Name of the faculty | Department/Centre | Research Area(s) |
Civil Engineering | . | |
Computer Science & Engineering | Cyber Security Computer Architecture Processor architecture & micro-architecture Memory system design Reconfigurable computing Adaptive computing/architectures Compiler support for modern architectures Fault-tolerant computing Robust design and architectures Self-healing system design VLSI testing and design for testability SoC/NoC design and test Post silicon debug High level synthesis Formal verification Trusted computing FPGA based acceleration Trusted hardware design Cyber physical systems Network router design and algorithms Software defined networking (SDN) Blockchain. | |
Ar. Himanshu Yogi | Architecture & Planning | Additive Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Brand Management Building Envelope and Fenestration Design Building materials Internet of Things Material resuse and recycling New Product Development Green Buildings Branding and Packaging Industrial Design. |
Ar. Ram Niwas Sharma | Architecture & Planning | Building Construction and management Building Technology Energy efficiency in buildings Green Buildings Regional Development Sustainable Urban Development. |
Dr. Aakanksha Kataria | Management Studies | Organizational psychology, positive psychological interventions, employee behavior and well-being. |
Dr. Abbas Raja Naziruddin | Chemistry | Functional Organometallic Chemistry Inorganic-Photo Physics Organometallics for Sustainable Energy and Biological applications # Nanomaterials Chemistry for New Materials, Smart Materials and Nanoscale Composites Energy Conservation and renewables Hydrogen energy Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry Photo-voltaic Materials Photcatalytic oxidation. |
Dr. Abhineet Verma | Chemistry | Spectroscopy Molecular Magnetism Crystallogyaphy Lanthanide NIR Materials. |
Dr. Abhisekh Saha | Civil Engineering | Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Valorization of mine tailings and industrial byproducts Unsaturated Soil Mechnaics Use of waste materials for soil stabilization Sustainable civil/infrastructure enginering Polymeric materials. |
Dr. Abhishek Tripathi | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Characterization of materials, Crystallographic texture, Thermomechanical processing of metals, Mechanical behavior of materials, Physical metallurgy . |
Dr. Ajaya Kumar Pradhan | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Composite Materials Corrosion and Surface Coatings Tribology Metal Casting. |
Dr. Akhilesh Mathur | Electrical Engineering | Data Driven modeling of active distribution network Data Driven modelling of Energy assets Steady state analysis: Power flow solution of active distribution system, Smart-grid, Microgrid Short-circuit analysis: Fault calculations in Modern Distribution Systems, Smart-grid, Microgrid State Estimation of Microgrid/Smart-Grid/Modern Distribution Grid. |
Dr. Akhilesh Nautiyal | Physics | Cosmology Astroparticle Physics Inflation, CMB Physics, Dark Energy and Dark Matter. |
Dr. Amartya Chowdhury | Center for Energy & Environment | Commercial solar photovoltaic panels Low Concentrated Photovoltaic Systems Building Integrated Photovoltaics Thermal Management of PV Modules. |
Dr. Amit Arora | Mechanical Engineering | Experimental Heat Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Heat Transfer, Design optimization of heat exchange modules Heat transfer enhancement Electronic cooling systems. |
Dr. Amit Kumar | Civil Engineering | Biological Waste Treatment Environmental Engg. Environmental Geotechnology Solid Waste Management Material Flow Analysis Risk Assessment. |
Dr. Amit Mahesh Joshi | Electronics & Communication Engineering | FPGAs Security, Privacy and Forensics VLSI Signal Processing architectures Real Time Systems Machine learning approaches & applications to VLSI Design Machine/Deep Learning Cyber Security Biomedical Signal Processing. |
Dr. Anees Ahmed | Physics | Theoretical Physics, Non-perturbative methods in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, Resurgent asymptotics in QFT and matrix models. |
Dr. Aneesh Prabhakar | Center for Energy & Environment | Thermal management Hydrogen energy Solar thermal systems Heat transfer - Experiments and Simulations Solar passive designs Thermal energy storage. |
Dr. Anil Swarnkar | Electrical Engineering | Application Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) In The Power System Operation And Control Demand Response Management in Power Systems Microgrids. |
Dr. Anirban Dutta | Physics | Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopic studies of strongly correlated systems Instrumentation Electronic properties and Local electronic Density of states Time resolved ultrafast LASER microscopic and spectroscopic studies of strongly correlated systems and semiconductor nanocrystals Electrical transport and low temperature measurements Magnetism and superconductivity (High Tc Superconductor) Nanocomposites Nanoparticle synthesis Biophysics. |
Dr. Ankit . | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Molecular Communications. |
Dr. Anoj Meena | Mechanical Engineering | NON CONVENTIONAL MACHINING Composite Materials Tribology. |
Dr. Anoop I. Shirkol | Civil Engineering | Structural Analyses: Static, Free Vibration, Buckling and Dynamic Stability Analysis Structural Engineering and Dynamics . |
Dr. Anubha Jindal | Mathematics | Topology Generalized Metric Spaces. |
Dr. Anup Malik | Mechanical Engineering | Advance Manufacturing Technology, Hybrid Machining Processes, Composite materials Biomaterials Composite Materials Coatings Optimization Techniques Surface Engineering. |
Dr. Arka Prokash Mazumdar | Computer Science & Engineering | Computer Networks Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Ad hoc Networks, Opportunistic Networks Internet of Things Intelligent Transportation Systems. |
Dr. Ashish Kumar Tripathi | Computer Science & Engineering | Big Data Soft computing techniques Data Clustering Machine Learning Computer Vision. |
Dr. Ayush Gautam | Management Studies | Industrial Management Circular Supply Chain Supply Chain Management Business Analytics Production & Operations Management E-Waste Management. |
Dr. Bandi Suresh | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Nanostructured Materials Growth and Formation Mechanisms Phase Transformations Magneli Oxides / Non-stoichiometric Oxides Energy Stabilized Oxides Mechanical Alloying & Powder Processing Materials for Functional Applications. |
Dr. Barun Jana | Chemistry | Main Group Organometallic Chemistry Catalysis and Reaction Mechanism Supramolecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Applications Small Molecule Activation Environmental Chemistry. |
Dr. Bhagwati Sharma | Materials Research Centre | # Nanomaterials Chemistry for New Materials, Smart Materials and Nanoscale Composites Bio and Nature inspired systems Carbon nanostructures Functional nanomaterials Nanochemistry; Green Chemistry: Green synthesis of nanomaterials and their application, Soft Matter. |
Dr. Bharat Choudhary | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Analog & Digital VLSI Design Microelectronics Low power VLSI systems Nanoelectronics Device Modeling and Simulation. |
Dr. Bhavna Shrivastava | Architecture & Planning | Building Construction and management Building Technology Urban Planning Sustainable Built Environment . |
Dr. Bikashbindu Das | Chemical Engineering | Catalysis and Reaction Mechanism Green Chemistry Renewable Chemicals and Fuels Biomass Conversion CO2 Conversion Waste Valorization Circular Economy. |
Dr. Biman Bandyopadhyay | Chemistry | Atmospheric Chemistry, Hydrogen Bonding, Tautomerization H Atom Transfer Reactions, Electronic Structure Calculation, Vibrational Spectroscopy Computational Chemistry. |
Dr. Brij Mohan Mundotiya | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Thin films Synthesis and characterization of Ultrafine and Nanostructured materials Nanostructured thin films Nanostructured Coatings. |
Dr. DEBASISH SARKAR | Physics | Functional nanomaterials # Nanoparticle Synthesis, Growth and Assembly # Nanoscale Electrochemistry Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems. |
Dr. Deepak Bharti | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Microelectronic Device Fabrication, Organic and Flexible Electronics, Thin Film Deposition Processes, Thin Film Sensors and Devices, Thin Film Transistors and Circuits Triboelectric Nanogenerators, Self-Powered Sensors, Energy Harvesting. |
Dr. Deepak Verma | Management Studies | Behavior in Online / Digital Environments Issues in IT / IS adoption Statistical Decision-making Business Analytics Marketing Analytics Survey Research Methods. |
Dr. Deepak Ranjan Nayak | Computer Science & Engineering | Medical Image Analysis Machine Learning Deep Learning Pattern Recognition Computer Vision Hyperspectral Image Analysis. |
Dr. Deepankar Panda | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Crystallographic Texture, Deformation Behavior of Metals, Magnesium Alloys, Annealing Phenomena, Mechanical Alloying. |
Dr. Dhiraj Raj | Civil Engineering | Earthquake Engineering Performance-Based Design of Structures Seismic Vulnerability and Risk Evaluation of Structures Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Soil Structure Interaction Finite Element Analysis. |
Dr. Dinesh Gopalani | Computer Science & Engineering | Theoretical Computer Science Compilers And Programing Languages Aspect Oriented Systems Formal Theory Of Programming Languages Natural Language Processing. |
Dr. Dinesh Kumar | Mechanical Engineering | Computational method for linear/non-linear problems Fracture Mechanics Multiscale Modelling and Simulation of Nanocomposites Finite Element Method. |
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi | Computer Science & Engineering | Computer Networks WDM Networks Intelligence at Edge Networks Nature Inspired Algorithms Blockchain Internet of Things. |
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Rathore | Mechanical Engineering | Carbon nanoparticles, nanocomposites Composite Materials Creep Material Testing Mechanical Behaviour of Materials. |
Dr. Dipaloy Datta | Chemical Engineering | Adsorption Reactive Extraction Wastewater Treatment Process Intensification Separation Processes Solvent Impregnated Resin Textile Dyes Removal. |
Dr. Dipti Saxena | Electrical Engineering | Power Quality Distributed Generation Electrical Vehicles Signal Processing Applications to Power System Energy Management in Smart grid Fault Location in Smart Grid Power Electronics Application in Power Systems Microgrids. |
Dr. Dipti Sharma | Humanities & Social Science | Economics and Management Power Sector Reforms and Policies Electricity Markets Energy Conservation and renewables Green Finance, Climate Change and Sustainable Development. |
Dr. Divesh Kumar | Management Studies | Business to Business Marketing Sustainable Consumption Behavior Value co-creation Sustainable Supply Chain. |
Dr. Gaurav Hedau | Mechanical Engineering | Boiling Microchannel Heat Sink Two-phase flow instabilities Solar thermal. |
Dr. Geetanjali Chattopadhyay | Mathematics | Fluid Dynamics Flow stability Flow in porous channels Thin films. |
Dr. Gireendra Kumar | Architecture & Planning | Building Science Sustainable Built Environment Thermal and Visual Comfort Evaluation in Buildings Building Envelope and Fenestration Design Computer Application and Building Design Simulation Urban Design Architecture Visual Appreciation Urban Heat Island. |
Dr. Gulab Pamnani | Mechanical Engineering | Finite Element Analysis Stress Analysis Fracture Mechanics Computational Mechanics. |
Dr. Gunjan Soni | Mechanical Engineering | Predictive maintenance, Supply Chain Management, Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing Systems. |
Dr. Hemant Kumar Meena | Electrical Engineering | Machine learning application Signal and image processing Power system optimization. |
Dr. Himanshu Arora | Civil Engineering | Water Resource Engineering Regional Groundwater Modelling Planning of Groundwater Development GIS Optimization Climate change impact assessment Linked Simulation Optimization Physical modeling and analysis in Water resources. |
Dr. Hrushikesh M. Gade | Chemical Engineering | Molecular dynamics simulations Self-assembly of nanostructured materials Molecular modeling Advanced Composites Composite and Nanocomposite materials Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applications . |
Dr. Ila Sharma | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Signal Processing Multirate Signal Processing Multiplierless Filter and Filterbank Digital Filter and Filter Banks Design Multirate Techniques for Communication Systems, Cognitive Radio. |
Dr. Jagajyoti Panda | National Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management | Earthquake Engineering Active and Semi-Active Vibration Control Reinforcement Learning in Control Theory Instrumentation and Seismic Diagnostic System Soil-Structure Interaction Structural analysis and design of steel and concrete structures. |
Dr. Jaswant N Arlekar | National Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management | Seismic Design of RC and Steel Structures Design of Industrial Structures Structural Health Monitoring Retrofitting of Structure for Earthquake Loading Vibration Monitoring of Machine Foundation. |
Dr. Jinendra Kumar Jain | Civil Engineering | Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning Urban Transportation Planning Sustainable Transportation Systems Sustainable matrerials. |
Dr. Jinesh Kumar Jain | Mechanical Engineering | Industrial Automation Non Traditional Machining Joining and Additive Manufacturing Additive Manufacturing Welding Technology Biomaterials Lean Manufacturing Operation Management Manufacturing Strategy SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. |
Dr. Jyoti Grover | Computer Science & Engineering | Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Vehicular Networks Software Defined Networks Internet of Things Network Security Machine Learning for Networking. |
Dr. Jyotirmaya Kar | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Joining of Materials Structure-Properties Correlation. |
Dr. K Venkataratnam Kamma | Physics | Cosmology. |
Dr. Kamakshi Pandey | Physics | Self Assembly in Polymers Functional nanomaterials and Membranes Bio-Electronic Interfaces CFD Simulation of Soft Biological Materials Composite and Nanocomposite materials Gas Separation. |
Dr. Kamlendra Awasthi | Physics | Nanostructured thin films Membrane Separation Polymer Nanofilters Block copolymers Polymer solar cell Hydrogen separation Gas separation and sensing Soft Materials Functional nanomaterials Hydrogen Energy: Generation, Sepration, Sensing and Storage. |
Dr. Kapil Pareek | Center for Energy & Environment | Hydrogen Energy Machine Learning Battery Technology. |
Dr. Kapil Shukla | Electrical Engineering | Power Electronics Power Quality Switching Techniques for Parallel Connected Converters. |
Dr. Kavita Lalwani | Physics | Hadron Structure Physics beyond the Standard Model CP Violation Silicon Sensor development Hadron Therapy. |
Dr. Krishna Kumar | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Carbon nanoparticles, nanocomposites Engineering Materials Extractive Metallurgy Heat Transfer Mechanical behaviour of materials Solvent extraction, Thermodynamics Thermoelectric materials for Energy conversion and storage Wastewater Treatment. |
Dr. Kuldeep Singh | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Machine/Deep Learning Computer Vision Biometrics Cyber Security Medical Image Analysis. |
Dr. Kunal Borse | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Materials Science Nanostructured thin film solar cells Optoelectronics and Photonics Photo-voltaic Materials Polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction organic solar cell Corrosion and Surface Engineering Electrochemistry. |
Dr. Kushal Sharma | Mathematics | FHD; Fluid Dynamics: Magnetic Nanofluids, Porous Media, Variable Viscosity, Boundary Layer Flow etc.. |
Dr. Kusum Verma | Electrical Engineering | AI Applications to Power System Operation and Control Power Systems Stability and Reliability Integration of DERs in Power Grids Demand Response Management Wide Area Monitoring. |
Dr. Lavika Goel | Computer Science & Engineering | Artificial Intelligence Bio And Nature Inspired Algorithms Computational Intelligence Evolutionary Computing Intelligent Systems Machine Learning Optimization Remote sensing Image processing and pattern recognition. |
Dr. Leelambar Singh | Civil Engineering | Hydrological Modelling Remote Sensing Climate change impact assessment GIS Water and Environmental Assessment Environmental Engg Risk Assessment Statistical modeling and uncertainty Vulnerability Assessment. |
Dr. Lovjeet Singh | Chemical Engineering | # Heterogeneous Catalysis for Environmental Applications and Green Technology # Nanoscale Materials for Cleaner Environment and Sustainability Chemical Reaction Engineering Industrial Pollution Abatement. |
Dr. M. L. Meena | Mechanical Engineering | Industrial Engineering Ergonomics Productivity Engineering Materials Management Operations Planning and Control Manufacturing Technology Work System Design Operation Research. |
Dr. Mahipal Jadeja | Computer Science & Engineering | Theoretical Computer Science Graph Theory Algorithms Information Visualisation Graph Visualisation Machine Learning on Graphs Social Network Analysis Graph Neural Networks Generative AI in Education. |
Dr. Man Mohan Garg | Electrical Engineering | Power Electronic Converter: Design, Modeling and Control Issues Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Electrical Vehicles and its Integration to PV and Grid Cyber Physical Energy System High-Density High-Efficiency Microinverter Control of DC and AC Microgrid Systems Sliding Mode Control Model-order Reduction of Higher-order Systems. |
Dr. Manish Kumar | Mechanical Engineering | CFD, Immersed Boundary Method, High Performance Computing, Numerical Algorithms, Moving Boundary Flows, Heat Transfer Enhancement, FSI. |
Dr. Manjesh Kumar Mishra | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Friction welding Mechanical behaviour of materials Testing and characterization of materials Additive Manufacturing. |
Dr. Manjinder Singh | Mechanical Engineering | Fluid mechanics Heat Transfer Enhancement Fluid Dynamics FHD; Fluid Dynamics: Magnetic Nanofluids, Porous Media, Variable Viscosity, Boundary Layer Flow etc. Fluid Structure Interaction. |
Dr. Manoj Kumar | Physics | High Pressure Physics Low Temperature Electrical and Magnetotransport Properties Thermoelectric materials for Energy conversion and storage Topological Insulators and Topological Superconductors Energy Systems Energy Storage Spintronic materials Electrochemical sensors for environmental applications. |
Dr. Manoj Kumar Diwakar | Civil Engineering | Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Meshfree Method Modelling And Simulation Numerical Modelling Water Resource Engineering. |
Dr. Manviri Rani | Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, persistent organic pollutants, Plastic polymers and associated chemicals, Chromatographic analysis, Pesticide and Poly aromatic hydrocarbon analysis, Solvent extraction, Environment & Health Nanochemistry; Green Chemistry: Green synthesis of nanomaterials and their application, Environmental Nanotechnology, water and wastewater treatment, exploration of photocatalytic materials, # Heterogeneous Catalysis for Environmental Applications and Green Technology Advanced Separation Processes Adsorption Sensors for biomedical and environmental applications. |
Dr. Md Oayes Midda | Chemical Engineering | Membrane Separation Polymeric composite membranes Industrial Gas Separation Facilitated gas transport & Modeling Nanoparticle synthesis Adsorption Water and Wastewater Treatment Membrane bioreactor. |
Dr. Meena Nemiwal | Chemistry | Green Chemistry, Electrochemistry, electrocatalysis, Organic Synthesis, Nano Catalysis # Nanoparticle Synthesis, Growth and Assembly Nanochemistry; Green Chemistry: Green synthesis of nanomaterials and their application, . |
Dr. Meenakshi Tripathi | Computer Science & Engineering | Secure Routing In Wireless Sensor Networks Network Security Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Ad hoc Networks, Opportunistic Networks Software Defined Networks Blockchain Cyber Security Information Security Internet of Things. |
Dr. Menka Yadav | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Digital and Analog CMOS circuits Machine learning approaches & applications to VLSI Design Modelling And Simulation EDA for VLSI/Embedded-Systems Device Characterization and MEMS. |
Dr. Mukesh Jain | Chemistry | Heterocyclic chemistry Synthetic Organic Chemistry Electrochemistry. |
Dr. Mukesh Kumar | Mechanical Engineering | Composite Materials / Nano-composite Materials, Ceramic Materials, Material Science, Tribology, DOE. |
Dr. Mukesh Kumar Shah | Electrical Engineering | Power System Energy Systems Electric Vehicle (EV)Integration to Grid Electric Vehicles Integration in Power System Electrical Vehicles Electrical Vehicles and its Integration to PV and Grid Electricity Markets Energy Conservation and renewables Energy Economics Power Plants Renewable Integration in Power Systems. |
Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed | Computer Science & Engineering | Network on Chip Computer Networks Embedded Systems Multi-Core And Cloud Computing Wireles Sensor Networks Fault Tolerant Systems High speed Overlay Networking, Blockchain Network router design and algorithms Wireless Ad hoc Networks, Opportunistic Networks. |
Dr. Namita Mittal | Computer Science & Engineering | Information Retrieval Data Mining Natural Language Processing Machine Learning Data Science Generative AI. |
Dr. Nand Kumar | Architecture & Planning | Sustainable Urban Development Energy efficiency in buildings Energy Planning and Management Net zero built environment Urban Water Systems and Integrated Urban Water Management Urban Transportation Planning. |
Dr. Naresh Kumar Raghuwanshi | Mechanical Engineering | Vibration Analysis Experimental Modal Analysis Experimental Stress Analysis Active Vibration Control Machinery Fault Diagnosis. |
Dr. Neeta Nain | Computer Science & Engineering | Image Processing Pattern Recognition Computer Graphics Machine Learning Deeplearning. |
Dr. Neetu Kumari | Chemical Engineering | # Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems # Heterogeneous Catalysis for Environmental Applications and Green Technology Molecular modeling Carbon dioxide utilization, solid oxide fuel cell or electrolysis cell. |
Dr. Neha Shrivastava | Civil Engineering | Geotechnology Engineering Ground Improvement Technologies Granular piles/ Stone Columns Compaction grouting Geosynthetics and reinforced soil structures Environmental Geotechnology Construction and Demolition waste Mathematical Modeling Experimental Modeling. |
Dr. Nidhi Bansal | Humanities & Social Science | Sociology Digital inequalities and marginalisation Globalisation, society and culture Science, technology and Society Social Change, Rural development Sociology of Gender Sociology of Aging and elderly. |
Dr. Nidhi Sharma | Humanities & Social Science | Microeconomic Theory, Macroeconomic Theory, Applied Microeconomics, Behavioural Economics, Regional Economics, Emerging Economies. |
Dr. Nikhil Sharma | Mechanical Engineering | Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Laser Diagnostic Techniques Combustion Generated Emission Renewable Fuels Phase Doppler Interferometry for spray characterization I C Engine. |
Dr. Niraja Saraswat | Humanities & Social Science | Feminist Literature Contemporary Indian Literature Victorian Literature English Language Teaching. |
Dr. Niruti Gupta | Architecture & Planning | Sustainable Urban Development Regional Development Land Administration Theories of Development Urban Issues & Informal Sector Public Policy. |
Dr. Nisha Verma | Materials Research Centre | Finite Element Method Thermoelectric materials for Energy conversion Tribology Microscopy Nanostructured Ceramic Coatings Non-Equilibrium Processing of Nano Composites by Ball Milling and High Pressure Torsion. |
Dr. Nishant Roy | National Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management | Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Earthquake Behavior of Dams Landslides Tunnel Mechanics. |
Dr. Nitin Gupta | Electrical Engineering | Power Electronics Power Conversion and Management Power conversion techniques for renewable energy system Power Quality Power quality improvement Microgrids. |
Dr. Nivedita Kaul | Civil Engineering | Environmental Engg. Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution Solid waste management Noise pollution Climate change impact assessment. |
Dr. Om P. Suthar | Mathematics | Linear and nonlinear stability analyses of convective flows Numerical and analytical methods in Fluid Dynamics. |
Dr. P. V. Ramana | Civil Engineering | Novel Separation Techniques Nonlianer Mathematical Models Computational method for linear/non-linear problems Analysis & design of laminate plates Numerical evaluation and error estimation Structural analysis and design of steel and concrete structures Mathematical models for structural health monitoring system Structural Engineering and Dynamics Novel Techniques for NEW MATERIAL invention . |
Dr. Pankaj Kumar Gupta | Mechanical Engineering | Advance Manufacturing Technology, Hybrid Machining Processes, Composite materials Quality Management Micro Manufacturing Sustainable Manufacturing. |
Dr. Parul Mathuria | Center for Energy & Environment | Energy Management in Smart grid Decision Making under Uncertainty in Energy Systems Energy Sector Policies Energy Economics Electrical Vehicles Electricity Markets Smart Buildings Green Hydrogen. |
Dr. Pawan Kalla | Civil Engineering | Material Investigations (Road Material) Rural Roads (Low Cost Materials) Material Properties and Pavement design parameters. . |
Dr. Pawan Rekha | Chemistry | Adsorption Carbon Capture & Sequestration Click Chemistry Wastewater Treatment Chemical fixation of CO2. |
Dr. Pilli Emmanuel Shubhakar | Computer Science & Engineering | Security, Privacy and Forensics Cloud Computing Big Data Internet of Things Blockchain Quantum Computing. |
Dr. Pooja Nigam | Architecture & Planning | Urban Land Management Urban Land Policy and Planning Sustainable Urban Development Rural Planning Urban Economics Traditional and Vernacular Architecture Indigenous Crafts and Traditional Knowledge Systems. |
Dr. Pooja Jangir | Chemical Engineering | Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Hydrodynamic Stability Complex Fluids, Particle Laden Flows Microfluidics Experiments: Flow Visualization and Characterization. |
Dr. Prabhat Pandit | Chemical Engineering | Wastewater Treatment Novel Separation Techniques. |
Dr. Pradeep Kumar | Chemistry | Quantum Confinement Chemical kinetics and Dynamics Atmospheric Chemistry Electronic Structure. |
Dr. Prasanta Majumdar | Computer Science & Engineering | Design and analysis of traffic grooming algorithms Behaviroul analysis of dynamically generated traffic demands Fragmentation problems in spectrum domain under EON. |
Dr. Praveen Kumar Agarwal | Electrical Engineering | Power System Electric Vehicle (EV)Integration to Grid Cyber Security Cyber Physical Energy System Cyber physical systems. |
Dr. Preeti Bhatt | Humanities & Social Science | Contemporary British Literature English Language Teaching Indian Writing in English Diasporic Writing Literary Criticism & Theory Drama and Dramatic Technique Canadian Literature. |
Dr. Preeti Gulia | Mechanical Engineering | Acoustics Vibration Metamaterials Seismic Isolations Noise barriers. |
Dr. Prerna Jain | Electrical Engineering | AI Applications To Power System Deregulated Power System Operation in a Smart Grid Environment Power System Planning Trading of energy and ancillary service in electricity markets Water and Energy Nexus Active and Reactive Power Forecasting Renewable Energy Forecasting. |
Dr. Priyanka Harjule | Mathematics | Fractional Calculus Machine Learning Computational statistics. |
Dr. Rahul . | Chemistry | Chemical Sensors Photodynamic Therapy Advanced Functional Materials for Drug Delivery Nano Materials for Biomedical Applications. |
Dr. Rahul Singhal | Physics | Optical properties of metal nanoparticles Nanostructured thin films Polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction organic solar cell Ion irradiation effects on SMA thin films Carbon nanostructures. |
Dr. Raj Kumar Joshi | Chemistry | Organo-catalysis Metal Mediate organic transformation Cluster chemistry of metalcarbonyls Mixed metal cluster synthesis and their potential application in NLO and homogenous catalysis Coordination chemistry of Scorpionate ligands and main group metals. |
Dr. Rajeev Agrawal | Mechanical Engineering | Industrial Engineering Operations Management Sustainable Manufacturing Industrial Automation Lean Manufacturing Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability Assessment Six Sigma Industrial Engineering. |
Dr. Rajeev Kumar Dohare | Chemical Engineering | Modelling And Simulation Advanced Process Control Optimizations & Systems Applications Solid Waste Management Artificial Intelligence in Process Control Emulsion Liquid Membrane. |
Dr. Rajendra Mitharwal | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Computational Electromagnetics. |
Dr. Rajesh Gupta | Civil Engineering | Computer Aided Design Concrete Technology Structural analysis and design of steel and concrete structures. |
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Rai | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Structure-Properties Correlation Microscopy Heat Treatment Alloy design Fatigue Creep Creep-Fatigue Interaction Deformation Micro-mechanisms Superalloy, Ti-alloy, Steel Tension/compression tests Electrochemistry Fracture Mechanics Nanomaterials. |
Dr. Rajnish Dhiman | Physics | # Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems # Nanoparticle Synthesis, Growth and Assembly Nanoparticle synthesis Materials Science Graphene and its composites for various applications Surface Science. |
Dr. Ram Dayal | Mechanical Engineering | Additive Manufacturing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Heat Transfer Enhancement Numerical and analytical methods in Fluid Dynamics Two-phase flow and heat transfer. |
Dr. Ramdayal Panda | Chemical Engineering | Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Critical Mineral Exploration, Urban Mining, Resource Recovery. |
Dr. Ramesh Babu Battula | Computer Science & Engineering | Information Security Secure Communication Next Generation (xG) Networks Computer Security Intelligent Communication and Networks (5G and Beyond 5G). |
Dr. Rameshwar J. Vishwakarma | Civil Engineering | Concrete Pavement Structural Engineering Material Testing Structural Instrumentation. |
Dr. Randhir Kumar Singh | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Fatigue Creep-Fatigue Interactions Testing & Characterization of Materials Hot Deformation Studies Mechanical Behaviour of Materials Heat Treatment Structure-Properties Correlation Superalloy Titanium alloys Steels. |
Dr. Ravi Kumar Maddila | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Optical Communication Optical Wireless Communication Free Space Optics Daylighting Optoelectronics Integrated Optics and Photonics. |
Dr. Reena Kumari | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Dielectric Resonator Antenna Antenna, RF and Microwave. |
Dr. Reeta Singh | Management Studies | HRM Quality of Work Life Change Management Labor Legislation Occupational stress & Well-Being Organizational Development Work life Balance. |
Dr. Rina Surana | Architecture & Planning | Environmental Planning Urban Design Urban Planning Architecture Urban Water Systems and Integrated Urban Water Management Natural Resource Vulnerability Analysis Land Suitability Analysis Environmental Impact Assessment. |
Dr. Ritika Mahajan | Management Studies | Management Education, CSR, and Sustainable Development Strategy Management Education for Sustainable Development, Qualitative Research. |
Dr. Ritu Agarwal | Mathematics | Bicomplex Analysis Fractional Calculus Mathematical Modeling. |
Dr. Ritu Sharma | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Communication Engineering and Optics Fabrication and Characterization of Nanoelectronic and Nanophotonic Devices based on Low-cost Materials Nanomaterials for Nano-optolectronic and Nano-piezoelectric Devices Optoelectronics and Photonics Solar cell Biophysics MEMS and Nanoelectronic Devices Optoelectronics Pattern Recognition. |
Dr. Rohidas Gangaram Bhoi | Chemical Engineering | Chemical Reaction Engineering Mass Transfer Pyrolysis Biofuels (Biodiesel & Bioethanol) Biomass to Bioenergy. |
Dr. Ruchi Sharma | Civil Engineering | Ambient and Indoor Air Quality Air Pollution Reduction Environmental Chemistry Human Health Risk Assessment Statistical Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis Machine Learning and Data Science in Env. Engg. Generative AI in Env. Engg. Environmental Sustainability and Policy Research Urban Planning and EV Adoption. |
Dr. Sadbhawna . | Computer Science & Engineering | Computer Vision Image Processing Deep Learning Image/Video Super Resolution Quality Assessment of Synthesized Views. |
Dr. Sandeep N | Electrical Engineering | Power Electronics Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems Multilevel Inverters AC/DC Converters. |
Dr. Sandeep Shrivastava | Civil Engineering | Sustainable Material and Construction Construction and Demolition waste Waste/Byproduct Application in Construction Environmental Product Declarations Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability Assessment Sustainability and Circularity GHG Emissions and Footprints Construction Technology and Management Building Information Modeling. |
Dr. Sandipan Karmakar | Management Studies | Bayesian Machine Learning Deep Learning Causality Modeling Operations Research (Mixed) Integer Programming Evolutionary Optimization. |
Dr. Sanjay Bhatter | Mathematics | Special Functions Fractional Calculus Integral Transform Fractional transforms Mathematical Modeling. |
Dr. Santosh Chaudhary | Mathematics | Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Computer Programming System Analysis. |
Dr. Sanyam Dangayach | Civil Engineering | Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Sediments bearing gas hydrates Remediation of ground water contamination Valorization of mine tailings and industrial byproducts Cold region geomechanics Heat migration in sediments. |
Dr. Sarthak Singhal | Electronics & Communication Engineering | • RF and Microwave Engineering: RF & Microwave devices, Microstrip and Smart Antennas. Electromagnetics RF and Microwaves Antennas RF and Antenna Systems Absorbers and Rasorbers, Frequency Selective Surfaces Microstrip antennas and arrays and VLSI Design. |
Dr. Satish Sharma | Electrical Engineering | Power Systems Economics Power Systems Restructuring Multiagent Systems Game theory applications to Power systems Power system analysis & optimization . |
Dr. Satish Pipralia | Architecture & Planning | Urban Financial Management Urban Sustainability Urban Issues & Informal Sector Urban Development Planning and Management Urban Dynamics. |
Dr. Satish Kumar -on Lien IIM Nagpur | Management Studies | Corporate Finance Financial Markets Behavioural Finance Survey Research in Finance Small Business Financing Bibliometric analysis and LR Corporate Governance. |
Dr. Satyanarayana Neeli | Electrical Engineering | Discrete-time systems Estimation Optimal Control Design of observers and Its control applications Nonlinear control systems Control of uncertain systems Stability of time-delay systems Predictive control. |
Dr. Satyasai Jagannath Nanda | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Digital Signal Processing Adaptive Signal Processing Data Clustering Neural Networks Evolutionary Computing Swarm Intelligence Nature Inspired Optimization Seismic Signal Processing. |
Dr. Satyendra Singh Chouhan | Computer Science & Engineering | Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing Deep Learning Continual Machine Learning Open-world Machine Learning. |
Dr. Shiv Om Meena | Chemical Engineering | Petroleum Refinery Engineering Fluid Dynamics Modelling And Simulation Chemical Reaction Engineering Water and Wastewater Treatment. |
Dr. Shridev Devji | Management Studies | Financial and non financial disclosures Management of Banks and Financial Institutions Monetary and Financial sector Cost Management Financial Distress. |
Dr. Shweta Sharma | Management Studies | Corporate Finance Risk Management Financial Markets Performance management Project Management Financial Institutions Economics and Management Sustainable Finance. |
Dr. Siddharth Mehndiratta | Civil Engineering | Geotechnical Engineering Numerical Modelling Unsaturated Soil Mechnaics. |
Dr. Smita Naval | Computer Science & Engineering | Information Security Malware Analysis Privacy Breach Pattern Recognition Machine Learning. |
Dr. Sreekumar Vadakke Madam | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Metal Casting Composite Materials / Nano-composite Materials, Ceramic Materials, Material Science, Tribology, DOE Composite and Nanocomposite materials Advanced Manufacturing Technologies. |
Dr. Srinivasa Rao Nelamarri | Physics | Synthesis, characterization and modification of semiconductor nanostructures Nanostructured thin films Growth and modification of high K oxides Applications of metal and semiconductor nanocrystals. |
Dr. Subbaramaiah V | Chemical Engineering | Novel Separation Techniques Chemical Reaction Engineering Carbon Capture & Sequestration # Heterogeneous Catalysis for Environmental Applications and Green Technology Petroleum Refinery Engineering Industrial Pollution Abatement Water and Wastewater Treatment Advanced Oxidation Technique Chemical Process Safety and Disaster Management. |
Dr. Subhayan Mandal | Physics | High Energy Astro-Particle Physics Phenomenology. |
Dr. Sudhir Kashyap | Chemistry | Green Chemistry Synthetic organic chemistry Carbohydrate Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry Chemical Biology Application of Iodate reagent Glycochemistry DOS of carbohydrate structures Glycoconjugates synthesis. |
Dr. Sumanta Kumar Meher | Chemistry | # Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems # Engineered Nanomaterials/Composites for Electrocatalysis # Nanoscale Electrochemistry # Nanomaterials Chemistry for New Materials, Smart Materials and Nanoscale Composites # Nanoparticle Synthesis, Growth and Assembly # Heterogeneous Catalysis for Environmental Applications and Green Technology # Nanoscale Materials for Cleaner Environment and Sustainability. |
Dr. Sumit Kumar Sonkar | Chemistry | # Nanomaterials Chemistry for New Materials, Smart Materials and Nanoscale Composites Carbon nanostructures Composite Materials Nano-chemistry. |
Dr. Sunanda Sinha | Center for Energy & Environment | Solar Photovoltaic Energy Systems Wind Energy Systems Hybrid systems Solar Energy Energy Planning and Management Energy Systems. |
Dr. Sundeep Kumar | Management Studies | Marketing Management Social Science Human Resource Management Information Technology Organization Behavior Industrial Management Sustainable development Supply Chain Management General Management, Self leadership, Positive Psychology, Employee adaptability, work engagement, and extra-role behaviors, Organizational compassion, Management Education for Sustainable Development, Qualitative Research Risk Management Strategic Management. |
Dr. Surajit Ghosh | Chemical Engineering | # Nanomaterials Chemistry for New Materials, Smart Materials and Nanoscale Composites # Heterogeneous Catalysis for Environmental Applications and Green Technology # Nanoscale Materials for Cleaner Environment and Sustainability # Nanoparticle Synthesis, Growth and Assembly # Engineered Nanomaterials/Composites for Electrocatalysis Waste to resource valorization Composite and Nanocomposite materials Polymeric materials Polymer solar cell Polymer Process Modeling Polymer Additive Manufacturing. |
Dr. Surender Hans | Electrical Engineering | Medical Robotics and Control, Robust Control, Machine Learning, Deep Learning NLP Speech Processing Non Linear Control. |
Dr. Sushant Upadhyaya | Chemical Engineering | Transport Phenomena Modelling And Simulation Wastewater Treatment Computational method for linear/non-linear problems Polymer Process Modeling Mass Transfer Membrane Separation Piping Engineering Numerical Modelling Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). |
Dr. Sushree Sunayana | Civil Engineering | Concrete Technology Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste management and recycling Construction materials and methods Eco-friendly construction materials and systems Fracture Mechanics Image Processing and analysis Life Cycle and Sustainability in Costruction Material reuse/recycle opprtunities Non-destructive testing of concrete Digital image correlation. |
Dr. Swati Sharma | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Specialization - Physical and Mechanical Metallurgy Area of Interest - Structure-Property Correlations, Phase Transformations, Alloy Design, Tribology Surface Engineering. |
Dr. Tapas Bajpai | Mechanical Engineering | Finite Element Analysis Computational Welding Mechanics Welding Technology. |
Dr. Tarun Varma | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Signal Processing Computer Networks Nano-electronic Devices, MNEMS. |
Dr. U. K. ARUN KUMAR | Chemical Engineering | Mass Transfer Microfluidics for chemical processes - separation and purification Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics - Physico-Chemical property measurements and simulations Carbon Capture & Sequestration Wastewater Treatment. |
Dr. Uttam Singh | Civil Engineering | Water Resource Engineering Hydrogeology, Hydrogeophysics, Environmental Hydrology. |
Dr. V. P. Singh | Electrical Engineering | Control Systems Applications of control to power systems and power electronics Optimization Artificial intelligence Power system optimization Image processing Soft computing techniques Neural networks, fuzzy logic, deep learning. |
Dr. Varun Jindal | Mathematics | Set-Theoretic Topology Topology and Functional Analysis. |
Dr. Vijay Navaratna Nadakuduru | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Mechanical working of metals Powder metallurgy mainly powder processing and consolidation Synthesis and characterization of Ultrafine and Nanostructured materials Shape Memory Alloys Light Alloy Materials Friction Stir Welding of Automobile and Aerospace Materials Bulk Metallic Glass. |
Dr. Vijayalakshmi Gosu | Chemical Engineering | # Nanoscale Materials for Cleaner Environment and Sustainability # Heterogeneous Catalysis for Environmental Applications and Green Technology Advanced Oxidation Technique Catalysis and Reaction Mechanism Water and Wastewater Treatment Adsorption. |
Dr. Vikas Kumar Sangal | Chemical Engineering | Industrial Pollution Abatement Modelling And Simulation Photcatalytic oxidation Water and Wastewater Treatment Dividing wall column Electrochemical Treatment. |
Dr. Vikash Kumar | Computer Science & Engineering | Intrusion Detection System Cyber Security Network Security Machine and Deep Learning for Security Generative Modeling. |
Dr. Vinay Agrawal | Civil Engineering | Artificial Intelligence Structural analysis and design of steel and concrete structures Concrete Technology. |
Dr. Virendra Kumar Saharan | Chemical Engineering | Process Intensification Wastewater Treatment Advanced Oxidation Technique Cavitation Sonochemistry Emulsification Photcatalytic oxidation Nanoparticle synthesis. |
Dr. Vivekanand | Center for Energy & Environment | Biomass to Bioenergy Biofuels Biological Waste Treatment Wastewater Treatment. |
Dr. Yash Kumar Mittal | Architecture & Planning | Urban Planning Urban Infrastructure Planning and Management Sustaianble construction: material, methods and management Risk Management Project Management ICT application in Construction Building Construction and management Building Information Modeling Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning. |
Dr. Yashwant Koli | Mechanical Engineering | Welding Technology Optimization Metal Casting Mechanical Metallurgy Mechanical Behaviour of Materials Materials Science Material Testing Material Science and technology Manufacturing Technology Composite Materials Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Additive Manufacturing. |
Dr. Yogesh Kumar Meena | Computer Science & Engineering | Natural Language Processing Information Retrieval Data Mining Neural Networks. |
Mr. Amit Pancharya | Mechanical Engineering | Manufacturing Technology. |
Mr. Ashok Kumar Agarwal | Electrical Engineering | Electrical Machines Energy Systems Computer Applications Power System Network Analysis & Synthesis Analysis & Design of Digital Logic Circuits. |
Mr. Nischal Jain | Architecture & Planning | . |
Mr. Rakesh Bairathi | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Microprocessor Digital Systems And Computers Computer Networks Computer Architecture Embedded Systems and IoT. |
Mr. Sangeeth S Pillai | Architecture & Planning | Architecture and Design Education, Instruction Design, Design Sketching Design Thinking Digital Fabrication Techniques & Technology/Tool Development Fabrication and Manufacturing Product Design-R&D Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Internet of Things in Buildings and Cities, Smart Buildings Evidence Based Design Digital Painting and Sculpting Behavioural Science and Neuroscience in Architecture and Aesthetics Spatial Cognition Placemaking Indigenous Crafts and Technology Traditional and Vernacular Architecture. |
Mr. Sanjeev Agrawal | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Microprocessor Based Systems Distributed Database and Computer Networks. |
Mr. Saurabh Kishore Ojha | Architecture & Planning | Building Science Design Learning and Design Sketching Energy efficiency in buildings Solar passive designs Sustainable Built Environment Urban design, environment Thermal and Visual Comfort Evaluation in Buildings Sustainable/Eco-friendly materials, technology and practices. |
Mr. Sushil Kumar Soonee | Electrical Engineering | Power systems Power Market Operations Regulatory Affairs Grid Integration of Renewables Power System Logistics Power System Operations Power Pool Governance and Regulatory Affairs. |
Mr. Tarun Verma | Architecture & Planning | Occupant Behaviour, Comfort and Energy Efficiency in Buildings Susatinable Architecture Building Simulation Daylighting and Visual Comfort. |
Mr. Ujjal Halder | Architecture & Planning | Urban Development Planning and Management Urban Design Modelling And Simulation Building materials Construction materials and methods Environmental impact assessment Environmentally Sustainable Buildings Experimental Heat Transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Heat Transfer, Design optimization of the heat exchange modules Placemaking Urban Sustainability Public Administration Public Policy. |
Mr. Vineet Kumar Saxena | Mechanical Engineering | . |
Mrs. Nikita Jhajharia | Electrical Engineering | Power System. |
Mrs. Sunita M Doddamani | Architecture & Planning | Sustaianble construction: material, methods and management Sustainable development. |
Ms. Kalpana Pandit | Architecture & Planning | Sustainable Urban Development. |
Ms. Meenu Varshney | Architecture & Planning | Construction materials and methods Green Buildings Sustainable Urban Development Urban Sustainability Use of waste in construction sector Solid Waste Management Earthquake resistant Buildings and Construction Practices. |
Prof. A. P. S. Rathore | Mechanical Engineering | Supply Chain Management Operations Research Productivity Modeling New Product Development Strategies Operations Management. |
Prof. Ajay Singh Jethoo | Civil Engineering | Water Resource Engineering Urban Water Systems and Integrated Urban Water Management. |
Prof. Akhilendra Bhushan Gupta | Civil Engineering | Environmental Engg. Environment & Health Biological Waste Treatment Env. Modeling Bioprocess Engineering Wastewater Treatment. |
Prof. Alok Ranjan | Architecture & Planning | Building Construction and management Building materials Building Technology Sustainable Urban Development Smart Buildings Project Management and Scheduling Land Management Greenbuildings HRM. |
Prof. Amar Patnaik | Mechanical Engineering | Composite Materials Tribology Modelling And Simulation Biomaterials Metal Casting. |
Prof. Arun Gaur | Civil Engineering | Tansportation Engineering Waste material with Bitumen for Roads Cold Mix Mixes with foam bitumen and emulsion Intelligent Transportation Systems Material reuse/recycle opprtunities Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning Concrete Roads with waste and hazardous materials Utilization of solid waste materials for road construction. |
Prof. Ashok Kumar Vyas | Civil Engineering | Building Technology Use of waste in construction sector. |
Prof. B. L. Swami | Civil Engineering | Tansportation Engineering. |
Prof. D. Boolchandani | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Surrogate models for Analog and Digital subsystems, Interface circuits for On Chip MEMS Based Sensor and Actuators, MEMS Based Inertial Sensors. |
Prof. Dilip Sharma | Mechanical Engineering | Alternate Fuels and Emissions Non Conventional Sources Of Energy Hydrogen Energy Combustion in IC Engines Cogeneration/ Trigeneration system Biofuels Combustion Generated Emission I.C. Engine and Alternative fuels Solar thermal systems. |
Prof. G. D. Agarwal | Mechanical Engineering | Solar thermal systems and energy aspects, Refrigeration and Air conditioning systems, Application of Nano Materials in Solar thermal and RAC systems Nanofluids Technology Renewable energy and energy policy modelling Solar Energy Solid Waste Management Refrigeration & Air conditioning. |
Prof. G. S. Dangayach | Mechanical Engineering | Total Quality Management Operation Research Lean manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Performance Measurement, Optimization, supply chain Management, Six Sigma, Agile Manufacturing, Manufacturing Strat Sustainable Manufacturing Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Quality. |
Prof. Ghanshyam Singh | Electronics & Communication Engineering | • Optical Communication Engineering: All Optical Switches, Optical Logic Gates & Circuits, Photonic Crystal Fibers, Nanophotonics, Nano-optical stru Sensors, Integrated Photonics, AI for Photonics. |
Prof. Girdhari Singh | Computer Science & Engineering | Software Engg. Intelligent Systems. |
Prof. Gunwant Sharma | Civil Engineering | Water Resource Engineering Remote Sensing . |
Prof. Hari Om Gupta | Electrical Engineering | Load flow and short-circuit analysis of Modern Distribution Systems Protection and operation of power transformer Power quality improvement Transformer Design Electrical Power system Analysis And Control. |
Prof. Harlal Singh Mali | Mechanical Engineering | Product Development using Hybrid Textile Composite Design Thinking based Innovative Orthosis for CTEV (Club Foot) Manufacturing Standardization of Jaipur Foot Abrasive Flow Finishing Technologies for Price Sensitive Industries Hybrid Electro Discharge Centerless Grinding / Texturing for Thin-Walled Components Micro-machined and abrasive flow finished Heat Dissipating Devices Development. |
Prof. Jyoti Joshi | Chemistry | Synthetic organic chemistry Green Chemistry Organo-metallic chemistry Electrochemistry Water Treatment . |
Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur | Mechanical Engineering | Energy efficiency in buildings Passive cooling systems Renewable energy and energy policy modelling Development of codes and standards Low energy cooling Thermal comfort in buildings Thermal energy storage. |
Prof. K. K. Sharma | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Signal and image processing Fractional transforms Electromagnetics Wireless Communications. |
Prof. Kailash Singh | Chemical Engineering | Modelling And Simulation Advanced Process Control. |
Prof. Kanupriya Sachdev | Physics | Material Science and technology Condensed Matter Physics Transparent Conducting thin film oxides Metal oxide doped with metal & rare earth metal Surface modification by ion beam irradiation/ Glow Discharge Plasma Thermo-chemical behavior of amorphous alloys Gas Sensing Thermoelectric materials for Energy conversion Graphene and its composites for various applications Energy Storage Supercapacitor Battery Technology. |
Prof. Khaleequr Rehman Niazi | Electrical Engineering | Power System Operation And Control Restructuring Of Distribution System AI Applications To Power System. |
Prof. Lava Bhargava | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Low power VLSI systems FPGAs Embedded Systems and IoT MEMS Test SoC verification Memristor devices. |
Prof. M. K. Shrimali | Civil Engineering | Research Interest Includes Earthquake Resistance Design Seismic Control Methods And Design Of RC And Steel Structures. |
Prof. M. M. Sharma | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Satellite and Wireless Communication Microstrip antennas and arrays and VLSI Design • RF and Microwave Engineering: RF & Microwave devices, Microstrip and Smart Antennas. Wireless Communications Frequency Selective Surfaces Absorbers and Rasorbers, Reconfigurable Antennas, Circular Polarized Antennas. |
Prof. Madhu Agarwal | Chemical Engineering | Bioprocess Engineering Biofuels Biotechnology Fluid Particle Mechanics Adsorption Energy Storage Water and Wastewater Treatment Waste to resource valorization Catalysis and Reaction Mechanism. |
Prof. Mahender Choudhary | Civil Engineering | Water Resource Engineering Artificial Groundwater Recharging Seepage and Drainage Hydrological Modelling Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation. |
Prof. Mahesh Chandra Govil (On Deputation) | Computer Science & Engineering | Real Time Systems Parallel & Distributed Systems Fault Tolerant Systems Cloud Computing. |
Prof. Mahesh Kumar Jat | Civil Engineering | Water Resource Engineering Geospatial Analysis Technologies Remote Sensing GIS Hydrological Modelling. |
Prof. Manish Vashishtha | Chemical Engineering | Modelling And Simulation Chemical Reaction Engineering Thermodynamics Colloid And Interface Science Composite Materials Soft Matter Environmental Engg. Thin films. |
Prof. Manju Singh | Humanities & Social Science | Development Economics, Public Policy, Higher Education, Gender, Technology Diffusion, Rural Economics Engaged Scholarship . |
Prof. Manoj Fozdar | Electrical Engineering | Power System Operation And Control FACTS Controllers Power Systems Economics Integration of DGs in Power Systems. |
Prof. Manoj Singh Gaur (On Deputation) | Computer Science & Engineering | Network Security Embedded Systems Information Security Computer Networks Multi-Core And Cloud Computing. |
Prof. Monica Sharma | Management Studies | Industrial Engineering Lean manufacturing Operations Management Total Quality Management Manufacturing Excellence Sustainable Manufacturing Supply Chain Management Entrepreneurship. |
Prof. Murari Lal Mittal | Mechanical Engineering | Operations Management Project Management and Scheduling Multiagent Systems. |
Prof. Nikhil Gupta | Electrical Engineering | Demand Response Management in Power Systems Electric Vehicles Integration in Power System. |
Prof. Nirupam Rohatgi | Mechanical Engineering | CFD of Natural Convection Flows Transient Analysis of Vapour Compression Systems Thermal Analysis of Solar Stills . |
Prof. Nupur Tandon | Humanities & Social Science | English Language Teaching Fiction in English Modern English Theatre Feminist Literature. |
Prof. R. C. Gupta | Civil Engineering | Concrete Technology. |
Prof. Ragini Gupta | Chemistry | Synthetic Organo-Fluorine Compounds Some aspects of the Chemistry of Biologically Active Heterocyclic Compounds Click Chemistry Nano-chemistry Green Chemistry Biocatalysis Phase Transfer Catalysis Microwave Chemistry. |
Prof. Raj Kumar Vyas | Chemical Engineering | Chemical Reaction Engineering Separation Processes Industrial Pollution Abatement Biotechnology. |
Prof. RAJEEV SHRINGI | Architecture & Planning | Building Construction and management Building regulations and controls Building Science Architecture and Design Education Urban Planning Urban Transformation Urban water systems conservation. |
Prof. Rajendra Kumar Goyal | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Nanomaterials Polymeric materials Advanced Composites Structure-Properties Correlation Biomaterials Testing and characterization of materials Development of advanced materials for electronics (PCB, microwave substrate, EMI/RF shielding etc.) and tribological applications Nanocomposites. |
Prof. Rajendra Prasad Yadav | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Error Control Codes and MIMO-OFDM RF and Antenna Systems Mobile and Wireless Communication Systems Optical Switching and Materials Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Network Device Characterization and MEMS Cognitive Radio Networks. |
Prof. Rajesh Kumar | Electrical Engineering | Smart Grid Robotics Computational Intelligence Intelligent Systems Machine Learning Power Conversion and Management. |
Prof. Rajive Tiwari | Electrical Engineering | Power System Operation And Control Smart Grid Power System Dynamics and Voltage Stability Studies FACTS Devices Renewable Integration in Power Systems Electric Vehicle (EV)Integration to Grid. |
Prof. Rakesh Jain | Mechanical Engineering | Supply Chain Management Lean manufacturing New Product Development Strategic Management Total Quality Management. |
Prof. Ravindra Nagar | Civil Engineering | Artificial Intelligence Tall Buildings Building materials. |
Prof. Rohit Bhakar | Electrical Engineering | Power Systems Restructuring Power Systems Economics Network Pricing Electricity Markets Game Theory Risk Management Ancillary Services Energy Storage Grid Integration of Renewables Cyber Security Power System Planning Digitalised and Decentralised Energy Systems Decarbonised Energy Systems System Operations and Planning. |
Prof. Rohit Goyal | Civil Engineering | Water Resource Engineering Remote Sensing GIS Groundwater Modeling. |
Prof. S. D. Bharti | Civil Engineering | Earthquake Engineering Structural Control Methods Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of Structures Earthquake Resistant Design of Steel Structures . |
Prof. Sanjay Mathur | Civil Engineering | Environmentally Sustainable Buildings Energy efficiency in buildings Water efficiency in buildings Thermal comfort in buildings Environmental Impact Assessment Wastewater Treatment Water Treatment . |
Prof. Satyendra Prasad Chaurasia | Chemical Engineering | Biocatalysis, Fermentation Technology Downstream Processing, Membrane Separation, Enzymatic Synthesis of DHA Rich TGs, Biofuels (Biodiesel & Bioethanol) Bioethanol Production in MBR System Desalination and Water Treatment Membrane Distillation. |
Prof. Sudhir K. Jain | Humanities & Social Science | . |
Prof. Sudhir Kumar | Civil Engineering | Environmental Engg. Wastewater Treatment SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. |
Prof. Suja George | Chemical Engineering | Environmental Engg. Advanced Process Control Colloid And Interface Science Advanced Separation Processes Water and Wastewater Treatment. |
Prof. Sumit Khandelwal | Civil Engineering | Remote Sensing GIS Building Technology. |
Prof. Suresh Kumar Tiwari | Civil Engineering | Ground Improvement Technologies Soil Reinforcement Techniques Geosynthetics and reinforced soil structures Environmental Geotechnology Fibers in geotechnical engineering Use of waste materials for soil stabilization. |
Prof. SUSANTA KUMAR JANA | Chemical Engineering | Separation Technology (Mass Transfer with Chemical Reaction) Chemical Reaction Engineering Industrial Pollution Abatement. |
Prof. T. C. Gupta | Mechanical Engineering | Non-linear Rotor Dynamics Human Body Vibrations. |
Prof. T. K. Datta | National Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management | Structural Dynamics Offshore Structures Wind Engineering Earthquake Engineering Reliability Analysis Structural Control. |
Prof. Tarush Chandra | Architecture & Planning | Sustainable Urban Development Sustainable construction: materials, technology, and management Urban Sustainability Urban Transformation Urban Infrastructure Planning and Management Integrating Passive Techniques in Buildings in Hot-Dry Climate Policy Planning and Strategies for Built and Unbuilt Areas in Urban Domain C&D Waste Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste management and recycling Energy efficiency in buildings Energy Planning and Management Solid Waste Management Urban Development Planning and Management Water efficiency in buildings. |
Prof. Upender Pandel | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Metal Casting Extractive Metallurgy Materials Science. |
Prof. Urmila Brighu | Civil Engineering | Environmental Engg. Water and Wastewater Treatment Management in WATSAN Sector. |
Prof. Vibhuti Singh Shekhawat | Humanities & Social Science | Social Sciences Industrial Management Public Administration Sociology Political Science. |
Prof. Vijay Janyani | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Optical Communication Optoelectronics and Photonics Numerical Modelling Nonlinear Optics RF and Microwaves Optical Networks Solar Energy. |
Prof. Vijay Laxmi | Computer Science & Engineering | Information Security Machine Vision Embedded Systems AI in Cyber Security. |
Prof. Vineet Sahula | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Resilience, Trust & Security in Hardware EDA for VLSI/Embedded-Systems Cognitive Architectures. |
Prof. Vudutala China Venkata Rao | Computer Science & Engineering | Distributed Parallel Computing BigData Processing, High Performance Computing Application and System Benchmarks on Distributed Parallel Processing Platforms HPC for AI and AI for HPC technologies programming Environment and Libraries Digital Twin Modeling and Simulation Implementation aspects for 5G/6G Tele traffic Engineering Applications - Linear Programming and Optimization. |
Prof. Yogesh Prakash Mathur | Civil Engineering | Water Resource Engineering Environmental Engg. Optimizations & Systems Applications Biological Waste Treatment Climate change impact assessment Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Computer Applications Concrete Roads with waste and hazardous materials Environmental Planning Environmental Impact Assessment Evolutionary Computing Nature Inspired Algorithms Nature Inspired Optimization Operation Research System analysis Urban design, environment Wastewater Treatment. |
Shri Krishna Mohan | Management Studies | . |
Shri Rajesh Solanki | Management Studies | . |
Shri Sanjeev Patni | Management Studies | . |