मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान)
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Department of Chemical Engineering
Welcome to Department of Chemical Engineering
Department by the Numbers




Journal Publications


Conf. Publications


Research Projects


PhD Awarded

About the Department

The Department of Chemical Engineering was commenced in the year 1988 with 30 undergraduate students in the B. Tech. Chemical Engineering programme and has been doing its best to bring about excellence in academics achieved in the last 25 years. The PG Programmes of MTech. in Chemical Engineering and Ph.D. was started in year 2006 and 2004 respectively. The current sanctioned strength of the B.Tech. Chemical Engineering Program and M.Tech Chemical Engineering Program is 100 and 25 respectively for Full time Courses. The department is well equipped with good undergraduate laboratories and research laboratories that have been strengthened and modernized under TEQIP (World Bank) grants and Institute grants funded from MHRD. The Department aims to provide students with a balance of intellectual and practical expertise that enables them to serve the worldwide chemical industry as well as the societal needs. The programmes offered by the department are accredited by NBA and has educational objectives that are consistent with the vision and mission of the Department. The curriculum has been designed to meet the programme goals and objectives that lay more stress on learning under the guidance of a vibrant and highly qualified faculty. The department has also acquired standard chemical process simulators such as CHEMCAD and PROSIM a pro-simulator for design, simulation and control of various unit operations in the chemical industry for training the students. The department has many ongoing research projects being funded by many prestigious funding organizations such as Department of Science & Technology in areas of water and environmental research. Department of chemical engineering has got formal research and academic collaboration with chemical engineering department, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. The department has also got informal academic collaborations with IIP Dehradun, BARC Mumbai, IIT Delhi, IIT Bombay, ICT Mumbai, York University Toronto, University of Toronto and many other research/ academic organizations. Few PG students received Canadian Government fellowship under Graduate student exchange program to work at university of Saskatchewan as part of research work which gave them international exposure.


To create a center for imparting technical education of international standards and conducting research at the cutting edge of technology to meet the current and future challenges of chemical and allied industries of the nation.


The mission of the chemical engineering department is to impart quality education in chemical engineering and allied areas, foster research and development, evolve innovative applications of technologies, encourage entrepreneurship and ultimately mould younger generation capable of assuming leadership of the society for the betterment of the country in an ethical manner.

Contact Information

Dr. Sushant Upadhyaya
Head, Department of Chemical Engineering
Malaviya National Institute of Technology
JLN Marg, Jaipur-302017
Fax No: 2529029