मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान)
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering


   Research Projects

# Project InvestigatorTitle of the projectFunding AgencyAmount (Lacs)Duration
1 Dr. Kunal Borse Study and Identification of critical parameters for classification of refractory insulating bricks/shaped insulating products BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS 5.00 2025-2025
2 Dr. Randhir Kumar Singh Thermodynamic modelling of phases present in non-standard materials (stainless steel, copper and nickel base superalloys) used in liquid rocket engine materials. ISRO 20.80 2025-2027
3 Dr. Krishna Kumar Metallic content and Chemical compositional analysis of water & soil samples of Rajpura Dariba Mines of Hindustan Zinc Limited EURO SMILE FACILITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES PVT LTD Vikas Marg, Shakarpur, Delhi 3.82 2024-2025
4 Dr. Manjesh Kumar Mishra Cold Spray Coating of High Entropy Alloys on Nickel-Aluminium Bronze Alloy to Improve its Cavitation Erosion and Corrosion Behaviour in the Marine Environment (Co-PI) DRDO 61.61 2024-2027
5 Dr. Krishna Kumar Technical Qualification of Copper-Tin Alloy (C90300 grade) Casting of Statue SHREE JIN KUSHAL SURI SEVASHRAM TRUST, KUSHAL VATIKA,BARMER 5.38 2024-2027
6 Dr. Swati Sharma Hardness evaluation of nanocomposite coating R.S. Infra-Transmission Ltd. Jaipur 9.50 2024-2025
7 Dr. Swati Sharma Development of ultra-high hardness steel through grain refinement for automotive and defence industries - A novel approach CRG - DST 53.55 2024-2026
9 Dr. Swati Sharma Improving the existing processes for manufacturing highalloyed steel components through additive manufacturing RS Infra Transmissions Ltd. 26.40 2024-2025
10 Dr. Kunal Borse Development of a novel method for the synthesis of printable CIGS ink for solar photovoltaic application RAC-S ISRO 0.81 2023-2023
11 Dr. Kunal Borse Synthesis and characterization of CZTSe thin film deposited by electroless plating method for solar cell applications INUP-i2i IIT Delhi 0.00 2023-2023
12 Prof. Rajendra Kumar Goyal Additive Manufacturing of Carbon Fibers/Rice Husk Ash Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposites for Aerospace Heat Sink ISRO 0.96 2023-2023
13 Dr. Rajesh Kumar Rai Development of AlCoCrFeNiTi high entropy alloy for high-temperature aerospace applications ISRO-RACS 24.83 2023-2025
14 Dr. Tfgh Gfh Gfh sdaf sd 34.32 2022-2022
15 Dr. Manjesh Kumar Mishra Assessment of Additive Manufactured Titanium Alloy and Cast Nickel-Aluminium-Bronze Alloy An Exploratory Study for Naval Propeller Material NRB, DRDO 20.04 2022-2024
16 Dr. Sreekumar Vadakke Madam Novel Material Manufacturing method for Large Volume Cast Metal Matrix Nanocomposites (Ultra-Cast) Ministry of Mines 50.50 2022-2024
17 Prof. Rajendra Kumar Goyal Development of Emerging Materials (FIST-2021) DST 141.00 2022-2027
18 Dr. Swati Sharma MORPHOLOGY CONTROL Effect of thermal processing on the morphology of as-milled powders of metal and metal alloys (iron, copper, and HEAs) – A Feasibility Study Scinomat Solution Pvt Ltd 1.00 2022-2023
19 Dr. Rajesh Kumar Rai Exploratory Study on Effect of Microstructure Evolution on Mechanical Strength of Superalloys GTRE, DRDO Bangalore 24.60 2021-2023
20 Prof. Upender Pandel The coating of CuNiFeCrMo-Graphene Oxide nanocomposites on CFRP- Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics/ Composites to improve thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity properties of CFRP ISRO 25.00 2021-2024
21 Dr. Krishna Kumar The coating of CuNiFeCrMo Graphene oxide Nano composites on CFRP - Carbon Fiber Reinlbrced Plastics / Composites to improve Thermal Conductivity & Electrical Conductivity properties of CFRP ISRO Bangalore 25.25 2021-2024
22 Dr. Sreekumar Vadakke Madam Fabrication of Metal Matrix Nano Composite for precision machining applications TEQIP 2.00 2019-2020
23 Dr. Ajaya Kumar Pradhan Combined effect of melt thermal treatment and grain modifier on hypoeutectic and hypereutectic aluminium-silicon alloy TEQIP-III 2.30 2019-2020
24 Prof. Rajendra Kumar Goyal Development of Low Cost High Performance Polymer Matrix Nanocomposites for EMI/Microwave Absorption Applications TEQIP-III 4.00 2019-2020
25 Dr. Vijay Navaratna Nadakuduru Synthesis of bulk submicrocrystalline Ni-Ti based shape memory alloys by Mechanical alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering Research Grant MNIT Jaipur TEQIP-III 1.85 2019-2020
26 Dr. Jyotirmaya Kar Study on Dissimilar Joints Like Aluminium to Steel, Inconel to Ti-6Al-4V, and Zircaloy-4 to Steel Produced by High Energy Density Welding Processes Like EBW and LBW DST 35.00 2018-2023
27 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Testing of Reinforcement Steel for STP Works JSW TMT 500 Grade Fe500 The Superintending Engineer, RUIDP, Phase-III, PIU-Bhilwara 1.77 2018-2018
28 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Testing of Reinforcement Steel for STP Works Electrotherm TMT 500 Grade Fe500 The Superintending Engineer, RUIDP, Phase-III, PIU-Bhilwara 1.42 2018-2018
29 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Vetting of Design and Drawing Details for Balancing Well & Amp Outlet Well IVRCL lTD. 1.10 2018-2018
30 Prof. Rajendra Kumar Goyal Polymer/Ceramic Nanocomposites Substrate for Microwave Communication Applications Alumni-COEP 1.50 2017-2018
31 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Testing of Reinforcement Bars-electro TMT 500 GRADE FE500 Consulting Engineer’s Group Ltd. (in association with Shri Kushalsuri Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd.) Banswara 1.73 2017-2017
32 Prof. Upender Pandel Reducing power consumption Increasing the yield of the casting through induction melting. SHREE VAIBHAV METACAST PVT LTD Jaipur 2.30 2017-2017
33 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Vetting of Clear Water Reservoir Strengthening Procedure Under Execution Of Works Related to Supply of Water From Jnarmada Canal Jaloredistrict for Jalore Town and 281 Villages Narmada FR WS Project IVRCL LIMITED 1.77 2017-2017
34 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Tribological Studies of Electroless Ni-P-nano TiO2 Coating on the Steel Substrate DST Rajasthan 3.25 2017-2020
35 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Testing of PCC Tiles IVRCL Limited 0.59 2017-2017
36 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Testing of Stainless Steel Sheet Fast Kitchan Equipments 0.58 2016-2016
37 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Vetting of Design & Amp Drawing of Cathodic Protection System for MS Pipeline Under Execution of Works Related to Supply of Water From Narmada FR WS Project PHED, (IVRCL) 1.73 2016-2016
38 Dr. Vijay Navaratna Nadakuduru Novel synthesis and formability of ultrafine grained Ti-46Al-1B (at%) alloy SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD (SERB), DST 36.43 2016-2020
39 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Quenching Behavior of Bottom-Flooded Molten Pool BRNS,BARC 35.00 2016-2021
40 Dr. Sampad Kumar Biswas Effect of microstructure on shock behaviour of SiC ceramics for armor application DRDO 38.00 2016-2019
41 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Mixing Of Silver With Iron SHREE KAUSHALYAS GEMS 2.00 2015-2015
42 Dr. Vinod Kumar Economic production of iron through direct reduction of Mill Scale by low grade coal of Rajasthan Ministry of Steels 166.00 2015-2018
43 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Effective Teaching NITTTR Chandigarh 1.71 2015-2016
44 Dr. Sampad Kumar Biswas DEVELOPMENT OF CERAMIC ARMOUR PANELS Min. Of Defence 19.00 2015-2016
45 Prof. Upender Pandel Improving the quality of Aluminum-Silicon alloys Automotive casting through Grain Refinement ALUCAST Pune 1.00 2014-2015
46 Dr. Vinod Kumar Synthesis and characterization of high entropy alloys DST, Government of India 17.86 2014-2017
47 Dr. Vinod Kumar Synthesis and environmental degradation study of multicomponent alloy for high temperature application BRNS 16.15 2014-2017
48 Prof. Upender Pandel Effect of microstructure on shock behavior of SiC ceramics of armor application,DRDO DRDO 38.00 2014-2018
49 Prof. Upender Pandel Development of MoSi2 heating rod element for high temperature furnace, Naskar and Company, Kolkatta NASKAR & Company Kolkata 17.50 2013-2015
50 Prof. Rajendra Kumar Goyal Fabrication and characterization of Low Cost Novel Three-Phase Polymer Nanocomposites for Embedded Capacitors Applications AICTE 20.00 2013-2016
51 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Synthesis of ZnO-CdO Nanocomposite for CO Gas Sensing DST Rajasthan 0.11 2012-2013
52 Prof. Rajendra Kumar Goyal Development of High Performance Polycarbonate/ Graphite Nanocomposites with Low Percolation for EMI Shielding Application ISRO 10.33 2011-2013
53 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Testing of Gal-Volume Sheet Dhanshree construction DRM(Works) NWR, Jaipur 0.17 2010-2010
54 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Investigation of heat-transfer characteristic on nano-fluid in sub-cooled flow boiling BRNS,BARC 17.00 2010-2015
55 Prof. Rajendra Kumar Goyal Fabrication and Electrical Properties of Low Cost High Performance Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites UGC 10.88 2009-2012
56 Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya Synthesis and Characterization Study of Nano-Crystalline Ni-P Coating on Aluminium Institution of Engineers (India) 0.60 2007-2008
57 Prof. Upender Pandel Development of lab for advance coating by Plasma and Laser techniques MHRD New Delhi 9.00 1999-2002
58 Prof. Upender Pandel Development and Characterization of Continuous casting mould fluxes, AICTE New Delhi AICTE New Delhi 5.00 1997-1999
59 Prof. Upender Pandel Microwave as a probe to Estimate Metal in its Ore through the Study of Particulate Behavior of Basic Electronic Materials, DST, Rajasthan DST Rajasthan 2.88 1995-1998

   Testing & Consultancy Projects

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