Optimizer" , 2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2020

Yogesh Mogal, Subhash Mahajan, Santosh Rane and Rajeev Agrawal, "Multiresponse Regression Modelling in Face Milling of Al6061 Using Design of Experiments/ DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3033-0_10" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 103-114 / 2020

S. Choudhary, S. Piparalia, N. Kumar , "Need for Integrated Approach for Energy Efficiency Assessments and Material Evaluation of Historic Buildings" , MATPR by :Materials Today Proceedings - Elsevier at PROCEEDINGS / / 2020

Atul Kumar Verma, Mahipal Jadeja and Rahul Saxena , "Network Structural Analysis Based on Graphical Measures and Metrics" , 5th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICT4SD 2020) by :Springer at Virtual Mode / 147-156 / 2020

Monu Verma, Santosh Kumar Vipparthi and Girdhari Singh, "Non-Linearities Improve OrigiNet Based on Active Imaging for Micro Expression Recognition" , The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN- 2020) (Core A) by :IEEE at Glasgow (UK) / / 2020

Radhoene Massoudi, Monia Najjar, Vijay Janyani , "Novel Design Superelliptic Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator Based on Channel Drop Filter" , The 16th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference by :IEEE at Limassol, Cyprus / 1359-1363 / 2020

PV Ramana, "Novel Techniques to Predict Fire Resistance of Concrete" , International Conference on Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering (ICACSE)-2020 by :Elsevier at GEC Karad / / 2020

Rashika Joshi, Meenakshi Tripathi, Amit Kumar, Manoj Singh Gaur, "Object Recognition and Classification System for Visually Impaired" , International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP) by :IEEE at Chennai, India / / 2020

Tarun Verma and Padmanaban Gopalakrishnan, "Occupants Perception Versus Daylighting Simulations -a Field Study on Lecture Halls to Correlate the Occupants Subjective Responses and Climate-Based Daylight Metrics" , 35th Plea Conference Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design by :PLEA at A Coruna, Spain / / 2020

Usha Choudhary, Vijay Janyani, "OFDM Over Optical Fiber" , Proceedings of Optical and Wireless Technologies (Proceed. of OWT 2018), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 313-323 / 2020

S Sreekumar, R Bhakar, S Chawda, A Jain, V Prakash, "One Day Ahead Indian Electricity Price Forecasting Using Intelligently Tuned SVR" , 2020 IEEE International Power and Renewable Energy Conference by :IEEE at Karunagappally, India / / 2020

PV Ramana, "One-Dimensional Simulation and Control Flood Plotting of Jhelum Sub-Basin via River Analysis System Computation" , IEEE Conference by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2020

Prakarti Sharma, Nidhi Sharma, Rajeev Agrawal, Anbesh Jamwal, "Opportunities and Challenges to Renewable Energy in India/ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-0159-0_47" , FLAME 2020 (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at Amity University Noida / 527-537 / 2020

Pradeep Singh, Rajive Tiwari, Ajeet Kumar Singh, Venu Sangwan, "Optimal Allocation and Comparative Investigation of Unified Power Flow Controller Using ASMO" , International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and Its Control (PARC-2020) by :IEEE at Mathura, India / 497-502 / 2020

Pradeep Singh, Rajive Tiwari, Venu Sangwan, Abhilash Kumar Gupta, "Optimal Allocation of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor and Thyristor Controlled Phase Shifting Transformer " , International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and Its Control (PARC-2020) by :IEEE at Mathura, India / 491-496 / 2020

Vikash Saini, Rajesh Kumar, Akhilesh Mathur, Dinesh Mahto, Bharat Singh, "Optimal Number of Wind Turbine in Farm Layout With Power Maximization" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES,2020) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2020

Tanuj Rawat, KR Niazi, Nikhil Gupta, Sachin Sharma, "Optimal Planning of Photovoltaic and Battery Storage in Distribution Grid Integrated With Demand Response" , 2020 IEEE 9th Power India International Conference (PIICON) by :IEEE at Sonepat, India / / 2020

C. P. Barala, P. Mathuria, and R. Bhakar, "Optimal Scheduling for Residential Building Based on Virtual Energy Storage System" , 2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2020

A. Relan, V. Gupta, R. Kumar, S. Vyas, B.K. Panigrahi, "Optimal Siting of Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping Stations With Centralized Charging" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Satyendra Singh, Manoj Fozdar, Ajeet Kumar Singh, "Optimal Strategic Bidding Using Intelligent Gravitational Search Algorithm for Profit Maximization of Power Suppliers in an Emerging Power Market" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems by :Springer at Singapore / 963971 / 2020

Namrata Saxena, Neha Yaragatti, Shishir Kumar Sharma and Ritu Sharma, "Optimization of Physical Parameters of Single-Beam Vibrational Piezoelectric Energy Harvester" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies, OWT2020 by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 7 / 2020

Satish Sharma and Deboleena Chakraborty, "Overview of Cyber Security in Modern Power System" , Int Conf on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing (AISCC) -20202 by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2020

Jitendra Parmar, Sanskar Soni and Satyendra Singh Chouhan, "OWI: Open-World Intent Identification Framework for Dialog Based System" , The Eighth International Conference on Big Data Analytics (BDA 2020) by :Springer at India / 329-343 / 2020

S. Narayan, S. K. Vipparthi and A. P. Mazumdar, "Parity Check Based Descriptor for Hand Gesture Detection and Recognition" , IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) by :IEEE at IIT Ropar / 263-268 / 2020

Kumar C, Nigam P, "Patterns and Approaches in Urban Regeneration." , All India Seminar on Heritage Architecture. by :- at Jodhpur / / 2020

RR Shukla, MM Garg and AK Panda, "Performance Analysis of Interconnected Power System With Energy Storage Devices Using IMC-Based PID Controller" , 7th IEEE UP Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON-2020) by :IEEE at MNNIT Allahabad, India / 1-6 / 2020

Abhinav Bhatnagar, Anoopshi Johari, and Vijay Janyani, "Performance Analysis of Thin Film CIGS Solar Cell at Different Values of Thickness, Bandgap and Temperature Through Numerical Simulation" , Proc of SPIE International Confernece on Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, Thin Films, and Devices XVII by :SPIE, USA at California, USA / / 2020

Jyoti Grover, Sunita Singhal, "Performance Assessment of Routing Protocols in Cognitive Radio Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks" , International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Intelligence by :Springer at NIT Agartala / 87-96 / 2020

Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Tapas Bajpai, Nikhil Jain, Dharmendra Singh, "Performance Enhancement of Electro-Chemical Discharge Machining by Process Variants: A Review" , CIMS 2020 by :Springer at NIT Jalandhar / 60 / 2020

Manish Jangid, Nitesh Mudgal, G. Singh, "Performance Enhancement of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Structure Using a Sinusoidal Diffraction Grating" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT-2020) in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (771) by :Springer Singapore at Jaipur / / 2020

A. Saxena, S. Shekhawat, A. Sharma, H. Sharma, R. Kumar, "Performance Evaluation of Chaotic Map Enabled Grey Wolf Optimizer on Protein Structure Prediction" , Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (GCAIA 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Saha, A., Sekharan, S. and Manna, U., "Performance of an Electromagnetic Sensor for Field Monitoring of Volumetric Water Content in Water Absorbing Polymer Amended Soil" , IGC 2020 on Developments in Geotechnical Engineering for Sustainable Tomorrow by :Indian Geotechnical Conference at Andhra University / / 2020

Shashank Srivastava, Urmila Brighu, A. B. Gupta, "Performance of Conventional Clariflocculators and Upflow Pulsating Floc Blanket Clarifiers in Pilot Scale Models" , ASCEIC 2020, Kolkata, India by :ASCEIC at Kolkata / / 2020

Dimpal Janu, Vijay Janyani, "Performance of QPSK Modulation for FSO Under Different Atmospheric Turbulence" , Proceedings of Optical and Wireless Technologies (Proceed. of OWT 2018), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 513-520 / 2020

Riti Kushwaha and Neeta Nain, "Person Identification Using Footprint Minutiae" , The Third International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, CVIP2019 by :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer at IIIT Jabalpur / 285-299 / 2020

Shakti Vashisth, Praveen Kumar Agrawal, Nikhil Gupta, KR Naizi, Anil Swarnkar, "PEV Traffic-Based Planning Attributes for Fast Charging Stations" , 17th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON2020) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India, India / / 2020

Jyoti Yadav, Manviri Rani, "Photocatalytic Degradation of Nonylphenol and 2,4-Dinitrophenol by Sunlight Responsive Hexacyanocobaltate Nanostructures" , International Symposium on Semiconductor Materials and Devices, ISSMD-2020, NIT Jalandhar by :Dr B R Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar, India at NIT Jalandhar / / 2020

Shanky Saxena, Ritu Sharma, B.D. Pant, "Piezoelectric Layer Length and Thickness Variation Effects on Displacement, Von-Mises Stress and Electric Potential Generated by Cantilever Type Piezoelectric Energy Harvester" , ICANCT - 2020 by :Springer at SKIT Jaipur / 8 / 2020

Upender Pandel and Krishna Kumar, "Polymer Assisted Zero Valent Iron (ZVI) Particles for the Removal of Arsenic From Water" , International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management Cairo by :Conference Proceeding at Cairo Egypt / 6-10 / 2020

Sushil Kumar Jain, Amit M. Joshi, "Power Efficient Dynamic Comparator for High Speed Digital Circuit" , 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at VIT Cheenai / 00-00 / 2020

V. K. Saini, F. Mathur, V. Gupta, R. Kumar, "Predictive Analysis of Traditional, Deep Learning and Ensemble Learning Approach for Short-Term Wind Speed Forecasting" , IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON-2020) by :IEEE at Greater Noida / / 2020

Rakesh Choudhary, Abhishek Jain, Rajesh Gupta and Ravindra Nagar, "Production of Eco-Friendly High-Strength Concrete by Marble Cutting Waste and Fly Ash" , Second ASCE Conference in India on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies by :ASCEIC at Kolkata, India / / 2020

PV Ramana, "PROGNOSTICATION of SEISMIC PERFORMANCE of RC BUILDINGS EMPLOYING NEURAL NETWORK" , International Conference on Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering (ICACSE)-2020 by :Elsevier at GCE Karad / / 2020

PV Ramana, "PROGNOSTICATION of SEISMIC PERSUADE STRUCTURAL DAMAGE EMPLOYING ANN" , National Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE 2020) by :Elsevier at AJCE, Kanjirapally / / 2020

V. Gupta, R. Kumar, B. K. Panigrahi, A. S. Al-Sumaiti, "PV Assisted Battery Swapping Station (PV-BSS) for Electric Vehicle Scheduling " , 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Lakshminarayana Sadineni, Emmanuel S. Pilli, Ramesh Babu Battula, "Ready-IoT: A Novel Forensic Readiness Model for Internet of Things" , IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) by :IEEE at New Orleans, LA, USA / / 2020

N. Patel, A. Kumar, and N.Gupta, "Real-Time Harmonic Filtering in Grid Interfaced Photovoltaic System Based on Adaptive NLMLS " , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES,2020) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2020

Kamal Kishor Choure, Ghanshyam Singh, et al., , "Recent Advancement in High Speed and Secure Quantum Key Distribution: A Review" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT-2020) in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (771) by :Springer Singapore at Jaipur / / 2020

Jyotsna Singh, Rajive Tiwari, "Reconfiguration and Coordination of V2G EVs in Distribution System Penetrated With Renewables" , 2020 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) by :IEEE at Gandhinagar, India / 1-5 / 2020

N. Sandeep, J S M Ali, Arun Kumar Verma and Udaykumar R. Y, "Reduced Component Boost Seven-Level Inverter (RCB7LI) With Self-Voltage Balancing " , 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy by :IEEE at Cochin,Kerala / / 2020

A. Kumar, N. Patel, N. Gupta, V. Gupta, "Regularized NLMS Control for Power Quality Improvement in Grid-Connected PV Systems" , 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), IECON 2020 by :IEEE at Marina Bay Sands Expo, Singapore / 3005-3010 / 2020

Amit Kumar Sharma, S Bhatnagar, Dipti Sharma, "Relationship Between Energy Use and Economic Growth: A Re-Examination" , National Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward to SDG4; SDG5 and SDG7 in India by :TIES Through Amazon KDP at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / / 2020

Priyanka Harjule, Akshat Sharma, Sachin Chauhan and Shashank Joshi, "Reliability of News" , 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Machine Learning and Internet of Things (ICETCE-2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Vyas, R. K., Kumari, Suruchi, Swarnim, Simona, Goswami, Jagriti, Sangal, V. K., Gupta, Anju and Vyas, Sangeeta, "Removal of Acyclovir Using Wet Catalytic-Peroxide Oxidation and Its Comparison With Adsorption" , American Chemical Society Spring 2020 National Meeting & Expo by :American Chemical Society at Philadelphia / - / 2020

Anjali Awasthi, Muzaffar Iqbal, Dipaloy Datta, "Removal of an Anionic Dye Using Solvent Impregnated Resin Assisted by Ultrasonication" , International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development (Chem-Conflux-20) by :Conference Proceeding at MNNIT Allahabad / / 2020

Sourabh Vern, M.K. Shrimali, S.D. Bharti and T. K. Datta , "Response Reductions in Base-Isolated Liquid Storage Tank Under Far and Near Field Seismic Excitations" , Virtual Conference on Disaster Risk Resilient, VCDRR, Society by :Springer at NITK Surathkal / 1 / 2020

Sundeep Kumar, "Review of Supply Chain Performance and Efficiency Measurement" , Online International Conference on Recent Trend in Engineering, Technology, Applied Sciences, Humanities and Business Management for Sustainable Deve by :Aryabhatt Institute of Technology and KRISHI SANSKRIT at New Delhi / / 2020

Sonal Rajoria, Manish Vashishtha, Vikas K Sangal, "Review on the Treatment of Electroplating Industry Wastewater by Electrochemical Methods" , International Online Conference on Sustainable Technologies in Water Treatment and Desalination (STWTD – 2020) by :Materials Today Proceedings at National Institute of Technology Calicut, India / / 2020

Premlata, Upender Pandel, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, "Review on Wear Performance of High Entropy Alloys" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Mathematics-2020 by :International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Mathematics at Goa / / 2020

T. Dudi, R. Singhal, R. Kumar, A. S. Al-Sumaiti, T. D. Duc, "Robust Shortest Path Planning for Aircraft Using Bounded Region Voronoi Diagram" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Sinha P,Sharma M.,and Agrawal R, "Role of Closed Loop and Sustainable Supply Chain in Achieving Consumer Experience Excellence" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2020

Alok Vats, Amar Patnaik, M L Meena, Dinesh Shringi, "Role of Micro-Factors on Microstructure and on the Tribological Performance of HVOF Coatings: A Review" , Advances in Materials Processing & Manufacturing Applications: iCADMA 2020 by : IOP Publishing Ltd at Jaipur India / 1017 01201 / 2020

M. Bhukiya, R. Kumar, "Safety Consideration and Design of High Voltage Cable for Electric Vehicle" , International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and Its Control (PARC-2020) by :IEEE at Mathura, India / / 2020

Sneha Pandey, Divesh Kumar, "Scale Development for Customer to Customer Value Co-Creation Among Backpapers" , 14th International Conference: COnvergence 2020 by :IFIM at Banglore, India / / 2020

P. Kushwaha, V. Prakash, R. Bhakar, U. R. Yaragatti, A. Jain and Y. Sumanth, "Scheduling BESS for Primary Frequency Response in Low Inertia Grids" , 2020 IEEE 9th Power India International Conference (PIICON) by :IEEE at 2020 IEEE 9th Power India International Conference / / 2020

Prerna Kuntal, Akhilesh Mathur, Rajesh Kumar, Vishu Gupta, "Scheduling of Hybrid Power System: A Review on Application of Optimization Approaches" , International Conference on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing (AISCC-2020) by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2020

A. M. Joshi, P. Jain, S.P.Mohanty, "Secure-iGLU: A Secure Device for Noninvasive Glucose Measurement and Automatic Insulin Delivery in IoMT Framework" , 2020 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) by :IEEE at Cyprus / 11 / 2020

Vijay Sharma, M.K. Shrimali, S.D. Bharti and T. K. Datta , "Seismic Behaviour Assessment of Semi-Rigid Frame Under Near-Field Earthquake" , 1st Indian Structural Steel Conference (ISSC 2020) by :Springer at IIT Hyderabad / 1 / 2020

Vijay Sharma, M.K. Shrimali, S.D. Bharti and T. K. Datta , "Seismic Performance Assessment of Semi-Rigid Frame for Different Performance Criteria" , 1st Indian Structural Steel Conference (ISSC 2020) by :Springer at IIT Hyderabad / 1 / 2020

PV Ramana, "Seismic Response Prediction of Steel Frames Using Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis & Neural Networks" , IEEE Conference by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2020

Vikash Kumar Saini, Rajesh Kumar, Akhilesh Mathur, Akash Saxena, "Short Term Forecasting Based on Hourly Wind Speed Data Using Deep Learning Algorithms" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering Machine Learning and Internet of Things (ICETCE-2020) by :IEEE at SKIT Jaipur / / 2020

T. Dudi, R. Singhal, R. Kumar, "Shortest Path Evaluation With Enhanced Linear Graph and Dijkstra Algorithm" , 59th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE-2020) by :IEEE at Chiang Mai / / 2020

S. Chaudhary, C. Sahu and Menka , "Simulation Study Based Performance Projection of Negative Capacitance FET" , IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON) 2020 by :IEEE at NSUT Delhi, India / 1-5 / 2020

A. Thakur, H. Monga, V. P. Singh, R. Kumar, A. Mathur, "Sine Cosine Algorithm Assisted Tuning of PID Controller for DC Servo-Motor" , IEEE International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM-2020) by :IEEE at Dubai, United Arab Emirates / 230-233 / 2020

A. Thakur, H. Monga, V.P. Singh, R. Kumar, A. Mathur, "Sine Cosine Algorithm Assisted Tuning of PID Controller for DC Servomotor" , 2020 International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM) by :IEEE at Dubai / / 2020

N Sandeep, Arun Kumar Verma, RY Udaykumar, Hemanshu Roy Pota, "Six-Switch Inverter for Grid-Connected PV Application With Zero Leakage Current" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-6 / 2020

Singh, Y., Raj, D. and Kaynia, A.M., "Slope-Building Interaction: Seismic Stability of Slopes Under Closely Spaced Buildings" , 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE) by :Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, International Association for Earthquake Engineering at Sendai, Japan / / 2020

Kanika Saxena, Urmila Brighu, "Sludge Blanket Clarifier for Coagulation of Turbidity and Organics: Design, Operation and Scale Effects" , 52nd Annual Convention of the IWWA by :IWWA at Patna, Bihar / / 2020

Dave, S., Purohit, S.D., Agarwal, Ritu, Jain, A., Sajnani, D., Soni, S., "Smart Lady E-Wearable Security System for Women Working in the Field" , Congress on Intelligent Systems 2020 by :Springer at SCRS / 511-525 / 2020

Bhatt, Preeti, "Social Inequality as a Cause of Power Conflict in David Mamet’s Oleanna" , TEQIP-III Online National Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward Towards G:4, G:5 and G:7 in India by :MNIT Jaipur, NIT Uttarakhand and the Indian Econometric Society, New Delhi at Jaipur / / 2020

Choudhary, R., Gupta, R., Nagar, R., Jain, A, "Sorptivity Characteristics of High Strength Self-Consolidating Concrete Produced by Marble Waste Powder, Fly Ash, and Micro Silica" , Materials Today: Proceedings by :Elsevier at NITTTR Chandigarh / / 2020

Guman Kanwar Shekhawat and Prof. R.P.Yadav, "Sparse Code Multiple Access Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in 5G Cognitive Radio Networks" , 2020 5th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security(ICCCS) by :IEEE at Patna, INDIA / 1-6 / 2020

R. K. Chauhan, D. Saxena and J. P. Pandey, "Spectral Investigation of Heart Rate Variability Signals Using Stockwell-Transform" , 2020 International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Applications (IC3A) by :IEEE at Lucknow, India / / 2020

PV Ramana, "Strength and Durability Analysis of GGBS & Recycled Materials" , International Conference on Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering (ICACSE 2020) by :Elsevier at GCE Karad / / 2020

Pankaj Sonia, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Rajeev Agrawal, "Strengthening of Polymer by Reinforcement of Al2O3 Nano Particles" , National Conference on Recent Advancement in Engineering by :Conference Proceeding at CTAE, Udaipur / / 2020

Suniksha Gupta, Smita Howlader, Atul Sharma, MK Banerjee, K Asokan, K Sachdev, "Structural and Electrical Properties of Mg Silicide Thin Films Deposited by RF Sputtering" , Materials Today: Proceedings by :Elsevier at SKIT, Jaipur / / 2020

Jyoti Yadav, Anoop M D, Nisha Yadav, Rini Singh, N. Srinivasa Rao, Fouran Singh, Takayuki Ichikawa, Ankur Jain, Kamlendra Awasthi, and Manoj Kumar, "Structural and Morphological Modifications Induced by Fe Ion Implantation in Sb2Te3 Thin Films" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM2020) by :Macromolecular Symposia at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 1-5 / 2020

Nidhi Sharma and Shruti Agarwal, "Student Well-Being and Higher Education System in India: An Assessment of Current Policy and Implications" , National Conference on Sustainable Development Goals by :MNIT Jaipur at India / / 2020

Om Prakash Sharma , Dr. Anoj Meena, "Study of Mechanical Properties and Wear Behaviour of Aluminium 6061 Matrix Composites Reinforced With Hematite and Titania" , Advances in Materials Processing &Manufacturing Applications(ICADMA 2020) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT JAIPUR / / 2020

Deepika Shekhawat, Vikas Kukshal, M K Banerjee, Amar Patnaik, "Study the Reduction of Mill Scale With Lean Grade Coal Through RI-RDI" , Advances in Materials Processing & Manufacturing Applications: iCADMA 2020 by : IOP Publishing Ltd at Jaipur, India / 1017 01203 / 2020

Mahipal Jadeja and Gaurav Kabra, "Style Transfer for Videos With Audio" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences: PCCDS 2020 by :Springer Singapore at Virtual Mode / 607-617 / 2020

Rathore, K., Agrawal, V. and Nagar, R., "Sustainable Concrete Using Mining Waste of Sandstone, Including Microfines" , Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies by :ASCE at Kolkata / / 2020

Purva Bhatt and Manju Singh, "Sustainable Development Goals: Higher Education & Science Take" , 2nd GUNi International Conference on SDGs: Higher Education & Science Take Action. Summary Report by :Global University Network for Innovation at Barcelona, Spain / - / 2020

Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Monica Sharma, Vijaya Kumar Manupati, Akshay Patidar, "Sustainable Manufacturing in Industry 4.0: A Bibliometric Analysis/ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3033-0_1" , International Conference on Evolution in Manufacturing (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 1-11 / 2020

Jamwal A, Agrawal R, Sharma M, Kumar A, "Sustainable Material Selection for Indian Manufacturing Industries: A Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach/ DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73495-4_3" , CIMS 2020 (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer at NIT Jalandhar / 31-43 / 2020

Singhal, V., Nagar, R. and Agrawal, V., "Sustainable Use of Fly Ash and Waste Marble Slurry Powder in Concrete" , Materials Today: Proceedings by :Elsevier at Chandigarh / / 2020

Sandeep Kumar, Sunil Manani, Patel Nikunj, Ajaya KumarPradhan, "Synthesis and Air Jet Erosion Wear Behavior of Aluminum – Al3Ti in-Situ Composite" , 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology by :Materials Today Proceedings - Elsevier at Jaipur / 28-4-2572 / 2020

Gaurav Yadav and Shiv Om Meena, "Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nano-Particles With Carboxymethyl Guar Gum and Optical Sensing for Glucose Detection" , CHEMICAL, BIO & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (CHEMBIOEN-2020) by :Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar at Jalandhar / / 2020

Meenu and Shiv Om Meena, "Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO NP & Photo Catalytic Degradation of RB Dye" , CHEMICAL, BIO & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (CHEMBIOEN-2020) by :Dr B R Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar, India at Jalandhar / / 2020

Mohammed Saquib Khan, Rohit Yadav, Rishi Vyas, Atul Sharma, MK Banerjee, Kanupriya Sachdev, "Synthesis and Evaluation of Reduced Graphene Oxide for Supercapacitor Application" , Materials Today: Proceedings by :Elsevier at SKIT, Jaipur / / 2020

Saha, A., Gupt, C. B. and Sekharan, S., "Synthesis and Utilization of Bentonite Modified Hydrogel Towards Sustainable Water Resource Management" , Second ASCE Conference in India on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies by :ASCEIC at Kolkata / / 2020

Arshia Khan, P.K.Singh, V.K. Saharan, S. George, "Synthesis of Calcium Titanate From Marble Waste Powder for the Degradation of Congo Red Dye" , International Conference on Advanced Materials Behavior & Characterization_2020” (ICAMBC-2020) by :Mattest Research Academy, Chennai, INDIA. at Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. / / 2020

Madhu Agarwal, Karishma Maheshwari, "Synthesis of Carbon-Nanotubes Implemented for Textile Waste Treatment" , International Conference on Environment and Life Science by :World Academics, Male at Male, Maldives / / 2020

Nemi Chand Mawari and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Synthesis of CuCo2O4 Embedded N-Doped Carbon Nanotubes Composite for High Performance All Solid State Asymmetric Supercapacitors" , International Conference on Electrochemistry for Industries, Health and Environment (EIHE-2020) by :BARC at BARC, Mumbai, India / / 2020

Mrigesh N. Verma, Vijay N Nadakuduru, "Synthesis of Submicrocrystalline TiAl Based Alloy Powder Using High Energy Ball Milling (Abstract)" , Webinar on Materials Science and Nanotechnology by :Coalesce Research Group at Online / / 2020

Priyanka Harjule, Astha Gurjar, Harshita Seth and Priya Thakur, "Text Classification on Twitter Data" , 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Machine Learning and Internet of Things (ICETCE-2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Neeru Sharma, Chhavi Kumar Jangid, S. K. Sharma, and K. Sachdev, "The Comparative Study of One Step and Two Step rGO-LaFeO3 Composite" , DAE SOLID STATE PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM 2019 by :AIP Conference Proceeding at Jodhpur, India / / 2020

Nirdosh Kumar, Gaurav Sharma, Lava Bhargava, "The Machine Learning Based Optimized Prediction Method for Breast Cancer Detection" , 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / 1594-1598 / 2020

Ashiwani Kumar, and Mukesh Kumar, "The Novel Corona Virus Disease Covid-19 Pandemic: A Review" , International Webinar on Covid-19: A Global Issue by :Ranvir Rananjay Post Graduate College, Amethi at Amethi, UP / / 2020

Tapas Bajpai, Pankaj Kumar Gupta and Anup Malik, "Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Pulsed Laser Welded Thin Aluminium Alloy Sheets" , CIMS 2020 by :Springer at NIT Jalandhar / 60 / 2020

Smita Howlader, Suniksha Gupta, R Vasudevan, MK Banerjee, K Sachdev, "Thermoelectric Transport and Microstructural Study of Cu Doped Mg2Si0. 4Sn0. 6" , Materials Today: Proceedings by :Elsevier at SKIT, Jaipur / / 2020

Shikha Kaushik, Rahul Singhal, Devesh Kumar Avasthi, "Thin ZnO Layer for RRAM Applications" , 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Photonics by :IEEE at St. Petersburg, Russia, Russia / / 2020

Amit Arora and PMV Subbarao, "Three Dimensional Numerical Investigations of Longitudinal Vortex Generators for Wake Management in Plain Finned Tube Arrays" , 8th International and 47th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) by :National Society for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power at IIT Guwahati / / 2020

D Trivedi, A Saharia, K Choure, M Tiwari, RK Maddila, G Singh, "Three-Qubit Implementation of Quantum Fourier Transform for Shor’s Algorithm" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies, OWT2020 by :Springer at Online / / 2020

Deepanshu Trivedi, Ghanshyam Singh et al., , "Three-Qubit Implementation of Quantum Fourier Transform for Shor’s Algorithm. " , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT-2020) in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (771) by :Springer Singapore at Jaipur / / 2020

A. Gandhi, S. J. Nanda, "Time Series Forecasting Using a Polynomial Controlled S-Transform" , 11th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, IEEE-ICCCNT-2020 by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1-7 / 2020

A. Sharma, S. J. Nanda, "Timely Detection of Seismic Waves in Ground Motion Data Using Improved S-Transform" , 5th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering, IEEE-ICRAIE-2020 by :IEEE at Poornima University, Jaipur / 1-9 / 2020

Modha, K.G., Raj, D., Singh, Y. and Lang, D.H., "Topographic Amplification of Earthquake Ground Motion on Different Hill Geometries" , 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE) by :Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, International Association for Earthquake Engineering at Sendai, Japan / / 2020

S. M. Verma, R. Ravichandran, R. Singhal, R. Kumar, "Trajectory Tracking Based on Adaptive Weights Receding Horizon Control by Differential Drive Robot" , 59th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE-2020) by :IEEE at Chiang Mai / / 2020

P. Bir, R. Kumar, G. Singh, "Transfer Learning Based Tomato Leaf Disease Detection for Mobile Applications" , IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON-2020) by :IEEE at Greater Noida / / 2020

Shanoob Balachandran, Abhishek Tripathi, Arunima Banerjee, Manaswini Chinara, Ravi Teja, S.J. Suresha, Deep Choudhuri, Rajarshi Banerjee and Dipankar Banerjee, "Transformations, Recrystallization, Microtexture and Plasticity in Titanium Alloys" , The 14th World Conference on Titanium by :MATEC Web of Conferences at Nantes, France / 321,11020 / 2020

Sangeeta Kumari, Arun Kumar Verma, N Sandeep, Udaykumar R Yaragatti, Hemanshu Roy Pota, "Transformer-Less Common-Ground Inverter With Reduced Components" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2020

J. Jangid, A. Mehta, A. Saxena, S. Shekhawat, R. Kumar, A. Sharma, "Transmission Expansion Planning Using Teaching and Learning Based Optimization Approach" , Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (GCAIA 2020) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2020

Karishma Maheshwari, Madhu Agarwal, "Treatment of Highly Conductive Waste Stream From RO Using Capacitive Deionization Approach" , CHEMCON-2020 by :IICHE at Online / / 2020

Harshika Suman, Vikas K Sangal, Manish Vashistha, "Treatment of Tannery Industry Effluent by Electrochemical Methods: A Review" , International Online Conference on Sustainable Technologies in Water Treatment and Desalination (STWTD – 2020) by :Materials Today Proceedings - Elsevier at National Institute of Technology Calicut, India / / 2020

Ved Prakash Sharma, Mukesh Kumar, and V N Shukla, "Tribo-Behaviour of Nano-Structured Coatings Deposited by Various Techniques: A Review" , Advances in Materials Processing &Manufacturing Applications(ICADMA 2020) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2020

Sandeep K. Sahoo, Randhir K. Singh, Jogendra Majhi, Bhabani P. Sahoo, Pritam Priyadarsana, "Tribological Behaviour of Al-Si-TiB2 in-Situ Composites" , Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials by :Conference Proceedings at NIT Rourkela / / 2020

Radhoene Massoudi, Monia Najjar, Vijay Janyani , "Tunable C and L Bands Demultiplexer Based on Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator" , The 16th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference by :IEEE at Limassol, Cyprus / 1427-1430 / 2020

Jyoti Yadav, Anoop M D, Nisha Yadav, Rini Singh, N. Srinivasa Rao, Fouran Singh, and Manoj Kumar, "Tuning of Physical Properties Through Implantation Mediated Cu Doping in Sb2Te3 Thin Films" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM2020) by :Elsevier at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 1-5 / 2020

G. K. Sharma, T. B. Kumar, A. K. Johar, D. Gupta and D. Boolchandani, "Tuning Range Enhancement Using Current Boosting in Common Source Amplifier Based Ring Oscillator" , 2019 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Control (ICAC3) by :IEEE at Mumbai, India / 1-4 / 2020

J. Carpenter, V. K.Saharan, "Ultrasonic Assisted Synthesis of Multilayer Emulsion as a Strategy for the Encapsulation of Curcumin" , Advances in Chemical Engineering and Sciences by :Advances in Chemical Engineering and Sciences at IISER Bhopal / / 2020

Sakshi Batra, Akshita Lodha, Niksha Lamba, Dipaloy Datta, "Ultrasound Facilitated Preparation of Amine Impregnated Natural Resin for Biochanin-a Removal" , International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Desalination & National Water Mission and Annual Congress of InDA (InDACON 2020) by :Conference Proceeding at Indus University, Ahmedabad / / 2020

Arjita Saxena, Mahesh Kumar Jat and Sudhir Kumar, "Uncertainty Analysis of High Resolution Open-Source Dems for Modelling Soil Erosion" , Roorkee Water Conclave by :Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee and National Institute of Hydrology Roorkee at Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India / / 2020

Anjali Jain, Sumanth Yamujala, Partha Das, Ankita S Gaur, Rohit Bhakar, Jyotirmay Mathur, Priyanka Kushwaha, "Unit Commitment Framework to Assess Flexibility Resource Capability for High RE Penetration" , 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe) by :IEEE at Virtual / 779-783 / 2020

U. Saini, R. Kumar, V. Jain, Krishnajith M.U., "Univariant Time Series Forecasting of Agriculture Load by Using LSTM and GRU RNNs" , 6th Student’s Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES 2020) by :IEEE at Prayagraj / / 2020

Suman Sharma, Sunil Jangid, Prerna Jain, "V2G Scheduling for an EV Aggregator With Rooftop Solar Charging Park" , AIP Conference Proceedings 2294 by :American Institute of Physics at New Delhi / 04004 / 2020

Choudhary, S., Chaudhary, S., Jain, A., Gupta, R., "Valorization of Waste Rubber Tyre Fiber in Functionally Graded Concrete" , Materials Today: Proceedings by :Elsevier at NITTTR Chandigarh / / 2020

Rajeev Kumar Dohare, Rahul Parewa, Nishant Sharma and Rahul, "Vapor Split Manipulation in Extractive Diving Wall Column With Vapor Recompression" , International Conference on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing by :International Conference on Advances in Systems, Control and Computing at MNIT Jaipur / / 2020

Vinod Kumar Aswal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Various Methods of Metal Transfer in the Welding Process" , EMSME-2020 by :Springer at National Institute of Technology, Delhi (India) / / 2020

Ujjal Halder, "Vernacular Urbanism and Its Impact in the Indian Context" , JTA International Conference by :Conference Proceeding at Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi / / 2020

Anubhav Kumar and Dinesh Kumar, "Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Stiffened Shallow Shells Under Thermo-Mechanical Loading" , Advances in Materials Processing &Manufacturing Applications(ICADMA 2020) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2020

Hrushikesh M. Gade, Piyush P. Wanjari, Srihas VV Velpuri, "Water-Mediated Curvature Change in Graphene by Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube: A Molecular Dynamics Study" , Molecular Simulation of Complex Fluids and Interfaces 2020 by :Conference Proceedings at IIT Kanpur / / 2020

Tejendra Singh Singhal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Rajeev Agrawal, "Welding of Polymers and Their Challenges" , National Conference on Recent Advancement in Engineering by :Conference Proceeding at CTAE, Udaipur / / 2020

Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh, "Zooming the EdTech Door in Post-COVID World: A Behavioral Shift of the Investor" , International Conference on Behavioral Finance, IPE Hyderabad by :Institute of Public Enterprise at Hyderabad / - / 2020

Parul Bhyan,Bhavna Shrivastava, Nand Kumar, "Contentious Conflicts of Triple Bottom Line Engendering Mobility Issues in Sustainable Housing Development: An AHP Study " , International Multidisciplinary Conference on Current Research Trends 2020 by :IMCCRT-2020 at Jaipur / / 2020

Sushree Sunayana and Sudhirkumar Barai, "Three-Dimensional Porosity Evaluation in Fly Ash Incorporated Recycled Aggregate Based Concrete." , Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies by :ASCE at Kolkata India / / 2020


Sonal Rajoria. Manish Vashishtha, " a Review on Control of NOx Emission Using Computational Approach" , National Conference on Pollution Control Technologies and Sustainable Development by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Vikas Sharma, M.L.Meena, and Mukesh Kumar, " Analysis of Three-Body Abrasive Wear Performance of Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite Using Taguchi Approach" , 2ndInternational Conference and Expo on Material Science and Engineering by :2ndInternational Conference and Expo on Material Science and Engineering at Dubai UAE / / 2019

MS Shekhawat, HS Mali and APS Rathore, " Micro-Feature Fabrication on External Cylindrical Surface by Centreless Electric Discharge Grinding" , Functional Materials, Manufacturing and Performances (ICFMMP-2019) by :Springer at LPU Phagwara (Jalandhar). / / 2019

R. Gupta, S. J. Nanda, "A Binary NSGA-III for Unsupervised Band Selection in Hyper-Spectral Satellite Images" , IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE-CEC-2019 by :IEEE at Wellington, New Zealand / 522-529 / 2019

Sudhanshu Singh, U. K. Arun Kumar , "A Comparative Study for the Distillation of Acetone-Ethanol Mixture in a Batch and Microchannel Distillation Module" , 6th International Conference on Microfluidics and LAB-on-CHIP by :Select Biosciences India Private Limited at Mumbai, India / / 2019

Gopal Behera and Neeta Nain, "A Comparative Study of Big Mart Sales Prediction" , The Forth International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, CVIp2019 by :Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 421-432 / 2019

Archita Vijayvargia, Dr. Kailash Chand Sharma, Dr. Rohit Bhakar,, "A Comparative Study of Short-Term Wind Speed Forecasting Models" , 2nd Intl. Conf. on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in India by :Ministry of Power & GIZ Germany at New Delhhi / / 2019

Saharia A., Singh G., et al. , "A Comparative Study of Various All-Optical Logic Gates" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT)-2018 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 546) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Kuldeep Singh, "A Convolutional Neural Network Based Imaging Solution for Disease Identification in Brassica Napus" , 7th International Conference on Agriculture and Biotechnology (ICABT 2019) by :Conference Proceeding at Phuket / / 2019

P. Majumdar, T. De, "A Distance-Based Adaptive Traffic Grooming Algorithm in Large EON Under Dynamic Traffic Model" , International Conference on Computing Analytics and Networking Proceeding of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing AISC Series by :Springer at KIIT Bhubneshwar / / 2019

Bhandari M., Jain A.K., Shrimali M.K., Datta T.K., "A New Lateral Load Pattern for the Pushover Analysis of Base-Isolated Building Frame" , 16th WCSI by :RAEE at St. Petersburg, Russia / 204 / 2019

Sandeep Saini, Vineet Sahula, "A Novel Cognitive Architecture to Comprehend and Process Natural Language" , 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing by :Springer at Malaysia / 6 / 2019

Pancholi, Sidharth, Prateek Jain, and Arathy Varghese, Amit M. Joshi , "A Novel Time-Domain Based Feature for EMG-PR Prosthetic and Rehabilitation Application" , 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC) by :IEEE at Berlin, Germany / 5084-5087 / 2019

D. K. Kotary, S. J. Nanda, "A Point Symmetry Distance Based K-Means Algorithm for Distributed Clustering in Peer to Peer Networks" , IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE-SMC-2019 by :IEEE at Bari, Italy / 3573-3579 / 2019

Sharma Manish, Kumar Nand, Kumar Ashwani, "A Quest for Networked City in Developing Countries by Spatial Assessment of the Status of Urban Water System: A Case of Jaipur City" , Architecture and Civil Engineering Conference (ACE 2019) by :ACE at Singapore / 1 / 2019

Harshika Suman, Vikas Kumar Sangal, "A Review of Electrodes Used for WasteWater Treatment Using Electrochemical Methods" , National Conference on Pollution Control Technologies and Sustainable Development by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Vaibhav Gaur, Om Prakash Yadav, Gunjan Soni, Ajay Pal Singh Rathore, "A Review of Metrics, Algorithms and Methodologies for Network Reliability" , 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) by :IEEE at Macao, Macao, Macao / 1129-1133 / 2019

Navdeep Singh, Lakhwinder Kaur and Kuldeep Singh, "A Review of the Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Techniques" , International Conference on Intelligent Machines by :Springer at Bhatinda, India / / 2019

Ravindra Kumar, and Mukesh Kumar, "A Review of Wear and Mechanical Behavior Using Optimization Technique on Basalt-Epoxy Hybrid Reinforced With Marble Powder" , International Conference on Global Trends and Future Prospects in Multidisciplinary Research by :Poddar International College, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2019

Rajoria S., and Vashishtha M., "A Review on Control of Nox Emissions Using Computational Approach" , National Conference on Pollution Control Technologies and Sustainable Development by :National Conference on Pollution Control Technologies and Sustainable Development at Jaipur / / 2019

Ipsit Mishra, Dilip Sharma, Digambar Singh, Sumit Sharma, Pushpendra Kumar Sharma, Amit Jhalani, Monu Rajora, "A Review on Performance, Combustion and Emission Analysis of Different Generation of Biodiesel in C.I. Engine" , SERB Sponsored 2nd International Conference on NEW and RENEWABLE ENERGY for SUSTAINABLE FUTURE by :SKIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / / 2019

Sourabh Bhaskar, Mukesh Kumar, and Amar Patnaik, "A Review on Tribological and Mechanical Properties of Al Alloy Composites" , 2nd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering by :GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Department of Mechanical Engg. at Noida, UP / / 2019

Vipin Chandra Pandey, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, "A Scenario-Based Stochastic Dynamic Economic Load Dispatch Considering Wind Uncertainty" , 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India, India / / 2019

P. Saraswat, R. Agrawal, M. L. Meena and P. Rajan, "A Systematic Review of Lean Six Sigma for Sustainable Development" , 6th International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering: CPIE by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / / 2019

Tanuj Rawat, KR Niazi, Nikhil Gupta, Sachin Sharma, "A Two Stage Interactive Framework for Demand Side Management in Smart Grid" , 16th India Council International Conference (INDICON) by :IEEE at Rajkot, India, India / / 2019

Blessen Skariah Thomas and Ramesh Chandra Gupta, "Abrasion Resistance of Cement Concrete Containing Waste Tire Rubber" , UKIERI Concrete Congress by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT-JALANDHAR / 109 / 2019

Parveen Kumar, Jinendra Kumar Jain, "Accident Prediction Modeling for Yamuna Expressway" , International Conference on Data Science and Application (ICDSA-2019) by :Springer at Jaipur / 241-248 / 2019

A. Baskaran, J. Kaliannan, A. Ashour, R. Kumar, N. Dey, "ACO Based Control Strategy in Interconnected Thermal Power System for Regulation of Frequency With HAE and UPFC Unit" , International Conference on Data Science and Application (ICDSA-2019) by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2019

Rohit Goyal, A.B. Gupta, Ankita P. Dadhich, Hansa Rajput, "Action Plans for Rejuvenation of Chambal River" , 6th Workshop on ‘Safe and Sustainable Technologies and Strategies for Integrated Freshwater Resource Management by :IUKWC at JSSAHER, Mysuru, India / - / 2019

A. Kumar, N. Gupta, and B. Chitti Babu, "Active Power Coefficient Based Control for Grid-Connected PV Systems" , 1st International Conference on Energy, Systems and Information Processing by :IEEE at IIITD&M, Kancheepuram, Chennai / / 2019

R. Singhal, R. Kumar, S. Neeli, "Adaptive Reference Receding Horizon Control of Greenhouse" , 5th Indian Control Conference (ICC-2019) by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2019

Sakshi Batra, Dipaloy Datta, "Adsorption of Bisphenol-a From Aqueous Solution Using Amberlite XAD-7 Impregnated With Trioctylphosphine Oxide" , 9th International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Process by :ICCCP at National University of Singapore, Singapore / / 2019

Sakshi Batra, Dipaloy Datta, "Adsorption of Bisphenol-a Using Extractant Impregnated Resin" , International Conference on Chemical and Environmental Sciences (ICCAES 2019) by :ICCAES at Institute of Engineering and Management, Salt Lake / / 2019

A. Varghese, C. Periasamy, and L. Bhargava, "AlGaN/GaN HEMT MOS-HEMT Sensors for Detection of Fibrillogen From Human Plasma" , 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC) by :IEEE at Berlin Germany / / 2019

Avuthu Avinash Reddy, Ramesh Babu Battula, Dinesh Gopalani, Chaithanya Kurra, "An Adaptive Threshold Energy Detection Mechanism Using Gnu Radio on Usrp" , 11th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS) by :IEEE at Bengaluru, India / 251-258 / 2019

P. Majumdar, T. De, "An Algorithm Based on Next Shortest Path in Large EON Under Dynamic Traffic Grooming" , International Conference on Computing Analytics and Networking Proceeding of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing AISC Series by :Springer at KIIT Bhubneshwar / / 2019

Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, "An Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach to Analyse the Challenges to Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Indian Automobile Industries" , International Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management by :lscm2019.com at Tehran, Iran / 28-36 / 2019

Sundeep Kumar, "An Analytical Study on Human Resource Indicators and Health Services Performance" , Doctoral Conclave-2019 by :Department of Management Studies, MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Panda, J. and Ray-Chaudhuri, S., "An Effective Controller Observer Technique in Digital Domain for Vibration Control of Structures" , 2019 EMI International Conference by :ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute at INSA Lyon, Villeurbanne, France / / 2019

Surya Prakash, Gianesahwar Aggarwal, Archit Gupta and Gunjan Soni , "An Empirical Analysis of Supply Chain Risk and Uncertainty in Manufacturing Sector to Achieve Robustness" , 5th International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology by :Springer at Gurugram India / 355-364 / 2019

Riju Jakhar, Deepak Verma and Ajay Pal Singh Rathore, "An Exploratory Study of Visual Merchandising Practices of Online Retailers in India" , IIM Indore - NASMEI Summer Marketing Information Systems Conference: Smart Marketing in Digital Age by :Emerald at IIM Indore / 38 / 2019

S. Reddy, A. S. Al-Sumaiti, V. Gupta, R. Kumar, A. Saxena, "An Improved Binary Grey Wolf Optimizer (IBGWO) for Unit Commitment Problem in Thermal Generation" , 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS-2019) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2019

Mushtaq Ahmed, Saurabh Goyal, Siddhartha Singh, Jaiprakash Gupta, "An Improved Spray and Wait Routing Protocol for Delay Tolerant Network" , 2019 2nd IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM) by :IEEE at Manama, Bahrain, Bahrain / 1-6 / 2019

Rajendra Mitharwal, "An Integral Equation Based Approach for Obtaining the Magnetic Maps for Indoor Navigation" , 2019 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Ahmedabad, Gujarat / / 2019

Prateek Jain, Pancholi, Sidharth, Amit M. Joshi, "An IoMT Based Non-Invasive Precise Blood Glucose Measurement System" , 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at NIT, Rourkela / / 2019

Yogendra Singh Solanki, Madhu Agarwal, Sanjeev Gupta, PushkarShukla, A.B Gupta , "Analysis of Community RO Plants With Special Emphasis on Membrane Fouling " , Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC-2019) by :CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur at Nagpur / / 2019

J Gopala Rao, Gunwant Sharma, Sudhir Kumar, "Analysis of Precipitation for Improve Watershed to Krishna River" , International Conference on Innovative Trends in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development , ITCSD 2019. by :Conference Proceeding at NIT Warangal / 284 / 2019

Prashant Malik, Mamta Awasthi, Sunanda Sinha, "Analysis of Sensitive Parameters Influencing a SPV/WT/Biomass/Battery Based Hybrid System" , ICPS 2019 by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Prabudh Morya, Sheetal Kumar Jain, Ghanshyam Das Agrawal, Rohit Misra, "Analysis of Solar Air Heater Performance in Transient Condition With Various Broken v-Apex Gap " , International Conference on Advance in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology by :Manipal Jaipur at JAIPUR / / 2019

M.L. Meena, Vikas Sharma , and Mukesh Kumar, "Analysis of Three Body Abrasive Wear Performance of Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite Using Taguchi Approach" , World Congress on Materials Science & Technology by :World Congress on Materials Science & Technology at EuroScicon at Paris / / 2019

Ronak Dadich, Ritu Sharma, "Analysis of Transmission Spectra of a Metal-Liquid Crystal-Metal Waveguide Structure With Different Metallic Layers" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technology (OWT-19) by :Springer at Jaipur / 6 / 2019

Shrivastava, N., "Analytical Solution of Compaction Grouting Method as Spherical Cavity Expansion" , Symposium on Recent Advances in Sustainable Geotechnics by :IIT Kanpur at IIT Kanpur / / 2019

Priya Yadav Harshita Laddha Priya Sharma Madhu Agarwal Ragini Gupta, "Antipyrine Based Schiff Base as a Reversible Fluoresecence “Off-on-Off” Sensor for Sequential Detection of Aluminium and Fluoride Ions" , International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations to Transform Our World, the 13th Anniversary India-Japan Fest by :BICON at Biyani Group of Colleges, Jaipur / 34 / 2019

Mukesh Kumar, Ashiwani Kumar, "Application of Preference Selection Index Method in Performance Based Ranking of Ceramic Particulate SiO2 - SiC Reinforced AA2024 Composite Materials" , International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Methods by :Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NIT Tiruchirapplli at Tami Nadu / / 2019

Shiv Om Meena, "Application of Solar Energy in Development of Nanotechnology" , International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living (ICNBl 2019) by :National Institute of Technology Srinagar, Srinagar at Srinagar / / 2019

Pappu Kumar Burnwal, Priya pal, Oayes midda and S.P. Chaurasia, "Application of VMD for Desalination" , International Conference on Energy & Environment:Challenges and Opportunities for Industries by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Lavneet Kumar, Anoop Verma, Steffi talwar, B S Bhatia, Charanjit Kaur Mangats, Vikas K. Sangal, "Applications of Fixed Bed in Situ Dual Process of Photocatalysis and Photo-Fenton for the Treatment of Dye Wastewater" , International Conference on Energy and Environment: Challenges and Opportunities for Industries by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Neha Pal, Madhu Agarwal, Karishma Maheshwari and Yogendra Singh Solanki, "Applications of Guar Gum and Its Derivatives to Remove Heavy Metals From Wastewater: A Review" , IV International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (IV SEEC) by :SEEC-NEERI at Nagpur / / 2019

Shubhi Vaid and Gireendra Kumar, "Approach Towards Building Facade Design From the Perspectives of Louis I Khan" , 53rd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association by :Architectural Science Association -Scopus Index at IIT Roorkee / 421-430 / 2019

Arunima Sharma, Ramesh babu Battula, "Architecture for Waste Management in Indian Smart Cities (AWMINS)" , 10th International Conference Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC 2019) by :IEEE at Jeju Island, South Korea / 1-6 / 2019

P. Kushwaha, Vivek Prakash, R. Bhakar, Udaykumar R. Yaragatti, "Assessment of Energy Storage Potential for System Inertia and Primary Frequency Response" , 2nd International Conference on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in India by :By Ministry of Power & GIZ Germany at New Delhi / / 2019

Dangayach G. S., Gaurav, Jeevraj, "Assessment of Greenness Through Carbon Footprint" , International Conference on Science & Technology Research (3rd ICSTR Bali) by :MATTER, International Journal of Science and Technology at Kuta, Bali, Indonesia / / 2019

KV Sharma, S Khandelwal, N Kaul, "Assessment of Least Mean Square Multivariate Kriging Regression for Spatial Downscaling of MODIS Thermal Imagery" , 39th EARSeL Symposium by :European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories at Salzburg, Austria / / 2019

Lokesh Kumar and Susanta Kumar Jana, "Assessment of Marble Processing Waste for the Synthesis of Plaster of Paris Using Sulfation Process" , Energy and Environment: Challenges and Opportunities for Industries by :MNIT at Department of Chemical Engineering, MNIT-Jaipur / / 2019

Gaurav Singal, Dinesh Gopalani, Riti Kushwaha, Tapas Badal, "Automatic Parallelization of C Code Using OpenMP" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering by :Springer at Jaipur / 298-309 / 2019

Nilesh Hadiya, R. Bhakar, Parul Mathuria, Vartika Kulshrestha and Shashank Vyas, "Avenues for Blockchain Implementation in Decentralized Power Trading" , ICONEER by :Elsevier at Jaipur / / 2019

Somya Mahlawat, Nand Kumar, Satish Pipralia, "“A Review of Sustainability Lessons by Revisiting Traditional Built Environments”" , International Conference on Future Cities by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / / 2019

Prarthita Basu, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Mohammad Arif, Harsh Choudhary, Dr. Ramesh Chandra Gupta, Srishti Agrawal, "“A Review on Recycled Sandstone Wastes as an Ingredient in Cement Concrete”" , ABRMCE 2019, by :Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan / / 2019

J.S.Yadav,A. Garg ,S.K.Tiwari, "“Behavior of Strip Footing Resting on Sand Reinforced With Waste Tire Strips”" , IGC 2019 by :SVNIT SURAT at Surat / / 2019

Yogendra Singh Solanki, MadhuAgarwal, Sanjeev Gupta, PushkarShukla, A.B Gupta, "“Performance Analysis of Community RO Plants With Special Emphasis on Membrane Fouling of Bharatpur District of Rajasthan, India”" , CHEMCON-2019 by : Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at IIT Delhi / / 2019

J.S.Yadav, S.K.Tiwari, "“Utilization of Recycled Aggregate Blended With Sand and Cement in Construction of Base Course”" , IGC 2019 by :SVNIT SURAT at Surat / / 2019

Vijay Kumar Pandey, R. K. Duchaniya, U. Pandel, Surjeet Yadav, "Behavior of Thermophysical Properties of Heat Treated CaO-Fe2O3 at Different Temperature" , International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology by :International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology at Jaipur / / 2019

Nagariya, R., and D. Kumar, "Bibliometric Analysis of Service Supply Chain" , POMS International Conference by :Proceedings of Supply Chain in the New Environment of Industry at India / / 2019

KV Sharma, S Khandelwal, N Kaul, "Bidirectional Modified PCA Fusion of MODIS and Landsat 8 Data for Downscaling of Coarse Scale Thermal Imagery" , 39th EARSeL Symposium by :European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories at Salzburg, Austria / / 2019

Ajit Singh and T. C. Gupta, "Bifurcation Analysis of Turbocharger Flexible Rotor System Supported on Fluid Film Bearings." , 3rd International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics (ICC-2019) by :AIP Conference Proceedings at Bikaner, India / 130031 / 2019

Yadav M and Vivekanand V , "Biological Treatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass by Curvularia Lunata for Biogas Production" , NHBT-2019: International Conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology, Trivandrum, Kerala, India by :Biotech Research Society, India at Trivandrum, Kerala, India / / 2019

P. Bhangdia, Dr. T. Chandra, Dr. P. Nigam, "Black Titanium Dioxide: An Agent to Minimize the Effects of UHI in Walled City of Jaipur" , Fifth International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island Effect by :- at IIIT Hyderabad, India / / 2019

S. Jalan and N. Gupta, "Bridgeless Boost Rectifier as Front End Converter (FEC) in Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Application for Improving Power Quality Issues" , 1st International Conference on Energy, Systems and Information Processing by :IEEE at IIITD&M, Kancheepuram, Chennai / / 2019

S. Alhashmi, A. S. Al-Sumaiti, M. Hassan, M. Rasheed, S. Rodriguez, R. Kumar, E. H. Forushani, "Building Energy Management System: An Overview of Recent Literature Research" , 2019 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences (ASET-2019) by :IEEE at Dubai / / 2019

Karishma Maheshwari, Yogendra Singh solanki, Madhu Agarwal, "Capacitive Deionization Approach for Reverse Osmosis Reject Treatment" , Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (SEEC-2019) by :CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur at Nagpur / / 2019

Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Carrier Comparative Study on Phenol Removal From Aqueous Solution Using Aliquat 336 and Isodephanol Through Liquid Emulsion Membrane" , International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences by :International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences at Budapest, Hungary / / 2019

Ankur Saharia, Ashish Kumar Ghunawat, Anton V. Bourdine, Vladimir A. Burdin, Manish Tiwari, Ravi Maddila, Ghanshyam Singh, "Cascading Application of All Optical Universal NAND Gate for Implementation of Basic Logic Gates" , ICRAIE-2018 by :IEEE USA at Jaipur / 1-7 / 2019

Yashwani Sharma, Girraj Sharm, Ritu Sharma, K. K. Sharma, "Centralised and Distributed Coperative Spectrum Sensing Over Fading Channel" , Advanced Communication and Technologies and Network 2019 by :MNIT at Jaipur / 5 / 2019

Mithlesh Arya, Namita Mittal, Girdhari Singh, "Cervical Cancer Detection Using Single Cell and Multiple Cell Histopathology Images" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 205--215 / 2019

Lavika Goel, Joy Mukherjee, "Characterizing High Level LIGO Gravitational Wave Data Using Deep Learning" , Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference by :Springer at London, United Kingdom / / 2019

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Sudhir Kashyap, "Chemoselective Iodination of Alkynes Using Sulfonium Iodate (I) Complex. (O-14, ISCB-2019)." , 25th ISCB International Conference; Frontiers Research in Chemistry & Biology Interface (ISCB-2019) by :ISCB at Lucknow / 14 / 2019

A Gautam, R Shankar, P Vrat, "Circular Economy Based Approach for Managing End-of-Life Solar PV Waste in India " , ORSI by :ORSI at IIM Ahmedabad / / 2019

M. M. Sharma, I. B. Sharma, Jaiverdhan and R. Agarwal, "Circular Edge Cut Diminutive UWB Antenna for Wireless Communications" , 2019 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Ahemdabad / 1-4 / 2019

Anmol Chauhan, Jat, Mahesh K., and Saxena, Arjita, "Climate Change Assessment Using Discrete Wavelet Transform (Dwt) for Udaipur District" , HYDRO2019 by :ISH Journal of Taylor and Francis at Osmania University, Hyderabad / / 2019

Saxena, Arjita, Jat, Mahesh K., and Sudhir Kumar, "Climate Change Implications on Surface-Runoff and Soil Erosion: A Case Study of Jaisamand Lake" , HYDRO2019 by :ISH Journal of Taylor and Francis at Osmania University , Hyderabad / / 2019

S. J. Nanda, M. Sharma, A. Panda, "Clustering Big Datasets Using Orthogonal Gray Wolf Optimizer" , 18th International Conference on Information Technology, IEEE-ICIT-2019 by :IEEE at IIIT Bhubaneswar, India / 353-358 / 2019

P. Khare, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Vijay, "Clustering Networks Based on Physarum Optimization for Seismic Catalogs Analysis" , IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE-CEC-2019 by :IEEE at Wellington, New Zealand / 2864-2871 / 2019

C.S.Rajoria, P. K. Gupta, and D. Singh , "CO2 Emission Reduction Potential of a Typical Indian Village" , 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Renewable Energy (ICMMRE-2019) by :AIP Conference Proceedings at Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Sikkim, In / 020010 / 2019

Poonam Shekhawat, Gunwant Sharma, R. M. Singh , "Compaction and Strength Characteristics of Eggshell Powder and Flyash Based Geopolymer." , International Conference on Innovative Trends in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ITCSD - 2019) by :NIT Warangal at NIT, Warangal / 221-222 / 2019

K. Bhatt, R. A. Gupta, and N. Gupta, "Comparative Analysis and Control of Bidirectional DC-DC Converter" , 1st International Conference on Energy, Systems and Information Processing by :IEEE at IIITD&M, Kancheepuram, Chennai / / 2019

Soma Niloy Ghosh, Lava Bhargava, Vineet Sahula, "Comparative Analysis of Control-Transfer Instructions on WCET of Real-Time Systems" , International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design-ISED by :IEEE at Kollam, India / 1-4 / 2019

Agarwal A, Gehlot P, Dangayach P, Pareek N, Vivekanand V , "Comparative Appraisal of Pretreatment Strategies for Improving the Biogas Yield From Flower Waste" , VII International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Heraklion, Greece by :Solid Waste Association at Heraklion, Greece / / 2019

Vikas Kumar Sangal, Parminder Kaur and Jai Prakash Kushwaha, "Comparative Studies of Electro-Chemical Processes for the Treatment of Real Textile Wastewater" , 13th BUDAPEST International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences by :BCAEBS at Budapest, Hungary / / 2019

Mudgal N., Agarwal A., Saharia A., Sahu S., Ghunawat A.K., Singh G. , "Comparative Study of Interferometer and Ring Resonator Based Biosensors: A Review" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT)-2018 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 546) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Sushant Upadhyaya, Kailash Singh, S.P.Chaurasia, Madhu Agarwal, A.B.Gupta , "Comparative Study of Synthesized Hydrophobic PVDF Membrane Characterization Using Gas Permeated and Bubble Point Method" , World Congress on Materials Science and Technology by : EUROSCIENCE at Paris (France) / / 2019

Upadhyaya, S., Singh, K., Chaurasia, S.P., Agarwal, M., Gupta, A.B., "Comparative Study of Synthesized Hydrophobic PVDF Membrane Characterization Using Gas Permeation and Bubble Point Method" , World Congress on Materials Science and Technology by :EuroSciCon at Paris, France / / 2019

D. Gupta, G. Sharma, T. B. Kumar, A. K. Johar and D. Boolchandani, "Comparison of Multi Chopper Amplifiers for Capacitive MEMS Transducer" , 2019 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technology by :IEEE at Allahabad, India / 1-6 / 2019

Pragati Priyanka, Pawan Sharma, Harlal Singh Mali, "Compressive Mechanical Behaviour of Monolithic and Hybrid Fabric Polymer Textile Composites" , Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN-11) by :IFIP Springer at IIT Indore / / 2019

Praveen Kumar Chandaliya, Neeta Nain, "Conditional Perceptual Adversarial Variational Autoencoder for Age Progression and Regression on Child Face" , 2019 International Conference on Biometrics (ICB) by :IEEE at Crete, Greece / 1-8 / 2019

Surender Hans and F. O. M. Joseph, "Continuous Higher Order Sliding Mode Control of Bevel-Tip Needle for Percutaneous Interventions" , 28th IEEE RO-MAN by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2019

Shiv Om Meena, "Controlled Release and Slow Release Fertilizers as Nutrient Management" , International Conference on Global Trends & Future Prospects in Multidisciplinary by :Poddar International College, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2019

Sharma Suman Dharmpal, Prerna Jain, "Coordinated V2G Scheduling of EV Aggregator With Rooftop Solar Charging Park" , 2nd International Conference on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in India by :Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Ministry of Power at New Delhi / / 2019

Tanuj Rawat, KR Niazi, Nikhil Gupta, Sachin Sharma, "Coordination of Distributed Energy Resources to Enhance Operation of Smart Distribution System" , 16th India Council International Conference (INDICON) by :IEEE at Rajkot, India, India / / 2019

Raju K. Singh, Hrushikesh M. Gade, Kamendra P. Sharma, Jyoti R. Seth, "Counter-Ion Condensation on Linear Polyethyleneimine : Molecular Dynamics Study " , Department of Atomic Energy - Computational Chemistry Symposium by :Conference Proceedings at Bhabha Atomic Research Center / / 2019

Raju K. Singh, Hrushikesh M. Gade, Kamendra P. Sharma, Jyoti R. Seth, "Counter-Ion Condensation on Linear Polyethyleneimine : Molecular Dynamics Study" , CompFlu 2019 by :Conference Proceedings at IISER Bhopal / / 2019

AI Shirkol, T Nasar, "Coupled Boundary Element Method (BEM) and Finite Element Method (FEM) for Hydroelastic Analysis of Floating Plate" , Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference in Ocean Engineering by :Springer at IIT Madras / / 2019

M. M. Sharma, M. Jangid, P. Kaith, J. Budania and S. Singhal, "CPW Fed Compact Wideband Fractal Antenna" , IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas & Propagation (InCAP 2019) by :IEEE at AHMEDABAD / / 2019

Ajay Dadhich, J.K. Deegwal, M.M. Sharma and S. Yadv, "CPW Fed Monopole Microstrip Antenna for Multiband Wireless Application" , 2019 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Ahemdabad / 1-4 / 2019

Jaiverdhan, M. M. Sharma and R. P. Yadav, "CPW Fed Ultra-Wideband Square Slot Antenna With Wideband Circular Polarization" , 2019 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Ahmedabad / 1-3 / 2019

Anukriti Singh, Aditi Chandra, Rajesh Kumar, Kuldeep Singh, Nilanjan Dey, "Dark Channel Processing for Medical Image Enhancement" , 5th IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering WIECON-ECE by :IEEE at Bangalore / / 2019

R. Jain, A. Laddha and N. Satyanarayana, "DC-DC Converter and Its Multiport Interface" , 16th India Council International Conference (INDICON) by :IEEE at Rajkot, India / 1-4 / 2019

M. M. Sharma, P. Kaith, M. Jangid, J. Budania and S. Singhal, "Decagonal Sierpinski UWB Fractal Antenna With Asymmetric CPW-Feed and Modified Ground for UWB Applications" , IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas & Propagation (InCAP 2019) by :IEEE at AHMEDABAD / / 2019

M. M. Sharma, P. Kaith, M. Jangid, Jaiverdhan and S. Singhal, , "Decagonal Sierpinski UWB Fractal Antenna With Asymmetric CPW-Feed and ModifiedGround" , 2019 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Ahemdabad / / 2019

V.K. Saharan, S. George, S. Saxena, "Degradation and Biodegradability Enhancement of Tannery Waste Effluent Using Hybrid Hydrodynamic Cavitation Processes" , 1st International Conference on Water, Energy and Environment Nexus by :Global Network for Researchers at Istanbul, Turkey / / 2019

Bhuvan Sharma, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, Shakti Vashisth, "Demand Response in the Global Arena: Challenges and Future Trends" , 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India, India / / 2019

Dadhich A., Samdani P., Deegwal J.K., Sharma M.M. , "Design and Investigations of Multiband Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications" , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Book: Soft Computing for Problem Solving by :Springer at Singapore / 37-45 / 2019

Namrata Saxena, Ritu Sharma, K.K.Sharma and Varshali Sharma, "Design and Performance Analysis of Single- Beam Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Low Frequency Applications" , Advanced Communication and Technologies and Network 2019 by :MNIT at Jaipur / 4 / 2019

G. K. Sharma, A. kishor Johar, T. B. Kumar, D. Gupta, J. K. Bhatt and D. Boolchandani, "Design and Performance Evaluation of Differential Ring Oscillators for Cognitive Radio Receiver" , 2019 Women Institute of Technology Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WITCON ECE) by :IEEE at Dehradun Uttarakhand, India / 210-213 / 2019

Prajapat M., Saharia A., Singh G. , "Design of Half Adder Using Electro-Optic Effect in Mach-Zehnder Interferometer" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT) - 2019 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 648) by :Springer at JAIPUR / 265-273 / 2019

R. Dhara, S. K. Jana, M. M. Sharma, Jaiverdhan and I. B. Sharma, "Design of Monopole Slot Antenna by Utilizing Triple Strips for the Quad-Band Circular Polarization" , 2019 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Ahmedabad / 1-4 / 2019

A. Kumar, H. Monga, V. P. Singh, "Design of Proportional Integral Controller for Level Control of Single-Tank System Using Sine-Cosine Algorithm" , International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT) by :IEEE at Tirunveli, India / 523-526 / 2019

S. Rasheed, V. P. Singh, "Design of Wide-Area Power System Stabilizer Considering Packet Drops" , 3rd International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) by :IEEE at Erode, India / 1046-1050 / 2019

Avinash Sharma, Gaurav Kumar Sharma, Arun Kishor Johar, Tangudu Bharat Kumar, Dharmendar Boolchandani, "Design, Analysis and Comparison of PFD Architectures for Fast Locking Frequency Synthesizer" , 2019 Women Institute of Technology Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WITCON ECE) by :IEEE at Dehradun Uttarakhand, India, India / 218-222 / 2019

N. Sharma, U. Shanker, Manviri Rani, "Detection of Concentration of Pesticide Residues in Soft Drinks and Their Degradation by Nanomaterials" , Chemical Constellation Cheminar-2019 by :NIT Jalandhar at JALANDHAR / 148 / 2019

Neha Pal, Madhu Agarwal, Karishma Maheshwari and Yogendra Singh Solanki , "Development and Characterization of Guar Gum Membranes" , International Conference on Energy & Environment: Challenges and Opportunities for Industries by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers Jaipur Regional Centre at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Manish Sharma, Satendra Kumar Singh, Kanupriya Sachdev, Vikas Chandra Janu and Ragini Gupta , "Development of Novel Sorbentmaterials for the Removal of Radionuclides From Water" , International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations to Transform Our World, the 13th Anniversary India-Japan Fest by :BICON at Biyani Group of Colleges, Jaipur / 09 / 2019

S. Sreekumar, K. C. Sharma, R. Bhakar, S. Chawda, F. Teotia, and V. Prakash, "Deviation Charge Reduction of Aggregated Wind Power Generation Using Intelligently Tuned Support Vector Regression" , ICPS 2019 by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2019

Ankur Jain, Amit M. Joshi, "Device Authentication in IoT Using Reconfigurable PUF" , 2nd IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM), by :IEEE at Manama, Bahrain / / 2019

S. Neeli and P. Sharma, "Discretization of Linear Continuous-Time System With State Delay" , "Indian Control Conference" by :IEEE at IIT Hyderabad, India / 1-6 / 2019

Satish Sharma and Han La Poutré, "Distributed Cost Minimization Power Flow in Distribution Systems With DGs" , 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) by :IEEE at Atlanta, GA, USA / / 2019

Amita Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, H. P. Tiwari, Prerna Jain, "Distribution Network Pricing to Mitigate Uncertain Load Scenario" , 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS-2019) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2019

Satyendra Singh, Manoj Fozdar, "Double Sided Bidding Strategy in a Day-Ahead Electricity Market" , ICPS 2019 by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2019

Sharma Y., Zafar R., Jangir R., Singh G., Salim M. , "Dual Band Plasmonic Filter Using Nano Slit Loaded Ring Resonator" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT) - 2019 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 648) by :Springer at JAIPUR / 275-280 / 2019

Talwar, S., Verma, A. K. and Sangal, V. K., "Dual Effect of Photocatalysis and Photo-Fenton for the Removal of Pharmaceutical Effluent" , International Research Conference on Trends and Innovations in Technology, Sciences, Engineering & Management(TSEM2019) by :Jawaharlal Nehru University at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi / / 2019

M. M. Sharma, R. Dhara, S. K. Jana, Jaiverdhan and I. B. Sharma, "Dual-Band Dual-Sense Circularly Polarized Square Slot and Strips Loaded L-Shaped Patch Antenna" , 2019 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Ahmedabad / 1-5 / 2019

Gupta Manjari, Indu S, Bhargava Lava , "Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling in Many-Core Systems Using Adaptive Regression Model" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SIGNAL PROCESSING, VLSI and COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (ICSPVCE-2019) by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2019

Sunil Kumar Jatav, Vijay Kumar Pandey, Parimal P. Kulkarni, U. Pandel, A. K. Nayak and R. K. Duchaniya, "Effect of Air-Quenching on Properties of CaO-Fe2O3 and CaO-B2O3 Simulant Materials for Nuclear Reactor" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Sciences, Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Recent Trends in Sciences, Engineering and Management at Jaipur / / 2019

Vikas Sharma, M.L.Meena, and Mukesh Kumar, "Effect of Chopped Glass Fiber Contents on Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Based Polymer Composites" , International Conference on Material Science & Technology by :Materials Congress 2019 at Paris / / 2019

Priyal pal , Pappu Kumar Burnwal , Mukesh katariya , S Shridhar and S.P. Chaurasia , "Effect of Coagulation Bath on Different Polymeric Membrane Morphology and Performance for the Separation of Glycerol Water Mixture" , International Conference on Energy & Environment:Challenges and Opportunities for Industries by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

KV Sharma, S Khandelwal, N Kaul, "Effect of Distance From Hot Spots on the Relationship of LST With Enhanced Vegetation Index and Road Density" , 39th EARSeL Symposium by :European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories at Salzburg, Austria / / 2019

Deepak Jain, Prateek Laddha, Dilip Sharma and Digambar Singh, "Effect of EGR on Performance and Emissions of C.I Engine Operated on Alternate Fuels: A Review" , Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering by :Krishi Sanskriti Publication at JNU Delhi / / 2019

Harsh Kumar Dixit and T. C. Gupta, "Effect of Pad-Rotation Angle on Properties of Fluid Film in Tilting Pad Journal Bearing." , 3rd International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics (ICC-2019) by :AIP Conference Proceedings at Bikaner, India / 130001 / 2019

Sumit Sharma, Dilip Sharma, Shyam Lal Soni, Digambar Singh, Amit Jhalani, Pushpendra Kumar Sharma, "Effect of Spark Timing on Performance and Emission of Gasoline-Acetylene Fuelled Spark Ignition (S.I.) Engine" , SERB Sponsored 2nd International Conference on NEW and RENEWABLE ENERGY for SUSTAINABLE FUTURE by :SKIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / / 2019

Harsh Kumar Dixit and T. C. Gupta, "Effect of Turbulence on Properties of Fluid Film in Tilting Pad Journal Bearing." , 3rd International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics (ICC-2019) by :AIP Conference Proceedings at Bikaner, India / 130007 / 2019

Saha, A., Rattan, B., Sreedeep, S. and Manna, U. , "Effect of Water Absorbing Polymer Amendment on Water Retention Properties of Cohesionless Soil" , International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics by :Springer at IIT Gandhinagar / / 2019

Rini Singh, Sandeep Gupta, Sapna, Ajay S. Verma, Vibhav K Saraswat, Kamlendra Awasthi, Ankur Jain, Takayuki Ichikawa, and Manoj Kumar, "Effective Use of Bi2O3 Nanoplates in Photocatalytic Degradation of Cationic Dyes" , Indo-German Bilateral Workshop on Membranes for Water and Energy by :CSIR-CSMCRI, India at CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, India / / 2019

Meenakshi Yadav,Gaurav Gopal, and Sushant Upadhyaya, "Effects of Different Solvents in Casting Solution on Morphology of PVDF Flat Sheet Membrane" , CHEMCON - 2019 by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at IIT Delhi (India) / / 2019

Sharma D.,Sharma M.,Saini D., "Effects of Different Types of Noise on Human Cognitive Performance" , 17th International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE-2019) by :Springer at NIT Jalandhar / 55-58 / 2019

Prarthita Basu, Ramesh Chandra Gupta, Vinay Agarwal , "Effects of Sandstone Slurry, the Dosage of Superplasticizer and Water/binder Ratio on the Fresh Properties and Compressive Strength of Self-Compacting Concrete" , International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials by :MaterialsToday Proceeding by Elsevier at IIT BHU / / 2019

Keerthi Sagar Kokkiligadda, Yogendra Gupta, Lava Bhargava, "Efficient and Failure Aware ECC for STT-MRAM Cache Memory" , VLSI Design and Test: 22nd International Symposium, VDAT 2018 by :Springer, Singapore at Madurai, India / 509-520 / 2019

C. Ruhatiya, Himanshu, L. Gao, K. Pareek, "Efficient Battery Thermal Management System Design to Ensure Fast Charging in Extreme Cold Conditions" , International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology(SEGT) by :SEGT at Bangkok, Thailand / / 2019

M. G. Kulthe, R. K. Goyal, A. Dixit, K. Gujar, "Electrical Properties of MWCNTs Reinforced High Performance Polymer Nanocomposites" , International Conference on Chemistry, Environment, and Energy by :Yashavantrao Chavan Institute of Science at Satara / / 2019

F. Teotia, P. Mathuria, R. Bhakar, "Electricity Scheduling for Residential Prosumers With Demand Response" , 2nd Intnl. Conf. on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in India by :MoP at Delhi / / 2019

Poonam Devi, M. Ravi Kumar, "Electro Optic Modulator (MZM) Using KNbO3 Operating at Visible Wavelengths" , International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics by :Conference Proceeding at IIT Delhi / / 2019

A. Saharia, R. K. Maddila, and G. Singh, "Elementary Novel All-Optical Reversible Logic Gate Using Si3N4 Based Optical Microring Resonator" , Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS, OSA Technical Digest by :Optical Society of America at USA / 1-6 / 2019

Paritosh K and Vivekanand V , "Energy Analysis of Simultaneous Alkali Treatment and Dry Anaerobic Digestion of Pearl Millet Straw" , NHBT-2019: International Conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology, Trivandrum, Kerala, India by :Biotech Research Society, India at Trivandrum, Kerala, India / / 2019

Sharma V., Shrimali M. K., Bharti S. D., Datta T. K., "Energy Dissipation and Seismic Response Evaluation of Semi-Rigid Steel Frames at Various Performance Levels" , 16th WCSI by :RAEE at St. Petersburg, Russia / 148 / 2019

Prashant Malik, Mamta Awasthi, and Sunanda Sinha, , "Energy Generation Enhancement of an Existing PV/wind Hybrid System Using Biomass Gasifier" , International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Decision Making (MMDM – 78) by :Beant College of Engineering and Technology at Gurgaspur, Punjab, India / / 2019

Anjali Jain, Sumanth Yamujala, Partha Das, Rohit Bhakar, Jyotirmay Mathur , Priyanka Kushwaha,, "Energy Storage System to Facilitate High RE Penetration: A Techno-Economic Benefit Analysis" , 2nd International Conference on Large-Scale Grid Integration of RE in India by :By Ministry of Power & GIZ Germany at New Delhi / / 2019

Dr. Nidhi Bansal, "Engineering Education in India: A Feminist Perspective" , XXVI International Conference on Socio-Cultural and Technological Transformation: Global and Indian by :Rajasthan Sociological Association at Rajasthan / / 2019

Yashwant Koli N. Yuvaraj Vipin S. Aravindan , "Enhancement of Mechanical Properties for Dissimilar Welded Joint of AISI 304L and AISI 202 Austenitic Stainless Steel" , ICAPIE: International Conference on Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering by :Springer at Delhi / 145-155 / 2019

Deepak Kumar, G. S. Dangayach and P.N. Rao, "Enhancement of Quality of Polypropylene by Optimization of Injection Molding Process Parameters by Using Genetic Algorithm" , SERB Sponsored 2nd International Conference on NEW and RENEWABLE ENERGY for SUSTAINABLE FUTURE by :SKIT JAIPUR at JAIPUR / / 2019

Garg, N, S Shrivastava, "Environmental and Economic Comparison of Frp Reinforcements and Steel Reinforcements in Concrete Beams Based on Design Strength Parameter" , UKIERI Concrete Congress by :UKIERI Concrete Congress at NIT Jalandhar, India / / 2019

Sharma, A., Joshi, S., Kukshal, V., Patnaik, T.K. and Patnaik, A., "Erosion Wear Assessment of Mill Scale Filled Natural Fiber Composite Using Taguchi: Effect of Filler Size" , 2nd International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future (ICONRER-2019) by :Conference Proceeding at SKIT Jaipur / / 2019

Usha Choudhary, Vijay Janyani, "Error Correction Using LDPC Code for Performance Improvement in Clipped and Biased OFDM With Direct Detection Over Optical Fiber" , IEEE 2019 9th Annual Information Technology, Electromechanical Engineering and Microelectronics Conference (IEMECON) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2019

Tarun Verma and Bellatrix Valdaris, "Evaluating the Daylighting Performance of Lecture Halls: A Simulation-Based Approach" , 53rd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association by :Architectural Science Association at IIT Roorkee, India / / 2019

Deepak Verma and Mohit Kant Kaushik, "Experiences From a Flipped Classroom in a CRM Course" , 7th Teaching and Education Conference, London by :IISES at University of London, London / 47 / 2019

Menka, "Experiential Learning in Semiconductor Devices and Physics B.Tech ECE Course: Capacitive Sensor" , STEC2019 by :IIT BHU at IIT BHU / / 2019

M.Vyas, K.Pareek, A. Garg, "Experimental Analysis and Model Development for Short Circuit Abuse Condition of Li-Ion Battery" , International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology(SEGT) by :SEGT at Bangkok, Thailand / / 2019

Patnaik, A., Pawar, M.J., Nagar, R., Sharma, A., "Experimental and Computational Tribo-Performance Assessment of Granite Powder Filled Glass-Epoxy Composites." , Joint Event 2nd International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering & International Conf by :International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and International Conference at Dubai, UAE / / 2019

Gagan Kewalramani, Gaurav Hedau, Sandip Kumar Saha, Amit Agrawal, "Experimental Comparison of Thermal Resistance for Micro Pin Fin Heat Sinks With Different Shapes and Arrangement" , 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference - IHMTC-2019 by :Begell House Inc. at IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India / / 2019

S. Singh, M. Kumar, M.L. Meena, G.S. Dangayach, A. N. Tiwari, "Experimental Investigate the Effect of Parameters in Multipass SAW Process on Boiler and Pressure Vessel Plate" , 2nd International Conference on Recent Innovations & Technological Development in Mechanical Engineering: ICRITDME-2019 by :ICRITDME at Jaipur / / 2019

Karishma Maheshwari, Madhu Agarwal , "Experimental Investigation for RO Reject Treatment Through Nano Filtration Approach" , CHEMCON2019 by : Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at IIT Delhi / / 2019

Rohitash Kumar and U. K. Arun Kumar, "Experimental Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Absorption in a Microreactor and Compared With a Batch System" , 6th International Conference on Microfluidics and LAB-on-CHIP by :Select Biosciences India Private Limited at Hotel Novotel, Mumbai / / 2019

Amit Jhalani, Dilip Sharma, Shyam Lal Soni, Pushpendra Kumar Sharma, "Experimental Investigation of Combustion Duration and Ignition Delay Period on a CI Engine Fueled With Water Emulsified Diesel" , 11th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEE-11) by :IEEE at Chennai India / / 2019

Nisha Goyal and Satish Kumar, "Exploring Behavioural Biases Among Indian Investors: A Qualitative Inquiry," , IISES International Academic Conference, London by :IISES at London / 00-00 / 2019

Sharma, M., Chaturvedi, U., Dangayach, G.S., Sarkar, P, "Exploring Sustainability in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry" , 3rd Indo German Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing by :Springer at BITS PILANI / 1 / 2019

Kuntal Gaur, Jyoti Grover, "Exploring VANET Using Edge Computing and SDN" , International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms by :IEEE at Gangtok, India / / 2019

Bhatt, Preeti, "Extensive Reading for L2 Learners" , The Fifth World Congress on Extensive Reading by :Extensive Reading Foundation at Taichung, Taiwan / / 2019

U. K. Arun Kumar, Mittali Goel , "Extractive Distillation of Acetone-Methanol Mixture Using Solvent Water in Microchannels" , 6th International Conference Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip by :Select Bioscience India Pvt Ltd at Mumbai, India / / 2019

Siddharth Kumar Singh, Harlal Singh Mali, Sanjay Suryawanshi, "Fabrication and Experimentations on Single Phase Microchannel Heat Sink: Effect of Variable Pulsed Flow Condition" , Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN-11) by :IIT INDORE at Indore / / 2019

Nemi Chand Mawari and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Fabrication of CoP@rGO Nanocomposite as a Negative Electrode Material for Supercapacitor Applications" , International Conference on Multifunctional and Hybrid Composite Material for Energy, Environment and Medical Applications (ICMHCEE-2019) by :NIT Tiruchirappalli at National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli / / 2019

Shakil Hossain, MD Mamunur Rahman, Devesh Chawla, Alip Kumar, Prem Prakash Seth, Pallav Gupta, Devendra Kumar, Rajeev Agrawal, Anbesh Jamwal, "Fabrication, Microstructural and Mechanical Behavior of Al-Al2O3-SiC Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites/ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.10.089" , International Conference on Mechanical and Energy Technologies (Scopus Indexed) by :Materials Today Proceedings at Greater Noida / 1458-1461 / 2019

Rahul Paliwal, Shalini Yadav and Neeta Nain, "FaceID: Verification of Face in Selfie and ID Document" , The Forth International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, CVIp2019 by :Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 443-454 / 2019

Harshita Laddha, Priya Yadav, Madhu Agarwal and Ragini Gupta , "Facile Synthesis of Nitrogen, Sulphur and Phosphorous Co-Doped Carbon Dots and Their Application as Switchable Turn “On-Off-On” Sensor for Sequential Detection of Cr(VI) and Ascorbic Acid " , Chemical Constellation Cheminar-2019 by :Dr B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar at NIT, Jalandhar / 21 / 2019

Preeti Jaiswal, Pooja Nigam, Satish Pipralia, "Factors Affecting Urban Land Valuation and Practices in India" , 7th Annual Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE) Conference 2019 by :Global Science and Technology Forum at Singapore / 190-195 / 2019

Gaurav Sharma, Lava Bhargava, "Fast and Memory Leak-Free Verification for Bridge Transitions in VLSI Designs" , Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies: Proceedings of Third International Conference on ICTCS 2017 by :Springer, Singapore at - / 645-653 / 2019

V. Rajinikanth, N. Dey, R. Kumar, J. Panneerselvam, N. S. M. Raja, "Fetal Head Periphery Extraction From Ultrasound Image Using Jaya Algorithm and Chan-Vese Segmentation" , International Conference on Pervasive Computing Advances and Applications (PerCAA-2019) by :Elsevier at Jaipur / / 2019

Faezeh Yeganli and Kuldeep Singh, "Finger-Print Image Super-Resolution via Gradient Operator Based Clustered Coupled Sparse Dictionaries" , IEEE International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications by :IEEE at Sofia, Bulgaria / / 2019

S. Yamujala, A. Jain, P. Das, R. Bhakar, J. Mathur and P. Kushwaha , "Flexible Ramp Product Provision From Grid-Connected Energy Storage Systems" , 2nd International Conference on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in India by :Ministry of Power & GIZ Germany at New Delhi / / 2019

K. Sharma, K.pareek, R. Rohan, P. Kumar, "Flexible Super Capacitor Based on Poly Aniline Nano Wires Electrodeposited on Graphite Foam" , International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) by :ICMAT at Singapore / / 2019

Usha Choudhary, Vijay Janyani, "Forward Error Correction Codes- Reed-Solomon and LDPC for OFDM Over the Optical Fiber Communication Systems" , 3rd International Conference on Optical andWireless Technologies (OWT) 2019 by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 281-288 / 2019

M. M. Sharma, M. Jangid, P. Kaith, Jaiverdhan and S. Singhal, "Fractal Antenna With Modified Partial Ground" , 2019 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Ahmedabad / 1-3 / 2019

Talwar, S., Verma, A. K. and Sangal, V. K. , "Fuller‘s Earth and Foundry Sand Driven Composite for the Application of in-Situ Photo-Fenton and Photocatalysis" , National Conference on Pollution Control Technologies and Sustainable Development by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Kuldeep Singh et al., "Future Battlefield Air Space Management: An Internet of Things (IoT) Based Framework" , International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication by :IEEE at Noida / / 2019

A. Sharma and N. Gupta, "GCDSC-PLL and PAC Based Control of Three-Phase Four-Wire UPQC for Power Quality Improvement" , 5th International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems by :IEEE at SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Chennai / / 2019

Sharma Suman Dharmpal, Prerna Jain, Rohit Bhakar, "Grid-to-Vehicle Smart Charging Strategies for Electric Vehicles Aggregator: A Review and Outlook" , 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS-2019) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Rajesh Singh Gurjar, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Rajeev Agrawal, "Health Effects of Exposure to Inhalable and Inhalable Welding Fumes at Indian Workplaces" , 6th International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering by :CPIE at NIT Jalandhar / / 2019

L. Sadineni, E. S. Pilli and R. B. Battula, "HFM-IoT: A Holistic Forensic Model for Internet of Things" , Fifteenth Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics by :IFIP Springer at Florida, USA / 3-18 / 2019

Jyotsna Singh, Rajive Tiwari, "Hierarchical Coordinated Control of Electric Vehicle Parking Lot in Distribution System" , 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Jaipur, INDIA / 1-6 / 2019

Mainka, Sharma S., Zafar R., Mahdieh M.H., Singh G., Salim M. , "High Contrast Ratio Based All-Optical or and NOR Plasmonic Logic Gate Operating at E Band" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT)-2018 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 546) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Ghunawat A.K., Sharma S., Sahu S., Singh G. , "Highly Sensitive Octagonal Photonic Crystal Fiber for Ethanol Detection" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT)-2018 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 546) by :Springer at Jaipur / 457-466 / 2019

Shivam Anand, Amit Kumar, Meenakshi Tripathi, Manoj Singh Gaur, "Human Face Detection Enabled Smart Stick for Visually Impaired People" , Data Science and Big Data Analytics: ACM-WIR 2018 by :Springer at SAIT, Indore / / 2019

T. Chawla, G. Singh and E. S. Pilli, "HyPSo: Hybrid Partitioning for Big RDF Storage and Query Processing" , ACM India Joint International Conference on Data Science and Management of Data (CoDS-COMAD) 2019 (6th ACM IKDD CoDS and 24th COMAD) by :ACM at Kolkata, India / 188-194 / 2019

Vikas Sharma, M.L.Meena, and Mukesh Kumar, "Hysical and Mechanical Characterization of Sustainable Composites Based on Fly Ash" , SERB Sponsored 2nd International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future by :Department of Mechanical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management and Gramo at Jaipur / / 2019

Rohit Goyal, Priyamitra Munoth, "Identification of Relationships Among Morphometric Parameters and QSWAT Model Output" , SWAT 2019 by :BOKU, Vienna, Austria at Vienna, Austria / - / 2019

Nilesh Hadiya, Falti Teotia, Rohit Bhakar, Parul Mathuria and Shashank Vyas, , "Identifying the Potential for Peer-to-Peer Trading of Rooftop Solar Power for Indian Scenario" , ICPS 2019 by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2019

Nikhil Garwa, Khaleequr Rehman Niazi, "Impact of EV on Integration With Grid System – a Review" , 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2019

Arathy Varghese, Chinnamuthan Periasamy, Lava Bhargava, "Impact of Furnace Annealing and Other Process Failures to Be Taken Care During Fabrication of an AlGaN GaN MOSHEMT" , IEEE SOI-3D-Subthreshold Microelectronics Technology Unified Conference-S3S by :IEEE at San Jose, CA, USA / 1-2 / 2019

S. Sapre, M. Vyas, K. Pareek, "Impact of Refueling Parameters on Storage Density of Compressed Hydrogen Storage Tank" , International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology(SEGT) by :SEGT at Bangkok, Thailand / / 2019

S. Chawda, P. Mathuria, and R. Bhakar, , "Impact of Renewable Energy Availability on Load Serving Entity’s Sale Price and Procurement Decisions" , 2nd International Conference on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in India by :Ministry of Power & GIZ Germany at New Delhi / / 2019

S. Chawda, P. Mathuria, R. Bhakar, "Impact of Renewable Energy Availability on Load Serving Entity’s Sale Price and Procurement Decisions in Demand Response Environment" , 2nd Intnl. Conf. on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in India by :MoP at Delhi / / 2019

K.Pareek, M. Vyas, A. Garg, "Impedance Spectroscopy Based Instability Analysis for Non-Linear Dynamics of Li-Ion Battery" , International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology(SEGT) by :SEGT at Bangkok, Thailand / / 2019

Sharwan Jangid, Ritu Sharma, "Implementation of SAC-OCDMA System Using Generalized Codes Over FSO Channel" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technology (OWT-19) by :Springer at Jaipur / 5 / 2019

Sonal Yadav, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Hemangee K. Kapoor, "Improving Static Power Efficiency via Placement of Network Demultiplexer Over Control Plane of Router in Multi-NoCs" , 56th Annual Design Automation Conference (DAC 2019) by :ACM at Las Vegas, NV, USA / 225 / 2019

A. K. Kesavarapu, P. Kushwaha, V. Prakash, R. Bhakar, "Inertia Emulation Trends in Low Carbon Power System" , ICPS 2019 by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2019

Niyati Gupta, Yash Kumar Mittal, "Integrating Street Vendors in Urban Fabrics" , Annual Technical Volume of Architectural Engineering Division Board by :Institute of Engineering, India at Rajasthan / / 2019

KV Sharma, S Khandelwal, N Kaul, "Intensity Transformation Fusion of Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared (TIR) Imagery" , International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies by :International Conference at MNIT Jaipur / 214-220 / 2019

Singh, S., Singh, S.K., Chaubey, J., Arora, H., Bhandari, K., and Vyas, A. , "Inter-State Mobility of Pesticides Leachate in Underground Water" , American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2019 by :American Geophysical Union at Moscone Centre, San Francisco, USA / / 2019

Anjali Jain, Ravi Dhabhai , AK Dalai and S.P. Chaurasia, "Interactive Effect of Furfural , Acetic Acid and Vanillin on Ethanol Fermentation by S. Cerevisiae Y35" , International Conference on Energy & Environment:Challenges and Opportunities for Industries by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

PV Ramana, "International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Urban Water Management (APHW 2019)" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Urban Water Management (APHW 2019) by :IIT INDORE at IIT Roorkee / / 2019

S. Saha, Abhineet Verma, S. K. Panja, "Ionic Liquids as High Performance Lubricant: A New Alternative to Oil" , 4th International Conference onOil, Gas & Petrochemistry by :IJPR at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / 10 / 2019

Tanuj Rawat, KR Niazi, Nikhil Gupta, Sachin Sharma, "Joint Allocation and Operational Management of DG and BESS in Distribution System in Presence of Demand Response" , 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India, India / / 2019

Ankush Dabra, Kamal Kumar Agrawal, Rohit Misra and Ghanshyam Das Agrawal, "Laboratory Scale Experimental Study to Investigate the Impact of Soil Moisture Content on the Performance of Earth Air Heat Exchanger for Summer Cooling" , ICRITDME-2019 by :JECRC College at JAIPUR / / 2019

Arathy Varghese, Chinnamuthan Periasamy, Lava Bhargava, Lintu Rajan, "Leakage Reduction and Gm Enhancement in GaN HEMT for Enhanced Sensitivity in Fibrinogen Detection From Human Plasma" , IEEE SENSORS 2019 by :IEEE at Montreal, QC, Canada / 1-4 / 2019

A. Varghese, C. Periasamy, L. Bhargava, and L. Rajan, "Leakage Reduction and Transconductance Enhancement in AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT for Detection of Fibrillogen From Human Blood Plasma" , IEEE Sensors Conference, Montreal, Canada by :IEEE at Montreal, Canada / / 2019

R K Yadav, M.L.Mittal, R. Jain, "Lean Practices in Software Development Projects: A Literature Review" , International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology by :Manipal University Jaipur at Jaipur, India / / 2019

Ankit Yadav, Rajeev Agrawal, Anbesh Jamwal, "Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Energy Analysis of Buildings: A Review" , International Conference on Energy, Environment and Material Sciences by :MMMUT Gorakhpur at MMMUT, Gorakhpur / / 2019

Vishal Verma, Jinesh Kumar Jain, Rajeev Agrawal, "Life Cycle Assessment of Corrugated Box" , 3rd IEOM European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operation Management Pilse, Czec Republic, July 23-26, 2019 by :Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operation Management Pilse at Pilsen, Czech Republic / 965-972 / 2019

Prince Ranjan, Rajeev Agrawal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Life Cycle Assessment of Needle Roller Bearing" , 3rd IEOM European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operation Management by :IEOM at Pilsen, Czech Republic / / 2019

Singh AK, Upadhyay A, Vivekanand V , "Life Cycle Assessment of Sewage Sludge-Based Biogas Plant, Delawas, Jaipur INDIA" , NHBT-2019: International Conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology, Trivandrum, Kerala, India by :Biotech Research Society, India at Trivandrum, Kerala, India / / 2019

Preeti Gulia, Arpan Gupta, "Low Frequency Noise Attenuation in Acoustic Panels Using LocallyResonant Sonic Crystal" , Institute of Physics Singapore Meeting 2019 by :IOP Conf. Series Journal of Physics at SUTD Singapore / / 2019

MS Shekhawat, Harlal Singh Mali, APS Rathore, "Macro & Micro- Feature Fabrication on External Cylindrical Surface Using Perimetric Electrical Discharge Texturing" , NFEST by :IOP Ebooks at NIT Kurukshetra / 1-7 / 2019

A Gautam, R Shankar, P Vrat, "Managing End-of-Life Life Solar PV A Futuristic Problem" , Industry Day IIT DELHI by :IIT Delhi at IIT Delhi / / 2019

R. Gupta, S. J. Nanda, "Many-Objective B/NSGA-III for Band Selection in Cloud Contaminated Hyper-Spectral Images" , 18th International Conference on Information Technology (IEEE-ICIT-2019) by :IEEE at IIIT Bhubaneswar / 348-352 / 2019

Rajendra Kumar Solanki, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, "MAPPER: Mapping Application Description to Permissions" , 14th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS 2019) by :Springer at Hammamet, Tunisia / 84-98 / 2019

Ashish Kumar Tripathi, Pranav Saxena, Siddharth Gupta, "MapReduce-Based Dragonfly Algorithm for Large-Scale Data-Clustering" , International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP) by :IEEE at Waknaghat / 171-175 / 2019

Sujil A, R. Kumar, R. C. Bansal, "Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling Based Bayesian Multivariate Linear Spline Load Forecasting Agent for Smart Microgrid Energy Management System" , 8thIET International Conference on Renewable Power Generation (RPG-2019) by :IEEE at Shanghai / / 2019

Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, VK Chaubey, "Maximum Network Flow Aware Multi-Lightpath Survivable Routing in WDM Networks" , Third International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2017) by :Springer at Udaipur,India / 737-748 / 2019

M Kumar, K Lalwani, et al., "Measurement of the CKM Using B→ DK at Belle II Angle φ3" , FPCP 2018 by :Springer at India / / 2019

Ashiwani Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, "Mechanical and Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of B4C and Rice Husk Ash Reinforced Al 7075 Alloy Hybrid Composite for Armors Application by Using Taguchi Techniques" , International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Methods by :Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NIT Tiruchirapplli at Tamil Nadu / / 2019

Ramesh Chandra Gupta, Prarthita Basu and Shristhi Agarwal, "Mechanical Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Containing Sandstone Slurry" , 6th International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing (ICMMM-2019)’, Boston by :ICMMM Organizing Committees at Boston, USA / / 2019

Vikas Sharma, M.L. Meena, and Mukesh Kumar, "Mechanical Properties of Unfilled and Particulate Filled Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites - a Review" , Advances in Polymer Composites: Mechanics, Characterization and Applications by :AIP Conference Proceedings at Published by AIP Publishing / / 2019

Siddhant Srivastav and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Metal Organic Framework Derived Ni-Co-MOF for All Solid State Asymmetric Supercapacitor Application" , International Conference on Multifunctional and Hybrid Composite Material for Energy, Environment and Medical Applications (ICMHCEE-2019) by :NIT Tiruchirappalli at NIT Tiruchirappalli, India / / 2019

Vijay Kumar Pandey, Sunil Kumar Jatav, U. Pandel, R. K. Duchaniya, "Microstructural Analysis of CaO-Fe2O3 Heat Treated at Different Temperature" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Sciences, Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Recent Trends in Sciences, Engineering and Management at Jaipur / / 2019

Rachna, U. Shanker, Manviri Rani, "Mineralization of Tricyclic Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons Through Sunlight Based TiO2@ZnHCF Nanocomposite" , Chemical Constellation Cheminar-2019 by :NIT Jalandhar at JALANDHAR / 145 / 2019

M. M. Sharma, I. B. Sharma and Jaiverdhan, "Miniaturized Quad Band Monopole Microstrip Antenna for Deep Space Communication Applications" , 2019 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP) by :IEEE at Ahemdabad / 1-4 / 2019

Shruthi Srinivasan, Arka Prokash Mazumdar, "Mitigating Content Poisoning in Content Centric Network: A Lightweight Approach" , 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (IEEE-ICCCNT-2019) by :IEEE at IIT Kanpur, India / 1-6 / 2019

Agrawal, A.K., Sharma, M. and Mehrotra, P.K., "Mobile Number Portability and Impact of Reliance Jio on Telecom Sector: A Case Study" , 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE) by :ICIE at SVNIT Surat / / 2019

A. Laddha, N. Satyanarayana and R. Jain, "Modeling and Analysis of Four-Port DC-DC Converter" , 2019 International Conference on Power Electronics, Control and Automation (ICPECA) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / 1-6 / 2019

Abdul Wahab Hashmi, Deepanshu Singh, Harlal Singh Mali and Anoj Meena, "Modeling and Simulation Techniques for Loose Abrasive Based Machining" , Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN-11) by :IIT INDORE at Indore / / 2019

Anbesh Jamwal, Rajeev Agrawal, Sumit Gupta, Govind Sharan Dangayach, Monica Sharma, MD Aktar Zahid Sohag, "Modelling of Sustainable Manufacturing Barriers in Pharmaceutical Industries of Himachal Pradesh: An ISM-Fuzzy Approach/ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-2647-3_15" , International Conference on Mechanical and Energy Technologies (Scopus Indexed) by :Springer, Singapore at Greater Noida / 157-167 / 2019

Jamwal A,Agarwal R,Gupta S,Dangayach G.S, Sharma M., "Modelling of Sustainable Manufacturing Barriers in Pharmaceutical Industries of Himachal Pradesh:: An ISM-Fuzzy Approach " , International Conference on Mechanical and Energy Technologies by :Springer at Greater Noida / / 2019

DIvesh Kumar Monika Sheoran Sneha Pandey, "Modelling the Enablers of Sustainable Value Co-Creation at Tourist Destinations" , IISES International Academic Conference, London by :IISES at University of London / / 2019

S. Garg, B. Katiyar, V. P. Singh, P. K. Mishra, "Modified Sine-Cosine Algorithm-Based Resource Allocation Scheme for 5G Networks" , 22nd International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC) by :IEEE at Lisbon, Portugal / - / 2019

Mohit Kant Kaushik and Deepak Verma, "MOOCs Acceptance Among Indian Students" , 3rd AFU International Conference: Towards Advanced Scientific Knowledge (TASK3-2019) in Business Sciences by :AFU, Dubai at Al Falah University, Dubai / / 2019

H. Soni, V. Gupta, R. Kumar, "Motion Planning Using Reinforcement Learning for Electric Vehicle Battery Optimization (EVBO)" , 2019 International Conference on Power Electronics, Control and Automation (ICPECA) by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2019

Lavika Goel, Shreedhar Dalal, Swarup N, "Multi-Lingual Paraphrase Detection Using Shared CNN–GRU Model" , ICCCMLA 2019: International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition, 16th - 17th August 2019, Goa by :Springer at Goa, India / / 2019

G. N. Kumar, C. P. Kumar, V. H. Rao, A. Joseph, S. J. Nanda, "Multi-Objective Clustering Using Find-Fix-Finish-Exploit-Analyze F3EA Algorithm" , 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, IEEE-ICCCNT-2019 by :IEEE at IIT Kanpur / 1-6 / 2019

N. Patel, N. Gupta, and B. Chitti Babu, "Multifunctional VSC Controlled Solar Photovoltaic System With Active Power Sharing and Power Quality (PQ) Improvement Features" , 1st International Conference on Energy, Systems and Information Processing by :IEEE at IIITD&M, Kancheepuram, Chennai / / 2019

N. Yadav, M. L. Meena, "Musculoskeletal Disorders of Pregnant Women at Different Workplaces: A Short Review" , International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment: HWWE by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / / 2019

N. Yadav, M. L. Meena, "Musculoskeletal Disorders of Workers in Foundry Industry: A Short Review" , 6th International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering: CPIE by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / / 2019

Karishma Maheshwari, Madhu Agarwal, "Nano-Filtration Experimental Approach for Treatment of RO Reject" , 3rd Edition of Water Treatment & Management Summit by :WTMS New Delhi at New Delhi / / 2019

Falaswal M.K., Mudgal N., Singh G., "Nanorod Dimer Based Optical Fiber Plasmonic Sensor" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT) - 2019 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 648) by :Springer at JAIPUR / 325-332 / 2019

Prashant Sharma, Rini Singh, R. Sharma, Ravindra Mukhiya, Kamlendra Awasthi, and Manoj Kumar, "Nanostructured Bismuth Oxide EGFET Based pH Sensors for Water Filtration" , Indo-German Bilateral Workshop on Membranes for Water and Energy by :CSIR-CSMCRI, India at CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, India / / 2019

K.Lalwani et al., "New Results on Charmonium Like States at Belle" , Meson 2018 by :Proceedings of Science at Cracow / / 2019

Gupta M. K., Ambrish, Singh G., "Next-Generation PON With Enhanced Spectral Efficiency: Analysis and Design" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT) - 2019 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 648) by :Springer at JAIPUR / 485-495 / 2019

Amritpal Singh, Neeraj Kumar, Manish Kumar. , "Nodal Integral Immersed Boundary Method for Convection Diffusion Flows in Complex Domain. " , 3rd International and 25th National Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC)-2019 by :ISHMT at IIT-Roorkee, India. / / 2019

Meenakshi Yadav, Sushant Upadhyaya, and Kailash Singh, "Non Linear Regression Modeling and Study the Effect of Process Parameters on PVDF-TiO2 Hydrophobic Membrane Properties" , International Conference on Energy & Environment:Challenges and Opportunities for Industries by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Nemi Chand Mawari and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Novel Mn-Ni-Co-Oxide (MNCO)@rGO Ternary Ribbon Like Heteronanocomposite for Supercapacitor Applications" , International Conference on Advanced Materials for Energy Science and Technology (ICAMEST-2019) by :North-East Hill University at North-East Hill Univ., Shillong, Meghalaya, India / / 2019

Arjun SIngh Chauhan, Vineet Sahula, A. S. Mandal, "Novel Randomized & Biased Placement for FPGA Based Robust Random Number Generator With Enhanced Uniqueness" , IEEE 32nd International Conference on VLSI Design by :IEEE USA at New Delhi / / 2019

Nemi Chand Mawari and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Novel Synthesis of CoO@Mn-Ni-Co-Zn-Oxide Quaternary Ribbon Like Heteronanoarray for Smart Energy Storage Device Applications" , 47th World Chemistry Congress of IUPAC by :IUPAC at Le Palais Des Congrès of Paris, France / / 2019

Nemi Chand Mawari and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Novel Synthesis of Mn-Ni-Co-Zn-Oxide Quaternary Ribbon Like Heteronanoarray for Smart Energy Storage Applications" , International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics With Applications (CAMNP-2019) by :Delhi Technological University at Delhi Technological University, India / / 2019

Yogesh Kumar Sonia and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Novel Synthesis of NiCo2S4-GCN (Graphitic Carbon Nitrite) Composite for High-Performance Supercapacitor Application" , International Conference for Nanotechnology on Better Living (NBL-2019) by :NIT Srinagar at National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India / / 2019

Yogesh Kumar Sonia and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Novel Synthesis of Rod Like CuCo2S4 for High Performance Solid State Asymmetric Supercapacitor Application" , International Conference on Multifunctional and Hybrid Composite Material for Energy, Environment and Medical Applications (ICMHCEE-2019) by :NIT Tiruchirappalli at NIT Tiruchirappalli, India / / 2019

KM Kanika, Santosh Chaudhary, "Numerical Analysis for Effect of Newtonian Heating Condition on MHD Flow of Cu-Water Nanofluid Past a Flat Plate" , Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology & Management SUSCOM-2019 by :SSRN at Jaipur / 562-570 / 2019

Kalra S., Vyas S., Tiwari M., Singh G., "Numerical Investigation of Nonlinear Parameters of Chalcogenide-Based Holey Fiber for Supercontinuum Generation in Mid-Infrared Region" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT) - 2019 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 648) by :Springer at JAIPUR / 541-549 / 2019

Shiv Om Meena, "Nutrient Release Pattern From Neem Oil Coated Urea Fertilizer in Soil Domain" , 13th Budapest International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences (BCAEBS-19) by :Emirates Research Publishing at Budapest, Hungary / / 2019

Manoj Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Oligosaccharides and Deoxyglycosides Synthesis Fromthe Glycals (OP-38, BICON-2019)." , 14th Biyani International Conference (BICON-2019) on Emerging Sustainable Technologies and Innovations for Safe Water and Health by :BICON at Biyani College-Jaipur / 38 / 2019

Harshit Kr. Agarwal, Meenakshi Tripathi, "OLWS: Optimized Light Weight Secure Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks" , 4th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON) by :IEEE at Mathura, India / / 2019

Jyoti Grover, Anshul Mehta, "On Demand Multipath Routing Protocol for Emergency Ad Hoc Networks" , International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication by :IEEE at Gangtok, India / / 2019

B Schwenker, ...K.Lalwani et al., "Operational Experience and Commissioning of the Belle II Vertex Detecor" , Vertex 2018 by :Proceedings of Science at India / / 2019

B Schwenker, ...K.Lalwani et al., "Operational Experience and Commissioning of the Belle II Vertex Detector" , Vertex 2018 by :Proceedings of Science at India / / 2019

Sumanth Yamujala, Anjali Jain, Rohit Bhakar, Jyotirmay Mathur and Priyanka Kushwaha, "Operational Flexibility Enhancement Through Flexible Ramp Products From Energy Storage" , ICPS 2019 by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2019

Sonam Parashar, Anil Swarnkar, KR Niazi, Nikhil Gupta, "Operational Management of Grid Connected Microgrid With Responsive Loads" , 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India, India / / 2019

Ashish Kumar, Mahanth Prasad, Vijay Janyani, RP Yadav, "Optical Characterization of RF Sputtered AIN Thin Film for Acoustic and Optoelectronics Devices" , 9th Annual Information Technology, Electromechanical and Mechatronics Conference (IEMECON), Jai by :IEEE at Jaipur / 60-63 / 2019

Ashish Kumar, Mahanth Prasad, Vijay Janyani, R.P Yadav, "Optical Characterization of RF Sputtered AlN Thin Film for Acoustic and Optoelectronics Devices" , IEEE 2019 9th Annual Information Technology, Electromechanical Engineering and Microelectronics Conference (IEMECON) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2019

Chandra Prakash Barala, P. Mathuria, and R. Bhakar,, "Optimal Scheduling for Residential Building Based on Virtual Energy Storage System" , ICPS 2019 by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2019

Avdesh Singh Pundir, Kailash Singh, Girish Tyagi, Sunil Rajoriya, "Optimal Temperature Control for a Real-Time Identified Fixed Bed Reactor" , 2nd National Conference on Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering(ACEE’19) by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / / 2019

Avdesh Singh Pundir, Kailash Singh, Girish Tyagi, Sunil Rajoriya, "Optimal Weight Sensitivity Based Temperature Control for a Real-Time Identified Fixed Bed Reactor" , 2nd National Conference on Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering(ACEE’19) by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / / 2019

Kanika Saxena, Urmila Brighu, "Optimised Coagulation of Humic Acid and Mineral Turbidity at Alkaline pH Using High Basicity PACl" , IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water by :International Water Association at Tokyo, Japan / / 2019

Shubham Nagar, Vishu Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Akhilesh Mathur, Vinay Pratap Singh, "Optimizing Billing Cost and Revenue in PV - BES Integrated Residential Society" , ICPS 2019 by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Saharia A., Maddila R.K., Ismail T., Fahim I.S., Tiwari M., Singh G. , "Parametric Analysis of Optical Microring Resonator" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT) - 2019 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 648) by :Springer at JAIPUR / 307-315 / 2019

Choudhary, M., Sharma, A., Shekhawat, D., Kiragi, V. R., Nigam, R., Patnaik, A., "Parametric Optimization of Erosion Behavior of Marble Dust Filled Aramid/Epoxy Hybrid Composite" , International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology & Management (SUSCOM-2019) by :SSRN at Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur / / 2019

Prathamesh M. Khatu, V K Sangal, Manish Vashitha, "Parametric Study for the Treatment of Amaranth Dye Wastewater by Electro-Oxidation Using Ti/TiO2RuO2 Mixed Metal Oxide Anode" , International Conference on Energy and Environment: Challenges and Opportunities for Industries by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Shivangi, Anubhav Johri, Ashish Tripathi, "Parkinson Disease Detection Using Deep Neural Networks" , International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3) by :IEEE at Noida / 1-4 / 2019

Gyanendra Kumar, Ramesh Chandra Gupta, Sandeep Shrivastava , "Paver Blocks Manufactured From Construction & Demolition Waste doi.org10.1016j.matpr.2019.11.039" , ICRAMM19 Materials Today Proceedings 27 311-317 2020 by :International Conference on Recent Advance in Materials & Manufacturing ICRAMM19 at Belagavi, Karnataka, India / / 2019

Gyanendra Attri, Ramesh Chandra Gupta and Sandeep Shrivastava , "Paver Blocks Manufactured From Construction and Demolition Waste" , International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing by :Materials Today Proceeding by Elsevier , at MSSCET, Belagavi, Karnataka / / 2019

Ashish Jain, Jyoti Grover, "Performance Assessment of Thirteen Crossover Operators Using GA" , Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Book: Soft Computing for Problem Solving by :Springer at Bhuwneshar / 761-769 / 2019

H. Godara, M. C. Govil, E. S. Pilli, "Performance Evaluation of Tree Ensemble Classification Models Towards Challenges of Big Data Analytics" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering by :Springer at Jaipur / 141-154 / 2019

N. Sajwan, I. Sharma, A. Kumar, and L. Balyan, "Performance of Multiplierless FIR Filter Based on CSD and Binary: A Comparative Study" , ICSP, IEEE Conference by :IEEE at Noida / 1-5 / 2019

K.Lalwani, et al., "Performance Studies of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector" , Vertex 2018 by :Proceedings of Science at India / / 2019

P. Bhangdia, Dr. N. Kumar, V. Saraswa, Dr. P. Nigam, Prof A. Ranjan, "Planning for Disaster Resilience a Case of Chandrashekharpur Zone, Bhubaneshwar;" , International Conference on Future Cities; by :- at IIT Roorkee / / 2019

Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "Planning of EV Fast Charging Stations for Distribution System Coupled With Transportation Network" , IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE USA at Atlanta, USA / - / 2019

Manviri Rani, "Plastic as a Source of Hazardous Additives in Environment: Hexabromocyclododecanes in Expanded Polystyrene Fragments" , Chemical Constellation Cheminar-2019 by :NIT Jalandhar at JALANDHAR / 16 / 2019

Saini J. K., Saharia A., Ismail T., Fahim I.S., Tiwari M., Singh G., "Polarization Encoded Multi-Logic Functions With Direct Detection" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT) - 2019 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 648) by :Springer at JAIPUR / 299-305 / 2019

Maninder Singh Nehra, Neeta Nain, Mushtaq Ahmed, Deepa Modi, "POS Tagging and Structural Annotation of Handwritten Text Image Corpus of Devnagari Script" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering by :Springer, Singapore at Jaipur / 286-297 / 2019

O. P. Mehela, P. Gupta, S. Ali, and N. Gupta, "Power Quality Improvement in Renewable Energy Sources Based Power System Using DSTATCOM Supported by Battery Energy Storage System" , 5th International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems by :IEEE at SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Chennai / / 2019

Aditya Choudhary, Urmila Brighu, Kanika Saxena, "Pre-Treatment of Industrial Wastewater Using Low-Cost Sand Filter" , International Conference on Industrial Water, Energy and Environment by :CODISSIA at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu / / 2019

Pranav Dave, Amit M. Joshi, "Prediction Based Method for Faster Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Using OMP" , 2nd IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM), by :IEEE at Manama, Bahrain / / 2019

Shiv Om Meena, "Prediction of Nutrient Release From Neem Coated Urea Using Linear Support Vector Machines Model" , ICMMAAC-19 by :JECRC College at Jaipur / / 2019

P. Kushwaha, V.Prakash, R. Bhakar, Udaykumar R. Yaragatti, S. Yamujala, A. Jain, "Primary Frequency Response Constrained Energy Storage Scheduling Under Photovoltaic Generation" , ICPS 2019 by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2019

Patidar K., and Vashishtha M, "Process Analysis of Biodiesel Production From Non-Edible Oil Using ASPEN PLUS Software" , National Conference on Pollution Control Technologies and Sustainable Development by :National Conference on Pollution Control Technologies and Sustainable Development at Jaipur / / 2019

Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya, S.P. Chaurasia and Rakesh Baghel, "Process Optimization for Energy Consumption and Salt Removal in Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination" , International Conference on Energy & Environment: Challenges and Opportunities for Industries by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers Jaipur Regional Centre at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

M. Khandelwal, P. Mathuria, R. Bhakar, "Profit Based Self Scheduling of Virtual Power Plant Under Multiple Locational Marginal Prices" , National Power System Conference 2019 by :IEEE at Tirchi / / 2019

S. Nagar, V. Gupta, R. Kumar, V. P. Singh, A. Mathur, "PV-BES Integrated Residential Society Governed Electrical Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS)" , 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS-2019) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2019

Megha singh, Amit M. Joshi, "Real-Time ECG Based Authentication Using Hardware Accelerated Implementation on Zynq SoC" , 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at NIT, Rourkela / / 2019

Dr. Nidhi Bansal, "Recreation in Cyberspace: A Study of Leisure Pattern Among Engineering Students" , Leisure and Social Development in the Post-Modern Era- Contemporary Issues and Challenges by :International Sociological Association at Lucknow University, Lucknow / / 2019

Aakanksha Gurawa, Sudhir kashyap, "Regioselective Azidation of Alkenes Using Sulfonium Iodate Reagent. (P-42, ISCB-2019)." , 25th ISCB International Conference; Frontiers Research in Chemistry & Biology Interface (ISCB-2019) by :ISCB at Lucknow / 42 / 2019

Yash Kumar Mittal, Sobhagya Mittal, "RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CITY, CAMPUS DESIGN and SOCIAL INTERACTION in CAMPUSES of HIGHER EDUCATION: A CASE of GERMAN UNIVERSITIES" , FARU 2019 International Research Conference- Re-Evaluating Space Across Disciplines by :FARU Proceedings, University of Moratuwa at Sri Lanka / 90-97 / 2019

Yash Kumar Mittal, "Relationship Between City, Campus Design and Social Interation in Camppus of Higher Education: Case of Germany" , FARU 2019 International Research Conference- Re-Evaluating Space Across Disciplines by :FARU Proceedings, University of Moratuwa at Sri Lanka / / 2019

Manviri Rani, Uma Shanker, "Releasing of Hexabromocyclododecanes From Expanded Polystyrenes in Water -Field and Laboratory Experiments" , Environmental Analysis India by :Select Bioscience India Pvt Ltd at New Delhi / / 2019

Yogendra Singh Solanki, Madhu Agarwal, Karishma Maheshwari, Sanjeev Gupta, Pushkar Shukla, AB Gupta, "Removal Fluoride From Water Using Inorganic Polymeric Coagulant" , RTESD ENV-2019 by :Springer at VGU Jaipur / / 2019

Uma Shanker, Manviri Rani, Rachna, "Removal of Bisphenol a From Water by Sunlight Active ZnO@ZnHCF Nanocomposites" , Environmental Analysis India by :Select Bioscience India Pvt Ltd at New Delhi / / 2019

B. Verma, U. Shanker, Manviri Rani, "Removal of Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Water by Nanomaterials" , Chemical Constellation Cheminar-2019 by :NIT Jalandhar at JALANDHAR / 147 / 2019

Madhu Agarwal, Karishma Maheshwari. , "Removal of Congo-Red Dye by Using Activated Carbon Developed From Biowaste" , 13th BUDAPEST International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences (BCAEBS-19) by :Emirates Association of Chemical, Biological & Environment Engineers at Budapest / / 2019

Sudhanshu Singh, Rohitash Kumar, V. Subbaramaiah, U. K. Arun Kumar, "Removal of Organic Acid From Wastewater Using Solvent Extraction in Microchannels" , National Symposium on Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Future Perspective by :NIT Surathkal at NIT Surathkal / / 2019

J.Yadav, Manviri Rani, U. Shanker, "Removal of Organic Pollutants by Nanomaterials" , Chemical Constellation Cheminar-2019 by :NIT Jalandhar at JALANDHAR / 142 / 2019

Anjali Awasthi, Sakshi Batra, Dipaloy Datta, "Removal of Reactive Dye Using Solvent Impregnated Resin" , 9th International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Process (ICCCP 2019) by :ICCCP at National University of Singapore, Singapore / / 2019

Md. Aktar Zahid Sohag, Priyanka Kumari, Rajeev Agrawal, Sumit Gupta and Anbesh Jamwal, "Renewable Energy in Bangladesh: Current Status and Future Potentials/ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-2647-3_32" , International Conference on Mechanical and Energy Technologies(Scopus Indexed) by :Springer, Singapore at Greater Noida / 353-363 / 2019

Vern S., Shrimali M.K., Bharti S.D., Datta T.K., "Response Control of Base Isolated Liquid Storage Tank Under Bi-Directional Earthquake" , 16th WCSI by :RAEE at St. Petersburg, Russia / 220 / 2019

Karishma Maheshwari, Madhu Agarwal , "Reverse Osmosis Reject Treatment Using Capacitive Deionization Approach" , International Conference on Energy & Environment: Challenges and Opportunities for Industries by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers Jaipur Regional Centre at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Prarthita Basu, Ramesh Chandra Gupta, Vinay Agarwal and Sanjeev Kumar, "Rheological Characteristics, Microstructural Property and Compressive Strength of Self-Compacting Concrete Containing Dholpur Sandstone Slurry as Partial Replacement of Cement" , UKIERI Concrete Congress by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT-JALANDHAR / 191 / 2019

Siddhant Srivastav and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Ribbon Like NiCo2O4 for All-Solid State Asymmetric Supercapacitor Application" , International Conference on Electrochemistry in Industry, Health and Environment (EIHE-2020) by :BARC at BARC, Mumbai, India / / 2019

Chandni Khandelwal, Satish Kumar, Deepak Verma, "Risk Disclosure Practices of Indian Companies: An Exploratory Study " , Doctoral Concalve 2019 by :Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Narayanan Krishnan, Girish Ganesan Ramanathan, B Mahadevan, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui, Manoj Fozdar, "Robust Islanding Identification Technique for Single DG Distribution Networks and Rank Based Load Shedding" , IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia by :IEEE at Chengdu, China / 3959-3964 / 2019

Hrushikesh M. Gade, Hiya Goswami, Jyoti R. Seth, "Role of Additive in Altering Stearic Acid Crystal Habit : A Molecular Dynamics Investigation " , Department of Atomic Energy - Computational Chemistry Symposium by :Conference Proceedings at Bhabha Atomic Research Center / / 2019

Hrushikesh M. Gade, Hiya Goswami, Jyoti R. Seth, "Role of Additives in Altering Stearic Acid Crystal Habit : A Molecular Dynamics Investigation" , CompFlu 2019 by :Conference Proceedings at IISER, Bhopal / / 2019

A. Sharma, E. S. Pilli, A. P. Mazumdar, "RraR: Robust Recommendation Aggregation Using Retraining in Internet of Things" , IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) by :IEEE at Limerick, Ireland / 76-80 / 2019

Metali Sarkar, Vikas K. Sangal, Haripada Bhunia, Pramod K. Bajpai, Harish j. Pant, Vijay K. Sharma, "RTD Study and Analysis of Secondary Clarifier Using Radiotracer Techniques" , Energy and Environment: Challenges and Opportunities for Industries by :MNIT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Praveen Kumar Chandaliya, Vardhman KumarMayank HarjaniNeeta Nain, "SCDAE: Ethnicity and Gender Alteration on CLF and UTKFace Dataset" , The Forth International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, CVIp2019 by :Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 294-306 / 2019

Sharma V., Shrimali M.K., Bharti S.D., Datta T.K., "Seismic Energy Dissipation in Semi-Rigid Connected Steel Frames" , 16th WCSI by :RAEE at St. Petersburg, Russia / 147 / 2019

Bharti S. D. , Bhandari M., Shrimali MK, Datta T.K., "Seismic Performance Evaluation by Capacity Spectrum Method for Base-Isolated Frames" , 16th WCSI by :RAEE at St. Petersburg, Russia / 206 / 2019

Bhandari M., Gupta A., Bharti S. D., Shrimali M. K, "Seismic Performance of Base-Isolated Frame Subjected to Near-Field Earthquakes" , 16th WCSI by :RAEE at St. Petersburg, Russia / 203 / 2019

Manish Kumar, M.L.Mittal, Gunjan Soni and Dheeraj Joshi, "Selection and Scheduling of Interdependent Projects Using a Modified Genetic Algorithm" , Ninth International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society by :IEOM USA at Bangkok / / 2019

Bhaiya V., Bharti S.D., Shrimali M.K., Datta T.K., "Semi-Active Control Using MR Dampers for Random Ground Motion" , 16th WCSI by :RAEE at St. Petersburg, Russia / 74 / 2019

N. Sandeep, Arun Kumar Verma and Udaykumar R. Y, "Seven-Level Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter Topology With Voltage Boosting Capability " , 54th IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting by :IEEE at Baltimore, USA / 1-5 / 2019

Vikash Kumar, Vivek Kumar, Ditipriya Sinha, Ayan Kumar Das, "Simulation Analysis of DDoS Attack in IoT Environment" , 4th International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Om Ji Shukla, Gunjan Soni and Rajesh Kumar , "Simulation Modeling for Manufacturing System Application Using Simulink/SimEvents" , 7th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving by :Springer at Liverpool / 751-760 / 2019

A. V. Bourdine, V. A. Burdin, A. E. Zhukov, G. Singh, V. Janyani , "Simulation-Based Prediction of 100-μM-Core Multimode Optical Fiber Bandwidth for 10GBase-LX Systems" , Systems of Signals Generating and Processing in the Field of on Board Communications by :IEEE USA at Moscow, Russia / 1-8 / 2019

A. Verma, H. Monga, V. P. Singh, "Sine-Cosine Algorithm Based PID Controller Design for Interacting Three-Tank System With Linear Resistance Elements" , International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT) by :IEEE at Tirunveli, India / 587-591 / 2019

Mukesh Kumar, and Ashiwani Kumar, "Sliding Wear Performance of Graphite Reinforced AA6061 Alloy Composites for Rotor Drum-Disk Application" , International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Methods by :Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NIT Tiruchirapplli at Tamil Nadu / / 2019

Dhanraj Chitara, Nand K. Meena, Jin Yang, K. R. Niazi , Anil Swarnkar , Nikhil Gupta , and Eduardo Vega-Fuentes, "SMALL-SIGNAL STABILITY ENHANCEMENT of MULTI-MACHINE POWER SYSTEM USING CUCKOO and HARMONY SEARCH OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES " , International Conference on Applied Energy 2019 by :International Conference on Applied Energy 2019 at Sweden / / 2019

Ujjal Halder, "Smart City-Smart Approach and the Role of the Urban Local Body" , Research Conclave by REVA University, Bengaluru by :Conference Proceeding at Bengaluru / / 2019

Sudhanshu Singh, Rohitash Kumar, U.K Arun Kumar, "Solvent Extraction of Carboxylic Acid From Aqueous Solution in PMMA Microchannel" , 2nd National Conference on Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering(ACEE’19) by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / / 2019

S.Halder, ... Kavita Lalwani et.al, "Spatial Resolution of the BelleII Silicon Vertex Detector" , Vertex 2018 by :Proceedings of Science at India / / 2019

Avinash Chandra Pandey, Ashish Kumar Tripathi, Raju Pal, Himanshu Mittal, Mukesh Saraswat, "Spiral Salp Swarm Optimization Algorithm" , International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON) by :IEEE at Mathura / 722-727 / 2019

Ajit Singh and T. C. Gupta, "Stability Analysis of Turbocharger Rotor System Supported on Fluid Film Bearings." , 3rd International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics (ICC-2019) by :AIP Conference Proceedings at Bikaner, India / 130009 / 2019

A. Laddha, N. Satyanarayana and K. Vijayakumar, "State Frame of Multi-Port DC-DC Converter" , National Power System Conference 2019 by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2019

A. Laddha, N. Satyanarayana and K. Vijayakumar, "State-Space Modeling for a 4-Port DC-DC Converter" , IEEE Conf. NPEC by :IEEE at Tiruchirappalli, India / 1-6 / 2019

Vikash Kumar, Ayan Kumar Das, Ditipriya Sinha, "Statistical Analysis of the UNSW-NB15 Dataset for Intrusion Detection" , Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition by :Springer, Singapore at IIEST Shibpur / / 2019

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereodivergent Azidation of Alkenes Employing Sulfonium Iodate (I) Reagent (OP-23, BICON-2019)." , 14th Biyani International Conference (BICON-2019) on Emerging Sustainable Technologies and Innovations for Safe Water and Health by :BICON at Biyani College-Jaipur / 23 / 2019

Manoj Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective Synthesis of Deoxyglycosides and Glycomimetics From Glycals. (P-44, ISCB-2019)." , 25th ISCB International Conference; Frontiers Research in Chemistry & Biology Interface (ISCB-2019) by :ISCB at Lucknow / 44 / 2019

Manoj Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective Synthesis of Deoxysugar and Glycomimetics From Glycals.(OP-23, ICBTM-2019)." , Proceedings1st International Conference on Integrative Chemistry, Biology and Translational Medicine by :Hansraj College University of Delhi & Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, USA at Hansraj College University of Delhi, India / 23 / 2019

V. Prakash, P. Kushwaha, K. C. Sharma and R. Bhakar, "Stochastic Security Constrained Economic Dispatch for Primary Frequency Response Adequacy Under Uncertain Wind Generation" , 2nd International Conference on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in India by :Ministry of Power & GIZ Germany at New Delhi / / 2019

Nidhi Sharma, "Student Wellbeing and Role of Educators: A Case Study of Indian University Students" , 4th International Conference on Buisness Management, Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities by :ASRES at Bali, Indonesia / / 2019

Mohit Kant Kaushik and Deepak Verma, "Students’ Readiness for Digital Learning in Indian Universities" , IIM Indore - NASMEI Summer Marketing Information Systems Conference: Smart Marketing in Digital Age by :Emerald at Indore / 266 / 2019

Singhatiya A., and Vashishtha M., "Studies on Air and Water Pollution Treatment Using Nanometerials" , National Conference on Pollution Control Technologies and Sustainable Development by :National Conference on Pollution Control Technologies and Sustainable Development at Jaipur / / 2019

Mudgal N., Falaswal M.K., Ismail T., Fahim I.S., Tiwari M., Singh G., "Study of Approaches to Implement the Prism Based Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT) - 2019 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 648) by :Springer at JAIPUR / 353-362 / 2019

Gautam Raina, Sunanda Sinha, "Study of PV Systems Using Fin Augmentation in Real Outdoor Condition" , ICPS 2019 by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Prathamesh M. Khatu, V K Sangal, Manish Vashitha, "Study on the Degradation of Amaranth Dye by Electro-Oxidation Method" , National Conference on Pollution Control Technologies and Sustainable Development by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Saurabh Ranjan Srivastava, Yogesh Kumar Meena, Girdhari Singh, "Subgame Perfect Equilibrium-Based Framework for Counterterror Solution" , 2nd International Conference on Smart IoT Systems: Innovations and Computing (SSIC) by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 207-218 / 2019

Saurabh Ranjan Srivastava, Yogesh Kumar Meena and Girdhari Singh, "Subgame Perfect Equilibrium-Based Framework for Counterterror Solution Modeling" , Second International Conference on Smart IoT Systems - Innovations in Computing (SSIC-2019) by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 207-218 / 2019

Uttam Singh, P K Sharma, "Subsurface Characterization Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography" , 8th International Groundwater Conference by :IGWC at IIT Roorkee / / 2019

Uttam Singh, P K Sharma, "Subsurface Characterization Using Resistivity Meter and Ground Magnetic Resonance" , AGU Fall Meeting 2019 by :AGU at San Francisco, USA / / 2019

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Sudhir Kashyap, "Sulfonium Iodate (I) Reagent Mediated 1,2-Diazidation of Alkenes: A Simple Metal Free Approach for the Synthesis of Biologically Active Scaffold. (OP-24, ICBTM-2019)." , Proceedings1st International Conference on Integrative Chemistry, Biology and Translational Medicine by :Hansraj College University of Delhi & Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, USA at Hansraj College University of Delhi / 24 / 2019

Aakanksha Gurawa, Sudhir Kashyap, "Sulfonium Iodate Mediated Vicinal Difunctionalization of Olefins.(OP-27, ICBTM-2019)." , Proceedings1st International Conference on Integrative Chemistry, Biology and Translational Medicine by :Hansraj College University of Delhi & Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, USA at Hansraj College University of Delhi, India / 27 / 2019

Aakanksha Gurawa, Sudhir Kashyap, "Sulfonium Iodate Mediated Vicinal Oxo Azidation and Iodoazidationof Vinyl Arenes (P-01, BICON-2019)." , 14th Biyani International Conference (BICON-2019) on Emerging Sustainable Technologies and Innovations for Safe Water and Health by :BICON at Biyani College-Jaipur / 01 / 2019

Thurpu Raghavender Reddy, Sudhir Kashyap, "Sulfonium Iodate Reagent Mediated Stereoselective Synthesis of 2-Deoxy Glycosides and Glycoconjugates. (O-15, ISCB-2019)." , 25th ISCB International Conference; Frontiers Research in Chemistry & Biology Interface (ISCB-2019) by :ISCB at Lucknow / 15 / 2019

Kalra S., Vyas S., Faizabadi E., Tiwari M., Singh G. , "Supercontinuum Generation at 3100 Nm in Dispersion-Engineered As38.8Se61.2-Based Chalcogenide Photonic Crystal Fibers" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT)-2018 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (Vol. 546) by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2019

Patidar K., Vashishtha M, "Surface Characterization and Efficiency of Activated Carbon From Mustard Stalk for Methylene Blue Removal" , 13th International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences (BCAEBS-19) by :BCAEBS at Budapest (Hungary), / / 2019

Dharmanshu Singh Sodha, Harlal Singh Mali, "Sustainability of Rajasthan Marble Industry by Using Waste Slurry Material" , 1st International Conference on Material Science and Engineering (ICMSE) by :Dr B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar at Jalandhar / / 2019

Pattnaik, P., Dangayach, G. S. , "Sustainability of Textile Wastewater Management by Using Fuzzy AHP Method" , International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM-2019) by :Elsevier at JAIPUR / / 2019

Astha Singh, Niruti Gupta, "Sustainable Development of Protected Areas: A Case of Mt. Abu Eco-Sensitive Zone" , International Conference on Future Cities by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / 521-525 / 2019

Jyoti Yadav, Yash Kumar Mittal, "Sustainable Landscapes: Water Resilient Landscape Design " , Annual Technical Volume of Architectural Engineering Division Board by :Institute of Engineering, India at Rajasthan / / 2019

Anjali Awasthi, Muzaffar Iqbal, Sakshi Batra, Dipaloy Datta, "Synthesis and Characterization of Aliquat 336 Impregnated Porous-Polymeric Resin, Amberlite XAD-7 and Its Application for Methyl Orange Removal Using Ultrasonication" , World Congress on Materials Science & Technology, Paris, France by :World Congress on Materials Science & Technology at Paris, France / / 2019

Gaurav Gopal, Meenakshi Yadav, Sushant Upadhyaya, Madhu Agarwal,and Kailash Singh, "Synthesis and Parametric Study on Characterization of Flat Sheet Hydrophobic PVDF Membrane" , 13th International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences (BCAEBS-19) by :BCAEBS at Budapest (Hungary) / / 2019

Yogendra Singh Solanki, MadhuAgarwal, Sanjeev Gupta, PushkarShukla, A.B Gupta, "Synthesis of Coumarin Based Receptor for Naked Eye Detection of Inorganic Fluoride in Drinking Water" , International Conference on Energy & Environment: Challenges and Opportunities for Industries by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers Jaipur Regional Centre at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Hitendra Bhusare, Kamal Kumar Agrawal, Rohit Misra and Ghanshyam Das Agrawal, "Techno-Economic Analysis of Earth Air Heat Exchanger System for Building Cooling in Hot and Dry Climate of Rajasthan (India)" , ICRITDME-2019 by :JECRC College at JAIPUR / / 2019

Sundeep Kumar, "Telecom Regulation Policies for Various Generation Networks" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies 2019 by :Spinger, OSA,MNIT, Jaipur, AGMATEL and KEYSIGHT Technologies at MNIT Jaipur / / 2019

Vineet Pandey, Rajeev Agrawal, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "The Future of Solar Power in India: Social, Economic and Environmental Impact" , 6th International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering by :CPIE at NIT Jalandhar / / 2019

Nupur Tandon, "The Language of Silence the Syntax of Power and Politics in Pinters Later Plays" , International Conference on Psychology Language and Teaching by :IRAJ at Madrid / 7 / 2019

H Aihara,... Kavita Lalwani et.al, "The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment" , Vertex 2018 by :Proceedings of Science at India / / 2019

N. Sandeep, J S M ALi, Arun Kumar Verma and Udaykumar R. Y, "Three-Phase Magnetic-Less Boosting Multilevel Inverter Topology With Reduced Components" , IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference INDIA by :IEEE at Bengaluru / / 2019

Usha Choudhary, Vijay Janyani, "Time Compression in Asymmetrically Clipped OFDM for Bandwidth Efficiency" , IEEE International Conference on Microwave Theory and Techniques in Wireless Communication MTTW19 by :IEEExplore at Riga, Latvia / / 2019

Yachana Jain, Mitlesh Kumari, Deepika Yadav and Ragini Gupta , "Triazoles Using Highly Efficient Recyclable Citrate Grafted β-Cyclodextrin@magnetite Nano Phase Transfer Catalyst in Aqueous Media" , International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations to Transform Our World, the 13th Anniversary India-Japan Fest by :BICON at Biyani Group of Colleges, Jaipur / 107 / 2019

Varun Setia, K K Sharma, S K Koul, "Triple Band Metamaterial Inspired Microstrip Antenna Using Split Ring Resonators for WLAN WiMAX Applications" , IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas & Propagation (InCAP 2019) by :IEEE at Ahemadabad / / 2019

Nemi Chand Mawari and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Two-Step Novel Synthesis of Mn-Ni-Co-Oxide(MNCO)@g-C3N4 Ribbon-Like Hetero-Nanoarrays for Supercapacitor Application" , International Conference for Nanotechnology on Better Living (NBL-2019) by :NIT Srinagar at National Institute of Technology Srinagar, India / / 2019

Gaurav Singal, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, D. Vijay Rao, Riti Kushwaha, "UAVs Reliable Transmission for Multicast Protocols in FANETs" , Sixth International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS)October 22-25, 2019 by :IEEE at Granada, Spain / 130-135 / 2019

Siddhant Srivastav and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Ultra-Porous NiCo2O4-rGO Heteronanocomposite for Redox Capacitor Application" , International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living (NBL-2019) by :IIT Kharagpur at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India / / 2019

Singh, S.K., Chaubey, J., Arora, H., Mathur, S., Singh, A.P., and Panwar, B.R. , "Underground Water Quality Degradation Along Luni River in Thar Desert Due to Industrial Effluent Discharge" , American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2019 by :American Geophysical Union at Moscone Centre, San Francisco, USA / / 2019

Shraddha Chandan, Ashwani Kumar, Satish Pipralia,, "Urban Character Appraisal of Pilgrim City: A Case of Puri" , International Conference on Future Cities by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / / 2019

Bhatt, Preeti, "Use of ICT Tools in English Language Teaching and Learning" , Golden Jubilee and 14th International Conference of English Language Teachers Association of India by :ELTAI at Amity University, Noida / / 2019

Lokesh Kumar and Susanta Kumar Jana, "Utilization of Marble Waste Slurry for Synthesis of PoP by Sulfation and Through Desulfurization of Flue Gas " , CHEMCON - 2019 by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at Chemical Engineering Department IIT Delhi / / 2019

Agrawal V., Gupta V., Gupta R., Mundra S., "Utilization of Stone Cutting Waste in Concrete as Replacement of Fine Aggregate" , UKIERI Concrete Congress by :UCC at Jalandhar, India / / 2019

Choudhary R, Jain A. and Gupta R., "Utilization of Waste Marble Powder and Silica Fume in Self-Compacting Concrete" , UKIERI Concrete Congress, Concrete : The Global Builder by :UKIERI at Dr. B R Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar / 184 / 2019

Arshia Khan, P.K.Singh, V.K. Saharan, S. George, "Utilization of Waste Marble Powder for the Synthesis of Calcium Based Photocatalyst" , 8th International Groundwater Conference (IGWC- 2019) by :Sustainable Management of Soil-Water Resource at Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India / / 2019

Kunwar Pal, MC Govil, Mushtaq Ahmed, "Utilization-Based Hybrid Overlay for Live Video Streaming in P2P Network" , Recent Findings in Intelligent Computing Techniques. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing by :Springer, Singapore at Goa / 331-338 / 2019

Archee Gupta, Kailash Chand Sharma, Archita Vijayvargia, Rohit Bhakar, "Very Short Term Wind Power Prediction Using Hybrid Univariate ARIMA-GARCH Model" , ICPS 2019 by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2019

A Srivastava, C Gautam, N Bhan, Ram Dayal, "Vibration Analysis of Cantilever Shaped 3D Printers" , International Conference on Startup Ventures: Technology Developments and Future Strategies by :IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering at Jaipur, India / / 2019

Anubhav Kumar and Dinesh Kumar, "Vibration Analysis of Stiffened Functionally Graded Material Shallow Shells With Different Geometries Under Thermal Environment " , 7th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation by :IIT Mandi at IIT Mandi / / 2019

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Sudhir Kashyap, "Visible-Light Mediated Selective Azidation of Olefins.(OP-03, ANNUM-2019)." , International Conference 7th Asian Network for Natural and Unnatural Materials (ANNUM VII) by :Asian Network for Natural and Unnatural Materials ANNUM at Gujarat University, Ahmadabad / 03 / 2019

V. Pathak, S. J. Nanda, A. M. Joshi, S. S. Sahu, "VLSI Implementation of Tunable Band-Pass Notch IIR Filter for Localization of Hot Spots in Proteins" , 4th International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication Systems, MCCS-2019 by :Springer at Ranchi, India / 563-575 / 2019

P. Mishra, A. Negi, E. S. Pilli, R. C. Joshi, "VMProtector: Malign Process Detection for Protecting Virtual Machines in Cloud Environment" , International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences by :Springer at Ghazibad / 360-369 / 2019

Karishma Maheshwari, Yogendra singh solanki, Madhu Agarwal, "Walnut Shell Derived Synthetic Carbon for Efficient Capacitive Deionization" , RTESD ENV-2019 by :Springer at VGU Jaipur / / 2019

PV Ramana, "Water Effect on Mechanical Strength of Concrete Strength" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Urban Water Management (APHW 2019) by :IIT INDORE at IIT Roorkee / / 2019

J. Gopala Rao, Gunwant Sharma, Sudhir Kumar, "Water Feature Extraction Using LANDSAT Images of Sub-Watershed at Krishna River " , 24th HYDRO-2019, International Conference by :HYDRO at Osmania University, HYD, INDIA / 2646 / 2019

Das, D., Kumar, A., Sharma, M., "Work-Related Psychosocial Factors Associated With Lower Back Pain Among Handicraft Workers in Jaipur, India." , 9th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) by :IEOM at Bangkok, Thailand. / / 2019

Barun Jana, "Xylyl Platform Based Bis-NHC Ligand Coordinated Ni(II) Complexes as Effective Catalyst in Hydrogen Evolution Reaction" , XVIII-MTIC by :Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry at IIT Guwahati / / 2019

Vikas K. Sangal, "Applications of Nanomaterial: Synthesis of Graphene Oxide TiO2 Nanotube Electrodes for Water Treatment Symposium on Carbon Nanomaterial Electronics-2019 SCNE2019 by Dept" , Symposium on Carbon Nanomaterial Electronics by :BITS Pilani at Pilani, BITS / / 2019


HS Mali, A Singh, "" Manufacturing Standardization of Jaipur Foot by Additive Manufacturing"" , 7th International & 28th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2018)), Held at Anna University, Chennai by :Springer at Chennai / / 2018

S. V. Bhangale, R. Kumar, K. Bhangale, "18-Sector Direct Torque Controlled Strategy With Improved Stator Flux Estimator for Induction Motor Drive" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Ashish Sharma, Manish Tailor, Lava Bhargava, Manoj Singh Gaur, "3D LBDR: Logic-Based Distributed Routing for 3D NoC" , International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test by :Springer at Madurai / / 2018

K. Shukla and R. Maheshwari, "3L Switching Sequences Using Parallel Connected 2L VSIs" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2018

Monika Mathur, Ankit Agarwal, Ghanshyam Singh and S. Bhatnagar , "A 2x1 Coplanar Monopole Antenna Structure for Wireless RF Energy Harvesting" , IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering (ICCS-2017), 331 (2018) 012001 by :Institute of Physics at BKBIT Pilani / / 2018

Pranda Prasanta Gupta, Prerna Jain, Suman Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, "A Benders Decomposition Approach: Security Constrained Unit Commitment in a Power System Using Mixed Integer Programming" , IEEE PES ISGT Asia 2018 by :IEEE at Singapore / / 2018

Vijay Kumar Sharma, Namita Mittal , "A Comparative Study of Online Resources for Extracting Target Language Translation" , Recent Findings in Intelligent Computing Techniques by :Springer, Singapore at Goa / 95-101 / 2018

Tapas Bajpei, H Chelladurai and M.Z. Ansari, "A Coupled Thermal-Structural Model for Welding of Aluminium Alloys" , 7th International & 28th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2018)), Held at Anna University, Chennai by :Springer at Anna University, Chennai / / 2018

Mr. Ganpat Singh Chauhan, Dr. Yogesh Kumar Meena, "A Digital Way of Investigating Government Schemes Using Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis" , International Conference on Information Technology & Digital Applications 2018 by :Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. at Jaipur, India / / 2018

A. Sharma, A. K. Rathore, R. Kumar, "A Dynamic Battery Charging Approach for Energy Trading in the Smart Grid" , 2018 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Niigata 2018 -ECCE Asia) by :IEEE at Japan / / 2018

Ankur Gupta and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "A Facile and Low Temperature Synthesis of MXene for Possible Electrochemical Energy Storage (EES) Application" , International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM-2018) by :Punjab University at Punjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab, India / / 2018

A. S. Chauhan, O. P. Yadav, A. P. S. Rathore, G. Soni, "A Framework for Selecting Optimal Action Plan to Mitigate Risks in NPD Process" , Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2018 Annual by :IEEE at Reno, USA / 1-6 / 2018

V. Lall, C. Gaurav, R. Khanna, W. Nangigadda, S. J. Nanda, "A Mask Regional Convolutional Neural Network Model for Segmenting Real Time Traffic Images" , 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, IEEE-ICCCNT-2018 by :IEEE at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru,India / 1-6 / 2018

Das, D., Bhardwaj, A., Sharma, M., "A New Approach for Ergonomic Analysis in Industry 4.0" , International Conference on Role of Industrial Engineering in Industry 4.0 Paradigm (ICIEIND 2018) by :ICIEIND at Bhubaneswar / / 2018

Kumar, A., Tomar, R. K., "A New Decision Support System for Assessing Bird-Hit Hazard From Municipal Waste Dumps" , ASMMCE-2108 by :NIT Jalandhar at Jalandhar / 261-265 / 2018

Rajat Goel, M.C. Govil, Girdhari Singh, "A Novel Methodology for Effective Requirements Elicitation and Modeling" , International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications by :Springer at Melbourne, Australia / 474--487 / 2018

Divya Bairathi, Dinesh Gopalani, "A Novel Swarm Intelligence Based Optimization Method: Harris’ Hawk Optimization" , International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications by :Springer at Vellore, India / 832-842 / 2018

Sonal Yadav, Vijay Laxmi, Hemangee K. Kapoor, Manoj Singh Gaur, Mark Zwolinski, "A Power Efficient Crossbar Arbitration in Multi-NoC for Multicast and Broadcast Traffic" , IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES 2018) by :IEEE at Hyderabad, India / 243-248 / 2018

Professor Nupur Tandon, "A Presence in Absence Pinter on the Radio as Read" , Pinter on Film Television and Radio by :University of Reading UK at Reading UK / / 2018

Namrata Bhardwaj, Varuni Sharma, Dr. Dipti Sharma, "A Review of Major Reforms in Power Sector in India" , National Conference on Transformation of India: Opportunities and Challenges by :RDB Publishing House Jaipur at S.S Jain Subodh P.G College, Jaipur / 86-93 / 2018

S. Kumawat, M. Ravi Kumar, "A Review on Code Families for a SAC-OCDMA Systems" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Communication Technology -2018, Springer at MNIT by :Springer at MNIT, Jaipur / / 2018

V. V. Rawat, A. K. Singh, M.L. Meena, "A Review on Effect of Lean Six Sigma Frameworks in Manufacturing SMEs" , 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations & Technological Development in Mechanical Engineering: ICRITDME-2018 by :ICRITDME at Jaipur / / 2018

Sujan, Ajay, Vyas, R. K., Tyagi, Nidhi, Singh, D. P., Saxena, Mijul and Kuldeep, "A Review on Measuring Techniques of Bubble Size in a Bubble Swarm" , CHEMCON-2018 by :IIChE at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar / 224 / 2018

37. V. Sharma, M.L. Meena and M. Kumar, "A Review on Tribological Behavior of Polymeric Composites Materials" , 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations & Technological Development in Mechanical Engineering: ICRITDME-2018 by :ICRITDME at Jaipur / / 2018

Vikas Sharma, M.L. Meena, Mukesh Kumar, "A Review on Tribological Behaviour of Polymeric Composite Materials " , Recent Innovations & Technological Development in Mechanical Engineering by :Intellectuals Society for Socio-Techno Welfare at JECRC Jaipur / / 2018

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Sudhir Kahsyap, "A Simple Convenient Method for the Synthesis of 1-Iodoalkynes and (E)-1, 2-Diiodoalkene Employing Sulfonium Iodate Species. (A-139, FCASI-2018)" , International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemistry-Allied Sciences Interface (FCASI-2018) by :Department of Chemistry Centre of Advanced Study University of Rajasthan at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. / 139 / 2018

H. Varshney, Sujil A, R. Kumar, "A Singular Spectrum Analysis Based Approach to Price Forecasting for a Day Ahead Electricity Market" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Rupali Baghel, Dr Harlal Singh Mali , "A Study on Effects of Discharge Energy on Geometric Characteristics of High Aspect Ratio Micro-Holes on TiN-Al2O3 Ceramics" , International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2018), Held at GRIET, Hyderabad by :Elsevier, ACS at Hyderabad / / 2018

J.S.Yadav, S.K.Tiwar, "A Study on Strength Behavior of Clay-Rubber Fibres Mixtures" , 2nd International Conference_ ACSGE 2018 by :BITS Pilani at Jaipur / / 2018

Sunil Kumar Jatav, Parimal P. Kulkarni, U. Pandel, A. K. Nayak and R. K. Duchaniya, "A Study on the Characterizations of a Binary Mixture CaO-Fe2O3 (22:78 by wt.%)" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Management at Jaipur / / 2018

Sunil Kumar Jatav, Shrikant, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, Upender Pandel and A. K. Nayak, "A Study on the Properties and Characterization of Non-Irradiate and Irradiate Redmud Brick Sample" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials & Mechanical Engineering by :International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials & Mechanical Engineering at Jaipur / / 2018

Manish kumar, M.L.Mittal, Gunjan Soni and Dheeraj Joshi , "A Tabu Search Algorithm for Simultaneous Selection and Scheduling of Projects" , Fourth International Conference on Harmony Search, Soft Computing and Applications by :Springer at Gurgaon India / / 2018

A. K. Mishra, E. S. Pilli, M. C. Govil, "A Taxonomy of Cloud Endpoint Forensic Tools" , Fourteenth Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics by :Springer at New Delhi, India / 181-199 / 2018

Dheeraj Joshi, M.L.Mittal, Manish kumar, "A Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization Algorithm for the Resource- Constrained Project Scheduling Problem" , Fourth International Conference on Harmony Search, Soft Computing and Applications by :Springer at Gurgaon, India / / 2018

Ranjeet Kumar, Dipti Saxena, "A Traveling Wave Based Method for Fault Location in Multi-Lateral Distribution Network" , IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICETEST) by :IEEE at Kerela, India / / 2018

Ranjeet Kumar, Dipti Saxena, "A Traveling Wave Based Method for Fault Location in Multi-Lateral Distribution Network With DG" , IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (ISGT Asia 2018) by :IEEE at Singapore / / 2018

Aditya Sharma, Urmila Brighu, A. B. Gupta, "Activated Sand as a Low-Cost Adsorbent for Removal of Colour From Textile Wastewater" , International Conference on Water (ICW) From Pollution to Purification by :International Conference on Water at Kottayam, Kerala / / 2018

I. Sharma, N. Agrawal, A. Kumar, and L. K. Balyan, "Adder Efficient Multiplierless Non-Uniform Filterbank Design Using Hybrid Algorithm" , International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP) by :IEEE at Chennai, India / 398-404 / 2018

R K Yadav, M.L.Mittal, R. Jain, "Adoption of Lean Principles in New Product Development Projects: A Case Study of Bearing Organization" , Diamond Jubilee Convention on IIIE and International Conference by :Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering at Bhubneshwar India / / 2018

RK Yadav, ML Mittal, R Jain, "Adoption of Lean Principles in New Product Development Projects: Case Study in Bearing Organization." , Role of Industrial Engineering in Industry 4.0 Paradigm (ICIEND) by :Elsevier at Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India / / 2018

Renu, Madhu Agarwal, Kailash Singh, "Adsorption of Ternary Metal System in Continuous Fixed Bed Column Using Biodegradable Adsorbent" , CHEMCON-2018 by :IIChE at Jalandhar / / 2018

O. J. Shukla, G. Soni, R. Kumar, Sujil A., S. Prakash, "An Agent Based Simulation Modeling Approach for Dynamic Job-Shop Manufacturing System" , 4th International Conference on Harmony Search, Soft Computing and Applications (ICHSA 2018) by :IEEE at Gurgaon / / 2018

Om Ji Shukla, Gunjan Soni, Rajesh Kumar, A. Sujil and Surya Prakash , "An Agent-Based Simulation Modeling Approach for Dynamic Job-Shop Manufacturing System" , International Conference on Harmony Search, Soft Computing and Applications by :Springer at Seoul / 751760 / 2018

Amit Kumar Sharma, Dipti Sharma, "An Analysis of Competition in Short Term Power Market in India" , SIBR-Thammasat Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research by :Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research at Thammasat University Bangkok Thailand / 065 / 2018

MM Garg, YV Hote, MK Pathak and L Behera, "An Approach for Buck Converter PI Controller Design Using Stability Boundary Locus" , IEEE PES T&D Conference & Exposition-2018 by :IEEE at Denver, USA / 1-5 / 2018

Thurpu Raghavender Reddy, Sudhir Kashyap, "An Efficient Method for the Synthesis of 2-Deoxy-2-Iodo-Glycosides From Glycals Using Sulfonium Salt. (A-154, FCASI-2018)" , International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemistry-Allied Sciences Interface (FCASI-2018) by :Department of Chemistry Centre of Advanced Study University of Rajasthan at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / 154 / 2018

V. Sangwan, R. Kumar, A. K. Rathore, "An Empirical Capacity Degradation Modeling and Prognostics of Remaining Useful Life of Li-Ion Battery Using Unscented Kalman Filter" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

L. Kumawat, P. Mathuria, S. Mathur, J. Mathur, "An Experimental Validation of Solar PV Module by Combined Front and Back Surface Water Cooling" , Power Energy Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Portland, USA / / 2018

K. Shukla and R. Maheshwari, "An Implementation Issue for 3L PWM Techniques for Parallel Interleaved 2L VSIs" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2018

Divya Bairathi, Dinesh Gopalani, "An Improved Opposition Based Grasshopper Optimisation Algorithm for Numerical Optimization" , International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications by :Springer at Vellore, India / 843-851 / 2018

A. Saxena, B. P. Soni, R. Kumar, V. Gupta, "An Intelligent Energy Bidding Strategy Based on Opposition Theory Enabled Grey Wolf Optimizer" , 5th Biennial International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICETEST-2018) by :IEEE at Thissur / / 2018

Amit Kumar Sharma, Dipti Sharma, "An Introduction of Competition in Electricity Markets Through Open Access in India" , National Conference on Transformation of India: Opportunities and Challenges by :RDB Publishing House Jaipur at S.S Jain Subodh P.G College, Jaipur / 20-27 / 2018

S. Konda, L. Panwar, B. K. Panigrahi, R. Kumar, A. Alsumaiti, "An Online Adaptive Intelligent Framework for Customer Willingness Interpretation in Demand Response Exchange" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

S. Bhattacharya, G. Pamnani and S.Sanyal, "Analysis of Interface Crack in Piezoelectric Composites Using Extended Finite Element Method" , 3rd International Conference on Composite Materials and Material Engineering by :National University of Singapore at Singapore / / 2018

Vijay Kumar Pandey, R. K. Duchaniya, U. Pandel, Sunil Jatav, Shrikant, "Analysis of Thermophysical Properties of CaO-Fe2O3" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Management at Jaipur / / 2018

Vivek Kumar, Abhishek Verma, Namita Mittal, Sergey V. Gromov , "Anatomy of Preprocessing of Big Data for Monolingual Corpora Paraphrase Extraction: Source Language Sentence Selection" , Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security by :Springer at Kolkata / / 2018

Vineeta Jain, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Mohamed Mosbah, "APPLADroid: Automaton Based Inter-App Privacy Leak Analysis for Android" , Second ISEA International Conference on Security and Privacy (ISEA-ISAP) by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 219-233 / 2018

B. P. Soni, A. Saxena, V. Gupta, R. Kumar, S. L. Surana, "Application of ANN for Stability Assessment of Large Power System by Post-Fault Rotor Angle Measurements" , IEEE -IEEMA Engineer Infinite 2018 Conference (eTechNxT-2018) by :IEEE at Greater Noida / / 2018

Gurpreet Singh, Neeraj Kumar, Manish Kumar, "Application of Immersed Boundary Methods for Physiological Flow Analysis in 2D Stenosed Artery" , 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) by : Conference Proceeding at IIT Bombay / / 2018

Gurpreet Singh, Neeraj Kumar, Manish Kumar. , "Application of Immersed Boundary Methods for Physiological Flow Analysis in 2D Stenosed Artery. " , 7th International and 45 Th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP)-2018 by : Conference Proceeding at IIT-Bombay, India. / / 2018

B. P. Soni, R. Kumar, A. Saxena, V. Gupta, S.L. Surana, "Application of Intelligent Grey Wolf Optimizer for Transient Stability Constraints Optimal Power Flow" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Kumar.S, Sharma. M, Bhardwaj. A, Dangayach, G.S, "Aspects of Local Imbalance in Socio Economic Development of Rajasthan: A Regional Level Analysis" , International Conference on Role of Industrial Engineering in Industry 4.0 Paradigm (ICIEIND 2018) by :ICIEIND at Bhubaneshwar / / 2018

P. Kushwaha, V. Prakash, R. Bhakar, Uday Kumar R. Yaragatti, A. Jain, S. Yamujala, "Assessment of Energy Storage Potential for Primary Frequency Response Adequacy in Future Grid" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

M. Bhandari, S. D. Bharti, M. K. Shrimali, T. K. Datta, "Assessment of Seismic Performance of Base Isolated Building Frame Under Near and Far Field Earthquakes Using Fragility Curves" , 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, 16th SEE by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / 1-10 / 2018

Gaurav Sharma, Lava Bhargava, Vinod Kumar, "Automated Coverage Register Access Technology on UVM Framework for Advanced Verification " , The International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2018 by :IEEE at Florence, Italy / 1-4 / 2018

C. Prakash, U. Mishra, M. Jain, R. Kumar, N. Mittal, "Automated Kinematic Analysis Using Holistic Based Human Gait Motion for Biomedical Applications" , International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence-2018) by :IEEE at Noida / / 2018

T. Bhattacharjee, T. Attar, R. Kumar, "Automated Real Time Sentiment Classification of Twitter Data" , 2018 3rd International Conference and Workshops on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

K. P. Bhatt, R. A. Gupta and N. Gupta, "Average Model of Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter With Auxiliary Isolated Clamp" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Jaipur by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2018

Meena S. O., Vashishtha M., Meena A, "“Development of a Rapid Method for Determination of Nitrogen Release From Coated Urea Fertilizer" , International Conference on Energy and Environment: Global Challenges (ICEE2018) by :ICEE at Kerala, India / / 2018

J. Kaliannan, A. Baskaran, N. Dey, A. S. Ashour, R. Kumar, "Bat Algorithm Optimized Controller for Automatic Generation Control of Interconnected Thermal Power System" , 3rdInternational Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITITS 2018) by :IOS Press at Xi’an / / 2018

S. Vern, M. K. Shrimali, S. D. Bharti, T. K. Datta, "Behavior of Base Isolated Liquid Storage Tank Under Seismic Excitation" , 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, 16th SEE by :IIT Roorkee at Kolkata / 1-11 / 2018

V. Sharma, M. K. Shrimali, S. D. Bharti, T. K. Datta, "Behavior of Semi-Rigid Connected Steel Frames Under Seismic Excitation" , 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, 16th SEE by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / 1-10 / 2018

Vijay Sharma, M K Shrimali, S D Bharti, and T K Datta, "Behaviour of Mid Rise Semi-Rigid Connected Steel Frames Under Near Field and Far Field Earthquakes" , 11th Structural Engineering Convention – 2018, SEC18 by :Jadhpur University at Kolkata / 13-18 / 2018

Pooja Kumari, Khusboo Sharma, Kamlendra Awasthi, Takayuki Ichikawa, Ankur Jain, Manoj Kumar, "Bi-Based Materials Towards High-Performance Anodes for All Solid-State Li-Ion Batteries" , One Day Symposium on Energy Materials & Applications by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2018

Pooja Kumari, Rini Singh, Ajay S Verma, Vibhav K Saraswat, Ankur Jain, Kamlendra Awasthi, and Manoj Kumar, "Bi-Chalcogenides Based Nanomaterials Towards High Performance Negative Electrodes for All Solid State Li - Ion Batteries" , 2nd National Conference on Engineering Applications of Material Science-2018 (NCEMS-2018) by :JECRC Jaipur at JECRC Jaipur, India / / 2018

Pooja Kumari, Takayuki Ichikawa, Ankur Jain, Kamlendra Awasthi, Manoj Kumar, "Bi2Te3 Nanostructures as an Efficient Anode for All Solid-State Li-Ion Batteries" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM2018) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur, India / / 2018

P. Hiranandani, N. Chand, E. S. Pilli, M. Gupta, C. Ramakrishna, R. C. Joshi, "Big Data Analytics Using Multi-Classifier Approach With Rhadoop" , International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence-2018) by :IEEE at Noida, India / 478-484 / 2018

Pooja Kumari, Khusboo Sharma, Kamlendra Awasthi, Takayuki Ichikawa, Ankur Jain, Manoj Kumar, "Bismuth Selenide Nanosheets as a High Capacity Anode Material for All Solid State Lithium–ion Battery" , International Conference on Materials for Energy Applications (ICME – 2018) by :SS Jain Subodh PG College, Jaipur at SS Jain Subodh PG College, Jaipur, India / / 2018

Jay Dave, Vijay Laxmi, Parvez Faruki, Manoj Singh Gaur, Bhavya Shah, "Bloom Filter Based Privacy Preserving Deduplication System" , Second ISEA International Conference Security and Privacy (ISEA-ISAP) by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 17-34 / 2018

A. Laddha, K. Vijayakumar and S. Neeli, "Brief Study on Multiple Port Converters With Sliding Mode Control" , 2018 Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS) by :IEEE at Tamilnadu, India / 97-101 / 2018

Shankhoneel Ghosh, Yash Kumar Mittal, "Building Integrated Photovoltaics" , Annual Technical Volume of Architectural Engineering Division Boards by :Institute of Engineers, India at Rajasthan / / 2018

Gyanendra Kumar, Ramesh Chandra Gupta, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Challenges and Opportunities in Construction and Demolition Waste Management: A Case of Jaipur, India" , Conference: 33rd - Indian Engineering Congress, the Institution of Engineers, India by :Conference: 33rd - Indian Engineering Congress, the Institution of Engineers, India at Udaipur, India / / 2018

Aditya Sharma, Urmila Brighu, A. B. Gupta, "Characterisation of Alkali-Activated Sand Surface" , Research Conclave by :IIT Guwahati at Guwahati, Assam / / 2018

A Gautam, R Shankar, P Vrat, "Classification and Estimation of Solar Panel Waste in India" , AGBAs 16th World Congress 16 by :AGBA at IIT DELHI / / 2018

Nidhi, S. Reddy, R. Kumar, B. K. Panigrahi, "Cloud Energy Storage Management System With Price Fluctuations and Distributed Generation Intermittency" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

A. Kumar, M. M. Sharma, V. Janyani, "Compact Triple-Band Stubs-Loaded Rectangular Monopole Antenna for WiMAX/WLAN Applications" , Optical and Wireless Technologies by :Springer, Singapore at Jaipur / / 2018

Basu P., Gupta R.C., Agrawal V., "Comparative Calculation of Carbon Footprint of Conventional Self-Compacting Concrete and Green Self-Compacting Concrete Using Dholpur Sandstone Slurry" , Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Construction, Real Estate, Infrastructure and Project (ICCRIP) by :NICMAR, PUNE at Pune, India / / 2018

Chandrakant, Soniya, Rajeev Kumar Dohare , "Comparative Study of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Using Conventional and Model Predictive Control" , International Conference on Seamless Chemical Engineering in Service of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities & Challenges (CHEMCON 2018) by :CHEMCON at Jalandhar / / 2018

Rajeev kumar Dohare, Aparna Gauttam, "Comparative Study of Surfactant for Alcohol Removal From Red Wine and Aqueous Ethanol " , Seamless Chemical Engineering in Service of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities & Challenges (CHEMCON-2018) by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / / 2018

Metali Sarkar, Vikas K. Sangal, Haripada Bhunia, Promod K. Bajpai, Vijay K. Sharma, Harish J. Pant and Anil K. Naithani , "Comparison of Aeration Tanks in Activated Sludge Process With Varying Aeration Systems" , NAARRI International Conference Advanced Applications of Radiation Technology (NICSTAR) by :NICSTAR at Mumbai, India / / 2018

Kataria, G. and Singh, K., "Compensating a Third Order Process Having Inverse Response" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (IEEE ICPEICES 2018) by :IEEE at Delhi Technological University, Delhi / / 2018

R Pk, , ...K.Lalwani et al., "Construction and Quality Assurance of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector" , Vertex 2018 by :Proceedings of Science at India / / 2018

Renu, Agarwal M., Singh K., "Continuous Fixed Bed Adsorption of Heavy Metals by Modified Wheat Bran: An Experimental and Modeling Study" , International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology by :International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology at SKIT-J / / 2018

Rajeev Kumar Dohare, Sumit Chowdhary and Himanshu Rathore , "Control Study of Jacketed CSTR on Conventional and Advanced Controller for Synthesis of Propylene Glycol" , International Conference on Seamless Chemical Engineering in Service of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities & Challenges (CHEMCON 2018) by :CHEMCON at Jalandhar / / 2018

Tanuj Rawat, KR Niazi, "Coordinated Charging of Electric Vehicles for Reducing Operation Cost Under TOU Electricity Prices" , National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)2018 by :IEEE at Tiruchirappalli, India, India / / 2018

K. Saxena, R. Bhakar and P. Jain, "Coordinated GEP and TEP Approach With Correlated Generation and Load" , 3rd International Conference and Workshops on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE), Jaipur, India by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2018

Satyendra Singh, Manoj Fozdar, and Ajeet Kumar Singh , "Coordinating Bidding Strategy of Profit Maximization for Competitive Power Suppliers in Energy and Reserve Markets" , IICPE 2018 by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2018

K. D. Kumar, R. K. Maddila, S. J. Nanda, "Coverage Optimization of a VLC Based Smart Room With Genetic Algorithm" , 2nd International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technology, OWT-2018 by :Springer at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 121-128 / 2018

Vijay Kumar Sharma, Namita Mittal , "Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval: A Dictionary-Based Query Translation Approach" , Advances in Computer and Computational Sciences: Proceedings of ICCCCS 2016, Volume 2 by :Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. at Thailand / 611-618 / 2018

S Rajora, Dinesh K. Vishwakarma, Kuldeep Singh, M Prasad, "CSgI: A Deep Learning Based Approach for Marijuana Leaves Strain Classification" , IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON) by :IEEE at Vancouver, Canada / / 2018

V. R. Vakacharla, A. K. Rathore, R. Kumar, "Current-Fed Isolated LCC-T Resonant Converter With ZVS and Improved Transformer Utilization" , IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC 2018) by :IEEE at Texas, USA / / 2018

M. Kumar, V. Gupta, R. Kumar, B. K. Panigrahi, "Customer Oriented Electric Vehicle Charging Scheduling in Day Ahead Market via Aggregative Game Model" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

S. Sreekumar, R. Bhakar, S. Chawda, F. Teotia, and V. Prakash, "Day Ahead Electricity Price Forecasting Using Hyper Parameter Optimized SVR Models" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (IEEE ICPEICES 2018) by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2018

Ajeet Kumar Singh and Manoj Fozdar, "DBSCAN-Based Coherency Identification of Generators Using Complex Wavelet Transform " , IET Renewable Power Generation (RPG) Conference 2018 by :IET at Denmark / / 2018

M. Kumar, A. Shukla, K. Verma, R. Kumar, "Decentralized PEV’s Energy Management Scheme for Supplementary Frequency Regulation Considering Mobility Behaviour" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Mitul Gamit, Akanksha Shukla, Rajesh Kumar, Kusum Verma, "Decentralized PEVs Energy Management Scheme for Supplementary Frequency Regulation Considering Mobility Behaviour" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Jaipur by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / - / 2018

Yogendra Singh Solanki, MadhuAgarwal, Sanjeev Gupta, PushkarShukla, A.B Gupta, "Defluoridation of Drinking Water by Inorganic Polymer Coagulant" , International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges by :Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability at IISc, India / / 2018

A. Chandra, A. Singh, R. Kumar, N. Dey, "Dehazing of Aerial Images by Dark Channel and Gamma Correction" , 2018 3rd International Conference and Workshops on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Bhuvan Sharma, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, "Demand Response in Distribution Systems: A Comprehensive Review" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2018) by :Springer at Manipal University, Jaipur / / 2018

S. Garg, V. Jain, S. Jain, R. Kumar, "Demand-Side Management Based Intelligent Meter for Smart Grid" , International Conference and Exhibition on Smart Utilities for Smart Cities by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2018

Kuntal Panwar, Ritu Sharma, "Design and Analysis of Decagonal Photonic Crystal Fiber for Liquid Sensing" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Communication Technology -2018, Springer at MNIT by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 6 / 2018

Namrata Saxena, Ritu Sharma, K K Sharma, Varshali Sharma, "Design and Performance Analysis of Different Structures for Low Frequency Peizoelectric Energy Harvester" , 4th International Conference on Nano Electronics, Circuits and Communication Systems (NCCS 2018) by :Springer at ARTTC, BSNL Ranchi / 5 / 2018

Namrata Saxena, Ritu Sharma, K. K. Sharma, Varshali Sharma, "Design and Performance Analysis of Different Structures for Low-Frequency Piezoelectric Energy Harvester" , International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Circuits and Communication Systems by :Springer at Ranchi India / 47-56 / 2018

Namrata Saxena, Varshali Sharma, Ritu Sharma, K K Sharma, Santosh Chaudhary, "Design and Performance Analysis of Different Structures of MEMS PVDF-Based Low Frequency Piezoelectric Energy Harvester" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2018) by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur / 10 / 2018

Charanjeet Kaur, Ritu Sharma, "Design and Study of a Photonic Crystal Fiber Biosensor Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance " , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Communication Technology -2018, Springer at MNIT by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 7 / 2018

Mahesh Kumar Paliwal and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Design and Synthesis of NiCo2O4-rGO Composite for Redox-Capacitor Application" , International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM-2018) by :Punjab University at Punjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab, India / / 2018

Md Oayes Midda, "Design Aspects and Modelling of Two-Stage Fluidized Bed Membrane Bioreactor and Recent Trends in Wastewater Treatment" , CHEMCON-2018 by :CHEMCON at NIT Jalandhar / / 2018

Saurabh Sarkar, Vijay Janyani, Ghanshyam Singh, Tawfik Ismail and Hossam A. Selmy , "Design of 64 QAM Transceiver Model and Its Performance Analysis for FSO Communication" , 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), DOI: 10.1109/SPIN.2018.8474050 by :IEEE at Delhi-NCR / 630–634 / 2018

Kataria, G. and Singh, K, "Design of Feedforward-Feedback Controller for Reactive Distillation Column Having Inverse Response" , Fourth Indian Control Conference (ICC 2018) by :IIT Kanpur at IIT Kannpur / / 2018

A. Kumar, N. Agrawal, and I. Sharma, "Design of Finite Impulse Response Filter With Controlled Ripple Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm" , International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing by :Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. at JABALPUR / 471 / 2018

S Prajapati, MM Garg and B Prithvi, "Design of Fractional-Order PI Controller for DC-DC Power Converters" , IEEE 8th India Int. Conf. on Power Electronics (IICPE-2018) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur, India / 1-6 / 2018

S. Ansari, G. Kishore, P. K. Verma, N. Agrawal, I. Sharma, and A. Kumar, "Design of Multiplierless Digital IIR Filter Using Modified Cuckoo Search Algorithm" , International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP) by :IEEE at Chennai, India / 405-410 / 2018

I. Sharma, A. Kumar, and L. Balyan , "Design of Multiplierless M-Channel Cosine Modulated Filterbank Using Hybrid CSE Technique" , in Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 23rd International Conference On by :IEEE at Shanghai, China, China / 1-5 / 2018

HS Mali , Vivek Baghela, Siddhartha K Singh, "Design, Fabrication and Simulation of Micro-EDM Machined AISI 316 SS Microchannel Heat Sink" , 7th International & 28th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2018)), Held at Anna University, Chennai by :Springer at Chennai / / 2018

Saurabh Sarkar, Vijay Janyani, Ghanshyam Singh, Tawfik Ismail and Hossam A. Selmy, "Design of 64 QAM Transceiver Model and Its Performance Analysis for FSO Communication" , IEEE 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2018) by :IEEE at Noida, India / 630-63 / 2018

Arti Mahore, Meenakshi Tripathi, "Detection of 3D Mask in 2D Face Recognition System Using DWT and LBP" , 2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication and Information Systems by :IEEE at Singapore / 18-22 / 2018

Meena S. O., Vashishtha M., "Determination of Nutient Release From Neem Oil Coated Urea in Soil Domain Using Weight Loss Method" , International Conference on Seamless Chemical Engineering in Service of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities & Challenges (CHEMCON 2018) by :CHEMCON at Punjab, India / / 2018

Shiv Om Meena and Dr. Manish Vashishtha, , "Determination of Nutrient Release From Neem Oil Coated Urea in Soil Domain Using Weight Loss Method" , Seamless Chemical Engineering in Service of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities & Challenges (CHEMCON-2018) by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / / 2018

Sharma Sunil, Kumar Ashwani, Kumar Nand, Gupta Sobhagyawati, "Developing a Net Zero Energy Building: A Case Study of an Institutional Library" , International Conference on Urban Sustainability: Emerging Trends, Themes, Concepts & Practices by :MNIT JAipur at MNIT Jaipur / 1 / 2018

Premi. H, Sharma. M, Dangayach. G.S, "Development of a Framework for Consumer Buying Behavior for Green Personal Care Products" , International Conference on Role of Industrial Engineering in Industry 4.0 Paradigm (ICIEIND 2018) by :ICIEIND at Bhubaneswar / 1 / 2018

Shiv Om meena and Dr. Manish Vashishtha, "Development of a Rapid Method for Determination of Nitrogen Release From Coated Urea Fertilizer" , Proceedings of First International Conference on Energy and Environment: Global Challenges by :National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kozhikode, Kerala, India at NIT Calicut / / 2018

Sharma. D, Bhardwaj. A and Sharma. M, "Development of Regression Model for Visual Discomfort in Building Spaces an Experimental Study’ " , Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Paris (SCOPUS Indexed), France, July 26-27, 2018 by :Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Paris at France / / 2018

Lintu rajan, C. Periasamy, Vineet Sahula, "Device Design Space Exploration of Thin Film Hydrogen Sensor Based on Macro-Model Generated Using Machine Learning" , IEEE Sensors 2018 by :IEEE at India / / 2018

A. Choudhary, H. Duhar, E. S. Pilli, "Discovering Experts in Question Answering Community" , International Conference and Workshops on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 1-5 / 2018

R. Singhal, R. Ravichandran, R. Kumar, S. Neeli, "Discretization Schemes Comparison for the Greenhouse Temperature Model" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Parvez Faruki, Bharat Buddhadev, Bhavya Shah, Akka Zemmari, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, "DroidDivesDeep: Android Malware Classification via Low Level Monitorable Features With Deep Neural Networks. " , Second ISEA International Conference Security and Privacy (ISEA-ISAP) by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 125-139 / 2018

Santosh Kumari, Prerna Jain, Dipti Saxena, Rohit Bhakar, "Dynamic Distribution Network Expansion Planning Under Energy Storage Integration Using PSO" , International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques by :Springer at NIT Surat, Surat / / 2018

Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, VK Chaubey, Parth Khandelwal, "Dynamic Lightpath Protection Through Intelligent Water Drops Based Algorithm in Optical Networks" , 2018 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON) by :IEEE at Greater Noida,India / 1122-1127 / 2018

Gaurav Kataria, Kailash Singh, "Dynamic Model Based Feedforward Control of a Reactive Distillation Column for Synthesis of Butyl Acetate" , CHEMCON-2018 by :IIChE at Jalandhar / / 2018

S. Chawda, P. Mathuria, and R. Bhakar, "Dynamic Retail Pricing for Load Serving Entity Under Significant Renewable Energy Penetration" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Jaipur by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Divesh Kumar and Deepak Verma, "E-Learning Service Quality Dimensions: A Study of Indian Students" , Fourteenth International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge-Based Society by :IJCIM at Bangkok / / 2018

Kamal Kumar Agrawal, Sheetal Kumar Jain, Ghanshyam Das Agrawal, M. M. Jagdeesh Kumar, Rohit Misra , "Earth Air Tunnel Heat Exchanger: A Review of Hybrid System and Application" , NASET-17 by :International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology at Madhav University, Abu Road / / 2018

Ganesh Sundara Raman Subramanian, R.K. Singh, "Effect of Contact Material on Fretting Fatigue Behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V" , International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING of ADVANCED MATERIALS Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications by :Conference Proceedings at Paris - FRANCE / / 2018

Siddhartha K Singh , HS Mali, "Effect of Different Electrodes on Microfeature Fabrication in Biomedical Co-29Cr-6Mo Alloy Machined Using µ-EDM Process" , 7th International & 28th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2018)), Held at Anna University, Chennai by :Springer at Chennai / / 2018

R.K. Singh, J.K. Sahu, "Effect of Initial Loading Path on Low Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Nickel Base Superalloy in 740H" , International Conference on Advance Materials and Manufacturing Processes for Strategic Sectors by :Conference Proceedings at VSSC Thiruvananthapuram / / 2018

Anoop M D, Jyoti Yadav, Nisha Yadav, Rini Singh, K. Shinzato, S. N. Dolia, Ankur Jain, T. Ichikawa, Manoj Kumar, "Effect of Isovalent Substitution on the Structural and Electrical Properties of BixSb2-xTe3 Topological Insulator Single Crystals" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM2018) by :Elsevier at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 1-5 / 2018

Sharma, A., Purohit, A., Nagar, R., Patnaik, A., "Effect of Marble Dust as Filler on Erosion Behaviour of Needle-Punched Nonwoven Jute/Epoxy Composite" , TRIBOINDIA-2018 an International Conference on Tribology by :SSRN at VJTI Mumbai (MH) / / 2018

A Sharma, A Purohit, R Nagar, A Patnaik, "Effect of Marble Dust as Filler on Erosion Behaviour of Needle-Punched-Nonwoven Jute/Epoxy Composite" , TRIBOINDIA-2018 an International Conference on Tribology by :Ssrn at VJTI – Mumbai / / 2018

HS Mali , VivekBaghela, Siddhartha K Singh, "Effect of Micro ED Machined Surface Roughness on Pressure and Temperature Characteristics in AISI 316 SS Microchannel Heat Sink" , 7th International & 28th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2018) by :Anna University, Chennai at Chennai / 1-10 / 2018

A. M. Patki, G. Shendre, S. D. Gaikwad and R. K. Goyal, "Effect of Micro- and Nanoparticles of Ceramics on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of High-Performance Polymeric Composites " , International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology by :Macro at Pune / / 2018

Prarthita Basu , Vinayak Gupta , Ritesh Gupta and Sanjeev Kumar KS, "Effect of Sandstone Slurry as Filler on Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete" , International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures, ACMS-2018 by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee, Uttarakhand / / 2018

Rameshwar J. Vishwakarma and Ramakant K. Ingle, "Effect of Shape of Slab Panel on Edge Stresses in Concrete Pavement" , Indian Roads Congress 79th Annual Session by :Indian Road Congress at Nagpur / 27-30 / 2018

Agrawal K. K., Misra R., Agrawal G. D., "Effect of Soil Moisture Contents on Thermal Properties of Soil for Earth-Air-Pipe Heat Exchanger System" , Third International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / / 2018

Kamal Kumar Agrawal1, Sandeep Parmar, Ghanshyam Das Agrawal, Rohit Misra , "Effect of Thermally-Enhanced Backfilling Materials on the Performance of Earth-Air Tunnel-Heat-Exchanger System: A Review" , Eco-Smart Sustainable Development in Engineering Technology and Management" (ESDETM-2018) by :GITS-Udaipur at Udaipur / / 2018

Bhupendra Sindhal, Varshali Sharma, Ritu Sharma, "Effects of Different Shapes of Piezo-Acoustics Based Adaptive Glucose Sensing System (PABAGS) on Generated Pressure and Its Analysis " , I International Conference on Engineering Vibration, Communication and Processing (ICoEVCI-2018) by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur / 8 / 2018

Priya Pal, S.P.Chaurasia, Sushant Upadhyaya, S.Sridhar, "Effects of Synthesis Parameters on the Morphology of PVDF Membrane and Its Performance"," , Seamless Chemical Engineering in Service of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities & Challenges (CHEMCON-2018) by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar Punjab / / 2018

Priya Pal, S.P.Chaurasia ,Sushant Upadhayaya and S. Sridhar , "Effects of Synthesis Parameters on the Morphology of PVDF Membrane and Its Performance" , 71th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at NIT Jalandhar / / 2018

Keerthi Sagar Kokkiligadda, Yogendra Gupta, Lava Bhargava, "Efficient and Failure Aware ECC for STT-MRAM Cache Memory" , International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test by :Springer at Madurai / / 2018

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Thurpu Raghavender Reddy, Sudhir Kashyap, "Efficient Method for Regioselective Vicinal Iodofuntionalized Molecule by Using Sulfonium Iodate(I) Reagent" , 24th ISCB International Conference; Frontiers Research in Chemistry & Biology Interface (ISCB-2018) (P-171, ISCB-2018) by :ISCB at Department of Chemistry, Manipal University Jaipur / 171 / 2018

H. Kumar, V. Janyani, O. Buryy, S. Ubizskii, D. Sugak, G. Singh , "Eight Channel Optical Add Drop Multiplexer Based on Ring Resonator Using LNOI Channel Waveguides" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering by :Institute of Physics at Lviv (Ukraine) / 997-999 / 2018

Suman Sharma,Prerna Jain, Rohit Bhakar, Pranda Prasanta Gupta, "Electric Vehicle Owner Preferred Smart Charge Scheduling of EV Aggregator Using PV Generation" , National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)2018 by :IEEE at NIT Trichy, Tiruchirapalli / / 2018

K. P. Jaiprakash, S. J. Nanda, "Elephant Herding Algorithm for Clustering" , Second International Conference on Computing & Communication, IC3-2018 by :Springer at Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Sikkim / 317-325 / 2018

Himanshu Sharma, Meenakshi Triapthi, Amit Kumar, Manoj singh gaur, "Embedded Assistive Stick for Visually Impaired Persons" , IEEE 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT 2018) by :IEEE at Bangalore / / 2018

C. Jain, K. Sawant, M. Rehman, R. Kumar, "Emotion Detection and Characterization Using Facial Features" , 2018 3rd International Conference and Workshops on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

A. K. Yadav, A. K. Singh, M.L. Meena, "Enablers of Agile Manufacturing : A Review" , 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations & Technological Development in Mechanical Engineering: ICRITDME-2018 by :ICRITDME at Jaipur / / 2018

S. Choudhary, Dr. S. Pipralia, Dr. N. Kumar, "Energy Effeciency Assessment of Indo- Saracenic Buildings in India" , 3rd International Conference on Energy Effeciency in Historic Buildings by :Uppsala University, Department of Art History at Visby, Sweden / 199-205 / 2018

S. Choudhary, S. Pipralia, N. Kumar , "Energy Efficiency Assessment of Indo-Saracenic Buildings in India" , International Conference on Energy Effeciency in Historic Buildings by :International Conference on Energy Effeciency in Historic Buildings at Visby, Sweden / / 2018

Rini Singh, Sandeep Gupta, Sapna, Seema Yadav, Reema Upadhyay, Ravindra K Sharma, Ajay S Verma, Kamlendra Awasthi, S L Kothari, Kanad Ray, Vibhav K Saraswat, and Manoj Kumar, "Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation of Cationic Dyes Using Bi2O3 Nanoplates" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM2018) by :MNIT JAipur at MNIT Jaipur / 1 / 2018

M.F. Jawaid, Dr. Satish Pipralia, Dr. Ashwani Kumar, "Environmental Responsive Urban Planning and Regulations in India: An Analysis" , ASCE India Conference 2017 by :American Society of Civil Engineers at New Delhi / / 2018

V. Gupta, S. Konda, R. Kumar, B. K. Panigrahi, "EV Benefit Evaluation in a Collaborative Scheduling Environment With Penalties for Unscheduled EVs" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Jaipur by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

J.S.Yadav, S.K.Tiwari, "Evaluation of Strength Characteristics of Cement Stabilized Clayey Soil Containing Rubber Crumbles Under Tensile Stresses" , 2nd International Conference_ ACSGE 2018 by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani / / 2018

Rathi A., Banerjee J., Dixit A., Misra R.K., Mali H.S., "Evaluation of Vibration of a Crankshaft and a Driveshaft Using FEM" , International Conference on Modern Research in Aerospace Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore by :Springer at Singapore, / / 2018

Vashishtha M., Singh R. K., "Experimental and Modelling Studies of Nutrient Mist Reactor for Sustained Production of Hairy Roots of Artemisia Annual" , International Conference on Energy and Environment: Global Challenges (ICEE2018) by :ICEE at Kerala, India / / 2018

J.S.Yadav, S.K.Tiwari, "Experimental Investigation of Geotechnical Properties of Clay-Rubber Fibres Mixtures" , Environmental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Materials and Sustainable Engineering by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / / 2018

Pankaj Kumar Gupta and Kishore Debnath, "Experimental Study on Electro Chemical Discharge Machining of Sustainable Materials" , International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges (III SEEC) by :IIT Roorke and NIT Uttarakhand at IIT Roorkee / 550 / 2018

Monu Verma, Jaspreet Singh, Santosh Kumar Vipparthi, Girdhari Singh, "EXPERTNet: Exigent Features Preservative Network for Facial Expression Recognition" , 11 Th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP-18) by :IEEE at Hyderabad / 00-00 / 2018

Poonam Devi, M. Ravi Kumar, "External Modulation Using MZM for Visible Wavelengths" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Communication Technology -2018, Springer at MNIT by :Springer at MNIT, Jaipur / / 2018

HS Mali, S. Vasshistha, "Fabrication of Customised Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) by Reverse Engineering Using Fused Deposition Modeling" , 7th International & 28th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2018)), Held at Anna University, Chennai by :Springer at Chennai / / 2018

Hemant Kumar Meena, Kamalesh Kumar Sharma and Shiv Dutt Joshi, "Facial Expression Recognition With Enhanced Feature Extraction Using Graph Fourier Transform" , 3rd Graph Signal Processing Workshop by :IEEE at Lausanne / / 2018

Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "Fact and Fiction in Depicting Cleoptra and St. Joan" , International Conference on Contemplating the Past, Capturing the Present ,Creating the Future by :St. Xaviers College ,Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2018

Lokesh Kumar and Susanta Kumar Jana, "Flue Gas Desulfurization Using Marble Waste- Effects of Process Variables" , CHEMCON 2018 by :Indian Chemical Engineering Congress at NIT Jalandhar / / 2018

Yogendra Singh Solanki, Madhu Agarwal, Sanjeev Gupta, PushkarShukla, A.B Gupta, "Fluoride Removal Performance of a Synthesized Adsorbent" , International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges by :Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability at IIT Roorkee, India/2018 / / 2018

PV Ramana, "Fracture Characterization of Concrete-Concrete Bimaterial Interface Effect in Recycled Materials" , 1st PANIITIMC, IIT Roorkee by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Jodhpur / / 2018

Mithlesh Arya, Namita Mittal, Girdhari Singh, "Fuzzy-Based Classification for Cervical Dysplasia Using Smear Images" , Recent Findings in Intelligent Computing Techniques by :Springer, Singapore at Goa / 441-449 / 2018

Pragati Priyanka, HS Mali, Anurag Dixit, "Geometrical Modeling and Performance Analysis of Textile Composites Using Python Scripted Software Platforms" , 7th International & 28th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2018)), Held at Anna University, Chennai by :Springer at Chennai / / 2018

Anoop. M. D, Nisha Yadav, Jyoti Yadav, Rini Singh, K. Awasthi, Ankur Jain, T. Ichikawa, Manoj Kumar, "Growth and Structural Characterization of BiSbTe3-ySey Single Crystals" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM2018) by :Elsevier at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 1-5 / 2018

Gaurav Kumar Chhaparwal, Ankur Srivastava, Ram Dayal, "HEAT TRANSFER ENHANCEMENT in a RECTANGULAR DUCT: EXPLOITING VON-KARMAN EFFECT" , 16th International Heat Transfer Conference by :Begell House Inc. at Beijing, China / / 2018

R. K. Goyal, "High Performance Polymeric Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Properties " , International Conference on Nano-Structured Materials and Devices by :University of Delhi at New Delhi / / 2018

V. Pathak, S. J. Nanda, A. M. Joshi, S. S. Sahu, "High Speed Implementation of Notch Anti-Notch IIR Filter on FPGA" , 15th IEEE India Council International Conference, IEEE-INDICON-2018 by :IEEE at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India / 1-6 / 2018

Shruti Kalra, Sandeep Vyas, Manish Tiwari, Buryy Oleg, Ghanshyam Singh, "Highly Nonlinear Multi-Material Chalcogenide Spiral Photonic Crystal Fiber for Supercontinuum Generation" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering by :Institute of Physics at Lviv, Ukraine / 1000-1002 / 2018

Mahesh Kumar Paliwal and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Highly Porous NiO-rGO Composite for High Performance Redox-Capacitor" , Conference on Electrochemistry in Advanced Materials, Corrosion and Radiopharmaceutical (CEAMCR-2018) by :BARC at BARC, Mumbai, India / / 2018

Varsha Sharma and Reeta Singh, "Human Resource Accounting and Transformations" , 1st PANIITIMC, IIT Roorkee by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / / 2018

Vasanth Reddy, Samidha Mridul Verma, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "Hybrid Approach for Short Term Wind Power Forecasting" , IEEE 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT 2018) by :IEEE at IISc Bengaluru / - / 2018

V. Bhaiya, S. D. Bharti, M. K. Shrimali, T. K. Datta, "Hybrid Control of Building Frames With MR Dampers and TMD" , 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, 16th SEE by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / 1-11 / 2018

J. S. M. Ali, N. Sandeep, K. Vijayakumar, Udaykumar R. Y. and F. Blaabjerg, "Hybrid Multilevel Inverter Topology With Reduced Part Count" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) by :IEEE at IIT Madras, Chennai / / 2018

Chaturvedi, U., Sharma, M., Dangayach, G.S., Sarkar, P, "Identifying Avenues for Sustainability Reporting: Environmental Assessment of Atorvastatin Calcium (API) Manufacturing in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry" , IIIE Conference on Topic “Role of Industrial Engineering in Industry 4.0 Paradigm by :Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha at Bhubaneshwar, Odisha / / 2018

Saunak Kumar Das, Yash Kumar Mittal, "Illumination Related Requirements for NBC Compliances" , Annual Technical Volume of Architectural Engineering Division Boards by :Institute of Engineers, India at Rajasthan / / 2018

Namita Mittal, Divya Sharma, Manju Lata Joshi, "Image Sentiment Analysis Using Deep Learning" , 2018 IEEE-WIC-ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI by :IEEE at Santiago, Chile / 684-687 / 2018

Rajive Tiwari, Jyotsna Singh, "Impact Analysis of Different Charging Models for Optimal Integration of Plug-in Electric Vehicles in Distribution System" , IET Renewable Power Generation (RPG) Conference 2018 by :IET at Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark / 6 / 2018

A Shukla, K Verma, R Kumar, "Impact of EV Fast Charging Station on Distribution Systems Embedded With Wind Generation" , IET Renewable Power Generation (RPG) Conference 2018 by :IET at Denmark / - / 2018

V. K. Saini, K. C. Sharma, R. Bhakar, and V. Prakash, "Impact of High Renewable Generation and Electric Vehicles Penetration on Generation Scheduling" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Neeraj Kanwar, Nikhil Gupta, KR Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, "Impact of Optimal Scheduling of DRs and Network Reconfiguration on the Performance of Active Distribution Systems" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at JAIPUR, India, India / / 2018

Saini, Vikash Kumar, Kailash Chand Sharma, Vivek Prakash, and Rohit Bhakar, "Impact of Renewable Energy Sources and Electric Vehicle Penetration on Generation Scheduling" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Jaipur by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2018

J. Carpenter, V. K. Saharan, "Impact of Ultrasonication on Multilayer Oil in Water Emulsion Characteristics: A Comparative Study Between Batch and Recirculating Flow Process" , 4th International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology by :University Malaysia Pahang at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / / 2018

Pooja Kumari, Takayuki Ichikawa, Ankur Jain, Manoj Kumar, "Improved Performance of Bi2Te3 as an Anode Material for All Solid State Li-Ion Batteries" , International Symposium on Fuel and Energy 2018 (ISFE-2018) by :Hiroshima University, Japan at Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan / / 2018

Dilshad A.I., Rawat, A., and Mehndiratta, S., "Improvement of Shear Strength of Soil by Mixing Optimum Percentage of Bitumen Emulsion and Cement Content" , ASMMCE-2108 by :NIT Jalandhar at Jalandhar / / 2018

Preeti Gulia, Arpan Gupta, "Increasing Low Frequency Sound Attenuation Using Compounded Single Layer of Sonic Crystal" , 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on CONDENSED MATTER and APPLIED PHYSICS (ICC-2017) by :AIP Conference Proceedings at Bikaner / / 2018

Ajay. Kumar, Rupali Baranwal, Nitin Gupta and Vikas Gupta, "Indirect Current Control of Single-Stage Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Using PSO Assisted PI Controller" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Jaipur by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / / 2018

V. Prakash, R. Bhakar, H. P. Tiwari, and K. C. Sharma, "Inertia and Primary Frequency Response Assessment Under Uncertain Photovoltaic Generation" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Suman Sharma, Prerna Jain, Rohit Bhakar, Pranda Prasanta Gupta, "Integrated TOU Price-Based Demand Response and Dynamic G2V Charge Scheduling of Electric Vehicle Aggregator" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "Interfacing Python With DIgSILENT Power Factory: Automation of Tasks" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2018) by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur / - / 2018

J. Sharma, V. Prakash, and R. Bhakar, "Interruptible Load Constrained Primary Frequency Response Scheduling With Photovoltaic Generation" , National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)2018 by :IEEE at Trichy / / 2018

Tarun Varma, "Investigating the ZnO Based Thin Film Transistor for UV Sensing " , 23rd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology by :Nanomaterials at London / 56 / 2018

Shrikant, S. K. Jatav, P. P. Kulkarni, U. Pandel, A. K. Nayak, R. K. Duchaniya, "Investigation of Simulant Material With Different Temperatures and Its Melt Pool With Quenching Behaviour" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering by :International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials & Mechanical Engineering at Jaipur / / 2018

Ravichandran, A. Kumar, R. Kumar, "Joint Angle Measurement for Biped Robot Orientation Estimation Using MEMs Based Inertial Sensors" , 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA 2018) by :IEEE at Coimbatore / / 2018

Tanvi Chawla, Girdhari Singh, E.S. Pilli, "JOTR: Join-Optimistic Triple Reordering Approach for SPARQL Query Optimization on Big RDF Data" , IEEE 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT 2018) by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 1-7 / 2018

Usha Choudhary, Vijay Janyani, "LDPC Coded Unipolar Flip OFDM for DD-IM Optical Fiber Communication Link" , Photonics-2018: International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics by :OSA at IIT Delhi, India / / 2018

Mi Jang, Won Joon Shim, Manviri Rani, Sang Hee Hong, "Levels of Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Marine Debris and Microplastics From South Korea and the Asia-Pacific Coastal Region" , Sixth International Marine Debris Conference by :Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute at San Diego, California / / 2018

Mag Raj Gehlot. Prof. Satish Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Shrivastava , "Life Cycle Environmental and Cost Performance of Steel vs Frp Towers " , A Conference on Next Frontier in Civil Engineering Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure NFiCE2018 by :A Conference on Next Frontier in Civil Engineering Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure at IIT Bombay, India / / 2018

Debayan Deb, Neeta Nain, Anil K Jain, "Longitudinal Study of Child Face Recognition" , The Eleventh IAPR International Conference on Biometrics by :IEEE at Gold Coast, Australia / / 2018

Komal Verma, Yash Kumar Mittal, "Low Energy and Net Zero Energy Buildings" , Annual Technical Volume of Architectural Engineering Division Boards by :Institute of Engineers, India at Rajasthan / / 2018

Goyal, Tarun Kumar and Sahula, Vineet, "Low Power Lightweight Cryptosystems for Internet of Things Devices" , IEEE 31st International Conference on VLSI Design (And 17th International Conference on Embedded Systems) by :IEEE at Pune / / 2018

N Jain, APS Rathore, R Jain, OP Yadav, "Maintenance Planning Based on Reliability Assessment of Multi-State Multi-Component System" , 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / 1-6 / 2018

Monika Sheoran and Divesh Kumar, "Marketing Strategies of Tata Tiago : A Turn Around for Tata Motors" , 1st PANIITIMC, IIT Roorkee by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / / 2018

Samidha Mridul Verma, Vasanth Reddy, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar , "Markov Models Based Short Term Forecasting of Wind Speed for Estimating Day-Ahead Wind Power" , IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS 2018) by :IEEE at Chennai,India / / 2018

S. M. Verma, V. Reddy, K. Verma, R. Kumar, "Markov​ ​Models​ ​Based​ ​Short​ ​Term​ ​Forecasting​ ​Of​ ​Wind​ ​Speed​ ​For​ ​Estimating Day-Ahead​ ​Wind​ ​Power" , IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS 2018) by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2018

Bharat Choudhary, Neeta Pandey and Kirti Gupta, "MCML Dynamic Register Design" , The International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2018 by :IEEE at Windsor, ON, Canada / 582-586 / 2018

Gaurav Sharma and Lava Bhargava, "MDAB: Module Design Automation Block for Verification Using System Verilog Testbench" , 3rd International Conference and Workshops on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE), Jaipur, India by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-4 / 2018

Sanjay Kumar, Ghanshyam Singh, Vijay Janyani, Buryy Oleh, Ubizskii Serhij, Sugak Dmytro, Manish Tiwari , "MgO Doped Lithium Niobate Waveguides Based All Optical Modulator" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT)-2017 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (472) by :Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. at MNIT Jaipur / 1-4 / 2018

Rupali Baghel, Dr Harlal Singh Mali and Vivek Baghela , "Micro Tool Fabrication and Micro-ED Milling of Titanium Alumina Ceramic-Composite" , 7th International & 28th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2018)), Held at Anna University, Chennai by :Springer at Chennai / / 2018

Yogesh Kumar Sonia and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Microwave-Mediated Synthesis of NiCo2S4-Graphene Composite and Its Application for Redox-Capacitor" , Conference on Electrochemistry in Advanced Materials, Corrosion and Radiopharmaceutical (CEAMCR-2018) by :BARC at Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai, India / / 2018

Agrawal, A.K., Sharma, M. and Mehrotra, P.K., "Mobile Number Portability & Other Policy Initiatives for Growth of Telecom Services in India" , International Conference on Role of Industrial Engineering in Industry 4.0 Paradigm (ICIEIND 2018) by :ICIEIND at Bhubaneswar / 1 / 2018

S K Tiwari N K Kumawat, "Model Study on Bearing Pressure of Footings Supported on Geocell-Reinforced Dune Sand" , ACGSE by :BITS PILANI at PILANI / / 2018

S. K. Tiwari , N.K. Kumawat, "Model Study on Bearing Pressure of Footings Supported on Geocell-Reinforced Dune Sand”" , 2nd International Conference_ ACSGE 2018 by :BITS Pilani at BITS PILANI / / 2018

N. Chattoraj, Abhijeet Pasumarthy, Rajeev Agarwal and Asifa Imam, "Modelling and Investigation of Electrothermally Actuated Microgripper" , International Conference on Microelectronics Computing and Amp Communication Systems by :Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. at NIT Surathkal India / / 2018

Shiv Om meena and Dr. Manish Vashishtha, "Modelling and Simulation of Nutrient Release From Neem (Azadirachta Indica) Oil Coated Urea" , 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology by :ICEST at Prague, Czrch Republic / / 2018

Hrushikesh M. Gade, Piyush P. Wanjari, "Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Solvent-Mediated Cholesterol Sequestration Within a Carbon Nanotube" , Chemference by :Conference Proceedings at IIT-Bombay / / 2018

Ajay Dadhich, J. K. Deegwal, MM Sharma, , "Multiband Slotted Microstrip Patch Antenna for TD-LTE, ITU and X-Band Applications" , IEEE 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2018) by :IEEE at Noida / / 2018

S. Sharma, N. Meena, K. Niazi, K. Verma, "Multiple Demand Response Programs to Maximize the Techno-Economic Benefits of Distribution Networks" , IET Renewable Power Generation (RPG) Conference 2018 by :IET at Denmark / - / 2018

Pooja Kumari, Takayuki Ichikawa, Ankur Jain, Kamlendra Awasthi, Manoj Kumar, "Nanostructured Bi2Te3 for All Solid State Li-Ion Batteries" , 19th International Symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design (ISEPD 2018) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur, India / / 2018

Kumar, A., Singh, S., Agnihotri, A. K. , "Natural Treatment of Domestic Wastewater – Review on Different Media" , ASMMCE-2108 by :NIT Jalandhar at Jalandhar / 266-270 / 2018

Sharma Manish, Kumar Nand, Kumar Ashwani , "Need for Water Management: A Case of Jaipur" , International Conference on Urban Sustainability: Emerging Trends, Themes, Concepts & Practices by :MNIT JAipur at MNIT Jaipur / 1 / 2018

Sandeep Saini and Vineet Sahula, "Neural Machine Translation for English to Hindi" , 4th IEEE International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management (CAMP) by :IEEE at Malaysia / / 2018

Rajive Tiwari,P Singh, M K Shah, K R Niazi, S Ratra, "New Voltage Stability Index and Amalgam Power Flow Controller for Performance Improvement of Modern Power Systems With Intense Renewables" , IET Renewable Power Generation (RPG) Conference 2018 by :IET at Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark / 6 / 2018

Sharma V., Saxena A, Raghuwanshi N.K., "Noise Analysis of an Industrial Fan Bearing- a Case Study" , International Conference on Advances in Design, Materials, Manufacturing and Energy Systems by :International Journal of Research in Advent Technology at MREC Hyderabad / / 2018

Priyanka Choudhary, Subhayan Mandal, "Non Self-Propelled Swimmer in a Confined Viscous Fluid" , 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on CONDENSED MATTER and APPLIED PHYSICS (ICC-2017) by :AIP Conference Proceedings at Bikaner / 140090 / 2018

Teena Sharma, M. Ravi Kumar, "Novel Security Enhancement Technique for OCDMA and SAC OCDMA Against Eavesdropping Using Multi Diagonal Code and Gating Scheme" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Communication Technology -2018, Springer at MNIT by :Springer at MNIT, Jaipur / / 2018

Yogesh Kumar Sonia and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Novel Synthesis of NiCo2S4-rGO Composite for High-Performance Supercapacitor Application" , International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM-2018) by :Punjab University at Punjab University, Chandigarh, India / / 2018

V Rama Krishna, Lava Bhargava, Vineet Sahula, "Novel Variability Aware Path Selection for Self Referencing Based Hardware Trojan Detection" , 31st VLSI Design Conference by :IEEE at Pune / 79-83 / 2018

Ramakrishna, Vaikuntapu and Bhargava, Lava and Sahula, Vineet, "Novel Variability Aware Path Selection for Self-Referencing Based Hardware Trojan Detection" , IEEE 31st International Conference on VLSI Design (And 17th International Conference on Embedded Systems) by :IEEE at Pune / / 2018

Bharathi M., Raj, D. and Dubey, R.N., "Numerical Evaluation of Undrained Seismic Limiting Pressure Behind Soil Gaps in Contiguous Pile Walls" , 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE) by :European Association of Earthquake Engineering and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki at Thessaloniki, Greece / / 2018

Shruti Kalra, Sandeep Vyas, Manish Tiwari, Ghanshyam Singh , "Numerical Modeling of Borosilicate Doped Photonic-Crystal Fiber for Mid-IR Supercontinuum Generation" , Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium – Fall (PIERS-Fall) by :IEEE at Singapore / 1743-1746 / 2018

Mushahary, L., Deka, D., Saha, A. and Sreedeep, S., "Numerical Modeling of Tunnel Support Designing in Weak Rock" , Indian Geotechnical Conference 2018 by :Springer at IISC Banglore / / 2018

Mehndiratta, S., Nautiyal, S and Sawant, V.A., "Numerical Modelling of Mechanical Behaviour of Partially Saturated Soils Using Uncoupled Approach" , National Conference on Advanced Structures, Materials and Methodology in Civil Engineering (ASMMCE-2018) by :B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar at Jalandhar / / 2018

Gaurav Kumar Chhaparwal, Ankur Srivastava, Ram Dayal, "Numerical Study of an Asymmetrically Heated Rectangular Duct With Suspended Cylinders" , XI International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer by :EDP Sciences at Cracow, Poland / / 2018

Vashishtha M., Shrivastava S, "Nutrient Mist Reactor: Utilization for Production of Hairy Root Culture" , International Conference on Seamless Chemical Engineering in Service of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities & Challenges (CHEMCON 2018) by :CHEMCON at Jalandhar, Punjab, India, / / 2018

Rameshwar J. Vishwakarma and Ramakant K. Ingle, "Observations on Different Parameters Affecting Design of Concrete Pavement Without Shoulder" , International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures, ACMS-2018 by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee, India / / 2018

A. P. Padhy, V. P. Singh, S. Pattnaik, "On Model Reduction of Multi-Input-Multi-Output Discrete Interval Systems" , 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT) by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 1842-1845 / 2018

S. Yamujala, A. Jain, P. Das, R. Bhakar, J. Mathur, P. Kushwaha, "Operational Strategy of Energy Storage to Address Day-Ahead Scheduling Errors in High RE Scenario" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Divya Bairathi, Dinesh Gopalani, "Opposition Based Salp Swarm Algorithm for Numerical Optimization" , International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications by :Springer at Vellore, India / 821-831 / 2018

Dmytro Sugak, Ihor Syvorotka, Oleh Buryy, Uliana Yachnevich, Natalia Martynyuk, Serhij Ubizskii, Ghanshyam Singh, Vijai Janyani, and Harsh Kumar , "Optical Investigation of Cu Diffusion Depth in LiNbO3 Crystals Under High-Temperature Treatment" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT)-2017 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (472) by :Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. at MNIT Jaipur / 1-5 / 2018

D. Sugak, I.I. Syvorotka, U. Yakhnevych, O. Buryy, N. Martynyuk, S. Ubizskii, Ya. Zhydachevskyy, A. Suchocki, H. Kumar, V. Janyani, G. Singh, "Optical Investigation of the Cu Ions Diffusion Into Bulk Lithium Niobate" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering by :Institute of Physics at Lviv (Ukraine) / 965-972 / 2018

A. K. Ghunawat, A. Jain, K. Nikita, M. Tiwari, G. Singh , "Optical Properties of Photonic Crystal Fiber" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT)-2017 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (472) by :Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. at MNIT Jaipur / 1-5 / 2018

Rajive Tiwari, Pradeep Singh, "Optimal Allocation of STATCOM Using Improved Sine Cosine Optimization Algorithm" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 1-6 / 2018

P. Jangir, V. Sangwan, R. Kumar, A. Rathore, "Optimal Power Management of Multiple Battery Units by Power Converter System in Electric Vehicle" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2018

S. G. Golive, S. Reddy, L. Panwar, R. Kumar, B. K. Panigrahi, "Optimal Wind Energy Scheduling Under Volatile Resource and Market Price Conditions" , 4th International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES 2018) by :IEEE at Kalavakkam / / 2018

Yogendra Singh Solanki, Madhu Agarwal, Sanjeev Gupta, PushkarShukla, A.B Gupta, "Optimization of Process Parameter for Removal Fluoride From Drinking Water Using Inorganic Polymeric Coagulant" , International Conference on Seamless Chemical Engineering in Services of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities and Challenges by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT JALANDHAR / / 2018

M. Singh, N.V. Datla, S.S. Bahga, and S. Kondaraju, "Optimization of Wettability Gradient for Enhancement of Thermal Performance of Micro Heat Pipes" , ASME 16th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels by :American Society of Mechanical Engineers at Dubrovnik. Crotia / / 2018

Harsh Kumar, Manish Tiwari, Ghanshyam Singh, Vijay Janyani, Buryy Oleh, Ubizskii Serhij , "Optimized 2×1 Multiplexer Based on Reversible Logic Using Titanium Indiffused Lithium Niobate Channel Wave Guides" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT)-2017 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (472) by :Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. at MNIT Jaipur / 1-4 / 2018

Komal Swami, Ritu Sharma, "Optimum Performance of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor Based Sense Amplifier D Flip Flop Circuits" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2018) by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur / 5 / 2018

Sharma, Komal, Kumar, Pawan and Vyas, R. K., "Packed Bed Studies on Continuous Adsorptive Removal of Lamivudine From Aqueous Solution" , CHEMCON-2018 by :IIChE at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar / 562 / 2018

Tripathi Ashish, Sharma Kapil, Bala Manju, "Parallel Bat Algorithm-Based Clustering Using MapReduce" , International Conference on Recent Advancement in Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences(RACCCS-2016) by :Springer, Singapore at Udaipur / 73-82 / 2018

T. Bhattacharjee, T. Attar, R. Kumar, N. Dey, "Parametric Optimization of Logarithmic Transformation Using GWO for Enhancement and Denoising of MRI Images" , 2018 3rd International Conference and Workshops on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Dubey, S., Agarwal, M., Gupta, A. B., "Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates With Alum Sludge Generated in Defluoridation Process" , International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology by :International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology at SKIT, JAIPUR / / 2018

S. Chiranjeevi, S. Pattnaik, V. P. Singh, "Partial Soft Switched DC-DC Converter With Constant Voltage Control" , IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific) by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / 1-5 / 2018

Girraj Sharma, Ritu Sharma, "Performance Comparison of Hard and Soft Fusion Techniques for Energy Efficient CSS in Cognitive Radio" , International Conference on Advanced Computation and Telecommunication (ICACAT) by :Springer at Bhopal / 6 / 2018

MM Garg and MK Pathak, "Performance Comparison of Non-Ideal and Ideal Models of DC-DC Buck Converter" , IEEE 8th India Int. Conf. on Power Electronics (IICPE-2018) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur, India / 1-6 / 2018

H. Godara, M.C. Govil, E.S. Pilli, "Performance Factor Analysis and Scope of Optimization for Big Data Processing on Cluster" , International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) by :IEEE at Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India / 418-423 / 2018

Dubey, S., Agarwal, M., Gupta, A. B., and Solanki, Y. , "Performance of Alum & Polyaluminum Chloride as Efficient Coagulants for Fluoride Removal in Batch and Continuous Reactors" , International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges by :Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability at IISc / / 2018

S. Narayan, M. K. Shrimali, S. D. Bharti, T. K. Datta, "Performance of Retrofitted Building Under the Sequence of Mainshock and Aftershocks" , 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, 16th SEE by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / 1-11 / 2018

S. Tolani, S. D. Bharti, M. K. Shrimali, T. K. Datta, "Performance of Seismically Designed Building Frames for Blast Loading" , 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, 16th SEE by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / 1-10 / 2018

Bharathi, M., Raj, D. and Dubey, R.N., "Performance of Short Rigid Pile Under Lateral Dynamic Load" , 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering by :SEE at IIT Roorkee / / 2018

Alok Garg, Vikas K. Sangal , Sushant Upadhyay , Pramod K Bajpai, "Photocatalytic Study of Three Textile Dyes in Wastewater Using on Metal Ion (Fe and Co) Doped and Codoped TiO2 Under Visible Light Irradiation" , CHEMCON-2018 by :CHEMCON at Jalandhar / / 2018

Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "Planning of Fast Charging Stations in Distribution System Coupled With Transportation Network for Capturing EV Flow" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Jaipur by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / - / 2018

Rajeev Kumar Dohare, Nishant Sharma, Sumit Chowdhary , "Plantwide Control and Vapor Split Manipulation in Extractive Divided Wall Columns With Vapor Recompression" , International Conference on Seamless Chemical Engineering in Service of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities & Challenges (CHEMCON 2018) by :CHEMCON at Jalandhar / / 2018

Meena, "Polarographic Studies of Mixed Ligand Complexes of Lead With Amino Acids and Thioglycolic Acid at Dropping Mercury Electrode (DME)" , International Conference on Recent Trends on Environment Sustainable Development by :VIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2018

Ankur Gupta, Meenakshi Tripathi, "Poster: A Lightweight Mutually Authenticated Key-Agreement Scheme for Wireless Body Area Networks in Internet of Things Environment" , 24th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking by :ACM at New Delhi / 804-806 / 2018

Poonam Shekhawat, Gunwant Sharma, R. M. Singh, "Potential Utilization of Eggshell Powder in Soft Soil Stabilization: A Review." , Latest Innovations in the Area of Sustainable Materials for Building/Road Construction in Civil Engineering (NCSMBRCE-2018), by :MNIT, Jaipur at MNIT, Jaipur / 116-122 / 2018

Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, KR Niazi, "Power System Low Frequency Oscillations Monitoring and Generator Coherency Determination in Real Time" , IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (ISGT Asia 2018) by :IEEE at Singapore, Singapore / / 2018

V. Gali, N. Gupta and R. A. Gupta, "Predictive Tuned Filter Based Reference Current Generation for Shunt Active Power Filter Under Distorted and Unbalanced Supply Voltage" , National Power Engineering Conference (NPEC) by :IEEE at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madhurai / / 2018

J. Sharma, V. Prakash, P. Kushwaha and R. Bhakar, "Primary Frequency Response Constrained Interruptible Load Scheduling Under PV Generation" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Shweta Saharan, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Akka Zemmari, "Privacy Preserving Data Offloading Based on Transformation" , 13th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS) by :Springer at Arcachon, France / 86-92 / 2018

Meenakshi Khandelwal, Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, "Profit Based Self-Scheduling of Virtual Power Plant Under Multiple Locational Marginal Prices" , National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)2018 by :IEEE at Trichy / / 2018

Ganpat Singh Chauhan, Yogesh Kumar Meena, "Prominent Aspect Term Extraction in Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis" , 2018 3rd International Conference and Workshops on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 1-6 / 2018

M. Bhandari, S. D. Bharti, M. K. Shrimali, T. K. Datta, "Pushover Analysis of Base- Isolated Building" , 2nd International Conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (ACSGE-2018) by :BITS Pilani at BIT Pilani / 1-10 / 2018

Monu Verma, Prafulla Saxena, Santosh Kumar Vipparthi, Girdhari Singh, "QUEST:Quadriletral Senary Bit Pattern for Facial Expression Recognition" , IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC-18) (Core B) by :IEEE at Japan / / 2018

Joshi, Amit, Vivek Jain, Shubham Ladda, and Raushan Kumar, "Real-Time Implementation of Blind and Robust Watermarking for HEVC Video Coding." , 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at Hyderabad, Indina / 58-63 / 2018

Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Real-Time Low Frequency Oscillations Monitoring and Coherency Determination in a Wind Integrated Power System" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2018) by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur / - / 2018

R. Singhal, R. Kumar, S. Neeli, "Receding Horizon Control of Greenhouse Integrated With Fogger and Rooftop Wind Turbine" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

R. Singhal, R. Kumar, S. Neeli, "Receding Horizon Control of Naturally Ventilated Greenhouse With Rooftop Wind Turbine" , International Conference on Control, Communication and Computing (IC4 2018) by :IEEE at Trivandrum / / 2018

Monu Verma, S. K. Vipparthi, Girdhari Singh, "Region Based Extensive Response Index Pattern for Facial Expression Recognition" , International Conference on Communication, Computing & Internet of Things (IC3IOT-18) by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2018

Aakanksha Gurawa, Sudhir Kashyap, "Regioselective Azidation of Alkenes Using Sulfonium Iodate Reagent. (A-360, FCASI-2018)." , International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemistry-Allied Sciences Interface (FCASI-2018) by :Department of Chemistry Centre of Advanced Study University of Rajasthan at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / 360 / 2018

Premi, H, Sharma. M, and Dangayach, "Relationship Between Business Ethics, CSR and Green Marketing, an Overview" , International Conference on Media, Culture and Ethics by :BITS PILANI at PILANI, India / / 2018

Rakesh Baghel, Sarita Kalla, S.P. Chaurasia, and Sushant Upadhyaya, "Removal of Basic Red 9 Azo Dye by Using Flat Sheet PVDF Membrane in Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , Seamless Chemical Engineering in Service of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities & Challenges (CHEMCON-2018) by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar Punjab / / 2018

Rakesh Baghel, Sarita Kalla, S.P. Chaurasia and Sushant Upadhyaya , "Removal of Basic Red Azo Dye by Using Flat Sheet PVDF Membrane in Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , CHEMCON-2018 by :IIChE at NIT Jalandhar / / 2018

Karishma Maheshwari, Yogendra Singh Solanki, Madhu Agarwal, Swati Dubey, "Removal of Congo-Red Dye by Using Activated Carbon Developed From Walnut Shell" , Seamless Chemical Engineering in Service of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities & Challenges (CHEMCON-2018) by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT JALANDHAR / / 2018

Sharma, Komal, Ali, Shahzad and Vyas, R. K., "Removal of Methylene Blue From Aqueous Solution Using Acid Modified Bentonite Clay" , CHEMCON-2018 by :IIChE at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar NIT Jalandhar / 377 / 2018

S. Pal, R. Verma, R. Kumar, "Residential Demand Response Framework by Incorporating Renewable Energy Sources to Reduce Carbon Footprints" , 10thThe International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE 2018) by :IEEE at Bali / / 2018

R. Singhal, R. Kumar, S. Neeli, "Residual Based Fault Detection of Greenhouse" , International Conference on Technological Innovations in ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development (TIAR 2018) by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2018

Kalpana Naidu, Meenakshi Tripathi, Ramesh Babu Battula, "Resource Allocation at MAC to Provide QoS for Cognitive Radio Networks" , Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT-2018) by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2018

Sunita Tolani, S. D. Bharti , M. K. Shrimali , and T.K. Datta, "Response Comparison of Reinforced Concrete Building Subjected to Equivalent Static Blast Load and Dynamic Blast Load " , 11th Structural Engineering Convention – 2018, SEC18 by :Jadhpur University at Kolkata / 7-10 / 2018

Sunita Tolani, S. D. Bharti , M. K. Shrimali , and T.K. Datta, "Response Comparison of Reinforced Concrete Building Subjected to Equivalent Static Blast Load and Dynamic Blast Load" , 11th Structural Engineering Convention – 2018, SEC18 by :Jadhpur University at Kolkata / 7-10 / 2018

Ravindra Kumar Saini, Mushtaq Ahmed, "Restricted Turn Model Fault Tolerant Routing Techniques for 3D Mesh Network-on-Chip: An Evaluation" , International Congress on Information and Communication Technology by :Springer, Singapore at Bangkok / 113-122 / 2018

Peeyush Vats, Gunjan Soni, Ajay Pal Singh Rathore, Jayant Kishor Purohit, "Risk Pooling Approach in Multi-Product Multi-Period Inventory Control Model Under Uncertainty" , 2018 International Conference on Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) by :IEEE at Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka / 1-7 / 2018

V. Asati, E. S. Pilli, S. Vipparthi, S. Garg, S. Singhal and S. Pancholi, "RMDD: Cross Layer Attack in Internet of Things" , International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 1-6 / 2018

A. Shah, A. Mittal, N. Jain, R. K. Arya, S. Garg, R. Kumar, "Robotic Inspection of High Voltage Transmission Lines Under Live Condition" , International Conference and Exhibition on Smart Utilities for Smart Cities by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2018

Monika Sheoran and Divesh Kumar, "Role of Environmental Concerns on the Startups Netwroking: A Study of Indian Startups" , 6th Pan IIM World Mangement Conference by :IIM Banglore at Banglore / / 2018

Deepak Ranjan Nayak, Ratnakar Dash, Zhihai Lu, Siyuan Lu, Banshidhar Majhi, "SCA-RELM: A New Regularized Extreme Learning Machine Based on Sine Cosine Algorithm for Automated Detection of Pathological Brain" , 27th International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2018) by :IEEE at Nanjing, China / 764-769 / 2018

Pranda Prasanta Gupta, Prerna Jain, Suman Sharma, Kailash Chand Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, "Scheduling of Energy Storage Transportation in Power System Using Benders Decomposition Approach" , National Power Systems Conference (NPSC)2018 by :IEEE at NIT Trichy, Triuchirapalli / / 2018

Pranda Prasanta Gupta, Prerna Jain, Suman Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, "Security Constrained Unit Commitment in a Power System Based on Battery Energy Storage With High Wind Penetration" , 2018 International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Control and Computing (PICC) by :IEEE at Thissur, India / / 2018

Raj, D., Singh, Y. and Shukla, S.K. , "Seismic Bearing Capacity of Strip Foundation on Slope Using FELA" , 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering by :SEE at IIT Roorkee / / 2018

Bharathi, M., Raj, D., Shukla, S.K. and Dubey, R.N., "Seismic Stability Analysis of Slope Stabilized With Piles" , 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering by :SEE at IIT Roorkee / / 2018

Raj, D., Singh, Y. and Kaynia, A.M., "Seismic Stability of Slopes Under Closely Spaced Buildings" , 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering by :SEE at IIT Roorkee / / 2018

Agrawal, A.K., Sharma, M. and Mehrotra, P.K., "Service Quality of Telecom Telecom Networks in India: An Analysis" , XXII Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management (SOM) by :IIM Kozhikode at Kozhikode / 1 / 2018

R. K. Vijay, S. J. Nanda, "Shared Nearest Neighbor Based Classification of Earthquake Catalogs in Spatio-Temporal Domain" , Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation, IEEE-ICCUBEA-2018 by :IEEE at Pune, India / 1-6 / 2018

KM Kanika, Santosh Chaudhary, Mohan Kumar Choudhary, "Similarity Solution of Hydromagnetic Flow Near Stagnation Point Over a Stretching Surface Subjected to Newtonian Heating and Convective Condition" , Modern Mathematical Methods and High Performance Computing in Science and Technology M3HPCST-2018 by :Springer at Ghaziabad / / 2018

S. Pal, R. Kumar, "Smart Household Energy Management by Employing EV and BESS as Enabling Technologies" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Sneha Pandey and Divesh Kumar, "Social Construction of Value Through Customer-to-Customer Interaction" , COSMAR by :IISC Banglore at Bangalore / / 2018

M. Singh, M. C. Govil, E. S. Pilli, "SOD-CHIEF: Salient Object Detection Using Convex Hull With multI-Scale Energy Functions" , Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT) by :IEEE at Jabalpur, India / 1--6 / 2018

Sreenu Sreekumar, Rohit Bhakar, "Solar Power Prediction Models: Classification Based on Time Horizon, Input, Output and Application" , 2018 International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / / 2018

Arjun Singh Chauhan and Vineet Sahula, "Spatial Biasing for Realizing Highly Reliable Physical Unclonable Functions on FPGA" , IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT) by :IEEE at Bengaluru / / 2018

Amrita Singh, Amit M. Joshi, "Speaker Identification Through Natural and Whisper Speech" , Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT-2018) by :Springer at MNIT-Jaipur / 223-231 / 2018

Singh, Y., Ahmad, S., Raj, D., Modha, K.G. and Lang, D.H., "Spectral Amplification - Modelling for Triangular Hill Geometry" , 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE) by :European Association of Earthquake Engineering and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki at Thessaloniki, Greece / / 2018

A. Jain, S. Yamujala, P. Das, R. Bhakar, J. Mathur, P. Kushwaha, "Stacked Benefits of Energy Storage in Microgrid Scheduling" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Meenakshi Khandelwal, Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, "State-of-Art on Flexibility Services in Electricity Markets" , 2018 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2018

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Thurpu Raghavender Reddy, and Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereodivergent Iodination of Alkynes to Access 1-Iodoalkyne and (E) 1,2-Diiodoalkenes. (P-179, BICON-2018)." , International Conference on Environmental Sensitivity Sustainable Development, the 13th Anniversary India-Japan Fest by :Biyani Group of Colleges, Department of Science and Nursing, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2018

Manoj Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective Glycosylation of Galcals: Synthesis of 2-Deoxy and 2,3- Dideoxyglycoconjugates. (A-361, FCASI-2018)" , International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemistry-Allied Sciences Interface (FCASI-2018) by :Department of Chemistry Centre of Advanced Study University of Rajasthan at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / 361 / 2018

Manoj Kumar, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoseletive Synthesis of O-Glycosides From Glycals. (P-189-190, BICON-2018)." , International Conference on Environmental Sensitivity Sustainable Development, the 13th Anniversary India-Japan Fest by :Biyani Group of Colleges, Department of Science and Nursing, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2018

J.S.Yadav, S.K.Tiwari, "Strength and Swelling Pressure Studies on the Utilization of Rubber Tire Wastes in Clayey Soil" , 6th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference by :NIT Trichy, India at NIT Trichy, India / / 2018

V. Malapati, K. K. Venkataratnam and R. Singh, "Structure and Magnetic Properties of Mn-Fe Co-Doped ZnO Thin Films Deposited by RF-Magnetron Sputtering" , DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2017 by :AIP Conference Proceedings at Mumbai / 080055 / 2018

Talwar S., Chaudhary P., Sangal V. K., Verma A, "Study of Degradation of Pharmaceutical Drug Cetirizine Using TiO2 Photocatalysis" , International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, by :B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar at Jalandhar / / 2018

S. Talwar S., P. Chaudhary V. K. Sangal, A Verma, , "Study of Degradation of Pharmaceutical Drug Cetirizine usingTiO2 Photocatalysis" , Recycled Waste Materials and Sustainable Engineering EGRWSE-2018 by :International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, Dr B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Tec at Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, / / 2018

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Thurpu Raghavender Reddy, and Sudhir Kashyap, "Sulfonium Iodate(I) Salt Mediated Stereodivergent Iodination of Alkynes, Solvent-Switched Selective Access to 1-Iodoalkyne and (E) 1,2-Diiodoalkenes" , International Conference on Sustainable Chemistry for Health Environment and Materials (P-24, Su-Chem-2018) by :Su-Chem at Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad / / 2018

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Thurpu Raghavender Reddy, and Sudhir Kashyap, "Sulfonium Iodate(I)Salt Mediated Chemoselective and Stereospecific Iodination of Alkynes" , International Conference Indo-US Colloquium Recent Developments in Inter Disciplinary Research by :Hansraj College DU, & Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine Maywood, IL, USA at University of Delhi, Delhi / / 2018

M. Gamit, R. Kumar, A. Shukla, K. Verma, "Supplementary Frequency Control in Power Systems via Decentralized V2G Support" , IET Renewable Power Generation (RPG) Conference 2018 by :IET at Denmark / - / 2018

Garg Neeti, Kumar Ashwani, Pipralia Satish, Kumar Parveen, "Sustainable Building Materials for Energy Efficiency" , International Conference on Sustainability: Emerging Trends, Themes, Concepts & Practices by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2018

Saxena, Arjita, and Jat, Mahesh K., "Sustainable Urban Growth Using Geoinformatics and CA Based Modelling" , 11th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2018) by :ACM Press at University of Ireland Galway, Ireland / / 2018

Lavika Goel, Mallikarjun Swamy, Raghav Mantri, "Swarm and Artificial Immune System-Based Intelligence Techniques for Geo-Spatial Feature Extraction" , International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Engineering by :Springer at Andhra Pradesh / / 2018

N. Sandeep, J. S. M. Ali, Udaykumar R. Y. and K. Vijayakumar, "Switched-Capacitor-Based Three-Phase Five-Level Inverter Topology With Reduced Components" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Jaipur by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2018

Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "Synchrophasor Measurements Assisted Naïve Bayes Classification Based Real – Time Transient Stability Prediction of Power System" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2018) by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur / - / 2018

Neelam Meena, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, Upender Pandel, "Synthesis and Characterzation of Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide Doped Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) Nanocomposite Thin Film" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering by :International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials & Mechanical Engineering at Jaipur / / 2018

Jasdeep Kaur, Vikas K. Sangal, "Synthesis of Ethyl Acetate Using Reactive Dividing Wall Distillation Column: An Energy Efficient Approach" , CHEMCON-2018 by :CHEMCON at Jalandhar / / 2018

Nemi Chand Mawari and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Synthesis of Novel Mn-Ni-Co Ternary Metal Oxide for High Performance Supercapacitor Application" , International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM-2018) by :Punjab University at Punjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab, India / / 2018

Prakash, Vivek, Rohit Bhakar, Harpal Tiwari, and Kailash Chand Sharma, "System Inertia Prediction for Primary Frequency Response Adequacy Under Uncertain Wind Generation" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Jaipur by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2018

Sarita Kalla, Sushant Upadhyaya, Kailash Singh, Rakesh Baghel, "Taguchi Optimization Approach for Azeotropic Mixture Separation Using Air Gap Membrane Distillation" , CHEMCON-2018 by :IIChE at Jalandhar / / 2018

Sarita Kalla, Sushant Upadhyaya, Kailash Singh, Rakesh Baghel, "Taguchi Optimization Approach for Azeotropic Mixture Separation Using Air Gap Membrane Distillation,” " , Seamless Chemical Engineering in Service of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities & Challenges (CHEMCON-2018) by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar Punjab / / 2018

Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya, S.P. Chaurasia and Rakesh Baghel , "Taguchi Optimization for Experimental Permeate Flux in Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination" , 71th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at NIT Jalandhar / / 2018

Anita Choudhary, Mahesh Chandra Govil, Girdhari Singh, Lalit K. Awasthi, E.S. Pilli, "Task Clustering-Based Energy-Aware Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Environment" , 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 4th by :IEEE at Exeter, United Kingdom / 968-973 / 2018

A. Choudhary, M. C. Govil, G. Singh, L. K. Awasthi, and E. S. Pilli, "Task Clustering-Based Energy-Aware Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Environment " , 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) by :IEEE at Exeter, England / 1-6 / 2018

D. Sharma, A. K. Bhardwaj, M. Sharma, "The Concept of Ergonomic Evaluation for Industrial Building Spaces" , International Conference on Role of Industrial Engineering in Industry 4.0 Paradigm (ICIEIND 2018) by :ICIEIND at Bhubaneshwar / / 2018

Kumar.S, Sharma. M, Bhardwaj. A, Dangayach, G.S, "The Cost Observance of Crops in Rajasthan- a Orientation Analysis in Pre & Post Reform Periods" , International Conference on Role of Industrial Engineering in Industry 4.0 Paradigm (ICIEIND 2018) by :ICIEIND at Bhubaneshwar / / 2018

Sundeep Kumar, "The Cost of Observance of Crops in Rajasthan Orientation Analysis in Pre and Post Reforms Periods" , Diamond Jubilee National Convention of IIIE and International Conference by :Siksha O Anusandhan Deemed University, Bhubaneswar at Bhubaneshwar / / 2018

Shweta Choudhary, Satish Pipralia, Nand Kumar, "The Future of Heritage in the Era of Energy Efficiency" , International Conference on Urban Sustainability by :MNIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2018

Agrawal K. K., Misra R., Parmar S., Agrawal G. D., "Thermal Performance Analysis of Earth-Air-Pipe-Heat Exchanger Using Different Backfilling Materials" , Third International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Challenges by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / / 2018

Suman Sharma, Prerna Jain, Rohit Bhakar, Pranda Prasanta Gupta, "Time of Use Price Based Vehicle to Grid Scheduling of Electric Vehicle Aggregator for Improved Market Operations" , IEEE PES ISGT Asia 2018 by :IEEE at Singapore / / 2018

Modha, K.G., Raj, D. and Singh, Y. , "Topographic Amplification for Triangular Hill Geometry" , 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering by :SEE at IIT Roorkee / / 2018

Patidar K., Vashishtha M., "Torrefaction of Mustard Crop Residue for Higher Energy Value" , International Conference on Seamless Chemical Engineering in Service of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities & Challenges (CHEMCON 2018) by :CHEMCON at Jalandhar, Punjab, India / / 2018

Steffi Talwar, Vikas Kumar Sangal, AnoopVerma, "Treatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater Using Photocatalysis and Biological Process" , CHEMCON-2018 by :CHEMCON at Jalandhar / / 2018

MJ Pawar, A Patnaik, R Nagar, "Tribo-Performance of Granite Powder Filled Glass-Epoxy Composites" , TRIBOINDIA-2018 an International Conference on Tribology by :Ssrn at VJTI – Mumbai / / 2018

V. Sharma, M. L. Meena and M. Kumar, "Tribological Behaviour of Polymer Composite Materials: A Review" , International Conference on Recent Innovation & Technological Development in Mechanical Engineering: RITDME-2018 by :JECRC Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2018

Mayanka Singh Chhonker, Deepak Verma, Arpan Kumar Kar and Yash Daultani, "Typology Based in Risk Perception and Uses and Gratification: A Study of Travelers Using Mobile Apps in India" , 18th Global Conference on Digitalization and Flexibility for Organizational Management and Transformation by :Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management at IIM Lucknow / / 2018

Mayanka Singh Chhonker, Deepak Verma, Yash Daultani, "Typology Based on Risk Perception and Uses & Gratifications: A Study on Travelers Using Mobile Apps in India" , 18th Global Conference on Digitalization and Flexibility for Organizational Management and Transformation by :IIM Lucknow at IIM Lucknow / / 2018

Mohit Kumar Singh, Vijay Laxmi, Neeta Nain, "Unsupervised Person Re-ID in Surveillance Feed Using Re-Ranking" , Second ISEA International Conference Security and Privacy (ISEA-ISAP) by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 179-192 / 2018

S. S. Chauhan, E. S. Pilli, R. C. Joshi, and G. Singh, "UPB: User Preference Based Brokering for Service Ranking and Selection in Federated Cloud" , IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS 2018) by :IEEE at Indore, India / 1--6 / 2018

Yogendra Singh Solanki, Dubey, S., Agarwal, M., Gupta, A. B., "Use of Waste Alum Sludge as the Partial Substitute Fro Fine Aggregates Concrete" , Seamless Chemical Engineering in Service of Humanity: Innovations, Opportunities & Challenges (CHEMCON-2018) by :NIT Jalandhar at Nit Jalandhar / / 2018

Ashish Kumar Patel, Satyendra Singh Chouhan, and Rajdeep Niyogi., "Using Crowd Sourced Data for Music Mood Classification" , Sixth International Conference on Big Data Analytics by :Springer at NIT Warangal / 363-375 / 2018

Prarthita Basu, Vinayak Gupta, Ritesh Gupta, Sanjeev Kumar, "UTILIZATION of SANDSTONE SLURRY in SCC" , 2nd International Conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (ACSGE-2018) by :BITS Pilani at Pilani, Rajasthan / / 2018

M. Singh, M. C. Govil, E. S. Pilli, "V-SIN: Visual Saliency Detection in Noisy Images Using Convolutional Neural Network" , Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT) by :IEEE at Jabalpur, India / 1--6 / 2018

Chandra Prakash, Rajesh Kumar, Namita Mittal, Gaurav Raj, "Vision Based Identification of Joint Coordinates for Marker-Less Gait Analysis" , International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science ICCIDS 2018 by :Elsevier at Gurugram / 68-75 / 2018

A. M. Joshi, M. S. Ansari and C. Sahu, "VLSI Architecture of High Speed SAD for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Encoder" , The International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2018 by :IEEE at Florence, Italy / / 2018

A. Gupta, K. Verma, K. Niazi, "Wide Area Coordinated Control for Low Frequency Oscillations Damping in a Wind Integrated Power System" , IET Renewable Power Generation (RPG) Conference 2018 by :IET at Denmark / - / 2018

Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Wide-Area PMU-ANN Based Monitoring of Low Frequency Oscillations in a Wind Integrated Power System" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Jaipur by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / - / 2018


Manish Kumar , Somnath Roy., " Effects of Blockages and Inflow Pulsations on Flow Behaviour Through Sshaped Arteries" , 44th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP)-2017. by :FMFP at Amrita University-Kerala, India. / / 2017

Nidhi Saxena, K K Sharma, " Image Fusion Scheme Using Two Dimensional Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform" , Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2017 (CICT 2017) by :IEEE at Gwalior / 04 / 2017

Rajive Tiwari, Jyotsna Singh, " Probabilistic Modeling and Analysis of Aggregated Electric Vehicle Charging Station Load on Distribution System" , IEEE International Conference (INDICON- 2017) by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee / 6 / 2017

Sarkar M., Sangal Vikas K, Bhunia H., Bajpai P. K., Pant H. J., Sharma V. K., Kumar A., Naithani A. K, " Radiotracer Investigation of a Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent Treatment Plant" , International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology (ICARST 2017) by :IAEA at Vienna, Austria / 208 / 2017

Sharma M., Kumar N., Kumar A, ""Need for Disaster Risk Resilience: A Case of India" , International Conference on Theory of Architectural Design: Global Practices Amid Local Milieu by :McGraw Hill Education India at Katra / 290-293 / 2017

Sharma, D., Bhardwaj, A., Sharma, M., Mirza, A, ""Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Discomfort Glare Due to Artificial Indoor Lighting”" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (ICETMIE 2017) by :ABC India Publishers at Gurugram / 89-92 / 2017

S. Kumawat, R. K. Maddila, S. J. Nanda, "2D Code Construction Using DW Code Families for SAC-OCDMA Systems" , 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference, IEEE-TENCON-2017 by :IEEE at Penang, Malaysia / 2451-2455 / 2017

R. Gupta, S. J. Nanda, P. Panchal, "A Color Transformation Approach to Retrieve Cloudy Pixels in Daytime Satellite Images" , Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, ICCII-2017 by :Springer at Dept. of Computer Sci & Engg, JNTUHCEH, Hyderabad / 311-319 / 2017

Ajay Yadav and R.P. Yadav Sweta Agarwal, "A Compact Triple Band Notched UWB Antenna: SRR and Feed Miniaturization" , IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET) by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2017

Ashok Kumar,Mahendra Mohan Sharma,Deepak Jhanwar, "A Compact Triple-Band Planar MIMO Diversity Antenna for WiMAX/WLAN Applications" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (COMPTELIX 2017) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2017

K. P. Bhatt, R. A. Gupta and N. Gupta, "A Comparative Analysis Between Three Stage and Two Stage Bidirectional DC-DC Converter in Battery Storage Application" , International Conference on Power and Embedded Drive Control (ICPEDC- 2017) by :IEEE at SSN College of Engineering Chennai / 312 - 317 / 2017

Haldia Archit, Siddique Salman, Shrivastava Sandeep, Choudhary Sandeep, "A Comparative Study of Fly Ash Bricks Made With Blend of Clay Brick Waste and Stone Dust" , Ational Conference on Advances in Construction Technology and Management by :Ational Conference on Advances in Construction Technology and Management at VNIT Nagpur, India / / 2017

Garg, A., Munoth, P., Goyal R., "A Comparative Study of VH400 Sensor Readings With Gravimetric Moisture Contents Using Different Dielectric Equations" , International Conference on Agriculture, Environmental and Bio Sciences by :ICAEBS at Chandigarh, India / - / 2017

Tarush Chandra, Bibhu Kalyan Nayak, Arjun Gosain, "A Comparitive Overview of the Existing Building Rating Systems" , NATIONAL CONFERENCE on URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT in INDIA: PROBLEMS and PROSPECTS by :- at Jaipur / 127 / 2017

Mahesh Kumar Paliwal and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "A Cost Effective and Environmental-Friendly Micro-Wave Mediated Synthesis and Characterization of Flower-Like NiCo2O4" , NANO INDIA 2017 by :IIT Delhi at Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India / / 2017

Kunwar Pal, Mushtaq Ahmed, and Mahesh Chandra Govil , "A Distinctive Analysis of New Hybrid Overlay Approach With Classical Overlay Approaches for P2P Live Streaming" , 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications by :Springer at Las Vegas Nevada USA / 32-38 / 2017

Baria Dipikaben Manharbhai, Amit Kumar Garg, Vijay Janyani, "A Flexible Remote Node Architecture for Energy Efficient Direct ONU Internetworking in TDM PON" , COMPTELIX 2017(International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics 2017) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 453-457 / 2017

R. Ratnakumar, S. J. Nanda, "A Hardware Architecture Based on Genetic Clustering for Color Image Segmentation" , 7th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving, SocProS-2017 by :Springer at Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar / 863-876 / 2017

AS Chauhan, OP Yadav, G Soni, R Jain, "A Holistic Approach to Manage Risks in NPD Process" , 2017 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) by :IEEE at Orlando, FL, USA / 1-5 / 2017

S. Choudhary, C. Prakash, R. Kumar, "A Hybrid Approach for Gait Based Gender Classification Using GEI and Spatio Temporal Parameters" , Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2017 International Conference On by :IEEE at Manipal / / 2017

Nidhi Saxena, K.K. Sharma, "A Hybrid Approach for Pansharpening Using Hilbert Vibration Decomposition" , IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals & Instrumentation Engg. ICPCSI 2017 by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2017

Sonu Lamba and Neeta Nain, "A Large Scale Crowd Density Classification Using Spatio-Temporal Local Binary Pattern" , The Thirteenth International Conference on Signal Image Technologies and Internet Based Systems by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 296-302 / 2017

C. Prakash, Sujil A, R. Kumar, N. Mittal, "A Linear Prediction Model for Joint Movement of Lower Extremity" , 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics (ICACNI) by :Springer at Goa / / 2017

M L Mittal, "A Multiagent Based Framework for Integrated Project Selection and Scheduling Problem" , International Conference on “Engineering and Technology, Computer, Basics and Applied Sciences ECBA 2017 by :ECBA at Hong Kong / / 2017

Soma Kumawat, M. Ravi Kumar, "A New Code Construction Algorithm Based on Double Weight Codes for SAC-OCDMA Systems" , International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (Comptelix), 2017 by :IEEE at Manipal University, Jaipur / 1-6 / 2017

I. Sharma, A. Kumar, L. Balyan, and G. K. Singh, "A New Hybrid CSE Technique for Multiplier-Less FIR Filter" , In Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2017 22nd International Conference On by :IEEE at London, UK / 1-5 / 2017

M. Varun, K. Shukla, R. Maheshwari and A. K. Jain, "A New Hybrid PWM for Two Parallel Connected Interleaved Two-Level Inverter to Reduce Output Current Ripple" , ICPES by :IEEE at Toronto / / 2017

Soma Kumawat, M. Ravi Kumar, "A New Technique to Construct Zero Cross Correlation Code for SAC-OCDMA" , 1st International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies by :IRISWORLD at MNIT, Jaipur / / 2017

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Thurpu Raghavender Reddy, Sudhir Kashyap, "A Novel and Efficient Protocol for Regioselective Vicinal Functionalization of Olefins" , International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemistry-Allied Sciences Interface (FCASI-2017) (PS-45, FCASI-2017) by :FCASI Department of Chemistry Centre of Advanced Study University of Rajasthan at University of Rajasthan / 45 / 2017

Maroti Deshmukh, Neeta Nain, Mushtaq Ahmed, "A Novel Approach of an (N, N) Multi-Secret Image Sharing Scheme Using Additive Modulo" , Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing by :Springer at IIT Roorkee / 149-158 / 2017

Lavika Goel, Nilay Jain, Shivin Srivastava, "A Novel PSO Based Algorithm to Find Initial Seeds for the K-Means Clustering Algorithm" , Communication and Computing Systems: Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication and Computing Systems ICCCS by :CRC Press, Taylor and Francis at Gurgaon / / 2017

Rajeswari JS, Sarkar R, Roy N, Bharti SD, "A Numerical Investigation on Bearing Capacity of Isolated Footing on Fiber Reinforced Sand" , Indian Geotechnical Conference by :Indian Geotechnical Society at IIT Guwahati / / 2017

Sanjeev Yadav, M. M. Sharma, Deepak Jhanwar, Monika Garg, "A Polarization Independent Triple Band Reject Frequency Selective Surface for the Mobile Communication" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (COMPTELIX 2017) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2017

Ashish Sharma , Yogendra Gupta , Sonal Yadav , Manoj Singh Gaur , Lava Bhargava , Vijay Laxmi, "A Power, Thermal and Reliability-Aware Network-on-Chip" , iNIS by :IEEE at Bhopal / / 2017

Vishakha Sharma, Neeta Nain, Tapas Badal, "A Redefined Codebook Model for Dynamic Backgrounds" , Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing by :Springer at IIT Roorkee / 463-473 / 2017

Narayanan. K, Shahbaz.A. Siddiqui and Manoj Fozdar, "A Robust Islanding Detection Technique and Rank Based Load Shedding for Distribution System With Single DG" , IEEE ISGT Asia-2017 by :IEEE at Auckland / / 2017

Sood, Garima, Sidharth Pancholi, and Amit M. Joshi, "A Robust Speaker Identification System for Natural and Whispered Speech" , 14th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), by :IEEE at IIT, Roorkee / 1-6 / 2017

T. Chawla, G. Singh, E. S. Pilli, "A Shortest Path Approach to SPARQL Chain Query Optimisation" , International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2017) by :IEEE at Udupi, India / 1778-1783 / 2017

Kumar, N., Kumar, T., and Chaudhary, A. , "A Spatial Temporal Analysis of a Commercial Area- a Case of Gaurav Tower, Jaipur" , International Conference on Modern Research in Architecture by :Environmental Science for Sustainable Development at New Delhi: Krishi Sanskriti / 518-522 / 2017

Kumar, N., and Preet, G., "A Study of Traffic Congestion in Commercial Areas of Malaviya Nagar, Jaipur" , International Conference on Modern Research in Architecture, Civil Engineering by :Environmental Science for Sustainable Development at New Delhi / / 2017

Swati Dubey, Madhu Agarwal, A.B. Gupta, "A Study on the Characterization of the Species Formed During Fluoride Removal Through Coagulation " , International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future by :Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur at S.V. National Institute of Technology / / 2017

A. Kumar, V. Gupta and N. Gupta, "A Synchronization of PV Source by Using Bacterial Foraging Optimization Based PI Controller to Reduce Day-Time Dependency" , International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control, Optimization & Signal Processing by :IEEE at Kalasalingam University Srivilliputtur / / 2017

A. Jakhar, M. Mathew, A. Chauhan, K. Singh, V. Janyani and N. D. Gupta, "A Top-Down Approach for Fabrication of Nanorods on GaN Based LEDs Using Self Assemble Ni" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Communication Technology by :Springer at MNIT, Jaipur (India) / 171-176 / 2017

R. K. Vijay, S. J. Nanda, "A Variable E-DBSCAN Algorithm for Declustering Earthquake Catalogs" , 7th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving, SocProS-2017 by :Springer at Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar / 639-651 / 2017

A. K. Singh, M.K. Sain, M.L. Meena and H. Chaudhary , "A. K. Singh, M.K. Sain, M.L. Meena and H. Chaudhary" , Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment: HWWE 2017 by :India Society of Ergonomics at AMU, Aligarh at Aligarh / / 2017

S. Ray, N. Gupta, R. A. Gupta, "Active and Reactive Power Management of Photovoltaic Fed CHB InverterBased Active Filter With Improved Control Under Normal/Distorted Supply" , 12th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2017) by :IEEE at Siem Reap, Cambodia / 572-577 / 2017

Dr. Bhavna Shrivastava, Kanu Kumar, Dr. Sonia Taneja ,Richa Pathe, "Affordable and Appropriate Materials and Techniques to Reduce Effects of Flood Disaster on Rural Housing in Bangladesh" , 42nd International Conference on Advances in Science, Management and Engineering by :International Organization of Scientific Research and Development at Channai / 909-914 / 2017

Barun Jana and Pradyut Ghosh, "Ag(I)-NHC Complexes of Benzene Platform Based 2-Imidazole Pyridine Ligands" , 5th SABIC-2017 by :Symposium on Advanced Biological Inorganic Chemistry at Hotel Stadel, Kolkata, India / / 2017

Maninder Singh Nehra, Neeta Nain, Mushtaq Ahmed, Prakash Choudhary, Deepa Modi, "Amalgamated Approach for Devanagari Script Corpus for OCR & Demographic Purpose and XML for Linguistic Annotation" , The Thirteenth International Conference on Signal Image Technologies and Internet Based Systems by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur, India / 249-254 / 2017

N Jain, OP Yadav, APS Rathore, R Jain, "An Approach for Multi-State Multi-Component System Reliability Considering Dependency Behavior" , 2017 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) by :IEEE at Orlando, FL, USA / 1-6 / 2017

Varsha Sharma and Reeta Singh, "An Assessment on Challenges of Skilling People in Developed and Under- Developed Economies" , Spirituality and Skill for Leadership & Sustainable Management by :School of Management Sciences, Varanasi at Varanasi / / 2017

Reeta Singh, Varsha Sharma and Sonalee Chauhan, "An Assessment on Challenges of Skilling People in Developed and Under-Developed Economies" , Spirituality and Skill for Leadership & Sustainable Management by :School of Management Sciences, Varanasi at Varanasi / / 2017

Sonam Parashar, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K R. Niazi, "An Efficient AI-Based Approach for Dynamic Scheduling of Grid Connected Microgrid" , IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems ICACCS 2017 by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / / 2017

H. S. Mewara, Deepak Jhanwar, M. M. Sharma, and Ashok Kumar, "An Extremely Wideband/Multiresonance Monopole Antenna With Multiple Notched Stop Bands" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (COMPTELIX 2017) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2017

Deepak Ranjan Nayak, Ratnakar Dash, Banshidhar Majhi, "An Improved Extreme Learning Machine for Pathological Brain Detection" , 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON-2017) by :IEEE at Penang, Malaysia / 13-18 / 2017

Joshi, M. L., Mittal, N., Joshi, N., "An Insight Into Role of Wordnet and Language Network for Effective IR From Hindi Text Documents" , FIRE 2017 by :CEUR-WS.org at IISC Bangalore / 158-163 / 2017

Neeraj Kanwar, Nikhil Gupta, K R Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, "An Integrated Approach for Distributed Energy Resources Allocation Using Self-Hierarchical Bat Algorithm" , IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems ICACCS 2017 by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / / 2017

Ankita Saxena and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "An Integrated Approach for Natural Resources Monitoring Using Geoinformatics and CA" , International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technology for Natural Resource Management and Climate Change by :National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj at Hyderabad, Telangana / / 2017

Doraj Kamal Jamwa, S.L. Soni, Dilip Sharma, Tarun kumar Aseri, Chandan Sharma, Rohit Misra, "An Outline to Simulate C.I. Engine: A CFD Approach" , International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future by :ICONRER at SKIT, Jaipur / / 2017

Jaiverdhan, M. M Sharma, Deepshikha Lodhi, R. P Yadav, "Analysis of Dual Band Double Slot Loaded Microstrip Patch Antenna" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (COMPTELIX 2017) by :IEEE at JAIPUR, INDIA / / 2017

Sujan, A., Vyas, R. K. , "Analysis of Power Consumption Using Response Surface Methodology in Partially Baffled Double Stage Rushton Impeller Gas-Liquid Contactor" , CHEMCON 2017 by :IIChE at Regional Centre of IIChE, Haldia, West Bengal / / 2017

A. S. Chauhan, O. P. Yadav, A. P. S. Rathore, G. Soni, "Analysis of Risk Sources in New Product Development Process Using Fuzzy Failure Mode Analysis" , IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) by :IEEE at Singapore / 1198-1202 / 2017

Bhoopesh Kr Kumawat, Prof. R.P.Ydav, Dr M.Salim, "Analysis of Signal Processing Based Spectrum Sensing Practices in Cognitive Radio: A Review" , International Conference on Recent Innovations in Signal Processing and Embedded Systems ( RISE-2017) by :IEEE at MANIT Bhopal / 23-30 / 2017

Kamayani Shrivastav, R. P. Yadav, "Analytical Study of SINR for OFDMA Uplink in Presence of Transceiver Phase Noise Sign in or Purchase" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (COMPTELIX 2017) by :IEEE at JAIPUR, INDIA / / 2017

Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "Angel in the House in Inside the Haveli" , International Conference on Literature as Cartography of Emotions: Ways of Being and Belonging by :St. Xaviers College,Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2017

Arjita Saxena, Mahesh K. Jat, and Sudhir Kumar, "Application of GIS and MCE Techniques for Optimum Site Selection for Water Harvesting Structures" , 22nd International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (Hydro 2017) by :The Indian Society for Hydraulics at Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India / / 2017

Mahesh Kumar Jat and Shuchi Mala, "Application of GIS and Space-Time Scan Statistic for Vector Born Disease Clustering " , 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance - ICEGOV 2017 by :ACM Digital Library at New Delhi, India / / 2017

V. Gali, N. Gupta and R. A. Gupta, "Application of Shunt Active Power Filters in Medical Diagnosis and Critical Lab Equipment" , International Conference on Power and Embedded Drive Control (ICPEDC- 2017) by :IEEE at SSN College of Engineering Chennai / 290-295 / 2017

Kumar, N., Gochar, S., Sachdeva, N., and Kirat K. Narzary, A. K. , "Appraisal of Social Infrastructure in Walled City, Jaipur" , International Conference on Trends in Architecture and Construction by :Chandigarh University at Chandigarh / / 2017

Santoshkumar, K. Likassa, E. Ayenew, N. Sandeep and Udaykumar R Y, "Architectural Framework of on-Board Integrator: An Interface for Grid Connected EV" , IEEE Africon by :IEEE at Cape Town, Africa / / 2017

Rajive Tiwari ,Abhishek Gupta, Saurabh Ratra, "Artificial Bee Colony Based Optimal Allocation of Micro-Turbines for Voltage Stability Improvement of Distribution Systems" , ACEPT 2017 by :IEEE at Singapore / / 2017

Chinnu Mariam Baby, Kusum Verma and Rajesh Kumar, "Artificial Neural Network Based Short Term Wind Speed Forecasting: A Case Study of Rajasthan" , International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems ICACCS 2017 by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India, / / 2017

Nand Kumar, Ankit Kashmiri, and Tarush Chandra , "Assessing the Needs and Planning Provisions for Industrial Areas in India: Jaipur" , National Conference on Urban Environmental Management in India: Problems and Prospects by :International Journal on Emerging Technologies at New Delhi / 470-474 / 2017

M. K. Sain and M. L. Meena, "Assessment of Emission Characteristics and Occupational Health of Workers in Brick Kilns of Rajasthan" , International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future by :Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2017

Shrivastava S., Gupta R. and Mukund B., "Assessment of Infrastructure Waste as Supplementary Cementitious Materials" , ASCE India Conference 2017 by :ASCE at IIT Delhi / / 2017

Kumar, N., Doye, T., and Mathur, A., "Assessment of Social Infrastructure in Malaviya Nagar, Jaipur City" , International Conference on Modern Research in Architecture by :Environmental Science for Sustainable Development at New Delhi: Krishi Sanskriti / 530-533 / 2017

Dadhich A.P., Goyal R., Dadhich P.N., "Assessment of Temporal Variations in Surface Water Quality and Water Supply of Kota" , National Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Environment by :NCSIE at Jaipur, India / - / 2017

Dangayach G. S, Sain M. K. and Meena M.L. , "’Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Clay Brick Moulders in Brick Kiln Industry" , 21st International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences by :www.academicfora.com at Hong Kong / / 2017

Sharma, D., Bhardwaj, A., Sharma, M. , "“Factors Affecting Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Caregiving Staff at Hospitals and Medical Organizations”" , 15th International Ergonomics Conference on Ergonomics for Improved Productivity (HWWE 2017) by :Springer Nature at Aligarh / / 2017

Bhardwaj, A., Sharma, M., Das, D. , "“Work- Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Among the Metal Craft Workers in Jaipur, India’" , 15th International Ergonomics Conference on Ergonomics for Improved Productivity (HWWE 2017) by :Excel India Publishers at Aligarh / 125 / 2017

H. S. Mewara, R. Kumawat, M. M. Sharma and I. B. Sharma, "Bandwidth Enhancement of Compact Rectangular Monopole UWB Antenna Using M-Shaped Strip With Triple Band Notch Characteristic" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (COMPTELIX 2017) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 265-270 / 2017

H. S. Mewara, R. Kumawat, M. M. Sharma and I. B. Sharma, "Bandwidth Enhancement of Ultra-Wide Band Swastika Slot Loaded Micro-Strip Antenna With Band-Notch Characteristic" , IEEE, International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (Comptelix) by :IEEE at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 248-253 / 2017

M. Bhandari,S. D. Bharti, M. K. Shrimali , "BEHAVIOR of BASE ISOLATED BUILDINGS SUBJECTED to NEAR FIELD EARTHQUAKES " , Sixteen World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :IEA at Santigo (Chile) / 1-12 / 2017

K. Lalwani, "Belle II Experiment: Status and Upgrade" , Light Cone 2017 by :Springer at Mumbai / / 2017

Nidhi, S. Konda, R. Kumar, B. K. Panigrahi, "Binary Bat Search Algorithm for Unit Commitment Problem in Power System" , IEEE International Women in Engineering Conference on Electrical and Computer Science Engineering (WIECON-ECE- 2017) by :IEEE at Dehradun / / 2017

Kumar M, Brar A, Vivekanand V, Pareek N , "Bioconversion of Marine Wastes to Chitooligosaccharides: A Novel Approach Towards the Coastal Pollution Reduction and Waste Management" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology for Waste Conversion, XIV Annual Convention of Biotech Research Society, NEERI, Nagpur by :Biotech Research Society, India at Nagpur, India / / 2017

Bhardwaj, A., Sharma, M., Das, D., "Biomechanical Analysis of Upper Limb Posture and Movements of the Gemstone Workers" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (ICETMIE 2017) by :ABC India Publishers at Gurugram / 129-142 / 2017

Kumar V, Kumari M, Kumar M, Vivekanand V, Nimesh S, Pareek N , "Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles From Aspergillus Terreus and Their Antioxidant Activity" , 58th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India and International Symposium on Microbes for Sustainable Development: Scope and Appli by :Association of Microbiologists of India at Lucknow, India / / 2017

P. Agarwal and Priyanka Harjule, "Certain Composition Formulae for the Fractional Integral Operators" , Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications, FAIA2017 by :AIP at Astana, Kazakhstan / / 2017

Sheetal Kumar Jain, G.D. Agrawal, Mitesh Varshney , "CFD Simulation of Artificially Roughened Solar Air Heater Using Discrete W-Shaped Ribs" , 2017 IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy (TAP Energy 2017) by :IEEE at Kollam / / 2017

Reena Kumari and Ravi Kumar Gangwar, "Circularly Polarized Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna Fed by a Rectangular Patch Microstrip Line" , 10th Annual International Conference on Antenna Test & Measurement Society ATMS by :ATMS at Hyderabad, India / 113-116 / 2017

B. Gouda, S. J. Nanda, "Classifying Aggressive Actions of 3D Human Models Using Correlation Based Affinity Propagation Algorithm" , Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, ICCII-2017 by :Springer at Dept. of Computer Sci & Engg, JNTUHCEH, Hyderabad / 189-198 / 2017

Nidhi, Pryinka, R. Kumar, "Closed- Loop Control Analysis of Interleaved Non-Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter" , IEEE International Women in Engineering Conference on Electrical and Computer Science Engineering (WIECON-ECE- 2017) by :IEEE at Dehradun / / 2017

S. Ray, N. Gupta and R. A. Gupta, "Comparative Analysis of Conventional and Modified Peak-Detection Based Control Technique for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter Based Shunt Active Power Filter" , Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (I-PACT-2017) by :IEEE at VIT Vellore / 1-6 / 2017

Girraj Sharma, Ritu Sharma, "Comparative Analysis of Hard Fusion Techniques for Energy Efficient CSS in Cognitive Radio" , Advanced Communication Technologies and Networks-17 by :TEQIP at MNIT Jaipur / 4 / 2017

Amit Jhalani, S.L. Soni, Dilip Sharma, Pushpendra Kumar Sharma, "Comparative Performance Analysis of an S.I. Engine Oprated on Raw and Treated Biogas" , International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future by :ICONRER at SKIT, Jaipur / / 2017

J.S.Yadav, S.K.Tiwari, "Comparative Study of Flood Resilient Properties of Reinforced Soil" , 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Built Environment by :VIT Vellore, India. at VIT Vellore, India / / 2017

N. D. Guptaand V. Janyani, "Comparison of Performance of Photonic Crystal Based GaAs Solar Cells With Different Compatible Designs" , Symposium on 30 Years of Photonic Crystals - the Indian Research Scenario by :IIT Kanpur at IIT KanpurIIT Kanpur (India), 21-23 Sept., 2017 / / 2017

Ritu Sharma, Dinesh Gopalani, Yogesh Meena, "Concept-Based Approach for Research Paper Recommendation" , 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI’17) by :Springer at Kolkata, India / 687-692 / 2017

Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, Khaleequr Rehman Niazi, "Contingency Constrained Optimal Placement of PMUs for Wide Area Low Frequency Oscillation Monitoring" , 7th International Conference on Power Systems, (ICPS 2017) by :IEEE at Pune, India, / - / 2017

Z. Guenidi , M. Abdeddaim, A. Ounis , M.K. Shrimali , T.K. Datta, "Control of Adjacent Buildings Using Shared Tuned Mass Dampers Vol. 199" , Tenth International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN-2017) by :Procedia Engineering- Elsevier Science at Italy / 1568-1573 / 2017

Vikas Kukshal, Amar Patnaik, I. K. Bhat, "Corrosion and Thermal Behaviour of AlCr1.5CuFeNi2Tix High-Entropy Alloys" , International Conference on Advances in Materials & Processing: Challenges & Opportunities (AMPCO-2017) by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / / 2017

Abhinav Bhatnagar, Vijay Janyani, "Cost Effective and “High” Power Conversion Efficiency Ultra-Thin Film GaAs Solar Cell" , COMPTELIX 2017(International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics 2017) by :IEEE at Jaipur,India / 516-520 / 2017

Satish Sharma, Deep Kiran, AR Abhyankar, "Cross-Terms Allocation of Line Losses Using Game Theory" , 2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Pune, India / / 2017

Reeta Singh, Amit srivatava and Dr. Anviti Gupta, "CSR: A Case Study of B. L. Agro Oils Ltd. Bareilly" , Spirituality and Skill for Leadership & Sustainable Management by :School of Management Sciences, Varanasi at Varanasi / / 2017

Ajay Yadav, Swastika Vats, Mamta Devi Sharma, RP Yadav, "CSRR and C-Slot Loaded Triple Band Notched Ultra Wideband Antenna" , 2017 International Conference on Information, Communication, Instrumentation and Control (ICICIC) by :IEEE at Indore, India / / 2017

Ashish Jain, Jyoti Grover, Tarun Jain, "Cuckoo Search Strategies for Solving Combinatorial Problems (Solving Substitution Cipher: An Investigation)" , International Conference on Smart Systems, Innovations and Computing (SSIC 2017) by :Springer at Jaipur / 585-594 / 2017

Venkata R. V., V. Sangwan, R. Kumar, A. Rathore, "Current-Fed Isolated LCC-T Resonant Converter With ZCS and Improved Transformer Utilization" , IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India) by :IEEE at Pune / / 2017

Arthy,C. Periasamy, Lava Bhargava, "DC and RF Characterization of Filed Plated AlGaN/GaN HEMT" , International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems ICICCS-2017 by :IEEE at Madurai / / 2017

Kumawat K., Nigam P., "Decentralized Wastewater Management System With 3R’s Theory Implementation: A Sensible Solution" , National Conference on ‘Urban Environmental Management in India: Problems and Prospects by :Ecellent Publishing House at MNIT Jaipur / / 2017

R. Vijay, S. J. Nanda, "Declustering of an Earthquake Catalog Based on Ergodicity Using Parallel Grey Wolf Optimization" , IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE-CEC-2017 by :IEEE at Donostia, Spain / 1667-1674 / 2017

Harendra Chahar and Neeta Nain, "Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Person Re-Identification: A Comprehensive Review" , The Second IAPR International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing by :Springer at IIT Roorkee / 277-288 / 2017

Mahipal Jadeja, Neelanshi Varia and Agam Shah, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Conversational AI" , International Workshop on Search-Oriented Conversational AI at ACM ICTIR(SCAI 2017) by :ACM at Amsterdam, Netherlands / / 2017

Yash Kumar Mittal, "Demand Shortfall in Infrastructure Cinstructuin Projects: Case of MRTS" , FARU International Research Conference by :University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka at Sri Lanka / / 2017

Yash Kumar Mittal, V K Paul, "DEMAND SHORTFALL in INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS: CASE of RAIL PROJECTS in INDIA" , FARU International Conference - 2017 -“Design That Cares” by :FARU Proceedings, University of Moratuwa at Sri Lanka / 112-122 / 2017

K. P. Bhatt, R. A. Gupta and N. Gupta, "Design & Simulation of Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Wide Voltage Variation in Discharging Mode" , 12th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2017) by :IEEE at Siem Reap, Cambodia / / 2017

Vimal Kumar Agrawal, Raju Patel, Dharmendar Boolchandani, Kamaljit Rangra,, "Design and Analysis of MEMS Piezoresistive Rectangular Paddle Microcantilever Based Wind Speed Sensor" , International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF) by :ISIF at New Delhi / / 2017

Julie Devi, Amritveer Kaur, Ritu Sharma, Varshali Sharma, Santosh Chaudhary, "Design and Analysis of Spiral Photonic Crystal Fiber for Ultra-Flattened Dispersion for C L U" , Optical and Wireless Technologies by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / / 2017

Julie Devi, Amritveer Kaur, Ritu Sharma, Varshali Sharma, Santosh Chaudhary, "Design and Analysis of Spiral Photonic Crystal Fiber Giving Ultra Flattened Dispersion for Cand Land U Band" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Communication Technology by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 7 / 2017

Anu Meena, Ashish Gunawat, Ritu Sharma, "Design and Analysis of Tunable Optical Filter Using Different Cavity Shapes" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (COMPTELIX 2017) by :IEEE at Manipal University Jaipur / 6 / 2017

N. Gupta, N. Dwivedy, T. Kumar and S. S. Rao, "Design and Hardware Implementation of 8051 Micro-Controller Based Single Phase Inverter" , Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (I-PACT-2017) by :IEEE at VIT Vellore / 1-7 / 2017

Ajay Dadhich, J. K. Deegwal, MM Sharma, "Design and Investigation of Wideband and Multiband Microstrip Patch Antenna for Bluetooth, TD-LTE, ITU and X-Band Applications" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Innovations & Technology Management (ICET: EITM-2017) by :IEEE at Hamirpur / 409-412 / 2017

Manish Kumar, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, Khaleequr Rehman Niazi, "Design and Operation of DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement in Distribution Systems" , 6th IET Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2017) by :IET at Wuhan, China / / 2017

Raju Patel, Anuroop, Deepak Bansal, Dharmendar Boolchandani and Kamaljit Rangra, "Design and Simulation of 1.4 GHz Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator for RF Filter Applications" , 4th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development by :IEEE at BVICAM, New Delhi, INDIA / 6677-80 / 2017

Ashish Kumar Ghunawat, R. C. Suryavanshi, Ghanshyam Singh, "Design of an Ultra-Flattened Negative Dispersion Elliptical Spiral Photonic Crystal Fiber With High Nonlinearity and High Birefringence" , IEEE International Conference ‘COMPTELIX-2017” by :IEEE Xplore Digital Library at Jaipur / 623 – 62 / 2017

Varshali Sharma, Surendra Saini, Ritu Sharma, "Design of Channel Add Drop Filter Using Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (COMPTELIX 2017) by :IEEE at Manipal University Jaipur / 6 / 2017

Muquaddar Ali, KK Sharma, RP Yadav, "Design of Compact Dual Band Quarter Mode SIW Cavity Backed Slot Antenna" , 2017 International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI) by :IEEE at COIMBATORE / / 2017

Sonu Jain, Ajay Yadav and R.P. Yadav, "Design of Dual Band Miniaturized Frequency Selective Surfaces for WiMAX/WLAN Band" , IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET) by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2017

K. Kumar, S. J. Nanda, "Design of Low Complexity Universal Bi-Quadratic Filters Using Current Feedback Amplifier" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics, IEEE-Comptelix-2017 by :IEEE at Manipal Univarsity Jaipur and MNIT Jaipur / 472-477 / 2017

Ajay Dadhich, J. K. Deegwal, Sanjeev Yadav, MM Sharma, "Design of Multi-Band Antenna With Cut Slots and Parasitic Patch for Wireless Communication" , IEEE Sponsored Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC-2017) by :IEEE at Aurangabad / / 2017

Amritveer Kaur, Julie Devi, Ritu Sharma, Varshali Sharma, Santosh Chaudhary, "Design of Octagonal and Decagonal Lattice Photonic Crystal Fiber for Achieving Ultra Low Flattened Dispersion" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Communication Technology by :Springer at MNIT Jaipur / 7 / 2017

Khushboo Kesari, Satyanarayana Neeli and Vijayakumar K, "Design of Sliding Mode Controlled Dc-Dc Converter for MPPT in Grid-Connected PV System" , International Conference on Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2017

S. D. Bharti, M. K. Shrimali, A. A. Kasar, T. K. Datta, "DESIGN of TEST SETUP for PROTOTYPE TESTING of BASE ISOLATORS" , Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, EVACES 2017 by :Springer at UC Sandiego / 568-575 / 2017

A. K. Ghunawat, R. Chandra, M. Tiwari, G. Singh, "Design Optimization of a Highly Birefringent and Highly Nonlinear Silicon Photonic Crystal Fiber" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies (OWT)-2017 in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (472) by :Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. at MNIT Jaipur / 1-4 / 2017

Garg N., Kumar A. , Pipralia S., Kumar P., , "Design Parameters for Energy Efficient Building Fabric in Residential Buildings" , International Conference on Trends in Architecture and Construction- 2017 by :Chadigarh University at Chadigarh / / 2017

Riti Kushwaha, Neeta Nain, Gaurav Singal, "Detailed Analysis of Footprint Geometry for Person Identification" , The Thirteenth International Conference on Signal Image Technologies and Internet Based Systems by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 229-236 / 2017

M. K. Gokhroo, M. C. Govil, and E. S. Pilli, "Detecting and Mitigating Faults in Cloud Computing Environment" , 2017 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Communication Technology (CICT) by :IEEE at Ghaziabad, India / 1--9 / 2017

Shweta Bhandari, Frédéric Herbreteau, Vijay Laxmi, Akka Zemmari, Partha S. Roop, Manoj Singh Gaur, "Detecting Inter-App Information Leakage Paths" , Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS) by :ACM at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates / 908-910 / 2017

Jyoti Gajrani, Li Li, Vijay Laxmi, Meenakshi Tripathi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Mauro Conti, "Detection of Information Leaks via Reflection in Android Apps" , Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS) by :ACM at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates / 911-913 / 2017

Kaur, Jaspreet, Sidharth Pancholi, and Amit M. Joshi. , "Detection of Lung Cancer With the Fusion of Computed Tomography and Positron Emission Tomography" , International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies by :Springer at Dehradun, India / 944-955 / 2017

Vandana Kaler, R.K. Duchaniya, U. Pandel, "Development of TiO2/PVA Nanocomposites for Applications in Solar Cells" , Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC-2017) by :Materials Today at Hyderabad / / 2017

K. Dimple, D. K. Kotary, S. J. Nanda, "Diffusion Least Mean Square Algorithm for Identification of IIR System Present in Each Node of a Wireless Sensor Networks" , International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, ICCIDM-2014 by :Springer at VSSUT, Burla, Sambalpur, Odisha, India / 709-720 / 2017

Amit Kumar Garg, Vijay Janyani, "Direct ONU Interconnection Schemes Towards Latency-Aware Passive Optical Networks" , COMPTELIX 2017(International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics 2017) by :IEEE at Jaipur,India / 505-510 / 2017

R. Meena, B. Pratap, V. P. Singh, "Discrete-Time Super-Twisting Observer Based Control Design for Magnetically Levitated System" , IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI) by :IEEE at Chennai, India / 470-474 / 2017

Nand K. Meena, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, "Dispatchable Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation Planning for Distribution Systems" , 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS-2017) by :IEEE at University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka / / 2017

Nand K. Meena, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, "Dispatchable Wind Power Generation Planning for Distribution Systems" , 7th International Conference on Power Systems, (ICPS 2017) by :IEEE at Pune, India / 491-496 / 2017

V. Gali, N. Gupta and R. A. Gupta, "Distortion Free Improved Reference Current Generation Algorithm for Interleaved Inverter Based Shunt APF" , IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC) by :IEEE at Indian Institute of Scicence, Bangalore / 1-6 / 2017

Girraj Sharma, Ritu Sharma, "Distributed Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Over Different Fading Channels in Cognitive Radio" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (COMPTELIX 2017) by :IEEE at Manipal University Jaipur / 4 / 2017

Pillai S., Nigam P., "Does Smart Mean High Tech: Redefining Smart for the City, Towards Evolution of Indian Smart Urban Topology?" , Bharatiya Vigyan Sammelan by :- at Fergusson College, Pune / / 2017

Manish Jain, Dinesh Gopalani, "Domain Specific Language for Automatically Generating Testing Aspects" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies by :IEEE at Dehradun, India / / 2017

Reena Kumari and Ravi Kumar Gangwar, "Dual Conformal Strip Fed Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Circular Polarization" , IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications CAMA by :IEEE at Tsukuba, Japan / 221-224 / 2017

MM Garg, MK Pathak and L Behera, "Dynamic Modeling of a Non-Ideal DC-DC Positive Output Elementary Super-Lift Luo Converter" , IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power & Energy (TAPE-2017) by :IEEE at Kerala, India / 1-6 / 2017

Roy N, Sarkar R, Bharti SD, "Dynamic Response of Tunnel in Blocky Rock Mass With EPS Geofoam as Seismic Buffer" , Indian Geotechnical Conference by :Indian Geotechnical Society at IIT Guwahati / / 2017

A. Singh, K. Singh and P. Mathuria, "Economic Valuation of Storage in Power System: A Case of Pumped Storage With Solar PV" , 1st Intnl. Conf. on Large-Scale Grid Integration of Renewable Energy in India by :MoP at Delhi / / 2017

Manisha Samanta, Yogesh K Meena, Arka P Mazumdar, Mahesh C Govil, "EDOF: An Open Framework for Event Detection Systems" , 2017 8th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) by :IEEE at Delhi / 1-7 / 2017

C. S. Rajoria, Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Sanjay Agrawal, G. N. Tiwari and D . Singh, "Effect of Different Photovoltaic Materials on Energetic and Exergetic Performance of Photovoltaic Thermal Arrays" , 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering (ICMME 2016) by :MATEC Web Conference at Shanghai,China / 95 / 2017

Suwansh Srivastava, Harsh Bangur, Deepak Rajendra Unune, Harlal Singh Mali, "Effect of Discharge Energy During MicroElectro Discharge Milling on Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Quality of Fabricated MicroFeatures" , The Conference on Precision Engineering COPEN by :COPEN at IIT MADRAS / 218-221 / 2017

Gaurav Hedau, Durga Prasad Ghosh, Deepak Sharma, Alwin Varghese, Rishi Raj, Sandip Kumar Saha, "Effect of Nanostructured Microchannel on Flow Boiling Instability" , 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, IHMTC-2017 by :- at BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, India / / 2017

Rameshwar J. Vishwakarma and Ramakant K. Ingle, "Effect of Non-Uniform Soil Subgrade on Critical Stresses in Concrete Pavement" , 4th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India by :Transportation Research Group of India at IIT Bombay, India / / 2017

Ashiwani Kumar, Amar Patnaik, I. K Bhat, "Effect of Titanium Metal Powder on Thermo-Mechanical and Sliding Wear Behavior of Al7075/Ti Alloy Composites for Gear Application" , International Conference on Advances in Materials & Processing: Challenges & Opportunities (AMPCO-2017) by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / / 2017

Shweta Sharma, Anand, "Effectiveness of Income Diversification: A Comparative Analysis of European and South Asian Banks" , Nineteenth International Conference of Global Business and Technology Association by :Global Business and Technology Association at Vienna, Austria / / 2017

A. Bhatnagar, V. Janyani, "Efficiency Enhancement in Thin Film ITO-cSi Heterojunction Solar Cell Using Photonic Crystal" , 14th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee / 1-6 / 2017

D. Mittal, E. S. Pilli, M. Gupta, "Efficient Entity Resolution Using Multiple Blocking Keys for Bibliographic Dataset" , International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Computational Techniques (ICCT) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 108-113 / 2017

V. Gupta, R. Kumar, S. Konda, B. K. Panigrahi, "Electric Vehicle (EV) Cancellation Event Classification for Multi-Aggregator EV Charge Scheduling (EVCS)" , IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India) by :IEEE at Pune / / 2017

Tarun Varma, C. Periasamy and Dharmendar Boolchandani, "Electrical and UV Detection Properties of ZnO Thin Film Based Schottky Contacts Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering" , IEEE Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (Conference# 39516) by :IEEE at Mahendra Engineering College / 37-40 / 2017

Sandeep Gupta , Rini Singh , Garima Agarwal , Kanad Ray , S L Kothari Ajay S. Verma ,Vibhav K. Saraswat , Kamlendra Awasthi , and Manoj Kumar, "Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution and Storage Studies on Bismuth Nano Hexagons" , National Conference on Recent Trends on Membranes and Separation Technology by :CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, Gujarat at CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, India / 1 / 2017

Neetu Kumari, Pankaj K. Tiwari, M. Ali Haider and S. Basu, "Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to CO in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell" , 15th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XV) by :Electrochemical Society at Hollywood, Florida, USA / / 2017

Meenakshi Tripathi, Kalpana Naidu, Mintu Biswas, "Energy Efficient Semi Grid Based Clustering in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network" , IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET) by :IEEE at Chennai, India / 278-282 / 2017

V.Gali, N. Gupta and R. A. Gupta, "Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for Interleaved Inverter Tied Shunt Active Power Filter" , 7th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS-2017) by :Springer at Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar / / 2017

Yogesh Kumar Sonia and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Environmental-Friendly Synthesis and Characterization of Novel NiCo2O4 Hexa-Nanocones and NiCo2O4-Graphene Heteronanocomposite" , Second International Conference on Material Science (ICMS-2017) by :Tripura University at Tripura University, Tripura, India / / 2017

V. Sangwan, R. Kumar, A. Rathore, "Estimation of Model Parameters and State-of-Charge for Battery Management System of Li-Ion Battery in EVs" , International Transportation Electrification Conference India (ITEC INDIA 2017) by :IEEE at Pune, India / / 2017

V. Sangwan, Venkata R V, R. Kumar, A. Rathore, "Estimation of State of Charge for Li-Ion Battery Using Model Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter" , 7th International Conference on Power Systems, (ICPS 2017) by :IEEE at Pune / / 2017

O. J. Shukla, V. Jangid, M. M. Siddh, G. Soni, R. Kumar, "Evaluating Key Factors of Sustainable Manufacturing in Indian Automobile Industries Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)" , IEEE International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Industrial, Automation and Management Systems (AMIAMS-2017) by :IEEE at Allahabad / / 2017

Rameshwar J. Vishwakarma and Ramakant K. Ingle, "Evaluation of Subgrade Strength of Soil Below Concrete Pavement Using Non-Destructive Method" , Conference on Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics (CoNMig 2017) by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee, India / 21-26 / 2017

Pradeep Kumar Gautam, AS Pawan Kalla, Ajay Singh Jethoo, Rahul Agarwal, Sanjay Alaria, Harshwardhan SC, "Evaluation of Use of Kota Stone Mining Waste as Fine Aggregate in Bituminous Courses" , Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2017) by :Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management at IETE , Erandwane, Pune, Maharashtra, India / 438-442 / 2017

J.S.Yadav, S.K.Tiwari, "Experimental Investigation of Geotechnical Properties of Clay-Rubber Crumbles Mixtures" , 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Built Environment by :VIT Vellore, India. at VIT Vellore, India. / / 2017

D. K. Jamua, D. Sharma, S.L. Soni and A. sharma, "Experimental Investigation of the Performance and Emission Parameters of Stationary CI Engine Using Methyl Esters of Karanja and Fumigated Ethanol" , Biofuels and Bioenergy (BICE2016) by :Springer at BICE2016 / / 2017

Poonam Shekhawat, Neha Shrivastava and Sandeep Shrivastava, "Experimental Investigation on Durability of Soil Reinforced With Sustainable Fibers Subjected to Wet-Dry Cycles" , ASCE India Conference - Urbanization Challenges in Emerging Economies by :ASCE at IIT Delhi / 234-243 / 2017

H. S. Mali, R. Baghel, D. R. Unune, "Experimental Investigation on Hybrid Micro-Electro Discharge Machining of Inconel 718 and Ceramics Materials" , International Academic Multi Disciplinary Conference by :WAIRCO at Mauritius / / 2017

Gupta P. K. and Kumar P, "Experimental Investigations on Electro Chemical Discharge Machining for Micro Fabrication of Micro Channels on Glass" , XXV International Conference on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM-XXV) by :The University of Auckland, New Zealand at University of Auckland, New Zealand / 145-153 / 2017

Hemant Kumar Meena,K.K.Sharma and S.D. Joshi, "Face Recognition Under Variations in Illumination Using the Phase of Fractional Fourier Transform" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT) by :IEEE at Dehradun,India / / 2017

Mahesh Kumar Paliwal and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Facile Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of Novel CoNi2O4 Hexa-Nanocones and CoNi2O4-Graphene Heteronanocomposites" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Chemical Sciences (ICRCS-2017) by :Govt. Engineering College Bikaner at Govt. Engineering College Bikaner, Rajasthan / / 2017

Gaurav Sharma, Lava Bhargava, "Fast and Memory Leak Free Verification for Bridge Transitions in VLSI Designs" , Third International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2017) by :Springer at Udaipur / 8 / 2017

Ranjeet Kumar, Dipti Saxena, "Fault Analysis of a Distribution System Embedded With Plug-in Electric Vehicles" , International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation and Power Engineering (RDCAPE) by :IEEE at Noida / / 2017

Hemant Kumar Meena, KK Sharma and SD Joshi, "Feature Fusion of HOG and GSP for Smile Recognition" , 4th International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics,2017 by :Springer at Ugento,Italy / 402-409 / 2017

Ajay Nehra, Meenakshi Tripathi, MS Gaur, "FICUR: Employing SDN Programmability to Secure ARP" , 2017 IEEE 7th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC) by :IEEE at Las Vegas, NV, USA / 1-8 / 2017

J. Sambharia, D. Gupta, H. S. Mali, "Fine Finishing of Glass Mold Surfaces Using Low Cost Unidirectional Abrasive Flow Machine" , The Conference on Precision Engineering COPEN by :COPEN at IIT MADRAS / 231-234 / 2017

Jimmy Bondu, Anupal Mishra, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, "Flooding in Secure Wireless Sensor Networks (Student Contribution)" , 10th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks by :ACM at Jaipur, India / 151-156 / 2017

Sonu Jain, Minakshi Tewari, Ajay Yadav, RP Yadav, "Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna Using Periodic Structures With Ground Plane" , 2017 IEEE International Conference on Antenna Innovations & Modern Technologies for Ground, Aircraft and Satellite Applications (iAIM) by :IEEE at BANGALORE, INDIA / / 2017

M.K. Mishra, G. Gunashekaran, A.G. Rao, B.P. Kashyap, N. Prabhu, "Friction Stir Processing of 2507 Super Duplex Stainless Steel: Microstructure and Corrosion Behaviour" , Proceedings of Friction Stir Welding and Processing IX by :The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society at San Diego, USA / 289-296 / 2017

Divesh Kumar, Praveen Goyal, "Fuzzy AHP Model to Prioritize Barriers of CSR Implementation in Indian Service Industry" , Joint Indo-German Conference on Sustainable Engineering by :Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani at Pilani / / 2017

Khushboo Shah, Rajvir Kaur, Vijayakumar K., Satyanarayana Neeli, "Fuzzy Logic Based MPPT Technique Using Cuk-Converter for Solar PV Powered Electric Vehicle" , International Conference Cum Exhibition on Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2017 by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2017

Mithlesh Arya, Namita Mittal, Girdhari Singh, "Fuzzy-Based Classification for Cervical Dysplasia Using Smear Images" , 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics (ICACNI) by :Springer at Goa, India / 441-449 / 2017

Sandeep K Gupta, Neeta Nain, "Gabor Filter meanPCA Feature Extraction for Gender Recognition" , The Second IAPR International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing by :Springer at IIT Roorkee / 79-88 / 2017

Tapas Badal, Neeta Nain, Mushtaq Ahmed, "Generalised Spatio Temporal Feature Based Important Activity Synopsis Generation" , The Thirteenth International Conference on Signal Image Technologies and Internet Based Systems by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 319-326 / 2017

Satyendra Singh and Manoj Fozdar, "Generation Bidding Strategy in a Pool-Based Electricity Market Using Oppositional Gravitational Search Algorithm" , INDICON 2017 by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee / / 2017

Rajput, Hansa and Goyal, Rohit, "Geographical Information System Applications in Groundwater Resource Assessment" , “Sustainable Management of Ground Water Resources” Organized Under Jal Kranti Abhiyaan by :CGWB, Western Region, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2017

Dadhich A.P., Goyal R., Dadhich P.N., "Geospatial Technique for Drinking Water Quality Analysis of Kota City" , National Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Environment by :NCSIE at Jaipur, India / - / 2017

Ajay Nehra, Meenakshi Tripathi, Manoj Singh Gaur, "Global View in SDN: Existing Implementation, Vulnerabilities & Threats" , 10th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks by :ACM at Jaipur / 303-306 / 2017

Harsh Kumar, Laxman Kumar, Vijay Janyani, Buryy Oleh, Ubizskii Serhij, Ghanshyam Singh, "Gray to Binary Code Converter Using Ti-Indiffused Lithium Niobate Based Mach-Zehnder Interferometer" , Optronix” – the ‎International‬ ‎Conference‬ on Photonics and Applied Electronics by :Springer at Kolkata / 257-262 / 2017

Hansa Rajput, Rohit Goyal, "Groundwater Quality and Contamination Source Assessment of Jaipur District Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques" , International Conference on Agriculture, Environmental and Bio Sciences by :ICAEBS at Chandigarh, India / - / 2017

Mukesh Kumar Gupta and Ghanshyam Singh , "Group Velocity Dispersion Tolerant WDM TDM Passive Optical Networks" , IEEE International Conference ‘COMPTELIX-2017” by :IEEE Xplore Digital Library at Jaipur / 521 – 52 / 2017

Joshi, Amit M., Chitrakant Sahu, M. Ravikumar, and Samar Ansari, "Hardware Implementation of Compressive Sensing for Image Compression" , 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (IEEE TENCON 2017) by :IEEE at Penang, Malayasia / 1309-1314 / 2017

A. Kumar, A. Mittal, R. Arya, A. Shah, S. Garg, R. Kumar, "Hardware in the Loop Based Simulation of a Robotic System With Real Time Control and Animation of Working Model" , IEEE International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2017) by :IEEE at Coimbatore / / 2017

Meena, "Heavy Metal Toxicity in Environment: A Review" , National Workshop on Instrumentation Technique for Research in Chemical Sciences (WITRCS- 2017) by :Kanodia PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2017

Sunita Singhal, Jyoti Grover, "Hybrid Biogeography Algorithm for Reducing Power Consumption in Cloud Computing" , International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) by :IEEE at Karnatka / 121-124 / 2017

Aditya Sarma, Anirudh Bhutani, Lavika Goel, "Hybridization of Moth Flame Optimization and Gravitational Search Algorithm and Its Application to Detection of Food Quality" , 2017 Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) by :IEEE at London, United Kingdom / / 2017

V. K. Saharan, J. Carpenter, "Hydrodynamic and Acoustic Cavitation Assisted Preparation of Oil in Water Emulsion Stabilized With Non-Ionic Emulsifiers and Biopolymers" , 3rd Asia-Oceania Sonochemical Society Conference by :AOSS at Chennai / / 2017

Goyal, Rohit, "Hydroinformatics" , Awareness Raising Programme Under National Hydrology Project (NHP) by :Water Resources Department, Govt. of Rajasthan, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2017

Sameer Ranjan, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, Kallepalli Satish Kumar, Ratnakar Dash, Banshidhar Majhi, "Hyperspectral Image Classification: A K-Means Clustering Based Approach" , 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS-17) by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / 1-7 / 2017

S. Vyas, R. Kumar, "Identification of Potential Islanding Initiators in Radial Feeders With High Solar PV Penetration for Preemptive Preparedness" , 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS 2017) by :IEEE at Peradeniya / / 2017

Bhatt, Preeti, and Kalpna Vijay, "Identity Crisis in Anita Desai’s Bye-Bye Blackbird" , Peaceful and Prosperous South Asia – Opportunities and Challenges by :ICSA at Noida / / 2017

Ghosh, S. N., Bhargava, L., Sahula, V., "If-Conversion to Reduce Worst Case Execution Time" , Workshop on Real Time Computing Systems and Architecture by :IEEE at Taiwan / / 2017

A. Kashyap, G. S. Kumar, S. Jangir, E. S. Pilli, P. Mishra, "IHIDS: Introspection-Based Hybrid Intrusion Detection System in Cloud Environment" , International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) by :IEEE at Udupi, India / 687-693 / 2017

Sanket Bhole, Manish Kumar, Somnath Roy, "Immersed Boundary Simulation for Continuous Casting With Different Mould Shapes" , 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC) by :Conference Proceedings ISHMT at BITS Pilani- Hyderabad, India / / 2017

A.K. Gupta, K. Verma, K.R. Niazi, "Impact Analysis of DFIG Location on Low Frequency Oscillations in Power System" , 6th IET Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2017) by :IET at Wuhan, China, / / 2017

Arjita Saxena1, Mahesh K. Jat and Sudhir Kumar , "Impact Assessment of Climate Change Health a Review" , International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technology for Natural Resource Management and Climate Change by :National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj at Hyderabad, Telangana / / 2017

Shweta Sharma, Anand, "Impact of Geographical Diversification on Performance of Indian Banks" , India Finance Conference by :IFA at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore / / 2017

Deepak Khare, Lakhwinder Singh and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Impact of Landuse Change on Urban Runoff: A Case Study of Jaipur City, India" , 37th IAHR World Congress by :IAHR Publications at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / / 2017

Neeraj Kanwar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, and Anil Swarnkar, "Impact of Load Diversity on DR Allocation and Operation" , International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Computational Techniques (ICCT 2017) by :IEEE at Manipal University Jaipur / / 2017

Pooja Sharma, Urmila Brighu, Parul Mathuria, Anoop Singh, "Impact of Short Term Electricity Procurement of an Open Access Consumer on Indian Grid" , 2016 National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2016 by :IEEE at Bhubaneshwar / / 2017

Rini Singh, Rajan K Rathore Arun Vinod, M S Rathore, Dinesh K Shukla, D M Phase, R J Chaudhary, Kamlendra Awasthi, Ajay S Verma, Vibhav K Saraswat, and Manoj Kumar, "Impact of Surface Oxidation on Nanostructured Bismuth Telluride" , 2nd Workshop on Studies of Dynamically Compressed Matter With X-Rays by :ESRF, France at ESRF, Grenoble, France / / 2017

Dadhich A.P., Goyal R., Dadhich P.N., "Impact of Urbanization on Arable Land in Kota - a Geospatial Analysis" , International Conference on Advances in Mathematics & Engineering Sciences by :ICMES at Chandigarh, India / - / 2017

P. Mathuria, A. Singh, "Impact of Wind Farms Aggregation on Large System Scheduling Cost Under Frequency Linked Deviation Settlement Mechanism" , 40th IAEE Intnl. Conf. on Meeting the Energy Demands of Emerging Economies: Implications for Energy and Environmental Markets by :IAEE at Jaipur / / 2017

V. Gali, N. Gupta and R. A. Gupta, "Improved Dynamic Performance of Shunt Active Power Filter Using Particle Swarm Optimization" , International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control, Optimization & Signal Processing by :IEEE at Kalasalingam Univercity Srivilliputtur / / 2017

Durga Kumari, K K Sharma, "Improved Isolation Between Antennas Using Slotted Meander Line Structure for 5G Wireless Applications" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (COMPTELIX 2017) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 312-314 / 2017

S. Ray, N. Gupta and R. A Gupta, "Improved Single Phase SRF Algorithm for CHB Inverter Based Shunt Active Power Filter Under Non-Ideal Supply Conditions" , IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC) by :IEEE at IISC Bangalore / 1-6 / 2017

B.B. Wheatley, K.M.Fischenich, L. M. Abrams, S.A. Sorby, H.S. Mali, A.K. Jain, L. H. Tammy, "Improvement of an International Research Experience: Year Two" , Annual Conference &Exposition by :ASEE at Columbus, Ohio / / 2017

Garima Modi, Vijay Laxmi, Smita Naval, Manoj Singh Gaur, "Improving Leakage Path Coverage in Android Apps" , 16th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-17) by :IEEE at Sydney, NSW, Australia / 355-362 / 2017

Dr. Nidhi Bansal, "Indian Young Women in Cyberspace: A Socio-Legal Perspective" , Legal Environment of Business in Changing Scenario by :University Five Year Law College and Department of Business Administration at University of Rajasthan / / 2017

Ruchi Sharma and Rajasekhar Balasubramanian, "Indoor-Outdoor Relationship of PM and Human Health Risk Assessment" , 3rd SAC Meeting Organized by Energy and Environmental Sustainability Solutions for Megacities (E2S2) by :Energy and Environmental Sustainability Solutions for Megacities, NUS at National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore / / 2017

Ashiwani Kumar, Amar Patnaik, I. K. Bhat, "Influence of Cobalt Metal Powder on Tribological and Mechanical Properties of Al 7075 Alloy Composites for Gear" , International Conference on Design, Material $ Manufacturing Concerns in Production of Quality Engineering Goods by :Harcourt Butler Technical University Kanpur at Kanpur / / 2017

Rameshwar J. Vishwakarma and Ramakant K. Ingle, "Influence of Different Parameters on Critical Stresses in Concrete Pavement" , International Conference on Innovation in Concrete for Infrastructure Challenges, INFRACON-2017 by :Indian Concrete Institute at Nagpur, India / / 2017

D. K. Jamua, D. Sharma and S.L. Soni, "Influence of Intake Air Pre-Heat on a Diesel Engine Operating on Ethanol in Dual Fuel Mode" , Biofuels and Bioenergy (BICE2016) by :Springer at BICE2016 / / 2017

Sushree Sunayana and Sudhirkumar Barai, "Influence of Micro Level Properties on Macro Level Performance of Fly Ash and Recycled Aggregate Based Concrete" , Engineering Mechanics Convention by :ASCE at San-Diego,USA. / / 2017

Akhileshwar Singh and Dinesh Kumar, "Influence of Temperature on the Interfacial Mechanical Properties of CNT-Polyethylene Nanocomposite Using MD Simulations" , International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN 2017) by :Scholarink at SRM University, Chennai, India / / 2017

Divesh Kumar, Sachin Mangla, Yogesh Kumar, "Information Technology Driven Factors in Sustainable Food Supply Chain Management" , 4th Agro Supply Chain Conference (ASCC) by :UPES at Dehradun / / 2017

Ankita Saxena and Mahesh Kumar Jat , "Integration of Geo-Spatial Technologies and CA for Urban Growth Assessment and Prediction" , 2017 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE) by :IEEE at Dubai, United Arab Emirates / / 2017

V. Gupta, R. Kumar, S. Konda, B. K. Panigrahi, "Intelligent Traffic Light Control for Congestion Management for Smart City Development" , IEEE TENSYMP 2017 – Technologies for Smart Cities by :IEEE at Cochin / / 2017

Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Intelligent Wide Area Monitoring of Power System Oscillatory Dynamics in Real Time" , International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems ICACCS 2017 by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / / 2017

F.O.M. Joseph, Surender Hans, Aviral Singhal, Ankur Kumar Yadav, Arjun Gupta, Aman, "Inverse Kinematic Control of a Shape Memory Alloy Actuated Smart Needle for Percutaneous Intervention" , IEEE, TENCON 2017 by :IEEE at Penang, Malaysia / 1159-1164 / 2017

Piyush Sharma, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, "Investigation of Network Reconfiguration on the Reliability and Performance of Distribution Systems Using CRO" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer Application in Electrical Engineering - Recent Advances (CERA 17) by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee / / 2017

Ashiwani Kumar, Amar Patnaik, I. K. Bhat, "Investigation of Nickel Metal Powder on Tribological and Mechanical Properties of Al 7075 Alloy Composites for Gear Material" , International Conference on Emerging Trends Materials and Manufacturing Engineering and Processing (IIIME-2017) by :NIT Trichy at Trichi / / 2017

Ashiwani Kumar, Amar Patnaik, I. K Bhat, "Investigation of Titanium Metal Powder in 7075 Aluminium Alloy Composites Under Dry Sliding Wear Condition" , International Conference Nanotechnology : Ideas, Innovations & Initiatives by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / / 2017

Mukesh Kumar, Ashiwani Kumar, Manish Prakash, S. S. Banwait, "Investigations on Mechanical and Physical Characteristics of Marble Dust Reinforced Al 6061 Alloy Composite" , Proceedings of 3rd Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics by :Indian Society for Applied Mechanics at MNNIT Allahabad and ISAM / 117-118 / 2017

Krishnani V., Nigam P., "Issues and Potentials in Relocating the Administrative Capital: A Case Study of Chattisgarh" , Synergy in Planning, Architecture, Computers and Education by :- at Maharaja Agrasen University Solan / / 2017

V. Kalkhambkar, R. Kumar, R. Bhakar, "Joint Optimal Sizing and Placement of Renewable Distributed Generation and Energy Storage for Energy Loss Minimization" , 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS-17) by :IEEE at Coimbatore / / 2017

Manju Singh, "Key Note Speaker" , International Conference on Globalization by :Devi Ahilya Vishva Vidyalaya, Indore. at Indore / - / 2017

Sunil Sharma, Saikat Kumar Paul, Nand Kumar, and M. F. Jawaid, "Land Use Suitability Analysis for Zone K-1 " , National Conference on Urban Environmental Management in India: Problems and Prospects by :International Journal on Emerging Technologies at New Delhi / 478-484 / 2017

Dadhich A.P., Dadhich P.N., Goyal R., "Landscape Metrics for Analysing Spatio-Temporal Changes of Urban Land Use Pattern" , 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing by :ACRS at New Delhi, India / - / 2017

Yadav M, Paritosh K, Vivekanand V , "Lmproved Bioconversion of Straw to Biogas: Delignification Effects of Fungal Pretreatment" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology for Waste Conversion, XIV Annual Convention of Biotech Research Society, NEERI, Nagpur by :Biotech Research Society, India at Nagpur, Lndia / / 2017

Hemant Kumar Meena, K.K. Sharma and S.D. Joshi, "Low Dimensional Feature Vector Based on the Combination of Fractional Fourier Transform and Graph Signal Processing for Facial Expression Recognition" , IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals & Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017) by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2017

Ankur Gupta and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Low Temperature Synthesis of MXene for Possible Electrochemical Energy Storage (EES) Application" , International Conference on Nano and Functional Materials (Interface Between Science and Engineering) (NFM-2017) by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani, India / / 2017

N.P. Padhy, Rohit Bhakar, "Low Voltage Customer Characterization Options for Distribution Pricing and Demand Side Management" , 2017 IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Chicago / / 2017

Mahajan, R, "Management Education for Sustainable Development: An Indian Perspective" , International Conference on Research, Business and Sustainability by :IIT Roorkee at Noida / / 2017

Kumar, N., and Singh, A., "Master Plan and Land Use Proposals: An Analysis of Malaviya Nagar Area" , International Conference on Modern Research in Architecture by :Environmental Science for Sustainable Development at New Delhi / / 2017

Sujil A, Sreenu S, J. Verma, R. Kumar, "Matrix Based Univariate and Multivariate Linear Approach Towards Short Term Load Forecasting" , IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (IEEE ICECCT 2017) by :IEEE at Coimbatore / / 2017

Susanta Kumar Jana , "Measurement of Liquid Holdup in a Three-Phase Foam Slurry Reactor" , CHEMCON-2017 by :Indian Chemical Engineering Congress at Haldia Institute of Technology Haldia / / 2017

M. L. Meena, A. K. Singh, H. Chaudhary , "Measuring Quality of Work Life Among Female Weavers in Carpet Industries" , 21st International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences : ECBA 2017 by :ECBA at HongKong / / 2017

Vinod Yadav, R Jain, M L Mittal, "Measuring Sustainability Achieved by Lean Efforts in SMEs" , International Conference on Youth in 2025 by :Jaipuria Institute of Management at Jaipur / / 2017

F. Krkemeyer, K. D. Molodov, A. Dalinger, G. Gerstein, A. Tripathi, S. Zaefferer, A. D. Molodov, "Mechanical Properties of Mg and Mg Alloys During and After High Current Density Pulses" , 2nd Conference and Exhibition on Light Materials by :Materials Today at Bremen, Germany / / 2017

Sharma, Vipin Kumar, Mohd Samar Ansari, and Amit M. Joshi. , "Memristor-Based High Performance Third Order Quadrature Oscillator" , 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (IEEE TENCON 2017) by :IEEE at Penang, Malayasia / 2949-2954 / 2017

Renu, Agarwal M., Singh K, "Methodologies for Removal of Heavy Metal Ions From Wastewater: An Overview" , International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future by :Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur at Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology Managemen / / 2017

Vikas Kukshal, Amar Patnaik, I. K. Bhat, "Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of AlCr1.5CuFeNi2 High- Entropy Alloys" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (iMME17) by :NIT Trichy at NIT Trichy / / 2017

D. Kumar, R. A. Gupta and N. Gupta, "Minimization of Current Ripple and Overshoot in Four Switch Three-Phase Inverter Fed BLDC Motor Using Tracking Anti-Windup PI Controller" , IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES) by :IEEE at TKM College, Kollam, Kerala / 1 - 6 / 2017

V. Gali, N. Gupta and R. A. Gupta, "Mitigation of Power Quality Problems Using Shunt Active Power Filters: A Comprehensive Review" , 12th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2017) by :IEEE at Siem Reap Cambodia / / 2017

Nand K. Meena, Sonam Parashar, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, and R C Bansal, "Mobile Power Infrastructure Planning and Operational Management for Smart City Applications" , 9th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2017) by :Elsevier at Cardiff, UK / / 2017

A. Sharma, K. Gupta, A. Kumar, A. Sharma, R. Kumar, "Model Based Path Planning Using Q-Learning" , 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2017) by :IEEE at Toronto, Canada / / 2017

O. J. Shukla, G. Soni, R. Kumar, "Modeling and Simulation of Agents Structure for a Manufacturing System Using SimEvents" , 2nd International Conference on Recent Advancements in Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences (RACCCS- 2017) by :IEEE at Ajmer, India / / 2017

D. Kumar, R. A. Gupta and N. Gupta , "Modeling and Simulation of Four Switch Three-Phase BLDC Motor Using Anti-Windup PI Controller" , Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (I-PACT-2017) by :IEEE at VIT Vellore / 1-6 / 2017

Sourabh Sahu, Ghanshyam Singh , "Modeling of Grating Slot Waveguide for High-Q Based Refractive Index Sensor" , IEEE International Conference ‘COMPTELIX-2017” by :IEEE Xplore Digital Library at Jaipur / 394 – 39 / 2017

Suja George, A. B. Gupta, S K Gupta, Mayank Mehta, Akshara Goyal, "Modeling the Pathophysiology for Early Diagnostics of Fluorosis and Dose Prediction for Its Reversal- a Mathematical Analysis of 3 Clinical Case Studies" , 2017 Euro-India International Conference on Experimental & Clinical Medicine ICECM 2017 by : A at MG University, Kottayam / / 2017

Dadhich A.P., Dadhich P.N., Goyal R., "Modeling Urban Land Use Dynamics Through Markov Model Using Geospatial Tools" , Urbanization Challenges in Emerging Economies - Moving Towards Resilient Sustainable Cities and Infrastructure by :ASCE at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India / - / 2017

Rahul Prasad, Rajat, Rajeev Agrawal, "Modeling, Analysis & Simulation of Micro Resistance Butt Welding Setup" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering by :ICIE at Surat / 534-537 / 2017

F. Teotia, P. Mathuria, R. Bhakar, "Modelling Local Electricity Market Over Distribution Network" , 2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) by :IEEE at Pune / / 2017

Sonam Parashar, Anil Swarnkar, Khaleequr Rehman Niazi, Nikhil Gupta, "Modified Elephant Herding Optimisation for Economic Generation Co-Ordination of DERs and BESS in Grid Connected Micro-Grid" , 6th IET Renewable Power Generation Conference 2017 by :IET at Wuhan, China / / 2017

S.Ray, N. Gupta and R. A Gupta, "Modified Three-Layered Artificial Neural Net-Work Based Improved Control of Multilevel Inverters for Active Filtering" , 7th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS-2017) by :Springer at Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar / / 2017

Hrushikesh M. Gade, Piyush P. Wanjari, Srihas VV Velpuri, "Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Nanotube Induced Curvature Changes in Graphene Sheet" , Computational Science Symposium by :Conference Proceedings at IISc, Bangalore / / 2017

Srihas VV Velpuri, Hrushikesh M Gade, Piyush P Wanjari, "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Supramolecular Self-Assembled Cavitands Instigating Conformational Changes in N-Alkanes Following Encapsulation" , Computational Science Symposium by :Conference Proceedings at IISc, Bangalore / / 2017

Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Morphology Tuned Oxide Nanomaterials for Redox Capacitor Applications" , 11th CRSI-RSC Symposium and 20th CRSI National Symposiums in Chemistry (CRSI-2017) by :Gauhati University at Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India / / 2017

Priyamitra Munoth, Rohit Goyal, "Morphometric Analysis of Upper Tapi River Basin: A GIS Approach" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering by :MVGR College of Engineering, Vizianagaram, AP, India at Vizianagaram, AP, India / - / 2017

Anuraj Singh, Chirag Chhablani, Lavika Goel, "Moth Flame Optimization for Land Cover Feature Extraction in Remote Sensing Images" , 8th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / / 2017

Sujil A, R. Kumar, "Multi Agent Based Energy Management System for Smart Microgrid" , International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation and Power Engineering (RDCAPE) by :IEEE at Noida / / 2017

Dadhich A.P., Dadhich P.N., Goyal R., "Multi Temporal Land Use-Land Cover Change Dynamics of Kota City, Rajasthan" , National Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Environment by :NCSIE at Jaipur, India / - / 2017

Tapas Badal, Neeta Nain and Mushtaq Ahmed, "Multi-Object Trajectory Coupling Using Online Target Specific Decision Making" , 2017 IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA) by :IEEE at New Delhi / 1-6 / 2017

Avinash Kumar, LN Pattanaik, Rajeev Agrawal, "Multi-Objective Scheduling Model for Reconfigurable Assembly Systems" , International Conference on the Energy, Materials and Information Technology by :International Conference on the Energy, Materials and Information Technology at Ranchi / / 2017

I. R. Kumawat, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Maddila, "Multi-Objective Whale Optimization " , 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference, IEEE-TENCON-2017 by :IEEE at Penang, Malaysia / 1-6 / 2017

Ishwar Ram Kumawat, Satyasai Jagannath Nanda, Ravi Kumar Maddila, "Multi-Objective Whale Optimization" , 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (IEEE TENCON 2017) by :IEEE at Penang, Malaysia / 2747-2752 / 2017

Sonu Lamba, Neeta Nain, "Multi-Source Approach for Crowd Density Estimation in Still Images" , 2017 IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA), by :IEEE at New Delhi / 1-6 / 2017

Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "Multi-Stage Voltage Dependent Load Modelling of Fast Charging Electric Vehicle" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer Application in Electrical Engineering - Recent Advances (CERA 17) by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee, India / / 2017

A. V. Bole, R. Kumar, "Multidimensional 0-1 Knapsack Using Directed Bee Colony Algorithm" , IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control, Optimization and Signal Processing (INCOS 2017) by :IEEE at Srivilliputhur / / 2017

Sharang Sharma, Manind Gupta, Amit Kumar, Meenakshi Tripathi, Manoj Singh Gaur, "Multiple Distance Sensors Based Smart Stick for Visually Impaired People" , 2017 IEEE 7th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC) by :IEEE at Las Vegas, NV, USA / 1-5 / 2017

Mahesh Kumar Paliwal and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Multiple Dye Adsorption by Flower-Like ZnO: A Comprehensive Kinetic Study" , Second International Conference on Material Science (ICMS-2017) by :Tripura University at Tripura University, Tripura, India / / 2017

Vijay Kumar Sharma, Namita Mittal , "Named Entity Identification Based Translation Disambiguation Model" , 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI’17) by :Springer at Kolkata / 365-372 / 2017

Kumar, N., Kumar, A., S, V. S., Yadav, K. G., and Krishnani, V. , "Need of Preserving Green Spaces, a Case Study of Walled City, Jaipur" , International Conference on Trends in Architecture and Construction by :Chandigarh University at Chandigarh / / 2017

Rohit Bhakar, N.P. Padhy, "Network Pricing in the Low Carbon Power Markets" , 2017 IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Chicago / / 2017

Lintu Rajan, C. Periasamy, Vineet Sahula, "Noble Metal Schottky Contacts on Nanocrystalline RF Sputtered ZnO Thin Film" , IEEE Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS) 2017 by :IEEE at India / / 2017

Amit Kumar,Hemant K. Meena, "Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Based on Graph Signal Processing" , International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation and Power Engineering (RDCAPE) by :IEEE at Noida,India / / 2017

Kumar, N., Chandan, S., and Verma, N., "Non-Motorized Transport- a Sustainable Way to Streamline Traffic Congestion in Commercial Areas" , International Conference on Modern Research in Architecture by :Environmental Science for Sustainable Development at New Delhi: Krishi Sanskriti / / 2017

R. K. Garg, J. K. Nama, N. Gupta and V. Gupta , "Novel Closed Loop Control for Power Factor Correction Using Magnetic Energy Recovery Switch" , Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (I-PACT-2017) by :IEEE at VIT Vellore / 1-5 / 2017

Mahesh Kumar Paliwal and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Novel Escherichia Coli-Like NiO for Redox Capacitor Application" , International Conference on Nano and Functional Materials (Interface Between Science and Engineering) (NFM-2017) by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani, Pilani, Rajasthan, India / / 2017

Mahesh Kumar Paliwal and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Novel NiO/g-C3N4 Composite: A New and Advanced Electrode Material for the Efficient Supercapacitor" , International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovations &Amp; Initiative (ICN:3I-2017) by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India / / 2017

Yogesh Kumar Sonia and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Novel Synthesis of NiCo2S4 for Redox-Capacitor Application" , International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovations & Initiatives-2017 (ICN31-2017) by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee Uttrakhand, India / / 2017

Tapas Bajpei, H. Chelladurai and M.Z. Ansari, "Numerical Prediction of Residual Stresses and Distortions in GMA Welding of Thin Aluminium Alloy Plates" , International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics by :IIT Kharagpur at IIT Kharagpur / / 2017

3. Mehndiratta, S., Sawant, V. A. and Sharma, S., "Numerical Simulation of Volume Change Behaviour of Partially Saturated Soil" , Conference on Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics (CoNMig 2017) by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / / 2017

V. Bhaiya, S. D. Bharti , M. K. Shrimali, "OBSERVATION BASED SEMI ACTIVE CONTROL of STRUCTURES USING MR DAMPERS" , Sixteen World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :IEA at Santigo, Chile / 1-13 / 2017

Dinesh Saini, Satyavir Singh, M.K. Banerjee and K. Sachdev, "Observation of Martensitic Transformation in Ni50Mn41Cu4Sn5 Heusler Alloy Prepared by Mechanical Alloying" , International Conference on Functional Oxides and Nanomaterials by : American Institute of Physics at Saurashtra University Rajkot / 040068 / 2017

Ashok Bhupathi Kumar Mukkapati, Vijayakumar K and Satyanarayana Neeli, "Observer Based State Estimation for Sensor-Less Control of Quadratic Boost Converter" , International Conference Cum Exhibition on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Energy, 2017 by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2017

A. Sharma, E. S. Pilli, A. P. Mazumdar, "Obviating Capricious Behavior in Internet of Things" , International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2017) by :IEEE at Udupi, India / 480-486 / 2017

S. Singhal and A. K. Singh, "Octagonal Band Notched Superwideband Fractal Antenna (Accepted)" , IEEE APS/URSI 2017 by :IEEE at San Diego, CA / / 2017

Divya Bairathi, Dinesh Gopalani, "Opposition-Based Sine Cosine Algorithm (OSCA) for Training Feed-Forward Neural Networks" , SITIS 2017 : The 13th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems by :IEEE at Jaipur India, / / 2017

Zaineb Gharsallah, Monia Najjar, Vijay Janyani, "Optic Switch Based on Lithium Niobate Photonic Crystal Structure Without Defect" , COMPTELIX 2017(International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics 2017) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 545-548 / 2017

Sandeep Gupta, Rini Singh, Anoop M D, Dhirendra Mathur, Kanad Ray, S. L. Kothari, Kamlendra Awasthi and Manoj Kumar, "Optical Studies on Bismuth Chalcogenides" , International Conference on Nanotechnology in Energy, Nanobio Interface and Sustainable Environment by :JECRC Jaipur at JECRC Jaipur, India / 1 / 2017

Sonam Parashar, Anil Swarnkar, K. R. Niazi, Nikhil Gupta, "Optimal Integration of Electric Vehicles and Energy Management of Grid Connected Microgrid" , IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India) by :IEEE at Pune, India / / 2017

V. Sangwan, A. Sharma, R. Kumar, A. K. Rathore, "Optimal Parameter Estimation of Battery Model for Pivotal Automotive Battery Management System" , 17th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC-2017) by :IEEE at Milan, Italy / / 2017

Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "Optimal PMU Placement for Complete Power System Observability Under (P–1) Contingency" , IEEE International Women in Engineering Conference on Electrical and Computer Science Engineering (WIECON-ECE- 2017) by :IEEE at Dehradun, India, / / 2017

Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "Optimal PMU Placement for Coordinated Observability of Power System Under Contingencies" , IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ICCS 2017) by :IEEE at Kerala, India, / / 2017

D. Singh, R. Kumar, M. Fozdar, "Optimal Sizing of Hybrid Ship Power System Using Variants of Particle Swarm Optimization" , International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation and Power Engineering (RDCAPE) by :IEEE at Noida / / 2017

V. Gupta, S. Konda, R. Kumar, B. K. Panigrahi, "Optimal V2G and G2V Operation of Electric Vehicles Using Binary Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization and Gravitational Search Algorithm" , IEEE International Women in Engineering Conference on Electrical and Computer Science Engineering (WIECON-ECE- 2017) by :IEEE at Dehradun / / 2017

M. Kumawat, N. Gupta, N. Jain and R. C. Bansal, "Optimally Allocation of Distributed Generators in Three-Phase Unbalanced Distribution Network" , 8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2017) by :Elsevier at Cardiff, United Kingdom / 749–754 / 2017

Monia Najjar, Radhouene Massoudi, Vijay Janyani, "Optimisation of Optical Demultiplexer Based on Photonic Crystal Resonant Cavities" , 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) by :IEEE at Spain / / 2017

R. C. Suyavanshi, Ashish Kumar Ghunawat, Sanjeev Jain, Ghanshyam Singh , "Optimization of Highly Nonlinear Soft Glass Photonic Crystal Fiber With High Birefringence" , IEEE International Conference ‘COMPTELIX-2017”, July 1-2, 2017, Jaipur by :IEEE Xplore Digital Library at Jaipur / 618 – 62 / 2017

Anoj Meena, Harlal Singh Mali, Amar Patnaik, Shiv Ranjan Kumar, "Optimization of Physical, Mechanical and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Dental Composite Filled With Nanohydroxyapatite and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate." , International Conference on Advances in Materials, Design, Systems and Manufacturing by :Jaipur Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2017

anoj meena, "Optimization of Physical, Mechanical and Wear Properties of Particulate Filled Dental Composite" , International Conference in Advances in Materials, Design Systems and Manufacturing by :Jec Group of Colleges, Kukus, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2017

Satyavir Singh, Vikas Sharma, Dinesh Saini, and Kanupriya Sachdev, "Optimization Studies on TiO2/Ag/TiO2 Multilayer Electrode for Superior Performance" , DAE Solid State Physics Symposium by : American Institute of Physics at Bhubaneswar / 080008 / 2017

J. Gopala Rao, Gunwant Sharma, Sudhir Kumar, "Optimization Techniques on Multipurpose Reservoirs and Surface Water Resources: A Review" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. by :MVGR College of Engineering, Autonomous, Vizianagaram at MVGR College of Engineering (Autonomous), Vizianag / 35 / 2017

K. P. Bhatt, R. A. Gupta and N. Gupta, "Optimized Design Parameters for the Bidirectional Isolated Boost DC-DC Converter Using Particle Swarm Optimization Optimized Design Parameters for the Bidirectional Isolated Boost DC-DC Converter Usin" , 7th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS-2017) by :Springer at Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar / / 2017

P. Mishra, E. S. Pilli, V. Varadharajan, and U. Tupakula, "Out-VM Monitoring for Malicious Network Packet Detection in Cloud" , First ISEA Asia Security and Privacy Conference by :IEEE at Surat, India / 1--10 / 2017

Deepak Ranjan Nayak, Ratnakar Dash, Banshidhar Majhi, "Pathological Brain Detection Using Extreme Learning Machine Trained With Improved Whale Optimization Algorithm" , 9th International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR-2017) by :IEEE at ISI Bangalore / 1-6 / 2017

C S Rajoria, Dharmendra Singh and Pankaj Kumar Gupta, "Performance Evaluation of Solar Photovoltaic Panel Driven Refrigeration System" , International Conference on Recent Advance in Materials, Mechanical and Civil Engineering ICRAMMCE-2017 by :IOP Science at Hyderabad Telangana / 330 / 2017

Anugrah Jain, Vijay Laxmi, Meenakshi Tripathi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Rimpy Bishnoi, "Performance-Enhanced D^2 -LBDR for 2D Mesh Network-on-Chip" , 21st International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT) by :Springer at Roorkee, India / 313-323 / 2017

Anugrah Jain, Vijay Laxmi, Meenakshi Tripathi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Rimpy Bishnoi, "Performance-Enhanced D^2-LBDR for 2D Mesh Network-on-Chip" , International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test by :Springer at Roorkee, India / 313-323 / 2017

Mahipal Jadeja and Neelanshi Varia, "Perspectives for Evaluating Conversational AI" , International Workshop on Search-Oriented Conversational AI at ACM ICTIR(SCAI 2017) by :ACM at Amsterdam, Netherlands / / 2017

Vikas Kukshal, Amar Patnaik and Inder Bhat, "Phase Evolution and Hardness of AlCr1.5CuFeNi2Cox High- Entropy Alloy" , International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovations and Initiatives (ICN:3I-2017) by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / / 2017

Charanjeet kaur, Ritu Sharma, "Photonic Crystal Biosensors Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance-a Review" , Advanced Communication Technologies and Networks-17 by :TEQIP at MNIT Jaipur / 5 / 2017

Bhupendra Sindhal, Ritu Sharma, "Piezo- Acoustics Based Adaptive Glucose Sensing System" , Advanced Communication Technologies and Networks-17 by :TEQIP at MNIT Jaipur / 5 / 2017

Ajay Yadav and R.P. Yadav Minakshi Tewari, "Polarization Reconfigurable Circular Patch Antenna: Parasitic Stub" , IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET) by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2017

I. Kumawat, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Maddila, "Positioning LED Panel for Uniform Illuminance in Indoor VLC System Using Whale Optimization" , 1st International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies, OWT-2017 by :Springer at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 131-139 / 2017

M. Abdeddaim, A. Ounis , M. K. Shrimali , "POUNDING HAZARD REDUCTION USING a COUPLING STRATEGY for ADJACENT BUILDINGS" , Sixteen World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :IEA at Santigo, Chile / 1-11 / 2017

Jharna Gupta, Madhu Agarwal, A.K. Dalai, "Preparation and Characterization of CaO Nanoparticle for Biodiesel Production From Mixture of Edible and Non-Edible Oils" , International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future, Jaipur by :Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur at JAIPUR / / 2017

Jharna Gupta , Madhu Agarwal and A.K.Dalai and S.P. , "Preparation and Characterization of CaO Nanoparticles for Biodiesel Production From Mixture of Edible and Nonedible Oils" , International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future by : Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology at Jaipur / / 2017

Dipaloy Datta, Ankit Gaikwad, Devang Srivastava, and Sakshi Garg, "Preparation and Use of Solvent Impregnated Clay Containing Amine for the Removal of Copper Ion" , Conference on Water, Energy and Environment (ICWEE 2017) by :Conference on Water, Energy and Environment at American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE / / 2017

M. K. Sain, M. L. Meena, G. S. Dangayach , "Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Clay Brick Moulders in Brick Kiln Industry" , 21st International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences: ECBA- 2017 by :ECBA at Hong Kong / / 2017

S. Pal, M. Kumar, R. Kumar, "Price Aware Residential Demand Response With Renewable Sources and Electric Vehicle" , IEEE International Women in Engineering Conference on Electrical and Computer Science Engineering (WIECON-ECE- 2017) by :IEEE at Dehradun / / 2017

V. Prakash, K. C. Sharma, R. Bhakar, H.P. Tiwari, S. Sreekumar, S. Chawda, F. Teotia, "Primary Frequency Response With Stochastic Scheduling Under Uncertain Photovoltaic Generation" , 2017 IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Chicago / / 2017

Rajive Tiwari, Jyotsna Singh, "Probabilistic Modeling and Analysis of Aggregated Electric Vehicle Charging Station Load on Distribution System" , IEEE International Conference (INDICON- 2017) by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee / / 2017

Attoti Bharath Krishna, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, "Probabilistic Power Flow in Radial Distribution Systems Using Point Estimate Methods" , IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems ICACCS 2017 by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / / 2017

Sakshi Bansal, Satish Pipralia, "Problems and Prospects of Urban Compaction – a Case of Jaipur " , World Sustainable Built Environment Conference by :Construction Industry Council, Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited, at Hong Kong / 1955-1960 / 2017

Sakshi Bansal, Satish Pipralia, "Problems and Prospects of Urban Compaction a Case of Jaipur City" , World Sustainable Built Environment Conference by :World Sustainable Built Environment Conference at Hong Kong / / 2017

Poonam Ojha, Meena, "Production of Biodiesel From Waste Cooking Oil" , International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemistry- Allied Sciences Interface, FCASI-2017 by :Uni. of Raj. Jaipur at Jaipur / 201 / 2017

S. Narayan , M.K. Shrimali , S.D. Bharti , T.K. Datta, "PROGRESSIVE COLLAPSE of DAMAGED STRUCTURES UNDER SEISMIC EXCITATION" , Sixteen World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :IEA at Santigi, Chi;e / 1-12 / 2017

Jain, Rahul, M. L. Meena, G. S. Dangayach , "Push Pull Strength of Agriculture Framers" , Hwwe 2017 by :AMU Aligarh at Aligarh / / 2017

Shilpa Thakral, Amit Mahesh Joshi and Unnati Mehta, "PWM Waveform Generation Using Rotary Encoder on Spartan-3E Starter Kit" , Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology by :IEEE at Ghaziabad, U.P. / / 2017

Sudhir Kashyap, "Reagent Directed Stereoselective Synthesis of a-D-Mannopyranosides in "One-Pot" Process" , International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemistry-Allied Sciences Interface (FCASI-2017) (SIL-09, FCASI-2017) by :FCASI Department of Chemistry Centre of Advanced Study University of Rajasthan at University of Rajasthan / 09 / 2017

Jyoti Grover, Ashish Jain, Sunita Singhal, Anju Yadav, "Real Time VANET Applications Using Fog Computing" , International Conference on Smart Systems, Innovations and Computing (SSIC 2017) by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2017

V. Gali, N. Gupta and R. A. Gupta, "Real-Time Implementation of Shunt Active Power Filter With Enhanced Control Algorithm Using dPSACE1104 Controller" , dSPACE Academic Conference by :dynaFusion at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi / / 2017

R. Kumar, V. Gupta, "Realization and Concept of Energy Internet" , 2nd International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIEAT 2017) by :IEEE at Hyderabad / / 2017

Rakesh Choudhary and Rajesh Gupta, "Recent Developments in Self-Compacting Concrete: A Review" , Emerging Trends & Developments in Civil Engineering (NCETDCE-2017) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2017

N. Jain, O. P. Yadav, R. Jain, A. Rathore, "Reliability Modelling of Multi-State Multi-Component System Considering Dependency Behaviour" , Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 2017 Annual by :IEEE at Orlando, USA / 1-6 / 2017

Pranda Prasanta Gupta, Prerna Jain, Rohit Bhakar, "Reliability Security Constrained Unit Commitment Based on Benders Decomposition and Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming" , COMPTELIX 2017(International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics 2017) by :IEEE at Manipal University, Jaipur / / 2017

P. P. Gupta, P. Jain, S. Sharma and R. Bhakar, "Reliability-Security Constrained Unit Commitment Based on Benders Decomposition and Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming" , IEEE, International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (Comptelix) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2017

Renu, Agarwal M., Singh K, "Removal of Chromium From Wastewater Using Activated Carbon as an Efficient Adsorbent" , International Conference on New Frontiers of Engineering, Science, Management and Humanities by :MHRD at NITTTR, Sec - 26 Chandigarh (MHRD) / / 2017

Doraj Kamal Jamwa, Dilip Sharma, S.L. Soni, Rohit Misra, Chandan Sharma, Tarun kumar Aseri, "Renewable Fuels and Sustainable Development" , International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future by :ICONRER at SKIT, Jaipur / / 2017

Ajay Nehra, Meenakshi Tripathi, MS Gaur, "Requirement Analysis for Abstracting Security in Software Defined Network" , 2017 8th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) by :IEEE at Delhi / 1-8 / 2017

Sandeep Chawda, Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, Sreenu Sreekumar, Vivek Prakash, Falti Teotia, "Retailer Risk-Based Trading Decision Making Model Under Price Responsive Demand" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer Application in Electrical Engineering - Recent Advances CERA by :IEEE at Roorkee / / 2017

Mahajan, R, "Rethinking Management Education : Some Perspectives From the History of Management Education in India" , International Conference on Rethinking Management Education From Chanakya to Adam Smith by :Academy of Value Based Management at IIC New Delhi / / 2017

Garg N. , Kumar A. , Kumar P., S. Pipralia, "Retrofitting Neighborhoods for Sustainable Urbanism" , International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment by :International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment at IIT Roorkee / / 2017

Garg N. , Kumar A. , Pipralia, S., Kumar P., "Retrofitting Neighbourhoods for Sustainable Urbanism" , International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / / 2017

V. Bhaiya, S. D. Bharti, M. K. Shrimali , T. K. Datta , "Retrofitting of Damaged Structure Using Vibration Monitoring Technique" , Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures, EVACES 2017 by :Springer at Uc San Diego / 146-155 / 2017

Ashwani Kumar, Varun B M, Nand Kumar, "Review of Building Byelaws of Walled City of Jaipur" , International Conference on Trends in Architecture and Construction by :Chandigarh University at Chandigarh / / 2017

Mayanka Singh Chhonker, Deepak Verma, Arpan Kumar Kar, "Review of Technology Adoption Frameworks in Mobile Commerce" , Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2017) (Conference Proceedings in Procedia Computer Science) by :Elsevier at New Delhi / 888-895 / 2017

Sheetal Kumar Jain, G.D. Agrawal, Rohit Misra , "Review on Thermal Performance Enhancement of Solar Air Heater Using Artificial Roughness" , 2017 IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy (TAP Energy 2017) by :IEEE at Kollam / / 2017

Kataria, G. and Singh, K., "RNN Based Soft Sensor for Estimation of Concentration for a Reactive Distillation Column" , ICPCES-2017 by :MNNIT Allahabad at MNNIT Allahabad / / 2017

Shweta Sharma, Anand, "Role of Sectoral Diversification in Performance of Indian Banks" , Fifth PAN-IIM World Management Conference by :PAN-IIM at Indian Institute of Management- Lucknow / / 2017

Sudhir Kashyap, "Ruthenium Catalyzed Stereo/Chemo/Regioselective Preparation of Mannopyranosides From Glycals" , Indo-German Workshop on Recent Applications of Carbohydrates in Chemistry and Biology (SL-05, RACCB-2017) by :RACCB at Department of Chemistry, IIT (BHU) Varanasi / / 2017

Battula Ramesh Babu, Avinash Reddy Avuthu, S Venkata Narayana, "SAMAR - Spectrum Aware Token MAc for Cognitive Radio Networks" , The 31st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2017) by :IEEE at Taipei,Taiwan / / 2017

Kumar, A., Gurjar, B. R., Strbova, K. , "Scenario Analysis for Various Municipal Solid Waste Processing Options: Case Study of a Mid-Size Indian City" , 3rd ICEM. Hyderabad by :ICEM at Hyderabad / 481-488 / 2017

Kailash Sharma, H.P. Tiwari, Rohit Bhakar, Sandeep Chawda, "Scenario Based Uncertainty Modeling of Electricity Market Prices" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer Application in Electrical Engineering - Recent Advances CERA by :IEEE at Roorkee / / 2017

Jay Dave, Parvez Faruki, Vijay Laxmi, Bruhadeshwar Bezawada, Manoj Singh Gaur, "Secure and Efficient Proof of Ownership for Deduplicated Cloud Storage" , 10th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks by :ACM at Jaipur, India / 19-26 / 2017

Jay Dave, Shweta Saharan, Parvez Faruki, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, "Secure Random Encryption for Deduplicated Storage" , 13th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS) by :Springer at Mumbai, India / 164-176 / 2017

Akash Yadav, Ashok Singh Sairam, Arka Prokash Mazumdar, "Selecting Stable Route in Multipath Routing Protocols" , 2017 8th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) by :IEEE at Delhi / 1-7 / 2017

Gaurav Sharma, Lava Bhargava, "Self-Assertive Generic UVM Test Bench for Advanced Verification of Bridge IPs" , IEEE INDICON 2017 by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee / 6 / 2017

Sujan, A., Vyas, R. K. , "Sensitivity Analysis Using Garson’s Algorithm for Power Consumption in Partially Baffled Gas-Liquid Contactor Equipped With Double Stage Rushton Impeller" , CHEMCON 2017 by :IIChE at Regional Centre of IIChE, Haldia, West Bengal / / 2017

C. M. Baby, K. Verma, R. Kumar, "Short Term Wind Speed Forecasting and Wind Energy Estimation: A Case Study of Rajasthan" , COMPTELIX 2017(International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics 2017) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2017

Chinnu Mariam Baby, Kusum Verma and Rajesh Kumar , "Short Term Wind Speed Forecasting Using Regression Based Methods" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on TELECOMMUNICATION, POWER ANALYSIS and COMPUTING TECHNIQUES (ICTPACT - 2017) by :IEEE at Chennai,Tamil Nadu / / 2017

N. Sandeep and Udaykumar R Y, "Simplified Hybrid Nine-Level Stacked Multicell Converter With Reduced Part Count for Grid Connected Applications" , IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2017 by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / / 2017

O. J. Shukla, G. Soni, R. Kumar, "Simulation Modeling for Manufacturing System Application Using Simulink/ SimEvents" , 7th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS-2017) by :Springer at Bhubaneswar / / 2017

V. Gosu, B. R. Gurjar, V. Subbaramaiah, "Simultaneous Oxidation of Pyridine and Quinoline by Nano Scale Zerovalent Iron" , ICWEE-2017 by :ICWEE at American University of Sharjah / / 2017

V. P. Singh, "Sine Cosine Algorithm Based Reduction of Higher Order Continuous Systems" , International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS) by :IEEE at Palladam, India / 649-653 / 2017

Shreya, Nitesh Jaiswal, Rajeev Agrawal , "Six Sigma Approach for Reduction of Vehicle in- Vehicle Out (VIVO) Hours of the Outbound Logistics of a Steel Processing Industry" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering by :ICIE at Surat / 165-170 / 2017

Rajeev Agrawal, Akshay Kumar Singh, Suresh Tiwary, "Six Sigma Approach for Rejection Analysis of Camshaft Line at Engine Department in an Automotive Company" , International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing by :ICAMM at Ranchi / 27-33 / 2017

Khushboo Shah, Vijayakumar K., Satyanarayana Neeli, "Sliding Mode Assisted MPPT Technique Using Quadratic Boost Converter for Solar PV Based DC Water Pumping System" , International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control by :IEEE at Tamilnadu / / 2017

Gharsallah Zaineb, Makni Sana, Monia Najjar, Vijay Janyani, "Slow-Light Enhanced Second Harmonic Generation in Lithium Niobate Photonic Crystal Waveguides" , International Conference on Optical and Wireless Communication Technology by :Springer at Jaipur / 295-300 / 2017

Shweta Bhandari, Frederic Herbreteau, Vijay Laxmi, Akka Zemmari, Partha S Roop, Manoj Singh Gaur, "SneakLeak: Detecting Multipartite Leakage Paths in Android Apps" , 16th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom) by :IEEE Computer Society at Sydney, Australia / 285-292 / 2017

Vineeta Jain, Shweta Bhandari, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Mohamed Mosbah, "SniffDroid: Detection of Inter-App Privacy Leaks in Android" , 16th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom) by :IEEE Computer Society at Sydney, Australia / 331-338 / 2017

Boola Choudhary, Dipti Sharma and Yashwardhan Singh, "Socio-Economic Assessment of Off-Grid Solar Technology Based Rural Electrification in Upla Kota, Rajasthan India" , International Conference on Engaging India and Canada: Perspectives on Sustainability by :Shastri Indo Canadian Institute New Delhi at SICI New Delhi / / 2017

N. Pushpraj, N. Gupta, V. Gupta and M. A. Mulla, "Solar Energy Harvesting for Irrigation Water Pumping System" , IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals & Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017) by :IEEE at Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai / / 2017

Kuldeep Singh, Jitender Kumar , Gaurav Tripathi ,G A Chullai, "Sparse Proximity Based Robust Fingerprint Recognition" , IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation ICCCA by :IEEE at Greater Noida , India / / 2017

Shuchi Mala and Mahesh K. Jat , "Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Dengue Fever Outbreaks Using Statistical and GIS Techniques" , International Conference (GRASF 2017) on Geospatial Engineering Knowledge by : International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai, Dubai Marina / / 2017

D Sugak, I Syvorotka, O Buryy, U Yachnevych, I Solskii, N Martynyuk, Yu Suhak, G Singh, V Janyani, S Ubizskii, "Spatial Distribution of LiNbO3 Single Crystals Optical Properties Changes After Redox High-Temperature Treatment" , 2016 International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM 2016) by :IOP Science at Lyon, France / / 2017

Shuchi Mala and Mahesh K. Jat , "Spatial Modelling of Interactions Between Dengue Incidences and Changing Climate by Integrating ANN Technique With GIS" , International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technology for Natural Resource Management and Climate Change by :National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj at Hyderabad, Telangana / / 2017

Jyoti Gajrani, Meenakshi Tripathi, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Mauro Conti, Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, "sPECTRA: A Precise framEwork for Analyzing CrypTographic vulneRabilities in Android Apps" , 2017 14th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) by :IEEE at Las Vegas, NV, USA / 854-860 / 2017

Y Beghein, R Mitharwal, K Cools, FP Andriulli, "Spectral and Algorithmic Strategies for Penetrable Scatterers on Simply and Non-Simply Connected Geometries" , 2017 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA) by :IEEE at Verona, Italy / / 2017

Rini Singh, Rajan K Rathore, Arun Vinod, M S Rathore, Dinesh K Shukla, D M Phase, R J Chaudhary, Kamlendra Awasthi, Ajay S Verma, Vibhav K Saraswat, and Manoj Kumar, "Spectroscopic Studies of Nanostructured Topological Insulator Bismuth Telluride and Impact of Surface Oxidation" , Joint IMPRS Workshop on Condensed Matter, Quantum Technology and Quantum Materials by :Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Germany at Max Planck Institute-PKS, Dresden, Germany / 1 / 2017

V. Sangwan, R. Kumar, A. Rathore, "State-of-Charge Estimation for Li-Ion Battery Using Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and Central Difference Kalman Filter (CDKF)" , 52nd IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting by :IEEE at Cincinnati, USA / / 2017

Kumar, N., Sharma, Y., and Yogesh. , "Status of Solid Waste Management in Malaviya Nagar of Jaipur City" , International Conference on Modern Research in Architecture by :Environmental Science for Sustainable Development at New Delhi: Krishi Sanskriti / 534-536 / 2017

Kumar, N., Gochar, S., Sachdeva, N., and Kirat K. Narzary, A. K. , "Status of Solid Waste Management in Reference to Smart City Guidelines: A Case Study of Walled City Jaipur" , International Conference on Trends in Architecture and Construction by :Chandigarh University at Chandigarh / / 2017

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Thurpu Raghavender Reddy, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereodivergent Functionalization of Unactivated Alkenes Employing Sulfonium Bis(acetoxy) Iodate(I) Complex" , International Conference on Contemporary Facets in Organic Synthesis (CFOS-2017) (P-112, CFOS-2017) by :IIT Roorkee at Department of Chemistry, IIT Roorkee / 112 / 2017

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective and Divergent Functionalization of Unactivated Olefins With Sulfonium iodate(I) Reagents" , 2nd National Conference on New Frontiers in Chemistry-From Fundamentals to Applications-II (P-80, NFCFA-2017) by :NFCFA at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa / / 2017

Thurpu Raghavender Reddy, Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective Synthesis of 2-Deoxy Glycosides and Glycoconjugates Using Sulfonium Iodate (I) Complex" , 21st CRSI-ACS Symposium in Chemistry (CRSI-ACS/CRSI-NCS-21) (PA-306, CRSI-NSC-2017 by :CRSI-ACS at CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad / 306 / 2017

Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective Synthesis of Mannose From Glycals: Scope and Application of Ruthenium Catalysis" , 2nd National Conference on New Frontiers in Chemistry-From Fundamentals to Applications-II (OL-2, NFCFA-2017) by :NFCFA at BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa / / 2017

Ashish Kumar, R. P Yadav,Vijay Janyani,Mahanth Prasad, "Structural Study of Aluminium Nitride Thin Film Grown by Radio Frequency Sputtering Technique" , COMPTELIX 2017(International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics 2017) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 532-535 / 2017

Ajay Dadhich, J. K. Deegwal, MM Sharma, "Study and Design of Multiband Antenna With v and U Slot on Patch for Wireless Application" , IEEE Sponsored Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC-2017) by :IEEE at Aurangabad / / 2017

Vikas Sharma, Neeru Sharma, Surbhi, Satyavir Singh, Devendra Singh, Garima Makhija, K. Asokan and Kanupriya Sachdev, "Study of 120 Mev Ni7+ Ion Beam Irradiated SnO2/Ag/SnO2 Multilayer Thin Films" , DAE Solid State Physics Symposium by : American Institute of Physics at Bhubaneswar / 080090 / 2017

Kumar, N., Tyagi, R., and Gupta, P. , "Study of Change in Land Use or Activity in Malaviya Nagar, Jaipur City" , International Conference on Modern Research in Architecture by :Environmental Science for Sustainable Development at New Delhi: Krishi Sanskriti / / 2017

Hansa Rajput, Rohit Goyal, "Study of Groundwater Quality in Bhiwadi Region of Rajasthan" , 7th International Ground Water Conference on Groundwater Vision 2030 by :ICAR, New Delhi at New Delhi, India / - / 2017

Meena, "Study of Mixed Ligand Complexes of Lead With Some Amino Acids and Carboxylic Acid at Dropping Mercury Electrode (DME)" , International Conference on Commerce, Management Social Science and Science by :Lal Bahadur Shastri PG College, Jaipur at Jaipur / 138 / 2017

Kumar, N., and Thapa, V. , "Study of Open and Green Spaces in an Urban Neighborhood: Case Study of Malaviya Nagar, Jaipur" , International Conference on Modern Research in Architecture by :Environmental Science for Sustainable Development at New Delhi / / 2017

Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhaya, S.P.Chaurasia, and Rakesh Baghel, "Study on Membrane Fouling in Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Chemical, Environmental, Bioprocess, Textile, Mining, Material and Metallurgical Engineering by :JNU Delhi at Delhi / / 2017

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Thurpu Raghavender Reddy, Sudhir Kashyap, "Sulfonium Bis(Acetoxy)Iodate (I) Complex Promoted Iododglycosylation of Glycal: Stereoselective Synthesis of 2-Deoxy Sugars" , Indo-German Workshop on Recent Applications of Carbohydrates in Chemistry and Biology (PP-01, RACCB-2017) by :RACCB at Department of Chemistry, IIT (BHU) Varanasi / / 2017

Sudhir Kashyap, "Sulfonium Iodate(I) Salt as Novel Reagent for Selective Functionalization of C-C Multiple Bond" , International Conference on Contemporary Facets in Organic Synthesis (CFOS-2017) (SIL-16, CFOS-2017) by :IIT Roorkee at Department of Chemistry, IIT Roorkee / 16 / 2017

Ajeet Kumar Singh and Manoj Fozdar, "Supervisory Framework for Event Detection and Classification Using Wavelet Transform" , IEEE PES-General Meeting by :IEEE at Chicago, IL USA / / 2017

A. Singh, S. Vyas, R. Kumar, "Switching State Prediction for Residential Loads With Weather Data for Smart Automated Demand Response" , International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation and Power Engineering (RDCAPE) by :IEEE at Noida / / 2017

Pallabi Bhuyan, Syed Nasimul Alam, D. Panda, Lailesh Kumar, Harspreet Singh, "Synthesis and Characterization of Cu-Fe3Al Composites Using Powder Metallurgy Route" , 5th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterzation by :Elsevier at GRIET Hyderabad / 213 / 2017

Thurpu Raghavender Reddy, Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Sudhir Kashyap, "Synthesis of 2-Deoxy-2-Iodo Glycosides and Glycoconjugates Using Hypervalent Iodine System" , International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemistry-Allied Sciences Interface (FCASI-2017) (PS-44, FCASI-2017 by :FCASI Department of Chemistry Centre of Advanced Study University of Rajasthan at University of Rajasthan / 44 / 2017

Krishna Kumar and Upender Pandel, "Synthesis of Iron Oxide –Graphene Magnetic Nano Composites by Mechanical Milling and Sonication Assisted Exfoliation" , Forum of Interglobe Academia International Conference on Advance Materials &Amp; Technology (ICAMT-2017) by :- at Thailand / 1-5 / 2017

Prashant Shrivastava and Susanta Kumar Jana, "Synthesis of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate by Gas-Liquid and Liquid-Liquid Reaction Systems " , CHEMCON-2017 by :Indian Chemical Engineering Congress at HALDIA INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY - HALDIA / / 2017

Lalit Kumar Dusad, Ritu Sharma, "Synthesis of Silicon Nanowire Array by Wet Etching Process and Their Characterization" , International Conference on Quality, Productivity, Reliability, Optimization and Modelling (ICQPROM-2017 ) by :Manav Rachna International University at New Delhi / 3 / 2017

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Thurpu Raghavender Reddy, Sudhir Kashyap, "Synthetic Application of Sulfonium Iodate(I) Reagent in Modern Organic Chemistry" , 21st CRSI-ACS Symposium in Chemistry (CRSI-ACS-CRSI-NCS-21) (PA-355, CRSI-NSC-2017) by :CRSI-ACS at CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad / 35 / 2017

Bhatt, Preeti, "Teaching Postmodern Re-Visionary Fiction" , 10th International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching by :Global Psychology and Language Research Association at Dubai / / 2017

Bhatt, Preeti, "Teaching Pronunciation in the Multicultural Classroom" , IV International Conference of ELTAI Rajasthan: Jaipur Chapter on English in Multicultural Classrooms: Perspectives, Prospects, Possibilities by :ELTAI Rajasthan at Jaipur / / 2017

Mahato K.K., Rathore D.K., Prusty R.K., Dutta K., Ray B.C., "Tensile Behavior of MWCNT Enhanced Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymeric Composites at Various Crosshead Speeds" , National Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials 910 December 2016, NIT Rourkela, Orissa, India by :IOP Science at NIT Rourkela / 12006 / 2017

Amit Kumar Sharma, Dipti Sharma, "The Indian Electricity Sector: An Overview of Generation Options" , 37th Annual Conference of the Rajasthan Economic Association by :Rajasthan Economic Association at University of Kota, Kota / 6-13 / 2017

Kumar N., Kumar A. , Sharma S., "The Quest for Environmental Sustainability in Educational Institutions" , International Conference on Trends in Architecture and Construction- 2017 by :Chadigarh University at Chandigarh / / 2017

Ashiwani Kumar, Amar Patnaik, I. K Bhat, "The Study of Physical and Mechanical Beheviour of Titanium Metal Powder Reinforced Al7075 Alloy Composites for Gear Materials" , 3rd International Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM-2017) by :MNNIT Allahabad at Allahabad / / 2017

Gaurav Chandra, Dr. N. R. Mandalb, Dr. Manjari Chakrabortyc, Dr. A. K. Sinhad, Dr. Tarush Chandra, "The Water Sustainability Index (WSIOC) for Office Complexes. Part 1: A Preliminary Framework" , NATIONAL CONFERENCE on URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT in INDIA: PROBLEMS and PROSPECTS by :- at Jaipur / 70 / 2017

Nupur Tandon, "The Woman Questions" , Social Science and Humanities Berlin Conference by :IASRP Berlin at Berlin / 111 / 2017

Kuldeep, Kusum Verma, "Transient Stability Assessment of DFIG Integrated Distribution System" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer Application in Electrical Engineering - Recent Advances (CERA 17) by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee, India, / / 2017

Rakesh Baghel, Sarita Kalla, Sushant Upadhyaya, S. P. Chaurasia and Jitendra Kumar Singh, "Treatment of Sudan III Dye Form Waste Water Using Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Chemical, Environmental, Bioprocess, Textile, Mining, Material and Metallurgical Engineering by :JNU Delhi at Delhi / / 2017

Radhouene Massoudi, Monia Najjar, Cheima Kelfa, Vijay Janyani, "Tunable C and L Bands Demultiplexer Based on Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator" , 2017 International Conference on Communications (ICC) by :IEEE at Paris(France) / / 2017

Radhouene Massoudi, Monia Najjar, Vijay Janyani, "Tunable Photonic Crystal Switch Based on Ring Resonators With Improved Crosstalk and Q Factor" , International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering, Chengdu, China by :SPIE at Chengdu,China / / 2017

Kuntal Panwar, Ritu Sharma, "Underwater Optical Communication-a Review" , Advanced Communication Technologies and Networks-17 by :TEQIP at MNIT Jaipur / 5 / 2017

Mushtaq Ahmed, Pankaj Sharma, Kunwar Pal and Mohammed Yaseen Husain, "Unicast Backtracking Route Recovery in ODMRP" , 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition by :IEEE at Bahrain / / 2017

Jyoti Grover, Ashish Jain, NS Chaudhari, "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Operated Emergency Ad Hoc Networks" , 7th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT) by :IEEE at IIIT Nagpur / 92-96 / 2017

Jyoti Gajrani, Vijay Laxmi, Meenakshi Tripathi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Daya Ram Sharma, Akka Zemmari, Mohamed Mosbah, Mauro Conti, "Unraveling Reflection Induced Sensitive Leaks in Android Apps" , 12th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS), September 19-21, 2017 by :Springer at Dinard, France / 49-65 / 2017

Raj, D., Bharathi, M. and Shukla, S.K. , "Uplift Capacity of an Under-Reamed Pile Foundation - Finite Element Simulation" , Indian Geotechnical Conference by :IGC at IIT Guwahati / / 2017

Kumar, N., and Varun, B. M. , "Urban Land Entitlement- a Case Study of Rajasthan" , International Conference on Modern Research in Architecture by :Environmental Science for Sustainable Development at New Delhi: Krishi Sanskriti / / 2017

Kunwar Pal, Mushtaq Ahmed, and Mahesh Chandra Govil , "Utilization Based Hybrid Overlay Approach for P2P Live Streaming: A Comparative Analysis" , 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications by :Springer at Navada USA / 32-38 / 2017

Lokesh Kumar and Susanta Kumar Jana, "Utilization of Marble-Slurry Waste as a Novel Absorbent for Flue Gas Desulfurization" , CHEMCON-2017 by :Indian Chemical Engineering Congress at HALDIA INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY HALDIA / / 2017

Alok Damare, Priyansha mehra and R.C.Gupta , "Utilization of Mineral Residues in Concrete" , Emerging Trends & Developments in Civil Engineering (NCETDCE-2017) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / 125-135 / 2017

Gourav Takhar, Chandra Prakash, Namita Mittal, Rajesh Kumar , "Vision Based Gender Recognition Using Hybrid Background Subtraction Technique" , International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies by :Springer at Dehradun / 651-662 / 2017

Joshi, Amit M., Samar Ansari, and M. Ravikumar., "VLSI Architecture of Integer DCT Based Watermarking With Error Correction Capability" , 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (IEEE TENCON 2017) by :IEEE at Penang, Malayasia / 2961-2966 / 2017

Ashok Bhupathi Kumar Mukkapati, Vijayakumar K and Satyanarayana Neeli, "Voltage Regulation of Quadratic Boost Converter With Fixed Frequency Sliding Mode Controller" , International Conference on Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering, 2017 by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2017

Rajive Tiwari, Saurabh Ratra, K.R.Niazi, "Voltage Stability Enhancement by the Coordinated Operation of OLTCs in the Presence of Wind Turbines Using Taguchi Method" , 6th IET Renewable Power Generation Conference 2017 by :IET at Wuhan(China) / / 2017

Anil Jangir, M. Ravi Kumar, "WDM Based Visible Light Communication System" , 1st International Conference on Optical and Wireless Technologies by :IRISWORLD at MNIT, Jaipur / / 2017

Mukesh Kumar, Kapil Kumar, Mukund Dutt Sharma, "Wear and Frictional Characteristics of Hybrid Brake Pad Friction Composites Reinforced With Aramid-Basalt Fibers Combination" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Innovations & Technology Management by :NIT Hamirpur at NIT Hamirpur / 123-127 / 2017

Divya Bairathi, Dinesh Gopalani, "Weight and Bias Optimization for Multilayer Perceptrons Using Salp Swarm Algorithm" , 7th International Conference Soft Computing for Problem Solving - SocProS 2017 by :Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar at Bhubaneswar, India / / 2017

Nand K. Meena, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, and K. R. Niazi, "Wind Power Generation Planning by Utilizing the Reactive Power Capabilities of Generators" , IEEE Asian Conference on Energy, Power and Transportation Electrification (ACEPT 2017) by :IEEE at Singapore / / 2017


Tapas Badal, Neeta Nain, Mushtaq Ahmed and Vishakha Sharma, " an Improved Multi-Layer Codebook Model to Eliminate Ghost Region " , The Fifth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics by :IEEE at IIT-Patna / / 2016

Ranjeet Kumar, D. Saxena, " Fault Location in Distribution Network With Distributed Generation: An Overview and Key Issues" , 7th Power India International Conference IEEE PIICON by :IEEE at Bikaner Rajasthan, India / / 2016

Tanushree, K.K. Sharma, " Power Line Interference Removal From ECG Signals Using Wavelet Transform Based Component-Retrieval" , 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2016) by :IEEE Explore at LNMIIT Jaipur / 95-101 / 2016

A. Singh, S. Vyas, R. Kumar, " Preliminary Study Towards Conceptualization and Implementation of a Load Learning Model for Smart Automated Demand Response" , 2016 IEEE 7th Power India International Conference (PIICON) by :IEEE at Bikaner / / 2016

Das. D, Sharma. D, Bhardwaj. A and Sharma. M, "" Concept Design of a Hand Tool and a Material Handling Device for Construction Workers: An Ergonomic Approach"" , 14th International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE- 2016) by :NIT Jalandhar at Jalandhar / / 2016

Kumar.A, Sharma.M, Dangayach. G.S, and Kumar. A, ""Design of Blue Pottery Working Table for Indian Population Using Taguchi Approach"" , The 2nd World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical and Material Engineering by :ICMIE at Budapest, Hungary / / 2016

Sharma. M, Kumar. A and Das. D, ""Identification and Analysis of Comfort Predictors in the Use of a Hand Tool" " , The 2nd World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical and Material Engineering by :ICMIE at Budapest, Hungary / / 2016

Das. D, Bhardwaj. A and Sharma.M, ""Occupational Health of the Workers Engaged in Gems and Jewellery Manufacturing: A Systematic Review"" , 2nd National Conference on Industrial Engineering and Technology Management (NCIETM-2016) by :NITIE, Mumbai at Mumbai / / 2016

S. Singhal and A. K. Singh, ", “Microstrip Fed Star Super Wideband Fractal Antenna,”" , IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC-2016) by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2016

S. Bhaskar, S. Singhal and A. K. Singh, "A 2.4/5.8 GHz Dual Band Monopole Antenna for RFID Applications" , National Conference on Recent Advancement in Communication Engineering and Microelectronics (RACEM-2016) by :Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur at Gorakhpur / / 2016

S Karmakar, J Maiti, "A Bayesian LASSO Algorithm for Simultaneous Variation Fault Diagnosis in Ill Conditioned Multistage Manufacturing Processes" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management IEOM 2016 by :- at Kuala Lumpur, Malayasia / / 2016

Anshu Choudhary, Sanjeev Agrawal, M.M. Sharma, "A Bow-Tie Type Substrate Integrated Waveguide (BTSIW) for MultiBand Applications" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2016) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2016

S. S. Chauhan, E. S. Pilli and R.C. Joshi, "A Broker Based Framework for Federated Cloud Environment" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication Technologies (ETCT) by :IEEE at Dehradun, India / 1-5 / 2016

Sarita Kalla, Sushant Upadhyaya, Kailash Singh, Rajeev Kumar Dohare and Madhu Agarwal, "A Case Study on Separation of IPA-Water Mixture by Extractive Distillation Using Aspen Plus" , National Conference on Process Automation and Control by :MNIT , Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2016

N. Chand, P. Mishra, C. R. Krishna, E. S. Pilli and M. C. Govil, "A Comparative Analysis of SVM and Its Stacking With Other Classification Algorithm for Intrusion Detection" , International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, & Automation (ICACCA) by :IEEE at Dehradun, India / 1-6 / 2016

Preeti Gulia, Arpan Gupta, "A Comparative Study of Locally Resonant Periodic Structures" , International Conference on Design and Manufacturing IConDM16 by :IIIT Kancheepuram at IIIT Kancheepuram / / 2016

Swati Dubey,MadhuAgrawal , A. B Gupta, S.P Chaurasia, Suja George, "A Comparative Study on the Use of Alum and PAC in Nalgonda Technique for Defluoridation " , International Conference on Computational Technologies by :International Journal of Advanced Studies of Sciewntific Research at Jaipur / / 2016

R. Grover, C. R. Krishna, A. K. Mishra, E. S Pilli, and M. C. Govil , "A Comparison of Analysis Approaches for Cloud Forensics " , International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets (CCEM) by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 131-135 / 2016

S. Jhajharia, S. Verma, R. Kumar, "A Cross-Platform Evaluation of Various Decision Tree Algorithms for Prognostic Analysis of Breast Cancer Data" , International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT 2016) by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / / 2016

Shailendra Tripathi, Samar Ansari, Amit M Joshi, "A Current-Mode pH-Sensor Interface Based on Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Science by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2016

C. Prakash, A. Mittal, S. Tripathi, R. Kumar, N. Mittal, "A Framework for Human Recognition Using a Multimodel Gait Analysis Approach" , IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation, 2016 (ICCCA-2016) by :IEEE at Greater Noida, India / / 2016

Dinesh K. Viswakarma, Priyadarshani, Kuldeep Singh, "A Framework for Recognition of Hand Gesture in Static Postures" , IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA) by :IEEE at Greater Noida , India / / 2016

A. Sharma, E. S. Pilli, A. P. Mazumdar, and M. C. Govil, "A Framework to Manage Trust in Internet of Things" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication Technologies (ETCT) by :IEEE at Dehradun, India / 1-5 / 2016

R. Ratnakumar, S. J. Nanda, "A FSM Based Approach for Efficient Implementation of K-Means Algorithm" , 20th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test, IEEE-VDAT-2016 by :IEEE at IIT Gouhati / 1-6 / 2016

H. Varshney, A. Sharma, R. Kumar, "A Hybrid Approach to Price Forecasting Incorporating Exogenous Variables for a Day Ahead Electricity Market" , International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2016

S. Jhajharia, C. Prakash, S. Verma, R. Kumar, "A Hybrid Clustering Model Based Approach for Prognostic Analysis of Breast Cancer" , International Conference on Recent Advancement in Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences (ICRACCCS-2016) by :IEEE at Udaipur, India / / 2016

Rahmouni, Lyes, Rajendra Mitharwal, and Francesco P. Andriulli., "A Mixed Discretized Surface-Volume Integral Equation for Solving EEG Forward Problems With Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic Head Models" , International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging by :IEEE at Prague, Czech Republic / / 2016

Dhiraj, S. Verma, R. Kumar, "A Modified Genetic Algorithm-Based Fault Simulation Technique for Sequential Circuits" , 6th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT-2016) by :IEEE at Chndigarh,India / / 2016

Achin Varshney, Chandra Prakash, Namita Mittal, Pushpendra Singh , "A Multimodel Approach for Schizophrenia Diagnosis Using fMRI and sMRI Dataset" , Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 2016 by :Springer at Kochi / 869-877 / 2016

S. Jhajharia, H. Varshney, S. Verma, R. Kumar, "A Neural Network Based Breast Cancer Prognosis Model With PCA Processed Features" , 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2016) by :IEEE at Jaipur,India / / 2016

Ravi Goyal, Mahipal Jadeja, Rahul Muthu and Brijesh Patel, "A New Characterisation of Total Graphs" , The 19th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation by :Conference Proceeding at Hakodate, Japan / / 2016

N. Sandeep and Udaykumar R Y, "A New Nine-Level Single-Dc Source-Based Inverter Topology for Distributed Generation" , IEEE Int. Conf. Power Electron., Drives Energy Syst. (PEDES) by :IEEE at Trivandrum / / 2016

Maroti Deshmukh, Neeta Nain, Mushtaq Ahmed, "A Novel Approach of an (N, N) Multi Secret Image Sharing Scheme Using Additive Modulo" , International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing ) Conference Held at IIT-Roorkee on 26-28 Feb 2016. by :Springer at IIT-Roorkee / / 2016

Chakraborty S., Vashishtha M., "A Novel Approach to Determine Moisture Migration Through Pressboard Insulation Using FEM" , 14th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics by :American Institute of Physics at Rhodes, Greece / / 2016

Dhiraj, S. Verma, R. Kumar, "A Novel Approach to Fault Simulation and Testing in Combinational Circuits Using Modified Genetic Algorithm" , 6th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT-2016) by :IEEE at Chandigarh,India / / 2016

SanjeevYadav, KiranAseri, M.M. Sharma, "A Novel Bandpass Frequency Selective Surface for the Augmentation in the Performance of Wi-Max 2.5/3.5 GHz" , 9th International Conference on ATMS 2016 by :IEEE at Goa / / 2016

Priyanka Sharma, Kirti Vyas, R. P. Yadav, "A Novel CPW Fed UWB-MIMO Antenna With Modified Ground Structure" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2016) by :IEEE at JAIPUR, INDIA / / 2016

Monika Mathur, Ankit Agarwal, Ghanshyam Singh, S. K. Bhatnagar , "A Novel Design Module of RF Energy Harvesting for Powering the Low Power Electronics Circuits" , ACM International Conference AICTC 2016 by :ACM at Bikaner / / 2016

PV Ramana, "A Novel Technique for Solving Three Dimensional Problems" , ICCMS-2016, IIT, Bombay by :IISc Bangaluru at IIT Bombay / / 2016

PV Ramana, "A Novel Technique for Solving Two Dimensional Problems" , ICCMS-2016, IIT, Bombay by :IISc Bangaluru at IIT, Bombay / / 2016

A.A.Madavi, A.K. Garg, R. Raushan, V. Janyani, "A Novel TWDM Architecture With Efficient Power Saving" , IEEE International Conference on Computational Techniques in Information and Communication Technologies (ICCTICT-2016) by :IEEE at Indraprastha University Delhi / / 2016

Gupta, S., Dangayach, G. S., Singh, A. K., and Rao, P. N., , "A Pilot Study of Sustainable Machining Process Design in Indian Process Industry" , Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on CAD /CAM. Robotics and Factories of the Future (CARs & FoF) 2016 by :College of Engineering and Management at Kolaghat / / 2016

Sonal Yadav, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, "A Power Efficient Dual Link Mesh NoC Architecture to Support Nonuniform Traffic Arbitration at Routing Logic." , 29th VLSI Design 2016 by :IEEE Computer Society at Kolkata, India / 69-74 / 2016

A. Singh, S. Vyas, R. Kumar, "A Preliminary Study Towards Conceptualization and Implementation of a Load Learning Model for Smart Automated Demand Response" , 7th Power India International Conference (PIICON 2016) by :IEEE at Bikaner, India / / 2016

Ashok Kumar, Mahendra Mohan Sharma, "A Quad-Band Reconfigurable Microstrip-Fed Circular Disc Monopole Antenna for Multiradio Wireless Systems" , Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2016 by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2016

Vishakha Sharma and Neeta Nain, "A Redefined Codebook Model for Dynamic Backgrounds" , International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing CVIP2016, IIT Roorkee, Feb.26-28, 2016. by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee / 1-4 / 2016

P. Goyal, S. Vyas, R. Kumar,, "A Regulated Charging Scheme for Electric Vehicles Considering the Customers Perspective" , India Smart Grid Week (ISGW 2016) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2016

A. S. Chauhan, A. P. S. Rathore, G. Soni, "A Review of Contemporary Approaches for Risk Management in NPD Process" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICETiME-2016) by :IFHE at Hyderabad / 394-398 / 2016

P. Vats, G. Soni, A. P. S. Rathore, "A Review of Some Inventory Control Models: Multi-Objective Optimization" , 7th International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Management (ICIRESM-16) by :The Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers - IETE at New Delhi / 33-41 / 2016

C. Prakash, G. Takhar, R. Kumar, N. Mittal, "A Review on Background Subtraction Techniques and Applications" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2016) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2016

AvadhOza, S.P.Chaurasia, "A Review on Current and Future Technology Aspects for the Production of Bio-Ethanol" , Annual National Conference on “Innovative Globalized Technologies in Development of Renewable Energy by :Stani Memorial College of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2016

Gaurav Kumar Badhotiya, Satya Prakash, Gunjan Soni, Murari Lal Mittal , "A Review on Planning and Scheduling in Multi-Plant Manufacturing" , International Conference on Emerging Trends on Mechanical Engineering (ICETiME-2016) by :ICFAI at Faculty of Science and Technology ICFAI Foundation / / 2016

Jharna Gupta , Madhu Agarwal , Rajeev Kumar Dohare and Sushant Upadhyaya, "A Review on Process System Engineering for Biodiesel Refineries" , National Conference on Process Automation and Control by :MNIT , Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2016

Sujan A., Vyas R. K., Singh K., "A Review on Relative Importance of Input Variables for Gas Holdup, Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient and Bubble Diameter in Gas-Liquid / Gas-Liquid-Solid Bubble Columns Using Weight Matrix of ANN A" , CHEMCON 2016 by :IICHE at Chennai / / 2016

Sujan, Ajay, Vyas, R. K. and Singh, Kailash , "A Review on Relative Importance of Input Variables for Gas Holdup, Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient and Bubble Diameter in Gas-Liquid/gas-Liquid-Solid Bubble Columns Using Weight Matrix of ANN...." , CHEMCON 2016 by :IIChE at Chennai / 830 / 2016

Upendra chaudhary, Ritu Sharma, Ghanshyam singh, "A Review on Surface Plasmon and Its Application as Biosensing Element" , International Conference on Bioelectronics and Biosensor-16 by :Euro Biosensor at Valencia, Spain / 4 / 2016

Dinesh K. Viswakarma, Jaya Gautam, Kuldeep Singh, "A Robust Framework for the Recognition of Human Action and Activity Using Spatial Distribution Gradients and Gabor Wavelet" , International Conference on Advances in Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems and Applications (ASISA-2016) by :Springer at Bangalore, India / / 2016

Sonu Lamba, Neeta Nain, Harendra Chahar, "A Robust Multi-Model Approach for Face Detection in Crowd" , 12th IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems by IEEE at Naples, by :IEEE at Naples, Italy / 96-103 / 2016

Rajat Goel, Mahesh Chandra Govil, Girdhari Singh, "A Secure Software Design Methodology" , 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2016) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 2484-2488 / 2016

Hemant Raj Singh, Dilip Sharma, S. L. Soni, Pradeep Gupta and Sumit Sharma, "A Study on Automotive Emission Norms: A Review" , All India Seminar on Emerging Trend in Automobile Engineering by :ETAE at The Institution of Engineers Alwar / / 2016

Ajeet Kumar Singh, Manoj Fozdar, "A Wavelet-Based Event Detection and Location Framework for Enhanced Situational Awareness in Power System" , 2016 IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON) by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 1-6 / 2016

Ankit Kashmiri Gupta, Dr. Tarush Chandra and Dr. Nand Kumar, "Accessing the Needs and Planning Provisions for Industrial Areas in India: Jaipur" , NATIONAL CONFERENCE on URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT in INDIA: PROBLEMS and PROSPECTS by :- at Jaipur / 51 / 2016

H Jain, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Accounting of Water Footprint in Substructure of a Typical Multistorey Concrete Building" , 7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment ICSBE 2016 by :7th International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment ICSBE 2016 at Kandy, Srilanka / / 2016

Lokesh Garg, Vineet Sahula, "Accurate and Efficient Estimation of Dynamic Virtual Ground Voltage in Power Gated Circuits" , IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design by :IEEE at Hyderabad / 6 / 2016

Vibha Goswami, Renu Upadhyaya, Sumanta Kumar Meher, Pankaj Kumar Pandey, Rakesh Baghel, and Sushant Upadhyaya, "Adsorption Studies of Methylene Blue Dye Using Activated Charcoal in Continuous Column" , International Conference on Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and Energy by :ELSEVIER at Rome / / 2016

Kumar, Pawan, Sharma, Komal, and Vyas, R. K. , "Adsorptive Removal of Lamivudine From Its Aqueous Solution Using Granular Activated Carbon" , CHEMCON 2016 by :IIChE at Chennai / 46 / 2016

Uma Shanker, Manviri Rani, Vidhida Jassal, "AegleMarmelos Mediated Green Synthesis of Iron Hexacyanocobaltate Nanoparticles: Solid Support-Cum Catalyst for the Degradation of 2,4-Dinitrophenol" , World Congress on Engineering and Applications by :Asian Society for Research in Engineering Sciences at Bangkok, Thailand / / 2016

Sujil A, S. Choudhary, Jatin Verma, R. Kumar, "Agent Based Intelligent Fault Detection, Isolation and Restoration in Smart Power System" , IEEE Students Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Sciences (SCEECS-2016) by :IEEE at Bhopal . India / / 2016

Poonam Shekhawat, Sandeep Shrivastava and Neha Shrivastava, "Agricultural Waste Utilization in Sustainable and Resilient Construction" , International Conference on Waste Management - Recycle 2016 by :Springer at IIT Guwahati / 385-393 / 2016

K. Pareek, H. Cheng, "Ambient Temperature Hydrogen Storage for Fuel Cell Vehicule" , International Conference of Functional Materials (ICFM-2016) by :IIT Kharagpur at IIT Kharagpur / / 2016

Maroti Deshmukh, Neeta Nain, Mushtaq Ahmed, "An (N, N)-Multi Secret Image Sharing Scheme Using Boolean XOR and Modular Arithmetic" , The 30th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2016) by :IEEE at , Crans-Montana, Switzerland.  / / 2016

Rajive Tiwari, Jyotsna Singh, Saurabh Ratra,K.R. Niazi, "An Analytical Approach to Find Optical Location and Sizing of DGs for Power Loss Reduction and Voltage Stability Improvement" , 5th International Conference on Power Science and Engineering (ICPSE-2016) by :International Journal of Electrical Energy at Venice (Italy) / 189-193 / 2016

Mundra, S., Sindhi, P.R., Chandwani, V., Nagar, R., and Agrawal, V. , "An Economical and Ecological Alternative to Natural Sand to Optimize Concrete Mix" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS2016) by :ELSEVIER at Jaipur, India / / 2016

Sharma, N., Agarwal, A. K. , "An Experimental Study of Microscopic Spray Characteristics of a GDI Injector Using Phase Doppler Interferometry" , SAE 2016 World Congress and Exhibition by :SAE at USA / / 2016

Shridev and Suprabha K R, "An Idiosyncratic Study on Financial Distress and Default of Select Indian Companies" , International Conference on Applied Economics and Business by :Indian Econometric Society at SMVDU Jammu and Kashmir / 40-48 / 2016

Maroti Deshmukh, Neeta Nain, Mushtaq Ahmed, "An Improved (N, N)-Multi Secret Image Sharing Scheme Using Boolean XOR and Reverse Bits" , International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT-2016) by :IEEE at IIT Dhanbad, India / / 2016

K. Narayanan, S. A. Siddiqui and M. Fozdar, "An Improved Islanding Detection Technique and Priority Based Load Shedding for Distribution System With Multiple DGs" , National Power Systems Conference by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, India / 1-6 / 2016

Maroti Deshmukh, Neeta Nain, Mushtaq Ahmed, "An Improved N, N Multi Secret Image Sharing Scheme Using Boolean XOR and Reverse Bits" , RAIT (Scopus Indexed) by :IEEE at IIT Dhanbad / / 2016

Dheeraj Joshi, M.L.Mittal and Manish kumar, "An Improved Teaching-Learning-Based Algorithm (TLBO) for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP)" , SOM 2016 by :Society of Operations Managemenet at IIITM Gwalior India / / 2016

PV Ramana, "An Innovative Method for Solving Structural Engineering Problems" , ICCMS-2016, IIT, Bombay by :IISc Bangaluru at IIT Bombay / / 2016

Kumar, D., G. S. Dangayach and P.N. Rao, "An Investigation on Optimization of Parameters for Injection Molded Polypropylene–Marble Composites With Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2016) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2016

Maroti Deshmukh, Neeta Nain, Mushtaq Ahmed, "An N, N Multi Secret Image Sharing Scheme Using Boolean XOR and Modular Arithmetic" , The 30th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2016) by :IEEE at Crans-Montana, Switzerland / / 2016

Sharma Suman, Rahul Katiyar, Ashutosh Vijayvargiya, Prerna Jain, Rohit Bhakar, "An Optimally Controlled Charging Scheme Motivating EV Owners for Supporting Grid Stability" , National Power Systems Conference by :IEEE at Bhubneshwar / / 2016

S Suman, R Katiyar, A Vijayvargiya, P Jain, R Bhakar ,, "An Optimally Controlled Charging Scheme Motivating EV Owners for Supporting Grid Stability 19-21 December, 2016." , National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) 2016 by :IEEE at IIT Bhubneshwar / / 2016

Shikha Singh, Dipti Sharma, "An Overview of Trade Volume and Its Composition:comparative Analysis of EU, ASEAN and India" , International Research Conference on Revitalizing Economies, Pioneering Innovation by :JBIMS at JBIMS Mumbai / / 2016

Nand K. Meena, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta and K. R. Niazi, "An UVLO Featured Average Current Mode Controlled Boost Converter Design for Automotive Industry Applications" , 2016 IEEE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at Delhi Technical University, Delhi / / 2016

Aanchal Sharma, M.M. Sharma, "An UWB Antenna Design With Dual Band Notched Characteristic Using U-Shaped Slots" , International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC) by :IEEE at Noida / / 2016

Kajal Gaur, Harish Kumar, Rathour P. K. Agarwal, K. V. S. Baba, S. K. Soonee, "Analysing the Electricity Demand Pattern" , 19th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC-2016 by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, India / / 2016

V. Kalkhambkar, R. Kumar, R. Bhakar, "Analysis of Joint Optimal Allocation of Energy Storage and Renewable Distributed Generation for Energy Loss Minimization" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2016) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2016

J Joy Mathavan, Amar Patnaik, "Analysis of Wear Properties of Aluminium Based Journal Bearing Alloys With and Without Lubrication" , International Conference on Advances in Materials & Manufacturing Applications by :Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Bengaluru Bengaluru Karnataka India at Bengaluru / / 2016

N. Gupta, M. Kumawat and N. Jain, "Analyzing the Impacts of Optimally Allocated Distributed Energy Resources on Harmonics in Radial Distribution " , National Power Systems Conference by :IEEE at IIT Bhubaneswar / / 2016

S.K. Soonee, K.V.S. Baba, S.S. Barpanda, Goutam Chakraborty, S.C. Saxena, Gurmit Singh, Kaushik Dey, K.V.N. Pawan Kumar, Anupam Kumar, Saif Rehman, Kajal Gaur, "Ancillary Services in India Evolution, Implementation and Benefits. " , 19th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC-2016 by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, India / / 2016

Bharat Buddhdev, Parvez Faruki, Manoj Singh Gaur, Vijay Laxmi, "Android Component Vulnerabilities: Proof of Concepts and Mitigation." , International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) by :IEEE Computer Society at Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia / 17-22 / 2016

Md Irshad Alam, Manish Kumar, Somnath Roy , "Aneurysm Flow Analysis Using Immersed Boundary Method for Incompressible Newtonian Fluid." , 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP)- 2016 by :FMFP at MNNIT-Allahabad, India. / / 2016

Gaurav Kataria, Kailash Singh, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "ANN Based Soft Sensor Model for Reactive Distillation Column" , National Conference on Process Automation and Control -NCPAC-2016 by :ACCENT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2016

Lavika Goel, Rashi Khandelwal, Eloy Retamino, Suraj Nair, Alois Knoll, "Application of a Hybrid Relation Extraction Framework for Intelligent Natural Language Processing" , The International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2016

Nupur Bansal, Sanjay Kumar, Ashish Tripathi, "Application of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Using Hadoop" , International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom) by :IEEE at Delhi / 3615-3619 / 2016

Jayishnu Singla, V K Sangal, Anoop Verma, "Application of Electro-Oxidation Process for the Treatment of Human Urine Metabolites" , International Conference on Harnessing Engineering Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Growth, HETIS 2016 by :Punjab University at Punjab University, Chandigarh / / 2016

Mahesh Kumar Jat and Shuchi Mala, "Application of GIS and Statistical Modelling for Dengue Fever Surveillance in Delhi, India" , Fourth International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Environmental by :Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Rome, Italy / 26-30 / 2016

Hemant Sharma, K.K. Sharma, "Application of Iterated Hilbert Transform for Deriving Respiratory Signal From SingleLead ECG" , INDIA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Information Processing by :DTU, Delhi at Delhi / / 2016

Pramod K. Bajpai, Haripada Bhunia, Avinash Chandra, Vikas K. Sangal, Raj K. Gupta, , "Application of Radiotracer to Study the Flow Behavior in Industrial Reactors- Case Studies, in Symposium Proceedings on Applications of Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology in Industry" , National Symposium on Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology in Industry Healthcare and Agriculture by :Thapar University at Dept. of Chemical Engg. Thaper University Patiala / / 2016

Garg, A., Munoth, P. and Goyal, R., "Application of Soil Moisture Sensors in Agriculture: A Review" , Hydro 2016, 21st International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering by :Indian Society of Hydraulics at Pune / / 2016

Jayant K. Purohit, M.L.Mittal, Milind Kumar Sharma, Sameer Mittal, "Appraisement of Mass Customization Capability Level Using Multi-Grade Fuzzy Approach" , 28th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future by :Springer at CEM Kolaghat / / 2016

Sushant Upadhyaya, Kailash Singh, Jitendra Singh, Rakesh Baghel, and S.P. Chaurasia, "Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination" , International Conference on Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and Energy by :ELSEVIER at Rome / / 2016

Chandwani, V., Gupta, N.K., Nagar, R., Agrawal, V., and Jethoo, A.S., "Artificial Neural Networks Aided Conceptual Stage Design of Water Harvesting Structures" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS2016) by :ELSEVIER at Jaipur, India / / 2016

Amit Kumar and Rajeev Agrawal, "Assembly Line Balancing of Rear Axle of Heavy Vehicle" , Proceeding of International Conference on Evolutions in Manufacturing: Technologies and Business Strategies for Global Competitiveness by :Proceeding of International Conference on Evolutions in Manufacturing at Ranchi / 281-284 / 2016

Urmila Brighu, Kanika Saxena, Swati Singh, "Assessing the Efficacy of Locally Available Sand for the Removal of COD, BOD, TKN, Nitrates, Phosphates and Ammonical Nitrogen From Greywater by Sand Filtration" , National Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering by :IJERT at Jaipur, Rajasthan / / 2016

Ruchi Sharma and Rajasekhar Balasubramanian, "Assessment and Mitigation of Human Exposure to Airborne Particles of Different Sizes in a Typical Naturally Ventilated Indoor Environment During a Recent Haze Episode in South East Asia" , The 2016 Asia/Pacific Conference Organized by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry by :Conference Proceedings of SETAC Conference at National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore / / 2016

Rani, S., Kumar, A., Datta, M., Nema, A. K., "Assessment of Additional Land Area Required for MSW Landfills/Dumps in Million Plus Cities of India: Two Scenarios" , 6th IconSWM by :IconSWM at Kolkata / 650-657 / 2016

Kumar, A., Datta, M., Nema, A. K. , "Assessment of Air Contamination Potential From Waste Dumps in Developing Countries" , 6th IconSWM by :IconSWM at Kolkata / 1436-1442 / 2016

J. Choudhary, S. Pal, V. S. Pareek, R. Kumar, "Assessment of EV and ESS Performance Based Load Scheduling in Smart Home" , International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2016

Aneesh Mathew, Sumit Khandelwal, Nivedita Kaul, "Assessment of Land Surface Temperature Relationship With Vegetation, Water and Built-Up Parameters of Chandigarh City in India" , 21st International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (ISH-Hydro 2016 International) by :The Indian Society of Hydraulics at CPWRDM Pune, Maharashtra / / 2016

Aneesh Mathew, Sumit Khandelwal, Nivedita Kaul, "Assessment of Land Surface Temperature-Vegetation Relationship Over Jaipur City Using Geospatial Techniques" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS-2016) by :JNU at JNU Jaipur, Rajasthan / / 2016

Chandra Prakash, Rajesh Kumar, Namita Mittal, "Automated Detection of Human Gait Events From Conventional Videography" , IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication Technologies ICETCT 2016 by :IEEE at Dehradun / / 2016

Swati Dubey, Madhu Agarwal, A.B. Gupta,Rajeev Kumar Dohare,Sushant Upadhyaya, "Automation and Control of Water Treatment Plant for Defluoridation" , National Conference on Process Automation and Control -NCPAC-2016 by :ACCENT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2016

Swati Dubey, Madhu Agarwal, A.B. Gupta, Rajeev Kumar Dohare and Sushant Upadhyaya, "Automation and Control of Water Treatment Plant for Defluoridation" , National Conference on Process Automation and Control by :MNIT , Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2016

Pawan Rekha and Paritosh Mohanty,, "“Cyclophosphazene Bridged Mesoporous Organosilicas for the Adsorptive Removal of Anionic Dyes (Methyl Orange and Congo Red) From Aqueous Solution”" , International Conference on Energy, Functional Materials and Nanotechnology by :ICEFN at Kumaun University Nainital, / / 2016

V. Kalkhambkar, R. Kumar, R. Bhakar, "“Joint Optimal Allocation of Battery Storage and Hybrid Renewable Distributed Generation" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems, 2016 (ICPS 2016) by :IEEE at New Delhi,India / / 2016

L. K. Panwar, S. Reddy K, A. Verma, B. K. Panigrahi, R. Kumar, "“Optimal Schedule of Plug in Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid With Constrained Parking Lots" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems, 2016 (ICPS 2016) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2016

S. Reddy, Siva N. Raju, L. Panwar, R. Kumar, "“V-Trough Concentrator With Back Surface Cooling for Rooftop Photovoltaic System" , 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology (ICICT-2016) by :IEEE at Ghaziabad, India / / 2016

Sandeep Saini, Nitin Gupta, Shivin Bhogal, Shubham Sharma, Vineet Sahula, "Bayesian Learner Based Language Learnability Analysis of Hindi" , 5th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Informatics (ICACCI) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 6 / 2016

Jayant K. Purohit, M.L.Mittal, Milind Kumar Sharma, Sameer Mittal, "Big Data Driven Supply Chain Integration for Mass Customization" , International Conference on E-Business and Supply Chain Competitiveness by :IIT Kharagpur at IIT Kharagpur India / / 2016

Chaurasia S. P., Jain A., Dalai A.K, "Bioethanol Production Using Pervaporation Membrane Bioreactor" , 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference by :Canadian Chemical Engineers at Canada / / 2016

S. Sidh, R. Jain and M. L. Meena , "Biomechanical Modelling of Construction Tasks: A Short Review" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Management for Sustainable Development by :Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIET Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2016

Sandeep Vyas, Takasumi Tanabe, Ghanshyam Singh, Manish Tiwari , "Broadband Supercontinuum Generation and Raman Response in Ge11.5As24Se64.5 Based Chalcogenide Photonic Crystal Fiber" , ICCTICT-2016 by :IEEE Xplore Digital Library at New Delhi / 607-611 / 2016

Ashok Parmar, Rohit Bhakar, "Capacity Reimbursement Mechanisms: Challenges & Opportunities in Deregulated Markets" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2016

Rakesh Baghel, Sushant Upadhaya, Kailash Singh, S. P. Chaurasia, and A. B. Gupta , "Central Composite Design for Parametric Study in Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Naphthol Blue Black Dye Removal" , Chemical Engineering Towards Sustainable Development by :IICHE at Chennai / / 2016

Mithlesh Arya, Namita Mittal, Girdhari Singh , "Cervical Cancer Detection Using Segmentation on PAP Smear Images" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics and Analytics ICIA2016 by :ACM at Pondicherry / 1-4 / 2016

Priya Pal, Vaibhav Dhyani and S. P. Chaurasia, "Characterization of Crude and Purified Glycerol From Biodiesel Production and Purification Techniques" , International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology by :International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology at New Delhi / / 2016

Renu, Agarwal M., Singh K., "Chromium Removal by Using Modified Agricultural Wastes" , National Conference on Frontiers in Research and Development in Agriculture, Biomedicinal, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science by :Mewar University at Chittorgarh, Rajasthan / / 2016

Reena Kumari and Ravi Kumar Gangwar, "Circularly Polarized Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna Fed With Modified Wilkinson Power Divider" , 9th Annual International Conference on Antenna Test & Measurement Society ATMS by :ATMS at Goa, India / 277-280 / 2016

Harsha Gwalani, Namita Mittal, Ankit Vidyarthi, "Classification of Brain Tumours Using Genetic Algorithms as a Feature Selection Method GAFS" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics and Analytics ICIA2016 by :ACM at Pondicherry / 1-5 / 2016

Abhishek Singh Kilak, Namita Mittal , "Classification of Emotions From Images Using Localized Subsection Information" , International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences by :Springer at Ghaziabad / 562-571 / 2016

U. P. Shukla, S. J. Nanda, "Cluster Analysis of Evolving Data Streams Using Centroid Initialization Methods" , 3rd Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Electronics Engineering, IEEE-UPCON-2016 by :IEEE at IIT-BHU, Varanasi, India / 624-629 / 2016

Gaurav Sharma, Lava Bhargava, "CMOS-Memristor Inverter Circuit Design and Analysis Using Cadence Virtuoso " , ICRAIE 2016 by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2016

N. Kumari, M. A. Haider, S. Basu, "CO2 Reduction in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell" , International Conference on Materials Science & Technology by :VBRI Press at New Delhi, India / / 2016

N. Kumari, M. A. Haider, S. Basu, "CO2 Reduction to CO in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell: Experimental and DFT Studies" , 12th International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition by :Petrotech at New Delhi, India / / 2016

Dr. Amit M. Joshi, Shubham Gupta, Mohit Girdhar, Pranshu Agarwal, Ranabir Sarker, "Combined DWT-DCT Based Video Watermarking Algorithm Using Arnold Transform Technique" , First International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology by :Springer at Lavasa, Pune / / 2016

K. P. Singh, V, Sharma and M. L. Meena , "Comparative Analysis Between Standard Genetic Algorithm and Parallel Genetic Algorithm in Optimizing Travelling Salesman Problem" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Management for Sustainable Development by :Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIET Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2016

Gourav Takhar, Chandra Prakash, Namita Mittal, Rajesh Kumar, "Comparative Analysis of Background Subtraction Techniques and Applications" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2016) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-8 / 2016

Kunwar Pal, Mahesh Chandra Govil, and Mushtaq Ahmed , "Comparative Analysis of New Hybrid Approach for Overlay Construction in P2P Live Streaming" , International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications by :Springer at Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru / 239-250 / 2016

S. Pal, R. Kumar, "Comparative Analysis of Price Prediction Techniques for Residential Demand Response Programs" , 2016 IEEE 7th Power India International Conference (PIICON) by :IEEE at Bikaner / / 2016

Jharna Gupta, Madhu Agarwal, "Comparative Study of Catalytic Activity From Different Waste Source for Biodiesel Synthesis" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS2016) by :ELSEVIER at JNU at Jaipur / / 2016

P. Mehra, B. S. Thomas, R. Kumar, R. C. Gupta, "Comparative Study on DifferentProperties of Jarosite Added Concrete" , UKIERI Concrete Congress “Advances in Concrete Technology Materials and Construction Practices by :Goa Engineering College at Goa, India / 82-83 / 2016

Kataria,G., Singh,K. , "Comparison of Levenberg-Marquardt and Gradient Descent Based Soft Sensors for Reactive Distillation Column" , CHEMCON 2016 by :IICHE at Chennai / / 2016

S.S.K. Jampa, Md Oayes Midda, A.K. Suresh and Huanting Wang, "Comparison Study Between Rubbery and Glassy Polymers for Relation Between Pure and Mixed Gas Permeation" , Membrane Conference of Visegrad Countries (PERMEA 2016) by :Czech Membrane Platform at Prague, Czech Republic / / 2016

Yashsvi Singh, A.K. Vyas, K.I. Syed Ahmed Kabeer, "Compressive Strength Evaluation of Mortars Containing ISF Slag and Marble Powder" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS2016) by :ELSEVIER at Jaipur / 9635-9639 / 2016

PV Ramana, "Computational Mechanism on Large Deformable Bodies Using Novel Technique" , ICCMS-2016, IIT, Bombay by :IISc Bangaluru at IIT Bombay / / 2016

Reena Kumari and Ravi Kumar Gangwar, "Conformal Strip Fed Circularly Polarized Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna With Modified Wilkinson Power Divider" , 2016 11th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems ICIIS by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee / 345-348 / 2016

Hemant Kumar Sharma and B. L. Swami, "Congestion Characteristics of Interrupted Flow for Urban Roads With Heterogeneous Traffic Structure " , ICITE 2016 by :EDP Sciences at Singapore / / 2016

Satyajit Mahato, Amit Rai Dixit and Rajeev Agrawal, "Conjugated Approach of Six Sigma With LP Algorithm to Abreast With the Market Dynamics of Developing Economies" , Proceeding of International Conference on Evolutions in Manufacturing: Technologies and Business Strategies for Global Competitiveness by :Proceeding of International Conference on Evolutions in Manufacturing at Ranchi / 194-201 / 2016

A. Shukla, K. Verma, R. Kumar, "Consumer Perspective Based Placement of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations by Clustering Techniques" , 19th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC-2016 by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar / / 2016

Won Joon Shim, Mi Jang, Sang Hee Hong, Manviri Rani, Gi Myoung Han and Young Kyoung Song, "Contamination of Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in Styrofoam Marine Debris From Asia and Pacific Region and the Great Tsunami" , 25 Year of PICES: Celebrating the Past, Imagining the Future by :North Pacific Marine Science Organization at San Diego, CA, USA / / 2016

Satirtha K Sarma, Kailash Singh, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Control of a Reactive Distillation Column for Methyl Acetate System Using ASPEN PLUS" , National Conference on Process Automation and Control -NCPAC-2016 by :ACCENT at MNIt Jaipur / / 2016

Umardaraj, Rakesh jain, "Contructive Cognitive Network for Faliure Analysis of Multi Component System" , International Conference on Emerging Trend in Mechanical Engineering by :Industrial Engineering at Hyderabad / / 2016

Sharma, Komal, Vyas, Anil and Vyas, R. K., "Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass (Water Hyacinth) Into Levulinic Acid" , CHEMCON 2016 by :IIChE at Chennai / 347 / 2016

Girraj Sharma, Ritu Sharma, "Cooperative Spectrum Sensing With SLS and Transmit Diversity in Cognitive Radio Networks" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences ICEMS-2016 by :Jaipur National University at Jaipur / 5 / 2016

S. Bhaskar, S. Singhal and A. K. Singh, "CPW-Fed Inverted U-Shaped Folded-Slot Monopole Antenna for RFID Applications" , National Conference on Recent Advancement in Communication Engineering and Microelectronics (RACEM-2016) by :Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur at Gorakhpur / / 2016

Vijay, Kalpna, and Preeti Bhatt, "Crisis of Identity: A Study of Anita Desai and Divakaruni’s Novels" , National Conference on Applied Science and Humanities in Engineering (ASHE 2016) by :JECRC, Jaipur at Jaipur / 28-36 / 2016

Jana, S. K. and Shrivastava, P., "CTAB Assisted Synthesis of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate" , CHEMCON 2016 by :Conference Proceeding at Anna University, Chennai / 1045 / 2016

Dhanraj Chitara, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar and Nikhil Gupta, "Cuckoo Search Optimization Algorithm for Designing of Multimachine Power System Stabilizer" , 2016 IEEE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at Delhi Technical University, Delhi / / 2016

P. Goyal, A. Sharma, S. Vyas, R. Kumar, "Customer and Aggregator Balanced Dynamic Electric Vehicle Charge Scheduling in a Smart Grid Framework" , IEEE International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES – 2016) by :IEEE at Bhopal / / 2016

V. Gosu, B. R. Gurjar, V. Subbaramaiah, "CWPO of Pyridine Bearing Wastewater by Nano Scale Zero Valent Iron" , CHEMCON-2016 by :CHEMCON at Anna Unveristy, Chennai / / 2016

Vaibhav Dhyani, Jitendra K. Singh, Priya Pal and S. P. Chaurasia, "Desalination by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology by :International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology at New Delhi / / 2016

Deepender Kant, L M Joshi and V Janyani, "Design and Characterization of RF Cavity for a L-Band Multi Beam Klystron" , IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC) by :IEEE at New Delhi / 1-3 / 2016

Shilpa Thakral, Divya Goswami, Ritu Sharma, Krishna Prasanna Challa and Dr. Amit Mahesh Joshi,, "Design and Implementation of High Speed Digital FIR Filter Using Unfolding " , IEEE 7th Power India International Conference (PIICON) by :IEEE Explore at Government Engineering College, Bikaner / / 2016

Rohitash Garwal, Varshali Sharma, Ritu Sharma, "Design and Modelling of Diaphragm Type MEMS Based Capacitive Pressure Sensor for Harsh Environment" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences ICEMS-2016 by :Jaipur National University at Jaipur / 5 / 2016

Raju Patel, Manishkumar Patel, D. Boolchandani, and K.J. Rangra, "Design and Simulation of ZnO Based Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator as a Mass Sensor" , India International Science Festival by :NPL at Delhi / / 2016

Amit M Joshi, Sagar Balecha, "Design of Boolean Logic Implementation Using Magnetic Tunnel Junction" , International Conference on Computational Technologies (ICCT 2016) by :International Conference on Computational Technologies at Jaipur / / 2016

Sanyog Rawat, K.K. Sharma, "Design of Modified Pentagonal Patch Antenna on Defective Ground for Wi-Max/WLAN Application" , 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano 2015 (ETMN-2015) by :American Institute of Physics at Jaipur / / 2016

I. Sharma, A. Kumar, G. K. Singh, and H-N. Lee, "Design of Multiplierless Cosine Modulated Filterbank Using Hybrid Technique in Sub-Expression Space" , In Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2016 IEEE International Conference On by :IEEE at Beijing, China / 360-36 / 2016

Deepender Kant, L M Joshi and V Janyani, "Design of RF Interaction Structure for a 352.2 MHz, 100 kW (CW) Power Klystron" , Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2016 by :IEEE at New Delhi / 1-4 / 2016

I. Sharma, A. Kumar, and G. K. Singh , "Design of Two Channel Multiplierless Filterbank Using Common Sub-Expression Elimination" , Signal and Information Processing (IConSIP), International Conference On. by :IEEE at Nanded, India / 1-5 / 2016

PK Navin and YP Mathur, "Design Optimization of Sewer System Using Particle Swarm Optimization" , Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving by :Springer at IIT Roorkee / 173-182 / 2016

Yogendra Gupta, Lava Bhargava, "Design Trade-Off Analysis of STT-MRAM Based Last Level Cache Memory" , ICEE by :IEEE at IIT Bombay, India / 1-6 / 2016

Subrata Mukhopadhyay, Vinod K. Agrawal, Sushil K. Soonee, P. K. Agarwal, Rajkumar Anumasula, Chandan Kumar, "Detecting Low Frequency Oscillations Through PMU-Based Measurements for Indian National Grid" , 2016 Power Systems Computation Conference by :IEEE at Genoa, Italy / / 2016

Vineeta Jain, Manoj Singh Gaur, Vijay Laxmi, Mohamed Mosbah, "Detection of SQLite Database Vulnerabilities in Android Apps" , 12th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS ) by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 521-531 / 2016

Pallabi Bhuyan, Harspreet Singh,Lailesh Kumar,Nidhi Sharma,D. Panda, Deepanshu Verma, Syed Nasmul Alam, "Development of Cu-E-Glass Fiber Composites by Powder Metallurgy Route." , 5th National Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials by :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering at NIT Rourkela / 012023 / 2016

Ram Prasad, NIkhil Bansal, Sunil Kumar, Sandeep S, "Development of Sustainable Mortar Using Ceramic Waste " , Recycle- 2016 International Conference at IIT Guwahati by :Recycle- 2016 International Conference at IIT Guwahati at IIT Guwahati / / 2016

R. Jain, M. L. Meena, G. S. Dangayach, A. K. Bhardwaj, "Digital Human Modelling and Analysis for Modern Multipurpose Farming Tool" , International Conference on Hybrid and Composite Materials, Chemical Processing: HCMCP-2016 by :ELSEVIER at St. Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad / 193-198 / 2016

Om Ji Shukla, Sujil A, Gunjan Soni, R. Kumar, "Discrete Event System Framework for Analysis and Modeling of Job Shop Scheduling System" , 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2016) by :IEEE at Jaipur,India / / 2016

Rahul Kumar Malee, Prerna Jain, Pranda Prashant Gupta, Sharma Suman Dharampal, "Distribution System Expansion Planning Incorporating Distributed Generation" , 7th Power India International Conference by :IEEE at Govt. Engineering College Bikaner, Rajasthan / / 2016

A. Kumar, I. B. Sharma, R. K. Saraswat and M. M. Sharma,, "Dual Band-Notched Circular Disc Monopole UWB Antenna With Switchable Five Notched Stop Bands" , Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) 2016 by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / 1-4 / 2016

Subir Verma, Amit M Joshi , "DWT-DCT Based Blind Audio Watermarking Using Arnold Scrambling and Cyclic Codes" , Third International IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks by :IEEE Explorer at Amity University, Noida, / / 2016

Mahesh Kumar Paliwal and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Dye-Polluted Waste Water Treatment Using CeO2" , International Conference on Technologically Advanced Materials & Asian Meeting on Ferroelectricity (ICTAM-AMF10) by :University of Delhi at University of Delhi, India / / 2016

Mahamad Nabab Alam, Akhilesh Mathur, Kanhaiya Kumar, "Economic Load Dispatch Using a Differential Particle Swarm Optimization" , 1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016) by :IEEE at Delhi Technological University / 1-5 / 2016

Brij Mohan Mundotiya, Lutz Rissing, Marc Christopher Wurz, "Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Coercivity and the Electrical Resistivity of the Electrodeposited Ni-Fe-W Alloy Film" , ECS Prime 2016 by :Electrochemical Society at Honolulu, Hawaii / 59 - 65 / 2016

Raghuwanshi N.K., Parey A., "Effect of Back-Side Contact on Mesh Stiffness of Spur Gear Pair by Finite Element Method" , 11th International Symposium IMPLAST by :ELSEVIER at IIT Delhi / / 2016

Jyotirmaya Kar, S.K. Roy, G.G. Roy, "Effect of Beam Oscillation on Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of AISI 316L Electron Beam Welds" , National Welding Seminar (NWS) 2016 by :National Welding Seminar at Kolkata, India / / 2016

AA Kasar, SD Bharti,M K Shrimali and R Goswami, "Effect of Column to Beam Strength Ratio on Behaviour of Beam to Column Moment Joints" , 10th Structural Engineering Convention by :SERC CSIR Chennai at SERC Chennai / 340-345 / 2016

Nivedita Kaul, Sumit Khandelwal, Ghanshyam Das and A.B. Gupta, "Effect of Cooking Medium on Emissions During Normal and Festival Cooking: A Case Study of Urban Domestic Kitchen, India" , 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor Air 2016 by :International Society for Indoor Air and Quality at University of Ghent, Ghent (Gent), Belgium / / 2016

Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Jai Prakash Bhamu, Chandra Shekhar Rajoria, Nitin Kumar Lautre and Vishnu Agarwal , "Effect of Duty Ratio at Different Pulse Frequency During Hole Drilling in Ceramics Using Electrochemical Discharge Machining”" , International Conference on Mechanics and Mechatronics Research (ICMMR 2016) by :MATEC Web Conference at Chongqing, China / 77 / 2016

Mahato K.K., Biswal M., Rathore D.K., Prusty R.K., Dutta K., Ray B.C., "Effect of Loading Rate on Tensile Properties and Failure Behavior of Glass Fibre Epoxy Composite" , 5th National Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials 1213 December 2015, Rourkela, India by :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering at NIT Rourkela / 12017 / 2016

Vikas Kukshal, Amar Patnaik, I. K. Bhat, "Effect of Mn on Microstructure and Hardness of AlCr1.5CuFeNi2MnX (X = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75,1 in Molar Ratio) High-Entropy Alloys" , International Conference on High-Entropy Materials (ICHEM 2016) by :National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu Taiwan at Taiwan / / 2016

Priya Pal, Sushant Upadhyaya and S.P.Chaurasia, "Effect of Operating Parameter on Glycerol Concentration by Membrane Distillation Using PTFE Membrane " , Chemical Engineering Towards Sustainable Development by :IICHE at Chennai / / 2016

Raj, D., and Singh, Y., "Effect of Soil-Foundation Nonlinearity on Capacity Spectrum of a RC Building With Isolated Foundations" , Structural Engineering Convention by :SEC at SERC Chennai / / 2016

Hansa Rajput, Rohit Goyal, Urmila Brighu, "Effect of Textile Industry Effluent on Groundwater and Soil Quality: A Review" , International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering by :The Central Water and Power Research Station at Pune / / 2016

S. Pal, R. Kumar, "Effective Load Scheduling of Residential Consumers Based on Dynamic Pricing With Price Prediction Capabilities" , International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2016

Patel C,. Sharma, N. Tiwari, N., Agarwal A. K, "Effects of Spray Droplet Size and Velocity Distributions on Emissions From a Single Cylinder Biofuel Engine" , SAE 2016 World Congress and Exhibition by :SAE at USA / / 2016

P. Mishra, E. S. Pilli, U. Tupakula, and V. Varadharajan, "Efficient Approaches for Intrusion Detection in Cloud Environment" , International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA 2016) by :IEEE at Greater Noida, India / 1211-1216 / 2016

Ankit Gangwal, Megha Gupta, Manoj Singh Gaur, Vijay Laxmi, Mauro Conti, "ELBA: Efficient Layer Based Routing Algorithm in SDN" , 25th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) by :IEEE at Waikoloa, HI, USA / 1-7 / 2016

N. Kumari, M. A. Haider, N. Sinha, S. Basu, "Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell: Experimental and Mechanistic Insights" , AIChE Annual Meeting by :AIChE at San Francisco / / 2016

Singla J., Verma A., Sanagl V. K., "Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Treatment of Uric Acid and Creatinine Present in Human Urine" , 4th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP-2016) by :BITS Goa at BITS Goa / / 2016

Pooja Kumari, Rini Singh, Tushar Singh, Anoop M D, Kamlendra Awasthi, and Manoj Kumar, "Electrochemical Deposition of Bismuth and Bismuth Telluride Nanowires" , National Conference on Applied Science and Humanities in Engineering (ASHE 2016) by :JECRC, Jaipur at JECRC Jaipur, India / / 2016

Meena and O.D. Gupta, "Electrochemical Study of Mixed Ligand Complexes of Amino Acids and Vitamin C by Voltammetric Technique" , National Conference on Sustainable Chemical & Material Science (SCMS2016) by :S.S Jain, Subodh PG College, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2016

Meena and O. D. Gupta, "Electrochemical Study of Mixed Ligand Complexes of Pb(II) With Succinic Acid and Serine" , National Conference on Sustainable Engineering Application of Matierial Science and Physico- Chemical Innovations(NCSEAM) by :SKIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / 40 / 2016

Jinesh K. Jain, "Empowering Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in India: A Path for Growth " , International Conference on Make in India Initiative: Role and Challenges for SMEs in the Global Perspective by :Poornima University at JAIPUR / / 2016

Faishal Pathan, Jinesh Kumar Jain, "Empowering Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in India: A Path for Growth" , Make in India Initiative: Role and Challenges for SMEs by :Make in India Initiative at Jaipur / / 2016

Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya, and S.P. Chaurasia, "Energy Consumption Study for PTFE and PVDF Membrane in Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination" , International Conference on Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and Energy by :ELSEVIER at Rome / / 2016

Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya,S.P. Chaurasia, "Energy Consumption Study for PVDF Membrane in Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination" , 4th Rajasthan Science Congress by :JK Lakshmipat University at Jaipur / / 2016

Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya,S.P. Chaurasia, "Energy Consumption Study for PVDF Membrane in Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination4th Rajasthan Science Congress" , Energy Consumption Study for PVDF Membrane in Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination by :JK Lakshmipat University Jaipur at JK Lakshmipat University Jaipur / / 2016

Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya, S.P. Chaurasia, and Rakesh Baghel, "Energy Consumption Study on Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination" , In International Conference on Clean India Technology- Role of Desalination and Water Purification by :InDA at Chennai / / 2016

Nand Kumar, Manoj Panwar, and V. Devadas, "Energy Management for Smart Habitat" , Seminar on Towards Building Smart & Sustainable Infrastructure in Urban Develoment by :Journal of Indian Building Congress at New Delhi / / 2016

Anita Choudhary, M.C. Govil, Girdhari Singh, L.K. Awasthi, "Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation Approaches With Optimum Virtual Machine Migrations in Cloud Environment" , 4th International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) by :IEEE at Solan, India / 182-187 / 2016

Amita Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, F. Li, H.P. Tiwari, "Enhanced LRIC Pricing Differentating Generation Technologies and Load Classes" , PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Boston, USA / / 2016

Maroti Deshmukh, Neeta Nain and Mushtaq Ahmed, "Enhanced Modulo Based Multi Secret Image Sharing Scheme" , International Conference on Information Systems Security by :Springer at Jaipur / 212-224 / 2016

V. Sangwan, A. Sharma, R. Kumar, A. Rathore, "Equivalent Circuit Model Parameters Estimation of Li-Ion Battery: C-Rate, SoC and Temperature Effects" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2016) by :IEEE at Trivandrum / / 2016

Pundir A. S., Singh K., "Equivalent Control Based Sliding Mode Control Forfixed Bed Reactor" , CHEMCON 2016 by :IICHE at Chennai / / 2016

A. K. Singh, M. L. Meena and H. Chaudhary , "Ergonomic Assessment and Prevalence of Cumulative Trauma Disorders Among Female Carpet Weavers: Proposed Guidelines for Hand Tool Design" , 14th International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment HWWE-2016 by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / / 2016

A. K. Singh, M. L. Meena, H. Chaudhary, "Ergonomic Risk and Postural Assessment During Metallographic Specimen Polishing in Virtual Environment" , International Conference on Hybrid and Composite Materials, Chemical Processing: HCMCP-2016 by :ELSEVIER at St. Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad / 141-147 / 2016

V. Sangwan, R. Kumar, A. K. Rathore, "Estimation of Battery Parameters of the Equivalent Circuit Model Using Grey Wolf Optimization" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems, 2016 (ICPS 2016) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2016

V. Sangwan, A. Sharma, R. Kumar, A. K. Rathore, "Estimation of Battery Parameters of the Equivalent Circuit Models Using Meta-Heuristic Techniques" , International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2016

Goyal, Rohit, Tiwari, Kuldeep and Munoth, Priyamitra, "Estimation of Crop Coefficients Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case Study of Khuskera-Bhiwari Neemrana Investment Region, Rajasthan, India" , 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2016 by :The American Academy of Sciences at Houston, Texas, USA / 82 / 2016

V. Sangwan, A. Sharma, R. Kumar, A. Rathore, "Estimation of Optimal Li-Ion Battery Parameters Considering C-Rate, SOC and Temperature" , 7th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics.( IICPE-2016) by :IEEE at Patiala / / 2016

Munoth, P., Goyal, R. and Garg, A., "Estimation of Soil Moisture and Its Application to Irrigation Water Allocation : A Review" , Hydro 2016, 21st International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering by :Indian Society of Hydraulics at Pune / / 2016

Kaur J., Sangal V.K, "Ethyl Acetate Synthesis by Reactive Dividing Wall Distillation Column" , National Conference on Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering ACEE-2016 by :Dr B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar at Jalandhar / 33 / 2016

L. Panwar, S. Reddy, C. N. Raju, R. Kumar, "Experimental Analysis of Electrical Parameter Variation for Concentrated PV Module" , IEEE Students Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Sciences (SCEECS-2016) by :IEEE at Bhopal,India / / 2016

D. K. Jamua, D. Sharma and S.L. Soni, "Experimental Investigation of the Performance and Emission Parameters of Stationary CI Engine Using Methyl Esters of Karanja and Fumigated Ethanol" , International Conference on Bio Fuels and Bio Energy by :ICBFBE at MANIT Bhopal / / 2016

Deepak Rajedra Unune, Harlal Singh Mali, "Experimental Investigations on Low Frequency Workpiece Vibration in Micro Electro Discharge Drilling of Inconel 718" , All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2016) by :Excel India Publishers, New Delhi at College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA / 5 / 2016

Raghuwanshi N.K., Parey A., "Experimental Measurement of Gear Mesh Stiffness by Photoelasticity" , Vibrations in Rotating Machinery (VIRM-11) by :Institute of Mechanical Engineers at University of Manchester, UK / / 2016

Ekta Chaturvedi, Nitesh Singh Rajput and Sushant Upadhyaya, "Experimental Study and Mathematical Modeling for Extrusion Using High Density Polyethylene " , Materials Processing and Characterization by :Elsevier at Bhopal / / 2016

Bambhu, O. P., Saini, K.A., Pal, A. K., Rohatgi, N., "Experimental Study of a Single Slope Solar Still With and Without Phase Change Material" , International Conference on Energy & Infrastructure Management, ICEIM-2016. by :- at Gandhi Nagar / / 2016

Madhu Agarwal, Preeti Kumari, "Experimental Study of Congo Red and Direct Red 80 Adsorption From Water Onto Carbon Nanotubes" , Eighth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2016 by :American Academy of Science at Houstan, USA / 10 / 2016

Abhay Dinker, Madhu Agarwal and G.D. Agarwal, "Experimental Study on Thermal Performance of Beeswax as Thermal Storage Material" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences ICEMS-2016 by :Jaipur National University at Jaipur / / 2016

R. K. Garg and N. Gupta, "Experimental Validation of Power Factor Correction Using Magnetic Energy Recovery Switch" , 7th Power India International Conference by :IEEE at GEC Bikaner / / 2016

Vijay Kumar Sharma, Namita Mittal, "Exploiting Parallel Sentences and Cosine Similarity for Identifying Target Language Translation" , Twelfth International Conference on Communication Networks, ICCN 2016, Procedia Computer Science by :ELSEVIER at Bangalore / 428-433 / 2016

Vijay Kumar Sharma, Namita Mittal, "Exploiting Wikipedia API for Hindi-English Cross-Language Information Retrieval" , 12th International Conference on Communication Networks, ICCN 2016, Procedia Computer Science by :Elsevier at Bangalore / 434-440 / 2016

Vijay Kumar Sharma, Namita Mittal, "Exploring Bilingual Word Vectors for Hindi-English Cross-Language Information Retrieval" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics and Analytics ICIA2016 by :ACM at Pondicherry / 1-4 / 2016

PAWAN KALLA, "Exploring Marble Slurry as an Engineering Material With Specific Reference to Mortar and Brick Manufacturing" , Innovation for Sustainability by :Innovation for Sustainability at NITH / / 2016

Md. Fuzail Jawaid, Dr. Satish Pipralia, Dr. Ashwani Kumar, "Exploring the Imageability of Urban Form in Walled City Jaipur" , 4th Annual Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering by :Global Science and Technology Forum at Singapore / 255-261 / 2016

Rajput H., Dhir A., Sanagl V. K., "Fabrication of Electrodes and Assessment of Their Activity in the Photoelectrocatalytic Degradation of Pentachlorophenol" , 4th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP-2016) by :BITS Goa at BITS Goa / / 2016

Bhatt, Preeti, "Fantasy and Magic Realism in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s the Mistress of Spices and Queen of Dreams" , The Past, Present and Post ‘Diaspora’: New Directions in Diaspora Studies by :University of Mumbai at Mumbai / / 2016

R. Ramesh, Ritu Sharma, "FFT Implementation on FPGA With Different Adders" , Information, Communication and Computing Technology(ICICCT-2016) by :JIMS at New Delhi / / 2016

Arathy Varghese, C. Periasamy, and Lava Bhargava , "Field Plated AlGaN/GaN HEMT for High Voltage Switching Applications" , International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Mechanical Engineering, March 2016 by :IEEE at Chennai / / 2016

Ayush Vashistha, Amit M. Joshi, "Fingerprint Based Biometric Watermarking Architecture Using Integer DCT" , IEEE TENCON 2016- Technologies for Smart Nation by :IEEE Explorer at Singapore / 2818-2822 / 2016

Mahesh Kumar Paliwal and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Flower-Like ZnO for Efficient Removal of Dye-Wastewater Pollutants" , International Conference on Frontiers at the Chemistry Allied Sciences Interface (FCASI-2016) by :University of Rajasthan at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India / / 2016

Lovely Sinha, Shweta Bhandari, Parvez Faruki, Manoj Singh Gaur, Vijay Laxmi, Mauro Conti, "FlowMine: Android App Analysis via Data Flow" , 13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) by :IEEE at Las Vegas, NV, USA / 435-441 / 2016

Zabina Kouser, Manish Singhal, Amit Joshi,, "FPGA Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering by :IEEE Explore at Poornima University, Jaipur / / 2016

Minakshi Tewari, Ajay Yadav, R.P. Yadav, "Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna: Using Pixel Ground" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2016) by :IEEE at JAIPUR, INDIA / / 2016

Nisha Goyal and Satish Kumar, "Further Evidence on Rationality and Behavioural Biases in Investment Decision Making" , International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance by :IIT Madras at Cheenai / / 2016

Tiwari S.K, Sharma J.P and Yadav J.S,, "Geotechnical Properties of Dune Sand-Waste Tires Composite" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences by :JNU JAIPUR at JNU JAIPUR / / 2016

Priya Pal, Sushant Upadhyaya and S.P.Chauraisa, "Glycerol Water Separation by Membrane Distillation Using PTFE Membrane" , National Symposium on Water Purification & Reject Management by :MNIT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2016

Ramakrishna Vaikuntapu, Lava Bhargava, Vineet Sahula, "Golden IC Free Methodology for Hardware Trojan Detection Using Symmetric Path Delays" , IEEE VLSI Design & Test Symposium by :IEEE at Guwahati / 6 / 2016

V. Ramakrishna , Lava Bhargava , Vineet Sahula, "Golden IC Free Methodology for Hardware Trojan Detection Using Symmetric Path Delays." , 20th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT) by :IEEE Explore at IIT Guwahati / 1-2 / 2016

Singh, S., Nagar, R., and Agrawal, V., "Granite Cutting Waste Concrete a Saturn Key Solution for Efficient Stone Management" , International Conference on Waste Management by :RECYCLE at Guwahati, India / / 2016

Mitharwal, Rajendra, and Francesco P. Andriulli., "Graph Laplacian Based Algorithms for Stable Current Discretizations on Macro Elements" , 13th International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering by :IEEE at Florence, Italy / / 2016

Manviri Rani,Uma Shanker, "Green Synthesis of Copper-Chromate Nanoparticles: Catalytic Oxidation of Phenol" , World Congress on Engineering and Applications by :Asian Society for Research in Engineering Sciences at Bangkok, Thailand / / 2016

Uma Shanker, Manviri Rani, Vidhisa Jassal, "Green Synthesis of Some Manganese Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Application in Oxidation of Aromatic Amines" , National Symposium on Nanoscience and Technology at CeNSE by :IISc Bangaluru at Bangaluru, India / / 2016

Jain, Rahul, M. L. Meena, G. S. Dangayach, A. K. Bhardwaj , "Grip Strength as a Function of Combined Hand Positions for Agriculture Farmers" , HWWE 2016 by :NIT Jalandhar at Jalandhar / / 2016

Maninder Singh Nehra, Neeta Nain and Mushtaq Ahmed, "Handwritten Devnagari Script Database Development for Off-Line Hindi Character With Matra (Modifiers)" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Cognizance in Wireless Communication & Image Processing by :Springer at New Delhi / 233-240 / 2016

S. Singhal and A. K. Singh, "Hexagonal Super Wideband Fractal Antenna (Accepted)" , IEEE APS/URSI 2016 by :IEEE at Las Croabas, Puerto Rico / / 2016

J. E. Ortiz Guzman, S. B. Adrian, R. Mitharwal, Y. Beghein, T. F. Eibert, K. Cools, and F. P. Andriulli., "Hierarchical Basis Preconditioners and Their Application to the PMWCHT Integral Equation." , EuCAP 2016 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation by :IEEE at Davos, Switzerland / / 2016

J. E. Ortiz Guzman, S. B. Adrian, R. Mitharwal, Y. Beghein, T. F. Eibert, K. Cools, and F. P. Andriulli., "Hierarchical Preconditioners for the PMCHWT Integral Equation" , AP-S/URSI 2016: IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting by :IEEE at Fajardo, Peurto Rico / / 2016

Lavika Goel, Sunita Singhal, Sharthak Mishra, Satyajit Mohanty, "Hybridization of Gravitational Search Algorithm and Biogeography Based Optimization and Its Application on Grid Scheduling Problem" , 2016 Ninth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3) by :IEEE at Noida / / 2016

Roy N, Sarkar R, "Identification of Critical Parameters of Seismic Behavior of Tunnels in Discontinuous Medium" , Indian Geotechnical Conference 2016 by :Indian Geotechnical Society at IIT Madras / / 2016

P. Sharma, P. Mathuria, U. Brighu, A. Singh , "Impact of Short Term Electricity Procurement of an Open Access Consumer on Indian Grid" , 19th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC-2016 by :IEEE at IIT Bhuvaneshvar / / 2016

PV Ramana, "Impact on Environmental Due to Non-Biodegradable Materials" , 10th Structural Engineering Convention by :SERC CSIR Chennai at SERC Chennai / / 2016

Ram Babu Verma, Rajeev Agrawal and Joyjeet Ghose, "Implementation of 5S Framework in a Micro Small Medium Enterprise: A Case Study" , Proceeding of International Conference on Evolutions in Manufacturing: Technologies and Business Strategies for Global Competitiveness by :Proceeding of International Conference on Evolutions in Manufacturing at Ranchi / 256-261 / 2016

G. Singh, M. Siwasia, S. Vyas, R. Kumar, "Implementation of a Fuzzy Logic Based Perturb and Observe Approach for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Solar PV Modules" , 2016 IEEE 7th Power India International Conference (PIICON) by :IEEE at Bikaner / / 2016

Komal Swami, Ritu Sharma, "Implementation of a Modified Low Power D Flip Flop Using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors (CNFET)" , International Conference on Microelectronics, Communication and Computation (ICMCC-2016) by :ISSRD Scientific Research and Development Development at San Diego Virtual Participation / 4 / 2016

Nivedita Kaul, Sumit Khandelwal, Gaurav Singh, AB Gupta, "Importance of Ventilation Provisions in Efficient Dispersion of Particulate and Gaseous Pollutants: A Case Study of Different Cooking Microenvironments, India" , 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor Air 2016 by :International Society for Indoor Air and Quality at University of Ghent, Ghent (Gent), Belgium / / 2016

Arora, H., Ojha, C.S.P., and Kashyap, D., "Improved Method for Multi-GCM Ensemble Averaging of Downscaled CMIP5 Precipitation for Capturing the Observed Precipitation Series" , American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2016 by :American Geophysical Union at Moscone Centre, San Francisco, USA / / 2016

A. Choudhary, M. C. Govil, G. Singh, L. K. Awasthi, E. S. Pilli and N. Kumar , "Improved Virtual Machine Migration Approaches in Cloud Environment" , International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets (CCEM) by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 17-24 / 2016

Ruchi Sharma and Rajasekhar Balasubramanian, "Indoor-Outdoor Relationship of PM and Health Risk Assessment" , 35th Annual Conference Organized by American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) by :Conference Proceedings of AAAR at Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, USA / / 2016

D. K. Jamua, D. Sharma and S.L. Soni, "Influence of Intake Air Pre-Heat on a Diesel Engine Operating on Ethanol in Dual Fuel Mode" , International Conference on Bio Fuels and Bio Energy by :ICBFBE at MANIT Bhopal / / 2016

S.D. Kore, A.K. Vyas, "Influence of Particle Packing Density Approach on Strength and Durability Properties of Concrete Containing Marble Waste" , International Conference on Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering – TRACE 2016 by :AMITY UNIVERSITY at Noida, Uttar Pradesh / 376-385 / 2016

Shweta Bhandari, Vijay Laxmi, Akka Zemmari, Manoj Singh Gaur, "Intersection Automata Based Model for Android Application Collusion" , 30th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA) by :IEEE at Crans-Montana, Switzerland / 901-908 / 2016

Harlal Singh Mali and Nitesh Kumar, "Investigating Feasibility of Waste Vegetable Oil for Sustainable EDM" , All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2016) by :Excel India Publishers, New Delhi at College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA / 6 / 2016

Anup Malik and Alakesh Manna, "Investigation of Electrochemical Behavior During Drilling of en-31 Steel on Developed Laser Assisted Jet Electrochemical Machine" , 6th International & 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2016) by :College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra, India at College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra, India / / 2016

Vikas Sharma, Sapna, Kanupriya Sachdev, "Investigation of ITO Free Transparent Conducting Polymer Based Electrode" , 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium by :American Institute of Physics at Amity University UP, Noida / 080053 / 2016

Vaiju Kalkhambkar, Rajesh Kumar, Rohit Bhakar, "Joint Optimal Allocation of Battery Storage and Hybrid Renewable Distributed Generation" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2016

Mahipal Jadeja and Rahul Muthu, "Labeled Object Treemap: A New Technique for Visualizing Multiple Hierarchies" , The 19th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation by :Conference Proceeding at Hakodate, Japan / / 2016

Mahesh K.Jat, Ankita Saxena, and Kushum Joshi, "Land Use/land Cover Change Detection: A New Paradigm for Natural Resource Monitoring" , National Conference on Civil Engineering Conference: Innovation for Sustainability by :National Institute of Technology Hamirpur at Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. India / / 2016

Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, "Large Consumer’s Purchase Portfolio Optimization in Electricity Market" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2016

P. Mathuria, R. Bhakar, "Large Consumers Purchase Portfolio Selection in Electricity Markets" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems, 2016 (ICPS 2016) by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / / 2016

Vinod yadav, Rakesh jain, "Lean Manufacturing Within Indian SMEs" , International Conference on Emerging Trend in Mechanical Engineering by :Industrial Engineering at Hyderabad / / 2016

N Pawar, S Shrivastava, Ramprasad S, "Life Cycle Assessment of Cattle Manure Based Biogas Plant in India" , Biofuels and Bioenergy: International Conference and Exhibition by :Biofuels and Bioenergy: International Conference and Exhibition at MANIT Bhopal / / 2016

Ram Prasad, S Shrivastava, Nitin Pawar, "Life Cycle Assessment: Anaerobic Digestion of Energy Crops for Production of Bioenergy" , Biofuels and Bioenergy: International Conference and Exhibition by :Biofuels and Bioenergy: International Conference and Exhibition at MANIT Bhopal / / 2016

Tarun Goyal, Vineet Sahula, "Lightweight Security Algorithm for Low Power IoT Devices" , IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Informatics (ICACCI) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 6 / 2016

F. Teotia, R. Bhakar, "Local Energy Markets: Concept, Design and Operation" , National Power Systems Conference by :IEEE at IIT Bhubneshwar / / 2016

Shailendra Tripathi, Samar Ansari, Amit M Joshi, "Low Noise Tunable Band-Pass Filter for ISM 2.4 GHZ Bluetooth Transceiver in 0.7V 32 Nm CNFET" , First International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology by :Springer at Lavsasa, Pune / / 2016

S. Srivastava, V. P. Singh, S. P. Singh, R. K. Dohare , S. Kumar, "LUUS-JAAKOLA BASED PID CONTROLLER TUNING for DOUBLE TANK SYSTEM" , National Conference on Process Automation and Control -NCPAC-2016 by :ACCENT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2016

M. L. Meena, G. S. Dangayach, A. Bhardwaj, "Major Musculoskeletal Disorders in Indian Handicrafts Industries" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology by :ICMSET at Phuket, Thailand / / 2016

Jharna Gupta , Madhu Agarwal , A. K. Dalai and S. P. Chaurasia , "Marble Slurry Derived Heterogeneous Catalyst for Biodiesel Production From Soybean Oil" , ” International Conference CHEMCON 2016 by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at Anna University Chennai / / 2016

Sang Hee Hong, Mi Jang, Manviri Rani,GiMyung Han, Young Kyung Song, Won Joon Shim, "Marine Plastic Debris as a Source of Hazardous Substances in the Marine Environment: Hexabromocyclododecanes in Styrofoam" , Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Asia Pacific 2016 by :National University of Singapore at Singapore / / 2016

PV Ramana, "Mathematical Model for Reinforced Concrete Problems" , ICCMS-2016, IIT, Bombay by :IISc Bangaluru at IIT Bombay / / 2016

PV Ramana, "Mathematical Models for Structural Engineering Problems, INDO-ROCK-2016, IIT Bombay" , INDO ROCK-2016, IIT Bombay by :IISc Bangaluru at IIT Bombay / / 2016

Sreenu S, J. Verma, Sujil A, R. Kumar, "Matrix Based Univariate and Multivariate Linear Approach Towards Long Term Electrical Load Forecasting" , International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2016

S. Sreekumar, A. Gupta, S., V. Agarwal, R. Bhakar, "Matrix Based Univariate and Multivariate Linear Similar Day Approach Towards Short Term Solar Power Prediction" , National Power Systems Conference by :IEEE at Bhubneshwar / / 2016

Gaurav Singal, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Swati Todi, Vijay Rao, Akka Zemmari, "MCLSPM: Multi-Constraints Link Stable Multicast Routing Protocol in Adhoc Networks" , Wireless Days by :IEEE at Toulouse, France / 1-6 / 2016

PV Ramana, "Mechanical Properties of Concrete Exposed to Burning" , ICCMS-2016, IIT, Bombay by :IISc Bangaluru at IIT Bombay / / 2016

N. Kumari, M. A. Haider, S. Basu, "Mechanism of CO2 Reduction to CO and CH3OH on Ceria Surface: Density Function Theory Study" , 20th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference by :ACS at Portland, Oregon, USA / / 2016

N. Kumari, M. A. Haider, N. Sinha, S. Basu, "Mechanistic Insights and Electrochemical Performance of Ceria Based Materials for Solid Oxide Electrolysis of CO2" , 229th ECS Meeting by :Electrochemical Society at San Diego, USA / / 2016

Vaiju Kalkhambkar, Rajesh Kumar, Rohit Bhakar, "Methodology for Joint Allocation of Energy Storage and Renewable Distributed Generation" , International Conference on Recent Advances & Innovations in Engineering by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2016

S. Sahu, K. V. Kozadaev, and G. Singh, "Michelson Interferometer Based Refractive Index Biosensor" , 13th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics by :OSA Technical Digest, Optical Society of America at IIT Kanpur / / 2016

Anup Malik and Alakesh Manna, "Micro-Drilling of Al/Al2O3-MMC on Developed ECMM" , Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2016 Vol II by :World Congress on Engineering at WCE 2016, London, UK / / 2016

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, "Microbial Population Dynamics in AD Reactors Operating Close to Overloading" , 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. Amsterdam, the Netherlands by :European Biomass Association at Amsterdam, the Netherlands / / 2016

Abhishek Godbole, Prathmesh P. Dali, Ghanshyam Singh, Takasumi Tanabe, "Microring Resonator Based All Optical XOR and XNOR Logic Gates" , ICCTICT-2016 by :IEEE Xplore Digital Library at New Delhi / 540-543 / 2016

Sharma, N., Agarwal, A. K, "Microscopic and Macroscopic Spray Characteristics of GDI Injector Using Gasohol Fuels at Various Injection Pressures" , SAE 2016 World Congress and Exhibition by :SAE at USA / / 2016

Sandeep Vyas, Takasumi Tanabe, M. Tiwari, Ghanshyam Singh , "Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Generation in Ge11.5As24Se64.5 Based Chalcogenide Photonic Crystal Fiber" , IEEE Intl. Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), by :IEEE Explore at Jaipur / / 2016

Parvez Faruki, Akka Zemmari, Manoj Singh Gaur, Vijay Laxmi, Mauro Conti, "MimeoDroid: Large Scale Dynamic App Analysis on Cloned Devices via Machine Learning Classifiers" , 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN Workshops) by :IEEE Computer Society at Toulouse, France / 60-65 / 2016

Sourabh Sahu, Ghanshyam Singh , "Modeling of Phase Shift Bragg Grating Biosensor for Non Invasive Detection of Blood Components" , IEEE International Conference, ICRAIE-2016 by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2016

Rajat Goel, M.C. govil, Girdhari Singh, "Modeling Software Security Requirements Through Functionality Rank Diagrams" , International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) by :Springer at Beijing, China / 398-409 / 2016

Sharma K.V., Pipralia S., Kumar A., "Modifying the Geometric and Operational Design of Truck Terminal in Ajmer City, Rajasthan" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Behavioral Sciences by :Jaipur National University at Jaipur / / 2016

S.S. Chouhan, R. Niyogi , "Multi-Agent Planning With Collaborative Actions" , 29th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence by :Springer at Australia / 609-620 / 2016

Satyendra Singh Chouhan and Rajdeep Niyogi, "Multi-Agent Planning With Quantitative Capability" , 5th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Informatics (ICACCI) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 602-606 / 2016

Vinay Kumar Jadoun, Mukesh K. Shah, Vipin C. Pandey, Nikhil Gupta, Khaleequr. R. Niazi and Anil Swarnkar , "Multi-Area Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problem With Multiple Fuels Using Improved Fireworks Algorithm" , 5th International Conference on Power Science and Engineering (ICPSE 2016) by :ICPSE at Venice, Italy / / 2016

Vikas, S. J. Nanda, "Multi-Objective Moth Flame Optimization" , 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Informatics, IEEE-ICACCI-2016 by :IEEE at LNMIIT Jaipur / 2470-2476 / 2016

N. Jain, O. P. Yadav, A. Rathore, R. Jain, "Multi-State Reliability Framework for a Multi-Component System" , International Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Applications (ICMTEA-2016) by :GEU, Dehradun at Dehradun, India / / 2016

Ajay Yadav , Surabhi Goyal , Tanvi Agrawal , R.P. Yadav, "Multiband Antenna for Bluetooth/ZigBee/ Wi-Fi/WiMAX/WLAN/X-Band Applications: Partial Ground With Periodic Structures and EBG" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2016) by :IEEE at JAIPUR, INDIA / / 2016

Ajay Yadav, Surabhi Goyal, Tanvi Agarwal and R.P.Yadav, "Multiband Antenna for Bluetooth/ZigBee/ Wi-Fi/WiMAX/WLAN/X-Band Applications: Partial Ground With Periodic Structures and EBG View Document" , 2016 International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE) by :IEEE Explore at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2016

Dhanraj Chitara, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar and Nikhil Gupta, "Multimachine Power System Stabilizer Tuning Using Harmony Search Algorithm" , IEEE International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems by :IEEE at MANIT Bhopal / / 2016

Vidyanand Dahiya, Manish Singhal, Amit Joshi, "Multiplier Less High Speed VLSI Architecture for Lifting Based 1-D Discrete Wavelet Transform" , International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering by :IEEE Explore at Poornima University, Jaipur / / 2016

R. Thakur, B. S. Pabla, M. L. Meena , "Musculoskeletal Disorders & Risk Assessment in Lac Bangle Industry of Jaipur by Using Survey Questionnaire and RULA Methods" , 4th International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering by :NIT Jalandhar at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar NIT, Jalandhar / / 2016

R. Jain, M. L. Meena, G. S. Dangayach, "Need of Agriculture Hand Tool Design Using Quality and Ergonomics Principles" , Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on CAD /CAM. Robotics and Factories of the Future (CARs & FoF) 2016 by :College of Engineering and Management at Kolaghat / 77-84 / 2016

S. Sreekumar, J. Verma, Sujil A, R. Kumar, "New Short Term Load Forecasting Models Based on Growth Rate Scaling and Simple Averaging" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems, 2016 (ICPS 2016) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2016

Arun gaur, "New Technologies in Road Construction" , Recent Research in Civil and Environmental Engineering Vision-2030 by :MIT, Bikaner at Bikaner / 7-12 / 2016

Vibhuti Singh Shekhawat, "Nexalite Teror- a Non Trident Hindu Varian" , Aadiwasi Tribes of India: Challenges & Possibilities by :Depart of Political Science, JNVU Jodhpur at JNVU Jodhpur / / 2016

S. K. Bishnoi, R. A. Gupta, R. Kumar, "No Load Robustness Analysis of AI Based Controllers and Estimators for SRM Drive" , International Conference on Advances in Information Communication Technology and Computing (AICTC2016) by :IEEE at Bikaner,India / / 2016

Kirti Vyas, R. P. Yadav, "Novel Miniaturized CPW Fed MIMO Antenna Arrays for UWB Applications" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2016) by :IEEE at JAIPUR, INDIA / / 2016

PV Ramana, "Novel Technique for the Solution of Transient Energy Equation in Rocks Subjected to Laser Irradiation" , INDO ROCK-2016, IIT Bombay by :IISc Bangaluru at IIT Bombay / / 2016

Tapas Bajpei, H. Chelladurai and M.Z. Ansari, "Numerical Investigation of Transient Temperature and Residual Stresses in Thin Dissimilar Aluminium Alloy Plates" , 44th North American Research Conference by :ELSEVIER at Blacksburg Virginia (U.S.A) / 558-567 / 2016

Manish Kumar, Somnath Roy, "Numerical Simulation of Channel Flow With Moving Indentation: Effects of Amplitude, Frequency and Inflow Pulsation" , 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) by :Conference Proceeding , FMFP at MNNIT-Allahabad, India. / / 2016

Bharathi M., Raj, D., Dubey, R.N. and Mukerjee, S. , "Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Vertical Tests on Piles" , Sixth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics by :Indian Society of Earthquake Technology and Department of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee at New Delhi, India / / 2016

P. Mishra, E. S. Pilli, V. Varadharajan, and U. Tupakula, "NvCloudIDS: A Security Architecture to Detect Intrusions at Network and Virtualization Layer in Cloud Environment" , 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2016) by :IEEE Explore at Jaipur, India / 56-62 / 2016

M. K. Sain and M. L. Meena , "Occupational Health Problems Among Clay Brick Kiln Worker of Rajasthan" , 14th International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment HWWE-2016 by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / / 2016

Francavilla, Alessandro M., Rajendra Mitharwal and Francesco P. Andriulli., "On the Need of Quasi-Helmholtz Decompositions With Non-Iterative Direct Solutions." , AP-S/URSI 2016: IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting by :IEEE at Fajardo, Peurto Rico / / 2016

A. Shukla, K. Verma, R. Kumar, "Online Voltage Stability Monitoring of Distribution System Using Optimized Support Vector Machine" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems, 2016 (ICPS 2016) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2016

Harsh Kumar, Vijay Janyani, Buryy Oleh, Ubizskii Serhij, Sugak Dmytro, Ghanshyam Singh , "Optical Ring Resonator Based Notch Filter Using Lithium Niobate on Insulator (LNOI)" , COMSOL International Conference on Multiphysics Simulation and Application Design by :COMSOL at Bangalore / / 2016

S. Reddy, L. Panwar, R. Kumar, B. K. Panigrahi, "Optimal Demand Response Allocation in Resource Scheduling With Renewable Penetration" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems, 2016 (ICPS 2016) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2016

K. Kumari, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Maddila, "Optimal Path Determination in a Survivable Virtual Topology of an Optical Network Using Ant Colony Optimization" , Sixth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving, SocProS-2016 by :Springer at Thapar University, Patiala / 48-58 / 2016

S. Singh, V. P. Singh, R. K. Dohare, S. P. Singh, S. K. Jain, "OPTIMAL PID CONTROLLER DESIGN for LEVEL CONTROL of THREE TANK SYSTEM " , National Conference on Process Automation and Control -NCPAC-2016 by :ACCENT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2016

Rajive Tiwari, Pradeep Singh, Saurabh Ratra , "Optimal Placement of TCSCs for Sensitive Nodes in Transmission System Using Voltage Power Sensitivity Index" , 5th International Conference on Power Science and Engineering (ICPSE-2016) by :International Journal of Electrical Energy at Venice (Italy) / 194-198 / 2016

A. Gupta, B. Singh, R. Kumar, "Optimal Provision for Enhanced Consumer Satisfaction and Energy Savings by an Intelligent Household Energy Management System" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems, 2016 (ICPS 2016) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2016

S. Konda, L. Panwar, B. K. Panigrahi, R. Kumar, "Optimal Scheduling of Uncertain Wind Energy and Demand Response in Unit Commitment Using Binary Grey Wolf Optimizer (BGWO)" , 3rd Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Electronics Engineering (IEEE-UPCON 2016) by :IEEE at Varanasi / / 2016

S. Reddy, S. Goutham, R. Kumar, B. K. Panigrahi, L. Panwar, "Optimal Wind Energy Scheduling in Smart Grid Under Volatile Resource and Market Price Conditions" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS-2016) by :IEEE at Jaipur,India / / 2016

Deepak Rajedra Unune, Harlal Singh Mali, "Optimization of Multi-Performance Characteristics in Abrasive Mixed Electro-Discharge Diamond Cut-Off Grinding of Inconel 718 Using Taguchi Grey Relational Analysis" , All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2016) by :Excel India Publishers, New Delhi at College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA / 5 / 2016

M. Radhouene, N. Monia, N.D. Gupta, V. Janyani, "Optimization of Three Channels Optical Demultiplexer Based on Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator" , IEEE Conference on Recent Advances in Lightwave Technology (CRALT-2016) by :IEEE at Bengaluru, India / / 2016

T. Prakash, V. P. Singh, D. P. S. Chauhan, M. Madariya, "Optimization With Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm Having Variable Tolerance" , 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology (ICICT-2016) by :IEEE at Ghaziabad, India / 270-274 / 2016

Sreenu Sreekumar, R. Bhakar, "Optimized Support Vector Regression Models for Short Term Solar Radiation Forecasting in Smart Environment" , IEEE TENCON 2016 — Technologies for Smart Nation by :IEEE at Singapore / / 2016

Sunanda Sinha, S.S.Chandel, "Optimum Tilt Angles for Maximum Power Generation by Photovoltaic Systems in Western Himalayan State of Himachal Pradesh,India" , 7th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics.( IICPE-2016) by :IEEE at Thapar University Patiala, Punjab, India / / 2016

Amit Kumar Garg, Vijay Janyani, "Overall/ Subgroup ONU Intercommunication Based on Two Stage Flexible PON Network" , 13th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics by :OSA Technical Digest, Optical Society of America at IIT Kanpur,India / 1 / 2016

Furong Li, Rohit Bhakar, "P2P Local Energy Market Design: Providing Grid Services From Demand-Side Assets" , IEEE PES General Meeting 2016 by :IEEE Explore at Boston / / 2016

S.D. Kore, A.K. Vyas, "Packing Density Approach for Production of Cost Effective and Durable Concrete" , International Conference on Advances in Concrete Technology Materials & Construction Practices (CTMC-2016) by :Goa Engineering College at GOA / 71-77 / 2016

Manju Singh, "Panel Speaker" , 4th International Conference on Growth, Globalization and Governance by :JK Lakshmipat University at Jaipur / - / 2016

R Baghel, H.S Mali, S.K Biswas, "Parameter Optimization of Diamond Grinding Assisted EDM of TiN-Al2O3 Ceramics Using Taguchi Method" , All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2016) by :Excel India Publishers, New Delhi at College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA / 4 / 2016

Anmesh Kumar Srivastava, Dilip Sharma, S. L. Soni, "Performance & Emission Analysis if Diesel –Acetylene Fuelled Single Cylinder C.I. Engine" , International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology by :ICRIET at Aurora’s Scientific Technological and Research A / / 2016

Deepesh Sonar, Dilip Sharma, S. L. Soni, "Performance & Emission Characteristics of a Direct Injection Diesel Engine Fuelled With Diesel / Rice –Bran Oil Blend" , International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology by :ICRIET at Aurora’s Scientific Technological and Research A / / 2016

Anukul Sharma, Amit Kumar Garg and Vijay Janyani, "Performance Analysis of Different PON Standards Up-to 10Gbps for Bidirectional Transmission Employing Square Root Module" , International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (ICACIE-2016) by :Springer at Bhubaneshwar / 529-537 / 2016

Sumit Sharma, Dilip Sharma, S. L. Soni, Pradeep Gupta and Hemant Raj Singh, "Performance and Emission Studies on Alternate Gaseous Fuel Operated I.C. Engines: A Review" , All India Seminar on Emerging Trend in Automobile Engineering by :ETAE at The Institution of Engineers Alwar / / 2016

N. Gotherwal, S. Ray, N. Gupta and D. Saxena, "Performance Comparison of PI and Fuzzy Controller for Indirect Current Control Based Shunt Active Power Filter" , 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at DTU Delhi / 1-6 / 2016

N. Gotherwal, J. K. Nama, S. Ray and N. Gupta, "Performance Comparison of Reference Current Extraction Techniques for Indirect Current Control Based Shunt Active Filter" , 7th Power India International Conference by :IEEE at GEC Bikaner / 1-6 / 2016

Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, VK Chaubey, "Performance Evaluation of Path Length Based Routing Strategies for Survivable WDM Network" , ACM Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies by :ACM at Udaipur, India / / 2016

Komal Swami, Ritu Sharma, "Performance Improvement in Sense Amplifier Flip Flop Using 32 Nm CNTFET" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences ICEMS-2016 by :Jaipur National University at JNU / 4 / 2016

M Bhandari, SD Bharti, M K Shrimali and TK Datta, "Performance of Base Isolated Building for Extreme Earthquakes" , 10th Structural Engineering Convention by :SERC CSIR Chennai at Chennai / 950-955 / 2016

Vishisht Bhaiya, SD Bharti, M K Shrimali and TK Datta, "Performance of Semi Actively Controlled Building Frame Using MR Damper for Near Field Earthquakes" , 10th Structural Engineering Convention by :SERC CSIR Chennai at Chennai / 1384-1388 / 2016

Jai Kishan Sambharia, Harlal Singh Mali, "Performance Study of Developed Alternative Polymer Abrasive Gel and Commercial Media in Abrasive Flow Machining" , All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2016) by :Excel India Publishers, New Delhi at College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA / 5 / 2016

Riti Kushwaha, Neeta Nain, Sandeep Kumar Gupta, "Person Identification on the Basis of Footprint Geometry" , 12th IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems by IEEE at Naples, by :IEEE at Naples, Italy / 164-171 / 2016

Garg A., Sanagl V. K., Bajpai P. K., "Photodegradation of Reactive Black 5 Textile Dye Effluent Using Doped and Undoped TiO2 Photocatalyst" , 4th International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP-2016) by :BITS Goa at BITS Goa / / 2016

Ghanshyam Singh, Manish Tiwari , "Photonic Integrated Devices and Systems: Technology for Next Generation Telecom Networks" , SPIE Science 3T Forum Meet: Telecommunication, Theory and Technologies by :SPIE USA at Samara, Russia / / 2016

Amit Aherwar, Amit Singh, Amar Patnaik, "Physico-Mechanical Characterization of Molybdenum Filled Co30Cr Biomedical Metal Matrix Alloy Composite for Hip Joint Replacement" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering by :Technocrats Institute of Technology Bhopal India at Bhopal, India / / 2016

S. Shrivastava, V. P. Singh, R. K. Dohare, S. P. Singh, D. P. S. Chauhan , "PID TUNING for POSITION CONTROL of DC SERVO-MOTOR USING TLBO " , National Conference on Process Automation and Control -NCPAC-2016 by :ACCENT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2016

Pratibha Malav, Kirti Vyas and R.P.Yadav, "Planar CPW Fed UWB Antenna With Dual-Band Rejection Characteristics" , 2016 International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE) by :IEEE Explore at Jaipu / 1-7 / 2016

Harita Shah, Kusum Verma, "PMU-ANN Based Approach for Real Time Voltage Stability Monitoring" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems by :IEEE at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India / / 2016

Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, "PMU-ANN Based Real Time Monitoring of Power System Electromechanical Oscillations" , 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at Delhi Technological University, India, / / 2016

S. Jhajharia, S. Verma, R. Kumar, "Predictive Analytics for Breast Cancer Survivability: A Comparison of Five Predictive Models" , 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2016) by :IEEE at Udaipur, India / / 2016

S.Vyas, R. Kumar, R. Kavasseri, "Preemptive Mode-Change Triggering for Inverters in Response to Unintentional Islanding Situations in High Solar PV Penetration Distribution Networks" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2016) by :IEEE at Trivandrum / / 2016

S. Reddy, L. Kumar, B K Panigrahi, R. Kumar, "Price Based Resource Scheduling With Renewable Energy in Emission Constrained Market Structure" , 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology (ICICT- 2016) by :IEEE at Ghaziabad, India / / 2016

V. Prakash, R. Bhakar, H.P. Tiwari, H. W. Pain, Y. Bian, F. Li, "Primary Frequency Response in Future Low Carbon Scenario: Opportunities & Challenges" , International Conference on Recent Advances & Innovations in Engineering by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2016

Renu Bisht, Madhu Agrawal, Kailash Singh, Rajeev Kumer Dohare and Sushant Upadhyaya, "Process Control and Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Plants Using Simulation : A Review " , National Conference on Process Automation and Control by :MNIT , Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2016

Renu, Agarwal M., Singh K., "Process Control and Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Plants Using Simulation Softwares" , National Conference on Process Automation and Control by :MNIT at Jaipur / / 2016

Renu Bisht, Madhu Agarwal, Kailash Singh, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, Sushant Upadhyaya, "Process Control and Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Plants Using Simulation: A Review" , National Conference on Process Automation and Control -NCPAC-2016 by :ACCENT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2016

Satyajit Mahato, Amit Rai Dixit, Rajeev Agrawal, "Process Excellence in IT Sector in an Emerging Economic Scenario" , RAIT (Scopus Indexed) by :IEEE at IIT ISM Dhanbad / / 2016

A. K. Chaudhaary, M. L. Sharma and M. L. Meena , "Productivity Improvement in Manufacturing Sector Using Lean Manufacturing Techniques" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Management for Sustainable Development by :Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIET Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2016

Kumar, M., Mittal, M.L., Soni, G., and Joshi, D., "Project Portfolio Selection and Scheduling Problem (PPSSP): A Literature Review" , XX Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management by :Emerald at IIITM Gwalior / / 2016

Md Oayes Midda, S.S.K. Jampa and A.K. Suresh, "Pure and Mixed Gas Transport of Permanent Gas Mixture Through Polysulfone Membrane" , International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA 2016) by :- at Prague, Czech Republic / / 2016

Metali Sarkar, Vikas K. Sangal, Haripada Bhunia, Pramod K. Bajpai, Harish J. Pant, Vijay K. Sharma, Anil Kumar, A. K. Naithani , "Radiotracer Investigation and Modelling of Secondary Clarifier in Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent Treatment Plant" , National Symposium on Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology in Industry Healthcare and Agriculture by :Thapar University at Thapar University, Patiala Panjab / / 2016

Somya Gupta, Namita Mittal, Alok Kumar, "Rake-Pmi Automated Keyphrase Extraction: An Unsupervised Approach for Automated Extraction of Keyphrases" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics and Analytics ICIA2016 by :ACM at Pondicherry / 1-6 / 2016

Rini Singh, Pooja Kumari, Rajan K. Rathore, Ajay S Verma, Vibhav K Saraswat, and Manoj Kumar, "Raman Spectroscopy Studies of Bismuth Telluride Nanostructures" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM2016) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur, India / / 2016

R. K. Garg, S. Ray and N. Gupta, "Reactive Power Compensation and Power Factor Improvement Using Fast Acting Switching Technique" , 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at DTU Delhi / 1-5 / 2016

Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Real Time Intelligent Oscillatory Stability Monitoring and Coherent Groups Identification" , 7th Power India International Conference by :IEEE at Govt. Engineering College Bikaner / / 2016

R. Singhal, R. Kumar, "Receding Horizon Based Greenhouse Air Temperature Control Using Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm" , 3rd Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Electronics Engineering (IEEE-UPCON 2016) by :IEEE at Varanasi / / 2016

Swati Dubey,MadhuAgrawal, A. B Gupta, "Recent Development in Defluoridation of Drinking Water in India" , Internation Conference on Water, Environment,energy & Society by :AISECT University at Bhopal / / 2016

A. Kumar, I. B. Sharma and M. M. Sharma, "Reconfigurable Circular Disc Monopole UWB Antenna With Switchable Two Notched Stop Bands" , 2016 IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON) by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 1-4 / 2016

P. Anjana, H. P. Tiwari, V. Gupta and N. Gupta, "Reduce Day-Time Domestic Energy Demand by Synchronization of RES With Shunt APF" , 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at DTU Delhi / 1-5 / 2016

Ashish Sharma, Ruby Ansar, Manoj Singh Gaur, Lava Bhargava, Vijay Laxmi , "Reducing FIFO Buffer Power Using Architectural Alternatives at RTL" , VDAT by :IEEE at Guwahati / 1-6 / 2016

Sandeep S, Ramprasad V, "Reformulating Value Added Ratio Using a Construction Job Site Case Study" , National Conference on Advances in Construction Technology and Management by :National Conference on Advances in Construction Technology and Management at VNIT Nagpur / / 2016

Dodla Sivanageswara Rao, Thurpu Raghavender Reddy, Kalvacherla Babachary, Sudhir Kashyap, "Regioselective Bisfunctionalization of Glycals Using Sulfonium Iodate (I) Complex" , National Conference on Organic Chemistry in Sustainable Development: Recent Advances and Future Challenges (PP-43, OCSD-2016) by :Department of Chemistry, BITS Pilani at Pilani / 43 / 2016

Yogendra Gupta, Lava Bhargava, "Reinforcement Learning Based Routing for Cognitive Network on Chip" , ACM Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies by :ACM at Udaipur , India / / 2016

Roy N, Sarkar R, "Reliability Based Seismic Tunnel Performance in Stratified Ground Condition" , Indorock 2016 by :IIT Bombay at IIT Bombay / / 2016

Renu, Agarwal M., Singh K., "Removal of Heavy Metals From Wastewater Using Modified Agricultural Adsorbents" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences by :Jaipur National University at Jaipur National University, Jaipur / / 2016

Shivraj Chandel, Sushant Upadhaya, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, and Madhu Agarwal, "Removal of Methylene Blue Dye Using Granular Activated Column in Continuous Fixed Bed Adsorption" , Chemical Engineering Towards Sustainable Development by :IICHE at Chennai / / 2016

T. Chawla, G. Singh, E. S. Pilli, and M.C. Govil, "Research Issues in RDF Management Systems" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication Technologies (ETCT) by :IEEE at Dehradun, India / 1-5 / 2016

M.V.S. Teja and Rajeev Agrawal, "Research Issues in Warehouse Location: A Review" , Proceeding of International Conference on Evolutions in Manufacturing: Technologies and Business Strategies for Global Competitiveness by :Proceeding of International Conference on Evolutions in Manufacturing at Ranchi / 305-307 / 2016

S. Reddy, B.K. Panigrahi, L. Kumar, R. Kumar, "Resource Scheduling in Deregulated Market With Uncertain Wind Energy Generation" , IEEE Students Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Sciences (SCEECS-2016), by :IEEE at Bhopal,India / / 2016

Hemant Raj Singh and Dilip Sharma, "Review of Different Available Concentrated Solar Thermal Technologies for Process Heating and Cooling" , National Conference on “Solar Thermal Energy Technologies” by :STET at IIT Jodhpur / / 2016

Mayanka Singh Chhonker, Deepak Verma and Arpan Kumar Kar, "Review of Technology Adoption Frameworks" , International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering [ICACIE 2016] by :Springer at Bhubaneshwar, Odisha / / 2016

Priyanka Meena, Rajeev Kumer Dohare, Kailash Singh, V.P. Singh, Madhu Agrawal and Sushant Upadhyaya, "Review Paper on Reactive Distillation in a Divided Wall Column" , National Conference on Process Automation and Control by :MNIT , Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2016

H. Kumar, V. Janyani, B. Oleh, U. Serhij, S. Dmytro, and G. Singh, "Ring Resonator Based Optical Add Drop Multiplexer Using Lithium Niobate on Insulator Channel Waveguides" , 13th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics by :OSA Technical Digest, Optical Society of America at IIT Kanpur / / 2016

P. Sharma, U. Brighu, P. Mathuria, R. Bhakar, "Risk Constrained Short Term Electricity Procurement for Open Access Consumer in India" , PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Boston, USA / / 2016

P. Mathuria, A. Singh, "Robust Self-Scheduling Framework for GenCos With Portfolio Optimization" , PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Boston, USA / / 2016

Dhanraj Chitara, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar and Nikhil Gupta, "Robust Tuning of Multimachine Power System Stabilizer via Cuckoo Search Optimization Algorithm" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems, 2016 (ICPS 2016) by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / / 2016

Jinesh K.Jain, "Role of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Progress of Production and Industrial Engineering " , 9th ISDSI International Conference 2016 by :Indian Subcontinent Decision Science Intitute at Goa / / 2016

Dinesh Kumar Tyagi,V. K. Chaubey,Parth Khandelwal, "Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Network Using IWD Based Algorithm" , 2016 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA) by :IEEE at Noida / / 2016

N. Kumar, M. Singh, M. C. Govil, E. S. Pilli, and A. Jaiswal, "Salient Object Detection in Noisy Images" , 29th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Canadian AI 2016) by :Springer at Victoria, Canada / 109-114 / 2016

Sanjeev Kumar, Ramesh Chandra Gupta, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Sandstone Aggregates in Cement Concrete," , UKIERI Concrete Congress “Advances in Concrete Technology Materials and Construction Practices by :Goa Engineering College at Goa, India / 192-197 / 2016

P. Mishra, E. S. Pilli, V. Varadharajan, U. Tupakula, "Securing Virtual Machines From Anomalies Using Program-Behavior Analysis in Cloud Environment" , 18th IEEE International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) by :IEEE at Sydney, Australia / 991-998 / 2016

Rajat Goel, M.C. Govil, Girdhari Singh, "Security Requirements Elicitation and Modeling Authorizations" , International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communication (SSCC) by :Springer at Jaipur, India / 239-250 / 2016

S. M. Dumne , M. K. Shrimali, "Seismic Behavior of RC Building Isolated by R-FBI System" , National Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering by :IJER at Maharashtra / 607-611 / 2016

S Narayan, M K Shrimali, SD Bharti and TK Datta, "Seismic Behaviour of Damaged Building Under Second Episode of Earthquake" , 10th Structural Engineering Convention by :SERC CSIR Chennai at Chennai / 1164-1169 / 2016

M Abdeddaim, A Ounis and M K Shrimali, "Seismic Retrofitting of a Weak Building at the Ground Floor Using MR Damper" , Advances in Mechanics and Materials (ICRAMM 2016) by :I K INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING HOUSE NEW DELHI at VS Sai University of Technology, Burla, Odisha / 181-185 / 2016

M Abdeddaim, A Ounis, SD bHarti and M K Shrimali, "Seismic Retrofitting Using the Concept of Coupling Two Adjacent Building" , 10th Structural Engineering Convention by :SERC CSIR Chennai at Chennai / 1454-1458 / 2016

Munoth, P., Goyal, R. and Tiwari, K. , "Sensor Based Irrigation System: A Review" , National Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering by :International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology at Poornima University, Jaipur, Rajasthan / 86-90 / 2016

Lavika Goel, Anurag Prakash, "Sentiment Analysis of Online Communities Using Swarm Intelligence Algorithms" , 2016 8th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN) by :IEEE at Tehri, India / / 2016

Candy Lalrempuii, Namita Mittal, "Sentiment Classification of Crisis Related Tweets Using Segmentation" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics and Analytics ICIA2016 by :ACM at Pondicherry / 1-6 / 2016

Manju Singh, "Session Chair" , 12 International Cooperative Alliance, Research Conference, New Delhi. by :International Cooperative Alliance - Asia & Pacific at Delhi / - / 2016

Aakash Bhatia, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, Alok Singh, Kailash Singh, Madhu Agarwal, Sushant Upadhyaya, "Simulation Based Control of Auto Refrigerated Reactor for Bulk Styrene Polymerization" , International Conference on Computational Technologies (ICCT 2016) by :International Association of Academician at Jaipur / / 2016

A.S.Pundir, Kailash Singh, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Simulation of Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactor Through Adomian Decomposition Method and Reduced Differential Transform Method" , National Conference on Process Automation and Control -NCPAC-2016 by :ACCENT at MNIt Jaipur / / 2016

V. Gupta, M. K. Sain and M. L. Meena, "Six Sigma Methodologies for Continuous Improvement of Product Processes and Quality" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Management for Sustainable Development by :Department of Mechanical Engineering, RIET Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2016

Bhatt, Preeti, "Skinning Them Alive: Objects and Objectification in Alice Munro’s ‘Vandals’" , XIX International Conference - Materialities: Objects, Matter, Things by :Forum on Contemporary Theory at Dehradun / / 2016

Gharsallah Zaineb, Monia Najjar, Vijay Janyani, "Slow Light Optimization in Symmetric Photonic Crystal Waveguide With Elliptical Holes" , 22nd IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC)22nd IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) by :IEEE at Yogyakarta, Indonesia / 144-147 / 2016

Dhanraj Chitara, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, "Small Signal Stability Enhancement of Multimachine Power System Stabilizer Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm" , National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) 2016 by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, India / / 2016

Dhanraj Chitara, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, "Small-Signal Stability Enhancement of Multimachine Power System Using Bio-Inspired Algorithms" , 19th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC-2016 by :IEEE at IIT Bhubaneswar, India / / 2016

Sujil A, R. Kumar, "Smart Micro Grid Test System for Agent Based Energy Management System" , 7th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics.( IICPE-2016) by :IEEE at Patiala / / 2016

Rajive Tiwari Saurabh Ratra, Pradeep Singh, "Soft Computing Techniques for Congestion Management in Power Systems" , International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at New Delhi / 1-6 / 2016

Saha, A., Yamsani, S. K. and Sreedeep, S., "Soil Water Characteristic Curve Prediction Using Grain Size Distribution" , Advances in Geotechnical Engineering by :Northeast Students Geo Congress at NIT Agartala / / 2016

Kuldeep Singh, Dinesh K. Viswakarma, Gurjit S. Walia, Rajiv Kapoor, "Sparse Coding Based Robust Image Denoising via Coupled Dictionary" , IEEE India International Conference on Information Processing (IICIP) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2016

Akhil Singhal, Harish Kumar Rathour, P.K. Agarwal, K V S Baba, S. K. Soonee, "State Estimation at All India Level" , 19th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC-2016 by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, India / / 2016

S. Vyas, R. Kumar, R. Kavasseri, "Statistical Identification and Classification of Potential Islanding Precursors in a Grid-Connected Solar Photo Voltaic System" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems, 2016 (ICPS 2016) by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2016

Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective Glycosylation: Synthesis of Mannopyranosides From Glycals" , National Conference on Organic Chemistry in Sustainable Development: Recent Advances and Future Challenges (IL-18, OCSD-2016) by :Department of Chemistry, BITS Pilani at Pilani / 18 / 2016

R.K. Singh, J.K. Sahu, S. Tarafder, "Strain Rate Effect on High Temperature Low Cycle Fatigue Properties of Nickel-Based Superalloy IN740H" , 7th International Conference on CREEP, FATIGUE and CREEP-FATIGUE INTERACTION by :Conference Proceedings at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,Kalpakkam / / 2016

J.S.Yadav, S.K.Tiwari, "Strength and Durability Aspects of Cement Stabilized Clayey Soil Containing Waste Crumb Rubber" , TRACE -2016 by :Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida / / 2016

Vinay Agrawal, Rajesh Gupta and Ajay Kumar Gautam, "Strengthening Effect in High Strength Silica Fume Concrete" , Proceedings of 53rd IRF International Conference by :IRF at New Delhi, India / / 2016

Rini Singh, Rajan K Rathore, Ajay S Verma, Kamlendra Awasthi, Vibhav K Saraswat, and Manoj Kumar, "Structural and Morphological Studies of Bismuth Telluride Nanostructures" , DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2016 by :DAE, India at Bhubaneswar, India / / 2016

PV Ramana, "Structural Behavior and Designing Extreme Thermal Conditions Including Fire Effects" , GAIN by :IISc Bangaluru at IIT HYderabad / / 2016

Kumar, A., Shrivastava, P. and Jana, S. K., "Studies on Absorption of SO2 in a Three-Phase Bubble Column Slurry Reactor" , CHEMCON 2016 by :Conference Proceeding at Anna University, Chennai / 788 / 2016

Isha Saini, Annu Sharma, Jyoti Rozra, Sanjeev Aggarwal, Rajnish Dhiman, Pawan K Sharma, "Study of Structural Modification of PVA by Incorporating Ag Nanoparticles" , 60th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2015 by :AIP Conference Proceedings at Amity University, Noida, India / 50098 / 2016

R Baghel, H.S Mali, S.K Biswas, "Study of Vibration Assisted Micro Electro-Discharge Milling of Titanium Nitride-Aluminium Oxide Composite" , All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2016) by :Excel India Publishers, New Delhi at College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA / 4 / 2016

Swati dubey, Madhu agarwal, A.B.Gupta, Sushant Upadhyaya, and Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Study on Defluoridation Using Nalgonda Technique and Speciation of Products Formed During the Process" , Chemical Engineering Towards Sustainable Development by :IICHE at Chennai / / 2016

Chaurasia S. P. , Dhyani V., Singh J., Upadhyaya and Gupta A.B, "Study on Desalination by Vacuum Membrane Distillation Using a Tubular Polypropylene Membrane" , 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference by :Canadian Chemical Engineers at Canada / / 2016

Rini Singh, Rajan K Rathore, Anoop M D, Dinesh K Shukla, D M Phase, R J Chaudhary, Balram Tripathi, Kamlendra Awasthi, Ajay S Verma, Vibhav K Saraswat, and Manoj Kumar, "Surface Oxidation Studies of Nanostructured Bismuth Telluride" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM2016) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur, India / 1 / 2016

Tapas Badal, Neeta Nain, Mushtaq Ahmed, "Surveillance Video Synopsis While Preserving Object Motion Structure and Interaction" , International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing ) Conference Held at IIT-Roorkee on 26-28 Feb 2016. by :Springer at IIT-Roorkee on 26-28 Feb 2016. / 4-8 / 2016

A. Ratnaparkhi, E. S. Pilli, and R. C. Joshi, "Survey of Scaling Platforms for Deep Neural Networks" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication Technologies (ETCT) by :IEEE at Dehradun, India / 1-6 / 2016

B Prajwal, P Chauhan, HS Mali, R Nagar, "Sustainability Study and Energy Audit of Marble Industry of Rajasthan" , 6th International & 27th All India Manufacturing Technology,Design and Research Conference by :Proceedings of AIMTDR at College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA / / 2016

Sushree Sunayana and Sudhirkumar Barai, "Sustainable Concrete Using Fly Ash and Recycled Aggregates: A Comparative Study" , International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanics and Materials by :VSSUT Burla at VSSUT Burla,Odisha / / 2016

Gaurav, G. S. Dangayach, M. L. Meena, S. Gupta, "Sustainable Development in Automotive Sector by Optimizing Material Handling Cost" , International Conference on Hybrid and Composite Materials, Chemical Processing: HCMCP-2016 by :ELSEVIER at St. Peter’s Engineering College, Hyderabad / 404-410 / 2016

Vinay Agrawal, Rajesh Gupta and Tanu Pittie, "Sustainable Urban Infrastructure" , Proceedings of 53rd IRF International Conference by :IRF at Pune, India / / 2016

Sanjay Sharma, RP Yadav, Vijay Janyani, "Switching Based Evaluation of Substrate Current in Lightly and Heavily Doped CMOS at 45nm" , International Conference on VLSI Systems, Architectures, Technology and Applications (VLSI-SATA), 2016 by :IEEE at Bangluru / 1-3 / 2016

M. Veda Deepika Naidu and Suja George, "Synthesis and Characterization of Surface Modified Zeolite X as Adsorbent for Nitrate Remova" , Second International Conference on Materials Science and Technology - ICMST 2016 by :A at Pala, Kottayam, Kerala / 115-1116 / 2016

Shrivastava, P., Kumar, A. and Jana, S. K., , "Synthesis of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate by Carbonation of CaCl2 Solution in Bubble Column and Foam-Bed Reactors" , CHEMCON2016 by :Conference Proceeding at Anna University, Chennai / 285 / 2016

L. Kumar, S. N. Alam, S. Sahoo, D. Panda, "Synthesis of TiB2 Nanocomposites by Powder Metallurgy Route" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS2016) by :ELSEVIER at Jaipur / 9883 / 2016

Ravi Kumar Goyal, K.K. Sharma, "T-Slotted Microstrip Antenna for 5G Wi-Fi Network" , 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2016) by :IEEE at Jaipur / 2684-2687 / 2016

Manish Jain, Dinesh Gopalani, "Testing Application Security With Aspects" , 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) by :IEEE at Chennai, India / - / 2016

Kanika Saxena, Urmila Brighu, Priya, "Textile Waste Water: Present Challenges and Low-Cost Approaches for Treatment" , National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Consequences and Control by :National Conference on Environmental Pollution Consequences and Control at Jaipur / / 2016

Monika Mathur, Abhijat Vats, Ghanshyam Singh, S. K. Bhatnagar , "The Array Structure of 2x2 Coplanar Monopole Antenna With Wilkinson Power Combiner for RF Energy Harvesting Application" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2016) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2016

R. Jain, M. L. Meena, G. S. Dangayach, A. K. Bhardwaj, "The Effect of Different Hand Positions on Capability of Hand-Grip Strength" , 18th Conference of Industrial Engineering by :South Korea at South Korea / / 2016

PV Ramana, "The Equality of Partial Solutions for Nth Order Differential Equations Using Novel Technique" , ICCMS-2016, IIT, Bombay by :IISc Bangaluru at IIT Bombay / / 2016

PV Ramana, "The Waste Materials as Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Concrete-Outlet" , ICCMS-2016, IIT, Bombay by :IISc Bangaluru at IIT Bombay / / 2016

Sarita Kalla, Sushant Upadhyaya, and Kailash Singh , "Theoretical Assessment of the Separation of HCl -Water Azeotrope by Air Gap Membrane Distillation" , Chemical Engineering Towards Sustainable Development by :IICHE at Chennai / / 2016

Kalla S., Upadhyaya S., Singh K., "Theoretical Assessment of the Separation of HCl-Water Azeotrope by Air Gap Membrane Distillation" , CHEMCON 2016 by :IICHE at Chennai / / 2016

Abhay Dinker, Madhu Agarwal and G.D. Agarwal, "Thermal Performance Analysis of Beeswax With Different Types of Heat Transfer Fluids" , International Conference on Computational Technologies (ICCT 2016) by :International Association of Academician at Jaipur / / 2016

R. Sharma, P. Sharma, P. Mishra and E. S. Pilli , "Towards MapReduce Based Classification Approaches for Intrusion Detection" , International Conference on Cloud System and Big Data Engineering (Confluence) by :IEEE at Noida, India / 361-367 / 2016

Preeti Gulia, Arpan Gupta, "Traffic Noise Control by Periodically Arranged Trees" , International Conference on Recent Trends and Developments in Environmental Sustainability by :INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE of ORGANIZED RESEARCH at NITTTR Chandigarh / / 2016

Monika Mathur, Ghanshyam Singh, S. K. Bhatnagar, Swati Swami, Abhijat Vats , "Transformation of Design Formulae for Feed Line of Triangular Microstrip Antenna" , ICCS 2015 by :American Institute of Physics at Pilani / 1-5 / 2016

S. Behara, N. Sandeep and Udaykumar R Y, "Transformer-Based Seven-Level Inverter With Single-Dc Supply for Renewable Energy Applications" , IEEE 7th India Int. Conf. on Power Electron. (IICPE) by :IEEE at Patiala (Punjab) / / 2016

Sarita Kalla, Sushant Upadhyaya, Kailash Singh, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, Madhu Agarwal, "TUNING of OPTIMAL P and PI CONTROLLERS for LEVEL C" , National Conference on Process Automation and Control -NCPAC-2016 by :ACCENT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2016

S. Singh, V. P. Singh, S. P. Singh, R. K. Dohare, S. Agarwal, "TUNING of OPTIMAL P and PI CONTROLLERS for LEVEL CONTROL of SINGLE TANK SYSTEM " , National Conference on Process Automation and Control -NCPAC-2016 by :ACCENT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2016

C. Prakash, G. S. M. Thakur, Natasha, R. Kumar, "UMEED- a Fuzzy Based System in Law for Domestic Violence Against Women" , International Conference on Computer, Communication and Computational Science (ICCCCS- 2016) by :IEEE at Ajmer, India / / 2016

S. Chawda, P. Mathuria, R. Bhakar, "Uncertainty and Risk Management in Electricity Market: Challenges and Opportunities" , 19th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC-2016 by :IEEE at IIT Bhuvaneshvar / / 2016

Shuchi Mala and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Understanding the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Dengue Fever Incidences Using Geospatial and Statistical Techniques" , 1st International Conference on Disaster Mitigation and Management for Sustainable Development and Risk Reduction by :National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli at Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu / / 2016

Pillai Sangeeth, Kaul Shreya,, "Unlearning an Aesthetic Conditioning: Rethinking Design Education and Construction of Aesthetics in the Post Globalization Era" , THANIMA Second International Conference on Design Pedagogy and Contextual Aesthetics by :National Institute of Technology, Calicut at Calicut, Kerala / / 2016

S. Vyas, R. Kumar, R. Kavasseri, "Unsupervised Learning in Islanding Studies: Applicability Study for Predictive Detection in High Solar PV Penetration Distribution Feeders" , 3rd Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Electronics Engineering (IEEE-UPCON 2016) by :IEEE at Varanasi / / 2016

Dadhich A.P., Goyal R., Dadhich P.N., "Urban Sprawl Pattern Assessment Using Spatial Metrics" , Hydro 2016, 21st International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering by :Indian Society of Hydraulics at Pune / / 2016

Jyoti Yadav, Yogesh Kumar Meena, "Use of Fuzzy Logic and Wordnet for Improving Performance of Extractive Automatic Text Summarization" , 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2016) by :IEEE Explore at LNMIIT Jaipur / 2071-2077 / 2016

Siva N. Raju, S. Reddy, R. Kumar, L. Panwar, "V-Trough Concentrator With Integrated Cooling for Performance Enhancement of Rooftop PV in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of INDIA" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS-2016) by :IEEE at Aipur, India / / 2016

S. Khandelwal and J. Meena and L. Garg and D. Boolchandani, "Variability and Reliability Aware Surrogate Model for Sensing Delay Analysis of SRAM Sense Amplifier" , 20th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (IEEE-VDAT 2016) by :IEEE at Guwahati, India / / 2016

Aneesh Mathew, Sumit Khandelwal, Shivam Chauhan, Nivedita Kaul, "Variations of Surface Temperatures of Ahmedabad City and Its Relationship With Vegetation Abundance" , National Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (NCACE-2016) by :Poornima University at Poornima University Jaipur, Rajasthan / / 2016

Gupta, Shubham, Medha Kalra, Rashika Singhal, and Amit Joshi., "VLSI Implementation of 3D Integer DCT for Video Coding Standards " , IEEE International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies by :IEEE Xplore Digital Library at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES) / 660-664 / 2016

Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Shahbaz. A. Siddiqui, "Voltage Stability Improvement of Distribution Networks by Enhancing DGs Impacts" , International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at Delhi Technological University,India / / 2016

Harita Shah, Kusum Verma, "Voltage Stability Monitoring by Different ANN Architectures Using PCA Based Feature Selection" , 7th Power India International Conference by :IEEE at Govt. Engineering College Bikaner / / 2016

Swaraj Das, Chandrapal Singh and Dilip Sharma, "Waste Heat Recovery From the Exhaust of Internal Combustion Engines for the Purpose of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: A Review" , National Conference on Renewable Energy Sources and Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges by :RESSD at JECRC Jaipur / / 2016

Agarwal, S., Singh, K., Gupta, A.B., Sharma, A.K., "Wastewater Treatment of Handmade Paper Industry Using Fly Ash as Low Cost Adsorbent" , India International Science Festival by :NPL at New Delhi / / 2016

Hemanth Jain, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Water Footprint Estimation in Masonry Mortar in Building Construction Sector: A Method for Typical Multistory Buildings in Central India " , Water Security and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities in Asia by :Water Security and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities in Asia at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand / / 2016

Hemanth Jain, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Water Footprint Reduction in Masonry Mortar Production by Utilizing Mbbr Assembly Treated Wastewater" , Recycle- 2016 International Conference at IIT Guwahati by :Recycle- 2016 International Conference at IIT Guwahati at IIT Guwahati / / 2016

AI Shirkol, T Nasar, D Karmakar, "Wave Interaction With Very Large Floating Structure (VLFS) Using BEM Approach" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS2016) by :ELSEVIER at JNU Jaipur / / 2016

Amit Kumar Garg, Vijay Janyani, "WDM-PON Network for Simultaneous Upstream Transmission With ONU Interconnection Capability" , 13th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics by :OSA Technical Digest, Optical Society of America at IIT Kanpur,India / 13 / 2016

Sunanda Sinha, S.S.Chandel, "Wind Shear Analysis for Different Wind Turbine Hub Heights in a Western Himalayan Terrain" , 7th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics.( IICPE-2016) by :IEEE at Thapar University Patiala, Punjab, India, 17-19 No / / 2016

Anita Choudhary, M. C. Govil, Girdhari Singh, Lalit K. Awasthi, "Workflow Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Environment: A Review, Taxonomy, and Challenge" , 4th International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) by :IEEE at Solan, India / 617-624 / 2016

G. Pamnani, S. Bhattacharya,S. Sanyal, "XFEM Simulation of Semi Permeable Crack in Piezoelectric Materials" , 2nd International Conference on Applied Science Engineering and Technology by :IFERP at Tirupati, Andhrapradesh / / 2016


Shalini Yadav, Neeta Nain, " Fast Face Detection Based on Skin Segmentation and Facial Features" , 11th IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / 663-668 / 2015

Ritu Sharma, Mayur Kumar Chhipa and Lalit Kumar Dusad, " Investigation of Channel Drop Filter Based on Two Dimensional Photonic Crystal Structure" , ICRCWIP_2014 by :IEEE at Poornima Engineering College Jaipur / 6 / 2015

Sumit Gupta, G.S. Dangayach, A. K. Singh, P.N. Rao, " Some Issues in Sustainable Supply Chain Management: A Literature Review" , Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Environment by : Kautilya Campus at Jaipur / / 2015

Anup Sharma, Ritu Sharma, ""TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE SYNTHESIS of CARBON NANOTUBES and ITS FUNCTIONALIZATION by ACID TREATMENT " , International Conference on Advances in Electronics and Computer Systems 2015 , "ICAECS20150019". by :ISSRD at Bangaluru / 3 / 2015

Sundeep Kumar, "21st Century: Research, Innovation and Policy Directions From Recent OECD Analysis" , Two Day International Conference on Education Policy for Strong Nation by :Bhartiya Shikshan Mandal Held at Agarwal P.G College at Agarwal PG College / / 2015

M. K. Gupta, G. Singh, "2×40 Gbps WDM PON Long Haul System Using FBG and Dicode" , IEEE International Conference, WRAP-2015 by :IEEE Explore at IISC Bangalore / / 2015

Lavika Goel, "A 2D Illumination Based Adaptive Gaze Tracking Approach for Varied Head Orientations" , 2015 2nd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2015

Jain, M. K., Meena, M. L., and Dangayach, G. S., and Bhardwaj, A., , "A Brief Procedure for Ergonomic Design of Hand Tool for Small Scale Industries" , Proceedings of HWWE by :IIT Bombay at Mumbai / / 2015

MM Sharma, HS Mewara, G Kumar, "A Chord Type Monopole CPW Antenna With Multi-Shape Ground Structure for UWB Application" , 2015 Fifth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT) by :IEEE at Gwalior, India / 01-05 / 2015

S. J. Nanda, G. Panda, "A Clustering Model Based on Colliding Bodies Optimization for Analysis of Seismic Catalog" , International Conference on Microwave, Optical and Communication Engineering, IEEE-ICMOCE-2015 by :IEEE at IIT Bhubaneswar / 1-4 / 2015

K Aseri, S Yadav, MM Sharma, "A Compact Frequency Selective Surface Based Band-Stop Filter for WLAN Applications" , 2015 Fifth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT) by :IEEE at Gwalior, India / 328-332 / 2015

A. Baitha and N. Gupta, "A Comparative Analysis of Passive Filters for Power Quality Improvement " , International Conference on Advancement in Power and Energy (TAP Energy) by :IEEE at Kollam / 327-332 / 2015

Manmohan Kanwadia, K.K. Sharma, Sanjeev Agrawal, "A Comparative Evaluation of Different Algorithms for Random Valued Impulse Noise Removal Using Hermite Interpolation" , International Conference on Recent Cognizance in Wireless Communication & Image Processing by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2015

Shukla M.J., Kumar D.S., Mahato K.K., Rathore D.K., Prusty R.K., Ray B.C., "A Comparative Study of the Mechanical Performance of Glass and Glass-Carbon Hybrid Polymer Composites at Different Temperature Environments" , 4th National Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials 56 December 2014, Rourkela, India by :IOP at NIT Rourkela / 12002 / 2015

Y.Song, S. Hong, M. Jang, Manviri Rani, G. Han, "A Comparison of Microscopic and Spectroscopic Identification Methods for Microplastic Analysis" , Environmental Protection in a Multi-Stressed World: Challenges for Science, Industry and Regulators by :SETAC Europe at Barcelona, Spain / / 2015

MM Sharma, HS Mewara, G Kumar, "A Concise Step Shape Fed Monopole Microstrip Antenna for UWB Application" , 2015 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN) by :IEEE at Noida, India / 60-64 / 2015

Debasmita Bal, S.L. Soni, Dilip Sharma, Anmesh K Srivastava, Ramesh Meena, "A Design Methodology of Solar Assisted Air Conditioning System for a Particular Location" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering by :ICRTME at Vivekanada Group of Institutions, Jaipur / / 2015

P. Sharma, R. Sharma, E. S. Pilli, A. K. Mishra, "A Detection Algorithm for DoS Attack in the Cloud Environment" , 8th Annual ACM India Conference (Compute 2015) by :ACM at Ghaziabad, India / 107-110 / 2015

Ramesh babu B, Manoj Singh Gaur, Dinesh Gopalani, Radhika K, "A Dynamic Medium Access Mechanisam for Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks" , International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (ICSC 2015) by :IEEE at Delhi, INDIA / / 2015

Ramesh babu B, Manoj Singh Gaur, Dinesh Gopalani, Radhika K , "A Dynamic Medium Access Mechanism for Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks" , Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC), 2015 International Conference by :IEEE at Noida, India / 434 - 438 / 2015

Prakash Choudhary, Neeta Nain, Manindra Nehra, "A Framework for Compilation of Multi-Lingual Handwritten Database: Four Levels XML Ground-Truth" , 11th IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / 649-654 / 2015

S. Vyas, R. Kumar, R. Kavasseri, "A Framework for Investigative Analysis of Islanding and Pre-Islanding Behaviour of Solar PV Inverters Connected to Distribution Grids" , IEEE IAS Joint Industrial and Commercial Power Systems / Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference (ICPSPCIC 2015) by :IEEE at Hyderabad, India / / 2015

Ashish Sharma, PrachiUpadhyay, Ruby Ansar, Vijay Laxmi, Lava Bhargava, Manoj Singh Gaur, and Mark Zwolinski, "A Framework for Thermal Aware Reliability Estimation in 2d Noc" , VDAT by :IEEE at ahemdabad,India / 1-6 / 2015

Pal. K, Govil M.C, Ahmed M., "A New Hybrid Approach for Overlay Construction in P2P Live Streaming" , International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) by :IEEE at Kochi / 431–437 / 2015

Kumar, A., Datta, M., Nema, A. K. and Singh, R. K. , "A New System for Determining Odour Potential Hazard of Old MSW Landfills (Waste Dumps)." , International Conference on Solid Waste: Knowledge Transfer for Sustainable Resource by :Proceedings of International Conference on Solid Waste at Hong Kong SAR / 643-646 / 2015

Rajive Tiwari Saurabh Ratra, Pradeep Singh, "A Novel Approach for Modeling of TCSC in Load Flow Solution Using NR and Automatic Differentiation" , 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON 2015) by :IEEE at New Delhi / 1-6 / 2015

Ajay Dadhich,Shalini Porwal,Sanjeev Yadav, H S Mewara, M M Sharma, "A Novel E-Shaped Microstrip Patch Tri-Band Antenna for Wireless Applications" , International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques and Implementations 2015 (ICSCTI-15) by :IEEE at Faridabad / / 2015

P V Ramana, "A Novel Mathematical System for Resuming Dynamic Non-Linear Duffing - Holmes Problems" , NCMAC-2015, MNIT, Jaipur by :MNIT, Jaipur at MNIT, Jaipur / 1 / 2015

Rahmouni, Lyes, Rajendra Mitharwal, and Francesco P. Andriulli., "A Novel Volume Integral Equation for Solving the Electroencephalography Forward Problem" , Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society by :IEEE at Milan Italy / / 2015

Dilip Sharma, Rana Veer Pratap Singh, Pushkar Chandra, Saurabh Kumar, "A Review of Development in I.C. Engine Waste Heat Recovery Technologies Using Turbocharging" , National Conference on Futuristic Approaches in Civil and Mechanical Engineering by :FACME at Maharishi Arvind Institute of Engg. and Tech. / / 2015

SP Chaurasia, "A Review on Current and Future Technology Aspects for the Production of Bio-Ethanol" , Annual National Conference on Innovative Globalized Technologies in Development of Renewable Energy by :Stani Memorial College of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur at Stani Memorial College of Engineering & Technolog / / 2015

Girraj Sharma, Ritu Sharma, "A Review on Recent Advances in Spectrum Sensing, Energy Efficiency and Security Threats in Cognitive Radio Network" , International Conference on Microwave, Optical and Communication Engineering ,ICMOCE-2015 by :IEEE at IIT Bhuvaneswar / 6 / 2015

Jyoti Gajrani, Jitendra Sarswat, Meenakshi Tripathi, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Mauro Conti, "A Robust Dynamic Analysis System Preventing SandBox Detection by Android Malware" , 8th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks by :ACM at Sochi, Russia / 290-295 / 2015

A. Sharma, T. Goyal, E. S. Pilli, A. P. Mazumdar, M. C. Govil, and R. C. Joshi, "A Secure Hybrid Cloud Enabled Architecture for Internet of Things" , 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) by :IEEE at Milan, Italy / 274-279 / 2015

Sandeep Saini, Vineet Sahula, "A Survey of Machine Translation Techniques and Systems for Indian Languages" , IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Communication Technology (CICT) by :IEEE at India / 6 / 2015

Nand Kishore Meena, Anil Swarnkar, K. R. Niazi and Nikhil Gupta, "A Taguchi-Based Approach for Optimal Placement of Distributed Generations for Power Loss Minimization in Distribution System" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Denver, CO, USA / / 2015

Kakarla, J, Majhi, B, Ramesh babu B, "A Trust Based Secured Coordination Mechanism for WSAN" , Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES) by :IEEE at NIT Calicut / 1-5 / 2015

B. Prasad, A. Agrawal, V. Viswanathan, A. R. Chowdhury, R. Kumar, S. K. Panda, "A Visually Guided Spherical Underwater Robot" , International Symposium on Underwater Technology (UT15) by :IEEE at Chennai,India / / 2015

S. J. Nanda, "A WNN-CSO Model for Accurate Forecasting of Chaotic and Nonlinear Time Series" , IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems, IEEE-SPICES-2015 by :IEEE at NIT Calicut / 1-5 / 2015

Jaikishan, Dr. HS Mali, , "Abrasive Flow Finishing Process -a Sustainability Study" , Proceeding of National Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (NCSM-2015) by :MNIT, Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2015

Sumit Gupta, G.S. Dangayach, A. K. Singh, P.N. Rao, "Achieving Sustainability in Manufacturing Through Lean an Experience From Indian Automobile Industry" , Advances in Mechanical Engineering by :Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers at New Delhi / / 2015

Abhimanyu Pamnani, Sandeep Shrivastava , "Adaption Options for Building Infrastructure in Northern India in View of Changing Climate" , EIC Climate Change Technology Conference by EIC Climate Change Technology by :EIC Climate Change Technology Conference by EIC Climate Change Technology at Montreal, Canada / / 2015

Garima Mathur, Sneha Tiwari, Poonam Saini, RP Yadav, "Adaptive Radius Sphere Detection in MIMO OFDM Systems" , International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development , INDIACom by :International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, INDIACom at New Delhi / 528-530 / 2015

Garg A., Sangal V. K., Bajpai P. K, "Adsorption and PhotocatalyticDegradation of Acid Blue 113 Catalysed by TiO2 Photocatalyst" , National Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes AOP 2015 by :Punjab University, Chandigarh at Chandigarh / / 2015

Sharma, Komal and Vyas, R. K. , "Adsorption of Multicomponent Dye Mixture: A Brief Review" , CHEMCON 2015 by :IIChE at Guwahati / 144 / 2015

Sharma, Komal, Vyas, Sangeeta and Vyas, R. K. , "Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment: A Brief Review" , National Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes AOP-2015 by :Dr SSB UICET & ERC, Panjab University, Chandigarh at Panjab University, Chandigarh / 105 / 2015

Tapas Badal, Neeta Nain, Mushtaq Ahmed, Vishakha Sharma, "An Adaptive Codebook Model for Change Detection With Dynamic Background" , 11th IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / 110-116 / 2015

Narayanan K., M. Fozdar and S. A. Siddiqui, "An Improved Hybrid Method to Reduce the Effect of Islanding in the Presence of Optimally Located DGs" , 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON 2015) by :IEEE at New Delhi / 1-6 / 2015

Tapas Badal, Neeta Nain, Mushtaq Ahmed and Vishakha Sharma, "An Improved Multi-Layer Codebook Model to Eliminate Ghost Region" , National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics ) Conference Held at IIT-Patna on 16-19 Dec, 2015. by :IEEE at IIT Patna / 1-5 / 2015

Tapas Badal, Neeta Nain and Mushtaq Ahmed, "An Improved Multi-Layer Codebook Model to Eliminate Ghost Region Conference Paper · December 2015 With 8 Reads" , Fifth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG) by :IEEE at Patna / 1-4 / 2015

K. P. Singh, R. Jain, M. L. Meena, "An Overview of Genetic Algorithm in Optimization Practices" , Automobile Industry Perspectives by :Institution of Engineers at Jaipur / / 2015

Mukesh Kumar Gupta, Dinesh Kumar, Amit Kumar Garg, Ghanshyam Singh , "Analysis and Mitigation of Raman Cross Talk in WDM-TDM System Using Partial Response Coding and Raman Pump" , IEEE Conference, ICMAP 2015, IEEExplorer 978-1-4673-6898-8/15 by :IEEE at Dhanbad / 1-2 / 2015

Satyam Kashyap, Ashish Tripathi, Kapil Sharma, "Analysis and Ranking of Software Engineering Metrics" , International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom 2015), Delhi by :IEEE at Delhi / 1654-1659 / 2015

Kuldeep Maheswari, lalit Dusad, RituSharma, "ANALYSIS of 2D PHOTONIC CRYSTALS for REDUCTION in REFLECTANCE in SOLAR CELLS"" , International Conference on Advances in Electronics and Computer System-2015 by :ISSRD at Banglore Thru Virtual Platform / 3 / 2015

Soma Kumawat, M. Ravi Kumar, "Analysis of Diagonal Eigenvalue Unity (DEU) Code for Spectral Amplitude Coding OCDMA Systems Using Direct Detection Technique" , International Conference on Microwave, Optical and Communication Engineering ,ICMOCE-2015 by :IEEE at IIT Bhubaneswar / / 2015

Ankit Kashmiri Gupta and Nand Kumar, "Analysis of Planning Guidelines for Industrial Estates in India " , 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development by :JNU at New Delhi / / 2015

Aneesh Mathew, Sumit Khandelwal, Nivedita Kaul, "Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variations of Urban Heat Island Effect on Ahmedabad City and Its Relationship With Impervious Surfaces" , 20th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River Engineering (Hydro 2015 International) by :The Indian Society of Hydraulics at IIT Roorkee / / 2015

Shivam Mishra, Abhishek Pandey, Amar Patnaik, Sachin Tejyan, "Analysis of Tribological Behavior of Fly-Ash & Graphite Reinforced Al7075 Alloy Hybrid Composite by Using Taguchi Method" , International Conference on Emerging and Futuristic Trends in Engineering & Technology by :Maharaja Agrasen University at Solan HP / / 2015

Vipin Pal, Yogita, Girdhari Singh, R.P Yadav, "Analytical and Simulation Modeling to Analyze Reliability State of Wireless Sensor Networks" , World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies by :Springer at Funchal, Portugal / 1001-1011 / 2015

Shrivastava Sandeep, Ramprasad V , "Another Perspective on Value Added Ratio of Lean Principles" , Indian Lean Construction Conference by :Indian Lean Construction Conference at Mumbai / / 2015

Anjali Awasthi, Ankita Dube, Kumud Kant Awasthi, Kamlendra Awasthi, "Antimicrobial Activity of TiO2 Doped Polystyrene Membrane" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM 2014) by :ICSM at Jaipur / 28 / 2015

PK Navin and YP Mathur, "Application of Graph Theory for Optimal Sewer Layout Generation" , International Conference on GCCT by :Discovery at MNNIT Allahabad / 151-157 / 2015

Gupta S and M Sharma, "Application of Lean Services" , National Conference on Futuristic Approaches in Civil & Mechanical Engg by :Maharshi Arvind Institute of Engineering and technology,Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

Neeraj Kanwar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, and R. C. Bansal, "Application of TLBO for Distribution Network Planning via Coordination of Distributed Generation and Network Reconfiguration" , 9th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES 2015) by :International Federation of Automatic Control at IIT Delhi / / 2015

Arun Nayak, Kailash Chand Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, Jyotirmay Mathur, "ARIMA Based Statistical Approach to Predict Wind Power Ramps" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Denver, US / / 2015

Shahbaz. A. Siddiqui, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, Manoj Fozdar, "Artificial Neural Network Based Early Detection of Real-Time Transient Instability for Initiation of Emergency Control Through Wide-Area Synchrophasor Measurements" , IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Control (IC4-2015) by :IEEE at Indore,India / - / 2015

Surendra P. Singh and Mahesh K. Jat, "Assessment of Climate Change Using Spatial and Temporal Trend Analysis of Climatic Data: A Case Study of Delhi, India" , 20th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River Engineering (Hydro 2015 International) by :The Indian Society of Hydraulics at IIT Roorkee / / 2015

Poonam Mondal and Suja George , "Assessment of Defluoridation of Drinking Water Using Novel Adsorbent Nano-Crystalline Magnesium Amended Hydroxyapatite (M-HAP)" , AIChE Spring Meeting & 11th Global Congress on Process Safety,18th Topical Conference on Refinery Processing by :AIChE at Austin,USA / 198 / 2015

Y.Song, S. Hong, M. Jang, Manviri Rani, G. Han, "Assessment of Microplastic Contamination on Beaches in South Korea" , Environmental Protection in a Multi-Stressed World: Challenges for Science, Industry and Regulators by :SETAC Europe at Barcelona, Spain / / 2015

Sharma, C., Arora, H., and Ojha, C.S.P., "Assessment of the Effect of Climate Change on Historical and Future Rainfall in Uttarakhand" , HYDRO-2015 International Conference by :Indian Society of Hydraulics and IIT Roorkee, India at IIT Roorkee / / 2015

Harspratap Singh and Satish Kumar, "“Determinants of Working Capital Management: Empirical Evidence From SMEs in India”" , 5th Annual Finance Conference Held at Great Lakes Institute of Management Chennai by :Great Lakes Chennai at Chennai / / 2015

S.D. Kore, A.K. Vyas, "Behavior of Concrete Using Marble Waste as Coarse Aggregate" , UKIERI United Kingdom India Engineering Research Initiative: Concrete Research Driving Profit and Sustainability by :NIT Jalandhar at NIT Jalandhar / 78-87 / 2015

Mehndiratta, S. and Sawant, V. A. , "Behaviour of Partially Saturated Soil Below Strip Footing Using Coupled FEM" , International Conference on Geo-Engineering and Climate Change Technologies for Sustainable Environmental Management (GCCT-2015) by :MNNIT, Allahabad at MNNIT Allahabad / / 2015

Rahul Sen, N.C.Upadhayay, Upender Pandel, "BIO-DEGRADABLE COMPOSITE MADE FROM STARCH and COCONUT FIBER : MECHANICAL STRENGTH and BIODEGRATION CHRACTERSTICS" , International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research by :International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research at New Delhi / 2394 3386 / 2015

Jharna Gupta and Madhu Aagarwal, "Biodiesel Production by Heterogeneous Catalyst: A Review" , International Conference on Green Initiatives in Science and Technology by :Manav Rachna College of Engineering, Faridabad at Faridabad / / 2015

Jharna Gupta, Madhu Agarwal, "Biodiesel Production From Wastes: A Review" , National Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing: For a Brighter Future (NCSM) by :MNIT at MNIT,Jaipur / / 2015

AvadhOza, Priya pal, S.P.Chaurasia, "Bioethanol Production in Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) System: Helping Towards Energy and Water Security" , 3rd Rajasthan Science Congress (RSC) by :Manipal University at Jaipur / / 2015

AvadhOza, Priya pal, S.P.Chaurasia, "Bioethanol Production in Membrane Bioreactor System: Helping Towards Energy and Water Security" , 3rd Rajasthan Science Congress, Organized Manipal University Jaipu by :3rd Rajasthan Science Congress,Manipal University Jaipur at Manipal University Jaipur / / 2015

Amit Mahesh Joshi,Monica Bapna, Manisha Meena, "Blind Image Watermarking of Variable Block Size for Copyright Protection" , International Conference on Recent Cognizance in Wireless Communication and Image Processing by :Springer at Poornima College, Jaipur, India / / 2015

Sundeep kumar, Monica Sharma, Awadhesh Kumar Bhardwaj, "Building an Innovative Ecosystem for Sustainable Growth of Organisations in the Current Era of Competitive Market" , National Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing for a Brighter Future by :MNIT, Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2015

Sundeep Kumar, "Building an Innovative Ecosystem for Sustainable Growth of Organizations in the Current Era of Competitive Markets" , Two Day National Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing for a Brighter Future by :Department of Management Studies MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2015

Yash Kumar Mittal, "Carbon Management in Construction and Real Estate Sector: Leading a Sustainable Future" , International Seminar on Sustainablity in Planning, Architecture, Technology and Engineering by :Amity University at Jaipur / / 2015

R. P. Yadav Kamayani Shrivastav, "Characterization of Phase Noise in Multicarrier Transmission: A Review" , 4th International Conference on Innovations in Electronics & Communication Engineering (ICIECE-2015) by :IEEE at Tamilnadu / 87-90 / 2015

Vandana Kaler, Dr. R. K. Duchaniya, Prof. U. Pandel, "Characterization Studies of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles" , International Symposium on Frontier of Molecular Science & Technology by :MNIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

Deepak Ranjan Nayak, Ratnakar Dash, Banshidhar Majhi, "Classification of Brain MR Images Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Random Forests" , 5th National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG-15) by :IEEE at IIT Patna / 1-4 / 2015

Amit Agrawal, Divesh Kumar, and Zillur Rahman, "Co-Creation Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea: An Exploratory Investigation" , 6th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Markets by :Indian Institute of Management, Ahemedabad at Ahemedabad / / 2015

Aneesh Prabhakar, Vasudevan Raghavan, Sarit K. Das and Nilesh Agrawal, "Code Validation Experiments on Helium Jet Flows and Mixing in a Vented Cylindrical Enclosure" , CANSAS – 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS – 2015 (New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety) by :Atomic Energy Regulatory Board at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai, India / / 2015

Yogendra Gupta, Lava Bhargava , "Cognitive Network on Chip Architecture" , International Workshop on Network on Chip by :MNIT, Jaipur at Jaipur , India / / 2015

Battula Ramesh Babu, M Tripathi, MS Gaur, D Gopalani, D Singh Ja, "Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks: Attacks and Its Impact " , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Network and Computer Communication (ETNCC 2015) by :IEEE at Namibia / 125-130 / 2015

Sujan, Ajay, Vyas, R.K. , "Combined Advance Oxidation Process and Biological Treatment of Waste Water for Reuse" , National Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes AOP-2015 by :Dr SSB UICET & ERC, Panjab University, Chandigarh at Panjab University, Chandigarh / 119 / 2015

Y.Song, S. Hong, M. Jang, Manviri Rani, G. Han, "Combined Effects of UV Exposure and Mechanical Abrasion on Microplastic Fragmentation by Polymer Types" , Environmental Protection in a Multi-Stressed World: Challenges for Science, Industry and Regulators by :SETAC Europe at Barcelona, Spain / / 2015

M Kunwal, G Bharadwaj, MM Sharma, "Compact U-Shaped Monopole Antenna for UWB Applications With WLAN Band Notched" , 2015 Fifth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT) by :IEEE at Gwalior, India / 28-32 / 2015

Rishabh Chaudhary, Aneesh Mathew, Neha Gupta, Sumit Khandelwal, Nivedita Kaul, "Comparative Analysis of Urban Heat Island Effect During Night and Day Time Using MODIS Data for Jaipur City" , National Seminar on Recent Advancements in Protection of Environment and Its Management Issues by :RTU at RTU, Kota / / 2015

Shalini Pal, B. P. Singh R. Kumar, B. K. Panighari, "Consumer End Load Scheduling in DSM Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Approach" , International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology (CICT-2015) by :IEEE at Ghaziabad / / 2015

Kumar, A., Datta, M., Nema, A. K. and Singh, R. K., "Contaminated Sites in India: Challenges and Recent Initiatives for MSW Disposal Sites" , International Conference on Contaminated Sites by :Proceedings of International Conference on Contaminated Sites at Bratislava / 151-156 / 2015

Premi.H, Sharma, M. and Dangayach, G.S, "Contemporary Trends & Challenges Across the Globe" , International Conference on Marketing (ICM)- 2015 by :ICG Jaipur at JAIPUR / / 2015

Sujan, Ajay, Vyas, R.K. , "Contradictory Results of Gas Hold-Up, Mass Transfer Coefficient and Interfacial Area in Bubble Column at Elevated Pressures and Temperature: A Review" , CHEMCON 2015 by :IIChE at Guwahati / 091 / 2015

Sharma, Komal, Vyas, R. K. , Vyas, A. and Singh, S.K. , "Conversion of Waste PVC Into Fuel: A Brief Review" , CHEMCON 2015 by :IIChE at Guwahati / 20 / 2015

Ki-Young Choi, Subhayan Mandal, Chang-Sub Shin, "Correlation of Linear Quasar Polarization: ALPs Revisited" , XVI Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics by :World Scientific Publishing Corporation at Moscow, Russia / / 2015

S. Reddy K, L. K. Panwar, R. Kumar, "Cost-Emission Analysis of Electric Vehicle as Contingency Reserve in Resource Scheduling" , International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation and Power Engineering (RDCAPE-2015) by :IEEE at Noida ,India / / 2015

Mehndiratta, S. and Sawant, V. A., "Coupled Finite Element Analysis of Strip Footing Resting on Partially Saturated Soil" , Indian Geotechnical Conference by :IGC Pune CHapter at College of Engineering Pune / / 2015

S. Singhal and A. K. Singh, "CPW-Fed Phi Shaped SWB Monopole Antenna" , IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference(AEMC), by :IEEE at IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, 2015 / / 2015

Pankaj Pandey, Sushant Upadhyaya and Renu Upadhyaya, "Desalination of Sea Water From Solar Energy" , Desalination and Water Reuse by :Indian Desalination Association at Mumbai / / 2015

Soma Kumawat, M. Ravi Kumar, "Design and Analysis of Different Decoders for SAC-OCDMA Systems" , International Conference on Recent Cognizance in Wireless Communication and Image Processing by :Springer at Jaipur / / 2015

Nikhil Deep Gupta, Vijay Janyani, Ghanshyam Singh, Hiroyuki Tsuda , "Design and Analysis of Low Loss Highly Efficient Light Trapping Structure for GaAs Thin Film Solar Cells Using Photonic Crystals as Diffraction Grating" , Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science OSA Conference (FiO/LS), OSA Technical Digest by :Optical Society of America at San Jose, California (USA) / 1-5 / 2015

Shanky Saxena, Ritu Sharma, B.D.Pant, "Design and Development of Cantilever Type MEMS Based Piezoelectric Energy Harvester" , 19th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test by :IEEE at Ahemdabad / 4 / 2015

Deepender Kant, LM Joshi, Vijay Janyani, "Design of a Multi Beam Klystron Cavity From Its Single Beam Parameters" , 2nd International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS-2015) by :American Institute of Physics at BKBIET Pilani / 15-307 / 2015

Pundir, A.S., Singh, K., "Design of Adaptive Control for Oxidation of O-Xylene in Packed Bed Reactor: A Highly Sensitive System" , CHEMCON 2015 by :IICHE at Guwahati / / 2015

Samiksha Agrawal, Neeta Pandey, Bharat Choudhary and Kirti Gupta, "Design of MCML-Based LFSR for Low Power and Mixed Signal Applications" , 12th IEEE India International Conference-INDICON 2015 by :IEEE at New Delhi / 1-6 / 2015

D. Panda, Lailesh Kumar and Syed Nasimul Alam, "Development of Al-Fe3Al Nanocomposite by Powder Metallurgy Route" , 4th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterzation by :Elsevier at GRIET, Hyderabad / 3565 / 2015

Mohammed A R Quadri, Ramesh Babu Battula, Manoj Singh Gaur , Dinesh Gopalani,, "Distributed Token Based MAC for Multi-Channel Multi-Interface, Cognitive Radio WMN" , 18th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications by :IEEE at Hyderabad, India / - / 2015

S.S. Chouhan, R. Niyogi, "Dmapp: A Distributed Multi-Agent Path Planning Algorithm" , Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence by :Springer at Australia / 123-135 / 2015

Surendra Pratap Singh and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Down Scaled Climate Change Projections With Uncertainty Assessment Over India Capital Region Delhi Using a Statistical Downscaling Model Approach" , 35th Session of Academy of Environmental Biology by :The Academy of Environmental Biology at Kandivali, Mumbai, Maharashtra / 138 / 2015

Neema, M., Ojha, C.S.P., and Arora, H. , "Drought Characterization in Rajasthan Under Changing Climate." , HYDRO-2015 International Conference by :Indian Society of Hydraulics and IIT Roorkee, India at IIT Roorkee, India / / 2015

S. Pal, R. Kumar, "DSM Scheduling Mechanism With Pricing Schemes Using Integer Linear Programming" , 9th National Systems Conference (NSC 2015) by :IEEE at Dadri, India / / 2015

Shalini Porwal, Ajay Dadhich, Sanjeev Yadav, HS Mewara, MM Sharma, "Dual-Band Rectangular-Shaped Antenna With Sideway Extension at Top and Bottom for WLAN and WiMax Applications" , Proceedings of International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development by :Springer Singapore at Ahmedabad, India / 263-269 / 2015

Bhavna Tripathi, Tarush Chandra and Sandeep Chaudhary, "Durability and Dimensional Stability of Concrete Containing ISF Zinc Slag as Sand" , Thirteenth International Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability Issues by :American Concrete Institute Special Publication at - / 303-316 / 2015

Ritesh Kumar Jha, Nand Kishore Meena, Anil Swarnkar, "Dynamic Economic Dispatch of Micro-Grid Using Harmony Search Algorithm" , 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON 2015) by :IEEE at JMI, New Delhi / / 2015

Achinta Prabhab Boruah, Pooja Nigam, "Earthquake Resistant Smart Cities" , National Conference on Sustainable Built Environment by :, at IIT Roorkee / / 2015

Bhatt, Preeti, "Ecocritical Concerns in Doris Lessing’s Short Stories" , National Conference on Holistic Growth: Symbiosis of Theory and Practice by :St. Xavier’s College, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

Mahamad Nabab Alam, Akhilesh Mathur, Kanhaiya Kumar, "Economic Load Dispatch Considering Valve-Point Effects Using Time Varying Constriction Factor Based Particle Swarm Optimization" , 2015 IEEE UP Section Conference on Electrical Computer and Electronics (UPCON) by :IEEE at IIIT Allahabad / 1-6 / 2015

Dilip Sharma, Pushkar Chandra Rana Veer Pratap Sinqh, Govind Ram Meena, "Effect of a Diesel Particulate Filter on Engine Emission and Performance" , National Conference on Futuristic Approaches in Civil and Mechanical Engineering by :FACME at Maharishi Arvind Institute of Engineering and Tech / / 2015

Jyotirmaya Kar, S.K. Roy, G.G. Roy, "Effect of Beam Oscillation on Electron Beam Welding of AISI-316L Joints" , 3rd International Conference on Lasers and Plasma Applications in Materials Science 2015 (LAPAMS 2015) by :Proceedings of Third International Conference on Laser and Plasma Application in Materials Science at Kolkata, India / 130-134 / 2015

Aneesh Prabhakar, Nilesh Agrawal, Vasudevan Raghavan and Sarit K. Das, "Effect of Jet Release Scenarios on Hydrogen Distribution and Flammability in Confined Enclosures" , ASME-ATI-UIT 2015 Conference on Thermal Energy Systems: Production, Storage, Utilization and the Environment by :ASME-ATI-UIT at Napoli, Italy / / 2015

Roy N, Sarkar R, "Effect of Mechanical Properties of Discontinuity on the Seismic Stability of Tunnel in Jointed Rock Mass" , Indian Geotechnical Conference 2015 by :Indian Geotechnical Society at COEP Pune / / 2015

Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya, and S.P. Chaurasia, "Effect of Operating Parameters on Energy Consumption and Permeate Flux in Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination" , CHEMCON 2015 by :IICHE at IIT Guwahati / / 2015

Kumar D.S., Shukla M.J., Mahato K.K., Rathore D.K., Prusty R.K., Ray B.C., "Effect of Post-Curing on Thermal and Mechanical Behavior of GFRP Composites" , 4th National Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials 56 December 2014, Rourkela, India by :IOP at NIT Rourkela / 12012 / 2015

Shanky Saxena, Ritu Sharma, B.D.pant, "Effect of Thickness of Piezoelectric Layer on Resonance Frequency of Cantilever-Type MEMS Based Piezoelectric Energy Harvester" , ICMCC20151039 by : International Society for Scientific Research and Development at San diegio,USA by Virtual Platform / 3 / 2015

Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya and S. P. Chaurasia, "Effects of Operating Parameters on Energy Consumption and Permeate Flux in Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination" , International Conference Organized by IIChE Chemcon 2015 by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at IIT Gowahati / / 2015

Swati Dubey, Rakesh Baghel, Sushant Upadhyaya, S. P. Chaurasia, "Effects of Operating Parameters on Permeate Flux in Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , Desalination Using Membrane Technology by :Desalination at Singapore / / 2015

N.D.Gupta and V.Janyani, "Efficiency Enhancement in Thin Film GaAs Solar Cell Using Photonic Crystals as Reflection and Diffraction Gratings for Light Trapping" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Devices (ICRTMD-2015) by :Springer at Noida,India / 319-323 / 2015

N.Krishna Jyothi, K.K.Venkataratnam, P.Narayana Murthy , K.Vijaya Kumar, "Electrical Studies of Gel Polymer Electrolyte Based on PAN for Electrochemical Cell Applications" , National Conference on Advanced Functional Materials - 2015 by :Material Today Proceeding by Elsevier at K L University, Vaddeswaram,Andhra Pradesh / 21-30 / 2015

S. Reddy, S. Goutham G, L. Panwar, R. Kumar, "Environmental Sustainability Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) Systems" , International Conference on Computer Communication & Control (ICCCC-2015) by :IEEE at Indore ,India / / 2015

Jain, R., Meena, M. L., and Dangayach, G. S., , "Ergonomic Intervention for Manual Harvesting in Agriculture: A Review" , Proceedings of HWWE by :IIT Bombay at Mumbai / / 2015

Shiv Ji Goswami, B. S. Pabla, Amar Patnaik, "Erosive Wear of Leading Edge of Wind Turbine Blades - a Review" , International Conference on Emerging and Futuristic Trends in Engineering & Technology by :Maharaja Agrasen University at Solan HP / / 2015

Aditi Sharma, A. K. Dalai and S. P. Chaurasia, "Esterification of Tuna Free Fatty Acids Using Immobilized Thermomyces Lanuginosus Lipase" , Pacifichem- 2015 by :Pacifichem at Honolulu Hawaii, USA / / 2015

Priyansha Mehra, Ramesh Chandra Gupta, Sanjeev Kumar and Blessen Skariah Thomas, "Experimental and Analytical Studies on the Properties of Hazardous Jarosite Waste Added Concrete" , UKIERI Concrete Congress ‘Concrete Research Driving Profit and Sustainability’ by :Dr Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar at Jalandhar, India / 1245-1257 / 2015

Pradeep Gupta, Shyam Lal Soni, Dilip Sharma, Rahul Goyal, Dheeraj Kishore Johar, Ashok Singh Tanwar, Anmesh Kumar Srivastava, "Experimental Investigation of Impact of Diesel Particulate Filter on Performance and Emissions of a Bharat Stage-1 C.I. Engine" , 14th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies by :ICSET at Nottingham, U.K. / / 2015

Aneesh Prabhakar, Nilesh Agrawal, Vasudevan Raghavan and Sarit K. Das, "Experimental Investigation on Helium Jet Release and Distribution in a Vented Cylindrical Enclosure - Effect of Wall Temperature Conditions" , 6th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety by : International Association for Hydrogen Safety at Yokohama, Japan / / 2015

Rahul Goyal, Dilip Sharma, S.L. Soni, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Dheeraj K. Johar, "Experimental Optimization of CI Engine Operated Micro-Trigeneration System for Power, Heating and Space Cooling" , 14th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies by :Sustainable Energy for a Resilient Future at Nottingham, U.K. / / 2015

Aneesh Prabhakar, Nilesh Agrawal, Vasudevan Raghavan, and Sarit K. Das, "Experimental Studies on Helium Release and Stratification Within the AIHMS Facility" , 23rd National and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference by :Indian Society of Heat and Mass Transfer at VSCC-ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram, India / / 2015

Swati Dubey, R. Baghel, S. Upadhyaya and S.P. Chaurasia, "Experimental Study of Operating Parameters on Permeate Flux for Dye Removal by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , 2nd International Conference on Desalination Using Membrane Technology by :International Conference on Desalination Using Membrane Technology at Singapore / / 2015

S. Vyas, R. Kumar, R. Kavasseri, "Exploration and Investigation of Potential Precursors to Unintentional Islanding in Grid-Interfaced Solar Photo Voltaic Systems" , IEEE International Conference on Energy Systems and Application (ICESA-2015) by :IEEE at Pune, India / / 2015

Singh, S., Tiwari, A., Nagar, R., and Agrawal, V., "Feasibility as a Potential Substitute for Natural Sand: A Comparative Study Between Granite Cutting Waste and Marble Slurry" , Proceedings of 5th IconSWM by :ISWMAW at Bengaluru, India / / 2015

P. Singh, R. Jain, M. L. Meena, "Financing Challenges and Options for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in India" , National Conference on Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCFTME-2015) by :Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre at Jaipur / / 2015

Mohit Singh, Neeta Nain, Subhash Panwar, "Foreground Object Extraction Using Thresholding With Automatic Shadow Removal " , 11th IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / 655-662 / 2015

M. Jang, Manviri Rani,Y.Song, S. Hong, G. Han, "Formation of Microplastics and Bioaccumulation of Toxic Additives by Lugworm Inhabiting in Expanded Polystyrene Marine Debris" , Environmental Protection in a Multi-Stressed World: Challenges for Science, Industry and Regulators by :SETAC Europe at Barcelona, Spain / / 2015

Swati Gangwar, Amar Patnaik, I.K.Bhat, "Fracture Behavior for Marble Dust Filled Copper Alloy Composites for Single Row Deep Groove Ball Bearing in Wind Turbine Gear Box" , Futuristic Approaches in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (FACME-2015) by :Maharishi Arvind Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

Chandra Prakash, Kanika, Rajesh Kumar, Namita Mittal, "Fuzzy Logic Based Gait Phase Detection Using Passive Markers" , Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocPros15) by :Springer at India / 12 / 2015

Rajesh Kumar Kakerda, Mahendra Kumar, Garima Mathur, RP Yadav, Jagdish Prasad Maheshwari, "Fuzzy Type Image Fusion Using Hybrid DCT-FFT Based Laplacian Pyramid Transform" , IEEE ICCSP 2015 by :IEEE at Tamilnadu / 1049 - 105 / 2015

Sundeep kumar, Monica Sharma, Awadhesh Kumar Bhardwaj and G.S.Dangayach, "Gandhi’s Experiment With Education for Rural India: Nai Talim System" , International Conference on Education Policy for Strong Nation by :ICEPSN at Jaipur / / 2015

Manviri Rani, Won Joon Shim, Mi Jang, Sang Hee Hong, "GC-MS Screening of Additive Chemicals in Plastic Products From Beaches and Local Markets" , Environmental Protection in a Multi-Stressed World: Challenges for Science, Industry and Regulators by :SETAC Europe at Barcelona, Spain / / 2015

Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, "GenCo’s Integrated Decision Making to Manage Multimarket Uncertainties" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Denver / / 2015

Nidhi Sharma, "Gender Responsive Policy: A Precondition for Macroeconomic Gains" , National Seminar on Women Empowerment and Inclusive Growth by : IIS University Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

B. Prasad, A. Agrawal, V. Viswanathan, A. R. Chowdhury, R. Kumar, S. K. Panda, "Genetic Algorithm Based Intelligent Station-Keeping for Spherical Underwater Robot" , International Symposium on Underwater Technology (UT15) by :IEEE at Chennai,India / / 2015

Premi.H, Sharma, M. and Dangayach, G.S. , "Green Marketing: A Literature Review" , International Conference on Marketing (ICM)- 2015 Contemporary Trends & Challenges Across the Globe by :ICG Jaipur at Jaipur / 1 / 2015

Yadav M, Vivekanand V , "Green Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass for Enhanced Biogas Production" , National Conference on Fungal Biotechnology and 43rd Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of India, Jaipur India by :Mycological Society of Lndia at Jaipur India / / 2015

Premi.H, Sharma, M. and Dangayach, G.S, "Green Supply Chain Management- a Review" , National Conference on Sustainability Manufacturing by :MNIT Jaipur at JAIPUR / / 2015

H Premi, S Gupta and M Sharma , "Green Supply Chain Management: A Literature Review" , National Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing ( NCSM) by :MNIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / 114-124 / 2015

H Premi and Sharma M, "Green Supply Chain Management: An Overview" , National Conference on Futuristic Approaches in Civil & Mechanical Engg by :Maharshi Arvind Institute of Engineering and technology,Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

Agrawal G. D. and Gaurav Gupta , "Grid Integration of Solar PV Plant in India: Development and Challenges" , National Conference on Advances in Refrigeration & Energy Systems 2015 by :Poornima College of Engineering Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

Beghein, Yves, Rajendra Mitharwal, Kristof Cools, and Francesco P. Andriulli., "Handling the Low-Frequency Breakdown of the PMCHWT Integral Equation With the Quasi-Helmholtz Projectors." , ICEAA 2015 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications by :IEEE at Turin, Italy / / 2015

Maninder Nehra, Neeta Nain and Mushtaq Ahmed, "Handwritten Devanagari Script Database Development for Offline Hindi Characters With Modifiers" , International Conference on Recent Cognizance in Wireless Communication and Image Processing by :Springer at Jaipur / 233-240 / 2015

Datta, M. and Kumar, A. , "Hazard Rating of MSW Dumps and Geo-Environmental Measures for Closure" , 50th Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC – 2015) by :Indian Geotechnical Society at Pune / 1-18 / 2015

Madhu Agarwal, Pritam Dey, "Hexavalent Chromium Removal From Water Using Magnetite Nanoparticles" , 4th International Renewable Energy and Environment Conference (IREEC-2015) by :World Academy of Research and Publication at Prague, Crechrepublic / 16 / 2015

S. Shah, V. Jain, S. Jain, A. Mittal, J. Verma, S. Tripathi, R. Kuma, "Hierarchical Classification for Multilingual Language Identification and Named Entity Recognition" , 7th Meeting of Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation (FIRE 2015) by :IEEE at Gandhinagar, India / / 2015

Arjun Singh Chauhan, Vineet Sahula, "High Density Impulsive Noise Removal Using Decision Based Iterated Conditional Modes" , IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC) by :IEEE at Solan / 6 / 2015

Ashish Sharma, Manoj Singh Gaur, Lava Bhargava, Vijay Laxmi, and Mark Zwolinski, "Hiper-Nirgam: A Tool Chain Based Framework for Modeling Thermal-Aware Reliability Estimation in 2d Mesh Nocs" , Design Automation and Test in Europe by :IEEE at France / 1 / 2015

V.K. Saharan, A.B. Pandit, "Hydrodynamic Cavitation: An Effective Advance Technology for the Industrial Watewater Treatment" , 2nd Asia-Oceania Sonochemical Society Conference by :AOSS at The University of Nottingham, Malaysia / / 2015

Chandra Prakash, Anusul Mittal, Rajesh Kumar, and Namita Mittal, "Identification of Spatio-Temporal and Kinematics Parameters for 2-D Optical Gait Analysis System Using Passive Markers" , International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications (ICACEA) by :IEEE at Ghaziabad / 6 / 2015

Narayanan K, S. A. Siddiqui and M. Fozdar, "Identification and Reduction of Impact of Islanding Using Hybrid Method With Distributed Generation" , 2015 IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Denver, CO / 1-5 / 2015

A. K. Garg and V. Janyani, "Identification of Cost and Energy Efficient Multiplexing Techniques for LR-PON for Different Network Scenario" , 2015 Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP) by :IEEE at Bangalore / 1-4 / 2015

Chandra Prakash, Anshul Mittal, Rajesh Kumar, Namita Mittal, "Identification of Gait Parameters From Silhouette Images" , Eight International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3) by :IEEE at Delhi / 5 / 2015

C. Prakash, A. Mittal, R. Kumar, N. Mittal, "Identification of Gait Parameters Using Silhouette Images" , 8th International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3- 2015) by :IEEE at Noida, India / / 2015

C. Prakash, A. Mittal, R. Kumar, N. Mittal, "Identification of Spatio-Temporal and Kinematics Parameters for 2-D Optical Gait Analysis System Using Passive Markers" , International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications (ICACEA-2015) by :IEEE at Ghaziabad,India / / 2015

S. K. Soonee, S. R. Narasimhan, N. Nallarasan, Harish Kr Rathour, Gaurav Yadav, S.C. Bhan, R.R. Mali, "Impact of Very Severe Cyclone HudHud on Power System Operation " , 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2015

Vinay Kumar Jadoun, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, and R. C. Bansal, "Improved Particle Swarm Optimization for Multi-Area Economic Dispatch With Reserve Sharing Scheme" , 9th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES 2015) by :International Federation of Automatic Control at IIT Delhi / / 2015

Yogesh Kumar Meena, Dinesh Gopalani, "Improvement in Quality of Extractive Text Summaries Using Modified Reciprocal Ranking" , International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development by :Springer at Ahmadabad, India / / 2015

Vatsala Chaturvedi, Upender Pandel, "Improvement of Mechanical Properties by Vibration on AZ91 During Solidification" , Management and Applied Sciences by :International Journal of Engineering Technology at New Delhi / / 2015

K Sharma, AK Tripathi, "Improving Software Quality Based on Relationship Among the Change Proneness and Object Oriented Metrics" , International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom 2015), Delhi by :IEEE at Delhi / 1633 - 163 / 2015

Shweta Sharma, Anand, "Income Diversification and Bank Performance: Evidence From Indian Markets" , 4th Biennial Indian Academy of Management Conference by :Indian Academy of Management at Indian Institute of Management - Lucknow / / 2015

Mahajan, R, "India’s Management Education Growth Story: A Retrospect" , AIMA Research Conference by :AIMA at New Delhi / / 2015

Nupur Tandon, "Indian English: Pedagogical Concerns and Challenges" , Linguistics and Language II by :LILA Turkey at Istanbul / 93 / 2015

Anjali Jain, Ajay K. Dalai and Satyendra P. Chaurasia, "Influence of Glucose, Ammonium Sulphate and Glycerol on Pervaporation Performance of a Polydimethylsiloxane Membrane for the Selective Removal of Ethanol" , International Conference Organized by IIChE Chemcon 2015 by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at IIT Gowahati / / 2015

Surendra Sing and Mahesh K. Jat, "Influence of Land Use/land Cover Change on Atmospheric Dynamics Over the National Capital Region, Delhi, India" , Eighth International Geographical Union (IGU) Conference 2015 by :International Geographical Union at Pune / 56 / 2015

Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, "Info-Gap Approach to Manage Genco’s Trading Portfolio With Uncertain Market Returns" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Denver / / 2015

V. Goyal, A. Agarwal, E. S. Pilli and S. Mehta, "Information Integration for Movies Data Using Graph Database" , IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (IEEE SPICES 15) by :IEEE at Calicut / 1-5 / 2015

Jain, R., Meena, M. L., and Dangayach, G. S., , "Investigating Agriculture Farmers Working on Hand Tools in Rajasthan" , Proceedings of HWWE by :IIT Bombay at Mumbai / / 2015

M. J. Pawar, Amar Patnaik, Ravindra Nagar, "Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Granite Dust Filled Glass Epoxy Composite for Wind Turbine Blade" , International Conference on Emerging and Futuristic Trends in Engineering & Technology by :Maharaja Agrasen University at Solan HP / / 2015

S. Sidh, R. Jain, M. L. Meena, "Kaizen Implementation for Future Prospective of Indian Industries: An Overview" , Automobile Industry Perspectives by :Institution of Engineers at Jaipur / / 2015

alok khatri,G.S dangayach, "Leagile Manufacturing in Automobile Industry: A Focus" , Automobile Industry Perspectives by :Institution of Engineers at Jaipur / / 2015

S. Yadav, S. J. Nanda , "League Championship Algorithm for Clustering" , IEEE Power, Communication and Information Technology Conference, IEEE-PCITC-2015 by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar / 321-326 / 2015

Deepak Ranjan Nayak, Ratnakar Dash, Banshidhar Majhi, "Least Squares SVM Approach for Abnormal Brain Detection in MRI Using Multiresolution Analysis" , International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS) by :IEEE at Mauritius / 1-6 / 2015

S. P. Chaurasia, Aditi Sharma and A. K. Dala, "Lipase Catalyzed Enrichment of DHA by Esterification of Tuna Free Fatty Acids With Lauryl Alcohol Using Immobilized Pseudomonas Cepacia" , Pacifichem- 2015 by :Pacifichem at Honolulu Hawaii, USA / / 2015

Mukerjee, S., Raj, D. and Bharathi, M. , "Liquefaction Susceptibility of Tailings Material" , Indian Geotechnical Conference by :IGC at COE Pune / / 2015

PV Ramana, "Mathematical and Computational Approach for Stochastic Finite Element Method" , NCMAC-2015, MNIT, Jaipur by :MNIT, Jaipur at MNIT, Jaipur / / 2015

PV Ramana, "Mathematical Corollary for 3-Dimensional Tetrahedron and Cubed Hexahedron Problems" , NCMAC-2015, MNIT, Jaipur by :MNIT, Jaipur at MNIT, Jaipur / / 2015

PV Ramana, "Mathematical Corollary for N-Dimensional Problems in Numerical Method" , NCMAC-2015, MNIT, Jaipur by :MNIT, Jaipur at MNIT, Jaipur / / 2015

Swati Gangwar, Amar Patnaik, I.K.Bhat, "Mechanical and Fracture Analysis for Calcium Oxide Filled ZA-27 Metal Alloy Composites for Single Row Deep Groove Ball Bearing" , International Conference on Emerging and Futuristic Trends in Engineering & Technology by :Maharaja Agrasen University at Solan HP / / 2015

Ashiwani Kumar, Amar Patnaik, I. K. Bhat, "Mechanical and Wear Characterization for Metal Matrix Composite Material for Bevel Gear Application- a Review" , International Conference on Emerging and Futuristic Trends in Engineering & Technology by :Maharaja Agrasen University at Solan HP / / 2015

Diwakar Gautam, Mushtaq Ahmed, "Melanoma Detection and Classification Using SVM Based Decision Support System" , 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON 2015) by :IEEE at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi / / 2015

Manish Jain, Dinesh Gopalani, "Memory Leakage Testing Using Aspects" , 2015 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology (iCATccT) by :IEEE at Bengaluru, India / 436-440 / 2015

Prathmesh Pravin Dali, Abhishek Godbole, Sourabh Sahu, Ghanshyam Singh, Takasumi Tanabe , "Microring Resonator Based All Optical NAND and NOT Gate With Higher Output Power" , OSA Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, OSA Technical Digest by :Optical Society of America at Hong Kong / 1-4 / 2015

N. Chattoraj, Abhijeet Pasumarthy, Rajeev Agarwal, Asifa Imam, "Modeling and Investigation of Electrothermally Actuated Micro-Gripper" , International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing & Communication Systems by :International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing & Communication Systems at Ranchi / / 2015

Renu Kumawat, Vineet Sahula, M. S. gaur, "Modeling and Synthesis of Molecular Memory" , IEEE VLSI Design & Test Synposium by :IEEE at Kolkata / 6 / 2015

Divesh Kumar and Sachin Kumar Mangla, "Modelling the Enablers of Agro Supply Chain" , FIOC 2015 by :FORE School of Management at New Delhi / / 2015

Mathur, Kritika and Vyas, R. K. , "Modification and Characterization of Granular Activated Carbon for Reactive Adsorption of Resorcinol" , CHEMCON 2015 by :IIChE at Guwahati / 132 / 2015

Mahesh Kumar Paliwal and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Morphology-Tuned Ni(OH)2 Mesoflowers for Waste Water Treatment" , International Conference on Multi Functional Materials for Future Applications (ICMFA-2015) by :IIT BHU at IIT BHU, India / / 2015

Bhatt, Preeti, "Movies as a Medium of Social Change: Deepa Mehta’s Fire and Water" , National Conference on Gender and Media: The Emerging Concerns by :University Maharani College, UoR, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

Satyendra Singh Chouhan, Ashutosh Singh, Rajdeep Niyogi, "Multi-Agent Planning With Joint Actions" , 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015) by :IEEE at Kerala / 1284-1290 / 2015

Vinay Kumar Jadoun, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, and R. C. Bansal, "Multi-Area Economic Dispatch Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization" , International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2015) by :Elsevier at Abu Dhabi, UAE / / 2015

Neeraj Kanwar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar and R. C. Bansal, "Multi-Objective Optimal DG Allocation in Distribution Networks Using Bat Algorithm" , Third Southern African Solar Energy Conference (SASEC2015) by :University of Pretoria at Skukuza, Kruger National Park, Pretoria, SA / / 2015

N Satayanarayana, Kamlesh Pandey, Alka Pandey, "Multirate Output Functional Filter Design and Control" , International Conference on Recent Development in Control, Automation and Power Engineering by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2015

Anita Singh Batar, Tarush Chandra, "Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Paradigm to Smart Cities" , National Conference on Sustainable Built Environment by :- at IIT Roorkee / / 2015

Neeraj Kanwar, Nikhil Gupta, Anil Swarnkar, K. R. Niazi and R. C. Bansal, "New Sensitivity Based Approach for Optimal Allocation of Shunt Capacitors in Distribution Networks Using PSO" , International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2015) by :Elsevier at Abu-Dhabi, UAE / / 2015

Mahesh Kumar Paliwal and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Ni(OH)2 Mesoflowers for Water Treatment" , National Conference on Recent Advancements in Chemical Sciences (RAICS-2015) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2015

Vinay Kumar Jadoun, Nikhil Gupta, Anil Swarnkar, and K. R. Niazi, "Non-Convex Economic Load Dispatch Using Particle Swarm Optimization With Elevated Search and Addressed Operators" , International Conference on “Recent Developments on Control, Automation and Power Engineering RDCAPE 2015” by :Amity School of Engineering & Technology at Noida, UP, India / / 2015

D. Mudadla, N. Sandeep and G. Rama Rao, "Novel Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter Topology With Reduced Number of Switches for Photovoltaic Applications" , IEEE Computation of Power, Energy Information and Commuincation (ICCPEIC) by :IEEE at Chennai, India / / 2015

Bharathi, M., Raj, D., Mukerjee, S. and Dubey, R.N., "Numerical Simulation for Horizontal Block Vibration Test" , Young Geotechnical Engineers Symposium on FEM by :YGESFEM at IIT Bombay / / 2015

S. Vyas, R. Kumar, R. Kavasseri, "Observations From Study of Pre-Islanding Behaviour in a Solar PV System Connected to a Distribution Network" , 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015) by :IEEE at Kochi,India / / 2015

Manviri Rani, Won Joon Shim, Mi Jang, Sang Hee Hong, "Occurrence and Concentrations of Benzotriazole UV Stabilizers in Sediments From Industrialized Coastal Regions" , Environmental Protection in a Multi-Stressed World: Challenges for Science, Industry and Regulators by :SETAC Europe at Barcelona, Spain / / 2015

Sreenu S., J. Verma, Sujil A., R. Kumar, "One Day Forth Forecasting of Hourly Electrical Load Using Genetically Tuned Support Vector Regression for Smart Grid Frame Work" , 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences (RAECS 2015) by :IEEE at Chandigarh, India / / 2015

Rini Singh, Rajan Kumar Rathore, Tushar Singh, Prerana Kaler, Anoop M D, Sanju Tanwar, Ajay S Verma, Vibhav K. Saraswat, Kamlendra Awasthi, and Manoj Kumar, "Optical and Structural Studies of Bismuth Telluride (Bi2Te3) PMMA and PS Nanocomposites" , 7th International Workshop on Polymer Metal Nanocomposites by :MNIT, Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur and VIT Jaipur / 1 / 2015

Anil Kumar, Lokesh Kumar Jangir, Yogita Kumari, Manoj Kumar, Vinod Kumar, Kamlendra Awasthi, "Optical and Structural Study of Polystyrene/Polyaniline Nano-Composite Thin Film " , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM 2014) by :ICSM at Jaipur / 27 / 2015

Harshita Agrawal, Kamlendra Awasthi, Vibhav K. Saraswat, "Optical Studies of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Filles Poly ( Ethylene Terephthalate )" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM 2014) by :ICSM at Jaipur / 17 / 2015

M. Kumawat, N. Gupta, N. Jain and D. Saxena, "Optimal Distributed Generation Placement in Power Distributed Networks: A Review" , International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO) - 2015 by :IEEE at VIIT Visakhapatnam / 1-6 / 2015

Meena, Y.K., Deolia, P., Gopalani, D., "Optimal Features Set for Extractive Automatic Text Summarization" , Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies (ACCT) by :IEEE at India / 35-40 / 2015

Neha Agarwal, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, "Optimal Penetration of Renewable Sources for Distribution System Performance Improvement" , 2015 IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Denver, Colorado, USA / / 2015

Dhanraj Chitara, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta and R. C. Bansal, "Optimal Tuning of Multimachine Power System Stabilizer Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm" , 9th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES 2015) by :International Federation of Automatic Control at IIT Delhi / / 2015

Sanjay Kumar Singh , D. Boolchandani, S. G. Modani, Nitish Katal, "Optimal Tuning of PID Controller for Centrifugal Temperature Control System in Sugar Industry Using Genetic Algorithm" , Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving by :Springer at IIT Roorkee / 183-191 / 2015

Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Shahbaz. A. Siddiqui, "Optimal Voltage Regulation of a Distribution Network by Output Power Management of DGs" , 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON 2015) by :IEEE at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, INDIA / / 2015

Kumar, D., and Dangayach, G. S., , "Optimization of Parameters for Volumetric Shrinkage of Plastic Parts by Genetic Algorithm" , National Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing ( NCSM) by :MNIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

Kataria, G., Singh, K., Sarma, S., "Optimization of Product Purity in Reactive Distillation Column" , CHEMCON 2015 by :IICHE at Guwahati / / 2015

Shivam Mishra, Amar Patnaik, Abhisek Pandey,, "Optimization of Reciprocating Wear Performance of Garnet & Graphite Reinforced Al7075 Alloy Hybrid Composite Using Taguchi Method" , National Conference on Futuristic Approaches in Civil & Mechanical Engg by :Maharshi Arvind Institute of Engineering and technology,Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

Vipin Pal, Girdhari Singh, R. P. Yadav, "Optimizing Number of Cluster Heads in Wireless Sensor Networks for Clustering Algorithms" , Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving by :Springer at New Delhi, INDIA / 1267-1274 / 2015

Harlal Singh Mali, Deepak Rajendra Unune, Vijay Pratap Singh, , "Parametric Analysis of Powder Mixed Electro Discharge Diamond Grinding of AISI D3 Die Steel" , International Conference on PRECISION, MESO, MICRO, and NANO ENGINEERING (COPEN-9) by :IIT Bombay at IIT Bombay / / 2015

Deepa Modi and Neeta Nain, "Part of Speech Tagging of Hindi Corpus Using Rule Based Method" , International Conference on Recent Cognizance in Wireless Communication and Image Processing by :Springer at Jaipur / 241-248 / 2015

Ramesh Babu Battula, Manoj Singh Gaur , Dinesh Gopalani, ES Pilli, "Path and Load Aware Channel Assignemnt Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks " , 18th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC) by :IEEE Explore at Hyderabad / / 2015

Ramesh Babu Battula, Dinesh Gopalani, Manoj Singh Gaur, "Path and Load Aware Channel Assignemnt Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks" , 18th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications by :IEEE at Hyderabad, India / - / 2015

Seema Goswami, M. Ravi Kumar, "Performance Analysis of 2-D (N × M, 3, 2, 1) Optical Orthogonal Codes Based on G- Regular and GDDs" , International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Computational Analysis and Knowledge Management by :IEEE at NOIDA / / 2015

Shridev and Suprabha K R, "Performance and Efficiency of Indian Banks – a DEA Approach" , International Conference on Business Paradigms in Emerging Markets by :, at NIT ROURKELA / 31-39 / 2015

S. Jain, E. S Pilli, M. C. Govil, D. V. Rao, "Performance Evaluation of Congestion-Aware Routing Protocols for Underwater Sensor Networks With Multimedia Data" , Underwater Technology 2015 by :IEEE at Chennai / 1-6 / 2015

Ashish Tambi, Urmila Brighu, "Performance Evaluation of Single Stage Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) System for Municipal Waste Water Treatment in Warm Climates" , 47th Convention by :IWWA at Kolkata / / 2015

Deepak Rajendra Unune, Harlal Singh Mali, , "Performance Investigations of Different Electrode Materials in Micro-EDM Drilling of Inconel-718" , International Conference on PRECISION, MESO, MICRO, and NANO ENGINEERING (COPEN-9) by :IIT Bombay at IIT Bombay / / 2015

MM Garg, YV Hote and MK Pathak, "PI Controller Design of a Dc-Dc Zeta Converter for Specific Phase Margin and Cross-Over Frequency" , IEEE 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC-2015) by :IEEE at Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia / 1-6 / 2015

Md Oayes Midda and A.K. Suresh, "Polyfurfuryl Alcohol: A Sustainable Polymer for Gas-Separation" , Research Scholars Symposium (RSS 2015) by :- at IIT Bombay / / 2015

Vinod Kumar Gautam, Amar Patnaik, Anu Gupta, "Polymer Composite for Marine Application: A Review" , International Conference on Emerging and Futuristic Trends in Engineering & Technology by :Maharaja Agrasen University at Soaln HP / / 2015

Amit Kumar Garg, Vijay Janyani, "Power Budget Improvement in Energy Efficient Long Reach Hybrid Passive Optical Network" , IEEE Conference, ICMAP 2015, IEEExplorer 978-1-4673-6898-8/15 by :IEEE at ISM Dhanbad / / 2015

Mukesh Kumar Gupta, M.C. Govil, Girdhari Singh, "Predicting Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Security Vulnerabilities in Web Applications" , 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE) by :IEEE at Hatyai, Thailand / 162-167 / 2015

Sanjeev Kumar, Ramesh Chandra Gupta, Sandeep Shrivastava , Lazlo Csetenyi and Blessen Skariah Thomas, "Preliminary Study on the Use of Quartz Sandstone as a Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete" , UKIERI Concrete Congress ‘Concrete Research Driving Profit and Sustainability’ by :Dr Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar at Jalandhar, India / 1258-1271 / 2015

Abhay Dinker, Madhu Agarwal and G.D. Agarwal, "Preparation and Application of Expanded Graphite/water Suspension for Thermal Storage Using Graphite as Thermal Storage Material" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano by :Manipal University at Jaipur / / 2015

Jharna gupta, Madhu Agarwal, "PREPARATION and CHARACTERIZATON of CaO NANOPARTICLE for BIODIESEL PRODUCTION," , International Conference on Emerging Technologies : Micro to Nano (ETMN 2015) by :AIP at Manipal Univerasity, JAIPUR / / 2015

I. Meena, M. L. Sharma, M. L. Meena, "Problems and Prospects of MSMEs in India" , National Conference on Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCFTME-2015) by :Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre at Jaipur / / 2015

M Panigrahi, PK Rana, AK Pradhan, PK Rout, AK Samal, S Gupta, MB Kumar, "Production of Geopolymer Based Construction Material From Pond Ash: An Industrial Waste" , 19th International Conference on Nonferrous Metals-2015 by :Proceedings of Nineteenth International Conference on Nonferrous Metals at Bhubaneswar / 190-200 / 2015

Man Mohan Siddh, Gunjan Soni and Rakesh Jain, "Quality Management Issue in Agri-Fresh Food Supply Chain Environment: A Review" , 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering by :Industrial Engineering at SVNIT Surat / / 2015

Shrikant, Dr. R. K. Duchaniya, Prof. U. Pandel, Dr. A. K. Nayak, "Quenching Behavior of Molten Pool With Different Strategies - a Review" , International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics- ICC 2015 by :American Institute of Physics at Bikaner / / 2015

Gunwant Sharma, "Rainfall Runoff Regression Model for Galwa Catchment in Banas River Basin" , ICSTM by :ICSTM at New Delhi / 1 / 2015

Jayant K. Purohit, M. L. Mittal, Milind Kumar Sharma, Sameer Mittal, "Ranking the Enablers of Mass Customization Strategy Adoption in Indian Manufacturing Firm by Using Triangular Fuzzy AHP Method" , XIX Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management by :IIM Kolkata at IIM Kolkata / / 2015

Amit Joshi, "Real-Time Hardware Implementation of AES-GCM Encryption Algorithm" , Broadband & Optical Fiber Technologies by :Broadband & Optical Fiber Technologies at Ghaziabad / / 2015

Shahbaz. A. Siddiqui, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, Manoj Fozdar, "Real-Time Identification of Generator Coherent Groups Through Synchrophasor Measurements and ANN" , 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON 2015) by :IEEE at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, INDIA / / 2015

Sushant Upadhyaya, Kailash Singh and S.P.Chaurasia, "Recovery for Desalination by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , Trombay Symposium on Desalination and Water Reuse by :BARC Mumbai at BARC Mumbai / / 2015

Ravindra Nagar, Pawan Kalla, Pradeep Gautam, Aditya Rana, "Recycling Kota-Stone Waste as a Construction Material" , Global Stone Technology Forum by :CDOS at Udaipur / / 2015

Sandeep Saini, Umang Sehgal, Vineet Sahula, "Relative Clause Based Text Simplification for Improved English to Hindi Translation" , IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) by :IEEE at India / 6 / 2015

Renu, Agarwal M., Singh K., "Removal of Chromium From Waster Water Using Agricultural Waste: A Review" , International Conference on Green Initiatives in Science and Technology by :Manav Rachna College of Engineering at Faridabad, New Delhi / / 2015

Renu Bisht, Madhu Agarwal and Kailash Singh, "Removal of Chromium From Wastewater Using Agruicultural Waste : A Review" , International Conference on Green Initiatives in Science and Technology by :Manav Rachna College of Engineering, Faridabad at Manav Rachna College of Engineering, Faridabad / / 2015

Maheshwari, Monika, Vyas, Sangeeta and Vyas, R. K. , "Removal of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride From Its Aqueous Solution at Different pH and Their Kinetic Studies Using Fenton Process" , National Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes AOP-2015 by :Dr SSB UICET & ERC, Panjab University, Chandigarh at Panjab University, Chandigarh / 107 / 2015

Blessen Skariah Thomas, R.C. Gupta, Priyansha Mehra and Sanjeev Kumar, "Resistance to Acid Attack of Cement Concrete Containing Discarded Tire Rubber" , UKIERI Concrete Congress ‘Concrete Research Driving Profit and Sustainability’ by :Dr Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar at Jalandhar, India / 1235-1244 / 2015

Aneesh Mathew, Shivam Chauhan, Tanu Sharma, Sumit Khandelwal, Nivedita Kaul, "Retrieval of Remotely Sensed Vertical Profile of Atmospheric Temperature and Other Parameters to Assess UHI" , National Conference on Geomatics for Natural Resources and Climate Change With Special Reference to Rain-Fed Agriculture and Water Resources by :MDS University at MDS University, Ajmer / / 2015

Juhi Sharma, Ritu Sharma, Lalit Kumar Dusad, "Review and Analysis of Photonic Crystal Beam Splitters for Optical Communication Applications" , 2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things ICGCIoT by :IEEE at Greater Noida, India / / 2015

Shrikant, R.K. Duchaniya, U. Pandel , "Review of Melt Coolability During a Severe Accident for the Current Light Water Reactors (Lwrs)" , 3rd International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICATET) by :AICTE at Jaipur / 152 / 2015

Abhisek Pandey, Amar Patnaik, Shivam Mishra, "Review on Graphite Reinforced Metal Matrix Composite" , National Conference on Futuristic Approaches in Civil & Mechanical Engg by :Maharshi Arvind Institute of Engineering and technology,Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

Jaikishan Sambharia, Harlal S. Mali, Jasa Ram, , "Rheological Investigation and Comparative Study on Synthesized Low Cost Consumables for Abrasive Flow Finishing Processes" , International Conference on PRECISION, MESO, MICRO, and NANO ENGINEERING (COPEN-9) by :IIT Bombay at IIT Bombay / / 2015

Aditya Rana, Amardeep Meena, Sarbjeet Singh, Pawan Kalla, "Rheology, Strength and Permeability of Concrete Containing Kota-Stone Aggregate" , UKIERI United Kingdom India Engineering Research Initiative: Concrete Research Driving Profit and Sustainability by :NIT Jalandhar at Jalandhar / / 2015

Naresh Kumar, Pankaj Kumar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi and Anil Swarnkar, "Robust Allocation of DGs Integrated With Distribution Network Reconfiguration" , 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON 2015) by :IEEE at JMI, New Delhi / / 2015

Sushant Upadhyaya, Kailash Singh, Jitendra Kr. Singh, and S.P. Chaurasia, "Robust Design Optimization on Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination " , International Conference on Desalination Using Membrane Technology by :International Conference on Desalination Using Membrane Technology at Singapore / / 2015

Sushant Upadhyaya, Kailash Singh, Jitendra Kr. Singh, and S.P. Chaurasia, "Robust Design Optimization on Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination" , Desalination Using Membrane Technology by :Desalination at Singapore / / 2015

Jagdish Prasad Maheshwari, Mahendra Kumar, Garima Mathur, RP Yadav, Rajesh Kumar Kakerda, "Robust Digital Image Watermarking Using DCT Based Pyramid Transform via Image Compression" , IEEE ICCSP 2015 by :IEEE at Melmaruvathur / 1059 - 106 / 2015

S. Jareda, V. Sharma, M. L. Meena, "Role of SMEs in India: Their Importance and Contribution" , National Conference on Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCFTME-2015) by :Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre at Jaipur / / 2015

Neha Shrivastava, "Roll of Ground Improvement Techniques in Innovations and Challenges in Urbanization: A Review Paper" , Proc. of the National Conference of Housing for All: Challenges and Affordable Solutions by :. at Jaipur / / 2015

Deepak Ranjan Nayak, Ratnakar Dash, Banshidhar Majhi, "Salt and Pepper Noise Reduction Schemes Using Cellular Automata" , 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics (ICACNI-15) by :Springer at Bhubaneswar / 427-435 / 2015

A. Ratnaparkhi, E. S. Pilli, and R.C. Joshi, "Scaling GMM Expectation Maximization Algorithm Using Bulk Synchronous Parallel Approach" , International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT) by :IEEE at Noida, India / 558-562 / 2015

Rajat Goel, M.C. Govil, Girdhari Singh, "Security Requirements Elicitation and Assessment Mechanism (SecREAM)" , 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015) by :IEEE at Kochi, India / 1862-1866 / 2015

Manju Singh, "Session Chair" , 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in the Global Financial Landscape- Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities by :SCMS Pune at Pune / - / 2015

Vinay Kumar Jadoun, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, and R. C. Bansal, "Short-Term Non-Convex Economic Hydrothermal Scheduling Using Dynamically Controlled Particle Swarm Optimization" , Third Southern African Solar Energy Conference (SASEC2015) by :University of Pretoria at Skukuza, Kruger National Park, SA / / 2015

Vandana Kaler, R.K. Duchaniya, U. Pandel, "Silver Doped Poly Vinyl Alcohol Nanocomposites" , 3rd International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICATET) by :AICTE at JAIPUR-INDIA / 162 / 2015

Kumud Kant Awasthi, Anjali Awathi, Rajbala Verma, Kamlendra Awasthi, P.J. John, "Silver Nanoparticles and Carbon Nanotubes Induced DNA Damage in Mice Evaluated by Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM 2014) by :ICSM at Jaipur / 25 / 2015

G. Raval, D. Patel, T. Patel and N. Gupta, "Simulation and Hardware Implementation of Impedance Source DC-DC Converter Using Microcontroller" , International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO) - 2015 by :IEEE at VIIT Visakhapatnam / 1-5 / 2015

Anup Sharma, Ritu Sharma, "Simulation Based Study of Band Gap Properties of Single Walled Nanotubes" , ICRCWIP_2014 by :IEEE at Poornima Engineering College Jaipur / 5 / 2015

M. Gupta, D. Saxena, Nitin Gupta, "Simulation of Single and Composite Power Quality Events for Analysis and Characterization" , IEEE Student Conference Engineering and Systems (SCES 2015) by :IEEE at MNNIT / / 2015

N. Sandeep and Udaykumar R Y, "Single-Phase Modular Multilevel Inverter Based Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System" , IEEE India Conference (INDICON) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2015

P. Kumar, M. L. Meena, "Six Sigma to Achieve Sustainable Manufacturing" , Proceeding of National Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (NCSM-2015) by :MNIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / 261-264 / 2015

S. Vyas, R. Kumar, "Sizing and Strategic Scheduling of Distributed Generators in a Smart Microgrid for the Indian Pulp and Paper Industry" , India Smart Grid Week (ISGW 2015) by :IEEE at Banglore,India / / 2015

K.K. Sharma. Ravi Kumar Goyal, "Slotted Microstrip Patch Antenna at 60GHz for Point-to-Point Communication" , International Conference on Communication and Networks by :IEEE Explore at Chandigarh, India / 371-373 / 2015

Vikash Gautam, Amar Patnaik, I. K. Bhat, "Slurry Erosion Performance of Multilayer Coated 1050 Aluminum Alloy Composites" , International Conference on Emerging and Futuristic Trends in Engineering & Technology by :Maharaja Agrasen University at Solan HP / / 2015

Dr. Nidhi Bansal, "Social Transformation and Role of Technology: A Case Study of Anna Hazare Movement" , Tradition of Non-Violence: Changing Context by :Centre for Gandhian Studies & Centre for Jain Studies at University of Rajasthan / / 2015

PV Ramana, "Soft Computation for Structural Dynamic Natural Problems" , NCMAC-2015, MNIT, Jaipur by :MNIT, Jaipur at MNIT, Jaipur / / 2015

Chandwani V., Vyas S.K., Agrawal V. and Sharma G., "Soft Computing Approach for Rainfall-Runoff Modelling: A Review" , Proceedings of the International Conference on “Water Resources, Coastal and Ocean Engineering by :ICWRCOE at Surathkal, Manglore, India / / 2015

Priya Mundada, Urmila Brighu, "Sorption Study of Anionic Dye From Aqueous Solution Onto Locally Available Soil" , 47th Convention by :IWWA at Kolkata / / 2015

Arora, H., Sharma, C., Ojha, C.S.P., Kashyap, D., Chaubey, J., and Neema, M. , "Spatio-Temporal Trend Analysis of Hydro-Meteorological Variables Over Ganga Basin: A Comparison Between CMIP3 and CMIP5 Data." , HYDRO-2015 International Conference by :Indian Society of Hydraulics and IIT Roorkee, India at IIT Roorkee, India / / 2015

Ramesh babu B, Manoj Singh Gaur, Dinesh Gopalani,M Tripathi, "Spectrum Aware Distance Utilization Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Network" , 12 Th IEEE MICC 2015 by :IEEE at Kuching, Malaysia / 1-7 / 2015

Mirtunjay K. Modi, Anil Swarnkar,K. R. Niazi, Nikhil Gupta and R. C. Bansal , "Stochastic Economic Load Dispatch With Multiple Fuels Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization" , 9th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES 2015) by :International Federation of Automatic Control at IIT Delhi / / 2015

S. Reddy, P. Sharma, S. Shrivastava, R. Kumar, "Strategic Plug Load Management System for Smart Buildings With Rooftop Photovoltaic System" , 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON 2015) by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2015

Sumit Gupta, G.S. Dangayach, A. K. Singh, "Strategies for Sustaining Product Design and Development" , National Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing ( NCSM) by :MNIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

P. Kumar, A. Kumar, R. Jain, M. L. Meena, "Strategy for Manufacturing Sustainability With the Help of Fit-Six Sigma" , 2015 International Conference on Production and Automation by :Global Institute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

PAWAN KALLA, "Strength and Permeability of Concrete Containing Kota Stone Aggregate " , UKIERI-2015 by :CONCRETE CONGRESS at NIT JALANDHAR / / 2015

Lokesh Kumar Jangir, Yogita Kumari, Anil Kumar, Manoj Kumar, K C Swami, Kamlendra Awasthi, "Structural and Morphological Study of PS­-ZnO Nanocomposite Membrane" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM 2014) by :ICSM at Jaipur / 30 / 2015

Lintu Rajan, C. Periasamy, Vineet Sahula, "Structural and Optical Characteristics of RF Sputtered ZnO Thinfilm on Si Substrate for Device Applications [Received BEST Paper Award]" , IEEE India International Conference (INDICON) by :IEEE at India / 6 / 2015

Shrikant, Dr. R. K. Duchaniya, Prof. U. Pandel, Dr. A. K. Nayak, "Studies of Quenching Behavior of Molten Pool With Different Strategies" , International Symposium on Frontier of Molecular Science and Technology by :MNIT at Jaipur / / 2015

Singla J., Sangal V. K.,Dhir A., "Studies on the Photo-Electrocatalysis Induced Degradation of Pharmaceutical Drug" , National Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes AOP 2015 by :Punjab University, Chandigarh at Chandigarh / / 2015

Bhargav Prajwal, Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Rohit, Ankit, Sandeep, Manish, "Study & Analysis of Various Marble Cutters Used in Stone and Marble Industry of Rajasthan" , International Conference on PRECISION, MESO, MICRO, and NANO ENGINEERING (COPEN-9) by :IIT Bombay at IIT Bombay / / 2015

Rakesh Baghel, and Sushant Upadhyaya , "Study of Hydrodynamic Behavior of Helical Coils Using COMSOL Multiphysics" , 60th Annual Congress by :The Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at MNIT Jaipur / / 2015

Shivam Mishra, Amar Patnaik, Vinod Kumar Gautam, "Study of Motion, Forces, Friction and Wear With Effect of Lubrication in Piston Ring" , National Conference on Futuristic Approaches in Civil & Mechanical Engg by :Maharshi Arvind Institute of Engineering and technology,Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

Pundir, A.S., Singh, K., "Study of Transient Behaviour of One Dimensional Packed Bed Reactor for High Temperature Reaction System" , CHEMCON 2015 by :IICHE at Guwahati / / 2015

Aneesh Mathew, Rishabh Chaudhary, Neha Gupta, Sumit Khandelwal, Nivedita Kaul, "Study of Urban Heat Island Effect on Ahmedabad City and Its Relationship With Urbanization and Vegetation Parameters" , International Conference on Emerging Trends of Engineering, Science, Management and Its Applications by :JNU at JNU Convention Centre, New Delhi, India / / 2015

Aneesh Mathew, Rishabh Chaudhary, Neha Gupta, Sumit Khandelwal, Nivedita Kaul, "Study on Effect of Vegetation Over Urban Heat Island Effect Using MODIS Data: A Case Study of Jaipur City" , National Seminar on Recent Advancements in Protection of Environment and Its Management Issues by :RTU at RTU, Kota / / 2015

Shiv Om Meena, "Study on Settling Characteristics of Particles" , International Conference on Innovatie Research in Engineering, Science and Management (EMS-2015) by :Innovatie Research in Engineering, Science and Management at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, / / 2015

Swati Gangwar, Amar Patnaik, I.K.Bhat, "Surface Wear Behavior of Marble Dust (Stone Waste) Filled ZA-27 Alloy Composites for Bearing Material" , International Conference on Multifunctional Materials for Future Applications by :IIT BHU at Vasanasi / / 2015

Chaturvedi, U., Sharma, M., Dangayach, G.S., Sarkar, P, "Sustainability and LCA Practices in Pharmaceutical Industry: An Indian Perspective, a Literature Review" , - by :MNIT Jaipur at JAIPUR / / 2015

U Chaturvedi and M Sharma , "Sustainability and LCA Practices in Product and Process of Pharmaceutical Industry (An Indian Perspective): A Literature Review." , National Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing ( NCSM) by :MNIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

Pradeep Kumar Gautam, Dr. Ajay Singh Jethoo, Dr. Sandeep Shrivastava, Sushindra Kumar Gupta, "Sustainability in Civil Construction and the Role of Civil Engineers" , International Conference on Emerging Trends of Engineering, Science, Management and Its Applications by :International Conference on Emerging Trends of Engineering, Science, Management and Its Applications at JNU Convention Center, New Delhi, India / / 2015

R. Jain, M. L. Meena, G. S. Dangayach, "Sustainable Work Systems in a Present World: A New Challenge for Ergonomics?" , Proceeding of National Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (NCSM-2015) by :MNIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / 224-228 / 2015

V. Rathod, U. Shaikh, O. P. Yadav, A. Rathore, "Swine Influenza Model Based Optimization Using Seasonal Flu Shots (SIMBO-SS)" , 4th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) by :IEEE at Noida / 1-5 / 2015

Swati Dubey, Deepak Patel ,Madhu Agrawal S. K Biswaas, , "Synthesis & Characterization of Zero-Valent Nanoparticle for the Treatment of Contaminated " , Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (CAMP-2015) by :Malaviya National Institute of Technology at Jaipur / / 2015

Yogita Kumari, Lokesh K Jangir, Anil Kumar, Manoj Kumar K C Swami, Kamlendra Awasthi, "Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2 Nanostructures With Block Copolymer Templates" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM 2014) by :ICSM at Jaipur / 26 / 2015

Vandana Kaler, Dr. R. K. Duchaniya, Prof. U. Pandel, "Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles via Sol-Gel Method" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano 2015 by :American Institute of Physics at Jaipur / / 2015

Pareek, Ritu, and Preeti Bhatt, "Teaching Language Through Literature: A Holistic Approach for Language Learning " , 4th National Conference on Holistic Growth: Symbiosis of Theory and Practice. by :St. Xaviers College at Jaipur / 260-65 / 2015

Akshatt Dangayach, Chinmoy Baroi, S. P. Chaurasia and Ajay K. Dalai, "Techno-Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment of Glycerol to Value Added Products" , International Conference Organized by IIChE Chemcon 2015 by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at IIT Gowahati / / 2015

Mukesh Kumar Gupta, Mahesh Chandra Govil, Girdhari Singh, "Text-Mining Based Predictive Model to Detect XSS Vulnerable Files in Web Applications" , 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON 2015) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / 1-6 / 2015

Shweta Sharma, Anand, "The Effect of Income Diversification on Banks Risks-Return Characteristics: Evidence From Indian Markets" , Third PAN-IIM World Management Conference by :PAN IIM at Indian Institute of Management, Indore / / 2015

SK Chauhan, Sandeep Shrivastava, "The Green Retrofitting of an Existing Government Defence Officers Mess Building" , International Conference on Emerging Trends of Engineering, Science, Management and Its Applications by :International Conference on Emerging Trends of Engineering, Science, Management and Its Applications at JNU Convention Center, New Delhi, India / / 2015

Vijay, Kalpna, and Preeti Bhatt, "The Immigrants Quest for Identity and Holistic Growth in Divakaruni’s the Mistress of Spices" , 4th National Conference on Holistic Growth: Symbiosis of Theory and Practice. by :St. Xaviers College at Jaipur / 239-45 / 2015

Manisha Choudhary and Dipti Sharma, "The Influence of Quality of Work Life on Employee Job Satisfaction" , International Conference on Evidence Based Management by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani / / 2015

Satish Kumar, "The Significance of Working Capital Management and Its Components on SMEs Performance - Evidence From India" , 16th International Academic Conference in Amsterdam by :The International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences at Amsterdam / 274-290 / 2015

Anil Kumar, Amit Mishra, Kamlendra Awasthi, Ornav Maulik, Vinod Kumar, "Thermal Stability and Electrical Properties of Polyaniline Synthesized by Oxidative Polymerization Method" , International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM 2014) by :ICSM at Jaipur / 16 / 2015

Rini Singh, Rajan Kumar Rathore, Sanju Tanwar, Sandeep Gupta, Dhirendra Mathur, Ajay S Verma, Vibhav K Saraswat, Kamlendra Awasthi, and Manoj Kumar, "Thermal and Structural Characterization of Bismuth Telluride Nanostructures" , 8th National Conference on Thermophysical Properties (NCTP-2015) by :MNIT, Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / 1 / 2015

J.S.Yadav, S.K.Tiwari, "Tire Chips-Sand Composites: A Noble Technique" , The 7th Asia Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium by :University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / / 2015

L.K. Sharma, N. Mittal, "Topic Oriented Semantic Parsing " , International Conference on Semantic computing(ICSC) by :IEEE at Anaheim, CA / 159-164 / 2015

Bhatt, Preeti, "Translation as Creative Reinterpretation in Maqbool and Haider" , XII Annual International Conference of RASE on ‘Evolving Facets of Translation: Comparative Perspectives, Adaptation, and Popular Culture by :Central University of Rajasthan at Jaipur / / 2015

Mahipal Jadeja and Kesha Shah, "Tree-Map: A Visualization Tool for Large Data" , Graph Search and Beyond: SIGIR 2015 by :ACM at Santiago, Chile / / 2015

Chandramani Goswami, Amar Patnaik, I. K. Bhat, "Tribological Simulation and Biomechanical Function of Patellofemoral Joint Replacement Using Finite Element Method" , International Conference on Emerging and Futuristic Trends in Engineering & Technology by :Maharaja Agrasen University at Solan HP / / 2015

N. S. Rathore, D. P. S. Chauhan, V. P. Singh, "Tuning of PID Controller for Position Control of DC Servo Motor Using Luus-Jaakola Optimization" , International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control (IC4) by :IEEE at Indore, India / - / 2015

Rameshwar J. Vishwakarma and Ramakant K. Ingle, "Two Stage Concrete for Pavements" , Conference on New Developments in Use of Alternative Materials for Concrete, AMCON-2015 by :Indian Concrete Institute at Nagpur, India / / 2015

T. Prakash, V. P. Singh, N. S. Rathore, M. G. Babu, "Unconstrained Optimization With Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm Having Variable Dynamic Non-Linear Increased Crossover" , IEEE Student Conference Engineering and Systems (SCES 2015) by :IEEE at Allahabad, India / - / 2015

Shuchi Mala, and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Understanding Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Cholera Using Geographic Information System and Statistical Methods" , 6th International Conference on Health GIS by :Geo ICT for Epidemic Control and Healthcare at Mysore, Karnataka, India / / 2015

Mohan Kumar Choudhary, Santosh Chaudhary, Ritu Sharma, "Unsteady MHD Flow and Heat Transfer Over a Stretching Permeable Surface With Suction or Injection" , Computational Heat and Mass Transfer-2015 by :Elsevier at National Institute of Technology, Warangal, INDIA / 8 / 2015

Raheja Gaurav, Katharina Borgmann, and Pillai Sangeeth S., "Urban Transformations in Left Over Spaces: A Case Study of Dilli Haat" , Pace Syntax Symposium SSS10 by :UCL Bartlett at UCL Bartlett, London, UK / / 2015

Manish Jain, Dinesh Gopalani, "Use of Aspects for Testing Software Applications" , 2015 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC) by :IEEE at Bangalore, India / 282 - 285 / 2015

Vashishtha M., "Use of Cattle Manure and Its Effect on Environment as an Energy Source" , National Conference on Energy and Environment by :National Conference on Energy and Environment at Jaipur / / 2015

Singh S., Nagar R., Agrawal V. and Rana A., "Utilization of Granite Cutting Waste in Concrete as Partial Replacement of Sand" , Proceedings of the UKIERI Concrete Congress-Concrete Research Driving Profit and Sustainability by :UKIERI at Jalandhar, India / / 2015

M Sharma and S Gupta, "Validity and Reliability of Existing Lean Service Frameworks in Indian Services" , International Conference on Technology and Business Management, American University in the Emirates, Dubai by :AIMS at Dubai / / 2015

alok khatri,G.s dangayach, "Value Stream Mapping: A Lean Manufacturing Tool" , Automobile Industry Perspectives by :Institution of Engineers at Jaipur / / 2015

Chandra Prakash, Rajesh Kumar, Namita Mittal, "Vision Based Gait Analysis Techniques in Elderly Life -Towards a Better Life" , CSI Communication, Computer Society of India Issue by :CSI at Delhi / 5 / 2015

Shiv Ranjan Kumar, Amar Patnaik I.K. Bhat , "Water Sorption and Solubility Behaviour of Dental Composites Reinforced With Nanotitania Filler" , International Conference on Emerging and Futuristic Trends in Engineering & Technology by :Maharaja Agrasen University at Solan Hp / / 2015

Bhatt, Preeti, "Women’s Socialization and Resistance in Khaled Hosseini’s a Thousand Splendid Suns and Githa Hariharan’s the Thousand Faces of Night" , XII CLAI Biennial International Conference by :Comparative Literature Association of India and UOR at Jaipur / / 2015

Harspratap Singh and Satish Kumar, "Working Capital Management and Firm’s Profitability: A Meta-Analysis" , The 15th Consortium of Students in Management Research (COSMAR15) Conference by :IISc Banglore at Banglore / / 2015

Gulab Pamnani, S. Bhattacharya, S.Sanyal, "XFEM Simulation of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Piezoelectric Materials" , 1st International Conference on Advent Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology by :MG Aricent Pvt Ltd at Amravati / 123-127 / 2015

Mukesh Kumar Gupta, M.C. Govil, Girdhari Singh, Priya Sharma, "XSSDM: Towards Detection and Mitigation of Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities in Web Applications" , 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015) by :IEEE at Kochi, India / 2010-2015 / 2015


Neha Gupta, Smita Naval, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Gaur and Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, " P-SPADE: GPU Accelerated Malware Packer Detection" , 12th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST). IEEE, Toronto, Canada by :IEEE at Toronto, Canada / 257-263 / 2014

Debasmita Bal, S.L. Soni, Dilip Sharma, Deepesh Sonar, Saurabh Kumar, " Use of Hydrogen as an Energy Source in Diesel Engines State of the Art: A Review" , International Conference on Environment and Energy (ICEE-2014), JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad by :International Conference on Environment and Energy JNTU Hyderabad at JNTU, Hyderabad / / 2014

Meena Prajapati, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, Kailash Singh, "A Review on Thermal Conductivity and Heat Transfer Enhancement for Nanofluids" , 67th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON- 2014) by :IIChE at Chandigarh / 1-8 / 2014

V Sharma, KG Jangid, D Bhatnagar, S Yadav, MM Sharma, "A Compact CPW Fed Modified Circular Patch Antenna With Stub for UWB Applications" , 2014 International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT) by :IEEE at Ajmer, India / 214-217 / 2014

Poonam Mondal, Suja George, "A Comparative Analysis of Adsorbents Used for Fluoride Removal of Drinking Water" , Cheminova by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan ,India / / 2014

Ankush Tandon, D. Saxena, "A Comparative Analysis of SPSO and BPSO for Power Loss Minimization in Distribution System Using Network Reconfiguration" , International Conference on Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Controls With Their Impact on Humanity by :IEEE at KIET Gaziabad, India / / 2014

Mahesh K. Jat, Vaibhav Garg and Vijay Shankar , "A Comparative Study of GIS Based NRSC-CN and Artificial Neural Network Techniques for Rainfall-Runoff Modelling" , 2nd International Conference on Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences by :Agrotechnol at Hyderabad, Telangana, India / / 2014

Brij Mohan Mundotiya, Marc Christopher Wurz, Lutz Rissing, "A Comparative Study of Saturation Induction With Current Density of Electrodeposited Fe-Ni-W Alloys" , 2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting by :Electrochemical Society at Cancun, Maxico / 75-83 / 2014

R.K. Singh, J.K. Sahu, S. Paswan, S. Tarafder, "A Comparative TGA Study on High Temperature Oxidation & Hot Corrosion of Inconel Alloy 740H " , International Symposium for Research Scholars on Metallurgy, Material Science and Engineering by :IIT Madras at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai / / 2014

P. Salodkar, N. Sandeep and P. S. Kulkarni, "A Comparison of Seven-Level Inverter Topologies for Multilevel DC-AC Power Conversion" , IEEE Int. Conf. Power Electron., Drives Energy Syst. (PEDES) by :IEEE at Mumbai, India / / 2014

Suja George and A.B. Gupta , "A Comprehensive Review of Activated Alumina Based Defluoridation Process for Drinking Water Treatment" , 46th IWWA National Convention by :IWWA at BANGALORE / 106-109 / 2014

Babasaheb Kharbas, Manoj Fozdar and Harpal Tiwari, "A Comprehensive Transmission Cost Allocation by Composite MW-Mile & Composite MVA-Mile Methods With Efficient ARR" , NPSC by :IEEE at Guwahati / 1-6 / 2014

Mukesh Kumar Gupta, M.C Govil, Girdhari Singh, "A Context-Sensitive Approach for Precise Detection of Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities" , 10th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology by :IEEE at Al Ain, UAE / 7-12 / 2014

Kumar, A. and Jana S. K., "A Critical Review of the Reaction Kinetics, Reactor Modeling, Diverse Absorbents and Contactors for Flue Gas Desulfurization" , 67th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON- 2014) by :IIChE at SSBUICET, Chandigarh / 538-539 / 2014

R Choudhary, S Yadav, K Rathore, MM Sharma, "A Dual Band Compact Circularly Polarized Asymmetrical Fractal Antenna for Bluetooth and Wireless Applications" , 2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / 1490-1493 / 2014

S Yadav, R Choudhary, U Soni, A Dadhich, MM Sharma, "A Dual Band Star Fractal Antenna With Slot for Wireless Applications" , 2014 International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT) by :IEEE at Ajmer, India / 738-740 / 2014

Chini Abdol, Sandeep Shrivastava , "A Framework to Explore Energy Saving Measures During Construction Phase" , Seventh International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management by :Seventh International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management at Philadelphia, USA / / 2014

Sandeep Vyas, Ghanshyam Singh, Takasumi Tanabe, Manish Tiwari , "A Highly Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Fiber for Supercontinuum Generation" , Thailand-Japan Microwave 2014 by :TJMW Conference Proceedings at Bangkok / 1-6 / 2014

Jagadeesh Kakarla, Banshidhar Majhi, Ramesh Babu Battula, Tripathi, M.,, "A Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Actor-Actor Coordination in WSAN" , TENCON by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / 1-6 / 2014

S. J. Nanda, R. Raman, S. Vijay, A. Bhardwaj, "A New Density Based Clustering Algorithm for Binary Data Sets" , IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications, IEEE-ICHPCA-2014 by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar / 1-6 / 2014

N. Sandeep, P. Salodkar and P. S. Kulkarni, "A New Simplified Multilevel Inverter Topology for Grid-Connected Application" , Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS) by :IEEE at MANIT Bhopal / / 2014

Gupta M. K., Dali P. P., Singh G. , "A Novel Approach to Enhance the Performance of Ring Based WDM PON" , International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT) by :IEEE at Ajmer / 329-331 / 2014

B Peswani, S Yadav, MM Sharma, "A Novel Band Pass Double-Layered Frequency Selective Superstrate for WLAN Applications" , 2014 5th International Conference - Confluence the Next Generation Information Technology Summit (Confluence) by :IEEE at Noida, India / 447-451 / 2014

K K Sharma , Akanxit Upadhyay, "A Novel Image Fusion Technique for Gray Scale Images Using Tensor Unfolding in Transform Domains" , IEEE International Conference on I C R a I E - 2 0 1 4 by :IEEE at Jaipur India / / 2014

S Yadav, B Peswani, V Jain, MM Sharma, "A Novel Miniaturized Compact Frequency Selective Surface Structure With Stable Resonance Characteristics" , 2014 International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT) by :IEEE at Ajmer, India / 08-12 / 2014

Manoj Bohra, V. Laxmi, MS Gaur, "A Novel Non-Minimal Turn Model for Highly Adaptive Routing in 2D NoCs" , International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC) by :IEEE at Playa Del Carmen, Mexico / / 2014

HS Mewara, M Sharma, MM Sharma, A Dadhich, "A Novel Ultra-Wide Band Antenna Design Using Notches and Stairs" , 2014 International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT) by :IEEE at Ajmer, India / 425-429 / 2014

Anup Malik and Alakesh Manna , "A Preliminary Study on Fabrication of Laser Assisted Jet Electrochemical Machining Setup" , National Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Engineering by :PEC Chandigarh, India at PEC Chandigarh, India / / 2014

M. M. Agarwal, M. C. Govil and A. K. Jhankal, "A Probabilistic Method to Optimize Energy Consumption in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks" , Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE), 2014 by :IEEE at A Probabilistic Method to Optimize Energy Consumpt / / 2014

A. K. Mishra, E. S. Pilli and M. C. Govil, "A Prototype Implementation of Log Acquisition in Private Cloud Environment" , International Conference on Eco-Friendly Computing and Communication Systems (ICECCS 2014) by :IEEE at NITK Surathkal, India / 1-6 / 2014

Badri Narayan Mohapatra, Rashmita K. Mohapatra, M. Ravi Kumar, "A Review of Solar Fiber Optic Lighting Systems" , International Conference and Workshop on Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering by :Thakur College of Engineering and Technology at Mumbai,India / 519-522 / 2014

V. Kumar, O. J. Shukla, G. Soni, R. Kumar, "A Review on Artificial Neural Network Approach in Manufacturing Systems" , National Conference on Paradigms in Mechanical Engineering (PME-2014) by :PME at India / / 2014

Prajapati, M., Dohare, R.K., Singh, K., "A Review on Thermal Conductivity and Heat Transfer Enhancement for Nanofluids" , CHEMCON-2014 by :IIChE at Chandigarh / / 2014

Swati Gangwar, Amar Patnaik, I.K.Bhat, "A Review Paper on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Metal Alloy Composites for Different Applications" , 1st International Conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering and Technology by :Jaipur, India at Jaipur / / 2014

N. Sandeep, P. S. Kulkarni and Udaykumar R. Y., "A Single-Stage Active Damped LCL-Filter-Based Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter With Maximum Power Point Tracking" , National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) by :IEEE at IIT Guwahati / / 2014

J K Purohit and M L Mittal, "A Strategic Framework for Determining Implementation of Mass Customization Practices" , International Cnference on Best Practices in Supply Chain Management by :Indian Instuitute of Industrial Engineering at Udaipur (India) / / 2014

Prakash Choudhary and Neeta Nain, "A Structure for Annotation and Ground-Truthing of Urdu Handwritten Text Image Corpus" , 7th International Conference on Corpus Linguistic, CILC2015, Proceeding of Elsevier, University of Valladolid, Spain by :Elsevier at Spain / 84-88 / 2014

Jharna gupta , Madhu ararwal, "A Study on Different Reaction Parameters for the Production of Biodiesel From Waste Oil" , National Conference on Science and Engineering (NCSE – 2014) by :JK Lakshmipat University at Jaipur / / 2014

S. Prakash, S. K. Aggarwal, G. Soni, A. P. S. Rathore, "A Systematic Investigation of Risk Mitigation Literature for Supply Chain Risk Management" , 3rd International Conference on Supply Chain Management on Best Practices in Supply Chain Management (BPSCM-2014) by :IIIE at Udaipur / / 2014

Prakash Choudhary, Neeta Nain and Mushtaq Ahmed, "A Unified Approach for Development of Urdu Corpus for OCR and Demographic Purpose" , The 7th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2014), Milan, Italy by :SPIE at Milan, Italy / 100-104 / 2014

Jagadeesh Kakarla, Banshidhar Majhi, Ramesh Babu Battula,, "A Voronoi Diagram Based Efficient Coordination Mechanism for WSAN" , Networks & Soft Computing (ICNSC) by :IEEE at Guntur, INDIA / 226-230 / 2014

Ankit Vidyarthi, Pragati goyal, Harsha Gwalani, Namita Mittal, "ACLIME: Automatic Cluster Identification and Merging (Presented, in Press)" , 5th International Conference Confluence by :IEEE at Noida, India / - / 2014

R. Jain, A. Panwar, A. P. S. Rathore, "Adoption of Lean Manufacturing Concepts in Process Sector- Case Studies From Indian Process Industries" , 3rd International Conference on Supply Chain Management on Best Practices in Supply Chain Management (BPSCM-2014) by :IIIE at Udaipur / / 2014

Vashishtha M., Chakraborty S., "Advanced Energy and Environment Management of Urea Complex in Indian Fertilizer Industry" , International Conference on Civil, Structural, Environmental and Bio-Technology by :Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / 130-133 / 2014

Man Mohan Siddh, Gunjan Soni, Rakesh Jain , "Agri-Fresh Food Supply Chain Quality (AFSCQ): A Structured Review" , 3rd International Conference on Supply Chain Management on Best Practices in Supply Chain Management (BPSCM-2014) by :IIIE at Udaipur / / 2014

P V Ramana, "An Alternative Material in Concrete Structures" , ICGTI by :ICGTI at Mumbai / 01 / 2014

Prakash Chowdhary and Neeta Nain, "An Annotated Urdu Corpus of Handwritten Text Image and Benchmarking of Corpus" , 37th IEEE International Convention, MIPRO2014, Conference on Intelligent Systems by :IEEE at Croatia / 1409-1412 / 2014

MM Sharma, A Bala, "An Approach for Frequent Access Pattern Identification in Web Usage Mining" , 2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / 730-735 / 2014

Ritu Sharma, Ankur Saharia, "An Approach for the Realisation of NAND, NOR, and and Gate Using Semiconductor Optical Amplifier and Band Pass Filter" , Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN-14 by :IEEE at Bhopal, India / 5 / 2014

Mahesh K. Jat, Shuchi Mala, and Parul Pradhan, "An Approach to Analyse Drought Occurrences Using Geospatial Techniques" , 15th Esri India User Conference by :Esri India at New Delhi, India / / 2014

Mukesh Kumar Gupta, Mahesh Chand Govil, Girdhari Singh, "An Approach to Minimize False Positive in SQLI Vulnerabilities Detection Techniques Through Data Mining" , Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT), 2014 International Conference by :IEEE at Ajmer / 407 - 410 / 2014

Mukesh Kumar Gupta, M.C Govil, Girdhari Singh, "An Approach to Minimize False Positive in SQLI Vulnerabilities Detection Techniques Through Data Mining " , International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT) by :IEEE at Ajmer, India / 407-410 / 2014

Yash Kumar Mittal, "An Approach to Overcome Challanges in Modular Construction" , 30th National Convention of Architectural Engineers and National Seminar on Inovation in Architectural Engineering by :Institute of Engineers, India at Rajasthan / / 2014

Dhiraj, Seema Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "An Efficient Approach to VLSI Circuit Partitioning Using Evolutionary Algorithms" , International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN 2014) by :IEEE at Udaipur, India / / 2014

Jahangir Mohammed, Deepak Ranjan Nayak, "An Efficient Edge Detection Technique by Two Dimensional Rectangular Cellular Automata" , International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES) by :IEEE at Chennai / 1-4 / 2014

Subhash Panwar and Neeta Nain, "An Efficient Feature Extraction Method for Segmented Cursive Characters Recognition" , 37th IEEE International Convention, MIPRO2014, Conference on Intelligent Systems by :IEEE at Croatia / 1403-1408 / 2014

Arun Kumar Kaushik, Divesh Kumar, and Zillur Rahman, "An Empirical Study of SSTs Adoption in Organized Retail Store" , International Conference on Research and Sustainable Business 2014 by : IIT Roorkee at Roorkee, India / / 2014

Anup Malik and Alakesh Manna, "An Experimental Investigation on Designed and Fabricated WECSM Setup During Micro Slicing of E-Glass Fibre Epoxy Composite" , 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014) by :IIT Guwahati, India at IIT Guwahati, India / / 2014

S.P.Chaurasia, "An Experimental Study on Effect of Operating Parameters on Flux for Ethanol Water Separation Using Vacuum Membrane Distillation " , National Conference on Innovation and Development in Chemical Technology IDCT-2014 Organized by University School of Chemical Technology by :University School of Chemical Technology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka, New Del at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka, / / 2014

Alka Dubey, Jyoti Jain, Jitendra Kumar Singh, S.P.Chaurasia, "An Experimental Study on Effect of Operating Parameters on Flux for Ethanol Water Separation Using Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , National Conference on Innovation and Development in Chemical Technology by :University School of Chemical Technology at University School of Chemical Technology / / 2014

Alka Dubey, Jyoti Jain, Jitendra Kumar Singh, S.P.Chaurasia, "An Experimental Study on Effect of Operating Parameters on Flux for Ethanol Water Separation Using Vacuum Membrane Distillation (VMD)" , National Conference on Innovation and Development in Chemical Technology by :Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University at Dwarka New Delhi / / 2014

MM Sharma, JK Deegwal, MC Govil, Ashok Kumar, "An Extremely Wideband Planar Monopole Antenna With Triple Notched Stop Bands" , 2014 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) by :IEEE at Sendai, Japan / 327-329 / 2014

Ashok Kumar, MM Sharma, "An Extremely Wideband Printed Antenna With WLAN Stop Band Using SRR" , 2014 International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT) by :IEEE at Ajmer India / 228-231 / 2014

Kumar, A., Datta, M., Nema, A. K. and Singh, R. K., "An Improved Methane Gas Generation Rating for Dumpsites in India" , International Conference on Advances in Civil and Mechanical Engineering Systems by :Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Civil and Mechanical Engineering Systems at Amravati(MH), India / 201-204 / 2014

M. K. Murthy, N. Sandeep and P. S. Kulkarni, "Analysis and Design of ZVS-PWM Active Clamping Dc-Dc Cuk Converter Based PV Generation System" , Engineering and Systems (SCES) by :IEEE at Allahabad, India. / / 2014

Amit Kumar Garg, Vijay Janyani, "Analysis of Energy Efficient Optical Access Network for Different Coding and Data Rates" , IONS-Asia 6 by :International OSA Network of Students at IIT Kharagpur / 37-40 / 2014

Jana, S. K., Arya, I and Kumar, A., "Analysis of Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Foam-Bed Reactor" , 67th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON- 2014) by :IIChE at SSBUICET Chandigarh / 1104-1105 / 2014

Amit Kumar Garg, Vijay Janyani, "Analysis of OOK Upstream Signal Remodulation for Different Data Rates in WDM PON Network" , International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP) by :International Journal of Signal Processing Systems at Bangkok,Thailand / 134-138 / 2014

Yogesh Kumar Meena, Dinesh Gopalani, "Analysis of Sentence Scoring Methods for Extractive Automatic Text Summarization" , International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS 14) by :ACM at Udaipur, India / 1-6 / 2014

Raj, D. and Bharathi M., "Analysis of Shallow Foundation on Slope: A Comparative Study" , International Symposium Geohazards by :Nepal Geotechnical Society and ISSMGE at Kathmandu, Nepal / / 2014

Sujan, A. and Vyas, R. K., "Application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) for Developing Correlation for Hydrodynamic Parameters in Bubble Column" , 67th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON- 2014) by :IIChE at Chandigarh / 1030-1031 / 2014

Sujan, Ajay and Vyas, R. K., "Application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) for Developing Correlation for Hydrodynamic Parameters in Bubble Column" , CHEMCON 2014 by :IIChE at Panjab University, Chandigarh / 1030-1031 / 2014

S Gupta and M Sharma, "Application of Lean in an Assembly Plant: A Case Study" , XVIII Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management by : IIT Roorkee at IIT, Roorkee / / 2014

Jyoti Jain, Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya, S. P. Chaurasia, "Application of Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Nitrate Removal" , International Conference on Innovative Technology and Management for Water Security by :InDACON at Chennai / / 2014

SH Hong, Manviri Rani, M Jang, WJ Shim , "Aquaculture Area Using Expanded Polystyrene Buoys Can Be an Area of Concern for HBCD Contamination in the Marine Environment" , 8th SETAC World Congress by :SETAC at Basel (Switzerland) / / 2014

Rajeev Kumar Dohare, Kailash Singh, Rajesh Kumar, "Artificial Neural Network Predictive Control of BTX Dividing Wall Column" , International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Engineering Trends, Communication, Optimization and Sciences (E3COS) by :IJEDR at Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh / 1-8 / 2014

Agrawal G. D., J. Mathur, Gupta H. K, "Assessment of Energy and Economic Advantages by Proposing Nanofluid Based Direct Absorption in Solar Collectors for India" , International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-8 / 2014

Man Mohan Siddh, Gaurav Gadekar, Om ji shukla, Gunjan Soni and Rakesh Jain, "Assessment of Retailers Quality in Diary Supply Chain Using AHP Technique" , International Conference on Indusrtrial Engineering Science and Application by :Industrial Engineering at NIT Durgapur / / 2014

Yash Kumar Mittal, "BIM: A Model Based Design Algorithm " , 30th National Convention of Architectural Engineers and National Seminar on Inovation in Architectural Engineering by :Institute of Engineers, India at Rajasthan / / 2014

Abhra Roy Chowdhury, Bhuneshwar Prasad, Vinoth Vishwanathan, Rajesh Kumar, S K Panda, "Bio-Harmonized Dynamics Model for a Biology Inspired Carangiform Robotic Fish Underwater Vehicle" , 19th IFAC World Congress by :IEEE at Cape Town, South Africa, / / 2014

Dhiraj Mehta, Suja George, "Biomaterials: An Emerging Technology" , Cheminova by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2014

Joshi S., Meena S., Vashishtha M., "Biosensors: A Potential Tool for Environmental Screening and Monitoring" , National Conference on Materials and Their Energy Applications by :NCME at Jaipur / / 2014

Susheela Dahiya, P. K. Garg and Mahesh K. Jat, "Building Extraction From High Resolution Satellite Images Using Matlab Software" , 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference & EXPO 2014 (SGEM 2014) by :SGEM Conference Proceedings at Albena, Bulgaria / / 2014

Bhatt, Preeti and Kanupriya Marwah, "Building Vocabulary in the Language Classroom" , International Conference on English – From Classes to the Masses by :ELTAI and VGU Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2014

Prakash Choudhary and Neeta Nain, "CALAM: Linguistic Structure to Annotate Handwritten Text Image Corpus" , Computational Intelligence in Data Mining by :Springer at Orissa / 449-460 / 2014

P. Mathuria, R. Bhakar, "Carbon Price Risk Influence on GenCos Portfolio Optimization" , National Power System Conference (NPSC) by :IEEE at IIT Guwahati / / 2014

T. Jain, J. Carpenter, V.K. Saharan, "CFD Analysis and Optimization of Circular and Slit Venturi for Cavitational Activity, " , 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on “Innovative Trends in Mechanical, Material, Manufacturing, Automobile, Aeronautical Engineering and Applied Physics by :Journal of Material Science and Mechanical Engineering at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi / 28-33 / 2014

Nivedita Kaul, AB Gupta, Mukesh Khare, Gaurav Singh, Sumit Khandelwal, "Characteristics of Combustion Generated PM and NOx- a Case Study of Hostel Kitchens, India" , International Conference Indoor Air 2014 by :International Society for Indoor Air and Quality at University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong / / 2014

Dinesh Kumar and Ashish Srivastava , "Characterization of Hybrid Nanocomposite" , The 58th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (An International Conference) by :The Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at Bangalore / / 2014

SH Hong, Manviri Rani, M Jang, WJ Shim, "Chemicals of Concern in Plastic Marine Debris: Hexabromocyclododecanes in Expanded Polystyrene Products" , Annual Meeting of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization by :PICES and Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries at Yeosu, South Korea / / 2014

V Sharma, MM Sharma, BP Sharma, D Bhatnagar, "Circularly Polarized Broadband Triangular Microstrip Antenna With Slits for C Band" , 2014 International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT) by :IEEE at Ajmer, India / 438-441 / 2014

Ankit Vidyarthi, Namita Mittal, "CLAP- Closely Link Associated Pixel Based Extraction of Tumor in MR Images" , IEEE International Advance Computing Conference by :IEEE at Gurgaon / - / 2014

Bharathi M., Raj, D. and Dubey, R.N., "Codal Provisions for Design of Machine Foundations - a Review" , International Symposium Geohazards by :Nepal Geotechnical Society and ISSMGE at Kathmandu, Nepal / / 2014

Amita Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, H.P. Tiwari, "Coincident Demand Based Smart Long Run Incremental Cost Pricing Model" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering by :Poornima University at Jaipur / 1-6 / 2014

Bhupendra Singh Bhadoria, Urvashi Shukla, Amit M Joshi, "Comparative Analysis of Basis & Measurement Matrices for Non- Speech Audio Signal Using Compressive Sensing" , IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC-2014) by :IEEE at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India / / 2014

S M Dumne, S D Bharti and M K Shrimali, "Comparative Study of Seismically Excited Coupled Building With VF Damper and LR Bearing" , 9th Structural Engineering Convention by :Springer at IIT Delhi / 86-93 / 2014

Sumit Sharma, Himanshu Gupta, Sanjay Mathur, Jyotirmay Mathur , "Comparison of Different Type of Configurations for Photo-Voltaic Facade in Composite Climate Zone of India" , The 2nd Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association by :International Building Performance Simulation Association at Nagoya, Japan / / 2014

Sumit Gupta, G.S. Dangayach, A. K. Singh, "Continuous Process Improvement for Achieving Sustainability in Manufacturing" , Proceedings of All India Seminar on Sustainable Manufacturing by :The Institution of Engineers at Jaipur / / 2014

Kritika Saxena, Prerna Jain, Rohit Bhakar, "Coordinated GEP and TEP Integrating Correlated Solar Generation and Load" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering by :Poornima University at Jaipur / 1-6 / 2014

Pareek, Ritu and Preeti Bhatt, "Crime as Retribution in Angela Carter’s Short Stories" , International Conference on Queens of Crime by :Institute of English Studies, University of London at London / / 2014

babu B, Dinesh Gopalani, Manoj Singh Gaur, Meenakshi Tripathi, , "DAU- Distance-Utilization Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks" , India Conference (INDICON) (11th) by :IEEE at Pune, INDIA / 11-13 / 2014

Ramesh babu B, Dinesh Gopalani, Manoj Singh Gaur, Meenakshi Tripathi, "DAU- Distance-Utilization Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks" , 2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON) by :IEEE at Pune, India / 1-6 / 2014

S.Rajoriya, V.K.Saharan, "Degradation of Diclofenac Sodium Salt Using Hydrodynamic Cavitation" , 3rd International Conference on by :Gyan Bindu Publications at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi / 82-86 / 2014

Sujil A, Bhanu P.S, Ankita Gupta, R. Kumar, "Demand Side Management: A State of Art" , International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering and Technology by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2014

Gaurav Bhansali, R. Kumar, "Design Analysis and Dynamic Control of PEM Fuel Cell for Standalone Applications" , IEEE Students Conference on Electrical Electronics and Computer Sciences (SCEECS-2014) by :IEEE at Bhopal, India / / 2014

Sudhir Kashyap, "Design and Development of "Biased-Privileged" Scaffold Based Inhibitors of Lysine Methyltransferase" , International Conference on Chemical Biology: Disease Mechanism and Therapeutics (PP-247, IICB-2014) by :CSIR-IICT at Hyderabad / / 2014

Nikhil Deep Gupta, Vijay Janyani, "Design and Simulation of Light Trapping in Thin Film GaAs Solar Cell Using Photonic Crystals as Back Reflector" , 12th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, Photonics-2014 by :Optical Society of America at IIT Kharagpur, India / / 2014

Shanky Saxena, Ritu Sharma, "Design of Piezoelectric Cantilever Based MEMS Structure" , ICDCCOM-2014 by :IEEE at BITS Mesra, Ranchi / 3 / 2014

Manoj Gupta, R. Kumar, R. A. Gupta, "Detection of Power Quality Disturbances Using Symbolic Dynamics." , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2014) by :IEEE at Jaipur , India / / 2014

Dipika Singh, Diwakar Gautam, Mushtaq Ahmed , "Detection Techniques for Melanoma Diagnosis: A Performance Evaluation" , International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT) by :IEEE at Ajmer / 567-572 / 2014

Mali, H S, Jaikishan, "Developing Alternative Polymer Abrasive Gels for Abrasive Flow Finishing Process" , 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, (AIMTDR 2014) by :IIT, Guwahati at IIT, Guwahati / 1-10 / 2014

K. Lalwani, "Development of Radiation Damage Models for Irradiated Silicon Sensors Using TCAD" , PoS-TIPP2014 by :PoS at Amsterdam, the Netherlands / / 2014

Vashishtha M., Chakraborty S., "Diffusion of Moisture in an Oil-Paper-Air System Inside Power Transformer" , 10th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids by :International Conferences and Courses Limited at Paris, France / 134 / 2014

Rahul Sen, Upender Pandel, "Direct Reduction of Mill Scale by Low Grade Coal: An Industrial Waste Recover Approach" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering and Technology by :TKM College of Engineering and Technology,Kollam at Kollam / / 2014

R. A. Gupta, R. Kumar, Virendra Sangtani, Ajay Kr. Bansal, "Direct Torque Controlled Matrix Converter Fed Induction Motor Drive" , IEEE International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies by :IEEE at Thuckalay / / 2014

Pankaj Kumar, Nikhil Gupta, Anil Swarnkar and K. R. Niazi, "Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Optimal DG Placement in Distribution Network" , Eighteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) by :National Power Systems Conference at IIT Guwahati / / 2014

Ankit Vidyarthi, Namita Mittal,, "Disjoint Tree Based Clustering and Merging for Brain Tumor Extraction" , 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics (ICACNI) by :Springer at Kolkata, India / 1037- 1040 / 2014

L. Panwar, S. Reddy, R. Kumar , "Eco-Economic Sizing of Autonomous Hybrid Energy System (AHES) Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)" , IEEE International Conference on Advances in Green Energy, by :IEEE at Trivandrum, India / / 2014

Bhatt, Preeti, "Ecocriticism: Theorizing Environmental Concerns in Literature" , XVII International Conference of the Forum on Contemporary Theory and the International Lincoln Centre for American Studies by :Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda at Goa / / 2014

Bhoi,R., Mahajani,S.M., "Effect of Agitation Intensity and Emulsification on Transesterification of Sunflower Oil to Produce Biodiesel" , 23rd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE) by :APCRE at Bangkok / / 2014

Jyotirmaya Kar, S.K. Roy, G.G. Roy, "Effect of Beam Oscillation on the Electron Beam Welding of Copper to AISI-304 Stainless Steel" , First International Conference on Structural Integrity (ICONS-2014) by :Proceedings of International Conference on Structural Integrity at Kalpakkam, India / 237-244 / 2014

15. Prakash Kumar Singh, Suja George, "Effect of Calcination on Adsorption Capacity of Magnesium and Calcium Amended Activated Alumina Balls" , Cheminova by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2014

Ashish Srivastava and Dinesh Kumar , "Effects of Different Matrix Material on Elastic Properties of CNT Reinforced Nanocomposites" , International Conference on Multifunctional Materials, Structures and Applications (ICMMSA 2014) by :MNNIT Allahabad at Allabhad / / 2014

Mushtaq Ahmed, Diwakar Gautam, "Efficient Fuzzy Edge Detection Using Successive Otsu’s Method" , International Conference on Convergence of Technology (I2CT) 2014 by :IEEE at Pune, India / 5 / 2014

Tanu Varshney, Lavika Goel, Daya Gupta, VK Panchal, "Efficient Resolution of Mixed Pixels Using Bio-Inspired Heuristics" , 2014 International Conference on Reliability Optimization and Information Technology (ICROIT) by :IEEE at Faridabad, India / / 2014

Meena, "Electrochemical Studies of Mixed Ligand Complexes of Some Amino Acids and Ascorbic Acid by Voltammetric Technique" , National Conference on New Dimensions in Green Technology for Sustainable Development by :SKIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2014

Dheeraj K Johar, SatyanarayanPatel, Pradeep K Gupta, Dilip Sharma, Shyam Lal Soni and Rahul Goyal, "Energy and Exergy Analysis of Pebble Bed Heat Storage System" , 13th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies HES‐SO ‐ Geneva – Switzerland by :XIII International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies Geneva Switzerland at Geneva – Switzerland / 1-5 / 2014

Meenakshi Tripathi, Ramesh Babu Battula, Manoj Singh Gaur, Vijay Laxmi,, "Energy Efficient Clustered Routing for Wireless Sensor Network" , Energy Efficient LEACH-C Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network by :IEEE at China / 330-335 / 2014

Agarwal A., Chakraborty S., Vashishtha M., "Energy Potential From Agro Residue: An Economic, Intensive and Alternate Energy Solution" , National Conference on Materials and Their Energy Applications by :NCME at Jaipur / / 2014

Boola Choudhary and Dipti Sharma, "Energy-Water Nexus: Managing the Link Between Energy and Water " , 34th Annual Conference of the Rajasthan Economic Association by :Flying Pen Publications for Rajasthan Economic Association at St. Xavier College Jaipur / 19-27 / 2014

Daya Gupta, Lavika Goel, Ashish Chopra, "Enhanced Heuristic Approach for Travelling Tournament Problem Based on Extended Species Abundance Models of Biogeography" , 2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / / 2014

Vikas Sharma, Parmod Kumar, Geeta Rana, Rishi Vyas, K. Sachdev, Hitendra K. Malik, and K. Asokan, "Enhanced UV and Suppressed Defect Related Emission in Yttrium Doped Zinc Oxide" , AIP Conference Proceedings by :AIP Publishing at Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab, India / 1491 / 2014

M. Jang, Manviri Rani,Y.Song, S. Hong, G. Han, "Enrichment of Additive HBCDs in Mussels Attached to Expanded Polystyrene Buoy" , 8th SETAC World Congress by :SETAC at Basel (Switzerland) / / 2014

Smita Naval, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Sachin Raja, Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, Mauro Conti, "Environment-Reactive Malware Behavior: Detection and Categorization" , 7th International Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security (SETOP -14) Held in Conjunction With ESORICS by :Springer at Wroclaw, Poland / 167-182 / 2014

Rahul S, Sandeep Shrivastava, "Estimation of Life Cycle Energy of an Affordable Housing Unit in India- a Case Study" , Indian Conference on Life Cycle Management ILCM 2014 by :Indian Conference on Life Cycle Management ILCM 2014 at FICCI Delhi / / 2014

AI Shirkol, "Estimation of Sediment Yield Using GIS Technique" , 4th International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management by :- at Hyderabad / / 2014

Parvez Faruki, Ammar Bharmal, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Mauro Conti, "Evaluation of Android Anti Malware Techniques Against Dalvik Bytecode Obfuscation" , 12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2014), 24-26 Sept., Beijing, China by :IEEE at Beijing, China / / 2014

Shiv Ranjan Kumar, Amar Patnaik, I.K. Bhat, "Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Resin Based Dental Composite Materials Reinforced With Silane Treated Nanosize Al¬2O¬3 Filler Particles" , NIT-MTMI International Conference on Emerging Paradigms and Practices in Global Technology, Management & Business Issues by :NIT Hamirpur at NIT Hamirpur / / 2014

Sumit Gupta, G.S. Dangayach, A. K. Singh, "Evaluation of Sustainable Manufacturing Practices Using AHP in Electrical Panel Industries" , Proceedings of International Conference on Operations Management in Digital Economy by :Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / / 2014

M. Jang, Manviri Rani,Y.Song, S. Hong, W. Shim, "Expanded Polystyrene Buoy as a Moving Vector for Toxic Chemicals: Enrichment of HBCDs in Mussel Attached to Expanded Polystyrene Buoy" , Annual Meeting of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization by :PICES and Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries at Yeosu, South Korea / / 2014

SH Hong, Manviri Rani, M Jang, WJ Shim, "Expanded Polystyrene Debris as a Moving Source for Toxic Substances in the Marine Environment" , International Symposium on Source, Fate and Effects of Microplastics in Marine Environment by :GESAMP at Busan, Korea / / 2014

S K Soonee, V K Agrawal, P K Agarwal, S R Narsimhan, R K Porwal, V Pandey, "Experiences of Synchrophasor Initiative in India" , CIGRE 2014 by :CIGRE at Paris / / 2014

Rakesh Baghel, and Sushant Upadhyaya, "Experimental Study of Flow Characteristics in Archimedean Spiral Tube Coil" , Chemical Engineering - Emerging Dimensions and Challenges Ahead by :Chemcon at Chandigarh / / 2014

Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya and S.P.Chaurasia, "Experimental Study on Water Desalination by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , 67th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON- 2014) by :IIChE at Punjab University Chandigarh / / 2014

S. K. Agarwal, R. Kumar, "Explication of a Logistic Regression Driven Hypothesis to Strengthen Derivative Approach Driven Classification for Medical Diagnosis" , IEEE Students Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Sciences by :IEEE at Bhopal, India / / 2014

Arka Prokash Mazumdar, Ashok Singh Sairam and Joydeep Chandra, "Exploiting Node Heterogeneity for Time Synchronization in Low Power Sensor Networks" , Proceedings of Xerox Research Centre India (XRCI) by :Xerox Research Centre India at Bangalore, India / - / 2014

Ankur Pareek, Rakesh Jain, A.P.S. Rathore, "Exploring Linkages Between New Product Development and Supply Chain Management in Indian Automotive Supply Chain" , 3rd International Conference on Supply Chain Management on Best Practices in Supply Chain Management (BPSCM-2014) by :IIIE at Udaipur / / 2014

Smita Naval, Vijay Laxmi, Neha Gupta, Manoj Singh Gaur, Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, "Exploring Worm Behaviors Using DTW" , 7th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks. by :ACM at Glasgow, UK / 379-384 / 2014

Mukesh Kumar Gupta, Ghanshyam Singh, "Extend the Reach of Hybrid WDM PON Using Dicode Coded NRZ" , Thailand-Japan Microwave 2014 by :TJMW Conference Proceedings at Bangkok / 3 / 2014

Kailash Chand Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, H.P. Tiwari, "Extreme Nash Equilibrium of Polymatrix Game in Electricity Market" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering by :Poornima University at Jaipur / 1-6 / 2014

JHARNA GUPTA, MADHU AGARWAL, "Feasibility of Different Blends of Mustard and Soybean Waste Frying Oil for the Production of Biodiesel" , CHEMCON 2014 by :IICHE at Punjab Technical University,Chandigarh / / 2014

G. Narasimbha, B. Srinivas, P. R. Krishna, Sudhir Kashyap, "Ferrier Glycosylation of Glycals Using RuCl3" , 27th International Carbohydrate Symposium (I-P-40, ICS-27) by :Indian Institute of Science at Bangaluru / / 2014

R.K. Misra, Anurag Dixit and Harlal Singh Mali, "Finite Element (FE) Shear Modeling of Woven Fabric Textile Composite" , 3rdInternational Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization by :Elsevier at GRIET, Hyderabad / 1-10 / 2014

Dhotre S. T., Sharma, G., Goyal, R., Parikh, S K., "Finite Element Analysis of Seepage Through Soils: Aspect of Water Management" , Water Resource Management- Achievements & Challenges (WRM-AC2014) by :Jamia Millia Islamia at New Delhi / / 2014

Anurag Dixit, R.K. Misra, Harlal Singh Mali, "Finite Element Compression Modeling of 2x2 Twill Woven Fabric Textile Composite" , 3rdInternational Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization by :Elsevier at GRIET, Hyderabad / 1-10 / 2014

Chandra A., Singh J., Sangal V.K, "Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Agitated Vessel Equipped With 4-Blade Pitched Turbine." , CHEMCON 2014 by :Chemcon at CHEMCON / 950-951 / 2014

S. Gupta, E. S. Pilli, P. Mishra, S. Pundir, and R. C. Joshi, "Forensic Analysis of E-Mail Address Spoofing" , Fifth International Conference on Cloud Security and Big Data (Confluence 2014) by :IEEE at Noida, India / 1-6 / 2014

Bhatt, Preeti, "From Literature to Films: Adapting Shakespeare’s Plays for the Silver Screen" , International Seminar on Hindi Cinema: Samaj Aur Sarokar by :Rajasthan International Film Festival, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2014

R Choudhary, S Yadav, P Jain, MM Sharma, "Full Composite Fractal Antenna With Dual Band Used for Wireless Applications" , 2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / 2517-2520 / 2014

Neeraj Kanwar, Pawan Saini, Nikhil Gupta, Anil Swarnkar and K. R. Niazi, "Genetic Algorithm Based Method for Capacitor Placement Using New Sensitivity Based Approach" , Eighteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) by :National Power Systems Conference at IIT Guwahati / / 2014

Yash Kumar Mittal, "GIS as an Inovative Tool in Design and Planning of Infrastructure Projects" , 30th National Convention of Architectural Engineers and National Seminar on Inovation in Architectural Engineering by :Institute of Engineers, India at Rajasthan / / 2014

B. Srinivas, G. Narasimbha, P. R. Krishna, Sudhir Kashyap, "Glycosylation of Glycals via Ferrier Reaction" , 27th International Carbohydrate Symposium (I-P-88, ICS-27) by :Indian Institute of Science at Bangaluru / / 2014

Sharda Godara, Neeta Nain and Mushtaq Ahmed, "Handwritten Urdu Script Segmentation Using Hybrid Approach" , ICVGIP 2014 - Workshop on Document Analysis and Recognition, DAR 2014 by :ACM at IISC Bangalore / 204 - 208 / 2014

Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "Honing Communication Skills Through Pair and Group Work Strategies" , International Conference on English From Classes to Masses by :ELTAI ,India at Jaipur / / 2014

Prerna Jain, Rohit Bhakar, S.N. Singh, "Hybrid Differential Evolution With BBO for Gencos Multi Hourly Strategic Bidding" , Sixth India International Conference on Power Electronics by :IEEE at Kurukshetra / / 2014

Ritu Sharma, Anuradha Sharma, V. Sharma, Santosh C., "Hybrid Square Lattice Elliptical Air Hole Photonic Crystal Fiber With Doped Core " , 2nd International Conference on Advances in Electronics and Computing by :IRED at Zurich, Switzerland / 5 / 2014

Ritu Sharma, Anuradha Sharma, Varshali Sharma, Santosh Chaudhary, "Hybrid Square Lattice Photonic Crystal Fiber With Elliptical Air Hole and Doped Core" , Advances in Computing, Electronics and Communication - ACEC 2014 by :SEEK Digital Library at Zurich, Switzerland / 185-189 / 2014

Tiwari, Kuldeep, Sarkar, Archana and Goyal, Rohit, "Hydro -Morphological Study of Subansiri Watershed of Brahmaputra River" , National Conference on Emerging Trends in Water Quantity & Quality Management (ETWQQM - 2014) by :International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology at Poornima University, Jaipur / 143-146 / 2014

Dhiraj Mehta, Suja George, Poonam Mondal , "Hydroxyapatite Synthesis by Precipipation Method and Evaluation of Its Biodegradibility" , Conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering and Technology by :Jaipur National University at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2014

Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, "IGDT Based Genco’s Trading Decision Making in Multimarket Environment" , 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Washington DC / 1-6 / 2014

Singh, Surendra Prasad and Jat, Mahesh K., "Impact of Anthropogenic Effects on Climate Change by Using Advance Technology Method" , National Conference on Application of Geoinformatics in Rural, Urban & Climatic Studies by :IIT Mumbai at IIT Mumbai / 49-52 / 2014

C. Sheshnag, R. Kumar. , "Impact of Atmospheric Parameters on Power Performance of Wind Turbine. " , International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Energy by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / / 2014

R. Jain, M. L. Meena, G. S. Dangayach , "Impact of Ergonomic Intervention in Agriculture Sector: A Short Review" , XVIIIth Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management by :Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / 948-954 / 2014

J K Purohit and M L Mittal, "Impact of Information Technology and Integrated Supply Chain on Online Mass Customization Capability" , !8th Annual Conference of Society of Operations Management by :Society of Operations Management India at Roorkee (India) / / 2014

Gupta P. K., Dvivedi A. and Kumar P. , "Impact of Pulse Width on Hole Overcut in an Electrochemical Discharge Machining of Blind Holes" , XXIII International Conference on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM-XXIII) by :I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. at IIT Roorkee / 493-498 / 2014

Mohit Joshi, S.K. Soonee, V.K Agrawal, S.S. Barpanda, Vaishally Bhardwaj, "IMPLEMENTATION of POINT of CONNECTION TARIFF in INDIA" , CIGRE 2014 by :CIGRE at Paris / / 2014

Gaurav Sharma and Lava Bhargava, "Imply Logic Based on TiO 2 Memristor Model for Computational Circuits" , Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT), 2015 International Conference On. IEEE, 2015 by :IEEE at Kanya Kumari District Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India / 1-6 / 2014

R. P. Yadav, Garima Mathur, Sonjuhi Mrinalee and Honey Priya Garg , "Improved Radius Selection in Sphere Decoder for MIMO System" , International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development by :IEEE at New Delhi,INDIA / / 2014

Nivedita Kaul, AB Gupta, Mukesh Khare, Gaurav Singh, Jyotirmay Mathur, Sumit Khandelwal, "Indoor Air Quality in Different Microenvironments and Its Impact on Human Respiratory Health: A Case Study" , International Conference Indoor Air 2014 by :International Society for Indoor Air and Quality at University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong / / 2014

A A Kasar, Rupen Goswami, S D Bharti and M K Shrimali, "Influence of Joint Panel Zone on Seismic Behaviour of Beam to Column Connections " , 9th Structural Engineering Convention by :Springer at IIT Delhi / 73-80 / 2014

S. Prakash, G. Soni, S. Mittal, A. P. S. Rathore, "Information Risks Modeling in E- Business Supply Chain Using AHP" , Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences -2014 by :Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences Proceedings at Chandigarh / 1-5 / 2014

Surya Prakash, Gunjan Soni, Sameer Mittal and Ajay Pal Singh Rathore, "Information Risks Modeling in E-Business Supply Chain Using AHP" , Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences (RAECS), 2014 by :IEEE at UIT, Chandigarh / 1 - 5 / 2014

Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, "Integrated Risk Management Model for Portfolio Selection in Multiple Markets" , 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Washington DC / 1-6 / 2014

Man Mohan Siddh, Gunjan Soni, Gaurav Gadekar and Rakesh Jain, "Integrating Lean Six Sigma and Supply Chain Approach for Quality and Business Performance" , Int. Conf. on Business and Information Management (ICBIM) by :IEEE at Durgapur / 53-57 / 2014

Abhra Roy Chowdhury, Vinoth Vishwanathan, Bhuneshwar Prasad, Rajesh Kumar and S. K. Panda, "Inverse Dynamics Control of a Bio-Inspired Robotic-Fish Underwater Vehicle Propulsion Based on Lighthill Slender Body Theory" , OCEANS14 MTS/IEEE Conference by :IEEE at Taipei, Taiwan / / 2014

Ritu Sharma, Govind Kumar, Lalit Kumar Dusad, "Investigation of Optical Wavelength Division De-Multiplexer Based on Two Dimensional Photonic Crystal Structure" , ICIIS2014 by :IEEE at IIIT Gwalior / 4 / 2014

Raj Kumar Joshi, Pradeep Mathur, "Iron Mediated Unusual Organic Transformation Reactions of Terminal Alkynes." , Advances in Chemistry and Their Biological and Industrial Relevance 2014 by :Department of Chemistry, NIT Rourkela, Orisa at Rourkela / 1 / 2014

Nidhi Sharma, "Is Financial Inclusion a Prerequisite for Social Inclusion?" , National Conference on Contemporary Indian Society & Social Inclusion: Challenges & Strategies by :IIS University Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2014

Sandeep Shrivastava, A Chini, "IT Application to Support Energy Conservation in Construction Procurement " , Information Technology & CAD in Construction Industry by Indian Building Congress by :Information Technology & CAD in Construction Industry by Indian Building Congress at New Delhi, India / / 2014

S Yadav, R Choudhary, U Soni, B Peswani, MM Sharma, "Koch Curve Fractal Antenna for Wi-MAX and C-Band Wireless Applications" , 2014 5th International Conference - Confluence the Next Generation Information Technology Summit (Confluence) by :IEEE at Noida, India / 490-494 / 2014

51. P V Ramana,Pooja T S, "Lattice Modelling of Fracture Process in Fibre Reinforced Concrete 3D Structures" , SEC 2014 by :IIT Delhi at Delhi / 01 / 2014

Manviri Rani, WJ Shim, M Jang, SH Hong, "Leaching Characteristics of Hexabromocyclododecane From Expanded Polystyrene Buoy Fragments in Marine Water" , Annual Meeting of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization by :PICES and Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries at Yeosu, South Korea / / 2014

Dr Rakesh Jain, "Lean Manufacturing in the Process Industry" , 56 Th National Convention of IIIE by :IIIE at Visakhapatnam / 120-23 / 2014

D. S. Rathore, D. Bordoloi, E. S. Pilli, and M. C. Govil, "Levelsync: A Hierarchical Time Synchronization Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks" , 7th International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3-2014) by :IEEE at Noida, India / 276-282 / 2014

MM Garg and YV Hote, "Leverrier Algorithm Based Reduced Order Modeling of Dc-Dc Converters" , IEEE 6th India Int. Conf. on Power Electronics (IICPE-2014) by :IEEE at NIT Kurukshetra, India / 1-6 / 2014

Vishakha Baharwani, Neetu Meena, Alka Dubey, Deepak Sharma, Urmila Brighu, Jyotirmay Mathur , "Life Cycle Inventory and Assessment of Different Solar Photovoltaic Systems" , Power and Energy Systems Conference: Towards Sustainable Energy 2014 by :IEEE at Bangalore / / 2014

Subhash Panwar, Mushtaq Ahamed, Neeta Nain , "Ligature Segmentation Approach for Urdu Handwritten Text Documents" , Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies -ICTCS14 by :ACM at SGI, Udaipur / 1-5 / 2014

P V Ramana, "Linear Problems by Stochastic Finite Element Method Approach" , SEC by :IIT Delhi at Delhi / 01 / 2014

Chhagan Lal, V. Laxmi, M.S.Gaur, Sakshi Malpani, "Link Stability Driven Enhancement of QoE of Video Streaming in MANETs" , IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks by :IEEE at Shanghai, China / / 2014

Vibhuti Singh Shekhawat and Priyanka Jain, "Look East Policy and General Elections 2014: A Critical Review”. " , Whither Indian Democracy and State: Towards General Election 2014 by :Unknown at Department of Political Science, Delhi College of / - / 2014

Amit Joshi, Dr, Vivekanand Mishra, Prof. R.M. Patrikar, "Low Complexity Hardware Implementation of Quantization and CAVLC for H.264 Encoder" , IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC-2014) by :IEEE at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India / / 2014

Vibhuti Singh Shekhawat, "Macau- a Bridge Between East and West" , The Relations Between Macao and the United States in the Global Perspective by :Under Print at The Faculty of Social Sciences & the Centre for Ma / - / 2014

Bhatt, Preeti, "Mastering the World: The Problem of Identity in Angela Carter’s ‘Master’ and Doris Lessing’s ‘Our Friend Judith" , International Conference on Identity, Ecology and Culture in Twentieth Century Literatures by :University of Rajasthan, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2014

MM Garg and MK Pathak, "Matlab/Simulink Based Model of Non-Ideal Zeta Converter" , 4th International Conf. on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES-2014) by :ICPES at Singapore / 1-5 / 2014

Vikas Kukshal, Swati Gangwar, Amar Patnaik, I.K. Bhat, "Mechanical Characterization of Nano TiO2 Particle Reinforced A384 Aluminium Alloy Composites" , NIT-MTMI International Conference on Emerging Paradigms and Practices in Global Technology, Management & Business Issues by :NIT Hamirpur at NIT Hamirpur / / 2014

H.C. Dey, Jyotirmaya Kar, G.G. Roy, S.K. Albert, A.K. Bhaduri, "Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Characterization of Electron Beam Weld Joint of Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel" , International Institute of Welding-International Welding Congress 2014 (IC 2014) by :The Indian Institute of Welding at New Delhi, India / 209-216 / 2014

PAWAN KALLA , "Mechanical Properties of Concrete Containing Wollastonite-Fly Ash- Silica Fume Combination " , Advance Trends in Engineering & Technology ICATET 2014 by :DV PUBLICATION at Arya Engineering College, Jaipur / / 2014

Ram Dayal, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, "MELTING, SOLIDIFICATION and COALESCENCE of METALLIC PARTICLES INVOKED by LASER HEATING" , 15th International Heat Transfer Conference by :Begell House Inc. at Kypto, Japan / / 2014

Hagen LH, Vivekanand V, Pope PB, Eijsink V, Horn SJ , "Microbial Community Dynamics in a Biogas Process" , 50th Contact Meeting, Norwegian Biochemical Society. Røros, Norway by :Norwegian Biochemical Society at Røros, Norway / / 2014

S Yadav, B Peswani, R Choudhury, MM Sharma, "Miniaturized Band Pass Double-Layered Frequency Selective Superstrate for Wi-Max Applications" , 2014 IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology and Applications (ISWTA) by :IEEE at Kota Kinabalu, Malasiya / 182-187 / 2014

A Agarwal and M Sharma , "Mobile Number Portability and Factors Affecting Switching Intention: A Literature Review" , XVIII Annual Conference of the Society of Operations Management by : IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / / 2014

Gupta T.C., K. Gupta, "Modeling of Flexible Coupling to Connect Misaligned Rotors Supported on Ball Bearings" , ASME Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition by :ASME-IGTI at Dűsseldorf, Germany / 23 / 2014

Mali, H S, Unune, D R, Tiwari, S, "Modelling and Prediction of Material Removal Rate in Electrical Discharge Diamond Surface Grinding Process of Inconel-718" , 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, (AIMTDR 2014) by :IIT, Guwahati at IIT, Guwahati / 1-10 / 2014

Divesh Kumar, and Zillur Rahman, "Modelling the Barriers of Sustainable Supply Chain" , 7th ICCB and GLOGIF 14 by :Curtin University and Global Flexible System Management at Singapore / / 2014

Manviri Rani, WJ Shim, M Jang, SH Hong, "Monitoring of Traditional and Emerging BFRs in Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) From Various Countries" , Annual Meeting of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization by :PICES and Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries at Yeosu, South Korea / / 2014

Sumanta Kumar Meher and G. Ranga Rao, "Morphologically Tuned Nanostructured Metal Oxides as Better Promoters of Pt/C for Alcohol Electro-Oxidation in Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell (DAFC) Applications" , International Conference on Nano Science and Technology (ICONSAT-2014) by :Institute of Nano Science and Technology at Panjab University, Chandigarh / 168 / 2014

Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Morphology Tuning of Nanostructured Metal Oxides for Electrochemical Energy Storage Applications" , National Seminar on Recent Advances in Materials Sciences (RAIMS-2014) by :Veer Surendra Sai University and Technology Burla at Burla, Odisha / 9-10 / 2014

Pareek, Ritu and Preeti Bhatt, "Motivation: A Crucial Component of Second Language Learning" , International Conference on English – From Classes to the Masses by :ELTAI and VGU Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2014

N. Satyanarayana and S.Janardhanan, "Multirate Output Functional Observer in Linear Feedback Systems for Unknown Inputs" , American Control Conference by :IEEE at Portland, OR, USA / 451-456 / 2014

C. Periasamy, G. Singh, V. Janyani, "Nanostructured ZnO Thin Films for Nanophotonics Device Applications" , IKSS 2014 by :Polish Academy of Science at Krutyn / 11 / 2014

M. M. Agarwal, M. C. Govil and A. K. Jhankal, "Nature Inspired Routing Protocols to Optimize the Performance of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks" , National Conference on Advance Computing and Communication for Technologies by :- at Jaipur / / 2014

Goyal, Rohit, "NBA Accreditation of UG and PG Programmes: Case Study of MNIT Jaipur" , National Seminar on Quality Assurance in Technical Education by :Bhaddal Institutes, Ropar at Ropar / / 2014

Naresh Meena, Amit M Joshi, "New Power Gated SRAM Cell in 90nm CMOS Technology With Low Leakage Current and High Data Stability for Sleep Mode (Best Paper Award)" , IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC-2014) by :IEEE at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India / / 2014

Bhatt, Preeti, "Newspaper Clippings as a Resource for Language Teaching" , International Conference on English – From Classes to the Masses by :ELTAI and VGU Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2014

Mahesh Kumar Paliwal and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Ni(OH)2 Mesoflowers: Green Synthesis, Characterization and Anion Induced Morphology Tuning" , National Conference on Nano- & Functional Material (NFM-2014) by :BITS Pilani at Birla Institute of Science & Technology Pilani / / 2014

Sandeep Kumar, Sanjay Motia, Kuldeep Singh , "Novel Extension of Binary Constraint Method for Automated Frequency Assignment: Application to Military Battlefield Environment" , International Symposium on Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems (SIRS-2014) by :Springer at Trivandrum, India / / 2014

V J Panicker, Bhavesh Shrimali, Vishisht Bhaiya, S D Bharti and M K Shrimali, "Numerical Analysis of Elastomeric Isolation System" , 9th Structural Engineering Convention by :Springer at IIT Delhi / 228-235 / 2014

Vashishtha M., Sharma N., "Nutrient Mist Reactor: A Remarkable New Approach to Grow Hairy Roots in Reactor" , International Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology by :Institute of Research and Journals at Goa, India / 35-38 / 2014

Shilpi Saxena, Satyendra singh Chouhan, "OFDTs:-An Optimally Fair Dynamic Task Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Environment"" , 7th International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3-2014) by :IEEE at Noida, India / 583-588 / 2014

Satish Sharma and AR Abhyankar, "Optimal Bidding Strategies of GENCO Under Uncertain Information of Rivals Using CVaR" , 2014 Eighteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) by :IEEE at Guwahati, India / / 2014

Ankush Tandon, D. Saxena, "Optimal Reconfiguration of Electrical Distribution Network Using Selective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm" , ICPCES 2014 - Third International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems by :IEEE at MNNIT Allahabad, India / / 2014

Vaiju Kalkhambkar, Rajesh Kumar, Rohit Bhakar, "Optimal Sizing of PV Battery for Loss Reduction and Intermittency Mitigation" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering by :Poornima University at Jaipur / 1-6 / 2014

V. Kalkhambkar, R. Kumar, R. Bhakar., "Optimal Sizing of Solar Photovoltaic Generation and Battery Energy Storage" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2014) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2014

Ayush Mathur, Rakesh Jain , "Optimization of Container Yard Operations in an Indian Automotive Industry: A Case Study" , 3rd International Conference on Supply Chain Management on Best Practices in Supply Chain Management (BPSCM-2014) by :IIIE at Udaipur / / 2014

Jain, Rahul, S. Gupta, G. S. Dangayach, "Optimization of Labour Productivity Using MOST" , NITIE Mumbai by :NITIE Mumbai at Mumbai / / 2014

Ashish Kumar Tripathi, Kapil Sharma, "Optimizing Testing Efforts Based on Change Proneness Through Machine Learning Techniques" , PIICON 2014 by :IEEE at Delhi / 1-4 / 2014

Sumit Sharma, Mayuri Rajput, Sanjay Mathur, Jyotirmay Mathur, "Optimum Shading Design in Building Integrated Photo Voltaic Overhang" , The 2nd Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association by :International Building Performance Simulation Association at Nagoya, Japan / 49 / 2014

Vivek K A, Agrawal G. D , "Organic Solar Cells: Design, Architecture and Novel Concept" , Energy Technology, Power Engineering and Environmental Sustainability by :Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi at New Delhi / / 2014

Barun Jana and Werner Uhl, "Organoelement Peroxides of Aluminum, Gallium and Indium With Reducing E-C Bonds in Close Proximity to the Peroxide Functionality" , SCOOM-2014 by :International Conference on Structural Chemistry of Molecules and Materials at Calcutta University / / 2014

V. C. Srivastava, G. Singh, S. Sinha, V. Subbaramaiah, "Oxidation of Toluene Using Activated Alumina Based Catalyst" , 2nd International Conference on Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Issues by :International Conference on Oil, Gas and Petrochemical at Kuala Lumpur / 70-73 / 2014

Rajeev Agrawal, Abhinav Goyal, Debjani Sambasivam, Arya K Bhattacharya, "Parallelization of Industrial Process Control Program Based on the Technique of Differential Evolution Using Multi-Threading/ DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2014.7058697" , 2014 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (Scopus Indexed) by :IEEE at Malayasia / 546-550 / 2014

A A Kasar, R Goswami, S D Bharti and M K Shrimali, "Parametric Analysis of Moment Connection Based on Beam-to-Column Strength Ratio" , 15th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering by :Elite Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. at IIT Roorkee / 621-632 / 2014

M. J. Pawar, Ravindra Nagar, Amar Patnaik, "Parametric Optimizations for Wind Turbine Blade Applications: A Statistical Analysis" , NIT-MTMI International Conference on Emerging Paradigms and Practices in Global Technology, Management & Business Issues by :NIT Hamirpur at NIT Hamirpur / / 2014

Vikash Gautam, Amar Patnaik, I.K.Bhat, "Parametric Studies of Slurry Erosion Wear of Hydraulic Turbine Blades Using Taguchi Technique" , NIT-MTMI International Conference on Emerging Paradigms and Practices in Global Technology, Management & Business Issues by :NIT Hamirpur at NIT Hamirpur / / 2014

Shweta Sharma, "Perception of Risk Factors in Indian Retail Banking: An Analysis Towards Financial Management" , Exploring New Paradigms in Business by :CUJ at Ranchi / / 2014

Gargi Sharma, Priya, Urmila Brighu, "Performance Analysis of Vertical Upflow Constructed Wetland for Secondary Treated Effluent" , ICESD by :Proceedings of the ICESD at Singapore / / 2014

Raj, D., Bharathi, M. and Prajapati, G.I. , "Performance Based Seismic Analysis of Symmetric RC Building Considering Soil Structure Interaction" , Geotechnical Engineering Practice and Sustainable Infrastructure Development by :GEPSID at GNDEC Ludhiana / / 2014

S M Dumne, S D Bharti and M K Shrimali, "Performance Evaluation of Seismic Protective Control System for RC Framed Building" , 15th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering by :Elite Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. at IIT Roorkee / 760-768 / 2014

Aditya Rana, Sarbjeet Singh and Pawan Kalla , "Permeability and Carbonation Resistance of Wollastonite, Fly Ash and Silica Fume Added Concret" , Innovative Advancements in Engineering and Technology (IAET) by :Innovative Advancements in Engineering and Technology IAET at Jaipur National University, Jaipur. / / 2014

Aditya Rana, Sarbjeet Singh and Pawan Kalla, "Permeability and Carbonation Resistance of Wollastonite, Fly Ash and Silica Fume Added Concrete" , Conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering and Technology by :Jaipur National University at Jaipur / 4 / 2014

Swati Gangwar, Amar Patnaik, I.K.Bhat, "Physical ,Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Particulate Filled Metal Alloy Composites for Bearing Applications: A Review" , International Conference on Newest Drifts in Mechanical Engineering by :Maharishi Markandeshwar University at Mullana, Ambala, Haryana / / 2014

Pundir, A. and Singh, K., "PID Controller Design for Cascade CSTRs: A Model Reduction Approach" , CHEMCON-2014 by :IIChE at Chandigarh / / 2014

SH Hong, Manviri Rani, M Jang, WJ Shim, "Plastic Debris as a Vector in Transporting Toxic Additive Chemicals in the Marine Environment: Hexabromocyclododecanes in Expanded Polystyrene Fragments" , International Workshop on Fate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems by :Plouzane-France at France / 32-33 / 2014

Seema Yardi, D.Boolchandani, Shantanu Bhattacharya, "Porous Polydimethyl Siloxane (PDMS)- Acrydine Orange (AO) as a Biomaterial in Opto-Bio-Sensing." , International Symposium on Metallurgy , Material Science and Engineering ISRS-2014 by :IEEE at IIT Madras / / 2014

SL Soni, Dilip Sharma, Saurabh Kumar, Debasmita bal, "Possibility to Use Hydrogen Obtained From Water Electrolysis as a Fuel Additive in a Vehicle and Its Integration With Energy Recovery Processes" , International Conference on Environment and Energy (ICEE-2014), JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad by :International Conference on Environment and Energy JNTU Hyderabad at JNTU, Hyderabad / / 2014

S. Reddy, L. Panwar, R. Kumar, "Potential Benefits of Electric Vehicle Deployment as Responsive Reserve in Unit Commitment" , 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS2014) by :IEEE at Gwalior, India / / 2014

R Charan, M K Shrimali and S D Bharti, "Prediction of Behaviour of a Building During Earthquake Using Artificial Neural Network" , 15th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering by :Elite Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. at IIT Roorkee / 542-549 / 2014

Vishisht Bhaiya, Bhavesh Shrimali, S D Bharti and M K Shrimali, "Prediction of Seismic Response Using Artificial Neural Networks" , 9th Structural Engineering Convention by :Springer at IIT Delhi / 271-279 / 2014

Abhay Dinker, Madhu Agarwal and G.D. Agarwal, "Preparation of Expanded Graphite and Stearic Acid for Low Temperature Thermal Storage" , CHEMCON-2014 by :IIChE at Chandigarh / / 2014

Md Oayes Midda and A.K. Suresh, "Preparation of Thin Polyfurfuryl Alcohol Layer by in-Situ Acid Catalyzed Polymerization on Asymmetric Polysulfone Membrane and O2/N2 Gas Mixture Separation Study" , Research Scholars Symposium by :- at IIT Bombay / / 2014

Ankit Vidyarthi, Namita Mittal, "Probabilistic Mutual Information Based Extraction of Malignant Brain Tumors in MR Images (Accepted)" , 9th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) by :IEEE at Gwalior, India / - / 2014

L. Panwar, S. Reddy, R. Kumar, "Productive Use of Distributed Renewable Generation Source With Electric Vehicle in Smart Grid" , PIICON 2014 by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2014

M. K. Sain, M. L. Meena, G. S. Dangayach, "Productivity Enhancement and Cost Benefits Through Ergonomic Intervention in Small Scale Industries: A Review" , XVIIIth Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management by :Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / 955-960 / 2014

Vaiju Kalkhambkar, Rajesh Kumar, Rohit Bhakar, "PV-Battery Placement and Sizing for Loss Reduction and Voltage Profile Improvement" , 5th International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering-Recent Advances by :IEEE at Roorkee, India / / 2014

Gunwant Sharma, "Rainfall Runoff Regression Model for Morel Catchments in Banas River Basins" , 3rd International Conference on " Advance Trends in Engineering, Technology and Research" by :International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering, Technology and Research at BKIT Kota / 1 / 2014

Samir Chandra Saxena, Sushil Kumar Soonee, Harish Rathour, "Ramp Management and Integration of Renewables" , International Seminar on Impact of Generation From Renewable Sources on Conventional Power Generation and Grid by :International Seminar on Impact of Generation From Renewable Sources on Conventional Power Generatio at New Delhi, India / / 2014

Ankita Gupta, R. Kumar, "Realization of Load Based Pricing With Penetration of Renewable Generation for a Household" , PIICON 2014 by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2014

Ojha, C.S.P., Arora, H., Ojha, P., and Shukla, A.K. , "Rejuvenation of River Ganga: Technical and Societal Issues." , HYDRO-2014 Conference by :Indian Society of Hydraulics, and MANIT Bhopal, India at MANIT Bhopal, India / 17 / 2014

Manviri Rani, WJ Shim, SH Hong, M Jang, GM Han, "Releasing of Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) From Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Buoy in Marine Water: A Field Study" , 8th SETAC World Congress by :SETAC at Basel (Switzerland) / / 2014

Prakash Kumar Singh, Suja George, "Removal of Fluoride From Acid Treated Water by Using Calcite" , Conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering and Technology by :Jaipur National University at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2014

Madhu Agarwal and Deepak Patel, "Removal of Manganese From Water Using Iron Zero (Fe0) Nanoparticles" , 3rd International Renewable Energy and Environment Conference (IREEC-2014) by :World Academy of Research and Publications at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / 123-128 / 2014

Jana, S.K. and Yadav, V., "Removal of Nitrobenzene From Aqueous Solutions Using Cation Exchange Resin" , Harnessing Engineering Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development by :Conference Proceedings at SSBUICET, Punjab University, Punjab / 50 / 2014

Khandelwal, Pankaj, Tiwari, Kuldeep and Goyal, Rohit, "Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting as Part of IWRM Plan of Khuskera-Bhiwari Neemrana Investment Region" , National Conference on Emerging Trends in Water Quantity & Quality Management (ETWQQM - 2014) by :International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology at Poornima University, Jaipur / 199-203 / 2014

K. Pareek, R. Rohan, H. Cheng, K P Loh, "Room Temperature Hydrogen Physisorption on Polymeric Organo Iron Complex" , 8th Singapore International Chemical Conference (SICC-8) by :National University of Singapore at National University of Singapore / / 2014

K. Pareek, H. Cheng, "Room Temperature Hydrogen Storage via Physisorption in Highly Cross Linked Organo-Metal Complex" , 41st International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC-41) by :ICCC at Singapore / / 2014

Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Rotor Trajectory Index for Transient Security Assessment Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network" , 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Washington D.C., USA. / -- / 2014

S. Chittela, T. R. Reddy, P. R. Krishna, Sudhir Kashyap, "Ru-Catalyzed Synthesis of Mannopyranosides in " , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, (EP-27, ICETCPS-2014) by :CSIR-IICT at Hyderabad / 27 / 2014

B. Srinivas, T. R. Reddy, P. R. Krishna, Sudhir Kashyap, "RuCl3 Catalyzed Glycosylation: Stereoselective Synthesis of 2,3-Unsaturated O- and C-Glycosides" , International Symposium on Natural Inspired Initiatives in Chemical Trend (PP-177, NIICT-2014) by :CSIR-IICT at Hyderabad / / 2014

Chakraborty S., Vashishtha M., Pandit P., "Scope of Chemical Engineering in Optimized Performance of Power Transformer" , National Conference on Innovations and Developments in Chemical Technology by :Conference Proceedings at New Delhi, India / 110-113 / 2014

Deepti Khanduja and Neeta Nain, "Script Independent Feature Set for Handwritten Text Recognition" , 37th IEEE International Convention, MIPRO2014, Conference on Intelligent Systems by :IEEE at Croatia / 1397-1402 / 2014

SM Dumne, S D Bharti and M K Shrimali, "Seismic Performance of Coupled Building Connected by Semic-Active MR Dampers Involving Resilient_friction Base Isolator" , 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICRTET by :Elsevier at (Pune) India / 600-607 / 2014

Aditya Tyagi, Monica Sharma, "Selection of Best Process Improvement Technique Using an AHP Model" , Proceedings of Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, by :IIIE at Jaipur / / 2014

Manju Singh, "Session Chair" , International Conference "Creating Opportunities in Emerging Markets- a Global Approach", by :SCMS Noida at Noida / - / 2014

Sreenu Sreekumar, Sujil A, Jatin Verma, "Short Term Load Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Networks: A State of Art" , 3rd International Conference on Advance Trend in Engineering, Technology and Research (ICATETR-2014) by :IEEE at Kota,India / / 2014

Sheshnag Chitlur, Saurabh Kumar Agarwal, R. Kumar, "Short Term Wind Forecasting Using Logistic Regression Driven Hypothesis in Artificial Neural Network" , PIICON 2014 by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2014

K. Lalwani, "Simulation of Irradiated Si Detectors" , POS (Vertex-2014) by :PoS at Macha Lake, the Czech Republic / / 2014

K. Lalwani, "Simulations of Inter-Strip Capacitance and Resistance for the Design of the CMS Tracker Upgrade " , PoS-TIPP-2014 by :PoS at Amsterdam, the Netherlands / / 2014

R. Rohan, K. Pareek, H. Cheng, "Single Ion Conductiong Polymeric Electrolyte for High Charge-Discharge Rate and Wide Temperature Range Application in Li Ion Batteries" , 8th Singapore International Chemical Conference (SICC-8) by :National University of Singapore at National University of Singapore / / 2014

N. Sandeep, M. K. Murthy and P. S. Kulkarni, "Single-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System Based on Ripple Correlation Control Maximum Power Point Tracking" , Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS) by :IEEE at MANIT Bhopal / / 2014

Amita Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, H.P. Tiwari, "Smart Network Pricing Based on Long Run Incremental Cost Pricing Model" , 18th National Power Systems Conference by :IEEE at Guwahati / / 2014

Jinesh K. Jain, M. P. Singh, G.S. Dangayach, Dhananjay Chauhan, "Smoothness Running of Train on Uneven Tracks With the Help of AIR SPRINGS" , Advances in Mechanical ,Material, Manufacturing, Automobile, Aeronautical Engineering and Applied Physics 2014 by :Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi at Delhi / / 2014

N. Gupta, P. Goyal and D. Patel, "Solar Energy in India: Present Scenario and Future Perspectives" , 2nd International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICATET-2014) by :Arya College of Engineering & IT Jaipur at Jaipur / 282-287 / 2014

Manoj Kumar Diwakar, Pranab Kumar Mohapatra and Shivam Tripathi, "SPH Simulation of Impact of a Surge on a Wall." , European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 by :European Geosciences Union at Vienna, Austria / / 2014

Mukesh Kumar Gupta, Mahesh Chand Govil , Girdhari Singh , "Static Analysis Approaches to Detect SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities in Web Applications: A Survey " , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering by :IEEE at India / 1-5 / 2014

T. R. Reddy, B. Srinivas, P. R. Krishna, Sudhir Kashyap, "Stereoselective Synthesis of "Pseudo-Glycals": Scope of Cu(OTf)2 as Economical and Environmental-Friendly Catalyst" , International Symposium on Natural Inspired Initiatives in Chemical Trend (PP-178, NIICT-2014) by :CSIR-IICT at Hyderabad / / 2014

Kailash Chand Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, N.P. Padhy, "Stochastic Cournot Model for Wind Power Trading in Electricity Markets" , 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Washington DC / 1-6 / 2014

Kailash Chand Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, H.P. Tiwari , "Stochastic EPEC Approach for Wind Power Trading in Competitive Electricity Market" , 18th National Power Systems Conference by :IEEE at Guwahati / / 2014

P V Ramana, "Stochastic Finite Element Method Approach for Different Problems" , ICGTI by :ICGTI at Mumbai / 01 / 2014

Sharma Prakash, Reddy Srikanth, Shrivastava Sandeep, Kumar Rajesh, "Strategic Plug Load Management System for Smart Buildings With Rooftop Photovoltaic System" , 12th IEEE International Conference Electronics, Energy ,Environment, Communication, Computer, Control, INDICON 2015 by :12th IEEE International Conference Electronics, Energy ,Environment, Communication, Computer, Contro at New Delhi, India / / 2014

Nikhil Deep Gupta, Vijay Janyani, "Study and Possible Modifications of Various Designs for Photonic Crystals Based Thin Film Solar Cells" , IONS-Asia 6 by :International OSA Network of Students at IIT Kharagpur / 56-58 / 2014

Kuldeep, J.Carpenter, V.K.Saharan, "Study of Cavity Dynamics in a Hydrodynamic Cavitation Reactor" , 3rd International Conference on Energy Technology, Power Engineering & Environmental Sustainability by :Gyan Bindu Publications at Jawaharlal Nehru University / 37-43 / 2014

Sunanda Sinha, S.S.Chandel, "Study of Fixed Tilt and Tracking Based PV- Wind Hybrid Energy System" , International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology (ICAMET) 2014 by :ICAMET at IIEST Shibpur, Howrah, West Bengal, India , / / 2014

Jyoti Jain, Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya, S.P.Chaurasia, "Study of Process Parameters for Nitrate Removal by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , National Conference on Innovation and Development in Chemical Technology by :Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University at Dwarka, New Delhi / / 2014

Priyansha Mehra, Ramesh Chandra Gupta and Anurag Misra, "Suitability of Jarosite as Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates in Concrete" , Fourth International FIB Congress 2014 on “Improving Performance of Concrete Structures” by :International Federation of Structural Concrete and the Institution of Engineers, Mumbai, India at Mumbai, India / 404 / 2014

Rajeev Agrawal, Abhinav Goyal, Mohammad Rumman, Shubham Mehra, "Supply Chain Optimization Using Linear Programming Model and GIS to Reduce the Overall Freight Cost" , International Conference on Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineering: Advancement and Current Trends by :IC IMPACT at Bhopal / 574-580 / 2014

Yogesh Kumar Meena, Ashish Jain, Dinesh Gopalani, "Survey on Graph and Cluster Based Approaches in Multi-Document Text Summarization " , International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering by :IEEE at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2014

Yogesh Kumar Meena, Ashish Jain, Dinesh Gopalani, "Survey on Graph and Cluster Based Approaches in Multi-Document Text Summarization" , IEEE International Conference on I C R a I E - 2 0 1 4 by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 1-5 / 2014

M Kumar, K Pandey, MM Sharma, "Survey on Wireless Sensor Networks Using MAC Protocol" , 2014 9th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS) by :IEEE at Gwalior, India / 01-06 / 2014

Gireendra Kumar and Gaurav Raheja, "Sustainability in Architecture – a Concept of Dynamic Design Approach" , National Conference on Sustainable Neighbourhoods: Theories & Practices by :Excellent Publishing House, New Delhi at MNIT Jaipur / 43-49 / 2014

Raj Kumar Joshi, "Sustainable Metal Catalysis With Iron: From Rust to a Rising Star?. " , Recent Challenges in Chemical and Biological Sciences by :Department of Science and Humanaties, Vignan University, Vadlamudi, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh at Valdamudi Guntur / 1 / 2014

Singh B, Srivastava, S. Gupta, A. , "Sustainable Pavement Materials: A Review" , Proc., of International Seminar on Road Sustainability and Green Technology by :Proc., of International Seminar on Road Sustainability and Green Technology at Bali, Indonesia / / 2014

Sharma, M,Chaturvedi, U,Premi, H, "Sustainable Supply Chain Management: A Literature Review" , 3rd International Conference on Supply Chain Management on Best Practices in Supply Chain Management (BPSCM-2014) by :IIIE at Udaipur / 24 / 2014

Agrawal V., Chandwani V. and Nagar R., "Swarm Intelligence Assisted Optimization in Structural Engineering : A Review" , International Conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering & Technology by :IAET at Jaipur / / 2014

Dhiraj Mehta, Poonam Mondal, Suja George, "Synthesis of Biomaterial Hydroxyapatite and Effect of Calcination on Its Structure" , International Conference in Exploring Basic & Applied Sciences for Next Generation Frontiers by :Elsevier at Jalandhar / 207-209 / 2014

S. Prabhakar, P. R. Krishna, Sudhir Kashyap, "Synthesis of C-Glycosides via Ferrier Reaction Using Zn(OTf)2" , 27th International Carbohydrate Symposium (I-P-40, ICS-27) by :Indian Institute of Science at Bangaluru / / 2014

Poonam Mondal, Suja George and Dhiraj Mehta, "Synthesis of Calcia-Magnesia Adsorbent (CMA) and Utilizing It for Defluoridation of Drinking Water" , International Conference in Exploring Basic & Applied Sciences for Next Generation Frontiers by :Elsevier at Jalandhar, Punjab / 204-306 / 2014

Parimala S., Suja George, "Synthesis of Nano-Alumina for Defluoridation of Water" , Cheminova by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2014

S. Prakash, S. Mittal, G. Soni, A. P. S. Rathore, "Systematically Investigating Literature of Supply Chain Risk Management: A Review for Risk Prioritisation" , 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, (AIMTDR 2014) by :IIT, Guwahati at IIT Guwahati / / 2014

Anirban Dutta, A Thamizhavel, Anjan K Gupta, "Temperature Dependent Tunneling Study of CaFe1.96Ni0.04As2 Single Crystals" , AIP Conference Proceedings by :AIP Publishing at DAE-Solid State Physics Symposium / 1657-1659 / 2014

Mayank Nirbhay, Anurag Dixit, R.K. Misra, Harlal Singh Mali, "Tensile Test Simulation of CFRP Test Specimen Using Finite Elements" , International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, (AMME) by :Elsevier at NIT Surathkal. / 1-10 / 2014

Pareek, Ritu, and Preeti Bhatt, "Terrorism and Its Psycho-Social Impact" , National Conference on Interrogating Terrorism: Role of Media and Literature by :S.S. Jain Subodh P.G. College, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2014

Ankit Vidyarthi, Namita Mittal, Ankita Kansal, "Text and Non-Text Region Identification Using Texture and Connected Components" , International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT) by :IEEE at Ajmer, India / 604-609 / 2014

P V Ramana,Surendra nath A, "The Application of DIC & AE Approaches " , ITMMAAAE by :Jaipur National University at Jaipur / 01 / 2014

P V Ramana, "The Characterization Structures Using an Alternative Material" , SEC by :IIT Delhi at Delhi / 01 / 2014

P V Ramana ,Vivek Tanwar, "The Emerging Solution for Partial Differential Problems" , SEC 2014 by :IIT Delhi at Delhi / 01 / 2014

P V Ramana,Surendra Nath A, "The Health Monitoring Prescription by DIC Method" , SEC 2014 by :IIT Delhi at Delhi / 01 / 2014

P V ramana, S N Arigela and M K Shrimali, "The Health Monitoring Prescription by Novel Method" , 9th Structural Engineering Convention by :Springer at IIT Delhi / 200-208 / 2014

Mahajan, R, "The Management Education Story : Historical Foundations and School of Thoughts" , PAN IIM World Management Conference by :Emerald at IIM Kohzikode / / 2014

Bhatt, Preeti, "The Menacing Grasp of Terrorism: A Study of Kiran Desai and Mohsin Hamid’s Novels" , National Conference on Interrogating Terrorism: Role of Media and Literature by :S.S. Jain Subodh P.G. College, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2014

P V Ramana,Abhishek Varakala, "The New Material as Fine Aggregate in Concrete Outlet" , SEC 2014 by :IIT Delhi at Delhi / 01 / 2014

P V Ramana, "The Novel Technique for Oxidation Process in Waste Materials" , AOP 2014 by :AOP at Munnar / 01 / 2014

P V Ramana,Surendra nath A, "The SHM Prescription by DIC Method" , ICTET by :ICTET at Mount Abu / 01 / 2014

Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "Theme of Identity and Redemption in Khaleed Hussaini the Kite Runner" , International Conference on Identity, Ecology and Culture in Twentieth Century Literatures by :Department of English , University of Rajasthan at Jaipur / / 2014

Mohan Kumar Choudhary, Santosh choudhary, Ritu Sharma, "Thermal Radiation Effects on MHD Flow and Heat Transfer Over an Unsteady Stretching Surface Embedded in a Porous Medium in the Presence of Heat Generation or Absorption" , ICFSA-2014 by :IEEE at Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab / 3 / 2014

Ramesh babu B, Dinesh Gopalani, Manoj Singh Gaur, Jagdeesh K,, "TMAC — Token Based MAC Protocol for Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Network" , Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)(5th) by :IEEE at BUSAN, South Korea / 151-156 / 2014

K. Pareek, H. Cheng, "Toward Room Temperature Hydrogen Storage via Physisorption" , 6th MRS-S Conference on Advanced Materials by :Materials Research Society Singapore at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore / / 2014

Swati Dubey, Sushant Upadhyaya, Jitendra Kumar Singh and S. P. Chaurasia, "Treatment of Textile Wastewater Containing Methylene Blue Dye by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , CHEMCON-2014 by :IIChE at Panjab University, Chandigarh / / 2014

P. Varshney, P. K. Mishra, A. Mishra, V. P. Singh, "Tunneling Based Vertical Handoff in Wireless Heterogeneous Networks" , ICDCCOM-2014 by :IEEE at Ranchi, India / - / 2014

S. Vyas, G. Singh, M. Tiwari, "Ultra Broad Supercontinuum Generation With Different Nonlinear Material by Novel Structure of Photonic Crystal Fibers" , IKSS 2014 by :Polish Academy of Science at Krutyn, Poland / 09 / 2014

A. Bijalwan, and E. S. Pilli, "Understanding Botnet on Internet " , International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / 1-5 / 2014

K. Lalwani, "Understanding of QCD at Low Momentum Transfer Through a Rare Decay Mode of Light Meson " , DAE Symposium in Nuclear Physics by :DAE at Varanasi / / 2014

Prakash Kumar Singh, Suja George, "Use of Modified Activated Alumina (MOD) for Defluoridation of Drinking Water" , International Conference in Exploring Basic & Applied Sciences for Next Generation Frontiers by :Elsevier at Jalandhar / 141 / 2014

Jitender S. Singhasan, Dilip Sharma, M.P.Poonia and Pradeep Gupta, "Using Solar Cooling for Economical Growth of Under Privileged by Way of Milk Farming" , International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry (SHC 2014) Beijing China by :International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry at Beijing, China / 1-5 / 2014

Dhiraj Mehta , Poonam Mondal, Suja George and Parimala.S, "Utilization of Marble Waste Into a Value Added Product: Hydroxyapatite" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering & Technology by :Elsevier at Kollam / 338-342 / 2014

Anmesh Kumar Srivastava, S.L.Soni, Dilip Sharma, "Viability of Acetylene as an Alternative Fuel for I.C.Engines" , International Conference on Environment and Energy (ICEE-2014), JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad by :International Conference on Environment and Energy JNTU Hyderabad at JNTUH, Kukatpally,Hyderabad, India / / 2014

Tapas Badal, Neeta Nain, and Mushtaq Ahmed , "Video Partitioning by Segmenting Moving Object Trajectories" , The 7th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2014), Milan, Italy by :SPIE at Milan, Italy / 5 / 2014

Tapas Badal, Neeta Nain and Mushtaq Ahmed, "Video Synopsis by Multi-Array Representation of Moving Objects" , ICVGIP 2014 Workshop on Applications in Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing. by :ACM at IISC Bangalore / 200-204 / 2014

D. S. Rathore, D. Bordoloi, E. S. Pilli and M. C. Govil, "Virtual Clock Rate Based Time Synchronization for Wireless Sensor Networks" , International Conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications by :- at Banglore / / 2014

Swati Gangwar, Amar Patnaik, I.K. Bhat, "Wear Performance of Marble Dust Filled ZA-27 Alloy Composite for Single Row Deep Groove Ball Bearing in Wind Turbine Gear Box" , NIT-MTMI International Conference on Emerging Paradigms and Practices in Global Technology, Management & Business Issues by :NIT Hamirpur at NIT Hamirpur / / 2014

Shahbaz. A. Siddiqui, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, Manoj Fozdar, "Wide Area Synchrophasor Measurements Based Transient Stability Assessment and Emergency Control" , 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Washington D.C., USA / -- / 2014


V. Gosu, B. R. Gurjar, , ", Removal of Nitrogenous Heterocyclic Compounds (NHCs) by Nano Zero Valent Iron" , International Conference on Global Scenario in Environment and Energy by :ICGSEE at MANIT BHOPAL / / 2013

Dhiraj, S. Verma, R. Kumar, "A Bottom Up Approach to Placement and Compaction of Standard Modules in VLSI Circuits" , International Conference on Advanced Electronic Systems (ICAES 2013) by :IEEE at Pilani, India / 133-137 / 2013

H. Chauhan, V. Kumar, S. Pundir, E. S. Pilli, "A Comparative Study of Classification Techniques for Intrusion Detection" , International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence by :IEEE at New Delhi, India / 40-43 / 2013

Parul Gupta, Rishi Vyas, B. L. Choudhary, K. V. R. Rao, K. Sachdev, S.K. Sharma, "A Comparative Study of the Sol-Gel Synthesized Nanostructured SnO2 Powders" , AIP Conference Proceedings by :AIP Publishing at Bikaner, Rajasthan, India / 159 / 2013

Namita Mittal, Basant Agarwal, Saurabh Agarwal, Subham Agarwal, Pramod Gupta, "A Hybrid Approach for Twitter Sentiment Analysis" , In 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON) by :ACL Anthology at Noida / - / 2013

Daya Gupta, Lavika Goel, Vipin Aggarwal, "A Hybrid Biogeography Based Optimization on Traveling Tournament Problem" , Third International Conference on Contemporary Computing by :IEEE at Noida, India / / 2013

Ankit Vidyarthi, Namita Mittal, "A Hybrid Model for Extraction of Tumor in MR Images" , International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC) by :IEEE at Noida India / 202-206 / 2013

Sundeep Kumar, "A Management Point of Review of Green Telecom: A Tool for Eco-Friendly Environment" , National Conference on Communication System and VLSI Design by :Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2013

P V Ramana, "A NONLINEAR ANALYSIS for SOLVING MULTI-SUPPORT OBSTACLE PROBLEMS" , ICGTI 2013 by :Rizvi College of Engineering at Mumbai / 01 / 2013

P V Ramana, Surendra nath A, "A Novel Analysis for Super-Structures" , YRGS 2013 by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 01 / 2013

Meenakshi Tripathi,M.S. Gaur, V. Laxmi , "A Novel Attack Simulation on LEACH in WSN " , International Conference on Advance Research Engineering and Technology by :K L University at Vijaywada / 140-143 / 2013

P V Ramana, Pooja T S, "A Novel Interpolation Functions for Rotating Beams" , NuiCONE 2013 by :Nuicone at Ahmedabad / 01 / 2013

Manoj Kumar, Vijay Laxmi, MS Gaur, Masoud Daneshtalab, Pankaj, Seok-Bum Ko and Mark Zwolinski, "A Novel Non-minimal/Minimal Turn Model for Highly Adaptive Routing in NoCs" , 8th International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, Ferrara Italia, Sep 17-19, 2014 by :IEEE at Ferrara Italia / / 2013

P V Ramana, "A Novel Procedure for Solving Beam and Truss Problems" , ICGTI 2013 by :Rizvi College of Engineering at Mumbai / 01 / 2013

P V Ramana, "A NOVEL PROCEDURE for SOLVING MULTI-SUPPORT OBSTACLE PROBLEMS" , Icmmme 2013 by :IRD at Pune / 01 / 2013

HS Mewara, MM Sharma, M Sharma, A Dadhich, "A Novel Ultra-Wide Band Antenna Design Using Notches, Stepped Microstrip Feed and Beveled Partial Ground With Beveled Parasitic Strip" , 2013 IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC) by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, India / 01-02 / 2013

Rahul Goyal, Dilip Sharma, S. L. Soni, "A Review of Combined Cooling, Heating and Power Systems" , International Conference on Alternative Fuels for I. C. Engines by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 106-114 / 2013

M. Ravi Kumar, "A Review of Optical Fibers for Daylighting" , National Conference on Optical Fiber and Its Industrial Applications by :Conference Proceedings at Sophitorium, Bhubaneswar / 22-23 / 2013

Hemant Juneja,Sushant Upadhyaya,Rajeev Dohare and Madhu Agarwal, "A Review on Characterization and Efficiency of Various Absorbent in the Purification of Drinking Water" , Water Desalination Treatment and Management by :Indian Desalination Annual Congress at MNIT Jaipur / 1 / 2013

Subhash Panwar and Neeta Nain, "A Simple and Novel Adaptive Binarization Approach for Handwritten Documents" , IEEE Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing by :IEEE at Gujarat / 106-110 / 2013

Manoj Kumar Diwakar, Pranab Kumar Mohapatra and Shivam Tripathi, "A SPH Model to Simulate Free Surface Flows." , Hydro 2013 International by :Conference Proceedings at IIT Madras / 343-350 / 2013

39. P V Ramana,Pooja T S, "A State of Art Interpolation for FEM and Novel FEM" , ICATET 2013 by :ICATET at Jaipur / 01 / 2013

Anup Malik, Sushant Samir and Alakesh Manna, "A Study on Hybrid WECSM Setup During Cutting of E-Glass Fibre Epoxy Composite" , International Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering by :Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, Punjab at Punjab Technical University, Kapurthala, Punjab / / 2013

S. lalwani, R. Kumar, N. Gupta, "A Study on Inertia Weights Schemes for Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Multiple Sequence Alignment" , 6th International Conference on Contemporary Computation (IC3 2013) by :IEEE at Noida, India / 283-288 / 2013

Anup Malik and Alakesh Manna, "A Study on Micro Cutting of E-Glass Fibre Epoxy Composite by Developed Wire Electrochemical Spark Machining Setup" , International Conference on PRECISION, MESO, MICRO and NANO ENGINEERING (COPEN-8: 2013) by :NIT Calicut, Kerala, India at NIT Calicut, Kerala, India / / 2013

B. Priya, E. S. Pilli and R. C. Joshi, "A Survey on Energy and Power Consumption Models for Greener Cloud" , International Advance Computing Conference (IACC) by :IEEE at Ghaziabad, India / 76 - 82 / 2013

Urvashi P Shukla,Prof. Niteen B Patel,Mr. Amit M Joshi, "A Survey on Recent Advances in Speech Compressive Sensing" , International Multi Conference on Automation, Computing, Control,Communication and Compressed Sensing by :IEEE at Kerala / 276-280 / 2013

Aditi Sharma, S. P. Chaurasia, Madhu Agarwal and A. B. Gupta, "Adsorption of Arsenic on Activated Alumina for Purifying Drinking Water" , Water Desalination, Treatment and Management and InDACON by :MNIT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2013

Bansal S., Kushwaha J. P., Sangal V. K, "Adsorptive Treatment of Electrochemically Treated Textile Wastewater" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering-2013 by :International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering at India Institute of Technology IIT Roorkee / / 2013

P V Ramana, "Advances in Cloud Computations" , CUBE 2013 by :CUBE at Pune / 01 / 2013

Daya Gupta, Lavika Goel, Abhishek, "An Efficient Biogeography Based Face Recognition Algorithm" , 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE 2013) by :Atlantis Press at Los Angeles, CA, USA / / 2013

A. Kumar, E. S. Pilli, and R. C. Joshi, "An Efficient Framework for Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing" , 4th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) by :IEEE Xplore at Tiruchengode, India / 1-6 / 2013

Vinod Singh Yadav, Dheeraj Kishor Johar, S. L. Soni and Dilip Sharma, "An Experimental Investigation of Unmodified DI Diesel Engine With Hydrogen-Enrichment" , International Conference on Alternative Fuels for I. C. Engines by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 307-313 / 2013

P V Ramana, "An FSM Analysis for Box Girder Bridges" , An Innovative Approach for Fractional Derivative Problems by :IRD at Pune / 01 / 2013

P V Ramana, "An Innovative Approach for Fractional Derivative Problems" , 1234 by :IIT Varnasi at Varnasi / 01 / 2013

Sundeep Kumar, "An Inquiry Into Goals and Processes of Family Business Enterprises Manage by Families Having Roots From Rajasthan" , Fourth Asian Invitational Conference on Family Business by :Indian School of Business Hyderabad at Hyderabad / / 2013

Sundeep kumar, Monica Sharma, Awadhesh Kumar Bhardwaj and G.S.Dangayach, "An Inquiry Into Goals and Processes of Family Business Enterprises Managed by Families Having Roots From Rajasthan" , Fourth Asian Invitational Conference on Family Business by :AICFB at ISB Hyderabad / / 2013

P V Ramana,Pooja T S, "An Interpolation Function Finite Element Approach" , ICETEAS 2013 by :ICETEAS at Jaipur / 01 / 2013

5. Vatsala Chaturvedi, Upender Pandel, Ashok Sharma, "An Overview of Effect of Vibration on AZ91 Mg Alloy During Solidification" , National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Engineering by :National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Engineering, Organized by BRCM College of Engineer at Bahal, Haryana / / 2013

Vatsala Chaturvedi, Rahul Sen, Upender Pandel, "An Overview of Improvement of Properties of AZ91 Mg Alloy by Grain Refinement Through Vibration" , International Conference on Advance Trends in Eng. & Tech by :International Conference on Advance Trends in Eng. & Tech, Organized by Arya College Jaipur at jaipur / / 2013

Rupali Baghel, Rahul Sen, Vatsala Chaturvedi, "An Overview of Utilization of Marble Slurry as Construction Material" , International Conference on Advance Trends in Eng. & Tech by :International Conference on Advance Trends in Eng. & Tech, Organized by Arya College Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2013

D. Gupta, D. K. Bairwa, M. L. Meena, "An OWAS-Based Analysis of Workers Engaged in Marble Sculpture in Jaipur" , 28th National Convention of Production Engineers & National Seminar on Advancements in Production and Operations Management by :Institution of Engineers and Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur at Jaipur / 58 / 2013

Anoop Sharma, Gaurav Sharma, Upendra Chaudry, Ritu Sharma, "Analysis of Band Gap Properties of Different Structures of Carbon Nanotubes" , ICATET-13 by :Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan / 3 / 2013

D. Saxena and S.N. Singh, "Analysis of Multiple Power Quality Events Based on Hilbert Huang Transform," , IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence: Theories, Applications and Future Directions by :IEEE at IIT Kanpur, India / / 2013

Jain, Swati, Vyas, R. K., Pandit, Prabhat, Sharma, Manisha, Sharma, Neha, and Dalai, Ajay K. , "Application of Response Surface Methodology for Adsorptive Removal of Acyclovir From Aqueous Solutions on Prepared Powdered Activated Carbon" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment and Management & Indian Desalination Annual Congress 2013 (InDACON 2013) by :MNIT Jaipur at JAIPUR / 72 / 2013

M. M. Agarwal, M. C. Govil and A. K. Jhankal, "Application of Solar Power System in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network" , Recent Trends, Technology & Challenges for Renewable Energy Sources & Systems by :- at Jaipur / / 2013

Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya, and S.P. Chaurasia, "Application of Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Fluoride Removal" , International Conference on “Chemical, Environmental and Bioprocess Engineering by :JNU Delhi at Delhi / / 2013

Jitendra Kumar Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya, and S.P. Chaurasia, "Application of Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Removal of Fluoride" , In International Conference on “Chemical, Environmental and Bioprocess Engineering by :JNU New Delhi at JNU New Delhi / / 2013

Nupur Navlakha, Lokesh Garg, D. Boolchandani and V. Sahula, "Architectural Level Subthreshold Leakage Power Estimation of SRAM Arrays With Its Peripherals" , 17th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test at Jaipur by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2013

Shiv Shambhu Kumar Suman, Kusum Verma , "Artificial Intelligence Based Classifier Design for Power System Static Security Assessment" , International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICATET-2013) by :Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur at Jaipur / 53-57 / 2013

Raj, D. and Bharathi, M. , "Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundation on Slope: A Review" , Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Aspects of Wastes and Their Utilization in Infrastructure Projects by :GGWUIP at GNDEC Ludhiana / / 2013

Avadh Oza, S. P. Chaurasia, A.K. Dalai, "Biochemical and Thermo-Chemical Aspects of Fermentation for Ethanol Production: A Review" , CHEMCON 2014 by :IIChE at PanjabUniversity, CHANDIGARH / / 2013

Meena, "Biofertilizers and Pollution" , All India Seminar on Pollution Prevention Through Development of Biobased Materials and Energy by :MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India at Jaipur / / 2013

Gangwani Y., Goyal S., Vashishtha M., "Biofertilizers: A Major Technique to Reduce Nitrate Pollution in India" , All India Seminar on Pollution Prevention Through Bio-Based Materials and Energy by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / / 2013

Poonam Mondal, Suja George, "Biosorbents : An Alternative Method of Fluoride Removal" , All India Seminar on Pollution Prevention Through Development of Bio- Based Material and Energy by :MNIT at Jaipur / 20-21 / 2013

Sundeep Kumar, "Brainstorming Conference on STI Policy 2013-Implementation" , Brainstorming Conference by :Department of Science and Technology Govt. of India at MNIT Jaipur / / 2013

Sandeep S, Rahul S, Abhimanyu Pamnani, "Building Information Modeling Integrated Development in Delivering Sustainable Buildings " , International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering and Technology by :International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering and Technology at ACEIT Jaipur / / 2013

Md Oayes Midda and A.K. Suresh, "Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes and Mixed Matrix Membranes for Permanent Gas Separation-a Review" , 2nd International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE 2013) by :- at IIT Roorkee / / 2013

Sundeep Kumar, "Case Study on E-Governance Initiatives and Improvement in MIS by Govt. of Rajasthan" , International Conference on Management and Information Systems by :International Conference on Management and Information Systems at Bangkok / / 2013

V. Subbaramaiah, V. C. Srivastava, I. D. Mall, "Catalytic Wet Peroxidation of Organic Wastewater" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering-2013 by :International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering at Roorkee / / 2013

Sujil A , S. K. Agarwal, R. Kumar, "Centralized Multi-Agent Self-Healing Power System With Super Conducting Fault Current Limiter" , IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT 2013) by :IEEE at Thuckalay, Tamil Nadu, India / 1182-1187 / 2013

S. K. Agarwal , B. P. S. Rawat , R. Kumar, "Chaos Theory Based Mathematical Modelling as Manifested From Scalp EEG Using Frequency Analysis" , IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT 2013) by :IEEE at Thuckalay, Tamil Nadu, India / 775-780 / 2013

D. Saxena and S.N. Singh, "Characterization and Classification of Composite Power Quality Events Using SVM Based on HHT" , International Exhibition & Conference on New Technologies in Transmission, Distribution, Load Dispatch and Communication,GRIDTECH 2013 by :PGCIL at New Delhi, India / 305-312 / 2013

K.K. Sharma, Priyanka Tiwari, "Classification of Granite Using SVD on RGB Components" , National Conf. on Communication Systems and VLSI Design 2013 by :Conference Proceedings at Jaipur / 04 / 2013

Vipin Pal, Girdhari Singh, R P Yadav, "Cluster Head Selection Scheme for Data Centric Wireless Sensor Networks" , 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC 13) by :IEEE at Ghaziabad / 330-334 / 2013

H. Chauhan, V. Kumar, S. Pundir and E. S. Pilli, "Comparative Analysis and Research Issues in Classification Techniques for Intrusion Detection" , International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics (ICACNI-2013) by :Springer at Raipur, India / 40-43 / 2013

Kharbas, B. , Fozdar, M. , Tiwari, H., "Comparative Assessment of MW-Mile and MVA-Mile Methods of Transmission Tariff Allocation and Revenue Reconciliation" , Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PES), 2013 IEEE by :IEEE Xplore at USA / 1-5 / 2013

Kamal Kishore Khatri, Dilip Sharma and S. L. Soni, "Comparative Studies of Micro-Trigeneration System Working on Diesel, Karanjoil-Diesel Blend and Karanj Methyl Ester-Diesel Blend" , The 3rd International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies by :MICROGEN at Naples, Italy / 1 / 2013

Ankit Vidyarthi, Namita Mittal, "Comparative Study of Brain Tumor Classification in MR Images" , International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving by :Springer at Noida, IIT Roorkee Ext Centre / 889-897 / 2013

Meenakshi Tripathi,M.S. Gaur, V. Laxmi , "Comparing the Impact of Black Hole and Gray Hole Attack on LEACH in WSN" , International Symposium on Intelligent Systems Techniques for Ad Hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks by :Elsevier at Canada / 1101-1107 / 2013

J.B. Sharma, K.K. Sharma, V. Sahula, "Comparison of Bit Error Rate Performance Measure of Robust Watermarking Scheme Based on Self-Fractional Fourier Functions, Empirical Mode Decomposition and Cyclic Encoding" , International Conf. on Advancement in Information Technology (ICAIT-2013) Jaipur by :Conference Proceedings at Ipur / 04 / 2013

Bharathi M. and Raj, D. , "Comparison of Block and Pile Foundations for Reciprocating Machines" , 4th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference by :IYGEC at IIT Madras / / 2013

Sundeep Kumar, "Competency Mapping the Tool for Performance Management" , Deliberations at the National Conference Sponsored by UGC and ICSSR, New Delhi by :Deliberations at the National Conference Sponsored by UGC and ICSSR, New Delhi at S.S Jain P.G College,Jaipur / / 2013

Mitharwal, Rajendra, and Francesco ANDRIULLI., "Contactless Dosimetry With a Regularized Integral Equation Based Method." , AP-S/URSI 2013: IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting by :IEEE at Orlando, FL, USA / / 2013

P V Ramana, Rajashree Charan, "Control and Optimization of Dynamic System Using Artificial Neural Network" , YRGS 2013 by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 01 / 2013

Gupta T.C., K. Gupta, "Correlation of Parameters to Instability and Chaos of a Horizontal Flexible Rotor Ball Bearing System" , ASME Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition by :ASME-IGTI at San Antonio, TX,USA / 017 / 2013

Swati Garnaik, S. Sindal, B. Majhi, N. Birjarnia and U. Pandel, "Corrosion and Its Prevention Techniques" , National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Engineering by :National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Engineering, Organized by BRCM College at Bahal, Haryana / / 2013

Sanatan Sukhija, Subhash Panwar, Neeta Nain, "CRAMM: Character Recognition Aided by Mathematical Morphology , " , Second International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), 2013 by :IEEE at Shimla / 323 -328 / 2013

Subhash Panwar, Neeta Nain, "Cursive Stroke Sequencing for Handwritten Text Documents Recognition" , Fourth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics 2013 by :IEEE at IIT Jodhpur / 1-4 / 2013

Dr. Nidhi Bansal, "Cyber Security and Young Females in India (With Special Reference to Social Networking Sites)" , XXXIX All India Sociological Conference on Inequality, Social Justice and Empowerment by :Indian Sociological Society at Mysore / / 2013

Prateek Mittal, M. L. Mittal , "Cycle Time Reduction in a Sheet Metal Parts Manufacturing Firm- Simulation Based Approach" , National Conference on Manufacturing and Logistics Management (NCMLM) by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 36-40 / 2013

P V Ramana, Rajashree Charan, "Damage Assessment for Houses Subjected to Multi-Hazards Using Fuzzy Logic" , NuiCONE 2013 by :Nuicone at Ahmedabad / 01 / 2013

Keshav dev, Sushant Upadhyaya, S.P Chaurasia and Madhu Agarwal, "Desalination Using Membrane Distillation Process" , Water Desalination Treatment and Management by :Indian Desalination Annual Congress at MNIT Jaipur / 1 / 2013

Keshav dev, Sushant Upadhyaya, S.P Chaurasia and Madhu Agarwal, "Desalination Using Membrane Distillation Process” Presented in International Conference on Water Desalination" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment and Management by :MNIT JAIPUR at MNIT Jaipur / / 2013

Mali, HS and Gopal R., "Design & Manufacturing of NiTi Based Actuators to Be Used in Automobile Security System: A Review and Possibility" , 28th National Convention of Production Engineers and National Seminar on “Advancements in Production and Operations Management by :Mechanical Engineering Department, MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / 1-10 / 2013

JK Deegwal, Ashok Kumar, Sanjeev Yadav, MM Sharma, MC Govil, "Design and Analysis of Compact Printed 3.5/5.5 GHz Dual Band-Notched Ultra-Wideband Antenna" , 2013 IEEE Indian Antenna Week by :Proc. of Indian Antenna Week at Aurangabad, India / 75-78 / 2013

Dhaka S, Schweiker M, Mathur J, Wagner A, Agrawal GD, Garg V, "Design and Building Operation of Envelope With Reference to Heat Balance Model and Adaptive Model of Thermal Comfort for Free Running Building in Tropical Climate" , IBPSA 2013 by :IBPSA at Chambéry, France / / 2013

JK Deegwal, Ashok Kumar, MM Sharma, MC Govil, "Design of Compact Printed 5.5 GHz Band-Notched UWB Antenna With U-Slot" , 2013 National Conference on Energy, Materials and Communication Systems (EMCS-2013) by :Souvenir of National Conference on Energy, Materials and Communication Systems at Jaipur, India / 46 / 2013

Dheeraj Kishor Johar, Pradeep K Gupta, Vinod Singh Yadav and Dilip Sharma, "Design, Development & Performance Investigation of C.I. Engine Waste Heat Operated Cooker" , The 3rd International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies by :MICROGEN at Naples, Italy / 1 / 2013

Manviri Rani, WJ Shim, SH Hong, M Jang, GM Han, "Determination of Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in Different Polystyrene Products" , 7th SETAC World Congress by :SETAC at Glasgow (England) / / 2013

Shuchi Mala and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Determination of Irregularly Shaped Spatial and Spatial-Temporal Disease Clusters Using Geospatial and Optimization Techniques" , All India Symposium on Advancements in Civil Engineering by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2013

Sunny soni and Madhu Agarwal, "Development of Biolubricants From Renewable Energy Sources" , International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Energy and Environment in Process Industries by :CHEMCON at NIT Jalandhar / / 2013

Sunny Soni, Madhu Agarwal, Rajiv Kumar Dohare, "Development of Heterogeneous Catalyst for the Production of Biodiesel" , International Conference on Alternate Fuels for IC Engines by :MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India at MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur / 275-278 / 2013

Dr. Nidhi Bansal, "Digital Literacy Among Youth in South Asia: A Sociological Perspective" , Human Resource Development in South Asia: Efforts, Achievements and Challenges by :Government College, Ajmer at Ajmer / / 2013

Namita Mittal, Basant Agarwal, Garvit Chouhan, Prateek Pareek, Nitin Bania, "Discourse Based Sentiment Analysis for Hindi Reviews" , In the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI’13) by :Springer at Kolkata / 720-725 / 2013

Goel, A., Choudhary, M. and Singh, G, "Domestic Water Demand Forecasting: IWR-MAIN" , Current Advances in Hydraulics, Hydropower Engineering and Water Conservation by :NIT, Kurukshetra at Kurukshetra / 55-60 / 2013

Prachi Rajput , Suja George, "Dye Removal Using Bio-Sorbents : A Nature Friendly Approach" , All India Seminar on Pollution Prevention Through Development of Bio- Based Material and Energy by :MNIT at JAIPUR / 19-20 / 2013

P V Ramana, Pooja T S, "Dynamic Beam Analysis for Piano & Violin Functions" , YRGS 2013 by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 01 / 2013

Nidhi Sharma, "Economics of Bio-Fuels" , All India Seminar on Pollution Prevention Through Development of Biobased Materials and Energy by :MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India at Jaipur / / 2013

Pawan Kalla, Anurag Misra, L J Csetenyi and R. C. Gupta, "Effect of Wollastonite-Fly Ash Combination on Strength, Permeability and Carbonation of Concrete Mixes" , UKIERI Concrete Congress – Innovations in Concrete Construction by :NIT Jalandhar, India at NIT Jalandhar, India / 948-958 / 2013

Mali, HS and Rasid A., Rai D., Poonia KS, Choudhary Y, "Effect of Cutting Parameters on MRR and Surface Roughness in Turning of AISI 316" , 28th National Convention of Production Engineers and National Seminar on “Advancements in Production and Operations Management by :Mechanical Engineering Department, MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / 1-10 / 2013

Sujan, Ajay and Vyas, R. K, "Effect of Temperature on Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient, KLa in a Mechanically Stirred Gas- Liquid System" , Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, CHEMCON 2013 by :IIChE at Mumbai / 265-266 / 2013

Pawan Kalla, Anurag Misra, L. J. Csetenyi, R.C. Gupta, "Effect of Wollastonite-Fly Ash Combination on Strength, Permeability and Carbonation of Concrete Mixes" , Innovations in Concrete Construction by :UKIERI Concrete Congress at Jalandhar, Punjab, India / 21-27 / 2013

A.B. Gupta, Savitha, Suja George and Poonam Mondal, "Effect on Activated Alumina Fluoride Removal Capacity in Presence of Chloride" , International Conference on Materials for the Future, Innovative Materials, Processes, Products and Applications by :Bonfire at Thrissur / 598-600 / 2013

Raj, D. and Bharathi, M., "Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction on Regular and Braced RC Building" , Indian Geotechnical Conference by :IGC at IIT Roorkee / / 2013

Ashu Airan, Anshuman and Dinesh Kumar, "Effects of Various Material Combinations and Lay-Ups on Response of Composite Laminates Under Transverse Loading Using Hyperworks" , Current Challenges in Structural Engineering by :Asia and Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium at MNIT Jaipur / 228 / 2013

Nikhil Deep Gupta, Vijay Janyani, "Efficiency Enhancement in the Thin Film GaAs Solar Cell Using Photonic Crystal as a Back Reflector" , Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP2013) by :IIT Delhi at IIT Delhi / 1 / 2013

Deepesh Sonar, S. L. Soni, Dilip Sharma, "Emission Reduction With Alternate Fuels in IC Engines" , International Conference on Alternative Fuels for I. C. Engines by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 411-421 / 2013

Meenakshi Tripathi,M.S. Gaur, V. Laxmi and R.B. Battula , "Energy Efficient Clustered Routing for Wireless Sensor Network" , IEEE 9th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks by :IEEE at Dalian, China / 330-335 / 2013

Meenakshi Tripathi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Vijay Laxmi, Ramesh Babu Battula, "Energy Efficient LEACH-C Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network" , Computational Intelligence and Information Technology by :IEEE at Mumbai / 402-405 / 2013

B. Prasad, A. Agrawal, V. Viswanathan, P. Yadav, R. Kumar, S. K. Panda, "Energy Efficient Optimal Thrust Allocation for Spherical Underwater Vehicle" , 22nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2013) by :IEEE at Taipei, Taiwan / 1-6 / 2013

Basant Agarwal, Namita Mittal, Erik Cambria, "Enhancing Sentiment Classification Performance Using Bi-Tagged Phrases" , In 13th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW 2013) by :IEEE at Texas / - / 2013

Ratan Mohan, U. K. Arun Kumar, "Equilibria and Microchannel Extraction Study of Aromatics Separation From Synthetic Mixture" , 63rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference by :Conference Proceedings at Fredericton, New Brunswick / 371 / 2013

G. Raju, M. L. Meena, "Ergonomics Issues in India" , National Conference on Manufacturing and Logistics Management (NCMLM) by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / / 2013

Agrawal, B. Prasad, V. K. Viswanathan, R. Kumar, S. K. Panda, "Estimation of Robotic Fish Design Parameters Through Multi-Objective Heuristic Optimization" , IEEE Industrial Electronics Society by :IEEE at Vienna, Austria / / 2013

A.Pareek, R.Jain, A.P.S. Rathore, "Evaluating NPD-SCM Alignment in Indian Automotive Industry" , International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics by :International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics at CANADA / 184 / 2013

Vivekanand V, Olsen EF, Eijsink VGH, Horn SJ , "Evaluation of the Effect of Different Steam Explosion Conditions on Methane Potential and Enzymatic Saccharfication of Birch (Betula Pubescens)" , 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Santiago De Compostela, Spain by :International Water Association at Santiago De Compostela, Spain / / 2013

SH Hong, WJ Shim, NA Al-Odaini, GM Han, Manviri Rani, "Expanded Polystyrene Buoy as a Source of HBCDs in the Coastal Environment of Korea" , 7th SETAC World Congress by :SETAC at Glasgow (England) / / 2013

Anmesh Kumar Srivastava, Dilip Sharma, S. L. Soni, "Experimental Investigation of Acetylene as an Alternative Fuel for C.I. Engine" , International Conference on Alternative Fuels for I. C. Engines by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 351-357 / 2013

Pradeep K. Gupta, Ashok Singh Tanwar, Dheeraj K. Johar and Dilip Sharma, "Experimental Investigation of Oxygen Enriched Fuel in S.I. Engine" , International Conference on Alternative Fuels for I. C. Engines by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 185-189 / 2013

Satyanarayan Patel, Dheeraj Kishor Johar, Dilip Sharma and Pradeep K Gupta , "Experimental Investigation of Pebble Bed Heat Recovery and Storage System for Compression Ignition Engine Exhaust" , The 3rd International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies by :MICROGEN at Naples, Italy / 1 / 2013

J. Joshi, B.S. Joshi, "Facile N-Dearylation of Indolinone Derivatives Using Ceric Ammonium Nitrate as a Cheap,simple and Efficient Catalyst in Aqueous Medium " , The 100th Indian Science Congress Association by :The Indian Science Congress Association at Kolkata / 51-53 / 2013

K.K. Sharma, Abdul Samad, "Fault Classification Approaches Using Empirical Mode Decomposition and Histogram of Power Signals" , International Conference on Communications & Electronics System Design, Jaipur India by :SPIE at Jaipur / 05 / 2013

Basant Agarwal, Namita Mittal, Vijay Kumar Sharma, "Feature Extraction Methods for Semantic Orientation Based Approaches to Sentiment Analysis" , In 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing by :ACL Anthology at Noida / - / 2013

Abhra Roy Chowdhury, Bhuneshwar Prasad, Vinoth Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, S. K. Panda, "Finding an Improved Operating Region for a Bio-Inspired Robotic Fish Underwater Vehicle in the Light Hill Framework" , IEEE RAS International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO) by :IEEE at Shenzhen / / 2013

Sukhdeo T. Dhotre, Gunwant Sharma, "Finite Element Study of Analysis for Seepage Through Soil Media : A Case of Steady State Seepage" , International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering and Technology 2013 by :International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering and Technology at ACEIT , Kukas / 1 / 2013

Poonam Mondal and Suja George, "Fluoride Removal by Using Calcium Aluminium – Magnesium Powder as Adsorbent" , International Conference on Materials for the Future, Innovative Materials, Processes, Products and Applications by :Bonfire at Thrissur / 562-564 / 2013

Sundeep Kumar, "Gandhis Experiment With Education Rural India Nai Talim System" , National Seminar on Educational Reforms for Sustainable Development by :Dayanand College Ajmer at Ajmer / / 2013

R Kumar, B Gupta, Manviri Rani, "Geochemical Speciation and Potential Toxicity of Trace Elements in River Sediments" , Chemistry and the Environment by :ICCE at Barcelona / 154 / 2013

Kongre, D.N. and Goyal, Rohit, "Ground Water Modeling to Predict Impact of Proposed Kalisindh Chambal River Interlink" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment and Management by :IDA at MNIT Jaipur / - / 2013

Tiwari, S.K., Kumawat, N.K., "GUIDELINES for PLANNING SOIL INVESTIGATION of BUILDING PROJECT" , Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2013) by :INDIAN GEOTECHNICAL SOCIETY at ROORKEE / 1-8 / 2013

Subhash Panwar and Neeta Nain, "Handwritten Text Line Segmentation Using Connectivity Strength Between Connected Components" , 9th International Conference, Machine Learning and Data Mining 2013 by :Ibai-Publishing at New York, USA / 99-102 / 2013

Amit Jhalani, Dilip Sharma, "Hcci Engine- Concept and Recent Advancements" , International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering and Technology by :ICATET at Jaipur / / 2013

Sushant Upadhyay, S.P. Chaurasia, K. Singh and Jitendra Singh, "Heat Transfer Correlation Using Computational Fluid Dynamics for Desalination by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, CHEMCON 2013 by :IIChE at NIT Jalandhar / / 2013

alok khatri,G.S.dangayach, "Human Resource Development in Indian Agile Manufacturing Industries" , International Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Resource Development in South Asia by :Govt. College Ajmer at Ajmer / / 2013

Sumit Kumar Verma, Namita Mittal, Basant Agarwal, "Hybrid Recommender System Based on Fuzzy Clustering and Collaborative Filtering" , In 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology, by :IEEE at Allahabad / - / 2013

Dhiraj Mehta and Suja George, "Hydroxyapatite: Synthesis and Characterisation" , International Conference on Materials for the Future, Innovative Materials, Processes, Products by :Bonfire at Thrissur / 565-567 / 2013

A. Panwar, R. Jain, A. P. S. Rathore, "Identification of Non Value Added Activities in Process Industries in Context to Lean Manufacturing Implementation" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering by :SVNIT,Surat at Surat / 126 / 2013

K.K. Sharma, Heena Jain, "Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Wavelet Packet Decomposition and Discrete Linear Canonical Transform" , International Conference on Communications & Electronics System Design, Jaipur India by :SPIE at Jaipur / 04 / 2013

K.K. Sharma, Heena Jain, "Image Enhancement Using Polar Decomposition in Transform Domains" , National Conf. on Communication Systems and VLSI Design 2013 by :Conference Proceedings at Jaipur / 04 / 2013

K.K. Sharma, Priti, "Image Fusion in Discrete Cosine Transform Domain Using Masking Techniques" , International Conference on Communications & Electronics System Design, Jaipur India by :SPIE at Jaipur / 04 / 2013

Susheela Dahiya, Kapil Pandey, P. K. Garg and Mahesh K. Jat, "Image Processing Techniques for Information Extraction From Satellite Images" , Conference on Geoinformatics for Biodiversity and Climate Change by :International Geographical Union at Rohtak, Haryana / / 2013

Kuldeep, Sharma, Ankit and Goyal, Rohit , "Impact of Climate Change on Water Resource Systems of Rajasthan State" , Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources Systems by :Excel India Publishers, New Delhi at Parul Inst. of Engg. & Tech. Vadodara / 122-127 / 2013

Sumit Gupta, G.S. Dangayach, A. K. Singh, "Implementation of Shainin Doe Variable Search Tool for Sustainable Manufacturing in an Automotive Industry" , Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Technologies for Mechanical Engineering by :Delhi Technological University at Delhi / / 2013

Nagesh Janrao, RuksharZafar, Sanjeev Kumar Metya and Vijay Janyani, "Improved Efficiency and Enhanced Slow Light Performance in Photonic Crystal Waveguides Using Rectangular Unit Cells" , International Conference on Communications & Electronics System Design, Jaipur India by :SPIE at Jaipur / 1 / 2013

P. Ranjan, P. Mishra, J. S. Rawat, E. S. Pilli, R. C. Joshi, "Improved Technique for Data Confidentiality in Cloud Environment" , International Conference on Networks & Communications by :Springer at Chennai, India / 183-193 / 2013

Isha Thapa, Satender Dahiya, Vatsala Chaturvedi, "Improvement in the Performance and Effectiveness of Internal Combustion Engines With the Application of Ceramic Coatings" , Proceedings of International Conference of Alternative Fuels for I.C. Engines by :Proceedings of International Conference of Alternative Fuels for I.C. Engines, Organized by Departme at MNIT Jaipur / 44 / 2013

Mali, HS, Rana P, "Improvements in Design of Tooling of Trim Dies in Abrasive Flow Machining" , 28th National Convention of Production Engineers and National Seminar on “Advancements in Production and Operations Management by :Mechanical Engineering Department, MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / 1-10 / 2013

D.K. Jamuwa, D. Sharma, S.L. Soni, "Influence of Ethanol Fumigation Rate and Injection Timing on the Performance of a Constant Speed Stationary CI Engine Using Fumigated Ethanol" , International Conference on Alternative Fuels for I. C. Engines by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 286-290 / 2013

Sundeep kumar, Monica Sharma, Awadhesh Kumar Bhardwaj and G.S.Dangayach, "Innovation and Networking : The Path Ahead for Rural Entrepreneurship" , International Conference on Management and Business Innovation- ICOMBI-2013 by :ICOMBI at Jaipur / / 2013

Sundeep Kumar, "Innovation and Networking: The Path Ahead for Rural Entrepreneurship" , International Conference on Management and Business Innovation-ICOMBI by :Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2013

Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "Innovative Techniques for Teaching English to Second Language Learners " , International Conference on Empowering the English Language Classroom by :Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2013

Purohit, J. K, Mittal. M.L, Joshi Dushyant , "Integrated Decision Making in Supply Chain Management: A Literature Review" , National Conference on Manufacturing and Logistics Management (NCMLM) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 25-29 / 2013

Manmohan Siddh, Gaurav Gadekar, Gunjan Soni, Rakesh Jain, "Investigating the Issues in Perishable Food Supply Chain: A Case Study" , 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering by :Indusrtrial Engineering at SVNIT, Surat / / 2013

P. Gupta, K.K. Sharma et al., "Investigations on Instantaneous Frequency Variations of RR Time Series in Intrinsic Mode Functions of Congestive Heart Failure Subjects" , International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing (ISSP), 2013 by :IEEE at Anand / 160-65 / 2013

K.K. Sharma, Priya , "Investigations on Use of Fractional Fourier Transform for Image Restoration in the Wiener and Geometric Mean Filters" , International Conference on Communications & Electronics System Design, Jaipur India by :SPIE at Jaipur / 04 / 2013

Anjali Jain, Ravi Dhabhai, Neha Bajpai and S. P. Chaurasia, "Kinetic Study on Enzymatic Saccharification of Sorghum Straw" , International Conference “Various Facets of Energy Technologies and Its Management for Sustainable Development” (ET & MSD-2013) by :JNU New Delhi at JNU New Delhi / / 2013

Maheshwari, Monika and Vyas, R. K., "Kinetics Studies for Removal of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Using Activated Alumina and Coal Fly Ash at Different pH" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE2013) by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / 139-140 / 2013

Subhash Panwar, Neeta Nain, Subhra Saxena, P C Gupta, "Language Adaptive Methodology for Handwritten Text Line Segmentation" , 15th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP 2013 by :Springer at York - UK / 344-351 / 2013

Manviri Rani, WJ Shim, M Jang, SH Hong, "Leaching Characteristics of Hexabromocyclododecanes From Expanded Polystyrene Buoy in Water" , Dioxin Symposium 2013 by :Organohalogen Compounds at Republic of Korea / / 2013

S. Gupta and M. Sharma, "Lean & Six Sigma: A Literature Review" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering by :Excellent Publishing House at SVNIT, Surat / 14-20 / 2013

P V Ramana, "Limitations in Computational Mathematics" , CIIT 2013 by :IRAJ at Mumbai / 01 / 2013

P V Ramana, "Limitations on Decomposition Method for Engineering Problems" , 1234 by :IIT Varnasi at Varnasi / 01 / 2013

A. Pareek, R. Jain, A. P. S. Rathore, "Linkages Influencing NPD-SCM Alignment - Evidence From Indian Automotive Industry" , IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management IEEM by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / 192 / 2013

Aditi Sharma, S. P. Chaurasia and A. K. Dalai, "Lipase Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Salmon and Herring Fish Oils" , 96th Canadian Chemistry Conference by :AIChE at Quebec (Canada) / / 2013

D. Kapil, E. S. Pilli and R. C. Joshi, "Live Virtual Machine Migration Techniques: Survey and Research Challenges" , 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC 13) by :IEEE at Ghaziabad, India / 963 - 969 / 2013

Vinay Kumar Kaushik, Dinesh Gopalani, "Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Using High Level Fragmentation of Dataset" , International Conference on Cloud, Big Data and Trust (ICCBDT - 2013) by :RGPV, Bhopal at Bhopal / 118-126 / 2013

Manoj Kumar, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Gaur, Masoud Daneshtalab, Seok-Bum Ko and Mark Zwolinski, "Low-Cost Highly Adaptive and Congestion-Aware Routing for 3D on Chip Networks" , GLSVLSI by :IEEE at USA / / 2013

Vibhuti Singh Shekhawat, "Mahatma Gandhi and Religious Metaphysics" , International Conference on “Buddhism and World Culture by :“Buddhism and World Culture at Jinan University, Guangzhou in China / 12 / 2013

Nangia, V.K., Sharma, V., Mahajan, R., and Jindal, A., "Management Education Landscape in India: Analyzing the Expectations of Students" , 5th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies by :IIM Ahmedabad at Ahmedabad / / 2013

Arpith S, Meghla Clara Costa, Rajeev Agrawal, "Manufacturing Management Model to Optimize Production Technologies" , International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering by :CPIE at Jalandhar / 32-36 / 2013

J.K.Purohit and M.L.Mittal , "Mass Customization, Postponement and Modularization Strategies: A Theoretical Consideration" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering by :SVNIT,Surat at SURAT / 168-175 / 2013

P V Ramana, "MATLAB and Algebra a Good Marriage for the Learning Based on Competencies" , CIITcom 2013 by :CIIT at Mumbai / 01 / 2013

Vinod, P., Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Smita Naval, and Parvez Faruki, "MCF: MultiComponent Features for Malware Analysis" , 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA) by :IEEE at Barcelona, Spain / 1076-1081 / 2013

K. Lalwani, "Measurement of the Branching Ratio of a Rare Decay Eta> Pi^0 Gamma Gamma With WASAatCOSY " , DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics by :DAE at Mumbai / / 2013

Blessen Skariah Thomas and R.C. Gupta, "Mechanical Properties of Cement Concrete With Discarded Tire-Rubber as Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates" , International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICATET-2013) by :Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur, India at Jaipur, India / 277-280 / 2013

Sweta Lal, Sushant Upadhyaya and S.P.Chaurasia, "Membrane Characterization for Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , Chemcon 2013 by :IIChE at Mumbai / / 2013

G. Ranga Rao and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Metal Oxides as Promoters of Pt/C for Alcohol Electrooxidation" , 10th International Symposium on Advances in Electrochemical Science and Technology (iSAEST-10) by :Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology at Hotel Green Park, Chennai, India / 58 / 2013

Sundeep Kumar, "Methodologies for Air Pollution Control" , All India Seminar by :Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2013

Kataria G., Vashishtha M., "Microbial Desulfurization of Coal" , All India Seminar on Pollution Prevention Through Bio-Based Materials and Energy by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / / 2013

Navin P.K., Mathur Y.P. , "Minimum Spanning Tree Layout of Sewerage System" , International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering &Technology (ICATET), by :Arya College at Jaipur / 272-276 / 2013

Neeli Satyanarayana and S.Janardhanan, "Minimum Variance Functional Filtering for Multirate Sampled Systems" , International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials (ICCCCM-2013) by :IEEE at Allahabad, India. / / 2013

R.K. Dohare,M.Kumar , "Model Based Controller for Control the Train of Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ICACE-2013) by :A & v Publication, Raipur at NIT Raipur / 28 / 2013

Sharma, M., Vyas, R.K., Singh, K., "Modeling of a Fixed Bed Reactive Adsorption Column for Environmental Remediation" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE2013) by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee,India / 60 / 2013

Suja George, , "Modeling of Defluoridation Processes" , Innovations in Defluoridation by :DST Rajasthan and Health Care Sansthan, Jaipur at Ramada Hotel, Jaipur,India / / 2013

Ankit Tibrewal, Aditya Prakash, Rajeev Agrawal, "Modeling of Solar Panels Automatic Tracking System Based on Delta PLC" , International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering by :CPIE at Jalandhar / / 2013

Dinesh Kumar and Kanshik Sharma , "Modelling and Analysis of Functionally Graded Beam" , Current Challenges in Structural Engineering by :Asia and Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium at Jaipur / 256 / 2013

Vashishtha M., Kumar S., "Modelling of Mist Reactor: Effect of Packing Fraction and Film Thickness on the Growth of Hairy Roots" , 27th European Conference on Modeling and Simulation (ECMS-2013) by :European Council for Modeling and Simulation at Alesund (Norway) / 117 / 2013

Divesh Kumar and Zillur Rahman, "Modelling Relationship Marketing Strategies for Sustainable Supply Chain" , ICOMB2013 by :Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2013

Arya, I and Jana, S. K., "Modelling the Absorption of Lean Carbon-Dioxide Gas in Sodium Hydroxide Solution in a Foam-Bed Reactor" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering ACE-2013 by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / 91-93 / 2013

Bhatt, Preeti, "Modernist Impulses in Katherine Mansfield’s Stories in in a German Pension" , National Seminar on Rethinking 1840-1940 - Concepts, Ideologies, Thought: India & Europe by :Institute for Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2013

Nishant Paul, Anjali Garg, Santveer, R. K. Dohare and Madhu Agarwal, "Modification in Nalgonda Technique" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment and Management & Indian Desalination Association Annual Congress by :InDACON at MNIT, Jaipur / / 2013

Parul Mathuria, Rohit Bhakar, "Monte Carlo Approach for Genco’s Electricity Trading Portfolio Optimization" , 5th International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering - Recent Advances by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / 1-6 / 2013

V. P. Rathod, O. P. Yadav, A. P. S. Rathore, "Multi-Response Surface Optimization Using Axiomatic Design" , IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management IEEM by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / 477-481 / 2013

S.M. Aseem, T. Akhtar, A. Jain, S. Upadhayaya and Madhu Agarwal, "Natural Adsorbents for Removal of Fluoride From Drinking Water" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment and Management & Indian Desalination Association Annual Congress by :InDACON at MNIT Jaipur / / 2013

Vipin Pal, Girdhari Singh, R P Yadav, "Network Adaptive Round-Time Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks" , Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2013 International Conference On by :IEEE at Mysore / 1299-1302 / 2013

Vijay Shankar Gautam, A. Kushwaha, Jitendra Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya and S. P. Chaurasia, "Nitrate Removal by Polyamide RO Membrane and Effect of Di-Hydrogen Phosphate Ions on Its Removal" , Water Desalination Treatment and Management by :Indian Desalination Annual Congress at MNIT Jaipur / 1 / 2013

Vijay Shankar Gautam, Jitendra Singh, S.P.Chaurasia, "Nitrate Removal by Vacuum Membrane Distillation From Water" , National Conference on Environmental Research and Development-2013 by :JNU New Delhi at JNU New Delhi / / 2013

D. K. Bairwa, M. L. Meena, "Noise Exposure of Agricultural Tractor Operators" , International Conference on Automation and Mechanical Systems (ICAMS 2013) by :Lingaya’s University, Faridabad at Faridabad, India / 160-166 / 2013

Jain, Swati, Vyas, R. K., and Pandit, Prabhat, "Nonlinear Modeling of Equilibrium Data for Adsorption of Acyclovir Onto Powdered Activated Charcoal" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE2013) by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / 60-61 / 2013

S. Singhal, T. Goel and A. K. Singh, "Novel Diamond Shaped UWB Monopole Antenna" , Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON) by :IEEE at IIT Bombay / / 2013

Lava Bhargava, Bose Ranjan, M., Balakrishnan,, "Novel Hardware Implementation of LLR-Based Non-Binary LDPC Decoders" , IEEE National Conference on Communications by :IEEE at New Delhi / 15-17 / 2013

G. Ranga Rao and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Novel Structured CeO2 as Efficient Catalyst for Energy and Environmental Applications" , 21st National Symposium on Catalysis “Catalysis for Sustainable Development” (CATSYMP-21) by :Catalysis Society of India at CSIR-IICT Hyderabad, India / 126 / 2013

Ram Dayal, Eberhard Abele, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, "Numerical Investigation of Coalescence of Viscous Particles With Solid Cores" , International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels by :ASME at Sapporo, Japan / / 2013

Aneesh Prabhakar, Nilesh Agrawal, Vasudevan Raghavan, and Sarit K. Das, "Numerical Study of Hydrogen Release and Distribution in AERB-IITM Test Compartment" , 22nd National and 11th International ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference by :Indian Society of Heat and Mass Transfer at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India / / 2013

Susheela Dahiya, P. K. Garg, Mahesh K Jat, "Object Oriented Approach for Building Extraction From High Resolution Satellite Images" , 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC 13) by :IEEE at Ghaziabad, India / 1300-1305 / 2013

M. B. Bhore, D. K. Bairwa, M. L. Meena, "Occupational Musculoskeletal Disorders in Informal Sectors" , 28th National Convention of Production Engineers & National Seminar on Advancements in Production and Operations Management by :Institution of Engineers and Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur at Jaipur / 57 / 2013

Dahiya, Sandeep, Jain, Swati and Vyas, R. K., "Occurrence of Oseltamivir in Wastewater and Removal Techniques-a Brief Overview" , International Conference on Water Desalination , Treatment and Management & Indian Desalination Association Annual Congress- 2013 (InDACON -2013) by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 93 / 2013

Bhanu P. S., S. Agarwal, A. Gupta, R. Kumar, "On-Line Low Cost Unbalance Source Identifier" , India Educators Conference (TIIEC-2013) by :India Educators Conference at India / / 2013

Subrata Mukhopadhyay, Sushil K. Soonee, Bhim Singh, Y.K. Sehgal, "Opportunities and Problems of Smart Grids With Large Penetration of Renewable Energy - Indian Perspective" , 2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Vancouver, BC, Canada / / 2013

Basant Agarwal, Namita Mittal, "Optimal Feature Selection for Sentiment Analysis" , In 14th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics by :Springer at Greece / 13-24 / 2013

S.N. Singh, D. Saxena and Sayak Bhaumik, "Optimal Location and Size of Active Power Line Conditioners in Power System," , Seventeenth International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP 2013 - by :IEEE at Tokyo, Japan / 1-8 / 2013

Dohare, R.K., Singh, K., and Kumar, R, "Optimal Parameters for BTX Separation in Divided Wall Column" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ICACE-2013) by :A & v Publications, Raipur at Raipur / 56 / 2013

R. K. Dohare, K. Singh, R. Kumar, "Optimal Parameters for BTX Separation in Divided Wall Column" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering by :IEEE Xplore at Raipur, Chhattisgarh, INDIA / / 2013

D. Saxena and Sayak Bhaumik, "Optimal Planning of Tuned Passive Harmonic Filters in Power System" , National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ETEAT-2013) by :Vishveshwarya Institute of Engineering and Technology at Noida / 1-8 / 2013

Vinod SinghYadav, Pardeep Kumar Gupta, S. L. Soni and Dilip Sharma, "Optimization of Engine Performance for Hydrogen-Fuelled Direct Injection Compression Ignition Engine" , International Conference on Alternative Fuels for I. C. Engines by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 301-306 / 2013

Sharma, Richa, Jain, Swati and Vyas, R. K., "Optimization of Factors Affecting Removal of Diclofenac on Amberlite IR 120H Using Response Surface Methodology" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment and Management & Indian Desalination Annual Congress 2013 (InDACON 2013) by :MNIT Jaipur at JAIPUR / 71 / 2013

Man Mohan Siddh, Gaurav Gadekar, Gunjan Soni, Rakesh jain, "Parameters of Quality in Indian Cold Chain: A Review and Case Study " , 55th International Conference on Management Supply Chain for Global Competitiveness by :Indusrtrial Engineering at NIT Nagpur / / 2013

Sunil Kumar Jain, Gunwant Sharma, Y.P. Mathur, "Particles Effects on Harmone and Enzyme Systems of Aqua Population: A View Over Anasagar Lake" , International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering and Technology 2013 by :International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering and Technology at ACEIT , Kukas Jaipur / 1 / 2013

Mishra, A. , Sharma, G.K. , Boolchandani, D., "Performance Analysis of Power Optimal PLL Design Using Five-Stage CS-VCO in 180nm" , Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT) by :IEEE at Ajmer / 764 - 768 / 2013

Deepesh Sonar, S. L. Soni and Dilip Sharma, "Performance and Emission Studies on Unaltered Mahua-Oil Blends With Varying Injection Pressure in a Diesel Engine" , International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER 2013) by :IIT Bombay at Bombay / 1 / 2013

Sinha Richa., Mathur Sanjay, "Performance Evaluation of Continuous Flow Electrocoagulation With Aluminium Electrodes for Fluoride Removal" , International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering by :International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering at Beijing, China / / 2013

Sharma, Dinesh Kumar, Swami, B.L. and Vyas, A.K. , "Performance Study of Bituminous Concrete Containing Copper Slag" , 5th Asia and Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium (YRGS-2013) by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 340-348 / 2013

Vinod Singh Yadav, D. Sharma, S. L. Soni and Nitin Sharma, "Performance, Combustion and Emission Studies on Ethanol-Biodiesel-Diesel Blend Fuelled C. I. Engine" , International Conference on Alternative Fuels for I. C. Engines by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 99-105 / 2013

MM Sharma, P Trivedi, AK Dubey, A Toshniwal, H Swarnkar, "Pioneering an Automated Risk Removal Tools in Software Engineering" , 2013 International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON) by :IEEE at Mathura, India / 104-107 / 2013

S.H. Hong, W. J. Shim, NA Al-Odaini, GM Han, Manviri Rani, "Plastic Marine Debris and Their Associated Toxic Chemicals" , Korea POPs Forum , 2013 by :Korea POPs Forum at South Korea / / 2013

Anurag M.P., Vashishtha M., "Pollution Prevention Using Bio- Ethanol Production Through Fermentation Root" , All India Seminar on Pollution Prevention Through Bio-Based Materials and Energy by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / / 2013

Seema Yardi1, D.Boolchandani , Shantanu Bhattacharya, "Polymer Waveguide and Optical Fiber Coupling Using Whispering Gallery Modes in an Elliptical Micro- Sleeve" , Optics in the Life Sciences by :OSA at Hawaii / / 2013

G. Raju, M. L. Meena, "Preventing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in India" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering by :ICIE at S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat,India / 360-367 / 2013

Pritam Dey, Prashant Patel and Madhu Agarwal, "Primary Alcohol as Fuels for IC Engines-a Brief Review" , International Conference on Alternate Fuels for IC Engines by :MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India at MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur / 279-289 / 2013

Renu Kumawat, V. Sahula, M. S. Gaur, "Probabilistic Modeling Approaches for Nanoscale Devices" , International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies ICCPCT-2013, 21-22 March 2013, Kumaracoil by :IEEE at Kumarcoil / 6 / 2013

Saima Cherukat, V. Sahula, "Process Variation Tolerant SRAM Design for Ultra Low Power Applications" , 17th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test, 2013, Jaipur by :Springer at Jaipur / 1 / 2013

Jay Mehta , Suja George, , "Pseudomonas Species: A Broad Spectrum Bioremediator" , All India Seminar on Pollution Prevention Through Development of Bio- Based Material and Energy by :. at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2013

Vaiju Kalkhambkar, Rajesh Kumar, Rohit Bhakar, "PV-Battery Placement and Sizing for Loss Reduction and Voltage Profile Improvement" , 5th International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering - Recent Advances by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / 1-6 / 2013

Sharma, Garima, and Goyal, Rohit , "Qualitative and Quantitative Soil Erosion Mapping of Micro-Watersheds of Bisalpur Reservoir Using Remote Sensing and GIS" , User Interaction Meet, 2013, Organized by NRSA, ISRO, Hyderabad by :NRSA, ISRO, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / - / 2013

Raghuwanshi N.K. and Parey A., "Radial Location of Strain Gauge on Cracked Tooth Root of Spur Gear for Accurate Determination of Stress Intensity Factor" , 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Robotics, Automation and Manufacturing (IRAM 2013) by :Emerald at IIT Indore / / 2013

Gunwant Sharma, "Rainfall- Runoff Regression Model for Mega Catchment" , International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering and Technology 2013 by :International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering and Technology at ACEIT, Kukas Jaipur / 1 / 2013

Mitharwal, Rajendra, and Francesco P. Andriulli, "Regularized Formulations for Spectral Graph Partitioning." , ICEAA 2020 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications by :IEEE at Turin, Italy / / 2013

Mitharwal, Rajendra, and Francesco ANDRIULLI., "Regularized Graph Laplacians for Hierarchical Spectral Partitioning." , AP-S/URSI IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC- URSI National Radio Science Meeting by :IEEE at Orlando, FL, USA / / 2013

Smita Naval, Yogesh Meena, Vijay Laxmi, Vinod P, "Relevant Hex Patterns for Malcode Detection" , International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing (ISSP), 2013 by :IEEE at Anand Gujrat India / 334-337 / 2013

Smita Naval, Vijay Laxmi, Yogesh Meena, Vinod, P. , "Relevant Hex Patterns for Malcode Detection." , International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing (ISSP), 2013 by :IEEE at Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat INDIA / 334-337 / 2013

Pritam Dey, Prashant Patel and Madhu Agarwal, "Removal of Chromium (VI) From Solution Using Iron Oxide Nanoparticles" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment and Management & Indian Desalination Association Annual Congress-21013 (InDACON-2013) by :MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India at Hotel Ramada, Jaipur / 40 / 2013

Pankaj K.Pandey,S.K.Sharma,S.S.Sambi and Sushant Upadhyaya, "Removal of Lead and Copper by Zeolite –NaX From Waste Water" , Water Desalination Treatment and Management by :Indian Desalination Annual Congress at MNIT Jaipur / 1 / 2013

V. Gosu, B. R. Gurjar, "Removal of Nitrogeneous Heterocyclic Compounds From Pharmaceutical Industries" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE2013) by :IIT Roorkee at IITRoorkee / / 2013

R.K. Dohare, M.Kumar, "Removal of Persistent Compounds Using Advanced Techniques" , International Conference on Water Desalination , Treatment and Management & Indian Desalination Association Annual Congress- 2013 (InDACON -2013) by :MNIT JAIPUR at MNIT Jaipur / 86 / 2013

chandrakumar badole, APS rathore, Rakesh Jain, Ritu Agarwal, Bimal Nepal, "RFID and Perishable Product Supply Chain With Shortages " , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Science by :Indusrtrial Engineering at Nashik, Maharashtra / / 2013

Badole C.M., Rathore A.P.S., Nepal B., Jain R., Agarwal Ritu, "RFID and Perishable Product Supply Chain With Shortages" , ICRTES13 Organized by SPVRYAN by :Elsevier at Pune, India / 141-147 / 2013

Sushant Upadhyaya, S.P. Chaurasia, Kailash Singh and Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Robust Design Optimization for Desalination by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment and Management by :MNIT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2013

Rajeev Kumar Dohare , Kailash Singh, Rajesh Kumar, "Robust Model Based Control of Dividing Wall Column" , International Conference on Control, Communication and Computing (ICCC-2013) by :IEEE Xplore at Trivandru, Kerala / 30 / 2013

Yash Kumar Mittal, "Role of Air Quality Index Monitoring in Air Pollution Control" , All India Seminar on Methodologies for Air Pollution Control by :MNIT at Rajasthan / / 2013

Gireendra Kumar and Gaurav Raheja, "Role of Building Envelope Design in Sustainable Built Form" , International Conference on Materials, Architecture and Technology (ICMAET 2013) by :DesTech Publication USA at Beijing, China / 841-846 / 2013

N. Gupta, R. Malav and I. Lal, "Role of Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Sources" , AICTE Sponsored National Electrical Engineering Conference on Power System Operation & Energy Management: Vision 2020 by :SKIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 15-19 / 2013

Nidhi Sharma, "Role of TEEB in Economic Valuation & Conservation of Biodiversity" , National Conference on Biodiversity Conservation: Embracing Our Future, Preserving Our Past by :IIS University Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2013

Dangayach, G.S. and Bhatt, H., "Scheduling Improvements in an Automative Sector Company" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering by :ICIE at Capetown / 1 / 2013

Deepti Khanduja, Neeta Nain, "Segmentation and Recognition Techniques for Handwritten Devanagari Script" , MUSCLE International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding by :IEEE at Turkey / 105 - 111 / 2013

A A Kasar, A Paul, S D Bharti and M K Shrimali, "Seismic Hazrd Mitigation of Multi-Storied Buildings Using Semi-Active MR Damper" , 8th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2012) by :Excel India Publishers, New Delhi at Surat (India) / 146-131 / 2013

Aditi Sharma, S. P. Chaurasia and A. K. Dalai, "Selective Esterification of Tuna Free Fatty Acids With Immobilized Pseudomonas Cepacia and Thermomyces Lanuginosus to Produce Esters Rich in Docosahexaenoic Acid" , AIChE 2013 Annual Meeting, San Francisco by :AIChE at California(US) / / 2013

Namita Mittal, Basant Agarwal, Garvit Chouhan, Nitin Bania, Prateek Pareek, , "Sentiment Analysis of Hindi Reviews Based on Negation and Discourse Relation" , In the Proceedings of 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP), by :ACL Anthology at Japan / 45-50 / 2013

Basant Agarwal, Vijay Sharma, Namita Mittal, "Sentiment Classification of Review Documents Using Phrases Patterns" , In the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI by :IEEE at Mysore / 1577-1580 / 2013

Basant Agarwal, Namita Mittal, "Sentiment Classification Using Rough Set Based Hybrid Feature Selection" , In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis (WASSA’13), by :ACL Anthology at Atlanta USA / 115-119 / 2013

Jitendra Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya and S. P. Chaurasia, "Separation of Ethanol-Water Azeotropic Mixture by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , Chemcon 2013 by :IIChE at NIT Jalandhar / / 2013

Chakraborty S., Vashishtha M., "Significant Features and Process Evaluation of Starch Based Bio Plastics" , All India Seminar on Pollution Prevention Through Bio-Based Materials and Energy by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / / 2013

Meenakshi Tripathi,M.S. Gaur, V. Laxmi , "Simulating Snooze Attack on LEACH in WSN" , Third International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications by :AIRCC at Delhi / 393-399 / 2013

Mali, H S and Manna, A, "Simulation of Material Removal During Loose Abrasive Finishing of Al/SiCp-MMC Surfaces" , International Conference on PRECISION, MESO, MICRO, and NANO ENGINEERING (COPEN-8) by :National Institute of Technology, Calicut at National Institute of Technology, Calicut / 1-10 / 2013

Sharma, Garima, and Goyal, Rohit, "Soil Erosion Mapping of Micro-Watersheds of Bisalpur Reservoir Using Remote Sensing and GIS" , 13th International Conference on Geospatial Technology, India Geospatial Forum 2013 by :Hyderabad International Convention Centre at Hyderabad / - / 2013

Y. Singh, D. Boolchandani, "SRAM Design for Nanoscale Technology With Dynamic Vth and Dynamic Standby Voltage for Leakage Reduction" , International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC) by :IEEE at Noida / / 2013

Manoj Kumar, Tushar Yadav, Munkesh Meena, Sunil Kumar Jhingonia and Prerna Jain, "Statistical Analysis of Electricity Price in Indian Power Market" , Advances & Research in Electrical System Technology (AREST’13) by :Arya Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur, India / 41-46 / 2013

Vivekanand V, Olsen EF, Eijsink VGH, Horn SJ , "Steam Explosion of Bagasse: Methane Potential and Enzymatic Saccharification" , 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Santiago De Compostela, Spain by :International Water Association at Santiago De Compostela, Spain / / 2013

Dinesh Kumar and Kanishk Sharma, "Stress Analysis of Timoshenko FGM Beam Under Non-Uniform Thermal Loading" , The 58th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (An International Conference) by :The Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at BESU, Shibpur, Kolkatta / 47 / 2013

P V Ramana, "Structural Health Monitoring for High Raised Buildings" , ICMESS 2013 by :ICMESS at Mumbai / 01 / 2013

Akhilesh Kushwaha, V. Gautam, Jitendra Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya and S.P. Chaurasia, "Studies on Boron Removal for Desalination Applications by Reverse Osmosis Membrane" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment and Management & Indian Desalination Annual Congress 2013 (InDACON 2013) by :MNIT JAIPUR at MNIT Jaipur / / 2013

Jana, S.K. and Pragati, "Studies on Carbonation of Barium Sulfide in Bubble Column and Foam-Bed Reactors" , CHEMCON 2013 by :Conference Proceedings at ICT Mumbai / 42 / 2013

Jitendra Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya and S.P. Chaurasia, "Studies on Separation of NaCl From Water by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , Water Desalination Treatment and Management by :Indian Desalination Annual Congress at MNIT Jaipur / 1 / 2013

Jitendra Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya and S.P. Chaurasia, "Studies on Separation of NaCl From Water by Vacuum Membrane Distillation” Presented in International Conference on Water Desalination" , International Conference on Water Desalination, Treatment and Management by :MNIT JAIPUR at MNIT Jaipur / / 2013

Nitin Sharma, Vikrant Chandrakar and Dilip Sharma, "Study of Ethanol Fumigation in Diesel Engine" , International Conference on Alternative Fuels for I. C. Engines by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 407-410 / 2013

Sinha Richa., Mathur Sanjay, "Study of Laboratory Scale Electrocoagulation for Defluoridation of Water" , India Water Week- 2013 by :Ministry of Water Resources, GoI at New Delhi / / 2013

D. K. Bairwa, M. L. Meena, "Study of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Marble Sculpture in Jaipur" , 28th National Convention of Production Engineers & National Seminar on Advancements in Production and Operations Management by :Institution of Engineers and Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur at Jaipur / 60 / 2013

Vikas Sharma, V. K. Khanna, K. Sachdev, "Study of Oxide Etching for MOSFET - Based MEMS Bio Sensor" , AIP Conference Proceedings by :AIP Publishing at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai, In / 518-519 / 2013

Dhaka S., Mathur J., Garg V., Wagner A, GD Agrawal, "Study of Thermal Environment and Energy Savings Considering Adaptive Thermostat Control: Case Study of an Air Conditioned Office Building in Composite Climate of India" , International Conference on Advances in Building Sciences by :IIT Madras at Madras / 1-8 / 2013

Sharma, Dinesh Kumar, Swami, B.L. and Vyas, A.K., "Study on Design of Hot Mix Asphalt Using Waste Copper Slag" , 5th Asia and Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium (YRGS-2013) by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 248-255 / 2013

Swati Gangwar, Amar Patnaik, "Study on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of TiO2 Filled A380 Alloy Composites" , National Conference on Sustainable Innovation Through Management, Engineering, Science & Technology by :Bareily at Bareily / / 2013

Manish Tiwari, Vijay Janyani, "Supercontinuum Generation in All-Solid Photonic Crystal Fiber" , Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP2013) by :IIT Delhi at IIT Delhi / 1 / 2013

Manish Tiwari, Vijay Janyani, "Supercontinuum Generation in Hexagonal Spiral Lead Silicate Photonic Crystal Fiber" , Thailand Japan MicroWave 2013 by :Thailand Japan at Thailand / 1 / 2013

Deepesh Sonar, Dilip Sharma and S. L. Soni, "Sustainable Development With Micro-Trigeneration Systems" , The 3rd International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies by :MICROGEN at Naples, Italy / 1 / 2013

Sharma, N. and Singh, K., "SVM Predictive Control of TAME Reactive Distillation Column" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE2013) by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee,India / 1 / 2013

PARUL GUPTA, RISHI VYAS, K. SACHDEV, D. S. PATIL, S. K. Sharma, "SYNTHESIS and CHARACTERIZATION of PURE and Zn-DOPED SnO2 NANOPOWDERS" , International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series by :World Scientific Publishing at International Conference on Ceramics, Bikaner, Ind / 452–457 / 2013

Sunny Soni, Madhu Agarwal, Rajiv Kumar Dohare, "Synthesis of Heterogeneous Catalyst From Clinker for the Production of Biodiesel" , International Conference on Alternate Fuels for IC Engines by :International Conference on Alternate Fuels for IC Engines at MNIT,Jaipur / / 2013

Raj Kumar Joshi, Dhirendra Kumar Rai, Badrinath Jha, Shaikh M Mobin, Pradeep Mathur, "Synthesis of Novel Allene Stablised Phosphido Bridges Ru, Pt Clusters Involving Enyne to Allene Transformation" , Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry XV, by :MTIC XV at IIT Roorkee / 2014 / 2013

Sunny Soni, Madhu Agarwal , Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Synthesis of the Hetrogenrous Catalyst From Clinker for the Production of Biodisel" , International Conference on Alternative Fuels for I. C. Engines by :MNIT JAIPUR at MNIt Jaipur / 115-120 / 2013

Vibhuti Singh Shekhawat , "Terror on High Seas: The Changing Dimensions of Security”. " , The Changing Dimensions of Security: India’s Security Options by :Vij Books India Pvt.Ltd. at V.K. Krishna Menon Study Centre for International / 184-189 / 2013

Namita Mittal, Basant Agarwal, Nikita Vijay, Adarsh Gupta, "Text Summarization With Semantics Information" , In 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON) by :ACL Anthology at Noida / - / 2013

A. Tripathi, I. Samajdar, A. Tewari, A.K.Kanjarla, N. Srinivasan, G.M. Reddy, J.F. Nie, "Texture and Microstructure Developments During Friction Stir Processing of Magnesium Alloy AZ31" , Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) by :Magnesium Technology at Montreal, Quebec, Canada / 1516-1517 / 2013

Nangia, V.K., Sharma, V., and Mahajan, R., "The Contemporary Management Education Landscape: A Comparison of BRIC Nations" , International Conference on Trade, Markets & Sustainability by :Symbiosis University at Pune / / 2013

P V Ramana, Surendra nath A, "The Health Monitoring Prescription by DIC & AE Method" , ICATET 2013 by :ICATET at Jaipur / 01 / 2013

P V Ramana, Surendra nath , "The Health Monitoring Problems" , ICETEAS 2013 by :ICETEAS at Jaipur / 01 / 2013

Vibhuti Singh Shekhawat, "The Indo-US Nuclear Deal in Retrospect”. " , India –US Cooperation: A Defining Partnership of 21stCentury by :Under Publication at Department of Politics and International Studies, / - / 2013

42. P V Ramana,Vivek T Singh, "The Magnitude of Linear Problems" , ICETEAS 2013 by :ICETEAS at Jaipur / 01 / 2013

Anandghan Waghmare, Arka Prokash Mazumdar, and Ashok Singh Sairam, "Time Synchronization Protocol for 6LoWPAN" , International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) by :IEEE at Mysore, India / 1855-1860 / 2013

S. Gupta and M. Sharma, "TOC Based TQM Framework: A Case Study of Automotive Supplier" , International Conference of Management and Business Innovation by :MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India at MNIT, Jaipur / / 2013

K. Pareek, H. Cheng, "Toward Room Temperature Hydrogen Storage via Physisorption" , MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibits by :Materials Research Society at Boston, Massachusetts, USA / / 2013

K. Pareek, H. Cheng, "Toward Room Temperature Hydrogen Storage via Physisorption " , 7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies by :Materials Research Society Singapore at Suntech Singapore / / 2013

Sundeep Kumar, "Towards a Sustainable Business Model" , Conference on Management by :Lakshmipati University Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2013

Sunny Soni, Rajiv Dohare and Madhu Agarwal, "Treatment of Wastewater Generated in Biodiesel Production" , International Conference on Water Desalination , Treatment and Management & Indian Desalination Association Annual Congress- 2013 (InDACON -2013) by :MNIT JAIPUR at Hotel Ramada, Jaipur / 88 / 2013

S. Singha, R.K. Dohare, M. Agarwal, "Two -Phase Modelling of Turbulent Convective Heat Transfer of Dilute CuO/water Nanofluid Inside a Circular Tube" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ICACE-2013) by :A & v Publication, Raipur at NIT Raipur / 36 / 2013

M. Tiwari and V. Janyani, "Two Octave Spanning Supercontinuum Generation in Hexagonal Spiral Photonic Crystal Fiber" , International Conference on Communications & Electronics System Design, Jaipur India by :SPIE at Jaipur / 1 / 2013

Anurag Dixit, Harlal Singh Mali and R.K. Mishra, "Unit Cell Model of Plain Weave Textile Composite for Multi-Scale Analysis" , Procedia Engineering of Elsevier for Malaysian International Tribology Conference by :Malaysian International Tribology Conference at Kotakinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia / 1-10 / 2013

Tarush Chandra, Neelam Verma, Utpal Sharma, "Urban Infrastructure Planning for Rapidly Developing Region of Jaipur Metropolitan Area: A De-Centralized Approach" , 1st International Conference of Architects and Civil Engineers (ACE 2013), Singapore by :- at Singapore / / 2013

Chandra Tarush, Verma Neelam, Sharma Utpal, "Urban Infrastructure Planning for Rapidly Developing Region of Jaipur Metropolitan Area: A De-Centralized Approach" , ACE2013 by :GSTF at Singapore / / 2013

Tarush Chandra, Utpal Sharma, "Urban Villages in Transformation" , National Conference on LIVABLE CITIES by :- at Jaipur / / 2013

Pareek, Ritu and Preeti Bhatt., "Using Classroom Activities for Language Teaching." , International Conference on Empowering the English Language Classroom by :Excellent Publishers at MNIT, Jaipur. / 5-9 / 2013

Nemad, Manju and Preeti Bhatt. , "Using Context Clues to Build Vocabulary" , International Conference on Empowering the English Language Classroom by :Excellent Publishers at MNIT Jaipur / 34-39 / 2013

Priyansha Mehra, R. C. Gupta and Anurag Misra, "Utilization of Jarosite in Concrete" , 5th Asia and Pacific Young Researchers and Graduated Symposium (YRGS 2013), on “Current Challenges in Structural Engineering” by :MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India at MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India / 207-212 / 2013

Vikrant Chandrakar, Nitin Sharma and Dilip Sharma, "Vehicle Thermal Management System Simulation and Modeling of Hybrid Electric Vehicles a Review" , International Conference on Alternative Fuels for I. C. Engines by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 131-135 / 2013

P. Tyagi, D. Kapil, E. S. Pilli and R. C. Joshi, "Virtual Machine Portability- a Novel Approach" , International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data (CloudCom-Asia) by :IEEE at Fuzhou, China / 240-245 / 2013

Chaurasia, S. P., Upadhyaya, S., and Singh, K, "Water Desalination by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , AIChE Annual Meeting by :AIChE at San Francisco, USA / 1 / 2013

Shovan K. Saha, Rina Surana, "Water Resources Planning a Case Study of Udaipur" , International Conference on Water Desalination , Treatment and Management & Indian Desalination Association Annual Congress- 2013 (InDACON -2013) by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur / 68 / 2013

Dr. Nidhi Bansal, "Women Security Issues in Cyberspace" , Revisiting Issues of Women’s Security: From Womb to Tomb by :Pragya, Maharani College and National Commission for Women at Jaipur / / 2013


Agarwal R. and Sokol J., " on Alpha-Convex Multivalent Functions Defined by Generalized Ruscheweyh Derivatives Involving Fractional Differential Operator" , Soft Computing and Problem Solving (SocPros-2012) by :Springer India at Jaipur / / 2012

Manju Singh, ""Learning Research: An Innovation Beyond the Class Room in Higher Education" , LSE Teaching Day 2012 by :London School of Economics and Political Science at London / - / 2012

Jain, Swati, Vyas, R. K., Pandit, Prabhat, and Sharma, Richa , "A Comparative Study of Acyclovir Removal From Aqueous Solution Using Ion Exchange Adsorbents" , CHEMCON 2012 by :IIChE at Jalandhar / 197 / 2012

P. Gupta, Rishi Vyas, K. Sachdev, S. K. Sharma, "A Comparative Study of the Sol-Gel Synthesized SnO2 Nanoparticles" , National Conference on Current Trends in Materials Research by :CTMR at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / 1 / 2012

Naval Kishore Gupta and Rajeev Agrawal, "A Framework for Supply Chain Integration and E-Manufacturing" , International Conference on Best Practices in Supply Chain Management by :BPSCM at Bhubaneswar / 1-8 / 2012

A. Agrawal, N. Kunwar, R. Kumar, B. Prasad, S.K. Panda, "A Heuristic Based Optimal Airfoil Geometry and Ballast System Design of Bio-Mimetic Robot Fish for Drag Minimization" , International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics (ICSSD) by :IEEE at Jaipur , India / / 2012

Nikhil Gupta, Anil Swarnkar, K. R. Niazi, "A Modified Branch-Exchange Heuristic Algorithm for Large-Scale Distribution Networks Reconfiguration" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at San Diego, CA, USA / 1-7 / 2012

Mittal M. L and Mittal A. K , "A Multiagent System for Distributed Resource Constrained Multiproject Scheduling Problems" , International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology by :ICRAET at Hyderabad / 29-30 / 2012

Pawan Saini Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, "A New Approach of Harmonic Load Flow for Radial Distribution Networks" , 17th National Power Systems Conference by :NPSC at BHU, Varanasi / 1-5 / 2012

Subhash Panwar Neeta Nain, "A Novel Approach of Skew Normalization for Handwritten Text Lines and Words" , The 8th International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET BASED SYSTEMS by :IEEE at Sorrento - Naples, Italy / 149-154 / 2012

P V Ramana, "A Novel Technique for Solving Fractional Problems" , ASME by :ASME at Houston / 01 / 2012

P V Ramana, "A Novel Technique for Solving Nonlinear Plate Problems" , GBECT 2012 by :GBECT at China / 01 / 2012

Marwah, Kanupriya, and Preeti Bhatt, "A Paradigm Shift in English Pedagogy With Use of Web 2.0 Technologies" , Interfacing ELT With Culture & Technology: Direction for New Classroom. by :Jain Brothers at BITS Pilani / 109-14 / 2012

Sandeep Rana, Ela Kumar, R. Kumar, "A Study of Particle Swarm Optimization Parameters for Data Clustering" , Emerging Paradigms and Practice in Information and Communication Technology and Management 2012 by :GAUTAM BUDDHA UNIVERSITY at Greater Noida, India / / 2012

Rishi Vyas, Sarla Sharma, Parul Gupta, A. K. Prasad, A. K. Tyagi, K Sachdev, S. K. Sharma, "A Study on the Origin of Anomalous Gas Sensing Behavior in Sol-Gel Spin Coated ZnO Thin Films" , Institute of Physics Journal IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering by :IOP Sciences at Kerala, India / 12 / 2012

M. Yadav, A. Bulusu, and S. Dasgupta, "A TCAD Approach to Evaluate Channel Electron Density of Double Gate Symmetric N-Tunnel FET" , INDICON by :IEEE at Kochi, Kerala / 577-581 / 2012

Dinesh Gopalani, M.C. Govil, K.C. Jain, "A Type System and Type Soundness for the Calculus of Aspect-Oriented Programming Languages" , International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 by :IMECS, IAENG at Hongkong / 263-268 / 2012

S. J. Nanda and G. Panda, "Accurate Partitional Clustering Algorithm Based on Immunized PSO" , IEEE International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Science and Management, IEEE-ICAESM-2012 by :IEEE at Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu / 524-528 / 2012

Anmesh Kumar Srivastava, Dilip Sharma, S. L. Soni, Vinod Singh Yadav, Rahul Goyal, Deepesh Sonar, Dheeraj Kishor Johar , "Acetylene: An Alternative Fuel for IC Engine " , National Conference on “Energy Efficient System, Design and Manufacturing” by :NCEESDM at Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur (Rajas / / 2012

P V Ramana, "Adoptive Techniques for Green Building Construction and Maintenance" , Green Buildings by :IISc Bangalore at Bangalore / 01 / 2012

V. Gosu, B. R. Gurjar, "Advance Treatment Technologies for Pharmaceutical Effluents" , RinforSD-2012 by :IEI at Roorkee / / 2012

Anmesh Kumar Srivastava and Dilip Sharma, "Alternate Transportation Fuels and Fuel Saving Technologies: A Brief Study" , National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy Technology by :ETRET at Uttam Devi Mohan Lal College of Engineering / / 2012

P V Ramana, "An Analysis Approach for Angle of Twist in Twisted Shape Towers" , INNDEM 2012 by :IIITDM at Jabalpur / 01 / 2012

P V Ramana, "An Analysis Approach for Large Geometrical Deformable Structures" , INNDEM 2012 by :IIITDM at Jabalpur / 01 / 2012

P V Ramana, "An Analysis of Dynamic Angle of Twist in Twisted Shape Towers" , AARCV2012 by :MSRIT at Bangalore / 01 / 2012

P V Ramana, "An Angle of Twist in Twisted Shape Towers Core Design" , SEC 2012 by :SVNIT at Surat / 01 / 2012

Meenakshi Tripathi,Rohit K. Batwara, M.S. Gaur,V.Laxmi , "An Approach for Prolonging the Life Time of Wireless Sensor Network " , 2012 International Conference on Information and Computer Networks by :IACSIT Press Singapore at Singapore / 264-268 / 2012

M Sharma and R Kodali, "An Empirical Investigation of Supply Chain Management as a Pillar to Achieve Manufacturing Excellence" , 1st International Conference on Best Practices in Supply Chain Management by :Shiksha O Anushandhan University, Bubaneswar at Shikha O Anusandhan University / 1-12 / 2012

Vijay Pratap Singh Rathore, Om Prakash Yadav, APS Rathore, Rakesh Jain, "An Evolutionary Optimization Approach to Reliabilty Based Robust Design Model " , IIE Annual Conference by :Proceeding Hilton Bonnet Creek at Orlando / / 2012

P V Ramana, "An Innovative Method for Solving Axial Bar and Beam Problems" , AARCV2012 by :MSRIT at Bangalore / 01 / 2012

P V Ramana, "An Innovative Method for Solving Multi-Support Obstacle Problems" , Advance Technologies in Civil Engg. by :Coimbatore Institute of Technology at Coimbatore / 01 / 2012

P V Ramana, "An Innovative Technique for One & Two Dimensional Problems in Engineering" , SEC 2012 by :SVNIT at Surat / 01 / 2012

P V Ramana, "An Innovative Technique for Solving 3D Thick Plate Hyperbolic Problems" , International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS2012, IIT Hyderabad) by :IIT Hyderabad at Hyderabad / 01 / 2012

Mali , Harlal Singh and Manna, Alakesh, "An Investigation on Nano-Finishing of Al/10 Wt% SiCp-MMC by Developed Abrasive Flow Finishing Setup" , 4th International and 25th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, (AIMTDR 2012) by :Jadhavpur University, Kolkata at Jadhavpur University, Kolkata / 1-10 / 2012

V. P. Singh, D. Chandra, "Analysis and Adjustment of Steady State Responses of Rational Systems Associated With Interval Systems" , IEEE Students’ Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES) by :IEEE at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India / - / 2012

D. Saxena, S.N. Singh, and K.S. Verma, "Analysis of Composite Power Quality Events Using S-Transform" , IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (ISGT-ASIA 2012) Conference by :IEEE at Tianjin, China / 1-7 / 2012

Vaiju Kalkhambkar, Gaurav Bhansali, R. Kumar, Rohit Bhakar, "Analysis of DC-DC Converters for PV Solar Home Application" , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control, NCPEIC-2012 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, India / / 2012

Nangia, V.K., Sharma, V., Mahajan, R. and Dalai, S.P. , "Analysis of Industry B-School Interface in Emergent India" , International Conference on Global Strategies for an Emergent India by :IIM Kohzikode at Kohzikode / / 2012

Rishi Vyas, Sarla Sharma, P. Gupta, AK Prasad, S Rajagoplan, M Kamruddin, S K Dhara, A K Tyagi, K Sachdev, S K Sharma, "Anomalous Gas Sensing Behaviour of Sol-Gel Spin Coated ZnO Thin Films for H2 and CH4 Exposure" , International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramics and Other Nanomaterials by :International Journal of Pure and Applied Science at Delhi / 1 / 2012

Pulak Bhushan, Matthew Dailey, A. B. Gupta, Sunil K. Gupta, R. Kumar, "Application of Image Processing for Developing a Modified Deans Index for Classification of Dental Fluorosis" , National Conference on Water Quality Management (NCWQM-2012) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur India / / 2012

Pulak Bhushan, Matthew Dailey, A. B. Gupta, Sunil K. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, "Application of Image Processing for Developing a Modified Deans Index for Classification of Dental Fluorosis, National Conference on Water Quality Management" , National Conference on Water Quality Management (NCWQM 2012) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2012

Sini Shankar, Amrita Singh, Anjali Jain, Madhu Agarwal and S. P. Chaurasia, "Application of Lipases for Green Synthesis of Different Compounds" , National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technologies and Sciences for Sustainable Development by :Jawaharlal Nehru University Del at Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi / / 2012

Vinay Gehlot, Ajay Sharma, S.D. Bharti and Shrimali M. K, "Application of Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers in Controlloing Structural Vibration" , 4th International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics by :ICSSD at MNIT Jaipur / 158-165 / 2012

Vinay Kumar Jadoun, Gulshan Sharma, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, "Application of Soft Computing Techniques in Economic Load Dispatch: A Review" , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control, NCPEIC-2012 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2012

K.K. Sharma, Abdul Samad, "Application Specific Integrated Circuit Implementation of Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform (DFrFT)" , International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology 2012 by :IEEE at Kanyakumari / 45 / 2012

Ashok Singh Tanwar, Pradeep K. Gupta and Dilip Sharma, "Applying Computer Based Simulation to Study the Behavior of Building With Varying Thickness of Insulation and Its Effect in Energy Saving" , National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy Technology by :ETRET at Uttam Devi Mohan Lal College of Engineering / / 2012

Keshav Dev, Sushant Upadhyaya, S.P. Chaurasia, A.B. Gupta, "Arsenic Removal From Water by Thermal Process" , National Conference on Water Quality Management (NCWQM-2012) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2012

J. K. Rai, V. P. Singh, R. P. Tewari, D. Chandra, "Artificial Neural Network Controllers for Biped Robot" , 2nd International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems by :IEEE at Allahabad, India / 625-630 / 2012

S. J. Nanda and G. Panda, "Automatic Clustering Using MOCLONAL for Classifying Actions of 3D Human Models" , IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research, IEEE-SHUSER-2012 by :IEEE at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / 945-950 / 2012

S K TIWARI, "Behaviour of Fiber-Reinforced Soils Using Field Load Test Coupled With Laboratory Triaxial Test" , Recent Trends in High Rise Buildings”( RTHRB 2012 ) by :KIET at Jaipur / / 2012

A. Panwar, R. Jain, A. P. S. Rathore , "Benefits of Implementing Lean in Process Industries" , 1st International Conference on Best Practices in Supply Chain Management by :Shiksha O Anushandhan University, Bubaneswar at Bhubaneshwar / / 2012

Lavika Goel, Daya Gupta, VK Panchal, "Biogeography and Plate Tectonics Based Optimization for Water Body Extraction in Satellite Images" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS 2011) December 20-22, 2011 by :Springer Berlin Heidelberg at IIT Roorkee, India / / 2012

Lavika Goel, Daya Gupta, VK Panchal, "Biogeography Based Anticipatory Computing Framework for Intelligent Battle Field Planning" , 2012 12th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS) by :IEEE at Pune, India / / 2012

Shivani Kannongo , Prerna Jain, "Biogeography Based Optimization for Different Economic Load Dispatch Problem With Different Migration Models" , IEEE Students’ Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science by :IEEE at Bhopal / 1-4 / 2012

Poonam Mondal and Suja George, "Biosorbents : An Alternative Method of Fluoride Removal" , All India Seminar on Pollution Prevention Through Development of Bio- Based Material and Energy by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 20-21 / 2012

Shivani Kanoongo, Prerna Jain, "Blended Biogeography Based Optimization for Different Economic Load Dispatch Problem" , 25th IEEE Canadian Conf. on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), by :IEEE at Monteral, Canada / 1-5 / 2012

S. K. Sonkar and S. Sarkar, "Carbon Nano-Onions as Growth Stimulant for Gram (Cicer Arietinum) Plants Leads to Increased Productivity" , Nanomaterials Technology Specialized Conference by :Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor at Malaysia / 1 / 2012

Basant Agarwal , Namita Mittal, "Categorical Probability Proportion Difference (CPPD): A Feature Selection Method for Sentiment Classification" , SAAIP Workshop With 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics by :ACL Anthology at Mumbai / 17-26 / 2012

Dipti Sharma, "Changing Scenario of Indian Electricity Supply Industry: Study of Short-Term Power Market in India" , 8th Biennial Workshop on Advances in Energy Studies by :Springer at IGIDR, Mumbai / / 2012

Deepak Jhanwar, K.K. Sharma, S.G. Modani, "Classification of Environmental Background Noise Sources Using Hilbert-Huang Transform" , International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology 2012 by :IEEE at Kanyakumari / 260-265 / 2012

D. Khare, P. K. Mishra, Santosh Pingle, and Mahesh K. Jat , "Climate Change: Issues and Challenges" , Workshop on Innovation for Sustainable Water Management by :WALMI Bhopal at Bhopal, M.P., India / 97-112 / 2012

A. K. Mishra, P. Matta, E. S. Pilli and R. C. Joshi, "Cloud Forensics: State-of-the-Art and Research Challenges" , International Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing 2012 (ISCOS 2012) by :IEEE at NITK Surathkal, India / 164 - 170 / 2012

R. A. Gupta, R. Kumar, Virendra Sangtani, Ajay Kumar Bansal, "Comparative Analysis of Three Phase Matrix Converter Fed Induction Motor Drive" , International Conference on Computing, Communication and Applications (ICCCA 2012) by :IEEE at Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India / / 2012

Basant Agarwal, Namita Mittal, "Comparative Study of Feature Reduction and Machine Learning Techniques for Spam Detection" , In 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocPros-2012 by :Springer at Jaipur / - / 2012

D. Saxena, S.N. Singh, and K.S. Verma, "Comparison of Hilbert – Huang Transform and Wavelet Transform for Analysis of Composite Power Quality Events" , All India Seminar on Recent Techniques and Future of Information Technology (RTFIT-2012) by :HBTI Kanpur at H.B.T.I. East Campus, Kanpur / 1-7 / 2012

K.K. Sharma, Neeraj Sharma, Shobha Sharma, "Comparison of Shannon and Non-Shannon Entropy Measures for Threshold Selection in Color Image Segmentation Problems" , International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology 2012 by :IEEE at Kanyakumari / 533 / 2012

2. Gahlot V, Swami B L, Kalla P., "Comprehensive Public Transport Planning for Jaipur : Mobility for All" , International Conference on Urban Transport by :International Conference on Urban Transport at Pisa, Italy. / 27-32 / 2012

P. V. Ramana, M. K. Shrimali and B. K. Ragu Prasad, "Computational Mechanism on Large Deformable Bodies " , International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS2012) by :IIITDM at Hyderabad ( India) / 1-8 / 2012

P. V. Ramana, Shereena O.A. and M.K. Shrimali, "Computational Mechanism on Large Deformable Bodies" , International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS2012, IIT Hyderabad) by :IIT Hyderabad at Hyderabad (India) / 1-7 / 2012

P V Ramana, "Computational Mechanism on Large Deformable Bodies" ICCMS" , International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS2012, IIT Hyderabad) by :IIT Hyderabad at Hyderabad / 01 / 2012

Kriti Bhandari, S.P. Chaurasia, A.K. Dalai and Alok Gupta, "Concentration of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) From Tuna Fish Oil by Lipase Catalysed Hydrolysis and Selective Esterification" , 10th Congress of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids ,ISSFAL by :ISSFAL at Canada / / 2012

Susheela Dahiya, P. K. Garg and Mahesh K. Jat, "Content Based Methods for Building Extraction From Satellite Images" , International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends by :Teerthanker Mahaveer University at Moradabad, U.P. India / / 2012

Mahesh K. Jat, Deepak Khare and P.K. Garg, "Cost Function for Water Treatment" , National Conference on Water Quality Management (NCWQM-2012) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 26-29 / 2012

J. K. Deegwal, A. Kumar, M.M. Sharma and M.C. Govil, "CPW-Fed Parasitically Loaded Circular Monopole Antenna for WLAN Applications" , National Conference on Recent Trends on Microwave Techniques and Applications by :- at Jaipur / 77 / 2012

Isha Saini, Jyoti Rozra, Annu Sharma, Pawan K Sharma, Rajnish Dhiman, "Cu Nanoparticles Induced Modification in Optical and Structural Properties of PVA" , 56th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2011 by :AIP Conference Proceedings at SRM University, Tamilnadu / 219 - 220 / 2012

M Sharma, PK Goyal, S D Bharti and M K Shrimali, "Damage Assesment of Houses Subjected to Cyclonic Wind Using Fuzzy Logic" , 8th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2012) by :Excel India Publishers at Surat (India) / 896-903 / 2012

Manviri Rani, B. Gupta, "Degradation of Thiram in Different Matrices" , 6th CRSI-RSC Joint Symposium in Chemistry by :CRSI-RSC at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerela / / 2012

S. Upadhyaya, S. P. Chaurasia, K.Singh and J. K. Singh , "Desalination of Water by Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Sustainable Development" , A National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technologies & Sciences for Sustainable Development (ETETSSD-2012) by :JNU at Delhi / / 2012

Sushant Upadhyaya, S.P. Chaurasia, Kailash Singh, and Jitendra Kumar Singh, "Desalination of Water by Vacuum Membrane Distillation: For Sustainable Development" , National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technologies and Sciences for Sustainable Development by :JNU New DElhi at JNU New Delhi / / 2012

Ritu Sharma, Lalit Dusad, "Design and Analysis of a Novel Two Dimensional Photonic Crystal Square Cavity Based Band Pass Filter" , ICRTCTA 2012 by :University of Udaipur at Udaipur, Rajasthan / 3 / 2012

Ritu Sharma and Anuradha Sharma, "Design and Analysis of Hybrid Square Lattice Photonic Crystal Fiber With Doped Core of Schoktt Bk7,Ge" , ICOP_12 by :WASET at Venice,Iitaly / 5 / 2012

Mahanth Prasad, R.P. Yadav, V. Sahula and V.K. Khanna , "Design and Mathematical Model of a ZnO-Based MEMS Acoustic Sensor" , 16th International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices by :SPIE USA at Kanpur, India / / 2012

Gulshan Sharma, Vinay Kr. Jadoun, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, Ibraheem, K. R. Niazi, "Design of Incremental Controller for Load Frequency Control of a Multi-Area Interconnected Power System" , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control, NCPEIC-2012 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2012

Joshi A.M.,Patrikar R.M.,Mishra V., "Design of Low Complexity Video Watermarking Algorithm Based on Integer DCT" , International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication by :IEEE at IISC,Banglore / 1-5 / 2012

Ashok Kumar, Sanjeev Yadav, Ishita Sharma, MM Sharma, Y Ranga, D Bhatnagar, "Design of Microstrip-Fed L-Shaped Open Slot Antenna for WLAN Applications" , 2012 National Conference on Recent Trends on Microwave Techniques and Applications (Microwave-2012) by :Souvenir of Microwave at Jaipur, India / 75 / 2012

Sanjeev Kumar Metya, Rakesh Khandelwal, Vijay Janyani and Shri Gopal Modani, "Design of Miller Encoder using CMOS inverters" , International Conference on Communication, Circuits and Systems (iC3S-2012) by :- at Bhubaneswar / - / 2012

Ritu Sharma, Lalit Dusad, "Design of Optical Band Pass Filter Exploiting Photonic Ring Resonator" , International Conference on Computational Electronics and Nanotechnology by :Amity University, Rajasthan at Jaipur, Rajasthan / 3 / 2012

Gulshan Sharma, Vinay Kr. Jadoun, Ibraheem, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, "Design of Robust Controller for Load Frequency Control of Multi-Unit Power System Connected via EHVAC in Parallel With HVDC Link" , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control, NCPEIC-2012 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2012

Jana, S.K. and Lungu, M., "Desulphurization of Flue Gas in Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Systems " , Proceeding of the 14th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress by :Conference Proceedings at Suntech City, Singapur / 427-428 / 2012

Jyoti Grover, M. S. Gaur, V. Laxmi, Rakesh Kumar, "Detection of Incorrect Position Information Using Speed and Time Span Verification in VANET" , 5th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2012) by :ACM at MNIT, Jaipur / 53-59 / 2012

Yash Kumar Mittal, "Developing New Paradigm Towards Sustainablity " , 27th National Convention of Architectural Engineers- Sustainable Urban Development - Challanges and Opportunities by :The Institution of Engineers India at Banglore / / 2012

Sudhanshu Gupta, Harpal Tiwari, Manoj Fozdar, "Development of a Two Diode Model for Photovoltaic Modules Suitable for Use in Simulation Studies " , Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2012 Asia-Pacific by :IEEE at Shanghai / 1-4 / 2012

K. Lalwani, "Development of Proton Computed Tomography (pCT) Detector for Cancer Therapy " , DAE Symposium of Nuclear Physics by :DAE at Delhi / / 2012

N Bhargava, MM Sharma, AS Garhwal, M Mathuria, "Digital Image Authentication System Based on Digital Watermarking" , 2012 International Conference on Radar, Communication and Computing (ICRCC) by :IEEE at Tiruvannamalai, India / 185 - 189 / 2012

Deepak Jhanwar, K.K. Sharma, S.G. Modani, "Discrimination of Environmental Background Noise Sources Using HOS Based Features of Their Filter" , International Conference on Computing Communication & Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2012 by :IEEE at Coimbatore / 04 / 2012

Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, "Distribution Network Reconfiguration Using Population-Based AI Techniques: a Comparative Analysis" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at San Diego, CA, USA / 1-6 / 2012

Sangal V. K., Kumar V., Mishra I. M., "Divided Wall Column: A Sustainable Distilling Process" , International Conference on Energy and Environment by :CHEMCON at Indo-US Joint International / 198 / 2012

. Sangal V. K., Kumar V., Mishra I. M., "Divided Wall Distillation Column for the Separation of Light Hydrocarbon Mixtures" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering by :NIT, Rourkela at NIT Rourkela / 169-170 / 2012

P. V. Ramana, Shereena O.A. and M.K. Shrimali, "Dynamic Angle of Twist in Twisted Shape Tower" , International Conference on Innovations in Design and Manufacturing by :IIITDM at Jabalpur (India) / 1-6 / 2012

Lavika Goel, Daya Gupta, VK Panchal, "Dynamic Model of Blended Biogeography Based Optimization for Land Cover Feature Extraction" , International Conference on Contemporary Computing by :Springer Berlin Heidelberg at Noida, India / / 2012

N.P. Padhy, Rohit Bhakar, Mayank Nagendran, Arjun Kumar, "Dynamic Network Pricing Based on Smart Reference Networks" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at San Diego / 1-8 / 2012

R. A. Gupta, R. Kumar, Ajay Kumar Bansal, "Economic Analysis and Design of Stand-Alone Wind/Photovoltaic Hybrid Energy System Using Genetic Algorithm" , International Conference on Computing, Communication and Applications (ICCCA 2012) by :IEEE at Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India / / 2012

Said Elias, S D Bharti and M K Shrimali, "Effect of Blast Loading on Buildings" , Fourth International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics (ICSSD 2012) by :Excel India Publishers at Jaipur (India) / 454-464 / 2012

Mukesh Kumar, Amar Patnaik, Bhabani K Satapathy, Tej Singh, "Effect of Ceramic Reinforcement on the Fade-Recovery Performance of Hybrid Friction Materials in Friction Braking" , 8th International Conference on Industrial Tribology by :Tribology Society of India at Pune, INDIA / / 2012

Vivekanand V, Olsen EF, Eijsink VGH, Horn SJ , "Effect of Different Steam Explosion Conditions on Methane Potential and Saccharfication of Birch (Betula L.)" , 8th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries. Toulouse, France by :- at Toulouse, France / / 2012

Amrita Singh, Sini Shankar and S. P. Chaurasia , "Effect of Reaction Parameters on Saccharification of Wheat Straw Using Cellulase" , World Congress on Biotechnology by :Leonia International Convention Centre at Hyderabad / / 2012

MA Ali, Manoj Fozdar, KR Niazi , "Effect of STATCOM Placement on Performance of Voltage Sag Mitigation" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at San Diego, California, USA. / 1-7 / 2012

Sunil Kumar Jain, Gunwant Sharma, Y.P. Mathur, "Effects of Pesticides on Hormone and Enzyme Systems of Aqua Population : A View Over Anasagar Lake , Ajmer " , IOSR by :IOSR JOURNALS at Jaipur / 1 / 2012

Raj, D. and Prajapati, G.I., "Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction on Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures" , Indian Geotechnical Conference by :IGC at IIT Delhi / / 2012

Rajvanshi A.K., Gupta H.K., Agrawal G.D., Mathur J., "Efficiency Improvement, Size Reduction and Economic Analysis of Solar Collector With the Use of Nanofluids" , ICREGA-2012 by :ICREGA at AL AIN / / 2012

Meena, "Electrochemical Studies of Mixed-Ligand Complexes of L- Amino Acids and Ascorbic Acid by Voltammetric Technique" , National Conference on Environmental Conservation and Management for Sustainable Era by :S.S. Jain Subodh PG College, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2012

Jinesh K. Jain, "Emerging Trend of E-Supply Chain on Indian Automobile Component Manufacturing Firms" , 1st International Conference on Best Practices in Supply Chain Management by :Shiksha O Anushandhan University, Bubaneswar at Bhubaneswar, Odisha / / 2012

Deepesh Sonar, S. L. Soni, Dilip Sharma, Rahul Goyal, Anmesh Kumar Srivastava, "Emerging Trends in Thermal Storage Systems: A Report" , National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy Technology by :ETRET at Uttam Devi Mohan Lal College of Engineering / / 2012

Jinesh Kumar Jain, G. S Dangayach, G. Agarwal, "Emerging Trends of E-Supply Chain in Indian Automobile Component Manufacturing Firms" , Ist International Conference on Best Practices in Supply Chain Management by :BPSCM at Bhubneshwar / / 2012

G D Agrawal, S Goyal , "Energy Efficiency Improvement in Textile Wet Processing" , International Conference on Power and Energy Systems by :ICPES at Napoli / / 2012

Vipin Pal, Girdhari Singh, R P Yadav, "Energy Efficient Cluster Head Selection Scheme: A Change in Node Death Scenario of LEACH for Surveillance Wireless Sensor Networks" , International Conference on Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), 2012 2nd IEEE International Conference On by :IEEE at Shimla, India / 865 - 869 / 2012

Sumanta Kumar Meher and G. Ranga Rao, "Enhanced Activity of Microwave Synthesized Hierarchical MnO2 for High Performance Supercapacitor Applications" , 6th Asian Conference on Electrochemical Power Sources (ACEPS-6) by :Central Electrochemical Research Institute Karaikudi at Hotel Green Park, Chennai, India / 128 / 2012

Pareek, Ritu, and Preeti Bhatt, "Enhancing Cultural Awareness in Second Language Learning" , Interfacing ELT With Culture & Technology: Direction for New Classroom. by :Jain Brothers at BITS Pilani / 139-44 / 2012

Kriti Bhandari , S. P. Chaurasia, Alok Gupta and A. K. Dalai , "Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Sardine Fish Oil for DHA Concentration" , National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technologies and Sciences for Sustainable Development by :JNU New DElhi at JNU New Delhi / / 2012

N.R. Sangwa, M. L. Meena, "Ergonomics Hazards and Working Conditions Among Blue Pottery Workers in Jaipur" , National Conference on Energy Efficient System Design and Manufacturing (EESDM-2012) by :Vivekandnda Institute of Technology at Jaipur / / 2012

Smita Naval, Vijay Laxmi, M. S. Gaur, and P. Vinod, "ESCAPE: Entropy Score Analysis of Packed Executable" , 5th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2012) by :ACM at MNIT Jaipur / 197-200 / 2012

A.K. Sharma and Satish Kumar , "EVA VERSUS CONVENATIONAL PERFORMANCE MEASURES–EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM INDIA" , ASBBS Annual Conference: Las Vegas, USA by :The American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences at USA / 804-815 / 2012

Dheeraj Kishor Johar, Dilip Sharma, Rahul Goyal, Anmesh Srivastava, Rahul Dubey, "Experimental Investigation of C.I. Engine Waste Heat Operated Cooker" , National Conference on “Energy Efficient System, Design and Manufacturing” by :NCEESDM at Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur (Rajas / / 2012

Sandeep S, A Chini, , "Exploring Energy Efficient Procurement Options in Building Construction" , 17th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate by :17th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate at Shenzhen Guangdong P. R. China, China / / 2012

Lavika Goel, Daya Gupta, Vinod Panchal, "Extended Species Abundance Models of Biogeography Based Optimization" , 2012 Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation by :IEEE at Kuantan, Malaysia / / 2012

Arvind Kumar, M.Agarwal and S. Upadhyaya, "Extraction of Antioxidant Flavonoid From Natural Sources" , Conference on Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering by :BITS Pilani at Pilani / / 2012

V. Subbaramaiah, V. C. Srivastava, I. D. Mall, "Factorial Design for the Evaluation of Influence of the Preparation Parameters for Synthesis Ce, Zr/SBA-15 Catalyst for Degradation of Toxic Organic Wastewater" , Uttarakhand State Science & Technology Congress by :Seventh Uttarakhand State Science & Technology Congress at Dehradun / / 2012

S. Rajwanshi, A. Gupta, R. Kumar, "Feasibility & Reliability Analysis of Renewable Energy Generation in the Jhunjhunu District of Rajasthan-India" , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control by :NCPEIC at Jaipur, INDI / / 2012

S. Rajwanshi, A. Gupta, R. Kumar, "Feasibility and Reliability Analysis of Renewable Energy Generation in the Jhunjhunu District of Rajasthan- India" , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control, NCPEIC-2012 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur India / 274-279 / 2012

Suja George, Sandeep Kumar Patel and Prachi Rajput, "Fluoride Removal Studies on Magnesium Coated Sand" , International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Energy and Environment in Process Industries by :CHEMCON at JALANDHAR / 299 / 2012

P. Mishra, E. S. Pilli and R.C. Joshi, "Forensic Analysis of E-Mail Date and Time Spoofing" , International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT 2012) by :IEEE at MNNIT Allahabad, India / 309 - 314 / 2012

Raj Kumar Joshi, Badrinath Jha, Pradeep Mathur, "Formation of Some Nitrogen Containing Metallapyrrolinone Ligand System" , XXVth International Conference of Organometallic Chemistry by :Organometallics Events at Lisbon, Portugal / 1 / 2012

S K Tiwari, "Foundation Solutions for High Rise Buildings Founded on Black Cotton Soils" , Recent Trends in High Rise Buildings”( RTHRB 2012) by :KIET at Jaipur / / 2012

Siddhartha, Amar Patnaik, A.D.Bhatt, "Friction and Wear Study of Alumina-Epoxy Homogeneous Composites and Its Functionally Graded Materials" , Asian International Conference on Materials, Minerals and Polymer by :Penang, Malaysia at Malaysia / / 2012

Prerna Jain, Arjit Agarwal, Nitin Gupta, Umesh Paliwal, Rohit Sharma, Rohit Bhakar S.N. Singh, "Genco’s Profit Maximization Based on Biogeography-Based Optimization" , 17th National Power Systems Conference by :NPSC at IIT BHU / 1 / 2012

Kusum Verma, K.R.Niazi, "Generator Coherency Determination in a Smart Grid Using Artificial Neural Network" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at San Diego,California / 1-7 / 2012

Vipin Pal, Girdhari Singh, R. P. Yadav, "Genetic Algorithm Based Method for Analyzing Reliability State of Wireless Sensor Networks" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2012 (Advances in Intelligent Syste by :Springer at Odisha, India / 583-591 / 2012

S. P. Singh, R.M. Singh, and M. K. Jat, "GIS Based DRASTIC Model for Evaluating Groundwater Vulnerability" , National Conference on Water Quality Management (NCWQM-2012) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2012

Keerti Rawal, Kanika Bathra, Priyanka Amteda, Jaya Choudhary, Kusum Verma, "Graph Theory Based Generator Rescheduling for Power System Security Enhancement" , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control, NCPEIC-2012 by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / 161-165 / 2012

P V Ramana, "Green Building Inventions" , Green Buildings by :IISc Bangalore at Bangalore / 01 / 2012

Nidhi Sharma, "GREEN ECONOMY: Concepts and Practices" , National Convention on Climate Change and Water by :Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2012

Patwa, Rahul and Vyas, R. K., "Greywater Treatment Using Advanced Oxidation Processes: A Kinetic Study" , CHEMCON-2012 by :IIChE at Jalandhar / 115 / 2012

Subhash Panwar and Neeta Nain, "Handwritten Text Documents Binarization and Skew Normalization Approaches" , IEEE Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur, India / 100-105 / 2012

Chaurasia, S.P., Singh, K., Singh, J., Upadhyaya, S., "Heat Transfer Correlation Using Computational Fluid Dynamics for Desalination by Vaccum Membrane Distillation" , CHEMCON-2012 by :IIChE at Jalandhar,India / 1 / 2012

Sushant Upadhyaya, S.P. Chaurasia, K. Singh and Jitendra Singh, "Heat Transfer Correlation Using Computational Fluid Dynamics for Desalination by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , International Conference on Energy and Environment by :CHEMCON at Jalandhar / / 2012

Ram Dayal, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Eberhard Abele, "HEAT TRANSFER, PHASE CHANGE and COALESCENCE of PARTICLES DURING SELECTIVE LASER SINTERING of METAL POWDERS" , International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer by :Begel House Inc. at Bath University, Bath, England / 1631-1649 / 2012

Basant Agarwal, Namita Mittal, "Hybrid Approach for Detection of Anomaly Network Traffic Using Data Mining Techniques" , In 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing Security (ICCCS-2012). by :Elsevier at Rourkela / 996-1003 / 2012

Sumanta Kumar Meher and G. Ranga Rao, "Hydrothermal Assisted Large Scale Synthesis of Nanostructured CeO2: An Efficient Anode Catalyst for Fuel Cell Application" , International Conference on Materials Science and Technology (ICMST) by :St. Thomas College at St. Thomas College, Pala, Kottyam, Kerala, India / 187 / 2012

Manviri Rani, Bina Gupta, "Identification of Degradation Products of Quinalphos in Rats: An in Vivo Study" , 6th SETAC World Congress by :SETAC at Berlin, Germany / 69 / 2012

Abhra Roy Chowdhury, Bhuneshwar Prasad, Vinoth Vishwanathan, Rajesh Kumar, S. K., "Implementation of a BCF Mode Bio-Mimetic Robotic-Fish Underwater Vehicle Based on Light Hill Mathematical Model" , 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2012) by :IEEE at Jeju Island, Korea / / 2012

Abhra Roy Chowdhury, Bhuneshwar Prasad, Vinoth Vishwanathan, R. Kumar, S. K. Panda, "Implementation of a BCF Mode Bio-Mimetic Robotic-Fish Underwater Vehicle Based on Lighthill Mathematical Model" , 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems by :IEEE at Jeju Island, Korea / / 2012

Samir Chandra Saxena, S K Soonee, Minaxi Garg, "Implementation of Renewable Energy Certificate Mechanism in India" , CIGRE 2012 by :CIGRE at Paris, France / / 2012

Gahlot V, Swami B L , Kalla P, "Improved Pedestrian Facilities for Effective Public Transport" , International Conference on Material and Techniques Development by :Nit Calicut at NIT Calicut / 24-29 / 2012

R. Gupta, Anshu Jain, "Indole Based Anion Receptors" , International Workshop on Chemistry for a Sustainable Future by :RSC at Jaipur / 52 / 2012

C Chaudhary, S D Bharti and M K Shrimali, "Influence of Plan Irregularities on Seismic Performance of Buildings" , 8th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2012) by :Excel India Publishers at Surat (India) / 152-158 / 2012

Asif Iqbal, Nupur Tandon, "Innovative Language Teaching Techniques and LearningMethodologies for Classroom Activities in Secondary Schools of Rajasthan" , Interfacing ELT With Culture & Technology: Direction for New Classroom. by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani / 25 / 2012

Ajeet Singh Poonia, Dr. G.S. Dangayach and A.Bhardwaj , "Integrating and Teaching Cyber Ethics in E-Learning Environment" , Thailand Chapter of the ACM by :Internet and Management at Thailand / 1-6 / 2012

D. C. Hoang, R. Kumar, S. K. Panda, "Intra-Cluster Power Management in Hierarchical Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks" , 21st IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics by :IEEE at Hangzhou, China / / 2012

Y. Singh, M. L. Meena, "Investigation of Ergonomics Hazards Among Textile Printing Workers" , National Conference on Energy Efficient System Design and Manufacturing (EESDM-2012) by :Vivekandnda Institute of Technology at Jaipur / / 2012

Amar Patnaik, Bhabani K. Satapathy and Tej Singh, "Investigation of Physical, Chemical, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Nanoclay Filled Friction Composite Materials" , International Conference and Workshop on Nanostructured Ceramics and Other Nanomaterials by :Delhi University at Delhi / / 2012

Abhra Roy Chowdhury, Bhuneshwar Prasad, Vinoth Vishwanathan, Rajesh Kumar, S. K. Panda, "Kinematics Study and Implementation of a Biomimetic Robotic-Fish Underwater Vehicle Based on Light Hill Slender Body Model" , IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) by :IEEE at Southampton, UK / / 2012

Saurabh Sushant Upadhyaya, Madhu Agarwal, Rajev Kumar Dohare, Alok Gupta, "Kinetic Study of PMMA Synthesis by Batch Emulsion Ploymerization" , Energy and Environmental Issues Related to Chemical Industries by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers IIChE at RBS Agra / 5 / 2012

Nemad, Manju and Preeti Bhatt, "Language Laboratory Software - Supporting Learner Autonomy in Pedagogy" , Interfacing ELT With Culture & Technology: Direction for New Classroom. by :Jain Brothers at BITS Pilani / 45-49 / 2012

Sachin Sharma, G.D Agrawal, "Learning for India From Solar Driven Vapour Absorption Cooling (LiBr-H2O) Systems for Commercial Office Buildings Being Used Worldwide – a Study" , International Conference on Energy Security, Global Warming and Sustainable Climate by :II Delhi at Delhi / / 2012

MM Garg, YV Hote and MK Pathak, "Leverriers Algorithm Based Modeling of Higher-Order Dc-Dc Converters" , IEEE 5th India Int. Conf. on Power Electronics (IICPE-2012) by :IEEE at DTU Delhi, India / 1-6 / 2012

N.Satyanarayana and S.Janardhanan, "Linear Functional Observers for Systems With Delays in State Variables: A Multirate Output Sampling Approach" , International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC 2012) by :IEEE at Wuhan, China. / / 2012

S.P. Chaurasia , "Lipase Catalyzed Oil-Fat Processing for Sustainable Development" , National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technologies and Sciences for Sustainable Development by :JNU New DElhi at JNU New Delhi / / 2012

Aditi Sharma, S. P. Chaurasia and A. K. Dalai, "Lipase Catalyzed Synthesis of DHA Rich Free Fatty Acids From Salmon Fish Oil" , 10th Congress of the International Society for the Studies of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL-2012) by :ISSFAL at Canada / / 2012

A. Singh, S. Bhowmick and K. Shukla, "Load Compensation With DSTATCOM and BESS" , IICPE by :IEEE at Delhi / / 2012

Mahajan,R, Sharma, V and Nangia, V, "Management Education in India: Issues, Challenges, and Strategies " , 6th National Research Conference on Transforming Management Education for Sustainable Tomorrow? by :AIMA at New Delhi / / 2012

Nangia, V.K., Sharma, V., and Mahajan, R., "Marketing and Branding of MBA Programs in a Socially Connected World of Consumers" , International Marketing Conference by :IIM Calcutta at Kolkata / / 2012

C. Tantla, R.K. Dohare and S. Upadhyaya, "Mathematical Modeling of Emulsion Liquid Membrane" , National Conference on Energy and Environmental Issues Related to Chemical Industries by :FETRBS College at Agra / / 2012

Chetan Tantla, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, Sushant Upadhyaya, "Mathematical Modelling of Emulsion Liquid Membrane " , Energy and Environmental Issues Related to Chemical Industries by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers IIChE at RBS Agra / 4 / 2012

K. Lalwani, "Measurement of the Branching Ratio of a Rare Decay Eta> Pi^0 Gamma Gamma With WASAatCOSY" , DAE Symposium of Nuclear Physics by :DAE at Delhi / / 2012

R.Gupta, Bhawana Saraswat, Yogita Madan, Anshu Jain, "Mechanochemistry: Greening Organic Synthesis" , International Workshop on Chemistry for a Sustainable Future by :RSC at Jaipur / 53 / 2012

Vashishtha M., Mishra K., "Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery: Current Trends and Future" , CHEMCON-2012 by :IIChE at Jalandhar (Punjab) / / 2012

S. Singhal, "Microstrip Antenna Bandwidth Enhancement Using Slot Loading and Parasitic Elements" , International Conference on Information, Computing and Telecommunication (ICICT-2012) by :IRNET at Delhi / / 2012

V. P. Singh, P. Chaubey, D. Chandra, "Model Order Reduction of Continuous Time Systems Using Pole Clustering and Chebyshev Polynomials" , IEEE Students’ Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES) by :IEEE at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India / 1-4 / 2012

G. Singh, R. Kumar, V. Janyani, A. K. Solanki , "Modeling and Performance Analyses of Single Substrate Based 1×4 Digital Optical Switches" , IEEE Photonics Global Conference 2012 by :IEEE at Singapore / 1-4 / 2012

G. Singh, G., Janyani, V., Kumar, R., Solanki, A.K., "Modeling and Performance Analysis of Single Substrate Based 14 Digital Optical Switches" , IEEE Photonics Global Conference (PGC) by :CERA at Singapore / / 2012

Dinesh Gopalani, M.C. Govil, "Modeling Crosscutting Applications in Untyped Aspect Calculus" , IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics (ISCI 2012) by :IEEE at Penang, Malaysia / 224-227 / 2012

G. Singh, A. Goyal, R. P. Yadav, V. Janyani , "Modeling of a 2×2 Multimode Interference Switch for Wider Optical Window Operation" , Photonic West 2012 by :SPIE USA at San Francisco, USA / 1-5 / 2012

Amit Agrawal, Divesh Kumar and Zillur Rahman, "Modelling Market Oriented Sustainability Strategies for Competitive Advantages" , MARCON2012 by :Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta at Kolkatta / / 2012

Arya, I. and Jana, S.K., "Modelling of the Absorption of Lean Carbon-Dioxide Gas in Hydrated Lime Slurry in a Foam-Bed Reactor" , CHEMCON 2012 by :Conference Proceedings at Dr. B.R Ambedkar Nat. Institute of Tech., Punjab / 281 / 2012

Sanjeev Yadav, MM Sharma, Ashok Kumar, Y Ranga, Ishita Sharma, "Modified Ground Microstrip Patch Antenna for C-Band Applications" , 2012 National Conference on Recent Trends on Microwave Techniques and Applications (Microwave-2012) by :Souvenir of Microwave at Jaipur, India / 74 / 2012

Madhu Agarwal, S.P. Chaurasia,Suja George and A.B. Gupta, "Modified Nalgonda Defluoridation Technique for Drinking Water" , National Conference on Water Quality Management by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 50-53 / 2012

Sumanta Kumar Meher and G. Ranga Rao, "Morphological Differences and Catalytic Activity of nano‐CeO2: Soot and CO Oxidation" , 14th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry (NSC-14) by :Chemical Research Society of India at CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, India / 168 / 2012

Satyendra Singh Chouhan, Rajdeep Niyogi, "Multi-Agent Planning in Grid World Domain" , International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication by :IEEE at India / 117-122 / 2012

D. K. Bairwa, M. L. Meena, "Nano-Fluids and Its Applications" , All India Seminar on Nanotechnology Applications by :The Institution of Engineers India at Jaipur / / 2012

P. Dey, P. Patel and Madhu Agarwal, "Nanotechnologies in the Field of Food Science and Industry-a Brief Review" , International Conference on Agriculture, Food Science & Environmental Technology for Sustainable Global Development by :Krishi Sanskriti at JNU Delhi / / 2012

Nidhi Sharma, "National Conference on Intellectual Property Rights: Current and Future -Prospects Economics of IPR: Emerging Issues and Their Theoretical Investigation" , National Conference on Intellectual Property Rights: Current and Future -Prospects by :IIS University Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2012

Manish Gupta, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta and K. R. Niazi, "Network Constrained Economic Load Dispatch Using Biogeography Based Optimization" , IEEE Students’ Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES) by :IEEE at MNNIT, Allahabad / 1-4 / 2012

Dohare, R.K., Singh, K., Kumar, R., "Neural Network Predictive Control of Dividing Wall Column" , CHEMCON-2012 by :IIChE at Jalandhar,India / 1 / 2012

Sharma, N. and Singh, K., "Neural Network Predictive Control of TAME Reactive Distillation Column" , CHEMCON-2012 by :IIChE at Jalandhar,India / 1 / 2012

Deepesh Sonar, S. L. Soni, Dilip Sharma, Rahul Goyal, Anmesh Kumar Srivastava, "New Alternate Fuels for IC Engines: A Brief Review" , National Conference on Electic Mechanical Engineering by :NCEME at Global Institute of Technology, Jaipur / / 2012

Parvati Bhurani, Mushtaq Ahmed and Yogesh Kumar Meena, "New Measure of Interestingness for Efficient Extraction of Association Rules" , International Conference on Information Systems Design and Intelligent Application by :Springer Berlin Heidelberg at Visakhapatnam, India / 103-110 / 2012

Vijay Shankar Gautam, Sushant Upadhyaya, S. P. Chaurasia and A. B. Gupta, "Nitrate Removal by Reverse Osmosis From Groundwater" , National Conference on Water Quality Management (NCWQM-2012) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2012

P V Ramana, "Novel Technique for Solving Continuous Support Bridge Problems" , SPICON2012 by :SP College of Engg. at Mumbai / 01 / 2012

Dastane, G.G., Badve, M.P., Saharan, V. K., Pandit, A.B. , "Numerical Optimization and Experimental Validation of Hydrodynamic Cavitating" , 8th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV2012) by :CAV at Singapore / 1 / 2012

Agarwal R. and Paliwal G.S., "On the Fekete-Szeg Problem for Certain Subclass of Analytic Functions" , Soft Computing and Problem Solving (SocPros-2012) by :Springer India at Jaipur / / 2012

Vishwanath Pratap Singh, Arka Prokash Mazumdar, and Ashok Singh Sairam, "On Energy Consumption Analysis for Ad Hoc Routing Protocols" , International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) by :ACM at Chennai, India / 300-306 / 2012

S. Mukhopadhyay, S.K. Soonee, R. Joshi, A.K. Rajput, "On the Progress of Renewable Energy Integration Into Smart Grids in India" , 2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting by :IEEE at San Diego, CA, USA / / 2012

RajiveTiwari, K R Niazi, Vikas Gupta, "Optimal Location of FACTS Devices for Improving Performance of the Power Systems" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at San- Diego, USA / 1-8 / 2012

Ushma Ahuja, J. K. Maherchandani, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, "Optimal Placement of Distributed Generation in Radial Distribution System" , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control, NCPEIC-2012 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2012

Vipin Pal, Girdhari Singh, R P Yadav, "Optimizing Number of Cluster Head in Wireless Sensor Networks for Clustering Algorithms" , In 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocPros-2012 by :Springer at India / 1267-1274 / 2012

Vipin Pal, Girdhari Singh and R P Yadav, "Optimizing Number of Cluster Heads in Wireless Sensor Networks for Clustering Algorithms" , Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving by :Springer India at Jaipur, India / 1267-1274 / 2012

Rishi Vyas, Parul Gupta, K Sachdev, S K Sharma , "Origin of High Intensity A1(LO) Raman Vibration Mode in Sol-Gel Spin Coated ZnO Thin Films" , Current Trends in Materials Research by :CTMR at Jaipur, Raj, India / 12 / 2012

Suja George, A.B. Gupta and Poonam Mondal, "Overview of Activated Alumina Defluoridation Process" , National Conference on Water Quality Management by :MNIT Jaipur at JAIPUR / 22-25 / 2012

Forsberg Z, Vaaje-Kolstad G, Westereng B, Bunæs AC, Stenstrøm Y, MacKenzie A, Vivekanand V, Sørlie M, Horn SJ, Eijsink VG. , "Oxidative Cleavage of Cellulose by a CBM33 From Streptomyces Coelicolor." , 8th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries. Toulouse, France by :- at Toulouse, France / / 2012

Mahajan,R, Sharma, V and Nangia, V, "Paradigmatic Analysis of Management Education in India" , Conference on Excellence in Research and Education by :IIM Indore at Indore / / 2012

Mushtaq Ahmed, Rakesh Kumar, "Parameterized Path-Based, Randomized, Oblivious,Minimal Routing in 3D Mesh NoC " , IEEE Tencon 2012 by :IEEE at Cebu, Philippines / 1-6 / 2012

Maheshwari, Monika and Vyas, R. K., "Parametric Studies for Removal of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Using Activated Carbons" , CHEMCON-2012 by :IIChE at Jalandhar / 466 / 2012

Arpi Mjumdar, R Gupta, "Pd[0] Catalyzed Ullmann-Type-C-N Coupling Reactions Under an Atmosphere of Air" , International Workshop on Chemistry for a Sustainable Future by :RSC at Jaipur / 71 / 2012

Rakesh Khandelwal, Sanjeev Kumar Metya, Vijay Janyani and Shri Gopal Modani, "Performance Analysis of Manchester Encoder Designed Using CMOS Inverters" , International Conference on Communication, Circuits and Systems (iC3S-2012) by :- at Bhubaneswar / - / 2012

S K TIWARI, "Performance Analysis of Piled Raft Foundation" , Recent Trends in High Rise Buildings”( RTHRB 2012 ) by :KIET at JAIPUR / / 2012

H.K Gupta, G.D Agrawal, J. Mathur, "Performance Comparison of Nanofluid Based Collector & Conventional Flat Plate Collector-a Review" , Nanocon 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology: Innovative Materials, Processes, Products and Applications by :Nanocon at Pune / / 2012

Sinha Richa, Mathur Sanjay, "Performance of Continuous Flow Electrocoagulation System in Removing Fluoride From Groundwater of Shivdaspura, " , National Conference on Water Quality Management (NCWQM-2012) by :MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2012

Garg A., Sangal V.K., Bajpai P.K, "Photodegradative Study of Reactive Black 5 Dyes in Presence of UV TiO2" , Society of Environmental Chemistry and Allied Sciences SECAS by :Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam Kerala at Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam Kerala / 264-266 / 2012

Dr. Niraja Saraswat, "Plight of Less Privileged in Mulk Raj Anands Untouchable & Premchands Godan " , International Conference on Minority Discourses Across Cultures by :Central University of Rajasthan at Kishangarh / / 2012

R. A. Patil, V. Sahula, A. S. Mandal, "Power Aware Hardware Prototyping of Multiclass SVM Classifier Through Reconfiguration" , 25th IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design, (VLSID), 2012 INDIA by :IEEE at Hyderabad / 6 / 2012

MM Sharma, Sanjeev Agrawal, Pieush Vyas, Sanjeev Yadav, Ashok Kumar, "Probe-Fed Microstrip Patch Antenna With Photonic Band Gap Structure for Wi-MAX Application" , 2012 National Conference on Recent Trends on Microwave Techniques and Applications (Microwave-2012) by :Souvenir of Microwave at Jaipur, India / 74 / 2012

Prerna Jain, Arjit Agarwal, Nitin Gupta, Rohit Sharma, Umesh Paliwal, Rohit Bhakar, "Profit Maximization of a Generation Company Based on Biogeography Based Optimization" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at San Diego / 1-6 / 2012

Vashishtha M., Mishra K., "Property Enhancement of Urea by Biodegradable Polymer Coating" , CHEMCON-2012 by :IIChE at Jalandhar (Punjab) / / 2012

Agrawal G. D. and Chandel M. , "Recent Advancements in Central Receiver Solar Tower" , National Conference on Solar Power NCSP 2012 by :NCSP at Bharatpur Rajasthan / / 2012

Sandeep Sehgal, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta and K. R. Niazi, "Reconfiguration of Distribution Network for Loss Reduction at Different Load Schemes" , IEEE Students’ Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science by :IEEE at MANIT, Bhopal / 1-4 / 2012

Dangayach, G. S. and Deepak Kumar, "Reduction in Defect Rate by Taguchi Method in Plastic Injection Molded Components" , Proceedings of International Conference ICMIE 2012 by :ICMIE at Singapore / 25-28 / 2012

Nidhi Sharma, "Reduction of Socio-Economic Disparities in India Through Inclusive Growth : Issues and Challenges" , Interdisciplinary National Conference on Sustainable Rural Development in India: Efforts and Challenges by :IIS University Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2012

Singhal, P., Agarwal, G., and Mittal, M. L, "Relationship of Supply Chain Risks and Drivers for SMEs: A Combined Approach With Regression Analysis and ANN" , International Conference on Advances in Supply Chain and Manufacturing Management by :IIT Kharagpur at Kharagpur / 65-86 / 2012

Tantla C., Kumar M 1 ., Dohare R.K., Agarwal M., Upadhyaya S, "Removal of Cu++ Ions From Aqueous Solution Using Emulsion Liquid " , CHEMCON-2012 by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers IIChE at NIT Jalandhar / 285 / 2012

Akhilesh Kushwaha, Sushant Upadhyaya and S.P. Chaurasia, "Removal of Boron From Aqueous Water by Reverse Osmosis" , National Conference on Water Quality Management (NCWQM-2012) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2012

Dahiya, Sandeep, Jain, Swati and Vyas, R. K., "Removal of Contaminants From Aqueous Solution by Nanosized Adsorbents: A Review" , CHEMCON 2012 by :IIChE at Jalandhar / 239 / 2012

Singh S., Kushwaha J. P., Sangal V. K., "Removal of Tannic Acid From Wastewater: A Review" , International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Energy and Environment in Process Industries by :CHEMCON at Indo-US Joint International / 574 / 2012

Kalpana Pandit, Satish Pipralia, "Report of the National Commission on Urbanization: An Overview" , Fifth Meeting of State Commission on Urbanization by :Fifth Meeting of State Commission on Urbanization at Jaipur / / 2012

Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, Virendra Singh Shekhawat, V. K. Chaubey, "Resource Efficient Survivability Approach for Resilient WDM Optical Networks" , International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics by :ICACCI at Chennai / 619-624 / 2012

Sharma, Richa, Jain, Swati and Vyas, R. K. , "Response Surface Methodology for Optimization of Diclofenac Adsorption on Amberlite IR 120H" , CHEMCON-2012 by :IIChE at Jalandhar / 202 / 2012

Isha Thapa, Upender Pandel,, "Review on Utilization of Fly Ash as a Ceramic Material" , Nanotechnology Application (NTA-2012) by :The Institution of Engineers Rajasthan Chapter Jaipur, MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2012

Babasaheb Kharbas, Manoj Fozdar and Harpal Tiwari, "Review: Embedded Cost Based Transmission Tariff Allocation" , NCPEIC by :MNIT at Jaipur / 446-458 / 2012

Niruti Gupta, Dr. V. Devadas, "Role of Technology Management on Development" , International Conference on Technology Management by :Springer at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore / 111-124 / 2012

Sushant Upadhyay, S.P. Chaurasia and Kailash Singh, "Safe Drinking Water in Urban & Rural Areas by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , National Conference on Water Quality Management (NCWQM-2012) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2012

Arnav Anuj Kasar, B.L. Swami, S.D. Bharti and Shrimali M. K, "Seismic Analysis of Ground Soft Story Building With Base Isolation" , 4th International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics by :ICSSD at MNIT Jaipur / 264-267 / 2012

Arnav A Kasar, Anand Paul, S.D. Bharti and M.K. Shrimali, "Seismic Hazrd Mitigation of Multi-Storied Buildings Using Semi-Active MR Damper" , 8th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2012), Organized by Applied Mechanics Department by :SEC at SVNIT Surat / 146-151 / 2012

Dumne S.M, S.D. Bharti and Shrimali M. K, "Semi Active Hybrid Control for Response Analysis of Seismically Excited Coupled Building" , 4th International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics by :ICSSD at MNIT Jaipur / 143-150 / 2012

P V Ramana, "Semi-Analytical Method for Non-Linear Problems" , Recent Trends in Civil Engineering by :Knowledge College of Engg. at Shikrapur / 01 / 2012

Jitendra Singh, Sushant Upadhyaya and S. P. Chaurasia, "Separation of Ethanol-Water Azeotropic Mixture by Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Energy and Environment in Process Industries by :IIChE at Jalandhar / / 2012

M K Shrimali and R S Jangid, "Simplified Methods for Seismic Analysis of Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks (Invited Paper)" , 8th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2012) by :Excel India Publishers at Surat (India) / 17-25 / 2012

Rupal Singh, R. Kumar, "Simulation of DSTATCOM for Improving Voltage Profile" , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control, NCPEIC-2012 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, INDIA / 131-135 / 2012

Kaur J., Sangal V. K., "Simulation Studies of a Divided Wall Distillation Column" , International Conference on Energy and Environment by :CHEMCON at NIT Jalandhar / 191 / 2012

S. Janardhanan, and N. Satyanarayana, "Sliding Mode Control of Uncertain Systems Using Multirate Output Feedback Functional Observer" , 12th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems by :IEEE at IIT Bombay / / 2012

Janrao Nagesh, Janyani Vijay, Singh Ghanshyam, "Slow Light Based Waveguides With Nano-Pillar Cavities for Photonic Switching Applications" , IEEE Photonics Global Conference 2012 by :IEEE at Singapore / 1-4 / 2012

Nagesh Janrao, Vijay Janyani, "Slow Light Based Waveguides With Nanopillar Cavities for Photonic Switching Applications" , Photonics Global Conference, Singapore, 2012 by :- at Singapore / - / 2012

P V Ramana P V Adsul, "SOFT COMPUTATIONAL for BOX GIRDER BRIDGE PROBLEMS" , SPICON2012 by :SP College of Engg. at Mumbai / 01 / 2012

P.V. Ramana, Shereena O A and M.K. Shrimali, "Soft Computing Analysis for Twisted Shape Towers Gy, Surat, Pp. 904-91" , 8th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2012) by :Excel India Publishers at Surat (India) / 904-991 / 2012

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar,Ajay Kumar Bansal. , "Solar Radiation Forecasting Based on Artificial Neural Network Voltage Harmonic Elimination in PWM A.C. Chopper Using Particle Swarm Optimization." , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control, NCPEIC-2012 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 370-375 / 2012

Singh, S. P., Matai, R. and Mittal. M.L. , "Solving Multi-Objective Facility Layout Problem: Modified Simulated Annealing Based Approach" , International Academy of Business and Economics Annual Conference, by :International Academy of Business and Economics at Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, / 10-24 / 2012

K.K.Sharma, Pranaw Kumar, "Some Novel Photonic Crystal Fiber Structures Based on Pascal’s Triangle and Their Dispersion Behaviour" , International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology 2012 by :IEEE at Kanyakumari / 118 / 2012

Smita Naval, Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, and P. Vinod, "SPADE: Signature Based PAcker DEtection" , First International Conference on Security of Internet of Things by :ACM at Kollam India / 96-101 / 2012

Vivekanand V, Eijsink VGH, Horn SJ , "Steam Explosion Pretreatment of Brown Seaweed (Saccharina Latissima) and Co-Digestion With Wheat Straw for Enhanced Biogas Production" , 48th Contact Meeting, Norwegian Biochemical Society. Storefjell, Norway by :Norwegian Biochemical Society at Storefjell, Norway / / 2012

V. Subbaramaiah, I. D. Mall, "Studies on Laboratory Scale Sequential Batch Reactor for Treatment of Synthetic Petrochemical Wastewater" , International Conference on Chemical, Civil and Environment Engineering 2012 by :International Conference on Chemical, Civil and Environment Engineering at Dubai / / 2012

Kushwaha J. P., Srivastava V. C., Mall I. D., Sangal V. K, "Studies on Residues of Electrochemical Treatment of Dairy Wastewater by Iron Electrodes" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering by :NIT, Rourkela at NIT Rourkela / 72 / 2012

Jitendra Singh, S.P. Chaurasia, Sushant Upadhyaya and Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Studies on Separation of Multi-Ions by Membrane Distillation" , National Conference on Water Quality Management (NCWQM-2012) by :MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2012

Abhay Dinker, Madhu Agarwal and Ajay Verma, "Study of Bioethanol Production and Its Optimization From Brewers Spent Grain" , Conference on Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering by :BITS Pilani at Pilani / / 2012

Sharma, Garima, Zaidi, Shabeena and Goyal, Rohit , "Study of Change in Trend of Enhanced Vegetation Index of Jaipur District With Respect to Rainfall Over Time" , 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, ICER-12 by :University Malaysia Terengganu at Malaysia / - / 2012

Supreeti Singha, Rajeev Kumar Dohare, Madhu Agarwal, "Study of Hydrodynamic Properties of Fluid Flow Across Various Pipe and Fittings" , International Conference on Energy and Environment by :CHEMCON at NIT Jalandhar / / 2012

Chandrakumar Badole, Bimal Nepal, APS Rathore, Rakesh Jain, "Supply Chain Modelling Scope and Methodology: A Review of Literature in the Last Decade" , IIE Annual Conference by :Proceeding Hilton Bonnet Creek at Orlando / / 2012

Divesh Kumar, Zillu Rahman, and Praveen Goyal, "Sustainability Adoption Through E Learning" , The Eight International Conference on E-Learning, M Learning and U Learning by :Assumption University, Bangkok at Bangkok, Thailand / / 2012

Divesh Kumar, Zillur Rahman and Rajesh Katiyar, "Sustainability Adoption Through Relationship Marketing Across Supply Chain" , Conference on Research and Sustainable Business by :Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee at Roorkee, India / / 2012

Deepesh Sonar, S. L. Soni and Dilip Sharma, "Sustainable Development Through Trigeneration Technology and Practices" , International Conference on Creating a Sustainable Business (ICSBMC-12) by :Jaipuria Institute of Management at Jaipur / 1 / 2012

R. A. Gupta, R. Kumar, Virendra Sangtani, Ajay Kr. Bansal, "Switching Strategies of Three Phase Matrix Converter Fed Induction Motor Drive." , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control, NCPEIC-2012 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, INDIA / / 2012

V. Subbaramaiah, V. C. Srivastava, I. D. Mall, "Synthesis and Characterization of (Cu, Co, Ce/SBA-15) for Oxidation of Pyridine Bearing Wastewater" , Second International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes by :Second International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes at Kottayam, Kerala / / 2012

V. Gosu, B. R. Gurjar, "Synthesis and Characterization of GAC Supported Nano Zero Valent Iron for the Removal of Nitrogenerous Heterocyclic Compounds" , 7th Uttarakhand State Science & Technology Congress by :USSTC at DEHRADUN / / 2012

Rishi Vyas, Sarla Sharma, Parul Gupta, K. Sachdev, S. K. Sharma, "Synthesis and Hydrogen Sensing Properties of CNT-ZnOnanocomposite Thin Films" , International Conference on Ceramics by :World Scientific Publisher at Bikaner, India / 478–482 / 2012

Saurabk Kumar, Sushant Upadhyaya, M. Agarwal , and Rajeev Kumar Dohare, "Synthesis and Kinetic Study of Poly Styrene by Batch Emulsion Polymerization" , Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental; Engineering by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani / 20 / 2012

Saurabh, S. Upadhyaya, M. Agarwal and R.K. Dohare, "Synthesis and Kinetic Study of Polystyrene by Batch Emulsion Polymerization" , Conference on Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering by :BITS Pilani at Pilani / / 2012

Bhoi,R., Singh, D., Gupta,P.D.,Ganesh, A., Mahajani, S., "Synthesis of Biodiesel in Continuous Packed Bed Reactor Using ZnO/ZSM-5 as a Heterogeneous Catalyst" , 22nd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE) by :The University of Eindhoven and Ie-Net Vzw Antwerpen at Maastriach, the Netherlands / / 2012

Sini Shankar, Amrita Singh and S. P. Chaurasia, "Synthesis of Butyl Laurate Using Immobilized Candida Antarctica Lipase" , World Congress on Biotechnology by :Leonia International Convention Centre at Hyderabad / / 2012

Lavika Goel, Daya Gupta, VK Panchal, Ajith Abraham, "Taxonomy of Nature Inspired Computational Intelligence: A Remote Sensing Perspective" , 2012 Fourth World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC) by :IEEE at Mexico City, Mexico / / 2012

Basant Agarwal, Namita Mittal, "Text Classification Using Machine Learning Methods- a Survey" , In 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocPros-2012 by :Springer at Jaipur / - / 2012

P V Ramana, "The Decomposition Method for Stability Non-Linear Problems" , SEC 2012 by :SVNIT at Surat / 01 / 2012

Gaurav Agarwal, Amar Patnaik, Rajesh Kumar Sharma, "Three Body Abrasive Wear Behavior of Short Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Matrix Composites" , AMPCO by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / / 2012

K. Pareek, H. Cheng, "Toward Room Temperature Hydrogen Storage via Physisorption" , 7th Singapore International Chemical Conference (SICC-7) by :National University of Singapore at Singapore / / 2012

Sunny Soni, Rajeev Dohare and Madhu Agarwal,, "Treatment of Wastewater Generated in Biodiesel Production" , Of International Conference on Water Desalination , Treatment and Management & Indian Desalination Association Annual Congress- 2013 (InDACON -2013) by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / 86 / 2012

Saini, A. and Jana, S.K., "Turn Towards Green-Chemistry and Technology" , National Symposium on Green Chemistry by :Conference Proceedings at G H Patel College of Engg. & Tech. Gujarat / 29 / 2012

JK Deegwal, Ashok Kumar, Sanjeev Yadav, MM Sharma, MC Govil, "Ultra-Wideband Truncated Rectangular Monopole Antenna With Band-Notched Characteristics" , 2012 IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology and Applications (ISWTA) by :IEEE at Bandung Malasiya / 254-257 / 2012

A. Kumar and E. S. Pilli, "University Wide M-Learning Using Cloud Environment" , International Symposium on Cloud and Services Computing 2012 (ISCOS 2012) by :IEEE at NITK Surathkal, India / 118 - 123 / 2012

Pooja Nigam, Dr. V. Devadas, "Urban Land Management: A Retrospect of Three Metro Cities in India" , International Conference on Technology Management by :Springer at Department of Management Studies, IISc Bangalore / 217-228 / 2012

M Sharma and R Kodali, "Use of AHP for Process Improvement Decision Making" , International Conference on Technology and Business Management (ICTBM-12), Dubai by :AIMS International at University of Wellongong, Dubai / 1-8 / 2012

Sunny Soni and Madhu Agarwal, "Use of Ceramic Material (CEMENT CLINKER) for the Production of Biodiesel" , International Conference on Ceramics by :World Scientific Publisher at Bikaner, India / 71-78 / 2012

Urvashi Garg, Yogesh Kumar Meena, "User Authentication Using Keystroke Recognition" , International Conference on Advances in Computing Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing by :Springer Berlin Heidelberg at Bangalore / 131-136 / 2012

Bhatt, Preeti, "Using Literary Texts in the English Language Classroom" , Tenth Asia TEFL International Conference by :Teaching of English as a Foreign Language at New Delhi / / 2012

Lokesh Garg, V. Sahula, "Variability Aware Support Vector Machine Based Macromodels for Statistical Estimation of Subthreshold Leakage Power" , International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design by :IEEE at Seville, Spain / 4 / 2012

Ruchi Sharma, Rashmi S. Patil and Virendra Sethi, "Ventilation Design for Indoor Air Quality Management" , EIA 29th Annual National Conference & Exposition Organized by the Environmental Information Association (EIA) by :Conference Proceedings of EIA at Hard Rock Hotel, San Diego, CA, USA / / 2012

Ruchi Sharma, Nitin M. Deodhar, Rashmi S. Patil and Virendra Sethi , "Ventilation Design for Indoor Air Quality Management as Per Indian Climatic Conditions" , Healthy Buildings 2012, 10th International Conference by :Conference Proceedings of Healthy Buildings at Brisbane, Australia / / 2012

Bhanu Pratap Singh, Saurabh Kumar Agarwal, R. Kumar, "Voltage Harmonic Elimination in PWM A.C. Chopper Using Particle Swarm Optimization" , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control, NCPEIC-2012 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, India / / 2012

Rahul Goyal, Deepesh Sonar, Anmesh Srivastava, Dilip Sharma, S. L. Soni, "Wast Heat Recovery System: A Review" , National Conference on “Energy Efficient System, Design and Manufacturing” by :NCEESDM at Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur (Rajas / / 2012

Amar Patnaik, Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy, "Wear Behaviour of Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites Filled With Pine Bark Dust" , International Symposia on Advanced Materials: Kathmandu Symposia on Advanced Materials by :Kathmandu, Nepal at Nepal / / 2012

Amrita Singh, Ravi Dhabhai, Sini Shankar and S. P. Chaurasia, "Wheat Straw as a Source of Renewable Energy Paper Presented in National " , National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Technologies and Sciences for Sustainable Development by :JNU New DElhi at Jawaharlal Nehru University Delhi / / 2012

Vinod Jatav,Meenakshi Tripathi,M.S. Gaur,V.Laxmi , "Wireless Sensor Networks: Attack Models and Detection " , International Conference on Network and Computer Science (ICNCS 2012), HongKong (10-12 March 2012) by :IACSIT Press Singapore at Hongkong / 144-149 / 2012

Sujil A, Rajesh Kumar, "Zero Time Delay Fault Current Limiters for Smart Grid Application" , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control, NCPEIC-2012 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2012

R.GuptaY.Madan, "ZnO Nanocatalysed & Facile Green Approach to Explore the Synthesis & Bioactivity of Pyrzolopyrimidine Derivatives" , International Workshop on Chemistry for a Sustainable Future by :RSC at Jaipur / 102 / 2012


Jain J.K., Siddh M. M., Dangayach G. S. and Agarwal G., " an Overview on Supply Chain Vulnerability and Resilience" , International Conference on Management Perspectives: Emerging Trends and Leadership Challenges by :Internet and Management at Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur / 25-28 / 2011

Meena, M. L., Dangayach, G. S., and Bhardwaj, A., " Impact of Ergonomic Factors in Handicraft Industries" , International Conference on Mechanical, Production and Automobile Engineering by :ICMPAE at Pattaya, Thailand / 234-238 / 2011

Manviri Rani, Bina Gupta , "6. Decay Study and Identification of Metabolites of Thiram–A Dithiocarbamate Fungicide in Water by LC-MS Technique" , Recent Trends in Instrumental Methods of Analysis by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / 35 / 2011

N. Gupta, S. P. Dubey and S. P. Singh, "A Case Study Survey of Harmonic Currents Generated From Adjustable Speed Drives in an Industrial Plant" , AICTE Sponsored National Electrical Engineering Conference on Power and Energy Systems for Tomorrow (NEEC-2011) by :Delhi Technological University at Delhi / 1-6 / 2011

S. Bhuyan, S. K. Panda, K. Sivananda, R. Kumar, "A Compact Resonance-Based Wireless Energy Transfer System for Implanted Electronic Devices" , IEEE International Conference on Energy Automation and Signal (IEEE-ICEAS 11) by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, INDIA / / 2011

MM Sharma, Ashok Kumar, Sanjeev Yadav, Y Ranga, D Bhatnagar, "A Compact Ultra-Wideband CPW-Fed Printed Antenna With SRR for Rejecting WLAN Band" , 2011 Indian Antenna Week (IAW) by :IEEE at Kolkata India / 01-03 / 2011

S. Kumar, U. Pandel and M. P. Poonia, "A Comparative Study of Air Pollution Standards of Vehicles for Different Countries" , International Conference on Mechanical Engineering by :International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Held at Bangladesh at Dhaka, Bangladesh / / 2011

Aditi Sharma, S. P. Chaurasia and A. K. Dalai, "A Comparative Study on Hydrolysis of Cod Liver Fish Oil With Candida Cylindracea and Candida Rugosa Lipases" , 61st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference by :Canadian Society for Chemical Engineers at Ontario (Canada) / / 2011

Srikant Kumar Beura, M. Ravi Kumar, "A Comparison of Optical Codes Generated by Different Integrated Optic Technologies" , National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication Technology by :Conference Proceedings at KIST, Bhubaneswar / 23-24 / 2011

13. MA Ali, M Fozdar, KR Niazi, AR Phadke , "A Comparison of Stochastic Assessment Methods for Balanced and Unbalanced Voltage Sag" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Detroit, Michigan, USA / 1-6 / 2011

R. A. Gupta, R. Kumar, Virendra Sangtani, Ajay Kumar Bansal, "A Compendium of Reference Frames for AC Drives" , All India Seminar on Power Electronics Application to Power Systems (PEAPS-11) by :Conference Proceedings at Jaipur, INDIA / / 2011

B. Ramesh Babu, P.V. Vara Prasad,Ch.Jyosthna Devi, K.R.Ramya, "A Decentralized MAC Protocol for Opportunistic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Wireless Networks" , ICDC 2011 by :IEEE Xplore at Hyderabad / 131-134 / 2011

J. K. Deegwal, A. Kumar, S. Yadav, M.M. Sharma and M.C. Govil, "A Dual-Band Printed Circular Patch Antenna With Two Parasitic Stubs for Bluetooth and WLAN Applications" , International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing by :- at Jodhpur / / 2011

N.P. Padhy, Rohit Bhakar, Saurabh Chandra, "A Dynamic Distribution Network Pricing Model" , 4th International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies by :IEEE at Shandong, China / 1 / 2011

Sandeep K. Gupta, Shubhlaxmi, Yogesh K. Meena, Neeta Nain , "A Hybrid Method of Feature Extraction for Facial Expression Recognition" , The Seventh IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems by :IEEE at Dijon, France / 422-425 / 2011

Adhau, S. R, and Mittal, M. L., "A Multiagent Based System for Resource Allocation and Scheduling of Distributed Projects" , 3rd International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation by :IEEE at Mumbai (India). / 98-99 / 2011

Abhishek Rathi, Arjit Agarwal, Anurag Sharma, and Prerna Jain,, "A New Hybrid Technique for Solution of Economic Load Dispatch Problems Based on Biogeography Based Optimization" , TENCON-2011, IEEE Region-10 Conference by :IEEE at Bali, Indonesia / 19-24 / 2011

Mittal M. L. and Mittal A, "A New Weight Varying Scheme for Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms" , The19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operations Research by :International Federation of Operations Research Societies at Melbourne (Australia) / 25-38 / 2011

Matai, R., Singh, S. P. and Mittal. M.L. , "A Non-Greedy Local Search Heuristic for Facility Layout Problem" , Second International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Processing & Computing by :Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg at Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) / 103-108 / 2011

Nikhil Gupta, Anil Swarnkar, K. R. Niazi, "A Novel Strategy for Phase Balancing in Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution Systems" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Detroit, Michigan, USA / 1-8 / 2011

J. Joshi, B.S. Joshi, "A Novel Tandem Reaction for Synthesis of Highly Functionalized Spirocyclic Oxindoles" , 3rd International Conference on Heterocyclic Chemistry by :International Conference on Heterocyclic Chemistry at Jaipur / 63-67 / 2011

Vipin Pal, Girdhari Singh, R P Yadav, "A Restricted Tree Based Clustering Approach for Data Gathering Wireless Sensor Network" , International Conference on Advances, Modeling, Optimization, and Computation by :IIT Roorkee at India / 850-855 / 2011

Nemad, Manju and Preeti Bhatt. , "A Study of the RBSE Syllabus: Its Merits and Demerits." , Second International Conference Embracing Glocal English of ELT@I Rajasthan Jaipur Chapter by :Gauttam Publishers at Jaipur. / 149-54 / 2011

Alok Satapathy, Lucy Mohapatra, Debasmita Mishra, Amar Patnaik, "A Study on Thermal Conductivity of Aluminium Nitride Filled Polymer Composites" , The 5th PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology by :Phuket, Thailand at Phuket, Thailand / / 2011

Jyoti Grover, M. S. Gaur, V. Laxmi, "A Sybil Attack Detection Approach Using Neighboring Vehicles in VANET" , 4th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2011) by :ACM at Sydney, Australia / 151-158 / 2011

Ritu Sharma, K.S.Sharma and Varsha Goyal, "A Unified Pseudo-Potential Approach to Superconducting State Parameters of Mg, B, and MgB2 " , 15th International Workshop on Computational Physics and Material Science Held at Trieste, Italy by :ICTP and Co-Sponsored by the International School for Advanced Studies, SISSA at Trieste, Italy / 6 / 2011

Anmesh Kumar Srivastava, Dilip Sharma, "Acetylene as an Alternative Fuel for CI Engine – a Review" , Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering: Issues, Challenges & Developments by :ETMEICD at Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Manageme / / 2011

Barun Jana, Megan Wiley, Aaron D. Sadow, Oleg Pestovsky, Andreja Bakac, "Activation of Molecular Nitrogen With Novel Fe(II) Complexes of Tetradentate Phosphines" , Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, Gordon Research Conference by :Gordon Research Conference at Hotel Galvez, Galveston, USA / / 2011

Sachin K. Jain, D. Saxena and S.N. Singh, "Adaptive Wavelet Neural Network Based Harmonic Estimation of Single-Phase Systems," , International Conference and Utility Exhibition 2011 on Power and Energy Systems: Issues and Prospects for Asia (ICUE 2011) by :IEEE Xplore at Pattaya City, Thailand / 1-7 / 2011

S.P.Chaurasia, Madhu Agarwal and Manan Dave, "Adsorption of Formaldehyde on Treated Activated Carbon, Alumina and Natural Adsorbents" , Advances in Chemical Engineering (AChemE 2011) by :Thapar University, Punjab at Punjab / 433-442 / 2011

Arvind Kumar, Madhu Agarwal and Ajay verma, "Adsorption of Formaldehyde on Treated Sugarcane Bagasse and Treated Sawdust" , Chemcon 2011 by :CHEMCON at M.S.Ramaiyah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, / / 2011

Vashishtha M., Pandel U., "Advanced Bioceramics and Their Applications in Implantation" , International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (PACCON 2011) by :Chemical Society of Thailand at Bangkok(Thailand) / 52-101 / 2011

Ishwar Bhiradi, Anamika Rai, Rajeev Agrawal, "Agile Manufacturing Systems Approach for Enhancing Agility of Organizations and Processes" , ICAM 2011 by :Dayalbagh Educational Institute at Dayalbagh Educational Institute / 168-174 / 2011

Singhal, P., Agarwal, G., and Mittal, M. L., "An Analysis of Risk Management Strategic Instances: A Unified Approach With Logistic Regression and ANN" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering by :NIT Surat at Surat / 17-19 / 2011

Rajive Tiwari,P. Biswas, S. Jhajharia , "An Analytical Approach to Calculate the Spacing Between Two Parallel Rows of Non Tracked South Oriented Solar PV Modules Set Up in India" , ICEAS-2011 by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India / 1-6 / 2011

M. Augustine, O. P. Yadav, R. Jain, A. Rathore, "An Approach to Capture System Interaction Failures of a Complex System" , Reliability and Maintainability Symposium by :RAMS at Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA / 120-123 / 2011

Manju Rani, Yogesh Kumar Meena, "An Efficient Feature Extraction Method for Handwritten Character Recognition" , International Conference on Fuzzy and Neural Computing by :Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg at Vizag India / 302-209 / 2011

Nikhil Gupta, Anil Swarnkar, K. R. Niazi, "An Efficient Greedy Approach for Reactive Compensation on Large-Scale Distribution Systems" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Detroit, Michigan, USA / 1-8 / 2011

Jinesh Kumar Jain, Ranveer Singh, "An Overview of Supply Chain Vulnerability and Resilience" , International Conference on Management Perspectives: Emerging Trends and Leadership Challenges by :ICOMAP at Jaipur / / 2011

Jinesh Kumar Jain, M. Siddh, G.S. Dangayach , G. Agarwal, "An Overview on Supply Chain Vulnerability and Resilience" , International Conference Management Perspectives: Emerging Trends and Leadership Challenges by :Amity University at Jaipur / / 2011

MM Sharma, Ashok Kumar, Y Ranga, D Bhatnagar, "An Ultra-Wideband Antenna With Axis Symmetrical Elliptical Slots for Tunable Band-Notched Characteristics" , 2011 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings (APMC) by :IEEE at Melbourne, VIC / 725-728 / 2011

Khandelwal S., Kaul, N., Goyal, R, "Analysis of Effect of Rainfall on NDVI for Barmer District" , National Conference on “Impact of Climate Change With Special Emphasis on Desertification by :M.D.S. University, Ajmer at Ajmer / 1-5 / 2011

Rohit Goyal, Sumit Khandelwal, Nivedita Kaul, "Analysis of Relative Importance of Parameters Representing Vegetation, Urbanization and Elevation With Land Surface Temperature Using ANN" , Geospatial World Forum by :Geospatial World Forum at Hyderabad / 1-5 / 2011

RJ Nagpal KN Sunku and M Sharma, "Applicability of Proposed Green Manufacturing Practices and Initiatives: A Case Study" , International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (ICSM2011) BITS Pilani by :Excellent Publishing House, Delhi at BITS Pilani / 35-42 / 2011

M Sharma , "Applicability of TQM Initiatives in an Indian Industry: A Case Study" , National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2011 (AIMS-2011) by :MIT, Manipal at MIT, Manipal / / 2011

Agrawal V., Nagar R. and Sancheti G. , "Application of Artificial Neural Network in Conceptual Design of Communication Towers" , Electrical, Electronics and Civil Engineering-ICEECE-2011 by :Planetary Scientific Research Centre at Pattaya, Thailand / - / 2011

Vashishtha M., "Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Prediction of Vapour Liquid Equilibrium Data " , 25th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS2011) by :European Council for Modelling and Simulation at Krakow (Poland) / 2-17 / 2011

N.P. Padhy, Rohit Bhakar, Saurabh Chandra, "Application of Dynamic Distribution Network Pricing Model on Practical Indian Utility" , IISC Centenary Conference by :IISc at Bangalore / 1 / 2011

Goyal, R. and Singhal, V, "Application of Geospatial Technological Tools in Groundwater Modeling" , National Conference on Hydraulics & Water Resource by :SVNIT, Surat at Surat / 1-5 / 2011

V.Sharma, M.Yadav, M.L.Meena, "Application of Value Mapping to Soft Drink Industry: A Case Study" , National Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering for New Generation Industry by :Ideal Institute of Technology at Ghaziabad / 141-146 / 2011

N.R. Sangwa, M.L.Meena, "Applications of Nanotechnology for Future Automobiles" , Nanotechnology and It’s Applications (AIS-NTA-2011) by :Institution of Engineers India at Jaipur / / 2011

Y. Singh, N. R Sangwa, M. L. Meena, "Applications of Robotics and Automated Technologies in Construction Industries" , 27th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers & National Seminar on Advances in MEMS and Robotics in Manufacturing Industries by :Institution of Engineers India at Jaipur / / 2011

9. D. Saxena and K.S. Verma, "Artificial Neural Network Based Power Quality Events Classification Using Wavelet Transform" , National Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engg. (ETEEE-2011) by :KNIT SULTANPUR at KNIT SULTANPUR / 1-6 / 2011

Joshi, D., Rathore A.P.S., Sharma Dipti, "Assessment of Supply Chain Performance Indicators for Indian Auto-Component Industry: A Case Study" , International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing; Issues, Trends and Practices by :EXCELLENT PUBLISHING HOUSE for BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani / 273-278 / 2011

D. Joshi, A. P. S. Rathore, D. Sharma, "Assessment of Supply-Chain Performance Indicators for Auto-Component Industry: A Case Study" , The International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing: Issues, Trends and Practices (ICSM-2011) by :ICSM at Pilani / 273-278 / 2011

Niraja Saraswat, "Attitudinal Challenges in Learning English as Second Language and Its Remedies" , Second Annual International Conference on Teaching and Learning of ESL in Technical Education by :Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil College of Engineering, Nagpur. at Nagpur / / 2011

Gaur A.,Neha S, "“A Study on the Effects of Optimum Dose of Anti-Stripping Agent in the Performance of Bituminous Concrete Mix.” " , Recent Advancement in Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Development by :Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna , MP at Guna / 11 / 2011

• Gaur.A.,Mamodiya.S., , "“Drainage Problems of Multi Lane Highways in Suburban Areas”. (A Case Study at Bhakroata on NH-8) " , National Workshop on Road Infrastructure & Traffic Planning in Jaipur City by :KITE, Jaipur at Jaipur / 14 / 2011

Manan Dave, Madhu Agarwal, "Biodiesel From Microalgae a Review" , International Conference on Renewable Energy, 2011 by :University of Rajasthan, India at University of Rajasthan / / 2011

Madhu Agarwal, Sunny Soni, Manan D Dave, Anjali Jain, "Biodiesel Production in Batch and Continuous Reactors" , International Conference on Renewable Energy, 2011 by :University of Rajasthan, India at University of Rajasthan / / 2011

Rohidas Bhoi, Nirvik Sen, K.K. Singh, K.T.Shenoy, Hanamanth Rao, Sanjay Mahajani, "Biodiesel Synthesis by Methanolysis of Sunflower Oil in Microchannel Reactor" , Workshop on Continuous & Intensified Processes by :NCL Pune at Pune / / 2011

Sunny Soni, Abhay Dinkar, Madhu Agarwal, "Bioethanol Production From Brewers Spent Grain Using Mixed Fungal Culture" , Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environment Engineering by :Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India at BITS Pilani / / 2011

Vivekanand V, Eijsink VGH, Horn SJ , "Biogas Production From Brown Seaweed (Saccharina Latissima): Steam Explosion Pretreatment and Co-Digestion With Wheat Straw" , 1st International Conference on Biogas Microbiology, Leipzig, Germany by :- at Leipzig, Germany / / 2011

Bhatt, Preeti, "Bridging the Gap Between the Humanities and the Sciences Through Interdisciplinary Studies" , Transcending Disciplinary Decadence: XIV International Conference of Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda by :Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda at Jaipur / / 2011

S. Singhal, A. K. Singh and M. K. Meshram, "Broadband Microstrip Antenna Using Radiating Edge Coupled Parasites" , 2011 IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC) by :IEEE at Kolkata / / 2011

Sachin Jain, Yogesh Kumar Meena, "Byte Level N-Gram Analysis for Malware Detection" , International Conference on Information Processing by :Springer Berlin Heidelberg at Bangalore / 51-59 / 2011

Kriti bhandari, Alok Gupta and S. P. Chaurasia , "Candida Rugosa Lipase Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Indian Tuna Fish Oi" , Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering by :Thapar University Patiala at Thapar University Patiala / / 2011

Sharma D. and Agrawal G. D., , "Carbon Credit Potential of Biogas Plants at Durgapura Goushala, Jaipur" , International Conference on Science & Engineering by :ICSE at Rohtak / / 2011

V Saikiran, N Srinivasa Rao, G Devaraju and A P Pathak, "Characterization of GeO2 Nano Crystals Prepared by Microwave Annealing" , 21st International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry by :AIP PUblishing at Dallas, USA / 264 / 2011

D. Saxena, S.N. Singh, and K.S. Verma, "Characterization of Power Quality Events Using Wavelet Transform" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Electric Power and Energy System Management (RAEPESM-2011) by :M.M.M.E.C. Gorakhpur at M.M.M.E.C. Gorakhpur / 8-16 / 2011

Pareek, Ritu and Preeti Bhatt, "Christina Rosetti’s "Goblin Market": A Psychoanalytical Interpretation" , National Seminar on Revisiting the Classics: Text, Context and Reinterpretation by :Nirma University Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad at Ahmedabad / / 2011

V Sharma, B Sharma, VK Saxena, KB Sharma, MM Sharma, D Bhatnagar, "Circularly Polarized Stacked Square Patch Microstrip Antenna With Tuning Stubs" , 2011 Indian Antenna Week (IAW) by :IEEE at Kolkata, India / 01-04 / 2011

Nidhi Sharma, "Climate Induced Migration: A Case Study of Asia Pacific Region " , National Conference on Human Migration in the Indian Sub-Continent: Complexities, Challenges & Implications by :IIS University Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2011

Namita Mittal, P. Ashok Rao, Srinivas Jinde, Abhinav Gupta, K. Adhikari, "Clustering of XML Documents on the Basis of Content and Structure" , 5th IICAI by :IEEE at Tumkur, Karnataka India / 1737-1746 / 2011

Prithvi Singh Kandhal, Ankur Singh, A.N.Arora, Pawan Kalla, "Cold Mix Patching - a Quick Solution for Filling Potholes" , Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project by :KITE Sitapura, Jaipur at Jaipur / 27-30 / 2011

Prithvi Singh Kandhal, Ankur Singh, A.N.Arora, Pawan Kalla, "Cold Mix Patching - a Quick Solution for Filling Potholes, Road Infrastructure and Traffic Planning in Jaipur City" , National Workshop on Traffic and Road Infrastructure Developments in Jaipur,TRID-2011 by :KITE Sitapura, Jaipur at Kite Jaipur / 42-45 / 2011

Ajendra Kumar, Kailash Singh, Madhu Agarwal, Saakshy, A.K. Sharma, G. Hussain, "Color Removal of Effluent of Sanganer Region of Jaipur" , International Conference on Renewable Energy, 2011 by :University of Rajasthan, India at University of Rajasthan / / 2011

MM Sharma, Sanjeev Yadav, Ashok Kumar, Y Ranga, Deepak Bhatnagar, "Compact Elliptical Microstrip Patch Antenna With Slotted Ground for Ku-Band Applications" , 2011 IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC) by :IEEE at Kolkata India / 01-03 / 2011

MM Sharma, Ashok Kumar, D Bhatnagar, S Gupta, "Compact Slotted Broadband Antenna With Parasitic Patch for Wireless Operations" , 2011 National Conference on Recent Advances in Modern Communication Systems and Nanotechnology (NCMCN 2011) by :Souvenir of NCMCN at Jaipur, India / / 2011

Sheesh Ram, Ritu Sharma, Vijay Janyani, Rotash Kumar, "Comparison of Dispersion Properties for Different Lattice Elliptical Photonic Crystal Fiber" , ICEICE2010 by :M.B.M Engineering College Jodhpur at Jodhpur / 3 / 2011

Bhatt, Preeti, "Contemporary Dilemmas in Muriel Sparks Novels" , The Contemporary: An International Conference of Literature and the Arts by :Nanyang Technological University, Singapore at Singapore / / 2011

S M Dumne, S D Bharti and M K Shrimali, "Control Methods for Retrofitting of Structures" , I-Cost 2011 by :SSVPS College Dhule at Dhule (India) / 17-22 / 2011

Singhal, V. and Goyal, R, "Conversion of Ground Water Flow Conceptual Model in to a Mathematical Model-Case Study of Pali Area, Rajasthan" , National Conference on Hydraulics & Water Resource by :SVNIT, Surat at Surat / 1-5 / 2011

Nangia, V.K., Sharma, V., and Mahajan, R., "Corporate Social Responsibility- a Conceptual Perspective" , National Conference on CSR by :Institute of Public Enterprise at Hyderabad / / 2011

Shubhra Mathur, Rishi Vyas, Parul Gupta, Rohit Jain, K. Sachdev and S. K. Sharma, "Corrosion Behaviour of Melt-Spun Ribbon Ti60Ni40 in 1 M H2SO4 Aqueous Medium" , National Conference on Emerging Trends of Research in Materials Science by :ETRMS at Jaipur, Raj,India / 1 / 2011

Ajeet Singh Poonia, Dr. G.S. Dangayach and A.Bhardwaj , "Cyber Crime: Practices and Policies for Its Prevention" , First International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development by :Internet and Management at Thailand / 1-9 / 2011

Amar Patnaik, Sandhyarani Biswas, "Damage Assessment and Validated of Solid Particle Erosion Behavior of Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Resin Composites: A Comparative Study" , 11th Annual UNESCO/IUPAC Workshop and Conference on Functional Polymeric Materials & Composites by :Stellenbosch, South Africa at Stellenbosch, South Africa / / 2011

E. S. Pilli, R. C. Joshi and R. Niyogi, "Data Reduction by Identification and Correlation of TCP/IP Attack Attributes for Network Forensics" , International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology (ICWET 2011) by :ACM at Mumbai, India / 276-283 / 2011

Rani U, Saroj S, Vivekanand V, Singh RP , "Decolorization of Direct Blue-15 and Reactive Black-5 and Analysis of Degradation by Strain VkG2 Isolated From Decaying Wood" , International Conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology, Trivendrum, India by :Biotech Research Society, India at Trivendrum, India / / 2011

Rajive Tiwari, K R Niazi, Vikas Gupta, "Decoupled Power Exchange Model of UPFC to Enhance Voltage Stability Margin of Power Systems" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Detroit, USA / 1-8 / 2011

Manviri Rani, Bina Gupta, Rahul Kumar, "Degradation and Metabolic Pathways of Thiram in Water and Soils" , International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2011) by :ETH Zurich, Switzerland at Switzerland / 298 / 2011

D. Saxena, S.N. Singh, and K.S. Verma, "Denoising of Power Quality Events Using Wavelets" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Electric Power and Energy System Management (RAEPESM-2011) by :M.M.M.E.C. Gorakhpur at M.M.M.E.C. Gorakhpur / 1-7 / 2011

Joshi A.M., Darji A., Mishra V., "Design and Implementation of Real-Time Image Watermarking" , International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC) by :IEEE Xplore at Xian / 1-5 / 2011

R. A. Gupta, R. Kumar, Ajay Kumar Bansal, "Design of Stand-Alone Wind/Photovoltaic Hybrid Energy System" , All India Seminar on Power Electronics Application to Power Systems (PEAPS-11) by :Conference Proceedings at Jaipur, INDIA / / 2011

Abhra Chowdhury, Bhuneshwar Prasad , Vinothkumar Kumar, Sanjib Panda, R. Kumar, "Design, Modelling and Open-Loop Control of a BCF Mode Bio-Mimetic Robotic Fish" , International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics by :IEEE at Kyoto, JAPAN / 226-231 / 2011

Mahanth Prasad, R.P. Yadav, V. Sahula and V.K. Khanna , "Desing and Mathematical Model of a ZnO-Based MEMS Acoustic Sensor" , International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices by :International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices at Kanpur, India / / 2011

Joshi, D., Rathore A.P.S., Sharma Dipti, "Determinants of Competitiveness: Case Study on Lighting System Manufacturer" , XV Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management by :IIM Calcutta at IIM Calcutta / 33-40 / 2011

D. Joshi, A. P. S. Rathore, D. Sharma, "Determinants of Competitiveness: Case Study on Lighting System Manufacturer" , The XV Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management (SOM-2011) by :SOM at IIM Calcutta / 33-40 / 2011

Debasmita Mishra, Lucy Mohapatra, Alok Satapathy, Amar Patnaik, "Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Polymer Composites Filled With Solid Glass Beads" , International Conference on Advancement in Polymeric Materials by :CIPET, Chennai at Chennai / / 2011

Kusum Verma, K.R.Niazi, "Determination of Vulnerable Machines for Online Transient Security Assessment in Smart Grid Using Artificial Neural Network" , Annual IEEE India Conference,INDICON 2011 by :IEEE at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India / 1-5 / 2011

Sanjay W. Rajurkar, Rakesh Jain, "Development of an Integrated Two-Tier Supply Chain Model for Perishable Products With Non Deterministic Demand " , International Conference on Industrial Engineering by :Industrial Engineering at SVNIT Surat / / 2011

N. Janrao, V. Janyani, "Dispersion Compensation Fiber Using Square Hole PCF" , Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP 2011) by :IEEE at NIT Calicut / 436-438 / 2011

Kaur L., Sangal V.K, , "Divided Wall Distillation Column: An Energy Efficient Technology" , Advances in Chemical Engineering (AChemE 2011) by :Thapar University, Punjab at Thapar University Patiala / 428-432 / 2011

Dohare R.K. , Singh K. , Kumar R. , Upadhyaya S. , Gupta S, "Dynamic Model of Dividing Wall Column for Separation of Ternary System" , CHEMECA12 by :IEEE at Sydney, AUSTRALIA / / 2011

B. Gupta, R.Kumar, Manviri Rani , "Dynamics of Chromium and Lead in Water, Sediment and Biota of an Urban River" , International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE 2011) by :ETH Zurich, Switzerland at Switzerland / 299 / 2011

Tej Singh, Amar Patnaik, and Bhabani K. Satapathy, "Effect of Carbon Nanotubes on Tribo-Performance of Brake Friction Materials" , International Conference on Advances in Condensed and Nano Materials by :Panjab University, Chandigarh at Chandigarh / / 2011

Kushal Sharma, P Ram, "Effect of MFD Viscosity and Porosity on Revolving Axi-Symmetric Ferrofluid With Rotating Disk" , International Conference of Mechanical Engineering by :World Congress on Engineering at Imperial College, London / 1705-1709 / 2011

Anjali Jain, Neha Bajpai, Prachee Misra and S. P. Chaurasia , "Effect of Solvent on Saccharification of Sweet Sorghum With Cellulase From Aspergilus Niger" , International Conference on Renewable Energy by :Rajasthan University at Jaipur / / 2011

R. A. Gupta, R. Kumar, Manoj Gupta, "Effect of Training Algorithms on the Accuracy in Power Quality Signature Recognition Using Neural Networks" , All India Seminar on Power Electronics Application to Power Systems (PEAPS-11) by :Conference Proceedings at Jaipur, INDIA / / 2011

Dinesh Kumar and Singh S.B. , "Effects of Flexural Boundary Conditions on Postbuckling Strengths of Composite Laminate Under Combined in-Plane Loads" , The Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics by :SVNIT Surat at Surat / 56 / 2011

Anubha Jindal, Aditya Tiwari, Hiranmay Ghosh, "Efficient and Language Independent News Story Segmentation for Telecast News Videos" , IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia by :IEEE at Dana Point, California, USA / 458-463 / 2011

Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, "Efficient Reconfiguration of Distribution Systems Using Ant Colony Optimization Adapted by Graph Theory" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Detroit, Michigan, USA / 1-8 / 2011

Varun Satya, Rohit Bhakar, K. R. Niazi, "Electricity Market Equilibrium Model Using Supply Function Equilibrium" , 4th International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies by :IEEE at Shandong, China / 1 / 2011

Shubhra Mathur, Rishi Vyas, Parul Gupta, K. Sachdev and S. K. Sharma, "Electrochemical Behaviour of Nanocrystalline States of the Alloy Ti60Ni40 in 1 M HNO3 Aqueous Medium" , National Conference Emerging Interfaces of Physics and Technology by :EIPT at Jaipur / 183-189 / 2011

Bhatt, Preeti, "Emotions Versus Reason in Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility and Northanger Abbey" , Emotions: International Conference Organized by the British Society for Eighteenth Century Studies by :Oxford University, Oxford, UK at Oxford / / 2011

Chandel M. and Agrawal G. D, "Enablers and Barriers for Concentrated Solar Power Deployment" , National Conference on Recent Advancement in Mechanical Engineering by :SKIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2011

Gupta H. K. and Agrawal G.D., "Energy and Environmental Benefits of Using Nanofluids" , National Conference on Climatic Changes and Sustainable Development by :RIET at Jaipur / / 2011

Gahlot V, Swami B L , Kalla P., "Enhancing Accessibility of BRTS by Providing High-Quality Pedestrian Facilities" , National Workshop on Traffic and Road Infrastructure Developments in Jaipur,TRID-2011 by :KITE Sitapura, Jaipur at Jaipur / 22-25 / 2011

Vinay Kumar Jadoun, Prashant Dadheech, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, and K. R. Niazi, "Environment Friendly Multi-Objective Economic Load Dispatch Problem Using Particle Swarm Optimization Without Consideration of Power Loss" , International Conference on ‘Advances in Communications, Embedded Systems and Computing’ (ICACEC-2011) by :IETE, Bhopal Chapter at Bhopal, India / / 2011

Maheshwari, Monika and Vyas R. K., , "Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride in Its Tablet Form Adsorption by Powdered Activated Carbon" , 1st International Science Congress (ISC-2011) on "Science and Technology for Sustainable Development" by :International E-Publication, Indore at Maharaja Ranjit Singh College, Indore / 159 / 2011

Sandeep S, A Chini, "Estimating Energy Consumption During Construction of Buildings: A Contractors Perspective" , Helsinki World Sustainable Building Conference by :Helsinki World Sustainable Building Conference at Helsinki, Finland / / 2011

Mishra, P., Mittal, M. L. and Danagaych, G. S., "Ethical Approach Towards Sustainable Project Success" , International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management by :Social and Behavioral Sciences at Asia Pacific / 338–344 / 2011

S. L. Soni, Deepak Tanwar, Dilip Sharma and Y. P. Mathur, "Evaluation of Fuel Properties of Fish Oil Methyl Ester and Its Production" , Energy, Utility and Environment Conference & Expo 2011 by :EUEC at Phoenix, Arizona / 1 / 2011

Agrawal V. and Gupta M, "Expansive Soil Stabilization Using Marble Dust" , Advances in Civil Engineering-ACE-2011 by :KL University, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Guntur at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA / - / 2011

Dilip Sharma, Kamal K. Khatri and S.L. Soni, "Experimental Investigation of Micro-Trigeneration System Fuelled With Karanj Oil - Diesel Blend (K-20)" , Energy, Utility and Environment Conference & Expo 2011 by :EUEC at Phoenix, Arizona / 1 / 2011

Ashok Singh Tanwar, Dilip Sharma, "Experimental Investigation on the Performance of a Diesel Engine Fuelled With S.V.O. (Jetropha Curcas)-Diesel Blends" , International Conference on Green, Biotech and Recent Trends by :Amity University at Jaipur / 1 / 2011

Pramod Khandelwal, Lokesh Garg, Dr. D.Boolchandani, Vineet Sahula, "Exploration of Sampling Methods for Accurate Analog Behavioral Model" , National Conference on VLSI Design Ond Embedded Systems by :CEERI at Pilani / / 2011

Arvind Kumar, Madhu Agarwal, Sushant Upadhyaya, "Extraction of Antioxidants and Flavonoid From Natural Sources" , Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environment Engineering by :Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India at BITS Pilani / / 2011

R. A. Patil, V. Sahula, A. S. Mandal, "Facial Expression Recognition in Image Sequences Using Active Shape Model and SVM" , Fifth IEEE UKSim European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation (EMS) by :IEEE at Langkawi / 6 / 2011

Raj Kumar Joshi, Pradeep Mathur, "Fe(CO)5 Catalyzed Carbonylation and Cyclization of Alkynes and the Rapid Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds”" , ACCC-3 by :Asian Coordination Chemistry Conference at Indian Habitat Center, New Delhi / 1 / 2011

Raj Kumar Joshi, Badrinath Jha, Pradeep Mathur, "Fe(CO)5 Catalyzed Carbonylation and Cyclization Reactions of Terminal and Internal Alkynes" , 3rd Indo-German in Frounter of Chemistry by :Indo-German in Frounter of Chemistry at IIT Bombay, Mumbai / 1 / 2011

Gupta H. K., Agrawal, G.D. and Mathur J., "Feasibility of Using Nanofluids in Solar Flat Plate Collectors" , National Conference on Sustainable Development in Energy Sector by :Univ. of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun at Dehradun / / 2011

P. Dadhich, K. Dutta and M. Govil, "Formalizing Soft Trust Management" , Computational Intelligence and Information Technology: Springer by :- at Pune / 534-536 / 2011

Ajay Kumar Bansal, R. A. Gupta, R. Kumar, "Fuzzy Estimator for Sensorless PMBLDC Motor Drive Under Speed Reversal" , IEEE Indian International Conference on Power Electronics by :IEEE at New Delhi, INDIA / / 2011

N. Gupta, S. P. Dubey and S. P. Singh, "Fuzzy Logic Controlled Shunt Active Power Filter for Reactive Power Compensation and Harmonic Elimination" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer & Communication Technology (ICCCT-2011) by :IEEE at MNNIT Allahabad / 82-87 / 2011

Viraj Shah, Sudhir Kumar, Rajeev Agrawal, L N Pattnaik, "Fuzzy Model for the Austenite Grain Refinement in the Plate Rolling Low Carbon Steel" , ICAM 2011 by :Dayalbagh Educational Institute at Dayalbagh Educational Institute / 641-646 / 2011

Divesh Kumar, Zillur Rahman, Praveen Goyal, "Green Marketing Mix: Rethinking Competitive Advantage During Climate Change" , The First International Congress of Interdisciplinary Research and Development by :Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand at Bangkok, Thailand / / 2011

Rajnish Dhiman, Per Morgen, "Growth of SiC Nano-Whiskers on Powdered SiC" , Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors by :Springer at Sozopol, Bulgaria / 281 - 285 / 2011

Madhu Agarwal, Garima Chauhan, S.P. Chaurasia, "Heterogeneous Catalyst for Biodiesel Production: A Review" , International Conference on Renewable Energy, 2011 by :University of Rajasthan, India at Jaipur / / 2011

Ashok Singh Tanwar, Satyanarayan Patel and Dilip Sharma, "Homogeneous Charged Compression Ignition Engine" , Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering: Issues, Challenges & Developments by :ETMEICD at Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Manageme / / 2011

G. Singh, P. Stenberg, P. Vahimaa, M. Kuittinen, R. P. Yadav, V. Janyani , "Hydrogen Silsesquioxane (HSQ): A Perfect Negative Tone Resist for Developing Nanostructure Patterns on a Silicon Platform" , Photonic West 2011 by :SPIE USA at San Francisco, USA / 1-4 / 2011

M. L. Meena, G. S. Dangayach, A. Bhardwaj , "Impact of Ergonomic Factors in Handicraft Industries" , International Conference on Mechanical, Production and Automobile Engineering (ICMPAE’2011) by :Planetary Scientific Research Centre at Pattaya, Thailand / 247-249 / 2011

N. R. Sangwa , Y. Singh , M. L. Meena, "Impact on Total Productivity Through Computer Aided Manufacturing" , 27th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers & National Seminar on Advances in MEMS and Robotics in Manufacturing Industries by :Institution of Engineers India at Jaipur / / 2011

R. Zafar, N. Janrao, V. Janyani, "Improved Efficiency and Enhanced Slow Light Performance in Photonic Crystal Waveguides Using Rectangular Unit Cells" , International Conference on Photonics 2011 by :- at Malaysia / - / 2011

Lokesh Garg, Pramod Khandelwal, D. Boolchandani and V. Sahula, "Improved Sampling Methodology for Variability Aware Sizing of Analog Circuits" , National Conference on VLSI Design by :CEERI at CEERI Pilani / / 2011

Amit Pancharya, "Improvements in Material Handling: A Case Study of Cement Manufacturing Plant" , International Conference on Service, Management and Engineering by :International Conference on Service, Management and Engineering at Bangkok / / 2011

Samir Chandra Saxena, S K Soonee, S S Barpanda, Kaushik Dey, K V N Pawan Kumar , "Indian Electricity Market: Implementation of Multiple Power Exchanges. " , GRIDTECH International Conference, New Delhi by :GRIDTECH at New Delhi / / 2011

Krishna, A., Jain, R., and Dangayach, G. S., "Innovations in New Service Development" , National Conference by :MET NASHIK at NASHIK MAHARASHTRA / 125-128 / 2011

A. Pareek, R. Jain, A. P. S. Rathore, "Integrating Product Development and Supply Chain Management" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering by :SVNIT Surat at SVNIT, Surat / 89-63 / 2011

Nidhi Sharma, "Inter-District Disparities in Rajasthan" , International Conference on Teaching & Learning: Challenges & Strategies by :Jaipur National University, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2011

A P. Pathak, N. Srinivasa Rao, G. Devaraju, V. Saikiran and S. V. S. Nageswara Rao, "Ion Beams for Synthesis and Modification of Nanostructures in Semiconductors" , MRS Spring Meeting 2011 by :Cambridge University Press at San Francisco, USA / 121 / 2011

Raj Kumar Joshi, Pradeep Mathur, "Iron-Catalyzed 2+2+1 Co Cyclization of Acetylene, Isocyanate and CO for the Rapid Synthesis of Maleimide and Hydantoin" , Gorden Research Symposium by :GRC Confrences, USA at Newport / 1 / 2011

Nivedita Kaul, AB Gupta, Sumit Khandelwal, "Kitchen Ventilation- an Important Aspect of Building Planning" , National Seminar on New Vista’s in Construction Technology by :VIT at VIT-East, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2011

Vivekanand V, Dwivedi P, Pareek N, Singh RP , "Laccase: Scaled-Up Production and Its Application in Biobleaching" , 4th Congress of European Microbiologists-FEMS 2011, Geneva, Switzerland by :Federation of European Microbiological Societies at Geneva, Switzerland / / 2011

Piyush Mishra, G.S. Dangayach, M.L. Mittal, "Lausanne, Switzerland" , International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management (APBITM) by :Elsevier at Lausanne, Switzerland / 338-344 / 2011

A. Panwar, R. Jain, A. P. S. Rathore, "Lean Initiatives in Process Industries" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering by :SVNIT Surat at Surat / 123-127 / 2011

Dohare, R.K., Singh, K., and Kumar, R. Neha Sharma, "M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology" , CHEMCON-2011 by :M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore at Bangalore / 145 / 2011

Jyoti Grover, Nitesh Prajapati, M.S Gaur, V. Laxmi, "Machine Learning Approach for Multiple Misbehavior Detection in VANET" , International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ACC 2011) by :Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg at Kochi, India / 644-653 / 2011

Mahajan, R, Sharma, V and Nangia, V, "Marketing Research for Effective Management Education Delivery : The India Experience" , International Conference on Business and Technology by :FRI University at Dehradun / / 2011

Divesh Kumar and Zillur Rahman, "Marketing Responsibility to Promote Sustainability in Supply Chain" , Conference on Excellence in Research and Education by :Indian Institute of Management, Indore at Indore / / 2011

Vashishtha M., Kumar S., "Microalgae as a Potential Source of Biofuels" , International Conference on Gen Next: The Green Engineering and Digital Era (BICON-2011) by :Biyani International Institute of Engineering and Technolgy, Jaipur at Jaipur (Rajasthan) / 48 / 2011

Jyoti Grover, M.S Gaur, V. Laxmi , "Misbehavior Detection Based on Ensemble Learning in VANET" , International Conference on Advanced Computing , Networking and Security (ADCONS’ 11) by :Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg at Surathkal, Karnatka / 602-611 / 2011

Asif Iqbal and Nupur Tandon, "Mispronunciations of Engineering ESL Learners in English Classrooms " , Strategic Communication: Learning From Mistakes by :Conference Proceedings at University of Petroleum Dehradun / / 2011

-, "Mitharwal, Rajendra, Reyhan Baktur, and Charles Swenson. ``A Numerical Analysis of the Time Evolution of Plasma Wake Structure Around a Simplified 2D Cube Satellite model." General Assembly and Scient" , _ by :IEEE at _ / / 2011

Dohare, R.K., Singh, K., Kumar, R., Sharma, N., "Model Predictive Control of a Divided Wall Distillation Column" , CHEMCON-2011 by :IIChE at Bengaluru,India / 1 / 2011

V. P. Singh, D. Chandra, "Model Reduction of Discrete Interval System Using Dominant Poles Retention and Direct Series Expansion Method" , 5th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference by :IEEE at Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia / 27-30 / 2011

Upadhyaya, S., Abhishek, S., Suthar, K., Nama, S.S., Singh, K., Chaurasia, S.P., Inda, R.S., "Modeling and Simulation of Shell and Tube Module for Vacuum Membrane Distillation" , CHEMCON-2011 by :IIChE at Bengaluru,India / 1 / 2011

Manu Augustine, Om prakash Yadav, Rakesh Jain, Ajay Rathore, "Modelling Physical Systems for Faliure Analysis With Rate Cognitive Maps " , IEEE International Conference by :IEEE at Hong Kong, Chaina / / 2011

Vashishtha M., Agarwal S., Pandel U., "Modification in Mechanical Properties of Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites" , International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (PACCON 2011) by :Chemical Society of Thailand at Bangkok(Thailand) / 89-157 / 2011

P V Ramana B K Raghu Prasad-keynote, "Modified Adomian Decomposition Method for Non-Linear Duffing-Holmes Equations" , Advances in Civil Engineering-ACE-2011 by :KL University, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Guntur at Vijayawada / 01 / 2011

G. Ranga Rao and Sumanta Kumar Meher, "Morphology Tuning of CeO2 and Their Exceptional Catalytic Activities" , Colloids and Materials 2011, the 1st International Symposium on Colloids and Materials: New Scientific Horizons by :Elsevier at Amsterdam, the Netherlands / 46-56 / 2011

Sumanta Kumar Meher and G. Ranga Rao, "Morphology Tuning of Metal Oxides for High Performance Supercapacitor Applications" , Chemistry in-House Symposium (CiHS) by :IIT Madras at IIT Madras, Chennai, India / 18 / 2011

Chandel M. and Agrawal G. D. , "Nano Material Based Solar Photovoltaic and Thermal System" , National Conference on Climatic Changes and Sustainable Development by :RIET at Jaipur. / / 2011

Ajay Kr. Verma, Madhu Agarwal, Arvind Kumar, "Nanomaterials Used in Biomedical Applications" , All India Seminar on Nanotechnology & Its Applications (AIS-NTA-2011) by :All India Seminar on Nanotechnology & Its Applications at Jaipur / / 2011

Per Morgen, J Drews, Rajnish Dhiman, Peter Nielsen, "Nanostructured Materials in Different Dimensions for Sensing Applications" , Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors by :Springer at Sozopol, Bulgaria / 257 - 273 / 2011

Sharma, N. and Singh, K., "Neural Network Predictive Control of Isopropyl Acetate Reactive Distillation Column" , CHEMCON-2011 by :IIChE at Bengaluru,India / 1 / 2011

V. Baghel, S. J. Nanda and G. Panda, "New GOPSO and Its Application to Robust Identification" , IEEE International Conference on Energy Automation and Signal, IEEE-ICEAS-2011 by :IEEE at Siksha O Anusandhan Univ., Bhubaneswar, Odisha / 1-6 / 2011

Gulyani B.B., Karole A., Prakash B.G., Sangal V.K., , "Novel Optimization Techniques for Energy Integration in Process Industries" , Advances in Chemical Engineering (AChemE 2011) by :Thapar University, Punjab at Thapar University Patiala / 179 / 2011

P. Dadhich, K. Dutta and M. C. Govil, "On the Approach of Combining Trust and Security for Securing Mobile Agents: Trust Enhanced Security" , 2nd International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT) by :IEEE at - / / 2011

Namita Mittal, Gaurav Gupta, Hemant Mangal, "Ontology-Based Retrieval System Using Semantic Indexing" , 5th IICAI by :IEEE at Tumkur, Karnataka , India / 850-862 / 2011

Arka Prokash Mazumdar, and Ashok Singh Sairam, "Opportunistic Routing: Opportunities and Challenges" , Proceedings of ICNCC by :IACSIT at New Delhi, India / 191-195 / 2011

Ajay Kumar Bansal, R. A. Gupta, R. Kumar, "Optimization of Hybrid PV/wind Energy System Using Meta Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO)" , IEEE Indian International Conference on Power Electronics by :IEEE at New Delhi, INDIA / / 2011

Garg A., Bajpai P. K., Sangal V. K., Agarwal P, "Oxidative Degradation of Phenol in Wastewater With the Synergetic Effect of UV Light & H2O2" , Defense Science Research Conference and Expo DSR by :IEEE at Singapore / 978-1-4244 / 2011

Mushtaq Ahmed, Vijay Laxmi, M. S. Gaur, Yogesh Meena , "Parameterized Path Based Randomized Oblivious Minimal Path Routing With Fault Tolerance in 2D Mesh Network on Chip" , 2nd International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science (CACS2011) by :Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg at Bali, Indonesia / 63-70 / 2011

Sushant Upadhyay, Kailash Singh, S. P. Chaurasia, Madhu Agarwal, Rajeev Dohare, "Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination Process" , ICEHBEE2011 by :International Conference on Economics, Humanities, Bio-Technology & Environment Engineering at Pattaya (Thailand) / / 2011

S. Upadhyaya, K. Singh, S.P. Chaurasia, M. Agarwal, R.K. Dohare, "Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination Processes" , International Conference on Chemical, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Thailand by :International Conference on Chemical, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Thailand at Thailand / 447-451 / 2011

Satish Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, N.P. Padhy, H.O. Gupta, "Payment Cost Minimization Auction in Electricity Markets" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Detroit, USA / 1 / 2011

Arka Prokash Mazumdar, and Ashok Singh Sairam, "PBFS: A Technique to Select for-Warders in Opportunistic Routing" , TENCON by :IEEE at Bali, Indonesia / 149-153 / 2011

Vijay Laxmi, Manoj Singh Gaur, Parvez Faruki, and Smita Naval, "PEAL-Packed Executable Analysis" , International Conference on Advanced Computing , Networking and Security (ADCONS’ 11) by :Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg at Surathkal India / 237-243 / 2011

Mathur J, Agarwal G.D. Bansal V., Garg V, "Performance Analysis of Earth Air Tunnel With Evaporative Cooler" , International Conference on Ventilation of Buildings Ventconf-2011 by :ISHRAE at New Delhi / / 2011

Sharma Dinesh and Agrawal, G.D., "Performance Enhancement of a Domestic Air Conditioner by Using Evaporative Condenser: A Review" , National Conference on Sustainable Development in Energy Sector by :Univ. of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun at Dehradun / / 2011

Agrawal G. D., Chandel M. and Mathur A, "Performance Enhancement of Refrigeration Systems Using Nanomaterials - a Study" , National Conference on Nano-Technology & Its Applications by :The Institution of Engineers at Jaipur / / 2011

Lavika Goel, Daya Gupta, VK Panchal, "Performance Governing Factors of Biogeography Based Land Cover Feature Extraction: An Analytical Study" , 2011 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies by :IEEE at Mumbai, India / / 2011

Manviri Rani, Bina Gupta, "Persistence of Pesticide and Their Degradation Products" , Cognizance by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / / 2011

Arora, A.N. and Goyal, R, "Phenological Study Using Satellite Imageries-a Case Study of Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojna Stage I" , National Conference on Hydraulics & Water Resource by :SVINT,Surat at Surat / 1-5 / 2011

Rishi Vyas, Parul Gupta, ShubhraMathur, K. Sachdev, S.K. Sharma, "Plasma Induced Modifications on Sin-Coated ZnO Thin Films" , AIP Conference . Proceeding by :AIP PUblishing at Manipal, (India) / 357-358 / 2011

Jyoti Grover, M.S Gaur, V. Laxmi , "Position Forging Attacks in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: Implementation, Impact and Detection" , 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2011) by :IEEE at Istanbul, Turkey / 701-706 / 2011

Marwah, Kanupriya, and Preeti Bhatt, "Postmodernist Fragmentation of Identity in Girish Karnad’s Hayavadana" , The Contemporary: An International Conference of Literature and the Arts by :Nanyang Technological University, Singapore at Singapore / / 2011

N. Inani, A.Sharma, S.Pincha, Kusum Verma, "Power System Contingency Analysis for Steady State Security Assessment Using Artificial Neural Network" , National Conference on Advances & Research in Electrical System Technology by :Arya Institute of Engineering & Techonology, Jaipur at Jaipur / 146-152 / 2011

Dutta, M., Bayer, M., Meena, V.K., Sharma, M., Singh, K., and Vyas, R.K, "Pressure Swing Adsorption for Oxygen Production Using 5A and Lilsx: A Comparative Study" , CHEMCON-2011 by :IIChE at Bengaluru,India / 1 / 2011

A. Kumar,J. K. Deegwal, N. C. Bajia, S. Yadav, M.M. Sharma and M.C. Govil, "Printed Monopole UWB Antennas With Dual Band-Notched Characteristics" , International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing by :- at Jodhpur / / 2011

G. Singh, S. Bothra, S. Gupta, R. P. Yadav, V. Janyani, "Process Optimization to Design Ti-indiffused Lithium Niobate Channel Waveguide for MZI Switching Element" , SPIE Micro-Technologies by :Spie Europe at Prague / - / 2011

Aditi Sharma, Neelima Tripathi and S. P. Chaurasia, "Production of Hydrogen Gas From Glycerol" , International Conference on Renewable Resources by :Rajasthan University at Rajasthan University, Jaipur / / 2011

Aditi Sharma, Neelima Tripathi, S. P. Chaurasia, "Production of Hydrogen Gas From Glycersol" , International Conference on Renewable Resources by :Rajasthan University Jaipur at Rajasthan University Jaipur / / 2011

Pareek, Ritu and Preeti Bhatt. , "Promoting Interactive Communication in the English Class." , Second International Conference Embracing Glocal English of ELT@I Rajasthan Jaipur Chapter by :Gauttam Publishers at Jaipur. / 79-85 / 2011

Jean-Rene Cudell, Subhayan Mandal, "Pseudoscalar-Photon Mixing in an Expanding Universe" , EPS-HEP-2011 by :Proceedings of Science at Alpes Congres - Alpexpo, Grenoble, France / 483 / 2011

Ragini Gupta, Anshu Jain, Arpi Majumdar, Madhu Agarwal, "PTC Catalyzed Mild and Eco-Friendly Generation of Chloroethenes Under Ultrasonication: Synthesis of Various 6-Chloro-5-Indolopyrano[2,3-D] Pyrimidinones" , 3rd International Conference on Heterocyclic Chemistry by :International Conference on Heterocyclic Chemistry at Department Of. Chemistry, University. of Rajasthan / / 2011

Pareek N, Vivekanand V, Saroj S, Singh RP , "Purification and Characterization of a Novel 53 kDa Chitin Deacetylase From Penicillium Oxalicum SAEM-51" , 4th Congress of European Microbiologists-FEMS 2011, Geneva, Switzerland by :Federation of European Microbiological Societies at Geneva, Switzerland / / 2011

Kriti Bhandari, S.P. Chaurasia, Alok Gupta, and A.K. Dalai, "Purification of Docosahexaenoic Acid by Selective Esterification of Fatty Acids From Tuna Fish Oil With Rhizopus Oryzae Lipase" , 61st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Ontario by :Canadian Chemical Engineer at Canada / / 2011

M Sharma and Aditya PRS, "Quantification of Desirability of Lean Manufacturing in Cases of Limited Resources by Use of AHP Model" , 26th National Convention of Production Engineers Organized by the Institution of Engineers( India) by :The Institution of Engineers at IIE Building, Jaipur / 1-6 / 2011

N Srinivasa Rao, A P Pathak, G Devaraju, V Saikiran, S V S Nageswara Rao, "RBS, XRD, Raman and AFM Studies of Microwave Synthesized Ge Nanocrystals" , MRS Spring Meeting 2011 by :Cambridge University Press at San Francisco, USA / 141 / 2011

Vijay Rathod, Om prakash Yadav, Ajay Rathore, Rakesh Jain, "Reliability Based Robust Design Optimization: A Comparative Study" , Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management by :Industrial Engineering at Singapore / / 2011

V. Rathod, O. P. Yadav, A. P. S. Rathore, R. Jain, "Reliability-Based Robust Design Optimization: A Comparative Study" , IEEE Internatioanl Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management by :IEEE at Singapore / 1558-1563 / 2011

Maheshwari, Monika and Vyas, R. K., "Removal of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride in Tablet Form From Its Aquoues Solution Using Different Adsorbents" , International Congress of Environmental Research (ICER 2011) by :SVNIT Surat at SVNIT, Surat / 146 / 2011

Abhay Dinkar, Manan Dave, Madhu Agarwal, "Removal of Heavy Metals From Wastewater Using Magnetic Nanoparticles" , All India Seminar on Nanotechnology & Its Applications (AIS-NTA-2011) by :All India Seminar on Nanotechnology & Its Applications at Jaipur / / 2011

Ajay kumar verma, Madhu Agarwal, Abhay Dinkar, "Removal of Methyl Violet From Aqueous Solutions by Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles" , Chemcon 2011 by :CHEMCON at M.S.Ramaiyah Institute of Technology, Bangalore / / 2011

P. Dadhich, K. Dutta and M. C. Govil, "Reputation-Based Trust for Mobile Agents" , International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Security by :- at Surathkal / / 2011

P Ram, Kushal Sharma, "Revolving Ferrofluid Flow Due to Rotating Disk" , International Conference of Mechanical Engineering by :World Congress on Engineering at Imperial College London / 1913-1917 / 2011

Satish Sharma, Rohit Bhakar, "Risk Management in Electricity Markets: A Review" , National Conference on Power and Energy System by :RTU Kota at Kota, India / 1 / 2011

Singhal, P., Agarwal, G., and Mittal, M. L. , "Risks Assessment of Lower Tier Suppliers Using Operational Reliabilities and Product Availabilities" , Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management by :IEEE at Singapore / 226-230 / 2011

Yash Kumar Mittal, "Role of Architecture and Planning in Ground Water Conservation" , Environmental Pollution- a Threat to Our Bio- Diversity by :Gyan Vihar University at Rajasthan / / 2011

E. S. Pilli, R. C. Joshi and R. Niyogi, "Router and Interface Marking for Network Forensics" , Seventh Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics by :Springer Berlin Heidelberg at Orlando, Florida, USA / 209-220 / 2011

Garvita singh, Neha bajpai, Madhu Agarwal and S.P. Chaurasia, "Saccharification of Lignocellulogic Materials for Bioethanol Production" , International Conference on Renewable Energy, 2011 by :University of Rajasthan, India at University of Rajasthan / / 2011

Garvita Singh, Neha Bajpai , Madhu Agarwal and S. P. Chaurasia , "Saccharification of Lignocellulosic Materials for Bioethanol Production" , International Conference on Renewable Energy by :Rajasthan University at Rajasthan University, Jaipur / / 2011

Neha Bajpai, Anjali Jain, Ravi Dhabhai, Garvita Singh, and S.P.Chaurasia, "Saccharification of Sorghum With Cellulase From Trichoderma Viridae in Presence of Solvent" , Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering by :Thapar University Patiala at Thapar University Patiyala / / 2011

Vashishtha M., Birla R., "Safety Management in Nuclear Power Plant" , International Conference on Gen Next: The Green Engineering and Digital Era (BICON-2011) by :Biyani International Institute of Engineering and Technolgy, Jaipur at Jaipur (Rajasthan) / 49 / 2011

Sumanta Kumar Meher and G. Ranga Rao , "Sandwich Structured CuO for Electrochemical Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensor" , The International Conference on Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology (ICNANO) by :University of Delhi at University of Delhi, New Delhi, India / 305 / 2011

Jain J.K., Dangayach G. S. , Agarwal G., Banerjee S. and Dey P., "Selection of End User in Supply Chain Network Using Fuzzy–Pareto Approach" , IEEE International Technology Management Conference by :IEEE at SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA / 27-30 / 2011

Singh, G., Yadav, R. P., Janyani, V. Goyal A., Kumar H. , "Self-Imaging in Multimode Waveguides" , Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technologies 2011 by :Biyani Girls College at Jaipur / 1-3 / 2011

N Srinivasa Rao, A P Pathak, N Sathish, G Devaraju, V Saikiran, "SHI Effects on Ge+SiO2 Composite Films Prepared by RF Sputtering" , 21st International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry by :AIP PUblishing at Dallas, USA / 341 / 2011

S. Singhal, A. K. Singh and M. K. Meshram, "Slot Loaded Broadband Microstrip Antenna With Parasitic Elements" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Engineering by :Madhav Institute of Technology & Science Gwalior at Gwalior / / 2011

N. Janrao, V. Janyani, "Slow Light Symmetric Directional Coupler With Elliptical Cell" , XXXVI OSI Symposium on Frontiers in Optics and Photonics (FOP11 by :IIT Delhi at IIT Delhi / 216 / 2011

N. Janrao, V. Janyani, "Slow-Light Based Waveguides With Cavities for All-Optical Switching Applications" , International Conference on Photonics 2011 by :- at Malaysia / - / 2011

N.P. Padhy, Rohit Bhakar, Mayank Nagendran, "Smart Reference Networks" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Detroit, USA / 1 / 2011

Dhamaniya A., Arora, A.N. and Goyal, R, "Spatial Analysis for Transportation Management – a Case Study of Jaipur City" , National Workshop on Road Infrastructure & Traffic Planning in Jaipur City by :KITE, Jaipur at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2011

Anurag Misra, Pawan Kalla, Yog Bahadur Chad, "Strength Properties of Wollastonite Added Concrete" , Concrete Sustainability Through Innovative Materials and Techniques by :Institution of Engineers India at Jaipur / 10-15 / 2011

V. Kukshal, A Patnaik, S. Gangwar, "Stress Intensity Factor for Centre Crack, Single Edge Crack and Double Edge Crack for Pure Aluminium Plate Subjected to Tensile Loading" , Souvenir of 1st International Science Congress, Research Journal of Chemical Sciences by :Indore, India at Indore, India / / 2011

G Devaraju, A P Pathak, N Srinivasa Rao, V Saikiran, N Sathish and S V S Nageswara Rao, "Structural Changes Induced by Swift Heavy Ion Beams in Tensile Strained Al (1-x)InxN /GaN Hetero-Structures" , MRS Spring Meeting 2011 by :Cambridge University Press at San Francisco, USA / 115 / 2011

A.K.Verma, M.L.Meena, "Study of Application of Nanotechnology in Aerospace Industry" , Nanotechnology and It’s Applications (AIS-NTA-2011) by :Institution of Engineers India at Jaipur / / 2011

Dinker Abhay, Agarwal Madhu, Kumar Arvind, Verma Ajay, "Study of Bioethanol Production and Its Optimization From Brewers Spent Grain Using Fusariumoxysporum" , International Conference on Green Chemistry by :International Conference on Green Chemistry at Central University of Rajasthan / / 2011

Madhu Agarwal, Garima Chauhan , S.P.Chaurasia, "Study of Catalytic Behavior of KOH as Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalyst for Biodiesel Production" , International Conference on Renewable Energy, 2011 by :University of Rajasthan, India at Jaipur / 191 / 2011

Garima Chauhan, Madhu Agarwal and S. P. Chaurasia, "Study of Catalytic Behavior of KOH as Homogenous and Heterogeneous Catalyst for Biodiesel Production" , International Conference on Renewable Energy by :Rajasthan University at Jaipur / / 2011

M.L.Meena, G.S. Dangayach, A. Bhardwaj, "Study of Ergonomic Hazards Affecting Handicraft Manufacturing System" , 26th Natinal Convention of Production Engineers and National Seminar on New Vistas in Production Technologies by :Institution of Engineers India at Jaipur / 103 / 2011

Meena, M. L., Dangayach, G. S., and Bhardwaj, A., "Study of Ergonomic Hazards Affecting Handicraft Manufacturing System" , 26th National Convention of Production Engineers Organized by the Institution of Engineers( India) by :The Institution of Engineers at Jaipur / 7 / 2011

Vashishtha M., Preeti, "Study of Inclined Solar Water Distillation System" , International Conference on Gen Next: The Green Engineering and Digital Era (BICON-2011) by :Biyani International Institute of Engineering and Technolgy, Jaipur at Jaipur (Rajasthan) / 48 / 2011

Sumit Khandelwal, Rohit Goyal, Nivedita Kaul, Vijay Singhal, "Study of Land Surface Temperature Variations With Distance From Hot Spots for Urban Heat Island Analysis" , Geospatial World Forum by :Geospatial World Forum at Hyderabad / 1-5 / 2011

M. Tiwari, V. Janyani, "Supercontinuum Generation in All-Solid Photonic Crystal Fiber" , XXXVI OSI Symposium on Frontiers in Optics and Photonics (FOP11 by :IIT Delhi at IIT Delhi / 200 / 2011

Anu Gupta, Ajit Kumar, Amar Patnaik, "Surface Morphology Studies on Cenosphere Fly Ash Filled Bamboo Reinforced Epoxy Composites" , National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering by :Haryana, India at Haryana / / 2011

Saurabh, S. Upadhyaya, M. Agarwal and R.K. Dohare , "Synthesis and Kinetic Study of PMMA by Batch Emulsion Polymerization" , Chemcon 2011 by :CHEMCON at Bangalore / / 2011

Abhay Dinkar, Madhu Agarwal, Ajay Verma, "Synthesis of Magnetic Microspheres and Their Application for Oil Removal From Wastewater" , Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environment Engineering by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani / / 2011

Abhay Dinkar, Madhu Agarwal, Arvind Kumar, "Synthesis of Magnetic Nanofluid and Its Role in the Removal of Synthetic Organics From Waste Water" , Chemcon 2011 by :CHEMCON at M.S.Ramaiyah Institute of Technology, Bangalore / / 2011

A. Gupta and Mukesh Jain, "SYNTHESISN and STUDY of ZINC µ-Oxo Aluminium ISOPROPOXEIDE DERIVATIVES " , 98th Indian Science Congress by :SRM University, Chennai at Chennai / / 2011

Dr. Nupur Tandon, "Teaching English Language Skills in the LAnguage Laboratory" , Culture, English Language Teaching and Literature by :Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang, Indonesia at Semarang, Indonesia / 495 / 2011

Bhatt, Preeti, "Text and Context: Reading Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein" , National Seminar on Revisiting the Classics: Text, Context and Reinterpretation by :Nirma University Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad at Ahmedabad / / 2011

Raj Kumar Joshi, Dhirendra K. Rai, Pradeep Mathur, "Thermal Activation of Uncoordinated Acetylenic Bonds of [Ru(CO)3{:- (Fc)CC(CCPh)C(CCPh)C(Fc)Ru(CO)3}] and Formation of Ru-Pt Mixed-Metal Clusters" , MTIC-XIV by :Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry-XIV at Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad / 1 / 2011

Gaurav Agarwal, Amar Patnaik, Rajesh Sharma, "Three Body Abrasive Wear Behavior of Long Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites" , Advances in Materials and Materials Processing by :IIT Kharagpur at IIT Khragpur / / 2011

Pradeep Kumar A.K.Redhewal, Amar patnaik, Mukesh kumar, "To Study Stress Convergence of Finite Element Model Using Three Node Triangular, Four and Eight Node Rectangular Elements and Its Choice for Different Application" , International Conference on Sunrising Technologies by :Dhule ,INDIA at INDIA / / 2011

Olsson O, Sikora P, Moritz T, Chawade A, Vivekanand V, "Towards Development of Oat as Functional Food" , 5th Europian Oat Conference, Ystad, Sweden by :European Oat Association at Ystad, Sweden / / 2011

Babasaheb Kharbas, Manoj Fozdar, and Harpal Tiwari, "Transmission Tariff Allocation Using Combined MW-Mile & Postage Stamp Methods" , IEEE PES Int. Conf. on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT-India) by :IEEE at Kollam / 1-6 / 2011

Ajay Kumar Verma, Madhu Agarwal, Abhay Dinkar, "Treatment of Synthetic Dye Waste Water Using Magnetic Nano Particles" , Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environment Engineering (TACEE-2012) by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani, Rajasthan / 193 / 2011

P. Dadhich and M. C. Govil, "Trust Secure Models for Mobile Agents- a Perspective Study" , International Conference on Advances in Computing & Communication by :- at Rohtak / / 2011


MM Sharma, Ashok Kumar, NC Bajia, Sanjeev Yadav, "Ultra-Wideband Monopole Antenna With Dual-Band Notched Characteristics" , 2011 National Conference on Recent Trends in Information and Communication Technology (RTICT-2011) by :Souvenir of RTICT at Jaipur, India / / 2011

Nivedita Kaul, AB Gupta, Gaurav Singh, Sumit Khandelwal, "Urban Air Quality in Urban Kitchens" , All India Seminar on Innovative Construction Technology and Materials by :Govt. Polytechnic at Govt., Polytechnic College, Alwar, Rajasthan, Indi / / 2011

Jinendra Kumar Jain, Y.P. Mathur, Gunwant Sharma, "Urban Travel Characteristics- a Case Study of Jaipur City" , National Workshop on Road Infrastructure & Traffic Planning in Jaipur City by :KITE, Jaipur at Jaipur / 192-200 / 2011

Bhatt, Preeti, "Using Internet Resources for English Language Teaching" , Embracing Glocal English Second International Conference of ELTAI Rajasthan Jaipur Chapter by :ELTAI Rajasthan at Jaipur / / 2011

U. Pandel, S. Kumar, and M. P. Poonia, "Utilisation of Bio-Gas in Internal Combustion Engines" , International Conference on Mechanical Engineering by :International Conference on Mechanical Engineering’Held at Bangladesh at Dhaka, Bangladesh. / / 2011

A Misra, R Gupta and R C Gupta, "Utilisation of Marble Slurry as a Filler in Concrete" , International UKIERI Concrete Congress – Concrete for High Performance Sustainable Infrastructure by :IIT Delhi, Delhi, India at IIT Delhi, India / 123-129 / 2011

Misra A., Gupta R. and Gupta R.C., "Utilization of Marble Slurry as Filler in Concrete" , International UKIERI Concrete Congress by :Conference Proceedings at New Delhi / 123-129 / 2011

Vinay Kumar Jadoun, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, "Variable Acceleration Coefficient-Based Particle Swarm for Non-Convex Economic Load Dispatch Problem" , IEEE PES Int. Conf. on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT-India) by :IEEE at Kollam, Kerala, India / 126-130 / 2011

K R Yadav, Vipin Pal, Girdhari Singh and R P Yadav, "Variable Frame Slot Clustering Scheme for Data Gathering Wireless Sensor Networks" , 2nd Int. Conf. on Current Trends in Technology (NUiCONE 2011) by :IEEE at Ahmedabad, Gujarat / 1 - 5 / 2011

Gulyani B. B., Jaics J., Sangal V.K, Sood N.,Ramachandran U., "Water Quality Modeling and Simulation" , Advances in Chemical Engineering (AChemE 2011) by :Thapar University, Punjab at Thapar University Patiala, / / 2011

S. K. Sonkar and S. Sarkar, "Water Soluble Carbon Dots as Growth Stimulator in Common Gram (Cicer Arietinum) Plants" , Environmental Nanotechnology by :GRC Confrences, at Waterville Valley, NH, United States of America / 1 / 2011

Srimant Kumar Mishra, Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy, Amar Patnaik, "Wear Response Simulation of ZA-27 Metal Matrix Composites Using Artificial Neural Network" , Proceedings of the National Conference Cum Workshop on Recent Developments in Engineering Materials by :BIT Meshra at Meshra / / 2011


Mushtaq Ahmed, M. S. Gaur, Vijay Laxmi, " Adaptive Routing Over the 2D Hexagonal NoC " , International Conference on Embedded Systems (ICES 2010) by :Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore / 5 / 2010

Mushtaq Ahmed, V. Laxmi, M.S. Gaur, " Cross-Base Routing Over Diagonalized Mesh " , IRAST International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science (CACS 2010), ; 02/2013 by :IRAST International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science at Singapore / 13-17 / 2010

Krishna, A., Jain, R. and Dangayach, G. S., " Service Failure and Consequent Recovery System in SME’S" , International Conference by :IMT Nagpur at Nagpur / 35-38 / 2010

Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy, Amar Patnaik, "A Comparative Study on Erosion Wear Behavior of Copper Slag Filled Bamboo-Epoxy and Glass-Epoxy Composites" , International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials APM-2010 by :CIPET, Bhubaneswar at Bhubaneswar / / 2010

E. S. Pilli, R. C. Joshi and R. Niyogi, "A Framework for Network Forensic Analysis" , International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT 2010) by :Springer LNICST at Kochi, India / 142-147 / 2010

J. Joshi, Ritu Saharan, "A Green Method for the Bioreduction of Substituted Cyclic Ketones " , Green Technology for Greener Enviroment by :Green Technology for Greener Enviroment at BITS Pilani / 45-48 / 2010

Namita Mittal, Richi Nayak, Mahesh Chandra Govil, Kamal Chand Jain, "A Hybrid Approach of Personalized Web Information Retrieval" , Web Intelligence by :IEEE at Toronto / 308-313 / 2010

R. A. Gupta, R. Kumar and Manoj Gupta., "A Novel Approach to Identification of Power Quality Disturbances Using Continuous Wavelet Transform" , International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology (ICWET), by : Thakur College of Engineering & Technology TCET, Mumbai, Maharashtra ,India at Mumbai / / 2010

Jyoti Grover, M.S Gaur, V. Laxmi , "A Novel Defense Mechanism Against Sybil Attacks in VANET" , 3rd International Conference on Security of Information and Networks by :ACM at Taganrog, Russia / 249-255 / 2010

Vinay Kumar Jaudon, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, "A Review of PSO and Its Application" , IRT PSPE 2010 by :Institute of Engineers India at Jaipur / / 2010

D. C. Hoang, P. Yadav, R. Kumar, S. K. Panda, "A Robust Harmony Search Algorithm Based Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks" , IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC) by :IEEE at Capetown / 1-5 / 2010

Amar Patnaik, Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy, "A Study on Mechanical and Wear Properties of Particulate Filled Short Glass-Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites" , 3rd National Symposium for Materials Research Scholars by :IIT Mumbai at Mumbai / / 2010

Varsha Goyal, Bhavana Panwar, Ritu Sharma, K.S.Sharma, "A Theoretical Investigation of Superconductivity and Electronic Structure of AlB2 and BeB2" , International Conference on Radiation Biology by :University of Rajasthan, Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan / 4 / 2010

Saakshy, Madhu Agarwal, Ajendra, A.K. Sharma, G. Hussain, R.K. Jain, "Acacia Arabica Waste-a Source of Eco-Friendly Dye in Handmade Paper Making" , CHEMCON-2010 by :Annamalai University at Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, India. / / 2010

Suja George and A.B.Gupta, "Activated Alumina Defluoridation and Presence of Residual Aluminum in Treated Water" , 4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology by :TechnoBytes at Jaipur / 34-35 / 2010

Barun Jana, Aaron D. Sadow, Oleg Pestovsky, Andreja Bakac, "Activation of Molecular Nitrogen With Novel Fe(II) Complexes of Tetradentate Phosphines" , 239th ACS National Meeting by :American Chemical Society at San Francisco, CA, United States / / 2010

P. Dadhich and M. C. Govil, "Agent: A View to Automated Software Engineering" , International Conference on Next Generation Communication & Computing Systems by :- at India / / 2010

Soniya Lalwani, R. Kumar, Priyanka Choudhary, M Krishna Mohan, P Ghosh, Nilama Gupta, "An ABS Algorithm Based Approach for Multiple Sequence Alignments" , International Conference of Women Mathematicians, (ICWM-10) by :ICW Press at Hyderabad / / 2010

Vinod S. Yadav, Dilip Sharma and S.L. Soni, "An Experimental Investigation of the Engine Performance and Emissions of a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Hydrogen as Inducted Fuel and Diesel as Injected Fuel With EGR" , Advancement & Futuristic Trends in Mechanical & Material Engineering by :AFTMME at Yagavailkya Institute of Technology, Sitapura, Jai / / 2010

Y Chapre, MM Sharma, Y Ranga, "An Extremely Wideband Printed Antenna for Wireless Communication Systems" , 2010 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON) by :IEEE at Kolkata, India / 01-03 / 2010

E. S. Pilli, R. C. Joshi and R. Niyogi, "An IP Traceback Model for Network Forensics" , Second International Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime (ICDF2C 2010) by :Springer LNICST at Abu Dhabi, UAE / 129-136 / 2010

Sandeep Kumar, Bhabani K. Satapathy, Amar Patnaik, "Analysis of Influencing Variables for Solid Particle Erosion Wear of Aramid Fiber Reinforced Vinyl Ester Resin Composites" , National Conference on Advances in Polymer Science and Technology by :NIT Hamirpur at Hamirpur / / 2010

Sumit Khandelwal, Rohit Goyal, "Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Variations Due to Fire at Oil Terminal, Jaipur, India" , 30th EARSeL Symposium “Remote Sensing for Science, Education and Natural and Cultural Heritage”, Paris, France by :Remote Sensing for Science, Education and Natural and Cultural Heritage, Paris, France at France / 1-5 / 2010

Mali, HS and Manna A, "ANN Based Simulation of Surface Generated During AFF of Al/SiCP-MMC" , 3rd International and 24th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research (AIMTDR) Conference by :Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. / 1-10 / 2010

Anu Gupta, Amar Patnaik, Ajit Kumar, "Anu Gupta, Amar Patnaik, Ajit Kumar" , National Conference on Advances in Polymer Science and Technology by :NIT Hamirpur at Hamirpur / / 2010

Verma. S.,Meena, P., and Mittal, M. L. , "Application of SMED Methodology in an Automobile Company”" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Manufacturing (RAM-2010) by :VNIT Surat at Surat / 32-38 / 2010

Neelima Tripathi, Aditi Sharma, S. P. Chaurasia and MadhuAgarwal, "Arsenic Removal From Water Using Biosorbent" , CHEMCON-2010 by :Annamalai University at Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, India / / 2010

S.K. Bishnoi, R.A. Gupta, R. Kumar, "Artificial Neural Network Controlled High Performance Switched Reluctance Motor Drive" , International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems, (ICEPES - 2010) by :MANIT Bhopal at Bhopal / 673-678 / 2010

Goyal Sandeep and Agrawal G. D., "Aspect of Energy Saving Potential in Textile Industries- a Case Study of Pali" , National Conference on Renewable Energy by :SKIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2010

Pingale S.M., M.K. Jat, D. Khare , "Assessment of Climate Change for an Arid Region" , National Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management and Impact of Climate Change by :BS Publications at BITS Hyderabad, Telangana, India / 40-60 / 2010

A Bhandari, P Ram, Kushal Sharma, "Axi-Symmetric Ferrouid Flow With Variable Viscosity" , ISTAM by :55th Congress of ISTAM - an International Meet, IIT Kharagpur at NIT Hamirpur / 57-62 / 2010

Gaur.A.,Bose.S.,Sharma.G, "“Laboratory Evaluation of Foam Bitumen Using Cement, Lime and Fly Ash as Filler" , International Conference of Development and Road Transportation by :NIT Rourkela at Rourkela / / 2010

Gaur.A.,Bose.S.,Sharma.G, "“Laboratory Evaluation of Recycled Cold Mix Using Cement, Lime and Fly Ash as Filler” " , International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering by :AETACE at Trivendrum / / 2010

Dwivedi P, Vivekanand V, Pareek N, Singh RP , "Bleaching Applications and Scaled-Up Production of Xylanase-Laccase Mixture in a Intermittent Rotating Drum Bioreactor" , 14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition, Rimini – Italy by :Intl Biotechnology Association at Rimini – Italy / / 2010

Arun K. Goyal, Pawan K. Agarwal, Vinod S. Yadav, Dilip Sharma and S.L. Soni, "Blend Stability and Engine Performance Studies of Ethanol-Biodiesel-Diesel Blends" , Renewable Energy: Future Saviour of the World by :REFSW at Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Manageme / / 2010

V. P. Rathod, O. P. Yadav, A. P. S. Rathore, R. Jain, "Capturing Life Cycle Issues by Incorporating Degradation Behavior in RBRDO" , International Conference on Production and Industrial Engineering by :CPIE at NIT, Jalandhar / 23-24 / 2010

V. P. Rathod, O. P. Yadav, A. P. S. Rathore, R. Jain, "Capturing Life Cycle Issues by Incorporating Degradation Behavior in Reliability Based Design Optimization" , Proceedings of the Annual IIE Conference and Expo by :IIE at Mexico / 23-27 / 2010

Bhatt, Preeti, "Colonial and Postcolonial Subjectivities in Doris Lessing’s African Laughter" , Telling Lives: Formations and Reflections in Diverse Narrative Traditions by :University of Rajasthan, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2010

Sumit Mittal, Ashish Puri, Sandhya Singh, Kamal Kishore Khatri, Dilip Sharma and S. L. Soni, "Combined Cooling, Heating and Power: An Efficient, Decentralized Generation of Energy" , Advancement & Futuristic Trends in Mechanical & Material Engineering by :AFTMME at Yagavailkya Institute of Technology, Sitapura, Jai / / 2010

Meena, Chanchal Karadia, Jitendra Sharma, Akhil Kumar Barjatya and O.D. Gupta , "Composition and Stability of Mixed Ligand Complexes of Pb(II) and Ascorbic Acid and Some Amino Acids: A Polarographic Approach" , National Symposium on New Frontiers in Chemical Sciences by :Department of Chemistry, Uni. of Raj., Jaipur at Jaipur / 108 / 2010

Verma M.K., Kumari S. and Agrawal V., "Conceptual Design of RCC Continuous Beams Based on Neural Network Approach" , Innovative World of Structural Engineering-ICIWSE-2010 by :Govt. College of Engineering, Aurangabad at Aurangabad, Maharashtra / - / 2010

M. Alwani, H. Gupta, and K.K. Sharma, "Contrast Enhancement Algorithm for Fog-Degraded Images" , National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics 2010 by :LNMIIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 00-04 / 2010

Dumne S.M, S.D. Bharti and Shrimali M. K,, "Control Systems for Seismic Hazard Mitigation of Buildings" , International Conference on Innovative World of Structural Engineering by :ICIWSE at Govt. College of Engineering (Aurangabad) / 287-294 / 2010

Sumanta Kumar Meher, P Justin and G. Ranga Rao , "Controlled Synthesis and Characterization of Layered Cobalt Oxide (Co3O4) Superstructures for High Performance Supercapacitor Applications" , 9th International Symposium on Advances in Electrochemical Science and Technology (iSAEST-9) by :Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology at Hotel Green Park, Chennai, India / 74-75 / 2010

Sumanta Kumar Meher and G. Ranga Rao, "Controlled Synthesis of Hierarchical NiO Superstructures for High Performance Supercapacitor Applications" , 20th National Symposium on Catalysis for Energy Conversion and Conservation of Environment by :Catalysis Society of India at IIT Madras, Chennai, India / 138 / 2010

Deliang Zhang, Stiliana Raynova, Vijay Nadakuduru, Peng Cao, Brian Gabbitas, Barry Robinson, "Cost-Effective Production and Thermomechanical Consolidation of Titanium Alloy Powders" , TMS 2010 Symposium: Cost-Affordable Titanium by :Minerals, Metals and Materials Society at P. O. Box 430 Warrendale PA 15086, USA / / 2010

M. L. Meena, G.S. Dangayach, "Customer Satisfaction Measurement in Banking Sector" , National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (RTME- 2010) by :MET’s Institute of Engineering at Nasik / 82-85 / 2010

Poonia., A., Dangayach, G. S., and Bhardwaj, A., "Cyber Crime: Practices and Policies for Its Prevention" , International Conference “Cyberworlds 2010” by :IEEE at Singapore / 25-28 / 2010

Pawan K. Agarwal, Arun K. Goyal, Vinod S. Yadav, Dilip Sharma and S.L. Soni, "Design Aspects of Solar Water Pump Based on Gas Equation" , Renewable Energy: Future Saviour of the World by :REFSW at Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Manageme / / 2010

Shringi, V, Chaudhary, H and Mittal, M. L , "Design Improvement of Tricycle Used for Physically Challenged People" , National Conference on Industrial Problems on Machines and Mechanisms by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 32-38 / 2010

M.M. Sharma, Sanjeev Yadav, Ashok Kumar, D. Bhatnagar and R. P. Yadav , "Design of Broadband Multi-Layered Circular Microstrip Antenna for Modern Communication System" , Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / / 2010

MM Sharma, Sanjeev Yadav, Ashok Kumar, D Bhatnagar, RP Yadav, "Design of Broadband Multi-Layered Circular Microstrip Antenna for Modern Communication Systems" , 2010 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings (APMC) by :IEEE at Yokohama, Japan / 742-745 / 2010

S Shekhawat, D Bhatnagar, VK Saxena, JS Saini, Y Ranga, MM Sharma, "Design of Circularly Polarised Broad Band Stacked Rectangular Patch Antennas for Modern Communication Systems" , 2010 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI) by :IEEE at Toronto, ON / 01-04 / 2010

S.P. Singh, A.K. Verma, M. L. Meena, "Design of Experiments via Taguchi Methods: A Case Study of Quality" , National Conference on Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering (NCRDME-2010) by :Laxmi Devi Institute of Engineering and Technology at Alwar / 17-20 / 2010

S. Janardhanan, and N. Satyanarayana, "Design of Multirate Output Feedback Sampling Based Functional Observer and State Feedback" , International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision by :IEEE at Singapore / 1297-1301 / 2010

N. Janrao and V. Janyani, "Design of Single Mode Dispersion Reduced HS - PCF (Hexagonal Lattice with Square Hole PCF)" , International Conference on Photonics 2010 (ICP 2010) by :- at IIT Guwahati / 392 / 2010

Dulara Sharma, Rakesh Gupta, Neeraj Sharma, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, "Detection of Disturbances in Power System Using ADALINE Network" , IRT PSPE 2010 by :Institute of Engineers India at Jaipur / / 2010

Rohit Bhakar, N.P. Padhy, H.O. Gupta, "Development of a Flexible Distribution Reference Network" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Minneapolis, USA / 1 / 2010

Singhal, Vijai, Agarwal, P. and Goyal, Rohit, "Development of Conceptual Ground Water Flow Model of Pali Area" , National Seminar on Water Auditing, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India by :University of Rajasthan, Jaipur at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2010

N. Gupta, S. P. Dubey and S. P. Singh, "DSP Based Control Algorithm for Three-Phase Four-Wire Shunt Active Filter Without Load and Filter Current Measurement" , Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON-2010) by :IEEE at Jadavpur University, Kolkata / 1-6 / 2010

Mittal Namita, Nayak Richi, Govil MC, Jain KC, "Dynamic Query Expansion for Efficient Information Retrieval" , International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining by :ACM at China / 211-215 / 2010

Sharma N. and Singh, K., "Dynamic Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis of Reactive Distillation Column for Isopropyl Acetate Synthesis" , Proceedings of Chemference by :IIT Kanpur at Kanpur,India / 35-37 / 2010

Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy, Amar Patnaik, "Effect of Ceramic Fillers on Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites: a Comparative Study" , The Third International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures by :Jeonju, Korea at Korea / / 2010

R. Dhabhai, S. P. Chaurasia and A. K. Dalai, "Effect of Dilute Acid Steam Pretreatment on Structural Properties and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Canadian Wheat Straw" , 60th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference by :Sasketchwan University at Canada / / 2010

Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy, Amar Patnaik, "Effect of Impingement Angle and Erodent Temperature on Erosion Behaviour of Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites" , 3rd National Symposium for Materials Research Scholars by :IIT Mumbai at Mumbai / / 2010

M. Tiwari, V. Janyani , "Effect of Peak Pulse Power on the Supercontinuum Generation in Highly Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Fiber" , Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference 2010 (APMP2010) by :- at Hongkong / 519 / 2010

Anjali Jain, and S. P. Chaurasia, "Effect of Solvent on Enzymatic Saccharification of Sweet Sorghum" , 60th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference by :Sasketchwan University at Canada / / 2010

Sumit Khandelwal, Rohit Goyal, "Effect of Vegetation and Urbanization Over Land Surface Temperature: Case Study of Jaipur City" , 30th EARSeL Symposium “Remote Sensing for Science, Education and Natural and Cultural Heritage”, Paris, France by :Remote Sensing for Science, Education and Natural and Cultural Heritage Paris, France at France / 1-5 / 2010

Vinod S. Yadav, Arun K. Goyal, Pawan K. Agarwal, A. Chandramouli, Dilip Sharma and S.L. Soni, "Effect of Water Injection on the Performance and Emissions of SI Engine" , Renewable Energy: Future Saviour of the World by :REFSW at Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Manageme / / 2010

Mittal Namita, Aditi Agarwal, Arti Mangal , "Effective Information Retrieval Using NER" , International Conference on Advance Computing & Communication Technologies by :IEEE at Panipat (2010) / 498-501 / 2010

Ko Ko Win, Xinhui Wu, S. Dasgupta, Wong Jun Wen, Rajesh Kumar,S. K. Panda., "Efficient Solar Energy Harvester for Wireless Sensor Nodes" , IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS 2010) by :IEEE at Singapore / 289 - 294 / 2010

Suja George, Manav Kataria, Krishna Mohan, "Electricity Generation in a Microbial Fuel Cell Using Diary Waste" , Emergence of Biotechnology in Process Industry – a Sustainable Growth and Clean World by :CHEMCON at Annamalai Nagar / 44-47 / 2010

Jyoti Singh, Meena, Akhil Kumar Barjatya, Neeru Choudhary and O.D.Gupta, "Electrochemical Studies of In(III) With Isoleucine in Non-Aqueous Media at Dropping Mercury Electrode" , 12th International Academy of Physical Sciences by :Department of Chemistry, Uni. of Raj., Jaipur at Jaipur / 201 / 2010

Rana K.B. and Agrawal G. D, "Energy Conservation and Efficiency Improvement in Bakery Industries" , International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy-2010 by :MANIT Bhopal at Bhopal / / 2010

Srinivasara Rao Dh, Ramesh Babu Battula, Srikanth Vemuru, Rajasekhara rao Kurra, "Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks" , NeCoM 2010 by :Springer LNCS at Chennai / 114-123 / 2010

Goyal S. and Agrawal G. D, "Energy Saving Opportunities in Textile Industry – a Case Study of Pali (Rajasthan)" , International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engg by :International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engg at Surat / / 2010

Agrawal G. D. and Goyal Sandeep, "Energy Saving Potential and Energy Efficiency Improvement in Textile Industry - Case Study of Pali (Rajasthan)" , International Conference on Renewable Energy-2010, Yokohama, Japan. by :ICRE at Yokohama Japan / / 2010

Singh, G., Yadav, R. P., Janyani, V, "Enhanced Switching Characteristic of a Ti: LiNbO3 1x2 Digital Optical Switch Using Optimized Electrode Regions" , SPIE Photonics West by :Optical Metro Networks and Short-Haul System at San Diego, USA / 7598-66 / 2010

Neelima Tripathi, Kriti Bhandari, Aditi Sharma and S. P. Chaurasia, "Enrichment of Tuna Fish Oil With DHA Using Chemical Transesterification " , International Conference on Oils, Fats & Oleochemicals Organized by OTAI by :OTAI at New Delhi / / 2010

Vinay Kumar Jadoun, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, "Environment Friendly Multi-Objective Economic Load Dispatch Problem in Fuzzy Framework Using Particle Swarm Optimization" , International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems by :MANIT, Bhopal at MANIT, Bhopal, India / 697-702 / 2010

Vinay Kumar Jadoun, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, "Environment Friendly Multi-Objective Economic Load Dispatch Problem Using Particle Swarm Optimization" , International Conference on Energy Optimization and Control by :Govt. College of Engineering, Aurangabad at Aurangabad, India / 323-327 / 2010

Y. Gupta, V. Shringi, M. L. Meena, "Environment Friendly Product Using QFD" , National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (RTME- 2010) by :MET’s Institute of Engineering at Nasik / 107-111 / 2010

Nivedita Kaul, Sumit Khandelwal, "Environmental Issues in Indian Construction Industry" , All India Seminar on Emerging and Sustainable Techniques in Civil Engg. by :CTAE Udaipur at CTAE, Udaipur, Rajasthan / / 2010

Kriti Bhandari, S.P. Chaurasia , Alok Gupta, and A.K. Dalai, "Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Tuna Fish Oil With Candida Rugosa Lipase,” " , 60th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference by :Sasketchwan University at Canada / / 2010

9. M. Tiwari, A. Agrawal, V. Janyani and B. M. A. Rahman, "Equiangular Spiral Photonic Crystal Fiber for Octave Spanning Supercontinuum in Soft Glass" , International Conference Photonics – 2010 by :- at IIT Guwahati / 175 / 2010

Sachin Tejyan, Amit Rawal, Amar Patnaik, "Erosion Wear Behavior of Needlepunched Nonwoven Polymer Composites: Effect of Impingement Angle and Impact Velocity" , The 39th Textile Research Symposium at Department of Textile Technology by :IIT Delhi at Delhi / / 2010

Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy, Amar Patnaik, "Erosion Wear Behaviour of Bamboo Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composites Filled With Alumina Particulate" , Second International Conference on Natural Polymers & Biomaterials by :Kottayam, Kerala at Kerala / / 2010

Neeraj Sharma, Rakesh Gupta, Dulara Sharma, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, "Estimation and Elimination of Harmonics in Power System Using Modified FFT With Variable Learning of ADALINE" , 7th International Conference on ‘Electrical Power Quality and Supply Reliability 2010’ (PQ2010) by :IEEE at Univ. of Tallinn, Kuressaare, Tallinn, Estonia / 79-86 / 2010

Neeraj Sharma, Rakesh Gupta, Dulara Sharma, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, "Estimation of Reactive Power Using ADALINE Neural Networks With Modified Input" , IRT PSPE 2010 by :Institute of Engineers India at Jaipur / / 2010

Goyal, Rohit, Kongre D.N. and Singhal, Vijai, "Estimation of Recharge Factors of Different Landuse-Landcover Categories" , National Workshop on Dugwell Recharge: Efficiency and Efficacy, CGWB, Jaipur by :CGWB, Jaipur at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2010

Krishna, A., Jain, R. and Dangayach, G. S., "Ethics in Business: A Cognitive Approach Towards Sustainability" , International Conference on Sustainability by :IIM Shillong at Shillong / 11-14 / 2010

Namita Mittal, Richi Nayak, Mahesh Chandra Govil, Kamal Chand Jain, "Evaluation of a Hybrid Approach of Personalized Web Information Retrieval Using the FIRE Data Set" , A2CWiC by :ACM at India / 52 / 2010

Mittal, M. L. , "Experimental Evaluation of Variants of PSO Algorithm for Resource Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling" , 8thConference of Association of Asian Pacific Operational Research Societies by :Association of Asian Pacific Operational Research Societies at Penang (Malaysia / 5-8 / 2010

Dilip Sharma, Kamal Kishor Khatri, S.L. Soni and Deepak Tanwar, "Experimental Investigation of CI Engine Operated Micro-Trigeneration System Fuelled With Karanj Methyl Ester-Diesel Blend" , International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings by :SEB at Holiday Inn, Brighton UK / / 2010

Pawan K. Agarwal, Arun K. Goyal, Vinod S. Yadav Dilip Sharma and S.L. Soni, "Experimental Investigation of Optimum Injection Pressure for Ethanol-Biodiesel-Diesel Blend" , Renewable Energy: Future Saviour of the World by :REFSW at Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Manageme / / 2010

P. Dadhich and M. C. Govil, "Fault Tolerance: Reliability Mechanism for Transactional Mobile Agent Execution" , International Conference on Computer Engineering& Technology by :- at India / / 2010

Dangayach, G. S., "Flexible Teaching & Learning: Perspectives & Practice in Indian Context" , International Conference EADTU 201 by :EADTU at Zermatt, Switzerland / 25-30 / 2010

M. Saxena, S. K. Sonkar and S. Sarkar, "Fluorescent Carbon Nanoparticle: Synthesis and Characterization" , Contemporary Research in Material Science and Chemical Biology by :Central University of Allahabad at Allahabad / 1 / 2010

Deliang Zhang, Vijay N Nadakuduru, Aamir Mukhtar, Stiliana Raynova, "Fracture of Metallic Materials Produced by Powder Consolidation " , International Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure by :- at Auckland, New Zealand. / / 2010

D. C. Hoang, R. Kumar, S. K. Panda, "Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks" , IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) by :IEEE at Bari / 3477-3482 / 2010

D. C. Hoang, R. Kumar, S.K. Panda, "Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks" , IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE- 2010 by :IEEE at Bari, ITALY / / 2010

M.Bhadu, Kusum Dangi, "GA Based Cost Optimization of STATCOM for Power System Stability Enhancement" , International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems by :MANIT, Bhopal at MANIT, Bhopal / 480-485 / 2010

Jana, S.K., Agrawal, V.,Jha, J. and Mann, D., "Gas Absorption Accompanied by Chemical Reaction in a Foam-Bed Reactor" , CHEMCON 2010 by :Confrence Proceedings at Annamalai University, Annamalainagar / 197-198 / 2010

Krishna Singh, K.K.Sharma, "Generalized Homomorphic and Root-Filtering in Fractional Fourier Transform Domains" , National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics 2010 by :LNMIIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 00-04 / 2010

Yash Kumar Mittal, "Glasscrete: A Sustainable Material for National Highway Structures" , Architectural Engineering for National Highways Related Structures by :Institute of Engineers India at Rajasthan / / 2010

D. Joshi, A. P. S. Rathore, D. Sharma, "Globalization and Trade Competitiveness of Indian Auto Component Industry: Challenges and Opportunities" , 3rd International Conference on Marketing and Business Strategy by :ICOMBS at IBS Hyderabad / / 2010

V. Subbaramaiah, V. C. Srivastava, I. D. Mall, "Green House Gas Reduction and Carbon Trading Opportunity in Polymer Industries." , National Symposium on Reaction Engineering by :National Symposium on Reaction Engineering at NIT Raipur / / 2010

Vijai Singhal, Rohit Goyal, Sumit Khandelwal, Nivedita Kaul, AB Gupta, "Ground Water Pollution at Pali – Historical Perspective and Future Research Needs" , 14th National Symposium on Hydrology, MWRDS 2010 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2010

Prof S K Singh, Vivek Tiwari, Anchal Pathak, Reeta Singh, "HRD in the Rural Area Through ICT: A Case Study of ITCs E- Choupal" , Contemporary Issues in Rural Development by :RGSC Barkascha at Mirzapur / 1-8 / 2010

R. A. Gupta, R. Kumar and Rajesh S. Surjuse, "Implementation of an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Based Speed Controller for VCIM Drive" , 4th International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering Recent Advances (CERA) by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / 47-50 / 2010

Nitesh Prajapati, Jyoti Grover, V. Laxmi, "Implementation of Temporal Attacks in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks" , International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication Systems Engineering (ICEICE 2010) by :IIE at Jodhpur, India / / 2010

Parikshit Yadav, R. Kumar, S. K. Panda, C. S. Chang, "Improved Harmony Search Algorithm Based Optimal Design of Brushless DC Motor" , IEEE Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET,10) by :IEEE at Kandy, Sri Lanka / / 2010

Kshitij Mittholiya, Vijay Janyani, "Improved Wave Confinement in Photonic Crystal Waveguide using Elliptical Unit Cell" , International Conference on Photonics 2010 (ICP 2010) by :- at Malaysia / - / 2010

Nishant Sharma, Gaurav Singh, A Yadav, Pawan Chandeliya, P Chakraborty, AB Gupta, Nivedita Kaul, "Indoor Air Pollution Due to Biomass Fuels and Its Impact on Respiratory Health: A Case Study" , International Conference on Environmental Health and Technology by :IIT Kanpur at IIT Kanpur, India / / 2010

AB Gupta, Nivedita Kaul, "Indoor Air Quality Due to Different Kitchen Fuels and Its Impact on Human Respiratory Health- a Case Study" , Indo-French Seminar on Indoor Air Quality Monitoring, Prediction, Assessment and Cleaning by :Indor-French at Ecole De Mines De Nantes, Nantes, France / / 2010

Gupta T.C., K.Gupta, Sehgal D.K., "Instability and Chaos of a Flexible Rotor Ball Bearing System: An Investigation on the Influence of Rotating Imbalance and Bearing Clearance" , ASME Turbo Expo: Power for Land , Sea and Air by :ASME-IGTI at Glasgow, UK / 283-292 / 2010

A.K. Verma, S.P. Singh, M. L. Meena, "Investment and Benefits of Ergonomics" , National Conference on Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering (NCRDME-2010) by :Laxmi Devi Institute of Engineering and Technology at Alwar / 151-155 / 2010

Sandeep Kumar, Bhabani K. Satapathy, Amar Patnaik, "Kevlar Fiber Reinforced Vinyl Ester Resin Composites: A Study on Erosion Mode of Wear" , International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials APM-2010 by :CIPET, Bhubaneswar at Bhubaneswar / / 2010

Arun Gaur, Sunil Bose, "Laboratory Evaluation of Foam Bitumen Using Cement, Lime and Fly Ash as Filler." , International Conference of Development and Road Transportation by :NIT, Rourkela at Rourkela / 1- 5 / 2010

U K Arun Kumar, Hemant Garg, Lavesh Bhandari and Ratan Mohan, "Liquid-Liquid Equilibria Computations for ‘Aromatic-Alkane-Solvent’ Systems: Effectiveness of NRTL and UNIFAC Models" , CHEMCON by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineering at Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu / 183 / 2010

Bhatt, Preeti, "Love Across Boundaries: Muslim Characters and Culture in Three Indian Films" , Representation of Muslim Culture in Indian Cinema by :Institute for Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2010

J.K. Singh, S. Upadhyaya, and A. Gupta, "Mathematic Modeling of Metering Section for Non-Newtonian Fluids in Extruder Machine" , National Conference on Recent Advanced in Polymers by :Maharashtra Institute of Technology at Aurangabad / / 2010

Suja George and Shreya Shivani, "Mathematical Modeling of an Adiabatic Adsorption Tower" , Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology by :TechnoBytes at Jaipur / 94-95 / 2010

P. Chitaranjan Sharma, Ishaan Pandiya, Dipak Swargari, Kusum Dangi, "MATLAB/GUI Simulation Tool for Power System Fault Analysis With Neural Network Fault Classifier" , International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems by :MANIT, Bhopal at MANIT, Bhopal / 266-270 / 2010

Jana, S.K., Arya, I., Jana A., Singh, G., and Rawal, G., "Measurement of Parameter Values in a Foam-Bed Slurry Reactor" , Proceedings of Indian Chemical Engineering Congress 2011 by :Confrence Proceedings at M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology Banglore / 112-114 / 2010

K. Lalwani, "Measurement of the Branching Ratio of a Rare Decay Eta> Pi^0 Gamma Gamma With WASAatCOSY" , Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys by :DAE at Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani / / 2010

F Kong, S Raynova, V N Nadakuduru, D Zhang B Gabbitas, "Mechanical Behavior of Ti and Ti-6-4V Alloy Rods Produced by Powder Compact Extrusion" , International Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure, 4 – 7 July, 2010, Auckland, New Zealand by :International Conference at Auckland, New Zealand / / 2010

Vijay N Nadakuduru, Deliang Zhang, Peng Cao, Brian Gabbitas, "Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-47Al-2Cr (At %) Alloy Produced Using Thermo-Mechanical Consolidation of a Ti/Al/Cr Composite Powder." , Titanium Research Development and Commercialisation, Hamilton, New Zealand by :WAICAM Symposium at Hamilton, New Zealand ( Attended ) / / 2010

Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, "Minimal Loss Configuration for Large-Scale Radial Distribution Systems Using Adaptive Genetic Algorithms," , 16th National Power System Conference on Innovations for Smart Grids by :NPSC at Hyderabad, India / 647-652 / 2010

Navaneeth Rameshan, Mushtaq Ahmed, M.S.Gaur, and V. Laxmi, "Minimal Path, Fault Tolerant Routing in 2-D Mesh NoC" , VLSI Design and Test (VDAT) Symposium by :VLSI Society of India at Chitkara Univ. Chandigarh / 279-288 / 2010

N. Rameshan, Mushtaq Ahmed, M.S. Gaur, V. Laxmi, K.K. Paliwal, "Minimal Path, Fault Tolerant, QoS Aware Routing in 2D Mesh NoC" , IEEE Reliability Aware System Design and Test (RASDAT 2010) Workshop by :MNIT and IISc Bangalore at IISc Bangalore / 62-66 / 2010

Mushtaq Ahmed. Rameshan N. V. Laxmi, M.S. Gaur, K.K. Paliwal, "Minimal Path, Fault Tolerant, QoS Aware Routing With Node and Link Failure in 2-D Mesh NoC " , Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT) 2010 IEEE 25th International Symposium by :IEEE at Kyoto, Japan / 60 -66 / 2010

S Karmakar, B Mahanty, "Minimizing Makespan for a Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling Problem in a Paint Company" , International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management IEOM by :IEOM at Dhaka, Bangladesh / 566-571 / 2010

Patel, S.K. and Singh, K., "Modeling and Simulation of Fischer-Tropsch Reactor for Higher Hydrocarbon Production" , Proceedings of National Symposium on Reaction Engineering by :NIT Raipur at Raipur,India / 1 / 2010

Upadhyaya, S., Singh,K., Chaurasia, S.P., Jha, C.K., "Modeling and Simulation of Vacuum Membrane Distillation for Desalination" , CHEMCON by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineering at Annamalainagar, Chidambaram,India / 1 / 2010

Samir Chandra Saxena, Sushil Kumar Soonee, S.S. Barpanda, "Multiple Power Exchanges in India" , 2010 CIGRE, Paris by :CIGRE at Paris, France / / 2010

Meena, P., Verma. S. and Mittal, M. L. , "National Conference on Recent Advances in Manufacturing (RAM-2010) " , National Conference on Recent Advances in Manufacturing (RAM-2010) by :VNIT Surat at Surat / 25-26 / 2010

Meena, M. L. and Dangayach, G. S., "National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering" , Customer Satisfaction Measurement in Banking Sector by :RTME at Nashik / 82-85 / 2010

Arora, A.N. and Goyal, Rohit, "Need of Efficient Water Management Practices in Canals Developed for Drought Mitigation" , 14th National Symposium on Hydrology, MWRDS 2010 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2010

A. K. Kaushik, E. S. Pilli, and R. C. Joshi, "Network Forensic Analysis by Correlation of Attacks With Network Attributes" , International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technologies by :Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg at Kochi, India / 124-128 / 2010

A. K. Kaushik, E. S. Pilli and R. C. Joshi, "Network Forensic System for Port Scanning Attack" , 2nd International Advance Computing Conference (IACC) by :IEEE Xplore at Patiala, India / 310-315 / 2010

N. Gupta, S. P. Dubey and S. P. Singh, "Neural Network Based Active Power Filter for Power Quality Improvement" , IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM-2010) by :IEEE at Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA / 1-6 / 2010

N. Gupta, S. P. Dubey and S. P. Singh, "Neural Network Based Shunt Active Filter for Harmonic and Reactive Power Compensation Under Non-Ideal Mains Voltage" , 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA-2010) by :IEEE at Taichung, Taiwan / 370-375 / 2010

M. Tiwari and V. Janyani, "Octave Spanning Supercontinuum in Lead Silicate Photonic Crystal Fiber Suitable for 1.55 µM Pumping" , International Conference on Photonics 2010 (ICP 2010) by :- at IIT Guwahati / 381 / 2010

M. Tiwari, A. Agrawal, V. Janyani and B. M. Azizur Rahman, "Octave Spanning Supercontinuum in Soft Glass Equiangular Spiral Photonic Crystal Fiber" , International Conference on Optics and Photonics by :- at IIT Guwahati / - / 2010

Ramesh Babu Battula, Srikanth Vemuru, Rajasekhara rao Kurra, Pavan Kumar Tummala, "On-Demand Table-Driven Topo-Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks" , WiMoN 2010 by :Springer LNCS at Chennai / 296-305 / 2010

Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, "Optimal Placement of Fixed and Switched Shunt Capacitors for Large-Scale Distribution Systems Using Genetic Algorithms" , IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid (ISGT 2010) by :IEEE at Gothenberg, Sweden / 126-130 / 2010

Parikshit Yadav, R. Kumar, S.K. Panda and C. S. Chang, "Optimization of the Power Generation Scheduling in Oil-Rig Platforms Using Genetic Algorithm" , IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) by :IEEE at Bari / 2292-2297 / 2010

G. Ranga Rao, Sumanta Kumar Meher and P Justin, "Oxide and Sulphide Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Applications" , First Indo-Italian Workshop on Frontiers of Fundamental & Industrial Electrochemistry: A Challenge for a Better World by :University of Delhi at University of Delhi, New Delhi, India / 131 / 2010

Vinod S. Yadav, Arun K. Goyal, Pawan K. Agarwal, Dilip Sharma and S.L. Soni, "Performance Analysis and Emissions From a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Operated on Hydrogen and Diesel in Duel Fuel Mode With EGR" , Renewable Energy: Future Saviour of the World by :REFSW at Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Manageme / / 2010

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Bharat Bhushan Jain, "Performance Analysis of 36-Pulse AC-DC Converter Fed Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive (VCIMD)" , International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems, (ICEPES - 2010) by :MANIT, Bhopal at Bhopal / 422-431 / 2010

Sharma M.K., Sharma, V. and Agrawal G. D., "Performance Analysis of Roof Top Salt Gradient Solar Pond" , International Renewable Energy Congress, Sousse Tunisia by :International Renewable Energy Congress at Sousse Tunisia / / 2010

Sharma, M.K. and Agrawal, G.D., "Performance Analysis of Roof Top Salt Gradient Solar Pond and Its Comparative Study" , National Conference on Alternative Sources of Energy, SKIT, Jaipur by :SKIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2010

Singh, G., Yadav, R. P., Janyani, V. , "Performance Analysis of Ti: LiNbO3 1×2 Digital Photonic Switch With SiO2 Buffer Layer" , International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology, ICMET 2010 by :IEEE at Singapore / 122-124 / 2010

Pawan K. Agarwal, Dileep Kumar Jain, Dilip Sharma and Arun Goyal, "Performance Comparison of Rankine Cycle Using Solar Energy and Supercritical CO2 Over Basic Cycle: A Review" , National Conference on “Advancement & Futuristic Trends in Mechanical & Material Engineering”, Yagavailkya Institute of Technology, Sitapura, Jaip by :Yagavailkya Institute of Technology Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2010

Jyoti Grover, Deepak Kumar, Sargurunathan M, M.S Gaur, V. Laxmi, "Performance Evaluation and Detection of Sybil Attacks in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks" , Recent Trends in Network Security and Applications (CNSA 2010) by :Springer LNCS at Chennai, India / 473-482 / 2010

Arun Gaur, Sunil Bose, "Performance Evaluation of Recycled Cold Mix Using Cement, Lime and Fly Ash as Filler" , International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering by :International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering at Trivendrum / 22-26 / 2010

Manviri Rani, Bina Gupta, "Persistence of Quinalphos in Water and Soils" , International Congress on Analytical Science by :Indian Society of Analytical Scientists & Cochin University of Science and Technology at Kochi, Kerela (India) / 49 / 2010

Manviri Rani, Bina Gupta, "Persistence Study of Quinalphos on Plants in Field Conditions" , 5thUttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress by :Doon University, Dehradun at Dehradun, Uttrakhand (India) / 4 / 2010

Singh, G., Yadav, R. P., Janyani, V. , "Photonic Switching Technologies: A Comparison of MZI, MMI and Digital Optical Switching Elements" , Int. Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technologies 2010 by :Biyani Girls College at Jaipur / 1-4 / 2010

N. Gupta, S. P. Dubey and S. P. Singh, "PIL Based Control Algorithm for Three-Phase Fur-Wire Active Filter for Reactive and Harmonic Compensation Under Distorted Supply" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES-2010) by :IEEE at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi / 1-6 / 2010

Rishi Vyas, Parul Gupta, Shubhra Mathur, K. Sachdev and S. K. Sharma, "Plasma Induced Modification on Spin-Coated ZnO Thin Films" , 55th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium by :DAE Solid State Physics Symposium at Manipal, Karnataka / 10 / 2010

N. Gupta, S. P. Dubey and S. P. Singh, "PLL Less Shunt Active Filter With Direct Current Control for Power Quality Conditioning" , 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA-2010) by :IEEE at Taichung, Taiwan / 936-941 / 2010

Khandelwal A., Bhasin E., Divya, Vashishtha M., "Polymer Clay Nanocomposites: Current Status and Advances" , International Confeerence on Emerging Trends in Engineeirng and Technology by :Biyani International Institute of Engineering and Technology at Jaipur (Rajasthan) / 92 / 2010

Shubhra Mathur, Rishi Vyas, K. Sachdev and S. K. Sharma, "Potentiodynamic Polarization Studies on Ti60Ni40 and Ni78Si8B14 Alloy After High Energy Irradiation With Ni 11+ 150 MeV Ions" , National Symposium for Materials Research Scholars MR-10 IIT B by :NSMRS at IIT Bombay / 12 / 2010

M.Bhadu, Kusum Dangi, "Power System Stability Enhancement of Multimachine Power System Using Static VAR Compensator" , International Conference on Energy Optimization and Control by :Govt. College of Engineering, Aurangabad at Aurangabad / 1-5 / 2010

Agrawal V. and Sharma A., "Prediction of Slump in Concrete Using Artificial Neural Networks" , International Conference on Neural Networks by :ICNN at Amsterdam, the Netherlands / - / 2010

Sisir Mantry, Alok Satapathy, Alok Kumar Jha, S.K. Singh, Amar Patnaik, "Preparation, Characterization and Erosion Response of Jute-Epoxy Composites Reinforced With SiC Derived From Rice Husk" , International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials APM-2010 by :CIPET, Bhubaneswar at Bhubaneswar / / 2010

Rohit Bhakar, V.S. Sriram, N.P. Padhy, H.O. Gupta, "Probabilistic Game Approaches for Network Cost Allocation" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Minneapolis, USA / 1 / 2010

George, S. Pandit, P. Gupta, A.B, "Process Modeling for Estimation of Colloidal Aluminium in Alum Treated Water During Defluoridation" , International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications by :IEEE at Singapore / 103-106 / 2010

Alok Satapathy, Prasanta Kumar Padhi and Amar Patnaik, "Processing and Characterization of Glass-Epoxy Hybrid Composites, Reinforced With Blast Furnace Slag" , Proceedings of the National Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials by :NIT at NIT / / 2010

Mishra, P., Jain, R. and Danagaych, G. S, "Project Management: Key to Success in SMEs" , International Conference by :IMT Nagpur at Nagpur / 56-59 / 2010

Kriti Bhandari, S. P. Chaurasia, A. K. Dalai, and Alok Gupta, "Purification of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) by Lipase Catalysed Selective Esterification From Fatty Acid Mixture of Tuna Fish Oil" , International Conference on Oils, Fats & Oleochemicals Organized by OTAI by :OTAI at New Delhi / / 2010

Sharma, N. and Singh, K, "Quadratic Dynamic Matrix Control of Isopropyl Acetate Reactive Distillation Column" , Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science by :WCECS at San Francisco, USA. / 1 / 2010

Thakkar J., Falor A., Vashishtha M., "Recent Advances in Integrated Microfluidic Reactor" , International Confeerence on Emerging Trends in Engineeirng and Technology by :Biyani International Institute of Engineering and Technology at Jaipur (Rajasthan) / 92 / 2010

Mittal Namita, Nayak Richi, Govil MC, Jain K C, "Recommender System Framework Using Clustering and Collaborative Filtering" , Intl Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology by :IEEE at Goa / 555-558 / 2010

Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, K. R. Niazi, "Reconfiguration of Radial Distribution Systems With Fuzzy Multi-Objective Approach Using Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. / 1-8 / 2010

K. Narayana, Nikita Jhajharia, "Reduction of Impact of Fault by Distributed Generation" , National Conference by :LNCT Bhopal at Bhopal / / 2010

Rohit Bhakar, N.P. Padhy, H.O. Gupta, "Reference Network Development for Distribution Network Pricing" , IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition by :IEEE at New Orleans, Louisiana, USA / 1 / 2010

V. P. Rathod, O. P. Yadav, A. P. S. Rathore, R. Jain, "Reliability Based Design Optimization by Integrating Degradation to Improve Reliability of the Product for a Given Life Target" , International Conference on Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering by :FIME at NIT-Surathkal / 120-124 / 2010

Arun K. Goyal, Pawan K. Agarwal, Dilip Sharma and S.L.Soni, "Review on Human Comfort in Buildings by Using Phase Change Materials" , National Conference on “Advancement & Futuristic Trends in Mechanical & Material Engineering by :Yagavailkya Institute of Technology Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2010

Agrawal G. D, Goyal A. K., Sharma R., "Review on Solar Energy Storage in Building With Phase Change Materials" , International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engg by :International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engg at Surat / / 2010

S.P. Singh, A.K. Verma, M. L. Meena, "Robust Design of Casting Process Applying Taguchi Technique: A Case Study of Quality" , Proc. of the National Conference on Industrial Problems on Machines and Mechanisms (IPROMM2010) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 133-138 / 2010

M. Augustine, O. P. Yadav, R. Jain, A. P. S. Rathore, "Root Cause Analysis Algorithm for System Interaction Failures Generated Through Cognitive Map Network Simulation" , Proceedings of the Annual IIE Conference and Expo by :IIE at Mexico / / 2010

V. P. Singh, D. Chandra, "Routh-Approximation Based Model Reduction Using Series Expansion of Interval Systems" , International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems (ICPCES) by :IEEE at Allahabad, India / 1-4 / 2010

Jyoti Grover, Nitesh Prajapati, M.S Gaur, V. Laxmi, "RSS-Based Sybil Attack Detection in VANETs" , TENCON 2010 by :IEEE at Fukuoka, Japan / 2278-2283 / 2010

K.K. Sharma, "Saving the Bandwidth in Analog Modulation Schemes Using Linear Canonical Transforms" , Proc. of International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing,, CNC 2010 , by :CNC at Calicut, Kerala, / 00-04 / 2010

Rajeev Agrawal, LN Pattanaik, S Kumar, "Scheduling of a Flexible Job-Shop Using a Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm" , 3rd International & 24th All India Manufacturing Technology Design & Research by :Thrid International and Twenty Fourth All India Manufacturing Technology Design and Research at Visakhapatnam / 809-814 / 2010

P. Dadhich, M. Govil and K. Dutta, "Security Measures to Protect Mobile Agents" , International Conference on Methods and Models in Science and Technology by :- at Jaipur / 298-302 / 2010

Sumit Khandelwal, Nivedita Kaul, "Self Compacting Concrete: An Overview" , All India Seminar on Emerging and Sustainable Techniques in Civil Engg. by :CTAE Udaipur at CTAE, Udaipur, Rajasthan / / 2010

Sharma, N. and Singh,K.,, "Sensitivity Analysis and Model Predictive Control of Reactive Distillation Column for TAME Synthesis" , CHEMCON by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineering at Annamalainagar, Chidambaram,India / 1 / 2010

Rajeev Kumar, Kailash Singh, R. Kumar, "Sensitivity Analysis of Divided Wall Distillation Column" , CHEMCON-2010 by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineering at Annamalainagar, Chidambaram,India / 1 / 2010

Sharma, N. and Singh, K., "Sensitivity Analysis of Reactive Distillation Column for Isopropyl Acetate Synthesis" , Proceedings of National Symposium on Reaction Engineering by :NIT Raipur at Raipur,India / 1 / 2010

A. Agarwal, K.K.Sharma, "Signal Reconstruction Using Nonuniform Samples in Fractional Fourier Domains" , National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics 2010 by :LNMIIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 00-04 / 2010

Vipin Pal, Girdhari Singh, R P Yadav, "Sleep-Wake-Up Scheduling Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Robotics and Communication Technologies (INTERACT 2010) by :- at Chennai, India / - / 2010

Agrawal G. D. and Parikh D, "Solar Cabinet Drying of Green Chilies and Potato Chips- an Experimental Study" , The Fourth IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems by :IASTED at Phuket, Thailand / / 2010

Sharma, M.K. and Agrawal, G.D, "Solar Pond: A Detailed Review" , National Conference on Renewable Energy Sources , RIET, Jaipur by :RIET Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2010

Amar Patnaik, Ritesh Kaundal, Alok Satapathy, Sandhyarani Biswas, Pradeep Kumar, "Solid Particle Erosion Behavior of Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Resin Composites: A Comparative Study" , Second International Conference on Natural Polymers & Biomaterials by :Kottayam, Kerala at Kerala / / 2010

Amar Patnaik, Ritesh Kaundal, Alok Satapathy, Sandhyarani Biswas, and Pradeep Kumar, "Solid Particle Erosion of Particulate Filled Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Resin Composites" , The Third International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures by :Jeonju, Korea at Korea / / 2010

Ritesh Kaundal, Amar Patnaik, Alok Satapathy, "Solid Particle Erosion of SiC Filled Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Resin Composites" , National Conference on Advances in Polymer Science and Technology by :NIT Hamirpur at Hamirpur / / 2010

Mamatha T.G, Amar Patnaik, "Solid Particle Erosion Wear Behavior of TiO2 Particulate Filled ZA-27alloy Metal Matrix Composites" , International Conference on Advance Materials, Manufacturing, Management & Thermal Sciences by :Siddaganga Institute of Technology at Karnataka, India / / 2010

T. G. Mamatha, Amar Pataik, "Solid Particle Erosion Wear Behaviour of Alumina Particle Filled Za-2 Alloy Metal Matrix Composite" , National Conference on Advances in Polymer Science and Technology by :NIT Hamirpur at Hamirpur / / 2010

Sangal V.K., Gulyani B. B., Gupta R.K., Chetna, "Studies on Arsenic Removal From Drinking Water by Electrocoagulation" , International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications CCEA 2010 by :International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications CCEA 2010 Singapore at Singapore / / 2010

Sharma, M.K., and Agrawal, G.D, "Study and Design of Various Types of Solar Stills" , International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy-2010 by :MANIT Bhopal at Bhopal / / 2010

Kushal Sharma, P Ram, A Bhandari, "Study of Ferrouid Flow by Recurrence Relation Method" , ISTAM by :55th Congress of ISTAM - an International Meet, IIT Kharagpur at NIT Hamirpur / 43-47 / 2010

Khandelwal, S., Goyal, Rohit and Kaul, "Study of Seasonal and Spatial Pattern of Urban Heat Island of Jaipur City and Its Relationship With Enhanced Vegetation Index" , International Conference Map India 2010 by :International Conference Map India at MNIT Jaipur / - / 2010

Rohit Goyal, Sumit Khandelwal, Nivedita Kaul, "Study on Effect of Land Use and Elevation Over Land Surface Temperature" , 13th Annual International Conference and Exhibition on Geospatial Information Technology and Applications Map India 2010 by :Geospatial Society at Gurgoan, Haryana / / 2010

Khandelwal, S., Kaul, N., Goyal, R. and Singhal, V, "Suitability Analysis of Runoff Methods" , National Symposium on Hydrology, MWRDS 2010 by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2010

M. Tiwari, V. Janyani, "Supercontinuum Generation and Optimisation in Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Fibres" , IEEE International Conference on Computer and Network Technology – ICCNT 2010 by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / 606-607 / 2010

Mishra, P., Jain, R. and Danagaych, G. S, "Sustainability: A New Approach Towards Project Success" , International Conference on Sustainability by :IIM Shillong at Shillong / 25-28 / 2010

Tej Singh, Bhabani K. Satapathy and Amar Patnaik, "Synergistic Effect of Lapinus and Kevlar Fiber for Friction Applications" , National Conference on Advances in Polymer Science and Technology by :NIT Hamirpur at Hamirpur / / 2010

Garvita Singh, NehaBajpai, Madhu Agarwal and S.P. Chaurasia, "Synthesis and Characterization of Biodiesel From Fish Oil Using Lipase" , CHEMCON-2010 by :Annamalai University at Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India / / 2010

Deliang Zhang, Aamir Mukhter, Amro Gazawi, Vijay Nadakuduru, "Synthesis of Bulk Nanostructured and Ultrafine Structured Metallic Materials by Thermomechanical Consolidation of Nanostructured Powders" , TMS by :Minerals, Metals and Materials Society AIME, at Warrendale PA 15086 USA / / 2010

Bhatt, Preeti, "Teaching Postmodernist Theory Through Short Fiction" , New Directions in Literary Studies by :ICG, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2010

Ajeet Singh Poonia, Dr. G.S. Dangayach and A.Bhardwaj , "Technical Management Issues for Resolving the Cyber Crime" , International Conference on Management Technology and Applications by :IEEE at Singapore / 134-139 / 2010

M.Bhadu, Kusum Dangi, "Transient Stability Analysis of a Multimachine Power System" , National Conference on Computational Engineering: Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation, CEMSO-2010 by :Defence Institute of Advanced Techonology, Pune at Defence Institute of Advanced Techonology, Pune / 9-17 / 2010

Yadav R.,Sangal V.K., Gupta R.K., Gulyani B. B, "Treatment of Textile Industry Waste by Electrocoagulation and Combined Electrocoagulation Oxidation Processes" , UAEU-CHEM. 2010 by :UAEU-CHEM at UAEU-CHEM. 2010 / / 2010

Dinesh Gopalani, M.C. Govil, "Untyped Aspect Calculus : Formal Theory of Aspect-Oriented Programming Languages" , 2nd International Advance Computing Conference (IACC) by :IEEE Xplore at Patiala / 195-200 / 2010

Suja George, Manav Kataria and Krishnamohan, "Use of Saras Diary Waste for Electricity Generation Through Microbial Fuel Cell" , 4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology by :Technobytes at Jaipur / 93-94 / 2010

Jinendra Kumar Jain, Y P Mathur, Gunwant Sharma, "Users Assessment of Existing Bus Transportation System a Case Study of Jaipur" , International Conference of Development and Road Transportation by :NIT, Rourkela at Rourkela / 304-311 / 2010

Anurag Misra and R C Gupta, "Utilising Filler and Improving Concrete Performance" , UKIERI International Seminar on Concrete for Sustainable High Performance Infrastructure: Challenges and Opportunities by :Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana, India at Ludhiana, India / -- / 2010

D. Boolchandani, Lokesh Garg, Sapna Khandelwal and Vineet Sahula, "Variability Aware Yield Optimal Sizing of Analog Circuits Using SVM-Genetic Approach" , XI International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Application to Circuit Design by :- at Tunisia / / 2010

Goyal Sandeep and Agrawal G. D, "Waste Water Treatment and Energy Saving Potential in Textile Industry - Case Study of Pali (Rajasthan)" , National Conference on Smart Energy-Generation, Promotion and Conservation by :National Conference on Smart Energy-Generation, Promotion and Conservation at Chandigarh, Punjab / / 2010

Goyal Sandeep and Agrawal G. D, "Water and Energy Saving Potential in Textile Industries- a Case Study of Pali" , National Conference on Environment Sustainability of Textile Industry, Jaipur by :National Conference on Environment Sustainability of Textile Industry, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2010

Jethoo, A.S, "Water Management Strategies During Drought : A Case Study of District Nagaur, Rajasthan" , 14th National Symposium on Hydrology With Focal Theme on Management of Water Resources Under Drought Situation by :NIH, Roorkee and MNIT at Jaipur / 45 / 2010

S. K. Sonkar and S. Sarkar, "Water Soluble Fluorescent Carbon Dots in Imaging Life Cycle of “Drosophila Melanogaster”" , Nanostructure Fabrication by :GRC Confrences at Tilton School , Tilton , NH, United States of Ame / 1 / 2010

Vinod Jatav,Meenakshi Tripathi,M.S. Gaur,V.Laxmi , "Weighted Interference Aware Fair Rate Control in Wireless Sensor Networks" , International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication Systems Engineering by :MBM Jodhpur at Jodhpur / 1-4 / 2010

S. Bhuyan, S. Sahoo, R. Kumar, S. K. Panda, "Wireless Energy Transmission to Piezoelectric Component by Flat Spiral Coil Antenna-Like Structure" , IEEE Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET,10) by :IEEE at Kandy, Sri Lanka / / 2010

Ramesh Babu Battula,Pavan Kumar Ponnapalli, Pavan Kumar Tummala, Srikanth Vemuru, "Wireless Mesh Networks: Routing Protocols and Challenges." , CNSA 2010 by :Springer LNCS at Chennai / 143-151 / 2010


Jain J.K., Dangayach G. S. and Agarwal G., " Important Factors in Supply Chain Management" , International Conference on Global Supply Chain-2009 by :PSG Institute of Technology at Coimbatore / 35-39 / 2009

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Ajay Kumar Bansal, Virendra Sangtani, " Modular Approach for Simulink Model of Three Phase Induction Motor" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering by :NIT Hamirpur at Hamirpur, INDIA / 229-233 / 2009

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, S.V. Bhangale, "18-Sector Switching Strategy for Torque Ripple Reduction of Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drive" , International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems & Power Electronics in Emerging Economies (ICEESPEEE-09) by :IEEE at Chennai, INDIA / / 2009

G. Singh, S. kalra, R. P. Yadav, V. Janyani , "1×4 Ti: LiNbO3 Digital Optical Switch: Design & Performance Analysis for THz Operations" , International Conference on Optics ICOP 2009 by :OSA and OSI at Chandigarh (India) / 1-4 / 2009

G. Singh, S. kalra, R.P. Yadav, V. Janyani, "1x4 Ti: LiNbO3 Digital Optical Switch: Design & Performance Analysis for THz Operations" , ICOP Chandigargh by :ICOP at Chandigarh, India / / 2009

Adhau, S. R, and Mittal, M. L. , "A Contract Net Based Approach for Distributed Multi-Project Scheduling”" , 8th Triennial Conference of Association of Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies by :Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies at JAIPUR / 10-15 / 2009

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Manoj Gupta, "A Literature Survey of Power Quality Disturbances" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering by :NIT Hamirpur at Hamirpur, INDIA / 12-23 / 2009

Adhau, S. R, and Mittal, M. L., "A Multi-Agent Based Approach for Dynamic Multi-Project Scheduling" , International Conference on Operations Research Applications in Engineering and Management by :Anna University at Tiruchirapalli, / 68-69 / 2009

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Rajesh S. Surjuse, "A Neuro-Fuzzy Based MRAS Observer for Speed Sensorless Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive" , International Conference on Emerging and Futuristic System and Technology by :The Institute of Engineers Sponsored at Alwar / 92-97 / 2009

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Ajay Kumar Bansal, "A New Methodology for Optimizing the Size of Hybrid PV/wind System Using Genetic Algorithms" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering by :NIT Hamirpur at Hamirpur, INDIA / 133-139 / 2009

Mittal, M. L, "A PSO Algorithm for Resource Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling" , 8th Triennial Conference of Association of Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies by :Association of Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies at JAIPUR / 5-9 / 2009

Bhaduri, M., Gupta, A.B. and Goyal, Rohit , "A Review on Treatment and Recycling of Textile Wastewater" , 24th National Convention of Environmental Engineers and National Seminar on Environmental Pollution, Hazards, Mitigation and Quality of Life by :IE at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2009

Tiwari, S.K., Mathur, Sanjay, Singh, Raghuvir, "A Study on Influence of Soil Reinforcement Techniques on Stability of Slopes" , Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure Development by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 96-102 / 2009

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Rajesh S. Surjuse, "A Survey On: Application of Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS) to Induction Motor Drives" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering by :NIT Hamirpur at Hamirpur, INDIA / 247-255 / 2009

Amar Patnaik, Alok Satapathy and Sandhyarani Biswas, "Abrasive Wear Performance of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites" , International Conference on Technology and Business Management (ICTBM) by :Al Ghurair University, Dubai at Dubai / / 2009

Barun Jana, Aaron D. Sadow, Andreja Bakc, "Activation of Molecular Nitrogen With Novel Fe(II) Complexes of Tetradentate Phosphines" , 44th Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society by :American Chemical Society at Iowa City, Iowa, USA / / 2009

Kumar A., Biswal K. C., Prasad B., Mishra I. M., Sangal V. K, "Adsorptive Removal of Acrylonitrile Onto Low Cost Adsorbent" , ICCBPESOMChE 2009, the Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering, by :University Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia at University Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah / 928-931 / 2009

Vashishtha M., "Advances in Remote Sensing for Oil Spill Disaster Management" , National Workshop on Information Technology &Disaster Management by :All India Foundation for Peace &Disaster Management at Delhi / / 2009

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Rajesh S. Surjuse, "An Adaptive Neural Integrator for Improving Flux Estimation in Field-Orientation Control of Induction Motor Drives" , International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems & Power Electronics in Emerging Economies by :ICEESPEEE at Chennai, INDIA / 810-815 / 2009

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar and Rajesh S. Surjuse, "An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Based Speed Sensor Less Induction Motor Drives" , World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing by :NABIC at Coimbatore / 397-402 / 2009

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, and Rajesh S. Surjuse, "An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Based Speed Sensorless Induction Motor Drives" , World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC 2009), Coimbatore, INDIA, by :IEEE at Coimbatore, INDIA / / 2009

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar and Rajesh S. Surjuse, "An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Based Stator Current MRAS Observer for Speed Sensorless Induction Motor Drives" , 4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-09) by :IICAI at Banglore / 872-878 / 2009

Tiwari, S.K., Ghiya, Anil, Gupta, Pravesh, "An Experimental Study on Consolidation Characteristics of Stabilized Fly Ash" , National Conference on Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure Development by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 145-154 / 2009

Tiwari, S.K., Ghiya, Anil., Gupta, Pravesh, "An Experimental Study on Permeability and Compaction Characteristics of Stabilized Fly Ash" , Advances in Concrete, Structural, and Geotechnical Engineering ACSGE-2009 by :BITS Pilani at Pilani / 224 / 2009

Tiwari, S.K., Ghiya, Anil., Gupta, Pravesh, "An Experimental Study on Shear Strength of Stabilized Fly Ash" , Advances in Concrete, Structural, and Geotechnical Engineering ACSGE-2009 by :BITS Pilani at Pilani / 94 / 2009

Dwivedi P, Vivekanand V, Pareek N, Singh RP , "An Intermittent Rotating Drum Bioreactor for the Production of Xylanase-Laccase Concoction Through Co-Cultivation Under Solid-State Fermentation" , 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists-FEMS 2009, Gothenburg, Sweden by :Federation of European Microbiological Societies at Gothenburg, Sweden / / 2009

D.Boolchandani, Chandrakant Gupta and Vineet Sahula , "Analog Circuit Feasibility Modeling Using Support Vector Machine With Efficient Kernel Functions" , International Conference on Design, Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits and System by :IMECS at Honkong / / 2009

Ritu Sharma, Vijay Janyani, "Analysis of Confinement Loss and Single Mode Property in Five Layer Hexagonal (Circular/Elliptical) Layouts of Microstructured Photonic Crystal Fiber" , Photonic West 2009 by :SPIE USA at San Jose California USA / 5 / 2009

N. Joshi, V. Janyani, "Analysis of Photonic Crystal Waveguides: Design and Simulation" , International Conference on Emerging & Futuristic Systems and Technology by :- at LIET, Alwar (Rajasthan) / - / 2009

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, and Rajesh S. Surjuse, "ANFIS Based Intelligent Control of Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive" , Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology by :IEEE at Nagpur, INDIA / 674-680 / 2009

Suja George, Prabhat Pandit, A.B.Gupta, "Application of Mathematical Model NALD for Nalgonda Process of Defluoridation" , International Symposium on Environmental Pollution, Ecology and Human Health by :ISEPEHH at Tirupati / 9-11 / 2009

Poonia, A., Dangayach, G.S., and Bhardwaj, A., "“Technological Impact on Society: The Darker Side of ICT”" , National Conference on Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development by :Engineering College Bikaner at Bikaner / 102-105 / 2009

N Sathish, G Devaraju, N Srinivasa Rao, A P Pathak, A Turos, S A Khan, D K Avasthi, E Trave and P Mazzoldi, "Band Gap Engineering of Nano Scale AlGaN Epitaxial Layers by Swift HeavyIon Irradiation" , MRS Spring Meeting 2009 by :Cambridge University Press at San Francisco, USA / 53 / 2009

Madhu Agarwal, Garima Chauhan, S. P. Chaurasia, Kailash Singh and Suja George, "Biodiesel Production by Heterogenous Catalyst" , National Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering AChemE 2009 by :Thapar University Patiala at Thapar University Patiala / / 2009

Vashishtha M., "Bioremediation Process: An Overview (Poster)" , National Conference on Recent Trends in Environmental Toxicology and Biotechnological Approach to Conserve Environment by :International College of Girls and Association of Microbiologists of India at Jaipur / / 2009

Yash Kumar Mittal, "Building Automation: Energy Efficiency Aspects" , Industrial Automation, Mobile Robots and Autonomous Systems by :Institution of Engineers India at Rajasthan / / 2009

Jana, S.K. and Bhaskarwar, A.N., "Carbonation of Hydrated Lime in a Semi-Batch Foam-Bed Reactor" , Advances in Chemical Engineering , AchemE-2009 by :Conference Proceedings at Thapar University / 378-381 / 2009

Roy S., Vashishtha M., Saroha A., Pant K., "Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Oxalic Cid on Platinum Catalysts in Bubble Column Reactor and Design of Bubvble Column Reactor" , International Conference on WAter, Environment, Energy and Society by :S R K College at Firozabad (Uttar Pradesh) / / 2009

Dube A, Kumar A, Gupta K, Vyas P, Boolchandani D and Sonania R., "Chaotic Neural Dynamics as Evinced From Scalp Electroencephalography (EEG)" , 13th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) by :European Journal of Neurology at Italy / 451 / 2009

Kumar A., Prasad B., Mishra I. M., Sangal V. K., , "Characterization of Virgin and Acrylic Acid Loaded Granular Activated Carbon" , National Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering AChemE 2009 by :Thapar University Patiala at Thapar University Patiala / 137-144 / 2009

Pareek N, Dwivedi P, Vivekanand V, Singh RP , "Chitin Deacetylase From P. Oxalicum ITCC 6965: A Novel Enzyme for Production of Chitosan" , 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists-FEMS 2009, Gothenburg, Sweden by :Federation of European Microbiological Societies at Gothenburg, Sweden / / 2009

Vashistha M., "Clean Up of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollutants Using Biodegradation Route" , National Conference on Recent Trends in Environmental Toxicology and Biotechnological Approach to Conserve Environment by :International College of Girls and Association of Microbiologists of India at Jaipur / / 2009

Kumar, A., Singh, K., Agarwal, M., Saakshy, Sharma, A.K., Hussain, "Color Removal of Effluent of Sanganer Region of Jaipur" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Environmental Science and Engineering by :AMU at Aligarh, India / 1 / 2009

R. Vyas, S. Mathur, P. Shrivastava, K. Sachdev and S. K. Sharma, "Comparative Investigations of Annealing Effects on Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Synthesized by Chemical Bath Deposition" , Conference on Neutron Scattering and Mesoscopic System by :CNSMS at Goa, India / 12 / 2009

Shubhra Mathur, Rishi Vyas, K. Sachdev and S. K. Sharma, "Comparison of Corrosion Behaviour of Crystalline, Amorphous and Nanocrystalline States of the Alloy Ti60Ni40 in 0.5 M NaCl and 0.5 M HNO3 Aqueous Medium" , National Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology by :Excel India Publishers at Jaipur / 40-42 / 2009

Sudhir Kesri, K.K. Sharma, "Comparison of Different Phase Masks in Color Image Encryption/decryption Based on Fractional Fourier Transform Domains" , National Conference on Advances in Communication Technologies in Cyber Age (ACTCA’09) by :IETE Jaipur at Jaipur / 00-04 / 2009

Deliang Zhang, Stiliana Raynova, Vijay N. Nadakuduru, Brian Gabbitas, Barry Robinson, "Consolidation of Ti, Ti-6Al-4V Using Powder Compact Forging. " , LMT2009, Gold Coast, Australia by :Light Metals Technology at Gold Coast, Australia (Oral Presentation) / / 2009

A Chini, Sandeep S, "Construction and C&D Waste in India" , CMS 2009 Conference on Lifecycle Design of Buildings, Systems and Materials, CIB W115 Construction Materials Stewardship by :CMS 2009 Conference on Lifecycle Design of Buildings, Systems and Materials, CIB W115 Construction M at Twente, the Netherlands / / 2009

Bharti S.D and Shrimali M. K, "Control Methods for Seismic Retrofitting of Buildings" , Workshop on Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Structures by :ASTR at IIT Bombay / 1-11 / 2009

Nagar R., Agrawal V.and Chandwani V., "Corrosion Problems and Its Effect on the Service Life of Elevated Service Reservoirs" , National Conference on Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure Development by :Indian Concrete Institute and Centre for Building Technology and Construction Materials at Jaipur / - / 2009

Rohit Bhakar, V.S. Sriram, N.P. Padhy, H.O. Gupta, "Cost Allocation of DG Embedded Distribution System by Game Theoretic Models" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Calgary, Canada / 1 / 2009

Agrawal V., Nagar R. and Chandwani V, "Decision Support System for Industrial Roof Trusses Using Artificial Neural Network Approach" , Advances in Concrete, Structural, and Geotechnical Engineering ACSGE-2009 by :BITS Pilani at PILANI / 763-770 / 2009

Manviri Rani, Bina Gupta, "Degradation of Thiram in Vegetables in Field Conditions" , 4thUttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology by :UCOST at Pantnagar, Uttrakhand (India) / 154 / 2009

G. Singh, S. kalra, T.P.Bhattacharjee, R.P. Yadav and V. Janyani , "Design and Performance Analysis of a 190/230 THz Y-Branched Digital Optical Switch Using Channel Profile of Proton Exchange in Lithium Niobate Crystal" , National Conference on Advances in Communication Technologies in Cyber Age (ACTCA’09), by :IETE Jaipur at Jaipur, India / / 2009

G. Singh, Shruti kalra, R.P. Yadav and V. Janyani , "Design of 193/230 THz Digital Optical Switch (DOS) & Study of LiNbO3crystal Cut Effects" , National Conference on Advances in Communication Technologies in Cyber Age (ACTCA’09) by :IETE Jaipur at Jaipur, India / / 2009

A. Konyukhov, E. Romanova, L. Melnikov, V. Janyani, T. Benson , "Design of Low-Contrast Periodic Structures in Highly Non-Linear Glass for the Ultra-Short Pulse Processing in Mid-Infrared" , IEEE LEOS Winter Topicals 2009, Nano & Nonlinear Photonics by :IEEE at Innsbruck, Austria / 122 – 12 / 2009

Singh, G., Yadav, R. P., Janyani, V., Arun K., Rajdeep, "Design of Ultra-Compact, Multi Coupling Region Based 2×2 MMI Photonic Switch" , International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing by :ICMARS at Jodhpur, India / / 2009

Singh, G., Yadav, R. P., Janyani, V., Arun K., Rajdeep, "Design of Ultra-Compact, Multi Coupling Region Based 2x2 MMI Photonic Switch" , International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing by :ICMARS at Jodhpur, India / / 2009

AR Phadke, Manoj Fozdar, KR Niazi, "Determination of Worst Case Loading Margin Using Genetic Algorithm" , International Conference on Power Systems, 2009 by :IEEE at Kharagpur / / 2009

Pareek, Ritu and Preeti Bhatt., "Developing Sensitivity Towards Cultural Differences Through Non-Verbal Communication" , Speak Volumes: Promoting Communication in the English Language Classroom by :Gauttam Publishers at Jaipur / 296-305 / 2009

S. J. Nanda, S. K. Behera and G. Panda, "Development of a Nonlinear Model of Unijunction Transistor Using Artificial Immune System" , IEEE World Congress on Nature and Bio-Inspired Computing, IEEE-NaBIC-2009 by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / 725-730 / 2009

S. J. Nanda, G. Panda and B. Majhi , "Development of Immunized PSO Algorithm and Its Application to Hammerstein Model Identification" , IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE-CEC-2009 by :IEEE at Trondheim, Norway / 3080-3086 / 2009

Rohit Bhakar, N.P. Padhy, H.O. Gupta, "Distribution Network Pricing in India: Models and Issues" , 3rd National Conference on Advances in Energy Conversion Technologies by :Manipal Institute of Technology at Manipal, India / 1 / 2009

15. Sangal V. K., Mishra I. M., "Divided Wall Distillation Column- a Challenge for Separation System" , SDCET-2009 by :National Conference Recent Trends in Management, Technology and Environment, Muzaffarnagar at Muzaffarnagar / 579 / 2009

Meenakshi Dhote, Rina Surana, "Eco Cities in the Making" , International Conference on Changing Environmental Trends and Sustainable Development (CETAS-2009) by :Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technolo at Hisar / / 2009

Nidhi Sharma, "Economic Impact of Natural Disasters" , National Conference on Information Technology and Disaster Management by :All India Foundation for Peace and Disaster Management Delhi at Delhi / / 2009

Dhabhai R., Jain A., Krishnia M. and Chaurasia S. P, "Effect of Delignification of Lignocellulosic Substrates on Saccharification With Trichoderma Reesei Cellulase" , International Conference on Oils, Fats, Fuels and Surfactants (ICOFFS) by :OTAI at Delhi / / 2009

Amar Patnaik, Alok Satapathy, Sandhyarani Biswas, "Effect of Particulate Fillers on Erosion Wear of Glass Polyester Composites: A Comparative Study Using Optimization " , 4th Asian Particle Technology Symposium (APT ) by :The Indian Institute of Metals and Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers at The Ashok Convention, Hotel Ashok, New Delhi / / 2009

Misra Anurag, Gupta R.C. and Gupta Rajesh , "Effect of Temperature Variations on Structures: Problems and Remedial Measures" , Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure Development by :Indian Concrete Institution at Jaipur, India / 120-130 / 2009

Mittal Namita et al., "Effective Template Detection Technique and Optimal Wrapper Generation" , International Conference on Innovative Technology by :IEEE at Haryana India / 176-177 / 2009

Mathur Sanjay, Sharma Shilpi, Sharma Rahul, "Efficacy of Electro-Coagulation in Textile Wastewater Treatment" , International Symposium on Environmental Pollution, Ecology, and Human Health by :S.V. University, Tirupati at Tirupati / / 2009

Joshi A.M.,Darji A., "Efficient Dual Domain Watermarking Scheme for Secure Images" , International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing by :IEEE at Kottayam, Kerala / 900-914 / 2009

Sharma Dipti, Oum Kumari and Joshi, D, "Electrical Energy From Renewable Energy Sources; Options, Polices and Perspectives in India & Rajasthan" , National Conference on Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development by :Surya Prakashan Mandir Bikaner at Engineering College Bikaner / 72-82 / 2009

ShubhraMathur, Rishi Vyas, K. Sachdev and S. K. Sharma, "Electrochemical Behaviour of Different Structural States of the Alloy Ti60Ni40 in 0.1 M NaCl Aqueous Medium" , International Conference on Recent Advance in Industrial Electrochemical Science and Technology by :ICRAIEST at Karnataka, India / 211-213 / 2009

Misra Anurag and Gupta R.C., "Environmental Problems Due Marble Powder Waste and Its Utilization in Road Construction" , Symposium of Evaluation of Marble Wastes and Decreasing Environmental Effects by :Diyarbakir Chamber of Commerce & Industries, Turkey, Turkey at Diyarbakir, Turkey / 223-229 / 2009

Kriti Bhandari, Anjali Jain, Alok Gupta and S. P. Chaurasia, "Enzymatic Esterification of Oleic Acid With Lauryl Alcohol" , Chemcon-2008 by :IIChE at Vishakhapatnam, India / / 2009

Singhal, Vijai, Kongre D.N. and Goyal, Rohit, "Estimating Spatial Variation in Recharge/Extraction Using GIS: Case Study of Bandi River in District Pali" , National Seminar on Changing Geohydrological Scenario and It’s Environmental Impact, Geological Society of India by :Geological Society of India at Alwar / 1-5 / 2009

Poonia, A., Dangayach, G.S., and Bhardwaj, A., "Ethical Values and Practices for Cyber Society" , International Conference on “Current Trends in Information Technology’ by :IEEE at Dubai / 39-43 / 2009

Sharma M.K. Sharma Vikas and Agrawal G.D., "Experimental Analysis of Roof Top Salt Gradient Solar Pond" , 2nd National Conference on Energy, Laxmangarh, Rajasthan by :National Conference on Energy, Laxmangarh at Laxmangarh, Rajasthan / / 2009

Mali, Harlal Singh and Alakesh Manna, "Experimental Investigation During Finishing of Al/SiCp-MMC’s by Abrasive Flow Machining Process" , The International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, (AMPT) by :International Islamic University, Kualalumpur, Malaysia at Kualalumpur, Malaysia / 1-10 / 2009

Misra Anurag, Gupta R.C., Sharma Poorna Kumar, Nischal Ravi and Agarwal Vipul Kumar, "Experimental Study on Strength Development in Geopolymer Concrete" , Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure Development by :Indian Concrete Institution at Jaipur, India / 72-78 / 2009

Raj Kumar Joishi, Badrinath Jha, Pradeep Mathur, "Formation of Nitrogen-Iron Ring Containing Cluster With the Interaction of Metal Carbonyl and Acetylene" , 12th International Inorganic Ring System by :International Inorganic Ring System at Goa, India / 1 / 2009

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, S.K. Bishnoi, "Fuzzy Controlled Nonlinear High Performance Switched Reluctance Motor Drive" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering by :NIT Hamirpur at Hamirpur, INDIA / 149-156 / 2009

Yash Kumar Mittal, "Green Building and LEED: Envionmentally Strengthen Future " , Environmental Pollution Hazards Mitigation and Quality of Life by :Institution of Engineers India at Rajasthan / / 2009

Rohitashw Kumar, Mahesh Kumar Jat, and Vijay Shankar, "Ground Water Management for Sustainable Development" , Civil Engineering Conference Innovation Without Limits by :Excel India Publishers at NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh / 428-433 / 2009

Nivedita Kaul, Lalit Joshi, AB Gupta, "Health Aspects of Indoor Respirable Particulate Pollution: The Emerging Issues" , International Conference on Changing Environmental Trends & Sustainable Development by :G.J. University of Science & Technology, Hissar, India at Guru Jambheshwar University for Science and Techno / / 2009

V. Nadakuduru, D. Zhang, P. Cao, B. Gabbitas, "High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Ti-47Al-2Cr (At%) Alloy Produced Using Powder Compact Forging of a Mechanically Milled Powder" , Processing, Microstructure and Performance of Materials, Auckland, New Zealand by :IOP Conference Series at Auckland, New Zealand / / 2009

Raj Kumar Joshi, Badrinath Jha, Pradeep Mathur, "High Yield Synthesis of -Vinyl Esters and -Lactones Using Ironpentacarbonyl as a Catalyst " , RSC-IITB in-House Symposium by :RSC-IITB in-House Symposium at IIT Bombay, Mumbai / 1 / 2009

J. K. Rai, R. P. Tewari, V. P. Singh, and D. Chandra, "Hybrid Control of Biped Robot Leg" , IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications by :ACTA Press at Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA / - / 2009

9. K. K. Paliwal, J. S. George, N. Rameshan, M. S. Gaur, V. Janyani, V. Laxmi and R. Narasimhan, "Implementation of QoS Aware Q-Routing Algorithm for Network-on-Chip" , International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3 2009) by :Springer at JIIT University, Noida / 370–380 / 2009

S. J. Nanda, G. Panda, B. Majhi and P. Tah, "Improved Identification of Nonlinear MIMO Plants Using New Hybrid FLANN-AIS Model" , IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, IEEE-IACC-2009 by :IEEE at Thapar University, Patiala / 141-146 / 2009

S. S. Sahu, G. Panda and S. J. Nanda, "Improved Protein Structural Class Prediction Using Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Immune System" , IEEE World Congress on Nature and Bio-Inspired Computing, IEEE-NaBIC-2009 by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / 731-735 / 2009

Agrawal V., Nagar R. and Chandwani V., "Innovative Tool for Predicting Slab Deflections at Conceptual Stage of Design" , Fifth International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-5) by : Structural Engineering and Construction at USA / - / 2009

D. Gopalani and M. C. Govil, "Interpreter for Untyped Imperative Object Calculus" , National Conference on Advanced Computing by :- at India / / 2009

R. Sharma, V. Janyani, "Investigation on the Single Mode Property of Elliptical (Five Ring) Air Hole Photonic Crystal Fiber" , International Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP) by :- at CSIO Chandigarh, INDIA / 300 / 2009

Ritu Sharma and Vijay Janyani, "Investigation on the Single Mode Property of Five Rings Elliptical Air Hole Photonic Crystal Fiber" , ICOP Chandigargh by :ICOP at Chandigarh / 3 / 2009

J. Pagaria, V. Janyani, "Investigations on Photonic Crystal Based Band Gap Structures as All-Optical Network Switching Elements" , IEEE International Conference on Future Networks by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / 276 / 2009

Amar Patnaik, Alok Satapathy, "Investigations on Three-Body Abrasive Wear and Mechanical Properties of Particulate Filled Glass Epoxy Composites" , National Symposium for Materials Research Scholars, MR-09, Workshop on Advanced Characterization Techniques by :IIT Bombay at Munbai / / 2009

N Srinivasa Rao, A P Pathak, D Kabiraj, S A Khan, B K Panigrahi, K G M Nair and D K Avasthi, "Ion Beam Synthesis of Ge Nano Crystals Embedded in SiO2 Matrix" , MRS Spring Meeting 2009 by :Cambridge University Press at San Francisco, USA / 99 / 2009

Mantri, A., Yadav, AK, Mali, HS, "IUCEE Success Stories in Chandigarh and Haryana in the Northern Region of India" , Proceedings of the ASEE Global Colloquium for Engineering Education, Budapest, Hungary by :ASEE Global Colloquium for Engineering Education, Budapest, Hungary at Budapest, Hungary / 1-10 / 2009

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, S.K. Bishnoi, "Laboratory Verification of Modeling for a DSP Controlled 8/6 Switched Reluctance Motor Drive" , International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems & Power Electronics in Emerging Economies by :ICEESPEEE at Chennai, INDIA / 295-302 / 2009

Kanan Jassal, Om Prakash, K. Sachdev, A. Chougle, "Measurement of Backscattered From Various Energies of Photons Using Chemical Dosimeter" , National Symposium on Radiation Physics by :NSRP at Udaipur, Raj., India / 12 / 2009

M. L. Meena, G.S. Dangayach, "Measurement of Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of Banking Sector" , National Confernce of Rectent Trends in Mechnical Engineering by :Institution of Engineers India at Jaipur / / 2009

K. Lalwani, "Measurement of the Branching Ratio of a Rare Decay Eta> Pi^0 Gamma Gamma With WASAatCOSY" , International Symposium on Nuclear Physics by :DAE at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai. / 466 / 2009

Vijay N Nadakuduru, Deliang Zhang, Peng Cao, Brian Gabbitas, "Mechanical Behaviour of Ti-47Al-2Cr (At%) Alloy" , SMNZI by :- at Hamilton, New Zealand / / 2009

Vivekanand V and Pilon M , "Mnm-5(et5) is a Novel Allele of Ten-1 Involved in Axon Guidance" , The 2nd Nordic C. Elegans Network Meeting. Tvärminne Helsinki, Finland by :Nordic C. Elegans Network at Tvärminne Helsinki, Finland / / 2009

M. Augustine, O. P. Yadav, R. Jain, A. P. S. Rathore, "Modeling Physical Systems for Failure Analysis With Rate Cognitive Maps" , IEEE Internatioanl Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management by :IEEE at Hong Kong / 1758-1762 / 2009

Singhal, P., Agarwal, G., and Mittal, M. L. , "Modelling of Risk Associated With Small Supplier in a Complex Supply Chain Using ANN" , Sixth International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems by :NIT Tiruchirapalli at Tiruchirapalli / 25-32 / 2009

8. E. Romanova, A. Konyukhov, V. Janyani, and T. Benson, "Modelling of the Ultra-Short Pulse Propagation in Defect Modes of Low-Contrast Periodic Nano-Structures in Highly Non-Linear Glass" , Russian-French-German Laser Symposium (RFGLS 2009) by :- at Russia / 165 / 2009

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, S. V. Bhangale, "Modified Stator Flux Estimation Algorithm for Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drive" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering by :NIT Hamirpur at Hamirpur, INDIA / 256-261 / 2009

S. Kalra, G. Singh, T. P. Bhattacharjee, V. Janyani, R. P. Yadav, "Modified Y-Branched, Proton Exchanged Lithium Niobate Crystal based Digital Optical Switch (DOS) for 187.5 THz Operations" , International Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP) by :- at Chandigarh, INDIA / 174 / 2009

G. Singh, S. kalra, R.P. Yadav, V. Janyani , "Modified Y-Branched, Proton Exchanged Lithium Niobate Crystal Based Digital Optical Switch (DOS) for 187.5 THz Operations " , ICOP Chandigargh by :ICOP at Chandigarh, India / / 2009

D.Boolchandani, A.Kumar and Vineet Sahula, "Multi-Objective Genetic Approach for Analog Circuit Sizing Using SVM Macro-Model" , TENCON 2009 by :IEEE at Singapore / / 2009

Chaudhary S., Kumari S. and Agrawal V., "Neural Network Application for Structural Design" , International Conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering by :Civil Engineering Group, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani. at Pilani Rajasthan India / - / 2009

Sancheti G., Agrawal V.and Nagar R., "Neural Network Applications in Concrete Technology " , National Conference on Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure Development by :Indian Concrete Institute at JAIPUR / 23-29 / 2009

Sancheti G., Agrawal V.and Nagar R., "Neural Network Applications in Concrete Technology : A Review" , National Conference on Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure Development by :Indian Concrete Institute and Centre for Building Technology and Construction Materials at Jaipur India / - / 2009

Gupta T.C., K. Gupta, Sehgal D.K., "Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos of an Unbalanced Flexible Rotor Supported by Deep Groove Ball Bearings With Radial Internal Clearance" , International Symposium: IUTAM-IUROTOR-2009, Emerging Trends in Rotor Dynamics by :IUTAM at New Delhi, India / 321-335 / 2009

• Rajurkar,S.,and Jain, R, "Optimal Order Quantity Model for Retailers of Perishable Froducts With Non-Deterministic Demand" , Operation Research Society of India, by :APORS at India / 30-34 / 2009

Abhinav Sadu, Rajesh Kumar, Rajesh G. Kavasseri, "Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Units Using Particle Swarm Optimization" , World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing by :NABIC at Coimbatore, INDIA / 1708-1713 / 2009

Singh, G., Yadav, R. P., Janyani, V. and Arun K., Rajdeep, "Optimization of Y-Shaped Digital Optical Switch (DOS) With Graded Spacing Arrangement of Multiple Electrode Regions" , National Symposium on Advances in Microwave Materials, Devices and Applications by :IETE Jaipur at Jaipur, India / / 2009

Mali, H S, Manna A, "Parametric Study for Surface Roughness During Abrasive Flow Finishing of AL/SiCp-MMC" , Sixth International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN 6) by :PSG College of Technology & AMRITA Institute, Coimbatore at PSG College of Technology & AMRITA Institute, Coim / 1-10 / 2009

Singh, G., Yadav, R. P., Janyani, V., Sharma, R. , "Performance Analysis for All Optical Switch Based on MZI Switching Element With SOAs" , Photonic West 2009 by :SPIE USA at San Jose, CA, USA / 1-9 / 2009

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Bharat Bhushan Jain, "Performance Analysis of 30-Pulse AC-DC Converter Fed Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive " , National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering by :NIT Hamirpur at Hamirpur, INDIA / 211-217 / 2009

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, B. B. Jain, "Performance Analysis of 30-Pulse AC-DC Converter Fed Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive (VCIMD)" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering by :RAEEE at NIT Hamirpur, INDIA / / 2009

Bansal V., Mishra R., Agarwal G.D., Mathur J., "Performance Analysis of Earth-Tunnel-Air-Heat-Exchanger for Summer Cooling" , International Conference and Exhibition on Advances in Energy Research by :IIT Bombay at Mumbai / / 2009

K. K. Paliwal, M. S. Gaur, V. Laxmi, and V. Janyani, "Performance Analysis of Guaranteed Throughput and Best Effort Traffic in Network-on-Chip under Different Traffic Scenario" , IEEE International Conference on Future Networks by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / 821-825 / 2009

Yashwant Singh and D. Boolchandani, "Performance Evaluation of Leakage Reduction Technique for a Single SRAM Cell at 45nm Technology" , International Conference on Current Trends in Technology at Nirma University by :- at Ahmedabad / / 2009

Santosh M Pingale, Mahesh K. Jat and Deepak Khare , "Perspective of Urban Water Demand Management in Changing Climate" , Integrated Water Resources Management: Demand Assessment and Management Organized by Water Resource Department by :Bureau of Indian Standard at New Delhi, India / / 2009

V. Janyani, N. Joshi, J. Pagaria, and P. Pathak, "Photonic Crystals for Novel Applications in Integrated-Optic Communication Systems and Devices" , The International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and System Design by :World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology at Paris / 276-280 / 2009

Sumanta Kumar Meher and G. Ranga Rao, "Porous ZnO Mesoflowers of Multilayered Nanosheets: Effect of Anions on the Morphological Variation" , International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Advanced Functional Materials (NTAFM) by :National Chemical Laboratory at National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India / 122 / 2009

Samir Chandra Saxena, S K Soonee, S S Barpanda, "Power Exchange Implementation in India and Congestion Management in Multi-Exchange Scenario" , CBIP 7th International R&D Conference by :CBIP at Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India / / 2009

Jyoti Sharma, K.K. Sharma, "Power Quality Analysis Based on Thresholding Technique" , National Conference on Advances in Communication Technologies in Cyber Age (ACTCA’09), by :IETE Jaipur at Jaipur / 05 / 2009

Nidhi Sharma, "Privatization of Higher Education: Indian Perspective" , National Conference on Quality Management in Institutions of Higher Education by :International College for Girls Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2009

Navaneeth Rameshan, M. Ahmed, M.S. Gaur, Vijay Laxmi and Anurag Biyani, "QoS Aware Minimally Adaptive XY Routing for NoC" , Seventeenth Annual International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2009) by :Advanced Computing and Communications Society at IISc Bangalore / 300-302 / 2009

Rajesh Kumar, Rudesh Kumar, Abhinav Sadu, "Realization of DSTATCOM Implementing Fuzzy Logic Controller for Reactive Power Compensation" , International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems & Power Electronics in Emerging Economies by :ICEESPEEE at Chennai, INDIA / 15-23 / 2009

Mittal Namita, Govil MC, Nayak Richi, Jain N, "Reconstruction of Web Forums for Effective Information Retrieval" , ICM2CS by :IEEE at New Delhi / 229-234 / 2009

Gupta A. K. and Gupta, R. C., "Retrofitting Clinic: Need, Concept and Execution" , Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure Development by :Indian Concrete Institution at Jaipur, India / 161-172 / 2009

Anjali Jain, Kriti Bhandari and S. P. Chaurasia, "Rhizopus Oryzae Lipase Catalysed Esterification of Oleic Acid With Butanol in a Biphasic System" , International Conference on Oils, Fats, Fuels and Surfactants (64th Annual Conference of Oil Technologist Association of India) by :OTAI at New Delhi / / 2009

• Rajurkar,S.,and Jain, R, "Role of RFID in Food Supply Chain Management" , Industrial Automation, Mobile Robots and Autonomous System by :Institution of Engineers at Jaipur / 120-23 / 2009

Stiliana Raynova, Deliang Zhang, Dorothee Polo, Laurent Gonthier, William Egea, Vijay Nadakuduru , "Sintering Behaviour of Induction Heated Ti and Ti6Al4V Powder Compacts " , SMNZI Materials Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand by :Proceedings of SMNZI Conference at Hamilton, New Zealand / / 2009

Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy, Amar Patnaik, "Solid Particle Erosion Characteristics of Sic Filled Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Based Hybrid Composites" , 4th Asian Particle Technology Symposium (APT ) by :The Indian Institute of Metals and Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers at The Ashok Convention, Hotel Ashok, Chankyapur, New / / 2009

K.K. Sharma, "Some Generalizations of the Capacity Theorem for AWGN Channels" , National Conf. Info. & Comm. Technology 2009 by :NMIMS University at Mumbai / 25-29 / 2009

M. Tiwari, V. Janyani, "Spectral Broadening of Ultrashort Optical Pulses in Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Fiber" , International Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP) by :- at CSIO Chandigarh, INDIA / 252 / 2009

A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Ajay Kr. Bansal, "Speed Controller for PM Brushless DC Motor Drive Based on Fuzzy Logic" , Electrical Energy Systems & Power Electronics in Emerging Economies by :ICEESPEEE at Chennai,India / 797-803 / 2009

Jana, S.K., Arya, I. and Khandelwal, M., "Studies on Performance of Bubble Column and Foam-Bed Slurry Reactors for Carbonation of Hydrated Lime Using Lean Carbon-Dioxide Gas" , CHEMCON 2009 by :Conference Proceedings at Andhra University / 207-208 / 2009

Aditi Sharma, Kriti Bhandari and S. P. Chaurasia, "Synthesis of DHA Rich PUFA From Cod Liver Fish Oil" , International Conference Organized by IIChE by :IIChE at Vishakhapatnam / / 2009

K. Pareek, A. Ghosh, S K Sen, S. Banerjee, "Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of New Fluorinated Poly(imide Siloxane) Copolymers From 4,4-(Hexafluoroisopropylidene) Diphthalic Anhydride" , International Conference on Hi-Tech Materials (ICHTM 09) by :IIT Kharagpur at IIT Kharagpur / / 2009

Sumanta Kumar Meher, P Justin and G. Ranga Rao, "Synthesis, Morphology and Electrochemical Studies of Porous Nickel Oxide" , International Conference on Multifunctional Oxide Materials (IC MOM) by :Himachal Pradesh University at Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India / 79-80 / 2009

Dr. Nidhi Bansal, "Technology and Changing Lifestyle: Emerging Health Issues in the Era of Globalization" , Health for All Opportunities and Challenges by :International Sociological Association at Rajasthan / / 2009

Sharma, M.K. and Agrawal, G.D., "Thermal Performance Analysis of Salt Gradient Solar Pond" , National Conference, Arya College of Engg., Jaipur by :Arya College of Engg. at Jaipur / / 2009

Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Traditional and New Techniques of on Farm Rainwater Harvesting in Northern Himalayan Region" , Civil Engineering Conference Innovation Without Limits by :Excel India Publishers at NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh / 413-418 / 2009

Olsson O, Bräutigam M, Chawade A, Sikora P, Viveknand V, "Use of Molecular Techniques to Speed Up Oat Breeding. “Nordic Oat Days”, Rica Hotel Gardermoen, Oslo, Norway" , “Nordic Oat Days”, Rica Hotel Gardermoen, Oslo, Norway by :Nordic Oat Association at Rica Hotel Gardermoen, Oslo, Norway / / 2009

K. K. Khatri, Dilip Sharma and S. L. Soni, "Use of Preheated Straight Vegetable Oil (SVO) as an Alternate Fuel for CI Engines: A Review" , National Conference on Energy and Nanotechnology: Strategy for the Future, Jaipur Engineering College, Kukas, Jaipur (Rajasthan) by :JEC, Kukas Jaipur at Jaipur / 120-123 / 2009

Sandeep S, A Chini, "Using the Building Information Modeling for Design Decisions in a Sustainable Context" , 45th Associated Schools of Construction Conference by :45th Associated Schools of Construction Conference at Gainesville, Florida USA / / 2009

Gupta R.C., Misra Anurag and Gupta Rekha, "Utilization of Marble Slurry Waste for Stabilization of Sandi Soil" , Changing Environmental Trends and Sustainable Development by :G.J. University of Science & Technology, Hissar, India at Hissar, India / 158-161 / 2009

Mathur Sanjay, "Water Conservation Through Water Efficency" , National Seminar on Water Management by :HQ Chief Engineer Jaipur Zone, Military Engineering Services, GoI at Jaipur / 71-78 / 2009

Mathur Sanjay, "Water Efficiency for Green Building-Keynote Address" , All India Seminar on Green Buildings by :Institute of Engineers, Kota at Kota / / 2009

Arora, A.N. and Goyal, Rohit , "Water Management Issues for Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojna Stage I" , Workshop on Water Scenario, Efficient Use and Management in Rajasthan by :Central Ground Water Board at Jaipur / 89-96 / 2009

Amar Patnaik, Alok Satapathy, "Wear Behaviour of Pine Bark Reinforced Cement by-Pass Dust Filled Polyester Composites" , PPS-25 by :Goa, India at Goa, India / / 2009


Rajesh Kumar, Devendra Sharma, Anupam Kumar, "2nd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control (NCPEIC-2008)" , 2nd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control (NCPEIC-2008) by :MNIT at Aipur, Rajasthan, INDIA / / 2008

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Bharat Bhushan Jain, "A Comparative Analysis of 12-Pulse and 18-Pulse AC-DC Converters for Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives" , National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan, INDIA / / 2008

D. Gopalani and M.C. Govil, "A Comparative Study of Language Constructs for Implementation of Separation of Crosscutting Concerns" , National Conference on Architecturing Future IT Systems by :-- at Indore / 101-105 / 2008

Neeta Nain, Deepak B M, Bhavitavya Bhadviya, Dinesh Kumar, "A Fast Fingerprint Classification Algorithm by Tracing Ridge-Flow Patterns" , Fourth IEEE, International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet Based Systems, Pp. , 30th November- 3rd December, 2008 by :IEEE at Bali, Indonesia / 235-238 / 2008

Neeta Nain, Vijay Laxmi, Bhavitavya Bhadviya, "A Gray Level Feature Detector and Its Hardware Architecture" , International Conference on Signal and Image Technologies by :WCE at London, UK / 135-145 / 2008

Mittal Namita, Govil M C, Nayak Richi, Rajesh Kumar, Himanshu, Dwipayan,, "A Hybrid Clustering Based Filtering Approach With Efficient Sequencing" , International Conference on Data Mining Application ( ICDMA -08) by :IAENG at Hong Kong / 517-520 / 2008

Namita Mittal, M.C. Govil, Richi Nayak, Rajesh Kumar, Himanshu Gothwal, and Dwipayan Das, "A Hybrid Clustering Based Filtering Approach With Efficient Sequencing" , IAENG International Conference on Data Mining and Applications (ICDMA08) by :IEEE at Hong Kong / / 2008

S. S. Bhamare, O. P. Yadav, A. Rathore, "A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach for Defining Optimal Design Specifications Considering Performance Degradation" , IEEE Internatioanl Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management by :IEEE at Singapore / 1390-1394 / 2008

AR Phadke, M Fozdar, KR Niazi , "A New Technique for on-Line Monitoring of Voltage Stability Margin Using Local Signals" , NPSC by :NPSC at Mumbai / 488-492 / 2008

Gunjan Soni and Rambabu Kodali, "A Visual Interactive Simulation (VIS) Approach for Analysis of Supply Chain: A Case" , International Conference on Quantitative Methods, Operations and Information Technology (ICQMOIT-2008) by :IUP at Hyderabad / 56-61 / 2008

Suja George, Prabhat Pandit, A.B.Gupta, Madhu Agarwal and S.P.Chaurasia, "Aluminium Speciation Studies in Nalgonda Defluoridated Waters" , CHEMCON-2008,National Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development by :Indian Chemical Engineering Congress at Chandigarh / 119 / 2008

M Sharma and R Kodali, "An AHP for Quantification of Manufacturing Excellence in Indian Industries" , International Conference on Quantitative Methods, Operations and Information Technology, for Managerial Decision Making (ICQMOIT-2008) by :IBS Hyderabad at IBS Hyderabad / 25-31 / 2008

Lunia Amit, Mathur Sanjay, "An Approach Towards Ensuring Water Safety in Organized Sector" , Hydraulic, Water Resources & Environment, HYDRO-2008 by :Genius Publication at Jaipur / 964-973 / 2008

Subrata Mukhopadhyay, Sushil K. Soonee, Sundaram R. Narasimhan, Rajiv K. Porwal, "An Indian Experience of Defense Against Blackouts and Restoration Mechanism Followed" , Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, 2008 IEEE by :IEEE at Pittsburgh, PA, USA / / 2008

M Sharma and R Kodali, "An Overview of Manufacturing Excellence" , All India Seminar on “New Vistas in Manufacturing" by :Institution of Engineers at IIE Jaipur / / 2008

Sandhyarani Biswas, Alok Satapathy, Amar Patnaik, "Analysis of Erosion Wear Behavior of Red Mud Filled Glass-Epoxy Hybrid Composites Using Taguchi Method" , National Conference on Mechanism Science and Technology: From Theory to Application by :NIT, Hamirpur at Hamirpur / / 2008

Kongre, D.N., Khandelwal, Sumit and Goyal, Rohit , "Analysis of MODIS Vegetation Indices for Parbati-Kalisindh Chambal River Link Project Area" , Proc. of Hydro-2008, National Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment by :MNIT at Jaipur / 157-165 / 2008

Amar Patnaik, Alok Satapathy, "Analysis of Sliding Wear Behaviour of Pine-Bark Reinforced Cement-by-Pass-Dust" , Sixth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS-6) by :Indian Business Academy, Greater Noida, Delhi, India at Delhi, India / / 2008

Jethoo, A.S, "Analysis of Urban Water Supply and Quality for District Nagaur (Rajasthan)" , Proc. of Hydro-2008, National Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment by :MNIT at Jaipur / 1028-31 / 2008

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Rajesh. S. Surjuse, S.V. Bhangale, "ANN Speed Sensorless Estimator Based Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive" , National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur, Rajasthan / / 2008

S K Soonee, S R Narasimhan, R K Porwal, S Kumar, R Kumar, V Pandey, "Application of Phase Angle Measurement for Real Time Security Monitoring of Indian Electric Power System-an Experience" , CIGRE Session 2008 by :CIGRE at Paris, France / / 2008

Aditi Sharma, S. P. Chaurasia and A.B. Gupta, "Arsenic in Drinking Water : An Emerging Challange" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and MANAGEMENT by :BITS PILANI at BITS Pilani / / 2008

Nivedita Kaul, "Aspects of Respirable Particulate Pollution" , National Seminar on Environmental Pollution and Control Measures (EPCM-2008) by :Rajasthan Technical University, Kota at Engineering College Kota, RTU Kota / / 2008

Poonia, A., Dangayach, G.S., and Bhardwaj, A., "“Penetration and Prevention of Crime in Cyber World”" , All India Seminar on Quality and Safety Concerns in Engineering Operations by :Institution of Engineers at Jaipur / 78-82 / 2008

Ravi Dhabhai, Kriti Bhandari and S. P. Chaurasia, "Bioethanol From Lignocellulosic Feedstock: Current Research Scenario" , CHEMCON-2008 by :CHEMCON at Chanigarh / / 2008

S. K. Sonkar, M. Ghosh, M. Saxena and S. Sarkar, "Carbon Dots From Wood Wool: A Fluorescent Tagging Agent" , International Conference on Functional Material by :IIT Madras at Madras / 1 / 2008

• Jain, R., and Rajurkar, S, "Challenges in the Food Supply Chain : A Case Study of an Indian Dairy Plant" , ” International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Supply Chain Management by :IT-BHU at Varanasi / 12-16 / 2008

Kamal Kishore Khatri, Dilip Sharma and S.L. Soni, "Cogeneration and Trigeneration Technologies for IC Engines: A Review" , IET by :PCE ,Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2008

MM Sharma, NC Bajia, V Agarwal, S Kumawat, S Gupta, RP Yadav, "Compact Microstrip Circular Patch Antenna for Wi-Max With Double-Layered Substrate" , 2008 International Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications (MICROWAVE-2008 ) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 236-238 / 2008

G.Singh, T.P.Bhattacharjee, R.P.Yadav and V.Janyani , "Comparative Analysis of 4x4 Spanke-Benus and Banyan Architectures Considering MMI Switching Elements and SOA’s" , All India Seminar on Advanced Electronics Systems-Modeling & Simulation by :Institution of Engineers at Jaipur, India / / 2008

Gunjan Soni, Rambabu Kodali and Aman Jain, "Comparing JIT and Traditional Inventory Management Systems in a Supply Chain Environment" , Proceedings of the All India Seminar on “New Vistas in Manufacturing by :Institution of Engineers at Jaipur / 35-40 / 2008

Deepak Tanwar, Ajayata, Y.P. Mathur and Dilip Sharma, "Control of Gaseous Pollutants Through Utilization of Biodiesel" , National Seminar on Environmental Pollution and Control Measures (EPCM-2008) by :Rajasthan Technical University, Kota at Kota / / 2008

Neeta Nain, Vijay Laxmi, Bhavitavya Bhadviya, "Corner Detection on Curves" , International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications by :GRAPP at Funchal, Madeira –Portugal / 122-125 / 2008

Gupta, R.C., "Cracking in Structures Due to Temperature Variation" , Advancement in Civil and Structural Engineering – High Rise Buildings by :Institution of Engineers at Jaipur, India / -- / 2008

Poonia, A., Dangayach, G.S., and Bhardwaj, A., "Crime Mapping Using GIS: A Tool to Trace" , Innovation in Engineering & Technology by :IET at Jaipur / 10 / 2008

Singh, Ghanshyam, Singh, Anoop, Yadav, R. P., Janyani, Vijay, "Design and Analysis of Low Loss MMI Based 4×4 Optical Switch Using Benes Architecture With SOAs" , IEEE Photonic Global Conference 2008 by :IEEE at Singapore / 1-4 / 2008

G. Singh, A. Singh, R. P. Yadav, V. Janyani, "Design and Analysis of Low Loss MMI Based 4x4 Optical Switch Using Benes Architecure With SOAs" , 7th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN 2008) IEEE PhotonicsGlobal by :IEEE at Singapore / 104 / 2008

M Ravi Kumar, SS Pathak, NB Chakrabarti, "Design and Analysis of New Code Families for Three-Dimensional OCDMA" , International Symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems by :IEEE at IIT Bombay / 1-3 / 2008

M.R. Kumar, P.K. Sahu, K.E. Muthu, P. Ganguly, S. Mohapatra, S.S. Pathak, "Design and Analysis of Zero-Gap Directional Coupler-Based Mode Separator" , International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics – Photonics 2008 by :IIT Delhi at IIT Delhi / 1-4 / 2008

G. Singh, R. P. Yadav, V. Janyani, A. Ray , "Design of 2×2 Optoelectronic Switch Based on MZI and Study of the Effect of Electrode Switching Voltages" , WASET Congress 2008 by :World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology at Bangkok / 401-407 / 2008

Singh, Ghanshyam, Sharma, M. K., Yadav, R. P., Janyani, Vijay, "Design of 4×4 Banyan Optical Switch Using MMI Switches With Low Crosstalk & Low Coupling Loss" , International Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications 2008 by :IEEE at Jaipur (India) / 416-418 / 2008

G. Singh, M. K. Sharma, R. P. Yadav, V. Janyani, "Design of 4×4 Banyan Optical Switch Using MMI Switches With Low Crosstalk and Low Coupling Loss" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications--Microwave08 by :IEEE at Jaipur / 416-418 / 2008

Jana, S.K. and Bhaskarwar, A.N., "Design of a Slurry-Foam Reactor System for the Manufacture of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate" , World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2008 by :International Association of Engineers at San Francisco, USA / 137-145 / 2008

G. Singh, R.P. Yadav, V. Janyani and A. Ray , "Design of Low Loss Optical Link and Comprehensive Study of Optical Link Loss Budget" , 39th Midterm Symposium on Recent Advances in Broadband Systems by :IETE at Jaipur, India / / 2008

G. Singh, T. P. Bhattacharjee, R. P. Yadav, V. Janyani, "Design of Non-Blocking and Rearrangeable Modified Banyan Network With Electro-Optic MZI Switching Elements" , WASET Congress 2008 by :World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology at Heidelberg, Germany / 225-230 / 2008

43. Santosh Pingale, Deepak Khare, H.C. Sharma, and Mahesh K Jat, "Design of Water Harvesting Structure Based on Supply and Demand of Water in a Hilly Watershed" , International Conference on Environmental Research 2008 by :Journal of Environmental Research and Development at Goa, India / / 2008

R. Sharma and V. Janyani, "Detection of Single Mode Property in Hexagonal (Four / Five Layers) Layouts of Microstructured Photonic Crystal Fiber" , IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications--Microwave08 by :IEEE at Jaipur / 410-411 / 2008

Naresh Kumar, Amar Patnaik, Anu Gupta, Susheel Kumar, "Development and Sliding Wear Characterisation of Pine Bark Reinforced Polyester Resin Composites Filled With Cement by-Pass Dust (CBPD)" , National Conference on Mechanism Science and Technology: From Theory to Application by :NIT, Hamirpur at Hamirpur / / 2008

S. J. Nanda, G. Panda, B. Majhi and P.Tha, "Development of a New Optimization Algorithm Based on Artificial Immune System and Its Application" , IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, IEEE-ICIT-2008 by :IEEE at XIMB, Bhubaneswar / 45-48 / 2008

S. J. Nanda, G. Panda and B. Majhi, "Development of Novel Digital Equalizers for Noisy Nonlinear Channel Using Artificial Immune System" , IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, IEEE-ICIIS-2008 by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur, India / 1-6 / 2008

Alok Satapathy, Amar Patnaik, Sisir Mantry, Suvendu Prasad Sahu, "Development of Plasma Sprayed Composite Coatings" , National Conference on Mechanism Science and Technology: From Theory to Application by :NIT, Hamirpur at Hamirpur / / 2008

Rohit Bhakar, N.P. Padhy, H.O. Gupta, "Development of Reference Network for Distribution Pricing: The Indian Context" , 15th National Power Systems Conference by :IIT Bombay at Mumbai, India / 1 / 2008

Lata Gidwani, Rajesh Kumar, "Development of Wind Energy: Modeling and Offshore Requirements" , Bridging the Demand Gap and Alternative Sources of Energy, the Institute of Engineers (I), Rajasthan State Centre by :MNIT Jaipur at Aipur, INDI / / 2008

E. A. Romanova, A. I. Konyukhov, L. A. Melnikov, V. Janyani, T. M. Benson, A. B. Seddon, D. Furniss, Z. G. Lian, B. Derkowska’ , "Dispersion Management in Chip-Scale Periodic Structures Fabricated in Chalcogenide Glass for High-Intensity Pulse Shaping" , International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics – Photonics 2008 by :IIT Delhi at IIT Delhi / 46 / 2008

Rohit Bhakar, V.S. Sriram, N.P. Padhy, H.O. Gupta, "Distribution Network Cost Allocation Using Game Theoretic Approaches" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering by :NIT Hamirpur at NIT Hamirpur / 1 / 2008

Kriti Bhandari, Ravi Dhabhai, S. P. Chaurasia, "Docosahexaenoic Acid: Current Research Scenario and Production Methodologies" , CHEMCON-2008 by :CHEMCON at Chandigarh / / 2008

N. Mittal and M. C. Govil, "E-Commerce: A Commercial Perspective Approach" , International Conference on Networks by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2008

Sanjay Rajpal, Awadhesh Bhardwaj, Sanjay Singh, Alok Mittal, "E-Learning Revolution: Status of Educational Programs in India " , International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists by :International Association of Engineers at Hong Kong / 846-852 / 2008

Shrimali M. K. and. Dumne M. S, "Earthquake Performance of Coupled Building by VF Damper" , 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Hosted by Chinese Association of Earthquake Engineering (CAEE) at Beijing by :China at Beijing (China) / 1-9 / 2008

17. Dumne S.M and Shrimali M. K, "Earthquake Performance of Hybrid Control for Connected Buildings" , Sixth Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2008), Organized by IIT Madras, Anna University and SERC Chennai by :SERC Chennai at Chennai (India) / 875-884 / 2008

Misra Anurag Gupta R.C., "Effect of Cover Zone Properties of Concrete on Durability and Their Assessment" , Concrete for Coastal Environment’ by :NITK, Surathkal, India at NITK, Surathkal, India / -- / 2008

Madhu Agarwal, Suja George and Garima Chauhan, "Effects of Fluoride on Soft Tissues" , National Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment by :HYDRO at Jaipur / 983-991 / 2008

MM Sharma, V Agrawal, S Kumawat, NC Bajia, S Gupta, RP Yadav, "Ellipse Shape Crescent Slot Compact Broadband Microstrip Antenna" , 2008 International Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications (MICROWAVE-2008 ) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 868-870 / 2008

Alok Satapathy, Amar Patnaik, Sisir Mantry, "Erosive Wear Behaviour of Fly-Ash Filled Aluminium Matrix Composites" , National Conference on Mechanism Science and Technology: From Theory to Application by :NIT, Hamirpur at Hamirpur / / 2008

Neeta Nain, Vijay Laxmi, Bhavitavya Bhadviya, "Fast Feature Point Detector" , Fourth IEEE, International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet Based Systems, Pp. , 30th November- 3rd December, 2008 by :IEEE at Bali, Indonesia. / 301 – 30 / 2008

S.P. Adhikari and K.K. Sharma, "Generalized Interpolation Using Self-Fourier and Self-Fractional Fourier Function Subspaces" , International Conf. Signal Processing by :IEEE at Beijing / 741-744 / 2008

Rajesh Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, Dhiraj Sangwan, "Genetic Algorithm Based Fault Identification in VLSI Circuits" , National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan, INDIA / / 2008

Singhal, Vijai, Chansoria, Kavita and Goyal, Rohit, "Geo-Spatial Analysis of Surface and Ground Water Quality Along Bandi River, Pali" , Proc. of Hydro-2008, National Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment by :MNIT at Jaipur / 134-143 / 2008

Kushwaha, R.K., Pandit, M.K. and Goyal, Rohit , "Ground Water Management Using Ground Water Modeling Approach in Northern Part of Mendha Sub-Basin, NE Rajasthan, India." , International Conf. on Groundwater Dynamics and Global Change by :University of Rajasthan, Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2008

Bhaduri, M., Goyal, Rohit and Gupta, A.B, "Ground Water Quality in Sanganer Area of Rajasthan" , Proc. of Hydro-2008, National Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment by :MNIT at Jaipur / 911-919 / 2008

Goyal, Rohit and Arora, A.N. , "Groundwater Modeling of Waterlogged Area of Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyaojna, Stage – I" , International Conf. on Groundwater Dynamics and Global Change by :University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, at University of Rajasthan / - / 2008

Barun Jana and Werner Uhl, "Group 13 Metal Peroxides" , 23rd ICOMC by :International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry at France, Rennes / / 2008

NS Kushwaha, MM Sharma, "High Power Microwave Technology and Its Military Implications" , 2008 International Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications (MICROWAVE-2008 ) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 871-874 / 2008

Sumanta Kumar Meher and G. Ranga Rao, "High Thermal Stability and Oxygen Storage Capacity of CexZr1-xO2 (0≤x≤1) Nanoparticles Synthesized on Kaolinite Matrix" , International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM) by :Mahatma Gandhi University at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottyam, Kerala, India / 283 / 2008

Poonia, A., Dangayach, G.S., and Bhardwaj, A., "How and Why Cyber Crime Happens” Published" , National Conference on Recent Trends in IT: Opportunity and Challenges by :Subodh PG College Jaipur at Jaipur / 78-82 / 2008

S. J. Nanda, G. Panda and B. Majhi, "Improved Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Using Artificial Immune System" , Annual IEEE India Conference, IEEE-INDICON-2008 by :IEEE at IIT Kanpur, India / 268-273 / 2008

D.Boolchandani, M.Ahmed and Vineet Sahula, "Improved Support Vector Machine Regression for Analog Circuits Macromodeling Using Efficient Kernel Functions" , Workshop on Symbolic & Numerical Methods, Modeling & Applications to Circuit Design by :IEEE at Erfurt, Germany / / 2008

Mittal Namita, Govil MC, Nayak Richi, "Information Retrieval Based on User Modeling Using (Semi) Automatic Extraction of User Interests" , International Conference on Data Management ( ICDM-2008) by :IEEE at Ghaziabad, India / 193-200 / 2008

Mahesh Kumar Jat, Deepak Khare, and P.K. Garg, "Integrated Water Management in an Urban Area: A Case Study" , Civil Engineering Conference on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering by :Excel India Publishers at Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India / / 2008

Santosh Pingale, Mahesh Kumar Jat, and Deepak Khare, "Integration of GIS in Environmental Modelling and Hydrological Analysis: A Review of Integration Technologies" , Civil Engineering Conference on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering by :Excel India Publishers at Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India / 289-298 / 2008

Suja George, Prabhat Pandit, A.B.Gupta, Madhu Agarwal, "Interaction of Fluorides With Aluminium in Defluoridated Water" , National Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment by :HYDRO at Jaipur / 1070-1081 / 2008

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, S.K. Bishnoi, "Interfacing Offshore Wind Farms to AC Grid Systems Using Neuro-Fuzzy Logic Based PWM VCVSI" , POWERCON-08 by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2008

Santosh Pingale, H.C. Sharma, Deepak Khare, Mahesh K Jat and Harish Chandra , "Land and Water Resources Management Using Remote Sensing and GISA Case Study of Hilly Watershed" , National Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Development and Management by :Excel India Publishers at Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India / 142-149 / 2008

Lokesh Tharani and R P Yadav, "Limited Multiuser Detection Technique Using Multisub Correlation Factor for DS-CDMA" , International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering by :IEEE at Kuala Lumpur / / 2008

G. Singh, R.P. Yadav, V. Janyani, A. Sharma and A.Tiwari, "Lithium Niobate as an Optical Waveguide Material & Effects of Various Dopants" , 39th Midterm Symposium on Recent Advances in Broadband Systems by :IETE at Jaipur, India / / 2008

Dhabhai R., Bhandari K., Chaurasia S. P, "Membrane Bioreactor for Wastewater Treatment: A Promising Technology" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT and MANAGEMENT by :BITS PILANI at BITS Pilani / / 2008

Vijay. N. Nadakuduru, Deliang Zhang, Peng Cao and Brian Gabbitas, "Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained Ti-47Al-2Cr (At %) Alloy Produced Using Powder Compact Forging" , Advanced Materials and Processing, Harbin, China by :Advanced Materials and Processing at Harbin, China / / 2008

Lata Gidwani, Rajesh Kumar, H. P. Tiwari, "Modeling and Analysis of Power Electronic Based Wind Energy Conversion System" , National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan, INDIA / / 2008

Madhu Agarwal, Kailash Singh, S.P. Chaurasia and Suja George , "Modeling and Simulation of Reactive Distillation Column for Biodiesel Production" , CHEMCON-2008,National Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development by :Indian Chemical Engineering Congress at Chandigarh / 117 / 2008

Rajesh Kumar, Rudesh Kumar, Abhinav Sadu, "Modeling of DSTATCOM Using MATLAB/SIMULINK for Reactive Power Compensation and Voltage Regulation" , National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan, INDIA / / 2008

G. Singh, M. C. Govil, S. S. Agarwal and P. Jain, "Modeling of Intelligent Agent Based Real Time Systems" , International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Networks by :-- at - / / 2008

Shukla, P.R., Singh, K., Wang, S., Ang, M., and Tadé, M.O., "Modelling and Simulation of Reactive Adsorber for Environmental Remediation" , CHEMCON-2008 by :CHEMCON at Chandigarh,India / 1 / 2008

Rajesh Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, Dhiraj Sangwan, "Multiple Stuck-at Fault Identification in Combinational Circuits on Genetic Algorithm" , EEE Sponsored 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing (ICSC-2008) by :IEEE at INDIA / / 2008

G. Singh, R.P. Yadav, V. Janyani and R. Mundra , "MZI-SOA Optical Switch Using Band Gap Shifted All Optical Switching Scheme" , National Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication by :SUS College of Engineering & Technology, Tangor, Mohali, India at Mohali, India / / 2008

Vashishtha M., "Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Risks for Humans and the Environment" , International Conference on Biodiversity, Environment and Sustainability: Challenges for Future by :University of Delhi at Delhi / 45-49 / 2008

Manju Singh, "National Agenda Problems and Solution" , National Conference on National Agenda Problems and Solution by :National Centre for Science and Communicators and Vidyan Prasar at ICT, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / - / 2008

Rohit Bhakar, V.S. Sriram, N.P. Padhy, H.O. Gupta, "Network Embedded Cost Allocation: A Game Theoretic Approach" , 32nd National Systems Conference by :IIT Roorkee at IIT Roorkee / 1 / 2008

N. Gupta and V. Dave, "Neural Network Controller for Flexible AC Transmission System" , ISTE Sponsored 3rd National Conference on Innovative Development in Engineering Applications by :B. G. Institute of Engg. & Tech., Sangrur at Sangrur / 1-6 / 2008

Agrawal V., Gupta R. and Chandwani V., "Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Frontiers and Challenges" , Seminar on Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering : High Rise Buildings by :Institution of Engineers at Jaipur India / - / 2008

Gupta T.C., K. Gupta, Sehgal D.K., "Non-Linear Vibration Analysis of an Unbalanced Flexible Rotor Supported by Ball Bearing With Radial Internal Clearance" , ASME Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea and Air by :ASME IGTI at Berlin, Germany / 1289-1298 / 2008

Gupta, T. C., K. Gupta, and D. K. Sehgal, "Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of an Unbalanced Flexible Rotor Supported by Ball Bearings With Radial Internal Clearance." , ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land, Sea, and Air by :ASME at Berlin, Germany / 10 / 2008


praveen kumar agrawal chakravarthi jada, "Optimization in Power System Planning, Operation & Control: A Theoritical Survey" , National Conference on Advances in Power Systems & Energy Management by :Institution of Engineers at Patiala Punjab / 8 / 2008

Madhu Agarwal, Isha Arya, S.P.Chaurasia, Kailash Singh and Suja George, "Optimization of Process Parameters for Biodiesel Production" , CHEMCON-2008,National Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development by :Indian Chemical Engineering Congress at Chandigarh / 115 / 2008

Manviri Rani, Bina Gupta, "Parameters Affecting the Decay of Dithiocarbamate Pesticide: A Study by HPLC" , Indian Analytical Science Congress by :Indian Society of Analytical Scientists at Munnar, Kerela, India / 71 / 2008

Manviri Rani, Bina Gupta, "Parameters Affecting the Decay Profile of Thiram. a Dithiocarbamate Pesticide" , 27th Annual Conference of Indian Council of Chemists by :Indian Council of Chemists,Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya at Haridwar, Uttarakhand (India) / 154 / 2008

Amar Patnaik, S.K. Pradhan, and Maheshwar Dwivedy, "Parametric Analysis and Optimization of Cutwting Operations Based on Taguchi Method" , National Conference on Mechanism Science and Technology: From Theory to Application by :NIT, Hamirpur at Hamirpur / / 2008

Manju Singh, "Participant Member" , Second International Meeting of the Global Network of Government Innovators by :Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation,Harvard University Kennedy School, US at Massachusetts, US / - / 2008

Lokesh Tharani and R P Yadav, "Performance Comparison of Non-Linear Suboptimal Multiuser Detectors for DS-CDMA Systems " , International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Science by :ICETAETS at India / / 2008

Singhal, Vijai, Chansoria, Kavita and Goyal, Rohit , "Preliminary Study of Groundwater Pollution Due to Textile Industries at Pali, Rajasthan" , National Conference on Hydraulics by :Water Resources and Environment, MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / 1020-1027 / 2008

MM Sharma, V Shrivastava, "Printed Fractal Elliptical Monopole Antenna for UWB Application" , 2008 International Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications (MICROWAVE-2008 ) by :IEEE at Jaipur, India / 374-376 / 2008

Arora, A.N. and Goyal, Rohit , "Reclamation of Waterlogged Land by Surface Drainage - a Case Study of IGNP Stage I" , Proc. of Hydro-2008, National Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment by :MNIT at Jaipur / 700-708 / 2008

Dr. V. Devadas, Satish Pipralia, "Rejuvenation of Informal Neighborhoods: A Case of Indore City, India." , 6th Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities by :Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities at Hawaii, USA / 1 / 2008

Singhal, P., Agarwal, G., and Mittal, M. L. , "Reliability Assessment of Small Suppliers of Supply Chain Using Statistical Tools" , 4thInternational Conference on Logistics & Supply Chain Management, by :PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore at Coimbatore / 23-31 / 2008

• Rajurkar,S.,and Jain, R, "Review of Food Supply Chain Management Research" , International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information System by :Department of Production Engineering at Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu / 12-15 / 2008

Shrimali M. K. and Bharti S.D, "Seismic Analysis of Connected Isolated Building by VF Damper" , 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Hosted by Chinese Association of Earthquake Engineering (CAEE) at Beijing by :China at Beijing (China) / 1-10 / 2008

Bharti S.D and Shrimali M. K, "Seismic Performance of Buildings Connected With MR Damper" , Sixth Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2008) by :SEC at Chennai / 865-874 / 2008

Lata Gidwani, Rajesh Kumar, "Simulation of Wind Power Impact on DFIG Turbine Connected to Utility Grid" , POWERCON-08 by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2008

A.P.S. Gaur, Anand Pandey, Amar Patnaik, Alok Satapathy, "Sliding Wear Analysis of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites Materials" , National Conference on Mechanism Science and Technology: From Theory to Application by :NIT, Hamirpur at Hamirpur / / 2008

Arora, A.N. and Goyal, Rohit , "Socioeconomic Impacts of Canal Irrigation Projects in Arid and Semiarid Zones – a Case Study of Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojna Stage – I" , International Conf. on Groundwater Dynamics and Global Change by :University of Rajasthan, Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2008

Rohit Bhakar, N.P. Padhy, H.O. Gupta, "State of Art of the Regulatory Process in India" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Pittsburgh, USA / 1 / 2008

S.V. Bhangale, Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, "Stator Flux Estimation Algorithm for Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drive" , National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan, INDIA / / 2008

K.K. Khatri, D. Sharma, S.L. Soni and Satish Kumar, "Straight Vegetable Oil (SVO) an Alternate Fuel for C.I. Engines" , National Conference on “Strategies for Energy Sufficient India" by :SKIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2008

Y.P. Mathur, Gunwant Sharma , Jinendra Kumr Jain, "Study of Bus Routes for Urban Travel" , National Conference on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering by :National Conference on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering at NIT Hamirpur / / 2008

Abhishek Sharma, K C Swami, Kanupriya Sachdev and Alphonsa J , "Study of Effects of Plasma Nitriding on Different Types of Steels at Different Temperatures" , Plasma-2008 Conference by :NSPST at Mumbai, Indai / 13 / 2008

Meena, Akhil, Smita Agarwal and O.D. Gupta, "Study of Reduction of Lead With Amino Acids (Glycine and Valine) and Thioglycolic Acid (TDGA) at Dropping Mercury Electrode (DME)" , National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Advanced Chemistry by :Department of Chemistry, Uni. of Raj., Jaipur at Jaipur / 81 / 2008

M. Tiwari, V. Janyani, "Supercontinuum Generation in Solid Core Photonic Crystal Fibers" , International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics – Photonics 2008 by :IIT Delhi at IIT Delhi / 217 / 2008

S. P. Chaurasia, M. Agarwal and K. Singh, "Synthesis and Characterization of Biodiesel From Edible and Nonedible Oils" , African Biofuels Conference Held at Johannesburg, South Africa by :African Biofuels Conference Held at Johannesburg at South Africa / / 2008

Sumanta Kumar Meher and G. Ranga Rao, "Synthesis, Morphology and Catalytic Studies of Highly Acidic Porous CeO2" , International Symposium on Materials Chemistry (ISMC) by :Bhabha Atomic Research Centre at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India / 297 / 2008

Kumar, A., Reinhart, D., Townsend, T. , "Temperature Inside the Landfill: Effects of Liquid Injection and Ambient Temperature." , Global Waste Management Symposium by :Global Waste Management Symposium at Copper, CO, USA / 1-10 / 2008

Mathur Sanjay, "The Role of NGOs in Rural Development and Environmental Strategies" , National Conference on Water Conservation in Arid Region by :M.B. M. Engineering College , Jodhpur at Jodhpur / / 2008

Dr Nidhi Bansal, "Tourist Behavior and Impact on Host Culture Issues of Sustainability a Case Study of Pushkar Ajmer" , Ever the Twain Shall Meet Relating International and Domestic Tourism by :International Sociological Association at Rajasthan / / 2008

Neha Shrivastava, and N Bhatia, "Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Under-Reamed Pile-Finite Element Approach" , The 12th International Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics by :. at IIT Bombay / / 2008

G. Singh, R.P. Yadav, V. Janyani and S. Mahipal , "Ultrafast Optical Switches and an Important Use for Moveable Users: A Review" , National Conference on Communication Systems and Networking by :National Conference on Communication Systems and Networking at Guna, India / / 2008

Vashishtha M., Roy P., Khanna R., "Uniform Nature of Individual Granule Fraction and Primary Particles Forming That Granule in Wet Granulation Process- a Comparative Study" , CHEMCON-2008,National Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development by :Indian Chemical Engineering Congress at Chandigarh / / 2008

Goyal, Rohit, "Urban Heat Island Effect for Jaipur City." , Advances in Civil & Structural Engineering – High Rise Building by :Institution of Engineers India Jaipur Chapter at Jaipur / 1-5 / 2008

Jinendra Kumar Jain , Gunwant Sharma , D.P. Saini, "Utilization of Marble Dust in Flexible Pavement Construction" , National Seminar on Environmental Pollution and Control Measures 2008 by :National Seminar on Environmental Pollution and Control Measures at Kota / 1-9 / 2008

Misra A., and Gupta R., "Utilization of Marble Slurry in Construction Materials" , Gainful Utilization of Marble Slurry and Other Stone Waste by :CDOS, India at Jaipur / / 2008

Saakshy, K. Ajendra, Sharma A.K, Chaurasia S.P, Jain R.K, "Water Recyclability in Green & Clean Indian Handmade Paper Making" , Symposium on Desalination, Integrated Water Management & Reuse by :InDA at Andhra University / / 2008

Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh K. Jat, "Water Resource Development Through Low-Cost Rainwater Harvesting Structures and Groundwater Recharging" , Civil Engineering Conference on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering" by :Excel India Publishers at Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh / 264-267 / 2008

Urmila Brighu, "Water Safety Plans (WSP) and Asset Management in Urban/Piped Water Supply" , One Day Workshop on Water Safety Plans Organized by IWA and IWWA by :IWA and IWWA at Indore, India / / 2008

Virendra Singh Shekhawat , Dinesh Kumar Tyagi , V.K. Chaubey, "Weight Based Edge Disjoint Path Routing and Wavelength Assignment (Wedp-Rwa) Algorithm for Wdm Networks" , 2008 IEEE Region 10 and the Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems by :IEEE at Kharagpur, India / / 2008

Mahesh K. Jat, Deepak Khare and P.K. Garg , "Integration of Supply and Demand Management Options in a Water Deficient Environment" , 40th Annual Convention of IWWA by :Indian Water Works Association at Indore, M.P., India / / 2008


Poonia, A., Dangayach, G.S., and Bhardwaj, A., " “Thinking- Organizations: The New Milestone in Corporate Behavior –Can IT Support It”" , International Conference on “RACE, Recent Advancements and Applications of Computers in Electrical Engineering” by :Engineering College Bikaner at Bikaner, Rajasthan / 58-62 / 2007

D. Gopalani and M. C. Govil, ""Client-Side Filter Object Model" , International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems by :- at Jabalpur / 232-234 / 2007

Girdhari Singh, Mahesh Chand Govil, Prateek Jain and Siddharth S. Agarwal, ""DeMy_ARTs” Development Methodology for Agent Based Real Time Systems" , International Conference on Recent Applications of Soft Computing in Engineering & Technology (RASIET-07) by :- at Alwar, India / 247-252 / 2007

Swati Garnaik, S. Sindal, B. Majhi, N. Birjarnia and U. Pandel, "100 % Solid Polyurethanes Protective Coatings for Pipelines" , All India Seminar on Surface Coatings by :All India Seminar on Surface Coatings Organized by IE ,Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2007

Lata Gidwani, Rajesh Kumar, "A Fuzzy Logic Based Power Electronic System for Wind Energy Conversion Scheme" , IEEE International Conference on Computer Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (ICCIMA 2007) by :IEEE at Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, India / / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, Lata Gidwani, "A Fuzzy Logic Control System for Industrial Temperature Regulation" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering (RACE) by :IEEE at India / / 2007

M. Ravi Kumar, S. S. Pathak, N. B. Chakrabarti, "A New Multi Wavelength - Optical Code Division Multiple Access Code Design Based on Balanced Incomplete Block Design" , International Conference on Industrial & Information Systems by :IEEE at Kandy, Sri Lanka / 1-5 / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, S.V. Bhangale, "A PFC Based High Performance Induction Motor Drive" , International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (MS07) by :IEEE at Kolkata, India, / / 2007

Mali, HS and Manna A, "A Preliminary Study to Optimize the Surface Quality During Abrasive Flow Machining" , National Conference on Advancement in Materials and Manufacturing Technology (AMMT) by :Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh at Chandigarh / 1-10 / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, S.V. Bhangale, "A Simulink Based Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of High Performance Induction Motor Drive" , International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (MS07) by :IEEE at Kolkata, India / / 2007

Amar Patnaik, S.S.Mahapatra,Alok Satapathy, S.N.Mahendra and R.R.Dash, "A Study on Erosion Behaviour of Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites Using Taguchi Mehod" , 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials by :Banaras Hindu University, Banaras at Varanasi / / 2007

Madhu Agarwal, Suja George, Rohit Jain, "Adsorption of Methylene Blue on Flyash" , Emerging Trends and Sustainable Technologies for Separation Processes in Chemical and Allied Industries by :The Institution of Engineers India at Rajasthan / 18 / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, Narendra Singh, Jogendra Singh, V.P. Santhosh, "An Algorithm for Rotor Position Estimation of Sensorless Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Drive Using Three Back-EMFs" , IEEE INDICON -2007 by :IEEE at Bangalore, INDIA / / 2007

Tiwari, S.K., "An Experimental Study on California Bearing Ratio Test on Fiber-Reinforced Cohesionless Soils" , National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering by :BPUT Bhubaneswar, India, at Bhubaneswar / 150-153 / 2007

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Manoj Gupta, "An Investigation Toward Applications of Soft Computing in Analysis of Power Quality Disturbances" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference-RASIET 07 by :IEEE at India / / 2007

Satish Pipralia, "An Overview of Architectural Glass Performance" , Architectural Engineering Aspects of Glass Buildings by :Architectural Engineering Aspects of Glass Buildings at The Institution of Engineers, Jaipur / / 2007

O. P. Sharma, V. Janyani, S. Sancheti, "Analysis of Raised Cosine Filtering in Communication Systems" , the Third IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks (WCSN-07) by :IEEE at India / 70-73 / 2007

K R Niazi, C M Arora, M. K. Shah, "ANN/ DT Approach for Security Evaluation and Preventive Control of Power Systems" , 6th WSEAS Int. Conference on Computational Intelligence, Man-Machine Systems and Cybernetics by : WSEAS IASME at Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain / / 2007

Madhu Agarwal, Suja George, Ankur Jain, Arpit Maheshwari and Madhukar Bharadwaj, "Anti Corrosive Coatings on Stainless Steel Surfaces- a Review Paper" , Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance by :The Institution of Engineers India at Jaipur / 105 / 2007

Lata Gidwani, Rajesh Kumar, "Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Power Systems" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference-RASIET 07. by :IEEE at India / / 2007

Agrawal V., Nagar R. and Chandwani V., "Application of Neural Networks in Predicting Slab Deflections at Conceptual Stage" , National Seminar on Recent Trends in Geotechnical and Structural Engineering by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur India / - / 2007

Dangayach, G.S. and Mishra, B., "Application of Pokayoke: Experiences From a Process Industry" , 13th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis by :ISAS at Orlando (Florida), USA / 383-388 / 2007

M. C. Govil, G. Day, L. Sharma, S. Bhattacharya and S. Bansal, "Applying Mobile Agents to Intrusion Detection and Response" , National Conference on Emerging Trends and Application in Computer Engineering by :- at Ajmer / - / 2007

Vivek Pandey, Rajiv Kumar Porwal, S. R. Narasimhan, S. K. Soonee, "Approach Paper for Assessment of Transfer Capability in the Indian Bulk Electric Power System" , WORKSHOP on GRID SECURITY in OPEN ACCESS REGIME by :BHU at Varanasi, India / / 2007

Rajoria, R.P., Dangayach, G.S. and Gupta, S.K., "Automatic Grinding Line Control System" , All India Seminar on Automation and Advances in Manufacturing Strategies by :ISAS at Jaipur / 78-82 / 2007

S.B.Patil , A.K.Vyas, , "“An Overview of Solid Waste Utilization Technologies” " , Advances in Structural Engg and Concrete Technology by :IEI at Jaipur / 28-36 / 2007

Mittal, M. L. and Kanda, A. , "“New Heuristics for Resource Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling Problem" , 18th Annual Conference of Society of Production and Operations Management by :Society of Production and Operations Management at Dallas (USA), / 4-7 / 2007

S.B. Patil, A.K.Vyas, A. B. Gupta, "“Suitability of Waste Slags From Industries as Construction Material: A Case Study of Imperial Smelting Furnace (ISF) Slag " , Int. Conf on Solid Waste Management by :Widener University USA at Philadelphia / 45-52 / 2007

Tiwari, S.K., "Behavior of Model Cantilever Retaining Wall With Randomly Distributed Fiber-Reinforced Backfill" , National Conference on Foundations and Retaining Structures NCFRS-2007 by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee / 136-140 / 2007

Vashishtha M., Agarwal A., "Biosensors-Fundamentals and Applications" , All India Seminar on Automation in Manufacturing and Process Industries by :The Institution of Engineers at Jaipur / / 2007

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Ajay Kr. Bansal, Virendra Sangtani, "Calculated M- Values of Matrix Converter" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference-RASIET 07. by :IEEE at India / / 2007

Mali, H S and Kumar, Rajesh, "Challenges & Opportunities in the Technological Journey From MEMS to NEMS" , National Conference on Recent Trends & Developments in Applied Sciences in Engineering & Technology (RTDASET) by :Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajpura, Punjab at Rajpura, Punjab / 1-10 / 2007

Vyas, Sangeeta and Vyas, R. K., "Chromatographic Separation of Antibiotics" , All India Seminar on “Emerging Trends and Sustainable Technologies for Separation Processes in Chemical & Allied Industries by :IEI Jaipur Rajasthan State Centre at IEI Rajasthan State Centre, Jaipur / / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, R. A. Gupta, Manoj Gupta, "Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Using Fuzzy Logic" , National Conference on Role of Computers and Electronics in Power System (NCEE-07) by :NCEE- at Jaipur / / 2007

Dinesh Gopalani, M.C. Govil, "Client-Side Filter Object Model" , International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems by :Jabalpur Engineering College at Jabalpur / 232-234 / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, S.V. Bhangale, "Comparative Analysis of FOC and DTC for High Performance Induction Motor Drive" , National Conference on Role of Computers and Electronics in Power System (NCEE-07) by :NCEE- at Jaipur / / 2007

Mathur Jyotirmay, Mathur Sanjay, Anupma, "Comparative Study of Vertical, Inclined and Cylindrical Absorber Solar Chimneys for Natural Ventilation" , 12th Symposium on Building Physics by :University of Dresden at Dresden, Germany / / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, Arpit Jain, Anupam Kumar, Himanshu Gothwal, "Computer Controlled Multi-Tasking Car" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering (RACE) by :IEEE at INDIA / / 2007

S. Upadhyaya, P. Pandey, A. Garg, "Computer Waste: A Growing a Urban Pollution" , E-Waste Management in India a Sustainable Solution by :IIChE at Bombay / / 2007

N. Mittal and M. C. Govil, "Concurrency Control Design Protocol in Real Time Distributed Databases" , National Conference on Emerging Trends and Computing & Communication by :- at Hamirpur / 155-160 / 2007

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, S. K. Bishnoi, "Converter Topologies for High Performance Switched Reluctance Motor Drives" , National Conference on Role of Computers and Electronics in Power System (NCEE-07) by :NCEE- at Jaipur / / 2007

Neeta Nain, Vijay Laxmi, Bhavitavya Bhadviya, "Corner Detection Using Difference Chain Code as Curvature" , The Third IEEE, International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet Based Systems by :IEEE at Shanghai, China / 821-825 / 2007

Jitendra Kumar Singh and U. Pandel, "Corrosion and Its Prevention in Bio-Medical Materials" , All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance by :All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance, Organized by IE Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2007

A. Dhawan, D. K.Sharma, S. Mathur, K. Sachdev and S. K. Sharma, "Corrosion Behaviour of Bulk Amorphous Alloy Zr46.75Ti8.25Cu7.5Ni10Be27.5 Formed at Different Cooling Rates in 0.5 M H2SO4 and 0.5 M HNO3" , International Conference on Condensed Matter Physics by :ICCMS at Jaipur, India / 14 / 2007

Shweta Chokhra, Nikhila Sharma, Smriti Patodi and U. Pandel, "Corrosion Prevention by Nanomaterials" , All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance by :All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance, Organized by IE Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2007

V Subbaramaiah, "Defluoridation of Water Using GAC" , Chaine De Pensee by :Chaine De Pensee at Vishakapatnam / / 2007

Suja George, Prabhat Pandit, A.B.Gupta, "Defluoridation Using Aluminium Salts" , Water & Wastewater Management by :Everything About Water Pvt. Ltd at Jaipur / 103 / 2007

G. Singh, M. C. Govil, P. Jain and S. S. Agarwal, "DeMy_ARTs: Development Methodology for Agent Based Real Time Systems" , International Conference on Recent Applications of Soft Computing in Engineering & Technology by :- at Alwar / 47-52 / 2007

E. Romanova, V. Janyani, A. Vukovic, P. Sewell, T. Benson , "Design of Non-Linear Guiding Structures for Processing of the Ultra-Short Laser Pulses" , IEEE International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON-2007 by :IEEE at Rome, Italy / 272-275 / 2007

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Saurabh Goyal, Parikshit Yadav, "Design, Analysis and Simulation of DC-DC Fly Back Converter" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering (RACE) by :IEEE at India / / 2007

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Saurabh Goyal, Parikshit Yadav, "Design, Analysis and Simulation of DC-to-DC Fly Back Converter" , International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (MS07) by :IEEE at Kolkata, India / / 2007

Dangayach, G.S. and Vashistha, V., "Designing of Manufacturing Cell Using Simulated Annealing" , National Conference on Advances in Computer Integrated Manufacturing by :IEI at Jodhpur / 99-105 / 2007

M Sharma and R Kodali, "Development of a Framework for Manufacturing Excellence in the Indian Industry" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Engineering (ICAME 2007) by :MIT Jaipur at MIT Manipal / / 2007

Poonia, A., Dangayach, G.S., and Bhardwaj, A., "E-Administration, E-Government ,E-Governance and the Leading City" , National Conference on “Perspectives of Changes and Transformation Leading to Employee Productivity at ISBM by :GSET,Jaipur at Jaipur / 45-49 / 2007

S.M. Dumne and Shrimali M. K., "Earthquake Performance of Isolated Connected Buildings With MR Damper" , 8th Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering Organized by National Technological University (NTU) Singapore by :NTU Singapore at Singapore / 1-10 / 2007

V. Gosu, P. Manogna, "Effectiveness of Biofilter in Wastewater Treatment" , State Level Best Project Award Competition by :Chemzeal at Andhra Pradesh / / 2007

Mali, H S and Manna A, "Effects of Cutting Parameters of AFF During Generation of Finished Cylindrical Surface" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Manufacturing (ICETM) by :Continental Institute for International Studies, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab at Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab / 1-10 / 2007

Dilip Sharma, S.L. Soni and Kamal K. Khatri , "Engine Component Wear Analysis of Direct Injection CI Engine Run on Neem–diesel Blend" , International Conference & XX National Conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion, (ICONICE- 2007) by :Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kukatpally at Hyderabad, India / 317-320 / 2007

Vashishtha M., Agarwal A., "Enhanced Oil Recovery Using CO2" , All India Seminar on Emerging Trends and Sustainable Technologies for Separation Processes in Chemical & Allied Industries by :The Institution of Engineers at Jaipur / / 2007

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar and Manoj Gupta, "Estimation of Electric Load Composition for Power Quality Using MATLAB" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering (RACE) by :IEEE at Bikaner, INDIA / / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, H. P. Tiwari, Lata Gidwani, "Fault Detection and Isolation in Power Transmission and Distribution Systems Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering (RACE) by :IEEE at India / / 2007

Khawkipuram, M., Brighu, U., Bhargava, R., "Financial Aspect of Solid Waste Management in Jaipur City-a Case Study" , Proceedings of International Conference on Civil Engineering in the New Millenium: Opportunities and Challenges by :CNEM at West Bengal / / 2007

Dwivedi P, Vivekanand V, Sabharwal N, Singh, RP , "Fungal Co-Cultivation: An Approach for Simultaneous Production of Xylanase and Laccase Under Submerged Fermentation Usiing Parthenium Sp. as a Novel Plant Biomass" , 29th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Denver Adams Mark Hotel, Denver, Colorado, USA by :Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology at Denver, Colorado, USA / / 2007

Lata Gidwani, Rajesh Kumar, H. P. Tiwari, "Fuzzy Based Fault Distance Estimation in Electrical Power Transmission Lines" , National Conference on Role of Computers and Electronics in Power System (NCEE-07) by :NCEE- at Jaipur / / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, S.V. Bhangale, Shree Krishna, "Fuzzy Controller for Stabilization of Inverted Pendulum" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering (RACE) by :IEEE at Bikaner, INDIA / / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, Saurabh Malpani, Vishal Singh, Rakesh Sharma J, "Fuzzy Filters for Image Filtering" , IEEE INDICON -2007 by :IEEE at Bangalore, INDIA / / 2007

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Ajay Kr. Bansal, "Fuzzy PI Controller for Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference-RASIET 07 by :IEEE at India / / 2007

Fozdar, M, "GA Based Optimisation of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor" , UPEC 2007 by :IEEE at Brighton / 392 - 396 / 2007

Mali, H S and Suri, NM, "Green Welding Processes for Sustainable Development" , National Conference on Trends in Mechanical Engineering (TME), by :Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajpura, Punjab at Rajpura, Punjab / 1-10 / 2007

Saakshy, K. Ajendra, Chaurasia. S. P, Jain. R.K, "Green-Clean Dyeing in Handmade Paper Making" , International Conference on Environment Management: Scenario and Strategies to 2020 by :Ujjain Engineering College at Ujjain Engineering College, Ujjain / / 2007

Rajoria, R.P., Dangayach, G.S. and Gupta, S.K., "Grinding Technology- Applications, Challenges and Opportunities" , National Conference on Advances in Computer Integrated Manufacturing at Jodhpur by :NCACIM at Jodhpur / 76-82 / 2007

Goyal, Rohit and Arora, A.N. , "Groundwater Modeling of Waterlogged Area of IGNP" , Proc. of Conf. Hydro 2007. by :ISH, SVNIT, Surat at Surat / - / 2007

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, S K Bishno, "Hardware Implementation of Switched Reluctance Motor Drive in Open Loop Mod" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference-RASIET 07. by :IEEE at India / / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, Ajay Kr. Bansal, "Identification and Control of PMSM Using Artificial Neural Networks" , EEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE2007), by :IEEE at Vigo, SPAIN / / 2007

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Ajay Kr. Bansal, "Identification and Control of PMSM Using Neural Network With Current Topology" , National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control (NCPEIC-2007) by :NCPEIC at Jaipur / / 2007

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Ajay Kr. Bansal, "Identification and Control of PMSM Using Neural Network With Voltage Topology" , National Conference on Role of Computers and Electronics in Power System (NCEE-07) by :NCEE- at Jaipur / / 2007

Suja George, Madhu Agarwal, Kissun Ramrekha, Divyamaan Wadnerkar and Gaurav Chaudhary, "Identification of Best Control Manipulation on Application of Adaptive Artificial Neural Network Control Strategy" , International Conference on “Modeling and Simulation - Emerging Methods Towards Frontier Technologies in Chemical and Physical Sciences by :Proceedings of Modeling and Simulation - Emerging Methods Towards Frontier Technologies at Coimbatore / 176-183 / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, Saurabh Malpani, Vishal Singh, Rakesh Sharma J, "Image Filtering and Analysis Through Digital Filters" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering (RACE) by :IEEE at India / / 2007

Deepak Khare, Mahesh Kumar Jat, and P. K. Garg, "Impact of Urbanisation on Watershed Hydrology and Hydrogeology" , Watershed Man Watershed Management to Meet Water Quality Standards and TMDLS (Total Maximum Daily Load) by : American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers at Crowne Plaza Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas (USA) / / 2007

• Jain, R., and Pawar, A., and Rathore, APS, "Implementation of Benchmarking Concepts in SMEs- an Empirical Study of Indian Automobile Industry" , XI Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management by :Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management at INDIA / 36-38 / 2007

Amar Patnaik, S.S.Mahapatra, Alok Satapathy, S.N.Mahendra and R.R.Dash, "Implementation of Taguchi Method for Tribo-Performance of Hybrid Composites" , Eighth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-8) by :Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand at Bangkok, Thailand / / 2007

N. Gupta, V. Kumar and R.R. Joshi, "Improved Stability Analysis of an Indirect Vector Controlled Three-Phase Induction Motor by Fuzzy Logic Based Controller" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advance & Applications of Computer by :Govt. Engineering College Bikaner at Bikaner / 1-6 / 2007

Reeta Singh, "India’s Position in Global Village: An Analytical Study" , Globalization of Indian Economy: Opportunities & Challenges by :SMS, Varanasi at Varanasi / / 2007

Payal Mehra and Nupur Tandon, "Indian English: The International Language of Globalization-Abst" , Brand India by :Yale University & Great Lakes Institute of Management Chennai at Chennai / / 2007

Nand Kumar, V. Devadas, "Integrated Urban Development Plan: A Scientific Approach" , Seminar on Integrated Development of Towns as New Growth Centres by :Journal of Indian Building Congress at New Delhi / / 2007

Rakesh Jain, Shrihari Ravindra Upasani, A.P.S Rathore, "Lean Thinking in the Indian Food Processing Industry " , XI Annual International Conference of the Society of Operation Management by :Society of Operational Management at Pune / 5 / 2007

Nidhi Bansal, "Leisure Pattern of Elderly in Semi-Urban and Urban Areas in Global Age: A Comparative Study" , XXXIII All India Sociological Conference by :Indian Sociological Society at Dharwad, Karnataka / / 2007

Lokesh Tharani and R P Yadav, "Linear Multiuser Detectors for DS CDMA Systems" , International Conference on Recent Application of Soft Computing in Engineering and Technology by :IEEE at India / / 2007

Jethoo, A.S, "Mathematical Model of Irrigation for Maximum Profit" , 19th Kerala Science Congress, 29-31, January, 2007, Pp. 490-491. by :Kannur University, Kannur and CWRDM, Kozhikode at Kannur / 490-491 / 2007

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Ajay Kr. Bansal, Virendra Sangtani, "MATLAB / Simulink Model of Three Phase Matrix Converter" , National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control (NCPEIC-2007) by :NCPEIC at Jaipur / / 2007

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Bharat Bhushan Jain, "Matlab/Simulink Model of Autotransformer for 18-Pulse AC-DC Converters Fed Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drives" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference-RASIET 07. by :IEEE at India / / 2007

H. Yu, D. Zhang, Y. Chen, P. Cao, B. Gabbitas, V. Nadakuduru, "Mechanical Properties and Formability of Ultrafine Grained γ-TiAl Based Ti-47Al and Ti-45Al-2Cr-2Nb-1B-0.5Ta (At%) Alloys Produced by PM Route" , 11th World Conference on Titanium on (JIMIC5), Kyoto, Japan by :World Conference on Titanium at Kyoto, Japan / / 2007

Vashishtha M., Agarwal A., "Membrane Distillation and Its Applications" , All India Seminar on Emerging Trends and Sustainable Technologies for Separation Processes in Chemical & Allied Industries by :The Institution of Engineers at Jaipur / / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, Anupam Kumar, Himanshu Gothwal, "Micro-Controller and Their Applications in Robotics" , National Conference on Role of Computers and Electronics in Power System (NCEE-07) by :NCEE- at Jaipur / / 2007

V. N Nadakuduru, P. Cao, D. Zhang, B. Gabbitas, "Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained Ti-47Al-2Cr (At %) Alloy Produced by Hot Isostatic Pressing of Powders" , 11th World Conference on Titanium on (JIMIC5), Kyoto, Japan by :World Conference on Titanium at Kyoto, Japan / / 2007

K.K. Khatri, D. Sharma, S.L. Soni and G.K.Sharma, "Modeling and Simulation of 4-Stroke Spark Ignition Engines" , National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering by :National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2007

Swati Singh, Rajesh Kumar, H.P. Tiwari, "Modeling and Simulation of Linear Induction Motor Based on MatlabSimulink" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference-RASIET 07 by :IEEE at India / / 2007

G. Singh, M. C. Govil, P. Jain and S. S. Agarwal, "Modeling of Agent Based Real Time Systems" , International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems by :- at Jabalpur / 42-48 / 2007

Girdhari Singh, Mahesh Chand Govil, Siddharth S. Agarwal and Prateek Jain, "Modeling of Intelligent Agent Based Real Time Systems" , International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Networks by :- at Haryana / 89-94 / 2007

P. Pareek, V. Janyani, "Modeling of VLSI Inter Connects in DSM Era" , International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering by :- at Bikaner, India / - / 2007

Elena Romanova, Vijay Janyani, Ana Vukovic, Phillip Sewell and Trevor Benson, "Models of Non-Stationary Light Beam Propagation in Open Waveguide Excitation Problems" , XVI International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling by :- at Copenhagen, Denmark / 91 / 2007

Tarush Chandra, Utpal Sharma, "Monitoring Transition in Jaipur Metropolitan Region Using Growth Trends : 1981-2001" , 61st National Town and Country Planners Congress by :- at Ahmedabad / / 2007

P K Agrawal, M R Farooqi, K R Niazi, "Multi-Objective Distribution Feeder Reconfiguration" , National Conference on Advances in Power Systems & Energy Management by :WSEAS IASME at ARCHACHON FRANCE / 131-138 / 2007

Singh, K., De Padova, D., Pareek, V., Tadé, M. O., "Multivariable Control Configurations for Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit" , Chemeca 2007 by :Chemeca at Melbourne, Australia / 1 / 2007

Goyal, Rohit and Arora, A.N. , "Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Remote Sensing Data." , First National Conference on Geo-Visualization Design, Research, and Practice (GVDRP-2007) by :National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad at Ahmedabad / - / 2007

Mali, HS and Manna A, "Nano-Abrasive Flow Finishing: A Review and Idea" , National Conference on Advancement in Materials and Manufacturing Technology (AMMT) by :Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh at Chandigarh / 1-10 / 2007

S. K. Pradhan, D.R.Parhi, Amar Patnaik, R.K.Behera, "Navigation of Mobile Robots" , National Conference on QRMAES by :National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur at Hamirpur / / 2007

Misra A., and Gupta R., "Near Surface Testing of Concrete" , Seminar on Advances in Structural Engineering and Concrete Technology by :The Institution of Engineers India at Jaipur / / 2007

Agrawal V., Nagar R. and Chandwani V., "Neural Network Approach for Predicting Slab Deflections at Conceptual Design Stage" , Seminar on Advances in Structural Engineering and Concrete Technology by :The Institution of Engineers India at Jaipur / - / 2007

Madhu Agarwal, Suja George, Ankur Jain, Arpit Maheshwari and Madhukar Bharadwaj, "Next Generation Surface Coatings: A Review Paper" , Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance by :The Institution of Engineers India at Jaipur / 112 / 2007

Lokesh Tharani and R P Yadav, "Non-Linear Suboptimal Multiuser Detector for DS-CDMA System" , International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems by :ICSCIS at India / / 2007

V. Janyani, "Numerical Modelling and Simulation of Sensors Based on Fibre Grating" , International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering by :- at Bikaner, India / - / 2007

Mittal Namita et al., "Ontology Based Personalized Web Search" , 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing & Communication Technologies ICACCT 2007 by :IEEE at Panipat, Haryana / 147-150 / 2007

Amar Patnaik and S.S. Mahapatra, "Optimization of Cutting Parameters in Turning Operations Using Genetic Algorithm" , National Seminar on Advances in Soft Computing by :National Convention of Computer Engineers BBSR at Bhubaneswar / / 2007

Neeta Nain, Vijay Laxmi, Bhavitavya Bhadviya, "Optimizing Task Distribution for Heterogeneous Desktop" , World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing by :CSREA at Las Vegas, USA / 535-540 / 2007

Lokesh Tharani and R P Yadav, "Performance Evolution of Multistage Multiuser Detector for Asynchronous DS-CDMA System" , International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications by :IEEE at India / / 2007

Kongre, D.N., Ashok K. and Goyal, Rohit. , "Planning and Designing of Drains for Bayana, Rajasthan Using Remote Sensing and GIS." , National Conference on Water and Waste Management (NCWWM) by :JNTU College of Engg., Kakinada, A.P. at Kakinada / 77-85 / 2007

Anil Swarnkar, K. R. Niazi, M K Shah, "Power System Security Evaluation and Preventive Control Using Classification and Regression Tree" , 7th WSEAS International Conference on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines by :WSEAS IASME at Venice, Italy / 127-130 / 2007

Agrawal V., Nagar R. and Chandwani V., "Prediction of Slab Deflections at Conceptual Stage of Design Using Artificial Neural Network" , Structural Engineers World Congress 2007 by :Structural Engineers World Congress at BANGALORE / - / 2007

Suja George, Madhu Agarwal, Ashish Sharma , Kunal Mathur, "Preparation and Characterization of Nano-Alumina" , Emerging Trends and Sustainable Technologies for Separation Processes in Chemical and Allied Industries by :The Institution of Engineers India at Rajasthan / 32 / 2007

Rajoria, R.P., Dangayach, G.S. and Gupta, S.K., "Productivity Improvement in Roller Manufacturing" , 22nd National Convention of Production Engineers by :NCPE at Jabalpur / 58-62 / 2007

M Sharma and R Kodali, "Quantifying World-Class Using AHP for Manufacturing Industries”" , IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM-2007 by :IEEE at NUS; Singapore / / 2007

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, S.V. Bhangale, "Real Time PC-Based Simulator of Electric Drives Systems" , National Conference on Role of Computers and Electronics in Power System (NCEE-07) by :NCEE- at Jaipur / / 2007

angal V. K., Gulyani B. B., Garg D., "Recent Developments in Advanced Photochemical Oxidation APO Process" , CENeM-2007 by : Bengal Engineering and Science University, Howarh at Bengal Engineering and Science University, Howarh / 2266-2275 / 2007

Manoj Fozdar, CM Arora, VR Gottipati , "Recent Trends in Intelligent Techniques to Power Systems" , UPEC 2007 by :UPEC at Brighton / 580 - 591 / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, R. A. Gupta and Manoj Gupta, "Recognition of Power Quality Events Using Fuzzy Logic" , IEEE INDICON -2007 by :IEEE at Bangalore, INDIA / / 2007

Subrata Mukhopadhyay, Sushil K Soonee, "Reliability - From Load Forecasting to System Operation in Indian Power System" , 2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at Tampa, FL, USA / / 2007

Madhu Agarwal, Suja George, Siddharth Gupta and Piyush Gupta, "Remediation of Dyes in Textile Effluent : A Critical Review on Current Treatment Technologies With a Proposed Alternative" , National Conference on Quality, Reliability and Maintainability Aspects in Engineering Systems by :NIT Hamirpur at Hamirpur / 76 / 2007

Kongre, D.N., Ashok K. and Goyal, Rohit, "Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Disaster Management, a Case Study of Flood Hazard in Surat, Gujarat" , National Conference on Earthquake Resistance Construction and Disaster Management by :M.J.P. Govt. Polytechnic, Khandwa at Khandwa / 152-164 / 2007

V. Gosu, S. radha , "Removal Fluoride by Using Activated Carbon Derived From Agricultural Waste" , National Level Technical Symposium by :Chaine De Pensee at VIZAG / / 2007

V. Subbaramaiah, "Removal of Arsenic From Ground Water" , SRUJNA 2007 by :SRUJNA at Hyderabad / / 2007

Urmila Brighu, Richard Franceys, "Scope of Asset Management Regarding Sustainability of Water Services in Urban India" , Leading Edge Strategic Asset Management Conference by :LESAM at Lisbon, Portugal / / 2007

Nidhi sharma, "Second Generation Reforms With a Human Face" , National Seminar on Emerging Issues in Commerce and Finance by :University Commerce College Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2007

Bharti S.D. and Shrimali M. K., "Seismic Performance of Buildings Connected With MR Damper" , 8th Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :NTU at Singapore / 1-12 / 2007

Misra A., Gupta R., "Self Compacting Concrete – a Review" , National Seminar on Recent Trends in Geotechnical and Structural Engineering by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2007

V. Janyani, "Short Pulse Propagation Through Dispersive and Lossy Dielectric Materials: Time-Domain Simulation" , IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2007) by :IEEE at Bangkok, Thailand / - / 2007

O. P. Sharma, V. Janyani, S. Sancheti, "Signal Prediction Using the NLMS Adaptive Filters for Image Processing" , International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering by :- at Bikaner, India / 919-922 / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, Sachin Goyal, S.K. Bishnoi, "Simulation and Analysis of Fuzzy Tuned PID Controller Based PFC Converter-Inverter Fed SRM Drive" , IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2006) by :IEEE at Mumbai, INDIA / / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, R. A. Gupta, Ajay Kr. Bansal and Virendra Sangtani, "Simulation and Analysis of Induction Motor With Matrix Converter" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering (RACE) by :IEEE at India / / 2007

H. P. Tiwari, Rajesh Kumar, M.K .Dayma, "Simulation and Analysis of Single-Phase to Single-Phase Cycloconverter" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering (RACE) by :IEEE at Bikaner, INDIA / / 2007

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, S.V. Bhangale, "Simulation and Analysis of the Direct Vector Control of Induction Motor Drive Considering Core Loss" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference-RASIET 07. by :IEEE at India / / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, S.V. Bhangale, Shree Krishna, "Simulation and Analysis of the Direct Vector Control Technique for Induction Motor Drive" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering (RACE) by :IEEE at Bikaner, INDIA / / 2007

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Ajay Kr. Bansal, Virendra Sangtani, "Simulation of Induction Motor Through Matrix Converter" , National Conference on Role of Computers and Electronics in Power System (NCEE-07) by :NCEE- at Jaipur / / 2007

Sharma A, Vivekanand V, Dwivedi P, Singh RP , "Solid-State Fermentation for Gluconic Acid Production From Sugarcane Molasses by Aspergillus Niger ARNU-4 Strain Employing Tea Waste as Novel Solid Support. " , 15th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition. Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, ICC Intl Cong Centre Berlin, Germany by :European Biomass Association at Berlin, Germany / / 2007

Yash Kumar Mittal, "Space Conditioning of Rural and Suburban Buildings in Hot and Arid Climate" , Convention of Architectural Engineers and National Seminar on - Intelligent Architectural Engineering: Global Challenges by :IEI at Bikaner, Rajasthan / / 2007

S. K. Sonkar and S. Sarkar, "Spider Web as Respirable Particulate Matter Indicator" , Frontiers of Chemistry “ an Indo-German Symposium" by :IIT KANPUR at Kanpur / 1 / 2007

Vivekanand V, Dwivedi P, Sabharwal N, Singh, RP , "SSF: A Novel Strategy for Enhanced Production of Laccase by Mutant Aspergillus Fumigatus VkJ2-4.5 Using Banana Peel as an Ideal Solid Support" , 29th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Denver Adams Mark Hotel, Denver, Colorado, USA by :Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology at Denver, Colorado, USA / / 2007

Suja George, Madhu Agarwal and Gaurav Chaudhary, "Studies on Adsorption of Lactic Acid on Various Adsorbents" , Emerging Trends and Sustainable Technologies for Separation Processes in Chemical and Allied Industries by :The Institution of Engineers India at Rajasthan / 37 / 2007

Swati Garnaik, S. Sindal, B. Majhi, N. Birjarnia and U. Pandel, "Surface Coatings by Ceramic Materials" , All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance by :All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance, Organized by IE Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2007

Zhang, D. L., Nadakuduru, V. N., Yu, H. B., Cao, P., Gabbitas, B., "Synthesis and Consolidation of Ultrafine Structured and Nanostructured Ti/Al Composite and TiA1 Based Alloy Powders" , Advanced Materials and Processing by :In S. A. Kori, C. Esling, M. Gadge Eds., Proceedings of the International Symposium at Basaveswara Engineering College, Karnataka, India / 1 - 9 / 2007

Sudhir Kashyap, Srinivas Hotha, "Synthesis of Glycosides, Saccharides and Glycoconjugates via Alkyne Activation" , RSC-West India Section Student Symposium by :Goa University at Goa / / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, Jai Shree Vajpai, R. A. Gupta, Shree Krishna, "The Dempster Shafer Theory Based Fault Diagnosis in Complex Systems" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering (RACE) by :IEEE at Bikaner, INDIA / / 2007

Rajesh Kumar, R. A. Gupta and Ajay Kr. Bansal, "The Modeling and Simulation of a Vector Controlled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Matlab / Simulink" , IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Recent Advancements and Applications of Computer in Electrical Engineering (RACE) by :IEEE at Bikaner, INDI / / 2007

M Sharma and R Kodali, "Theory of Constraints as an Effective Management Tool for Organizational Change" , National Conference on Business Optimization Research Wave by :NITIE Mumbai at NITIE Mumbai / 1-11 / 2007

Shweta Chokhra, Nikhila Sharma, Smriti Patodi and U. Pandel, "Thermal Spray Coatings for Corrosion Control" , All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance by :All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance, Organized by IE at Jaipur / / 2007

Mali, H S and Pabla, B S, "Tolerance Analysis: a CAD & CAM Integration Tool" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Manufacturing (ICETM) by :Continental Institute for International Studies, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab at Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab / 1-10 / 2007

Tiwari, S.K., "Towards Excellence in Geotechnical Investigations in India" , International Conference on “Fast Track Construction of Bridges for Important Projects by :National Bridge & Development Center, Hyderabad of Indian Institution of Bridge Engineers, Mumbai at Hyderabad / 30-43 / 2007

Neeta Nain, Vijay Laxmi, Bhavitavya Bhadviya, "Transformation Invariant Robust Shape Analysis" , Image Processing and Computer Vision by :CSREA at Las Vegas / 275-281 / 2007

Amar Patnaik, V. Ananda Rao, Alok Satapathy, S.S.Mahapatra, "Tribo-Performance of Silicon Carbide Filled Glass-Polyester Composites" , International  and INCCOM-6 Conference on Future Trends in Composite Materials and Processing by :IIT KANPUR at Kanpur / / 2007

Paul, D., Sharda, N., Jain, S., Dwivedi, V. and Goyal, Rohit, "Urban Storm Drainage Management for Jaipur City." , Proc. of Conf. Hydro 2007 by :ISH, SVNIT, Surat at Surat / - / 2007

Jethoo, A.S, "Water Demand Analysis of Ruparail River Basin" , 22nd Indian Engineering Congress by :The Institution of Engineers at Udaipur / 335-337 / 2007

Virendra Singh Shekhawat, Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, V K Chaubey, "WDM Network Topologies-a Probabilistic Model", Advanced Computing and Communications" , International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication by :International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication at Guwahati / 733–737 / 2007

N. Mittal, H. Shreedharan and M. C. Govil, "XML Processing Using Java" , National Conference on Recent Advancement in Information Technology by :- at Coimbatore / 65-71 / 2007


Manoj Fozdar, VR Gottipati, CM Arora, " Improvement of Voltage Stability and Effects of Loadability Universities" , UPEC 2006 by :IEEE at Newcastle-Upon-Tyne / 486 - 490 / 2006

Borra Suresh Kumar, R.A. Gupta and Rajesh Kumar, "12-Sector Methodology of Torque Ripple Reduction in a Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drive" , SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006 by :IEEE at Bexco, Busan, KOREA / / 2006

Lokesh Tharani, Ravi K. Agarwal, Hemant Malav and R P Yadav, "4G : Technology of Future" , Proceedings of IETE National Symposym on- Emerging Trends in Broadband Communication by :IETE at India / / 2006

Mittal, M. L. and Kanda, A, "A Network Flow Based Formulation for Scheduling of Multiple Projects With Inter-Project Resource Transfers" , 10th Annual Conference of Society of Operations Management by :Society of Operations Management at Ahmedabad / 21-23 / 2006

Rajesh Kumar, Narendra Singh, Jogendra Singh, V. P. Santhosh,, "A Nonlinear Reduced Order Observer for Rotor Position Estimation of Sensor Less Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Drive" , 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2006) by :IEEE at Paris, FRANCE / / 2006

Ahluwalia, P., Nema, A.K., Kumar, A., "A Proposed Framework for Analyzing Risks From Hazardous Materials and Wastes." , AWMA Annual Conference by :Proceedings of AWMA Annual Conference at New Orleans, LA. USA / 2596–261 / 2006

Ahluwalia, P., Nema, A.K., Kumar, A., "A Reverse Logistics Systems Optimization Model for Integrated Computer Waste Management" , International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management by :Proceedings of International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management at Philadelphia, PA. USA. / 375-384 / 2006

Amar Patnaik, S.S. Mahapatra, Alok Satapathy and R.R.Dash, "A Study on Erosion Behaviour of Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polyester" , Fourth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS4) by :IIM-Indor at Indor / / 2006

Dwivedi P, Vivekanand V, Singh RP , "Alkali Tolerant, Cellulase Free Xylanase From Penicillium Oxalicum SAUE-3.510 Using Cheaper Lignocellulosic Materials." , Natl. Symp. Biohorizon-2006, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India by :- at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India / 3 / 2006

Rajesh Kumar, V. P. Santhosh, "An Artificial Neural Network Based Rotor Position Estimation for Sensorless Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Drive" , 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON-2006) by :IEEE at Paris, FRANCE / / 2006

S Dhamodaran, N Sathish, N Srinivasa Rao, A P Pathak, R Muralidharan, B Sundaravel, K G M Nair, "Analysis of Defects in Heterostructures by RBS/Channeling" , DAE Solid State Physics Symposium 2006 by :DAE at Bhopal, India / 777 / 2006

Goyal, Rohit , "Analysis of Free Online Remote Sensing Data for Flood Mitigation Studies: A Case Study of Surat Floods" , Workshop on Disaster Mitigation Strategies for River Flood-a Case Study by :SVNIT, Surat at Surat / - / 2006

M. K. SHAH, K. R. Niazi, C.M. ARORA, P. K. AGRAWAL, "ANN DT Approach for Security Evaluation and Preventive Control of Power Systems " , Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Man-Machine Systems and Cybernetics by :WSEAS at Portugal / / 2006

K.K.Sharma and S.D. Joshi, , "Application of Fractional Fourier Transform in Transducers, Sensors, and Robotic Sensing" , Proc. Nation. Conf. Commu. Control Bioinformatics by :Engg. College Kota at Kota / 5-9 / 2006

Goyal, Rohit , "Applications and Availability of Free Online Remote Sensing Data for Water and Land Resource Planning of Rajasthan State" , 38th Annual Convention of IWWA by :IWWA, Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2006

Ashok, K., Raju, M., Kongre, D.N. and Goyal, Rohit, "Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Inter Linking of Rivers Parbati, Kalisindh and Chambal for Rajasthan" , Proc. of Conf. Hydro 2006 by :ISH, Bharti Vidyapeeth Univ., Pune at Pune / 33-42 / 2006

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, Ajay Kr. Bansal, "Artificial Neural Networks for AC Drives" , National Conference on Computational Techniques in Decision Making (NCCTDM-06) by :NCCTDM at Bikaner, Rajasthan, INDIA / / 2006

Mahesh Kumar Jat, P. K. Garg, and Deepak Khare, "Assessment of Urban Growth Pattern Using Spatial Analysis Techniques" , Indo-Australian Conference on Information Technology in Civil Engineering (IAC-ITCE) by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India / / 2006

S.B. Patil, A.K.Vyas,, "“Application of Solidification- Stabilization Technique for Metal Bearing Solid and Hazardous Wastes From Industries- a Case Study" , National Conference on Environmental Pollution & Its Control by :Rajasthan Technical University Kota at Kota / 15-21 / 2006

•Gaur.A,Bose.S, "”Foam Bitumen Mixes for Base Layers- Laboratory and Field Study” " , Innovations in Construction and Maintenance of Flexible Pavement by :Indian Roads Congress at Agra / 12 / 2006

S.George, A.B.Gupta, P.Pandit, Madhu Agarwal and Munish Sharma, "Benefits of Ultrafiltration in Defluoridation" , International Symposium on Desalination and Water Purification: Water Resources & Their Management by :International Symposium on Desalination and Water Purification at Jaipur / 84-85 / 2006

Sangal V. K, Garg D., "Biodiesel Production at National Seminar on Recent Trends in Science, Technology & Its Application " , SDCET by :Biodiesel Production at National Seminar on Recent Trends in Science, Technology & Its Application at Muzaffarnagar / / 2006

Urmila Brighu, "Challenging Water Tariffs, India: Story of Water Tariffs in Jaipur" , IWA World Water Congress by :IWA at Beijing, China / / 2006

Narendra Singh and R.P.Yadav, "Clustering Techniques for Adhoc Wireless Networks" , Proceedings of IETE National Symposym on- Emerging Trends in Broadband Communication by :IETE at Jaipur, India / / 2006

madaan J.,Shushila Sharma and Kumar S, "Comprehensive Study of Organic Waste for Generation of Energy" , INT. CONFERENCE in WASTE to ENERGY by :MNIT at Mnit / 6 / 2006

Sunil R. Anande and R.P.Yadav, "Concatenated Space Time Codes for MIMO Wireless Communication" , Proceedings of IETE National Symposym on- Emerging Trends in Broadband Communication by :IETE at Jaipur, India / / 2006

Utomo, J., Singh, K., Balliu, N., Tadé, M. O., "Control of Continuous Crystallizer" , Chemeca by :Chemeca at Auckland, New Zealand / 1 / 2006

Singh, K., Utomo, J., Pareek, V., Tadé, M. O, "Control of Fischer-Tropsch Slurry Bubble Column Reactor" , Chemeca by :Chemeca at Auckland, New Zealand / 1 / 2006

Tarush Chandra, Aprajita Mengi, , "Corrosion Rsistance in Stone Buildings – a Case of Heritage Buildings of Rajasthan" , National Seminar Organized by Institution of Engineers, Rajasthan Chapter at Jaipur by :- at Jaipur / / 2006

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Bhangale S.V., "Current Control Schemes for Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter" , National Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering by :AEE at Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA / / 2006

Alok Ranjan, Satish Pipralia, "Design Process for Earthquake Resistant Construction" , Earthquake Disaster: Technology and Management by :Earthquake Disaster: Technology and Management at Allahabad / / 2006

S. Mukhopadhyay, S.K. Dube, S.K. Soonee, "Development of Power Market in India" , Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2006, IEEE by :IEEE at Montreal, QC, Canada / / 2006

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Borra Suresh Kumar, "Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drive With Reduced Torque Ripple" , IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2006) by :IEEE at Mumbai, INDIA / / 2006

Ashish Tripathi, Sudhir Kashyap, Srinivas Hotha, "Diversity Oriented Synthesis of Tricyclic Compounds From Glycals" , ACS-CSIR Joint International Conference on Building Bridges, Forging Bonds for 21st Century Organic Chemistry & Chemical Biology by :National Chemical Laboratory at Pune / / 2006

Singh, K., Pareek, V., Tadé, M. O., "Dynamic Modelling and Control of Slurry Bubble Column Reactor" , International Symposia on Chemical Reaction Engineering by :ISCRE at Potsdam, Germany / 1 / 2006

Patel, R., Singh, K., Pareek, V., Tadé, M. O., "Dynamic Simulation of Reactive Batch Distillation Column for Ethyl Acetate Synthesis" , Chemeca by :Chemeca at Auckland, New Zealand / 1 / 2006

V. Janyani, A. Vukovic, T. Benson, J. Paul, P. Sewell, "Dynamics of Ultra-Short Pulse Interaction With Linear and Nonlinear Fibre Bragg Gratings" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON-2006) by :IEEE at Nottingham, UK / 217-220 / 2006

Mathur Jyotirmay. Mathur Sanjay, Anupma, "Effect of Absorber Inclination on Performance of Inclined Solar Chimney" , 2nd Solar Cities Conference by :Oxford, UK at U.K. / / 2006

Manju Singh, Meena, Jitendra Sharma and O. D. Gupta, "Electrochemical Studies of In(III) Complexes With L-2-Amino-3-Hydroxybutanoic Acid in Aqueous and Aqueous-Non-Aqueous Media" , International Conference & Expo on by :Department of Botany, Uni. of Raj, Jaipur at Jaipur / 255 / 2006

Meena, Manju Singh, Jitendra Sharma, Sunita Sharma and O. D. Gupta, "Electrochemical Studies of In(III) With Isoleucine in Non-Aqueous Media at Dropping Mercury Electrode" , International Conference on by :Department of Chemistry, Uni. of Raj, Jaipur at Jaipur / 169 / 2006

Sangal V. K., Mishra I. M., "Electrocoagulation of Soluble Oil-Water Emulsions" , National Conference on Environmental Conservation NCEC 2006 by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani, Rajasthan / 73-80 / 2006

N. Gupta, V. Kumar and R.R. Joshi, "Emerging Trends of Intelligent Techniques in Power Electronics and Motion Control" , AICTE Sponsored National Conference on Advance in Electrical Engg. by :MITS Gwalior at Gwalior / 1-6 / 2006

Swati Garnaik, J. Bodhwani, B. Majhi and U. Pandel, "Energy From Bio-Mass and Environmental Effect" , National Conference on Energy and Environment by :National Conference on Energy and Environment, Organized by JEC Kukas at JEC Kukas / / 2006

R. Agarwal, D. Sharma and D.K. Jain, "Energy Usage Pattern and Challenges in India" , National Conference on Energy and Environment by :National Conference on Energy and Environment, Organized by JEC Kukas at Jaipur / / 2006

C.P. Sigar, M.P. Poonia, S. L. Soni and Dilip Sharma, "Environment Friendly Vegetable Oils as Fuels for C.I. Engines: A Critical Review" , International Conference on Bio-Fuels Vision 2015 by :Engineering College Bikaner at Engineering College Bikaner (Rajasthan) / 109 / 2006

M. C. Govil, D. Gopalani, R. Jain, R. Ladha and S. Sharma, "Evolution of TCP Over Wireless Links" , National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Broadband Communication by :- at Jaipur / 8-9 / 2006

Agarwal Madhu, George Suja and Sharma Abhishek, "Experimental Studies of Adsorption of Different Dyes on Sludge Removal From Textile Effluent" , International Symposium on Desalination and Water Purification: Water Resources & Their Management by :International Symposium on Desalination and Water Purification at Jaipur / 110 / 2006

K.K. Sharma, S.D. Joshi, "Filtering in Fractional Fourier Transform Domains" , National Conference on Communications by :IIT Delhi at Delhi / 151-154 / 2006

Jethoo, A.S. and Sharma, G, "Financial Feasibility of Irrigation Projects With Resettlement Costs" , International Working Conference: Enhancing Equitable Livelihood Benefits of Dams Using Decision Support Systems by :IWMI at Nazareth, Ethiopia / 212-219 / 2006

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, Shree Krishna, "Fuzzy Controlled Single Phase Buck-Boost Converter" , National Conference on Computational Techniques in Decision Making (NCCTDM-06) by :NCCTDM at Bikaner, Rajasthan, INDIA / / 2006

Nidhi Bansal, "Globalization: The Contemporary Concerns in Context of Rajasthan" , Culture and Globalization: Contemporary Concerns by :Department of Sociology at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / / 2006

Jain, G., Chandrawal, K., Vyas, S., and Vyas, R. K., "Greywater Treatment by Natural Systems and Its Reuse" , International Symposium on “Desalination and Water Purification: Water Resources and Their Management by :MNIT Jaipur & Indian Desalination Association at Jaipur / / 2006

Alok Ranjan, Satish Pipralia, "Housing the Urban Poor: A Case Study of Indore" , National Town and Country Planners Congress by :National Town and Country Planners Congress at Amritsar / / 2006

K.K. Sharma and S.D. Joshi, "Image Registration Using Fractional Fourier Transform" , IEEE Asia Pacific Conf. Circuits and Systems by :IEEE at Singapore / 470-473 / 2006

Mahesh Kumar Jat, P. K. Garg, and Deepak Khare, "Impact Assessment of Urban Growth on Groundwater Quantity and Quality Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case Study of Ajmer (India) Urban Area" , Geoinformatics for Rural Development Achieving Synergy Between Technical and Social Systems by :ICORG at JNTU, Hyderabad, India / / 2006

K.K. Khatri, D. Sharma, S.L. Soni, C.P. Sigar and Mool Chand, "Impact of Biofuels on Environment" , National Conference on Energy and Environment by :National Conference on Energy and Environment, Organized by JEC Kukas at Jaipur / / 2006

Deepak Khare, Mahesh Kumar Jat, and P. K. Garg , "Impact of Impervious Surfaces on Watershed Hydrology and Hydro-Geology: A Case Study of Ajmer (India)" , International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (ICHWAM-2006) by :Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science & Technology at JNTU, Hyderabad, India / / 2006

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, K.S. Pratap, "Implementation and Analysis of Five-Level Inverter With Space Vector PWM Algorithm" , IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2006), Mumbai by :IEEE at Mumbai / / 2006

Singh, A K and Mali, H S, , "Implementation of Non-Destructive Evaluation Techniques for Inspection of Helicopter Tail Rotor Blades" , National Conference on Recent Trends & Developments in Applied Sciences in Engineering & Technology (RTDASET) by :Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajpura, Punjab at Rajpura, Punjab / 1-10 / 2006

M Sharma and R Kodali, "Innovative Product Planning as a Pillar for Manufacturing Excellence" , Proceedings of National Conference on Design for Product Life Cycle (DPLC-2006) by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani / / 2006

Mali, H S and Pabla, B S, "Integrating CAD and CAM Through Computer Aided Tolerance Analysis" , National Conference in Advances in CAD/CAM Technology by :NITTTR, Chandigarh at Chandigarh / 1-10 / 2006

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, Bhim Singh, "Intelligent Tuned PID Controllers for PMSM Drive a Critical Analysis" , IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2006) by :IEEE at Mumbai / / 2006

Jethoo, A.S. and Sharma, G, "Inter-Linking of Rivers of Rajasthan Region- Present Status" , All India Seminar on Interlinking of Rivers in India by :The Institution of Engineers at Nagpur / 53-60 / 2006

Mukesh Kumar and Kampan Mukherjee, "Logistics Performance Measurement and Analysis" , National Seminar on Management in the New Global Order - Quest for Excellence by :Indian School of Mines at Dhanbad / 1-5 / 2006

Dilip Sharma, S. L. Soni and B. D. Gidwani, "Lubricating Oil Deterioration Analysis of a Diesel Engine Run on Neem Diesel Blend" , International Conference on Bio-Fuels Vision 2015 by :Engineering College Bikaner at Engineering College Bikaner (Rajasthan) / 003 / 2006

Neeta Nain, Vijay Laxmi, Ankur Kumar Jain, Rakesh Agarwal, "Morphological Edge Detection and Corner Detection Algorithm Using Chain Encoding" , Image Processing and Computer Vision by :CSREA at Las Vegas, USA / 520-525 / 2006

Kumar, A., Nema, A.K., Ahluwalia, P., "Optimal Routing of Bio-Medical Waste: A Case of South Delhi, India." , ASCE-EWRI-2006 by :ASCE at New Delhi / 1-8 / 2006

S.S. Mahapatra and Amar Patnaik, "Optimization of Cutting Parameters for Turning Operations Based on Taguchi Method" , International Conference on Operations & Quantitative Management (ICOQM-7) by :Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2006

Gupta, A.B., Goyal Rohit and Dhotre, S.T., "Optimum Design of “Kund” for Rain Water Harvesting – a Case Study of Churu, Rajasthan" , 38th Annual Convention of IWWA by :IWWA, Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2006

Alok Ranjan, Satish Pipralia, "Overview of Indian Governments Urban Infrastructure Policy Initiatives" , Infrastructure Management for New World Order and Systems by :Infrastructure Management for New World Order and Systems at Gwalior / / 2006

S.S. Mahapatra, Amar Patnaik, and Prabina K. Patnaik, "Parametric Analysis and Optimization of Cutting Parameters for Turning Operations Based on Taguchi Method" , International Conference on Global Manufacturing and Innovation (GMI) by :Coimbatore at Coimbatore / / 2006

D. Saxena, "Performance Analysis of DTC in PMSM" , National Conference on Electrical Power Technology (EPTIMITA-06) by :At M.M.M.E.C. Gorakhpur at M.M.M.E.C. Gorakhpur / 1-8 / 2006

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, K.S. Pratap, "Power Quality Analysis of Various Control Methods for VSI" , Alternative Sources of Energy and Quality Power Vision-2020 by :TIE at Jaipur, INDIA, / / 2006

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Borra Suresh Kumar, "Power Quality Considerations of VSI Fed Induction Motor Drive" , Alternative Sources of Energy and Quality Power Vision-2020 by :TIE at Jaipur, INDIA / / 2006

Dilip Sharma and S. L. Soni , "Production and Performance Analysis of Biodiesel Produced From Waste Vegetable Oil Obtained From Hotels and Restaurants" , International Conference on Bio-Fuels Vision 2015 by :Engineering College Bikaner at Engineering College Bikaner (Rajasthan) / 10 / 2006

S. Chauhan, W. R. Khan, M. C. Govil and C. S. Rai, "Real-Time Traffic Biased Random Early Detection Algorithm" , National Conference on Emerging Systems and Technologies by :- at Alwar / 44-50 / 2006

Dilip Sharma and S. L. Soni, "Reduction of NOx, Smoke, CO and HC in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine Fulled by Neem - Diesel Blend" , Asia Biofuels Conference & Expo IV by :Asia Biofuels Conference & Expo IV at Beijing (China) / -- / 2006

Abhivav Vikas, Abhishek Sharma and S. P. Chaurasia, "Removal of Dyes From Waste Water Using Reverse Osmosis" , International Symposium on Desalination and Water Purification: Water Resources and Their Management by :MNIT at MNIT Jaipur / / 2006

Kumar S. and Ashok Kumar S.R., "Residents Perception and an LCI for Municipal Solid Waste : A Case Study" , INTERNATIONAL CONF. by :PIM at Udaipur / 25 / 2006

Deepak Khare, A.Jha, Mahesh K.Jat, and K. Dhore , "Runoff Estimation in an Ungauged Watershed Using Geographic Information System" , International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (ICHWAM-2006) by :Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science & Technology at JNTU, Hyderabad, India / / 2006

Goyal, Rohit, Arora, A.N. and Jain, Neeraj, "Salinity and Waterlogging in Canal Irrigation Commands: A Case Study of Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojna, Stage I" , Int. Symp. on Desalination and Water Purification: Water Resources and Their Management by :MNIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2006

Shrimali M. K., "Seismic Analysis of Cylindrical Liquid Tanks Isolated by Various Isolation Systems" , 13th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee by :Excel Publishers Delhi at Roorkee (India) / 1382-1389 / 2006

Shrimali M K, "Seismic Performance of Elevated Liquid Tanks Isolated by Sliding Systems" , First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September, 1-10, 2006. by :European Earthquake Engineering Association at Switzerland / 1-10 / 2006

Bharti S.D., S.M. Dumne and Shrimali M. K., "Seismic Response Control of Buildings Using MR Damper" , 13th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee by :Excel Publishers Delhi at Roorkee (India) / 1443-1449 / 2006

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Manoj Gupta, "Simulation of Power Quality Disturbances Using Matlab" , National Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering by :AEE at Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA / / 2006

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Ajay Kr. Bansal and Virendra Sangtani, "Simulation of Three-Phase Matrix Converter" , National Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering by :AEE at Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA / / 2006

Amit M Joshi, "Single Electron Transistor : Life After CMOS in VLSI" , National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Technology by :Sarvajanik College of Engineering, Surat at SCET, Surat / 1-3 / 2006

K.K. Sharma, and S.D. Joshi, "Subsample Time Delay Estimation Using Fractional Fourier Transform," , National Conference on Communications by :IIT Delhi at Delhi / 155-159 / 2006

V. Janyani, J. D. Paul, A. Vukovic, T. M. Benson, P. Sewell, "TLM Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of TM Waves in Dispersive Nonlinear Slab Waveguides With Sharp Discontinuities" , The 6th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD-2006), Nanyang Techniological University (NTU) by :- at Singapore / - / 2006

Vijay N Nadakuduru, Deliang Zhang, Peng Cao, Brian Gabbitas, "Ultrafine Alloy Prepared Using High Energy Milling and HIP" , International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing by :- at Hamilton / / 2006

S. K. Gupta, Mahesh K. Jat, P. K. Garg, and Ranvir Singh, "Urban Growth Change Detection Through Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques" , Geoinformatics for Rural Development Achieving Synergy Between Technical and Social Systems by :ICORG at JNTU, Hyderabad, India / / 2006

Mahesh Kumar Jat, Deepak Khare, and P. K. Garg, "Urbanisation and Geomorphological Changes: A Study of Urbanized Watersheds Using Spatial Technology" , International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (ICHWAM-2006) by :Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science & Technology at JNTU, Hyderabad, India / / 2006


Sachin Goyal, Rajesh Kumar, R. A. Gupta,, "A New Approach of Reduction of Supply Harmonics of Single-Phase Converter Fed Close Loop Dc Drive" , 4th International Workshop on Compatibility in Power Electronics (CPE-05) by :IEEE at POLAND / / 2005

Sharma, A.D., Dangayach, G.S. and Pathak, S.C, "Advanced Manufacturing Technologies: Evidences From Indian Automobile SMEs" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Intelligent System and Control by :EISCO at Coimbatore / 25-28 / 2005

J. K. Devasunder, Mahesh Kumar Jat, and Deepak Khare, "Assessment of Conjunctive Use Options in a Proposed Link Canal Command" , International Symposium on Recent Advances in Water Resources Development & Management (RAWRDM-2005) by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India / / 2005

U. Pandel and A. Sharma, "Bio Technology for Recovery of Metals From Minerals : An Economic Alternative" , Symposium on Role of Mineral Sector in Integrating India With Global Economy by :Symposium on Role of Mineral Sector in Integrating India With Global Economy, Organized by IIM at Khetri Nagar / / 2005

Chaurasia, S.P., Limker, L.V., Rajoria, R.K., Singh, A.K. and Vyas, R. K., "Biodiesel From Vegetable Oil" , Indian Chemical Engineering Congress CHEMCON 2005 by :IIChE at N. Delhi / / 2005

N. Kavi and Amar Patnaik, "Buckling Analysis of Pillar Drilling Machine Using FEM" , National Conference on Emerging Trends in Concurrent Engineering by :National Institute of Technology, Rourkela at Rourkela / / 2005

Hemant Kumar Meena,Dr S.D Joshi,Dr RKP Bhatt, "Characterizing New Relationships in Genomic SIgnals Using Histograms" , 2005 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences by :CSREA at Las Vegas,USA / 4-7 / 2005

Jain, N., Zen, K., Chen, G., Tomonaga, N., and Shinsaka, T. , "Compactive Mechanism of Compaction Grouting Finite Element Approach" , Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Ground Improvement Techniques by :. at Coimbra, Portugal / / 2005

Shrimali M K, "Comparative Performance of Elevated Isolated Liquid Tanks" , 3rd International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics, Rganized by Texas a & M University, Florida State University Talanhassee & US Army by :Texas a and M University USA at Florida (USA) / 1-10 / 2005

Meena, M. K. Paliwal and O.D. Gupta, "Comparative Polarographic Studies of Cd(II) and Pb(II) With Oxalic Acid, Malonic Acid and Succinic Acid" , National Symposium on Recent Advances in Chemical Research by :Department of Chemistry, Uni. of Raj., Jaipur at Jaipur / 49 / 2005

Agarwal M. ,George S , "Comparative Studies of Adsorption of Different Textile Dyes on Activated Charcoal and Activated Sludge for Their Removal From Textile Effluents" , The Indian Chemical Industry Vision-2020 by :Institute of Engineers at Udaipur / 267-284 / 2005

Vashishtha M., Shah A., "Conducting Polymers and Their Applications" , All India Seminar of Mechanical Engineers and Advances in Manafacturing Technologies and Robotics Prespective-2020 by :Institute of Engineers at Jaipur / / 2005

Singh, K., Pareek, V., and Tadé, M.O., "Control of Multiphase Reactors" , Indian Chemical Engineering Congress-CHEMCON by :IIChE at Delhi, India / 1 / 2005

19. Sangal V. K., Bansal P, "Control& Removal of NOX " , SDCET by :National Seminar on Environmental Degradation: Problems & Preventions at SDCET at Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh / / 2005

D. Saxena, "Direct Torque Control of PMSM" , National Conference on Computational Intelligence in Electrical Engineering by :S.L.I.E.T., Longowal at S.L.I.E.T., Longowal / 1-5 / 2005

M. C. Govil, P. Agrawal and S. Chelawat, "Dual Level Data Encryption Using Image Segmentation and AES for Combating Piracy" , International Conference on Information Security by :- at Pondicherry / 106-108 / 2005

R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Saurabh Malpani, "GA Tuned PID Controller for Induction Servomotor Drive Systems" , National Conference on Emerging Computational Techniques and Their Applications by :ECTEA at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, INDIA / / 2005

Sachin Goyal, R.S. Rajawat, Rajesh Kumar, R. A. Gupta, "Harmonics Analysis of Various UPS Schemes" , National Conference on Power Engineering Practices and Energy Management by :PEPEM at Patiala, Punjab, INDIA / / 2005

Hemant Kumar Meena,Dr S.D Joshi,Dr RKP Bhatt, "Identification of Correct Reading Frame Using Autocorrelation" , International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing by :IEEE at Romania / 7-9 / 2005

S.K. Soonee, Vivek Pandey, "In Praise of Unscheduled Interchange Mechanism" , Transica POWERGRID by :Transica POWERGRID at -- / / 2005

T. M. Benson, S. V. Boriskina, P. Sewell, A. Vukovic, A. I. Nosich, V. Janyani, A. Al-Jarro, N. Sakhnenko, E. I. Smotrova, A. G. Nerukh, "Micro-Resonators: Simulation and Application" , Second IEEE International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers,.Proceedings of CAOL 2005 by :IEEE at UKRAINE / 6-11 / 2005

T. M. Benson, P. Sewell, S. V. Boriskina, V. Janyani, A. Al-Jarro, A. Vukovic, N. Sakhnenko, E. I. Smotrova, A. I. Nosich, A. G. Nerukh, "Microcavities: An Inspiration for Advanced Modelling Techniques" , 7th IEEE International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON-2005) by :IEEE at Barcelona, Spain / 272-275 / 2005

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Mohit Gupta, A.H. Varghese, "Modeling and Simulation of a Switched Reluctance Motor for Its Four Quadrant Operation" , National Conference on Emerging Computational Techniques and Their Applications by :ECTEA at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, INDIA / / 2005

Khangarot, B. S., Vyas, Sangeeta, Chaurasia, S.P., and Vyas, R. K., "Nano-Materials for Aerospace Applications" , 19th National Convention of Aerospace Engineers & National Seminar on “Indian Aerospace Engineering Perspective – 2020 by :IEI Rajasthan State Centre, Jaipur at IEI Rajasthan State Centre, Jaipur / / 2005

Sharma, A.D., Dangayach, G.S. and Pathak, S.C, "Next Generation Manufacturing" , National Conference on Mechanical Engineering at Karnataka by :NCME at Karnataka / 149-155 / 2005

George S , Gupta A.B. and Agarwal M, "Overdosing of Alum in Defluoridation Techniques- a Cause of Concern" , The Indian Chemical Industry Vision-2020 by :Institute of Engineers at Udaipur / 295-301 / 2005

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, Bhim Singh, "Performance Analysis of Vector Controlled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor With Modified Fuzzy Tuned PID Controller" , International Conference on Computers Applications in Electrical Engineering Recent Advances (CERA 05) by :IEEE at Roorkee, INDIA / / 2005

S. P. Chaurasia, M. Prasad and A. C. Mandraha, "Preparation and Characterization of Biodiesel From Edible and Non-Edible Oils" , 60th Annual Convention of OTAI and International Seminar on “New Horizons in Lipids and Speciality Oleochemicals & Lipids Expo 2005 by :OTAI at Hyderabad / / 2005

Dangayach, G.S. and Sharma, A.D., "Rapid Prototyping" , 18th National Convention of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers by :IEI at Jodhpur / 41-53 / 2005

Vashishtha M., Shah A., "Reduction of Air Toxic Emissions Using Processs Modification" , National Workshop on Environment and Pollution Awareness by :JNV University, Jodhpur at Jodhpur / / 2005

Gilbert, R.B., Choi, Y.J., Dangayach, S., and Najjar, S.S., "Reliability-Based Design Considerations for Deep Water Mooring System Foundations" , 1st Intl. Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics by :ISFOG at Perth, Australia / 317-323 / 2005

Gupta, A.B., Goyal, Rohit and Jain, Neeraj, "River Interlinking Project – Some Environmental Issues and Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Their Assessment With Special Emphasis on Rajasthan" , Internal and External River Linking in Rajasthan, (Socio-Technical Aspects) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2005

Mushtaq Ahmed, V. Laxmi, M. S. Gaur, "Routing in Hexagonal NoC" , 23rd National Convention and Seminar on Recent Advances in Computational Science and Engineering by :IEI at Jodhpur / / 2005

Mittal, M. L. and Kanda, A. , "Scheduling of Multiple Projects With Inter-Site Resource Transfers: A Mathematical Programming Approach" , Abstracted in the Proceedings of IFORS Conference by :IFORS at Honolulu, Hawaii (USA), / 11-15 / 2005

Shrimali M K, "Seismic Response of Cylindrical Isolated Liquid Tanks of Science Bangalore" , Fifth International Conference SEC-2005, Indian Institute of Science Bangalor by :SEC IISC Bangalore at Bangalore (India) / 1-10 / 2005

Sachin Goyal, Rajesh Kumar, R. A. Gupta, "Simulation and Analysis of Current Controlled PFC Converter-Inverter Fed SRM Drive" , IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT2005) by :IEEE at HONG KONG / / 2005

R.S. Rajawat, Sachin Goyal, Rajesh Kumar, R. A. Gupta, "Simulation and Analysis of Vector Control PWM Fed Induction Drive" , National Conference on Power Engineering Practices and Energy Management by :PEPEM at Patiala, Punjab, INDIA / / 2005

R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Narendra Singh, Jogendra Singh, V.P. Santhosh, "Simulation and Analysis of Vector Controlled PMBLDC Based on MATLAB" , National Conference on Emerging Computational Techniques and Their Applications by :ECTEA at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, INDIA / / 2005

G.Sreenivasulu, N. Navaratna Vijay, G. Markandeyulu, B.S. Murty , "Sm2Co17 –Fe/Co Nano Composite Permanent Magnets Using High Energy Ball Milling" , International Symposium on Frontiers in Design of Materials (FDM 2005) by :- at IIT Madras, Chennai / / 2005

Arora, A.N., Goyal, Rohit and Kashyap, R.P, "Socioeconomic Impacts of Irrigation Projects – a Case Study of Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojna Stage – I." , Internal and External River Linking in Rajasthan, (Socio-Technical Aspects) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2005

C.V.Gopinath,S Satyananth, P Satyapravin, Rajeev Agrawal, "Static Analysis of Pump Cover of Rubber Lined Acid Handling Centrifugal Pumps" , International Conference on Intelligence Based Materials and Manufacturing by :International Conference on “Intelligence Based Materials and Manufacturing at Ranchi / 274-277 / 2005

Meena and O.D. Gupta, "Studies of Mixed-Ligand Complexes of Pb(II) With Some Amino Acids and Succinate at DME" , International Conference on Sustainable Development and Resource Utilization: Current Trends and Perspectives by :Department of Chemistry, Uni. of Raj. Jaipur at Jaipur / 73 / 2005

S.S. Mahapatra and Amar Patnaik, "Study on Drilling of Metal Matrix Composites Using Taguchi Method" , Sixth International Conference on Operations & Quantitative Management (ICOQM-6) by :IIM-Indor at Indor / / 2005

V. Laxmi, M.S. Gaur, Mushtaq Ahmed, "Support Vector Machine for the Gate Classification" , Vision, Graphics and Image Processing by :- at JNNCE Shimoga / 6 / 2005

V. Janyani, J. D. Paul, A. Vukovic, T. M. Benson, P. Sewell, "TLM Modelling of Short-Pulse Propagation in Dispersive Nonlinear Media" , International Conference on Optics and Optoelectronics (ICOL-2005) by :- at Dehradun, India / - / 2005

Mali, H S and Pabla, B S, "Tolerance Analysis of a Mechanical Assembly: A Computerized Approach" , National Conference in Advances in Manufacturing Technology by :NITTTR, Chandigarh at Chandigarh / 1-10 / 2005

Sunita V. Malhara, R.A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, "Transient and Harmonic Analysis of Cage Induction Motor Drive Fed From PWM Inverter" , National Conference on Emerging Computational Techniques and Their Applications by :ECTEA at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, INDIA / / 2005

Alok Ranjan, Satish Pipralia, "Urban Sustainability and Inherent Issues" , 7th International Conference on Humane Habitat by :International Conference on Humane Habitat at Mumbai / 50 / 2005

Mathur, S. and Goyal, Rohit, "Use of Analytical Solutions of Seepage From Canal as Preliminary Investigation Tool" , Internal and External River Linking in Rajasthan, (Socio-Technical Aspects) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2005

Arora A.N., Goyal, Rohit, "Use of Groundwater Modeling for Assessment of Drainage Requirement in Interlinking of River in Rajasthan." , Internal and External River Linking in Rajasthan, (Socio-Technical Aspects) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2005


G V K R Sastry, D Rajarajeswara rao, and N. Satyanarayana, "A New Method for Large Scale Multivariable System Modelling Using Dominant Pole Placement" , Trends in Instrumentation and Control Engineering by :Thapar Institute of Technology at Patiala, Punjab / 581-587 / 2004

Rana, D.S., Bothale, R. and Goyal, Rohit, "A Study Based on Remote Sensing and GIS to Find Correlation Between Maleriogenic Conditions and Environmental Parameters." , Converging Space Technologies for National Development by :ISRS Annual Convention at Jaipur / - / 2004

Singh, U. N Pandel and A. Sharma, "Advances in Mould Fluxes for Continuous Casting Process" , National Seminar on Intelligent Processing of New Material by :National Seminar on Intelligent Processing of New Materials, Organized by IE at Jaipur / / 2004

S.S. Mahapatra and Amar Patnaik, "Analysis and Optimization of Parameter Combinations in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining" , 49th Congress of ISTAM by :NIT, Rourkela at Rourkela / / 2004

Dhamaniya A. and Goyal, Rohit, "Analysis of Geographical Information System (GIS) Data in Transportation Planning of Jaipur " , Converging Space Technologies for National Development by :ISRS Annual Convention at Jaipur / - / 2004

Dubey, Abhishek, Gujral, Hitesh, Jain, Shantnu, Jain, Sudershan, Goyal, Rohit and Gupta, A.B. , "Application of GIS for District Poverty Initiative Project, Tonk District, Rajasthan.” MapIndia 2004" , 7th Annual Int. Conf. on GIS, GPS, Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing by :MapIndia at New Delhi / - / 2004

Agarwal, A., Vyas, R. K., and Chaurasia, S. P., "Bio-Leaching for Extraction of Metals" , All India Seminar on Emerging Trends & Advances in Heat & Mass Transfer by :IEI Kota Regional Centre at Kota, Rajasthan / / 2004

Tomonaga, N., Jain, N. Zen, K. Chen, G., Hiramatsu, K. and Shinsaka, T., "Compaction Mechanism of Mortar Grouting for Sandy Ground" , Proc. of the 6th Ground Improvement Symposium by :. at Kyoto, Japan / / 2004

Shrimali M K, "Earthquake Performance of Isolated Elevated Liquid Tanks" , Third International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery, IIT Kanpur (VETOMAC-3 and ACSIM – 2004, Australia) by :IIT Kanpur at Delhi (India) / 988-993 / 2004

Jain, N., Tomonaga, N., Zen, K. and Shinsaka, T. , "Experimental Studies to Clarify the Compactive Mechanism of Compaction Grouting in Sandy Ground" , Proc. of the International Symposium on Lowland Technology by :. at Bangkok / / 2004

Madhav, M., R., Jain, N. and Ramakrishna, V., V., G., S.,T. , "Finite Element Analysis of Partially Penetrated Granular Pile Reinforced Ground" , Proc. of the is-Osaka 2004 by :. at JGS, Osaka, Japan / / 2004

Prerna Jain, K.R Niazi, "Hopfield Formulation for Fast Economic Load Dispatch of Power Systems" , National Seminar on Soft Computing Based AI Techniques by :JNV, Jodhpur at Jodhpur / 1-4 / 2004


J.Joshi, Sudhir Kumar, "Hospital Waste Management; a Case Study. Solid Waste Technology and Management" , Solid Waste Technology and Management by :Solid Waste Technology and Management at USA / 21-23 / 2004

Pandiarajan, R., and Dangayach, G. S., "Integrated Intelligent Automation" , UGC National Conference on Advances in Industrial Automation by :MBM Engg. College at Jodhpur / 12-17 / 2004

Bansal N.K., Mathur Jyotirmay, Mathur Sanjay, "Modeling of Solar Chimney for Ventilation" , 8th World Renewable Energy Congress by :REnewable Energy Congress at Colorado, USA / 464 / 2004

Raj Kumar Joshi, Athar A Hashmi, "Organotin(IV) Borocarboxylates: Synthesis, Physico-Chemical Studies and Biological Activity " , National Symposium on Current Trends in Chemical Research by :National Symposium on Current Trends in Chemical Research at Guwhati University, Aasam / 1 / 2004

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, Bhim Singh, "Performance Analysis of Vector Controlled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor With Fuzzy Tuned PID Controller" , 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control by :EPE-EMC at Riga, LATVIA / / 2004

Lokesh Tharani and R P Yadav, "Performance Evaluation of Multistage Multiuser Detector for Asynchronous CDMA Communication " , IETE National Symposium on GSM and CDMA Technologies for Mobile Communication by :IETE at India / / 2004

Arlekar, J.N., and Murty, C.V.R., "Performance of Column-Foundation Sub-Assemblies Under Monotonic Lateral Load" , 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :Proceedings of 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering at Vancouver, B.C., Canada / 634 / 2004

Rajesh Kumar, R.A. Gupta, Bhim Singh, "PID Algorithm for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Drive" , 18th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers (NCME), Emerging Trends in Mechatronics for Automation by :NCME at NIT Rourkela, INDIA / / 2004

Vyas, S., Pandit, P., Chaurasia, S.P., Vyas, R. K., "Polymer Nanocomposites: Processing & Properties" , 18th National Convention of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers and National Seminar on Intelligent Processing of New Materials by :IEI Rjasthan State Centre at IEI Rajasthan State Centre, Jaipur / / 2004

Madhav, M., R., Jain, N. and Ramakrishna, V., V., G., S.,T. , "Settlement Analysis of Partially Penetrating Granular Pile Reinforced Ground in Lightly Over Consolidated Soils" , Proc. of the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, 2004 by :. at Bangkok / / 2004

Arlekar, J.N., and Murty, C.V.R., "Shear Moment Interaction for Design of Steel Beam-to-Column Connections" , 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :Proceedings of 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering at Vancouver, B.C., Canada / 635 / 2004

Chaurasia, S.P., Sharma, A., and Vyas, R. K., "Supercritical Fluid Extraction" , All India Seminar on Emerging Trends & Advances in Heat & Mass Transfer by :IEI Kota Regional Centre at Kota, Rajasthan / / 2004

Surface Water Resource Mapping Using Multi-Date Remote Sensing Data, "Surface Water Resource Mapping Using Multi-Date Remote Sensing Data" , Symposium on Predication in Ungauged Basins for Sustainable Water Resources Planning and Management (PUBSWRPM-2004) by :BITS Pilani at Pilani / 191-198 / 2004

V. Janyani, T. M. Benson, "TD Models Including Material Dispersion" , COST P11 and COST 288 Joint Workshop and WG Meeting by :- at Roma, Italy / - / 2004

Tiwari, S.K. , "The Influence of Randomly Distributed Fibers Reinforced Backfill on Lateral Earth Pressure Against Model Retaining Walls" , International Conference on Geo-Synthetics and Geo-Environmental Engineering (ICGGE - 2004) by :IIT Bombay at Mumbai / 285-290 / 2004

V. Janyani, A. Vukovic, J. D. Paul, T. M. Benson, and P. Sewell, "Time Domain Simulation of All-Optical Limiter Using Kerr and Duffing Models" , 12th International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling by :- at Belgium / 39 / 2004

Sangal V. K., Mishra I. M, "Treatment of Oily Wastewater by Electrocoagulation" , EPA Environment & Pollution Awareness by :National Seminar on Environment & Pollution Awareness Sponsored by AICTE, KIET Ghaziabad at KIET Ghaziabad / / 2004

Arora, A.N. and Goyal, Rohit, "Use of GPS and Digital Camera for Ground Truth Verification in Analysis of Remote Sensing Data of IGNP Stage I" , Converging Space Technologies for National Development by :ISRS Annual Convention at Jaipur / - / 2004

Arora, A.N. and Goyal, Rohit, "Use of Traverses in Analysis of Remote Sensing Data of IGNP Command, Stage I" , Converging Space Technologies for National Development by :ISRS Annual Convention at Jaipur / - / 2004


J.Joshi, B.S. Joshi, " Mixed Ligand (Schiff Base) Aluminium (Isatin-3-Oximato) Complexes" , 90th Session of Indian Science Congress by : Indian Science Congress at Bangalore / 78-91 / 2003

Mayur Bansal, Mukesh Kumar, and Sachin Maheshwari, "A Universal Data Acquisition System for Arc Welding Processes" , National Conference on Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering by :MED at TIET Patiala / 1-5 / 2003

P V Ramana-Key note, "An Adaptation of Adomian Decomposition for Linear Boundary Value Problems" , STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONVENTION-2005 by :IISc Bangalore at Bangalore / 01 / 2003

P V Ramana, "Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures" , Recent Advances in Civil Engineering by :NIT Warangal at Warangal / 01 / 2003

Arora, A.N. and Goyal, Rohit, "Analysis of Multi-Date Remote Sensing Digital Data for Mapping Waterlogged Area in Hanumangarh District of Rajasthan" , Integrated Sustainable Water Resource Planning and Management (ISWRPM-2003) by :BITS Pilani at Pilani / 209-216 / 2003

Manoj Bhargava, Lava Bhargava, Vineet Sahula, "Application Specific Processors: A Study of Low Power Design Techniques" , Electronic Design Automation : Issues and Challenges by :IETE at MNIT, Jaipur / 2 / 2003

R. Sharma, M. Choudhary, Mahesh. Kumar Jat, and Sudhir Kumar, "Assessment of Groundwater Pollution Through GIS," , Integrated Sustainable Water Resource Planning and Management (ISWRPM-2003) by :BITS Pilani at Pilani, Rajasthan, India / / 2003

Arlekar, J.N., and Murty, C.V.R., "Capacity Design of Welded Steel MRF Connections" , 4th International Specialty Conference by :Proceedings of the 4th International Specialty Conference at Naples, Italy, 9-12 June 2003 / / 2003

Shweta Sharma, "Conceptual and Procedural Aspect of Service Tax" , National Seminar on Public Economics by :MLSU at Udaipur, Rajasthan / / 2003

Arora, A.N. and Goyal, Rohit, "Conceptual Groundwater Modeling Using GIS.” " , GIS/GPS/RS/Digital Photogrammetry and CAD by :GIS India at Jaipur / - / 2003

Misra A and Nagar Ravindra, "Considerations in Rehabilitation of Concrete Bridges" , Rehabilitation of Structures by :Institution of Engineers , Bhubaneswar , India at Bhubaneswar (India) / - / 2003

J. Mathur, M. P. Poonia, U. Pandel and S. Malik , "Development of a Mini Bio-Mass Gasifier for Conversion of Waste to Energy" , National Renewable Energy Convention by :National Renewable Energy Convention, Coimbatore at Coimbatore / / 2003

Mathur J., Agrawal G. D and others, "Development of Mini Biomass Gasifier for Converting Waste to Energy" , International Conference on New Millennium- Alternative Energy Solutions for Sustainable Development by :International Conference on New Millennium- Alternative Energy Solutions for Sustainable Development at Coimbtour / / 2003

Nagar Ravindra and Misra A., "Durability of Reinforced Cement Concrete Industrial Structures" , International Seminar on Industrial Structures by :Coimbatore, India at Coimbatore, India / - / 2003

Shrimali M K, "Earthquake Response of Elevated Base-Isolated Liquid Tanks" , 8th World Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures, Yerevan, Armenia by :Armenia Earthquake Society at Yerevan (Armenia) / 703-710 / 2003

Praveen kumar agrawal, Harendra Goyal, "Energy Policy for Sustainable Development for Developing Countries" , Energy and Environmental Technologies by :MNIT at Jaipur / / 2003

Ashok Pareek Satish Pipralia, "Evolution of Architectural Expression" , XX National Convention of Indian Institute of Architects by :Indian Institute of Architects at Jaipur / 26 / 2003

Prerna Jain, K. R Niazi, "Fast Economic Dispatch of Power System Using Hopfield Model" , International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC-2003) by :IPEC at Singapore / 1-4 / 2003

U. Pandel, "Geo-Thermal Power Production – an Option for Future" , Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development by :Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development at MREC, Jaipur, India. / / 2003

J. Joshi, U. Pandel and B. S. Joshi, "Heavy Metals Contamination by Sewage Sludge (Bio-Solids) Amended Soils" , Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development by :Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development at MNIT, Jaipur, India. / / 2003

Gupta, A.B., Goyal, Rohit and Maheshwari, U.B. , "Integrated Sustainable Water Resource Planning and Management (ISWRPM-2003)" , Integrated Sustainable Water Resource Planning and Management (ISWRPM-2003) by :BITS Pilani at Pilani / 217-224 / 2003

V. Janyani, A. Vukovic, T. M. Benson, and P. Sewell, "Modelling of Non-Linear Optical Materials Using the TLM Method" , 6th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics by :- at Nis, Yugoslavia / 143-146 / 2003

V. Janyani, A. Vukovic, J. D. Paul, T. M. Benson, and P. Sewell, "Modelling of Nonlinear Optical Effects Using TLM" , 5th International Workshop on Computational Electromagnetics in Time Domain - TLM, FDTD and Other Techniques by :- at Nova Scotia, Canada / 98-102 / 2003

Shrimali M K, "Nonlinear Seismic Response of Elevated Base-Isolated Liquid Tanks" , Fourth International Conference SEC-2003, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur by :IIT Kharagpur at Kharagpur (India) / 1-8 / 2003

Vyas, R. K., Shashi, Kumar, S., "Numerical Simulation of a Packed Bed Thermal Desorber" , 13th National Conference of Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME) by :Indian Society for Mechanical Engineers at Mechanical Engg. Deptt., IIT Roorkee, Roorkee / / 2003

Brighu, U., Janakraj and Gupta, A.B., "Performance Evaluation of a UASB Reactor at Gurgaon for Sewage Treatment" , Annual Convention of IWWA by :IWWA at New Delhi / / 2003

Mittal, M. L. and Kanda, A. , "Project Scheduling Problems With Discounted Cash Flows: A Survey" , Proceedings of the International Conference on CAD/CAM/Robotics and Factories of the Future by :IIT Delhi at DELHI / 25-29 / 2003

Mahesh Kumar Jat, and Gunwant Sharma, "Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Hydrology" , National Conference On, New Trends in Civil Engineering by :MBM Jodhpur at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India / / 2003

P.K. Pandey, D. Bhattacharya D. and U. Pandel, "Risk in Exploration of Biogas Technology: Prospects and Unutilized Potential in Rural Energy Development" , Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development by :Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development at MNIT, Jaipur, India. / / 2003

Jethoo, A.S. and Sharma, G, "Socio-Economic Impact in the Chambal Command Area (A Case Study of DhakerKhedi Minor)" , International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development by :MNIT at Jaipur / 440-445 / 2003

Pandiarajan, R., Sharma, A. D., Pancharia, A., and Dangayach, G. S., "Theory of Constraints: The Infrastructure of Agile Manufacturing" , 18th National Convention of Production Engineers on Intelligent Manufacturing by :IEI at Jabalpur / 68-72 / 2003

Goyal, Rohit and Arora, A.N. , "Use of Remote Sensing in Ground Water Modeling" , 6th Annual Int. Conf. on GIS, GPS, Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing, by :Map India at New Delhi / - / 2003

Prerna Jain, K.R Niazi, "Using Hopfield Neural Networks for Economic Dispatch of Power Systems" , Power Engineering Conference 2003, PECon-2003 by :IEEE at Bangi, Malaysia / 5-10 / 2003

S. Mehtab, U. Pandel and M. P. Poonia, "Vermicompost- a Viable Option of Chemical Fertilizers" , Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development by :Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development at MNIT, Jaipur, India. / / 2003


Mohit Yadav, Rajeev Agarwal, Anil Upmanyu, "Advancements in the Jewellery Manufacturing Using Parametric Modeling & Rapid Prototyping Using I-DEAS" , International Conference on “E-Manufacturing by :International Conference on “E-Manufacturing at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology / 293-298 / 2002

Raisinghani, M., and Gupta, R.C., "Behaviour of Marble Slurry Bricks Under Different Loads and Stresses" , IABSE Symposium, “Towards a Better Built Environment-Innovation, Sustainability, Information Technology” by :IABSE, Australia at Melbourne, Australia / -- / 2002

Rohatgi N., Reddy L. V. , "Bio Energy – Reorienting Policy Paradigm for Higher Acceptability & Success Rate" , International Conference on Techno-Commercial Aspects of Decentralised Approach in Waste to Energy by :MREC, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2002

B.L.Swami, "Characterization and Use of Kimberlight Taillings in Highway Construction" , Solid Waste Management by :University of Phil. at Philadelphia / 1-5 / 2002

Mahesh Kumar Jat, and A.K. Jain, "Cogeneration: Energy From Waste" , International Conference on Techno-Commercial Aspects of Decentralized Approach in Waste to Energy by : Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2002

Mathur Sanjay, Kaul Nivedita, "Development of a Unified Equation and Flocculation Factor for Type II Sedimentation" , National Seminar on Recent Trends in Civil Engineering by :University of Jodhpur at Jodhpur / / 2002

Shrimali M K, "Earthquake Response of Elevated Tanks Isolated by Elastomeric Bearings" , 2nd International Conference on Structural Stability and Dynamics (ICSSD 2002) at Singapore by :NUS Singapore at Singapore / 895-900 / 2002

Sandeep Chaudhary and R C Gupta, "Effect of Grouting and Reinforcement on Hollow Block Masonry" , National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Civil Engineering” by :J.N.V. University, Jodhpur, India at Jodhpur, India / 287-290 / 2002

Bharti S, Mathur Sanjay. Chaudhary S, "Effective Waste Management –Twin Benefits" , International Conference on Techno-Commercial Aspects of Decentralised Approach in Waste to Energy by :MREC, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2002

U. Pandel, H.C. Aggarwal, K. L. Narang, and M. K. Bhargava, "Environmental and Waste Management in Non-Ferrous Metallurgical Industries" , Conference Proceedings, Waste to Energy by :Conference Proceedings, Waste to Energy at MREC, Jaipur, India. / / 2002

Vyas, R.K., "Environmental Audit of Industries & Waste Minimisation" , National Seminar on Global Prospects and Challenges for Chemical Engg. Profession in New Millennium, Organised by Malwa Reg. Centre, IIChE, Ujjain by :IIChE, Ujjain at Indore / 40 / 2002

Gupta, S., Bhandari, S., Srivastava, A., Singh, K, "Fluid Phase Equilibria for Heterogeneous Systems" , Proceedings of Indian Chemical Engineering Congress by :IIChE at Hyderabad, India / 1 / 2002

V. Devadas, S. Pipralia, "Government Programs for Slum Improvements in India: A Critical Review" , Technical Report on Human Rights and Towns by :Technical Report on Human Rights and Towns at University of Valladolid, Spain / / 2002

Rajendra Karwa, R Jain, Ram Dayal, S Jain and VS Parihar, "Heat Transfer and Friction Characteristics of Asymmetrically Heated Rectangular Ducts With v-Shaped Ribs on the Heated Wall" , International Symposium on Recent Trends in Heat and Mass Transfer by :IIT Guwahati at IIT Guwahati / / 2002

Dangayach, G.S. and Deshmukh, S.G., "Information Based Manufacturing With the Web" , International Conference on E-Manufacturing: An Emerging Need for 21st Century World Class Enterprises by : Century World Class Enterprises at Bhopal / 143-146 / 2002

Nagar Ravindra, Hassan Al Nagiem, "Neural Network Approach for Conceptual Design of Tall Buildings" , International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering,IIT Karagpur by :Allied Publisher at Karagpur / 1299-1399 / 2002

Shrimali M K, "Nonlinear Earthquake Response of Liquid Tanks" , Second International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC-2), BARC, Mumbai by :BARC at Mumbai / 1-5 / 2002

Shrimali M K, "Nonlinear Response of Elevated Isolated Tanks" , 12th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee by :Excel India Publishers at Roorkee (India) / 1441-1450 / 2002

Sharma, H. K., Lava Bhargava, Vineet Sahula, "On Evaluation of Parametric Yield for an Operational Trans-Conductance Amplifer " , VDAT by :IEEE at New Delhi / / 2002

Billore, M., and Dangayach, G.S., "Precision Engineering: An Overview" , International Conference on E-Manufacturing: An Emerging Need for 21st Century World Class Enterprises by : Century World Class Enterprises at Bhopal / 301-304 / 2002

Dilip Sharma and S. L. Soni , "Reduction of Exhaust Emissions and Improvement of Performance of Two Stroke Engines- Some R&D Efforts" , 2nd International Mobility Conference by :SAEINDIA at Chennai / / 2002

Nagar Ravindra , Chaudhary Sandeep, "Reinforced Hollow Block Masonry for Mass Housing in Earthquake Prone Regions" , International Conference on Techno-Commercial Aspects of Decentralized Approach in Waste to Energy by :MREC , JAIPUR at JAIPUR / - / 2002

Goyal, Rohit. , "Role of Participating Institutes on HRD Issues" , Capacity Building Issues in Urban Water and Sanitation: Preparing for the Challenge by :Seminar Change Management Forum at Gangtok / - / 2002

R P Yadav, "Security Threats to E-Commerce and Cryptography for the Next Century" , IETE Seminar on E-Governance by :IETE Seminar on E-Governance at Jaipur / / 2002

R.P.Yadav, Sunil Kumar , Sushil Kumar , Tarun Kumar , "Simulation Behavior of Call Processing in CDMA" , IETE Seminar on E-Governance by :IETE Seminar on E-Governance at Jaipur / / 2002

Shrimali M. K. and Jangid R.S., "Structural Control-a Review" , National Seminar on Recent Trends in Civil Engineering by :MBM Jodhpur at Jodhpur / 267-272 / 2002

R.P.Yadav, S. Sancheti and Gupta R.K , "Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Circular Microstrip Antenna in the Free Space and in the Simulated Plasma Medium" , National Symposium on Antennas and Propagation by :National Symposium on Antennas and Propagation at Cochin / / 2002

Raisinghani, M., and Gupta, R.C., "Use of Marble Powder Slurry of Marble Cutting Units in Flooring Tiles" , Techno-Commercial Aspects of De-Centralized Approach in Waste to Energy by : Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur, India / 255-260 / 2002

U. Pandel, H. C. Aggarwal, K. L. Narang, and M. K. Bhargava, , "Waste Management in Iron and Steel Industry" , Conference Proceedings, Waste to Energy by :Conference Proceedings, Waste to Energy at MREC, Jaipur, India / / 2002


M. P. Poonia, U. Pandel, and S. Kumar, "A Comparative Study of Air Pollution Standards of Vehicles for Different Countries" , Presented at Jodhpur Polytechnic on Nov. 17, in AICTE Sponsored Training Program. by :Presented at Jodhpur Polytechnic in AICTE Sponsored Training Program. at Jodhpur / / 2001

Brighu, U., Tare, V., Mathur, Y.P., "Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process for Ranking Solid Waste Management Options" , Proceedings of Indian Association of Environmental Management (IAEM) National Conference on Recent Advances in Waste Management by :Recent Advances in Waste Management at Varanasi, India / / 2001

R.P.Yadav, "Base Station Placement for in-Building Mobile Communication" , IETE Seminar on Mobile Communication by :IETE at Jaipur / / 2001

R.P.Yadav and S.Sancheti , "Characteristics of a Two-Layer Ectromagnetically Coupled Array of (2x2)elements Circular Patch Antenna" , National Conference on Microwaves Antennas and Propagation (Microwave-2001) by :National Conference on Microwaves Antennas and Propagation at Jaipur / / 2001

R.P.Yadav and S.Sancheti, "Characteristics of a Two-Layer Electromagnetically Coupled Array of (4x4) Elements Rectangular Patch Antenna" , SYMPOSIUM on Advances in Electronics ELECTRO-2001 by :Symposium on Advances in Electronics at Varanasi / / 2001

Dangayach, G.S. and Deshmukh, S.G., "Convergence Enabling Technologies and Systems: Indian Scenario " , 15th National Convention of Production Engineers on Emerging Convergence in Manufacturing Systems by :IEI at Bhopal / 63-68 / 2001

Shrimali M. K. and Jangid R.S., "Earthquake Response of Base-Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks" , International Conference on Advances in Structural Dynamics and Design, ASDD, SERC, Chennai by :SERC Chennai at Chennai / 459-466 / 2001

Shrimali M. K. and Jangid R.S., "Earthquake Response of Base-Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks to Bi-Directional Ground Motion" , Third International Conference SEC-2001, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorke by :IITRoorkee at Roorkee / 677-685 / 2001

Kusum Dangi, Birdhi Chand, Diwaker Dangi, "Electricity From the Sun -the Solar Chimney" , All India Seminar on ‘Power Systems: Recent Advances and Prospects in 21st Century’ by :MREC,Jaipur at MREC,Jaipur / 1-5 / 2001

Vyas, R. K., "Environmental Audit, Regulatory Aspect for Sustainable Development – a Case Study" , National Conference on Environmental Values and Sustainable Development by :Indira Gandhi Centre for HEEPS, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur & Indian Human Ecology Council at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur / / 2001

S.K. Soonee, "Importance of Traction Supply in Eastern Region - a System Operators View" , The Challenges and Developments of Traction in Indian Context by :Institution of Engineers-Kolkata at Kolkata / / 2001

S. P. Chaurasia, "Lipase Catalysed Hydrolysis of Hydrolysis of Vegetable Oils-Fats" , National Conference on Environmental Values and Sustainable Development by :University of Rajasthan Jaipur at University of Rajasthan Jaipur / / 2001

S. R. Jangid, U. Pandel, A. Sharma, K. L. Narang and T. V. Rajan, "Mould Fluxes for Continuous Casting- State of Art" , Proceedings of 49th Indian Foundry Congress by :Proceedings of Indian Foundry Congress at New Delhi. / / 2001

M. C. Govil, P. Kumar and K. Singh, "New Strategies for Allocating Tasks in Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems" , International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications by :- at Bhubaneshwar / 125-128 / 2001

Dasgupta, P., Arlekar, J.N, Murty, C.V.R., and Jain, S.K., "Structural Deficiencies Exposed of Engineered Buildings During Bhuj Earthquake" , Workshop on Recent Earthquakes of Chamoli and Bhuj by :Proceedings of Workshop on Recent Earthquakes of Chamoli and Bhuj at Roorkee / 125-132 / 2001

R.P. Yadav and S. Sancheti , "Universal Mobile Telecommunication System-a Perspective and Its Evaluation" , 32nd Mid-Term Symposium of IETE on E- Convergence by :IETE at Shimla / / 2001

P V Ramana, "USE of FLY-ASH in MODERN COUNTRY" , The Emerging Technologies in Building Materials by :NICMAR, Hitex Hyderabad at Hyderabad / 01 / 2001


M. C. Govil, P. Kumar and K. Singh, "Acceptance Test Based Scheduling of Hard Deadline Tasks in Real-Time Systems" , National Systems Conference by :- at Bangalore / 402-409 / 2000

Tarush Chandra, Bhavna Tripathi, K. Prathap Reddy, "Assesment of Human Resource Development Practices in Indian Construction Companies" , 7th International Conference on Construction Technologies, Machinery, Materials, Methods and Building Services by :- at New Delhi / 131-147 / 2000

Agrawal, G.D, Gupta, A.B., Mathur, J, "Biomethanation of Municipal Solid Waste for Recovery of Energy-an Overview" , International Conference on Waste to Energy by :International Conference on Waste to Energy at Jaipur / / 2000

Ashok Pareek Meenu Varshney Satish Pipralia Alok Ranjan,, "Dilapidated Housing Stock in the Walled City of Jaipur" , International Conference on Housing for the Poor by :International Conference on Housing for the Poor at Mumbai / 1 / 2000

Ashok Pareek Meenu Varshney Satish Pipralia Alok Ranjan, "Dilapidation of Housing Stock in the Walled City of Jaipur" , Conference on Housing for the Poor Mumbai by :International Conference on Housing for the Poor at Mumbai / 1-5 / 2000

Madhav, M.R., and Arlekar, J.N., "Dilation of Granular Piles in Mitigating Liquefaction of Sand Deposits" , 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering by :Proceedings of 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering at Auckland, New Zealand / / 2000

Jain, S.K., Roshan, A.D., Arlekar, J.N., and Basu, P.C., "Empirical Attenuation Relationships for the Himalayan Earthquakes Based on Indian Strong Motion Data" , 6th International Conference on Seismic Zonation by :Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Seismic Zonation at CA, USA / / 2000

Brighu, U., Jain, R., Mathur, Y.P., Gupta, A.B., "Environmental Impacts of Thermal Power Generation Scenario in Rajasthan" , One Day Workshop on Environmental Issues in Power Sector by :DFID GoR and Mecon Ltd at Jaipur, India / / 2000

Dangayach, G.S. and Deshmukh, S.G., "Implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMTs) in Indian Industries " , National Conference on World Class Manufacturing Systems by :WCMS at Jhansi / 174-180 / 2000

Alok Ranjan S.L. Saharan Satish Pipralia, G S Shekhawat, "Natural Disaster: Role of Vernacular Architecture" , XVI National Convention of Architectural Engineers by :The Institution of Engineers Patna at Patna / 35-37 / 2000

M. C. Govil, P. Kumar and K. Singh, "On-Line Scheduling of Hard Deadline Aperiodic Tasks in Real-Time Systems" , International Conference on Communications, Computers & Devices by :- at Kharagpur / 63-66 / 2000

Dangayach, G.S. and Deshmukh, S.G., "Role of Strategic Flexibility in Manufacturing Strategy: A Multi-Sector Study of Indian Companies, in Sushil Et Al. (Eds.) " , New Business Paradigm: Global, Virtual and Flexible (GLOGIFT – 2000) by :GLOGIFT at New Delhi / 225-229 / 2000

Shrimali M. K. and Jangid R.S, "Seismic Response of Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks" , First International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery, Indian Institute of Science Banglore by :IISc Bangalore at Bangalore / 1-8 / 2000

Dangayach, G.S. and Deshmukh, S.G., "Trends in Indian Manufacturing" , 16th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers by :IEI at Roorkee / 419-424 / 2000

M. P. Poonia, U. Pandel, and S. Kumar, "Utilization of Bio-Gas in Internal Combustion Engines" , Paper Presented at Udaipur in a Training Program by : Paper Presented at Udaipur in a Training Program at Udaipur / / 2000


Dangayach, G.S. and Deshmukh, S.G., " Application of Information Technology in Small and Medium Enterprises " , National Convention of Mechanical Engineers by :IEI at Hyderabad / 158-163 / 1999

Dangayach, G.S. and Deshmukh, S.G., "A Framework for Manufacturing Strategy, in O. K. Gupta Et Al. (Eds.) " , International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management by :ICOQM-II at Ahmedabad / 41-46 / 1999

Ashok Pareek, Satish Pipralia, S.L. Saharan , "Architectural Process: Investigation-Science, Adaptation-Technology, Application-Art" , 16th Annual Convention of Indian Institute of Architects by :Indian Institute of Architects at Indore / 26-28 / 1999

S. P Chaurasia, S.C. Nimkar and S.N. Ingole, "Cocoa Butter Alternatives From Indigenous Fats" , International Conference & Exhibition on Oilseeds & Edible Oil Processing by :OTAI at Delhi / / 1999

Dangayach, G.S. and Yadava, R.K., "Conditioning and Treatment of Welded Structures" , 11th ISME Conference on Trends in Mechanical Engineering Education and Research by :ISME at IIT Delhi / 504-508 / 1999

Alok Ranjan Satish Pipralia, "Conservation of Tourist Places of Rajasthan" , IIA Maharashtra Chapter Convention by :IIA Maharashtra Chapter at Aurangabad / 28-30 / 1999

Dangayach, G.S. and Deshmukh, S.G., "Implementation of Manufacturing Strategy: Evidences From Select Indian Automobile Companies" , International Conference POMS-1999 (India) on Operations and Production Management for Global Economy by :POMS at New Delhi India / 51-55 / 1999

Dangayach, G.S., Deshmukh, S.G. and Banwet, D.K., "Manufacturing Strategy: An Implementation Model" , 11th ISME Conference by :ISME at New Delhi / 238-244 / 1999

Gupta, R.C., "Pollution Problems From Marble Cutting Units" , U.G.C. National Seminar on “Multi Story Buildings of Growing Towns – Problems and Remedies (MUBGOT)” by :University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur, India at Jodhpur, India / 351-353 / 1999

M. C. Govil, P. Kumar and K. Singh, "Scheduling of Periodic and Aperiodic Tasks in Real-Time Systems" , International Conference on Cognitive Systems by :- at New Delhi / 434-445 / 1999

Dangayach, G.S. and Yadava, R.K., "Some Aspect of Safety in Foundry Industries" , 47th Indian Foundry Congress by :Indian Foundry Congress at Calcutta / 167-170 / 1999

Dangayach, G.S. and Singh, R., "Some Aspects of Computer Support in Mechanical Engineering Design and Manufacturing" , 11th ISME Conference on Trends in Mechanical Engineering Education and Research by :ISME at IIT Delhi / 581-586 / 1999


Dangayach, G.S. and Singh, R., "18th AIMTDR Conference " , Tolerance Charting in Computer Aided Process Planning by :AIMTDR at IIT Kharagpur / 589-591 / 1998

U. Pandel, S. Kumar, R. K. Yadav and A. B. Gupta, "A Study on Toxic Effects of Aluminum in Drinking Water" , International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Processing by :International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Processing, Organized by IIM at Bangalore. / / 1998

Vyas A.K., "“ Alternate Building Units in Masonry Construction” " , Workshop on Recent Advances in Masonry Construction by :IEI at Roorkee / 93-104 / 1998

Arlekar, J.N., and Murty, C.V.R., "Experiments Results of the Ambient Vibration Survey of RC MRF Buildings With URM Infill Walls" , Eleventh Symposium on Earthquake Engineering by :Proceedings of the Eleventh Symposium on Earthquake Engineering at Roorkee, India / / 1998

U. Pandel, A. Sharma A. and T.V. Rajan, "Improvement in Wear Resistance of Caste Al-Si-Cu Alloys by Vibrations" , International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Processing by :International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Processing, Organized by IIM, at Bangalore / / 1998

A K Vyas, "Insulating Materials for Fire Protection of Steel structures.” " , National Workshop on Advances in Cement, Slag and Pozzolanic Materials in India, by :Venkateshwar University Tirupati at Tirupati / 185-192 / 1998

Dangayach, G.S. and Deshmukh, S.G., "Integration of Manufacturing Strategy and Information Technology for Competitive Advantage" , 40th National Convention of Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering by :Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering at New Delhi / 242-248 / 1998

Deshmukh, S.G. and Dangayach, G.S., "Manufacturing Strategy: Some Directions" , 5th DST Sponsored SERC School by :IIT Delhi at IIT Delhi / 40-45 / 1998

Sushil Kumar Soonee, "Trans-National Power Exchange an Essay on Costs & Benefits" , Dhaka, Bangladesh Organised by FEISCA Forum of Engineering Institutions of South Central Asia by :FEISCA Forum of Engineering Institutions of South Central Asia at Dhaka, Bangladesh / / 1998

Dangayach, G.S. and Arora, V., "Work Piece and Tool Monitoring in Automated Machining" , National Seminar on Design of Production System by :IEI at Bhubaneswar / 38-40 / 1998


K.S. Sharma, Manish Gupta, P.C.Gupta, Ritu Sharma, "Application of Linear Potential for the Prediction of Superconducting State Parameter of Ca70Mg30 Glass" , International Conference on Physics of Disordered Material by :University of Rajasthan at Jaipur Rajasthan / 5 / 1997

Ritu Sharma and K.S. Sharma, "Application of Linear Potential for the Prediction of Superconducting State Parameters of Ca70Mg30" , ICPDM-97 by :University of Rajasthan at Jaipur / 4 / 1997

Shrimali M. K. and Bharti S.D , "Engineering a Hi-Tech" , 27th ISTE Convention by :ISTE at MACT Bhopal / 88-131 / 1997

S. P. Chaurasia, S. R. Patwardhan and M.K. Trivedi, "Hydrolysis of Sunflower Oil With Immobilized Lipase" , 22nd World Congress of International Society for Fat Research (ISF) by :KUALA-LUMPUR, MALAYSIA at Malaysiya / / 1997

R P Yadav, "Multi Access Rural Radio (MARR) for Rural Communication " , IETE Seminar on Communication Scenario in Rajasthan-Problems and Prospects by :IETE at Jaipur / / 1997

Jain, S.K., Murty, C.V.R., and Arlekar, J.N., "Performance of Buildings in the Jabalpur Earthquake of May 22 1997" , Workshop on Earthquake Disaster Preparedness by :Proceedings of the Workshop on Earthquake Disaster Preparedness at Dept. of Earthquake Engg, University of Roorkee / / 1997

Shrimali M. K. and Bharti S.D, "Quality Management in Technical Education – a Holistic Approach" , 26th ISTE Convention by :ISTE at MREC Jaipur / 1-5 / 1997

Dangayach, G.S. and Singh, R., "Rapid Prototyping Technology – an Overview" , Advance in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering by :ICAMIE at Roorkee / 801-804 / 1997

Arlekar, J.N., Jain, S.K., and Murty, C.V.R., "Seismic Response of RC Frame Buildings With Soft First Storeys" , Natural Hazards in Urban Habitat by :Proceedings of the Conference on Natural Hazards in Urban Habitat at Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee / / 1997

Arlekar, J.N., "Should Buildings Wear Short Pants" , Milestone by :Proceedings of Milestone at SCES,Dept. of Civil Engg, IIT Kanpur / 14-15 / 1997

Gupta, R.C. and Mathur, Y.P., "Sustainable Development of Urban Area With Respect to Water Supply From Ground Water" , International Conference on “Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development”, by :University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India at Roorkee, India / 237-242 / 1997


Goyal, Rohit. , "Bed Topography in Alluvial Channel Bends" , All India Seminar on Hydraulic Engineering, by :I.S.H., Pune,I.E., Nagpur Local Chapter and V.R.C.E. Nagpur at Nagpur / 31-38 / 1996

Gupta, R.C. and Shrimali, M.K, "Computer Aided Design of Concrete Mixes" , First National Conference on Computer Aided Structural Analysis and Design (NC-CASAD 96) by :Osmania University, Hyderabad, India at Hyderabad, India / 481-487 / 1996

Goyal, Rohit, "Computer Aided Design of Earthen Dams and Gated Spillways" , Symp. Earthen Dams by :Committee for International Commission on Large Dams and C. B. I. P., New Delhi at Talwara Township (Punjab) / 100-109 / 1996

Shrimali M K, "Critical Analysis of a Jacket Type Offshore Structure – a Computerized Approached" , First National Conference on Computer Aided Structural Analysis and Design,Engineering Staff College and Osmania University by :ASDD at Hyderabad / 305-311 / 1996

Goyal, Rohit. , "Geographical Information System Applications in Watershed Studies" , New Strategies of Water Resources Management for 21st Century, by :JNV University Jodhpur at Jodhpur / - / 1996

Goyal, Rohit. , "Geographical Information System Applications in Watershed Studies." , New Strategies of Water Resources Management for 21st Century by :JNV University, Jodhpur at Jodhpur / - / 1996

Dangayach, G.S., "Infrastructure: A Strategic Tool for Industrial Development of India" , 10th ISME Conference by :ISME at New Delhi / 4 90-4 9 / 1996

Goyal, Rohit. , "Internet: Opportunities for Meaningful Industry-Institute Interaction.” " , Internet, Nicnet, Why, Where & How, by :C.B.I.P., New Delhi at Hotel Kanishka, New Delhi / - / 1996

Goyal, Rohit and Kashyap, R.P. , "Limitations of Lacey’s Theory & It’s Solution." , All India Seminar on Hydraulic Engineering, by :I.S.H., Pune,I.E., Nagpur Local Chapter and V.R.C.E. Nagpur at Nagpur / 39-44 / 1996

Dangayach, G.S. and Singh, R., "Rapid Prototyping Technology – an Perpective View" , International Conference on CAD, CAM Robotics, and Factories of Future by :INCARF at New Delhi / 223-226 / 1996

M. Jain, A. Gupta, M. Kumar and R.R. Gupta, "Single Step Synthesis of 6,12-Dihydro(1)benzopyrano[3,4-B][1,4]benzothiazine-6-Ones" , 8th Internationa Conference on Phenothiazines and Structurally Related Psychotropic Compounds by :Department of Chemistry, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur at Department of Chemistry, University of Rajasthan / 12 / 1996

Dangayach, G.S., "Some Aspects of Control of Environment Pollution Due to Various Engineering Activities" , 10th ISME Conference by :ISME at New Delhi / 4 84-4 8 / 1996

V Kaushik, A. Gupta, M. Jain, V. Gupta, R.R. Gupta, "Synthesis and Spectral Studies of Substituted 1,2-Dichlorophenothiazines" , 8th Internationa Conference on Phenothiazines and Structurally Related Psychotropic Compounds by :Department of Chemistry, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur at Department of Chemistry, University of Rajasthan, / 27 / 1996


Vyas, R. K. and Kumar, S., "Characterisation of Zeolite Molecular Sieves by Dubinin-Raduskevich Equation" , Indian Chemical Engineering Congress 1995, CHEMCON’95 by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at Kalpakkam / 138-139 / 1995

Gupta, R.C. and Mittal, R.K., "Computer Aided Design of Ferro-Cement Flexural Elements" , National Conference on Civil Engineering Material and Structures by :Osmania University, Hyderabad, India at Hyderabad, India / 262-263 / 1995

Dangayach, G.S., Ravi Raju, K. and Rao, P.N., "Computer Aided Tool Management System" , International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering by : Indian Institute of Science. Bangalore at Bangalore / 519-536 / 1995

Jain, D.K. and Dangayach, G.S., "Control of Environment Pollution From Fossil Fuel Fired Power Plants" , 10th Indian Engineering Congress by :Indian Engineering Congress at Jaipur / 119-124 / 1995

S. P. Chaurasia, S. R. Patwardhan and M.K. Trivedi, "Kinetic Study of Sunflower Oil Hydrolysis With Lipases" , Challenges Facing Fats, Oleochemicals & Surfactants in the 21st Century and Expo by :OTAI at Bombay / / 1995

Mathur Sanjay, Mathur Jyotirmay, "Sustainable Energy Options in Resource Development System" , National Seminar on Earth Resource, Industrial Development, and Environmental Issues by :University of Rajasthan at Jaipur / / 1995

Jain, D.K. and Dangayach, G.S., "Sustainable Energy Systems" , State Level Seminar on Rural-Urban Interfacing for Sustainable Growth by :IEI at Jaipur / 23-33 / 1995

Shrimali M. K. and Bharti S.D, "The Foundation for Development" , 10th Indian Engineering Congress, Institute of Engineers (IE) by :IE at Jaipur / 48-55 / 1995

Dilip Sharma , "Utilization of Tromb Wall for Solar Passive Cooling and Heating of Buildings " , State Level Seminar on Thermal Cooling in Buildings by the Institution of Engineers (India) Rajasthan State Center by :The Institution of Engineers India Rajasthan State Center at Jaipur / / 1995


Misra A. , Nagar Ravindra, "Computer Aided Analysis of Multistory Buildings" , National Seminar on Intelligent Buildings, Engineering Staff College, Hyderabad by :Engineering Staff College, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / - / 1994

Gupta, R.C., "Computer Aided Design of Intze Water Tank" , Computer Application in Civil Engineering by :Thaper Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pataliya, India at Pataliya, India / -- / 1994

Dangayach, G.S. and Parmar, R.S., "Control of Hydrogen Induced Cracking in Welding Fabrications" , National Seminar of Indian Institute of Welding by :NSIIW at New Delhi / 1-7 / 1994

J. Mathur and Dilip Sharma, "Designing Quality" , Annual Convention of Employers Association of Rajasthan by :NA at Jaipur / / 1994

Mathur, J. and Mittal, M. L. , "Designing Quality by Taguchi’s Approach" , Indian Science Congress by :University of Rajasthan Jaipur at Jaipur / 22-27 / 1994

Dangayach, G.S. and Sagar, R., "Economic Melting in Cokeless Cupola" , 43rd Indian Foundry Congress by :Indian Foundry Congress at Jamshedpur / 45-49 / 1994

Nagar Ravindra , Misra A, "Expert System a Versatile Tool for Computer Aided Design of High-Rise Buildings" , National Seminar on Intelligent Buildings, Engineering Staff College, Hyderabad by :Engineering Staff College, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / - / 1994

Y.P. Mathur, Gunwant Shrma and Dr Vasu Deo, "Pollution Control and Sustainable Development" , Environmental Pollution Problems of Rajsthan by :Employers Association of Rajasthan EAR at Jaipur / / 1994

Dangayach, G.S., Ravi Raju, K. and Rao, P.N., "Tool Management for Integrated Manufacturing System" , 10th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers by :NCME at Hyderabad / 85-91 / 1994


Gupta, R.C., "Construction of Ferro-Cement Cylindrical Roof" , Strides in Civil Engineering, State of Art and Scenario for 2001 - CIVILSATION 93 by :Anna University, Madras, India at Madras, India / 49-54 / 1993

Gunwant Sharma, Y.P. Mathur and Vasu Deo, "Potentials of Water Harvesting in Arid Regions" , National Seminar on Water Harvesting by :REC Thiruchirapalli at REC Thiruchrapalli / / 1993

N. S. Saxena, K. Sachdev, S. R. Joshi, K. Sharma and M. P. Saksena, "Thermal Conduction, Thermal Diffusion & Defect Density in Polycrystalline Rocksalt Crystals From Room Temperature to 1500C" , International Thermal Conductivity Conference at Arizona,Tempe by :ITCCA at Tempe / 940 / 1993


Sethia, M.R. and Gupta, R.C., "Durability Aspects of Cylindrical Roof Constructions in Ferro-Cement" , Civilization Through Civil Engineering by :IABSE at New Delhi, India / 372-373 / 1992

U. Pandel, "Energy Conservation in Melting of Copper and Copper Alloys in Electric Furnaces" , National Seminar on Energy Conservation in Industry by :National Seminar on Energy Conservation in Industry, Organized by IE Jodhpur at Jodhpur / / 1992

Gunwant Sharma and A.K. Chakraborty, "Runoff Simulation Modelling Using Remote Sensing Techniques " , International Conference on Remote Sensing ICORG 92 by :Tata McGraw Hill at Hyderabad / 14-19 / 1992

Gunwant Sharma, Ashok Kumar Vyas and M. M. Dandekar, "Supervision of Construction for Durability a Systems Approach" , National Seminar Construction Supervision for Durability by :Maharashtra India Chapter of the American Concrete Institute at Mumbai Maharashtra / / 1992


Sushil Kumar Soonee, "Energy Conservation by Electrical Load Management Through Day Light Utilisation" , 1991, Institution of India, Kolkata by :Institution of India at Kolkata, India / / 1991

Nagar Ravindra , Tripathi Nanny, "Industry Institute Interaction in Societal Transformation" , XXI Annual Conventions of Indian Society of Technical Education by :Technical Education, Madras, India at Madras, India / - / 1991

Gunwant Sharma, M.S.Nathawat and Rohit Goyal, "Landuse Landcover Mapping of Asan River Watershed Using Remotely Sensed Data" , 22nd Geographical Conference by :University of Rajasthan at Jaipur / / 1991

Gunwant Sharma, Y.P. Mathur, M.S. Nathawat and Vasu Deo, "Plant Biomass Estimation Using Remote Sensing Techniques" , Environmental Pollution and Strategies for Control by :Govt. Engineering College Ujjain at Ujjain / / 1991

Gunwant Sharma, Anuj Arora, R.P. Kashyap, , Y. P. Mathur and B.L. Swami, "Remote Sensing Applications for Monitoring Forest Environment" , 2nd All India Environment Congress by :Indian Institute of Ecology and Environment at New Delhi / / 1991

V. Gupta, V. Saraswat, M. Jain and R. R. Gupta, "Synthesis of Bioactive Heterocycles Containing 1,4-Benzothiazinesnucleus" , 13th International Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry by :Oregon State University, USA at Oregon State University, USA / / 1991

Gunwant Sharma and Kapil Gupta, "Wind Energy a Scenario in Rajasthan" , Silver Jubilee Year National Seminar on Environmental Pollution and Strategies for Control by :Govt. Engineering College Ujjain at Ujjain / / 1991


Vyas, R.K., Rao, N.J., and Panesar, P.S., "Air Pollution From Integrated Pulp and Paper Mills" , International Conference on Environmental Planning and Management by :University of Roorkee, Roorkee at Civil Engg. Dept., University of Roorkee, Roorkee / / 1990

B. Sen Gupta, K. K. Das, M. K. Mitra, S.K. Soonee, "Energy Conservation in Electrical Industry" , Seminar Organised by Indian Society of Engineer, India American Chamber of Commerce and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants by :India American Chamber of Commerce and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants at Kolkata, India / / 1990


Gunwant Sharma, Raj Kamal Mittal and M.M. Dandekar, "Computer Applications in Construction Management" , National Seminar on Construction Management by :Thapar Institute of Engg and Technology Patiala at Thapar Institute of Engg and Technology, Patiala / 1-6 / 1989


U. Pandel, A. Sharma. and T. V. Rajan, "Effect of Vibrations on Some Caste Al-Si-Cu Alloys" , US Workshops on Principles of Solidification and Materials Processing, Organized by DMRL, Hyderabad by :US Workshops on Principles of Solidification and Materials Processing, Organized by DMRL, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / / 1987

K. C. Joshi, V. N. Pathak, R. K. Chaturvedi ,R. Gupta, "Synthesis and Reactions of Fluorinated Indoles." , “Centenary of the Discovery of Fluorine” International Symposium, Paris (France) by :Elsevier at Paris.(france) / 0-65 / 1987


Agarwal D.P., Rai L., Rohatgi N. and Jain R., "Development of Facilities for Testing of Twisted Blade Cascade" , V ISME Conference, Allahabad December 23-24, 1982 by :ISME at Allahabad / 291-297 / 1982